#Debbie x tammy
multi-royalty-arc · 2 years
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Debbies greatest love.
They have so much undiscovered history, through years of working together before Debbie found Lou and ended up in jail.
I believe whole heartedly they had an apartment in New York in their 20s, almost everything they owned was stolen because that’s what they do.
The only time they’d spend money on each other was to show affection, in the form of a real gift.
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hattersarts · 1 year
hii! just wanna ask if you'll still continue the lou and debbie comic?
ah probably not I'm afraid, I definitely cursed myself writing tbc on that, I used to have a thread of how I might continue it but I've both forgotten how I would and also don't have the time or motivation to anymore.
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l-lizzy-y · 1 year
Debbie: The stars are beautiful tonight.
Tammy: Yes, they are.
Debbie: You know who else is beautiful?
Tammy: *blushing* who?
Debbie: Lou.
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Tammy; “Right, who do we know who has handcuffs?”
Lou; “Well Debbie and I...”
Debbie (glares at Lou)  
Lou; “...Wouldn't know.” 
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suckerforcate · 2 years
Pairing: Lou Miller×Reader, Tammy×Reader (sister)
Word count: 1.338
Summary: You are madly in love with Lou but you know that your sister would disapprove.
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"How's it going Miller?" You slowly approached Lou and winked at her. "Very good. But I'd appreciated it if you wouldn't flirt with me." She took her coffee and left you standing there like an Idiot. She's done that a few times lately. Normally she would always flirt back but she somehow stopped that.
"So you like older women, huh?"
You nearly choked on your drink when Debbie said that. You were choughing helplessly, it was actually kind of embarrassing. You wanted to keep it safe that you liked older women, just in general women, and Lou but thanks to your stupid reaction you couldn't deny it anymore. Debbie was cry-laughing besides you. You shot her a death glare and she quickly got you a glass of water and patted you on the back.
You two sat down on the couch and when your breathing was back to normal Debbie gave you a questioning look. You hesitated and she added:"Or maybe one certain older woman?".
You figured by now it didn't matter, the secret was already revealed and served on a plate for Debbie.
"Well, yes I in general like older women. It's just always been like that. They always attracted me more than women my age. I don't know why. And yes I might have a slight crush on Lou."
Debbie started laughing again, "A slight crush? Come on (Y/n) You are crazy for that woman." You raised your eyebrow and then you remembered the way she treated you lately.
"Well, it doesn't matter anymore anyways."
"It's just, I don't know something is wrong with Lou. She's so cold to me lately. She doesn't flirt back anymore. She used to love that, it was our thing. Always flirting." Debbie looked at you understanding but before she could say anything more Tammy came down the stairs.
You tightly hugged Debbie and whispered something in her ear, so that Tammy couldn't hear it: "No word to my sister or I'll kill you!" With that you stood up and left.
You didn't want Tammy to find out, she's your older sister and has always been super protective over you. You loved her, of course. But you were old enough to make your own decision and take the consequences. You didn't need a nanny. Honestly it was quite annoying.
Later that day you were sitting in your room when you heard a knock. "Come in", you were sure it would be Debbie so you were quite surprised that Lou stepped in.
"Hey (Y/n), Debbie told me that we should maybe talk. So what's up?"
"Yeah, come in. You can sit down on the bed if you want." You pointed in that direction and put your phone away.
"So...I'm not quite sure how to say this. But I... Is something wrong? You’ve been so distant lately. That's not like you." You carefully looked up right at her and saw her looking...surprised.
"I didn't think you would notice that actually. I thought you probably didn't care." You raised an eyebrow quizzically.
"Lou, you were rather harsh with me. Of course I noticed. We always used to flirt and you just stopped. I really liked that and you." Your voice got quieter and quieter by the end. So quiet you didn't even think Lou heard you but when you looked up you saw her coming towards you. She kneeled down in front of you and took your hands in hers.
"Oh, Darling. I like you too. But come on, this can't work. Tammy would kill us both if she'd find out and she's probably right. I'm not good for you. You're so young still, you shouldn't be with a criminal. Also I'm way too old. Find someone young and beautiful and normal." She was surprised when you jumped up.
"I don't care, honestly why would I want someone normal? My sis is a criminal, all my best friends are criminals and I'm half one too. And I don't need my sister to protect me. I can take care of myself. Also find someone young and beautiful? Excuse me, you're the most beautiful woman ever. The age never mattered to me. I know that I like you. End of discussion." Lou slightly smiled. She stood up and came to you.
She gently took your face on her hands and pulled it towards her a bit. You closed your eyes and slowly felt her lips touching yours. It felt like heaven and you knew that that's everything you always wanted. Lou didn't need to know that you didn't just like her, but had a massive crush on her since you were like 12. Not yet at least.
Debbie knew directly. She saw you two coming out of your room after you talked and just smiled knowingly. If just Debbie was at home you didn't have to hide.
Originally the plan was to keep it that way but the two of you couldn't keep your hands off of each other. So eventually the others also found out. All of them except Tammy. If Tammy was there you all kept quite. You knew she had to find out some day, but you weren't keen on it.
One day, when everyone was there except for Tammy, who was bringing the kids to their dad, you all talked about how Lou and you got together. You still kept to yourself, that you liked her since you were 12 but you told them that you had liked her for some time.
"For some time? What do you mean by that?" Lou grinned at you and leaned over to kiss you. You still blushed, everytime she kissed you or flirted with you.
"Lou?! What are you doing with my sister?" You broke away from Lou, panic in your eyes. Tammy knew. She saw you. Shit. Suddenly confidence rushed over you. You were old enough, she didn't have to control you like that.
"We are dating." You looked at Tammy but you knew that everyone in the room was holding their breath.
