#Deputy Corporation
essenceofblack · 21 days
Need to say hi already!!! How have you and Dynamite been? :3
(A certain friend of yours says hi too~)
"Already? Ah, that's very kind of you. It's very nice to hear from you again. At least someone around here is trustworthy.
Dynamite has been well. A little flooded with tasks from the Toon Resistance, in Woodchip- or Acorn Acres, as they call it, but they're doing their very best to manage it. I'm—" (his voice softens, rare for him) "—so proud of them.
I'm beginning to worry the mainstream Resistance might deliberately back up Dynamite with tasks, should they catch wind of our relationship, which happened to him regarding Dave in Brass. Mezzo. Whatever the name is. Admittedly, I... worry about this quite a bit, so it's nice to get it a little off my chest. Dynamite's telling me they won't let it get in between us, which, I certainly hope so.
As for myself, I've been doing about as well as I can be given all the noise around Toontown. The Toonsday Kingdom has been surprisingly very patient; it turns out some Toons are like myself in disliking noise. How surprising was that to learn?
Generally, I feel... lighter these days. Happier. A way I don't remember feeling before, it's hard to explain. But this is maybe the best I've ever felt, and I know exactly who I can thank for that. My partners, yes, but also my best friend I'm guessing you've mentioned. I hope he's faring well too."
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"KEEPER GAVE WRONG AGE," Kingston Daily Standard. December 17, 1913. Page 1 & 7. ---- Attempt to Implicate Dr. Edwards in This Was Unsuccessful. ---- DEFENCE OF OFFICIALS ---- Deputy Warden on Stand - Admitted Conducting Two Hosings -Favors Tobacco For Convicts. ---- At this morning's session of the Penitentiary Commission Deputy Warden O'Leary was asked to explain why Guard Ingledew had been fined $5 for reporting the finding of a box containing needles in a convict's cell. He could give no explanation. The defence of the officials are now being heard.
An attempt was made to implicate Dr. Edwards, M.P., in connection with a charge which had been made in the application of a guard. The guard, however, would not implicate the doctor.
Dr. Edwards stoutly denied the insinuation.
KEEPER'S AGE GIVEN WRONG. Keeper D. Godkin, the first witness, was asked concerning his age. At first he stated that he was over 35 years of age. He was asked if he was any older and he said a little.
"How old is your eldest son?"
"About 22 years."
"Dou you know that your age in the records differs from what you told us?"
"Yes. I said I was over 35 years. I am about 45 years old."
An application was produced and the witness was asked if this was his application. He said that it looked like it. He was asked if his age was mentioned in the application. The witness said that it was and that it was about 10 years out.
"Who altered that date from 1871 to 1878?"
"I guess I did. I didn't have to swear to it."
"Did anyone suggest that you change it?"
"No. Inspector Stewart said that the date was not distinct and changed it?"
TRIED TO IMPLICATE DR. EDWARDS. The chairman pressed the witness in regard to this point, intimating that the change had been made at the instigation of Dr. Edwards. The witness, however, would not say that Dr. Edwards had anything whatever to do with it.
"I'm not going to swear a lie for any job in this institution," said the witness, when the chairman pressed him to be explicit.
DR. EDWARDS. Dr. J. W. Edwards, asked placed in the box, and after being sworn explained the application of Keeper Godkin. "I frequently receive applications from people of the county for positions. I provide such persons with applications, telling them the required age and height, and then I forward the letter to the department with my recommendation. In the case of this man, the application was sent to the department, and later it was returned by the inspector, stating that the figures in the date of birth were indistinct. I sent the application back to the guard, explaining what the inspector had told me. In my letter to the guard I merely quoted the letter of the inspector."
The chairman: "And you didn't see the application again?"
"No. The guard sent it back to the inspector."
Mr. Downey: "With your experience in the appointment of guards, are you prepared to say anything as to the wisdom of the present method. What is the effect on the service of the institution ?"
"I can't see that it affects the service; if men are examined and are found sound."
"Doesn't political recommendation precede physical examination?"
"Yes. I see your point. It is defect if political pressure is so strong as to appoint a man."
"I want to say this, however, I know what the age requirement is, and I know what the height requirement is, and I have pointed this out to every applicant. I leave the rest to the applicant."
DEFENCE OF OFFICIALS. The defence of the two officials was then commenced, Deputy Warden O'Leary be the first to be called.
Mr. Whiting: "How many prisoners are at the prison, and how many have reports against them?"
"There are about 500, about 35 per cent. have reports against them. Many of these are only admonished."
"How many of the convicts are real troublemakers ?"
"About 35 or 40."
Mr. Whiting asked about the hosing. The witness said that in his time hosing was only used once until Inspector Stewart was acting warden.
"How often was it used during his regime?"
FILE OR SIX HOSINGS. "Perhaps five or six times."
"What were the characters of the men who were hosed?"
"They were incorrigibles."
Dr. Etherington: "Some were insane, Buckley for instance."
"No. He was not insane at that time."
"Did you inflict that punishment on your own authority ?"
"Yes, I did, once on Buckley, and once on another convict. I was acting warden at the time."
"Is there any regulations governing them?"
"Yes. It is sanctioned by the regulations governing punishment."
Mr. Whiting read from the prison regulations, showing that in 1898, the punishment was authorized by the governor-in-council.
AS TO FAVORITISM. "In regard to the charge of favortism in connection with the roster, what do you say?"
"The men are appointed according to their ability. Sometimes a man has special qualifications for a certain post. Religion has never been considered for one moment."
Mr. Stewart objected, saying that Mr. Whiting, by his form of questions, was giving the evidence. Mr. Downey suggested that it would be better if Mr. Whiting would not "lead" the witness. Mr. Whiting agreed.
Mr. Whiting then produced a roster referred to by Inspector Hughes, in which the Inspector had charged favoritism in the selection of guards for certain posts. Roman Catholics were said to have been favored. The deputy stated that there was no favoritism shown.
Mr. Whiting asked an expression from the Commission on the charges of persecution. Mr. Stewart objected saying that he had no right to ask the commission to make a ruling.
Mr. Whiting retorted that in legal practice the counsel for the defence had a right to ask if a case hall been proved was closed. when the prosecution.
Mr. Downey stated that the Commission had no opportunity to look over the evidence and that it would be better to go over it.
TALE OF A MAT. In regard to a mat which Inspector Hughes, in his evidence, stated that the deputy warden wouldn't let him have, the witness said that the order was given by the guard in charge of the man who was taking the mat to the Inspector, who was then accountant.
Mr. Whiting then asked about quantity of wood, which it had been stated, was taken by the deputy. The deputy produced a requisition and a receipt showing that he had paid for it.
In regard to the charge made by Guard Aikens that the deputy had said he had no use for Dr. Edwards when he was informed that Dr. Ed- wards was running for parliament, the deputy said he never made the remark. He had never taken any interest in politics since his appointment.
Referring to a guard named Bannister who accused the deputy of keeping him on a wharf in the middle of winter, until his feet frozen, the deputy stated that were the man was under the charge of the Trade Instructor, Mr. Burns.
THE PERJURY CHARGE. Asked as to a charge made by Patterson that the deputy had perjured himself thirteen years ago, at an investigation into the disappearance of some gravel, the witness stated that he couldn't remember anything about it.
