#young sirius black x y/n
hannya-writes · 2 years
Deleramentum (Part II)
Title: 2. Games
Serie: Deleramentum
Fandom: Harry Potter | Magic World
Pairing: Sirius x Reader
Other characters: Hagrid, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin
Category: friendship
Warnings: none, only there's no romance here… yet.
Author's note: I forgot I got this ready since like a month ago! Sorry for the late actualization, I'm not use to write series
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You had always felt a little pull towards the unknown, which was dangerous, impulsive and…stupid according to your mother's words. She repeated over and over again that you had to be smart to survive. To survive, it was hilarious for you that someone like her spoke about surviving when she was the bigger menace in your life. However, through many mistakes, you have learned to control your impulsive behavior.
So no jumping in the stair towards the Gryffindor quarters, or at least no when there were people awake. No helping students from other houses or at least, when there were Slytherins around. No walking near Hagrid's house when the sun was up.
— you came! — he sounded happy and he was smiling, it surprised you. For a moment you thought he will be mad.
— you promised to talk about Dragons — Hagrid was taken aback by your shy tone, nothing like your usual imposing and cold voice.
— come here, take a sit — he opened a chair for you and you sat there. In no time you were looking at a book about dragons while taking tea and listening to Hagrid. He stumbled in his words sometimes and he got nervous, but you didn't judge him.
— I didn't think you would come, you know — he commented and you looked at your hands.
— I'm sorry — you said remembering the morning, when after class you had stopped by the woods and he had spoken to you about the creatures that lived in the forbidden forest.
"Y/l/n, are you flirting with that dirty and disgusting semi-gigant now?" A girl of your same year had said and her two friends laughed at the joke, you turned to look at Hagrid with contempt.
"Hilda, darling not all of us had a pathetic need to be loved, this creature is only doing it's work" your answer was automatic "at least he's useful, unlike the magic anti-acne cream you use"
— I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I was trying to protect myself from them, I had to say those things or they are going to turn against me — you explained and the big hand of Hagrid softly patted your head.
— I noticed — he said with a sad expression on his face — I have seen you helping first year Hufflepuff when they get lost — his big finger cleaned the tear in your face — you have a big heart, but you have your reasons to hide it —
— you saw me? — you asked surprised — don't tell anyone that, please! — he laughed at your sudden worry
— I won't tell with one condition — there was a suspensive silence, you nodded — come tomorrow again —
— yes! — you loved that condition, the semi-gigant was your first friend since Sirius. You cherished Hagrid's friendship, so you went back many times after that day.
— I got it — you said, moving a piece of puzzle to place it somewhere else, Hagrid laughed wholeheartedly and you did the same.
— oh, oh! then that means — he moved another place in a 3D magic puzzle, making the wood puzzle to change colors.
— Hagrid has a date! — the happy scream alerted you, making you jump out of the chair and move quickly towards the back door of the house. You closed the door at the same time the principal one opened.
— aha! — James Potter said in his theatrical entrance expecting to catch Hagrid with a lady.
— James! Sirius! Remus! What a surprise! — Hagrid said, standing from the chair.
— we heard her! Where is she? — asked Sirius full of curiosity looking around as if there could be someone hiding.
— I'm sorry boys, I don't know what you are talking about — Hagrid tried to act clueless
— we heard a ladies voice — Remus explained — and these two decided you were in a date —
— they were laughing together! — James commented to defend himself
— yeah, they sounded happy — Sirius chimed in as he looked at the puzzles over the table.
— I'm the only one here — he claimed, moving to put in a new pot of tea.
— now — Remus remarked
— maybe if we go out there… — James suggested walking towards the back door
— No — Hagrid yelled, taking the boys by surprise, freezing them where they were — You will scare her away — the addition was soft, almost a plea — She's my secret friend but she's fragile, she doesn't like… wizards—
The three boys frowned before bombarding Hagrid with questions: was she pretty? How old was she? Was she a student? What was her name? Was she a semi-gigant? He answered most of them: yes, she was pretty, she was probably the same age as them; she was a student; no, he couldn't say her name; no, she wasn't a semi gigant.
For a whole month they tried to find out who was the mysterious friend of Hagrid. Until one day they decided on a plan to catch her: James and Sirius would go for the front door while Remus and Peter covered the back door.
— Y/l/n — muttered Remus surprised when you found yourself trapped against the door.
— a… snake? — peter said surprised almost horrified by the discovery
— get out of my way — you said softly pointing at the smallest of the two with your wand.
— are you Hagrid's secret friend?— Remus asked, putting his hands up to show he was unarmed.
— friends are only liabilities — you said seeing Pettigrew retreat slowly as you gave a step forward — or means for an end — the small boy pulled Remus back.
— I don't believe you — Remus didn't retreated.
— Moony believe her, she's always alone! — Peter whisper shouted trying to convince his friend.
— I don't care — you answered with a smile — but if you tell anyone and I mean anyone that I was here, I'll make your life a living hell — you pointed at his chest with your wand before making a gesture towards the chubby and afraid boy, making a violet spark jump from your wand against him, making him fell unconscious.
Remus gulped and kneeled to see if his friend was alright, when he was sure he looked back at you as you passed by the side and walked away putting on your hood. He believed you, you were an excellent student giving him hell would be easy for you.
When James finally asked Remus about the mysterious secret friend that same night, Remus looked at him with a blank face, shrugged and said:
— sorry mate, couldn't caught her —
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enviedear · 12 days
Can I please have a 𓍢ִ໋🀦 scream with Sirius or Remus (or both) and one bed trope? Non-magical world
ofc, i missed writing for my favorite british wizards, i hope you like it nonnie <3
join spookfest... if you dare !
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ཐི⋆🕯️⋆ཋྀ SIRUS BLACK may have forgotten to book a room with two beds—but it's not his fault—he had other things to worry about! being james potter's best man isn't an easy task, and now here he is, stuck in a small hotel room with little more than a chair and a full size mattress. he's wishing he paid less mind to james and more to his sleeping arrangements.
he tries to make his tone convincing when he offers, "i can take the chair. s'no big deal." he's lying of course. he needs sleep for the ceremony tomorrow, but so do you. being maid of honor and all. he's sure he can sleep while everyone gets ready tomorrow. not that he wants to, but he'd be nothing if not a gentleman.
"no, it's fine. we can share." your tone is lax, shockingly different from how the circumstances are inwardly affecting you. and just like that, sirius is in the bed, head hitting the pillow and body melting into the mattress. it's when you curl in beside him that he finally realizes his situation. alone and sharing a bed with the person he's been harboring a crush on since forever—he can't possibly fall asleep now. there's a rush of thoughts in his mind; how tired he's going to be for his best mate's wedding if he doesn't calm down and get to bed. how undeniable your presence is beside him. how much he wants to reach out and pull you into him.
you break him out of his trance finally, voice soft when you jokingly tell him not to horde the covers. he manages a chuckle, stiffly. he's moreso focused on fighting the urge to interlock your fingers together than conversation. the bed is entirely too small, even if he would have been on his own. every shift brings you closer to him, it's pitiful how his breath hitches each time.
at least a half hour passes before he eases up. not due to anything other than your leg hitching around him and your arms finding home around his shoulders. you're peacefully asleep, but sirius falls into your touch as if you meant it. he, rather quickly, decides to face the aftermath of cuddling through the night tomorrow. for now—he indulges.
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masivechaos · 1 month
home again!
── ☆ sirius black x fem! reader
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── ☆ Request: yes / no
── ☆ Synopsis: Sirius is back from Azkaban, longing for your touch again
── ☆ Warning/content: my English
── ☆ a.n.: 1k words-
masterlist/ marauders masterlist / navigation / taglist 
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
It was weird falling back into a routine with the man you first considered your friend, then your boyfriend, your fiancé even at some point, but also the man you thought had betrayed you, had been responsible for your best friends’ deaths.
Spending thirteen years apart, during which you thought he was guilty of a crime he didn’t commit, built a wall between the two of you that was difficult to destroy. You spent so many lonely nights slowly carving into your heart that he wasn’t the man you thought he was, only for that idea to be shoved away too when you discovered he was innocent.
Your world was falling to pieces a second time. All this mourning, gone for the wrong person. All this pain, unnecessary.
But when you saw him now, analysing the features you hadn’t seen from so close in such a long time, your heart felt like it was back at peace. Your eyes scanned over the soft eye wrinkles he didn’t have yet as a young man, thirteen years ago, the beard he decided to keep when he spent his youth shaving meticulously. It was almost hard to imagine he was the same man.
You smiled, in moments like this, it felt like before, like when you just got engaged. You could feel the warm sensation in your stomach that you had missed so much, only the nickname he gave you could make the butterflies fly again.
“Yes, Sirius?”
Sirius sat next to you on the sofa, you had moved to Grimmauld Place for obvious reasons. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, trying to appear casual about this new (re)found proximity.
But you knew, of course, you did. Even after all this time as strangers, you knew him like the back of your hand. All the stolen touches when he stands next to you while you cook, his cold fingers around your wrist when you’re walking, his body sitting unnecessarily closer to you when you’re reading in bed…
He did this as a teenager, too. Seeking for solace in your touch without asking for it. He preferred stealing a few brushes of your skin against his, here and there, until you initiated the hug.
And apparently, this habit hadn’t disappeared. If anything, it was only stronger now. All these lonely years in a cold cell had only made him long for your touch even more. There was just something about the softness of your embrace that made him feel like he could finally breathe and rest.
You leaned into him, slowly snaking your arms around his torso to pull him closer. He didn’t hesitate a second before curling up by your side, if he could crawl under your skin and melt into one identity with you, he would have.
You rested your cheek on the top of his head, “I’m here,” you whispered, and it felt like he was the 16-year-old boy who woke up from nightmares in the middle of the night again. Your lips brushed his forehead as he managed to snuggle closer, his head tucked in the crook of your neck.
How much he had missed this. He couldn’t count the hours he spent in Azkaban, with his eyes closed, when things got hard and the memory of your hold was his only comfort. He breathed in your scent.
It wasn’t the same perfume as when you were a young woman, he knew that, for you, scents held memories, but at this moment he longed to smell the perfume he loved and cherished. He remembered the flower notes on your scarf that he would steal borrow from you. He could see himself closing his eyes as soon as he got home, knowing you were already there by the scent of you lingering in the room.
He breathed in a second time, adapting to this new perfume of yours, this new version of you. The one with smile lines and wider hips, the one with an ever so slightly deeper voice and a darker hair colour.
Maybe it was because of how much he missed you, but he might like this version better.
But your touch, the one he was starving for for more than a decade, hadn’t changed. You had the same grip on his shoulders, the same safe hold of his body, the same gentle breathing on his forehead.
He couldn’t express how much he had missed this, so when his lips parted but no sound came out, your arms tightened around him “Shh… You don’t need to say anything, I can feel it.”
Was it your voice? Was it the feeling of your warm skin against his? He didn’t know, but he started to cry. A silent tear fell down his cheek until it hit your wool jumper. Once he started, he couldn’t seem to stop.
He had cried in Azkaban, of course, he did and more than once. But these cries were different, they weren’t desperate and heartbroken. They were tender and needed. This moment with you felt like a safe harbour after years of hopelessness and restlessness.
He let out a ragged breath, his heart was sore and swollen but he could feel it slowly healing by your touch. He was a wizard, he had known magic since he was born, but nothing was as magical as the effect of your embrace on his soul. Like a calming balm and a band-aid. A glue keeping all the pieces of his wounded self together.
“I…” he tried “Thank you”
You smiled tenderly at his broken whisper “You don’t have to thank me. I’m here now… I’m not going anywhere… I’m not letting go” 
You closed your own eyes too, savouring the moment while it lasted. You felt like crying too, but it wasn’t the moment, he needed you to hold him. You both couldn’t be puddles at the same time, could you?
Sirius pressed his face further to your neck, his wet cheek against your skin. He felt it in the warmth in his chest, in his slow heartbeat and gentle breathing.
He was finally home again.
