#Demon Slayer Episode 19
The Struggle Of Simping Over A Small Time Demon Slayer Villain Character
So I’m making a fic where during the course of the Mt. Natagumo Arc, Rui basically gets adopted by an OC slayer. But, like, I don’t remember the whole Giyuu and Shinobu scene right after Giyuu yeets Rui’s head from the rest of his body, and I sorta need to know that, ya know, to make adjustments where necessary and whatnot. But, like, I really don’t want to see Rui die, because that whole scene just hits me in the soul. 
I am suffering.
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marchisalion · 2 years
me, watching demon slayer, emotional music playing at the end of a big scene: wow this sure would hit hard. IF IT HAD ANY BUILDUP AT ALL. EVEN THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF A SETUP.
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zaddyazula · 4 months
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burr-ell · 2 months
Something I just noticed and really enjoy about Campaign 1 is how often their story involves becoming incredibly powerful and accomplishing so much and yet still not being able to do what's truly important to them. It's not only the gutpunch of the final episode, it's a thematic underpinning throughout the campaign.
Way back in their prestream adventures, the party was strong enough to defeat the Dread Emperor and save all the kidnapped children from Tal'Dorei—except one, a child Keyleth killed by accident, an act which haunts her through at least much of the early campaign. The party defeats the Briarwoods and reclaims Whitestone, but Ripley still escapes and 19 still misses, and the Chroma Conclave raze half the continent. Percy has great intellect and access to a powerful magical amplifier and forced out a demon through sheer force of will, but his carelessness still killed Vex and he only rolls a 6 to try to save her. The party has slain a dragon and is armed with four Vestiges of Divergence, but they couldn't save Tiberius and can't even give him the proper burial they want to. They brutally slaughter Ripley, but not before she gets the revenge she wants; she kills Percy, sending him to Orthax, and spreads guns throughout Exandria. The Conclave is slain, the whole party made it out alive, but Scanlan is forever scarred by the experience and leaves, tearing the party down as he goes. Even Vilya, prior to the campaign's beginning, was at the very end of her Aramente, likely a level 16-17 druid like Keyleth was, and still failed the trial of the Water Plane and was gone for almost 40 years.
And of course, Vox Machina became some of the most powerful people in the world, slayers of a god, legends to be immortalized for centuries...and none of their power could save their brother.
Percy points out to Bell's Hells, thirty years later, that fate isn't always kind and not everyone gets a second chance, and to me that's underscored by what we don't see. Elaina is still dead. Juniper is still dead. Percy's parents and five siblings are all still dead.
I mean, if any or all of their bodies are intact, it wouldn't even require True Resurrection to bring them back—not that Keyleth or Percy are averse to a little heresy, but hey, conserve your resources. If there are bodies, all they'd need is 7th-level Resurrection; none of those people have been dead for over a century, and if they need to find the bodies, well, Vex has Locate Object and Pike gets a Divine Intervention freebie once a week, right? Even if they did need True Resurrection, it's a heftier cost but probably not something too difficult to pay over time for one of the wealthiest families in the world.
But none of them have ever done that, nor do we get an indication that they've pursued it. Vox Machina is, probably more than any other CR party, defined by grief—how individual PCs respond to their own profound losses; how they succeed and fail to shoulder each others' burdens; and at the end of their story, how they deal with one of the most painful losses imaginable, and how they move forward and find peace in spite of it. Campaign 1 is just as much about how to deal with what you couldn't do as it is about what you now can do.
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ancientmyrddin · 2 years
been watching samurai champloo (finally lol i've been putting it off for years) and huh it's pretty good
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love-sapphirerose · 3 months
Yashahime: Awful Sequel
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When the first of the information came out that Inuyasha was getting a sequel, everybody was excited but it was a really awful show that was overhyped. It became a failing sequel to the Inuyasha franchise just like Boruto became to the Naruto franchise. It's a show about a hanyo version of kagome and/or rin who inherited the obsessive clingly nature, a hanyo female version of sesshomaru who barely has a personality that doesn't involve slaying and playing the violin, and a weak comic relief shihanyo who inherited her parents worst traits, who are majority of the time always winning fights.
Just like with Inuyasha the Final Act, Yashahime was extremely rushed and boring. The Final Act was quickly wrapped up in 1 season as the manga was longer.
2. Constant Copying
In one of kohakuxrin's post there is massive recycling from the previous inuyasha content and especially the final act manga material that wasn't made in the rushed anime. As they
1) Mistress Centipede with Mistress Three-Eyes
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They're trying to remake the first villain from the past.
2) Hitokon
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3) Bone Demon and a Father
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4) Cat Demon
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5) Meioju
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6) Ginka and Kinka
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7) Mizuchi and Nuwamatari
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8) Nikosen
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9) Sayo
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10) Yuki and her brother
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11) Wakana
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12) Kodoku
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13) The two onis
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14) Snow Panther
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15) An incarnation of the main antagonist interested in a member of the dog demon clan
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16) Not alone anymore
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17) A moth demon destroyed by a hanyo in a mindless state
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18) Kao and the bug in the chest
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19) Shibugarasus, Toads, Kumogashiras
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20) The giant bug with someone within
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21) The Rainbow Crystals
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- The Silver Crystal was split into the seven Rainbow Crystals so as to seal away Seven Great Yōma. And as Sailor Moon shed a tear for her lover Tuxedo Mask who was mortally wounded, it caused the seven Rainbow Crystals to react and merge into one, forming the Silver Crystal itself. - As Zero shed a tear onto the Sacred Jewel, upon learning the death of Toga whom she was fond of, the seven rainbow pearls came out of it.
22) Chibiusa and the Door of Time
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- Chibiusa has a key that leads to the door of time which leads to the future, and she was being hunted by bad guys. - Akuru has a pinwheel that activates the windmill of time opening a path to the future, and he was being hunted by Kirinmaru.
No question in those two because Katsuyuki Sumisawa was involved in the first anime version of Sailor Moon and in the same episodes in which the rainbow crystals assembled and Chibiusa took the Sailor Warriors to the doors of time (episodes 34 and 82).
23) Walking Around Naked
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24) Pulling Out A Sword
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25) Wondering About Name and Bullying
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26) Recycled Moves
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In episode 20, 2 lizard yokai attempting to break into the hanyo village look very similar to the two lizard yokai in the original series.
moroha trying to touch rion's ears like kagome with inuyasha's ears.
towa getting mad at homaru and zero for separating her and setsuna like Inuyasha got mad at naraku for separated him and Kikyo.
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3. Contrived Powerups
Majority of the time, you would notice that towa, Setsuna, and moroha get these power ups to easily defeat an opponent by emotions or hearing about something.
4. Miroku and Sango's Family
Other than Hisui, they are barely seen.
Miroku spent the majority of the series on a 1000 day training and in the last episodes of the season he was suddenly powerful and taking on the grim butterfly. In episode 22, miroku was easily defeated by zero and had kin'u take his place.
