#David Hayes
spineless-lobster · 2 months
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Hello in memoriam fandom I come bearing memes
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longliverockback · 5 months
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Van Morrison It’s Too Late to Stop Now 1974 Warner Brothers ————————————————— Tracks Disc One: 01. Ain’t Nothin’ You Can Do 02. Warm Love 03. Into the Mystic 04. These Dreams of You 05. I Believe to My Soul 06. I’ve Been Working 07. Help Me 08. Wild Children 09. Domino 10. I Just Want to Make Love to You
Tracks Disc Two: 01. Bring It on Home to Me 02. Saint Dominic’s Preview 03. Take Your Hand out of My Pocket 04. Listen to the Lion 05. Here Comes the Night 06. Gloria 07. Caravan 08. Cyprus Avenue —————————————————
Terry Adams
Bill Atwood
Nancy Ellis
David Hayes
Jef Labes
Van Morrison
John Platania
Nathan Rubin
Jack Schroer
Dave Shaw
* Long Live Rock Archive
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oldsardens · 5 months
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David Hayes - Abstract Studies
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rosadomeadows · 2 years
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Archive of 2022: Hot autumn outfit in style of 1944 part 4
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mitjalovse · 2 years
I have already mentioned the opus of Ted Templeman consisted of a large amount of credits thanks to him serving as a music producer since the early 70's. For instance, one of his collaborators from the era was Van Morrison. Say all you want about his latest LPs – I would agree with you, by the way –, but we have to admit his 70's remains a strong era for him. The important factor here was definitely Ted Templeman, since he produced three important albums for him during the time, including It's Too Late To Stop Now. I agree, highlighting a live disc might be weird, because you rarely notice who helms them. However, I do think Mr. Templeman had more input into the sound of the platter than the designation of the LP would've lead you to believe.
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gahellhimself-blog · 6 months
. Portraits .
And the occasion to promote myself
My commissions are open for portraits like these, send me a message ;)
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twixnmix · 1 year
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Albums Released In 1969
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soleminisanction · 5 months
I think it’s so fundamentally telling of what sort of person Stephanie is when her reaction to Greta potentially being killed via 10,000 megawatts of electricity isn’t to be sad or devastated or beat herself up about it/ be disappointed in herself (like I think maybe Tim or Batman would be) it’s purely fear of punishment via Robin being angry at her. She did not care whether greta lived or died. She’s never been overly concerned with whether someone died or not and this has been a consistent characteristic of hers, but that’s usually only in reference to criminal characters who you could justify ‘had it coming’ and whatnot. This was just like. Greta read her diary? And Steph then tried to kill her for it? And did not feel any regret upon trying to do so? Tf??
You're not wrong, anon (aside from comedically exaggerating the voltage of a suburban powerline). I considered calling that out in the post and decided it was a tangent that would've distracted from the actual point, which wasn't so much "Yikes, Steph is an asshole" so much as it was, "And this is why you shouldn't always take characters at their word; with good writers, there's often a lot more going on when you pay attention."
Although looking back over the post now, I really have to wonder if the whole issue wasn't Peter David's way of, in part, criticizing how Chuck Dixon was handling the whole Steph-hunts-Tim's-secret-identity storyline.
Peter David is not shy or subtle about working his opinions into his comics, YJ especially, and he definitely knew where the story was going -- the last page of the issue, the one I didn't include on the post, includes a direct reference to the way the arc would soon end, with an editorial note pointing readers to Robin to find out more.
Throughout the fight Secret specifically calls Steph out on invading Robin's privacy multiple times; it lines up with the way David had, for example, negatively portrayed pair of sports hunters in issue #7, or how he wrote Cissie's "It was the guns you idiot" rant from issue #15. Whereas Steph's responses are mostly comments on the immediate situation and personal barbs that deepen Greta's arc, ie, the bit questioning whether she's even human.
And even though YJ was working with the exact same themes and narrative elements, there's never a comparative incident where a member of the team tries to learn Robin's identity behind his back. Again, despite the fact that Secret could do so easily, and despite all the tension the identity issue ultimately ends up causing on the team. Because even if they don't like that he's keeping secrets, they respect that they're his secrets to keep, and Stephanie doesn't. Or rather, Chuck Dixon doesn't, at least not when it comes to his precious pet character.
Heck, there's also the fact that the "lecture" Tim gives at the end, the one hinting towards the storyline's conclusion, hinges on how Batman and Robin is a relationship built on a bond of implicit trust... and how the relationship doesn't work if that trust is broken... and it's hinting at the end of a storyline in which that implicit trust is broken in a way that arguably took Bruce out of character and turns him into the bad guy while not only excusing Stephanie's behavior but rewarding her for it with her first round of actual Bat-training...
Of course, I have zero way of knowing what Peter David was thinking so this is 100% just my analysis but... I could see it. It's a way to professionally express his displeasure without publicly criticizing a colleague or sabotaging their plans. David's a good writer, I wouldn't put it past him.
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stellaseveride · 1 year
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spineless-lobster · 2 months
Top 3 things hayes wants
1. To go home
2. For gaunt to have a good night’s sleep
3. For ellwood to shut the fuck up
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longliverockback · 11 months
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Van Morrison Hard Nose the Highway 1973 Warner Brothers ————————————————— Tracks: 1. Warm Love 2. Snow in San Anselmo 3. Hard Nose the Highway 4. Wild Children 5. The Great Deception 6. Green 7. Autumn Song 8. Purple Heather —————————————————
David Hayes
Jef Labes
Gary Mallaber
Van Morrison
John Platania
Jack Schroer
Rick Shlosser
* Long Live Rock Archive
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sesiondemadrugada · 10 days
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Mad Max (George Miller, 1979).
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Archive of 2022: Hot autumn outfit in style of 1944 part 3
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years
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A juvenile African pompano, or threadfin trevally, swims through the Verde Island Passage, a major shipping lane in the Philippines. Its streaming filaments resemble the tentacles of a jellyfish—a possible advantage for evading predators that patrol the night sea.
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