Everyone loved Tammy, she was wonderful. But if it came to you, she could be quite scary. No one ever wanted to mess with her. Not even Debbie.
"No, your not."
"Yes, we are."
"I won't allow that. Couldn't you find someone normal? Not a criminal. Lou how could you?" Tammy approached Lou, you had never seen her this angry.
"How could she what? Love me, show me how beautiful I am every day, make me smile, make me happy? Do you really think I'm not old enough to decide who I date? I know you just want to protect me but you don't have to. I love Lou and I don't care that she's 20 years older or a criminal. You're a criminal. Debbie's a criminal. Hell, even I'm a criminal. If you didn't want me to be one, you shouldn't have let me grow up with them. I don't care if you'll allow it."  Everyone started at you now, not just Tammy.
"You love Lou?" You paniced. Did you say that? You had never said it before and you didn't plan on saying it in front of everyone in a fight with your sister.
"No...?" You looked at Lou, seeing her shocked face.
"You love me?" Didn't she know that? You thought it was pretty obvious.
"Of course I do. I did for ages. You're the most incredible person I have ever met. How could I have not fallen in love with you." You had never seen Lou cry before, until now. Well she didn't technically cry, but there were tears in her eyes. You kissed her. Softly. Your sister was still there.
"Ok, ok. I guess it's fine. But Lou," Tammy shot a warning glare at her, "if you'll ever hurt (Y/n) I'll kick your ass. Understood?" Lou nodded and gave you another kiss.
"Oh for gods sake, get a room. I still have to get used to this." Tammy wildly waved her hands at you two
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sapphicforsarahh · 1 year
Request here
Young Loubbie is afraid to come out to Tammy, and when they do she says she already knew
Thank you for the request also!
Coming Out
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Ship: Lou Miller x Debbie Ocean
Word count: 530+
Warnings: None
“What if she doesn’t accept us,” Debbie sighed, lying back against the couch with her hands on her head. “Honey, if shes okay knowing criminals, I’m pretty sure that she’ll be okay with knowing a few gay people too. Plus, you know Tam, she’d be ecstatic that we’ve told her,” Lou tries to reassure her, sitting down next to her and holding her hand. “Okay maybe,” Debbie doesn’t seem convinced. “I’m nervous too Debs, but all we have to do is try to keep calm about it, stress isn’t going to make anything better,” Lou kisses her head before standing up to make a drink.
“Where the hell is she, I told her to be here 15 minutes ago,” Debbie huffed, getting restless. “I’m sure that she’s just stuck in traf-,” Lou is cut off by the door opening and Tammy standing in it. “I’m so sorry! The traffic was horrendous,” Tammy’s announced. Lou looked at Debbie and mouthed, “I told you”.
“Hey Tam!” Lou says back. “Want a drink?” Lou goes to grab another glass out the cupboard. “Not for me, but thanks Lou,” Tammy sits down, next to Debbie. She can see shes quieter than usual. “You okay?” She asks, making sure Lou doesn’t hear. “Yeah great,” she says unconvincingly. “Hmm okay,” she lets it go and gives Debbie a quick side hug. Lou sits down with her drink and places it down. “So, Debs and I invited you over to talk about something,” Lou begins. “You’re not planning another heist are you,” Tammy sighs, beginning to stress already. “God no, I’ve barely started planning,” Debbie smirks and lets Lou continue.
“So we’ve been worried to tell you this, because we don’t know your reaction, but Debbie and I, we’re together,” Lou finally tells Tammy. “Oh guys thats great! I did already know though,” she smiles at both of them. A “what?” comes out of both of them before looking at eachother confused. “Well, you haven’t really been secret about it. Me and Amita have conspired as to what’s going on between you two.”
“How did you know,” Lou asks, genuinely curious as to how she knew. “Seriously? The lingering touches, cute smiles at eachother, cuddling ALL the time, and the eyes,” Tammy finishes. “What ‘eyes’?” Debbie asked, confused. “You know, THE eyes,” Tammy tries to explain. Debbie shakes her head still not knowing, Lou is sitting back and watching the whole thing happen. “The.. bedroom eyes,” she says in quietly, as if embarrassed. “Oh, that makes sense,” Lou adds, saving Tammy. “Yeah it’s you usually giving them,” Tammy adds. “Wha- I do nothing Tam,” Lou gets defensive, knowing Tammy’s right. Tammy laughs and gets up, “I’m quickly going to the bathroom, don’t be banging whilst I’m gone.” “I’ll try,” Debbie inputs.
“Baby, come over here,” Debbie suggests, tapping the spot next to her. Lou quickly moves over and falls into a cuddle with her. “Are you glad we told her?” Lou asked. “Very, even though she already knew,” Debbie laughed. “I don’t know what ‘eyes’ shes even talking about,” Lou acts innocent. “I think you know fine well Lou Miller,” Debbie kisses the top of Lou’s head and smiles.
Taglist: @mllkw33ds @isle-of-earle @chillinftladygaga @cordeliaswife @aliensaurusrex @angelick1sses @gmtsu @mistysswampmud @thenazwife @ladysc @midnightlove30
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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blackacre13 · 2 years
idk if you have done this yet but: The crew doesn't know Lou an Deb are married or even together (Except for Tam of course) and basically they start putting the little things together like how they sleep in the same room or always touch each other in that way; They start debating if they really could be a couple and Tammy finds out what they are all talking about an starts laughing and says "their married for fucks sake." :)
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The loft was quiet until the sound of Lou revving her bike’s engine permeated the air and the group burst into conspiracy theories.
“They’ve gotta be boning right?” Nine asked. “I mean they’re always eye fucking.”
“Boning? Don’t be so crass,” Amita gasped. “But no. They can’t keep their hands off each other.”
“And boss only has eyes for dad,” Constance grinned. “I mean we’re invisible when she pitches an idea.”