Sango, who was known to be a strong female fighter in the original, was reduced to simply miroku's wife and hisui's, kin'u's, and gyokuto's mother. In the last episode of the final act, sango retired from being a demon slayer but could've come out of retirement to lead the new demon alongside kohaku but instead she's reduced to making mask and supplies. In the last episodes of season 2, sango comes out of retirement to fight with a rushed weapon called the black hiraikotsu.
Hisui could've continued to learn under miroku while being a demon slayer despite kin'u being a monk first. Sango, who was the original owner of the hiraikotsu, should have been the one to inspire hisui to be a demon slayer instead of kohaku. The hiraikotsu doesn't have the abilities it achieved in the final act.
The creators of yashahime decided in season 2 to give hisui feelings for setsuna, making it offiical in episode 48, to make it opposite of riku and towa since hisui is a full blooded human riku is a incarnation of a full blooded yokai.
Kin'u and Gyokuto, who appeared the least in the show, only appear to make a character shine. sango, who is a skilled fighter, didn't even train kin'u and gyokuto in combat as the only thing they do is throw sutras and powders. The creators didn't put any thought into their character designs as kin'u and gyokuto should've had different hairstyles and lengths from each other as the only difference in kin'u's hair was the small ponytail and gyokuto's hair didn't change at all. While kin'u's attire did change, the difference between gyokuto's attire from childhood was her apron and woven sandals.
They could've appeared more in the series and developed their personalities and abilities.
And when shippo appeared again especially in episode 48, kin'u and gyokuto reverted back to their personalities when they were little children.
5. Kohaku and the Demon Slayers
kohaku's face looks like iruka from the naruto franchise. Despite opposite character designs and weapons, rokuta and nansuke barely have personalities and don't even have backstories
How could the demon slayers, especially kohaku and hisui, not know setsuna was a hanyo after seeing her abilities and sensing her aura.
Kohaku and the Demon Slayers really don't think things through sometimes and aren't very bright.
Ex. Nikosen was poisoning a mountain and instead of thinking of other ways to defeat him, the only way they thought to defeat him in their minds was to burn the mountain.
6. Secrets
It seems to me nobody wants to talk about the past.
Despite living in the modern era for 10 years, the higurashi family never mentioned or seen pictures of kagome to towa until she was about to leave for the feudal era.
kaede never told kohaku, hisui, and the other demon slayers that setsuna was a hanyo or was sesshomaru's daughter. After 10 years of not seeing setsuna, kaede never once told her about sesshomaru, rin, or towa and even when she returned she still didn't explain. It only took 21 episodes for kaede to tell towa about rin and even then it was quick information about how they lived together for many years and she disappeared shortly after she and setsuna were born.
kaede never even told moroha about inuyasha and kagome.
I wonder why nobody especially miroku and sango told kohaku about towa and setsuna being sesshomaru and rin's daughters and not even a letter.
Even when kohaku found out about towa and setsuna being sesshomaru's daughters, he only mentioned something to them in episodes 5 and 31.
When miroku first met towa, he was informed that she was setsuna's older sister and instead of telling her about their parents he just stood there silently.
When the higurashi family realized that moroha is kagome's daughter, they never told her information about her and inuyasha and tried to fix this in season 2 especially in episode 28.
7. Underage Pairings
The creators of yashahime really don't care about the sick relationships.
sesshomaru and rin, knew her ever since she was 7-8 years old.
riku and towa, he knew her before she was born
homaru and tamano, kidnapped and tried to force her to love him.
moroha flirting with bokuseno.
I don't have an opinion on hisui/setsuna or hisui/aiya.
8. Rushed and Failed Backstories
They really didn't think much into the childhoods.
In episode 15, towa and setsuna were taken away and placed in a forest for 4 years and moroha was sent away to the koga and ayame by hachiemon.
In towa's childhood after being separated from setsuna, there's not much known as we see her meet sota, have a weight set and trophies to explain her life, a flashback of a pinky promise, and they gave of these rushed memories in episode 36 like they gave kagome rushed memories in the final act.
With setsuna, her being taken away from the burned forest, being accepted into the hidden hanyo village, training under 2 orders, defeated 2 lizard yokai, flash forward 6 years later, a recycled flashback from episode 3, returning to the hanyo village, a quick copy and pasted of episodes 51 and 52 except the soldiers are yokai, and leaving the hanyo village.
With moroha, a quick flashback of her last training day with yawaragi, battling a recycled character kodoku, being sold to jyubei, battling the birds of paradise, and giving quick images of her as a baby in episode 39.
9. Contrived Emotional Moments
The scenes that are supposed to be emotional are bland, rushed, and cringe-worthy.
sota and towa's relationship wasn't sad for me as in season 1 and 2 they had very little interactions and were forced.
Ex. in episode 4, sota and towa talking and saying goodbye and in season 2 sota and towa meeting again and goodbye again after he tells he will always see her as his own blood daughter as they transform appearance when they first met.
A female wolf yokai named yawaragi was mentioned in episode 14, appeared as a small cameo at the end of episode 15, and official debut. She has a few flashbacks, a quick fight, then they tried to give us this emotional dying scene of her with moroha but i'm not attached to the character and everything goes back like nothing ever happened except for a new ability.
towa and setsuna tearfully hugging each other and apologizing when setsuna regains her memories.
riku tearfully killing zero.
moroha reuniting with Inuyasha and kagome while towa and setsuna, which is weird for her, tearfully watched.
moroha keeping the black pearl with the beni.
towa and mei's moments plus the final goodbye.
riku confessions of love to towa especially before everyone battles the grim butterfly and him dying.
Inuyasha, kagome, and moroha having a family moment on the bone-eater's well.
rin hugging towa and setsuna while sesshomaru and jaken having a conversation while 2 other families watched them.
towa and Setsuna hugging moroha in their new attires.
towa confronting a disguised riku in jyubei's shop.
moroha hugging Inuyasha and kagome before leaving their home.
Basically episode 48 was one of the worst episodes in the entire two seasons.
10. Terrible Characters
Majority of the yashahime series characters were boring and confusing.
In season 1, she looked more like she was the big bad of the series than Kirinmaru, who didn't even act like the villain.
Zero possessed much more of a threat to our main characters, as she is responsible for the forest fire that separated Towa and Setsuna and indirectly separated Moroha from Inuyasha and kagome. She's done various other things, blackmailing Sesshomaru by cursing Rin. She feels very much that she had the same level of connection that she had that the same connection Naraku did with Inuyasha.
zero's back story as well seemed uninteresting and confusing, having feelings towards Toga, and when he dies her love for him drives her to kill his descendants. She could have become more interesting as the series progressed. If the rainbow pearls sealed away her emotions, then why is zero taking revenge on toga's descendants and got angry at sesshomaru's mother.
But that was not the case, as when season 2 aired, is when Zero started to run down downhill by gathering the rainbow pearls, for revenge, kidnapping towa, and basically holding rin's life hostage, and it all ends in episodes 36 and 37.
