hannya-writes · 11 months
Masterlist II
Harry Potter Universe
Something Wicked this way comes (Percival Graves x reader)
Something Wicked this Way Comes (Part II) (Percival Graves x reader)
Deleramentum (Sirius Black x reader)
Chapter I
Chapter II
• • •
Once Upon a Time
Your home Is Were I am (Jefferson x Reader)
Almost Magical. (Jefferson x Reader)
Jefferson’s Happy Ending (Jefferson x Reader)
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Star Wars
Obi Wan Kenobi
Only you
A White Demon Love Song
The Promise
Why would you ask that?
Melting Waltz
By Her Side
I’ve Always known
Before Our Masters Found us
Is this a Dream?
You are my friend, right?
Even in Death...
• • •
It’s Our Daughter, Cas (Castiel x Reader)
Gone Angel (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Summon the Father (Dean Winchester x Reader)
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Teen Wolf
Your Kind (Part I) (Derek Hale x reader)
I like you the way you are (Derek Hale x Reader)
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Law and Order SVU/Marvel Multiverse
Wanna see a trick?
Don´t Tell Anyone (Requested) (Carisi x Reader)
Supernatural/The Walking Dead
Stop coming by (Negan x Reader)
Genshin Impact
The Broken Contract (Morax x Reader)
Sandbearer (Morax x Reader)
Continue to Masterlist I
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eruditeaask-blog · 12 years
(I am going to break your soul) If you had to choose between Tris or Four, who would you pick?
NASTA WHY :(( why must you put me in such difficult situation? .....i'd have to pick........ four. because reasons. yeah he's cooler B-)
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hannya-writes · 2 years
Deleramentum (Part II)
Title: 2. Games
Serie: Deleramentum
Fandom: Harry Potter | Magic World
Pairing: Sirius x Reader
Other characters: Hagrid, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin
Category: friendship
Warnings: none, only there's no romance here… yet.
Author's note: I forgot I got this ready since like a month ago! Sorry for the late actualization, I'm not use to write series
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You had always felt a little pull towards the unknown, which was dangerous, impulsive and…stupid according to your mother's words. She repeated over and over again that you had to be smart to survive. To survive, it was hilarious for you that someone like her spoke about surviving when she was the bigger menace in your life. However, through many mistakes, you have learned to control your impulsive behavior.
So no jumping in the stair towards the Gryffindor quarters, or at least no when there were people awake. No helping students from other houses or at least, when there were Slytherins around. No walking near Hagrid's house when the sun was up.
— you came! — he sounded happy and he was smiling, it surprised you. For a moment you thought he will be mad.
— you promised to talk about Dragons — Hagrid was taken aback by your shy tone, nothing like your usual imposing and cold voice.
— come here, take a sit — he opened a chair for you and you sat there. In no time you were looking at a book about dragons while taking tea and listening to Hagrid. He stumbled in his words sometimes and he got nervous, but you didn't judge him.
— I didn't think you would come, you know — he commented and you looked at your hands.
— I'm sorry — you said remembering the morning, when after class you had stopped by the woods and he had spoken to you about the creatures that lived in the forbidden forest.
"Y/l/n, are you flirting with that dirty and disgusting semi-gigant now?" A girl of your same year had said and her two friends laughed at the joke, you turned to look at Hagrid with contempt.
"Hilda, darling not all of us had a pathetic need to be loved, this creature is only doing it's work" your answer was automatic "at least he's useful, unlike the magic anti-acne cream you use"
— I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I was trying to protect myself from them, I had to say those things or they are going to turn against me — you explained and the big hand of Hagrid softly patted your head.
— I noticed — he said with a sad expression on his face — I have seen you helping first year Hufflepuff when they get lost — his big finger cleaned the tear in your face — you have a big heart, but you have your reasons to hide it —
— you saw me? — you asked surprised — don't tell anyone that, please! — he laughed at your sudden worry
— I won't tell with one condition — there was a suspensive silence, you nodded — come tomorrow again —
— yes! — you loved that condition, the semi-gigant was your first friend since Sirius. You cherished Hagrid's friendship, so you went back many times after that day.
— I got it — you said, moving a piece of puzzle to place it somewhere else, Hagrid laughed wholeheartedly and you did the same.
— oh, oh! then that means — he moved another place in a 3D magic puzzle, making the wood puzzle to change colors.
— Hagrid has a date! — the happy scream alerted you, making you jump out of the chair and move quickly towards the back door of the house. You closed the door at the same time the principal one opened.
— aha! — James Potter said in his theatrical entrance expecting to catch Hagrid with a lady.
— James! Sirius! Remus! What a surprise! — Hagrid said, standing from the chair.
— we heard her! Where is she? — asked Sirius full of curiosity looking around as if there could be someone hiding.
— I'm sorry boys, I don't know what you are talking about — Hagrid tried to act clueless
— we heard a ladies voice — Remus explained — and these two decided you were in a date —
— they were laughing together! — James commented to defend himself
— yeah, they sounded happy — Sirius chimed in as he looked at the puzzles over the table.
— I'm the only one here — he claimed, moving to put in a new pot of tea.
