#Deku: You're heroes without quirks? This is a place of quirkless heroes?
phantoms-lair · 10 months
You wanted Red Hood vs Overhaul, you got it
Eri clutched Deku tightly and he sped away, Overhaul right on their trail leaving a swath of destroyed objects and people in his wake. And as soon as he caught up to them, that was going to be Deku. He was going to die because he wanted to protect her.
Deku was wrong. She was a curse. She clutched his shoulders tighter, tears welling in her eyes. Her horn began to glow as her quirk subconsciously activated. Because of her Daddy disappeared, and then Overhaul used her to make his bullets to steal other people's powers. She'd caused nothing but pain and misery, she was the one who should disappear!
Her horn grew as her quirk tried to activate. But much like you can't uninstall a computer program that's running, Rewind couldn't erase itself or it's user while it was activated. Eri's despair tried to force it over and over again. Just as Overhaul's outstretched hand was about to brush Deku's back Rewind divided by zero and they all vanished.
It was the smell that hit Midoriya first. The air around him had been full of dust and the scent of blood. Suddenly there was none of that, but an almost nauseating amount of fumes and unwashed humanity. Also they were in free fall.
He quickly assessed. He wasn't in Tokyo anymore. The cars were on the wrong side of the road and the signs in English. But all that quickly was overshadowed by the horror that they were in a residential area.
He had to get Eri to safety while luring Overhaul away from the area. He did his best to get they lay of the land before he'd fallen enough for buildings to block his view. Looked like there was a harbor. Maybe if he could get him there, there'd be less people for him to destroy. And hopefully some local heroes would come to help.
Path set, Midoriya used Full Cowling to kick off a building and launch himself away.
"Anyone have eyes on what the Hell is happening?!" Hood demanded over the coms.
"Two metas, Boss. One Robin-aged, one adult. Robin-aged one has what looks to be a small child. He's fleeing from the adult and heading towards the harbor. Small child looks to be injured."
Hood adjusted the route his motorcycle was going in order to better intercept. "How badly injured?"
"Bandages on her arms and legs, but it's hard to get close enough to see more, sorry." His lieutenant sounded apologetic, but from the sounds of Hood could hear from back where he was he couldn't blame her. "Powers?" Might as well know what he was getting into.
"Robin-aged seems to have some green lightning around him, but he's not projecting it. It seems to give him either a strength or speed boost, hard to tell when all he's doing is running. Adult looks like he can destroy or remake anything his touches and - Gah."
"Did you get hit?"
"Negative, sorry for scaring you, sir, Adult caught a piece of his own shrapnel in his eye. He then touched his face with his hand and half of it exploded, then reformed. I wasn't expecting it."
Good to know. Especially because she might have just told him exactly how to take this guy down. "I'm going to intercept the kids. Deploy Code Beta Omega on my mark." Hood's helmet switched modes from camera to radar as he pulled his bike even with the fleeing kid (who was definitely getting a speed boost out of his power if nothing else) as his people set off numerous bright flares right in front of the adult meta's face, followed by wide area smoke bombs. "Need some help?"
"Are you a local hero?" The older kid asked in very heavily Japanese accented English.
"I'm the protector of this area." Thankfully Japanese was one of the languages he was fluent in, so he could speak to the kid in his own language. "Get on."
The boy hopped on, the smaller kid strapped to his back and Hood had to respect his sense of balance. The green lightning vanished as the kid took a breath.
"Can you get Eri to safety?" the boy asked. "I can buy some time with Overhaul. Lure him out to the water where fewer people will get hurt."
The way he said it, it sounded like the cost of that time would be his life. And the littler one, Eri, seemed to pick up on it. "You don't have to do that Deku." she said in a shaky voice. "He won't hurt you if I go back to him. And I'll be fine. He won't kill me, even when he accidently takes too much of my blood, he can just take me apart and put me back together again."
The words were brave but the fear and remembered pain in them was palpable and Hood saw green in a way that had nothing to do with Deku's hair, outfit or lightning. He sharply turned the motor cycle into an alley, where he knew a group of his people would be evacuating civilians. "Get them to the clinic. The girl needs help and the boy probably does too."
The boy looked panicked. "But Overhaul-"
"-is Done." Hood finished. "Overhaul is done."
For a moment the boy looked like he'd bluescreened, then "Overhaul is mysophobia, destroying his mask should get a panic reaction. Especially if you spit on him or something. He's arrogant, sadistic, and enjoys psychological manipulations. He also have some bullets that destroy quirks, so be very wary if he uses a gun over his hands."
"Quirks?" Everything in Hood's soul wanted to get going and destroy the man who'd hurt a child like this.
There was a split second of panic on the boys face as he tried to reword "Powers? His lets him disassemble and reassemble anything he touches in any configuration he chooses."
"Power destroying bullets? Hood laughed. "Kid, I don't think you know where you are. This is Gotham." And with that he left the kids in the hands of his crew and stalked back to where Overhaul was about to meet his end.
The smoke was beginning to clear as Hood strode to Overhaul's location. Deku had given him what information he could, and he appreciated it, really he did. Any other Bat or Bat-Adjacent would have made good use it, especially the mysophobia.
Hood was not going to. He'd already gotten all intel he needed earlier. He took a good look at the man. Huh, when Deku said he had a mask Hood was expecting a standard supervillain mask, not a honest to goodness plague doctor one. He's sure the doctors at Arkham would have a fun time pulling apart this whackjob's psyche.
Not that he was going to give them a chance. Not after hearing a little girl talk about repeatedly being ripped apart and pulled back together.
"Where did they go?" asked Overhaul, in a tone that suggested he was in charge and giving up the intel was the only way Hood would live through the next few minutes.
"Doesn't matter. You're never going to see either one ever again." Hood smirked under his helmet. "In fact, enjoy your view of the ass-end of Gotham. It's the last thing you're ever going to see."
Overhaul sneered. "Eri will be so upset. Another person dead because of her. She really is a curse."
The green was overwhelming. The only thing keeping Hood in control was the knowledge that he was going to give the Pit exactly what it wanted.
Overhaul touched the ground and it exploded, rearranging itself as large spikes erupted from the ground. Most people would have been impaled. Most people weren't trained by the Bat, the League of Assassins, and the All-Caste. "You heroes are so annoying. Like any one of you would be able to properly use an asset like her."
"SHE IS A CHILD." Hood roared. One of the spikes nicked him, but only caused surface damage, naturally. It would have been embarrassing to do more than was entirely when one gets hit on purpose. He needed two things. Overhaul provided the presence of absolute evil, and he provided his own blood. With two flashes the All Blades appeared and two hands fell to the ground.
Overhaul stared for a moment. He'd lost arms before and it was easy enough to replace one using the other, but he'd never lost both at once. His mind raced, trying to come up with a solution, and his knees began to buckle.
He never hit the ground however, as Hood caught him by the throat with one hand. With the other he ripped off the mask before pushing Overhauls face into some street sludge. This being Gotham and Crime Alley in particular, who knows what it might have been. Guess he was going to use the kid's info on mysophobia after all.
"It's tempting, you know, to keep you alive just long enough to watch infection set it. But people like you do tend to find a way of rebounding and I'm not going to risk it. I do want to catch up with those kids and make sure they're okay, so I'll give myself...ten minutes? Yeah, ten minutes sounds good. Ten minutes to show you exactly what happens to people who hurt kids in my territory. Ten minutes to make you beg for death, then - like the kind soul I am- answer your prayers."
Overhauls eyes were wide with terror. "But...but you're a hero?"
Hood grinned cruelly under his helmet. "I haven't called myself one of those for a long time. And Babs," he said, seeming to address no one. "I don't want Daddy Bats or any of his crew interfering."
For the next ten minutes, he was going to enjoy himself.
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mayz-dayz · 1 month
HI! so here's the fic since people are asking to read it, sorry for any spelling mistakes I was in rush! The whole premise is that during the middle school bullying Midoriya and Bakugou both turned to the Internet for comfort where him and Bakugo end up e-dating without realizing it's eachother! It's a pretty NSFW fic which SH topics and child abuse (Bakugous mom is abusive which is why he takes out his anger on Midoriya) ENJOY(or don't)!! Feedback welcome!
Izuku felt the eyes of his peers pierce into his back, how they all waited for the teacher to get done with the lesson so they could terrorize him for the third time today. Izuku wouldn't say they were all bullies some people would just tease him and he was used to that kind of treatment. The real bullies were Katsuki and his little group of wannabe edgelord's. Izuku sat quietly and patiently and then it happend, the lesson ended, and now all hell is officially going to break loose.
"Midoriya did you understand that?"
"Midoriya is this hard for you to learn without having a quirk"
"Midoriya why are you even in this school you're quirkless"
Izuku's classmates yelled at him laughing and giggling. All things he would take out on himself later. Izuku's eyes grazed around the room watching everyone laugh at him, but then Katsuki stands up and izuku immediately feels tears welling in his eyes. Katsuki snickers,
"How's that sound Deku? The sound of extras who are worth nothing looking down on you? You have to be real fuckin' useless for that to happen"
Izuku looks at Katsuki, he thought to himself how those words weren't as hurtful as the ones Katsuki said right before the lesson started, but oh man how it hurt. Izuku rubbed away a few of his stray tears and could hear the class mocking him for being a "crybaby". It was now officially the end of the day and all of the students rushed out the room knowing what was to come. Izuku didn't pack up, he was well aware of his "end of the day routine". He stood up and walked to the back of the now empty class, Katsuki walked over and smiled, another bully handed him a marker, Katsuki uncapped it and smiled.
Izuku makes it back home and is greeted by his cheerful mother, he smiles at her and gives a vague explanation of his day before going to the bathroom.
Izuku takes off his clothes and sees the dehumanizing writing Katsuki wrote on his chest, mocking him, his body, and his intelligence. Izuku ran a bath and scrubed all of these things away, he looked down at his body, he looks at scars no one noticed. He steps out of the bath and goes searching under the bathroom cabinets and pulls out a razor blade, he steps back in the bath and places the blade against his wrist, digs in, and slices. He watches how the water goes from clear to a faint rosy color, he smiles and repeats his five more times before stepping out of the bath.