To start with, Setsuna learns from Rin that she must save Zero to stop the curse from killing her. Really wished we knew that before. Thanks, Rin, which leads into the next episode.
At this point, Zero has been emotionally torturing Towa for the entire night by reminding her of her sadness and suffering, and is pretty much trying to get Towa angry enough so that she can kill her, and in doing so kill Rin. She's almost successful when Setsuna shows up, shows Towa the dream butterfly, and suddenly Towa loses all the anger she has towards zero in a matter of seconds.
towa then thanks zero for what she's done and it is really annoying. zero prepares to kill herself and Setsuna cuts the thread of fate tying Zero to Toga and she removes the curse from Rin and commits suicide by Riku.
All of these in a matter of minutes, they make Zero, this threatening and uninteresting villain and rendered her more pathetic. They had to give her a redemption arc when she's been the most villainous character in this sequel. Kirinmaru felt more like an obstacle the same way Koga was in Inuyasha. But this, this was so dumb, and when I was watching episode 36 and heard what Rin said, I knew what this was leading into but it was so much worse when Towa thanked her for it. She really didn't need to thank the person who separated her from her twin sister and tried multiple times to kill her, sister, and rin because it's just wrong.
The creators of yashahime couldn't even give zero an actual conclusion that fitted with her character, and she's forgiven so easily. You didn't see Inuyasha thanking Naraku for setting him and Kikyo against each other and killing Kikyo, Sango thanking naraku for killing her village and controlling her kohaku, and miroku thanking naraku for cursing his bloodline. Could you imagine how messed up that would have been?
11. Timeline Error and Wrong Ages
The story takes place after 18 years after the final act but they keep getting the timeline wrong.
In episode 3, kaede said the bone-eater's well stopped working after 15 years.
In episode 39, kagome said she hasn't seen her family in 14 years.
Despite the yashahime creators making jaken and the tree of ages saying that rin is supposedly 18, she is really 15.
The true creator, Rumiko Takahashi, explained in databooks that rin is 7-8 years old in the beginning, sota is 8-9 years old, and kohaku is 11 years old.
In the 3 year time skip at the end of the final act rin is 11, sota is 11-12, and kohaku is 14.
4 years later when towa, setsuna, moroha were born, rin would be 15, sota would be 15-16, and kohaku is 18.
When they were 4 years old, Rin was 19, sota was 19-20, and kohaku was 22.
10 years later in the present as they are 14 years old, rin is 29 not 32, sota is 29-30, and kohaku is 32.
The reason the creators tried to age sota and rin up is because they forgot.
12. Copied Information
If you watched yashahime, you would immediately notice the constant copy and pasting from the original series and the final act. They're trying to do this to bring back memorable feelings to the new series.
Even though the rainbow pearls were created from the sacred jewel and have its essence, as they just copied lesser powerful versions of it.
towa, setsuna, and moroha fighting mistress three eyes to remember the fight between inuyasha and kagome with mistress centipede.
setsuna not wanting to be a hanyo is a reference of sesshomaru disliking hanyo.
towa being controlled by the hitokon like the little boy, but how did it appear in the modern era without being seen.
setsuna remembering mei thanking her is to remember rin smiling at sesshomaru.
moroha appearing in the room naked without shame just like inuyasha.
grandpa higurashi giving moroha, who had a weird look on her face, a kappa foot just like he gave kagome, who also had a weird on her face, a kappa foot as well.
13. Sesshomaru
Personally, I've never really liked sesshomaru as just like miroku, jaken, sango, especially shippo and kagome. As in yashahime, sesshomaru became bland and terrible.
Out of all of the characters whose personalities and motives changed from the original series, The one who got it the worse was Sesshomaru. Despite him not being on screen for very long in the first season and the currently ongoing second season, he's barely said anything. To be fair, Sesshomaru wasn't having full-blown conversations with everyone, but he at least has some conversations with other characters. Here he barely says anything.
He's also not very emotional, which was the same in the original series, but with what has happened in the second season of Yashahime, you'd think the writers would give him some kind of emotional moments not the sick ones of sesshomaru holding rin when the curse was placed on her in episode 27 and it being taken off her in episode 37.
In season 1, sesshomaru has barely appeared and mostly made short cameos and flashbacks.
Ex. In episode 18, sesshomaru only appeared for a short time to quickly fight kirinmaru, orders jaken to not say anything then they leave.
The plot for him is really bad and doesn't make any sense, sesshomaru takes towa and setsuna shortly after they're born, stay away from them and refuses to help them when they were 4 years because homura and zero, who he can easily defeat, who kill them herself and kill rin, who said she would rather die than let them be sacrificed for her sake, but changed his mind when they were 14 years old. And sesshomaru idiotically listened to jaken sealing into the tree of ages and sealing inuyasha and kagome away into the black pearl because they thought they would go after zero and killer which would also kill rin, even though they would find another way to save her.
Even though, sesshomaru secretly gave setsuna items and tasks over the 6 years she's lived in the hidden hanyo village, he's a terrible father as he doesn't tell them anything, basically an absent father, left towa and setsuna to face kirinmaru and setsuna was killed, completely left the task of setsuna saving rin to her and didn't do anything as kohaku and sota were more fathers to them instead of himself.
The creator of yashahime could've made janis or kaname kururugi canon in the series and giving them a story of how they came to permanently live the feudal era, or a new female character with a background but instead they disgustingly chose rin, a girl he knew since she was 7-8 and mostly treated like a daughter.
In Yashahime, sesshomaru is a terrible husband as he doesn't see rin as an equal and majority of the time still has the father-daughter dynamic and treats her like a pet.
Ex. shortly after towa and setsuna, sesshomaru didn't say a word to rin and took the twins without a single explanation to anyone other than a rite of courage and cowardice, commanded her to follow him and stay like a dog especially in episodes 46 and 47 when he commanded her watch him battle kirinmaru, and even in episode 48 when he still ordered him to follow him. The only time sesshomaru is ordered around is in episode 35 by rin.
In season 2, sesshomaru majority of the time just stands and watches things happen for plot, even when he's in the grim butterfly, in a coma, and letting others such as towa, setsuna, and moroha to do the work.
For an example, In Inuyasha, the final act, when they are in the underworld and Kohaku tells him that Rin isn't breathing. Sesshomaru shows genuine fear and concern, which I believe is the only time he acts this way. Then when he learns that Tenseiga can't revive her, he blames himself for it and says that nothing was worth losing her. It's one of the most powerful moments for Sesshomaru and shows just how far he's come. Whether you see Sesshomaru care towards Rin as Fatherly or not, this scene shows just how much he cares for her.
Let's compare that to in Yashahime.
After Sesshomaru kills the dream butterfly, it causes the Silver scale curse to spread more quickly, which will eventually kill Rin. She's pretty much dying in front of him, and he has no way to stop it himself. So how does he act?
