#Diane Beckman
mondodisco · 6 months
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The holy trinity
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whogirl2011 · 10 months
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I made this quite a while ago but forgot completely about posting it! How fitting to post this on Sloane's birthday! This is a meme I made after the last one I did of Sloane being the voice of Robin in gotham knights. Bonita Friedericy who plays Nana in Dwight in shining armor also played General Diane Beckman in one of my other favorite shows called Chuck with Zachari Levi. Thought it would be funny to make this. Nobody messes with her boy!
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camillerowep · 3 months
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June 23, 2024 — Camille Rowe, Bianca Brandolini, Lauren Santo Domingo, Fabiola Beracasa Beckman and Diane Von Furstenberg at Vogue World: Paris 2024 (via fabbb_s)
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ccandd96 · 12 days
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This brand-new book is the perfect thing to pick up to cap off summer! Scars Publications just released a huge cc&d magazine collection book of the May-August 2024 issues of cc&d, titled “Insurrection”! This 422-page volume is a great way to stock up on issues if you didn’t buy all of the issues, which makes this a GREAT deal! A listing of all the contributors and titles is available at Scars online, and authors are also listed in the description now online through Amazon throughout the U.S., and can also be ordered in the U.K., all of Europe, and even Japan and Australia!
The contributors to this book (of writing and art) include Aaron Wilder, Adam Michael Levine, Alfredo Bravo de Rueda, Allen F. McNair, Andrej Bilovsky, Anila Bukhari, ayaz daryl nielsen, Bill Tope, Binod Dawadi, Bradford Middleton, Brian Daly, Brian Hosey, Carl Chapman, Christina Culverhouse, Christopher Hivner, Claude Chabot, Corbin Schaefer, Corey Villas, Darrell Petska, David J. Thompson, David Jackson, David Sowards, Diane Funston, Dr. Schnooz a.k.a. Daniel Weinberg, DS Maolalai, Duane Anderson, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Elizabeth Allison, Eric Bonholtzer, Frank De Canio, Frederick Frankenberg, Greg Beckman, I.B. Rad, James Bates, James Croal Jackson, James Razor, Janet Kuypers, Jeffrey S. Hartnett, Jenene Ravesloot, Jenny Morelli, Joe Sonnenblick, John F. McMullen, John Yotko, Julianna May, Karen Hedges, Kathleen S. Zoll, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kyle Hemmings, L. R. McGary, Lee Hammerschmidt, Leigh-Anne Burley, Lima Das, Linda L. Bielowski, Ph.D., Linda M. Crate, Lou Faber, Louis Marvin, Malcolm Bell, Mark Pearce, Michael Gigandet, Michael H. Brownstein, Michael Lee Johnson, Mykyta Ryzhykh, Nancy Machlis Rechtman, Norm Hudson, Patrick Fealey, Retta Lewis, Richard LeDue, Robert Paul Allen, Salem B Holden, Sterling Warner, Thom Woodruff, Thomas Elson, Tim Newton Anderson, Todd K. Denick, Toney Dimos, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, and Westley Heine.
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chuckaf · 3 years
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“Agent Walker, despite your heroism, you have directly disobeyed several orders.” “Wait, General. Isn’t the most important part of being my handler making sure that I stay alive?”
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incorrectchuck · 3 years
Casey: permission to jump in a chopper and blow something up?
Beckman: permission granted.
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nocontextchuck · 3 years
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rustystars · 5 years
iconic Chuck things I vaguely remember in no particular order
Everyone essentially working at Best Buy
Devon’s nickname being “Captain Awesome” because he was better than everyone else and he knew it
Volkoff being in love with Chuck’s mom
every single character being at the hospital when Ellie was giving birth because they were all Clara’s family goddamnit and they were going to make good first impressions
Jeff and Lester living under a highway for a couple months because they were wanted for blowing up a building
Casey threatening to murder Chuck every other minute, but then being the first person to advocate for his release from the mental hospital
Every single Black Friday episode
Devon having a panic attack whenever Chuck spoke to him for a solid season
Chuck calling himself “Mr. Sarah Walker” after he and Sarah got married
Morgan telling Anna that he deserved better than how she treated him
The Cage being turned into fight club because Chuck accidentally gave Lester a black eye
Beckman being proud of Sarah and Chuck when they finally got together
everything Big Mike did
every single one of Chuck and Shaw’s interactions
Morgan thinking that Jeff and Lester could actually function as normal humans before being severely disappointed
The entire concept of Chuck being internationally recognized as a dangerous spy despite the fact that everything he did was complete bull
dare I say it,,, the entire show was iconic
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unleashthejohncasey · 6 years
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Happy International Women's Day to the beautiful badass women of Chuck!
