#Dave Hearn
personinthepalace · 3 months
Wh-what happens to me? - Chris Leask
from Mischief's instagram
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darlingbandit · 6 months
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Anybody else watch “The Goes Wrong Show?” It’s brilliantly bananas. Like, I can’t imagine how much planning and tech goes into one episode of this.
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stoptherevolve · 4 months
back on my bullshit (thinking about groan ups again)
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enter-drfrog · 11 months
CPDS as quotes from my theatre department’s discord
“You were born out of hate sex? That explains a lot about you” -Robert Grove (almost definitely in reference to Chris)
“I could really use some meat snacks” -Max Bennett
“Where the fuck are my lips?” -Dennis Tyde (except he’s too sweet, I don’t think he would swear intentionally)
“Three monks, dressed as……three monks” -Chris Bean (this is just the nine wise men quote)
“I don’t jump ropes. I prefer to trip on them” -Annie Twilloil
“Something’s wrong with this kid. He watched SpongeBob…and now he’s all gay” -Trevor Watson (for reasons I can’t explain)
“Go sing a romantic ballad about the moon, you cuck!” -Robert Grove
“All I had was an inhaler and a dream” -Vanessa Wilcock-Wynn-Carroway
“You guys got skittles in there???” -Max Bennett
“I spit on Charles Dickens” -Robert Grove
“She has a son and a husband. She’s seen boy chest before. It’s just boy chest!” -Sandra Wilkinson
“Wow. Standing up is crazy” -Vanessa-Wilcock-Wynn-Carroway
“I used to get mad at people and approach them teeth-first” -Robert Grove
“He got that little Victorian orphan in him” -Annie Twilloil (probably about Dennis)
“The only thing straight about me is my hair. I have scoliosis” -Chris Bean
“I’ve always wanted you to die. That’s my dream” -Robert Grove (about Chris obviously)
“We have a lot of hoes” -Dennis Tyde
“The world would be a better place if people were having sex instead of war” -Annie Twilloil
“Did you watch those videos as a kid? Probably not. You were probably normal” -Max Bennett
“You know a lot of words. And you said a lot of them. And I didn’t know any of them” -Dennis Tyde
“I’m trying to be with you, not like you” -Sandra Wilkinson
“I did wander…..once” -Max Bennett
“It’s giving bubonic plague” -Annie Twilloil
“Hey listen, I’ve fucked a lot of dudes in my day” -Trevor Watson
“This is now a dictatorship and I win” -Robert Grove
“And look at how much more mature I am. Look at my accolades” -Chris Bean
“Pumpkins or ghosts?” “Errrr—Orange!” -Vanessa Wilcock-Wynn-Carroway
“Cringe, cringe, cringe” -Jonathan Harris (after ‘not so fast Inspector!!’ or not being able to open a single door)
“I’m just a really bad person” -Robert “Yeah you give off that vibe” -Trevor
“Ack, why do you have your arms out?” -Annie Twilloil
“I just love bullying children” -Robert Grove
“I just want to frown all the time and listen to rock and roll and be sad” -Trevor Watson
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dolphelecat · 11 months
HOHR Pictionary Challenge
"Wow, that was years ago! Years ago!"
"That's not even a bird though!"
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fossils-dundundun · 1 year
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peacockpenis · 1 year
dave hearn dming hohr: “hell yeah that’s cool i’ll let you get away with that. you defeat this archdevil with the power of friendship and silly antics! everything is chaos but you’re gonna make it out of hell!”
henry shields dming elsewhere: “fuck you you’re all gonna die. you get one turn and you won’t do shit with it. none of you are making it out of here alive, say goodbye to your friends. for good measure here’s a abomination of a meat man. enjoy.”
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commonguttersnipe · 7 months
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You guys see it too, right?