The deputy warden denied that be had ever made any statements to ex-convicts to the effect that would leave the prison in a a box. Evidence to this effect was given by two ex-convicts at last week's sessions.
In connection with the complaint made by a guard, Ross Davis, that he was refused a half holiday when others were granted them, the deputy stated that this was the result of an order issued by Inspector Stewart, the acting warden. The case of Guard Sullivan was mentioned. got off every Saturday afternoon to umpire baseball matches. These were taken off his regular holidays.
Mr. Downey - "I would feel safer inside these walls, than umpiring a baseball match."
The deputy also denied several other charges made against him. He said that he never took any part in politics.
CROSS-EXAMINATION. Mr. Stewart then took up his cross-examination.
"What experience did you have in prison work before your appointment?"
"I was in the Dominion police for several years. I was inspector when I was appointed."
"When you came here Mr. Metcalfe was warden. What experience did he have?"
"I don't think he had any."
Mr. Stewart then asked about several wardens who followed Mr. Metcalfe. The deputy stated that none of them had any experience in prison work.
"And in consequence they had to rely on you for the administration of the prison, didn't they?"
"They always consulted me." IMPORTANT POSITION. Mr. Stewart - "Your position is the most important in the internal administration of the prison, and among your regulations is one which holds you responsible for the administration and discipline, and also requires you to make an investigation of all reports against convicts. You do that don't you?"
"I did until Warden Irvine came. He makes the investigations. I still make a report."
"You assign the convicts to their different places?"
"I do."
"How do you do it?"
"When a convict comes in I find out if he has a trade or not, and how long he serves."
"Well, how about the stone pile?"
"Well, when a man comes in without a trade, I look him over; if he is healthy and robust looking but not very bright. I put him on the pile."
"How many are there on the pile."
"About 100 is the largest number."
"Some say they have been on the pile for over 5 years?"
ON PILE FIVE YEARS. "I guess they're right. There is no place else for them."
"Well then an incorrigible or troublesome convict would have greater opportunity to cause trouble there than anywhere else?"
"No, I don't think so. They are placed there because they were cripples, or not able to do any menial work."
"There have been a number of boys here who testified that they were on the pile for some time."
"Yes, because there was no other place for them."
"Well, isn't it a hard place?"
"Yes. It's degrading and monotonous. The convicts think its degrading."
The chairman: - "Are any convicts placed there for punishment?"
"No. If a man can't get along in his gang he is transferred to the stone pile."
"The stone pile is dangerous and unhealthy?"
"Yes. It is in a shed and it's very dusty."
CONDUCTED TWO HOSINGS. In regard to the hosing the deputy admitted conducting two hosings. In one case, a convict threw slops over a guard as he passed his cell, and called him names. He was bored for three minutes. This was in May of this year. The man was transferred subsequently to the insane ward. Another convict was hosed in the same month for swearing at a guard, while he was fighting with another convict.
"Was there a medical certificate secured before this hosing?"
Dr. Etherington: "Were there any medical certificates in the case of men sent to the punishment cell?" "No. Only in the case of corporal punishment."
"Do you know anything about the tubbing of convicts, with straps tying their hands, and feet?"
"No. I do not."
When did you first know of this " punishment?"
"Two or three years ago I saw a convict being taken out of a tub. His face was all dirt, and they said they were giving him a bath."
"But you would know of it, wouldn't you ?"
"I have heard of it going on."
Mr. Whiting: "What has this got to do with the case? Some guards know nothing about it."
Dr. Etherington: "The fact is that we have had testimony from guards and convicts of tubbing, and the order of the surgeon shows that tubbing has been going on."
"I have heard of men being strapped up to give them a bath when they refused to take one. But I never heard of it as a punishment."
AS TO INDECENCY. "Did you ever hear of indecent offences being committed by the convicts?"
"I have heard it said that there were a good deal of indecency stone pile No. 2, but I know on it would be impossible for the men to commit these offences without being seen."
"You have a good deal of trouble. with tobacco ?"
"You are aware that the guards are responsible ?"
"Yes. I have my suspicions. Six or seven years ago I was instrumental in having an investigation and having a number of guards discharged for this offence."
"You think that the convicts should be given tobacco?"
SHOULD GET PLUG A WEEK. "Yes. I think that they should get a plug a week." ESCAPE OF CHARTRAND. In reference to the escape of the insane convict Chartrand, Mr. Stewart asked concerning a guard, who was in charge of the asylum, and who had a véry poor record.
The deputy was of the opinion that the guard was a capable officer, except for one weakness.
"The bars in the window in the corridor were cut. They could not have been cut at any other time than during the day time, when this guard was on duty?"
FINING OF GUARDS. In regard to the firing of guards, which is the procedure ?"
"The warden recommends their fining to the Inspector on the recommendation of the deputy warden."
"I notice here that Guard Godkin has been fined several times, while Guard Walsh, against whom there have been several complaints, has not been fined."
"That is left to the discretion of the warden."
Mr. Stewart read a report which the deputy warden made to the Inspector recommending that Guard Ingledéw be fined $5, for reporting the finding of a small box containing needles, thread, etc., in the cell of a convict in the hospital. In his communication the deputy pointed out as another instance of the friction between the overseer and some of the guards.
SHACKLED TO CELLS. In the evidence taken it was admitted by the deputy that convicts were shackled to the cells by their hands during working hours. The chairman stated that that form of punishment was seen by the commission in Stilwater, the model prison of the United States.
"The man is shackled to his cell until he promises to conform to orders," added the deputy.
When asked was there any "snitching" going on in the prison the deputy said not. "This is the spy system," said Dr. Etherington.
"Yes, but we don't have any such system here," said the deputy.
"Why was this man fined?"
"I was acting warden at the time."
Dr. Etherington asked if it was not a fact that the orderlies in the hospital were allowed many privileges, and that the box of needles had been left accessible to anyone passing.
The deputy stated that this was the case. The box had been in the corridor for several years.
Mr. Stewart pressed for an explanation of the fine imposed. The deputy couldn't reply.
"I suppose that the report made by Ingledew was only another instance of the friction which existed, and that the fine was levied on this account," stated Mr. Whiting as the commission adjourned.
The cross-examination of the deputy warden continued this afternoon.
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townpostin · 29 days
Anti-Larvae Spraying Initiated by Jamshedpur Municipal Corporation to Combat Dengue
Deputy Municipal Commissioner orders daily anti-larvae spraying; fines imposed for waterlogging. The Jamshedpur Municipal Corporation has intensified efforts to prevent dengue by conducting anti-larvae spraying in various areas of the city. JAMSHEDPUR – To curb the spread of dengue, the Jamshedpur Municipal Corporation has started anti-larvae spraying across several regions, including Old Purulia…
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prnanayarquah · 6 months
I reported GIISDEC rot to the CID - Deputy CEO GIISDEC
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/i-reported-giisdec-rot-to-the-cid-deputy-ceo-giisdec/
I reported GIISDEC rot to the CID - Deputy CEO GIISDEC
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The Deputy CEO of Operations at the Ghana Integrated Iron and Steel Development Corporation (GIISDEC), Kwame Addo Asirifi, has confirmed the petition by some staff citing rot regarding salary discrepancies at GIISDEC as correct.