He says nothing, even when she talks to him and he keeps the same face.
sesshomaru separated moroha from inuyasha and kagome for 14 years and the one who gets scolded for badmouthing him was inuyasha, who was rightfully so, and he was instantly forgiven, kagome saying 'i'm sure he had his reasons', sat inuyasha, and scolded him for blaming towa and setsuna, even though he wasn't. setsuna also shouldm't have to apologize on sesshomaru's behalf.
He later kills the dream butterfly to motivate Setsuna to be able to use her Yukari no Tachikiri, which nearly causes Rin to die because of him and finally, he doesn't go and save Towa when she is being tortured all night by Zero and Nanahoshi by his minature galaxy.
It feels like they were trying to frame it as Sesshomaru could be genuinely working with Kirinmaru, but in doing so, they make him look like he's the worst father of the year. And with how long this mystery dragged out, it didn't make Sesshomaru look any better.
It definitely it's completely different writing when it comes to Sesshomaru in both series, with Inuyasha, Rumiko wrote him a clear goal and a conclusion. In Yashahime, they're trying to one-up the audience with their mystery and are unintentionally wreaking his entire character.
14. Not Naming Characters
Despite new characters such as moe higurashi, mei higurashi, and aiya receiving names there are lot of characters that still don't have names such as sesshomaru's mother, weasel man, gokoku village headman, northern demon slayers leader, the granny, the lady, the muscle, the ninja, and so many others.
Despite knowing that his name is toga, they still refer to him as the great dog demon.
15. Nerfed
Just like Boruto and Dragon Ball Super, the power scaling doesn't make any sense. In Super, beerus, who is a god, is fighting goku, who turned into a super saiyan god, after a period of time transforms back into a simple super saiyan but doesn't make any sense that he can still can fight beerus, they tried to explain away this through beerus but it doesn't work. In Boruto, there have been many multiple fights where the older generations are nerfed to make the younger generation shine like when jugo hit konohamaru and he couldn't move for a few days but when jugo hit boruto he easily recovered, when karin had to become weak with her chakra chain in order for sarada to be strong, or when in the time travel arc with urashiki that sasuke was constantly weak in order for a genin naruto, boruto, and jiraiya to shine. It also happens in more sequels like in yashahime.
kirinmaru, who is equal to toga, can receive massive injuries from towa and setsuna, hanyos, and moroha, a shihanyo.
Zero, who possessed all of her 7 rainbow pearls that contain her immense yokai power that can summon an even greater demonic power that is far too strong and dangerous to even exist and the essence of the sacred jewel, can easily be killed by a feral towa.
The grim comet/grim butterfly, that has vast amounts of demon energy that it took toga, kirinmaru, sesshomaru, and inuyasha to defeat small fragments of it, was being completely held back by miroku and kagome, not even combined can match midoriko and kikyo.
towa creating the twin azure dragon wave but not sesshomaru.
16. UnInteresting Fights
Majority of the fights are boring and rushed.
In season 1, you would notice that more than half the fights are recycled from the final act manga and the original series.
towa battling the human boys.
totetsu battles against miroku, hisui, towa, and setsuna.
totetsu and riku battling each other.
In season 2, the fights are stale and lack originality.
towa and setsuna battling rock fiends.
riku and rion battling kirinmaru.
osamu battling riku and towa.
Ex. In the final fight against kirinmaru and sesshomaru, the fighting moves sesshomaru uses are recycled from his fight against magatsuhi.
17. Bland Characters
Most of the yashahime characters lack character and are boring.
Despite Raita and Futa having their parents killed by different species, different abilities, and opposite appearances, they're basically the same as one said something and the other agrees and repeats what the other said, they say 'take this' and attack. Raita and Futa's appearances didn't put much thought into them and when they're older the difference they get is armor.
With Mei Higurashi, we're told about her personality from towa but she's annoying and reminds me of kagome and rin when she wants to run into dangerous situations to resolve problems, bossy, and whiny.
Moe Higurashi rarely has a personality as the naive overly cheerful person that reminds us of ms. higurashi and her appearance looks like a light brown haired kagome and the only thing we know about her is that she's a traveling violinist.
takechiyo wasn't much of a character as is a less annoying version of shippo and a boring background story with his twin brother.
18. Sudden Recovery
In the original, inuyasha sustained damages from powerful and mst of them took him a while to heal but in yashahime mostly everyone, including towa, setsuna, and moroha, heals instantly from their injures even hisui.
It feels like when characters are facing powerful enemies they instantly get up without a scratch despite having injuries. I know they're hanyos from a powerful dog demon but it's contrived.
Ex. setsuna becomes injured after being restrained by mistress three eyes but quickly recovered to defeat her.
towa was weak after being released from hitokon's control but instantly recovered when setsuna wanted to remove the hitokon from mei's face.
miroku battled gaga gozen and was instantly defeated and weakened but instantly recovered when he battled setsuna.
In episode 18, towa, setsuna, and moroha battled kirinmaru and easily lost but instantly recovered.
19. Plot
The plot was really stupid and to be dramatic.
In season 1, ever since episode 2 when towa and setsuna separated, they constantly remind us for drama by memories and/or through other people in episodes 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, and 20, especially episodes 8, 10, and 14.
placing a seal on setsuna and her main weapon to keep her demon blood in check but during the series she's never fully tries to master it, only a small piece of it known as the blood blade. they made setsuna have a seal but not towa, that's not fair.
Throughout season 2, everyone was saying that towa needed to fight with a demon weapon and not something made by humans but at the last episodes she's fighting with the kikujmonji, a weapon made from humans.
moroha getting through mount musubi's barriers.
In episode 17, setsuna, who doesn't even know anything about sesshomaru and the dog demon clan, suddenly knows the dog demon clan is capable of discovering demonic energies from a distance with their unusually sharpened sense of smell but in episode 23 she questions her clan.
In episode 24, riku stabbing kirinmaru, who had his guard down, to weakened him for towa, setsuna, and moroha and towa stabbing kirinmaru.
In episode 24, setsuna dying so towa and moroha can instantly power up.
In episode 38, towa, setsuna, and moroha attacking kirinmaru and sesshomaru taking kirinmaru's attack and sending them into the black pearl.
In episode 39, kirinmaru showing up and demanding sesshomaru to come out before battling inuyasha, kagome, and moroha.
osamu kirin, who barely appeared in the series, was suddenly the villain of the last episodes of season 2.
riku and rion battling kirinmaru and later riku, who was heavily injured, easily taking rion away from kirinmaru.
In episode 47, towa dying so rion can face fear who ended up dying again anyway.
It doesn't make any sense, Rin was stuck in the tree for 4 before the silver scale curse slowly started to spread but suddenly when the dream butterfly was killed it spread all over her body within a few episodes.
20. Rushed Abilities
The abilities within the yashahime series are quickly inherited and lackluster.
Ex. towa instantly receives the energy blade after meeting the mistress three eyes.
towa receiving the azure dragon wave.
after myoga explains inuyasha's tessaiga absorbing demon energy, towa instantly receives the skill to absorb demon energy with her energy blade.
moroha receiving the crimson backlash wave.
towa receiving twin azure dragon wave.