Izuku goes to his room and puts on a pair of shorts and an Allmight hoodie his mom bought him when he was twelve but it's still too big. He logs onto his computer and watches Allmight highlights then enters a chatroom,
ALLMIGHT FAN'S ONLY.(12 members)
Zuku-Might1527: "Did you guys see the new Allmight highlights from 4 hours ago??\⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/"
Redshadow: "omg yeah they were so good they got all the best angles :⁠-⁠)"
xXGlaoq.: "Let's all take a shot every time he says "I am here" LOL XD"
(replying to xXGlaoq) 69Allmight: "we'd be HAMMERED LMAOOOO"
*Welcome! "Your Hero." Officially now 13 members!*
TinyMight: "welcome!!"
xXGlaoq: "Hi! Thanks for joining"
Your Hero: "Hi."
Zuku-Might1527: "HAII!!(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡"
KIYONAN: "Zuku needs to be the destinated greeter he's always so nice to new ppl (⁠T-T⁠)"
Izuku flushed at that message, he joined the chatroom back when it only had three members and he's just glad to have a bunch of people who are interested in the same things as him. While Izuku was getting giddy over the praise he saw a notification pop up on the bottom of his screen
"*2 New Messages*"
Izuku wondered who this could be, he's pretty friendly with everyone, he's friends with people from many chatrooms so he's used to being talked to everyday. He pulled his legs up to his chest in his chair, the light from the computer lighting up his face and creating mood lighting for his room. He clicked on the mail icon to open the message,
Your Hero.: "hey. Saw your bio and thought you were pretty cool"
Your Hero.: "wanna be friends?"
Izuku's face flushed harder, he's used to making plenty of friends in the Internet but never had anyone compliment his bio on this profile, which was
STOP RIGHT THERE...HAI! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ My name's Zuku! We can be friends, shoot me a DM at ANYTIME!(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Arguably Allmights #1 fan(•̀⁠ ⁠o•́⁠ ⁠) 15!!"
Izuku started typing on his keyboard,
Zuku-Might1527: "Of course! What's your name and pronouns?"
Your Hero.: "Oh yeah should've started with that. My name's"
Zuku-Might1527: "?"
Katsuki started at his computer screen, he didn't think this far, he just wanted to make a friend. He sat for a good three minutes, he thought about the names of the American business men his family worked with and it finally clicked in his head,
Your Hero.: "sorry, My mom called me for something right before I was about to type it I accidentally sent the message in a rush my name's Anderson"
Zuku-Might1527: "no worries! And nice name, sounds Western, are you?"
Your Hero.: "no, my parents are just creative"
Izuku smiled, Western names amused him. On the other side of the screen Katsuki was proud of himself for remembering a name he heard years ago, he was about to type again when he heard a bang on his door,
he flinched, it was his mom, he hated when she was angry. He closed his laptop and ran out and was face to face with his mother "Y-yes Ma'am?" It wasn't long before his mother struck his face and he felt a long painful sting.
"I told you before I got home to clean the kitchen, bathroom, and basement."
Katsuki took a sharp breath,
"I forgot to clean the bathroom, I'm sorry, I cleaned everything else though."
He felt another slap hit his other cheek, he winced at the pain and covered his cheek.
"No sorry ass apologies. Go clean it now."
Katsuki mom walked off to her and her husband's room and slammed the door, Katsuki waited till she slammed the door to start crying, he went down to the basement and started cleaning. He hated his mom, his dad would try and defend him but she would get angry at him too.
He finished cleaning the basement after 4 hours, he slumped against the wall and cried, he punched the concrete wall of the basement and immediately yelped in pain, he thought to himself "that's what Deku is for. His face is easier to hit."
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luvhoneypie · 10 months
Everybody talks
The teacher stood at his podium as he spoke to the students "So... as third-year students
Aldera Junior High, it's time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you
want to do with your lives. I could pass out some career aptitude tests. But... Why bother? I know you all want to go to the Hero Track."
The students cheered as he said that. "Yes, yes, you've got some very impressive Quirks but no power usage allowed in school.
"Get a hold of yourselves..." He stayed with his depressed and exhausted tone before bakugou spoke up. "Hey, teach... Don't lump me in with this bunch of losers."
His dead and emotionless tone was starting to get bland and dry, but she kept listening to the teacher and those around her. "I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister." Katsuki spoke up as Y/n snickered, she loved how katski said everything with his full ego on display, it was quite entertaining "Ha! You think you're better than us, Katski?!" One of the students said with a glare. "Let's go, I'll take you all on!" Bakugou said with fierce anger and an even more egotistical tone. The teacher spoke up once again "Huh, you've got impressive test results. Maybe you will get into U.A. High."
  Some of their classmates murmured "He's gonna try for the national school?!"
"That school has a 0.2% acceptance rate!" The. The last spoke up "It's impossible to get into!"
"And that's exactly way it's the only place worthy of me. I aced all of the mock tests.
I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance of getting in. I'll end up more popular
than All Might himself!" He gloated falsely, she was sure he wasn't joking even though she deeply wished he was. Bakugou spoke up again. "And be the richest hero of all time!People all across the world will know who I am,and it all starts with U.A. High! And none of you damn extras have the fucking balls to one-up me-" He was cut off by his teacher speaking up once again Oh yeah, Midoriya and l/n. Don't you want to go to U.A. too?" The class erupted in laughter. It was getting ridiculous on how they teased Midorya relentlessly because of his quirkless status. "Midoriya? You're kidding, right? There's no way of getting into the Hero Course without a Quirk." One black haired student with long fingers stated bluntly with a hinge of amusement in their voice.
"Well, actually they got
rid of that rule. I could be the first one..." Midorya replied rather sheepishly, afraid of what responses he would get. While you on the other hand, supported your friend with your whole heart, mind, and soul! He had always been there for you, now you would always be there for him.
"Listen up, Deku... You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects, you Quirk-less wannabe!" The angry blond shouted with nothing but pure hatred "You really think they
let someone like you in when they could have me?" Bakugou continued, but Y/n stepped in. "Shut the fuck up, Izuku has done nothing wrong short of out a pin needle in that over-fucking-inflated ego of yours! So shut the fuck up bakugou. "It's been so long since she had referred to him as bakugou, and nkr used honorifics. She must have been done with this silly boys quarrel. "No way!" Midorya interjected "You've got it all wrong. Really! I'm not trying to compete against you." He defended as he continued "You gotta believe me! It's just that... I've wanted to be a hero
since I was little. I may not have an quirk... But I can still try my hardest, can't I?"
He asked earnestly, that's all he'd ever wanted to be. Not the best... But his best. That's more than some could say.. 
"You'd never be able to hang with the best of the best. You'd die in the exams!" Shouted katsuki as he glared daggers at poor Midorya.
"Defenseless Izuku!" He continued "The schools already crappy, you really wanna embarrass it more by failing so hard?" The teacher stopped him before he could keep talking down on izuku "Hey, that's enough bakugou. While it's true, it's totally uncalled for" Bakugou said nothing as he rolled his eyes and rested his chin on his hand.
"Oh, and y/n. Please refrain from foul language." She regrettably nodded and sat back in her seat.
After class has finished, the murmurs of the remaining students could be heard
"Oh yeah, we should go to karaoke tonight." One said as they slung their bag over their shoulder. "Yeah, let's go... But man, that fight from this morning. Did you hear about it? Its all over the news." Y/n was already waiting at the door, being as she had already had her things and belongings placed and in her bag. She decided to help izuku with grabbing his things, the only thing left was his very 'Secret' book, Which only she knew the contents of it. As they both prepared to leave katsuki gruffly spoke up. "I don't know where the fuck either of you are going... Especially you Shitty face, but we're not done." Katsuki said gruffly, a smirk plastered onto his face with glaring and murderous eyes. "What ya got, his diary?" Another student, one of his lackeys said questioning the notebook in katsuki's hands.
The book read "Hero Analysis for the Future".
"Don't tell me you're taking notes
on how to be a hero. It's so pathetic!" Katsuki laughed as y/n glared him down. "He's delusional!" A lackey said with a laugh. "Yeah, real funny, guys." Izuku responded rather sheepishly. "Just give it back." "Listen, just give the damn book back. Please bakugou"
y/n pleaded with him, but he had no intention of listening to anything she said
"Most first-string heroes show potential early on, people look at them and just know
they're destined for greatness." Bakugou said as he still firmly held the book. "When I'm the only student from this garbage junior high
to get into U.A., people will start talking about me like that. They'll realise I'm legit,
the next big thing."
Y/n sighed as she looked over at bakugou and she thought 'i miss the way it was, when we were all friends.. but ever since he got that damned quirk everything changed... a long with his damned ego...'
"That's not ego talking, I just know I'm good." He replied as of he had read her mind
"Ego..." Izuku whispered. "Here's a little word of advice, nerd: Don't even think of applying, or else." He snarled as izuku whimpered "That's just sad." One of the students piped up as they looked at the dejected Izuku. "I thought you'd at least had some fight in you."
"He finally gets it, he'll never be a hero." Said bakugou as he looked down at the poor, green haired boy. "Better to find out now
instead of later, I guess."
"You know, if you really want to be a hero that badly, There actually might be another way..." Said katsuki with a smirk... Somehow she  knew what was coming next, but her body wouldn't let her do anything, let alone say anything. "Just pray that you'll be born with
a Quirk in your next life, and take a swan-dive
off the roof of the building." That's when she finally spoke up. "What... The... Fuck..."
She spat venomously as she glared at him through her hair. Her finger tips were lightly sparking with electricity as she slowly balled them into a fist "Something wrong?" He snarled and glared down at her figure. She took a deep breath before she spoke. "Izuku... Go." He reluctantly nodded and complied and left the classroom to go home.
"What the fuck is wrong with you bakugou!?"
She shouted angrily as her fist grew lighter. "That's going to far! Even for an asshole like yourself" "I mean, if the shoe fits." Bakugou replied with a grin. He rolled his shoulders before shifting his stance to a more casual one. "besides, that loser's nothing more than a speck of dust on my shoe." She balled her fists tighter as she looked up at him near the podium where he was standing "He was your best friend for God's sakes bakugou! We were all friends... I was your fucking friend.. so what the fuck changed?"