He revealed this to a reporter in a telephone conversation on Thursday,April 4, 2024, saying that he personally reported the anomalies regarding salary discrepancies to the CID this year. “I know the concerns raised by the staff. I personally reported the matter to the CID of the Police Service, and the Internal Auditor (Francis Bekoe) and the Finance Director (Prince Ofoso Baakoh) were arrested and are on police inquiry bail because it’s  criminal,” he revealed.
Information reaching the author indicated that the Ghana Integrated Iron and Steel Development Corporation (GIISDEC) has been embroiled in a scandal involving mismanagement of public funds and accusing fingers being pointed at the highest levels of leadership.
Documents available revealed a series of inappropriate financial practices, including increases in employees’ salaries, which do not in any way reach the benefactors, with the difference running into several millions of Ghanaian cedis, which are unaccounted for.
Referencing the documents intercepted, Ghana Integrated Iron and Steel Development Corporation (GIISDEC) at its inception sought the assistance of the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) to develop a compensation plan and a salary structure that was benchmarked with Ghana Integrated Aluminum Development Corporation.
However, a letter dated December 7, 2020, for compensation structure issued by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) for staff condition of service annulled the earlier arrangement with FWSC. As a result, staff were subsequently placed on Step 1 of the Ministry of Finance compensation structure, with the instruction not to vary the same for two years. It was then that financial clearance was given to 48 staff, including all the government executive appointees, with a total monthly compensation package of GHC 528,816, which remained the same between September 2020 and December 2021.
Further checks of the document show that in 2022, workers detected that staff compensation had risen to GHC 681,204, an average increase of 28.82%, but staff salaries remained unchanged. Investigations into the matter revealed that the Director of Finance used Step 3 of the MoF salary structure throughout the 2022 fiscal year for staff compensation packages, a situation that compelled the workers to ask questions.
When this detected discrepancy in salary was brought to the attention of management, the Director of Finance, Prince Ofosu Baakoh, on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kwabena Bonsu Fordwor, and the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Finance and Administration, Nicholas Andoh, acknowledged the discrepancies but were quick to explain that it was an arrangement to cater for some twenty (20) contract staff who do not have financial clearance, as well as other payments for goods and services.
This explanation did not go down well with the staff, as they felt disrespected and cheated. The reason, according to the staff, is that, in the books of the Ministry of Finance, the workers have been migrated from the Step 1 salary structure to Step 3, but in actual fact, these workers are being paid by the management of GIISDEC using Step 1.
The document revealed that the difference in compensation not remitted to the qualified staff in 2022 alone was a staggering GHC 1.832 million. The said documents, which have also been corroborated by Metrotvonline, indicate that the exact amount of money was allegedly captured in the Internal Audit Agency’s (IAA) preliminary audit report.
What is more disturbing is that checks reveal that in 2023, the Step 3 salary structure was upwardly adjusted by 15% for compensation requests, which were granted and approved by the MoF. Unfortunately, workers were still paid using Step 1, denying them what was rightfully theirs.
Some concerned employees who felt let down have begun to speak, and it has been confirmed that the total monthly compensation throughout the year 2023 stood at GHC 791,414, a reflection of a 49.66% increment between 2020 and 2023; however, staff salaries remained the same over the period in question. Compensation analysis computed for the year 2023 established that a staggering amount of GHC 1.45 million had not been distributed to staff with the same excuse given by management. “The difference is used to settle the compensation of 20 contract workers and other expenses.”.
The above notwithstanding, there have been some illegal deductions from workers’ salaries, which have compelled GIISDEC staff to report the issue to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), which led to the arrest of the Director of Finance, Prince Ofosu Baakoh, and Internal Auditor, Francis Bekoe, by the Financial Forensic Unit of the Police CID.
We also chanced on a letter dated March 14, 2024, in which a staff member of GIISDEC caused his solicitors to petition the board, drawing their attention to illegal deductions amounting to over GHC400,000 from his salary and asking that the same be paid back to him as he rightfully earned. But this petition appears to have fallen on deaf ears, signaling a legal battle and potential judgment debt.
Again, another disappointed and unsatisfied staff member told this reporter in confidence about a letter he presented to the Office of Special Prosecutor to investigate what he called the “fraudulent dealings” of some persons in management positions.
Amidst this turmoil, it has come to light that the corporation has been operating without proper oversight, with no board meetings held for three consecutive quarters, leaving GIISDEC in an “auto-flying mode.” The last time the board met was in the second quarter of 2023, inside sources reveal.
As the gravity of the situation unfolds, calls for accountability and transparency have intensified. These concerned staff of GIISDEC are directing the Chief Executive Officer to rectify outstanding payments and implement a fair compensation structure based on MoF guidelines. All attempts to reach the CEO, Kwabena Bonsu Fordwor, to seek clarity on the matter have proved futile.
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roysexton · 2 years
What Law Firm Marketers Need to Do Now To Succeed in 2023 - ALM/LMA webinar March 1, 2 pm ET … #lmamkt #lma23
Looking forward to joining Heather Nevitt, Editor-in-Chief of Corporate Counsel and Global Leaders in Law, ALM; Mark A. Smolik, Chief Legal Officer, DHL Supply Chain; and Mike Gaw, Deputy General Counsel, Mana Common for this crucial conversation. Register here. In-house leaders are facing a number of issues in 2023 including navigating risk in an uncertain economic climate. Specifically GCs are…
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How to screw up a whistleblower law
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me THIS WEDNESDAY (Apr 17) in CHICAGO, then Torino (Apr 21) Marin County (Apr 27), Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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Corporate crime is notoriously underpoliced and underprosecuted. Mostly, that's because we just choose not to do anything about it. American corporations commit crimes at 20X the rate of real humans, and their crimes are far worse than any crime committed by a human, but they are almost never prosecuted:
We can't even bear to utter the words "corporate crime": instead, we deploy a whole raft of euphemisms like "risk and compliance," and that ole fave, the trusty "white-collar crime":
The Biden DOJ promised it would be different, and they weren't kidding. The DOJ's antitrust division is kicking ass, doing more than the division has done in generations, really swinging for the fences:
Main Justice – the rest of the DOJ – promised that it would do the same. Deputy AG Lisa Monaco promised an end to those bullshit "deferred prosecution agreements" that let corporate America literally get away with murder. She promised to prosecute companies and individual executives. She promised a lot:
Was she serious? Well, it's not looking good. Monaco's number two gnuy, Benjamin Mizer, has a storied career – working for giant corporations, getting them off the hook when they commit eye-watering crimes:
Biden's DOJ is arguably more tolerant of corporate crime than even Trump's Main Justice. In 2021, the DOJ brought just 90 cases – the worst year in a quarter-century. 2022's number was 99, and 2023 saw 119. Trump's DOJ did better than any of those numbers in two out of four years. And back in 2000, Justice was bringing more than 300 corporate criminal prosecutions.
Deputy AG Monaco just announced a new whistleblower bounty program: cash money for ratting out your crooked asshole co-worker or boss. Whistleblower bounties are among the most effective and cheapest way to bring criminal prosecutions against corporations. If you're a terrified underling who can't afford to lose your job after narcing out your boss, the bounty can outweigh the risk of industry-wide blacklisting. And if you're a crooked co-conspirator thinking about turning rat on your fellow criminal, the bounty can tempt you into solving the Prisoner's Dilemma in a way that sees the crime prosecuted.
