#what is she graduating from ..................... also i thought she already graduated...................................... there was no re
misseviehyde · 27 days
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Sarah couldn’t be prouder of her younger sister Annabelle. She was definitely following in her big sister’s footsteps and living up to the family expectations. Head of the student council, a committed feminist and a straight A student, she had cultivated a happy and positive lifestyle just like Sarah. Just like her big sister she was also a vegan and she was deeply into politics.
Annabelle would often tell Sarah that she was her inspiration.  As a staffer for a local left-wing political organisation, Sarah had graduated top of her class and was now a rising star. She was making a difference. Annabelle looked up to her sister and wanted to be just like her once she graduated. She already had plans to become an environmental activist and work in the charity sector, something their rich but radical parents fully supported.  She first needed to complete her journalism degree, but once that was done she was ready to do her part to help the world.
The only thing Annabelle worried about was that she was sometimes getting stuck in an echo-chamber.  That was why she had tracked down her older sisters high-school bully Melody and as part of her dissertation was now interviewing her. She wanted to understand why Melody had bullied her sister and also what drove an evil bitch like her.
Melody was gorgeous and pretty. Her parents were super rich and she had been athletically talented.  Why would someone who had everything be so cruel?  Annabelle thought there had to be some deep reason, something she could discover and write about. Perhaps Melody was unhappy with her own life, perhaps she had changed since school? Maybe she would even want to apologise to Sarah and make up for all the bad, evil things she had done or said.
Sarah had told Annabelle horror stories about the rich, bratty, cheerleader and her clique. How Melody had taunted, teased and manipulated the school. Everyone had been afraid of her.  Annabelle wasn’t sure what to expect once she began interviewing the bully, but she had to try.
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“Regrets?  No I don’t have any regrets. I fucking LOVED bullying your pathetic sister and making her my little bitch. Highschool was such fun, I could do whatever the fuck I wanted, and no one could stop me. Mmmmmh, it still makes me wet just thinking about it.”
Annabelle was listening back to her recordings from todays interview. She could barely believe it as she listened to the evil poison dripping out of Melody’s bitchy mouth. She couldn’t believe how open and honest the other woman was being, but it made her feel physically sick to listen to.
And yet…
Melody’s voice was aptly melodic. Soft and seductive, full of wicked intonation and glee.  The recorder seemed to greedily suck it up.  Annabelle knew she would end up listening to it again just to hear that voice… that damn pretty voice.
“You should be glad you weren’t at school when I was. I would have bullied you too. I mean, you’re so fucking pathetic - you dress like Sarah, ape her mannerisms, you even sound like that dumb bitch. Aren’t you embarrassed that you basically are your sisters mini-me?  Wouldn’t you rather be your own person?”
In the recording, Annabelle stuttered some more questions, but Melody was only interested in talking about what she wanted to talk about.
“You know, you have a decent bone structure and you’re prettier than your sister. You could be hot if you wore more makeup - dressed a little sluttier. You should try it. You should try acting more like ME and seeing if you like it.  You should live a little, eat some red meat… be a bad girl. It wouldn’t hurt for you to be more of a bitch.”
Annabelle re-wound the recording and listened again… then again… then again.
There was something about Melody’s voice. The poision in those words was soooo fucking hot somehow. Just listening to another girl admit she enjoyed being an evil bitch, that she revelled in her bratty bullying nature made Annabelle think strange thoughts.
You should try acting like a bitch.  You should eat more red meat, you should dress like a slut.
Again and again Annabelle listened to the words. They made her body tingle and made her think things she had never thought before.  Was she just a boring clone of her sister? Was she just a pathetic copy of Sarah, too afraid to think independently and be herself?
You should try acting more like ME.  Eat more red meat…
Annabelle felt her mouth salivate suddenly at the thought of a juicy burger. She hadn’t eaten meat in six years, she had decided it was immoral to eat meat. Eat more red meat. Grabbing her keys and her purse from the counter she snuck out of the front door, Melody’s voice still echoing in her mind.
The queue in Five Guys wasn’t very long and Annabelle’s hands trembled as she lifted the hamburger to her salivating mouth. She’d watched them fry the thick patty, the meat sizzling and juices running and now she greedily bit down and moaned, actually making an orgasmic gasp of pleasure, as she tasted the meat.
Fuck… yes…
Mmmmmmmh, Annabelle chewed - a damn seeming to burst inside her and a wicked smile growing on her face as she took another delicious bite. She could do whatever the fuck she wanted. She was all that mattered. If she wanted meat, she’d have meat.  Not too much of course, she had to look after her figure… but even now she could feel the protein filling her up, causing her body to react.
Sarah was short, underdeveloped, anaemic… well Annabelle wasn’t going to fall into the same trap. She was a meat eater now and she loved it. Breaking the taboo, doing something she knew was wrong… evil in fact… just made her feel so fucking… yummy. 
Suddenly she felt guilt. What the fuck was wrong with her? One meeting with Melody and she ready to turn her back on five years of being a vegan. No… this was just a one off, she instantly regretted this and wouldn’t be doing it again.
But deep inside Annabelle knew she didn’t regret it. She was hungry now. Hungry for more.
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Annabelle sat on the bus, the recording of Melody’s perfect voice oozing evil into her ears. She’d missed her stop ages ago, now the bus was heading into town - but that was okay. Annabelle wanted to go shopping.
“The first step to being a bitch has always been to look the part. It’s important that you work out, eat healthy, tone up your body. Join a gym, make sure your ass is perfect. You need to show off your body and be proud of it. Clothing is next. You can never dress down, every outfit has to be carefully chosen. You have to look hot all the time. Makeup, nails, hair, full outfit - focus on getting those right and you’ll start to be seen as popular and hot. Personality wise you need to be fake friendly to other girls, but make it clear you’re the bitch… the boss. Bully them if you have to, pick on the weaker ones and make them yours - then bring down the leaders until you’re the dominant Alpha. That’s how I ruled school when your pathetic Mom attended.”
Annabelle’s eyes rolled back in her head as strange visions burned through her mind. Visions that made her feel very good indeed. Smiling, she looked back down at her phone and began to cancel all of her charity subscriptions.  Annabelle had plenty of money, she was a careful saver and she donated most of it to charity.  Now though she had a better use for the money. For herself.
Join a gym, make sure your ass is perfect… every outift has to be carefully chosen.
Annabelle’s mouth repeated Melody’s words without even realising it as she stepped off the bus and walked into the gym.
Make sure your ass is perfect…
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Annabelle admired her new reflection in the mirror as Melody’s droning voice continued to blare out of the speakers behind her.  She’d thrown out most of her old clothes and adapted now to the short skirts, tight dresses, knee stockings and heavy makeup that she had come to prefer. She no longer looked innocent. She looked like a teasing bitch. 
She looked like Belle.
Annabelle had started to go by Belle a few days ago when she’d decided she needed a hotter name to go with her hotter look.  Her gym membership was starting to pay off - she’d really toned up already. Maybe the diet of meat and protein shakes was paying off too. Even her boobs looked slightly bigger.
She practically salivated as she regarded herself narcissistically in the mirror. “Fuck yes. I'm so much hotter than I used to be. I feel like I'm finally becoming my own person. I’m finally breaking free of my dumb sister.”
Belle's waste paper bin was piled full of books and jotters. She’d needed more room for her makeup and this dumb crap was just in the way. She'd torn down her greenpeace posters and torn her signed photo of Greta Thurnburg in half. She couldn't give a shit about that stuff anymore.
She was rearranging her life. Plastic bags lined the wall, ready to be ditched. They were full of the fugly outfits she used to wear. A lot of them were Sarah's hand-me-downs. Belle wouldn't be seen dead in something that dumb bitch used to wear.
Melody's voice droned on repeat, filling Belle with the delicious thoughts she'd come to enjoy so much. She had an audio file of Melody's greatest sayings. She loved listening to her.
Your sister was always such a fucking loser, but you seem different. Have you done something with your hair? You look fucking hot babe. Those clothes look really good on you too. You know, I'm kinda rich. How about I support you in getting a new wardrobe, a new look? Start dressing like a popular girl and things will happen. You do wanna be popular right? It's more important than being nice. Popularity is ALL that matters.
Belle applied more lip gloss and repeated her new mentors words. Yes… popularity was all that mattered. She couldn't believe she hadn't seen it until now. She couldn't believe she had spent so many years trying to be a Sarah, when she should have been a Melody.
But she was so far behind. She was eighteen and had never been popular before. All those years wasted. All that time she could have been positioning herself to be the hottest girl at school.
She had another session with Melody tomorrow. She couldn't wait. She wanted to learn more.
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Belle should have felt nervous. But she was just excited. The fact that Jason already had a girlfriend just made this even hotter.
Melody had told her it would feel this way. Her desire to get fucked was both physical and mental. A hunger inside her she needed to fulfil.
She had cummed night after night, rubbing her tight pussy and squirting to the sound of Melody's voice - but she needed the real thing. To truly become Belle she needed to experience cock. She needed to get railed like a bitch.
“Annabelle… ohhh shit we shouldn't be doing this. I didn't know you were like this…”
Belle squeezed his cock, digging her sharp new acrylic fingernails in slightly and making him moan. “I told you… don't call me that. I'm Belle now… and we both know you don't want me to stop right?”
Belle was pumping Jason's big cock slowly up and down, her tiny hand somehow managing to wrap round the magnificent girth. His cock felt great in her hands. 
They had met at his house, everyone was out and Jason’s girlfriend Carlie was hanging out with her friends. 
Belle had chosen Jason because he was fit, sexually experienced, and the most popular boy at college.
“I want you to take my virginity Jason. I want you to fuck me.”
“You're a virgin? I… are you sure you want to do this? I mean we don't have to…”
“Mmmmmh. Does it look like I'm messing around here?” purred Belle as she sank to her knees and slid her hot wet mouth around his cock.
“Holy shit… I thought you were a good girl, a prude.”
Belle giggled. “Not anymore. I'm a dirty fucking slut now baby, and my tight virgin holes need pounding. I wanna learn everything about being a slut. Use my body and fuck my holes as deep as you like till I tell you to stop…”
Jason moaned as Belle resumed her sucking and he knew he was in for a great night…
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At the dinner table, Sarah watched her sister in barely disguised horror. What the hell had happened to Annabelle?
The girl was eating meat. She had somehow convinced their parents to start eating meat again too, and now the three of them were sat eating juicy steaks whilst Sarah picked at her quinoa salad.
“Mmmmmh dont you fucking love how good this tastes Mom and Dad. You know - I thought vegans were meant to be thin, so it’s kind of mad that Sarah is so fucking fat even though she eats that plant based shit.”
Neither parent said anything, they just looked embarassed. What Sarah didn't know of course was that Belle had evidence their Dad was embezzling money from his company and their Mom was having an affair with the pastor. Their hypocrisy had given her total control of the house and Melody had taught Belle exactly how to leverage this to her advantage.
Sarah just couldn’t believe it. Her once smart, kind, feminist, vegan, sister was now a selfish, bratty bitch and a bully. She almost reminded Sarah of someone else, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.
“Do you want some steak too Sarah?” giggled Belle as she deliberately tossed a piece onto her sisters plate and watched maliciously for a reaction.
Standing up Sarah pushed her chair under the table and glared at Belle. “What the hell has happened to you Annabelle? You're my sister but you're acting like a total bitch. Im not hungry right now, enjoy your meat.”
Storming off to Belle's laughter Sarah decided she had to act. Something had changed a few months ago to start Belle down this path, but what?
She let herself into her sisters room. It was unrecognisable. Designer clothes hung from racks, a sex toy lay discarded next to the bed… white stains on the bed sheet evidence of where Belle had orgasmed that morning. 
Makeup and perfume covered every available surface, lingerie was stuffed into drawers. How could she afford all this stuff?
Next to the bed was a pair of Bluetooth headphones. They were still connected to Belle's phone. Sarah slipped them on and pressed play.