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⋆ ★ sirius back taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @sw34terw34ther @cauliflowertree @madison-rebel @moonlitmeeks @loveeharrington @lesbianjackies @elenatries2write  @juneberrie  @f4iry-blush @gilmore-angel @heartfucks @sparklenarniawizard @moondemon123 @mystic-writings @siriusblackstwin @natashxromanovf @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @garfieldsladybird @starconfettii @kidcuisinesvcks @percy-the-hufflepuff @fairydxll @spookydarkwitch @duxpuella @innerloverpainter @nyxxxxxxxx @venussflytraps @diorgirl444 @oncasette @locke-writes @maddipoof @widowbf @starlit-epiphany @rosalyn-s @etanordiesbullshit @sageskisses444 @kieracassette @luvmarsbars @jsjcue @mellozhi @lovings4turn @ravisinghs-wife
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ms-snape · 1 month
Prejudices (young!remus lupin x slytherin! reader)
request: not a request, request are OPENED
Summary: Remus is in a relationship with a slytherin and his friends are... NOT happy about it
Warning: Angst, argument between lovers, argument between friends...
Wors Count: 2776
The soft light of the setting sun filtered through the ancient trees of the Forbidden Forest, casting long shadows on the ground. Remus Lupin stood at the edge of the forest, his heart pounding against his ribcage like a caged bird desperate to escape. He glanced over his shoulder, scanning the clearing for any sign of his friends. He could hear their laughter in the distance, a familiar sound that filled him with both warmth and dread.
“Hey,” a soft voice broke through his thoughts, and he turned to see Y/N approaching, her long Slytherin robes billowing around her. Her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her green eyes sparkled with mischief. “You’re not going to run off again, are you?”
“No,” he said, a smile creeping onto his face. “I just… I was thinking.”
“About what?” she asked, stepping closer. The air between them was charged, electric, filled with unspoken words and the weight of their secret.
“About us,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
She tilted her head, a playful smirk on her lips. “You mean our relationship that’s destined to cause chaos?”
He chuckled softly, but the laughter died in his throat. “You know how it is. I told them about us, but I can't introduce you to them. They’d never understand.”
Y/N crossed her arms, the playful glint in her eyes replaced with something darker. “And why is that, Remus? Because I’m a Slytherin? Because your friends hate my House?”
“It’s not just that,” he replied, running a hand through his hair, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. “They wouldn’t see past the House rivalry. I don’t want to lose you, but I can’t risk losing them either.”
A flicker of disappointment crossed her face. “So, you’re choosing them over me?”
“No!” He stepped forward, his voice rising slightly. “I’m trying to protect what we have. It’s complicated.”
She scoffed, shaking her head. “Complicated? Or just cowardly?”
“Y/N, please,” he pleaded, his heart racing. “I just need time.”
She took a step back, her expression hardening. “You know what? Maybe we don’t need time. Maybe we just need to face the truth.”
Before he could respond, she turned on her heel and walked away, her robes swishing in the fading light. Remus watched her go, his chest tight with an emotion he couldn’t quite place.
The next day, Remus found himself in the Gryffindor common room, surrounded by his friends. James, Sirius, and Peter were engaged in a game of Exploding Snap, their laughter echoing off the stone walls. But Remus couldn’t concentrate. His thoughts were consumed by YN, by the conversation they’d had, and the rift that was growing between them.
“Oi, Moony! You’re awfully quiet,” Sirius said, glancing up from the game. “What’s up? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Just tired,” Remus said, forcing a smile. He picked at his sleeve, avoiding their eyes.
James raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. “You’ve been off for weeks now. Is it because of that girl Slytherin again?”
Remus’s heart dropped. He had been careful to avoid mentioning Y/N, but it seemed James had picked up on his distracted demeanor. “No, it’s not—”
“Because if it is,” Sirius interrupted, leaning forward, “I’m telling you, Moony, you can do better than a Slytherin. Those snakes will stab you in the back the moment you let your guard down.”
“Yeah, man,” Peter chimed in. “You know they’re all about ambition and power. It’s in their blood.”
Remus clenched his fists, tension coiling in his gut. “You don’t know her, okay? Y/N isn’t like that.”
James’s expression darkened. “Then why are you hiding her? If she’s so great, why not introduce her to us?”
“Because it’s complicated!” Remus snapped, the words spilling out before he could stop them. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Try us,” Sirius challenged, his jaw set. “We’re your friends, Remus. We care about you.”
“Do you care about me, or do you care about your stupid prejudices?” Remus shot back, his voice rising. The room fell silent, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.
“Moony, we just want what’s best for you,” James said, his tone softer now, but still firm. “Slytherins are dangerous. You know that.”
“Dangerous?” Remus echoed incredulously. “Or just different? Y/N is not dangerous. She’s smart, funny, and she cares about me. Why can’t you see that?”
Sirius’s face hardened. “Because we know how this ends, Remus. You think you can make it work, but she’ll end up breaking your heart. They always do.”
“I can’t believe you guys,” Remus said, shaking his head in disbelief. “You’re acting like you own me. I’m not a bloody puppet!”
“Then stop acting like a fool!” Sirius shot back, standing up now, his hands clenched at his sides. “You can’t just ignore the truth because it doesn’t fit your little fantasy!”
“Guys, calm down…” Peter stuttered, glancing nervously between them.
But Remus was beyond reason. He felt the weight of betrayal crashing down on him. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I am a fool for thinking you would support me.”
He turned away, storming out of the common room and into the maze of corridors that led to the dungeons. His heart raced as he navigated the familiar path, each step echoing the turmoil within him.
Y/N was waiting for him by the entrance to the Slytherin common room, her arms crossed tightly across her chest. The moment she spotted him, the tension in her posture visibly relaxed. “You came,” she said, relief flooding her voice.
“Yeah,” he replied, his voice heavy with unspoken words. “But it’s not good news.”
Her expression shifted, concern flickering in her eyes. “What happened?”
“James and Sirius are idiots,” he admitted, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “They… they still don’t approve.”
“Of course not,” she said, her voice laced with sarcasm. “They’re Gryffindors, and I’m a Slytherin. What did you expect?”
“I thought maybe they’d be okay with it,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “But they’re not. They think I’m making a mistake.”
“Are you?” she challenged, her eyes narrowing slightly.
“No! I’m just trying to figure out how to make this work without losing you or them,” he exclaimed, exasperation rising in his chest.
“Maybe you should have thought about that before getting involved with a Slytherin,” she shot back, hurt flashing across her face. “It’s not like I forced you into this, Remus.”
“I never said that!” he argued, frustration spilling over. “I care about you, but they’re my friends—”
“Your friends who don’t care about you! They only care about their stupid prejudices!” YN snapped, her voice rising. “You’re so afraid of losing them that you can’t even stand up for what you want!”
“Maybe I’m just trying to be realistic!” he shouted, the words echoing off the stone walls around them. “You think this is easy for me? Hiding who I care about just because they might not accept you?”
“Then stop hiding!” she yelled, tears welling in her eyes. “You say you care about me, but it feels like you care more about their opinions than about our relationship!”
“I’m trying to protect us!” he exclaimed, his heart racing with anxiety.
“Protect us?” she said incredulously, stepping back as if struck. “You mean protect your friendship with people who don’t even see me as a person! They see me as a stereotype!”
“Y/N, please…” he said, his voice cracking.
“No! You can’t keep playing both sides!” she cried, her voice trembling. “Either you stand by me, or you let me go.”
“Y/N, don’t say that,” he begged, desperation creeping into his voice. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“Then you need to make a choice, Remus,” she said, her expression resolute. “Because I won’t be your secret anymore. I deserve better than that.”
With that, she turned and disappeared into the darkness of the corridor, leaving Remus standing alone, the weight of his choices crashing down on him like a tidal wave.
Days passed, and the rift between Remus and Y/N deepened. The halls of Hogwarts felt emptier without her presence, and every time he saw James and Sirius, the anger bubbled to the surface again. They had no idea how much he was hurting, how much he missed her laughter and her teasing smiles.
“Moony, you’ve got to get over this,” James urged one evening as they both sat in the Great Hall. “There are plenty of girls in our House.”
Remus shot him a glare. “I don’t want anyone else. I want Y/N.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” James asked, leaning back in his seat. “Just tell her you’re done with the secrecy. Bring her here, introduce her.”
Remus slammed his hands on the table, the sound echoing through the hall. “You don’t get it. It’s not that simple!”
“Why not?” James insisted. “If you really care about her, you’ll find a way.”
Remus stared at them, feeling the weight of their expectations pressing down on him. “You want me to choose between you and her.”
“We want you to be honest with us,I'm sure that's what Pads and Wormtail want as well ” James said quietly. “We want to understand.”
“I’m trying,Prongs” Remus said, his voice breaking. “But it’s hard when I feel like I’m fighting everyone I care about.”
“Then make a choice,” James said softly. “You can’t keep living in the middle. Either you stand up for what you want or you let it go.”
Remus looked down at his plate, the reality of James' words sinking in. It was time to make a decision, to confront the truth of his feelings and his loyalties. He knew what he had to do, even if it meant risking everything he had.
Outside, the crisp evening air hit him like a slap. He walked aimlessly, his thoughts a chaotic whirlwind. Memories of YN flooded his mind—the way her laughter would light up a room, the way she challenged him and made him feel alive. He missed her so much it was like a physical ache in his chest.
Just as he rounded a corner, he spotted YN standing by the lake, her figure silhouetted against the moonlight. His breath caught in his throat as he took a step toward her, but she turned away, her posture tense.
“Y/N,” he called softly.
She didn’t respond, staring out over the water, her expression inscrutable.
“Please, can we talk?” he asked, his heart pounding.
After a long silence, she finally turned to face him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “What’s there to talk about, Remus? You’ve made your choice clear.”
“I haven’t made any choice,” he replied, stepping closer. “I don’t want to lose you. I’ve been trying to find a way to make this work, but my friends… they don’t understand.”
“Maybe they’re right,” she said, her voice breaking. “Maybe it’s just too complicated for us.”
“No,” he said fiercely, shaking his head. “We can make it work. I want to fight for us.”
“That’s easy for you to say,” she replied, her voice laced with pain. “You’re not the one who has to deal with the fallout of being with a Gryffindor. You don’t know what it feels like to be judged every single day.”
“I know what it feels like to be judged,” he said, desperation creeping into his voice. “I’m a werewolf, YN. I’ve felt that sting my whole life.”
She looked at him, her eyes wide. “But you have friends who support you. I don’t have that. Not now, not ever.”
“You could have me,” he said, stepping closer, his heart pounding. “I want to be with you, but I need you to believe that.”
“Believe what?” she asked, her voice trembling. “That you’ll stand up to your friends for me? That you’ll choose me over them?”
“Yes!” he exclaimed, the words pouring out of him. “I choose you. I choose us.”
“Then why don’t you prove it?” she challenged, her gaze unwavering. “Stop hiding me. Bring me to your friends, face them together. Show me you really mean it.”
Remus’s heart raced at the thought. He had been so afraid of the consequences, of the judgment, but now he saw clearly. YN was worth it. “Okay,” he said, determination filling him. “I’ll do it. I’ll bring you to them.”
A flicker of hope crossed her face, but it was quickly replaced by uncertainty. “And if they don’t accept me?”
“Then we’ll deal with it together,” he vowed, his voice steady. “I won’t let them dictate our happiness.”
She stepped closer, her eyes searching his. “You really mean that?”
“Yes,” he said, reaching for her hand. “I won’t let fear keep us apart anymore.”
YN hesitated for a moment, then took his hand, their fingers intertwining. “Okay, but if they make a scene…”
“They won’t,” he promised, squeezing her hand gently. “I’ll make sure of it.”
With a small smile breaking through her tears, YN nodded. “Then let’s do this.”
The next evening, Remus gathered his courage and headed to the Gryffindor common room with YN by his side. His heart raced as they approached the portrait of the Fat Lady, her gaze scrutinizing them both.
“Password?” she asked, her voice dripping with skepticism.
“caput draconis,” Remus replied, his throat dry.