So a new whistleblower bounty program is good. We like 'em. What's not to like?
Sorry, folks, I've got some bad news:
As the whistleblower lawyer Stephen Kohn points out to Russell Mokhiber of Corporate Crime Reporter, Monaco's whistleblower bounty program has a glaring defect: it excludes "individuals who were involved with the crime." That means that the long-suffering secretary who printed the boss's crime memo and put it in the mail is shit out of luck – as is the CFO who's finally had enough of the CEO's dirty poker.
This is not how other whistleblower reward programs work: the SEC and CFTC whistleblower programs do not exclude people involved with the crime, and for good reason. They want to catch kingpins, not footsoldiers – and the best way to do that is to reward the whistleblower who turns on the boss.
This isn't a new idea! It's in the venerable False Claims Act, an act that signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln. As Kohn says, making "accomplices" eligible to participate in whistleblower rewards is how you get people like his client, who relayed a bribe on behalf of his boss, to come forward. As Lincoln said in 1863, the purpose of a whistleblower law is to entice conspirators to turn on one another. Like Honest Abe said, "it takes a rogue to catch a rogue."
And – as Kohn says – we've designed these programs so that masterminds can't throw their minor lickspittles under the buss and collect a reward: "I know of no case where the person who planned or initiated the fraud under any of the reward laws ever got a dime."
Kohn points out that under Monaco, the DOJ just ignores the rule that afford anonymity to whistleblowers. That's a big omission – the SEC got 18,000 confidential claims in 2023. Those are claims that the DOJ can't afford to miss, given their abysmal, sub-Trump track record on corporate crime prosecutions.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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22ayla19 · 6 months
Sunday x Reader
Marriage of convenience
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I arrived in Penaconia to relax with my sister, her husband and their daughter, my niece. Being the head of one of the most famous corporations, I took upon myself all the expenses of my vacation to Penaconia. I really wanted to please my loved ones with a vacation in a place like Penaconia, but who knew that I would almost meet death during this vacation...
The mercenaries followed us even to the Hotel of Dreams. Unfortunately, the sister and her husband died protecting their daughter, but... But these bastards did not even spare the child!
I can understand when an adult is killed. No matter how you look at it, an adult will always have sins that he will hide, but this is a child! The little angel that my sister has been waiting for so long! What did this little angel do wrong?!
I would have died too if the hotel staff hadn’t found me. They provided first aid to me and tried to save my niece, but it was all to no avail. She died...
While I was in the hospital, Sunday himself from the Family visited me. It’s understandable why; No matter how you look at it, this is a case of greatly affecting the reputation of the Hotel, but to be honest, it doesn’t matter to me, I just want the heads of those mercenaries and the customer who so wanted my death and the death of my family.
- Please accept my condolences, Lady (Y/N). We are able to compensate financially for the damage, but it seems to me that you will not accept it...
- You are not to blame for what happened. I myself should have been more careful, because I have many enemies, but who could have thought that these scum would kill even an innocent child!... - anger stupefied me. I wanted the death of these bastards and guessed who it could be, I was ready to rush into them right now and strangle them.
- Please, lady (Y/N), pull yourself together. I understand your anger, people like this shouldn’t live anyway. Now the best option would be to lie low and prepare a plan to expose your enemies. They probably think that you, as the head of your corporation, are already dead, so why not play on their self-confidence? As the head of the Family, I will help you and provide everything to help you,- Sunday’s words carried weight. I really need to pull myself together, and no one knew about my trip except my deputy, which means he is involved in this.
I had no choice but to accept Sunday's offer. I'm not in the best situation right now and I need any help I can get. I see what a hypocrite he is, looking for benefit from this situation, but to be honest, I don’t care. I already have nothing to lose, my hands are free from the shackles of family and nothing stops me.
With the help of Sunday, the right people found out about my “death,” which helped me recover physically and find out that my deputy was to blame for this whole situation. So I was right... All that remains is to find evidence of his guilt and then my revenge will be accomplished.
- Milady, I apologize if I disturbed you, but I would like to offer you a deal. I hope you don't mind? - again that nasty fake smile.
- I have nothing to lose anymore. So talk about your proposals.
- You see, my friends and parents really want me to get married, but to be honest, I don’t want it. Since your revenge will soon be accomplished, you will be able to return your corporation, but the position will be very precarious after what happened. I would like to offer you an arranged marriage where you will receive support from the Family and I will get rid of all the talk about marriage.
The offer is more than good, because I really need support and yet, looking at it, you can understand that he is up to something. Well, it doesn’t concern me, if he wants to get my corporation through a marriage of convenience, then you’re welcome. I don’t even want to work after everything that happened.
A couple of months later, we found the necessary documents about who killed my relatives and that they tried to frame me. You should have seen the face of these scum when you saw me alive. It’s a joy for the soul to see how they lost everything in one moment, just like I once lost everyone.
After the trial, Sunday and I got married. I had to forcefully squeeze out my emotions so as not to ruin the event with my indifference. My corporation was under the wing of the Family, received the necessary support and I felt calmer, just like Sunday. He was no longer pestered with questions about marriage; now he is a family man himself.
Children from this marriage... To be honest, this topic is quite painful for me, after everything that happened. No matter how you look at it, there is no love in our marriage. We respect each other, but this is not love. The child was not conceived out of love, he may be injured in the future, but I don’t want that.
- What are you thinking about, my wife? - It’s disgusting to hear something like that from his lips, but I need to get used to living with him until I’m old.
- About children. Even though this is an arranged marriage, you will need an heir, right?
- Of course, an heir for organizations like the Family, this goes without saying, but until you feel better morally, I will not insist on children. After all, you will carry the pregnancy and you will also have to endure all the hardships of pregnancy. Let's put this topic aside for now.
It was unexpected...
In fact, in many arranged marriages, children do not grow up in love. They were literally conceived by force. In such marriages, men do not even think about how difficult it is for a woman during pregnancy. Simple respect and understanding that it would really be difficult for me during pregnancy was for me the beginning of respect for such a person as Sunday.
Yes, he is still a hypocrite, but at least he respects my interests and consults my opinion. I’m his wife, even though it’s under contract, but I’m still his main priority. This was a revelation to me, because I thought Sunday was arrogant and a hypocrite.
After a couple of years, I was able to let go of deceased loved ones and became a trusted person in Penaconia. Even if it was an arranged marriage, there were many people who did not trust me, but after a while I corrected this situation. Resurrection and I have a close relationship, we respect each other, but there is no love as such. The topic of children was never raised, but my heart feels that this conversation is not far off.
An heir is needed not only for the Family, but also for my corporation. It's only a matter of time before I get pregnant, but preferably soon, because there are already unpleasant rumors going around.
- Wife, why were you so lost in thought that you didn’t even notice me? - Sunday apparently just returned from work, since I didn’t notice his presence.
- Yes, I just remembered some unpleasant gossip, nothing like that.
- Is this a coincidence, not those rumors that you are still not pregnant?
- Still, I heard... - the conversation, of course, had to begin sometime, but not on such a note...
- It’s hard not to pay attention to them when they strive to pay attention. Of course, I wanted to talk to you about this topic, but I didn’t think it would be on such an unpleasant note, - sitting next to me on the sofa, his expression showed dissatisfaction. He didn't like the gossip about our marriage. It was clear that some wanted our divorce.