In the original, the tenseiga was able to revive people once with no time limit as it revived goshinki and rin but in yashahime they decided to give it a stupid 1 hour time limit.
setsuna quickly mastering the yukari no tachikiri after 2 incidents with sea snake woman and mayonaka.
towa instantly mastering the zanseiken.
setsuna instantly achieving vermilion bird ambush.
moroha instantly mastered the bow she received from her parents.
21. Background Characters
The creators of yashahime really didn't put any thought into what to do with the characters.
Ex. The higurashi family basically didn't do anything as in episode 2 they were just get kidnapped and standing there and in episode 3 when towa, setsuna, and moroha were interacting with each other, all they did was silently standing there and didn't speak to them.
With shiori, they barely changed anything about her appearance except she now wears woven sandals and different hairpins and worst short as she doesn't and let's little children fight for her.
With koga and ayame, they only make a very small non-speaking cameo at the end of episode 15 and don't even have children of their own.
22. Hairstyles
The creators of yashahime really didn't put much thought into most hairstyles such as takechiyo, kikunosuke, kin'u, gyokuto, rion, and futa have the same styles.
23. Bad Animation
In episodes of season 1 and 2, you can see multiple terrible animation mistakes.
Ex. Setsuna flying away from towa and moroha.
zero laying on the ground and rin coming out from her slumber when zero died.
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xx-theblack-vixen-xx · 9 months
Heya! i'm vixen! dis is my Blogsona!
This is a hole made of Productive procrastination
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Mbti: INTP-t
♒️ ♓️ cusp! Birthday is February 17!
Autism, anxiety, adhd <- diagnosed
Shame based identity, Rejection sensitive dysphoria,
Maladaptive daydreaming, BPD, depression, auditory processing disorder, sensory processing disorder, … <- undiagnosed
T- Transphobic
R- Racist
A- Ableist
S- Sexist
H- Homophobic
A list of ALL my (not shared) blogs:
KEY: vixen talks/reblogs. FANDOM ASK BLOGS, OC ASK BLOGS! Shitposting hiatus
@vixentheforestdweller Posts more focused on my personal life!
@vixen-infodumps I post stuff here when i don't want to bug my main blog's followers I AM MUCH MORE ACTIVE ON THIS BLOG
@vixen-hornytimes where i post suggestive stuff!!
@methirstingforcharacters you get the idea @starbies-hellhole My TADC oc rp Blog!
@vixen-vent Where i post/reblog vent posts
@maker-of-shitposts pretty empty, random shit that crosses my mind
@ask-the-aces-casino My casino oc ask blog!
@ask-solo-and-casino-cups MY CASINO CUPS OC ASK BLOG!!
@ask-outoforder EMPTY FOR NOW! BUT IS IN THE SAME UNIVERSE AS @ask-the-aces-casino!! (i might even make a crossover episode!!!!)
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A list of fandoms i'm into is:
Cuphead, Batim, hollow knight, Undertale/Deltarune, FNaF, Minecraft,
tadc, dhmis (show and web series), the world of Mr. plant,
Invader zim, the dragon prince, ROTTMNT, TMNT 2012, Mutant mayhem, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, DINOTRUX, TRANSFORMERS PRIME,
the owl house, svtfoe, gravity falls, dead end (paranormal park),
Hazbin hotel, helluva boss, lackadaisy, murder drones,
Demon slayer, Boku no hero academia, death note, SPY x FAMILY, fairy tail.
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adissonsss · 11 months
writing+abt me!
rules abt writing;
please be specific about asking; (not in order) genre of post, what character(s) you want, pairing, and era/season/episode
i will do; smut, nsfw+sfw, all genres of ff, probably all but the things in my no section, just ask
i will not do; (not kink shaming) but super nasty kinks(pet, scat, that stuff), underage smut, no consent(ncc is ok)
taglist; ask or comment, i'll add you
pt1 of detsl hcs(sfw)
pt2 of detsl hcs(sfw)
pt 3 of detsl hcs(sfw, pt1 of halloween special)
pt 4 of detsl hcs(sfw, pt2 of halloween special)
pt1 of bill kaulitz hcs(sfw, 2009)
pt2 of bill kaulitz hcs(nsfw, any era)
pt1 of tokio hotel hcs(sfw, bits of nsfw, any era)
pt 2 of tokio hotel hcs(nsfw, any era)
pt 3 of tokio hotel hcs(sfw, smoking, any era, angst+mostly comfort, pt3 of halloween special)
pt 1 of tom kaulitz hcs(sfw, teen daughter!reader, 2000's era)
what/who i'll write for;
tokio hotel
flamingo(albert aretz)
sam & colby
detsl aka le truk
school bus graveyard
anybody, just ask!!
tv shows/movies
criminal minds (still on the beginning of s16)
barbie movie
umbrella academy
squid game
pen15(still on beginning of s2)
ncis;la(still on the beginning of s14)
demon slayer (kny)
hunter x hunter
attack on titan (snk)
angels of death
assassination classroom (i've rewatched like 6x times it's SO good)
bungou stray dogs
any anime (i've watched tons but i might have to do research on some)
things abt me;
i js turned 19!!
purple, pink, and blue are my fav colors!!
infp + december sag
i'm currently learning spanish, yiddish, and hebrew! (haven't been on duolingo in 7 months)
i paint, read, eat, write, draw, make ocs, bite my nails, bake, and take good naps
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alshamswelnahr · 2 months
52 demon slayer questions
1) Which chapter title do you find the most clever or fitting
2) Which character(s) in the manga do you believe is/are the most well-written and what makes them stand out to you
3) Which character introduction stands out the most to you and what makes it memorable
4) Whose character's conclusion impacted you the most and which one do you believe was the most skillfully crafted
5) Thoughts on "Kimetsu Gakuen" and your favorite character(s)/chapter(s)
6) Favorite character design (including: eyes, color scheme, hairstyle, attire)
7) Top three breathing styles
8) Which character has the most compelling backstory
9) Favorite sword or weapon design
10) Favorite original soundtrack/OP/ED
11) Name your top three favorite fights
12) Favorite anime adaptation change or added scene
13) Is there any scene, aspect, or a detail that you preferred in it's manga version over it's anime counterpart
14) Which sibling or familial bond is your favorite and what distinguishes it as your favorite
15) Which three panels do you find visually stunning and which three panels are your personal favorites
16) Standout quote/dialogue from the manga and what makes it special to you
17) Your favorite parallel or foil within the story
18) What do you think each Hashira/Upper Moon represents symbolically in the story
19) What moment(s) in the manga saddened you the most
20) Have you read the light novels and if so which story was your favorite
21) If you could add an extra manga arc what would it be about and where would it fit in the story
22) Share any headcanons you won't take any criticism on
23) Is there an element of the story you feel passionate enough about to write a thesis on
24) What is your favorite blood demon art
25) In your opinion who is the best-written demon and why
26) Which side character do you think deserved more spotlight
27) If a new Gaiden were released which Hashira would you want it to focus on
28) Your favorite volume cover/sketch and your favorite cover page/colored page
29) Favorite Taisho era whisper
30) How would you rank the story arcs
31) What is the most intriguing piece of lore or world-building element for you and what aspects would you like to see explored further
32) Name a moment in the manga you'd love to experience for the first time again
33) What is your opinion on the manga's ending
34) What initially drew you to watch or read the series
35) What message(s) do you believe kny is trying to convey to its readers, and what idea(s) you think it aims to explore throughout the story
36) What scene in the manga/anime do you find the funniest
37) How would you recommend this manga to someone who's never read it before
38) Which location/setting in the manga or anime do you find the most beautiful
39) Do you create fandom content like fanfiction or fanart and if so what kind
40) What is your favorite dynamic whether platonic or romantic
41) Are there any chapters or volumes you never get tired of rereading
42) What was the most surprising twist in the story for you
43) If you could switch two characters roles in the story (living or dead) would you and how would that affect the narrative
44) Which character did you have the biggest change of opinion about throughout the manga
45) Since love plays a central role in KNY which act or display of love touched your heart the most in the story
46) Do you own any Demon Slayer merch? If yes what items do you own
47) Is there an anime episode you could watch repeatedly without getting tired of it
48) Which version do you prefer watching: sub or dub? also which voice actor do you believe truly embodied their character or portrayed them most convincingly?