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I just watched Chuck vs the Colonel for the first time in a while
And is still holds up so well. 
Maybe I’m still too in love with this show all these years later to see its faults. Maybe I’m just a fucking sap, but I adore this episode in particular so, so much. 
The chemistry between everyone sparkles, and the through line of solidifying the camaraderie between Chuck, Sarah and Casey is beautiful. Seriously, Original Flavor Team Bartowski forever. They start the episode completely fractured and end it a complete unit.
They will, for most of the rest of the series, trust each other implicitly, because they’re not just a unit anymore, they’re fucking family. That final scene in Castle where Chuck and Casey step up to the plate to protect Sarah from getting shitcanned is so good. Neither of them had to do that. Chuck is intersectless, Casey has a promotion. Any other show would have let Sarah hang for what she did. But they are her partners. They are her team and they have her fucking back. And it’s beautiful. 
Generally, Sarah isn’t someone who needs to be saved, but she needed the boost in that moment. And they came through big time. 
Chuck and Sarah on a romantic level is eighty thousand shades of yes please. Between all of the enthusiastic consent and the respected boundaries, and just how fucking in love they are with each other (Chuck overtly so, and Sarah in small phrases and meaningful glances), it’s literally impossible not to root for them in this episode. You want them to be together, whether it’s in Burbank, on the run, or in a one-bed two-bath padded cell in a government-funded hole in the ground. I don’t care. Just let these two love each other for god’s sake. 
(we still have half a season of love triangles, hurt feelings and misunderstandings to get through before that happens. Fucking A.)
The Buy More stuff sparkles this episode as we see Morgan finally get sick and tired of the shit and realizes that he wants better. It’e a beautiful bit of character growth that’s built off two seasons of events and blossoms throughout the episode as we see Morgan get more and more done. The applause he gets at the end isn’t just the residents of Buymoria, but the audience too. You’re free, Morgan! You’re free! 
Devon gets a great spotlight in this episode as well, being the first of the extended Bartowski clan to find out about the spy junk. On of my favorite character quirks for Devon is that he is a fucking terrible liar. The big bad ass frat boy who goes white water whatevering and jumping off of high things cannot figure out telling a lie. I have met humans like this. They exist. I have even sent them clips of Devon trying to lie (”IT WAS A BEAR!”) with the reaction of “yes. This is my life.” Now if only we could get Ellie in the action more...
And Chevy Chase chews the scenery beautifully. He’s such a good mustache twirler, it’s ridiculous. While Chevy is a tall dude, he’s not exactly foreboding in his old age, so he knows he has to step up his game when it comes to being a villain and he delivers as both funny and utterly ruthless (”You can eat them if you want to, I don’t care”). 
And Scott Bacula plays the super smart but super bumbling Stephen Bartowski so, so well. I only regret that he and Beckman haven’t had any scenes There’s potential for such history there that we don’t get to see. 
Vs. the Colonel is still a top 10, if not top 5 episode for me. I still absolutely love it, and I am still completely in love with how this show plays with character dynamics and relationships.