- It’s worth starting to think about conceiving a child, isn’t it? - we did not look into each other’s eyes, each looked at the ceiling and thought about his own. And although I did not receive an answer, but by the way Sunday’s wings began to twitch, one could assume that he agreed with me, - Will you fulfill one of my wishes?
- What? - Apparently, I was taken by surprise by Sunday. Until today, I have never asked him for anything, let alone desire, - Yes, of course...
- When the baby is born, please give him all your parental love. Both my sister and I were unwanted children. The father needed a son to be the heir, and the mother hated us. I literally replaced my sister's mother. I can live in an arranged marriage, but I cannot live with a person who will hate his child. I just ask... Love our future child just like I do...
And although Sunday himself should have gotten to the bottom of my past, because I didn’t tell him, such a desire came as a shock to him.
- I promise. I will do everything possible to ensure that our child grows up in love.
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barrenclan · 5 months
I’m just now realizing, Redpelt may be the next to die, since she was depicted as a wolf alongside Mallowstar, so any and all survivors are left without any cat to lead them.
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I suppose we'll just have to see.
Also, in this drawing, it's not that Mallowstar and Redpelt are being represented by generic canines - they're specifically being represented as Prowl and Ranger, because Rainhaze is comparing their roles as leader and deputy to the Defiance roles of lieutenant and corporal.
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mckitterick · 1 year
The End Is Near: "News" organizations using AI to create content, firing human writers
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an example "story" now comes with this warning:
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A new byline showed up Wednesday on io9: “Gizmodo Bot.” The site’s editorial staff had no input or advance notice of the new AI-generator, snuck in by parent company G/O Media.
G/O Media’s AI-generated articles are riddled with errors and outdated information, and block reader comments.
“As you may have seen today, an AI-generated article appeared on io9,” James Whitbrook, deputy editor at io9 and Gizmodo, tweeted. “I was informed approximately 10 minutes beforehand, and no one at io9 played a part in its editing or publication.”
Whitbrook sent a statement to G/O Media along with “a lengthy list of corrections.” In part, his statement said, “The article published on io9 today rejects the very standards this team holds itself to on a daily basis as critics and as reporters. It is shoddily written, it is riddled with basic errors; in closing the comments section off, it denies our readers, the lifeblood of this network, the chance to publicly hold us accountable, and to call this work exactly what it is: embarrassing, unpublishable, disrespectful of both the audience and the people who work here, and a blow to our authority and integrity.”
He continued, “It is shameful that this work has been put to our audience and to our peers in the industry as a window to G/O’s future, and it is shameful that we as a team have had to spend an egregious amount of time away from our actual work to make it clear to you the unacceptable errors made in publishing this piece.”
According to the Gizmodo Media Group Union, affiliated with WGA East, the AI effort has “been pushed by” G/O Media CEO Jim Spanfeller, recently hired editorial director Merrill Brown, and deputy editorial director Lea Goldman.
In 2019, Spanfeller and private-equity firm Great Hill Partners acquired Gizmodo Media Group (previously Gawker Media) and The Onion.
The Writers Guild of America issued a blistering condemnation of G/O Media’s use of artificial intelligence to generate content.
“These AI-generated posts are only the beginning. Such articles represent an existential threat to journalism. Our members are professionally harmed by G/O Media’s supposed ‘test’ of AI-generated articles.”
WGA added, “But this fight is not only about members in online media. This is the same fight happening in broadcast newsrooms throughout our union. This is the same fight our film, television, and streaming colleagues are waging against the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) in their strike.”
The union, in its statement, said it “demands an immediate end of AI-generated articles on G/O Media sites,” which include The A.V. Club, Deadspin, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku, The Onion, Quartz, The Root, and The Takeout.
but wait, there's more:
Just weeks after news broke that tech site CNET was secretly using artificial intelligence to produce articles, the company is doing extensive layoffs that include several longtime employees, according to multiple people with knowledge of the situation. The layoffs total 10 percent of the public masthead.
Greedy corporate sleazeballs using artificial intelligence are replacing humans with cost-free machines to barf out garbage content.
This is what end-stage capitalism looks like: An ouroborus of machines feeding machines in a downward spiral, with no room for humans between the teeth of their hungry gears.
Anyone who cares about human life, let alone wants to be a writer, should be getting out the EMP tools and burning down capitalist infrastructure right now before it's too late.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"SERIOUS CLASH WHEN CONVICTS ATTACK GUARDS," Ottawa Journal. July 28, 1933. Page 1. --- Trouble Occurs for Several Nights at Kingston Penitentiary. ---- TRIAL OF INMATE REVEALS OUTBREAK ---- Canadian Press by Direct Wire. KINGSTON, Ont., July 28. - That the convicts in the female prison at Kingston Penitentiary had become out of hand and had been attacking the guards, came to light at the trial of Convict Michael McDonald today when Judge E. Madden said that there had been serious trouble during the last few nights.
Frank Regan, defense counsel, asked why Convict Roberts had not been produced as a witness at court today and Judge Madden then spoke of serious trouble, and said Roberts had been connected with it.
Were Beating Guards. Judge Madden intimated the men in the female prison had become out of hand and were beating the guards.
Mr. Regan stated that Roberts had been given 20 lashes for his part in the trouble and objected to such treatment being accorded a man who was to appear as witness.
Deputy Warden Sullivan told the court Roberts had received only five strokes of the lash.
Regrets Punishment. Judge Madden said it was unfortunate the witness should have been punished and issued instructions to Col. Keiller McKay, Crown counsel, that the man was not to receive further punishment until after he had given evidence. He expressed the opinion, however, that "reasonable force" had to be exercised at the prison if the men were getting out of hand and assaulting the guards.
Details of the disturbance had not been told him. Judge Madden said. and stated that explanations were due.
Denies Any Rioting. Absolute denial that Portsmouth Penitentiary convicts are rioting, was made this afternoon by Warden W. B. Megloughlin. A fight Tuesday night in which five or six prisoners man- handled Convict Powell was all the trouble experienced, the warden said, denying statement by Judge E. Mad- den and Col. Keiller McKay.
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townpostin · 2 months
Food Storage Facilities Face Surprise Inspections in Jamshedpur
DC orders thorough checks of State Food Corporation warehouses Officials conduct early morning raids to verify grain stocks and assess storage conditions across East Singhbhum. JAMSHEDPUR – In compliance with directives from the highest echelons, district authorities have conducted unannounced inspections of food storage facilities. Deputy Commissioner Ananya Mittal directed the inspection of…
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aziraphales-library · 21 days
Hi lovelies! I was wondering if y’all had any fics set in the Old West?
I saw some fanart with this concept and now I feel like I desperately need it in my bookmarks if there are some out there lol
Hello. We have some fics here, and here are more to add...
Seduction Accomplished by cassieoh_draws, HolyCatsAndRabbits (E)
In all the presentations Crowley had seen of Aziraphale in the last 6000 years, she’d never looked quite like this. Aziraphale wore a little makeup on her face, a corset around her waist, lace above her bust and on her arms— and on her legs there was practically nothing at all. Her blond curls were piled high on her head, with a few light wisps dancing around her face. Aziraphale’s corporation always had soft, generous curves. Crowley wasn’t sure he’d ever been able to view every single one of them on display all at once. Crowley managed to say, “Hello.” He was rather proud of that.