49) Does kny bring you comfort? If it does in what way or through which character do you find comfort
50) In demon slayer love's endurance surpasses death making it a story haunted by ghosts. Which one of them do you like the most and which interaction between the living and the dead stands out as your favorite
51) Is there a character that inspires you or whom you strive to be like and is there any you hope to never resemble
52) Lastly, out of Tanjiro's connections and empathies towards the characters, which bond or connection resonated with you the most and what was the reason behind that
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coraniaid · 2 years
I’d somehow managed not to really think about just how few actual adult women there were on Buffy the Vampire Slayer until reading today's Insect Reflection essay.   But I messed around a bit with J. Freedland's Buffy speaking times dataset some more afterwards, and it really is striking, isn’t it?  Not just how rare they are, but what invariably happens to them.
The five adult women on Buffy with the most speaking time over the seven seasons of the show (not counting vampires or demons, and defining "adult" as "anyone who, throughout the whole of the show’s run, is too old to be in high school") are as follows:
Joyce Summers appears at rank #11 on the list (with about as much speaking time over the whole show as Giles manages in just Season 2). Joyce appears in over 50 episodes over several seasons.  Then she dies.
Jenny Calendar appears at rank #22 on the list (with about a third as much speaking time over the whole show as S2!Giles).  Jenny appears in 12 episodes over two seasons.  Then she dies.
Maggie Walsh ranks #36 on the list (with about 14% as much speaking time over the whole show as S2!Giles).  Professor Walsh appears in 9 episodes in Season 4. Then she dies.
Gwendolyn Post ranks #68 on the list (with about 6% as much speaking time over the whole show as S2!Giles). Mrs. Post appears in a single episode in Season 3.  Then she dies.
Catherine Madison ranks #106 on the list (with about 5% as much speaking time as S2!Giles). Catherine appears in a single episode in Season 1.  Then she ... okay, technically she doesn't die, I suppose.  (At least until the school blows up later.)
That means 40% of the "top five" only appear in a single episode.  Combined, they have about a third as much speaking time as Giles over the full run of the show.  And not one of them survives the series.  Honestly, I'm not even sure whether Catherine Madison counts, as most of the time she's on screen she's pretending to be her own teenage daughter.  (If you don't count her, the next adult on the list is Doris Kroeger, Dawn's social worker, at rank #123, who also appears in just a single episode .... but at least is still alive at the end of it?)
Not making the top five: Olivia Williams appears in three episodes across season 4 -- although only in a dream sequence in the last of these -- but she doesn't speak much in any of them.  Olivia only ranks #218 on the overall list (one space below Diego/Marvin from Lie To Me, if you want an idea of just how low down the list that puts her).
For contrast, the top five adult men (also excluding vampires or demons, so not counting either Angel or Spike) are Rupert Giles (overall #4), Riley Finn (overall #10), Robin Wood (overall #19), Principal Snyder (overall #27) and Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (overall #29).
All of whom, you might note, appear in more than one episode (and all but one of them survives their time on the show too).   Also appearing in more than one episode are Hank Summers and Ethan Rayne and Quentin Travers and Principal Flutie and Allan Finch and multiple others. And as I said, that top five excludes Angel or Spike, both of whom have (much) more speaking time than Drusilla or Darla or anyone else who might have made the list without the humans-only restriction.
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tokiro07 · 3 months
Im sorry but I’m with Webmantis on ep 22: The Andy + Fuuko vs Vic fight has way too weak impacts, and lasting only half an episode doesn’t help its case being possibly the biggest scaled Autumn Arc fight. Honestly now what I want more is what in the world happened in the production cuz the “bad” episodes could’ve saved one extra episode worth of screentime without the annoying recaps:
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That's fair, but I'm looking at it in the context of what we actually got rather than the context of what could have been
In comparison to every other episode, 22 was the best in my opinion. Is it Demon Slayer episode 19? No, but I stopped crossing my fingers for that a while ago
I want to like this adaptation, and I'll probably notice what you're saying on rewatch, but I didn't notice it or feel that way on first viewing, I was just happy to see an episode that was paced well and that proved that we'll be able to reach the ch.52 deadline in ep.24. That was my criteria for this week, and it passed
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sunnydaleherald · 19 hours
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, June 18
Faith: Finally decided to tie me up, huh? I always knew you weren't really a one-Slayer guy. Angel: I'm sorry about the chains. It's not that I don't trust you... Actually, it *is* that I don't trust you. Faith: The thing with Xander; I know what it looked like, but we were just playing. Angel: And he forgot the safety word. Is that it? Faith: Safety words are for wusses.