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maraczeks · 4 years
chuck s4 thread pt 19
#omg VIVIAN DARK NEMESIS ERA ??????????????????????? HOLY CRAP#nononono ellie no im so scared for her im so so scared#jan 20 2021#laughs in sad irony#i just want a a mary stephen spin off they would b so cute#THEYRE GETTING MARRIIIIIDDDDDD#not to be a fatalist but why are people so scared of prenups like obviously.... its not wanted but its backup#like!! if a prenup scares you then theres something wrong already to work on#what is she graduating from ..................... also i thought she already graduated...................................... there was no re#ason to match alex w morgan#SIGNED SEALED DELIVERED IM YOOURRRS#hmmmm do i trust her WHAT THIRD PARTY#alex and casey is so cute ill cry#um????????????????? scared#wait idk why i thought volkoff died#beckman and frost referring to each other as diane and mary......... woah#if i understood chess... this would b a lot more intense LOL#WHY ARE THEY HUMANIZING VOLKOFF IM SCARED#hah ofc#ok but imagine if the show was centered around the vokoffs like oceans 8 omggg that would be so cool#viv ur accent ... its showing LOL#i think shes going through a phase actually no this isnt a phase LMAOOOOO#i love the writing i really do#i.............really hope theres frost x orion fics somewhere bc i am deeply invested in young bartowskis................... id cry#benslie and charah the best endgame ships ever period#no bc i heard red n black n immediately thought bolshevik LMAO#WAIT i didnt even think of this as an ensemble show but its one of the most ensemley shows#GARY COLE HAYYY#any relation to jake peralta LOLLL#bruh the fake flash
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marcjacobs · 7 years
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Slick Woods in the Marc Jacobs Fall ’17 ad campaign featuring our Roxy Glitz Rainbow Watch.
Photographed by David Hughes
Styled by Katie Grand
Casting by Anita Bitton
Hair by Guido Palau
Makeup by Diane Kendal
Nails by Honey
Set design by Stefan Beckman
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davidcarner · 6 years
Pros and Cons  Ch 9, Daddy’s Girl
A/N: I'm going to need everyone to remain calm. Chuck and Sarah are actually going on a date…no joke, no misdirection, a date. I didn't say it would be good or perfect, but it is a date. And, since no one can really answer which date is the first date, I have decided to mix the two first dates together. We are moving toward some big things. I'm thinking this one has 20 chapters or so, and 13 are in the books. We'll see. I give you Pros and Cons, Ch 9, Daddy's Girl
Disclaimer: Don't own Chuck, and I don't know if I can ever write this slow of a burn ever again.
Casey was happy, he was in a tee shirt and his boxers, had a hotpocket, bottle of Johnny Walker, Santa Fe Trail staring Ronald Reagan was just starting on TV, and he had settled into his comfortable recliner. He leaned back, grunted in pleasure and the TV cut off. Casey glared at the TV and the screen changed. His eyes got big as he noticed Diane Beckman sitting at her desk. She looked up at the monitor in front of her she would use to communicate with and raised an eyebrow.
"Successful mission, Casey?" Beckman asked.
"Yes, General," Casey replied. Beckman shook her head.
"It's Diane, Casey," Beckman replied. "You're out of the life now."
"Of course, General," he replied. Beckman smirked.
"Fine, MAJOR," she replied. Casey grinned, looked down, and crossed his legs. The look on Beckman's face said it really didn't do much. "Let's get to the point. What exactly is Carmichael Solutions doing?"
"I've signed documents, General, I can't go telling secrets, you know that," Casey replied. Beckman smiled.
"I see some things never change," Beckman answered. "Good," she added. "Then let me tell you some things. What you have stumbled onto is a cell within the CIA, FBI, NSA, and other government agencies. They are a part of an organization calling themselves the Ring."
"Christ," Casey muttered.
"Oh, it's gets better, Major," Beckman said. "That email you intercepted, that is something that has been on our radar for months."
"What?" Casey said, puzzled.
"I know you can't tell me anything, but let me tell you something," Beckman said, grinning. "There's a man in prison, he goes by Jack Burton, and he has said that he can give us what we want, info on the Ring, parts of the Ring, ways to infiltrate them, and if that info should come out…" she trailed off, grinning.
"Jack Burton gets out of jail," Casey said. Beckman nodded.
"Best I can tell his daughter knows nothing of this," Beckman added. "It also appears Roberts Pharmaceutical might be a front for the Ring." Casey grinned. "If that has anything to do with anything," Beckman said innocently.
"I should probably talk to Burton," Casey said.
"You probably should," Beckman agreed. "You should probably also talk things over with your boss, because I think we could use a civilian contractor on this, Major." Casey nodded.
"Always good talking to you, General," Casey said.
"John," Beckman said, taking off her glasses and leaning forward. "It's been two years, I'm sure we can get you medical clearance."
"I have a team, General," Casey replied. Beckman smiled.