Tumbleweeds and a Spot of Strip Poker by ElysiumLeo (M)
Anthony "Snake Eyes Tony" Crowley is an ex-criminal who has found his calling as a bounty hunter. Working with the man that saved him from the hangman's noose, the two have carved out a pretty comfortable existence for themselves, roaming the desert of the Old West and bringing in criminals for justice. It's a solid gig that both are happy to share with each other, but a man does have needs after all. When it comes to the end of a hard day's work, what are two men to do to unwind and pass the time? Play strip poker, of course.
Yeehaws and Yearning by sapphicshigeo (G)
...The setting sun behind them left their face in shadow, and Aziraphale pushed down her rising nerves. She spared a glance to her revolver, and exhaled. However, when the figure finally was close enough, dark spectacles and typical scowl coming into focus, Aziraphale groaned. “CROWLEY!” She yelled, out of exasperation and also to compensate for the distance, “Please tell me you are not this dastardly Marigold Marauder!”
Hell's Half Acre by Lurlur (E)
Of all the saloons that existed in Hell's Half Acre, Deputy U.S. Marshal Anthony Crowley had a strong preference for the establishment operated by old Sergeant Shadwell. He could be found propping up the bar at the Witch's Tit most afternoons, and at one of its gaming tables almost every night. Being a man of reliable habits was part of his service to the town; people could always find him when they needed him.
Be Still, My Foolish Heart by stinkybarnacles (G)
He took a breath and opened the door. It creaked just enough to get her attention. She glanced up - haloed by moonlight on one side of her face, and bleeding lamplight on the other. She smiled from where she was leaning on the banister as he let the door fall shut and joined her. "I was just thinking of you," She said. Crowley felt his throat close. He could only manage a curious hum in response. He was grateful for how much of his face was shadowed and covered in his fashions. "I'm glad you're here," She said simply. Her sentiment was lost on him. Was she glad he was in America? In this town, in this saloon? Or just here, on the secluded balcony with her? Or In 1898, the Wild West is already nearing its end, so Crowley ventures to America to soak it up while he still can. And, as has become a theme in his existence, bumps into a familiar angel in the process. A.K.A. Cowboy Crowley and Saloon Girl Aziraphale.
Oklahomens! by ranguvar82 (T)
ALL SINGING! SOME DANCING! The fic fusion that nobody asked for! Anthony Crowley is the best cowhand in the Oklahoma territory. Everyone loves him. Everyone, that is, except for Aziraphale Williams, the nephew of Mrs. Tracy. Crowley really wants to change that. But how? Well, through song, of course. Aziraphale doesn't know it, but he's about to be wooed.
- Mod D
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reality-detective · 8 months
Deputy managing director of the IMF, Bo Li, admits that countries are required to enforce climate policies as a condition of borrowing money from the IMF.
So globalist financial bodies, under the UN, are forcing governments to force corporations to force YOU into complying with totalitarian Net Zero policies, in order to solve a non-existent problem (the "climate crisis"). 🤔
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50calmadeuce · 3 months
Ch. 30: The Rescue
Warning: Mention of miscarriage. Some chapters have sex.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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You rested your hands on your belly and felt the baby move as you waited patiently for the doctor to return.
Dorian sat in a chair a few feet away, glancing at his watch. "We've been here too long."
"Dorian, just let me go," you pleaded.
He looked at you, his expression hardening. "That's not going to happen, Y/N. You are mine."
You shook your head. "What makes you think that?"
Dorian leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he spoke with a chilling intensity. "Because you belong with me, Y/N. I've invested too much in you, in us. You can't just walk away."
You took a deep breath, trying to keep calm. "What do you have invested in me? My money will never go to you. Even the money for the book or more books all goes to Jake or our heir," you explained. You took a deep breath and sighed. "Dorian, this isn't love. This is obsession. You need to let me go."
He stood up, pacing the small room. "You don't understand, do you? I've watched you suffer with him. I've watched him fail to protect you. I can do better. I can give you and our baby the life you deserve."
Before you could respond, the door opened, and the doctor returned, followed by the nurse. They both had a composed demeanor, but you could see the urgency in their eyes. The doctor spoke calmly, "Y/N, we're going to move you to a more comfortable room for further observation."
Dorian frowned, suspicion clouding his face. "Why? What's wrong?"
The doctor smiled reassuringly. "It's just a precaution. We want to ensure everything is perfect with the baby. It's standard procedure."
The nurse moved to your side, helping you up gently. "Please follow us," she said, her voice steady.
You glanced at Dorian, who hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Fine, but I'm coming with you."
The doctor and nurse exchanged a brief look. "Of course," the doctor said smoothly. "We'll all go together."
As you were escorted down the hallway, you could feel the tension in the air. The nurse gave your hand a reassuring squeeze, and you knew she was doing everything she could to keep you safe.
Just as you rounded the corner, you saw the sheriff and Max enter the clinic, their eyes scanning the area. Your heart leapt with hope.
"Max!" you shouted.
Dorian saw the men and quickly grabbed you just as Max and the deputy pulled their weapons. The doctor and nurse quickly moved out of the way.
You felt a sharp jab on the side of your stomach and saw that Dorian had a knife held tight against you, his other arm wrapped around you tightly as he held you close.
"Everyone back off!" Dorian shouted, his voice filled with panic and desperation. "I'll hurt her if you come any closer."
Max and the deputy froze, their weapons trained on Dorian. "Easy now," Max said, his voice calm and steady. "Let's not do anything rash. We can work this out."
"Dorian, please," you pleaded, trying to keep your voice steady despite the terror gripping you. "Think about the baby. Think about what you're doing."
Dorian's grip tightened, and you could feel the cold steel of the knife pressing against your skin. "I won't let them take you from me," he muttered, his eyes wild with fear and anger. "You belong to me!"
Sheathing his weapon, Max took a cautious step forward, his gaze locked on Dorian. "Dorian, you don't want to hurt her. Let her go, and we can talk about this. No one needs to get hurt."
The deputy, meanwhile, kept his weapon steady, his eyes flicking between Dorian and you. "Drop the knife, son. You don't want to make this any worse than it already is."
Dorian's breathing was ragged, his eyes darting around the room. "You don't understand! She's mine! She belongs with me!"
Max's eyes softened as he tried a different approach. "Dorian, Y/N has a family that loves her. They need her. Think about what's best for her and the baby. This isn't the way to show you care."
For a moment, Dorian's grip faltered, and you could feel the tension in his body lessen slightly. It was now or never.
Taking a deep breath, you gathered every ounce of courage you had and looked at Dorian. "Dorian, if you truly care about me, you'll let me go. We can figure this out together, but not like this."
Time seemed to stand still as Dorian thought about his options, looking for something. Finally, with a choked sob, he loosened his grip and lowered the knife.
Max moved quickly, disarming Dorian and pulling him away from you and pushing him up against the wall as he read him his rights while he handcuffed him. He then passed Dorian to the Deputy who had sheathed his weapon and escorted Dorian outside to the awaiting police vehicle, his shoulders slumped in defeat.
Max rushed to your side, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you okay?"
You nodded, tears streaming down your face. "Yes, I'm okay. Thank you."
The nurse and Doctor immediately moved to check on you, ensuring both you and the baby were unharmed.