The portrait swung open, and they stepped inside. The warmth of the room enveloped them, but the laughter and chatter stilled as everyone turned to stare. James, Sirius, and Peter sat at a table in the corner, their expressions shifting from surprise to confusion.
“Moony?” Sirius said, rising to his feet. “What’s going on?”
Remus took a deep breath, feeling YN’s hand squeeze his for reassurance. “I want you all to meet someone,” he said, his voice steady. “This is YN. She’s… she’s my girlfriend. I told you about her”
The silence that followed was deafening. Sirius’s expression hardened, and Peter’s eyes widened with shock. James looked between them, a sligh smile on his face.
“You can’t be serious,” Sirius finally said, disbelief etched on his face. “You brought a slytherin into our commun room?”
“Yes,” Remus said, feeling a surge of defiance. “And I care about her.”
“You know she’s not like us, right?” Sirius pressed, crossing his arms. “She’s a Slytherin.”
“Last time I checked, love doesn’t have a House,” Remus shot back, his heart racing. “She’s a person, just like you and I.”
Peter stepped forward, trying to mediate. “Look, Moony, we just want to protect you. You know how Slytherins can be.”
“Right, because all Slytherins are the same,” Y/N interjected, her voice sharp. “You don’t know me. You don’t know anything about who I am.”
Sirius opened his mouth to respond, but Remus held up a hand. “Let her speak.”
Y/N took a step forward, her confidence shining through. “I’m not here to cause troubles. I care about Remus just like you three, and I’m willing to prove that to you. But I need you to give me a chance.”
“Prove it how?” Sirius asked, skepticism still etched on his face.
“By showing you that I’m not a stereotype,” she replied, her voice steady. “I want to get to know you all, but I can't do it if you’re going to judge me before you know me.”
James looked at Remus, searching his face for a sign of uncertainty. But Remus felt only determination. “She’s right. If you want me to be happy, you have to accept the person I care about.”
The tension in the room was palpable, and for a moment, it felt like everything hung in the balance. Finally, James sighed, running a hand through his hair and adjusting his glasses. “Okay,” he said slowly. “Let’s give her a chance.”
Sirius shot him a look of disbelief. “James, are you serious?”
“Yeah, I am,” James replied, his tone firm. “If Remus cares about her, then we owe it to him and to her to see what she’s really like.”
Remus felt a wave of relief wash over him. “Thank you,” he said, glancing at YN, who looked equally surprised.
“But,” James added, raising a finger, “you better not pull any Slytherin tricks on us, or I swear…”
“I won’t,” YN promised, her voice steady. “I just want to be treated like everyone else.”
“Just don’t expect us to let you win at Exploding Snap,” Sirius added with a smirk.
The tension in the room began to dissipate as the other Gryffindors resumed their conversations, albeit with curious glances at YN. Slowly, she began to relax, and Remus couldn’t help but smile at the small victories.
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Andromeda: Everybody has a gay cousin
Sirius: I don’t have a gay cousin!
Bellatrix: …
Narcissa: …
Andromeda: …
Regulus: …
Sirius: o wait, I AM the gay cousin
Bellatrix: no kidding, Sherlock!
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rosabeetroot · 1 year
James potter
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James trying to impress regulus
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lost-inthe-v0id · 5 months
Young Snape x Reader prompt/idea? Idk
I can’t really write so this is a scenario I made up that I just word vomited
I’ve always had a crush on snapes young actor since I was like 8 so this is js something I made up when I would daydream
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Student!Reader is a ravenclaw pure blood with no strong opinions on wizards/witches with no magic parents and a lot of ravenclaw and slytherin friends
Student!Reader and Student!Snape meet on the train and click right away but don’t hang out at school as much because Lily told Snape she didn’t like reader. They’re still acquaintances until that changes due to Lily getting closer to James and Severus getting a class with Reader. Little by little they slowly start getting closer together.
Reader would like to spend more time with him but he feels a responsibility to stay with Lily all the time since she was the only one who cared to stick around with him. Reader doesn’t like the way Lily treats him and the fact she’s all buddy buddy with his bullies
Finally it’s all solidified when Severus and Lily have an argument their 4th or 5th and he calls her a mudblood. Lily starts to ignore Severus not only everytime he goes to apologize but anytime he comes near her at all. She starts to stand by and just watch James and his gang bully Snape and sometimes laughs.
Reader finds Severus crying and comforts him. Gives him a pep talk about how wonderful he is and how people make mistakes and no one deserves to be treated like he is. Finally after that they start hanging out everyday. Severus becomes good friends with Readers friends but they still usually only hang out with each other.
Reader tells people in Ravenclaw and slytherine how Lily treated Severus and people stopped talking to her, gossiping about her even. Since Reader is a pure blood that’s part of an affluent family she grew up around other affluent family kids. Overall reader was not only friends with higher influence kids but also very respected among them due to her kind and understanding nature. So a lot of these people started to look down on Lily.
Finally it all comes together when Snape and Reader are near a tree talking one day when he starts telling Reader how much he doesn’t deserve her and kind of confessing and rambling when Reader kisses him. After that they start dating, the don’t try to hide it either. They hold hands ALL the time, sometimes you find the pair snogging, other times you find Reader laying her head on his shoulder.
Lily doesn’t like this, she liked the fact Severus liked her and the attention she would get from him on top of that people she use to talk to won’t even look at her now. She tries to talk to him saying she’s ready to hear him out but by then Severus couldn’t really give a shit.
Idrk about the rest
I know not a lot of people like Snape like that so I’m just posting this for myself not really expecting anyone to see this lol
If someone does end up making a full fledged fic plz credit me :<
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mystcldydrms · 1 year
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prompt: "there is something between us."
pairing: young!sirius black x fem!reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: slight angst & fluff, cursing
notes: thank you for requesting. it took me a while to find a good start to the fic but I got there in the end.
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He was your best friend. He was your soulmate. Sirius knew how you felt. You knew how he felt. However, you were scared. You didn’t want to lose him. He was one of the most important people in your life. You knew that trying to push your feelings away was the safest option, as of now, but how long would you be able to keep them locked up?
You tried to tell yourself that you and Sirius would be awful together. But every time a thought like this crossed your mind, you knew it was a lie. He would treat you like a princess. You could laugh together; he would still make fun of you, and you would do the same to him. Whenever the two of you were together, it felt natural. It felt like the universe knew that you were meant for one another, but the more you thought about it, the more anxious you got.
Another precaution you took was to spend as little time with Sirius as possible. It was easier said than done, seeing as though both of you were Gryffindors and you had mutual friends. However, for the last couple of days, you had been quite successful, only catching a quick glimpse of him whenever you entered or exited the Great Hall.
Today you weren’t as lucky as the other times.
You were one of the last students to pack up your things after another lesson on Transfiguration when you turned around and bumped into another person. You instantly knew who it was without even looking at him. Just his smell made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
“Sirius, hey.”, you said to him as if it was the first time you’d seen one another all day. Of course, you had seen him walk into the classroom. You had stolen glances at him every few minutes during Transfiguration, and you knew he did the same thing, yet whenever he looked your way, you quickly averted your gaze and looked at Professor McGonagall again.
It felt like a lifetime ago that you had a proper conversation with your best friend, and you had to be honest with yourself, you missed him. You missed everything about him. His smile, his laugh, his touch. But there was still that pinch of anxiety in the back of your mind.
“You’ve been avoiding me.”, Sirius stated matter-of-factly.
A sad sigh escaped your lips as you shook your head, pushing another book inside your bag before you heaved it onto your shoulder. For the first time, in what felt like forever, you looked up into Sirius’ eyes, your heart breaking into small pieces once you noticed the worried expression on his face.
You absentmindedly bit your lower lip as you nervously started to play with your fingers. You knew you couldn’t lie to him. You have known each other ever since your first train ride on the Hogwarts Express. The two of you sat opposite each other. You were a rather shy little girl who wasn’t great at making new friends, however, Sirius was different. He started to talk to you as soon as your bottom hit the seat. He wanted to know everything about you, and although you had only given him one- or two-word answers, he kept talking until you had arrived at Hogwarts.
“y/n”, Sirius whispered your name, snapping you out of your daydream as you felt his hand grab one of yours, trying to make you stop fumbling.
“I don’t know what to say. And I really have to go.”, you announced quietly, pulling your hand away from his before you marched past him, your eyes getting a bit glassy.
“You’re not running away from me.”, you heard him say as he grabbed your arm, preventing you from exiting the classroom and getting as far away from him as possible.
“I really have to get to my next class.” “We don’t have another class until this afternoon, and you know this, so stop running away.”
You had never seen or heard Sirius be this serious before. The only time he had been this way was when he had told you all about his family and the way they had treated him once they found out he didn’t get into Slytherin.
You quickly wiped away the tears that were trying to spill out of your eyes, your hands shaking as you carefully turned around, not yet daring to look into the eyes of the boy you loved.
“There is something between us.”
Sirius confirmed something that the two of you already knew. Everyone knew it. All your friends talked about it. James and Remus once had a bet going on about when you would finally get over yourselves and start dating. James had lost that bet a long time ago. However, neither of them nor any of your other friends had lost hope.
“I know there is.”
You felt Sirius’ hand glide down your arm until he was able to grab your hand, slightly intertwining your fingers with his and this time you didn’t pull away. You even let him pull you closer to where he was.
“I’m just scared.”, you confessed.
“Why? There’s nothing to fear.”
“Yes, there is.”, you stated. “What if the two of us really started dating, and after a while, we notice that it isn’t right and we should only be friends? But we can’t be friends anymore because it would be too weird, and it would break my heart to ever see you with someone else. So, we can’t ever spend time with one another again, and our friends have to choose a side and – “
“y/n, stop. This is madness!”
You looked up at him with wide eyes, your lips lightly trembling. Sirius’ hand left yours, only for him to cup your face, his thumbs gently tracing your cheeks.
“Can’t we start worrying about it when it happens, which it won’t?”
“No, Sirius, we can’t. You know I can’t. I’m not a young, reckless boy like you who always thinks life is a joke. I worry all the fucking time.”
Sirius leaned forward to press his lips gently on your forehead, instantly calming you down. He didn’t always know what to say, but he always knew what to do, and he knew that his touch calmed you down.
Once the warmth of his lips disappeared from your forehead, you opened your eyes again, noticing that the young Gryffindor smiled at you. His eyes were full of adoration for you.
“Okay, let’s talk now.”, he told you honestly.
“If you’re willing to give us a chance, I will be the happiest man in the whole universe.”
“Man? You’re a boy.”
The two of you couldn’t help but laugh, and you immediately knew everything would be alright. You just felt it.
“Let me talk, woman.”
“Alright, go on.”, you said while you wrapped your arms slightly around him.
“Like I said, once we’re a couple I won’t let you go again. You’re my y/n. You have been ever since we first met on the Hogwarts Express, and that won’t change. James already hates me because I talk so much about you. Nothing will ever tear us apart, okay? We both know how to talk; we can communicate with one another if there's ever a problem. You’re the love of my life. There, I said it. And I mean every single word of it.”
Your cheeks were already as hot as they could get, the blush on full display. Why did you ever think you could just turn off your feelings for him? You must have been out of your mind. Sirius was the love of your life. He was the man–boy – of your dreams.
“I love you, Sirius Black.”
“I love you too, y/f/n.”
And there it was, the moment you had been waiting for.
Sirius slowly leaned down, his eyes never leaving yours. You were able to feel his hot breath on your lips before he finally pressed his to yours. His lips felt like magic. You could hear fireworks explode inside of you as you kissed the man of your dreams for the first time. They moved perfectly in sync while Sirius’ hands slid down from your cheeks, only for his arms to wrap around your body, squeezing you gently. You let out a slight giggle against his lips, not once pulling away from him. You knew you had to breathe at one point, but for now, you were okay with just being in the moment.
Until you heard someone clear their throat.
The two of you instantly pulled away from one another, your heads turning to the right, only to find Professor Dumbledore standing in the entryway to the Transfiguration classroom. One of his eyebrows was raised, and an amused smile graced his lips.