“We should get them together!” Rose cheered. “They’d be so lovely together, don’t you think? They’re clearly pining for reach other.”
“Wait,” Daphne snorted. “You don’t even think they’re together?”
“Maybe the Fuck,” Constance provided, with a mouth full of chips. “But I’ve never seen ‘em date. And you know Lou has to be chivalrous as hell.”
“Didn’t know you knew the word chivalrous,” Daphne wrinkled her nose.
“When would they have time to go on a date?” Amita squeaked. “In between robbing the Met gala? I mean they’ve been a little busy.”
“We’ve had time to eat pizza, they could go on a date, Mita,” Nine rolled her eyes. “But I don’t think either-a them do relationships. Picture Deb in the suburbs.”
“Picture Lou picking up some toddler in a motorcycle with a sidecar,” Daphne grinned.
“Oh! Here’s the expert!” Rose called, as Tammy came into the room, pocketing her phone.
“Sorry, I had to talk the husband through getting the kids to bed. You know how it is,” Tammy sighed. She was only met with blank stares. “On second thought, none of you know how it is. Right. Anyway. What are we talking about?”
“You used to run jobs with Lou and Deb right?” Amita asked. “Back in the day?”
“Back in the day?” Tammy grimaced. “In what, the 1920s?”
“You know what we mean, Tam. You were a fence for them. Right? Like when you were all—“
“Constance,” Tammy sighed. “If you finish that sentence with the word young, I swear—“
“Can we just get on with the question?” Daphne exhaled, looking bored. “The fact is, you know them Tammy. Are they fucking?”
“Wh-what?” Tammy laughed, practically choking. “I mean isn’t it obvious?”
“That they want to fuck? Well, yeah,” Nine chuckled. “But are they?”
“Like wouldn’t they make a great couple?” Amita asked. “Rose thinks we should set them up.”
“Oh, you guys are too much,” Tammy laughed, her eyes starting to tear as she clapped her hands together. “This is amazing.”
“Don’t say we’re crazy! There’s a spark!” Constance shouted, sputtering chip crumbs everywhere.
“Of course there is, you morons,” Tammy laughed, clutching at her ribs. “They’re MARRIED. I mean for fuck’s sake. Come on. Isn’t it obvious?”
“Obvious?!?” Amita screeched. “How is it obvious? Since when?”
“Then where is Lou going? I thought she said she had plans,” Daphne smirked. “Shouldn’t she be spending time with her wife? Debbie, allegedly?”
“She’s meeting Debbie,” Tammy rolled her eyes, finally catching her breath. “For dinner. Out. You know, because they’re married. For like a decade in June.”
“A DECADE!” Rose shouted. “Well, I thought they’d make a fit couple.”
“I can’t wait to tell them this,” Tammy shook her head. “
“Well then what else don’t we know?” Daphne asked, scanning the room. “Who else is fucking?”
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warningsine · 2 years
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Ava Coleman
When Shots Align ~Mommy!Ava*
Aaron Hotchner
It’s All Coming Down ~Broken!Aaron Hotchner xFem Reader
The Gilded Age
Bertha Russell
Bertha Russell Appearance Appreciation
Our Little Secret ~Fem!Servant!Reader*
Agnes van Rhijn
I’m Here, My Love ~Motherly!Soft!Agnes Van Rhijn xFem Younger(30s)!ClosetedLesbian!Reader
Sylvia Chamberlain
Trusting Mommy ~SugarMommy!Sylvia Chamberlain xFem Younger!SugarBaby!Virgin!Reader
I’ve Got You ~Plutonic!Godmother!Sylvia Chamberlain xFem Goddaughter!Reader
Dead Poets Society
Anderperry NSFW Headcanons*
Knarlie Headcanons
Athena Grant
Madam Secretary
Nadine Tolliver Masterlist
Elizabeth McCord Masterlist
Henry McCord
Long Night Reunions ~Nadine x Elizabeth x Henry*
Coming Home for You ~Nadine x Elizabeth x Henry*
Jade West
Knives Out
Claire Debella
Baby It’s Cold Outside ~Claire Debella xFem Younger(20s)!CampaignAssistant!Reader ~Holiday Bingo
Sinking My Claws Into You ~Dark!Claire Debella xFem Younger!Wealthy!Reader
The Old Guard
Andromache the Scythian/Andy
The Jurassic Saga
Ellie Sattler
I Need You, Alan ~Ellie Sattler x Alan Grant (Grantler)
Alan Grant
I Need You, Alan ~Ellie Sattler x Alan Grant (Grantler)
Claire Dearing
Ocean’s 8
Lou Miller
Debbi Ocean
Don’t Look Up
Brie Evantee
Janie Orlean
Law & Order: SVU
Olivia Benson Masterlist
Alexandra ‘Alex’ Cabot Masterlist
Casey Novak Masterlist
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Rafael Barba
Taking Care of My Girl ~Dom!Rafael Barba xFem Sub!Girlfriend!Reader
My Guardian Angel ~Broken!Rita Calhoun xFem Younger!Investigator!Reader (Liz Donnelly x Alex Cabot) feat. Rafael Barba & Olivia Benson
A Day at the Zoo ~Barson
Baroness Van Hellman
Only Murders in the Building
Jan Bellows
The Good Wife/The Good Fight
Diane Lockhart
Doors Closing
Flux Gourmet
Jan Stevens
The Beekeeper
Jessica Danforth
Stranger Things
Joyce Byers
Doctor Who
Amy Pond
River Song
Elizabeth Keane
In Her Time of Need
House of Cards
Heather Dunbar
Frederick Chilton
Cassandra Walker
Joan Watson
That’s all for now, ciao ciao lovelies! 💞💞
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drkmgs · 1 year
Too good at goodbyes
Lou Miller x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Angst, unsure love
story type: one shot
This one was a rush one. My brain just whipped this up, and I couldn't stop writing it. Also, I don't know what direction this was actually going, so I hope it turned out fine.