"Good," she said. "You'll have a pass at the gate waiting for you. Good luck, John," and with that, she signed off. Casey's TV went back to the movie.
"Bartowski, what have you stepped it?" Casey muttered to himself.
The cell door opened and Jack Burton walked out. He saw the big burly man sitting in the chair. This wasn't a normal visit. Either this guy was some type of cop, he looked it, or he knew someone who was. Jack was betting on him being a cop. Jack's normal smirk was on his face. He knew when he sent that letter he was opening up a can of worms. He sat down across from Copface and all the guards left, surprising Jack. Jack studied the man across from him. Clearly he was physically intimidating, and he was sure cop face had used that to his advantage in the past. Jack's smirk grew. Intimidation wasn't doing to do anything to Jack. He had nothing to lose in the game he was playing, and nothing was more dangerous than a conman with nothing to lose.
"I think they messed up my conjugal visit request." Copface grunted a laugh and had a smirk of his own. Jack nodded. This guy was old school, and Jack respected that. "Who are you with Copface?"
"Former NSA," he replied. "Name's Casey, I work for Bartowski Solutions now." Jack blinked. He hadn't expected that. "Heh, you're not the only one that can surprise someone Burton." Jack leaned forward, his arms on the table, hands clasped together.
"Is she okay?" Jack asked. Casey saw the concern on his face. Real concern. There was a lot of things he used to do, some of them he had trouble sleeping over. When Chuck hired him, Chuck had put him in charge of ops. Chuck told him he had complete faith in him, but Casey wasn't to do anything he couldn't live with. There were a lot of things Casey could live with, but this, this wasn't one of them. He nodded. Jack nodded in relief and closed his eyes. When he opened them he raised his head, the smirk returning.
"So do you want to ask me?" Jack asked.
"Ask you what?" Casey replied. "Sarah's not in on it, that's her name, but you knew that didn't you." The smirk on his face told him it was. "The angle? That's what I'm supposed to ask, isn't it? I really don't care about the angle, I'm more concerned if we're being setup."
"Are they together yet?" Casey raised an eyebrow. "Oh, come on, everyone knows it but those two." Casey grinned and shook his head. "Christ," Jack muttered and looked down, shaking his head. He looked up at Casey, his eyes narrowing. "Kid waited on her for over two years." Casey nodded.
"I guess when you wait for two years you wonder what's the rush," Casey replied.
"Or, you lose your nerve," Jack replied.
"That's what this is all about, them being together?" Casey asked. Jack shook his head.
"You ever really screw something up with someone you love?" Jack asked. Casey nodded his head once, stiffly. It was obvious Jack had hit a nerve. "You ever wish there was something you could do to fix it?" Casey nodded again. "Those two…they belong, you know?" Casey nodded again. "I want to walk my little girl down the aisle when she marries that schnook, and she needs to marry that schnook, just like he needs to marry her." Casey leaned forward.
"You're doing all of this, messing with criminal organizations, just to put those two together and walk her down the aisle?" Casey sat back, amazed.
"You think I'm an absolute idiot, don't you? A conman who's gotten snookered in the game." Jack shook his head. "I owe her, I screwed up her life by getting her into that life, and I need to fix it." Casey studied him. "Casey, what would you do?"
"God, country, family," Casey said, extending his hand. Jack grabbed it, and grinned. "So, how can I help?"
"Well, here's where it gets tricky," Jack replied. "I think Jill Roberts is hip deep in this mess, and I think Roberts Pharmaceutical is going to be a huge problem."
"Maybe I should keep an eye on her," Casey replied. Jack grinned and leaned back, arms crossed.
"I like you Copface, if I get out, I have some cigars I think you might like." Casey grinned.
Sarah's eyes opened and she sniffed. What was that smell? Chocolate? She went and opened the door and heard voices.
"Seriously, Chuckles, I have things to do today, and I need to talk to her," Carina said.
"You brought the chocolate croissants, right? Then she'll be here any second, trust me, I know Jenny, I mean Sarah, and her food," she heard him say. She paused in the hallway.
"How long?" Carina asked.
"How long what?" Chuck replied. Sarah wanted to peak, she wanted to tell him she was right there, but she also wanted to know what this was about.