She said angrily as she crossed her arms. Katsuki tilted his head back, giving her an indifferent look before settling back down onto the podium and crossing his arms. "Friend?" He scoffed. "He was nothing more then a loser who held me back. Don't mistake my pity for friendship." Bakugou's voice was cold, as if he were an ice statue. His words cut like knives. "So shut the fuck up l/n." He spat back. "None of this concerns you, this is between me and that damned deku." "No... Not anymore its not. And what about me asshole! You were my first real friend, my only one when I came to this god forsaken fucking city..." She said with an unidentical tone... He couldn't tell weather or not she was sad or angry. Katsuki shifted his stance slightly, before lowering his tone and body slightly to appear more casual. "I admit that you may have been my first... Friend." Katsuki was the type to always maintain a tough-guy facade. "It wasn't like I cared about you though." He smirked. "yeah, I noticed..." She said with a soft smile and she grabbed her bag*
"Well, see ya... Good bye bakugou" In those moments he hadn't realized what happened... until seconds later when she was out the door... it hit him 'good bye... bakugou'. Katsuki stiffened at the words. They sounded... Colder than she made them seem. The words made him feel a chill run down his spine. He looked at Yuji, his eyes widening.  He was blank... his eyes only filled with confusion untill it hit him...the words singed his mind "fuck.." He whispered as he shoved his hands in his pockets ans walked out the door
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pelicantoes · 2 years
I just have to rant about Bakudeku. And since I have nobody who could possible, hypothetically, magnanimously understand (if you're pissed off about my misuse of those words, good) in my own admittedly very small inner circle I am forced to resort to this hellhole tumblr, so thank you for bearing with me. Because this is gonna be a wild fucking ride about my stupid obsession and deep feelings about Bakudeku, because it's fucking 12pm and I'm sleep-deprived, and almost on my period, and entirely too emotional and I have just read the most heartwrenching fanfics about those two, and I WILL make it everyone's problems because I'm OBSESSED.
Okay so, it's just the fucking rivalry, those two idiots have been through so much. And Bakugou is an absolute toxic bitch to Deku at first, but it's about the reasons behind it that make it work. The fucking inferiority complex towards someone who is quirkless, towards someone who should be lesser than him, who he knows is lesser than him, and somehow for some fucking reason he feels threatened. This kid wirh his helpful nature and his caring and compassion and always being so bright and optimistic. Bakugou loathes it because he can handle himself, but he can't handle the idea of someone being so kind in a world that is out to get him and that disadvantages and is even hostile to him at every single turn. Somebody whose literal dreams got crushed at the age of 4. He doesn't get it, Deku should be a depressed, cowering loser, but he isn't. He's bright and good. And Bakugou can't fathom it, he wants to crush him.
And then they get to ua and Deku has this crazy quirk and he feels lied to. And he must wonder why Deku would keep such a thing hidden for so long, why would he subject himself to the horror of growing quirkless when he might very well be more powerful. How could he let somebody like Bakugou hurt and belittle him when he had the power to dominate him all along. And I think it's jarring for him, because he probably sees the world as a place where the strongest survive, the strongest rule. And Midoriya hiding such a thing from him wouldn't make any sense at all eith that worldview, because naturally Deku would have wielded this power to gain more control over others, just like he did. And I think it added another dimension, because Deku isn't only kind because he's quirkless and therefore would need something going for him, he actively chose to remain kind that entire time. Despite the amount of control he could have had.
It's like Midoriya is a living embodiment of everything Bakugou does not understand due to how he's raised and that scares him, so he obsesses over him. In the same way Midoriya sees Bakugou as the ideal to beat. He has always looked up to Bakugou and his quirk and his power. It's a result of seeing him praised ever since he was a young kid. And Midoriya's obsession stems from the fact that he wants to be better than Bakugou. It's telling to me that it's Bakugou he wants to beat, not Allmight. Bakugou wants to beat Allmight, he wants to be the best, but Midoriya wants to beat the person he's always idealized and seen as the best, up close and personal. The best in his generation, not the current number 1 hero who will have retired by the time they're proheroes.
Ans there's just always this push and pull between them, they are always áware of the other's movements. They unlock in eachother a type of vulnerability that neither of them have with any of the characters, a kind of bond I have not often seen in any media. It's so raw and unfltered, it's wanting to beat the other, proving to the world they're the best, but it's also deeply intimate. Even though they would fight and taunt and jab at eachother, they trust eachother, they rely on eachother to keep them going. They would feel lost without the other, it's like they're eachother's motivation to improve, but most importantly to live. I think their bond runs so deep that their life might loose all meaning if the other dies. It's how Bakugou grows from hate to begrudging respect, and Midoriya from being a push-over to valuing himself and getting better self-esteem, and finally getting to equal footing where they hurt and fight eachother, but it underlies the knowledge that they're equal, nothing they can do will truly take the other down. The push and pull. There's mutual respect, and trust and intimacy, they know eachother more than anyone. They're both so intense, and somehow they managed to find their match in terms of intensity from such a young age that this strange bond could blossom. It just took time to put them on equal footing so they could actually provide eachother with the intensity they crave so badly. Midoriya had the resolve and the stubbornness, but none of the brawn needed to provide an actual challenge to Bakugou, to be someone he could let loose with. Bakugou had too much pride and too much ego, to ever willingly give himself up for someone else, especially not for Midorya. Until the tables flipped, until Midoriya got his quirk, and he understands Bakugou more than anyone. And Bakugou realizes Midoriya is no longer that crybaby kid he could beat up whenever he wanted and their relationship just changed so much, to the point that Bakugou willingly put himself in harm's way for Midoriya.
It's just such a compelling and complex dynamic and I get teary-eyed whenever I find fanfic that perfectly captures their bond, because it's such a powerful and profound thing and I'm absolutely astounded that I would grow to like this ship so much. It's not even like I necessarily ship it romantically, it's like they can't live without the other, and it feels undefinable by romantic or platonic labels. It's like in an entirely different category. And fuck I am so invested in those two, but ugh just Them.
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barbiegirldream · 2 months
Also - sorry I use your inbox but you have rather good takes - I see people being happy that Delu became a teacher and a hero while quirkless and. It's just not true ?
I would have loved for Deku to be a teacher ! He definitely could have in another universe or with lot of mental change (which he proves in the same chapter he didn't have because he went back to being a hero as soon as he could)
And Deku is quirkless like Iron Man or Batman don't have powers : they do, it's ridiculous to imply Deku is a quirkless hero simply because his quirk is a costume and not biological
I'm kinda disappointed that the first question, the one that shaped the whole serie is the same "Can I become a hero without a quirk ? -> No. Here is super powers because anyone COULD be a hero if they had powers" and it's both a realistic message and very boring one because it doesn't explore any kind of variant through the MC, who almost pass for an incompetent Mary Sue
Use my inbox whenever !
I mean Deku is biologically a quirkless hero. And he had a quirk for like a year and a half for the entirety of his life before he entered UA and now for the rest of his life after he was like 17 he will be quirkless a very much looked down on part of society in MHA's universe. Which is Why I think it's worse to pretend like a suit will solve his problems. So I agree with your last point completely. It's genuinely hilarious that the series began with no one is created equal and ended with "yeah no be like everyone else or you're a lonely loser lmao"
Also no one would place Iron Man or Batman a superhero in the same category as Mutants (Think X-Men) or Metas (The Flash) because their powers are not biological augmentations but technology. Sorry for being a comic book lore person
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iamdeku · 2 years
Probability: Teacher!Deku x Reader
“Teacher deku falling for another teacher! Thank you I love you'r writing it's so cute” I love this request! I work as a teacher so this was a lot of fun for me to do, haha. I’m sorry it’s so late! I hope there’s enough romance in this one for you. I’m a little rusty, so go easy on me. Warnings: I did not proofread. It’s midnight and I have work tomorrow so I have nothing to say in my own defense. Might delete this later honestly but hey at least it exists. Also the formatting on this one is slightly stupid because Tumblr sucks.
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You loved your job a lot. You had always liked kids, but you also knew from a pretty young age that you wanted to be a hero. Being able to do both was your dream, something you had never even known to hope for until Principal Nezo had shown up at the tail end of one of your missions, a knowing smile on his face parallel to the confused wrinkle of your sweat smudged brow.
“I’d like to offer you a job.”
7 words that had changed your life. You guessed 7 was a lucky number after all. Then again, maybe luck had nothing to do with it. Most things came down to probability.
“So, class, who can tell me which is better? Relying more on your powers or relying more on your individual skills?”
Several hands shot up. You had anticipated this. From the beginning of the year, you had noticed your students took very different approaches to their powers and there was a hot debate about whose approach would lead to them being “the best”, Japan’s #1 hero.
“Kori, what do you think?” You point out the young girl, her hair as white as the ice her powers produced.
“Relying on your powers will give you the edge you need to defeat the enemy. They’re what give us that individual edge. Without our quirks we wouldn’t be heroes at all.”
You couldn’t help the small smirk that crossed your face.
“Well, there’s one more person I’d like to ask. Deku?” You looked up at the man standing in your doorway. “What do you think?”
For being the number one hero in the country, Midoriya could be terribly shy when put in the spotlight. He blushed from the bottom of his neck to the roots of his deep green hair. He had probably hoped to go unseen until the end of the class when you two traded places and he gave instruction while you observed.
You were still on probation and one of the conditions of being a new hire at U.A. with no prior teaching experience was that one of the senior faculty had to sponsor you. Midoriya had been kind enough to volunteer, so you observed his classes when you weren’t teaching your own. Right now though, an outsider could have mistaken your roles for being reversed with the way Midoriya looked like he was training to manifest an invisibility quirk.
“Well, uh…” He recovered quickly, flashing a huge smile. “The thing is, neither is more important. If you forget about one or the other, you’re bound to fail sooner or later. Some villains will have quirks that give them an advantage over ours, which is when it’s important to have a strong sense of your individual skills and power outside of your quirk, things like using your environment to your favor and being skilled at physical combat. However, our quirks can give us a powerful advantage when used correctly, and it’s very difficult to fight villains with powerful quirks using raw human skill alone.”