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You must think that I'm stupid You must think that I'm a fool You must think that I'm new to this But I have seen this all before
You aren't stupid. You aren't a fool, and this is definitely not new to you.
You watch Lou leave your side when she finds out about the revenge Debbie is plotting towards her ex-lover, Becker.
You watch them argue. You watch Lou being frustrated and unsure about the revenge plot. You watch your lover – actually more on pursuer be worried about her crush or according to her ex-crush – this right here is the main reason why you haven't accepted her being your girlfriend.
I'm never gonna let you close to me Even though you mean the most to me 'Cause every time I open up, it hurts So, I'm never gonna get too close to you Even when I mean the most to you In case you go and leave me in the dirt
"Hey, Y/N. Are you okay?" Lou playfully shoved your shoulders as she sits beside you. She noticed how gloomy you looked and wanted to cheer you up. "Yeah. I'm just tired. I'll go to bed. Goodnight, Lou." You gave her a weak smile and walked off towards your room. Her gaze just follows your movements.
"Why don't you talk to her about it, Y/N?" Tammy comforted you as she caught you silently sobbing. "I don't know what to say, Tam. I know they are partner in crime, and I have no right to be jealous because I haven't accepted her yet, and I can't accept her because of how she is now. I know I sound selfish, but I have been hurt before, and I don't want to go through all that again." You cry more.
But every time you hurt me, the less that I cry And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry And every time you walk out, the less I love you Baby, we don't stand a chance, it's sad, but it's true
"Could you stop avoiding me?!" Lou snatched your arm to make you stop walking. You stopped walking but didn't face her. "How many times do I have to tell you? Debbie is my best friend and I'm worried about her." She let your arm go. "Best friends? I'm 100% sure best friends don't look at each other like how you look at her, Lou. I'm not an idiot. I know how people look in love." You face her this time.
"You know what? Believe what you want to believe. Talk to me when you can trust my words." Lou said before leaving you standing in the hallway. "Action speaks louder, Lou." You whisper, breaking your heart.
I'm way too good at goodbyes (I'm way too good at goodbyes) I'm way too good at goodbyes (I'm way too good at goodbyes)
They got all the jewelry and successfully framed Becker. They are all gathered in the loft, drinking champagne and talking about the mission. When Tammy pointed out you're missing. Lou furrowed her eyebrows and looked for you around the loft. Finally, she had the brains to check your room.
It was empty. All of your belongings were gone. There was only a note on your bed.
Dear Lou,
Congratulations to the successful mission. I want you to know that I love you and I'm setting you free. Even though we weren't officially together. You mean so much to me, and it pains me to leave you, but you deserve someone better. Don't worry. I'm not taking this to heart as I'm already used to it.
I'm sorry that I'm too good at goodbyes.
Goodbye Lou.
That's when Lou realized she should have paid more attention to you. Now you are gone.
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I'm not sure if you are taking requests for Ocean's 8. If you are, could I request Debbie X reader X Lou. Where both of them have a crush on reader . Who is younger , Daphne always flirts with reader the most and they get along , she's tech smart . So a combo of bad ass daredevil minx and tech smart . Or whatever you'd like, sorry if it's silly :)
pairing: lou miller x reader x debbie ocean
word count: 1275
notes and warnings: only note i have is that debbie and lou are in an established relationship w each other in this but not with reader,, but i feel like that’s kinda implied originally!! i loved this request but kinda hate what i wrote i was in a writing slump oops (also i didn’t proofread this)
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You unlocked your phone, forcing yourself to at least pay half-attention to the conversation being held in front of you by the rest of the group.
“How long do you think it will take?” Someone asked, and briefly you glanced up before turning back to your phone.
“Three months,” Debbie answered from a few feet away, “two, if we can get a head start on getting into the security system.”
“I’ve got it,” you said absent-mindedly, maneuvering through passwords on your phone. You’d slunk back into a corner, noticing when another hour had passed since the last time you’d checked, desperate to make sure everything was okay.
You would never admit it to anyone, for it would sound extremely creepy, but you’d hacked into Lou’s phone and were tracking her — she had gone to meet a new potential recruit for the next heist, and none of you had known much about the girl you were trying to hire, other than that she was quite proficient with weapons and fighting. You wanted to make sure Lou got home safe, especially since none of the other women working on the heist with you seemed even relatively concerned about Lou’s whereabouts, even Debbie.
You let out a sigh of relief upon finding that the location of her phone was home.
Just for good measure, you began to hack into her home security system. You knew it was a bit much, but if you could just check the cameras and make sure her car was there, you would know that everything was fine.
“Hey,” you heard, and looked up to find Debbie looming over you. Glancing around you realized that everyone else was packing up to go home. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “I’m just checking on my car, it’s being repaired.”
“What’s wrong with it?” Debbie asked, and you knew she could see right through you.
“An engine thing.”
“How’d you drive it all the way here to Tammy’s, then?”
You paused. At a complete loss for words you attempted to move away, but she stepped in front of you.
“What’s going on?” She asked, stepping forward, “and don’t lie to me.”
You couldn’t very well tell her that you were looking through the security cameras of her and her wife’s home.
You sighed, relenting, preparing yourself for whatever her reaction would be. “Alright, you really want to know?” You turned your phone for her to see. “I hacked into your security cameras.”
Debbie raised her eyebrows, smirking. “Oh? And why did you do that?”
“No one seemed very concerned about Lou meeting the new girl, so I just wanted to make sure she got home okay.”
“You couldn’t have texted her?”