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presented by original theatre
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emiko-matsui · 10 months
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runningoutofbooks · 4 months
Thinking about Wild Feast and Dave’s Hamiltonesque song about being a badass zombie when Niall comes in from the wings with the steel chair that is “yea, but what’s your name tho”
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personinthepalace · 10 months
Dave Hearn and Henry Shields at Press Night for The Time Machine
from Mischief's instagram
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bowling-with-ham · 1 year
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hey we saw you across the bar and we really like your vibe
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an-honest-puck · 1 year
best bits of Hell or High Rollers that deserve to be immortalised: S1E10. Chris being a germ racist /jk (definitely not a sentence anyone thought they'd read let alone one I thought I'd type XD)
Ellie, who had a slight cold at the time of recording: A fact about Ghoul is that he has never had a cold because he's friends with all the germs. Dave: Topical and sweet. Chris: Are [germs] nice? Ellie: They're lovely. Chris: Which is strange, y'know, they're quite mean to people. With what they do to you. Shields: They're just- they're just trying to survive, man. Ellie: Yeah, they're just doing what they can. Adam: Yeah, you racist! Dave: Yeah, Chris! Back off, man! Shields: Chris Leask, germ racist. Chris: [We're] not all friends with gems- gems? Not gems. Dammit. Ellie: Puppy killer, germ racist- what's next, Chris? Shields: Yeah, it's not Gluebrick, it's Chris Leask. Chris: It's Chris Leask: doesn't like germs and likes pigs beating other pigs with- Dave: I thought that was Gluebrick? Chris: Oh, yeah- oh- Dave: Oh, that's- Chris: Oh- Dave: That's out- Chris: It's all coming out now- Dave: That's out now.
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enter-drfrog · 11 months
CPDS as quotes from my theatre department’s discord pt. 2
“PLEASE let me finish my map game” -Vanessa Wilcock-Wynn-Carroway
“Take your bread you small Victorian children!” -Chris Bean spoken with the utmost disgust (I can’t really explain why)
“Give me $2 and I will remove your eyes” -Trevor Watson
“They’re spy cars. They’re cars that are spies! They’re fucking spies!!!” -Max Bennett arguing why Cars 2 is the best Cars movie
“Which just goes to show, you can’t stop gay” -Annie Twilloil
“Twat…slut…..fuckkk youuuu” -Trevor playing mario kart
*cackling* “…….boinking…..” -Max Bennett
“Were you used for emo diversity?” -Jonathan Harris (directed at Trevor)
“If you do that in my ear I’m gonna stick my hand down your throat” -Robert Grove
“Why do we have animals in the house? You’re a sheep! What are you doing!?” -Chris Bean (this feels like every interaction he’s ever had with Dennis)
“I was victimizing people” -Robert Grove
“I didn’t know this girl was gay! I thought she was a dancer!” -Sandra Wilkinson (I can’t really explain why, but she’s definitely talking about Vanessa)
“Sometimes mouth say word brain don’t mean” -Annie Twilloil (this is just because of her former techie energy)
“He turned the shower on!” -Chris Bean “Yeah he’s just thirsty” -Max Bennett (about Dennis)
“I’m proud to admit it. I would suck down a grape Fanta” -Annie Twilloil (again it’s the former techie energy)
“Bubble solution? What’s the bubble problem?” -Max Bennett
“I’m asexual, not BLIND” -Vanessa Wilcock-Wynn-Carroway (I feel like she gives ace energy)
“I love gay. I love pirates. Put them together. I love gay pirates” -Chris Bean
“I wouldn’t have sex with a wolf if that’s what you’re asking” -Trevor Watson (techie energy again)
“Okay, this is where I have to jump in. I’ve been listening to you talking about fucking wolves for five minutes. That’s what I woke up to” -Jonathan Harris (I can’t explain why he's involved in this convo)
“Did you guys know the Statue of Liberty is like really sexy?” -Sandra Wilkinson
“What’s it like being you?” -Robert Grove (about Dennis)
“My feet have touched the floor since I was eight years old” -Chris Bean (he’s such a tall willowy man)
Part 1
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hellorhighrollers · 9 months
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meeting dave on 1 june 2022, versus a year and a half later on 30 dec 2023!!
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