“Very good, Deku. I couldn’t have said it better myself.” You glanced up at the clock, seeing you were nearly out of time. “Alright class. Your homework this week is to write me a paper about the advantages of quirk-based fighting styles versus quirkless fighting styles and report back to me. Also, keep an eye out for trick questions. I might give you a pass, but Aizawa will not. Now get out of here!”
Your students quickly started packing their things, getting ready to head back to the dorms or to their next class. You were almost done for the day. Midoriya had one more class to teach and then you were off the hook. You were thinking about going out tonight, a reward for the long week you had been through. Fridays always sucked a little bit. The student’s attention span was never as good as you wanted it to be.
You cleared your desk off quickly, making space for Midoriya to take over. You shuffled your pens into the cup at the edge of the desk, snatching the slim black water bottle off the corner before heading for the back of the classroom. Sometimes you sat closer to the front so you could see what Midoriya was doing better but you knew today was one of his lecture days, meaning all you had to do was listen. You loved lecture days because it meant you could get a little lazy. Technically no one could prove you weren’t listening and if you hadn’t had enough coffee, well…there were no guarantees.
Midoriya stopped you on your way back though, a warm, broad hand coming to rest lightly on your shoulder. You had always liked the way he touched you, unobtrusive, gentle and kind.
“So…” he started. “Today’s the big day.”
You nodded, excitement filling you at the reminder.
“How do you feel about your probation period finally being over?” he asked.
“Honestly?” you asked. “I’m torn. It’s going to be awesome being able to run my classes independently, but I think I’ll miss getting to observe your classes and have your guidance.”
Midoriya averted his gaze, teeth grazing his lower lip. “Well, about that…”
“What?” you asked, alarmed. “Is something wrong? Was I supposed to continue my observations? I didn’t get enough hours, did I? I knew it.”
“No! No, that’s not it at all,” he reassured you. “I was just thinking it might be nice if we didn’t have to stop spending time with each other.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I was thinking now that I’m no longer going to be your mentor it wouldn’t be completely inappropriate of me to uh…ask you out?” He stammered through the words, ever awkward.
You were taken aback by the proposal. You had always harbored a secret crush on the hunky pro-hero, but he was so quiet you never would have though that he had returned the feelings. Despite you drooling over him every class he had never made any advances. You had sort of given up on him halfway through the year, assuming he would never see you that way.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, long-held crush reigniting.
“Um, I would, I would like that, if, I mean, if you would like that, of course, because obviously I care about what you like and if you would like that, also,” you stammered.
Damn. You sounded even more awkward than he did.
You were rewarded with a smile anyway, Midoriya’s whole face lighting up at your response.
“I would like that very much! Should we go this weekend? I know a good place we could to Saturday. You know, if would like that also,” he teased.
“I would in fact like that also,” you said, regaining your confidence.
“Good. I’ll pick you up?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“What are the odds I would get to mentor someone as wonderful as you?” he asked, smiling softly down at you.
“The probability seems pretty good, actually.”
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lovinkiri · 3 years
This time, some male heroes are causing trouble for Quirkless hero S/O! They flirt with her, touch her inappropriately, and when she tries to avoid or ignore them, they tend to get a bit violent, like physically grabbing her hair or insulting her “lightly.” Once again, S/O’s pleas and reports are ignored or dismissed to the higher ups. One day, when they almost went too far, S/O felt dirtied and cried to Villain Deku. This time, Deku had to bring the LoV to get info and then kill them.
Deadmen Walking
Author's Thoughts: Named it that cause that's exactly what those guys are 👌🏾
Warning: Death, Graphic Death Threats, Torture, Cussing, Sexual Harassment, Inappropriate pictures being taken without consent, Emotional Abuse, etc.
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You didn't like your coworkers at your agency snd you weren't a big fan of other heroes.
Most of both groups treated you like shit. Of course, not everyone was like that. But it was so blatant and obvious, no one who hated you cared enough to hide it. It was so tiring and you honestly didn't think it'd get any worse.
Then male heroes at your agency began to target you. Because you were this quirkless little thing who couldn't beat them. At least that's what they supposed. One good right hook and you'd knocked one of them out.
Of course you got reported. You tried to explain yourself but no one listened. Whether they didn't believe you or they just didn't care, you weren't sure. But they gave you a warning saying that if you attacked another hero, you'd be out on suspension and have your hero license removed.
So you had no choice but to endure their advances without the option of defending yourself.
You tried reporting them, but the higher ups again dismissed you. They'd said you were wasting your time. And after a week, they sent you an emailing telling you to stop reporting or they'd suspend you for that.
You just couldn't afford that. Suspension for you could end badly in so many different ways. They surely would try to keep you suspended for as long as they could, stories even circulated of heroes on suspension never getting their licenses back.
And if you did come back, your popularity would decline among heroes and civilians. Newsletters would make up stories, heroes being interviewed would spread their "theories" as to why you disappeared, this theories simply being an excuse to spread gossip.
And if you interfered with any crimes, even if you saved 100 lives, they would throw you in prison without a second thought for unlicensed quirk use.
They had you cornered and they knew it, but hey, anything to make the quirkless hero suffer.
You would've told Izuku but you he was always going out of his way to protect you and you were hoping this would just pass.
All you could do was try to ignore your tormentors. And to your credit, you did your absolute best. But sometimes they'd pull you back by the hair if you walked away. They'd leave bruises that you tried your best to hide or blame villains for.
They would get upset and call you names you'd never been called, saying the most horrible things to you. Things that would make any person breakdown.
But it wasn't until one night in particular that your broke. They'd cornered you like usual, sliding their hands all over you and calling you all types of things.
Then one attempted to get your costume off.
"C'mon, show us those tits."
"You think you're anywhere near our status? We'll show you just where you stand as soon as we get your undressed."
"Oh stop whining, be grateful in touching an ugly slut like you."
They'd gotten your costume halfway down your arms and one of them even managed to take a picture, getting a good shot of your cleavage.
That's when you managed to shake them off all at once and sprint between them. One of them grabbed your hand and you struggled at freeing yourself for a second, but you succeeded and ran off.
You thought about going to your place, but you didn't want to be alone. You couldn't, not tonight. Not after what had happened. So you found your way to Izuku's place. You struggled to get the key in the door, hands shaking and vision blurred with tears.
"Fuck!" You exclaimed in frustration as your dropped your keys, quickly leaning down and picking them up.
That's when Izuku's front door quickly swing open. He looked down at you, eyes going wide at your shaking form. You stood up and immediately buried your face in his chest, sobbing.
Izuku gently pulled you inside, wrapping an arm around you, closing and locking the door behind you with the other.
"Hey, hey, I got you.. You're okay, rosebud, I've got you now." He pressed a kiss on the top of your head.
He noticed you'd began to struggle standing, so he gently scooped you up and sat on the couch. You were placed on his lap and he continued to keep you close to him.
He wasn't sure what made you do upset, but his main priority at the moment was to calm you down and make you feel safe.
After a while, your sobs turned to whines and whimpers, and those turned to sniffles.
"... Are you ready to talk honey?" He once more kissed your head, rubbing your back gently.
You hesitated before speaking. You told him about everything, about the abuse and the sexual harassment. About what the higher ups ignoring your pleas for help and their threats. And then you told him about what had happened that night. You were crying again, but didn't stop until you were finished, and Deku let you finish.
"I'm s-so sorry, Izuku! I should have told you earlier, b-but I just- I didn't-.. I-Just feel.. Dirty.." You whispered the last part, sounding ashamed.
To say Izuku was pissed was an understatement. If you didn't need him right now, he'd already be out the door. You'd given him names during your ramble and that was honestly all he needed.
But he understood that his partner was in pain and needed support. So he'd stay to give it. At least until you fell asleep.
He showered with you, watching as you continuously scrubbed the areas you'd been touched. He cupped your face in his hands, leaning his forehead against yours. "It isn't your fault, rosebud. You don't have anything to be ashamed of."
You hesitantly nodded and leaned into his palms, closing your eyes and letting silent tears fall.
He got you dressed in his pajamas, knowing you liked how baggy his shirt and boxers were on you.
The both of you laid down and he kept you against his chest, rubbing your back again as he hummed softly to the tune of your favorite song, once in a while whispering the lyrics before switching back to humming.
It didn't take you long to pass out, probably from the exhaustion of crying and all the emotions you'd felt.
He managed to slink away from you, kissing your cheek gently with a silent promise to be back soon. After making sure you were under the warm blankets and fully comfortable, he left making a phone call.
Shigaraki answered with an annoyed tone. "What the hell is it? It's late." Shigaraki didn't sleep often, but by the sound of his voice, Izuku caught him on a rare occasion. Not that he gave a shit.
"I need you some people tracked down."
Shigaraki had never heard him sound so.. Serious. "What's going on? Are they a threat?"
"I guess you could say that. They broke someone very dear to me, Im sure you know who. And I need locations in the next 40 minutes."
Normally he would roll his eyes at the freckled man for his Yandere tendencies, but this didn't seem like a typical protective Izuku moment. No, Shigaraki would have assumed you were killed from the tone he took on.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm on it. Give me the names."
Izuku gave him the names you'd mentioned and hung up. Waiting was the most frustrating part. He filled the time by doing some simple muggings. He didn't do those often, but he just needed to occupy himself until he got the names.
He didn't even kill his victims like usual. That would mean blowing off steam and he was bottling it all up for your coworkers.
He finally got the names and he dropped by the hideout to get his "tools". Afterwards, he visited each man one by one. He never made their deaths quick. No, he got creative.
Drowning, suffocation, strangulation, bludgeoning, blood loss, etc. Just a few examples of his killing methods.
No one got it worse that the man with your picture. Izuku had him unable to move as he opened the phone. The picture was the first thing to pop up and Izuku felt sick to his stomach.
He felt horrible seeing you the way you were and knowing he wasn't there.
Then the realization hit that when he found the guy, he was in bed on his phone. Looking at this picture of you. He deleted the picture from existence, breaking the phone then snapping the SIM card for good measure.
He grabbed the man by his chin roughly. He'd already activated his quirk, so it didn't surprise him when his jaw cracked and the guy cried out in pain.
"You think that's bad? Imagine how my rosebud felt, you piece of shit." He tightened his grip which resulted in a muffled scream as Izuku covered his mouth.