“I didn’t want to seem invasive. Creepy.”
“So hacking into our home security isn’t creepy?” Debbie challenged, though you could hear the slight amusement in her tone.
You didn’t have any idea how to respond to that. “Sorry,” you said quietly, embarrassment rising in your chest.
“No, it’s okay. I’m just a bit disappointed that it’s only Lou you’re watching.”
“I never said that,” you corrected with a small smile, and she nodded.
“You’re really fucking weird.”
“Ok, James Bond.”
She scoffed. “I’m much more sexy than James Bond.”
“I know,” you agreed, and though her expression stayed set in stone, you knew your agreement had caught her attention.
“Come over tomorrow,” Debbie said abruptly. “You want to know if everything’s fine. Come see for yourself.”
“What time?”
“Whenever you want.”
You nodded, shifting slightly in your stance as her gaze became more intense. “I’ll be there.”
She didn’t give you a response, only dug her keys out of her purse and left smugly, flashing you a glance as if she’d won an unspoken competition.
You arrived the next day just after noon. All morning you’d been dying to see Lou and Debbie, but every time you’d picked up your keys to leave you had made up some excuse of why you needed another half hour, until eventually you had swallowed your excuses and had forced yourself into the car. You were terrified in the best way, enamored with the two women so completely that every interaction you had seemed like the coming of rapture.
You knocked on the door to the theater. It felt like an eternity before Lou approached and let you in, and as you stepped into their home you felt an overwhelming aura of comfort, and a great amount of your nerves melted away. You realized how terribly deeply you loved the both of them, Lou and Debbie, that you could simply be in their presence and all of your worries would melt away.
“We were starting to think you wouldn’t make it,” Lou said, her tone light as she led you into the living room.
“I wouldn’t have missed seeing you.”
“I’m glad,” she answered, continuing into the kitchen. She came back after with a bottle of wine and three glasses, opening it and beginning to pour drinks. “Debbie should be down in a few minutes.”
As if on cue, you heard footsteps as someone descended the stairs, and after a moment Debbie appeared, angelic in every stride, picturesque in the way she sat down on the sofa across from you with such nonchalance.
Your gaze flickered over to Lou, and you noticed that she, too, had been captivated for a moment. The ghost of a smile lingered on her lips as she sat in the armchair next to the sofa.
Feeling unspeakably awkward as the only one still standing, you sat down next to Debbie on the sofa, taking a sip of your wine.
“I stole that from Tammy’s,” Debbie said with a small smile, gesturing to the wine. “I doubt she’ll miss it, with all the shit she has packed in her house.”
“Good call with stealing it,” you said, “Tammy’s the biggest wine snob I’ve ever met, though then again there’s Daphne, and she won’t drink anything unless she thinks the label is pretty.”
“You spend a lot of time with Daphne,” said Lou, her tone completely neutral.
“We’ve known each other for a long time.”
“Seems like it.”
“What does that mean?” You asked, noticing the edge to her tone. You smirked, your gaze flickering between them. “What, you think I’m into Daphne?”
“Aren’t you?”
“She never leaves your side,” Debbie agreed, setting her wine on the table.
“Daphne’s beautiful,” you said, “but I’ve never had my sights set on her.”
“She certainly has hers set on you.”
“I’m not sure I understand why the two of you are so concerned with who I may or may not be seeing,” you criticized. “If you’ve called me all the way out here just to—”
You were cut off by Debbie’s lips connecting with yours, her hand having found its way to your jaw. You were overcome completely by her, only her, entirely bliss.
She was the first to pull away, analyzing your features for any indication of your reaction.
In a silent reassurance you pulled her in again, letting yourself be enveloped once more in the tenderness of her touch.
All at once Lou was on your other side, sitting against the armrest of the sofa. You extended a hand towards her, pulling her closer, and then it was not Debbie to overcome your senses but Lou, and finally you felt complete, at home in a way you had never before felt.
“If I’d known that being a bit of a stalker and hacking your security cameras would get me this,” you breathed after a minute, biting back a smile, “I would have done it a lot sooner.”
Taglist: @cartoonpeoples @thedeconstructionist @cordeliass @paulsonsratched @goodeday2u @traumatisedfangirl @christies-fleur
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I wouldn't forget a pretty face
Warnings: First Meetings, fluff, fun
Word count: 1.4 K
Pairing: Daphne Kluger x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Daphne wouldn't forget a pretty face. Not even when that pretty face is "nobody"
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Ocean's 8 masterlist]
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The first time I saw her was even before Debbie called me on the holdup. I had some debts to pay, and dedicating myself only to studying in my university years had left me with zero work experience. So, the only company that had helped me get a job after studying “Fashion Design” was the big Chanel store in Soho, New York.
Daphne was doing some shopping in the area, until a group of paparazzi began to chase her, forcing her to enter a store so that her bodyguards could disperse the press and get her into her truck.
I was arranging the seasonal clothes, trying not to focus my eyes on her figure, but she did look at me, she gave me a smile and I can even listen to a little of her conversation with her team while she walked around the store, trying not to get bored while waiting.
It didn't take long for the truck to pull up in front of the store, and as quickly as that happened, Daphne was gone.
Some time later, Debbie came to me, the mythical (and forgotten) Rose Weil needed a reliable right hand to carry out this theft; and both Lou and Debbie knew how badly she needed that money.
Although I never got to meet Daphne herself in the many times Rose had had to meet with the actress, the next time I saw her, it was at the Met. My good friend Lou needed a confidence booster, and right now, she was grateful for the multiple episodes of Masterchef she'd seen.
By the time I had been given my new diamond bracelet to put in the little bag I carried with me, right at that moment, I was able to relax. I had been under so much stress that I had barely been able to enjoy the big party Tammy had thrown us into.
