#young derek hale x y/n
supercap2319 · 5 months
I was wonder if you could do an x male reader for Peter Hale. Where it’s Young Peter and Peter just realized male reader is his mate after catching his scent. And he just trips on his own face in the middle of the high school halls because that where Peter first caught their scent
Peter learned about mates from such a young age. His older sister, Talia, would tell him stories of what it would be like to have and mate, and when Peter would find his, he would know. He thought that Corinne might be his true mate. She was cute enough, but maybe it was more hormonal than true love.
He pushed his way through the hallways of Beacon Hills. Nothing bad or exciting ever happened here. Peter's family was the only pack in town. Of course, there were the Argents, specifically, Chris Argent, in almost every single one of Peter's classes. Peter knew that he would turn out to be just like the rest of his family. Hunters. Hunters of Peter's kind. Of werewolves.
Maybe Peter would go visit his sister after school and his two year old nephew, Derek. Catch a movie or go for a run in the woods. Whatever Peter's original plans were going to be were put to a stop as he inhaled something sweet and sharp. Almost like a cinnamon scent. Peter felt his inner wolf howl with delight as his eyes flashed gold for a second, and his claws and canines came out. What the hell was going on? Why was he shifting in the middle of the hallway....
Then Peter saw him: Y/N L/N.
Y/N was on the basketball team with Noah Stilinski. He was a golden boy. He was kind to all, and he was fucking burning Peter's nose with his scent. The smell of cinnamon was all over him, and Peter realized that this mortal boy was his mate. A male was his mate? Who would have guessed it?
Peter was so caught up in Y/N's smell that he accidentally tripped over his own two feet and came crashing to the floor in the middle of the hallway. Books, pens, papers, and Peter's Walkman of Nirvana went all across the floor. The sounds of laughter and ridicule were heavy on Peter's ears as the entire hallway saw his little slip up and started laughing and pointing at him.
The young werewolf would have gladly tore through everyone in school, especially, Argent, but the calming scent of his mate filled his nose, and Peter watched as Y/N kneeled down beside him and helped him pick up his stuff. "Shit, man. You okay?" Y/N asked once Peter was on his feet again.
Peter's head was still dizzy from his mate's scent, and it took everything Peter had not to take him right then and there in the hallway. He swallowed. "Yeah. Thanks, man. Guess I slipped on the floor wax." It was a lame excuse, but Y/N didn't seem to be interested in Peter's lies. He was looking at a cassette Peter's Walkman had dropped. "Dude, you like Pearl Jam and Metallica too? I love these guys."
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Peter looked at him and smirked. "Me too. Maybe we should hang out sometime and listen to them?"
"Definitely." Y/N smiled.
The bell rang as Y/N looked at Peter. "Better get to class. Hope you're okay, Peter."
"Thanks for the help, Y/N." Peter smiled as the young man flashed him a smile and left as Peter finally found his mate.
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reggies-floatie · 2 years
Young Love- Derek Hale X Vampire!Reader
Summary: What if instead of Derek falling for Paige when he was younger, he fell for Y/N?
After Y/N randomly left Beacon Hills leaving a young teenage Derek Hale confused and frustrated, she finally returns after a few years, grown and the new history teacher of Scott and the rest of his pack.
Warning: pure filth, enemies to lovers to strangers to lovers again, switch Derek, a bit of angst and smut and fluff, oral male and female receiving, breast worship, and so on…
Enjoy my beautiful readers-
November 7th, 2004
Sitting alone in the music room, practicing my piano trying to focus I hear this bouncing? Fed up with it, I go out to see who’s making all this noise, the second I enter the hallway I make direct eye contact with the one and only, Derek Hale.
“You mind playing basketball somewhere else?” I say clearly agitated,
“Why would I do that?” The arrogant voice of the Hale boy rings against my ears.
“Because idiot, i’m trying to practice” I state through gritted teeth, my eyes glaring at the raven haired boys.
“ooh looks like we’ve got a feisty girl on our hands boys” he says grinning,
Not wanting to play into his games I roll my eyes and shut the door of the music room, praying that the music from the piano drowns out the idiotic boys in the hallway.
After that interaction, about a week later I’m sat at my usual lunch table with my friends Paige and Grace comparing our test answers for history when all of a sudden Paige looks up and smiles, she grabs Grace and quickly their off. Confused, I look up to see the Hale boy walking towards me, that same cocky grin on his face that he had earlier in the week.
“What do you want Hale.” I say rolling my eyes,
“Just wanted to say I think you look gorgeous today, Y/N”
I choke on my milk, “Sorry?” I ask my face heating up,
“You heard me, Cmon Y/N let’s go on a date” He says confidently,
“Yeah i’m good” I say confused but flattered, “is this some kinda sick joke?”
“Why would i be joking?” Derek says with raised eyebrows, I reluctantly agree on going on the date, little did I know what Id be getting myself into.
After our first date, we would use any excuse to see each other and by seeing eachother, I really mean going into empty classrooms and dark hallways to makeout with eachother until we lost our breath. We were whipped for eachother.
That is until my uncle Alaric called me, he sounded really worried, something was going on with his wife, my aunt and he thought i could help. I had no time to say goodbyes to anyone not Paige or Grace. Not even Derek. Little did I know, me going to Mystic Falls would lead to me becoming what my uncle was sacred of, what he hunted. A vampire.
September 8th, 2012
“Good morning class! My name is Ms. Y/L/N, I’ll be your new history teacher!” I happily speak out, “I hope to get to know each and everyone of you lot very well! I know you all probably don’t want to be here given history is the most boring subject” I say using my fingers as air quotations for the last part.
“But i hope you know i’m trying my very best to make this class enjoyable, I’m not one to give out homework, and i’ll always try to give you as much class time as i can to help you guys, so please if you’ve got any questions i’ll be more than happy to help you guys.” I say making eye contact with a boy with a buzz cut, i can tell he’s going to need help.
The year started our lovely, that is until this blonde girl, Erica, waked into class looking as confident as ever, it was a good look on her don’t get me wrong, but i could tell by her smell that she was a wear wolf. As the year started I could tell who was and wasn’t aware of the supernatural world. the people who I knew that know about it were, Scott McCall, Allison Argent, Stiles Stillinski, Erica Reyes, Issac Lahey, and Boyd. I’m sure some others knew but those were my main suspects. There was this one kid, Matt I knew he was up to something i just didn’t know what.
I was going to sub in for Mr. Harris as he randomly didn’t show up and the school didn’t have any substitutes that could come in last minute, so as any good teacher would I rushed over, as i walked in I heard Scott and Stiles whisper about how Derek Hale is trying to expand his pack. Hearing this I stiffened my back and coughed to get the student’s attention. I made direct eye contact with scott and with that, he knew that I knew about him and his friends.
Given that the class was the last of the day, when the bell rang i started writing notes for Mr.Harris when none other than the trouble duo came up to my desk, “Need help?” I ask not looking up from my paper at the two.
“you know about us.” Scott says, his heart rate rising, “are you a wolf too?” the boy with the buzz cut butts in,
“something like that.” I say finishing my notes, “what is it you were saying about derek hale?” I ask, standing up.
Me being impatient, I compelled the two boys into telling me everything they know, once they are done, we chat for a bit more before i’m off. I’m about to get in my car when I notice a tire in flat. I turn around as i’m greeted with Issac claws out pointed at me.
“Hello Mr. Lahey” I speak up, with a calm voice.
“What did something like that mean?” He asks, that sly fucker listened into my conversation with Scott and Stiles,
“Vampire, blood sucker, you know whatever they call us these days.” I say shrugging, “what’s it to you?” I ask the boy, when suddenly it clicks, he thinks i’m the Kanima,
“you sure?” he asks, “I need you to come with me”
“I’m your teacher Issac, me getting into your car would be highly inappropriate.” I know for a fact issac doesn’t care and he won’t leave till i do so with that i get into the passenger seat.
After a quiet drive and a few empty threats, we show up to a loft type place? slowly walking behind him we get a these big doors to which he opens, “Derek, I think we found our Kanima” issac says out loud to which i scoff. he can’t be serious.
“derek’s out right now with boyd but he’ll be back” Erica states, “Ms. Y/L/N?” she says confused as me and isaac walk in,
“Hey Erica” I say with a smile unbothered by the situation, “for reference i’m not the Kanima but i’m glad you guy’s thought of me” I say a smile plastered on my face.
“only. a kanima would say that” Issac says with a scoff, suddenly he cuts me with something normally i would care and it would heal, but i let out a scream, that little shit has vervain. I fall to the ground holding my wound.
What feels like two hours which is really ten minutes go by when Erica and Issac stand up at the opening door. In walks in boyd, with Derek Hale in all his glory,
Boyd is the first out of the two to notice me, “Ms. Y/L/N? holy shit are you ok?” he asks, the second my last names leaves his mouth derek looks up, there he is, the boy who i fell in love with then abandoned.
“don’t, she’s the kanima.” erica says her eyes glowing at me,
“If i was the kanima I don’t think vervain would take me down but here we are” i say, the veins under my eyes showing as well as my fangs,
“Y/N?” Derek says looking at me, “you three get out of here” he says looking at his pack members,
“but-“ is safe starts but is cut off,
“she’s not the Kanima.” he says his red eyes glowing at the three, and with that, they leave,
i try to muster the energy to move, or to even thank him but it’s cut short as a shooting feeling of pain hits me, causing me to scream, worried, derek runs over “how can i help you?” he asks looks at the wound,
“blood. i need blood and fire.” i says throwing my head back in pain, derek runs off and comes back with a blow torch and his claws out,
“her i got fire and you can use my blood” he says starting at his once girlfriend,
“fuck that, i’m not feeding off you, i’ll kill you” i say looking him in the eyes, but everyone knows derek hale is the most stubborn person ever. “it’s going to feel weird but when it gets too much tell me okay?” i say as he nods. with that i close my eyes as my fangs come out and i sink them into his neck, tasting the blood in my mouth sent a sense of euphoria to come over me, and i think him too as he lets out a sudden groan, after a little bit i pull back as i grab the torch and i burn the vervain out of me. the pains too much for me so i pass out, the world going black.
I wake up to the smell of coffee and the sun shining into the room, i’m on a mattress and i’m wearing a large shirt which i assume is derek’s, i groan and sit up only to meet the gorgeous green eyes i once yearned to see. “hey” i mutter weakly,
“where we’re you all this time?” derek says handing me a cup of coffee,
“I was with my uncle, in Mystic Falls, i became a vampire just a little while after i came there, that’s why i never came back i was scared that if you saw me like, we’ll you know, that you wouldn’t love me anymore.” i say looking down at the floor, “i was ashamed derek, and i feel so bad” i say finally meeting his gaze,
“how’d you die.” he asks, sadness in his voice,
“it was either me or my sister who had to die, so i took the step forward and here i am” I say a weak smile on my face. the rest of the day is spent with me and derek catching up, the things we missed, i never thought that seeing him and the conversation we had would lead to him, laying down on the mattress half naked, with me in top of him making out. hey, maybe old habits really do die hard.
I let out a small moan as his hands wrap around me and unclip my bra, “derek” i moan as one of his hands goes to my breast and the other goes into his mouth, i don’t think i’ve ever felt this good holy shit, his mouth moves from my boob to my neck, which leads to him flipping me over and removing my pants and underwear, his hand finds my clit as he plays with it, leaving little figure 8’s making me moan, the other hand goes to his pants and with one hand he pulls them off, he kissed my mouth, then my neck, then my breasts to my stomach then to my mound, my hands go straight to his hair as his skilled tongue draws patterns on my clit to my entrance, the feeling is so divine and i feel as if i’m about to come when he stops,
he draws a whine out of me, “calm down my girl, i want you to come around my cock” he says stroking his member.
i close my eyes as he enters me, and shock of pain and pleasure erupts through my body as he slowly starts moving. his pace gets rougher and rougher as we both start moaning louder and louder, I flip him over as i started riding him, pinning his hands above his head, i bite my lip and let my head fall against his chest as this new position is the one to send me over the edge, i feel my stomach start to tighten as i finally let my release go, clenching around derek
“oh fuck” i hear him slip out as he comes inside of me, completely emptying himself. I drop next to him as he holds me close, “stay with me this time?” he says staring into my eyes,
“of course” i say smiling.
later that day i changed into better clothes, i saw derek standing behind the kitchen island washing the counter, i walked over and kissed him.
as i pretended to drop something, he laughs it iff but it’s stuck in his throat as he feels my hand palm him, i pull down his sweats and start massaging him with a grin, “you dont need to.” he starts but i just smile as i take him in my mouth.
he lets out a moan as his hand goes behind my head pushing me further down his large cock, this man had to be atleast 9 inches, i continue to deepthroat him as i hear the door open, hearing that mixed with the voice of erica and issac only make me keep going i can tell derek is annoyed that they came here, but i know he’s happy that i’m continuing.
they walk into the room and start talking to him, i reach my hand to fondle his balls as he lets out a chocked growl and i feel something shoot down my throat, suddenly i hear issac stop talking, “oh shit derek” he says laughing as he realizes what happened, quickly he leave pulling erica behind him, her still being confused,
i stand up and kiss his lips, with a smirk, me coming back is going to be so fun.
Hey gang! sorry i haven’t posted in a while, i’ve has loads going on omfg. sorry if the words are wrong, not only am i on the phone but english isn’t my first language. i hope you enjoyed and make sure to send requests.
muah muah -Bailey
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hawkeyetrained · 2 years
You Can Trust Me
Derek Hale x Fem!reader
Other Characters: Kate Argent, Scott, Malia, Stiles (mentioned), Lydia (mentioned), Braeden (mentioned)
Warnings: slight spoilers for s4ep1&2, cannon level violence (though nothing too graphic at all)
Summary: When Derek gets turned back into his younger self, she promises he can trust her.
Word count: 2594
Scott, Stiles, and I had been friends for as long as I could remember. I moved into town when I was just 10 years old, instantly becoming friends with the two. That’s how I met Derek Hale, and how our crazy involvement with the supernatural began.
Derek and I had a different relationship than the rest of the pack. He would often keep me in the loft if the current threat ever got too close, opting to have Peter stay back and keep an eye on me instead of allowing me to help like Stiles. For the last few years, the crush I had on Derek only grew stronger and Lydia was the first to call me out on it. When we were sitting in the loft for one of our pack meetings, she had noticed how I tuned Scott out as he talked but instantly focused on Derek when he spoke. She had nudged my side, making my cheeks burn pink, and later took me out for dinner to talk about what she saw.
We talked at the diner for more than two hours about my crush, going into detail on everything that she could get from me. I had her sworn to secrecy to not tell anyone for fear that he would completely reject me.
So, while broken down on the side of a road in Mexico, she had stuck to my side in an attempt to keep me calm. Stiles was busy fixing his Jeep, Malia and Kira keeping watch on the sand around us, while Lydia and I tried to attempt helping Stiles. Scott had gone off with a woman named Brayden in search of Derek, promising to be back by morning.
I spent the night sitting on the ground by the front tire of Roscoe, Stiles’ jeep. Lydia kept sending glances my way all night, but I ignored her until I was able to see the motorcycle coming back down the road just after sunrise.
Scott had jumped off to grab my arms, pulling me off to the side. “Hey, he’s alright, but something happened in that church. Derek, he’s different.”
“What do you mean?” I tried pulling away only for Scott to stop me. “What happened?”
“I don’t know what happened.” Scott shrugged. “Something changed him, made him younger.”
I spent the entire ride home in the back of Stiles’ jeep, worrying over Derek and wondering why he wasn’t waking up. Once we got back, we went to Deaton’s office first. Scott had called ahead, letting the doctor know about our situation and to see if there was anything he could do to help. Once we got Derek inside and laid on the exam table, everyone watched as Deaton worked for a few minutes on checking for anything unusual, and once coming up empty handed, he sent everyone home for school in a few hours.
“Someone should stay here with him.” Scott mumbled to the group as we turned to leave.
“I think it should be Y/N.” Lydia said, stopping in her tracks.
“What?” I looked up at her. “Why me?” My cheeks were stained a soft pink.
“Out of all of us, you and Derek were closest. And he trusts you the most.” She explained. “When he wakes up, I’m sure he’s going to be confused. You’ll be the only face he’d want to see.” Everyone seemed to agree with her, so they headed out to gather their things for school while I went back into the exam room to join Deaton.
It seemed like hours passed since my friends had left. Deaton had continued to check on Derek when he needed breaks from his paperwork in his office. I had sat myself down in one of the plastic chairs, pulled up beside the table, my arms crossed on the metal surface with my head resting on them. My phone would occasionally go off with a text message, one of the pack members checking in, but there was never much to say other than a finger twitch or a deeper breath than I had been listening to all day.
Deaton had come back in yet again to check on Derek, but this time, the young wolf’s eyes snapped open, his body launching up into a seated position. The doctor had been fast enough to grab my arms and yank me back before I was swiped at by a clawed hand. The boy’s eyes softened ever so slightly when he got a look at our faces and heard our racing heartbeats, but it wasn’t long before he was running out of the clinic.
Stiles and Scott were able to get Derek from the police station hours after he ran from the clinic, the three of us headed towards Scott’s house. Scott’s phone buzzed in his pocked and he told us how he had to go take care of something, leaving Stiles and I alone with Derek.
Derek had seemed apprehensive about following Stiles into the McCall house, but a soft smile and a few encouraging words from me and helped him follow us inside. “Scott?” An older male’s voice called from the kitchen.
Stiles and I shared a worried look, and before we could turn around and get out, Scott’s father showed up in the doorway with a paper bag held in his hand. “Um, hi.” I greeted, offering a slightly awkward wave.
“Stiles. Y/N.” Mr. McCall nodded to us. “Who’s your friend?”
My eyes flashed to Derek, trying to think of a believable excuse. “He’s my cousin.” Stiles blurted out, wrapping an arm around Derek’s shoulders. “My cousin Miguel.” Both Derek and I looked to Stiles to see if he was serious or not, and to our horror, he was completely serious.
We were all quickly pulled into the worst dinner of our lives. Scotts father continuously asked Derek questions, obviously seeing right through Stiles’s lie, but Derek was able to play along. I ate a little food before excusing myself and heading up to Scott’s room, wanting to call him and warn him of his father being home.
I barely managed to send the text before the door was being pushed open. “Y/N?” I recognized Derek’s voice as he called out, not wanting to startle me.