"Here's gonna happen. I'm going to hurt you in as many ways I can think of without killing you. I'll rip your fingernails out and break every bone in your body if possible. Then I'm gonna cut you dick off, stuff it down your throat, and leave you to choke on it. And that's how you'll be found. Sound good?"
All he received were more muffled screams.
"Don't worry. I'll be sure to take some nice pictures too, okay?"
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sainadazai · 3 years
Chapter 2
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There was a certain essence of security in the fact that one kid would be sent home today, still there was a horrible feeling inside you that you'd be the one leaving.
There was no reason for you to fail, Mr.Aizawa didn't seem to be singling anyone out, though.
That alone made you nervous, if he didn't have someone specific in mind, then it was free reign whoever would be booted at the end of the day.
Bakugou threw a softball more than seven hundred meters, you were sure your primary school record was less than 30 meters. With your quirk you didn't need dense muscle, it required lean muscle and mostly on your back.
Manipulating the state of matter in metal wasn't really difficult, but lifting it with your mind was.
Even more, it was especially hard to keep it in its semi-liquid state while you manipulate it. Cause many people have conjuring quirks, hell probably somebody in this class had a quirk that could make things, yours was just also limited to one specific material.
It took a long time to perfect your own unique fighting style. You didn't wanna be like cementoss, or Best jeanist, although they were great heroes.
Being a carbon copy of a hero that already has existed served no joy to you, you were y/n, and that's who the world oughta know.
Was that really gonna help you now, though? What were these eight tests he was talking about?
test one: 50 meter dash
Should be easy enough, why use your quirk on something you already excelled in during school. Y/n L/n - 100 meter dash - 12.67 seconds. It couldn't be hard to half that at least, maybe even quarter it, you wouldn't use your quirk here.
You really need to stop underestimating people, in your heat, the first at that, were Tenya Iida and Tsuyu Asui. The boy was well built, muscular, tall and his legs seemed to have engines in them. He was sure not a good match to make you seem strong or fast.
The girl had long, green hair and beautiful round eyes, she seemed to have some sort of frog hybrid quirk. Probably much faster than you as well. Not really the best time to second guess yourself, you already assessed this test. No quirk. Don't waste your energy.
Ugh, but shouldn't heroes go a hundred percent all the time? God this was infuriating.
Well, there you have it, first day and you're already overthinking. Without letting your worry get to you, you sprinted towards the speedometer hoping you wouldn't get discouraged by the fast boy in front of you. The air flowed against you, pushing your hair back. You had forgotten about the tension air creates when you run against it, but it didn't matter. As quickly as it started you heard Iida's score, the Asui's, but you knew 50 meters was easy. You knew you were fast even without your quirk, you would prove it.
"6 seconds"
"Without a quirk?"
"What even is her quirk?"
"I don't know, she wasn't in my exam."
The others after you seemed to be faster than you too, even if by seconds. However, it was helpful to learn exactly what their quirks were.
Uraraka- zero gravity
Iida- engine
Knowing all this made you unique compared to them, because now, you know their quirks and how they work for the most part, but only a few even can guess yours. Maybe it won't help you too much now, but in the future this knowledge will.
Test two: Grip strength
Easy, this can be done without even touching that little machine, but sure, you'd give me a show.
"Woah, you hit 500 kilograms?! You're such a beast"
The boy with extra arms seemed to do well on this, you could obviously guess why. Still, you had no fear at all in this test. What were they thinking putting an object entirely made of metal and wires in your hand? Rigged in your favor to be honest.
You took the contraption in your hand, avoiding the eyes of the few watching you to see what your quirk was. Jokes on them, cause with this test, it'd take a genius to tell. Applying a decent amount of pressure from your hand, you began to feel all of the particles in the tiny machine, moving them closer and closer together. Pushing them down with each breath out. Until the machine beeped.
You almost smirked at that, you technically didn't have that much plain grip strength, but the teacher said use your quirk, anything goes.
"Twelve thousand!? No way!" the yellow haired boy spoke with astonishment, not anger, but the words felt accusing,
The students were left dumbfounded. However, at the mention of such a high number, todoroki began to seek out your face, he recognised the girl who had tried to speak with him earlier. Looking at the floor and avoiding the quite obvious compliments, he couldn't help but feel it wasn't out of modesty.
Test three: Standing long jump
The ring on your finger would serve well enough for this one, removing it, you liquified the metal ring until it was a non-Newtonian liquid- or a liquid that is solid under pressure. It soon multiplied until it was around a foot high line of liquid metal, then you curled it into a spring shape. Jumping straight up you landed both feet on the outer edge of the spring and flew into the air launching it with you and quickly turning it back into a tiny ring around your pinky finger.
Then apologizing again as more questions floated in.
Next was repeated side steps, then ball throws. By then, the other students had acknowledged the uncomfort you seemed to have around them, and only admired from afar.
To others the ball throw seemed like the most important test, but it didn't really feel like that to you. Despite having some restraint, you wanted to be the best in every test. Well, maybe not this one, after the gravity girl sent a ball to infinity.
Still, you held the softball, all eyes on you, not feeling so shy, considering you knew these were supposed to be your friends, you wanted them to like you, more than anything. So you would just have to woman up soon.
You tossed the ball to yourself a couple times, feeling for any metal particles, baseballs were usually full of string on the inside, maybe that would work? No, too risky for now.
Feeling pressure to hurry, you took a quick glance around, locking eyes with the boy who sits by you. He still was stone faced, but looked a little intrigued to see what you would do. Was he curious about you? He was so strong though, you'd seen it earlier. Well, best live up to expectations.
No luck with metal in the ball, but there was plenty all around you: iron in your blood. Taking your pointer fingernail, you scratched a quick cut on your opposite palm, maintaining eye contact with the boy. His stiffness faltered for a second, confused and maybe worried at your actions.
Quickly you dragged your blood out of the cut in a thin, rope-like flow, wrapped it around the ball, and took a deep breath. Then you closed your eyes, just how you taught yourself to, and imagined the blood pulling the ball into the air. Arm swung back and ready you released the image along with a throw high into the air.
Continuing to focus on where your blood would take it, you imagine not a place, but a number, and a force. Applying that force to the blood and ball, long lost in the sky, you finally sighed out and looked around, waiting for a score.
Your peers seemed confused about what had just happened, all except for the red and white haired boy, he seemed to have caught on to some extent.
"1,609 meters"
"A mile, exactly? How?"
"Your blood? That doesn't match up with everything else you've done today!" A girl with recognizably large breasts and thighs spoke, she was gorgeous. Hair tied up in a black ponytail, and even her voice sounded sophisticated.
"If you say sorry one more time i'm gonna blast you to space, ya hear me!?"
The fire boy, Bakugou screamed at you, and you would have been scared, but it actually made you feel comforted. The realization that people here were not asking for your apologies.
"Yes sir." you winked.
Why did you wink? Did you forget you weren't talking to mochi? A yellow haired boy, whose name you thought was denki turned red and fainted. You felt incredibly stupid, and flustered, and mad at yourself for slipping like that.
"AAAaaa im so sorry, pleaseforgivmeidontknowwhatiwasthinkingwinkingayoulikehatwhenyoubarelyknowmeohnopleasedonthatemenowimsorryimsorrymochiwillyellatmelater!" you screeched out, falling subject to your now loose personality.
Then you went to hide among the crowd of them, slowly shrinking in on yourself.
The next one up was the green haired boy, Deku? That's what bakugou called him, right? You didn't know you were standing next to shouto todoroki, but he sure knew he was standing next to you.
He wanted to confirm his suspicions about your quirk, and also he subconsciously wanted to know what a conversation with you would be like. You didn't seem too eccentric, or obnoxious like some of the kids here. Plus for some reason you were flustered at any and everything,and well, it was stupidly adorable.
Todoroki shouldn't be thinking these things, but he is. On the first day of school no less.
It seems, though, you weren't the star of the show today. He tore his eyes from you at the sound of your gasp. The boy who hasn't used a quirk all day had thrown the softball barely a few meters. So how did he get in? He seemed nice enough, but it sparked the question, how would someone quirkless make it to the hero course?
Or maybe he wasn't, it seemed, the teacher had nullified whatever quirk he tried to use. They were talking for quite some time, until Mr.Aizawa removed his restraint on the kids quirk and he was left to throw.
His lips pursed, deep in thought. Deku really had to get this one right. There may not be a better place to apply his gifted quirk. He really didnt wanna go home, either, so this was it.
Blinking, he thrust his hand back and before you could process what was happening an incredible force of wind flew back on you. The ball launched high into the air, a trail of pure power following it. You didn't take your eyes off that ball until it dropped. A puff of dirt flying up around it.
So you looked back to the boy, eyes wide just like everyone else, and your eyes found a bloodied purple finger. Broken in every sense of the word. Deku, though, was smiling, the brightest smile you'd ever seen. Proud. He was proud of himself. What could you be but proud of him, too?
You'd known him less than a day, spoken to him all but once, but his smile was pure. You used to smile like that when you were working out your quirk in the forest behind school. It was beautiful.
"Awesome.." you whispered through a smile clad lips.
Teeth white and shining under the sun, and todoroki heard you. Even looked down(or up) at you. He wanted to see that smile again from you, and for the love of god he couldn't tell himself why....
A/n this isn't a deku fic but I love him, and it IS his show, so- don't be surprised if i write about him like he is the most precious gorgeous blessing on earth.
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qweeby · 4 years
Nine Lives To Short Part 4: Not Yours To Lose
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Paring: Shinsou x Reader
Genre: Angst
Taglist @foxypuppy @bakuhoetoedoroki
Plot: You only have 9 days to tell him how you feel but maybe 9 days just isn't enough
-The time as come for your date-
"You ready, Cat?" Shinsou asks opening the taxi door "Yeah I'm ready Shinsou" you say with smile.
" JUST GET IN CAR YOU IDIOTS!" Katsuki yells while he kicks Hitoshi in the back "Ok Ok calm down Bakugou!".
All of you get in taxi, you in the middle, Shinsou on the left and Bakugo on the right. "Again why is Bakugo coming on our date?"
Kaminari closes the taxi door " Because I'm broke, Izuku has training to do and plus...."
Bakugo takes it wallet and waves a credit card in your face " I have Icy Hot's credit card!".