And there, again, was Daphne. Her eyes collided with mine again, but now, instead of bringing out my kinder side and trying to give her a smile, I quickly looked away from her eyes. Debbie said she wanted to lay low. It sounds silly, Daphne Kluger, a Hollywood star wouldn't remember my face, not when she sees millions of people every day, why would she remember the face of a simple employee who doesn't earn even 3% of what she earned in a single movie?
Time passed again. Now, right at this moment Lou and Debbie were making sure that each part of the jewels were being sold so that they could deposit the corresponding part in each of the eight bank accounts; while that was going on, i had to keep working at the store, i still had to look like a job… and to be honest, i worked so hard at this damn store, all i ask in return is a decent damn reward.
My boss had asked me to put the makeup and perfume products behind the counter, so I did, putting all my attention on the task, which caused me not to notice that someone had arrived at the store; more specifically, that someone had stood in front of me.
"I knew I had seen you"
My head that was inside the showcase could only see a flat stomach covered in a fine brown cloth; Quickly my eyes looked up only to meet Daphne's face.
I tried to get up quickly until my head hit the glass. Forgetting that my head was still inside the glass case.
She just let out a small smile that she hid behind her hand, but despite that, I could notice flashes of concern.
Ask, now with your head out of the glass space.
"It's you, isn't it?, the one who wore that sexy dress at the MET"
"I… I'm sorry…?"
"Of course you were there! I wouldn't forget a face as pretty as yours." I could feel the heat and redness rising up my neck and settling on my cheeks, causing Daphne's brown eyes to take on a different glow. You know, the party where I supposedly dropped the famous necklace…”
“ 'Supposedly'? What do you mean 'supposedly'?”
“It turns out that… the necklace found was fake; the actual necklace hasn't turned up, so a private investigator is helping to find it.” Damn. Debbie promised that it was almost impossible to use an investigator for this. Damn "The investigator has as a major suspect a certain Debbie Ocean… and he told me that even though she has a perfect alibi, he still maintains her as the main suspect" I felt the muscles in my neck and shoulders tense, it even felt like a metal ball was falling. It will start to form in my esophagus and try to go down. "I guess you don't have anything to do with that Debbie girl, do you, sweetie?" just as I was about to open my mouth to answer her question, she spoke again "wait, isn't that the blonde you shared a few drinks with at the party?"
She raised her eyebrows, putting my body between a rock and a hard place; because, not only was she one of the most beautiful women in the world, I now realized, she was one of the most intelligent women in the world. She already knew it, and I couldn't hide it
"Good morning Miss Kluger, can we help you with something?"
My boss had come to our place, screaming with her eyes to get back to work
"Yes, I would like to buy the blouse that your employee models" Both pairs of eyes fell on my blouse "And if it comes with the model, it would be a thousand times better"
She winked again, causing the blush to intensify on my cheeks.
The sound that the doors made when opening made us all stop doing our activities, only to pay attention to the beautiful actress who had just entered Lou's place.
"You guys are FUCKED"
She spoke while walking towards us, sitting in the chair that was in front of me.
"Sorry?" Tammy asked. "How did you get here?"
"We invite her" Lou spoke
they were all silent
“Chilly,” Daphne remarked at the glances given by the rest of the group, “what about, 'Hi Daph, welcome to the team. Let's not all high five at once.'”
“Discovered Y/N” was Debbie's turn
"What?!" they all shouted
“Y/N…how did you let her find you out?”
"She didn't do anything," Daphne defended me. “I'm just not the typical dumb Hollywood actress”
“Miss Kluger, here, figured out the move from the start; only that its common thread was Y/N”
"Of course, not to mention that discreet is not a word I would use to describe them."
They all remained silent, looking at each other trying to understand the situation, while bitch Constance the time out to see the cards of the others. Damn cheating bitch.
"Not to mention that the private investigator is about to check each one of you asses"
"Investigator?" asked Rose scared
"That was not in the plan" Amita spoke
“That's why Miss Kluger is here. She herself offered to help us."
"Why would you help a group of criminals?" question Tammy
“Are you an only child?” I asked causing giggles
"Well, I don't have many friends, and book clubs are stupidly boring."
"So… you decided to help criminals because you don't have any friends?"
"Yep, she is definitely an only child" spoke Eight Ball
"Okay, ladies, with this done, I think we can continue" Lou spoke.
Of course, I knew Lou very well, and I knew that she considered herself the queen of the UNO, so, I wanted to embarrass ourselves.
Lou, Eight Ball, Constance and I played UNO, while Debbie and Tammy talked in the kitchen, serving up a few slices of pizza, just as Amita and Rose talked about some designers, leaving Daphne alone.
Knowing that having Lou, a master of the game and a cheating bitch like Constance; I put the game down and got up, walking to the front to return to sit next to Daphne.
"Hello" I greeted as I raised my hand, squeezing hers in a warm squeeze "I'm Y/N"
"Wow, I'm glad to name a pretty face like yours."
How was it so easy for her to make me blush?
"Well, I'm glad to put a cute personality on a not-so-simple, pretty face."
It was her turn to blush
Lou dropped her game a bit and stood up next to Debbie and Tammy, putting an arm around Debbie's shoulders.
"Okay, how much do you bet those two are going to end up dating?" with her chin she pointed to the figure of Y/N and Daphne, who were getting closer and closer
“Dating?, I bet my life Y/N is already planning their wedding,” Tammy teased.
"She even knows where her honeymoon is going to be," Debbie continued, giving Lou a kiss on the cheek.
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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Its done! 64 competitors on this.
its so small I will put the mashups under the cut, but know that the first 8 polls, Round 1 A will release on Sunday, August 20th, 3pm EST, and will last 1 week.