“Shouldn’t the two of you be on your way to lunch in the Great Hall?”
You nodded your head one of your hands holding your bag while the other one took Sirius’ hand, guiding him and yourself out of the classroom.
“Of course, Professor. We were just on our way.”, you stated embarrassedly, walking past the Headmaster of Hogwarts, your cheeks still as bright as a tomato.
“See what you did.”, you whisper-shouted.
Sirius only shrugged his shoulder, pulling his hand out of yours before he swung his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close against him as he dropped a swift kiss on the top of your head.  
“What can I say? If you hadn’t ignored me for the past week, we might’ve had our first kiss somewhere private.”
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annabelinlove · 9 months
I am yours
Pairing: Poly!marauders x reader
Word Count: 2k
Summary: How your searching for love led you to the Marauders
Notes: English is not my first language, use of Y/n, James was dating Lily but then stared dating Wolfstar, just started writing so maybe shit lol
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Dating wasn’t easy, not when you were a student at Hogwarts where everyone was in each other business and you couldn’t do anything without it being the hot topic all around the school the next day. Also, being a Slytherin was view as being a snobbish bitch, which didn’t really help your dating life. And still, you wanted to be loved and love with your whole heart.
“I know you’re not studying, darling.”
Your thinking was disturbed by a calm voice that belong to no other than Remus Lupin. You had no idea, how your friendship with the marauders began. Maybe it was when you were 11 and James Potter helped you find your class, when you were wandering lost around the Castle. Maybe it was when you were 13 in a potion class and your hair was falling into your face and Sirius Black gave you his scrunchie so you won’t fuck up the potion because you couldn’t see. Or was it when Remus Lupin gave you his chocolate when he found you frustrated in the library over a stupid homework when you were 12? You really didn’t know, but the golden boys of Gryffindor were your best friends and you wouldn’t change a thing, even if you were secretly hoping, that you could be more.
“I am studying.” You tried to defend yourself, even if you were lost in your thoughts for the last 10 minutes. Remus gave you un unimpressed look as if trying to tell you that he knew you were lying.
“You were just staring at the page for Merlin knows how long, you can’t fool me, darling.” You were sure that the pet names, that each of the marauders gave you would be the end of you yet you would probably really die if they stopped with them.
“Maybe I’m just really interested in this page,” you tried once again, but you knew you were doomed. “Pff, even Moony doesn’t stare that long at a page when it’s interesting. What’s on your mind, hm?” James joined the conversation, ditching his homework.
“This Slytherin boy I’ve been seeing wants to take things to the next level,” you admitted, thinking about the conversation you had this morning. Sirius raised his head, that was comfortably in Remus’ lap, suddenly intrigued in the conversation as well. All 3 pairs of eyes were on you, all of them having a different emotion in them. You squirmed in the silence, hoping one of them would break the silence. After a few seconds Sirius was the first to speak.
“Who was it again? So I can break his face the next time I see him.” You blinked at him, surprised by his violent tendencies. You didn’t know what kind of reaction you expected, but it definitely wasn’t this. Not knowing what to say you just stared at him, but thankfully Remus came to your aid.
“Come on, Pads. Maybe Y/n wants to take things to the next level and I’m pretty sure broken bones would kind of ruin that.” He scolded the raven haired boy, but gave you a curious glance, wondering what was your answer.
“I told him I’d think about it, but I don’t really know what I should tell him. He’s nice and everything, but I feel absolutely nothing when I’m with him,” you answered the unsaid question of all three boys. “Good.” was the immediate answer from Sirius, but James jumped in before he could say anything else. “Is that what’s bothering you, sweets? If you don’t want to be with him, just say it.” He took you hand, when he notices you picking on your nails, a nasty habit you did whenever you were nervous.
It took you a second before answering, looking at yours and James’ joined hands.
“I guess I just expected more, ya know? When he first asked me out, I think I said yes just because I was so surprised anyone would find me attractive or interesting enough to want to go out with, especially someone I just met on hallways and saw in the common room, someone who didn’t know me and I was so eager to go with him because I was hoping I’d finally find someone I could be really happy with. Feel the butterflies and the love and all that shit but that didn’t happen. I don’t feel anything when I’m with him and I don’t know what to do now that I know it’s not what I hoped for.” You were quiet for a second, the boys not interrupting you. They knew you and knew you had more to say.
“But maybe I should be his girlfriend, take things to the next level. So what if it’s not like what I dreamed of, we can’t always have what we want and it’d nice to be someone’s girlfriend. Be with someone who cares about you is always nice, am I right? It could also help me stop feeling like a fourth wheel whenever we hang out and you’re acting all coupley while I’m just kind of there.” You spilled how you felt without being able to stop yourself. Was it the best choice? Maybe not, but you really needed to talk to someone about your feelings and you trusted them and knew they would never judge you.
“Surprised anyone would find you attractive enough? When was the last time you looked into a mirror, pet? Your are by far the most gorgeous girl in Hogwarts. But don’t be fooled, we don’t hang out with you for your looks, but because of how you make us feel. How you make us laugh when we’re sad, how you take care of us and do everything you think we might need, because of how amazing you and your personality is. Everybody would be proud to call you theirs. I’m actually surprised it took this long for someone to ask you out. I would have done it ages ago if I knew I’d stood a chance.” You lifted your head to look at Sirius, finding him looking at you in disbelief. You were definitely surprised by his words. You felt warmth spreading inside you body, thinking about his words. I would have done it ages ago if I knew I’d stood a chance, what did he mean by that? But before you could ask, Remus continued Sirius’ speech.
“Being with someone just to not be alone isn’t really a healthy thing, love. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be with this guy, do whatever you want, you are your own person and no one can tell you what do. I’m just saying that you shouldn’t waste your time dating someone you don’t feel any connection with. If you want butterflies, go find someone who makes you feel butterflies. You deserve so much more than to be with some bloke who doesn’t meet your expectations. Don’t lower your standards for anyone. And we never, ever wanted to make you feel like a fourth wheel, and we’re really sorry we did, love. If you’d feel more comfortable, we could stop acting all coupley, as you’ve put it, and be much less PDA with you. Whatever makes you happy and feeling the most comfortable with us.” Even tho he tried to mask it, you could see the hurt on his face and hear it in his voice. You didn’t think that your words would hurt them, that was the last thing you wanted.
“Listen to me and listen carefully, can you do that, sweetheart? I always thought that being with Lily would make me the happiest man in the world, that’s why I was trying so hard to get together with her. But when it finally happened I wasn’t happy. I tried so hard to love her, but I realized that I never did, I just loved the idea of her loving me. I wanted the same thing you want now. Everyday I saw how Pads and Moony are in love and I wanted that, just not with Lily, as I’ve come to realize. We were both unhappy so why should we stay together? Breaking up with her was the best thing ever, because it led her to be with Mary and I found my way to my boys. And let me tell you, being with them is the happiest I could ever be. And with you by our side. If you don’t feel happy, don’t waste your time with him. You may thing that it’s gonna be okay and you’ll find what you want, but it’s only gonna leave you miserable in the end,” James added.
You tried to wrap your head around everything what was said, but it left you confused. You knew you didn’t want to be with the Slytherin boy, you wanted to be part of the relationship these boys had, but you knew it wouldn’t be possible. But maybe they were right and being in a relationship just to be in one was stupid.
“I never want you to start acting differently or hide your relationship around me That’s the last thing I want and I’m sorry if it came out like I did. I love seeing you all in love, I really do. I feel the most comfortable when you are being yourselves, so please don’t ever change that,” you started to explain. You knew that if you didn’t say anything now, you never would. “I guess I’m just a little jealous that I could never be part of the love you share, you know? I think I want to be with someone so bad so I would stop feeling the need to be with you. Everyday I see how happy you are and I feel jealous because I know I’m not the reason you are happy. I stared something with this boy because I was hoping it would make these feeling stop, but if anything it has gotten worse. Every time he did something, the only thing I could think about was that you would do it differently,” you ended your speech, feeling nervous about what they would say. Would they reject you? Make fun of you? They would never do that told you the voice in you head and you knew it was right, you just didn’t know what to expect now.
“Then let us. Let us treat you like royalty, like you deserve. Let us love you like you deserve, let us be yours and let yourself be ours. Let us take you out and show you what love is supposed to feel like. Please, just let us, pet,” Sirius almost begged. You looked at him in surprise once again, and saw nothing but determination and love in his eyes. He really means it. You looked at the other two boys and found the exact same expression. You wanted to respond so bad but the only thing that you were able to say was just a soft what?
“We’ve talked about this quite a long time ago, we just didn’t know what to do,” James stared to explain. “We weren’t sure if you felt the same way and we didn’t want to ruin what we have now. But we’ve fallen, sweetheart. We fell so hard for you, you had us wrapped around your finger from the beginning and you didn’t even know it.” James gave you a small, almost shy smile.
“We knew that it could be weird, especially when we’re already in a relationship, but if you want us, love, we are yours and always have been. Be ours as well?” Remus finished for him. All of them waiting impatiently for your response. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You blinked a few times to wake up, but it wasn’t a dream. Actually, it was a dream comes true. You always wanted to hear them say they want you the same way you wanted them. A huge smile formed on your face
“I am yours, always will be.”
Your newfound relationship was the talk of the school for days to come, but the three Gryffindor golden boys didn’t seem to care. About the rumors, about you being a Slytherin, about anything really. If anything, they were proud that the whole school talked about them. Talked about you being with them. Everything was finally how it should be and none of you couldn’t be happier.
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plathfiles · 1 year
rockstar!remus with clingy and drunk reader pls pls pls 🫶🫶🫶
of course!!! omg I love this idea
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐑.𝐋
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summary : at one of the marauders after parties, you have a little too much to drink.
warnings : not proof read, major fluff
paring: remus lupin x fem!reader
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Remus had just performed a sold out concert with his fellow band mates — the Marauders. Now, he was at an after party, filled to the brim with groupies, celebrities, music producers, etc. But he only wanted to find you, to take you home and sleep.
He was exhausted and as much as he loved being famous and well known, Remus enjoyed performing and making music more than going to parties.
The sandy haired boy attempted to find you in the crowd, but alas could not. Where did you go? He thought, turning every corner as if it was a labyrinth. With every part of Sirius’ mansion, more people were in his way.
Meanwhile, Marlene, Dorcas, and Alice had taken you after the concert. The girls wanted to get to the after party as soon as possible. Alice had her hopes up to see the new A-list actor, Frank Longbottom. Marlene and Dorcas, already together and in the music industry themselves, promised to introduce the two.
While Alice was chatting up Frank, and Marlene and Dorcas were busy making out in a broom closet, you had gotten bored and missed Remus. So you indulged in a few drinks.
Stepping outside, the cold night air made Remus smile. Inside the house was hot and sticky. He smiled when he spotted you, a red solo cup in your hand. You were laughing and Remus walked towards you.
“Hey love,” he said, a hand going on the small of your back. You turned to him and smiled drunkenly.
“Remus!” You exclaimed, a crooked smile taking over your face. “I missed you so much! I’ve been looking for you since the concert ended!”
The boy could tell that you’d had a few drinks and we’re definitely not sober.
“I’ve been looking for you too Y/n,” he replied. “Want to head home?” He asked.
“No!” You whined, your head dropping. “Wanna stay and play beer pong!” You smiled.
Remus could never say no to you and especially wouldn’t say no to the cute smile you wore at the moment.
“Alright lovie, one round of beer pong and then I’m taking you home,” he said, compromising.
You nodded, it only being fair. “Oh alright,” you said, standing up and almost losing you balance. But not to worry, Remus was there to catch you in an instant.
“Are you sure you can play beer pong like this?” He asked with a little smirk. You pouted and looked a little annoyed. The crinkle on your forehead—that Remus adored — showed.
“Yes. I can play.” You insisted.
One round of beer pong later, you had sobered up some but not entirely. Remus was by your side the entire game, helping you decide which shots to make. Which James wasn’t very happy about, seeing as competitive he was. Frank and Alice were near the table but not big fans of the game, as they were too busy falling in love. James won the game, winning over a kiss from Lily.