Izuku looks surprised " Hey I-isnt that Endeavor's?...."
Without saying a word Bakugo just rolls up the window sticking his tongue out at the both of them. "KACCHAN DON'T WASTE EVERYTHING ON ENDEAVOR'S CREDIT CARD!"
The taxi takes drives off, you slap Bakugou in the back of the head " What's wrong with you don't talk to the driver like that! HE'S LITERALLY THE ONE DRIVING US TO OUR DESTINATION"
"Tch, be glad I got this extra moving this damn thing".
Hitoshi sigh while you and Bakugo argue back and forth " Hey Y/N"
You and Bakugo are pulling on each other's face pinching one other but then stop to look at Shinsou "Yeah?"
"That eyepatch that Denki gave you is it bothering you?"
"OH YEAH THE EYEPATCH" while the boys were visiting you Kaminari gave you an Eyepatch for your "messed up eye" as a get well soon gift that he asked Momo to make.
"It's fine Hitoshi you don't have to keep checking in on me"
"Well that's not true I should always be checking in on you I basically have to since you like to keep secrets"
The taxi stops at a red light....behind a line of traffic.
"Secrets? What about my secrets am I not aloud to have them Shinsou?"
Hitoshi crosses his arms "Well when you keep secrets about the pain you're feeling that's definitely not something to keep to yourself but here you are". You look at Shinsou but he doesn't look at you he actually turns away from you facing the window.
The taxi driver looks back at Bakugo and points to the now green, " WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU POINTING AT THE LIGHT IS GREEN KEEP IT MOVING!".
" Hitoshi what's up with you why are you acting like this?"
Hitoshi face palm's "I've been like this for the pass week! I've noticed you've been acting weird first it's asking for your quirk to be Erasure by Aizawa then you don't eat lunch! THEN you asked that stupid hypothetical".
You look away from Shinsou crossing your arms as well shouting at him "YOU USED YOUR QUIRK ON MY DAD WHAT HECK SHINSOU WHAT'S !WRONG WITH YOU. Do you think this is easy for me? having to deal with that fact that I'm running out of time and I only have 9 days left to live! You think I can just blurt that out!".
Hitoshi finally looks at you but the look in his eyes....the look of despair is all you see.
"Shinsou i-...I can explain...."
"Hitoshi...this isn't the time or place to talk about this!" You lean back hitting you head on the window but then you realize, " Wait I'm sitting in the middle how did I hit the window, why didn't I hit Baku...BAKUGO!
You and Hitoshi stick your heads out of the window to see Bakugo jumping on top of each car and truck hoping car to car making his way back to the taxi from the front of the line of traffic yelling " OI YOU SHITTY DRIVER!"
Bakugo being Bakugo ignore you and stomps on the hood of the taxi " SHITTY FUCKING DIVER ANSWER MY QUESTION!"
" W-when I tap my foot I-i can make people see different colors... it's not special why d -do you ask....".
Explosions pop in Katsuki's hand like someone lit thousands of firecrackers all at once " IT'S YOU YOU'RE THE REASON WHY EVERYONE IS STUCK HERE DAMMIT THAT LIGHT ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE FUCK BLUE! IT'S SUPPOSE TO BE GREEN LIKE DEKU!".
The taxi driver claps his hands turning off his quirk making the traffic light turn back to green.
" W-what do I do now-".
Bakugo steps on the windshield cracking it.
" When I get in that back seat you better STEP.ON.THE.FUCKING.PETALLLL!!! YOU GOT IT!" The taxi driver nods with tears in his eyes waiting for Katsuki to get back in taxi.
The driver rides off while you and Hitoshi are left dumb founded " Bakugo....what the actual fuck". Bakugo ignores the both of them "Shut up! Don't say a word to me it's not me who you should be talking to right now."
Hitoshi puts his hood over his head " That's what I meant back keeping secret...what the hell am I suppose to do with that information"
" I don't know! Do what you will with it!"
You go quite as you hear that spine chilling voice once again.
He says...." You are such a fool"
"HITOSHI SHUT THE HELL UP WHY ARE YOU SO WORKED UP ABOUT EVERYONE IS GONNA DIE! You are never gonna know when you will die! We could die in a car crashes right now and say fuck my 9 days left! THAT'S HOW THE WORLD IS!".
Hitoshi grabs you by your shoulder and hood falls off but in the process of it falling you and Bakugo see his his tearful face.
" It's not suppose to happen to you Y/n NOT THIS EARLY W-WE STILL HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD TO-"
You punch the back the head of the driver's seat yelling " WAKE UP HITOSHI I'M NOT YOURS TO LOSE!"
"How could you say that.... your gonna lose him Y/N"
" I need to get out of this car right now..."
Hitoshi says as he unlocks his side of the taxi the door.
" Hey! Where are you going! Hitoshi!"
" Don't say what you think he's just blowing off steam...but you'll explode....it always come to that point"
The clouds above start to settle making there dark night sky into grey gloomy night.
" Where are you going back to her!?!"
He stops walking "Of course he does".
" Who told you..."
You start to laugh as rain lightly pours down, " Ha HA WOW! Looks whose keeping secrets now!"
" Tch it's technically not a secret if you knew for a while"
"Hitoshi don't get smart with me just get back in the car please".
"No I'm not getting in".
In the blink of a eye the rain turns from a light shower to heavy, the sound of every droplet hitting the ground can be heard.
Bakugo closes his eyes as he knows what's about to happen "Fucking dumbass's"
" Hitoshi get in the car!"
" Y/N...you are such a fool" the cat says as he lays ontop of the car rooftop.
Hitoshi just turns away and continues to walk away "YEAH GO AHEAD WALK AND DEAL WITH THE FACT THAT IF I DIE IT WILL BE ON YOU HITO-"
Bakugo covers your mouth and pulls you back into the car "You really don't know when to shut up, Oi driver...the petal STEP ON IT!"
They drive off as Shinsou walks away in the rain.
"Bakugo let me go!" " No dumbass just stop fighting! He's gone ok....he's gone".
You holds bakugou's arm " h-he's gone...." you snatch off the eye patch throwing it out of the window while the purple sits on your lap.
"You made him leave, why even act surprised it was only a matter of time"
"....Bakugou where are we even going?"
" Where the hell else we're going on a date"
You glare at Bakugou "reallllllllly??? But why?"
Bakugou turns his head away blush while he pets your head running his finger through your hair "If you do have only a limited time....I wanna treat nice so we don't end on bad terms and plus I don't need a fucking spirit haunting me".
You smile right after that you place your hand on Bakugou's face " Bakugo that's so sweet of you" " Tch shut up dimwit"
-A few minutes go by-
You and Bakugou lay in the taxi though Bakugou is awake while you sleep, he's been calling Hitoshi but it just goes straight to voicemail.
" Stupid Cat lover I can't believe he left me with her like that when I see that idiot I'll give I'm a piece of my mind"
"Umm sir this is your stop?"
Bakugo kicks open the door stepping out the car with you on his back. He walks towards the restaurant but then stops as the taxi driver honks the horn " I-I dont get a tip?...."
The taxi driver speeds off leaving dust in bakugou's face "I'm gonna find him later and kill him"
" Thanks for making my eardrums bleed"
"Thanks for waking up just in time for dinner".
You get off of Bakugou's back stretching and yawning "Hey before we go in I want you to know something", "Hm? Yeah?".
"No matter what happens to you if you die or not...always know that every second is a gift".
He turns to you holding out his hand "So come on chances like this happens once in a lifetime don't waste this second".
You take Bakugou's hand " I wouldn't dream of missing this gift.
For the rest of the night you and Bakugo have a fantastic time, you start to see a side of him that no one else's sees. Bakugou can be caring sweet and kind regardless of those facts he's still Bakugou so you know when the bill came he was outraged and made a scene.
-Meanwhile with Hitoshi as he was making his way home-
Hitoshi looks across the street and stares at you house and thinks about he used his quirk on your dad it reminds him of all the words people used to say about him and his quirk
"You a Hero HaHa! You're kidding right Hitoshi!"
"A hero who brainwash people come on get real that'll never work"
" Your qurik isn't really fit for a hero"
".....it's was you that made me believe I could be someone more"
Shisou think's back to the day you stop up for him when he was being picked on by the other kids.
"HEY! DONT MAKE FUN OF SHINSOU! I think his quirk is super cool! He'll be a really cool hero that saves the night! The Awesome Hero MindFreak!"
"Mind Freak....I like it..."
"See Shinsou likes it!"
" Of course Y/n thinks Shinsou's cool you think anyone with a power is cool"
"I bet you she wants to be a hero too! With no quirk? Now that funny!"
"Don't listen to them Shinsou I know that one day people will see how great you are like I do You'll be a great hero !"
Hitoshi frowns while muttering " A great hero....that's funny because how could a great hero make such a rookie mistake".
"I'm no great hero....I wouldn't even call myself a villain. If the reason for your pain is me....if I'm the reason for your death then I'm nothing but a monster".
He drys his eyes before walking inside "Nothing but a monster."
Even though tonight ended with a somewhat happy ending for one of our heroes the clock is still ticking
"And we are finally on track with on plans of stopping".
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a-crimson-lion · 5 years
Akatani Mikumo (+Other Prototypes) Headcannons
For those who aren't aware, Akatani Mikumo was a prototype for Izuku Midoriya. Here is a sample sketch below:
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Physically speaking, Akatani has black long hair that covers his red eyes. Otherwise, he still carries most of Izuku's traits (the boi got da freckles!!!). So, without further ado...
...here we go.
Like Izuku, Akatani's nickname is also his hero name: Yamikumo.
Yuu Takeyama was originally the name of Ochako's prototype. She had some of Ochako's looks, but her quirk and name were of Mt. Lady. Eventually, Horikoshi gave the name and quirk to the Mt. Lady we know today, but he kept Prototype!Yuu's design, eventually turning her into Ochako. Much like her cannon counterpart, Yuu has a crush on Akatani, and their feelings are ultimately reciprocated.
Akatani's Katsuki is actually a decent person, though he also has a tendency to accidentally tell people off. He looks exactly like Katsuki, but his personality is completely different. His nickname is Gougou (轟轟), which means "rumbling." He and Akatani are basically brothers in everything but blood.