“Yeah, come in.” I smiled at the Hale boy, sliding my phone into my back pocket, and sitting down on Scott’s bed. “How are you holding up?” I asked him as he sat down beside me, leaving more space than usual between us.
Derek shrugged. “It’s all so confusing.”
“Is there anything I can try to help with?” I asked.
He shrugged his shoulders again. “I don’t even know what to ask. I mean, you three look at me like you know who I am, but I’ve got no idea who you are.”
A deep sigh left my nose as I adjusted, pulling my legs up under me and turning to face him. “You’re Derek Hale. You’ve helped us through a lot recently, taught all of us a lot of things about the supernatural world.” His dark eyes lifted up to watch me. “You’ve saved all of us too many times to count. It’s been a hard few years for all of us.”
“If I’m going to be honest, I’m a little scared.” His voice dropped to a whisper, almost like he didn’t want anyone hearing his confession. “I woke up in a strange place, surrounded by strange people, in a city that doesn’t even have my home, and no one will tell me what happened. I don’t know who to trust.”
My fingers twitched together nervously. “I know how scary that must be, but I can tell you one thing. You can trust me. It’s gotta be weird having people know you without you knowing them, but we are actually really good friends. You’ve watched out for me since we met. Let me help watch out for you until we can figure out how to help you.”
“I can trust you.” He didn’t phrase it as a question, more so a way for himself to finally believe it.
The window creaked from behind Derek, alerting both of us. Derek’s arm had crossed protectively over me as he turned to look for the cause of the sound, something he did normally that was showing through his younger self. “Kate?” Derek’s eyes adjusted to the dark of the night faster than mine, but I was able to see her climbing through the window.
“Hey, handsome.” She greeted with a smile. “Been a long time.” Right, Peter killed her, or so we had thought. “Longer than you think.” Her eyes flashed back to me as both Derek and I stood from the bed, my feet automatically drifting closer to Derek’s side. “Aww, little Y/N, still playing shadow?” She taunted, a sick smile on her face before she came closer.
Derek didn’t tense up like he typically does. Instead, he stayed pretty relaxed, making me think that younger Derek had known Kate better than I thought he did. “Derek.” I shrunk closer to him as she got closer to me, not trusting Kate at all after what Peter had done to her.
His hand flexed at his side a little, like he wanted to do something but couldn’t think of why or what to do. “Still scared hun?” Kate stalked closer, ultimately putting herself between Derek and me. “He doesn’t even know you sweetheart.” As she continued to draw closer and closer in the dark room, I had taken steps back, trying to keep as much space between her and I as I could. “He knows me. He can trust me.” My heart started to race, images of her clawed hand swiping at my throat flashing through my head, eyes frantically flickering between her and Derek as I backed up.
In a blur, one of her hands had enclosed around my throat, holding me still and putting just enough pressure to where I was uncomfortable. “Kate, please. Let me go.” My hands reached up to try prying at her fingers, but I was no match for her newfound strength.
“Kate.” Derek’s voice growled out from behind her in a warning. “Let her go.”
A sick smile crossed her face. “If you say so.” Her hand slipped from my throat and just a second after my eyes met Derek’s, she had kicked her boot into my chest and send me stumbling back into Scott’s adjoining bathroom. The door slammed shut and I could hear something being pressed against the outside of the door.
“No.” I scrambled into my knees. “Derek!” I call, banging on the door. “Kate, let me out.” I could hear muffled voices of her and Derek going back and forth, a little worry in the boy’s voice as he said my name. “Derek don’t listen to her. Don’t go anywhere with her. You can’t trust her.”
Minutes of silence passed by before whatever was leaned against the door was pulled away and the door swung open. Stiles stood on the other side, phone pressed to his ear. I rushed out of the room, frantically looking around for Derek, but the still open window confirmed my worry. “Calm down.” Stiles tried.
“Kate took him.” I looked back at Stiles. “Kate took Derek. Ask Scott where she would take him.” My hands grabbed the keys to Stiles’s jeep from his hands before I raced down the stairs and out to the car. I jumped into the passenger seat as Stiles came chasing after me, getting into the already running car and heading towards the school.
He managed to pull up quick enough, letting me jump out and meet Scott and Malia while he went off to delay Scott’s dad. “Hey, calm down.” Scott pressed his hands to my shoulders.
“Kate took him and somehow managed to age him back, before kidnapping him, again. I can’t stay calm Scott. What if she kills him?”
“I don’t think that’s what she’s going to do.”
“Scott.” Malia called from the stairs going up to the second floor of the school. “Scott, what’s that smell?”
Chris Argent had told me stories of some of the supernatural beings he had faced in the past. I tried to check up on him as much as I could after Allison died. I didn’t have a father myself and I had seen him as a fatherly figure since Allison and I had become friends. This creature though, he didn’t have a lot to say on it, other than the fact that they were pretty much soulless creatures that were practically invincible. Berserkers seemed to scare the older Argent man, and so they scared me. I never thought I’d face one, let alone be running from one as my friends battled the other.
I had managed to put enough distance between myself and the one chasing me, but the one that Malia and Scott had been focused on caught me by surprise. It’s thick, bone covered hand swept out just as I was running past, sending me flying across the school floor and sliding up against the lockers in a corner not far from my friends.
Both of the berserkers faces locked on me, slowly creeping closer. “Scott!” I shouted, cowering as far as I could into the corner of lockers. “Scott!” Before any of their hands were able to grab at me, a large shadow managed to knock both away from me. The berserkers went after the shadow, giving Scott and Malia enough time to come to my sides and pull me to my feet.
Once the shadow was able to scare off the berserkers, it stood to it’s full height and turned to face us. Derek, as we knew him, stood in front of us, panting slightly from the fight and running all the way up to us. “Derek?” Scott was the first to ask, holding onto my shoulder.
His eyes locked on my face, and with a subtle nod, I was running across the hall over to him. Derek’s arms wrapped tightly around my waist as I threw my arms around his shoulders. He was back, after months of wondering what happened to him and the past few hours trying to convince him that we were friends, he was back.
“Are you ok?” I asked as I took a step back. “What happened to you?”
“Kate broke into the loft and shot me with wolfsbane. I don’t remember much after that.” His hands had yet to leave my waist as his head came to rest against mine. “All I remember is that I can trust you. I did, I do trust you.”
A breathy laugh escaped my nose as he tipped his head down to press his lips against mine softly. My fingers drifted from his shoulders to his hair, pulling him closer to me. His hands tightened their hold around my waist, slowly wrapping his arms around me completely.
A cough pulled the two of us apart, my cheeks flushed a bright pink as I glanced up into his eyes. “Guys.” Scott spoke, his feet shuffling loudly against the hall floors. “We should probably get out of here.”
“Go.” Derek told him. “We’re right behind you.” I could faintly hear Scott and Malia walk down the stairs, back towards the front of the school. “Come with me.” Derek didn’t ask, seemingly already knowing my answer when I linked my hand tightly in his. “You can trust me.”
A bright smile covered my face. “And you can trust me.”
@thetallassgirl @hallecarey1
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Coping Mechanisms
Summary - Y/N Hale goes to see her husband every night, even amidst the murders and hunters that have found themselves to be a reoccurring threat in town. The last thing that she was expecting however was for her Peter to wake up
Peter Hale x reader
Warnings - mentions of murder and death, talk of the fire, angst and fluff, ‘comatosed’ peter, burn marks, werewolf reader, 3rd person writing, i think that’s it
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After work, speaking to him was easy, even if he didn’t reply back. She knew that deep down he was listening, he had always been such a good listener. The smallest things had intrigued him back in the day, especially the woman sat before him.
A smile was paved onto Y/N’s lips as she reached a hand up to lightly trail down the side of Peter’s scarred face. The fire had really done a number on him, but it was a blessing that he had escaped with his life.
“You’re still as beautiful as the day that we met, you’re looking like the bad boy that wants me to miss lessons to make out in the locker room all over again.” If Peter could speak, or had the ability to respond in the slightest, it was obvious to his wife that he’d offer her a cocky comment and a smirk.
She missed that, more than anything; their mutual interaction. It gave her a reason to live, it had made her smile, but all Y/N could do was curse the word;d for tormenting her husband in such a cruel and evil way; he didn’t deserve it.
“I love you, more than anything, but you already know that.” As she spoke, Peter’s eyes remained distant, glossy from the mental barrier that separated the two of them. “I have to get home, I can’t wait until the day I can take you from this place and bring you back. It’s a nice apartment downtown, nothing too big, yet its still a little like that for just me. I’ll be back tomorrow night, I’m pretty sure that Derek is going to visit you in a couple of hours, so you have that to look forward to.”
Inside, Y/N’s heart was breaking, if Peter were conscious, he would sense the ambient ache in her chest. Without him, she wasn’t complete, everyday a little piece of her was chipping and breaking away.
Reaching down, the woman planted a stern, heartfelt kiss of her puckered lips upon Peter’s forehead. He, as expected, made no response, he was still stoic in his chair. The muse came to the door, tilting her head at Y/N, thinking of how oblivious she was. Her mood sometimes resembled that of a widow, but she was lacking vast amounts of information.
Peter Hale was no longer compromised with his coma, and he had gained much more than physical stability. His brain worked smoothly once again, like a mastermind, and he had a plan. A brilliant plan.
“Thank you for everything.” Y/N spoke to the nurse, a feeble, pained yet satisfied smile upon her lips. “I’ll be back tomorrow, I guess I’ll see you then.”
The nurse politely nodded, expecting as much from the werewolf’s wife. Her absence would however give them the time to continue their spree of chaos and death, fulfilling every aspect that vengeance had to give. If the she wolf was aware of al the slaughtering and biting, she’d be relived of Peter’s recomposed state, although she would predictably be disgusted by his vengeful vendetta.
But the important factor was that she was completely oblivious to the to be revealed secret. Y/N was clueless, and it was due to her not searching for any contradicting evidence. However the private she wolf stopped in her tracks whenever she saw Derek, her nephew in law, and a teenage boy whom she had no recognition of.
“Y/N.” Derek greeted her, bowing his head at his old pack member, being polite as one could be in the face of someone that had yet to grieve. “I was hoping to have seen you, I need to know if you have any information on this alpha that is gang around Beacon Hills killing humans.” She was the best lead the young Hale had, however she defiantly crossed her arms over her chest and glinted her beta brazen eyes at the fresh wolf and his mentor.
Scott unsurely stepped aback, cautious to be in the sights of another werewolf, especially one that was a stranger to him. “I presumed you would’ve heard with your enhanced hearing that it was a mountain lion.” Y/N smirked, unsettling both the young and learning men. “However its targets are quite peculiar… all had involvement in the fire. And so they deserve death in every way, you’ve seen Peter!”
“Thank you for your time Y/N, I know things haven’t been easy for you.” Damn right, she thought at her nephew’s words. It was disgustingly difficult coping with the comatose shell of her mate, and with an excusing smile she abandoned the building in hopes of going to her lonely home and resting up so that she could return fully awake the next day.
However as the autumn air hit her exposed skin she paused. There was something in the nearby shadows watching her with crimson eyes that radiantly beamed towards the unsettled female. A stern growl tumbled out from Y/N’s throat until a familiar spectre entranced out from the darkness and revealed himself in Hale fashion.
“Hello darling.” Peter greeted her for the first time in many years, a cunning smile distorting his face that had been void of expression for so long. “Have you missed me?” She had, insanely so, but this meant… had he killed Laura? She wasn’t certain how to react and thus she bolted in the opposing direction from the one that she had missed for so long, afraid of the red pigment that had tainted his eyes. She had to get to Derek and warn him, but she watched as Peter evolved into a monster, and then it hit her. There was no escape and there had never been one.
He’d had her wrapped around his crisp finger for so long and as his face extended into a devise that no longer resembled a human, she succumbed to her fears and submitted to the alpha that had been tricking her from the start of time.
She understood his motives concerning his bringing of bodies, and soon he would make her like his decisions. With Y/N he would be stronger, they would be unstoppable, and that came first to his care for his mate, because with this malicious strength he could protect her; he was unable to save anyone in the fire that had set him on this path of turmoil and revenge, and he would ensure that he was never that weak again.
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
The Perfect Man For Us - Derek Hale x Reader
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Pairing: Derek Hale x singlemother!Reader
Prompt: The new one shot teen wolf series I’m working on.
Warnings: None really its just fluff and mentions of a rape that occurred but no details. I decided not to do smut for this one because I feel like I don’t do a lot of fluff and Derek deserve a nice fluffy love not just sex. 
You couldn’t breathe, your lungs felt like they were burning, but you couldn’t stop running. You heard them behind you shouting derogative names and loading their guns. You felt tears prick your eyes as you clung to your son, your arms never faltering. He was whimpering softly as he gripped your clothing for dear life.
“Mama.” He whispered shakily into your shoulder before he looked up at you his long tear covered lashes blinking heavily.
“I know my little love. Shhh.” You whisper as you kept running.
You paused your running to look down and check your son wasn’t injured. However, before you could feel relieved you felt a sharp pain in your side. Shit. The searing pain had you stumbling a little but you quickly regain your footing and began running again, knowing that your child was in danger gave you the boost of adrenaline you needed.
You’re unsure of how long it had been since you heard the hunters, or how long you’d been running while bleeding out but that was quickly the least of your worries when a big dark skinned man came into view his golden eyes glowing as you with a warning growl.
“P-Please…I-I don’t mean any harm. H-Hunters are coming.” You felt yourself getting drowsy but you tried to fight it.
“My baby.” You whimpered as you fell to your knees begin to buckle as you clutched your son tightly.
“Oh my god! Boyd stop growling at her she’s a fucking injured mother with a baby! We need to get her to Derek now!” A female said as she came out from the trees her blonde hair swaying softly as she ran towards us.
You didn’t have time to feel relieved or even scared because you didn’t know them because you fell into a foetal position clutching your son as everything went black.
“This is going to take a couple of days to heal, even as a werewolf. She’s seriously malnourished and dehydrated her son is perfect though my guess is whatever food and drink she either found or got given she gave to this little boy.” A man’s voice stated your eyes refused to open but you could hear at least six heartbeats.
“Well obviously shed do that. She’s his mother.” A female voice responded sassily making you wish you could nod in agreement.
“How do you know it could be her brother?” A younger male voice stated with just as much sass.
“She said my baby as she passed out Isaac.” She huffed as she began moving around the room.
“Wh-Wheres my baby?” You spoke as you finally managed to open your eyes.
“He’s here. Don’t worry we gave him some milk and a snack then Boyd here put him down for a nap.” She young woman stated softly as she approached your bed.
“T-Thank you so much.” You whispered tearfully as you tried sitting up but the pain in your side stopped you immediately.
“No you need to rest we have him. What’s his name?” She asked softly as a slightly older man whose face was cuddled in stubble approached.  
“I’m Y/N and that is my son, Samuel.” You muttered between catching your breath from the pain.
“I’m Erica and this is Boyd, Isaac and this is our Alpha, Derek. Oh and that is our local vet Deaton.” She chuckled as she pointed to everyone.
“A vet? Is that a dog joke?” You snorted making the younger one’s chuckle.
“No he’s actually a vet but he used to be Derek’s mom’s emissary.” She laughed humorously making you nod with a smile.
“I see.” You glanced at the Alpha who had yet to speak as he stared down at you with a poker face.
“Well we have school but Derek here can get you anything you or Samuel need. Right Derek?” Erica said softly her eyes meeting her Alphas who just nodded gruffly.
He didn’t exactly seem thrilled to have you here but you took her word for it and squeezed her hand gratefully as she pointed to where Sam was laid down on a single mattress covered in blankets. You watched as the vet and the three young betas left, what looked like an old train depot.
Once they’d gone you glanced at the alpha who was making himself busy cleaning up take away boxes and other bits and bobs. You watched the way his muscles clenched around the henley that was rolled up his arms. He was handsome but that was the last thing on your mind as you stared at your baby.
“How come hunters were after you?” Derek spoke suddenly making you jump a little.
“T-There not normal hunters. They had me captive for a few years. Beating me, torturing me…r-raping me. I-I…” You paused staring at your hands as they began shaking, your tears threatening to spill over.
“W-When I was fifteen I had a girlfriend…she was older than me in her twenties. Turned out she was a hunter using me to find out when all my family would be in one house…She burnt my entire house to the ground. I was out and so was my oldest sister Laura but everyone else…they burnt.” He stated awkwardly like it wasn’t something he ever really spoke about but you nodded in understanding when the story rung a bell in your head.
“Are you talking about the Hale fire?” You suddenly asked making the alphas head spin towards you so fast your surprised it didn’t hurt.
“H-How?” He asked fearfully making you shake your head.
“There was a little girl…she was taken in by my pack just before I was taken…What was her name? Erm, it sounded a lot like Laura…oh yeah Cora.” You stated easily as the Alpha suddenly had tears in his eyes.
“C-Cora’s alive?” He whispered and then you realied she mustve been his younger sister.  
“She should still be with my old pack. The alpha is called Demetri.” You replied with a sad smile.
“T-Thank you. I will reach out soon.” He whispered with a small smile that had your heart clenching painfully.
“You’re welcome to stay here as long as you want. I don’t have a big pack but you’re welcome to join it and Samuel obviously.” His offer melted your heart which is why you grabbed his hand and looked him in the eye.
“It doesn’t matter if it’s a big pack. It matters that you care. I would be honoured to join the newest Hale alpha.” You chuckled with a gentle smile that Derek returned as a little grunt came from across the room.
“M-Mama!” Sam cried as he shakily sat up looking around the room.
“I’m here baby.” You called over to him making his eyes meet yours but before he could take a step Derek was over there picking him up.
“He’s got no shoes on. He may be a wolf but he hasn’t shifted and I don’t want him to stand on anything dangerous.” Derek muttered as he placed your son on your lap as Sam stared at Derek with wide eyes.
“Hi my little love.” You whispered into his hair as he clung to you tightly.
“This is Derek.” You said as you pointed to the dark haired man.
“D-De…Dada?” He pouted in confusion making your eyes widen.
“N-No…De-Rik.” You said sounding out the word.
“Der.” He settled on making Derek laugh softly.
“That’s close enough.” He chuckled making you flush as you chose to ignore the fact that your son had called him dada.
“Bot bot.” He demanded with a cheeky smile.
“Does he want a bottle?” Derek asked with a raised brow.
“Yeah. S-Sorry I feel useless right now.” You whispered sadly making Derek shoot you a sympathetic smile.
“It’s fine I had Cora and another younger sibling called Sophie so I don’t mind. Does he need diapers or anything else?” Derek asked gently making sure you knew not to feel bad.