If anyone has ANY specific photos they want me to use for anyone here, please send them to me. (Also if you see anyone on this list you like, feel free to send n more propaganda for them because I may put it in their poll and some people here don't have any lol)
Round 1 A
Edgar and Fay from Dolls of New Albion vs Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker from star wars
Catra and Adora from She ra vs The doctor and the Master from Doctor who
Jekyll and Lanyon from The glass scientist vs Chell and Wheatley from Portal
Colm Doherty and Pádraic Súilleabháin from Banshees of Inisherin vs Chalres Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr from x -men
Jesus and Judas from Jesus Christ Superstar vs Rogue and Gambit from x- men
Grace and Simon from Infinity train vs kim Wexler and Jimmy from Better call Saul
Evellyn, Luel, and Sahar from Luna Story picross/coloring book apps vs Andreth and Aegnor from Silmarillion!
Anna and Hans from Frozen vs Kirk and SPock from Star trek
Round 1b
Ruth and Debbie from GLOW vs Agent Curt and Owen Carvour from Spies are forever
aziraphale & crowley from good omens vs Nastya and Aurora from Mechanism
John Doe and Arthur Lester from Malevolent vs Kotetsu and Barnaby from tiger and Bunny
Fitz and the fool from Realm of the Elderlings vs HeathCliff and cathy from Wuthering Heights
Akeelah and Dr.Larabee from akeelah and the bee vs Arthur and Guinevere from Arthurianna.
Peery the platypus and Dr. Heniz Doofenshmirtiz from phineas and Ferb vs Skull and vintage from Spatoon
Hil and Tavek from Girl Genius vs Vrisrezi from Homestuck
Harry Du bois and Dora Ingerlund from Disco Elysium vs Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao-Long from RWBY
Round 1c
Jackieshannua from Yellow Jackets vs Addek from Greys Anatomy
Eddie and Shannon from 9-1-1 vs Mercymorn the First/Augustine the First/Emperor John Gaius from The locked tomb seris
Junpei and Skane from Zero escape vs Lea & Isa / Axel & Saïx from Kingdom hearts
Scooge MC'Duck and Goldie I'Gill Ducktails (2017) vsCavendish and Dakota from Milo Murphy's law
Rebecca Bunch and Josh Chen from Crazy ex-girlfriend vs Sophia and fitz from keeper of lost cities
Cherry and Adam from sk8 vs Dazi Osamu and Nakahara chuuya from Bungo Stray dog
 Shen Qingqiu & Yue Qingyuan from Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System vs Igor Grom and Sergey razumovski from Major Grom: Plague Doctor 
Jack harness and John Hart from Torchwood vs Yuma Tsukumo and Vector/Rei Shingetru from Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal
Round 1d
Powl and Mesothulas (trantulas) from transformers vs Jason Mcconnel and Peter simmonds from Bare: A pop Opera
Cappie and Even from Greek (2007) vs Junnana from Revue Starlight
The band Amatelast from Show By Rock! vs Mac Macdonald and Dennis Reynolds from Its always sunny in Philadelphia
Mulder and scully from x-files vsRosho and Sasara from Hypnosis Microphone!
Yoo Junghyuk and Anna Croft from omniscient reader vs Archie and maxie from Pokemon
sherlock and Watson from Blackeyed Theatre's Valley of Fear vs Anna, Sasha, and Marcy from Amphibia
The two boys from Bokura from Bokura vs Rom and Tammy from Parks and recs
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my shameless hot takes! (please don’t hate me):
fiona was the best character on the show, and it was always intended to focus on her pov. that’s why the show took a dramatic nosedive in quality after she left.
lip wasn’t a horrible person for yelling at her a few times. he wasn’t always considerate or kind, but fi made mistakes and deserved to be called out. being a fiona stan doesn’t mean i ignore her flaws.
debbie was the worst character on the show season four onwards. she was annoying, selfish, and often unnecessarily cruel. she was also a subpar (if not straight up bad) mother. also we don’t talk enough about how she is literally a rapist???
fiona and jimmy-steve should have been endgame.
gallavich is cute and mickey is such a wonderful character but ian is the most annoyingest guy ever.
speaking of which, the gay jesus storyline was literally the worst thing to ever happen to shameless and literally makes me cringe every time i think about it.
mandy was a legitimately compelling and interesting character and deserved better. lip and mandy honestly should have been endgame.
on that note, tammy is the most annoying person on the planet oh my fucking god. lip should not have stayed with her, she was an annoying, controlling, stuck-up bitch. they should’ve had split custody of freddie and gone their separate ways.
fiona was the kids’ mom. and they never appreciated her for everything she did.
sheila was a hugely important and delightful part of the show and her loss was genuinely devastating. however, her relationship with jody was weird af.
carl’s growth and storyline was impeccable; one of the best in the show. however, it weirds me out to think of him as attractive because we watched him grow up!
liam deserved better! he was always treated as an afterthought in the later seasons, and the others never accepted or encouraged his attempts to connect with Black culture. also, fiona should’ve taken him with her when she left since she was his legal guardian.
kev and v were the best couple on the show! however, kev was in the right during the whole argument after the girls were born; v wasn’t the most attentive or caring mother at first.
none of the age difference / power dynamic couples were okay or hot or romantic or whatever. ian x ned and ian x kash was abuse and statutory rape. lip x that teacher in s3 was statutory rape. lip x helen was an abuse of power. debbie x tommy was weird on his part and also rape. the woman at the shrimp place sexually harassed carl. fiona x mike was an uncomfortable power dynamic. karen x frank wasn’t funny, it was predatory behavior that culminated in rape. none of this was funny or hot or okay.
lip was at his best in college, and should’ve gone back at a different school when he got sober. the bike shop was a weird turn.
fiona could have been a good businesswoman but failed because she tried to take risks without anyone else’s support. most of her business blunders were not her fault. and on that note, although she should’ve asked the kids first, it was her right to take a mortgage out on the house. it’s her house. she’s run it her entire life.
however. fiona baby why are you ok with capitalism stop it…
frank was abusive and neglectful. monica was emotionally manipulative and neglectful. grammy was abusive. it’s okay to feel bad for them as characters (i definitely felt bad for frank when he had dementia) but they are child abusers first and foremost.
frank probably would have been successful and happy if he’d never met monica.
seasons 1-3 was the golden era of shameless. as soon as it ventured into more of a comedy/weird ass political commentary show, it really veered away from what made it special: its gritty, honest, and vulnerable look into a family in poverty, bound together by love. that’s what made it so, so good.