~~Buffy Episode #49: "Consequences"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Tease (Angel/Darla, unrated, multiple xovers) by rhodrymavelyne
Home Is Where the Heart Is (Ensemble, E, SPN xover) by
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Quitting Us No More (Buffy/Spike, T) by VeroNyxK84
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Highlands and Tropical Islands Ch. 10 (Buffy/Faith, M) by
Three's a Crowd Ch. 4/8 (Jenny/Giles, G) by HAL1500
Devil Inside Ch. 2/? (Buffy/Willow, M) by Xyex
In Case You Haven't Noticed... Ch. 19/? (Buffy/Giles, E) by Sdhuskerfan
Ghostsforge's 21st Century Spangel Challenges 586/? (Spike/Angel, unrated) by Ghostsforge
Casts Shadows Ch. 1/? (Ensemble, T) by arcanedreamer
hit rewind Ch. 60/? (Buffy/Spike, M) by untiljanuary
In the Company of Witches and Slayers: Ch. 71/200 (Willow/Tara, E) by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer)
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The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2], Chapter 4-5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Ragini
Maclay Down, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Soulburnt
The Neighbor's Point of View, Chapter 114 (Buffy/Spike, T) by the_big_bad
The Devil's Trill, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Murray
Boyfrenemy, Chapter 11-13 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Lady Emma
Morning Stretches, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, E) by CheekyKitten
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Carnival , Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Alyot
Indirect Sunlight Only, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, T) by scratchmeout
Bruises, Chapter 23-24 (Buffy/Spike, E) by hulettwyo
Ever After, Chapter 3-6 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Desicat
Love Lives Here, Chapter 77 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Passion4Spike
Something Lost Something Found, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Safire
The Truth Shall Set You Free, Chapter 1–17 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Geliot99
A Piercing Glance, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Girlytek
Smoky Darkness, Take Me, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, M) by bruskiboo
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The Slayer's New Hope Ch. 15 (Ensemble, G, SG-1 xover) by Buffyworldbuilder
Old Fashioned Romance Ch. 11 (Xander, E, MCU xover) by calikocat
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:End of the World: Zippo Photo shoot (Buffy/Spike) by Dynamite
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Artwork:Dexter: Devil's Dance illustration (Faith) by DJSpaceInvader
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Artwork:ChiBangel #15 (Buffy/Angel) by MamaBewear
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Artwork:Spike & Riley by margueritedaisies
Manip:Much Ado About Xander () by revello-drive-1630
Manip:Cheerleader () by revello-drive-1630
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Video: Angel & Cordelia | Let Her Go by Jordan McLaren
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Chosen by andthesunwillalwaysshine
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PODCAST: BTVS 518 - Intervention by Another Buffy Podcast
[Community Announcements]
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Tuesday Prompts: Poem Titles by comment_fic
[Fandom Discussions]
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it really is nuts by moistvonlipwig
Wesley going to break Faith out of prison by nicnacsnonsense
An important thing to keep in mind by nicnacsnonsense
You know, I think Angel could have spun the “I only eat evil people now” thing so Darla would have accepted it. by nicnacsnonsense
Kudos to Angel for the growth implied by the soul removal spell in AtS s4. by nicnacsnonsense
DARLA SPIKED HERSELF by momsforroadhead
there’s a whole additional level of deranged going on by nicnacsnonsense
You know how when Wesley shows up in s1 of AtS he’s doing that whole rogue demon hunter thing by nicnacsnonsense
i hate to say it i hope i don’t sound rude but i think maybe buffy summers should stop sleeping with vampires by joe-spookyy
One thing that they did right was portrayal about how hard it to integrate into the scooby gang by there-are-many-ways-to-smile
Let’s be real all of Buffy romantic relationships are horrible. by there-are-many-ways-to-smile
by there-are-many-ways-to-smile
TOP 5 fav spuffy moments since they became canon in no particular order by andthesunwillalwaysshine
two people walking next to each other SHOULD NOT HAVE THIS EFFECT ON ME by raisedbythetv89
i’ve always loved buffy x spike by idknikkip
So I was talking to a friend about binge-watching Buffy/Angel by ladymirdan
I don’t think Olivia shows up, (at least as like her actual self), after Hush. by finalgirl1984
Dopplegangland could’ve been a great episode for Willow to bond with Faith actually. by theredpharaoah
Faith has a completely different relationship with violence than Buffy. by theredpharaoah
My Top 100 Ships (#56: Buffy/Giles) by echoes-fandoms
btvs casting clea duvall to play the unpopular girl by lesbianmarrow
just hit I Only Have Eyes For You on our Buffy rewatch by antiquery
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Watching Angel S2 alongside Buffy S5 is extremely overrated by AndHerSymbols
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Anyone else miss the well timed scream in the first 3 season intros? by AxelNoir
Do you wish we could have seen Buffy, Faith and Kendra in a scene together? by IntelligentPumpkin74
The deeper I get into Angel, the less I like Wesley by KuzyBeCackling
Favorite Willow and Giles moment? by Tytthetha
Who created the spell which doesn’t allow Vampires to enter without permission? by AegeanAzure
People who never watched Angel, please do it. by kindaweird0
How many men watch buffy? by Bpd_embroiderer18
How was it like to watch Buffy come back from the dead when it was airing? by brwitch
Which group or entity was most frustrating as a concept? by InfiniteMehdiLove
I still can’t get over it that they pulled the plug after AtS season 5 by SneakoGonzales
Does Whedon just hate Charisma?? by EuphoricNebula1947
Anyone else find the quality of stunt actors horrendous but hilarious? by Drm5145
Favorite moment between the Summer Sisters? by Tytthetha
Can anyone tell me why these fellas needed 7 hearts? by Soulless--Plague
Just Watched “Passion” Wow! by Organic_Individual52
End of my re-watch. by SharpieD85
Finding Reference Picture by Mysterious-Angle8457
I don't actually hate Xander... here's why by Weary_Tap_8299
even tho i ship spike/buffy, drusilla/darla these two were so iconic by melaniemoth13
Season 7 contradiction? by Kammym1021
SMG stunt double by Kammym1021
Faith, and how the Buffyverse treats redemptions by jogaforacont
"Helpless"; Watcher's Council. by Big-Restaurant-2766
What would Cordelia be like if she magically got the slayer powers instead of Faith? by Eagles56
Examples of teen dialogue written by middle-aged adults by Tuxedo_Mark
Buffy should have let him blow his head off by Wutanghang
Was Faith from a religious background? by IntelligentPumpkin74
Xander's reasoning in OMWF by sxlor
The Actors that Played the Potential Slayers by Tuxedo_Mark
What are Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson saying here? by Background-Neat-8906
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: 32 Times Angel Proved Buffy Should Have Picked Him by Cinemablend
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Fucked up attractive characters:
1. Narciso Anasui from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean.
2. Shih-na from Ace Attorney Investigations.
3. Haiji Towa from Danganronpa Another Episode
4. Korekiyo Shinguji from Danganronpa V3.
5. Christine (from Christine)
6. Dio from Zero Escape: Virtues Last Reward
7. Ramon from Captain Laserhawk
8. Niklaus Mikaelson, The Originals,
9. Sephiroth
10. Shadow Weaver
11. Luo Binghe from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System;
12. Sateriasis Venomania from The Evillious Chronicles.
13. Fleabag, Fleabag
14. James Bond
15. Azula (atla)
16. Jareth (labyrinth)
17. Alucard (castlevania, the animated series)
18. Isaac Foster, from Angels of Death
19. Hisoka Morow (Hunter x Hunter)
20. Illumi Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
21. Dabi (My Hero Academia)
22. Tomura Shigaraki (My Hero Academia)
23. Makima (Chainsaw Man)
24. Himeno (Chainsaw Man)
25. Manila! Mikey (Tokyo Revengers)
26. Haruchiyo Sanzu (Tokyo Revengers)
27. Kiriwo Ami (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun)
28. Medusa (Soul Eater)
29. Arachne (Soul Eater)
30. Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen)
31. Kenjaku (Jujutsu Kaisen)
32. Dante (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003)
33. Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist)
34. Lust (Fullmetal Alchemist)
35. Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov (Crime and Punishment)
36. Daki (Demon Slayer)
37. Akito Sohma (Fruits Basket)
38. Neopolitan (RWBY)
39. John Juniper (I expect you to die)
40. Astarion, Baldurs Gate 3
41. Anders, Dragon Age 2
42. Goro Akechi
43. Eros from your throne
44. Orochimaru (Naruto)
45. Edelgard von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
46. Missy from Harlequin Valentine.
47. Devi from The Kingkiller Chronicles.
48. Vegas Theerapanyakul (Kinnporsche the Series
49. Roman Roy, Succession
50. Stu Macher, Scream (1996)
51. The Director from Nimona
52. Banica Conchita from the Evillious Chronicles
53. The Plague Doctor/Griffin from Ink in the Blood
54. Ianthe Tridentarius from the Locked Tomb series
55. Hannibal Lecter
56. Ash Lynx, Banana Fish
57. Chalathon from The Sign.
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almost-a-class-act · 5 months
One spooky prompt for every day in October:
1. Character A tries to convince Character B that it's too early to put the Halloween decorations up OR get the house ready for winter.
2. A shortcut through the cemetery at night
3. Character A turns up at a support group for people who claim to have been abducted by aliens
4. Character A realizes that dead doesn't mean gone, officially.
5. Character A meets Character B in a pumpkin patch and they both want the same one.
6. Invited to a weekend at a cabin in the woods OR the car breaks down on a dark country road
7. Someone from Character A's past has just turned up on their doorstep. "The curse. It's real."
8. Character A has strong feelings about horror movies.
9. Character A has just moved in and it's Character B's turn to tell the new neighbour the neighbourhood's dark secret…
10. Vampires (that's it, that's the prompt)
11. Character A confesses a fear (silly or serious) to Character B
12. A bump in the night
13. It's Friday the 13th, and things just keep going wrong for Character A
14. BUFFY FREE SPACE. If it happened in an episode of Buffy, it's fair game. Did everyone turn into their Halloween costume? Maybe someone was resurrected and is none too pleased about it? Has Character A just found out that Character B is the Slayer?
15. Exploring an abandoned building
16. "I think our... kitchen is haunted?"
17. Too many mini KitKats or spiked ciders at the Halloween party
18. Ghost/demon hunters (aka the Supernatural AU)
19. Character A goes to a haunted house and ends up lumped into a group with Character B due to fifth wheeling/friends bailing.
20. Character A, the doomsday prepper, gets their "I told you so" moment when the neighbours start eating each other.
21. Couples costumes!
22. Someone has to say the dreaded horror movie words: "Let's split up."
23. Character A tries to be brave for Character B. Character B sees right through it.
24. Character A turns up wearing a Halloween costume that Character B is extremely into, OR very scared of.
25 "I told you that you shouldn't have gone to that medium!"
26. Someone dropped the ball on buying Halloween candy and now they have to get creative.
27. Character A cuts themselves pumpkin carving or pie making; Character B comes to the rescue.
28. "Did you hear that?" "Hear what?"
29. Character A is taking a kid (theirs or someone else's) trick-or-treating and rings Character B's doorbell because the kid was too scared to approach the house on their own, OR because the kid in their charge smashed Character B's jack-o'-lantern.
30. Séance/Ouija board
31. Character A really wanted to get the most out of this supposedly haunted hotel by booking the most haunted room on Halloween night (bonus points if this is also the Doll Room).
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba | English subbed Promotion Reel 2023
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Swordsmith Village Arc TV anime will premiere in April 2023 with a one-hour special.
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In addition, the "World Tour Jōei: Kimetsu no Yaiba Jōgen Shūketsu, Soshite Katanakaji no Sato e" (World Tour Screenings: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba -The Upper Ranks Gather and Onward to the Swordsmith Village- ) screenings will play in theaters in over 80 countries and territories starting on February 3, 2022.
The screenings will include episodes 10 and 11 of the Entertainment District Arc and episode 1 of the upcoming Swordsmith Village Arc in 4K with remastered audio.
World tour dates:
Japan: February 3, 2023 in 418 theaters, including 41 IMAX screens
Tokyo: Special screenings with guest appearances on February 4 and 5, 2023
Los Angeles: February 18, 2023 at The Orpheum Theatre with Natsuki Hanae, Aimer, Yūma Takahashi
United States and Canada: March 3, 2023 in over 1,700 theaters in both English-subtitled and -dubbed versions
Paris: February 25, 2023 with Yūma Takahashi
Berlin: February 26, 2023 with Yūma Takahashi
Mexico City: March 4, 2023 with Natsuki Hanae
Seoul: March 11, 2023 with Akari Kitō, Yūma Takahashi
Taipei: March 19, 2023 with Natsuki Hanae, Kengo Kawanishi, Kana Hanazawa, Yūma Takahashi
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kuronekoo98 · 2 years
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Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) is one of the most successful shonen manga in recent years, with tens and tens of millions of copies around the world and an ever-expanding franchise. The record manga born from the pen of Koyoharu Gotouge has in fact succeeded in the feat of ousting the legendary One Piece from the top of the Shueisha house sales and the film, Demon Slayer: the Mugen Train, has become the anime film with the highest revenue in history. First published in February 2016, Demon Slayer was therefore one of the backbones that have supported the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine over the past few years. In the spring season of 2019 the opera was then transposed into an animated adaptation by studio Ufotable and from there the franchise of Tanjiro and companions flew into the stratosphere, reaching levels of popularity that had never been seen before. How not to mention, for example, the renowned episode 19 of the first season, which completely broke through the barriers of prejudice and the mainstream by plunging to the top of Twitter's worldwide trending. A survey was recently proposed on the Ranking. net website, which deals with drawing up rankings of the most varied genres and topics. However, despite the not particularly large pool of voters, these types of polls are often indicative of a general trend or liking that, as votes increase, would see its hierarchy consolidate instead of being overturned.
So no matter what, let’s take a look at the 20 favorite Demon Slayer characters from the Japanese public, in descending order.
20) Yoriichi Tsugikuni 19) Ukogi 18) Doma 17) Kanae Kocho 16) Makomo 15) Tengen Uzui 14) Akaza 13) Sabito 12) Sanemi Shinazugawa 11) Inosuke Hashibira 10) Obanai Iguro 9) Mitsuri Kanroji 8) Tanjiro Kamado 7) Kanao Tsuyuri 6) Shinobu Kocho 5) Nezuko Kamado 4) Kyoujurou Rengoku
3) Zenitsu Agatsuma
2) Muichirou Tokitou
1) Giyuu Tomioka
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