“Well…I used to use whatever they brought me so honestly I have no idea. I managed to escape when they started threatening to take him it’s amazing how much strength you can have when it comes to your pup.” You chuckled darkly making Derek nod.
“Okay well if you don’t mind I know a few people who might be able to help. Good people.” Derek stated softly as he took out his phone but waited for you to give the okay first. You gave him a nod which he returned before pressing the call button on his phone.
“What do you want Derek? I’m about to walk into school.” A young man’s voice said through the phone making you chuckle.
“I have a situation and I need your moms number.” Derek stated coolly his stoic attitude back.
“Why?” He huffed sassily.
“Because I need help buying baby stuff.” Suddenly you heard another voice join the call.
“Oh my god. Did you knock someone up!?”
“No Stiles. Jesus Christ just give me you moms number Scott!” Derek growled down the phone as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Fine. I’ve text it to you. So who’s bab-”
Derek hung up and you started laughing at the whole situation which made him crack a smile before he made another call to Scott’s mother. Who stated she would be there soon without much information. Derek seemed shocked by how quickly she agreed but gave a shrug and sat down next to you and Sam.
It wasn’t long before a pretty older woman with curly hair peeked into the depot before finally spotting Derek. She seemed slightly nervous but Derek gave her an awkward smile which she returned as she moved down the stairs towards you, Sam and Derek.
“Hi, I’m Melissa, Scotts mom. I’m also a nurse.” She introduced herself with a motherly mile that made you trust her instantly.
“I’m Y/N this is my son Samuel.” You replied.
“She had Samuel in the captivity of hunters so he’s not really had the normal stuff that baby’s get and stuff. I-I need help doing some shopping for him.” Derek said calmly as he flushed a little.
“Do you know around how old he is?” Melissa asked softly her face full of sympathy.
“He’s 692 days old. I tallied them on the wall of my cell and plus they 2 days I was running so 694.” You responded easily as Sam looked at Melissa curiously.
“Okay so about 22 months. So you’re almost two! How’s his development?” Melissa asked softly as she smiled down at your son.
“He walks good, he can talk a little, only small stuff not full sentences but he likes to copy words. He eats really well and he has most of his teeth except the last 4.” You stated as you looked down at him.
“That’s pretty much on point with most babies his age. I would like to have him weighed and get him registered at the hospital I work at so he’ll get the check-ups he needs. I’d buy him a few 24-month stuff but most stuff we should get in 2T cos he’ll always grow but he won’t shrink.” She chuckled at her own comment which also had you laughing.
“I-I don’t have any money though…” You whispered with a flushed face.
“Don’t worry about that. I have money.” Derek stated simply as he began putting on his leather jacket.
“Maybe you should think about getting a house with said money.” Melissa snorted making Derek roll his eyes as he tried to hide his smirk.
“Offering to help with that too Melissa?” He joked making her eyes widen before she started laughing.
“Yeah why not. We’ll pop down to the real estate office and have a look at what there is. Then we’ll go shopping for this little cutie.” She said as she bopped your sons nose making him giggle.
“Y/N? Where’s Derek and Sam?” Isaac’s voice rang out dragging you attention from the book Derek had given you.
“They went shopping with Melissa.” You said with a small smile as Erica ran downstairs to give you a hug.
"How long have they been gone?” Erica asked with a frown.
“Since about 11am. So 4 hours.” You pondered as you realised they’d been gone a while.
“What’s he buying a fucking store?” Erica snorted as she picked up the book you’d put down.
“They said something about real estate too.” You added with a small smile.
“Hmm interesting.” Boyd muttered as he flopped down onto a worn out broken couch.
It wasn’t long before you were chatting away happily with the beta’s and lost track of time completely until finally Derek and Melissa came through the entry and down the stairs two boys following her carrying so man bags your eyes almost popped out your skull.
Derek was carrying Sam as Melissa instructed the boys the put the bags in the corner. Derek put him down on the ground and Sam ran up to you. He was in a pair of acid wash jeans, a white t-shirt, doc martens and a little leather jacket. Your eyes widened as Derek seemed to flush from all they looks he was getting.
“Like Der mama.” He giggled as he pointed to his jacket and boots.
“Yes you have clothes like Derek! You look so cute!” You giggled as he snuggled up to you with a grin.
“I bought furniture but I had it delivered to the property I bought. It’ll be delivered tomorrow after I collect the keys.” Derek muttered shyly as he scratched the back of his head.
“You bought a house!?” Everyone shouted at the same time.
“Well w-we couldn’t have the pack living here all the time. We have a baby in the pack now.” He responded with a small warning growl daring them to say anything.
“Sourwolf’s gone soft.” A young man whispered making Derek rolls his eyes.
“Shut up Stiles.” Derek growled flashing his eyes at the young man who was wearing a red plaid shirt with a black t-shirt underneath and a pair of jeans and sneakers.
“So this is the whole pack? You’re Stiles and Scott?” You asked trying to ease the teasing Derek was clearly going to get.
“Yeah I was turned by Derek’s uncle when he went feral after the fire. This is Stiles he’s human but my best friend so honorary pack member by default.” Scott stated making Stiles glare at his friends.
“Stiles is the pack researcher. Not just Scott best buddie.” Derek huffed with an eye roll.
“I see. So he’s basically like an emissary just not learnt about the magic stuff yet?” You chuckled as Stiles seemed shocked by Derek’s words.
“Am I?” Stiles seemed wide eyed and confused which you thought was adorable.
“Yeah sort of. Emissary’s jobs are to help advise the pack and give them information they need the make the decisions.” Derek informed the teen gruffly.
“Oh. Well thanks sourwolf! Didn’t know you even liked me.” He snorted as he wiped a fake tear from his eye dramatically.
“Der!” Sam shouted making everyone look at the little boy in your arms.
“What?” Derek asked softly with a small smile.
“Mama stuff!” He shouted making you frown as Derek seemed to understand what he meant and grabbed two bags.
“Melissa bought you some clothes.” He mumbled with a small flush on his stoic face as he passed you the two bags.
“No Derek bought them I just picked them.” She chuckled with an affectionate eye roll.
“O-Oh thank you so much. Wow these are so pretty.” You said softly as you looked through them.
“I always wanted a daughter.” Melissa whispered playfully making her son shout in protest.
“You guys have been generous…I don’t know how to thank you.” You whispered with a sad smile making them smile back towards you.
“You’re pack now. We look out for each other.” Erica stated as she pulled you into a hug.
This is yours and Sam’s pack now and you couldn’t be happier.
“Sammie don’t bother Derek he’s sleeping!” You shouted as he ran away from you down the hall towards the Alpha’s room. Jeez when did he get so fast.
He barged into Derek’s room with grin on his face as he ran and dived onto the mans bed. Derek opened his eyes, giving your son a smile as he hugged him close. The whole scene melted your heart, your new feelings for Derek getting harder to ignore the more time you spend with the man.
His dark stubble was as perfect as ever as your son kissed his cheek making you wish you could do the same. He was shirtless so you tried not to focus on his abs that had dark hair littered around his pecks and the line of it leading to his…no bad Y/n stop staring, you thought with a flush.
Derek finally looked towards you and took in your outfit his eyes seemed to soften even more as he patted the bed urging you to sit. You did so carefully as not to get too close but when he touched your arm you leaned into it subconsciously.
“You look pretty today. What’s the occasion?” He asked as he stared down at your fluttery summer dress.
The dress was black with peachy pink flowers on it. It was a layered hem that reminded you of fairy dresses with small thin spaghetti straps and ‘v’ shaped neck line. You had on a pair of flat black sandals that wrapped around your ankle, a cute pair of sunglasses Erica bought you and your makeup consisted of peachy pink smoky eye and nude pink lipstick. Your hair was curled and half pined back into a bow made with your own hair which you thought looked cute.
“The girls are getting their nails done today for the dance tomorrow so I thought I’d tag along. The sheriff offered to watch Sam so I thought why not.” You chuckled softly making him frown a little which confused you.
“You should get yours done too.” Derek muttered with the small frown still on his face.
“I don’t have money Derek we’ve been over this. Once Sammy’s in kindergarten I will be getting a job then I can have luxuries. It bad enough you feed us, give us clothes and a house to live in that’s more than enough.” You stated awkwardly making his frown deepen.
“You understand I own 2 hotels, have over 13 million in the bank and a job in construction.” He stated with a raised brow which honestly shocked you. You knew he didn’t seem to struggle even feeding the whole pack but you didn’t know he was that loaded.
“You offering to be my sugar daddy Derek?” You joked making him flush as he avoided all eye contact.
“Dada Der!” Sam shouted and you suddenly realised your son was still sat in the room.
“Crap.” You snorted as Derek started laughing whole heartedly.
“No honey mama was joking.” You tried but Sam just frowned at you and clung to Derek sending oyu a glare.
“Dada.” He whispered in a sad tone that made your heart clench painfully.
“Honey you can’t ca-”
“I don’t mind. I don’t want him to feel like he did something wrong.” Derek interrupted you making your eyes widen.
“Are you sure?” You asked with a small frown on your face.
“Yeah he’ll probably forget about it later anyway.” He stated softly as he leaned over to grab his wallet. He pulled out a card and passed it to you with a small smile.
“This is for you. Use it whenever you want. If you or Sam need or want anything don’t hesitate okay? You’re basically pack mom at this point so that’s more than enough of a job. In fact, I think pack moms have the hardest job especially with as many teens there is.” He chuckled his words made you flush slightly but you nodded in acceptance.
“T-Thank you.” You whispered shyly as you took the card, your hand brushing against his causing a shiver to pass through you.
“I can hear the girls are here. You go I’ll watch Sam until Noah gets here.” He chucked as his hand came down to stroke the back of your hair affectionately.
By the time you go downstairs you blush was still full force as you thought about how Derek’s hands felt on the back of your hair and when he touched your hand. You were so focused on that, you didn’t see the girls staring at you with a smirk.
“Did Derek finally make a move?” Erica chuckled making you flush even more.
“N-No he doesn’t like me like that…” You whispered your tone turning a little sad.
“You’re just as blind as he is.” Lydia huffed as she rolled her eyes making Allison laugh.
“I-I am not!” You huffed rather childishly for the mother of a two year old.
“Whatever let’s go. I need to grab some new lingerie too.” Erica chuckled as Lydia took out her car keys with a smirk.
You glared at the girls with a warning to not start once you were inside the house which they listened even if they did give you attitude. You took the small bag out the car only to turn around and see Derek stood at the door, leaning against the frame. His arms bugling as they crossed over his chest. God that shouldn’t be legal.
“Yet it is.” Allison whispered playfully making you realised you said that out loud.
As you approached the door Noah was also pulling up with Stiles and Sam getting out the back of the car. Stiles put him down and you bent down to give him a hug but he ran straight past you and straight towards to open front door.
“DADA!” He shouted as he launched at Derek causing his eyes to widen as he looked at the reaction of the pack and you.
“Well that’s just rude. You know I’m the one that carried you for 9 months and pushed you out right?” You huffed childishly as you tried to act like what had just happened was normal.
“Oh that makes sense! He’s been chatting my ear off about how dada is this and dada does that and I had no idea what he was talking about.” Stiles snorted as he scratched the back of his head.
“Yeah nice plan Der. What was it you said? He’ll probably forget about it later.” You mocked playfully making him roll his eyes with a smirk.
“You’re just salty cos he came to his daddy first.” Derek mocked his smirk still firmly in place.
His words shocked you enough to have your eyes widen as everyone seemed to realise there was a conversation that was due and everyone took there leave. You walked into the house past Derek as you placed your bag on the table in the entry way before turning to Derek as Sam ran off to play with his many toys from the pack he got for his birthday last week.
“I-I…Would you like to go on a date tomorrow maybe?” Derek stuttered awkwardly making you smile gently at him.
“I-I would really like that.” You responded shyly, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Great.” Derek responded with a full smile that showed off his cute bunny like teeth.
You stood in front of the mirror staring at the outfit you’d picked out with Melissa’s help, she was currently moving around you fixing up your hair, straightening sections as she went. Your knee started bouncing anxiously as you started over thinking everything. What if Derek only asked you out because her son was calling him ‘dada’? What if he realised later on he didn’t like you then you’d be stuck living with an ex? God what were you doing?
“Stop it. You guys are perfect for each other. You know when I was on my way to your room I went past Derek’s room and he was throwing his clothes everywhere huffing about how he had nothing to wear.” She laughed softly her words making you smile softly with a light flush settling on your cheeks.
“Thank you Melissa.” You whispered gratefully making you smile her usual motherly smile.
“I know it’s all a little backwards for you guys seeing as how Sammy is calling him Daddy but not everything has to fit society’s standards. As a mother you chose to put your son first and that’s amazing but us mothers deserve some fun time too.” She whispered playfully her eyebrows wiggling suggestively.
“Maybe you should consider the handsome sheriff for your fun time unless you already enjoy fun time with our dear sheriff?” You suggested with a smirk on your face making her roll her eyes.
“Do not say anything to those two. You know what there like. They already see each other as brothers I don’t need their input on our ‘fun time’.” She snorted softly making you grin up at her.
You finally finished getting ready and made your way down the stairs where Derek was already waiting, with a crisp white shirt, a fitted suit jacket and slim fit slacks with matching black shiny shoes. His first few buttons were undone leaving you flushing at how sexy he looked however he seemed to return the sentiment as he took in your outfit.
You had on a black long sleeved sleek dress that almost touched the floor, a slit in the side that reached just reach mid-thigh, a pair of nude heels and a black clutch to go with it. Your makeup was flawless thanks to Lydia earlier in the evening a nude like a nude smoky eye.
“Wow.” He said with wide eyes as you came to the bottom of the curved staircase.
“D-Do you mind if we take a picture? I have started making a s-scrap book and I wanted to put a picture of our f-first date in it.” You asked shyly as you held up your phone.
“Yeah I mean I haven’t taken a picture since before the fire so I’m not sure if I’m very photogenic.” He chuckled softly.
“You own a mirror right?” You snorted playfully as you stood close to him, dragging him towards the full length mirror in the entry way.
“How do you…” He paused and looked down at you awkwardly.
You knew he was feeling awkward so you decided to take the initiative and pull him toward you by his belt loops. You moved his right arm around your waist as you pushed yourself as close as possible. You stared into his eyes before turning to the mirror and taking the picture, you placed a soft kiss on his cheek before pulling away.
You held up the phone to show him the picture which made his eyes widen as he stared at it for a minute before speaking up.
“C-Can I have a copy of this?” He asked shyly making you smile happily.
“Of course. I’ll send it to you when we get home.” You replied softly.
“But did she even know the guy?” Derek asked with a carefree laugh.
“No but he played along and last I heard they were still together!” You laughed behind your glass of red wine.
“Wow. That’s hilarious.” Derek snorted as he set down his glass of water.
“I’m sorry Mr Hale we’re about to close.” The restaurant manager stated gently his smile polite.
“Oh I had no idea it was that late sorry. Thank you Gregory.” Derek chuckled softly as he stood up and held his hand out for you.
“It’s no problem Mr Hale. I had Jeff pack some more of that chocolate tart for you and your date.” He whispered playfully making Derek laugh as he patted the older man’s back affectionately.
Once you collected your desert, you both began making your way outside, your arm in Derek’s as he escorted you to the passenger side of the Camaro. He held open the door like the gentlemen he was as offered you his hand to help you into your seat. You slid into it gracefully before he closed the door and made his way round to the drivers side.
“This didn’t feel like a first date.” You suddenly blurted out making him frown like he’d done something wrong and was trying to figure out what.
“N-No I don’t mean that in a bad way…I mean its feels more like a married couple having their weekly date night…it was comfortable and it felt natural like we’d doing it our whole lives.” You rambled making him smile so wide your surprised it didn’t hurt.
“I know what you mean. It just felt right.” He chuckled as he took your hand in his.
“Well then you don’t mind if I kiss you right now then?” Derek added making you giggle softly as you leaned in.
“I thought you’d never offer Mr Hale.” You sassed back playfully making him shoot you another grin before he leaned in.
His lips were soft against yours as he kissed you like he meant it. You could feel all his emotions pouring into that one moment making your heart clench with utter happiness. His hand came up to cup your cheek as he dragged you into his lap sideways, your legs still draped of the console. You clutched to the open collar of his shirt clinging for dear life as his tongue brush against yours.
You’d never felt like this before with anyone but that’s what made it so perfect because no one could compare to this man.
“I need you to take me home Der.” You whispered against his lips seductively, your thighs clenching as he pulled away, his eyes half lid and filled with lust.
He didn’t say anything just gave you a no and helped your back over to your seat waiting for you to clip in before her set of silently his free hand resting on your upper thigh. You didn’t care about how sleeping with a man on the first date was bad taste because this man was already a father to your son so why should you care about what was ‘normal’.
Once you got home you barely managed to get out the car as Derek threw you over his shoulder like the caveman he was but you just giggled at his antics.
“This does not feel very gentlemanly Mr Hale.” You teased as you clung to the material of his suit.
“Well what we’re about to do doesn’t require a gentleman does it my love?” He chuckled darkly his hand coming down to playfully smack your ass.
You knew at that moment this man couldn’t be more perfect for you.
He was even the perfect father for your son and you both knew it.
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hannya-writes · 3 years
I Like You The Way You Are
Original Request: thanks @maisygd
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Title: I like you the way you are
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Young!Derek HalexArgent!Reader
Other characters: Peter Hale (Because he's a little shit and I love him) Paige (can't remember her last name), mention of Kate Argent
Category: Romance, can I put Flashback as a category?, REQUESTED 
Warnings: Emm, none.. this is very fluffy, it's almost a slice of life
Author's note: Reader is the same age as Derek so that must be like… 15? Also, this came out really late because I didn't like the result and re-wrote it like...5 times, but finally, here it is.
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Paige pulled for you to follow her, you had a loud growl of laziness but didn't offer any resistance. She giggled and took the hall to the gym.
— Paige, come on! Give me a break! — your words were the only resistance you gave — last night I was awake till three in the morning! —
— doing what? — she asked while pushing the door of the gym, where there was a bunch of boys playing basketball.
— homework — you said, following her to the bench.
— we don't have homework — she said, making you regret your answer.
— we... Don't have Advanced chemistry together, it's chemistry homework — you tried to fix your mistake.
— oh, right. I'm going to tell you that I believe you... But I don't — she said giggling and you both sat down.