You're a fucking bitch now Belle and it feels good. You exist now to bully girls like Sarah. You're my little mini-me and you love it. Keep cumming as you listen to my voice and imagine yourself become more evil and bratty. You don't care about anything but yourself anymore. You have become a perfect bitch.
Sarah ripped the headphones off with a gasp. That voice… that evil fucking voice. It was Melody. Her old bully Melody.
“So now you know the truth, sis” giggled a voice behind her and she spun to see Belle standing in the door. 
“Look at you. So fucking pathetic. I can't believe there was ever a time I wanted to be like you. Melody helped open my eyes and show me who I really am.”
Belle advanced into the room with a wicked grin. “Look at me Sarah. I'm so much better than you now. My pussy is tighter, my ass rounder, my boobs bigger. You're a fucking nobody. In a few months I'll have found a rich man to satisfy my needs… just like Melody did.”
“No Annabelle. She's brainwashed you. She always was persuasive, but somehow she's turned you into her puppet. You have to fight this, you have to resist. Can't you see what she is doing?”
Belle just giggled, “Get out of my room loser. I have Jason coming round and then I'm seeing Melody again. Nothing you can say can stop what I'm becoming. Nothing.”
Sarah walked out, tears in her eyes as Belle laughed again. 
Then she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. She gasped at how evil and wanton she looked. She looked just like… just like Melody.
She's turned you into a puppet.
Belle gripped her temples. Had she just exchanged one role-model for another? Was she being played by Melody?
No one plays you. You're in control. You get to choose who you want to be.
“But this… this isn't who I wanted to be is it?”
The mirror seemed to shimmer and Bella saw herself as she used to be. Sweet, innocent, a little Sarah copy.
We can go back. Go back to how we were. 
Belle hesitated. 
She looked down at her sexy hands and ran them over her toned body. She remembered the taste of cock in her mouth, the feeling of getting fucked. She shivered as she recalled how good it felt to bully other people and get what she wanted.
No. There is no going back. I fucking LOVE being Belle. 
She laughed as she imagined Annabelle being destroyed, consumed and turned into her. She imagined innocent little Annabelle moaning in pleasure as Belle replaced her.  Yesss that’s right loser. You fucking love being me.  You fucking love being a bitch,
“Mmmmh, fuck Sarah AND fuck Melody. The only person who matters is me. I'm the only one who counts. I’m a fucking bitch and I want what Melody has. The power to make others do everything I want. I need that power and I’m going to get it.”
Laughing she opened her phone and messaged Jason.
She had a plan…
Belle moaned as Jason mounted her, his hands in her hair and his cock buried deep in her tight pussy.
“Yessss fuck me harder. Tell me how much better I am than everyone else. Tell me what a slut I am.”
Thwap thwap thwap. Sweat dripped down, Belle's sexy boob's bounced and wet smacks filled the air as Jason pounded Belle's incredible body.
She loved the feeling of him sliding in and out. She squeezed her fussy tight, feeling it grip his cock and make him moan. She threw her hips back so he could go even deeper.
In the last few weeks she’d gone from virgin to pornstar.
Jason didnt even bother to fuck his own girlfriend anymore. Life was brilliant. 
But something Sarah had said bothered Belle. That bit about being a puppet. Had Melody just turned her into an extension of her will? Was she still not really her own person?
“Fuck Belle. You're so much better than anyone else. I'd do anything for you. Anything.”
Belle's mind was full of ideas. She had a theory, she just needed to test it.
Slipping the headphones over Sarah's ears, Belle grinned as her sisters eyes flickered open. Jason was ready though.
He pinned Sarah down and stopped her from struggling as the specially edited tape Belle had made began to play. Melody's hypnotic voice flowed into Sarah's brain.
“You are worthless… pathetic… beta… loser… nothing… subservient… weak…”
Belle watched as her sister tried to fight, and then as her struggles began to slow and her eyes rolled up into her head, she tossed her the sex toy.
“I’m a dumb cunt that serves Belle. A dumb cunt that serves Belle. My little sister is better than me…”
As Sarah began to repeat the words Belle felt herself get wet. Soon there wouldn't be anything left of who Sarah had been. Melody's voice was the key and Sarah had hours of recordings.
She could make Melody pretty much say anything now…
Melody didn't remember much after drinking the juice that Belle had fetched for her. By the time she'd realised the little bitch had set her up it was too late.
Melody felt the gag in her mouth and the headphones jammed on her head. Her own voice was telling her things… things she couldn't resist.
She was telling herself that Belle was best. She was the Mistress that Melody needed to serve. Melody existed to serve Belle. She could no longer use her voice except to serve Belle. She could no longer use her voice against Belle. She was the puppet now and Belle was the Mistress. 
No… that wasn't right. Belle was the puppet Melody had created to torment and destroy her old victim Sarah. She wasn't the Mistress. Melody was. 
Only she wasn't. Melody's own voice was telling her that Belle was the Mistress now and Melody's voice was irresistible. She had worked hard to develop her natural powers and learn the mind conditioning techniques that allowed her to make others do what she wanted. She had loved the power.
In hindsight maybe it had been careless to let the girl take so many recordings. Now the power was hers.
No… not the girl.
Her Mistress…
Belle was the Mistress now and Melody was eager to serve her.
Belle cleared her throat and laughed with glee as whispered her corrupting words into her lovers ear. He groaned, his loyalty to his wife now totally destroyed as he fucked her deeper and she wrapped her legs around his waist.
“Yessss fuck me deeper Daddy… fuck me like a slut.”
She felt him respond, felt his mouth on her nipples… his thick powerful cock pistoning in and out of her responsive body.  She had cum on his cock twice already and could feel a third time approaching.
It was all so fucking intoxicating.
She had the power now and her voice was sexier and deeper. It had taken Melody very little time to teach her the techniques- she was a gifted student after all. 
And once she was sure she had fully mastered the power - that she could drip corruption into another person and shape them to her whims… her first victim had been Melody. She’d brainwashed her completely until her former mentors voice was entirely stripped of its power. Melody could no longer brainwash people.
Only Belle had that power now.
She could make people do whatever she wanted. Make boys suck dick, girls become bullies or losers… even change Sarah from her kind, loving sister into a cold hearted MAGA supporter - which she had done just for fun.
Her once socially liberal and kind sister was now a regressive cruel bitch just like Belle had wanted.  As for Jason - Belle had gotten bored of him at last. His reward for helping her had been to be programmed into a cocksucking sissy boy for her amusement whilst she began fucking his hunky Dad instead.
That was who was now deep inside her - his loyalty to his son and his wife replaced by an uncontrollable lust for Belle.
Perhaps one day she’d get bored of him too.  After all Belle was a bitch and she was the only one who mattered.
The student had become the teacher and no one was ever going to be better at it than Belle.
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giorno-plays-piano · 8 months
Binary Star
Part I
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Pairing: academic rival!Satoru Gojo x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, power play, hurt/comfort, no curse au, this series will get darker as the story progresses.
Words: 1.2k
Summary: It has to pay off, he thinks as he waits for the headmaster to finally announce the valedictorian, knowing she is there too, shifting from one foot to the other impatiently. What face is she going to make when his name will be called? Is she going to cry? To yell at him and publicly demand a re-evaluation? Or will she, perhaps, finally admit he's done a fantastic job and won fair and square?
He is really going to get her this time. This is the finish line, quite literally: the graduation; his last attempt to win and emerge victorious from the very last battle between him and her. It has to be it.
If he couldn't win against her for the last time, Gojo would probably have a mental breakdown right in the middle of the ceremony. Geto standing right next to him rolls his eyes to the ceiling over his friend who's shaking from excitement and fear. Of course, Satoru wouldn't admit it even under torture, but Suguru knows better. The girl his friend has been competing with throughout high school isn't just smart: she's completely insane like Gojo and as big pain in the ass as him. Who knows, perhaps she'll really win this round. He prefers not to think of it.
Satoru searches for her in the crowd, standing on his toes despite already being a foot taller than anyone else in the hall. Is she here? This nightmarish woman who has been pushing him to give high school his all because she dared to take away his crown of the best student during their freshman year? When Satoru saw the scores, he thought he might have had a heart attack. There was no way he was no longer #1.
"That's what you get for messing around the chem lab," Shoko snorted while Satoru dumbly stared at the name of that annoying girl, always the teachers' pet, heading the list. His name was written right under hers.
What the actual fuck?! She got a better score than him? Him, the genius, with his undeniably superior IQ of 180 that he flaunted at any given time? Who did she think she was, Sheldon Cooper or something?
It got him so fired up he actually started studying.
"You're so dumb," Geto eventually said after his friend had gotten in the argument with the girl during their ethics class - again. "You know you could be making out with her now, right? She's the only person who could actually get along with your stubborn ass."
"Wha-a-at? What about you?" Immediately disregarding his question, Satoru was already pouting like a kid. "Wouldn't you date me?"
"Yeah, over my dead fucking body."
To be fair, it's not that Gojo never thought of her that way - she was pretty, even if he was never going to admit it out loud - but she was also so insufferable Gojo really couldn't focus on anything else but beating her in that game they were playing. The best score on the history exam? They both wanted it. Math test? Him and her were working on those questions as if their lives depended on it. Biology project? Satoru made sure to do the impossible, submitting something he would get a Noble prize for, and yet he still somehow managed to get the same grade as her. It was absolutely infuriating.
Why on Earth did she decide she could be better than him? He was Satoru Gojo, after all. The one and only son of Gojo family, who was not only embarrassingly rich but also fucking smart - his parents used to flaunt his talents throughout his whole childhood and continued doing it well into adulthood. He couldn't tell them he was no longer #1. What would his mother say? Dear God, it was hard to imagine what would happen to his father of he learned some random girl got a better grade for that English paper than him. It was, at the very least, unbecoming of Satoru.
But she was unrelenting, irritated with his status of the school genius, and ready to fight him on every occasion. Satoru had no idea what could piss her off so much - in the end, he was the most charming guy around, wasn't he? - but there wasn't a day she'd let him have his way. She was brave, persistent, and knowledgeable, and he hated her very much.
The fact that Shoko and Suguru were asking him to please get together with her and stop antagonizing the whole school only riled up Gojo even more. As if he was going to date that nerd!
When he learned she'd be running for the valedictorian, it was the last drop. No fucking way. She couldn't take it away from him - even if he had never actually cared about being a valedictorian.
If his friends had thought he was obessessing over her, now they realized Satoru went completely nuts. He started studying so much he barely slept: it was a given, considering the bags under his eyes were making his skinny ass look like a starving raccoon. Geto couldn't drag gim out even in between lessons because Satoru was immediately burying his head in the books.
It has to pay off, he thinks as he waits for the headmaster to finally announce the valedictorian, knowing she is there too, shifting from one foot to the other impatiently. What face is she going to make when his name will be called? Is she going to cry? To yell at him and publicly demand a re-evaluation? Or will she, perhaps, finally admit he's done a fantastic job and won fair and square?
Pfft, of course she won't. She'll probably stab him in the parking lot once he tries to get into his car.
But when the headmaster finally announces the results, and his, Satoru Gojo's, name is called, he no longer sees her in the crowd, and the sweet taste of victory suddenly turns to ashes in his mouth.
Where is she? She couldn't have known it would be him. To be frank, he didn't either. How could she leave right before the results were announced?
He gives his speech with a stupid smile plastered all over his face, but his mood has already soured. She had to be there to hear he was named this year's valedictorian! What face did she make? Did she leave right after she heard it wasn't her? Did she cry? Did she run away because she couldn't take it? Wasn't she going to say to him anything at all?
How could she just... vanish?
He doesn't know why he expected her to be the bigger person and come tell him he did great, but he truly did. Suddenly, he realizes he wants her to look him in the face and say he is good enough.
Did he need to be the bigger person, perhaps? But, wait, isn't he a bigger person by default because he's the winner, he wondered. The winner is always the bigger person if he doesn't rub loser's face in the dirt, right?