Akatani's All Might is buff 24/7. He didn't have a crippling injury because there wasn't an All for One in his world. This All Might just spends his time taking down everyday villains, and the occasional megalomaniacal mega boss who almost defeats All Might but then loses because this world is more in line with classic comic books. Also, his hero name is Valiant.
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Akatani remains Quirkless. One for All is replaced by Super-Power as Valiant's quirk.
Valiant and Akatani have an... interesting dynamic. Valiant still wants to be the Symbol of Peace (he's doing a good job of it, too), and then he sees this scrappy young teen who, in spite of his own apparent cynicisms and lack of a quirk, still wants to become a hero and stick it up to the stuck ups and villains alike. Seeing Akatani would likely remind Valiant how he was once an idealistic teen, too (Super-Power grows stronger as time goes on, like how One for All grew stronger with each wielder). Valiant would realize that he may have gotten a bit too caught up in the moment of stopping flashy villains and overhyping petty theft. Akatani would make him see that he still has a lot of work to do... and maybe he'd give Akatani some words of wisdom while he's at it.
Akatani isn't as initially hopeful as Izuku was. He's still berated for being Quirkless, which grates on his self-esteem and makes him a bit cynical. His ideology would be a combination of All Might's heroism and what Akatani has seen from the bottom of the social chain. He'd probably get into one or two fist fights with the other kids because he's trying to protect someone else. But even if he's beaten and bruised? The bullies go away; the person Akatani was protecting is safe. That's enough for him to decide that quirk or Quirkless, he's gonna be a hero. He also wouldn't be as self-depreciating as Izuku because Gougou (and later Yuu) would be his support system. He's still a bit reckless, though.
I personally think that in terms of gear, Akatani would have the following:
Electro-Gloves (Izuku's Full Cowl lighting is one of his most prominent aesthetics, and his early drafts suggest a tazer would be a part of his arsenal. Thus, I give Yamikumo cool combat gloves with electric properties to continue the trend.)
Grappling Hook Guns (He has two of them on his person when he's out heroing. Also, as this post states, Akatani's hero name was more in line as a Spider-Man reference, so him occasionally swinging on his way to deliver justice, or just trapping villains, isn't too far fetched.)
Utility Belt (Yamikumo still has a utility belt in his costume. It's mostly just first aid in the pockets, but he does carry two other items in particular: flash bangs and smoke bombs. Yamikumo is a bruiser, but he likes working in a little misdirection into his fighting style. When you're Quirkless, use every advantage given to you.)
Izuku got a slight costume redesign, so I think it's only fair that Yamikumo gets his own as well (plus, his initial hero costume is a bit too creepy). I'd personally go for a more indirect form of intimidation. Yamikumo would still wear a respirator with the whole shark teeth grin aesthetic, just a little bit smoother than the one in his initial sketches. The top part of his costume would basically be the extremely durable and dark equivalent of an All Might hoodie (he'd even keep the bunny ears). He'd still wear his own unique brand of red shoes, though.
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[A picture of Yamikumo's original hero gear with his own unique red shoes, alongside a Prototype!Yuu.]
If Akatani ever met his other counterparts (Izuku [Hero], Izuka [Hero], Deku [Villain], and Dekiru [Vigilante]), he'd likely be one of the only sane members of the group.
Akatani does the Naruto run sometimes. Don't question why, he just does. It's surprisingly effective, too.
If his hood takes damage for whatever reason, Akatani has a backup mask in his Utility Belt reminiscent of his old costume with a built in filtration system.
Akatani is a good team player, but if he's placed on the same team with Prototype!Yuu or Gougou, RUN.
Akatani will not hesitate to poke your eyes put with his Electro-Gloves if he's pissed enough.
Akatani is a surprisingly good therapist; he'll listen to your problems and comfort you afterwards, but he'll be honest if he has to be.
Akatani's smile is actually very bright. His smile with his hero gear on is only bright if he's not facing a villain.
Akatani and Prototype!Yuu cuddle. So do Akatani and Gougou.
Akatani has some of Izuku's other qualities, like compulsive muttering, scary analytical skills, and lacking social graces.
He's probably more composed than Izuku is, and his brand of awkward is more deadpan and honest misunderstanding, like Shoto and Mr. Aizawa.
Akatani likes to spar. If Gougou's busy, Yuu will likely fill in for him.
Yuu's quirk is slightly different from Canon!Mt. Lady. She can actually increase the size of her limbs separately. Of course, the proportional strength still carries over.
Aaaaaaaaand that's all the headcannons I got! Hope you enjoyed!
-Crimson Lion (7 September 2019)
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lordexplosivemurder · 4 years
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KIERINA WAS WALKING THROUGH THE hallway when she saw Bakugou & his weird friends standing in front of her locker. "Could you move? You're in front of my locker." Kierina said with a slight glare on her face. She had gotten into a fight with her father before school & she didn't want Bakugou to make her day worse than it already was. She just wanted school to end already. "Tch. What's the magic word?" Bakugou asked with a smirk, making his friends smile & quietly chuckle. "Move before I set you on fire?" Kierine asked with a fake smile. "Buzzkill." Bakugou mumbled as he left with his posse. The smile instantly fell from her face as she watched the explosive boy walk away.
She sighed as she opened her locker & shoved her book bag inside. "I can't believe I still like you." She mumbled as she continued to grab her school stuff. "Rina!" Midoriya yelled from down the hall. Everyone was used to the two. "Hi Izuku!" Kierina said joyfully. "I thought about schools last night, cause what if I don't get into U.A?" The green haired boy said as he walked up to his best friend. "Why think about other schools, when I know for a fact that we're both getting in." The redheaded girl said with a smile before closing her locker. "How can you know for sure?" Midoriya asked as they started to walk to their classroom.
"Because I told you that you were going to be a hero. I intend to make that true." Kierina said without looking back at Midoriya, who was following behind her. "Don't let Kacchan hear you say that." He said nervously. "What is boom boom boy going to do to me? Burn me?" Kierina asked as she turned around to look at the smaller boy. Midoriya rolled his eyes. "You know what I meant, Rina." He said quietly as they walked inside the classroom. "Don't worry if he tries anything, I'll step in." The redhead whispered as she gave him a comforting smile before they took their seats.
Kierina was seated right in front of Midoriya. This was one of the only classes they had with Bakugou & Kierina was not going to let the mean blonde mess with her best friend. The bell rang indicating that class has officially started. Kierina usually never paid attention in this class. It was just last hour, so there wasn't anything exciting ever going on. "You're all pretty much planning to go into the hero course, right?" The teacher asked as he scattered papers behind him. Kierina huffed out a breath, resting her chin on the palm of her hand, knowing exactly where this conversation was going.
"Teach." A voice said, booming throughout the whole classroom, making everyone look up at the explosive boy. "Don't lump us all in the same group, I'm not going to be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects." The blonde continued as he looked up at the teacher finally. Kierina rolled her eyes as she glanced back at her best friend to see his head was hanging low. The teacher tried his hardest to not roll his eyes at the over-confident boy. "If I remember correctly, you want to go to U.A High, right, Bakugou?" Everyone in the class started to whisper amongst themselves.
'He's been talking about going to U.A since we were young. I don't understand why they're so surprised.' Kierina thought to herself. "Oh yeah. Midoriya & Hamaguchi wanted to go to U.A too, right?" The teacher suddenly asked, making the whole class stop what they were talking about to look at the two best friends. Bakugou slowly turned to look at the two. Before Kierina could push Midoriya away, the boy explodes the quirkless boy's desk, making the boy fly away from his desk. "Leave him be!" Kierina said angrily as she jumped in between the boys. "Hey Deku. You're below the rejects. You're quirkless!" The blonde said as smoke was coming from his hand.
Kierina glared at him as her eyes glowed, indicating that she had activated her quirk. Some of her classmates noticing the tree branches outside the window, growing closer. Midoriya pulled them closer to the wall as Bakugou walked closer. "Wait Kacchan! It's not like I'm trying to compete with you or anything!" Midoriya said, trying to get the boy away from them. "It's always been a goal of mine since I was little." The green haired boy continued, softly. "But that doesn't go for me. I want to compete against you. I want to be the number one hero and not even you & your huge ego will get in my way." Kierina said angrily, making the class silently gasp. Bakugou chuckled. "I'd like to see you try. I mean look at you, you don't have a social life, you're not good at school, your only friend is a quirkless loser & you will forever be alone because no one will ever want to be with a loser like you."
Everyone started to laugh because they thought if they didn't, Bakugou was going to act the same way to them as he was acting to the two best friends. "I'll show you a loser!" Kierina yelled as she made flames in her hands. The two were about to fight when they realized how many people were recording with their phones. Kierina didn't pause though, she grabbed his neck & slammed his head on a nearby desk. " Sasaki!" Kierina rolled her eyes as she let go of the blonde. The teacher pointed to the door, indicating she was getting sent to the principal's office. Midoriya was still up against the wall as Kierina grabbed all her stuff. "It's going to be okay." Kierina whispered before leaving. Midoriya gave her a slight nod.
After class Midoriya was packing up his stuff when suddenly Bakugou took his Hero notebook out of his grasp. Midoriya looks up at the blonde. "We're not done talking yet, Deku." The boy said with an annoyed expression on his face. Midoriya stood up to take the notebook from him. "Kierina made a fool out of me." Bakugou said as he looked through the boy's notebook. "She could never Bakugou. You're too cool to be made a fool." One of Bakugou's idiots said with a smirk, making the other nod in agreement. "I-I'm sure she didn't mean it like that." The green haired boy said nervously.
Bakugou stopped on a page that showed Kierina. It was a drawing of the girl in a hero suit. It looked like the suit Kierina had always fantasized about, it was hard for the blonde to not smile about the memories of her.
His feelings then went away when reality sent back in. He closed the notebook before looking up at the stuttering boy. He ignored what he was saying as he pressed the notebook between his hands before he made an explosion, making Midoriya yell. "That's mean.." Midoriya said as the blonde threw his notebook out the open window behind him. Midoriya deadpanned as the explosive boy placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, burning it under his grasp. "So anyway, don't try applying to U.A, nerd." Bakugou said with a fake smile. Midoriya slightly cringed at the slight burning skin smell that was coming from his shoulder. The blonde & his gang started to walk out the classroom. "Come on, you could at least say something back." The idiot said as they walked out.
