tmmyhug · 1 year
something that is impossible to study but i wonder about is the evolution of human dreams. how do our dreams compare to our ancestors’? do dreams exhibit similar themes throughout history or is it all just nonsense? are there any patterns based on time period region age etc? do you think all humans dream of flying? do you think ancient humans ever sat around the fire and told each other about the silly dreams they had that night. bc i do
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lokisen · 6 months
would you guys (my 3 loyal followers) like if i dropped all my deepwoken lore
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fushigurocest · 2 years
straight friend groups be like: *blonde girl* *chad* *the funny one* *kyle* *brunette girl* *frat boy*
gay friend groups be like: *divorced* *member of the US Navy* *psychosexually obsessed with his brother* *hole in the wall*
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trialserrors · 3 months
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pseud0surge0n · 11 months
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It's Deepposting time
It's been over a year and I'm still simping for this dude hard
Don't ask me what's wrong with me cause I have answers.
Once again shoutout to my customer who made it possible for me to keep working on this set of pics in-between commishes!
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drmobiusvanch · 10 months
asoiaf deepposting making my brain turn to avalon le fae brainrot
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eliclarksowl · 5 years
do you know...
do you know how it feels to be hated?
do you know how it feels to not eat at all because of how much you hate your body?
do you know how it actually feels to be the last?
do you know how it feels when you listen to your parents talking bad about you?
do you know how it feels when you want to kill yourself bevause you can't stand the hate?
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cathryntheomega · 5 years
you always manage to make me smile
make me desire more
your words never fail to amaze me
when you talk to me
after one in the morning
to make me feel
at peace so i
can sleep
———from a book i will never write
——@/midmornings tumblr
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Who am I? I don't know. I don't know who I am or why I'm here. I can't comprehend my own feelings and my own thoughts are a jumbled mess inside my head. I'm not okay and I'm not entirely sure if I ever have been. I sound deep, don't I? I'm not deep. I'm shallow. I'm shallow, and sharp. Broken. I judge people on their appearance even though I say I don't. If i were a puddle, you could step in me and never get your feet wet. I don't know why I lie the way I do. I'm certainly not perfect, but it doesn't make sense why I have to be this broken. Why can't I be normal? Normalacy exists, whether we want it to or not. It does, and I long for it. I am Outcast, but that doesn't mean I am not biased. I judge people for not being like me. I lie to impress people I don't actually care about. Not because I want them to like me. I think it's funny that they believe such tedious lies. Sure, they have no reason to question it, but I have no reason to lie, and yet I do.
Who am I?
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Tue, Sept 10, 12:25AM
There are days like today where I want nothing more than 12 hours of sleep while the sun is up. These days I usually stay up way too late-- 4AM late. I often wonder if my life will ever amount to anything more than what it is now. Bad decisions and wasted oxygen. Netflix binges (I do mean binges) and a scary amount of junk food. Countless tears, not enough laughs. Will my life ever be more than the day to day meaninglessness? Or will this blog be the only thing i leave behind. Deleted after a few years once I'm gone. Like the memory of me.
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sad-worlds-posts · 6 years
i say i like her but i really like you. you like him you dont like me.. im chasing someone that doesnt see the same way i do.. i waste my time every single day thinking its all gonna change... wondering if i should stop wasting my time by saying goodbye.. idk what to do anymore...
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teacupballerina · 5 years
You've mentioned in an old ask that mirrors ruined Kanna's sisters. Does that mean that their awakening involves mirrors in some way?
It's a metaphor for how they're being "ruined" by reflecting their parents (or more specifically their father).
It started with Aiko, who sort of set off a chain reaction. Akane followed after her, then Hanabi. Keane decided to stay mommy's little princess, and Sakura doesn't know what she wants to be when she's older so she just doesn't grow older.
Their changes often do occur alongside mirrors, literally, but there isn't something special or magic about the mirrors themselves. Kanna's sisters just reach a point where they don't like what they see and want to change, which they have the power to do. Kanna covers her mirror by stacking books in front of them so she doesn't have to look at herself and be reminded that she's normal and can't just change that. She also figuratively and literally doesn't want to have to face any resemblance to her father she might find in herself.
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fushigurocest · 2 years
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The Magnus Archives / The Deep - Nick Cutter
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hallofsidney · 3 years
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“So, what brings you in today?” “I’m feeling...a little more human than usual.” “Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that. But here are some pills that can help — take one every morning before breakfast, and you’ll become a normal, functioning member of society once again.” Great, just what I need — another drug that makes me feel more dead than alive. Thanks, Doc. .... #hallofsidney #sidneyhallpoetry #sidneyhall #poeticrants #slampoem #tiredofbeingsick #ijustwanttolive #lifeunfiltered #whatitmeanstobehuman #wakeupandlive #iwritetobreathe #iwritetofeel #iwritepoetry #moonpoetry #3amthoughts #4amthoughts #pillowthoughts #deeppoetry #deepposts #poetryofig #poetryistherapy #poetryisnotdead #youareenough #poetryofthesoul #poemsaboutlife #anxiousthoughts #thisisforyou #writewhatyouknow #midnightmusings https://www.instagram.com/p/COdgTQslEir/?igshid=x5lptumhkc96
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janbloemendaal · 4 years
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#brokeup #broken #heart #lonely #hurting #sadedits #aloneforever #youhurtme #alwaysalone #sadmoodedits #deadinside #sadlife #heartbrokenedits #hearthurts #feelingsad #sadly #deepposts #hiddentears #lonelylife #hateyourself #imbroken #depressedteenager #imlonely #depressedlife #badfeeling #mindfucked #imissyou #sadmoment #feelingshurt #sad (bij Mijnsheerenland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEqpoXWAQi2/?igshid=682keawpetsw
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#Repost 🚨🚨🚨 Allow your loved ones the opportunity to smell the flowers while they alive! #DeepPost S/O @dsea03 #Respect
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