"How long have you been in love with her?" Carina asked. There was silence, except for Sarah's heart threatening to beat out of her chest.
"Honestly, somewhere between when she stole my and Bryce's fries and her kissing me on the cheek that first night." It took all of her power not to gasp. She put her hand to her mouth, and tears were about to come down her cheeks. "I had a girlfriend, it was wrong, she was hitting on Bryce, not me."
"Was she?" Carina asked. No, Sarah thought. She had come over to see Bryce, but Chuck captured her. He captured her heart that first night and he had had it ever since. Fine, he was dropping a bombshell like that, then she was going to fight dirty. She smiled, snuck back to her room, and text Carina. "Huh, guess who just text me," she said, looking at Chuck. "You have a date tonight?"
"Yeah," Chuck said, shrugging. Carina grinned.
"Oh, Chuckles, you are so in over your head," she said, getting up and heading to Sarah's room. Chuck sat there, wondering what was going on. Ten minutes later, the two left, both of them having smiles on their faces.
"See you later, Chuck," Sarah said, a wicked grin on her face. Chuck sat there by himself for a minute.
"Why do I have a feeling I'm in big trouble?" Chuck asked. He got up, went to his laptop and started searching.
Several hours later, Chuck was rolling up his sleeves. She had said nothing fancy, and that's what he was going for, cool and casual. He was wearing a blue button up, jeans, and his trademark Chuck's. He had no idea what to expect tonight, but when Carina and Sarah had returned, Carina was openly laughing at him. Chuck just shrugged, glad the two were close. Sarah needed friends, at least he hoped they were friends. Sarah had a garment bag that she protected and wouldn't let Chuck anywhere near. He came out of his bedroom, and saw Carina and Bryce sitting on the couch. They both had knowing smiles on their faces.
"Mom, Dad, will you be waiting up?" Chuck asked, smirking at them.
"I just hope she doesn't break you," Carina said.
"Carina, cool it," Chuck said. "Sarah and I are going out for a nice night out. Like the three of us used to." Bryce shook his head.
"One big difference, the third wheel won't be there this time," Bryce replied. Chuck stared at him. "Come on, Chuck, you both wanted me to not be there, but needed me to be there because of 'reasons'. You had a girlfriend, she didn't want you to think she was trying to steal you from your girlfriend, and the whole she was a con artist thing."
"We are going out and having a nice time," Chuck insisted. "Like we used to. We'll see how it goes. I'm not putting any pressure on her to do anything she doesn't want to do."
"Yeah, but will you stop her if she does everything she wants to?" Carina asked.
"Carina, she's been in prison for over two years, she's allowed to go out and just have fun," Chuck said. Carina's smile grew even bigger and she put a hand to her face, trying to hide the snicker.
"It will dawn on him in a minute," Bryce said, near tears from trying to hold in the laughter.
"What will dawn on him?" Sarah asked.
"How you've been 'without' for a bit," Carina said. She got up, slapped a box of condoms in his hand, and her and Bryce left the house. Chuck stared at the box, his ears red. He looked at Sarah. She was wearing a purple dress with her hair down. He was enchanted. She walked towards him, took the box, glanced at it, dropped it in her clutch, and snapped the clutch shut. Chuck's eyes shot up to hers. She bounced a shoulder, raised an eyebrow, grinned, and offered him her arm. He took it, still unable to speak.
"Where are you going, Missy," Casey muttered to himself. He had been watching Jill Roberts house all day, hoping she was just going to stay inside. A little while earlier, a heavyset man had shown up at her house. Casey had snapped a picture and sent it to Anna, she had told him this was Bernie Ominsky, the man who had possession of the artifact when it was stolen. The two had argued for a bit and when he left, Jill seemed quite upset. He watched Jill get into her car and he began to follow her. He called Anna, told her he was on the move, and activated the tracking device in his car. It paid to be careful.
"How serious are they?" Sarah asked. The two had been laughing and talking all night. Chuck had missed this so much. Bryce had been right. When they would go out, while Sarah might sit with Bryce it was her and Chuck that talked. They just had this natural chemistry together, Chuck thought they had a trust, and they did. She told him more than anyone else, not just everything.
"Well, they were dating when we met so," Chuck shrugged. "I'm so calling her Mrs. Awesome."