— now — Remus remarked
— maybe if we go out there… — James suggested walking towards the back door
— No — Hagrid yelled, taking the boys by surprise, freezing them where they were — You will scare her away — the addition was soft, almost a plea — She's my secret friend but she's fragile, she doesn't like… wizards—
The three boys frowned before bombarding Hagrid with questions: was she pretty? How old was she? Was she a student? What was her name? Was she a semi-gigant? He answered most of them: yes, she was pretty, she was probably the same age as them; she was a student; no, he couldn't say her name; no, she wasn't a semi gigant.
For a whole month they tried to find out who was the mysterious friend of Hagrid. Until one day they decided on a plan to catch her: James and Sirius would go for the front door while Remus and Peter covered the back door.
— Y/l/n — muttered Remus surprised when you found yourself trapped against the door.
— a… snake? — peter said surprised almost horrified by the discovery
— get out of my way — you said softly pointing at the smallest of the two with your wand.
— are you Hagrid's secret friend?— Remus asked, putting his hands up to show he was unarmed.
— friends are only liabilities — you said seeing Pettigrew retreat slowly as you gave a step forward — or means for an end — the small boy pulled Remus back.
— I don't believe you — Remus didn't retreated.
— Moony believe her, she's always alone! — Peter whisper shouted trying to convince his friend.
— I don't care — you answered with a smile — but if you tell anyone and I mean anyone that I was here, I'll make your life a living hell — you pointed at his chest with your wand before making a gesture towards the chubby and afraid boy, making a violet spark jump from your wand against him, making him fell unconscious.
Remus gulped and kneeled to see if his friend was alright, when he was sure he looked back at you as you passed by the side and walked away putting on your hood. He believed you, you were an excellent student giving him hell would be easy for you.
When James finally asked Remus about the mysterious secret friend that same night, Remus looked at him with a blank face, shrugged and said:
— sorry mate, couldn't caught her —
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hannya-writes · 2 years
Deleramentum [chapter I]
Chapter: I. I need to be a Slytherin
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Other characters: professor McGonagall
Category: slow burn romance, serie of drabbles, drabbles, enemies to lovers,
Warnings: this may not make sense… YET, also I didn't check my spelling or redaction bc then I wouldn't publish it.
Author's note: everything started with this idea so if you want to have a sneak a peek of what's coming, just go check that post! Also, I want to thank the anon who asked me why didn't I write this idea myself, you made me ask myself "why the hell no?" THANKS!
By the way:I couldn't find some gif of Ben Barnes as a child so this is the best I got!
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"You are brave, you'll be a Gryffindor" the over excited words of Sirius Black echoed in your mind.
You remember this, it happened 5 years ago, when you were starting first grade. Everything looked the same, it felt too real to be a dream.
"Can't we be friends even if I don't go to Gryffindor?" Your own childish voice asked worriedly while Professor McGonagall called out for the students.
"Yeah, as long as you don't go to Slytherin" he said with a smile and even when it sounded like a joke, it felt like the truth… and it was the truth. Sirius hated Slytherins, he hated everything that was aligned to the blood purist ideals.
Sirius smiled at you until professor McGonagall said your name for the third time and you stepped up. His smile vanished like stars in the morning overpowered by the sun. Only in this situation, the sun was an expression of surprise, confusion and anger. You looked back twice as you walked towards the chair where the Sorting hat waited for you.
Professor McGonagall took the sorting hat, she saw you take a seat and noticed that your eyes were stuck on one of the new students.
— Everything will be fine — she told you, trying to soothe you. But you knew the truth, nothing was going to be fine. If you were sorted in Gryffindor your mother was going to torture and abandon you only for your name to be burned from the family tree.
You nodded, incapable of thanking your professor for trying to make you feel better. She put on the hat on you and you fisted your clothes afraid.
The Sorting Hat hummed inside your mind.
'a sharp and quick mind, a prodigious memory…ohh such a strong character, always sacrificing yourself for others, noble and brave, an excellent addition to Gryffindor" his words made you look up and around before going to Sirius. You wanted desperately to be friends with him, he was just like you.
"Please, I need to be a Slytherin" you thought, looking away from him. No, you weren't the same. If you were the same he would understand the logic behind your actions.
"a Slytherin?" It asked only to Humm again."the snakes will devour the lion in you, you will suffer with their venom. With the Lions though, you will shine and set an example"
"I'm no Lion, I'm a Snake!" You refuted doubtful.
"It is fine, little cub I know what to do.'' The wise voice calmed you down, you sighed in relief only to be surprised with the next word.
—GRYFFINDOR— yelled the sorting hat and you froze.No, it was impossible. You belonged to Slytherin, your mother and father would be disappointed. They will torture you and focus on your little sister. How could you be so stupid? How…
Everything trembled around you and the images in front of you disappeared to leave darkness. You opened your eyes slowly. It was a nightmare but, When did you fall asleep?
— Miss Y/l/n, the library is a temple to study not to sleep — the librarian informed you and you made a bothered face even when you were embarrassed. After all, no Slytherin would ever admit to be wrong and you were a Slytherin. You were a perfect example of the Snakes and no nightmare could change that.
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