At the end of the game you were beat and still a little drunk. You wanted to go home. As you were leaning against Remus for support, he looked down at you.
“I think we should head home love,” he said, grabbing you by the waist and picking you up into his arms. You nudged your head into his neck. “Alright, Remmy,” you mumbled tiredly.
Once in the car, you passed out. Remus laughed to himself at your drunken state, knowing full well you would be hung over in the morning.
“Come on love, we’re home,” he said, unbuckling your seat belt. You woke up, a bit drowsy and super clingy.
“I’m tried Remmy,” you pouted, leaning into his strong body. He wrapped his arms around you and led you into the house.
“We’re going to get you to bed lovie. Promise,” he said, kissing your forehead.
Once at your bedroom, Remus sat you down on your shared bed and helped you into your sleep clothes. He gave you a glass of water aswell. All the while, you reached out for Remus’ touch.
“Wanna hold you,” you pouted, already in your night clothes. Which consisted of one of Remus’ old sweaters and sleep shorts.
Remus undressed himself and hopped into bed just wearing his boxers. He pulled you to him immediately, waisting no time in holding you.
“Well maybe I wanna hold you?” He teased, kissing your hair.
You turned to him and smiled lazily, sleepiness coming over you. “You did so well tonight Remus. Greatest rockstar ever!” You said, kissing his nose.
Remus wrapped you tighter in his arms and kissed your forehead. “Thanks Y/n, performed for you and only you,” he said, looking at you like you were the only thing that mattered to him.
Because you were.
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A/n: hoped you liked this! Don’t forget to reblog and like, love you guys 🥹 also I’m slow with fulfilling requests but please still send them, I will get to them i promise <3
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futurecorps3 · 2 years
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭
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Summary: Sirius and reader finally get together and it's time for dinner at the Potter's! Pairing: Sirius Black x fem!reader Warnings: Idk if it counts as a warning but there's Remus x Regulus for a quick second because I really just couldn't help myself HAHA, and brief mentions of war. Let me know if I missed any! Word Count: 2.8k Requested: Yes A/N: This request is so lovely,, I want to bawl my eyes out. Thank you so much @siriuslyjanhvi for this sweet little piece <3 hope u like it.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* "Darling, are you almost done? I don't want to rush you but- shit." His leg stopped bouncing and if his anatomy allowed it, his jaw would be on the floor. Y/N stood there in the black silk dress and chunky heels of the same color she got on their shopping trip last week, clumsily fidgeting with the silver necklace as she'd been too stubborn to ask for her boyfriend's help sooner. "I'm sorry love, it's just this stupid necklace clip won't...well, clip. Can you help me?"
Sirius stood behind her and gently took the metal piece off her fingers, noticing the retouched black nail polish now matching with his. "You look gorgeous," he mumbled, easily fixing the simple looking yet fancy piece of jewelry around her neck and placing a kiss on her shoulder blade. Y/N turned around, wrapping her arms next to his head as he cradled her waist. They've spent so many hours like this since they started dating -and even a little more before- it now feels too natural not to do it when facing each other.
"You don't look too bad yourself, Pads" the girl smiled cheekily, pecking his nose and pulling away from his grasp. "Let's go. Lily will kill us if she finds out we're late because we spent too much time 'gazing into each other's eyes' as she says we do." Sirius laughed airily, grabbing the coat she was clearly forgetting and fixing his hair one last time in the mirror before exiting their bedroom.
As they got into the cab and drove through the rainy streets of London, the boy looked over to Y/N who was intently staring at the droplets of water in the window. Anyone else would've guessed she was looking out into the sidewalk or small businesses along the road, but he knew better. He knew her. Sirius' mind then wandered to all those years he spent staring.
Staring at the way her cheeks reddened when he'd throw one of his seemingly meaningless flirtatious comments. Staring at how her hands contorted when writing, the specific position they had and how much strength she was applying in order for the parchment to stay intact but her letters to be clear. Staring at her as the sun came up on Hogwarts's rooftops and lit up her face beautifully, making him believe in that god his muggle friends mentioned so often.
Oh, how much time he had wasted! But he was too daft to realize little Y/N Y/L/N felt exactly the same way about him. She stared too. Lily once told him after he confessed that she sometimes zoned-out when thinking or staring too hard at him. They were equally whipped for each other and their friends even thought of running a bet on who'd break first. Sirius did and James, Peter, Marlene and Regulus would be fifty galleons richer to this day if the bet would've been concealed.
He felt his hand being squeezed, now actually staring at her and not lost thinking about her while his eyes happened to be directed in her direction. "M'sorry. What?" "I'm really nervous," she giggled anxiously and just then he realized she was tapping her feet lightly on the car's carpet. "Love, they've known you for years! Us moving together let alone dating won't change how they perceive you" "I know, it's just... Euphemia and Fleamont were too polite as to say anything last time we were over for movie night and I noticed little reaction from either of them!" That was over six months ago and they had been dating for four prior to that. After said night, the couple had independently seen Jame's parents, but not really together as a couple.
Euphemia had made small comments around the time they moved in together and Sirius figured she was trying to be respectful of his pace to formally introduce the lively girl they knew all too well as his girlfriend. That day was today. "We're going to be fine, my dear. They're well aware of what's been going on with us... consider this dinner to be merely a catch-up." She let out a breath she didn't know was holding and squeezed his hand again in confirmation.
Soon, the cab stopped. They both walked out after Sirius payed the man, almost giving him galleons. The Potter household had been some kind of sanctuary during the past few years, Y/N recalled as the warm lights bled outside. Inviting. Tender. Just like the family, the house sheltered. "Y'ready darling?" she asked now, as if she was not shitless scared herself. "Let's go," Sirius nodded, taking her hand in his once again and walking firmly towards the door.
The boy walked the few cobble stone steps that led to the entrance and knocked twice. "If it isn't the Blacks!" James smiled, engulfing his best friends in a bone-crushing hug, as always. He had this on-going joke after he proposed to Lily (and she said yes) that Sirius' had to pop the question to Y/N soon and referred to them as "The Blacks" every time they saw each other. "Hello, Jamie" Y/N giggled, kissing his cheek and stepping inside, letting her boyfriend's boyfriend and boyfriend hug for a little longer.
She looked over to the living room and found Remus sitting in one of the green and yellow corduroy couches, smoking a fag he quickly put out in the glass ashtray when she walked in, knowing there was nothing she despised more than the smell of smoke after she quit. Y/N's heart warmed at the action and opened her arms as the lycanthrope approached her. "Hello, sweetheart" he mumbled against her scalp "Hi, baby".
To anyone outside their circle, the interactions Y/L/N and Lupin had might've seemed odd; the nicknames, the regular physical touch, or the constant acts of service. Some could've thought they were dating and certainly there were more than best friends. They were in love with each other as one's in love with pretty flowers or sunsets. Purely platonic, but with a passion that could exterminate kingdoms if given the time. Almost like James's love for Sirius and vice versa.
"Have you tried the coffee?" he asked, pulling away while keeping an arm draped around her shoulders and pressing his mouth against her head. Y/N peered up at him with excitement in her eyes at the thought of the Colombian coffee Remus had gifted her. She looked forward to drinking a cup or two every morning. "It's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love how you can bite into some tiny pieces of the coffee beans that remain after brewing it". Moony laughed at that, knowing exactly what she was referring to.
"It's great," Sirius' voice was heard as he was standing in front of them now. Remus smirked at his best friend. "I recall I bought that for Y/N/N, not for you, you nasty dog". Y/N's boyfriend barked a laugh and hugged him while roughly patting his back. "Good to see you too, Moons" he said between chuckles before pulling away.
"Mum and dad are in the kitchen, feel like making your grand entrance lovebirds?" James asked from afar, already walking towards said area with Remus trailing behind him. With Remus's warm embrace and how loved her friends made her feel, the stress she had been going through for the past days hours washed away. It was just Euphemia and Fleamont. It was just the Potters. They'd be okay.
Y/N looked at Sirius with expectancy in her eyes and a promise on her lips; they were ready. They held hands, squeezed his lightly and stepped to where their friends were. The spicy smell of whatever James's mom was cooking filled their nostrils, almost making them sneeze. She loved to experiment with them. Lily sat at the table, waving them briefly before she directed her gaze at her in-laws to see their reactions.
Euphemia and Fleamont stopped the meaningless, playful argument they were having about the dish in question and just stared. The silence made the fright come back. She wasn't sure if the sweat that now made her hands wet was from Sirius or from her (or both), Y/N sported a timid smile. "Mum, dad..." her boyfriend started, tightening her grip around her hand "...this is my girlfriend, Y/N". Remus couldn't help but giggle at his mate's behavior. "They know her already Pa-" "I know." He stated all too sure of himself, everyone except his parents laughing.
"Merlin" Euphemia sighed, walking towards them and stopping right there. "My babies!" he squealed, hugging them both just like James had when he greeted them. Y/N could barely return the hug before Euphemia cupped her face while smiling. Then she turned to look at Sirius. "Took you long enough! I thought I'd die before seeing you two together." She smiled wholeheartedly as the others laughed and uttered small agreements.
Fleamont then approached the girl, a knowing eye in his gaze as he always knew Y/N had a thing for Sirius. "I'm thrilled for you kids" he spoke, deep voice lazed in kindness just like the boy he raised. "Y/N was a nervous wreck before we got here," Sirius teased, and his girlfriend looked at him with wide eyes. He did not. "Why!? There's absolutely no reason for you to be-" "Your son's a liar, Euphemia. Come on, let's set the table boys" she cut off, glaring daggers at her lover as he responded by blowing her a kiss with a little wink and an arrogant smirk.
James's mom couldn't help but smile at the exchange. After some time, everyone sat at the table, eager to taste whatever the 'oh so great matriarch' (Lily's drunk praises) had prepared for them. Y/N sat next to her boyfriend, Lily, James and Remus on their other side and their parents sat on both vertical sides of the table. Sirius always left a seat next to him in case his brother showed up.
Naturally, he received invitations whenever these little gatherings would occur since he stuck around his boyfriend, but wouldn't show up or otherwise politely decline. Remus wasn't too bothered by it, knowing he had a hard time settling calmly in "enemy" lines with the whole deal of him being a spy for the Order. They all hoped he'd walk through their door one day... so, until then, the seat would remain intact.
"Be careful, it's burning hot" Euphemia warned, taking her place at the dinner table and smiling sweetly at everyone. "Here, darling" Sirius said, placing a napkin on Y/N's legs and as James noticed the gesture, did the same for Lily. His dad chuckled at that before everyone digged in.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
"Oh, I have one!" Her boyfriend said, patting his feet eagerly on the floor when Euphemia asked for anecdotes of their Hogwarts youth now that they got older and could disclose the details they all kept hidden when they were younger. "My dear girlfriend was advised by some former booger goblin that goes by the name of Lily Evans to take a shot of firewhiskey for confidence when playing truth or dare on Christmas break-"
"Oh no" Y/N facepalmed in embarrassment at the memory as her cheeks turned red. "-so she'd dare me to kiss her!" Remus groaned, knowing where the story ended. The room fell silent, Sirius and Y/N looking daringly at each other. The girl mouthed something, and he shook his head no, continuing with his story after his girlfriend rolled her eyes playfully.
"So, we are all sitting in the common room, merely cheery as miss Y/N is fully drunk from too many confidence shots and it's her turn to dare me... Mum, any guesses on what happened?" Sirius quizzed the woman on his right and she tried hard to guess.
"Your first kiss!" she exclaimed, eager to hear the end of the story as she and her husband remained ignorant of the situation when all the others knew it by heart. "No..." Sirius grinned as James made a buzzing sound like the one of the alarm on that shitty game show he watched with his fiancé. Batting his eyelashes at Y/N, her boyfriend graciously requested "Care to finish the story, babe?".