— like me when you say Derek's not your boyfriend! — you muttered and Paige turned in your direction.
— he is not my boyfriend — she said in a whisper —
— then why did you bring me here? — you asked, pointing to the whole gym, Paige laughed.
— Derek is my friend and I would like my best girl friend to get along with my best bo-male friend — Paige said, avoiding saying the word boy near to friend.
— He plays basketball — you point at the players, then at you — I play lacrosse, we can't get along! It's in the rules! — you said in a shout whisper, making Paige huff.
— just be nice — she pleaded and you rolled your eyes.
— Great! Now I have to pretend to be someone I'm not! — you sighed and Paige looked at you with sad eyes — I don't promise anything — your made her smile a bit. It made you feel guilty.
You had met her in music class. She played the Cello and you the violin. You were far from each other, actually in the two ends of the room and you started making faces at her since she was so concentrated in playing her part. She was too serious. It had been unavoidable. Paige had tried to ignore you, but you got her attention and she started making mistakes. It was the beginning of a great friendship.
— So... This is Y/n — the sudden appearance of Derek took you by surprise. The basketball game had ended, everyone was leaving.
— Y/n, yeah, that's me — you said, suddenly feeling extremely nervous, Derek Hale was a popular boy in your school, everybody loved him. He was a star of basketball and the crush of way too many girls but not yours, of course not.
— hey I-um... I'm Derek Hale — you wondered why he stuttered, he smiled and you managed to give back a smile.
— cool, nice to meet you—  you said not knowing what else to say. Paige snorted and chuckled, then stood up.
— ok, let's go — she said, leading the way out of the gym, Derek and you followed her while giving each other side glances.
After a couple of weeks you did warm up to the basketball player that Paige had decided to befriend.
— what's so funny about Basketball anyway? — you asked holding the ball in your hands, Derek looked at you offended — you can throw the ball from everywhere —
— yeah, but that doesn't mean you are not going to fail — he said, rolling his eyes at you. — what about lacrosse? —
— here we go again! — Paige muttered for herself as her two best friends started another fight about sports. It amused her, but she knew how things were going to end, with one of them asking for her support.
— really? Again? — a tired voice took the three of you by surprise.
— Peter, what are you doing here? — Derek asked, a bit annoyed, you looked at the boy in front of you and smiled.
— your mom's looking for you but if I can give my opinion, I'm on Y/n side — he commented and you smiled victorious.
— ha! Told you! — you said to Derek taking the ball from him — wait, how do you know my name? — you asked, suddenly stopping from celebrate.
— Y/n Argent, you made a great pass in the last game — his words made you blush and both of your friends noticed it. Paige giggled at it, Derek on the other hand seemed annoyed.
— well, thank you — you answered still smiling, Derek took his backpack and walked straight to Peter, pushing him to leave the gym
— you know him? — you asked Paige, going for your bag, she shook her head.
— Derek mentioned him before — she said and you tilted your head — his name is Peter —
Peter recognized the distinct smell of rampant hormones in his nephew. He was in love. His annoyance and silent treatment gave him away. It also gave him an idea.
— She is pretty — he teased him when they were closer to the Hale House.
Derek jumped over him, throwing him to the ground, fangs out and teeth bared to intimidate his uncle. — sensitive topic uh? — he added nonchalantly despite his position.
— Derek! — the scolding voice of Talia stopped the younger wolf, he retracted his fangs and stood up.
— stay away from her — he threatened harshly.
It had been months since that incident, life was boring, monotone. School, homework, lacrosse, home, bed. A simple cycle.
— you ok? — Derek asked, taking you by surprise, you jumped in your place and looked at him a bit panicked.
— Gezz, Der you startle me, I thought the coach had found me — you said and sighed with relief.
— Yeah, well don't worry, it's just me — he sat down by your side. You lied back down in your little hideout under the stairs of the gym
— you are skipping class too? — you asked, looking at the back of the stairs.
— yeah, I was worried about you — he admitted and you laughed.
— why are you worried? — you asked turning to look at him
— for starters you are skipping ED class, that's weird — he said frowning — second, you had been avoiding Paige today — he pointed out and you smiled with sadness — and last, you usually call me "Hale" —
— I'm just tired — you said with sadness
— you could have stayed the day in your house — you made a face, Derek looked at you still frowning — something wrong? —
— I don't want to be with my family — you said making a sound like a growl, Derek laughed. — Don't laugh, they are horrible — you added but Derek looked at you with an expression that said by itself "seriously?"
— what did they do? — he asked and you bite your tongue, you weren't supposed to tell anyone about your family. They were hunters.
— have you met Kate? — you asked and he muttered a yes. — well, she is my cousin,and she is barely at the top of the Iceberg... —
— I thought you were sisters — Derek said  bemused by your words.
— oh no! God no! — you laughed — we are cousins, my parents died a couple of years ago, that's why I live with my aunt and uncle— Derek's eyes widened and became speechless.
— I'm sorry — he said finally — I mean, It must be hard —
— It's ok, Death is something that happens — Derek smelled the sadness in you and turned in your direction to hug you.
— it's fine to miss them — he said and you closed your eyes. Pressed against his chest you felt safe, something you hadn't felt in a long time. The tears started falling by themselves.
— I don't want to be like them — you muttered between sobs, he caressed your back giving you the comfort you needed. He didn't ask anything, he just held you. It was nice to let go.
It was an hour later when you spoke again.
— my uncle want me to learn the family  business — you said pulling away to sit. Derek looked at you perplexed.
— you don't have to — Derek shrugged and you looked at him with sadness — you just have to be you — he said as an answer, he made it seem so easy.
— Yeah, right — you giggled even if it was sarcasm.
— what? — he asked, taken aback — I like you the way you are, he has no right to change you — he sounded a bit annoyed. His casual confession left you speechless.
— what? — you asked surprised for those words, in that specific order: "I like you the way you are" — Careful, Der, I don't wanna break you apart from Paige — you joked, he laughed with you
— I mean it, I like you — he said and in the shadows under the stairs your blood swirled to your cheeks in embarrassment.
— shut up, you're gonna make me believe you like-like me— you said in a teasing tone.
— I do — he admitted leaving you speechless — I like you — he repeated and you blink surprised, his hand caressed your cheek and you leaned into the touch. He gets closer and you can only look between his eyes and his lips.
You breathe softly, slowly. Exhalations mixing as you grow closer until there's no more space between you two. Lips sealed in each other. Your answer was obvious.
— I like you too — you answered after tasting the lips of the boy who had catch your attention a long time ago.
— good, cause I asked Paige to present me to you — he admitted and you kissed him again, that time you wrapped your arms in his neck. Taking another try of his taste, and he was willing to give it to you.
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dynamightsfave · 4 years
Good girls - young!Derek Hale
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(gif not mine! credits to owner)
young!derek hale x fem!reader
summary: derek wants to know what the heck is wrong with y/n, because there’s no way someone is that nice
warning: there’s curses, idk if that should be a warning, but just in case
a/n: it was inspired by “Good girls” by 5sos, but i got a little out of track so it’s kinda similar but not really, idk
Y/n L/n was the perfect example of good girl: she had straight A grades, was the captain of the cross country team at Beacon Hills High School, everybody knew she was gonna go to one of the best colleges in the country, and she was nice to everybody. So obviously, being the good girl she was, she never got in trouble.
Or at least, that’s what her parents thought.
One shouldn’t confuse being a good girl with being innocent. Truth was, Y/n snuck out almost every night. Whether it was to hang out in the woods, just go out and let loose or go to a party at the house of some Devenford Prep student, she never knew until she was out her window. And nobody knew, not until a nosy teenage werewolf decided that she couldn’t be the good girl everyone thought she was, and took it upon himself to unravel all her secrets.
Derek Hale had known Y/n all his life. They had been in the same homeroom class all throughout kindergarten and elementary school, and taken the same math class every year of high school, sometimes English and history too. Yet, he hardly knew anything about her, other than what everyone knew. For some reason, that had been bugging him lately.
He noticed how she always had the same scent of her perfume, always the exact amount too, it was never too strong, never too little that you could smell her natural scent —which, by the way, made it impossible to smell her emotions, or anything about her, driving the boy nuts. She always had a smile on her face, and it always seemed genuine. On top of that, whenever he tuned into her heartbeat, it never skipped. There hadn’t been a single time he had heard her heart do something that would confirm his suspicions about how she hid something. But he was convinced she did, she was just too damn perfect.
Now, don’t get me wrong, the being nice and straight A-s wasn’t some facade Y/n put up. She really was nice to everyone, because she wanted to, and although she was intelligent enough to not have to study super hard for her tests, she still thought her classes were important. But she had a lot of pressure on her, and she needed to let out everything she accumulated in the day. It just so happened that during the night was when a she-devil like her was more active.
So, it was a late Friday night after some party where Y/n had danced her worries away, found herself a hot Dev jock to make out with and drunk her weight in alcohol —even if it didn’t do the trick for her—; that the Hale son found her coming home pretty late into the night, alone, in the middle of the forest.
He had gone out to clear his head from the annoying full moon, and smelt her perfume. He’d recognize it anywhere in the world, but he had to do a double take, because it was faded, and mixed with alcohol and something he couldn’t quite recognize, like another person’s scent. He furrowed his brows, trying to catch her heartbeat in between the sound of her feet crunching the leaves and little branches and her soft humming to some upbeat song. Even in the middle of the dark, it kept going at a normal, relaxed rhythm. He let out a huff, shaking his head.
“You know, Hale, I really hope you didn’t go as far as following me out here just to prove your point. I might have to press charges if you keep this whole investigation about me, ‘cause it’s starting to cross a line”
Y/n’s voice wasn’t loud, but of course he heard it, even from a couple yards away. His eyes widened, the next thing he heard was her chuckle, and then she was in front of him.
“Boo” she smirked, chuckling again when Derek yelped and took a couple steps back “Hi Derek. The full moon too much for you?” she quirked a brow.
A small laugh left her lips when he just stood there with wide eyes. She shook her head, the smirk turning into a smile. Derek thought that her whole figure changed just by putting a smirk on. She didn’t look like Miss goody two shoes with it, she looked more like a rebellious teenager, and had a dangerous tint, quite the change for the Black girl.
“C’mon, walk with me” the (h/c) motioned, starting to walk.
“How did you do that?” Derek narrowed his eyes when he caught up to the girl.
“I thought your first question would be “What’s Y/n L/n doing alone in the woods at night?”, but now that I think of it, that’s a better one” she mused, tilting her head and turning to look at him with the same smile, that he didn’t return “Here’s your answer. You and your family aren’t the only supernatural beings in Beacon Hills. I mean, this place is like a magnet for our kind”
“What are you?”
“I’m a devil. A she-devil. Don’t worry, my dad’s not Lucifer” she giggled, not caring if he didn’t find it funny “Lu’s just my uncle. If he were in good terms with God, he’d be my godfather, but he’s had daddy issues since the big guy kicked him out of Heaven” she shrugged.
“How do you know about me and my family?”
“I just told you my uncle is Lucifer, that more or less makes God my grandpa. He knows everything”
“Wait, you actually talk to God?” the werewolf sounded impressed.
“No silly, that was just a joke. He and I don’t really talk. He does talk to my parents though, and sends me gifts on my birthday and Christmas, it’s kinda nice” she laughed again before answering his precious question ���One of my powers is sense other supernatural beings around me. Angels can do similar stuff; my cousin Lyra once pin pointed a banshee that was more than ten miles away. We had to go all the way to San Diego to help her”
“Why are you out here and why do you smell like alcohol?”
“Does it stink a lot?” she worried, getting an “eh...” from Derek “Crap, if you can smell it, Mom will too”
“You were sneaking out?! Y/n L/n sneaks out? Oh, I knew you couldn’t be such a good girl!”
“Actually, I was sneaking in” Y/n smirked, amused “But I guess now you’ve got the answers you’ve been looking for this past month. How does it feel?”
Instead of answering, Derek paused to think. How did it feel? He thought once he proved his point, he’d be able to show everyone that the local angel wasn’t as sweet as they believed. Turns out, the girl was a fucking devil, which should be even better —even if he couldn’t tell anyone that part—; but for some reason seeing that she’s known he’d been after her the whole time, and that she didn’t care at all, made it... stupid, pointless. He didn’t like that conclusion.
“I don’t know” he muttered “You don’t care that I could tell everyone you sneak out, and you’re still nice to me even if I was trying to go after you. This was supposed to feel good!” he whined.
“I’d say I’m sorry, but truth is I’m not” she shrugged “So, I guess you’ll stop stalking me now? I mean, you can’t exactly go around telling people that their golden girl is a she-devil. They probably wouldn’t believe you”
“Yeah... you win”
Y/n stopped walking to face Derek. He looked displeased with himself, defeated and angry.
“It’s not about me winning, Derek. Can I ask you a question?” when he shrugged, she sat down against a tree and motioned for him to do the same “Why were you so adamant in proving I’m not what everyone paints me as? What would that have proven? That you’re better than me? That nobody can be good just for the heck of it?”
The boy was left speechless. She was right. What would’ve that have given him? Nothing. Then, why did he start going after her? He was intrigued by her, that’s for sure. But was that it? He glanced at her for a moment, she was no longer looking at him. Y/n had taken a few sticks from the ground, and somehow made them into figurines that were dancing in the air as she twisted her fingers, a black mist surrounding both the figurines and her fingers. She admired her work with a faint smile, the full moon adorning her skin and making it look like it glowed. She looked like an angel.
“The irony. How is she a devil?” The thought popped in Derek’s mind at the sight before him. Why, exactly, did he want to destroy her reputation again?
“I don’t know” he finally answered, making the redhead look back at him.
Y/n’s eyes shined black, a smirk appearing once again in her lips.
“Wanna do something fun? I promise it won’t be “good girl” type of fun” she put her hand out, offering the boy the chance to take it.
He hesitantly did, and the next thing he felt was the ground fading from underneath him. He appeared standing up, and almost fell onto his butt if it wasn’t for Y/n’s hands stabilizing him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, opening in again to see a building in front of him.
“Where the hell are?” he asked “We’re not in hell, right?” the (h/c) chuckled and shook her head.
“No, we’re not in hell, that place is too hot for you to handle it- We’re in an alley, right next to Times Square” she explained, starting to walk out of the place “The alley behind my favorite club. Now, are you gonna stay here, or are you gonna come dance what’s left of the night away with me?” the smirk was still on her lips, teasing him.
There was something about it, and the mischievous glint in her eyes that made Derek smirk too. So he took the she-devil’s hand again and they both walked into the club.
For the rest of the night, the two teenagers partied like they were normal, just having fun and completely forgetting about the expectations that waited for them on the other side of the country, and the influence the full moon had over them. Derek got to see the part of Y/n L/n nobody at their home knew about, and he had to say, he absolutely loved it. She was still the nice girl he’d grown up with, just with more fire. He didn’t know if it was the she-devil part of her, but he did know this was her, just as much as her daytime good girl was her too.
He realized then, he had solved the real mystery. Y/n L/n really wasn’t who everyone thought she was. Not because she put up a facade, she didn’t, but because they all saw just half of who she was, they didn’t see all of her. Derek Hale did that night, and he was very much pleased with what he saw.
“Why don’t you let anybody else see this part of you?” he asked as they watched the sunrise from the top of one of the towers of the Brooklyn Bridge.
Y/n sighed, looking down and letting the breeze move her hair.
“They all have me idealized as this perfect girl. I don’t want to disappoint anyone, so I just hide it during the day, showing my other side, the one I’ve been since I was little. The good girl”
“You shouldn’t do that. You’re your own person, you have every right to show who you are, and if they don’t like it then fuck them. You’re still the good girl they know, just a little more fun” he winked with a smirk. She laughed, leaning into him and resting her head on his shoulder.
“Maybe I will” she hummed “Will you help me, Hale? Are you done trying to put my image down?” he rolled his eyes.
“If I help you, we’ll be putting your image down together”
“Sounds good to me”
“Great, then let’s show all the people in Beacon Hills what they’ve been missing” he smiled, wrapping his arm around the girl’s shoulders “Who knew the good girl was a bad girl?”
“All good girls are secretly bad girls. They just haven’t been caught” she cheekily answered, making Derek laugh.
“So I have caught you, huh?”
Y/n didn’t answer to that, she just looked up ahead and watched the city get adorned with the sun rays with a smile on her lips.
They appeared back in the woods a few minutes later, smiles on their faces and a new friendship between them. Well, maybe a little more than a friendship, if you took all the flirting that was now going on into account.
They walked to the L/n household, and stopped in front of her bedroom’s window. The two teenagers stood next to each other without knowing what to say. It wasn’t awkward, they just didn’t know what would happen between them after Y/n climbed up her window again. Derek cleared his throat.
“I’ll come by Monday, we can walk to school together”
“Sounds good” she beamed “Be here at 8″ then, she kissed his cheek and jumped inside her room.
She didn’t need to see him to know he was stuck in his place with wide eyes and a blush creeping up his neck. The thought of that made her giggle.
True to his word, Derek Hale came by the next Monday at 8 in the morning, and waited for Y/n on her porch’s steps. The she-devil came out with a happy smile and skipped down the two steps and jumped next to the boy. He looked up from his spot on the step with a frown.
“I’m already regretting this” he grumbled “How are you this happy? It’s 8 A.M. on a Monday morning” he had a frown on his face and didn’t look too happy.
“C’mon Hale, it’s not that bad” she hauled him up to his feet “Here, I made you coffee. Maybe that way when we get to school you won’t be so grumpy” she passed him a cup, and watched in amusement as he inspected it “It’s not poisoned, Derek”
“You never know” he hummed before taking a sip “Maybe you’ve changed your mind, N/n”
“N/n?” she arched a perfect brow.
“Yeah” he nodded “I decided I couldn’t call you good girl anymore, so I came up with a new nickname”
“I like it” she decided after a few seconds “Now let’s go!”
When she took his wrist and started to drag him with her, he looked at her for the real first time that morning —he had been too tired to notice anything before. She had black jeans, that he saw had rips on the knees —something he’d never seen the girl wear— a red leather jacket over a plain white top and red converse on her feet. She looked nice, he decided. “More than nice. She looks stunning”
They reached the school, Derek throwing the cup into the first garbage can he found after gulping down what was left of the coffee. For the first time in all the years Y/n and him had been attending to the school, he heard whispers about the girl as they walked in. No one had ever talked about Y/n in low whispers, as if they were trying to hide what they were saying, probably because it wasn’t good. Of course, whispers were no problem for a she-devil and a werewolf, but the students didn’t know that. It’s not like they needed supernatural hearing anyways, they weren’t very subtle.