As the adrenaline began to wear off, you felt a wave of exhaustion wash over you. Max wrapped an arm around your shoulders, offering support. "Let's get you somewhere safe," he said softly. "There's someone outside going crazy waiting to see you.
You smiled and nodded, leaning on him for strength, grateful that the nightmare was finally over.
As you walked out of the clinic doors, you saw Jake running up to you. Fear and concern were etched across his face.
Max let you go as soon as Jake had you in his arms. The moment he did, all the tears you had held back in fear and anxiety flowed freely.
Jake cupped your face in his hands and kissed you on the lips. "I am so glad you're okay."
"I should've listened to you, Jake. I didn't think it was that bad," you said, still crying.
Jake gently wiped away your tears with his thumbs, his eyes filled with a mix of relief and lingering worry. "Hey, it's okay," he whispered, his voice soft and reassuring. "The important thing is that you're safe now."
You nodded, still feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on you. "I just… I didn't realize how far he'd go."
Jake pulled you into a tight embrace, holding you close. "None of this is your fault," he said firmly. "Dorian was unhinged. But we're going to get through this together, I promise."
Max approached, giving you both a moment before speaking. "We should get you checked out properly at a hospital, just to be sure everything is okay with you and the baby."
You nodded, knowing he was right. "Yes, let's do that."
As the nurse and doctor quickly arranged for your transfer to the nearest hospital, you felt a renewed sense of strength and gratitude for the people around you. Jake stayed by your side every step of the way, his presence a comforting anchor in the midst of the chaos.
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At the hospital, after a thorough examination, the doctor reassured you that both you and the baby were fine. The relief was overwhelming, and you felt a wave of exhaustion wash over you.
There was a knock on the door, and the two of you looked to see Max standing there. "Can I come in?"
You smiled. "Of course."
Max walked in, holding a bouquet of yellow roses. "I know how much you hate the smell of hospitals, so I figured you could turn and sniff these every once in a while."
You smiled. "Thank you. They're beautiful."
Jake cleared his throat. "Will somebody please tell me who you are?"
You looked at Jake. "Max is the guy I tried to start dating, but we knew we were more better as friends than having a relationship." You made a face. "I guess that would be the easiest way to explain it. We went out a couple of times before I met you, but school was more important to me. We realized we were better as friends than as a couple."
Jake's eyebrows rose.
Max chuckled. "The lifestyle I wanted wasn't what Y/N wanted. When she went to Austin and met you, she called me that night and told me all about you. You were everything she had ever wanted. I knew then we were definitely just friends."
"He's like the brother I never had, but Max worked with the FBI. He now works with a private company and I hired him on the side when I found out about the inheritance. He watches me and checks my computers for hackers and stuff like that. He's very good at what he does," you finished.
"As I saw, even though I was hesitant there for a while," Jake responded, then paused. "So…"
"Yes. As soon as Y/N told me about you, I did a background check on you. I even kept tabs on you while you were separated," Max admitted. "That Sierra girl was a hot mess."
Jake looked at you. "So, you already knew about that?"
You nodded. "I did, but I knew she was trying to get her claws into someone who didn't want her."
"You really didn't give up on me, did you?"
You shook your head. "No, Jake. I didn't. Max would've told me if it wasn't warranted. It's been you I've been trying to convince."
"Well, you don't have to convince me anymore." He leaned forward and kissed you gently on the lips, a silent reassurance in his touch. He then sat beside your bed, holding your hand. "Get some rest, love," he said softly. "We'll be right here when you wake up."
You nodded, closing your eyes and letting the exhaustion take over. As you drifted off to sleep, you felt a deep sense of peace knowing that you were safe, surrounded by the people who loved you most.
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The next morning, you got up early feeling well-rested. As you sat down at your computer, a text message from Jason came across your phone. You quickly let him know you would talk to him on Microsoft Teams if he was by his computer. He confirmed that he was.
You entered the information on the computer just as Chuck entered the kitchen to get coffee started, and Jason's face popped up on the screen.
"I am so glad to see your face," Jason said.
You smiled. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm glad to be here."
"We contacted the program Dorian was working on. They said they would work with you if you could finish the data. You can take all the time you need. They know about your pregnancy. The sponsor for your program has also been contacted, and she understood completely."
You sighed with relief. "Thank goodness. We just found out Jake will be deployed again in two weeks. I'll grab all the info from here and keep in contact with the ranchers Dorian worked with. We leave tonight."
"Y/N, if you need a break…" Jason started.
"I'm fine. We've made some changes that will be going into effect when I get home. I contacted my work as well, and they said I needed to start working less."
"That's good to hear. If you need anything, I'm always here."
"Thank you, Jason. I'll talk to you later."
He nodded as you ended the call. Your phone beeped, and you noticed a text from Max asking if you were awake. You responded that you were, and your phone rang.
"Good morning, Max," you said into the phone.
"Morning, Y/N," Max replied, his voice serious. "I just wanted to let you know what we found at Dorian's place."
Your heart rate quickened. "Tell me."
"First off, there were some encrypted files on his computer. It's going to take some time to crack them, but they look like they could be related to his work and maybe some personal stuff."
"Did you find anything else?"
"We also found a locked safe. We couldn't get it open on-site, so it's being brought in for further examination. There might be something important inside."
You nodded, absorbing the information.
"Y/N, we also found a lot of pictures of you that he took. Some even in Wisconsin."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "I swear I never saw him."
"I agree, so I'm thinking he hired a private detective."
"Yeah. Your co-workers are going to get as much of a scrutinizing from me as possible next time."
You smiled. "I appreciate it."
"When do you guys leave?"
"Tonight. A snow storm is coming in late tonight and we want to beat it."
"Sounds good. Did you talk to Jason?"
"I did. There's going to be a lot of changes after this."
"As there should be."
There was a slight pause.
"Max. Jake leaves in a few weeks for deployment again."
"Awe, Y/N. I'm sorry to hear that."
You shrugged. "I'm getting kind of used to it, just a bit. It's been nice having him here for a couple of weeks at least."
"But right after the new year?"
You shrugged. "I know, but that's the life of a Naval Aviator." You sighed.
"Y/N, I'm glad you're okay. If you need anything else, just let me know."
"Thanks, Max. I will. And I will need you at my house for Christmas this year."
"Hey, I've got the years in now! It's looking good."
"I'll talk to you later. Let me know you made it home. Love you girl friend."
You laughed. "Love you too, boy friend."
With that you hung up your phone just as a pair of arms wrapped around your chest and a warm kiss was planted on your cheek.
"Max I take it?" Jake asked, his voice husky from sleep.
"It was."
"So, when were you going to tell me about him?"
You turned and looked at him. "I'm sorry. I totally forgot that I fell head over heels for some cowboy flyboy while I was in Texas and married him in two weeks. Then, he left for flight school training and I was attending classes, but, hey, me being a happy newlywed was one of the last things I was thinking about compared to some guy who is just a friend. Are we really going to start this again, Jake?"
Jake’s face softened as he listened to you. He stepped closer and took your hands in his, his eyes filled with regret.
You threw your hands up. "I mean, if we are, when were you going to tell me about Sierra?"
Jake sighed. "I didn’t mean to bring up old wounds, Y/N," he said softly. "I just… I worry. After everything that’s happened, I want to make sure you’re safe. I trust you, I really do. It's just hard not to be overprotective sometimes."