Theatrical silence fell into the room, broken by a giggle when the secret glance the couple shared (only Euphemia could perceive) became too much for the girl. "I chickened out and made Remus and Siri kiss...". James bursted out in laughter along with his father. His mom gasped and snickered as Remus smirked with Sirius grinning in satisfaction with his arms crossed around his chest, leaning back on his chair.
"I mean, there was a first kiss, right?" Y/N laughed, looking at her boyfriend. "You'd make a lovely couple, guys!" Fleamont said jokingly, and Moony gagged at the mere thought of dating his brother-in-law. "Oh come on Moons! Even mum agrees. Maybe you'll get lucky enough to be with the handsomer brother in the next life... Y/N/N won in this one" Y/N loved couldn't stand his audacity and delivered a well-deserved smack on the back of his head that had everyone laughing. "Kiss it better" Sirius demanded, leaning in as she pecked his head.
The moment came for everyone to move on to independent conversations, too invested in varied topics. "Mum, you're staring" James smiled, unbeknownst to the couple in question who were now gossiping amongst themselves about anything and everything. "They're perfect for each other, Jamie... He looks at her with adoration and so does she. I'm glad they found each other just like you did with Lils" she nodded, an honest smile adorning her cheeks.
The rest of the evening was spent in laughter, wine and enjoyable conversations, and, as Sirius stared over at the people he held most dear in the universe, he found his heart was full. For many years, this is what he'd wish for every night; a family. Back at the place those people dared to call home, the boy felt misplaced. Lost, like a coin someone dropped behind the couch and is never to be found. He had a family now, and he hoped he'd be able to keep it perpetually.
Around eleven; Remus left, the boys were smoking a cigarette outside, Lily was sleeping on the couch since she had been oddly tired in the past few days and Y/N along with Euphemia were washing the dishes.
"You look happy" the older woman said, passing her another wet dish Y/N dried with a red washcloth. "I am. I'm wearing the smile he gives me" she nodded and Euphemia giggled. "Everyone seemed to know except you guys, growing up" "What gave it away?" Y/N flushed "Eye contact is way more intimate than words will ever be and we always try to hide our feelings but we forget our eyes can speak; you stared a bit too long to be just friends".
The water on the sink started going down the drain with a funny sound as they both wiped away "When he confessed he said he had loved me every day of every month of every year since and asked if I had a single idea of how much he wanted to grab my face and kiss my god dammed mouth. I felt like the biggest fool... and a bit sad we lost so much time" Y/N reflected at the memory of her love spitting those words like a madman.
"Oh darling, you didn't lose time! Everything happens at the time that's meant to happen... it was certainly a excruciating long one in your case, but few couples have the connection you do. You're best friends. I see the secret glances and the pure interest when the other opens their mouth, no matter what they'll talk about. He's right; you're lucky to have him, and Sirius is lucky to have you." Euphemia rambled, the dishes long forgotten.
Y/N smiled, seeing a new perspective on a matter that had been in her head since they had started dating. Time only made the connection stronger. "Thanks, mum" she mumbled as the woman pecked her forehead "You're welcome, baby".
Meanwhile, outside, two best friends and their dad were having a very serious conversation. "It's been three weeks!" Fleamont exclaimed, puffing the smoke out his lungs "I know, I know... your baby boy has been non-stop bugging me about the matter since I got it" the raven haired boy snickered, flicking his second cig down to the floor and stepping on it. "I just don't get why it's taken you so long! What? Are you afraid she's gonna say no?" James now chimed in.
Sirius took the small velvet box out of his jacket, opening it and staring at the ring as he had been for the past month. He was absolutely fucking terrified. Not of her saying no. He knew she'd say yes... hell, even if she proposed he'd say yes in this lifetime and in the next trillion ones. "I just want it to be perfect. She deserves perfect".
Sirius Black ended up proposing to Y/N Y/L/N on a Tuesday morning over coffee. They hadn't slept at all the night before, and when the sun came up with the light bleeding into their shared home, he was looking at her. That was perfect.
And she said yes.
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mastermindmiko · 1 year
Pairing: Sirius Black + reader
Word count: 1296 (I think I'm really loving these short and fluffy one shots)
Summary: You and Sirius fool around (not sexually) at a pureblood party
Warnings: light and funny hits and smacks, and nothing else I believe but lmk if you notice anything I didn't
Hey! If you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist.
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"On a scale of one to ten, how likely is it that one of the dads is going to get drunk and go off the hook?"
"Is there a number above ten that I can use?"
"Then ten, like you even have to ask." I reply with a grin at the absurd question. Every time there's a party one of the dads get drunk and off the hook, last time it was Avery Sr. His wife had to pull him off the table. I ask, "The question isn't if, it's who."
"Avery." Sirius replies looking at the man, smiling, no doubt picturing his red face wife trying to pull him down the table where he's swinging his tie on. I scoff, "Two times in a row? No way. I think Mrs. Avery has him drinking apple juice tonight."
"Well then who do you think it is?" Sirius asks, and I hum. I look around the room, looking for the older men. Mulciber has been drinking a lot tonight, but he's talking to Malfoy which means business so no way it's him. Then I hit the jackpot. I grin and say, "Your father."
"My father? No way, he's never gone crazy ever." Sirius scoffs and leans back in his chair. I lean closer to his side and start to explain as I fix my eyes to Mr. Black. I explain, "He's gone flushed, and he's not talking anymore which means that he knows that he's going to slur on his words, and he's already taken off his jacket."
"I think you're an idiot and that it's going to be Nott." Sirius says, and I punch him in the arm for calling me and idiot, then shake my head. I tut, "I don't think so-" I say in a sing-songy voice, then continue, "He holds his alcohol well."
"No, he doesn't. A few years ago, he was made a mess." Sirius says, but I still don't agree. I grab my drink from the table, and take a tiny sip before saying, "That was because he had signed the divorce papers from his first wife that morning, other wise he never would have drank so much."
"I still think he's a better guess than my father." Sirius says, rolling his eyes. He hates talking about his father, and he is absolutely right, he's a horrible man. I fold my arms and then suggest, "Alright, what do you want to bet on- and not money, merlin knows we both have enough of that already."
Sirius hums in thought, as he thinks of ideas. One of the perks of being in a pureblood family is the insane amount of money carried from one generation to another, one of the faults, the tedious parties, Sirius makes them better though. He clicks his fingers and I can almost see a light bulb go off in his head. He starts, "A kiss-"
"I already give you those-"
"And a date where I control everything." Sirius grins, and I groan, and cover my face with my hands. I groan, "But you're going to pick a shit place, like madam puddifoot's or something other absurd café."
"If you're scared that you'll lose, I can change it." Sirius taunts, and I look back at Mr. Black and he's already loosening his tie. I grin then hold out my hand to him. I say, "You're on."
Sirius takes my hand, shakes it one time with a firm grip, then hauls me close to him to give me a kiss on the cheek. I yelp, and then put my hand on his thigh to stabilize me enough to go back to sitting properly in my seat. I smack his thigh. Merlin knows what my mother would've done if she saw that.
"And if I win, I want full control over your hair for a month." I say, and watch that smirk of his fade away instantly. He grabs his hair, desperately and shakes his head. He says, "No way, that's same value as one date."
"If you're scared that you'll lose, I can change it." I say in a deeper voice, imitating him and saying his exact words. He gives me a glare, but folds his arms and pouts in his seat. I chuckle at his reaction.
The music is quiet, it's only the voices of chatter that really fill up the room. I look all around the room and notice that Regulus is with one of his friends chatting about something, I recognize the friend as Evan Rosier. Sirius taps my shoulder to interrupt my train of thought.
"Wanna get out of here?" He asks, and he already knows my answer because I soon as I say yes, he's already got my hand in his hand. He stands up, and we look around each of us making sure that none of our family members can see us.
Sirius leads me out of the room and into a corridor. This is Nott Sr.'s house, we knew only bits of it. We get out of the room, and Sirius presses me against on of the walls. He kisses me feverishly and I return it with a smile. His hands caress my waist and they go up and down and up and down, driving me insane.
"so this is why you wanted to get out." I tease, and he goes back to kissing me in seconds. I can't say I'm really complaining though. He breaths out in between kisses, "Can't blame me for wanting to spend time with you."
We part for some much needed air and Sirius looks around. He sees the closest door and he goes towards it, pulling me with him. He says, "Now, what could this be? A bedroom maybe?"
He opens the door and we're meet with the clatter of pots and pains and tiny house elves moving around everywhere, trying to get dinner ready. Sirius sighs in disappointment, and he turns to leave, but I break free of his grip when I see..."Scones!"
I trail towards them and grab a few off of one of the plates that the house elves were carrying. I shoved one in my mouth, and it tasted good. Sirius grabbed one from my hands and started eating it himself. I frowned at him and his reply was poking a tongue out at me.
I finish my scone and maybe two more, then I go to sit on one of the chairs. Sirius pouts when he notices there's no chairs. He grabs me, and lifts me up. I start screaming, "Sirius Orion Black, you better put me down right now. You babbling, bumbling, baboon-"
"You're the only good thing my parents have ever done for me, and quite possibly the best thing that has ever happened to me." Sirius says in one breath to shut me up. He always does this, randomly he just spills out bursts of emotion. He feels them at random times, but Sirius has never been good at expressing emotions, so I appreciate them when they come.
He sits down and puts me on his lap. I smile at his words and lean in to press a soft kiss to his lips. Sirius parts abruptly, "Did you just call me a baboon?"
"Oh no, we need some remedies, quickly!" One of the house elves, enter quickly into the room, and the rest of them bustle quickly trying to find a remedy for whomever just got severely drunk out there. Another house elf shouts, "Who was it this time?"
"Mr. Black."
"Yes!" I shout in triumph and get off of Sirius' lap to preform a victory dance. I clap and dance around, and I point at him and grin, "Get ready to have your hair green!"
an: maybe I am starting this marauders era for me, I'm really enjoying it too. I think I should keep writing about them for a while + Reggie of course
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starsval · 10 months
remus lupin x f!reader
summary: liking remus lupin isn't easy, especially when all he does is give you mixed signals
word count: 3k
warnings: kissing, reader drinks alcohol, talking about sleeping with someone(?
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I was doing fine till you crashed in my headspace And took over my mind I was sorta cool till you made me a headcase And now I'm always Getting over it, getting over you, I don't even know you Hit me with that smile Way to rip my heart out my ribcage, ooh-ooh
"so i think i'll just do it lat-" you don't finish, distracted by a certain tall boy, with honey eyes and scarred face. who just walked in.
"what happened?" lily asks, worried by your sudden change.
"i hate him" you declare, maybe for the fifth time that day.
"you don't" marlene adds, focusing on her nails.
"yeah you don't" lily agrees, turning to wave at remus.
"okay maybe i don't" you keep talking so they can't interrupt you "but i am getting over him" you announce "i can't live like this, like, i don't even remember what i was talking about 'cause he just crashed into my headspace, and now i can only think about him, and his hair, and his hands and his sweaters…"
lily talks, intervening before you can go on your daily rant about remus lupin.
"i thought you said you hated him and were getting over him?" she smiles, chuckling when you groan.
marlene also smiles, but she loudly laughs when you put your head in your hands. remus just smiled at you.
"he's gonna rip my heart out my ribcage"
Only hit me now, we were texting late When you called me up just to see my face And I can't, I can't seem to figure you out Are you with that girl back in your home town? If we never kissed, does it even count? I still can't get you out of my mouth Way to touch me, babe, way to ask a {lady?} Overthink, overcomplicate Won't you let me stay in this fake heartbreak? I'm a real headcase
you know you should be sleeping instead of texting remus. you are aware of that, but it's hard to sleep when all he's doing is giving you mixed signals. it's hard to sleep when all you're doing is thinking about him. it's hard to sleep when he asks if he can come over. and it's even harder to say no to him.
"why did you want to come over?" you ask him as he walks in, closing the door behind him.
"just wanted to see your face" he stands in front of you, ignoring the way you frown at his words, touching your cheek.
"can i be honest with you?" he smirks.
"of course" he takes a step closer to you.
"i don't think i'll ever figure you out" you rest your forehead against his chest, feeling the vibrations as he chuckles.