In the end, he couldn't even enjoy the victory he had been craving for so long.
"She had something urgent come up," Shoko says later in the restaurant, making a tsk-ing sound while Gojo listens to her with a frown on his face. "Something about her family."
Something about her family? What could be as important as the announcement of valedictorian?
"Are you dumb?" With a sigh, Suguru cocks his head to the side. "Plenty of things are more important than this valedictorian crap."
Maybe to somebody else, but not to her, Satoru thinks. Beating him has always been the only thing on her mind, and nothing could have changed that.
He will be mulling over it for a long, long time once he realizes she did not follow him to Harvard despite her scholarship.
Part II
Tags: @minshookie29
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arc-misadventures · 8 months
So for vtuber AU, several of the girls and/or boys from the academy have already made their debut in your entries. So I thought what if "Errantry" reacted to the recent re-debut of one of the members of the cabal, which is a short anime
the jepella rebelion
The VTuber: Maiden of the Cabal
Errant: Well, well, well. Look who’s back.
Errant smiled at the camera as he finished the video. He hadn’t expected an old acquaintance from his past to reemerge, it was certainly unexpected, but a welcome surprise nonetheless.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
GoodDoggo: Who is she?
FallenDesire: You know her?
Lucious: She’s pretty.
QueensGuard: Sounds like you know her.
Errant: That everyone is, FallenEmbers. No wait, Fall4Me, she goes by that now, that’s right. I knew her back when I used to play, The World of Remnant: Hunter’s and Monsters. It was this massive mmorpg that I played back in the day, it’s where I got the name, and design for my, VTuber avatar, The ErrantryPaladin. Fall4Me was, FallenEmbers back then. Hence my confusion.
Errant: It’s nice to see her coming back to the VTubing scene. I heard she was on before, but something happened. Oh, well I’m just happy she’s back, and hope she does well.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
GrimmKitty: So you do know her.
HellJumper1337: Were you friends?
Errant’s body fell back in his chair as a deep breath of air escaped trough his nose. He looked heavenlyward as he wistfully remembered the old days.
Errant: I did know her, we were friends… of sorts. I met her back when the, World of Remnant: Hunters, and Monsters mmorpg was at its peak. I was still my lonely, Huntsman self while she was a, Huntress in the service of the, Cabal, the in game version. I never knew this when we first met, we just stumbled across one another, and did some missions together. Just because I played alone doesn’t mean I didn’t occasionally team up with other players. Little did I know she was trying to recruit me into the, Cabal.
Errant: Now, you have to understand something about how the, Acadimies, and the Cabal’s organizational structures work before I continue. You see to join a, Academy you as a player had to reach a minimum level of level ten to join an academy. This was to ensure that all new members were relatively skilled, no greenhorns, and the like. Basically, they wanted the new players to know the basic understanding of the game.
Errant: So once you joined a, Academy your characters bio gets the tag of: ‘Student of academy ‘X.’ And, once you reached level fifty you graduate from the academy, and become: ‘Hunter of ‘X’ academy.’ This was basic stuff to tell where people were from. You get different stats bonuses, and equipment based upon which academy you graduated from, not to mention players with certain individual characteristics tended to gravitate towards certain guilds. Giving each their own unique flavour to them all. The Cabal however, didn’t operate like that.
Errant: The Cabal recruited its members. Whether they be from, Atlas, or Shade Academy, it didn’t matter, their members would find you, scout you, and if you passed their tests they would offer up an invitation for you to join. While a graduated Hunter from, Mistral Academy would be said in their character profile, It wouldn’t say you were a member of the, Cabal. So its members could be anyone. This added a rather unique feature to the games overall gameplay. But, as I said; to join the, Cabal you had to display certain characteristics that the, Cabal would find desirable, and then they would invite you to join them. That’s how they did it to me, when FallenEmbers tried to recruit me.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
QuitenDown: Sounds like the beginning of a love story.
HellJunper1337: Yeah, a tragic one.
Errant: So, whilst on a mission to find some rare metals to upgrade my gear I stumbled upon, Ember. Ahh, I liked to call her that, because it was quicker to say, and I’m lazy.
Errant: So, it turned out she was also looking for the same minerals that I was. And, since the area we were in is an a royal bitch to fight in we decided to team up, and we made a deal: She gets the first ore we find, then I get the next. Simple as that. We made off with a lot of ore that day… Anyway, after that we parted ways, but stayed in contact, we would occasionally join up on missions together, and generally had a blast. And, then she told me the truth, she was a member of the, Cabal, and wanted me to join.
Errant: Honestly I always had my suspicions about her. She always felt distant, and overly cautious around people. Anyway, I… I don’t remember what I said, but I remember arriving at the, Cabal’s headquarters in the, Grimm Lands, where she gave me a tour of the place. I learned how their operatives operated… ha… That sounds weird doesn’t it? ‘Operatives operated.’ Sounds like improper english, but no, it’s correct.
Errant: Uhhh… where was I…? Oh yeah! So, I learned the ins, and outs of how their operations worked, met some of their members… And, then I betrayed them by luring a, Titan Class Grimm into their base…
And, with those few words his chat exploded into a shower of startled, confused, and dare say, aroused comments.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
UWU_Knight: You did what?!
Lucious: Titan Class?!
RighteousPotato: Why would you do that?!
LRDirection: You betrayed them?
KinSlayer: Betraying an evil organization is one thing, but YOU betraying anyone is another thing entirely!
HellJunper1337: Evil, Errant confirmed!
RunnerDowner: Why?!
LouderDesires: Cue the sexy art!
PokéGirl69: Sexy evil smile~!
LitteDragon: You betrayed someone?
Errant looked at the last comments before he rolled his eyes, and continued on with his tale.
Errant: Now, before I go on about how I did it, first you must learn why I did it. So, the Cabal was mostly jokesters; nothing overly evil, evil, just general bullies who raided supply lines, and caused the occasional, Grimm attacks on an innocent village. It annoyed people, but they added spice to the game. However, that commonly held opinion changed when the, Apprentice Massacre happened…
Errant: For context, we called players who were below level ten apprentices; They’re not at a high enough level to become academy students since they’re still in training so we called them apprentices. So, the Apprentice Massacre was an infamous incident where a bunch of, Cabal members got together, and started hunting down, and killing apprentices for the hell of it. Now this may not sound that bad, but there was a game mechanic where every time you die you’d lose one level. It happens every ten levels; say you’re level twenty seven; and you die eight times, you won’t go down to level nineteen, you’ll stay at level twenty. So, need I explain what happened, when a bunch of, Cabal members started killing a whole lot of apprentices?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
RunnerDowner: No way?
SumPenny: They dropped them to level one?!
KinSlayer: That’s mean!
RighteousPotato: What did they do spawn-camp them?
LunarFlower: I heard about this!
HeadHunter: I was there when it happened, it was brutal.
Errant: Yeah, over a dozen, Cabal members who ranged from level thirty to forty started basically spawn camping, and killing apprentices in the starting area. There was about… seventy apprentices there, and they were completely outclassed by even the weakest members. So it was a slaughter, they tried to put up a fight, but what could they do?
Errant: However, fortunately for the apprentices, and unfortunately for the, Cabal members, I was there.
He smiled a wicked smile as he remembered that day, and more importantly what he did that day. It was the day that legends were born, and he was the start of them all.
Errant: I was in the area walking to the next area to do some quests I picked up, when I came across the, Massacre. I made a quick message to the Academies, and several, Hunter’s I was acquitted with for back up, and after that I went on a bloody slaughter. The Cabal members didn’t know what hit them! I mean, I was a solo player in my seventies, and it didn’t matter how many of them there were, I had soloed plenty of, Grimm hordes before so this was a cake walk for me.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
QuitenDown: I bet you looked really cool when you did that
Dragondeeznutz: Bet he looked hot too
VulpineRanger: He’s always hot.
GrimmKitty: But he can be hotter!
HolyNevil: True.
GermanLeopard: Good point
Errant: I looked cool, least that’s what people said I looked like, chat. Back to the story, it was much easier when other players came in, and started protecting the apprentices with me. But, to make a long story short we managed to beat them off, and save the apprentices. A whole lot of things changed in the community after that happened.
Errant: Mostly codes of conduct, recently Graduated Hunter’s now had to mentor, and protect apprentices until they become students. A right of passage if you will. And, people’s general hatred towards the, Cabal, and what they did. People went inquisition on their asses. Specifically the, Atlas Academy, they really went after them.
Errant: …
Errant: Which now that I think about it actually makes sense since it’s, Atlas. If you know the lore, you’d understand.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
HellJumper1337: What did they do?
RangerFang: We went ham on them
BunnyDownUnder: Witch hunt baby!
LunaFlower: They hold grudges.
WinterBitch: Yeah, they’re a spiteful bunch.
Errant: Yeah, they’re a spiteful bunch. I’m not spiteful, no I’m not spiteful at all chat.
Errant: I am however… very, very… Vindictive~! Ah~hahaha~!
Errant gave off a roguish smile that as he chuckled as he remembered all the incidents he scored his revenge against those that wronged him. His dark chuckle, and devilish smile brought an explosion of heart emojis throughout his chat feed.
Errant: Ahhhh… Good times.
Errant: Anyway, so I had a grudge against the, Cabal because I thought that what they did was cruel. People may tease, or prank apprentices , but what they did pushed the line. So, when FallenEmbers showed me to the, Cabal base I knew what I wanted to do. You see, the Cabal headquarters was located in the, Grimm Lands. And, there is a whole mess of, Grimm there: From Beowulf, Apathy, Beringals, Chimera Grimm. Delta to Alpha Class. And lastly, Titan Class.
Errant: Now, you may be asking: How does the, Cabal operate in the Grimm lands without getting attacked? Simple: They get covered in a Grimm repellent that prevents, Grimm from attacking you. The Grimm will attack you if you don’t attack them. So… I went over to one the nesting, Titan Grimm’s, and I… woke it up.
Errant: Titan Class Grimm tend to… incubate until they reach a certain… No, no that doesn’t really make sense… How do I explain this…?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
Corgimorgi: Waiting for the butterfly to hatch from its cocoon?
Errant: Yeah, that’s works, thanks, Corgimorgi. It slowly grows in its cocoon until it hatches, and marches off to one of the kingdoms, and unleashes all hell upon them. If rumours arise that one of these were sighted, and, all available, Hunter’s is tasked to go out, and confirm if there is one. Everyone is terrified of these things, the first one that was ever encountered levelled, Shade Academy. It took them months irl to rebuild the academy, and it took them a year to reclaim all the land, Vacuo lost to a surge of, Grimm attacks.
Errant: At the time of the attack, Vacuo had a strength over nearly seven hundred members, and they barely, barely manage to defeat it. They had to call for help from other academies to kill the damn thing! So… How do you think the, Cabal managed to deal with a, Titan Class Grimm with barely two hundred members?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
GoodDoggo: A bloody slaughter.
Gundam#UWU: They most likely got curb stomped!
HellJumper1337: I almost feel sorry for them.
KinSlayer: Did you stay to fight it?
Errant: Nope! I got the hell out of there after it started attacking their headquarters. I let them burn! It took them days, like a week to kill it too. I know because I poked the bear, and I got Exp from when it died! Went up three levels because of that. I basically crippled the, Cabal for months after this! They couldn’t do a damn thing to anyone, they were so busy trying to rebuild they couldn’t be bothered with messing with anyone else.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
Likelyaghost: So you destroyed the, Cabal all on your own?
Errant: No… I crippled the, Cabal all on my own. The Scorpion Incident… That, that killed the, Cabal…
Errant went quiet as he remembered a rather uncomfortable event that had transpired years ago. He took a deep sigh to calm his nerves before he continued to tell his tale of years gone bye.
Errant: So that’s how I met, Fall4Me. You know… I never told anyone that I was the reason the, Titan Grimm attacked the, Cabal. Fall4Me never contacted me again after the attack… I wonder why; Did she know I was the cause of the attack? Maybe that’s why she never contacted me… Probably called me a traitor for betraying her trust, and our friendship…
He stared off into the distance as he pondered these questions in his mind. He sighed another deep sigh before he shook his head, and readdressed his stream.