“Is that Y/n L/n? With Derek Hale?!” the girl that said that sounded astounded.
“And what is she wearing? Is that a leather jacket?” her friend asked.
“What a change. Whatever happened to the good girl she used to be?”
“I bet they hooked up and now she’s trying to look the part” another one spat “What a slut”
Paying no matter to the comments, Y/n kept her sweet smile on her lips, not letting anything put her down. She was finally going to let herself be seen for all of her, and nobody was going to stop her. She waved and greeted people that didn’t whisper about her, not bothering to look at those who were. She had Derek for that, sending glares at anyone he heard trash-talking her.
They reached her locker, and when she turned to say goodbye to the boy, she found him leaned against the locker next to hers with a sharp look in his eyes. If he could growl at people to scare them off, the hallway would’ve been empty by then.
“Wipe that look off your eyes” she backhanded his arm lightly and then opened her bag to take her books out “We’re supposed to be putting my image of good girl down, and by the whispers, I think we’re doing a good job. And we’ve only been here for five minutes!”
“They’re calling you a slut, Y/n” he deadpanned, then crossed his arms and looked down “I don’t know, maybe this wasn’t such a good idea”
“Are you worrying about me, Derek? Aw, you do care!” she teased, eyeing him from the corner of her eyes and catching a glimpse of his eye roll “Don’t worry, it’s like you said. If they don’t like who I am, then to heck with them”
“I believe my words were “fuck them”, but God forbid you let a single curse word out of your mouth” he teased her this time “You’re such a good girl”
“Shush. I mean it, as long as the people I care about have a positive opinion of me, I don’t care” she smiled reassuringly. The boy took a moment to nod “Do you need to get to your locker?”
“Nah. You wanna go find your friends?”
“Uh- I don’t really have a group of friends. I mean, I tend to hang out with everyone, but because of that, I’ve never had a permanent, true friend” her cheeks turned red from embarrassment “But you can go find yours! I’ll just head to class; it starts in five minutes anyways” she hurried to say.
“Bullshit, N/n. You’re coming with me now. My best friend, Paige, has been bothering me about wanting to hang out with another girl and not just us boys. I know she will love you”
“Oh I know her. She’s nice”
“Of course you’d say that” he chuckled, taking her hand and leading the way through the sea of students.
“So I’m stuck with you?” she asked, intertwining their fingers.
“Damn right” he smirked and squeezed her hand.
Y/n confirmed her thoughts from before. It didn’t matter what others thought of her. Right now, who she cared about was Derek, who was defending her and liked who she was, and she was perfectly happy with being stuck with him.
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Confessions // 1
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Pairing: Derek Hale x Stilinski!Reader
Summary: Y/N showed up at Derek's loft for one purpose but in the middle of her visit some pieces of information are brought to light.
Warnings: none
WHOOP WHOOP!! In honor of my favourite show being brought back to life I'm adding it to my masterlist. Hope y'all enjoy this one & YES, I do plan on turning this into a mini series!
Screw you Scott
The door to Derek's loft slid open revealing the grumpy sour wolf who can't seem to put a smile on hisbface every once in a while.
"Don't you have school?"
"Yes but apparently Scott thinks that you need a babysitter so, here I am." Brushing past him, Y/N let herself in and headed straight over to his couch.
"Come in." Rolling his eyes, he closed the door and came over to block her view of the TV with his arms folded over his chest.
"You're not made of glass Hale, please step aside." Derek tilted his head to the side with his green eyes locked with hers, he wasn't planning on moving anytime soon.
"Why are you here Stiles 2.0?"
"Okay first of all, I was born first, ten minutes earlier to be exact and secondly you don't scare me, I'm not Stiles."
"Still doesn't answer my question."
"Twiddle-dee and Twiddle-dumb were worried about you, you know since you got shot with wolfsbane and you kept declining their calls." She reached for the half eaten bag of chips on the table and popped one into her mouth.
If it was anyone else barging into his home and eating his food he would've made sure they knew their place but when it came to her he just let her do whatever she wanted.
"You need to make better choices with snacks Derek."
"I didn't plan on catering to your needs, your highness." He snatched the bag out of her hand before joining her on his couch. Y/N sucked the remnants of salt from on her fingertips scowling at the brooding man.
"How's the wound? Is it still healing?" Y/N gestured to his abdomen where he had gotten shot and Derek hiked his dark Henley upwards revealing the completely healed skin.
"Good as new, why are you genuinely concerned?" He cooked his eyebrow teasingly and smiled when he heard the slight change in heartbeat.
Derek knew about her feelings for him but she never openly voiced it but instead, she chose to snap or throw a sarcastic comment his way.
Did he take a liking to the young woman? Yes, truth be told Derek had developed a crush on her but never told anyone about it. During pack meetings he had to keep up his facade of being annoyed with everyone but he always slipped when it came to her.
"Derek I have other things to care about, you are sadly not on that list." Although she had an excellent poker face, her irregular heartbeat gave it away. She was in fact concerned about him and he found himself falling for her a little more.
“Do I have something on my face?” Derek snapped out of his thoughts as she spoke, dabbing away at her mouth thinking that she probably had chip residue on her lips.
“Huh? Oh, no.” He inwardly cursed himself for staring at her like that.
Get a grip Hale, she’s a child
“For a second there I was wondering if you were admiring me.” If she only knew that he was in fact doing just that.
Derek could smell her change in mood, she’s nervous maybe even anxious? He’s making her feel like that just by the way he kept looking at her with those green eyes that she loves so much. She’s had a crush on the sour wolf for quite some time now but tried her best to bury it as there was no way he’d ever feel the same and not to mention, the obvious age gap between them.
“And why would I do that?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.” Derek adjusted himself on the couch to face her, placing his arm behind her on the backrest. Y/N’s breathing sped up and her heart was definitely hammering in her chest, Derek teasingly smiled at her at that detail. It took her longer than it should to figure out what he was smiling at and at the revelation, her face flushed red from embarrassment.
“You alright?” Derek bit the inside of his cheek to keep his composure as he continued his teasing just to see what she’d do. Y/N on the other hand kept switching her gaze from his kissable lips and green eyes until that little voice in the back of her head said fuck it.
Derek expected her to scurry away with some bullshit lie about having something to do but he did not think that she’d lean over to kiss him, she was eighteen after all. He returned the kiss, reaching up to cup her face in the palm of his massive hands. They were both engrossed with each other until the need for air became too much.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to do that.” Y/N pulled back from him, her eyes grew three times its original size at his words.
“I’m sorry, what?” Derek laced their fingers together and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
“You’re going to make me say it aren’t you?”
“I like you Y/N.”
“Well that answers the question of why you have a higher tolerance level with me than you do with the others.”
“That and the fact that I cannot stand your hyperactive spaz of a brother.” Y/N’s phone broke their moment and she immediately fished it out of her pocket.
“Speaking of the devil, yes Stiles?” Derek smiled at his incredible timing, it’s as if he knew they were just talking about him.
“Why is Jake asking about you? Is something going on between you both. Y/N I swear to all that is holy if you’re still crushing on that idiot I will smack you upside the head. Also, is Derek alright, you didn’t text me.” Derek’s ears perked up at the mention of some guy named Jake and Y/N tried her best to not laugh at his reaction.
“Jake and I are lab partners dude he’s probably wondering where the hell I am because we’re supposed to work on a project together and the sour wolf is fine, he’s back to normal.”
“No, no, Jake literally asked me if you were free this weekend and I told him to never ask such idiotic questions ever again in his life.”
“Hey! I am free this weekend, what if I wanted to go somewhere with him?” Derek rolled his eyes at her and she squeezed his hand that’s still locked with hers, she was only fooling around.
“Y/N I’d rather see you with anyone but that moron, okay. Even Derek still has a better chance than that asshole.”
“Okay and on that note I’m hanging up now-”
“Even Parrish has a better shot also, have you seen that man?”
“Goodbye Stiles.” Y/N hung up on her spiralling brother and focused on the man beside her. Derek had so many questions.
“Nice to know he considered me as a dating option for you and Parrish, I’ve seen the looks he gives you from time to time.”
“He is handsome but not really my style.”
“What is your style?”
“Tall, black hair, green eyes, nice beard, loves dark colours because it matches his soul, is an asshole to everyone else but me and cares deeply for those around him even though he says he doesn’t.” For the first time in what felt like forever Derek genuinely smiled at someone. She described him to a T.
“You know this isn’t going to be easy right, especially when Stiles finds out.”
“I know but I don’t care, I’m willing to see where this goes with you Y/N.” Y/N lazily raked her fingers through his neatly trimmed beard.
“Okay but for now, let’s try not to make it obvious that something’s going on between us whenever we’re in the same room with the others.”
“That’s fine with me but for now, I’m..stealing…as..many…of…these..as I..possibly..can.” Derek punctuated every word with stolen kisses, happy that he finally knew what her lips tasted like and how they felt against his.
The pair both know that they’re bound to meet some bumps along the way but they’re both willing to give a relationship a try.
Heyo, thanks for reading, hope you liked it! Also, if you're interested in being tagged in any of my future Teen Wolf fics let me know so I can start a taglist <3
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supercap2319 · 2 years
The Return
Derek Hale X Male Reader
A/N: Based on the teaser clip.
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The door to the locker room creaks open as Derek Hale carries his teenage son, Eli, in his arms bridal style. Y/N is at their heels as the young Hale protests to be let down. “Dad, put me down! Jesus.”
“Please put me down!”
“You… You said you couldn’t walk,” Derek said.
“I can hop.” Eli looks at his dad, a pleasing look on his face. “Fine.” Derek lets him down.
Y/N watches Eli hop toward the bench. Guess he inherited his father’s stubbornness. Outside, Y/N can hear the crowd of people who are cheering for the Beacon Hill lacrosse team. Coach Finstock blows his whistle. Y/N and Derek walk slowly towards Eli as he grunts a bit. “You almost had that shot, Eli,” Y/N said.
“No, I didn’t,” Eli says.
“Yes, you did. I, we both saw it,” Derek countered. “You were right at the goal.”
“You’re better than you think you are,” Y/N said.
“I was in for less than a minute, Y/N. I’m not good at all,” Eli said. “I got the ball for a second and I got knocked on my ass and twisted my ankle. That wasn’t nothing.”
“Eli!” Derek uses his father voice. Calm and commanding. “It was nothing, dad.”
“It was something. I was watching, coach and he saw it too. You’re good.” Derek and Y/N sat on both sides of Eli. “You’re really good. And if you can heal, you could play tomorrow night. And you can help them win,” Derek said as he looked at his son, a gentle look on his handsome features. It was rare for Derek to be gentle with anyone, minus a few people. Eli and Y/N were a few of those people. “The first step to transforming is healing. But you’ve gotta be willing to learn.” He puts a hand on his shoulder as Eli looks at him for a moment and grunts at his twisted leg.
Y/N bites his wrist and shows Eli it. All bloody. The young boy scrunches his nose in disgust. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Vampire blood can heal almost any injury. If your leg hurts that much, I can help heal you.” Y/N told him. “Or I could use some healing herbs back at my house?”
“I’ll go with the herbs,” Eli says quickly.
Y/N smiles. “Okay, fair point.”
Derek watches with a gentle smile on his face. It was good to see Eli and Y/N getting along so well. After his divorce from Lois, Derek wasn’t sure how his son would feel if his dad started seeing his old high school sweetheart again. Turns out that he didn't mind at all. As long as his father was happy, he was happy.
This little moment between them didn't last long as another door to the locker room creaked open as someone walked inside. The sound of a bowstring being pulled back was heard as Derek saw a shadowy figure in front of them. Something sharp and gleaming pointed at them. It whizzed towards them as Derek pushed Eli’s head down. “Get down!” The object that almost hit Eli in the head was an arrow. Black with a silver tip. It was lodged in a locker behind them.
“Run! Run!” Derek told him.
“I’ll keep him safe.” Y/N grabbed Eli and speeded away. The intruder draws another arrow from their quiver as they launch another shot. Derek uses his strength to move a row of lockers in front of the arrow. The person drops their bow as they grab a knife from their boot. They expertly twist it in their hands as Derek growls. The person charges and runs on top of a bench as they bring their knife down to take a swipe at Derek, who dodges it. The intruder jabs the knife forward as Derek blocks it with his arm. They go low as Derek blocks that as well. They take a swipe as Derek backs up. They charge as Derk grabs their arm and slams them against the nearest row of lockers.
He roars in their face as his eyes flash blue. Who thinks they can attack him, his son, Y/N, and live? The light catches the person’s face as he stops and is shocked when he learns who’s attacking them. It's… Allison Argent! Derek’s eyes return to normal as his fury has quelled. “Allison?” It can't be her. Allison has been dead for years. Stabbed in the heart by an Oni demon’s sword. Now she was here? Allison takes Derek's moment of hesitation as she pushes him back and punches him. as she switches the knife in her hands to her right as she raises it and stabs down with it. She pushes down with both hands as she tries to sink into Derek's chest. The Werewolf holds it up as they're both locked in a battle of strength, both sides pushing up and down. Derek doesn't want to hurt Allison, but she's not making this easy for him to hold back. He roars as he grabs the huntress, spins, and throws her to the ground as he runs towards the doors of the locker room.
Allison gets back up as she takes out a miniature crossbow and raises it towards the fleeting werewolf. She fires the trigger as the arrow flies and slices through the skin flesh of Derek Hale. A clean hit through his neck as he slams against the doors as he goes flying because of his forced weight on the easy moving doors. He slides to the floor. Allison picks up her bow as she walks towards Derek, an ominous feeling in her steps as the flickering lights of the locker room give her a predatory vibe. Derek struggles on the ground as he tries to crawl away from her, right hand on his bleeding out neck wound. He gasps and chokes, as he can’t even get any words out to reason with the Argent girl. Derek falls on his back as he looks up at Allison. Blood drips from his mouth and onto the floor as Allison stares coldly at him. This is it. This is how it’s going to end.
The huntress draws another arrow in the string as she pulls it back and takes aim. This time, she'll hit more than just a grazed wound. This time it will be a bullseye. Derek closes his eyes as he hears the arrow leave its bow and he prays that Y/N will look after Eli once he’s gone. Derek waits for the impact to hit him, but it never does. He hesitantly opens his eyes and, to his surprise; Y/N is standing in front of him, arrow caught in one hand. He shows Allison his vampire face as he roars, fangs out and sharp. “Leave him alone!” He stares at the intruder with anger, but that’s quickly replaced with shock as he sees who’s attacking them.
“Allison?” Y/N whispered. He stares at the daughter of Chris Argent. The daughter who was supposed to be dead, not alive and well. His brother’s first love. It just wasn’t possible. “Allison, I don’t know what’s going on, but we can help you. We’re not your enemies. Please put the bow down.”
Allison looks a bit shocked, but she quickly recovers as she draws another arrow and fires it, as the Heretic has no idea what’s in store for him. He catches the arrow and screams as he feels it burn his skin. He looks down at his hand, then the arrow. Vervain. He looks at Allison. How did she get vervain? Allison draws two knives as she charges towards Y/N as he runs towards her at super speed and dodges a swipe at his face as he grabs her and throws her back inside the locker room. He waves his hands as the doors close with telekinesis. Y/N’s not sure how long that will last, but he has to get Derek out of there fast. He rushes to him and kneels down.
“Hang on, Sour Wolf, I’ll get you out of here.” Y/N scoops up Derek in his arms and speeds away from the school building. He stops just in front of a car as Eli is leaning against it, a worried expression on his face. When he sees Y/N and Derek, he runs towards them. “Dad! Dad!”
He touched his dad’s face. He looks so worried that Y/N can see tears starting to form in his eyes. “Hey Eli, please don’t cry. He’ll be fine, I promise.” Eli wipes his almost fallen tears, as he looks at Y/N. “I wasn’t crying, dude. I have something stuck in my eyes.”
“Right. We need to get him somewhere safe.”
“My place,” Y/N said as he loaded Derek inside the car and got in the front seat and Eli in front as they drove away.