ᨳ  ׂ   𓈒  ⠀🌙 ㅤׂ  ✽   ੭
"i don't get it, he comes over, spends the night and then he's making out with this girl from his hometown" you pout at your ceiling, marlene and lily next to you.
"we don't get it either" lily assures.
"maybe it's because we never kissed, maybe it doesn't count"
"i don't think remus is like that" marlene says, giving you a chocolate.
"i hate how i can't stop talking about him" you sigh, closing your eyes "in my defense, he gives really good hugs"
"maybe you're just over thinking?" lily asks, taking a chocolate from marlene.
"let me stay in this fake heartbreak please"
Honey, if you want, I could give you my weekends All you gotta do Is tell me this is true, tell me I am your weakness Just give me something I don't know how this started Is this what modern art is? You left and took my heart with
"are you free this weekend?" remus finds you as you're walking to class, getting the books from your hands to hold them for you.
"i don't know" you do know, marlene wants you to go to this party with her "why?"
"are you coming to the party?" he asks, smiling at you.
"i don't know yet" you lie, marlene would kill you if you didn't go.
"okay, i'll see you there then" he gives you your books back.
"what?" you frown.
"i'm inviting you, so you have to go" he then turns around and leaves, probably to his class.
ᨳ  ׂ   𓈒  ⠀🌙 ㅤׂ  ✽   ੭
you see remus right when you enter, but lily quickly drags you to were marlene is waiting, so you don't see him again until an hour later. when you've already had some drinks.
"hi" he pats the spot next to him on the couch, and you sit, staring at your cup "how are you?"
"can i ask you something?" you say, ignoring him.
"sure" he puts an arm around your shoulder.
"will you please tell me that this is true? tell me i am your weakness?" you stare at him.
"are you drunk?" he take the hand that's holding your cup and puts it close to his face, smelling it "you are drunk" he confirms as he gets up, pulling you up with him.
he takes your hand in his, and walks to lily and marlene, that are talking with james and sirius.
"i'm taking her to her room" he tells the girls.
"why?" sirius asks, but one glance at you is enough, it's obvious that you're drunk.
"okay, we'll go check on her later" lily says, taking the cup from your hand as you pass next to her, following remus.
you're already in a corridor when you talk again.
"please just give me something" you say, staring at the back of his hand
"you have to sleep" he mutters, ignoring you until you reach your room.
you fall on your bed, staring at the ceiling.
"i don't know how this started" you tell him, knowing that he knows what you're talking about. you're talking about your weird relationship. you are friends, but you flirt, you stay up talking to each other, you get jealous when the other is on a date with someone. but you aren't dating. "but i hate it, i hate you"
he only smiles, knowing that you don't mean it. he sits next to you, stroking your hair, waiting until you fall asleep.
then he leaves, taking your heart with him.
And it hit me now, we were texting late Then you called me up just to see my face And I can't, can't seem to figure you out (You out), ooh-ooh Are you with that girl back in your home town? If we never kissed, does it even count? I still can't get you out of my mouth (My mouth)
you hear your name being called just as you get up to get another drink. when you turn, you see sirius walking to you.
"remus is asking for you" he says, taking your hand and dragging you with him. you hadn't seen or talked to him since that party last week.
"what?" you ask, but before he can answer, you're standing in front of a very drunk remus, whose eyes light up when he sees you.
"hi" he giggles, taking the hand sirius is holding, to hold it himself.
"hi" you reply, frowning at james, who's watching everything with a smirk "why don't you go to sleep?"
you think remus is not going to agree, but he quickly gets up.
"with you? of course" he starts walking to the door, and you can only look back at james and sirius as they laugh.
"what? remus, no, i didn't mean-" you try to talk, but he ignores you, looking back only to grin.
once you reach his room, he quickly takes off his shoes and lies on the bed, staring at you with his arms open.
"remus" you say, not getting closer to him.
"yes?" he smiles at you, and if you weren't tipsy you'd notice the sparks in your eyes are because of you.
"i'm trying to, but you are just standing there" he sounds genuine about it, just the same way he looks genuinely sad when you take a step towards the door.
he doesn't say anything, so you assume he's just going to give up. but before you can reach the door, you feel his hand on your wrist. and before you can say something, you're on the bed next to him, with his arms around you.
"remus?" you try to move, but his grip doesn't get any weaker, even when he's half asleep.
he hums in response, his face in your neck.
"let me go"
he doesn't reply, but you feel his smile against your skin.
"i want to go back to the party" you try again, even if it's not entirely true.
"liar" he mutters, and his arms tighten around you.
"you like being here with me" he replies, and then he finally falls asleep.
And I can't seem to figure you out Oh, I can't seem to figure you out (You out)
you wake up to a flashlight, and when you open your eyes, there's a really drunk sirius holding a camera, with a really drunk james suppressing a laugh next to him.
"what time is it?" you ask, peeling remus' arm from around you.
"like 4 am" sirius replies, taking another picture of remus, this time without flash.
"tell remus i said goodbye" you say, walking to the door, although you doubt they'll remember.
the second time you wake up, it's already bright up. and when you get to the Great Hall, you see remus staring at you.
"why is he glaring at you?" marlene asks, frowning when remus gets up.
"i don't know" you lie, but before lily can say anything, remus is already behind you.
"you weren't there when i woke up" he says it like an accusation, and before you can reply, marlene is already talking.
"what!?" she practically spits her tea "you slept with him?"
"no" you say.
"yes" he says.
"not in the way you think!" you clarify.
"why did you sleep with him?" lily asks, and you can see the smirk she's hiding.
"i didn't-"
"you did" before remus can say anything else, you get up and grab his arm, dragging him out of the Great Hall to talk.
"you weren't there when i woke up" he repeats.
"you wanted me to be there?" you frown, because the signals he has given you definitely didn't say that.
"yes" he doesn't change his expression.
"i find that hard to believe"
"why?" he scoffs.
"really? why?" you don't know if you should ignore him or just laugh in his face.
"yes, why?"
"you act all lovely on me one day and then you are with someone else, forgive me if i don't believe that you want me around"
"i forgive you" this time you're the one who scoffs, turning around and walking again in the Great Hall, not caring if he follows you.
marlene and lily decide not to ask about it.
Are you with that girl back in your home town? If we never kissed, does it even count? I still can't get you out of my mouth (My mouth) Way to touch me, babe, way to ask a lady? Overthink, overcomplicate Won't you let me stay in this fake heartbreak? I'm the real headcase
"really? again?" peter questions as remus sits in the couch again. they're in the middle of a party and remus just left with that girl from his hometown.
"did she see me?" remus looks around, looking for you.
"i think she was too busy talking with evan" james informs him, grinning when lily approaches them.
"have you seen the idiots i call for friends?" she asks, shoving sirius out of the way to sit on the couch next to james.
"one was with dorcas and the other one just left with evan" peter replies.
"wait, it was real? she left with evan?" remus frowns, and even pouts when lily laughs at him.
"what? you think she's gonna wait for you? babe, she's getting bored of you" she tells him, suddenly turning around when you and marlene approach her.
you sit on the couch in front of her, where sirius went after lily had pushed him. he puts an arm around both of you.
"so, i heard that you're both in love with some slytherins" you both glare at him, and he laughs at remus' expression.
after talking for a while, and you ignoring remus all the time, you three get up and leave. but before you can reach the hallway, remus takes your arm.
"can we talk?"
"we're talking right now" you smile. he glares.
before he can reply, marlene shoves both of you out of the door and to a corner of the hallway.
"talk" and then she leaves with lily.
"why were you with evan?" he asks.
"we were talking"
"like we" he points to both of you "talk?"
"i don't know remus, how do we talk? how are you any different than evan?"
"he doesn't like you" you chuckle.
"and you do?"
"i do"
"i don't believe you" you start to walk away, but he grabs your arm and turns you around, settling his hands on your waist.
"let me help you believe"
"what?" you notice the way he looks at your lips.
"i can't get you out of my mouth, ask peter, i'm sure he hates me because all i ever do is talk about you. you're the only one who makes me overthink. i'm literally wondering if i'm too tall right now"
his face gets closer to yours as he talks.
"and i know that we never kissed, but even if it doesn't count, i'd prefer to stay on this fake heartbreak, just because it'd be because of you"
you can't handle it anymore, so you just kiss him, you grab his face and kiss him. you kiss him to shut him up, that's what you tell yourself.
when you pull away, he's grinning.
"that was just so you shut up" you tell him, but your hands don't leave his face, instead, they go to the back of his neck.
"i meant it" you try to pull away, but his grip on your waist tightens, and one of his hands to the back of your neck.
"i'm gonna start talking again so you might need to shut me up again" he smirks.
you comply, happily.
I'm the real headcase I'm the real headcase Mm Yeah, I'm the real headcase
when you enter the great hall the next morning, remus walking in with you, your friends and his are sitting together.
so when you go sit with them, the stares you get are inevitable.
"so?" james starts, smirking.
"what?" you ask, already feeling the headache you're gonna get from this.
"did you sleep together?" marlene abruptly asks after a moment of silence.
"marlene!" you say.
"yes" remus says.
"remus!" you say again, hitting his arm.
"what? it's true!" he frowns.
"it's not" you say, sitting and focusing on your food.
"it is" everyone agrees, and you can't do anything but ignore them.
ᨳ  ׂ   𓈒  ⠀🌙 ㅤׂ  ✽   ੭
the next few weeks, you spend your days with remus, still not sure if you're dating or not, but neither of you care.
right now you're laying on his bed, reading a book, well, at least trying to, because remus is making it really hard. he's basically lying on top of you, stroking your hair and giving small pecks to your neck.
"can i ask you something?" he says after a while, lifting his head to look at you, but you focus on the book.
"sure" your eyes don't leave the book until you have no other choice, because certain someone just snatches it from your hand.
"do you want to be my girlfriend?" you freeze at his words, staring at him.
"i know it's not the best way of asking, i mean, you deserve something fancy, like chocolates or flowers, but i couldn't wait to ask you" he stares back at you, his eyes softer than ever. and all you can do is lean in and kiss him.
it's a sweet kiss, soft and short, and you think that it's enough as an answer, but you still reply.
"i'd love to" he kisses you again, and the book is long forgotten as his other hand goes to your waist, and the one in your hair goes to the back of your neck.
ᨳ  ׂ   𓈒  ⠀🌙 ㅤׂ  ✽   ੭
you walk into the gryffindor common room holding hands, and sit next to all of your friends, who look at you, suspiciously.
"what's happening?" sirius asks, pointing at your hands.
"what?" remus replies, and when you let go of his hand to pick up your book, his hand goes to your tight instead.
"why is your hand on my best friend's tight?" lily talks, frowning.
"i can't put my hand on my girlfriend's tight?" remus makes sure to emphasise the word girlfriend, and you're almost sure everyone stops breathing.
"what" marlene breaks the silence, "since when?"
"like two weeks ago" you mutter, still reading your book.
this time, the reactions come almost immediately.
"what!" mary screams.
"and you didn't tell us?" lily looks offended.
"we have to throw a party to celebrate!" james and sirius say at the same time, high fiving after that.
"when's the wedding?" marlene asks.
"next year" remus replies, and that makes you look away from your book.
"what!?" all of you ask, except remus.
"since when?!" lily frowns at you.
"i don't know!" you look at remus.
"we're already engaged" he says.
"what!?" you all say again, and he just rolls his eyes.
"we aren't engaged" you clarify.
"she's just in denial" remus tells everyone.
"you haven't asked!" lily frowns at that.
"you'd say yes!?" she asks.
everyone stops everything and looks at you, slowly getting more flustered, and at remus, who's grinning like he hasn't before.
"what if we get married next week?" he asks.
"no!" lily replies before you can.
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masivechaos · 29 days
not healthy!
── ☆ sirius black x fem! reader
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── ☆ Request: yes / no
── ☆ Synopsis: exam season has you stressed and overworking, Sirius tries to make you take a break
── ☆ Warning/content: sirius gives reader a massage but nothing explicit at all, mention of sirius smoking, my English
── ☆ a.n.: 0.8k words-
masterlist/ marauders masterlist / navigation / taglist 
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
Sirius sighed when he walked into your shared room for the vacation. “Baby, what did we say?”