Errant: It matters not… What’s done is done. For that was then, this is now. So chat, to welcome back an old… acquaintance. We’re gonna raid her! Send her my well wishes, and welcome her into the fold chat!
Errant pressed the button, and sent his chat onward towards, Fall4Me’s stream with a smile on his face, and a roguish smile on his face. Thinking of all the good times they had together, and he couldn’t help but wonder, where did is long lost friend disappear to? But, most important of all:
Why is her model wearing an eyepatch?
Fall4Me’s Stream
Fall4Me: Hello everyone, I am Fall4Me, and welcome to my stream.
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Fall4Me: I am a, Huntress in the service of the, Grimm Cabal. And, I hope you enjoy watching me as we plunge the, World of Remnant into absolute chaos~!
Fall4Me: Here we will have discussions about very things: Music, video games, and various other things that… Hmm? What the?
The howl of a Beowulf echoed throughout the stream to signal a notification. One that she had not expected on her debut stream.
Fall4Me: I’m being raided? By who…?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
HellJumper1337: Hi, Ember!
GrimmKitty: She’s pretty
BunnyDownUnder: Love the eye
FallenDersires: Errant sends his regards!
Dragondeeznutz: Whoo raiding!
Fall4Me: Ember? Wait, how do you know that na… Wait… Errant? ErranrtyPaladin! H-He sent you?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
HellJumper1337: Yeah, he told us all about you
Corgimorgi: It was a cool story
SummerDaysNightmare: Were you friends, he didn’t sound certain about it?
Fall4Me: We are… were friends of sorts. But, tell me chat, what did he say about me?
There was an eagerness, and an honest desire to know about how her long lost friend felt about her, and she hoped her new found audience could answer her questions.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
DungeonSiver18: Why listen to us when you can watch him talk about you?
QueensGuard: Yeah, watch his vod!
Fall4Me: Hmmm~? Now doesn’t that sound like a novel idea~! Alright chat, let us see what our beloved, ErrantryPaladin thinks of us~!
Fall4Me: Ahh, I remember that day, I was looking for, Gundrite. It’s a rare metal used for upgrading a, Hunters gear. I was looking for the ore to upgrade my weapons; I had a pair of twin swords that I could stick together to use as a bow. I wanted to increase my damage output, and then I stumbled across, Errant doing the same thing. Just as we found our first piece of, Gundrite.
Fall4Me: I thought we were about to have a fight over who got the ore. But, he said I found it first, and it was mine to take. It was… surprising really. I often tend to get into fights against players while looking for rare resources. It surprised me more so that he recommended that we team up to gather more resources together. And, it worked very well. I got more then enough ore. It’s not a surprise really, a level thirty, Huntress, and a level forty, Huntsmen such as ourselves is a very powerful duo to face against.
Errant: ‘And, then I betrayed them by luring a, Titan Class Grimm into their base…’
Fall4Me: HE WHAT?! He sent that damn, Grimm after us?!
Her eye ignited in flames as she looked on his smiling face as he unapologetically admitted his crime.
Fall4Me: It took the entire, Cabal nearly two weeks to kill the damned thing!
Fall4Me: It levelled our training grounds, obliterated the landing pads, decimated the hospital, and spawn camped the entire, Cabal for weeks! Seriously it’s aoe attacks were so strong that a player would die, then respawn, and then be killed by its next aoe attack! There wasn’t a single one of us whose level wasn’t reduced to a tenth!
Fall4Me: Then we all got branded as, Titan slayers, and everyone knew that a Titan awoke in the, Grimm lands meaning we were easily marked out as cabal members because of that! We couldn’t go into the field because of that!
Fall4Me: We were crippled for months, and we never made it back to half of our original strength. It was hell!
Fall4Me: But, why?! Why would my sweet, noble, Wolf do this to us? Why…?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
BunnyDownUnder: She said ‘my wolf’
FallenDesire: Another one?
LRDirection: But why is he a wolf?
Lixxen: Guy knows what the ladies like
QueensBeedom: It’s his roguish charm
Fall4Me: Lets continue the video, perhaps he’ll explain why he did this…
Fall4Me: Oh…
Fall4Me: The Apprentice Massacre. That most certainly explains things…
~~~Stream Chat~~~
Gundam#UWU: Were you a part of it?
Dippernipper: We know you’re evil, but are you that evil?
Beowulf#38k: She’s evil, but will she stay hot evil?
She laughed a whimsical laugh as she read her chat feed. Relishing in delight at their innocence.
Fall4Me: Oh chat, I am always hot; More often than not its metaphorically, but often at times its quite… Literal~!
Fall4Me gave the camera a sultry gaze before holding up her hand as she flexed her fingers as it was enveloped in flames. She held a blazing fist before setting it out, and resuming with his vod.
Fall4Me: But, no I wasn’t involved in the, Apprentice Massacre. Yes I was a member of the, Cabal, but I was off doing other things irl when it happened. Even then I wouldn’t have partaken in such an action. Because the headache they caused us because of that was an ungodly amount of work to fix.
Fall4Me: Well, we mostly went into hiding, and laid low for a while. I eventually went again to see if I could recruit, Errant to our side. He was a loner, and outcast I thought he would easily join the group. I thought he was genuinely interested in joining us. But, he appears more interested in how to destroy us. And, good gods did he ever manage to do so…
Errant: ‘So that’s how I met, Fall4Me. You know… I never told anyone that I was the reason the, Titan Grimm attacked the, Cabal. Fall4Me never contacted me again after the attack… I wonder why…’
She looked away nervously for a moment before readdressing her chat as she saw them flood her chat with the similar question of why she talk to her precious wolf after the attack.
And, why did she call him, ‘Her Wolf?’
Fall4Me: Oh… I was just too busy rebuilding the, Cabal to contact, Errant. Besides, I thought he would be upset if I tried to wrangle him into helping fix the mess the, Titan Class Grimm caused. Or, asking him to fix his mess as it were.
Fall4Me: Then the whole, ‘Scorpion Incident’ happened, and the, Cabal was done for. There was no chance of rebuilding the guild since members left; they all left, right, left, and centre. To the point it was only a, Cabal of one. No big battle, no final stand, it just slowly burned out, and poof! It was gone.
Fall4Me: I need to talk to, Errant again, explain some things, ask him how things are going. Reconnect with my friend for old times sake. Would you like to see that, chat?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
GrimmKitty: Yeah! That sounds cool!
HellJumper1337: Friends reunite!
BunnyDownUnder: Lets see where she stands
Beowulf#38k: Idk these two seem like a good pair
Lixxen: Old war stories sounds fun.
Helsreach: I bet he’d like to talk to you too.
RunnerDowner: Do eeet!
Fall4Me: Alright then chat. Let’s go see what my noble, Wolf is there~!
Ahhh… This took days to finish… I just couldn’t finish it. But, it’s done!
I like doing these lore posts, it’s fun to let the mind make stories like these.
Do you guys enjoy these kind of posts, or are they just a bore to you? That’s just something I’ve been curious about.
Till later then.
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heavenbarnes · 7 months
hi!! i’ve never done this before but id like to request a sydney adamu x femreader :) like maybe with the reader being a new sous chef at the bear or old culinary school crush or smth along those lines haha or literally any other ideas u might have!! there’s an unfortunate lack of sydney fics in general so i’ll rly take anything lol. also LOVED the one you wrote recently (im losing it lately) i have been re-reading it over and over again omfg
Already better for knowing you
Sydney Adamu x female reader
Warnings/Contains: swearing, syd is so fucking awkward, carmy is a meddling shithead, mature themes (involving fruit), beginnings of a praise kink, no actual smut (can you believe it?!)
Thank you so much for requesting this, I thoroughly enjoy writing for Syd! Also sorry that I always write her the same way (awkward-lesbian-munch) but I genuinely think that’s how she’d be. Also cannot believe you’ve read my work multiple times! I didn’t know if you wanted this to be smut so I only hinted, but lemme know if you want more. Anyways, hope you like this!
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Sydney and Carmy had to have the difficult talk.
With the success of The Bear, how much it had taken off with their hard work, it was time to bite the bullet.
They needed more hands in the kitchen.
Experienced hands, they needed someone that Syd could rely on. She could give an order and that person would follow.
She needed a sous chef.
They put up the ad and, sure enough, they had a number of chefs in for the interview. They were keen, mostly young, hungry for the chance to break out into their first kitchen.
Both Syd and Carm knew you had to start somewhere but they both really needed the experience, the trust, the reliability.
Their last day of interviews rolled through and Sydney couldn’t help the feeling of helplessness creeping in her chest. Last day of interviews and still no closer to a new sous.
Were they being too picky?
As she shuffled her papers of interview questions and old CVs, she watched Carmy scratch the back of his neck as he read over the last applicant’s details.
“Well, she sounds good on paper.”
Syd couldn’t help the snort she let out, elbows on the table and head resting in her hands. “They’ve all sounded good on paper.”
Carmy shrugged his shoulders at that, but nevertheless sat down beside his chef de cuisine still reading over the paper.
“Says she’s worked in a couple restaurants, out of state- she’s only recently moved to Chicago.”
Syd listened to him speak, trying to find herself a little bit more excited at the prospects.
“Graduated from the CIA, experienced with-“
That perked her up a bit, knowing it was a long shot with the number of campus locations and students that came and went from the institute.
But there was still a small chance.
“What’s her name?” She turned to read the paper over Carmy’s shoulder as the sound of the door opening filled the space.
It all happened so quickly.
The door opened.
Carmy said your name.
You appeared before her.
Still as beautiful as the last time she saw you.
As if she could forget that day, for a few reasons. One, it was graduation, obviously she was going to remember it. Two, well, you were there.
If anyone cared enough to ask, she could tell them what you wore. The way your smile shone under the stage lights. The way you smelt as you hugged her and wished her the best.
Sometimes, when things got quiet, she’d play that moment over in her head.
Sydney thought she might’ve been dreaming when she saw you striding across the auditorium right towards her. You smiled, bright smile, hand coming up to give her a quick wave.
She’d even looked over her shoulder, trying to find out who you were even waving at. By the time she looked back towards you, you were smiling harder and giggling a little.
“Yes, that was for you.” You’d teased, making a heat grow on Syd’s cheeks.
“Yeah- yeah, I knew that.”
Your smile turned into a smirk as you nodded knowingly. “Course you did.”
Then you both stood there quietly, Sydney couldn’t really focus when you were dressed like this. Granted, it was just your chefs whites, but she couldn’t deny you wore the hell out of them.
You’d been wearing them nearly every day, and it still took her breath away every time she saw you. She didn’t even notice you were speaking until you shifted to get into her eye line.
“Sorry- what was that?”
“I said I’ll miss seeing you in the kitchen.”
Syd nodded, earnestly, face softening as she spoke. “I don’t think I’ll enjoy cooking as much without you there.”
She’d surprised herself with her confidence, actually being able to say it. She was pleased to see your smile growing. There was also a glint in your eye that she couldn’t place.
Her chest tightened up as you stepped forward, hands reaching out to pull her into a hug. She melted into you, taking a deep breath to remind herself of your sweet scent.
“Soon as you make it big,” You spoke knowingly, like it was inevitable. “I’ll come find you.”
And here you were now, standing before her in her own restaurant.
You’d found her.
Her mouth fell open as she tried to find the words she’d wanted to say to you all this time. How are you? I’ve missed you? I’ve thought about you every day since the last time I saw you?
Instead, she just stayed silent. She closed her mouth, blinking up at you with those beautiful eyes of hers.
“Syd,” Her name sounded at home in your mouth. “How long has it been?”
“Three years, eight m-months.” She’d only realised how quickly she’d answered when she saw your eyebrows raise.
Carmy shifted beside her, too. It snapped her back into reality, the reality where you were standing right before her and she was acting like a fucking dickhead.