"She will kill you," Sarah said, grinning. "Does she know we're doing this?"
"No, because unlike you, who's going around telling everyone we know," Chuck began with a smile on his face. Sarah picked up the paper wrapper from the straw and threw it at him. "I'm trying to keep certain people from losing their minds and exploding."
"You're totally scared she's gonna show up and squeal."
"Terrified," Chuck admitted. Sarah laughed. She watched him through her lashes. Chuck grinned at her. "How's the food?"
"It's good," she said, really enjoying the Mexican food. She took a deep breath about to say more, but Chuck didn't notice and rambled on.
"Morgan and I found it awhile back," he said, shrugging. Sarah gave him a look. "What can I say, Morgan knows food, and if you must know he's been encouraging me to ask you out."
"Really?" Sarah said.
"Yeah, no matter how many times I told him I wasn't in your league or that you were dating Bryce," he said, staring off into space. "I can't believe I messed that one up so bad."
"Let's table Bryce, because, well, just because."
"Done," Chuck said, glad to get off the subject.
"Why do you keep thinking I'm out of your league?" she asked.
"Um, have you met you?" Chuck asked, grinning. Sarah lifted her chin, and just watched his eyes. "You're really going to make me say it, aren't you? You- wow, okay. Fine. All right, we'll play it your way. A girl like you. Or more appropriately, a woman like you. Considering the fact that you could probably kick the ass of everyone in this joint, after being in the joint." She laughed at that. "And a... a smart one at that. Not to mention cool and... extremely beautiful. And, and you can stop me anytime with the compliments if they're becoming, you know..."
No," she said, smiling. "No, that was very sweet."
"Sweet? Golly gee, thanks for making me feel like I'm eight," Chuck said, teasing. Sarah shook her head at him.
"Well, you're not so bad yourself," Sarah said, truthfully.
"Please. I'm fantastic," he said, leaning back and joking.
"Yeah," she replied softly and seriously. "You are." Chuck was beginning to think nothing could ruin this night.
"Casey, why are you stopping there?" Anna said over the coms.
"Because Jill is here and Uncle Bernie is here as well," Casey replied. "Plus a bunch of goons, what's going on?"
"This isn't good," Anna said. "Chuck and Sarah are in that restaurant, El Cuchillo."
"Christ," Casey muttered.
"Sarah, look, I know you've had a rough time, I know you came from a rough childhood," Chuck began.
"I've got a ton of baggage, Chuck," Sarah replied honestly. Both of them had begun to lean in to each other. "Baggage no one should have to deal with."
"I can be your baggage handler," he said. He shut his eyes, and she giggled. "That sounded so cheesy."
"No, it sounded honest," Sarah replied. "It sounded honest and exactly like Chuck Bartowski."
"Listen, we've been through a lot, but you and I we make a good team," Chuck said.
"The best," Sarah said.
"Think maybe we should try this?" Chuck asked. Sarah's eyes got wide, and she was about to answer when she saw someone she had hoped never to see again.
"Chuck?" the voice said. Chuck froze and looked at Sarah. She was trying to hold in the anger.
"Tell me that's not," Chuck began in a low voice. Sarah nodded. Chuck closed his eyes. When he opened them, he looked right at Sarah. "Think we can table this conversation for a bit, because I'm not done."
"Me, either," Sarah said, winking.
"Chuck Bartowski," the voice came again, this time it wasn't a question. "And you," the voice came with venom.
"Trust me?" Chuck whispered. Sarah nodded. Chuck's hand came across and took Sarah's, her eyes going wide. Chuck turned toward the voice.
"Hello, Jill, what do you want?" Chuck asked as nicely as he could as he turned. Behind Jill was a large man. He opened his coat and Chuck saw a gun. "So lovely to see both of you." Chuck looked at Sarah and then back to Jill.
"I think you have something we want," Bernie said.
"We've already ate all our appetizers," Chuck said.
"I want the artifact," Bernie said.
"I don't know anything about an artifact, Sir," Chuck replied. Bernie put his hand on the handle of the gun.
"Then I guess I don't need you, do I?" Bernie asked.
"But do you need your kidney?" Casey asked from behind Bernie.