“No work after 10pm… I know…” you sighed, yet it was 11 and you were still studying for your next potion exam, reading your notes while laying with your stomach against the mattress.. It was spring break which meant the last break before the final exam and you spent it at your grandparents’ with your boyfriend Sirius.
Sirius sat on your bed next to you “You can’t keep doing that. It’s not healthy.”
“The amount of cigarettes you smoke isn’t healthy either.”
“This isn’t what it’s about,” Sirius scoffed. “You need to stop overworking yourself, I’m starting to get worried.” He could see the dark circles under your eyes and the way you were pushing yourself closer and closer to exhaustion.
You stayed silent, eyes fixed on your notes. But then you glanced up at him, he was distracting, what an idea he had to always go to sleep shirtless.
“I’m serious, babe. It’s not because it’s exam season that you can work from 8am to midnight,” Sirius said as he pulled you into a hug. “Why do you keep worrying?”
“Because it never feels like I know everything and I’m just so stressed because this is our last year and I don’t know what I’ll do if I miss those exams.”
His hand brushed your hair softly “Stop stressing yourself over. You will do great, you’re brilliant.”
You curled up by his side, seeking for his comfort, you had to admit you were tired. “But what if,” you insisted and Sirius shook his head.
“Stop worrying about those, focus on what you know. You know you’re smart, you work a lot, you try everything you can, you do your best. There’s such a few chances you’ll miss. And you know what?”
You shook your head.
“Even if you miss one of the papers, it’s fine. It’s not going to be the end of the world.” Sirius knew you hated that idea, you were such a perfectionist and he hated that sometimes. He just hoped you could give yourself some rest.
He tightened his hold on you “I promise you, baby. You will do amazing.” Sirius could feel you press your face to his neck. “Take a break for the night and promise me to sleep in tomorrow.”
“Okay,” you whispered. You were aware he was probably not spending the spring break of his life. You spent most of the day studying while he was only spending half your time working on revising for the exams.
You pushed the potions notes off the bed and Sirius smiled “Now, that’s better.” He laid back on the bed and pulled you on top, “You’re so exhausted, baby.”
“Yeah,” you whispered.
Sirius stayed silent for a second before saying “Take the entire day off tomorrow.” He kept talking before you could argue “You spent the entire week working restless, you can take a day off. You won’t fail.”
You close your eyes, you had to admit you wouldn’t say no to this. Also… you wanted to spend some time with your boyfriend. “Ok… I’ll take the day off.”
Sirius smiled and kissed you, his lips gently pressing against yours “Thank you, baby.”
You laid back on the bed, rolling so you were on your side of the mattress. With your stomach flat against the sheets, you slowly relaxed. Sirius observed you softly, glad you were finally resting.
“Baby?” he called. You opened your eyes and let him talk. “You must be tired of sitting on a chair all day, no?”
“Yeah my back is a little sore,” you whispered and before you could do anything, Sirius was straddling you, his hands on your back. “Oh.”
Sirius chuckled, “Let me take care of you, okay?” He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss behind your ear “Do you want to remove your pyjama shirt? So I can massage you better?” he asked gently, he just wanted you to feel better.
Once your top was removed, his hands slowly worked on your back muscles, fingers digging into your flesh, gently removing the knots. You relaxed into his touch, exhaustion leaving your body.
You knew how much you could trust him and how much he always wanted you to feel good. “I love you, Sirius,” you whispered, your eyelids now heavy from your restless day of studying.
He smiled, his lips finding your shoulder “I love you too, baby.”
You fell asleep there, as he was still massaging your back. Sirius chuckled to himself and removed himself from you before wrapping his arms around your sleeping form, his naked chest against your bare back. He pressed a chaste kiss to your temple. “Sleep tight, baby. You deserve it”
⋆ ★ sirius back taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @sw34terw34ther @cauliflowertree @madison-rebel @moonlitmeeks @loveeharrington @lesbianjackies @elenatries2write  @juneberrie  @f4iry-blush @gilmore-angel @heartfucks @sparklenarniawizard @moondemon123 @mystic-writings @siriusblackstwin @natashxromanovf @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @garfieldsladybird @starconfettii @kidcuisinesvcks @percy-the-hufflepuff @fairydxll @spookydarkwitch @duxpuella @innerloverpainter @nyxxxxxxxx @venussflytraps @diorgirl444 @oncasette @locke-writes @maddipoof @widowbf @starlit-epiphany @rosalyn-s @etanordiesbullshit @sageskisses444 @kieracassette @luvmarsbars @jsjcue @mellozhi @lovings4turn @ravisinghs-wife
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ms-snape · 1 month
Tender Moments(severus snape x professor!reader)
request: so that person asked for professor!reader x snape jsut being super cute and omestic and tender, I couldn't find the request anymore sorry but if the person that asked about it read this please tell me u did in comment
Word count: 1115
The sun dipped low over the turrets of Hogwarts, casting long shadows across the grounds. Inside the stone walls, the flickering fire in the staff room offered a warm glow against the encroaching evening chill. Y/N, a professor of Herbology, had just finished grading a stack of papers that now lay scattered across her desk like fallen leaves. She stretched, letting out a breathy sigh, and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was nearly time for dinner, but more importantly, it was nearly time to see Severus.
“Just a few more minutes,” she murmured to herself, running her fingers through her hair. The thought of Severus always made her smile. Their relationship had blossomed in the most unexpected way—two souls drawn together in the shadows of the castle, finding light in each other.
The heavy oak door creaked open, and in walked Severus Snape, his robes billowing slightly as he entered. The moment their eyes met, a spark ignited in the air between them, and Y/N felt her heart race.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice low and smooth, “you’re still here?”
“Of course I am,” she replied, trying to suppress the grin that tugged at her lips. “I was waiting for you.”
Severus raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickering in his dark eyes. “Waiting for me, or waiting for dinner?”
“Both, I suppose,” she laughed softly, letting the warmth of his presence envelop her like a favorite blanket.
He stepped closer, and she could smell the faint, familiar scent of potions and herbs on him, mixed with a hint of something uniquely Severus. “You should know that waiting for you is always worth it,” he said, his voice dropping to a whisper.
Her breath caught in her throat. “You say the sweetest things,” she replied, tilting her head slightly to meet his gaze.
With a gentle sweep of his hand, he brushed a stray hair behind her ear. “It’s the truth.”
Y/N felt her cheeks heat up as she leaned into his touch, feeling safe and cherished in this small moment. The fire crackled, snapping gently in the background, creating a cozy rhythm that matched the quickening beats of her heart.
“Shall we join the others for dinner?” Severus asked, his tone shifting slightly as he stepped back, breaking the momentary bubble they had created.
“Not just yet.” Y/N took a step closer, her fingers brushing against his. “I want a moment with you first.”
Severus hesitated, then nodded, a rare softness in his expression. “Very well.”
She led him to a nearby armchair, inviting him to sit. He settled down with a slight sigh, and she nestled beside him, resting her head against his shoulder. The warmth of his body radiated against her, and she closed her eyes, savoring the comfort of his presence.
“Tell me about your day,” he prompted, his voice rumbling gently.
“Well, I had an amusing encounter with a particularly stubborn Venomous Tentacula,” she began, recalling the chaotic scene earlier that afternoon. “It wouldn’t stop wriggling. I swear it was trying to escape my lesson plan.”
Severus chuckled, the sound deep and rich. “It seems you have your hands full,” he teased lightly.
“More than you know.” She laughed, the sound mingling with his, creating a warm harmony. “But I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Teaching here is a dream.”
“And what about your dreams outside of teaching?” he asked, turning serious.
Y/N paused, glancing up at him. “You mean, like… our dreams?” she asked, a hint of vulnerability in her voice.
“Yes,” he said, searching her eyes. “What do you want?”
She hesitated, feeling the weight of the question. “I want… I want to create a life that feels warm and alive. I want to share it with someone who understands me.”
His gaze softened further, and he leaned in, brushing his lips against her forehead. “You have that with me, Y/N. I hope you know that.”
The tenderness in his words made her heart swell. “I do, Severus,” she replied, her voice a mere whisper. “I just sometimes worry about what tomorrow may bring.”
“Tomorrow is not our concern right now,” he said firmly, yet gently, pulling back to look at her. “Let’s focus on today.”
“Agreed,” she smiled, feeling lighter. “What do you want to do then?”
“I want to enjoy this moment,” he said, leaning closer again. “And maybe…”
Before she could respond, he captured her lips with his, a sweet, lingering kiss that sent butterflies dancing through her stomach. The world around them faded, and all that existed was the warmth of his mouth on hers, the taste of warmth and familiarity.
When they finally pulled apart, she was breathless. “That was—”
“Perfect,” he finished, a smirk playing on the corners of his mouth.
Just then, the door swung open again, and in walked Minerva McGonagall, her expression shifting from surprise to amusement as she caught sight of the pair.
“Goodness,” she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of mock horror and genuine delight. “Am I interrupting something?”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed as she pulled back from Severus, who merely raised an eyebrow at his colleague. “Not at all, Minerva,” he said dryly, the corner of his mouth betraying a hint of a smile.
“Just having a… moment,” Y/N added, her embarrassment turning into laughter. “Nothing scandalous, I promise.”
“I’m sure,” Minerva replied, a twinkle in her eye. “But I must say, it’s lovely to see the two of you together. Hogwarts could use a bit of warmth now and then.”
“Indeed,” Severus said, his tone surprisingly accommodating. “And what brings you here, Minerva?”
“I came to fetch you both for dinner,” she said, stepping further into the room. “Albus has prepared quite a feast, and he’s rather insistent we all join him.”
“Lead the way,” Y/N said, standing up and offering her hand to Severus, who took it with a slight nod.
As they walked together, fingers intertwined, Minerva couldn’t help but glance back at them. “You two are positively glowing,” she remarked, her expression softening. “It’s good for you, Severus.”
“Don’t make such a fuss, Minerva,” he replied, though the slight flush on his cheeks gave him away.
“Just stating the truth,” she said lightly, guiding them down the stone corridors lined with portraits that watched them with interest. “And don’t think I haven’t noticed how you’ve transformed, Severus. Love does wonders for a person.”
Y/N squeezed his hand tighter, feeling a rush of warmth surge through her. “I think you’re right,” she said, looking up at Severus, who seemed to ponder her words.
“I suppose it does,” he conceded, a hint of a smile breaking through his usual stoic demeanor.
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vilentia · 1 year
The Heart Knows
Sirius Black x reader
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Sirius Black was always the life of the party, but since he met you, he found a new reason to smile. Your laugh, your wit, your beauty; he couldn't get enough of you. You both had an undeniable chemistry, a connection that ran deeper than just physical attraction.
As he held you in his arms, he felt his heart flutter. He never thought he could feel this way about someone, but with you, everything felt different. He felt a sense of completeness, like he finally found what he had been missing all along.
You were his rock, his safe haven, the one person who could make all of his problems disappear. You were the only one who could truly see him, see through the facade he put up for the rest of the world. With you, he could be vulnerable, he could let his guard down and just be himself.
As you lay in bed together, his fingers traced circles on your skin, sending shivers down your spine. You turned to face him, your eyes locking with his. You could see the love and adoration he had for you reflected in his gaze.
He leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a soft and tender kiss. It was a moment filled with so much love and tenderness that it felt like time had stopped.
He pulled away slightly, his forehead resting against yours. "I love you," he whispered, his breath warm against your skin.
You smiled, your heart bursting with happiness. "I love you too," you whispered back.
In that moment, everything felt right. The world could be falling apart around them, but as long as they had each other, they knew they could get through anything.
As the night went on, they lay tangled up in each other, their hearts beating as one. It was a moment that they would never forget, a moment that solidified their love for each other.
With Sirius by your side, you felt like you could conquer anything. And as he held you close, you knew that he felt the same way.
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