“Well, here’s hoping I’m right on time.” You didn’t look put off, you assumed that same smirk you’d given her all those three years, eight months ago.
You were, you were always right on time. Always in the right place. Always just right.
Syd managed to pull herself together enough to stand up (for whatever reason) and gesture to the seat before her and Carmy. You graciously accepted, sitting down and placing your hands on the table.
Her eyes were immediately drawn to them, the way your fingers intertwined together, the lines coming off your palms. Sydney remembered back to the institute, the distractions she’d face watching you handle a knife or split a citrus fruit.
She couldn’t think of the latter right now.
The way your fingers would pierce the skin, pulling it apart with juices spraying up your wrists. You’d scoop out the flesh with your bare hands, not caring for the way it’d leave you sticky and dripping.
You’d look up at her, finding her watching you and not minding the way she stared. The fateful day you threw the rest of the grapefruit into the scraps, bringing two fingers to your lips to lick the excess off before you washed your hands.
Sydney was completely and utterly-
“Obsessed,” Your voice brought her back into the room, only for the second or third time in the short span of time. “Obsessed with what you’ve done with this place.”
She saw Carmy smile out the corner of her eye, his cheeks blushed a little at your words. You had that effect on most people. Sydney knew better than anyone what you could do to a person with just a few words.
“Well, we’re quite impressed with your CV,” He responded, laying it out on the table. “Aren’t we, Syd?”
By the time she looked away from him, she found you were already staring at her expectantly. She nodded, mumbling an affirmative sound to the both of them.
“Really impressed, seems like you’ve done a great job since graduation.”
You lit up, that’s the only way Sydney could describe it. It was as if your heart was swelling in your chest as your cheeks rose.
“Thank you, that means a lot,” She had assumed you were referring to the both of them until you finished. “Coming from you, Syd.”
If this was how she was at the interview, lord help her in the kitchen. There was no doubt you were getting the job, that was an absolute given. But Sydney would have to think hard about how it’d work practically.
Her sous chef. Following her every move. Responding to her every word. Reliable, obedient, willing, responsive.
Syd had seen you in action at the institute, but never following her own orders. She didn’t know if she’d be able to cope with hearing your “yes, chef” and knowing it was directed at her.
Even the way you were looking at her now, so expectant, hanging on to everything she was saying. She knew that look in your eye, on your face, you’d given yourself away just a little earlier.
“Coming from you, Syd.”
Praise. You were looking for her praise.
The thought sent Sydney into overdrive, forcing her to stand up abruptly and knock her knees into the table as she did.
Both you and Carmy looked up at her in confusion, your mouth opening to ask if everything was alright.
Syd cut you off, babbling as she walked away from the table. “I just remembered- remembered that the stove is on and- that’s the number one cause of kitchen fires- and I will be right back!”
She kept talking as she eventually made her way into the kitchen, hiding in the space right next to the oven (that hadn’t been on all morning).
Sydney knew she was fucked. Royally, totally, well and truly fucked. The crush she’d had on you at the institute had been debilitating and, whilst she’d missed you, these three years and eight months had meant she was finally able to focus.
Now here you were, in her kitchen and looking like everything she’d ever wanted.
Syd had no idea how long she stayed hiding in the kitchen but sooner or later Carmy came through with a stupid smile on his face, leaning against the bench.
“Think you handled that really well.”
“Shut the fuck up, I’m begging you.”
He laughed, laying the brown folder he’d been carrying down beside him as he crossed his arms. She looked up at him, wincing a little as she already knew what was coming.
“You gave her the job, didn’t you?”
Carmy laughed louder, looking down at the heap of Sydney on the floor. She could kick his shins right now.
“Of course I did,” He responded, pushing up from the bench as he turned to leave. “Have fun training your new sous chef.”
Fucked. Completely fucked.
103 notes · View notes
joelswritingmistress · 8 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 34
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible. 
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader 
The night ended more lighthearted. Dr. Miller and I took advantage of the frozen lake and the scenery again, skating around and taking pictures of the winter wonderland. We had a few drinks, went out for dinner, and spent most of the night thereafter in the loft. If I had it my way, I wouldn’t have left that little nook in the woods.
“We should rent this place again in the summer,” I said to him. “I bet it’s nice to kayak around.. maybe go fishing.. hike the trails. Oh, and I saw a new, little brewery is supposed to be having its grand opening in May nearby.”
Dr. Miller smiled. “I can book it now for July.”
I loved thinkin about the future, even if it was just a matter of months. For a second I daydreamed images of a tan Dr. Miller by my side, shirtless and glistening in the sun. It made me smirk.
Bidding a temporary farewell to the lakeside cabin was bittersweet, though Dr. Miller already put in a request for the summer before we took off for home.
“The good news is we have another getaway at my sister’s wedding next weekend,” Dr. Miller explained as we hit the highway. “Can you get off work for the rehearsal dinner on Friday? I may cancel Thursday’s class so we can hit the road when you get out of work on Thursday. It’s a pretty good haul up to Vermont.”
I nodded, “Of course. I can’t wait.”
When Tuesday’s class rolled around I decided to confront Trevor on the walk out. His constant stares were starting to bug me and he hadn’t spoken a word to me since the day I’d left Dr. Stevenson’s class to give a sneaky kiss to Dr. Miller in his office. A part of me wanted to ask him what he thought he knew, but I also didn’t want to accidentally rat myself out - or Dr. Miller.
Otherwise, I was very much into the class discussion, and loved how Dr. Miller smiled a certain way when he called on me to answer a question. I loved his class. On a side note, there was a certain level of sneaky amusement I felt from having this secret life with him. No one in the class had even the slightest indication that we lived together, or that we just celebrated Valentine's Day shacked up in a remote, lakeside cabin. There was a part of me that got off on our secret.
“So,” Dr. Miller clapped his hands together. “I'm going to post something for you to read and look over. You'll be able to even discuss points online if you'd like, but Thursday's class will not meet in person. My sister is getting married out of state and I'll be traveling to Vermont on Thursday in preparation for that.”
“Congratulations!” Someone's voice echoed off the walls, making a few others laugh. “To your sister,” the person added, drawing more laughter.
“Thank you,” Dr. Miller responded with a chuckle. “If there are no further questions -”
“Class dismissed,” the group said in unison.
I smiled to myself and stuffed my notebook into my bag. It was always odd to me as I left the classroom. Dr. Miller and I were so affectionate and borderline clingy everywhere else. That's the only part I hated - not being able to be ourselves during that short time frame we had together on campus.
My phone went off and I glanced down, smiling when I saw it was him. 
See you at home.
I glanced toward him and our eyes briefly met as he began packing up his black bag.
And then, as I ducked out into the hallway, Trevor leaned over getting a drink of water. He was one of the only people I ever saw use the water fountain in the building.
I went to call out to him but then decided against it. Why was I about to create a conflict out of nothing? Plus, I reminded myself, he had walked with me to class when I didn't want to walk alone.
I passed by, glancing over at him. Just as he finished getting a drink our eyes met for a brief moment. I looked away and kept walking, using the stairs to get up to the main floor.
Behind me, I heard Trevor clear his throat and then his feet peppered up the stairwell behind me. I yanked open the door to enter the lobby and Trevor’s footsteps came faster.
“Could you hold that, please?” His nasally voice called out.
I sighed to myself but turned around with a half-smile and a nod.
“Thank you.” He hurried to reach for the door and held it so I could go ahead first.
“No problem.” I continued walking and Trevor cleared his throat again as he scurried up beside me.
“Have any plans for the long weekend?” He asked, gripping the straps of his backpack as we wandered toward the main doors.
“Hmm.. I might go visit my parents,” I lied, “But nothing else. You?”
He shrugged. “I may go skiing.”
So am I, I thought, even though I didn't know how. Carol’s wedding. “You ski?”
“Doesn't everyone in the Catskills area?” He snorted a laugh at himself and I smirked.
“Everyone but me.” I smiled back. “I don't know how.”
“I've been skiing since I've been five.”
“I could always give you lessons. I used to give lessons before I started working for UPS.”
“I didn't know you worked for UPS.”
“For now.” He grinned and followed me out into the parking lot.
I glanced over at him as he continued to trail me out into the parking lot. I felt like he was velcroed to me. He was so close.
“Well, I'll see ya later Trevor.” I reached for the handle on my car as I approached and he cleared his throat again.
What is his deal? I wanted to blurt it out, but I wasn’t the type to be super direct like that. He wasn’t doing anything wrong - just being awkward and slightly annoying.
Trevor raised a hand to wave, almost robotically, as I pulled out of the parking space and edged my way down the rows of cars to exit the campus parking lot. When I was close to a half-a-football field away, I caught a glimpse of him waving his hands wildly in my direction. I wasn’t even sure if he was trying to flag me down, or was summoning someone else. And so, I kept driving. I didn’t see Dr. Miller exit the building.
“What’s the matter?” Dr. Miller approached Trevor when he heard the commotion.
Trevor reached into the pocket of his jacket and stared down at the screen of a cell phone. He eyed the screen, reading a notification as it flashed across.
Dr. Miller’s eyes landed on the familiar phone cover. He had the urge to yank it from Trevor’s hand and demand why he had (Y/N)’s phone, but he knew he had to restrain himself.
“Who’s the phone belong to?” Dr. Miller asked, knowing damn well who it belonged to.
“I-I..” Trevor looked down at it again and spoke to himself. “She said she couldn’t ski.” He scratched his head and continued to stare at the screen.
“Trevor.” Dr. Miller closed the gap between the two of them. “Why do you have that phone?”
“One of my friends from class dropped it,” he claimed, “She just drove off. I was trying to flag her down.” Trevor slipped the phone back into his pocket and Dr. Miller extended his hand.
“I’ll turn it in to campus police.”
He kept the phone in his coat. “I can do that.”
“I insist.” Dr. Miller nodded and kept his palm facing up a few inches in front of Trevor. “I’m sticking around here anyway to do a few things.”
Trevor stared up at him, and then looked back down to his hand. He didn’t immediately hand over the phone. “Where did you say your sister’s wedding was?”
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strwyofthesun · 1 year
forgive me, goodbye [pt. 2]
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pairing: re2r!leon kennedy x intern!reader
synopsis: after settling into the uk, you learn of the raccoon city incident and suffer a great loss. after graduating from med school and starting up your internship, you meet someone who you thought you've left in the past.
word count: 3.7k
cont: smut, unprotected sex, p in v, mentions of death, mentions of blood, hurt/comfort, there's so much stuff goin on idk anymore
a/n: i did not expect to write a part 2 of this but my best friend bitched about not liking the ending so i did this out of spite <3 also! this takes place after the re2 events and before operation javier. i did alot of research on the re timeline and other medical related things mentioned T_T last, leon looks so cute in the pic i choose that bc his outfit there is similar to his operation javier fit
part one here !
A week has gone by since you’ve moved in the UK and you had been feeling homesick. Even though you had settled into your dorm, made new friends, and gotten acquainted, nothing beats the company of family. Not only have you been missing family, but also Leon. Feeling distressed, you decided to call your family to see how they’re doing.
You go through your contacts and scroll down to find your Mom’s contact. You spotted her name and pressed dial. The phone lets out a ring that lasted for only a couple seconds as your mom had picked up the call.
“Hey mom… Is dad with you?”
“Hey honey! Yes, he’s over here!” Your mom called for your dad and you hear his voice in the background shouting back to wait for him. You let out a laugh hearing your parents shuffle around. “What’s up hun? How’s everything going there?” Your dad asked.
“Everything’s fine dad, I’m just a little homesick…”
“Aww, hun… We miss you dearly too… You’ve grown up into such a fine, successful, smart, and independent young lady. We couldn’t be any more proud of you. Call us anytime, we promise we’ll always answer the call at the first ring.” Your mom said.
“Hey mom…?”
You gulped down the lump you felt in your throat, “How’s Leon doing?”
“Oh… I heard he’s out of town.”