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divinefqces · 2 months
⭑ 1980’s names!
name master list ☀️ this list consists of (fem) names that were majorly popular during the 1980s. i will most likely be making a similar post to this eventually including sur names, if you have any suggestions you think would fit well in this list please lmk!
A ; amanda, ashley, amber, amy, angela, april, alicia, allison, alexandra, alexis, alyssa, anne, annie, angelica, angel, angeline, ana, audrey, aubrey, autumn
B ; brittany, britney, brittney, britanny, brandy, brandi, bianca, brooke, beth, brenda, barbara, bridget, bonnie, bonnabel
C ; christina, cristina, crystina, cristinna, christine, courtney, crystal, cindy, cyndi, cassandra, chelsea, catherine, cynthia, carrie, caitlin, caitlyn, cait, casey, candace, christy, colleen, carolyn, caroline, cassie, carla, claudia
D ; diana, dana, dawn, desiree, divine, destini, destiny, deanna, dominique, deborah, danielle, debbie
E ; elizabeth, emily, erin, eren, erika, erica, ebony, evangeline, elsie
F ; fallon, felicia, fern, francine, franchesca, faye, farrah, felicity, fiona, fiora, flora, freya, frey, frida, fatima, florence, frances
G ; gemma, gwen, gwenny, gabrielle, gabriella, gen, genevieve, genette, genesis, gem, georgina, giana, ginny, giselle, gina
H ; hannah, hazel, harriet, heather, hallie, hayley, hailey, holly, hope
I ; isley, ivy, imogen, isla
J ; jess, jessica, jessy, jessie, jessyca, jen, jenny, jenni, jennifer, jacqueline, jackie, jill, joanna, jaclyn, jaime, jamie, jordan, jordy, jordyn, jass, jas, jasmine, jasmin, jazz, jazzmin, jazzmine, jenna, jade, jayde
K ; krystal, kim, kym, kimberly, kymberly, katherine, kathryn, kathy, kat, katheryne, krystina, krys, kryssie, krissie, kristen, krysten, kristyn, katie, kate, kaitlyn, kaitlin, kathleen, katrina, kelsey, kara, kendra, kelly, kelli, kari, kourtney
L ; lydia, lindsey, lindsay, laura, lauren, loren, lauryn, latoya, leslie, les, lesley, leah, linda, lynda, laury, laurie, laurey, lori, latasha, liv, leigh-anne, lacey, lacy, laci
M ; maria, mariah, moriah, melissa, melyssa, michelle, michele, mychelle, mary, marie, monica, monyca, megan, meghan, megyn, megin, melanie, misty, margaret, molly, morgan, monique, miranda, melinda, marissa, meredith, merida, meagan, mallory
N ; nicole, nichole, nycole, nicol, natalie, natalia, nat, natasha, nancy, nina
O ; octavia, odette, odessa, olivia
P ; perrie, priscilla, patricia, pamela, payton, paige, paisley
Q ; quinn, quinnie, quinni, quincy, queenie, quen
R ; rachel, rachael, rachyl, rebecca, rebecka, rebekah, renee, reneé, regina
S ; sara, sarah, steph, stef, stefanie, stephanie, stefani, stephani, samantha, sam, shannon, sharon, stacey, stacie, staci, stacy, susan, susanne, susanna, sandra, sabrina, sheena, shauna
T ; trina, tiff, tiffany, tifany, tifaney, tiffaney, tiffani, tara, tracey, tracy, traci, tina, teresa, theresa, tara, tonya, tamara, tabitha, tasha, tammy, tamika, taylor
U ; unqiue
V ; vera, veronica, vanessa, victoria, vic, vickey, valerie, val
W ; willow, whitney, whit
X ; xandra
Y ; yasmine, yessica, yazzmin, yazzmine, yasmin
Z ; zara, zarley, zarlee, zarli, zarhlee. zoey, zoe
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carsonsbackwardscap · 10 months
there's a good chance I'll have a couple months off between end of uni and my new job, and I really want to enjoy them by coming back to old hobbies capitalism stole from me this past year.
That means I might just get back into writing so if you have any ideas, prompts, headcanon or whatever... feel free to send them my way!
Can't really promise to do them all and it'll take some time to get back, but I will be forever grateful <3
Anyways I might make a better list if this really holds, but for now here are some characters/shows I love writing for:
Characters in bold are the ones I've already written something about and feel more comfortable with
CRIMINAL MINDS (current hyperfixation)
Emily Prentiss
Alex Blake
Penelope Garcia
Wilhemina Venable
Cordelia Goode
Misty Day
Billie Dean
Fiona Goode
Pretty much any other Sarah character
Addison Montgomery
Amelia Shepperd (nothing romantic/sexual tho)
Arizona Robbins
Meredith Grey (wlw Meredith only)
Ratched x Gwen
Olivia Benson
Alex Cabot
Alice Macray
Tammy x anyone but Debbie (challenge me)
I might reblog some prompt list to makes things easier
Also it would be really nice if you could reblog this so there's a better chance I get some requests <3
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