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shoot-the-oneshot · 2 years
Just a jacket
requested by @vampireatemycats​ 32 "you need to work on your people skills," 42 "is that mine?' "are you refurring to me or the shirt?" Derek hale x reader A/N i know this one is a little short i just wanted to get it out quick the others will be longer but i hope you like it
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He doesn't know when it started but Derek found himself not dreading the pack meetings in his loft once a week as Scott demanded be hosted there since Derek was the alpha, don't get it wrong he still hated the uncontrolled teenage hormones stenching up his home or how Stiles would bring over all the pieces of his wall of crazy and spread it across every inch available. but he always found it worth it when she'd walk in suddenly her scent stuck to everything she touched and the dusty old police files seemed like the most interesting thing when the contents fell from her lips as she read aloud. that's why he's leaning against the island watching the door like a hawk.
you were late, you were never late you always came early to help him set out snacks which he only had because they were your favorite not that he'd ever admit it. "Hey!" Stiles yelped when Derek reached out and yanked his arm. "Where's Yn?' "What!" rolling his eyes at the spazz he readly doent know how you deal with him, "Y/n isn't here where. is. she.?" he sighed out trying again making Stiles bristle up, he sensed Dereks' weird obsession over you no matter how many times Lydia and Alison say it's a normal crush he refuses to see it like that. No way sourwolf could have normal emotions, nope. "Why do you care? matter of fact while we are asking where things are where is the food? drinks? little dog treats you nibble on at night?" Lydia could see the older wolf getting irritated at the game Stiles was playing and decided to break it up. "She has dinner plans tonight in town." no longer than it took her to finish her sentence he was already out the door, the strawberry blonde smiled pulling her phone out to warn you, she was definitely your biggest shipper. in the center of downtown becon hills, you were sat at your favorite diner books laid open across the table being ignored as you laughed at some joke the young deputy told you the smile on his face slowly fell as he locked eyes on something behind you. before you could ask what was wrong two hands landed with a heavy thud on the table as Derek glared at Parrish, "Don't you have better things to do?" at the flash of Dereks eyes, Parrish just sighed and gathered his things. not without saying goodbye to you drawing out a low growl that only the two supernatural could hear. once he's out the door Derek drops into the empty chair and flipped through one of the books set out like nothing happened. raising your eyebrow at him gaining nothing but a shrug, "That was rude." "So is being late." he rebuttled, shooting you a look before going back the the book which you know he wasnt actully reading seeing as it was upside down. 'For the record, I texted Stiles and Scott that i was busy tonight," for some reason wanting him to know you didn't just ditch. "Next time text me." he hummed, meeting your eyes, a smirk pulled up of his face as he sat the book down and leaned in, eyes shooting to the jacket draped over the back of your chair. "Does your little sherrif know you brought my jacket on your date?" crap, he gave it to you weeks ago after a pack meeting and it was too cold outside you had almost forgotten it was his only the occasional whiff of his cologne reminding you but still hadn't stopped you from practically taking ownership of it, not that he needs to know you were nervous and it brought you comfort, the jacket, not Derek. "It wasn't a date and he's a deputy." you didn't notice your foot tapping under the table or the fact he could literally hear your heartbeat but you didn't want to give in that easily. Derek who was still leaned in sat back in his chair smiling not caring you defended the deputy one bit and nodded his head back at the leather jacket. "You didn't answer the question, is. that. mine?'' his tone slowed as it did in the loft but had a completely different meaning with you. the look in his eye gave you some unexpected confidence. you and Derek have always been close ever since Scott got bitten he never got irritated at you or withheld information and you were normally the middle man because of it. while you both knew you had feelings for each other and could often be found stuck to the other side or cuddling on his couch during a full moon when he was too afraid to leave you alone claiming you were safer there, regardless you had never crossed that line but the feeling tonight had you toeing that line. mimicking his previous position. "Are you refuring to me or the jacket?" You didn’t bother to hide the teasing tone your voice took sinking your teeth into your bottom lip when his eyes flash down to them. You knew you were being blunt but you were tired of waiting for him to make a move which came to a shock to your table companion but wasn’t objecting. Dereks smirk changed to a real smile as he met your eyes and took a breath as if preparing himself to speak the words aloud or preparing for what could be your reaction to them. But with the signs you’d given tonight, he felt more confident than he normally would around you. “The jacket.” He words or lack there off made your shoulders drop in defeat. Maybe Lydia was wrong maybe you were wrong. To far in your head you didn’t notice Derek lean forward in the table again, close enough to feel his breath fanning over your nose and lips. “I already know you’re mine.” Pulling away leaving you in your haze he stood, grabbing the jacket from your chair you thought he was carrying it for you until he took the one he was wearing off and held it open waiting for you to slide your arms through. Not fully understand why until you obliged the cologne and a scent that is solely Derek engulfed you. Laughing under your breath which you knew he heard. “Did you give me this because it smells more like you?” Derek didn’t even look ashamed for being so transparent, slinging his arm over your shoulder and pulling you further into his side. Loving the fact he could smell himself on you knowing that if he could so could every other supernatural in town.      “Have you make sure everyone knows who you belong to"
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
All Along - Scott McCall
Scott x sister reader
Melissa x daughter reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 328
Requested: TW imagine the reader is Scott sister and she saves Sean Walcott the windego and takes him to the hospital and her and her mom talk and the reader tells Melissa off that she new about the supernatural all along and was just waiting for some answers. - @cokecola4211​
Authors Note: thank you for requesting
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“How is he?” Scott asked upon seeing their mom exit the hospital room. Scott and Y/n had been sitting in the waiting room to hear the news.
“He’ll be fine. Doctors say you probably saved his life.” Melissa told her children letting out a relieved sigh.
“Good. Good.” Scott nodded letting out a breath of relief.
“We do need to talk young lady.” Melissa pointed to her daughter before resting her hands on her hips.
“About what?” Y/n asked with a shrug and a shake of her head.
“You and the fact that you knew what that thing was- what that kid turned into.” Melissa explained looking at her daughter for an explanation.
“Windego?” Y/n asked confused about what her mom wanted to know exactly.
“Yes!” she nodded whisper yelling before checking their surroundings to make sure no one was listening.
“y/n, how long have you known about the supernatural?” Scott asked looking to his sister with concern for her safety.
Y/n bit her lip tiring not to laugh at their behavior towards the subject. “You really wanna know?”
“Yes” Scott and their mom said at the same time.
“Since before even Scott and Stiles knew about it.” Y/n answered honestly shrugging her shoulder. Upon seeing the reaction on both og their faces Y/n crossed her arms in annoyance at how they treated her. “You all seem to forget how long I’ve known the Hales. Especially Derek. I don’t know everything about Scott and his friends, because you all tried to hide it from me.”
“We didn’t want you to get involved, because we don’t want you to get hurt.” Scott stressed not truly understanding why his sister was so upset and angry about it.
“Getting hurt is part of life. You deal with it and move on.” Y/n scoffed turning to leave the hospital, leaving her brother and mother standing there shocked and not knowing what to do next.
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mrsstruggle · 3 years
The Lost Child - Chapter 18 // Teen Wolf x Marvel AU
Summary: Y/N Stark was taken from her family when she was three years old. It's fifteen years later and her family believes she is dead. Then how is she living in Beacon Hills?
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death/Torture/Drugs/Violence/Injury, Character Held Captive, Mentions of Headaches, Allusions to a Child's Death, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else)
Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader, Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Vision x Wanda Maximoff, & More To Come!
Previous Pairings: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Scott McCall x Allison Argent
Words: 2.6k
Note: I am posting every 3-4 days! I hope you are still enjoying this story!
Additional Note: While this is a Teen Wolf x Marvel AU, not everything is true to the shows/movies/comics. I had to change things for the story. This also loosely follows Teen Wolf Season 4.
One Last Note: Y/N was adopted by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I did this so more people can see themselves in this story.
***I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel or any related characters. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant for entertainment only.***
The Lost Child Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter
"I'm sorry, what?" Stiles looks between Derek and Peter in confusion and disbelief.
"How could you not know? How could you not say something?" Derek doesn't understand any of this. Somehow Peter and his mom were the ones to rescue Y/N from Hydra's facility and Peter didn't know? He never thought to mention anything about what happened?
Peter shoves Derek back so he can finally breathe without an arm against his neck, "Some pack up north told Talia about a young wolf being held and experimented on. They wanted advice on what to do and she volunteered the pack to help get them out. We had no information about who we were getting or who we were going up against. We thought they were hunters."
"Are you telling me that you and a bunch of other werewolves went up against a massive terrorist group thinking they were just some measly hunters and you're still alive?" Stiles can't seem to understand how any of this makes sense.
"Werewolves weren't the only ones who were there," Peter smirks at Stiles.
"Wait. Can we please slow down? Who's Talia?" Sam asks. He's trying to keep up with what's going on, but he doesn't understand everything they're saying.
"Talia was my sister. She was also Derek's mother."
"Was?" Steve questions.
"The majority of our family was killed when hunters decided to burn down our house. She was one of them." Derek replies. While his eyes show a tinge of sadness and regret, the rest of his angry and tough demeanor doesn't falter.
"Okay, so you," Sam points at Peter, "and her helped another group of werewolves get Y/N?"
"It wasn't just us. The entire pack helped." Peter responds, leaning back against the wall behind him. "Some beta overheard some drunk guys at a bar talking about some wolf they were experimenting on. He told his alpha who told Talia who volunteered us to help. She apparently knew some witch that could put a block on the wolf's memory to make them forget whatever happened to them."
"How'd she end up at my house then? Why was she just dropped off at the door?" Stiles asks.
"I don't know. We went in, got the girl, Talia took her to some witch while I came back to Beacon Hills and I never knew what happened after that. I don't even know how she ended up back in Beacon Hills. I'm assuming Talia brought her back and dropped her off at the sheriff's house." Peter shrugs his shoulders.
"You weren't a little bit curious?" Scott's voice was laced with skepticism.
"Not really, no."
"So, your own sister tells you that you need to help rescue a kid from some "hunters"," Sam makes air quotes with his fingers at the word hunters, "who reside in a heavily guarded facility and that she has some witch ready to block some memories and you don't ask any questions? Like, what's the kid's name? Who's the witch? Where did the girl go? And she also just didn't tell you anything?"
"She didn't tell me I had a daughter either." Peter angrily states, glaring at Sam. "She never told me anything and I never asked. The next time I saw Y/N was when she was a teenager and out in the middle of the woods with dumb and dumber. I didn't recognize her scent because the first time we met she reeked of fear and pain. It wasn't until we started looking at her files did I realize that we had met before. I'm telling the truth."
"It's kind of hard to believe a word that comes out of your mouth." Lydia states. She almost looks like the female version of Derek right now with a harsh look on her face and her arms angrily crossed across her chest.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Steve asks. If this guy knew he was one of the ones that took Y/N from Hydra, why did he never say anything? Did he ever plan on telling them?
"What difference would it have made? It's not related to her current kidnapping, and we are once again wasting time questioning things that don't matter." Peter shifts his glare over to Steve.
"He's not wrong," Nat mumbles under her breath. She's tired of all this talking and debating. They were too late last time and that's not going to happen again. They are finding Y/N and she is personally going to kill every person involved, even if the others don't know that yet.
"Peter," Stiles angrily whispers, pushing his way through the group until he's standing in front of him. Stiles stares at Peter for a moment before awkwardly throwing himself at Peter and hugging him, "Thank you. Thank you so much."
Peter stands there frozen in Stiles’ grip. He expected Stiles to punch him, not hug him. He's also thanking him? This doesn't make any sense. "I really don't like this."
Stiles quickly pushes himself away from Peter and takes a step back, "Sorry, that was weird. I...um...if it wasn't for you and Talia then Y/N never would've been my sister and she probably would've been stuck with Hydra for so much longer. So, thank you." Stiles nervously rubs his face, "Let's just never speak about what just happened again."
"You said werewolves weren't the only ones there. What did you mean by that?" Bruce asks.
"The alpha we were helping was married to a witch who had other witch friends who helped out as well." Peter answers.
"Why didn't they take Y/N? Why did your sister take her to a different one?"
"It was something about that they weren't powerful enough and I think the one Talia knew was a lot more powerful. It was something to do with power." Peter doesn't know anything about witches. That was always Talia's domain. He only ever really cared about werewolves. He was also never highly ranked in the Hale pack when Talia was the alpha. She didn't trust him enough to know anything.
"Why didn't the other witch keep her? Why didn't your sister take her in? If she's a werewolf and stuff, why was she dropped off at the home of people who aren't?" Sam questions. Those are just a few of the questions he has.
"I don't know." Peter firmly states. They are asking a bunch of questions that he doesn't have the answers to. "I'm not the one with the answers. The one who does is dead."
"We are wasting our time talking about this!" Scott exclaims, "None of this affects anything that is happening right now! This is exactly what happened last time. We argued and we talked for like thirty minutes and by the time you finally shut up Y/N was gone. We're not gonna find her this way."
"He's right." Everyone quickly turns to look at Tony who's walking down the stairs toward them. There are visible tear stains on his face and heavy bags under his eyes from stress, crying, and a lack of sleep. "We keep arguing and we aren't getting anywhere. We need to find her, and we need to find her now."
"We also need some sleep. We've been awake for about twenty-four hours. None of us are helpful if we can't keep our eyes open." Bruce adds.
"Peter's awake," Tony states. "He's already asked me if Y/N is okay. I think we should tell him everything together." The Avengers nod their heads in agreement.
Stiles turns to Scott, "I should go tell my dad what happened. I need to tell him now before anything else happens."
"I'll go with you." Derek states. He swore to the sheriff that he'd protect Y/N and he failed. He should be the one to tell him that.
Scott faces the group, "Let's do what we need to do, rest up, and we'll meet back up in a few hours. We all need rest, but we are finding her today."
Hydra agents moved Y/N into an all-white room a few hours ago. First, they put her to sleep before cleaning her wounds and letting the drugs that affect her powers disappear from her system. Then they changed her into all-white scrubs before throwing her into the room.
The first thing she noticed when she woke up was how bright the room was. With all the lights it had, there wasn't a single dark corner. The next thing she noticed was that the only thing she could hear was her breathing and heartbeat. That's when she finally realized that she was utterly and completely alone.
Nothing was in there with her. She was the only thing in there besides a small toilet and sink in the right corner of the room. They were the same shade of white that covered the entire room. Even the faucet was white.
She wasn't sure how long she was out or how long she'd been lying on the floor. She's getting sick and tired of them knocking her out cold and her waking up in new places every five minutes. She doesn't even know how long they've had her. Has it only been a day, or has it been longer than that?
"Seriously?! Can you stop making me change rooms?! It's hard to finally call a place home when you're being forced to move every ten minutes!" Y/N shouts. She listens closely for an answer from the guy that seems obsessed with her but he doesn't answer. "You're giving a girl some mixed signals here! You chain me up and torture me for no reason and now you lock me in a room?! What was the point of all that?! You didn't even ask me any questions?! Where's Peter?!"
She doesn't understand any of this. They made her kill some people to save Peter and now she's randomly in an empty room? Is it going to fill with water and she has to find a way out until she realizes it's all in her head? What was even the point of him cutting her up with knives and stuff? He just did it silently and with no explanation or anything. Why?
Y/N huffs in frustration before sitting down on the ground and leaning up against the wall behind her. She's over this and she's over their stupid mind games. She just wants to go home, eat a nice meal, and fall asleep nestled in Derek's arms. Is that too much to ask?
She stares at the blank wall in front of her as she waits for something to happen but nothing does. Seconds become minutes and minutes become hours. At least, it feels like it's been hours. There's nothing in the room that could tell her the time, but she feels like she's been staring at the same wall for hours. She's been staring at it long enough that she's already planned out her speech and outfit for if she ever decides to become an actress and she wins an Oscar for her amazing performance in some indie movie she stars in.
"How much longer?" Rumlow asks Gerard. They've been watching Y/N stare at a wall for almost an hour. He almost feels like he's the one in the room but he's watching her from a computer screen on the other side of the house.
"It's only been an hour."  Gerard states.
"I think it would be just as effective now as it would be days from now."
"Why do you think that?" Gerard questions him. This was his idea and this was his plan. Why does Rumlow think his ideas would be any better? Hydra were the ones that lost her in the first place and the reason a block is now in her mind. None of their other ideas have worked either.
"She's still in a protector mode right now. We had her protect Peter and she's still asking about him as well. She's still tense. If we play that video, it's more likely to affect her now than later." Rumlow explains.
Gerard thinks for a moment, "Do it."
Y/N's eyes start to flutter close as she becomes more tired and bored. She thought they'd be back to get her for another fucked up game or to do something else but nothing has happened. She's just hoping this means they're asleep and not doing anything to Peter.
"Y/N?" A quiet child-like voice echoes throughout the room. Y/N immediately starts to look around the room for the source of the sound. "I'm scared."
"Hello?!" Y/N yells out.
"I-I don't wanna go." The voice whimpers out. The voice almost seems familiar, but Y/N doesn't know why.
"Who are you?!" Y/N stands up from the ground and looks around the ceiling for a speaker or a camera. The lights are blinding her too much that she can't seem to find any.
"I-I'll be okay. I'll be okay." The source of the voice seems to take a few deep breaths. "I'm okay." Y/N's trying to rack her brain on who the voice could belong to but she comes up empty. Her head almost starts to ache from all her thinking.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's my fault." A new voice rings out throughout the room. This voice sounds even more familiar to her. Why do they seem so familiar? "I can't feel your pain?"
"It doesn't hurt." The first voice attempts to calmly state. Are they dying? Is Hydra forcing her to listen to someone die? It sounds like a child's voice. The first voice sounds a bit older than the second one but she's not sure.
Y/N can hear one of the voice owners start to sob. Their cries echo throughout the small room. Each cry and whimper is like a stab to Y/N's heart.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." The second voice starts to repeat over and over again.
"T-Take it. Take your bracelet back." The first voice shakily stutters out.
After hearing the word bracelet, Y/N's head starts to feel like it's going to explode. It's almost like a bomb is about to explode in her head.
"N-no. No. It's me. I-It's because of me." The second voice whispers out. Sobs continue to echo throughout the room, but Y/N can't hear them anymore. Her ears are ringing from her massive headache. She almost wants to scream like Lydia does to make the ringing go away.
"What are you doing to me?!" Y/N yells out in pain.
"Maddy...Maddy?" The second voice shakily whispers. "No, no, no, no, no, no...Maddy?!" Loud sobs and screams pierce through the ringing in Y/N's ears. The pounding in her head keeps getting worse and worse and it won't stop. She wants to yell. She wants to scream. She wants it to stop.
So, she screams.
Y/N screams louder than the screams through the speakers. Her scream could almost be heard past the soundproof walls. Someone might mistake her for a banshee because her scream was so loud.
That's when the noise stops. There's no more ringing, no more cries, no more screams, and no more voices echoing throughout the room. Just complete silence. That's when it hits her. That's when she knows.
She remembers everything.
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
A final decision
Character: Derek Hale x male reader
Universe: Teen Wolf
Warnings: Break up
A thump echoed through the house. It was enough to break me free from my deep sleep. Seconds later, I was fully awake, adrenaline pumping through my veins. Not long ago, a mob of hunters tried to kill everyone I knew. Of course, I was on edge. Even with the new house we now live in. I did not feel safe, actually the exact opposite.
When I almost jumped out of bed, I was already gathering all my strength to fight again. But when I opened my bedroom door, I couldn't see anything strange. No, unfamiliar smells and no other noises. Instead, it was almost eerily quiet.
Slowly, as quietly as possible, I walked down the hall to where I thought the sound was coming from. But when I got to the door, a knowing sigh came out of my mouth.
I already knew what I would find behind it. Still, I opened it on the other side, most of the room was destroyed. The last thumb I heard was the malefactor falling onto his butt, which he was still sitting on.
Big tears were running down his cheeks. I don't know why he was still having trouble with it, but it had been like that for weeks.
After the first few days, I was already over it. But didn’t want to make it even worse for him. This has to stop! „What do you think you are doing, young man?“ My threatening voice caught the boy off guard. With wide tearful eyes, he looked up at me. It almost broke my heart.
I tried to stand my ground, but he just looked so broken. So I sat in front of him to pull him into a hug. This time, he didn’t even try to fight me. He just leaned in and cried on my shoulder.
We sat like that for a while, my hand stroking his head, fingers slowly and carefully running through his middle, long hair. I tried to talk to him to get to know the big problem, but he wouldn't tell me. 
„Okay, then you are ready to get out of this room and at least eat with us!“ I ordered him. I knew he didn't agree the moment I said it.
But I took him with me nevertheless. He wasn’t as strong as me, and we were the same height. So no overpowering me in any way or form.