"I was just messing with them," Bernie said, with a grin on his face. Casey reached around to take the gun from Bernie and tossed it to Chuck. Chuck didn't know what to do with it. Sarah took it and put it in her clutch.
"Figures she'd know how to use a gun," Jill muttered.
"Why are you here bothering us?" Chuck asked, scooting over beside Sarah since everyone was sitting down so as not to make a scene. How no one hadn't seen all that he still wasn't sure.
"What do you know about the artifact?" Bernie asked insistently.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Chuck replied.
"Why did you take the job?" Jill asked.
"What job?" Chuck replied.
"The email that you intercepted last night," Jill replied. Chuck buried his head in his hands.
"Obviously he had no idea it was you," Casey replied. "Bryce takes care of all of that. Why did you hire them?"
"Because the email I got suggested you," Jill replied.
"Here's an idea," Chuck offered, raising his head up. "Ask whoever sent you the email." Jill looked embarrassed.
"She has no idea," Sarah said. It might have been a bit smug…it was a lot smug, and Chuck liked it. "Wait, how did you know we were here?"
"I've had people tailing him," Bernie said, pointing at Chuck. Chuck had had enough.
"Go," Chuck said. Jill started to say something. Chuck shook his head. "Go," he said. Jill got up, started to leave, and turned.
"I want to hire you," she said.
"No," Chuck replied.
"Chuck," she began. Sarah reached into her clutch and gave the gun to Casey. She pulled on Chuck's arm. He threw down some money, and they left Jill trying to follow. "Wait, Chuck." Chuck spun.
"You cheated on me, and tried to get back by having Sarah thrown in jail, I never want to see you again," Chuck hissed. "You tried to ruin my life twice, why would I ever help you?" Chuck walked out of the restaurant, with Sarah right behind him. "I'm so sorry," he said. She pulled him in for a hug. "I've ruined our evening." She pulled away and gently took his head in her hands.
"No, Chuck, she did, again, and I'm tired of her," Sarah replied. "She's come between us too much, and I'm not letting it anymore, do you understand me." He nodded, having no clue. "No, you don't right now, do you? Come on." She got in the car and drove to his beach, the one he used to tell her about when he needed to think and he wasn't able to talk to her. She was jealous of that beach, because it got the memories she didn't get to have. It wasn't the beach's fault she didn't have those memories, and honestly, it wasn't Jill's fault it was hers, but she wasn't going to let the past define her anymore. She was going to have memories with Chuck, new memories, good memories, she swore it. As they sat down and just held each other for hours, talking about the past, about nothing, about everything, and then laughing, she swore she was going to be there for Chuck Bartowski the way he had been there for her.
A/N: YO ADRIAN I DID IT! A DATE! Next time, there's a carrot tossed and a nerd who finds out exactly how Sarah feels about him. It's like there's a bomb about to go off….did I give it away? Hope you liked it, reviews and PMs are always welcomed…Take Care
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thalsrph · 6 years
Thank you for tagging me !
tagged by: @garnetrph​
rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
i choose:
The Legend of Aang/Korra 
Greek Mythology 
the first character you loved:
Azula, Toph & Lin Beifong 
Agent Casey (actual spirit animal)
Selene & Patroclus 
the character you never expected to love so much:
the character you relate to the most:
Agent Casey 
the character you’d slap:
Agent Bryce & Sarah
three favorite characters (in order of preference):
Toph, Lin Beifong, Iroh
Casey, Lester, Big Mike (and Captain Awesome I cry hes hilarious) 
Patroclus, Eris, Ares 
a character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Suki (in my optinion, they just made her so bland ?? like I was hoping for so much more from her) 
a character you did not like at first but now do:
Diane Beckman 
three OTPs:
Toph x Sokka, Mai x Zuko, Korra x Asami 
tbh I do not ship anything (most definitely not Sarah & Chuck, I just like the humor ??? I completely agree with Casey when he says  "Great! The Most Annoying Romance In My Life Is Finally Over! Downstairs Now. Come On!") I guess I ship Casey and his job (at buy more and as an agent) 
Patroclus x Achilles, Perseus x Andromeda, Selene x Endymion 
i tag: @sarahsrp @rcserph​ @pocmuzings​ @hvrringtvns​ @shackleboltrps​ @kaivstherpc​ @adriarps​ @parkhyesoo​ @sunlitrpt​ @lynrps​ & @ anyone else who wants to do this as well!