“…Is that so?”
“You know who I miss?” Your dad suddenly chimed in.
“Who dad?” You asked curiously while smiling.
“You and Leon. You remind me of you and your mom back in the day.” Your smile dropped hearing those words from your dad. It made you miss him even more and your parents could tell by the silence on your end of the line.
Your mom nudged your dad and scolded him, “Hun! Come on! She’s trying to move on, don’t make it any harder for our baby.”
“I’m fine mom, really. I just wanted to know…”
“Well, alright… If you say so.”
“I’ll be going now, I have a class in a bit.”
“Okay, call us if you need anything!” Your dad reminded again.
“I will, I will. Love you guys…”
“We love you too hun.” They said in union and dropped the call. It was nice hearing their voices again. You opened a box filled with pictures, looking for ones of you guys together when you were suddenly greeted with tons of pictures of you and Leon together on top of the pile. A certain picture caught your eye and you grabbed it to take a closer look. It was a picture of the night you, Leon, and your parents celebrated your graduation from pre-med. Tears fill your eyes and drops of it landed on the picture, slightly damaging the ink. You try desperately to remove your tears stains from the picture but ended up smudging the photo and getting the ink over your parents’ faces. You threw the picture back in the box and curled up at the foot of your bed and sobbed silently.
You didn’t regret your choice of pursuing your dream of becoming a virologist but God, did you really have to go through this just to reach it? You tried controlling your heaving and sniffled as an attempt to quit crying because you had a class in a few minutes. You stood up and walked yourself to the bathroom to wash yourself up. Looking into the mirror, you realized that you’re already here and it’s too late to quit now. You’ve sacrificed so much of your time, effort, and relations for this. Quitting isn’t an option.
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Days passed by and you drowned yourself in your studies. You were currently one of the best in your class and according to your professors, you had the most promising potential. Meanwhile, Leon was out of town just as your mom said and was wasting away in God knows where. All he wanted to do was get away from that town and escape the memories it held. He drank his sorrows away but no bottle of alcohol could ever fill the void in his heart. It’s as if you took a piece of his heart and left with it and there was no chance of ever getting it back.
During one late night, he received a call from his co- officer telling him not to go back to Raccoon City even though there was a current crisis, but Leon didn’t listen. He sobered up and immediately headed back to Raccoon City. The following events that unfolded are to be summed up and named “Raccoon City Destruction Incident” from then on.
While studying in a café with your earphones on, you realized that it’s been awhile since you’ve called your parents. You ring them up but they don't picked up.
“Weird, they usually answer at the first ring…” You mumbled to yourself. You try again and to no avail. “Again.” you said but call after call they didn’t pick up. Now you were really worried. Out of frustration, you take your earphones off and take a sip of your coffee when you start picking up on the sounds of the café. But what caught your attention made you drop the coffee cup in your hands.
“The US government declared Raccoon City 'beyond saving' from its residents that have turned aggressive and zombie-like. They ordered a missile strike to wipe out the city and later at dawn, it is reported that two non-nuclear missiles hit the city, clearing all of its 100,000 citizens, and completely wiping it off the map.“
Ringing filled your ears and your hands trembled at the news you had just heard. “This can’t be happening…” you thought. A waiter walked up to you demanding you pay for the broken coffee cup but you couldn’t hear him well. His words sounded like it was being drowned out by water. Your body went on auto-pilot and you grab whatever amount of money you had on you and shoved it into the chest of the waiter. You grabbed your stuff and exit the café while calling for a taxi cab.
You rushed back to your dorm and packed your stuff immediately. Things weren’t properly processed in your mind and before you knew it you were on a flight back to the US. You took a cab to the outskirts of what’s left of Raccoon City before you were blocked by multiple hazard signs, barricades, and police tape. You tried to get passed it but police stopped you before you could even step past the barricade. You stare at the massive crater left by the missiles and what remained of your old home. Streams of tears run down your face and you couldn’t stop it. The police tried calming you down but it was useless. They couldn’t do anything except escort you back to the hotel you checked in.
Once you were at your hotel room, you drop to your knees and wailed. You couldn't fathom the intensity of all the feelings that you were experiencing all at once. Everyone you knew and loved were turned into those… monsters you saw on the news. They were killed, wiped out, with no trace left. Your friends, family, mom, dad, and Leon, all gone. You cried even harder now that things have finally started sinking in. You recall your last call with your parents, them saying how proud they were, and them saying they love you, it was agonizing. And Leon... Oh Leon… you left him alone and heartbroken in Raccoon City. You blamed yourself for their deaths. You imagined your parents worried sick for you because you haven’t called them in awhile as well as Leon who was probably grieving still over the breakup. The image of them worried and scared for their life, was all you could think about. Tears didn’t stop flowing and you’ve lost your voice from screaming. You asked yourself, was this punishment for leaving? Did you deserve to suffer this much?
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It's 2002 and four years have passed since. Not a single day went by where you didn’t think of your parents and Leon. You’ve let yourself grieve, gotten therapy, and took a break from med school for awhile. But in the end, you pushed through with it because you knew they would’ve wanted you to push through. You were a step closer to becoming a virologist and its something you’ve worked extra hard on this time. You promised yourself that once you finished everything, you’d dedicate the rest of your life studying the viruses that caused the Raccoon City Destruction Incident and find a vaccine for any virus that could turn people to what the Raccoon citizens became. But for now, you are currently taking up your one year internship.
It was a regular day at the hospital, nothing out of the ordinary. You examined patients, spent your time in the laboratories, and conduct medical procedures along with other doctors. Soon, the mundane day of yours came to an end, or so you thought. As you were about to clock out, a fellow intern called for you.
“Hey [Y/N]! Wait up!” They said as they grabbed onto your shoulder, puffing out heavy breaths.
“Hmm? What’s wrong?” You asked in concern seeing that it was most probably urgent based on the face your colleague made.
“There’s someone out there asking for a CBC.”
“Okay and? You do it. Can’t you see I’m about to leave? I’m about to be overtime.” You replied feeling annoyed from being interrupted as you were about to leave.
“C’mon, do me a favour will ya? I’ll do your stool examinations for a week. Pleaseeeee…” your colleague said while giving you puppy eyes. You cringed at the sight of them and finally gave in to their request.
You rolled your eyes and gave an empty threat. “Fine, I’ll do it. You better stick to your word or else.”
They nodded their head ecstatically and hugged you before they left. “Ugh…” you thought to yourself. If you had just declined, you would’ve been home by now doing anything as long as you weren’t here in the hospital. You grabbed a folder and headed to the counter whilst keeping your head down.
“Hello, good evening, I heard you came in for a CBC?” You greeted.
“Yes, how long do I have to wait for you [Y/N]?” A familiar voice asked. You stopped fiddling with the folder and furrowed your brows. Where have you heard this voice before? Then, it clicked. It couldn’t be…
You looked up at the person opposite to you and met a pair of piercing blue eyes you know you’ve seen before. The tall frame, muscular build, dirty blonde hair. You couldn’t believe it. It was like staring at a ghost. The blood drained from your face as you step back in horror, refusing to believe that the Leon Scott Kennedy was standing right infront of you, alive.
“Woah, hey, are you okay?” Leon asked as he held his hands out.
“Am I okay…? Okay?! I thought you died?!” You screamed which caught the attention of other hospital staff and patients. You look around and apologized and looked back at Leon. “Look, I’ll do your CBC. But you have explaining to do.”
“I know I do, I’m sorry [Y/N]…” Leon apologized and looked down, feeling ashamed from being away from you all these years and suddenly popping out of nowhere.
You scoff and led Leon to a room to extract a sample of his blood. He took off his jacket revealing his more muscular figure. He looked different now. His eyes were as captivating as ever, but it lost its shine. You didn’t want to pry now, but if he escaped the incident back at Raccoon City, he must’ve seen some fucked up shit. You grab the tourniquet and start to tie it around his arm.
“Tell me if it feels too tight.” You instructed Leon and he nodded in response. “Is this alright?” you ask to which he nodded again in response. You start feeling around his arm trying to locate a vein. Your touch sent shivers down Leon’s spine, painting him a shade of pink. You'd almost miss it if his long hair blocked his face. You chuckled at the sight of Leon, “I’m barely doing anything. Did you miss me that much?” you teased.
“You have no idea.” He replied smiling.
Once you’ve located the vein, you did the standard procedure and in a blink of an eye you had a sample of his blood. You took of the tourniquet off his arm and patched him up. He stood up from the seat and put his jacket back on. The silence was deafening, as an attempt to break the ice, you asked, “So… Why do you need the CBC?”
“Just an excuse to see you to be honest.”
You quickly turned to face him, “Are you crazy?” you spat.
“Borderline. It’d be nice to know if I’m healthy or not though.”
“You wasted my time and equipment Leon.” You said while crossing your arms.
“Okay, okay, I’m kidding. I need it to update my health information for the government.”
“Hmm, okay. Do you want the results now or tomorrow?”
“It can wait. Come on, let’s head out now. My treat.”
“Don’t rush me!”
You finish up whatever’s left to do and finally clock out. You and Leon left the hospital and walked up to the parking lot.
“Here, put this on.” He tossed you a helmet and wore his as he started his motorbike. You put on the helmet and sat behind him.
“Hold on tight ‘kay?” You barely held onto Leon, still feeling off. He sped up on the road which made you nervous. Leon felt that you weren’t holding on properly and suddenly stopped, making you jerk forward and wrap your arms around his torso. “I told you to hold on tight didn’t I?” He smirked at you and you rolled your eyes at him. “Won’t say I told you so.” He said his final warning and revved the bike.
The streets were almost empty which gave Leon the opportunity to drive faster. This made you hold onto him tighter and Leon smiled at this under his helmet. “Not a fan of thrill rides huh?” You could barely hear Leon over the sound of the wind going past you. “I swear to God Leon, if you speed u—“ Before you could even finish, he drove even faster. You had a strong grip on Leon at this point and you could hear his muffled laughing.
Sooner or later, you arrived at a hotel where Leon was staying for the meantime. He parked his motorbike and the two of you got off. You punched Leon hard on the arm you took the blood sample from.
“Ow! What the fuck?” he said laughing.
“I hate you.” You said to him with a straight face.
“Aw, cute. You know you could never hate me. Even from the grave.”
“Haha, very funny Leon.” You said sarcastically.
The both of you walked into the hotel and entered the restaurant inside it. You both sat down and ordered food. And while waiting, Leon finally tells you about what happened four years ago.
“I want the truth Leon.” You demanded.
“Okay, please, keep an open mind alright?” You nodded in response and Leon recounts the events of the Raccoon City incident. You listened to him intently. It was hard to imagine him go through all of that. You were feeling thankful though that he is still safe and sound now.
“My parents, Leon? Do you know what happened to them?” you asked desperately wanting an answer. He shook his head and said “I’m sorry, but I don’t know. I really am sorry I didn’t save them…” You muttered a small “Oh…” and reassured Leon that it was okay. “I just wish I called them a bit more often… I think they were worried about me even up until their death…” You say quietly.
“[Y/N]… You are their only daughter, of course they cared. I’m sure they’re glad to know that your strong, healthy, and most importantly, you're safe now.” Leon said while holding your hand. You felt a tear run down your face and Leon used his other hand to wipe it off. He kept his hand on your cheek and gently caressed it. “I’m so sorry for the way things ended Leon… I didn’t want to… But—“ you were cut off by Leon.
“It’s okay… I forgive you [Y/N].”
“But I don’t forgive myself! There wasn’t a single day where I didn’t long for your presence by my side. I wanted you near me again.”
“I felt the same way too....”
No other words were said. You looked into each other’s eyes and reignited a spark that you thought died a long time ago. The moment was short but it felt longer than that. Too bad it was actually cut short by the waiter that brought you your food. You grinned from ear to ear and Leon let out a laugh. The both of you enjoyed the fine dining and soon you escorted him to his room.
“I’ll… be off now…” you said awkwardly to Leon while he stood leaning on the door frame.