„Derek, I took the puppy out of his room. He needs to socialize. Before I lose my mind. We have to buy new furniture… again,“ but my husband didn’t seem fazed. He just had a sour expression on his face.
I knew he was against me turning Gabe. But I couldn't let the poor boy die because he believed in the wrong ideology. Everyone deserves a second chance.
But he still believed in this ideology, at least it seemed like it. He was our only topic of argument lately. Still, I didn't let him take the boy down after the first few times.
„I don’t think the rest wants to socialize with a murderer they-“
„They also connect with you, Sulkywolf. And with me, Peter, Theo, Jackson, and even the twins. But they wouldn’t talk with Gabe?“ I asked him loudly for the entire house to hear. It wasn’t long until the first of our children arrived in our kitchen. All with questioning looks on their faces. They heard us arguing at least once a day for over a month since the last fight with the hunters.
„It’s not the same! We didn’t-“
„Yeah, he was a hunter. Doing something he believed was right would save people's lives. Just as every one of us does. We kill because we see the need in it.“
Still, we couldn’t get to a good point with our loud discussion. I know one of the reasons the others don't like Gabe is that I pay more attention to him. If they knew what it was like to be ripped out from the place you think you belong to and believe in, to be forced into the camp you were against, they wouldn't be so disrespectful, but as long as they do not want to see it, nothing would change.
Gabe is not my first hunter who turned into a werewolf. So I know some of the struggles. But for some reason, he took it exceptionally poorly.
"We don't kill, (Y/N)," Scott added softly to Derek's argument.
„How did this work out for you, Scott? Where is Lydia? Malia maybe? What about Erika? How did your none-killing mentality work for you and your pack? You are not even an alpha anymore. Because the moon god doesn’t favor you anymore!“
„That's enough! Don't talk to him like that!" Derek yelled in my direction.
I was utterly flabbergasted at his tone. He never raised his voice in this manner. And everything I did, was telling this brat how it was.
„Derek, I'm a born alpha from a lineage much older than yours could ever be. I know things you only could dream of. And you tell me that I don't know what I'm doing? Who helped you and paid to get your family property back after you lost almost everything?“
Even with all of these arguments, Derek wouldn’t step down. After all, he was a proud man. But I had it with this bullshit.
„You know what? You seem to have forgotten whom you're talking to. I am your husband and current alpha of this dysfunctional pack. But I'm also the son of an alpha, who would be very happy if I would go back to him to take over.“
Before Derek could realize what was happening, I was already taking the ring off my finger and throwing it into his face.
„Take this as me cutting myself free from you and this bullshit here!“ I screamed finally back at Derek. No one in the whole house has ever heard me screaming. Let alone get angry unless one of them got hurt.
„I will not foster this behavior. If I had been here sooner, I could have raised some of these brats better. But I'm sick of cleaning for all of you, taking time from my day to cater to all of the needs of everyone here. And I'm sick of not being respected by the brats you raised, Derek!” I finally finished my second outburst.
Without letting anyone say anything, I stormed upstairs again. To pack my stuff. But it wasn't long before I heard quite a chaotic mess downstairs.
It didn’t take long until I had most necessities. Which I used to work my way back down. Where I found Gabe cowering in a corner, „What the fuck happened?“ I asked in silent rage.
„Gabe get your things,“ he did not need anything else to be said. He was running as if his life depended on it.
„Please, you can’t do this to me, Babe. You are these kids’ mother figure, and you know this,“ Derek told me this often. I've never had a problem with that. I'm a motherly dude, after all.
„Isaac, Aiden, Ethan, Theo, Liam, Corey, get your things,“ they all scrambled before I needed to repeat myself. It was all a blur, none of them registering that I hadn't told the others to pack their things.
„Mason and Boyd, you both need to decide yourself. Boyd, I know you are loyal to Derek. So I won’t take it as an offense, and Mason, we would need to ask your parents beforehand. But in Canada, we also have a beneficial school system and many opportunities.“ The two boys, who barely knew each other looked stunned. For a moment, they stared into each other's eyes. Boyd said nothing but still left the room, and Mason was faster on his phone than anyone could’ve thought was possible.
I waited while the remaining people looked at me, only one person wearing a smile on his face, Peter. „I told you that was going to happen," he whispered in his nephew's ear before walking away, laughing at his nephew's stupidity.
I waited not even for ten minutes before everyone came back with all their things. Gabe was close to me, in fear of the others. I didn't know what happened while I was gone, but it must have been unpleasant.
„We're going now. Mason, are you ready to?"
„Yeah, we only need to get my things from my parent's home. And they need the address so they can visit sometimes.“
„Great, I would like to show them my hometown. They're wonderful people, after all,” I told him before looking back at Derek.
„We will clear the rest in court. Because the house is in both our names,“ my voice cold as ice, as I told him my final decision.
Finally, I could free myself from this situation. Derek is a good guy until it comes to Scott, then he gets irrational, like a needy puppy or something. Always being on his side, should they be happy with each other. With this last thought, I left the house I once called home, right after the ones I consider my children.
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Could you write a young dom derek hale x fem reader smut
Where he proves even though he's turned back into a teenager he can still fuck her the same
Tumblr media
pairing: young!derek hale (im still ageing him up to 18+ though bc im uncomfy writing about minors lol) x fem!reader
warnings: smut → dom!derek + sub!reader, penetrative sex, riding.
headcanon 🖤
a/n: ahh omg also thank you bby!
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
requests for the sleepover are open🖤!
request guidelines here✨!
🌻masterlist🌻 (includes both smut masterlists)
Scott and stiles left you and Derek to talk for a while. It was weird having to get used to the younger version of derek, yet somehow, he’s exactly how you’d imagine him to be — mischievous & cocky.
however talking turned into a makeup session with you straddling his hips and grinding down on him as he sits on Scott’s bed
your hands grasp at the bed as you sink down on him and Derek thrusts his hips up, making you squeal from the unexpected movement
you bounce on his cock, gasping and moaning loudly as Derek bucks his hips up to meet your thrusts every now-and-then
his hands kneading your ass and smacking it a few times which makes you yelp and throw your head back
you move your hands to his shoulders, digging your fingernails into his soft skin, which were sure to leave crescent moon shaped dents
you clench around him as he smacks your ass again, “fuck you’re such a naughty girl. fucking me on scott’s, where someone can walk in any moment,” he growls in your ear, nibbling on your earlobe and sucking at your sweet spot afterwards
fuck it was alway so fucking hot hearing Derek growl — even if he was regressed back to 18.
“you’re just as bad. looking so standing there and touching my ass like that in front of the guys,” you moan back
his hands snake up to your hips and he flips you over, laying you on the bed roughly and pushing a leg over his shoulder before pounding into you relentlessly
he covers your mouth with his hand to prevent you from screaming, knowing that the staff would probably hear
“god, you’re such a bad girl,” he grunts and wraps his free hand around your throat, squeezing gently
your eyes squeeze shut as he fucks you hard and fast, hitting all the right spots
“Derek…” you moan into his hand, clenching around him tightly
he gasps and rests his forehead against yours, taking his hand off your throat and holding onto the headboard
Derek presses his lips against yours as you both come; muffling the sound of your moans.
the boys returned Scott’s house later that night, and Stiles found your panties on the floor under the panels.
“looks like Derek and y/n had fun yesterday,” he snickers, while Scott groans in disgust.
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xoxoavenger · 3 years
Ruin My Life
pairing: Derek Hale x Fem!Reader
summary: Derek has a secret, and he’s afraid it’ll ruin Y/N’s life. He wants to tell her, but by the time he’s ready it may be too late.
word count: 3916
warnings: none
“This was a mistake.” Derek said to Y/N. The two of them were on the floor on the makeshift bed of blankets and pillows. They were at Scott’s for a ‘pack sleepover,’ which Y/N had to beg Derek to come to. He did not want to spend the night with a bunch of teenagers, even though Y/N McCall herself was technically a teenager - nineteen and a half, to be exact. 
“Oh my God, don’t be such a sourwolf.” Stiles was on the recliner, Star Wars blanket thrown over his body. 
“I want to leave.” Derek pouted at Y/N, making her smile and cuddle into him. His arm went around her, and she rested her head on his chest. 
“Don’t be rude.” Y/N whispered. 
“Can you guys shut up? I’m trying to watch this movie.” Allison said as she stared at the screen a little too hard. Everyone could tell she was trying not to stare at Scott, who sat in between her and Isaac on the couch. They were still in the awkward post-breakup stage, the one everyone wanted to get out of. 
“Chill out, Allison. The movie isn’t that good anyway.” Lydia said from her place on the loveseat. She was laying across it, eyes starting to droop. Y/N leaned up to kiss Derek, the two wrapped around each other, not caring about the rest of them until-
“Stop making out! Sickos.” Stiles threw his whole bowl of popcorn - kernels, now - at the two of them, hitting the back of Y/N’s head. Derek growled before Y/N began laughing, a sound that southed his soul. 
“I hate you all.” Derek mumbled.
“First of all, rude.” Stiles said as Y/N kissed Derek’s cheek. He looked down at her, smiling slightly as put one hand behind her neck. She leaned up, their lips touching once more. “Oh, my God, gross! Give me something else to throw at them, I-“
“I’m gonna pull your finger nails out one by one if you don’t-“
“Shut the hell up!” Scott roared, making Isaac whimper slightly and back himself into the couch. Y/N rolled out of Derek’s arms to look up at Scott, who was looking guilty. “Sorry, I’m sorry. Let’s just watch the movie.” Scott nodded towards the screen, but the credits were already rolling. They had missed the whole thing. 
“Well, great movie, goodnight.” Stiles flailed on the recliner, the blanket tangling around his limbs. Allison moved to the ground, between the couch and the recliner, and Scott took his place on the other side of the room. Y/N and Derek were in the middle of it all, and Derek was about to ask if they could sleep in her room when he realized she was asleep. They all were asleep. 
Derek was still awake. 
“When are you going to tell her?” Scott whispered, sitting up. Derek looked down at his sleeping girlfriend and pulled the blanket up to her shoulder, although he knew that she preferred his werewolf body temperature to the blankets. He tried not to sigh, not only to give himself away but also not to wake the girl.
“Tell her what?” Derek lied, not looking at Scott. 
“Did you forget I’m a werewolf too?” Scott watched as Derek pushed the hair out of Y/N’s face, her nose scrunching in her sleep as a reaction to his touch. “When are you going to tell her?” 
“I don’t want to ruin her life.” Derek admitted, trying to keep his breathing steady, as Y/N was laying on his chest and he did not want to wake her up. 
“It definitely will not ruin her life. She loves you, and she needs you.” Scott’s eyes were drifting closed as he tried to stay awake, but Derek didn’t notice as the younger werewolf laid back down.
“She’s too young. Maybe after college.” When Scott didn’t say anything else, Derek turned slightly to look at him. His mouth was hanging open as he lightly snored. Derek turned his gaze to the ceiling, sighing before finally closing his eyes. 
“Good morning.” Y/N whispered as she blinked her eyes open. Her back was against Derek’s front, both of his arms wrapped tightly around her. She knew he was already awake, and when she spoke he pulled her closer. 
“Can we go now?” Derek mumbled into her ear. She squirmed around as his breath tickled her neck, making him start to tickle her. She squealed automatically, and Derek put a hand over her mouth as he tried to stop his laughter. 
“Are you kidding me?” Came Allison’s voice. It was obvious the couple had woke her up. Y/N wrestled Derek for a couple moments to get up, as he didn’t want to let go of her. When she finally sat up, she saw Stiles, mouth open and head back as he slept, and Isaac, who was jerking awake. Scott was groaning as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.
“It’s about time everyone wakes up anyway. I made chocolate chip pancakes.” Lydia smiled from the outside of the living room. Of course, her voice woke Stiles up, who flailed around for a second before opening his eyes and seeing her. 
“Good morning.” He smiled, licking his lips and moving his face around to wake up. Y/N laid back down, grabbing Derek to make him cuddle her again. 
“Pancakes?” Derek whispered into Y/N’s hair. He was rubbing her back, and she sighed into him. Everyone had already started to walk into the kitchen by now, leaving the couple on the floor alone.
“I want to stay here.” She mumbled, eyes closed. 
“Even Stiles is getting up.” Derek whispered. 
“Stiles is only getting up because Lydia is awake.” 
“Get your harry asses up!” Stiles yelled, interrupting their low conversation. He grabbed Y/N’s arm to pull her away from the older man, but that just earned a growl and a flash of his eyes as he clung to Y/N tighter. “You can’t scare me anymore, sourwolf. I know you wouldn’t actually kill me.” Stiles taunted, grabbing a pillow from the couch and throwing it at the two. Derek was not impressed. 
“If you don’t let go of my girlfriend right the fuck now, I’m gonna tear your arm off and beat you with it.” Derek growled, making Stiles drop Y/N’s arm, mouth open and eyes wide.
“Derek,” Y/N scolded. She hated when Derek got all protective of her, as if she were a child. She stood up, pulling herself away from him to go to the kitchen, where everyone else had already funneled to. Derek stood quickly, reaching out to her.
“Y/N, wait-“
“We’ve talked about this. I don’t want you to do that to the pack. They’re our family.” Y/N turned in the open doorway of the kitchen to face her boyfriend, who looked slightly hurt but was trying not to show it. 
“I know, but I just, I can’t control it. I-“
“You’re not a monster, Derek. You can control it.” Y/N turned back to the pack, grabbing some food with the rest of the pack. Derek looked up at the ceiling, taking a deep breath. He knew he had to tell her soon, that she deserved the right to know, but he also knew that she was still young, still had an entire life ahead of her. He also had to remind himself that they had only been dating for eight months, that he didn’t want to scare her yet. 
“She’d understand. She doesn’t right now, but if you told her, she would.” Scott was standing next to him, both looking at the girl that meant so much to each of them. 
“She’s nineteen and human, Scott. She wouldn’t understand.”
“You don’t know that.” Scott tried to cut him off, but Derek wasn’t listening. 
“This is my life. Stay out of it.” Derek tried to leave, but Scott grabbed his arm. 
“It may be your life, but it has to do with my sister, which makes it my life too. So you tell her, or I will.” Scott’s eyes flashed as Derek’s did, the two of them death staring. 
“It’s not your secret to tell.” Derek growled. 
“You can’t keep this from her. I can’t keep this from her.” 
“Derek!” Y/N was yelling from the counter, smiling with a big stack of pancakes. Both men stared, wondering if she had somehow heard them, even though she was only human. “I got you some pancakes. Can you grab the coffee?” Y/N asked, looking at him. He nodded, and half the pack practically rolled their eyes as he did the exact thing she just asked. 
Only for her. 
She put their food down, letting him set the mugs down and sit down before she sat on one of his legs. She cut a piece and fed it to him, feeling bad about getting mad before. Derek felt guilty as well for snapping at Stiles, however his guilt quickly melted away as he pulled Y/N closer to him. The pack was now silent as they ate, the only sounds being the utensils on plates. 
“So, what’s new about the alpha pack?” Y/N asked. They were all silent for a second, and it was finally Scott who spoke up. 
“Really, Y/N? Over breakfast?” 
“What, I want to know.” Y/N shrugged, feeding Derek a piece of pancake before putting another one in her own mouth. 
“No, not this morning. Let’s just get through the day.” Stiles continued to eat as soon as he finished talking, making Y/N sigh.
“I’ll tell you as soon as we get home if you just let us leave.” Derek whispered into Y/N’s ear, making her smile as she thought about it. 
“No. I barely get to see my own sister now, so shut up.” Scott said, making Y/N roll her eyes. 
“Remember when you made it so I couldn’t see my boyfriend because you framed him for murder? Three times!” Y/N yelled, making Stiles and Scott cringe. 
“You had only been dating for like, two months the first time.” Stiles defended. 
“I’m going to hurt you. Painfully.” Y/N threatened. 
“That’s what normally happens when you hurt someone.”
“How’s everyone doing in English with the new teacher?” Allison quickly changed the subject, but Y/N was already on her way out, Derek trailing her. 
“See ya later!”
“I have to run a couple errands. Cora and I agreed on a personal dinner.” Derek said as the two lay in his bed. Y/N sighed, rolling over and taking the covers with her. 
“Are you lying?” She asked, making Derek try to stay still. He hated lying to her, but he couldn’t tell her that he was going to fight the Alpha Pack tonight. If she told Scott, he’d definitely get mad and could ruin the plan. 
“No, I’m not. I wouldn’t be kicking you out if it weren’t important.” Derek moved to spoon her, but she turned in his arms, looking straight up at him. Her face was serious, and Derek felt his heart begin to race. 
“Why did you kick Isaac out?” She whispered softly, sounding genuinely hurt that her friend was kicked out. “You know what he’s been through.” 
“If it’s about the Alpha pack, you can tell me. Don’t think I didn’t notice the blood on the floor that you tried to clean. And you did a terrible job, by the way, you should really hire cleaners for-“
“It is about the Alphas, alright?” Derek couldn’t look at her, too ashamed. “And I knew he’d go to your house anyway.” 
“But you kicked him out, Derek. He saw you as an older brother, like a guardian, and you let him down. He hasn’t had that since Camden.” Y/N put a hand on Derek’s chest as his face tightened. 
“I know, okay? I know. But the Alphas want me to kill him, and I will never do that. I have to protect him somehow, and if I hurt him to stop from killing him, well, what else can I do?” Derek looked down at his girlfriend, who put a hand on his face in understanding. 
“You’re so brave, Derek Hale. You’re so brave, so kind, so loyal, and I know you don’t want anyone to see that, but I do. I love you for those things. I love you for being able to make hard decisions for the greater good.” She leaned in to kiss him, but he moved back slightly, grabbing her wrist. 
“I’m not brave. I’m a coward. I can’t even protect my own pack.” He whispered, making Y/N drag her thumb across his cheek. 
“What do you think you’re doing, Alpha? Making the hard decisions to keep your pack safe.” She asked with a small smile. He leaned in to kiss her, and she kissed back quickly. 
“Derek!” Cora broke them apart, the two sitting up to look at her. “We have to go.” She looked pissed, but Y/N still couldn’t tell if that was her resting face or if she didn’t like her brother’s girlfriend. 
“I love you. I,” Derek leaned in, about to tell her, but he couldn’t. He gave her another kiss and then stood up, putting a shirt on. Y/N grabbed her jacket, knowing that he wasn’t telling her something, and that it would eat her up. 