You sighed, your frustration ebbing away as you looked into his sincere eyes. "I get it, Jake. I really do. But Max is a friend, and he’s here to help. You don't need to worry."
Jake nodded, pulling you into a tight embrace. "He'll be at the house for Christmas?"
You looked at him. "Before you decided to play husband again, that was always the plan."
"Ouch. I guess I deserved that."
You kissed his cheek. "You did," you replied as you looked down at Jake's hands and reached up to where his wedding ring was. You started to rub it gently. The officers searched Dorian's houses but never found your ring.
"Darlin', it's okay. We can get you another one," Jake said reassuringly, noticing you look at his ring.
You looked at him, your eyes filled with emotion. "Didn't you have it specially made?"
"I did," he answered, his voice softening. "But what's important is that you're safe. We can always make another ring, but I can't replace you or our son."
You felt a surge of emotions as Jake's words sank in, and the warmth of his touch on your belly reassured you. The thought of losing the ring stung, but Jake's unwavering love and the safety of your unborn child were what truly mattered.
"I know," you whispered, your voice trembling slightly. "But it meant so much to me and I was just getting used to wearing it again."
Jake pulled you into a gentle embrace, his strong arms enveloping you. "I know it did, sweetheart. But we'll make new memories and new rings if we have to. The most important thing is that we're together and safe."
You nodded against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. "I love you, Jake."
"I love you too," he replied, kissing the top of your head. "We'll get through this together." He stood up. "Let's get breakfast, start packing and get out of this place."
Chuck cracked an egg into the cast iron skillet he had on the stove. "I couldn't agree more."
Tags: @buckysteveloki-me @bellyliveslife @tgmreader @callsign-barbell @86laura11 @dizzybee03 @kmc1989 @guacam011y @nerdgirljen @hookslove1592 @dempy @djs8891 @smoothdogsgirl
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August 8, 2024
Heather Cox Richardson
Aug 09, 2024
Fifty years ago, on August 9, 1974, Richard M. Nixon became the first president in U.S. history to resign.
The road to that resignation began in 1971, when Daniel Ellsberg, who was at the time an employee of the RAND Corporation and thus had access to a top-secret Pentagon study of the way U.S. leaders had made decisions about the Vietnam War, leaked that study to major U.S. newspapers, including the New York Times and the Washington Post. 
The Pentagon Papers showed that every president from Harry S. Truman to Lyndon B. Johnson had lied to the public about events in Vietnam, and Nixon worried that “enemies” would follow the Pentagon Papers with a leak of information about his own decision-making to destroy his administration and hand the 1972 election to a Democrat. 
The FBI seemed to Nixon reluctant to believe he was being stalked by enemies. So the president organized his own Special Investigations Unit out of the White House to stop leaks. And who stops leaks? Plumbers. 
The plumbers burglarized the office of Ellsberg’s psychiatrist in California, hoping to find something to discredit him, then moved on to bigger targets. Together with the Committee to Re-elect the President (fittingly dubbed CREEP as its activities became known), they planted fake letters in newspapers declaring support for Nixon and hatred for his opponents, spied on Democrats, and hired vendors for Democratic rallies and then scarpered on the bills. Finally, they set out to wiretap the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, in the fashionable Watergate office complex.
Early in the morning of June 17, 1972, Watergate security guard Frank Wills noticed that a door lock had been taped open. He ripped off the tape and closed the door, but on his next round, he found the door taped open again. Wills called the police, who arrested five men ransacking the DNC’s files. 
The White House immediately denounced what it called a “third-rate burglary attempt,” and the Watergate break-in gained no traction before the 1972 election, which Nixon and Vice-President Spiro Agnew won with an astonishing 60.7% of the popular vote. 
But Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, two young Washington Post reporters, followed the sloppy money trail back to the White House, and by March 1973 the scheme was unraveling. One of the burglars, James W. McCord Jr., wrote a letter to Judge John Sirica before his sentencing claiming he had lied at his trial to protect government officials. Sirica made the letter public, and White House counsel John Dean immediately began cooperating with prosecutors.
In April, three of Nixon’s top advisors resigned, and in May the president was forced to appoint former solicitor general of the United States Archibald Cox as a special prosecutor to investigate the affair. That same month, the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, informally known as the Senate Watergate Committee, began nationally televised hearings. The committee’s chair was Sam Ervin (D-NC), a conservative Democrat who would not run for reelection in 1974 and thus was expected to be able to do the job without political grandstanding.
The hearings turned up the explosive testimony of John Dean, who said he had talked to Nixon about covering up the burglary more than 30 times, but there the investigation sat during the hot summer of 1973 as the committee churned through witnesses. And then, on July 13, 1973, deputy assistant to the president Alexander Butterfield revealed the bombshell news that conversations and phone calls in the Oval Office had been taped since 1971.
Nixon refused to provide copies of the tapes either to Cox or to the Senate committee. When Cox subpoenaed a number of the tapes, Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire him. In the October 20, 1973, “Saturday Night Massacre,” Richardson and his deputy, William Ruckelshaus, refused to execute Nixon’s order and resigned in protest; it was only the third man at the Justice Department—Solicitor General Robert Bork—who was willing to carry out the order firing Cox.
Popular outrage at the resignations and firing forced Nixon to ask Bork—now acting attorney general—to appoint a new special prosecutor, Leon Jaworski, a Democrat who had voted for Nixon, on November 1. On November 17, Nixon assured the American people that “I am not a crook.”
Like Cox before him, Jaworski was determined to hear the Oval Office tapes. He subpoenaed a number of them. Nixon fought the subpoenas on the grounds of executive privilege. On July 24, 1974, in U.S. v. Nixon, the Supreme Court sided unanimously with the prosecutor, saying that executive privilege “must be considered in light of our historic commitment to the rule of law. This is nowhere more profoundly manifest than in our view that 'the twofold aim (of criminal justice) is that guilt shall not escape or innocence suffer.'... The very integrity of the judicial system and public confidence in the system depend on full disclosure of all the facts….”
Their hand forced, Nixon’s people released transcripts of the tapes. They were damning, not just in content but also in style. Nixon had cultivated an image of himself as a clean family man, but the tapes revealed a mean-spirited, foul-mouthed bully. Aware that the tapes would damage his image, Nixon had his swearing redacted. “[Expletive deleted]” trended.
In late July 1974, the House Committee on the Judiciary passed articles of impeachment, charging the president with obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress. Each article ended with the same statement: “In all of this, Richard M. Nixon has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States. Wherefore Richard M. Nixon, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office.”
And then, on August 5, in response to a subpoena, the White House released a tape recorded on June 23, 1972, just six days after the Watergate break-in, that showed Nixon and his aide H.R. Haldeman plotting to invoke national security to protect the president. Even Republican senators, who had not wanted to convict their president, knew the game was over. A delegation went to the White House to deliver the news to the president that he must resign or be impeached by the full House and convicted by the Senate.
In his resignation speech, Nixon refused to acknowledge that he had done anything wrong. Instead, he told the American people he had to step down because he no longer had the support he needed in Congress to advance the national interest. He blamed the press, whose “leaks and accusations and innuendo” had been designed to destroy him. His disappointed supporters embraced the idea that there was a “liberal” conspiracy, spearheaded by the press, to bring down any Republican president.
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