“Do you really have to leave? It’s late at night. Stay with me for the night. It’s not safe out there.”
“For old times sake…” Leon pleaded. He moved closer to you, grabbing your waist and leaning into your ear. “…Please?” he whispered.
You look at Leon, heat running through your body. He was a burning candle, and you were a moth that just couldn’t resist. Your lips crashed onto his and he slammed the door shut behind you. The both of you make it to the bed and swiftly take off each other clothes and threw it to the bedroom floor. Leon sat upright, back on the bedframe, while you were on top of him. You grinded on him slowly making him groan.
“Fuck, you don’t know how much I’ve missed this.” Leon breathed.
“Tell me Leon… How much did you miss me?” You said as you run your hands through his hair, tugging at it. You teased him, running your wet cunt along his hard dick. Leon breathed even heavier, you could feel his dick twitch as it longed to be in you.
"I'd think of you, when I touch myself... I missed you touching me, making you screaming my name, being inside you. I missed it all. Please, let me fuck you..." Leon begged. You held yourself up and positioned his dick under you.
You and Leon both moaned when he entered you. It took some time for you to adjust to Leon again. "So tight... You haven't been fucking anyone else have you?" He asked. You shook your head and he started thrusting into you, catching you off guard. You moaned and whimpered from Leon suddenly fucking you.
"Come on baby, use your words." he demanded.
You tried to speak but your words were slurred. "O-only... you... Leon. I've only f-fucked you..."
"Mhm, that's right. You're mine, got that? And I'll make sure people know that." Leon sucked onto your neck leaving hickeys on it, marking what's his.
He quickened his pace leaving you a moaning mess. Sounds of skin slapping against each other echoing in the room. You moaned his name over and over again like a prayer. As you feel your climax coming, your walls tightening around Leon's dick. He moaned your name into your ear. "You feel so fucking good baby."
"Leon, I'm close..." You managed to get the words out of your mouth. "Cum for me baby." Leon said as his thrusts get sloppier and rougher. A scream escaped your lips as you came. Leon finished inside you making sure every bit of cum filled you to the brim.
Leon looked at you and cupped your cheek. "Why don't we make up for lost time?"
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The sunlight peaked through the gaps of the curtains and you find yourself in bed beside Leon as he sleeps peacefully. You admire Leon's beauty for a little while and brushed his hair to the side. His eyes flutter open and he greeted you in a raspy voice.
"Good morning love, did you sleep well?"
"Like a baby." You replied.
"Mhm, that's good. Come closer."
You move closer to Leon and lay on his chest. "There's something I didn't tell you last night." he said and you could hear his heart beat faster.
"Tell me..."
"I was recruited by the USSTRATCOM shortly after the incident at Raccoon City, and I'm a government agent now. These past 4 years, I've been training intensely. And in a few days, I'll be leaving for North America to my next mission."
You lay in silence, taking in the words Leon had just said.
"Say something please, [Y/N]..." Leon pleaded.
"Do you... want us to get back together, Leon? I want you to be realistic. If you're an agent, who goes on missions that you could possibly never return from, would you really want to be tied down to me?" You asked.
"I do want us back. God knows how much I want us back together. And I don't care about all that mission shit. I will return from every mission just for you."
"Are you sure Leon? Because this time, I'm willing to stay. I've lost you once, and I'm not making the same mistake again."
"I'm always sure when it comes to you. We'll make it work this time, I promise. I love you [Y/N]..."
"I love you too Leon." Those words coming out your mouth after years of longing for him gave you a feeling of euphoria and nostalgia all at once. Who knew that this time around, we'd fall right back into each other's arms.
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ilsolefiesta · 19 days
my 2024 solar return predictions
it's 11 days until my solar return this year. perhaps I'll write about how I spent each day leading up to and after the Solar Return. but for now, I want to explore my Solar Chart for 2024. spoiler: I hope I won't die. literally. but let's be consequent. 1. Leo Rising in the 1°. it's a really interesting story about how fate can't be avoided. Initially, I thought I would meet my Solar Return at home, with my Ascendant in Cancer in the last degree. when I saw this, I said, "no way. I don't want to deal with family issues all year." so, I decided to go to another town. ironically, this 1° change affected the Sun either. initially it was in the 3rd house but with Leo Rising it moved to the 4th. so, being the ruler of the ASC, the 4th housed Sun still emphasizes the inevitable importance of family to me this year. alright, I've got it. but still, I hope Leo will still work out. I have plans to improve my appearance and solve problems in this area that have been bothering me for a long time. additionally, I want to activate my artistic potential and become more visible and active on social media. I don't expect to become a high-class celebrity, but still... moreover, the Solar ASC is located in my Natal 11th house, so I believe it should work well.
2. the 2nd and the 3rd Solar Houses are also in Leo, with their ruler, thein the 4th house (☌ with IC, actually). ◄ as for the 2nd house: as you may know, we begin to feel the effects of the upcoming Solar Chart before the Solar Return occurs. recently, I have felt a strong desire to pursue a remote job, or at least a part-time remote job from home in addition to my current one. perhaps I could do so and work from home if we consider the fourth house as a place of real estate. the Cusp of the 2nd Solar House falls in my Natal 11th house, so I may receive some assistance from friends? I will also look for other confirming signs... ◄ as for the 3rd house, the situation is more or less clear here. as this house is responsible for brothers and sisters... my little sister is now living with me (the ruler is in the 4th house, right?). the issue is that she has exams to graduate from school next summer, and she is now studying from home remotely (the Cusp of the 3rd Solar House is in the 12th Natal House). having Solar Virgo Mercury here, I am planning to be her tutor throughout the year. aside from my siblings, the Solar Mercury is in exact ☌ with my Natal ASC. moreover, I have both Mercury and the 1st house ruling this year in profection. I believe communication, connections, and education - all activities related to the 3d (Gemini) house - will be EXTREMELY highlighted this year. well, I hope so. it should be interesting. the connection with the 12th Natal House... will I continue writing about astrology? who knows. by the way, it's fun, but I already feel the urge to re-take an exam to receive a driving license that I gave up on last year (also the issue of the 3rd House).
3. I've already mentioned my 4th house a lot, and I want to add that I have Solar Virgo IC located in my 1st Natal house. my Solar 4th house Venus is in ☌ with my Natal 2nd house Venus in Libra. I am currently undergoing renovations at my place of residence. I need to paint the walls, buy a new bed, a high mirror etc... the upcoming beautification of my home is quite predictable, and it, obviously, requires money. so, hi, 2nd Natal House...
4. the 5, 6 house. interesting situation, because I little bit lack of ideas.
Solar House - Sign - Placements - SH Cusp in Natal House:
5H - Scorpio - Sagittarius Vertex ☌ Natal IC, Pluto, Chiron - 2H. 6H - Sagittarius - Pluto in Capricorn's last ° ☌ Solar Aquarius DSC and Part of Fortune - 4H.
overall connection of 4, 5, 6 and 7 houses... I also have Solar Juno in the 4th house. idk what is it, predestined relationship with someone different than me and related to my work? I've given up on relationships and prefer to see it as a business opportunity. I really hope that my artistic potential will be unlocked and that I can monetize my skills. with the 5th house Sagittarius Vertex on the Natal IC I may receive recognition or support from family or my homeland? or, maybe, on the contrary, Sagittarius will push me to aim outside? the Cusp of the 6th house in Sagittarius could add to this. there is also an interesting placement of Solar Pluto. the matter is that it aims to leave the 6th house and has ☌ with Solar DSC and Part of Fortune. I had a very... heavy 6th house for several last years, and I've been feeling overwhelmed by routine. perhaps this is a sign that my work process will change and I need to rely on partnerships more. If we consider it from a health perspective, I think I understand what changes it may bring to my daily routine. I'm planning to get braces this year. God bless, my Pluto this year is mostly positively aspected - being in the connection with the DSC it obviously ☍ ASC. And □ the 5th house. however, my Uranus is strong in Natal 5th house. + Solar Pluto makes △ with Solar Sun and Uranus. so I think everything will be fine, despite my fear of some unexpected health effects from Pluto. moreover, I have additional signs. but I'll write about them later.
5. DSC and the 7th house. it's the most difficult part for me to analyze, as I'm totally dumb with any relations. well, I have Part of Fortune in Aquarius ☌ Natal Neptune here. and I can't say for sure whether it will make my luck dream-like or make me completely blind and overestimate myself. well, DSC ruler Uranus is in the 11th house in Taurus, also placed in the 9th Natal House. the Solar DSC is in the 5th Natal House. please, I'm so tired of drama, please, can it be something fun, light and cool? (haha, Pluto ☌ is like "hello-hello, no, haha"...)
6. the 8 and 9th houses. both are in Aquarius.
the 8th Solar house, despite being empty, is located in the 5th Natal house. remember my question from the previous point? well, answer is "no" once again, I guess...
the ruler is in the Solar 11th house (in the Natal 9th). betrayal from friends? new foreign dangerous friends? some transforming experience with education and collectives? still, it's not that bad, my Natal 8th house (Aries) ruler is Mars in the 12th house, so should I be used to the 8th house things? however, Aquarius is still a little bit frightening with its unexpectedness...
the 9th house... the Moon and Saturn are here. exactly just like in my Natal, ha. guess, I shouldn't even hope to go travel abroad this year. again, like the whole life before. both the Moon and Saturn are in Pisces. despite my Natal Taurus Moon doesn't allow me to regret these restrictions too much, guess, Pisces Moon can make me more vulnerable to this topic throughout the year. I'll probably continue learning languages and maybe even make foreign friends with the ruler in the 11th house. also Solar Saturn ☌ Natal DSC in Pisces. probably it may signify someone older who can teach me how to communicate and maintain partnerships? yes, in Natal Chart Saturn is ruling my 5th house, but I prefer not to focus on relationships to avoid disappointment later.
7. the Solar MC is in Pisces. ☌ with the Solar Moon. the Cusp is in the 7th Natal house. Neptune, ruling the MC, is also here. again, some distortion of my career/public relations vision? am I in danger of underestimating something? it would be interesting to see how I will deal with this. the best of the best is starting right now. Aries North Node and Chiron in the 10th house. it could be great and maybe give me some energy an resources. however. the North Node is in ☌ with the Natal 8th Cusp. Chiron, consequently, is in the 8th Natal House either. does this mean that career development could harm me, or should I break myself and, regardless, develop leadership and inner resources for success in my career? it's scary. btw, Solar Chiron ☍ Solar Venus. I guess I'll continue to make my appearance far from "traditional venusian" - I've had this aspect this year either - tattoos, piercings etc.
8. the 11th Solar house in Taurus (the Cusp lies in the 8th Natal House). strange combination. from the one hand, it's absolutely not the best placement. on the other hand, benefic Jupiter is here. on the OTHER hand, it's essentially weak (in Gemini) and has □ with the Sun, Moon, IC and 10th house. on the OTHER hand, it has the same sign I have in my Natal Chart and it's considered to be beneficial... hardly understand what to expect from Jupiter. especially as I had hoped for blessings from having it in the 1st house this year, but nothing "jupiterial" happened at all. Uranus is also here, so I anticipate some changes in relationships with friends and possibly a shift in understanding of myself within the group. also having Solar Taurus Uranus close to my Natal Saturn, along with other placements, makes me slightly anxious about my elderly. hope, everything will be fine.
9. the last one. the Solar 12th house in Gemini. it can bring cognitive difficulties or doubts about intellectual capacity and proficiency, especially for those with Mercury as a dominant planet (me). however, I believe that this can be compensated by a strong Solar Mercury placement. the problem is that I have Cancer Mars in the 12th house and this damn Mars makes □ to the Natal 8th house and the Solar North Node. and I remember all the scary placements, like Pluto and Chiron, as well as the North Node. I was still trying to maintain my composure at that point. and what else?! Mars? amazing. I really hope I won't die or become seriously ill or injured, nor will my loved ones. btw, the connected 6, 8 and 12 houses in Solar Chart are the main indicators of some disastrous events, and I pray that this year will be a year of great transformation, not a year of losing something or someone important..
that's how it is.