“I love you.” She finally responded as she walked out. She stood outside the door for a second, taking a deep breath, and then began her decent of the stairs.
“Where are you going?”
“Where are you going?” Isaac realized his response was wrong as soon as it came out of his mouth, but it was too late by the time he was saying it, meaning it came out all awkward.
“I’m coming into my home.” Y/N still stood in the doorway, blocking the two betas. “Why are you leaving so late?” She asked, but found that neither could look at her. 
“Mexican.” Scott answered, making Y/N roll her eyes. She hadn’t even asked what type of food they were getting, and she knew that her mother made better Mexican food than whatever they were going to get, but obviously the two needed to leave. She walked through the door, letting the two out before connecting the dots. She had actually already taken her jacket off by the time she realized what was going on. 
“Shit,” She mumbled as Scott’s engine started. She looked out the window to see the two speeding away, and realized there’s no way she could follow them in her own shitty car. She just hoped that wherever they were going, they would be careful. She didn’t need both her boyfriend and brother injured. 
She climbed the stairs to her room, checking her phone and calling out to her mom. She was so tired, having slept on the floor last night. It was late, and although she was worried about her brother and boyfriend, she was too exhausted to stay up.
She woke up to a terrible feeling in her gut. She wanted to throw up, but her body was too sore to move. She turned over, not able to get up to make it to the bathroom, and grabbed her trash, throwing up. She coughed a bit, her head pounding and body exhausted. She grabbed her phone, seeing it was 4am. She hoped Scott was home, but before she could call him, Isaac came barreling in. 
“Y/N,” He mumbled, turning on the light. She groaned, but it wasn’t strong. Isaac ran in, wiping his eyes, and Y/N sighed. “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” Isaac sat down next to her on the bed, and Y/N shivered. He pulled the covers over her more, and she felt grateful. 
“What happened?” She asked, making Isaac look down. 
“Scott will come in to tell you in a second.” He said, not looking at her. Her stomach dropped again, and she moved to throw up again in the trash. 
“Where’s Derek?” Y/N asked, making Isaac shake his head, looking out the door. “Where is he? Isaac!” Y/N screamed with all her strength. Her heart was racing, because if Isaac couldn’t tell her he was at least okay…
“Y/N,” Scott ran in, gaping wounds on his chest. 
“Scott, Scott, what happened? Where’s Derek?” Y/N forced herself to sit up, and Scott walked to her, shaking his head. 
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. I’m so-“
“No,” Y/N shook her head, tears already falling. Her whole body hurt, she was physically and mentally hurt. “No, no, no, Scott, no.” She put her hands on his chest as her legs gave out, and he caught her as she screamed, heart breaking. She grabbed his shirt, collapsing against him. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Y/N, I’m sorry.” Scott cried, holding her close. 
“No! No!” She screamed, sobs tearing her body. “Derek, no!” Her stomach revolted again, and she pushed Scott away to fall to the ground, throwing up in the thrash once more. 
“I know it must be hard.” Isaac said, pulling her hair into a ponytail and rubbing her back. “I can’t imagine losing a mate.” Y/N froze, looking straight forward as tears continued to wet her cheeks. 
“A what?” She whispered, looking at Scott. She was sure she heard wrong. 
“I, uh, I just meant that, um,” Isaac fumbled, looking at Scott, who was ready to tear him limb from limb. “I thought she knew.”
“Knew what?” Y/N turned to lean against the bed, her hair falling from Isaac’s grasp. She closed her eyes, feeling tired and drained. 
“Let’s get you into bed.” Scott picked her up and placed her in the bed, Isaac grabbing a towel to wipe her face. 
“What do I not know?” Y/N whispered, fighting her tiredness. Scott stroked her hair as Isaac finished wiping her face, both of them knowing she was already asleep before they were forced to answer. They quietly left the room, turning the light off and shutting the door before Scott pushed Isaac into the wall. 
“Don’t ‘dude’ me! You’re such a dumbass!” Scott whisper-yelled, not fond on waking his sister up. 
“I thought you told her everything.” Isaac backed into Scott’s room, and Scott shut the door. 
“Derek asked me not to tell her.” Scott sighed and looked the other way, trying to ignore the pain in his abdomen.
“You didn’t tell her how Derek died.” Isaac said, making Scott snap his head to the younger beta. 
“She is sick because her mate just died, Isaac. How much better would me telling her that I was the one who killed him make it?” Scott asked, watching as Isaac shook his head.
“I didn’t mean it like that. You didn’t kill him,”
“I did!” Scott roared, then sat quiet for a second, waiting to see if Y/N or his mother would wake up. When both rooms stayed silent, he looked back at Isaac. “It doesn’t matter what I meant to do. I killed him.” 
Y/N woke up again, feeling even worse. She could barely open her eyes, not having any motivation or energy to even move. She felt freezing, and her heart was beating overtime. 
“We’re going to the cross country meet in a little bit.” Scott said. He was sitting in the chair adjacent to her bed, and Y/N just blinked at him. “You could join us, if you want. Or you can stay with Lydia and Allison.” 
“No.” She simply responded, making Scott sigh. 
“You can’t stay here alone.” He stood, walking closer. 
“I can’t move.” Y/N whispered, eyes closing again. 
“I know it’s hard. I know you’re hurting. But I don’t want you to die while we’re gone. You can’t die.” Scott sat on the bed, and Y/N opened her eyes again.
“I can’t move.” She repeated, tears in her eyes. They fell closed again, and she felt Scott shift forward, his hands coming to rest on her face. 
“Y/N, please, listen to me.” She tried to open her eyes, but she was in so much pain she couldn’t. “Your body is shutting down. It thinks that there’s no reason to live now because your mate is dead.” 
But I’m not a werewolf! she wanted to say, but she could only open her mouth a tiny bit, no sound coming out.
“I know, it doesn’t make a lot of sense, but sometimes it happens with humans. Just,” Scott paused for a second, and Y/N could tell in the back of her mind he was crying. She wanted to console him, to let the grieve together, but she was just so tired. “I have to go, I have to keep an eye on Isaac and the twins and Boyd, I just-“ Scott paused, and Y/N took it as her sign to fall asleep, not wanting to deal with real life. 
Not wanting to deal with a dead mate.
“Lydia?” Scott asked as she picked up the phone. 
“I need you to come stay with Y/N.”
“I can’t, I’m, um,” Lydia paused, making Scott even more stressed. He needed to figure something out. “Seeing a movie with Allison tonight.” She finally said, and Scott sighed. 
“I really need you to come over. Y/N, I don’t - something’s wrong. She’s shutting down, as if she were rejecting the bite. But she didn’t get the bite.” 
“It’s because her mate died.” Lydia said quietly, making Scott nod. 
“I have to go to the cross country meet to keep an eye on the others. I can’t stay here with her, and she needs someone with her.” 
“Why don’t you ask your mom?” Lydia said, as if it were the only option. 
“Right, okay. See you later.” Scott hung up before running to his mom’s room. She was reading a book, and she looked up with Scott flung the door open. 
“Yes, my son who is two seconds away from getting his ass kicked for breaking my door.” Melissa said, putting her book down. 
“Derek’s dead.” 
“What?” Melissa sat, up, going immediately to her daughter’s room. She knew that was the problem that Scott was talking about, but she didn’t know it would be this bad. Melissa was at Y/N’s side in a heartbeat, feeling her burning forehead before looking at Scott for an explanation.
“I can explain later, but I have to go. Make sure she’s okay.” Scott said before running out of the house. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Melissa pushed the hair away from her daughter’s forehead, noting how warm it was once more. She got up, intending on grabbing a cold washcloth, when she saw - or, rather smelt - the garbage. She took that out first, then made her way around the house, fixing things and making sure her daughter was alright. 
She was so busy cleaning out of stress downstairs that she missed the Alpha sliding in upstairs. 
“Y/N?” Derek whispered, walking over to her bed. He noticed how pale she was, the bags under her eyes and the sweat formulating on her skin. “Y/N, are you alright?” Her eyes shot open, just staring at Derek.
“Are you real?” She choked out, coughing a bit. Derek immediately took her into his arms, despite the blood of his wounds, which were beginning to heal.
“I’m so sorry, I would never leave you like that. I’m, I, um,” 
“We’re mates?” Y/N guessed, already feeling better now that her mate was with her. Derek nodded, kissing her cheek while still holding her close. “You could have told me.” She whispered, clutching tighter to him as she regained her strength. 
“I didn’t want to ruin your life.” He mumbled, holding her closer in exchange for having to look at him. 
“You could never ruin my life, Der. You just make it better.” 
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hannya-writes · 4 years
Your Kind
Title: Your kind
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader, Peter Hale x Vampire!reader?
Other Characters: Kate Argent (mentioned), Laura Hale, Cora Hale and Talia Hale (Mentioned)
Category: friendship, platonic love.
Warning: Reader is a Vampire! Young Derek, and Young Peter because that's dangerous! This all happened after Paige's Dead. Violence, hypnotism or mind control (not sure but hey!) Peter being wild, I guess this is kind of sad.
Author's note: I didn't wanted to use the common powers of vampires because cliche! And I ended up with a mix of a striga, a bat and kind of werewolf powers, If I write a part 2, maybe I'll explain what's up with my version of vampires. And no! Vampire reader is not killing anyone... Yet. Also gifs are not mine, I found them on google!
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In the moment you had stepped in Beacon Hills you had know that you shouldn't stay there for a long time. You weren't welcome. There was a Werewolf pack in town and werewolves didn't like your type. Maybe because of legends, since they told that your races were supposed to be enemies. Maybe because of a bad experience with someone of your race, maybe because it was engrained in their DNA. You didn't know. You never asked.
You just stayed as far away of the Hale family as possible. It was a problem that you got stuck in classes with no one else but Derek Hale. A teenager that had smell death and blood on you. He was cautious and curious about you, sneaking on you, expecting you to blow your cover. But you didn't. You had smelled him too, he smelled like a wolf, a mix of the animal itself and the smell of forest that came with them and made normal people get scared: the smell of the unknown, of danger.
You played it cool. You were a good student, middly attractive, you spoke when others spoke to you, you were kind and relaxed, you even helped some students in what was possible. When some students decided to pick on you, you didn't reacted. Never lost the patience that had been taught to you.
Then, there was Kate. Kate loved to pick on you, mock you, call you "the new library mouse". It was her insistance on you that had made Derek pay more attention to you. He smelled your murderous instinct every time Kate was close. An truth be told, he was amazed by your self-control.
After being put in a science work with him, you finally got the chance to know each other. You two had speak to each other like civilized human beings. You had joked together, you even became friends.
He wanted, no. He needed to know. He deserved to know, you were his friend now, he wanted to tell you what he was and needed to know more about you.
— Y/n, what are you? — he directly asked you one evening after the end of school, you were the last two people in the library, the question made you uneasy. If he discovered you, his family would kill you.
— excuse me? — was your simple answer, play dumb was your way out. Your parents have told you to do that, and act as a victim if necesary.
— you are not human, I can smell you — he confronted you walking in your direction.
— I'm a human, duh — you rolled your eyes faking amusement — Smell me? — you added with a perfect tone of confusion you had rehersed — do I smell good? — that last question was pure curiousness, you had recognized every part of his scent, you knew what every change in it mean so... Had he, maybe, done the same? Was it disgusting to him because of what you were?
— what? — he was surprised by your last words and you wished earth could swallow you whole, maybe your head first since you were blushing.
— there you are, I've been look for you — just in time, Peter Hale entered the library. And if Derek smelled of danger, Peter reak of wildness and blood. That was the first time you met, and unlike Derek, Peter took the opportunity to attack like the animal he was. Probably because he knew what you were.
Peter snarled at you, showing his fangs and blue glowing eyes, his fingernails turned to claws and suddenly the whole library smelled like wolf. His transformation triggered yours, he was challenging you in the little space that was yours. So, yes. You turned, but unlike him your fingers turned longer, your fingernails became long white claws. Your skin became paler, to the point of looking like a corpse. Your usually y/e/c eyes became red like those of an Alpha werewolf but unlike them your sclera turned black. Your 4 fangs grew in an instant and a high pitch sound inaudible for humans came out of your throat.
Derek covered his ears in pain at the sound that came from you. He couldn't believe his eyes, a wave of fear made him step away from you and Peter, his instinct told him to either fight by peter side or runaway. However his body wasn't able to move.
In a complete opposite reaction Peter jumped over you, hands extended, face contorted in an angry, animalistic expression. You saw him get closer but you didn't back off, you took a stride and with your longer hands throwed him away towards one of the book shelves. He didn't expected it, he had never fought a being like you.
— Leave — you warned him standing over him, but he wasn't afraid, he was angry. He jumped to his feet and charged again at you. You stepped away from his path, making him more furious. You were faster, you got more range with your claws. He was going to loose. That's why werewolves attacked your kind in packs. They trusted in their numbers, the organization. A lonely wolf, was a dead wolf.
Peter roared at you as he once again attacked. You knew what to do to kill him, one single slash of your claws and his lower jaw would be flying in the air. He would bleed out. You could almost see it.
However, instead of killing the menace you used one of the tricks the werewolves hated the most.
— calm down — you said in a soft voice keeping the eye contact and all of his attention on you— I'm not your enemy — you got closer to the werewolf, your hand lightly touched his face.
Peter would never be able of describe the sensation that over took him at your words, it had been as if suddenly he was in heaven, and the person speaking was an angel, better! a Goddess! He loved you, he would do everything in his hands to just hear you a little more. He will kill for you, he'll ask you to order him to kill in your name. Just for that sensation of fullness, happiness. You weren't his enemy, how could you? You were everything he wanted and more.
Your scent, your voice, your light touch, even your face had Peter hypnotized. You fully wrapped the violent werewolf with your presence, and he looked at you with big warm eyes. Even you hated using that trick. It was an induced state of bliss that made people easy to manipulate.
— everything is fine — Derek heard you said softly almost in a loving way, that made him feeling somehow nervous. He knew there was something wrong and he had to do something.
— who are you? — Peter asked in a soft tone that made you feel guilty of using your power over him. You took a breathe to aswer and then froze as you felt claws against the soft skin of your neck.
Peter saw the menace, felt your hand leave his face and fury rose from his chest, he growled warning Derek. He was aware of Derek speaking to you but the words didn't make sense why was Derek telling his goddess to let him go?
— Derek, please wait — hear you say his name made him see red. You had say Derek's name but not his? How could you? How dare Derek try to take you away?
Horrified you saw the werewolf extend his hand to attack Derek, you felt Derek's claws cutting your neck as you moved to avoid that the other werewolf claws hurt Derek. You had pushed Derek to your right. As you felt the spell over Peter was broken. Blood spilled from your wound, the strong taste of iron hit your tongue as you fought to breathe. But you couldn't, not with your throat slashed, not even when you tried to stop the bleeding with your hands.
Peter saw you confused, he didn't know if he had done that. He wanted to think that he had cut your throat, but he couldn't believe it.
— no, no Y/n — Derek spoke with panic as he crawled to you horrified by what he had done. He had kill you. It was like Paige all over again. His hands pressed over your hands trying to stop the bleeding.
— that won't kill her, she is a vampire — Peter said coldly, his eyes greedily watched how you struggled, how your red eyes slowly smother. He was amazed but disappointed, you a mythical creatures, a vampire non the less were dying like a common human being. You weren't as powerful as he expected. Why weren't you healing?
— I'm sorry — derek muttered ashamed, and Peter noticed that his own hands weren't tainted with blood. Derek hands were stained in red.
— no — peter voice was filled with hate, that vampire was his prey. That little vampire was his. You were his. Derek wasn't going to be your killer. His body moved and pushed Derek away from you with a kick, his hands took yours with the intent of taking them away from your wound, but he stopped. A sensation of coldness overtook him, his eyes slowly closed with a sudden desire to sleep.
On your end, the moment his hands touched you it felt like fire, the blood stopped flowing and the wound closed in a matter of seconds. You coughed a blood and the werewolf felt by your side asleep. The tears felt from your eyes freely and after a moment you hugged yourself to get a hold of your panic. The sound of someone else crying made you sit and look at Derek sniffing, with tears in his cheeks.
— D, D... Derek? — you called him out with a gruff voice, thanks to your recently healed vocal chords. — Der, der, derek — you repeated afraid of him being hurt, the worry made you stand up and walk towards him. — did he hurt you? Derek, are you ok? —
Derek looked at you with surprise and relieve, in his face the path of tears was pretty obvious.
— y/n, you are a vampire — he wasn't asking, of course not! the other werewolf had said it as you were almost dying.
— and you a werewolf — was the only thing that crossed your mind as you saw him.
— did you... Kill my uncle? — somehow Derek didn't sound worried, you denied with your head.
— Vampires... Can heal with the help of a werewolf — you said looking down, ashamed.
— but I, I... I tried to help you and.. — He was clearly confused and you sighed, feeling the need to explain yourself
— I charmed him, that makes a bond like the one of a master and a servant. You are not my servant... You can't heal me — you hated that stupid explanation but it was the truth.
Vampires had slaved werewolves to be closer to immortality. But not all of you did that. You had never had to charm someone, it could make people go crazy. It made a big unbalance in nature, made you get closer to the beast inside.
— I don't think Uncle Peter wanted to heal you — the comment made you giggle, but it soon died out.
— I know — you looked at Derek eyes for a moment — I won't charm you Derek, you are the closer to a friend I have and I have only speak to you for like... Two weeks — you smiled with sadness, knowing that this was a goodbye — but I have to go and your uncle has to forget about me —
— you are leaving? — he asked worried and a bit angry after all he had just found out what kind of creature you were — why? —
— Derek, your family is going to kill me if they discover that I charmed your uncle — you admitted scratching your neck nervously.
— My mom wouldn't... — Derek was trying to convince you, he made you feel bad, made you want to stay.
— she's going to do it — you stood up and went to his uncle, placidly asleep, Derek followed you. — I'm a problem to solve, a burden to destroy — you kneeled by Peter's side and reached to the back of his neck with a hand.
— no, you are not — he stated as serious as a heart stroke. — you are my friend — that made you smile.
— remember that if I make your uncle become a psycho — was the last thing you said before sinking your claws in Peter.
— maybe he already is one — he joked and the funny thing: that was the last thing he remembered of that day. He couldn't remember saying goodbye to you or how he got home. His memories started again with him being home, Laura and Cora were laughing and his mother got closer with a smile and a question: "Everything ok? You seem distracted"
And he had lied to her.
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So, are you Team Peter or Team Derek?
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