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maebyyork · 4 years
Readymade Revisited Returns
Episode 4 has taken me more than a month to get out -- probably closer to a month and a half. I could blame it on the fact that school is back in session, or that I’ve been sick and quarantined while waiting for my Covid-19 results, or that, because my doctor’s office has gone through four primary care physicians in five months, and now there just isn’t one, I’m off my antidepressants for the first time in a looong time.
But those are all just excuses. Sitting down to write, even for a few minutes, has become an anxiety inducing nightmare.
Today, I am writing. The world is on fire - literally and figuratively. The United States is being eaten alive by climate change and hate. It’s exhausting. I’m writing anyway. 
Issue 4 of Readymade Magazine, released in Fall of 2002, ticks all my boxes. The Go Bungalow article probably had nothing to do with the reason I purchased a 1918 bungalow a few years back. The article about Shishmaref, Alaska, has led to me planning an entire -- post Corona -- trip to the tiny fishing village. The projects include a lot of weird lamps, Halloween costumes, holiday cooking,  and a DIY advent calendar. This is the nonsensical novelty of Readymade that I live for.
But until now it wasn’t enough to get me to sit my ass down and write. I have been creating PTSD-induced mixed-media collages and sullen poetry in an attempt to stay grounded. It’s been therapeutic, or at least it’s been a socially acceptable cry for help/time sink.
So, here we go, Readymade Revisited, post hiatus, begins now. Thanks for coming along on this journey.
Issue Details:
Chief Editor: Shoshana Berger
Publisher: Grace Hawthorne
Cover photo: Jeffery Cross
Contributors: Alan Deutschman, Adrian Tomine, Sherif Shalaby, Anthony Discenza, Jenn Stroud Rossmann, Josh Greene, Tim Parsons, Haywood Augustus Rose, Rachel Hutton, Evan Ratcliff, Nik Schulz, Boym Partners, James Chiang, Diane Goodman, Kate Lacey, Adrian Van Allen, Steve Dodds, Neal Pollack 
Publisher: Grace Hawthorne
Cover photo: James Chiang
Contributors: John Beckman, Jessie Scanlon, Jeffery Cross, Margaret Kessler, Tucker Nichols, Jim Rosenau, Susan Beal, Michael Ray, Lisa Marie Rovito, Greg Lindsay, Mimi Zeiger, Joshua Bernstein, Gayla Sanders, Noah David Smith, Bill Evans, Lizz Zitron, Erin Lewis, Sherif Shalaby, Tim Parsons, Evan Ratcliff
Editor in Chief: Shoshana Berger
Publisher and CEO: Grace Hawthorne
Art Director: Lucas Irwin
Copy Chief: Sean Cooper
Editor-at-Large: Evan Ratcliff
Cover photo: James Chiang
Contributing Editors: W.O. Goggins, Jill Hudes, Todd Lappin
Contributing Writers: David Boyer, Sean Carman, Steve Dodds, Caterina Fake, Jessica Halgren, Christopher Hawthorne, Jill Silverman Hough, Jonathan Kiefer, Sam Martin, Evan Ratliff, Tommy Wallach
Contributing Artists and Designers: Roger Bombardier, Jesse Brink, Paul Donald, Dave Eggers, Scott Flora, Justin Godar, David Graas, Steven James, Christopher Lindstrom, Mark Mulroney, Jerinne Neils, Paul Schifino, Sheriff Shalaby, Greg Tate, Erin Lewis, Adrian Van Allen
Chief Photographer: Brian Slaughter
Contributing Photographers: Brian Bloom, James Chiang, Jeffery Cross, Timothy Hursley, Denise Prince Martin, Emily Nathan, Christopher Pilaro, Candace Vivian 
Illustrators: Bill Evans, Martin Rich, Adrian Tomine, Jayme Yen
Interns: Jill Bliss, Katie Anne Fehenbacher, Jessica Fennel, Marcella Gries, David Howenstine, Kiera Lofgreen, Marie Mathieson, Sarah Pulver
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chuckaf · 4 years
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“Off the record, it’s about damn time.”
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