Kierina was walking to the classroom to meet up with her best friend, when she saw the three delinquents walking out of the same classroom. She instantly knew something wasn't right, so she ran to the classroom to see Midoriya just standing by the window. "What did he do? I'll kill him I swear." Kierina said as she set her stuff down to walk over to the green-haired boy. "My notebook is fish food." Midoriya said quietly, making the emerald eyed girl look out the window, and sure enough it was getting nibbled on by the fishes in the pond below the window. Kierina could already feel the heat coming from her palms. "I'll be back." The redhead said as she turned around to walk out but Midoriya grabbed her wrist.
"Please, don't say anything." He said softly as he let go of her wrist. "If I don't, who will? Are we supposed to just let him act like that to people?" Kierina asked as she raised a brow at the boy. "Becoming a hero shouldn't be this hard." Midoriya said sadly as he went to his desk to grab his stuff. "Wait, where are you going?" Kierina asked as she grabbed her stuff as well. "To go get my notebook before it's completely ruined." Midoriya said before leaving the redhead alone in the classroom. "I'm sorry Midoriya but I can't just stand by." The redhead whispered before leaving the classroom to go find the blonde.
The redhead was walking down the school's steps to hear Bakugou talking to his friends at the vending machine. She set her stuff down and made her way to the blonde. His friends took notice & took a few steps away from the blonde, alerting him as well. Before he could react, the redhead slapped his drink of his hands & slammed him against the vending machine behind him. "Who the hell do you think you are?!" Bakugou's eyes widen, not expecting the smaller girl to do that. "Midoriya has been nothing but kind to you & you treat him like shit?! For what?!" She yelled as her eyes glowed yet again. "Damn Sasaki calm down." One of the idiots said from behind her.
She let go of the blonde for a moment so she could punch the idiot in the face. She then went back to the blonde as she pointed her finger at him. "You're such an asshole." She said angrily. Bakugou waved his friends off as he continued to stay silent. When his friends were gone, he looked down at the fuming redhead. "Do you really think you imitate me?" He asked as a smirk rose on his lips. "Quit trying to change the subject Katsuki." Kierina said as she shoved him into the vending machine, again. He put his hands up in a surrendering motion. She soon realized that she wasn't going to get anywhere with the blonde boy.
She scoffed & let him go. "I can't believe I even thought you would ever stop." She said as she dry chuckled. She grabbed her stuff but before she could leave, Bakugou slams her into the vending machine. She saw how close their faces were, which made her face want to heat up but she held it back as much as she could. "You could just ask me to stop." Bakugou said with a smirk. She sighed. "Will you stop?" She asked as she never left eye contact with the boy before her. "Let me think about, no." He said as he placed change in the vending machine & clicked some buttons. "Why do you have to be such an asshole? All we wanted was to be your friend." Kierina said as she felt the drink fall into the opening. "Maybe because I don't want losers as friends." He said as he went to grab the drink but Kierina grabbed it before him.
"That's funny because the only losers I see are you & your idiots for friends." She said as she opened the can & took a drink. "Refreshing. Thanks." The redhead said with a smile as she pushed the blonde away from her so she could leave. She stopped walking & turned around to look at him. "What happened to the Katsuki who wanted to marry me when we got older? I miss him." She said softly, before turning back around & going to find the green-haired boy.
Kierina had found Midoriya walking home. They walked in silence. "Midoriya, are you alright?" The redhead finally asked. "Of course not. I want to be a hero so bad but everyone just puts me down." He said quietly. She grabbed his backpack to make him stop. "Don't say everyone. I believe you will be the best hero that will ever live." Kierina said softly, making the boy smile. "Better than even All Might?" Midoriya asked as his face lit up. "Even greater." She said with a smile. He turned & started to walk weirdly as he did his All Might impression. The redhead giggled as she trailed behind him.
She was about to make a comment about his All Might laugh when suddenly a villain jumps out of the sewer, knocking Kierina away from Midoriya, letting the villain get a hold of the green-haired boy. "Midoriya!" Kierina yelled as she ran towards the villain, shooting water at him from the sewer. The villain then grabbed Kierina by the neck & slammed her into the cement wall, cracking the back of her head open. "No." The redhead managed to say as her vision started to get super blurry. She used the wall as leverage to push herself up. She was about to jump back into action when suddenly All Might jumped out of the sewer as well. "No need to fear. I am here." The hero said with his signature smile.
Kierina smiled as All Might rescued Midoriya from the villian. "Thank you for saving my best friend." She whispered as she put her hand on the back of her head to feel blood. 'Good thing I got red hair from my mother.' She thought. "No need to thank me." He said as he helped the girl out of the tunnel & out in the open. Kierina grabbed Midoriya's notebook & handed it to the golden-haired man. "Could you please sign this?" She asked with a soft smile. "Anything for my fans." All Might said as he sent the unconscious boy on the sidewalk in front of them. "Well, actually it's for him. He's your number one fan." The redhead said as she turned to look at her best friend. 'I can't believe I almost just witnessed my best friend's death & I couldn't even do anything.' She thought.
All Might handed the notebook back to the redhead after he signed it. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" He asked. The redhead was about to respond when the green-haired boy shot up from unconsciousness.
0 notes
teehee-quirky-kaito · 4 years
"Class, settle down." The teacher Ms Anderson told the students. She and I stood in front of the whiteboard, facing at least 20 seven-year-olds. "Today, we have a new student. He's transferred all the way from Japan! Now, why don't you intoduce yourself, just tell us your name and your quirk."
"My name is Kaito Kirigiri." I said quietly. Even at 7 years old, I didn't like being put on the spot so much. "Um, my quirk is called Hope."
A girl raised her hand and the teacher called on her. "What does that mean?"
"I'm not sure, actually." I admitted. The whole room suddenly rolled their eyes and turned away from me, everyone started talking tot their friends. "Um, but basically I can make an orb of white light from my hand and if it touches someone, they are really happy."
I was proud of myself for getting their attention again, but it wasn't a good thing.
Only 3 weeks into school that year, a quirkless girl made me really mad. I accidentally used my quirk on her in an attempt to shut her up, but I didn't realise the severity of it.
One minute she was pestering about my 'weird quirk' and the next she stared at me with immense fear behind her eyes. She was suddenly anguished, devastated, frozen in place with despair.
Another boy nearby gasped, pointing and saying my hair was black all of a sudden.
The girl was only 7 like me, and as I heard my teacher tell my parents later that night, "the girl had never felt so much pain and suffering before then and it hit her like a proverbial truck."
From that point on, my quirk was called "Discord". Everyone, including my own father and former friends, had treated me like I was some sort of villain. "How could he hurt a defenseless girl without a quirk?" Itd split up my parents, my mom left my dad because of how he reacted for years to me and my quirk. I'd even been put into counselling for a few months in the 7th grade because I'd been consumed by my own despair for a while, because of how everyone looked at me. They all looked down on me like I was a monster, a villain in the making, all because I couldn't control my quirk as a 7 year old. It was ridiculous to me.
But I had always had the dream of becoming the top hero. In our society, every country had their top heros. Japan had Deku, the UK had Mr Cane, Canada had The Candyman, and the USA had the amazing Captain Brave. But the one thing all the top heroes had in common... they got the job done and done well, and they were for the most part incredibly likeable. I'm definitely not likeable, not by a long shot. And even here in America we get news of the biggest events involving Japanese heroes, since that was where the World's #1 hero Deku resided. Yea, I don't care much for him or most other heroes for that matter. Theyre unimportant to me. None of them are my inspiration for being a hero.
My motivation is my best friend. My favourite person in the world, Kiyoko Higuchi. She isn't much but she's all I've got. She transferred to class school from Japan in the 3rd grade, and she was so confident was she announced herself. She's just dazzling, she can light up the room in an instant and make even the most depressed person laugh. She was the first person to try to be my friend, even after I told her about my weird quirk.
And she was the first person to accept me, the only one to ever tell me "you'd make a fine hero with that quirk."
That's all I can think about as I submit my enrollment form to my teacher at the end of 8th grade. That's what I think about when he embrasses me in front of the class on purpose by informing me that about 4,000 kids in the Midwest region alone apply to New Hope
Academy every year, and that they have an 3% acceptance rate.
Yea, thanks Teach, like I don't know that already.
But one glance at Kiyoko's grin across the room and my anger towards the teacher is bearable instead of overhwhelming. I simply tell him I know and move along.
"Where'd you apply, Kiyoko?" I ask. We're sititng side by side on a sidewalk bench and waiting for the city bus, but itll be here in around 20 minutes so we're also eating sandwhiches Kiyoko's dad makes for us.
"I'm applying at NHA, just like you." She said proudly.
"I thought you didn't like heroes?"
"Oh that was a front." She chuckled. "I just dont like that they're so mainstream, I guess. I actually kinda like a couple, like Spitfire and Guardian Angel. Oh and of course Blue Wolf is my favourite, but Jade Stranger is a very close runner-up."
I listened and smiled, she could be such a dork. "You're such a fangirl," I said.
She shoved me playfully, talking shout heroes more for a few minutes.
Then, when things were quiet, I found myself asking, "Do you think I'll be a good hero?"
"Of course, Tekitai-sha!" She lightly smacked the back of my head, like she always did, and laughed. "That's all I've been saying for the past 5 years, isn't it? Youll make an excellent hero, the finest anyones ever seen."
"You know I hate that name," I complained, even though it didn't. It meant 'antagonist' in Japanese, and it was something shed started calling me as kids sarcastically, as like a 'oh wow hes such a bad person hes an antagonist'. I didnt really mind the name so much, I just didn't want her to see me blush. She always picked on me when I get flustered, but I couldn't help but get embarassed when she said stuff like that. Just the fact that she respected me and supported me this much, the fact that she seemed so proud to be friends with me, was still so wild to me, even 5 years later.
"Maybe we'll be accepted together." She told me.
"Maybe." I smiled lightly.
Sorry for the accidental tense switch ahhh I do that a lot ugh
Hey also I know this is a short chapter I dont like how short it is either, but i cant exactly change much without it getting irritating to read lol
Words: 1094
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