Thank you for reading!
Picture credits: Pinterest
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navstuffs · 4 months
Friday night dinner
Pairing: Carmen Berzatto x Sydney Adamu
Summary: Carmen Berzatto has dinner with Sydney and her dad.
Trigger warnings: none, they are already dating, domesticity with syd's dad
Author's Notes: hiii! launching this one month before the show comes back and i had this idea since last year?? lol im an embarrassment. OH, i personally didnt like the alternative ending i gave this fic but left in there, you can read it if you want to :) also the name of the fic comes from a british show. anyway, enjoy your reading!
Carmy arrives at the apartment, knocking precisely three times and holding the wine bottle in his hands. No sweaty hands, which was good. Years of cooking probably stopped that side of him, at least. Deep down, he can feel the tingling sensation of nervousness and anxiety, and it just grows when it is Mr. Adamu who opens the door, cloth on his shoulder, apron on his hips. Mr. Adamu doesn't say anything as Carmy, standing there like an idiot, greets, "Good night, sir."
"Hey, come in, she's in the kitchen."
Not off to a good start, but at least Mr. Adamu had given him a slight smirk, not one that Carmy had noticed, looking down as he entered. It is his first time in their apartment after they started what he doesn't know yet how to call, two months ago. Richie explains, "going out, getting to know each other," what Fak calls "being utterly in love," and Sugar pinches his arm, stating, "If he loses Syd, I'm going to kill you."
Carmy tries to erase the thoughts in his head as he follows Mr. Adamu into the kitchen. The recognizable smell of food, Syd's food, welcomes him and slightly calms his nerves. When Carmy finally sees Syd in the middle of boiling pots and sizzling pans, he feels like he is home.
"Look who I found at our doorstep. Didn't have a choice but to let him in."
"Dad!" Syd sounds scandalized as Carmy nods. 
"Hey, I-mhm, I brought wine." He hands the wine bottle to Sydney, who thanks him. Then, Carmy stands there, hands in his pockets. "Can I help?"
Before Sydney can even reply, her dad shakes his head. "Please, like any of my guests would ever work in my kitchen. Go relax, Carmen. Syd and I will take care of this. We are almost done anyway."
Well, great. At least, while cooking, Carmy would not have to think about what to say to Mr. Adamu during dinner without sounding like a fool. Now? Carmy nods, giving another smile in their direction, before leaving the kitchen. He could sit on the sofa, but that would sound like he took more liberty than he should. Or he could hang between the space from the kitchen to the living room, looking like a piece of furniture that no one actually knew how exactly got there. You know, in case they needed help.
Carmy decides on the middle ground: the living room, but without sitting on the sofa. With one last look to Syd's back, he steps into the living room, his eyes working the space. Smooth jazz plays in the background, but it is low enough that he has to pay attention. CD’s, books, even DVD’s. Carmy feels like invading space, invading somewhere he shouldn't be yet. 
He turns his eyes to the books: some mysteries, science, and cooking—tons of cooking books. Carmy gives a small chuckle, some of which he had himself. He then turns his eyes to the pictures across the bookshelf: Syd and her dad, his arm squeezing her shoulders on probably the day of her graduation from the Culinary Institute of America. Mr. Adamu looks proud, pulling her into a half-hug as Syd smirks back at the camera.
The other picture shows an eight-year-old Sydney playing in a backyard, running after a woman he couldn't see. The next one shows the same eight-year-old Sydney with a woman who looks exactly like her, smiling at the camera. 
"My mom." 
Carmy turns to find Sydney at his side, a glass of wine in her hands. "Oh, yeah. She was a pretty woman."
"Yeah." Syd hands him the glass of wine, but Carmy doesn't drink it. She also looks nervous, not as in the day we re-opened The Bear together, but you are here now, and this is getting more real.
"Hey, you good?" Carmy asks, squeezing her arm. She takes a deep breath and nods. 
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Didn't think it would be this nerve-wrecking, and it's just, you know, my dad!"
"Wait until you meet my family," Carmy replies before he can stop himself. He realizes what he said and quickly tries to correct it. "Not, not that we would be going there. If we went there, I meant. We don't have to."
Syd looks at him, her face opening into a smile. "We shouldn't -"
"Hey, Sydney, I think the pie is almost done." Her dad calls her from the kitchen, and Sydney startles, asking for one second before leaving. Carmy follows her, glass of wine still secured in his hand. 
He watches Mr. Adamu and Sydney work for a while. They barely look at each other, but there isn't no animosity. No screaming, shouting, nothing like that. Mr. Adamu tries to explain to his daughter that he didn't know if the pie was good, and Sydney gestures that it was nothing. He goes back on finishing the salad, humming to the tune it was playing; how he could hear it, Carmy had no idea. Carmy just stands there, observing their work. What a contrast with his family.
"Oh, could you put the plates, please, Carmen?"
"On it, Sir. Where are they?" 
"Upper cabinet to my right. Forks and knives will be on the first drawer down here."
Carmen takes the task seriously, trying to impress Mr. Adamu with his ability to place the plates, forks, and knives on their dining table. But hey, you try to impress when you can, right? 
Soon, they are seated at the table. Carmen waits until Mr. Adamu is properly seated on the head of the table to sit himself, looking straight into Syd's eyes. He has a good feeling about this.
"I hope you enjoy the food, Carmen. I was responsible for the salad preparation."
"Which looks good, Sir."
Mr. Adamu doesn't correct the "Sir" but gives him a satisfied smile. Carmy then feels a slight nudge on his foot, Sydney's brown eyes smirking. She was probably having a blast, watching him all nervous and shit. But Carmy realizes he doesn't seem to mind, not this time, as he smirks at her back.
extra/alternative ending:
It is not later that night, after saying goodbye to Emmanuel, that Carmy asks Syd how well he did. Syd, who is walking him to the door, stops her hand on the door's handle.
"I don't think he hates you," she replies, face serious.
"Yeah, but, but, do you think he liked me? Like actually liked me? Because I feel like now, I shouldn't told that stupid joke Richie suggested, or I shouldn't have -" Before he can continue, Syd's lips are on his, silencing him. His hands immediately go towards her hips, pulling Syd close to him. After they break apart, Syd taps his chest, "You did great. He let you call him Emmanuel."
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calciumdeficientt · 1 month
hi if i dm you my oc for bully can u do the headcanons thing? also for characters how would you feel about doing hal from the greasers? he’s my favourite and i think he’s pretty underrated
Feel free to send your oc over! I’m am genuinely obsessed with other people’s ocs everyone puts so much thought into them, in the meantime please enjoy my Hal hcs :3333
If Hal has no fans I’m dead. They could never make me hate you Hal Esposito
Hal Esposito hcs
- one thing i alway hate hate HATED about Hal’s voice lines was how rockstar trivialised his fatness and made it the crux of his personality because haha fat = funny but i like to think what it actually stems from is an overbearing mother trying to make up for lost time
-the greasers canonically live in and around the most underdeveloped and deprived areas of bullworth, so its not a particularly bad shout to assume Hal grew up poor, maybe with very little to eat, hence now… its all he can really think about
- also in the voice lines from when jimmy has to fight to earn the greaser’s hideout, Hal offhandedly critiques lucky for not enjoying his preferred channels “what, natural disasters and war footage doesn’t do it for you?” So i also like to imagine Hal is kind of a big history buff, and in true boy fashion he’s particularly fixated on the history of war and combat
-secretly, i reckon he enjoys building model planes and tanks, its basically what he does in the shop but way cooler (at least to him) and the fumes are just minorly different. He knows everything there is to know about the models too, including their life size counterparts. He can tell you everything trom the caliber of the fixed guns, the length of the wheel tracks, the wingspans, even down to the serial numbers and the dates they were patented and discontinued. Shit’s majorly impressive.
- his jacket was his dad’s, him and his mum split when he was pretty young, right after his little sister was born but Hal didn’t really take it so badly, at least not as badly as his parents had initially expected. He was old enough to know what divorce was, and somewhat wise enough to see that it would be better for both parents if they cut ties. The jacket is very very vintage and is falling apart from dry rot. Hal used leather softener stuff on it and re-lined it countless times but it still looks freshly plucked from a dumpster. Not that he minds, he thinks it makes him look rugged
- speaking of his little sister, he really loves that little girl. It’s where most of his money goes, he’s so incredibly soft for her. If he could have it his way shed have every single penny out of his pocket to spend on whatever she liked. She’s only little, barely in grade school but its still all but confirmed she’s going to bullworth when she gets old enough(based on the little kids I’m assuming is a mixed middle school/high school but that’s a an entirely different can of worms) , and god help everyone then. If he’s not already graduated, Hal will literally knock his grades down low enough to not graduate if it means he can hang around and protect his sister for just a smidge longer.
-this kid is so fucking smooth, it comes in the greaser gauntlet, you’ve gotta woo the ladies (or gents, they’re delinquents, not bigots) to get in or you’ll make them look bad. Hal’s a real Casanova but he gets the piss taken out of him because his taste is a little… unconventional. He’s just ahead of the curve, and heavy on the curve. It’s all but confirmed he likes bigger ladies and honestly who are we to take that away from him?
- he does that dude thing where he’ll slap you on the back when he hugs you and he is STRONG. He’s got big calloused hands with crazy surface area that wind you for a good 20 minutes after a pat on the back. Best to avoid him on your birthday too, his birthday digs are LETHAL (is that a thing in the US its a thing inthe UK?)
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somebodystoleme · 2 years
as the night drifted away | osamu x reader
part 1: you know when it’s time to go | miya atsumu x reader
summary: atsumu thinks back to you while you move on way too fast from him.
w.c: 1,009
a/n: trust me this is just pent up aggression from my ex, also ty sm for all the reblogs and notes last post!! i appreciate it! i will probably re-write this one day. but this is just plain thoughts about love. also making a tags list so lemme know if u would like to join.
warnings: cheating, angst to happy-ending
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and i'm sitting on a bench in coney island wondering where did my baby go? the fast times, the bright lights, the merry go sorry for not making you my centerfold
atsumu spends his time sitting on a bench, trying not to cry. which is rich coming from him because he states he never cries. he misses you more than you think. he should be heading home to aurora to listen to her complain about something new she's going through. but he can't bring himself to get off this bench. you used to force him to sit on the bench and watch the stars. he realises now how stupid you must have felt. when everything went down.
he hasn't seen you anymore since you both graduated college. osamu, the only person from college who you insist on talking to, says you're doing well actually. osamu only talks about you, as if we all are still in high school again.
"didya know that y/n got accepted to med school?"
"they apparently got invited to model for some small time company!"
"y/n and kenma started playing video games together."
and he couldn't help but to think that this is his way of punishing him for taking y/n away from him, so many years ago.
y/n's hot pink converse place a little mud each step as you walks to the door and the more steps you take the more freaked out you get. a whole new school and everything. "it's going to fun! c'mon home economics is like, the easiest class alive." aurora stated so matter-of-fact "i know, but-" when aurora opens the wooden door to the classroom, you make eye contact, with a boy of course. but he just kept staring as you walked in. and you couldn't help but stare right back. everyone already had a spot and there was one seat right by him and another by a blonde boy who looked all too well similar to other boy. aurora quickly took the spot by the blonde boy and you couldn't help but to grin at her happiness to finally talk to a boy.
once you took your seat, you smiled at the gray haired boy and told him your name.
"y/n. sophomore."
"osamu. sophomore."
he didn't like talking to you (at least you thought) and he mostly spent his time correcting the teacher on cooking recipes. for the first time, you just stared at him, mostly in shock at how someone could be so good at cooking.
but by the end of the class, you felt at least a little bit closer to him. his favorite food was rice, he had a twin named atsumu, and is the spiker for the high school volleyball team. the more times you pulled up the chair next to him home economics, the closer you got to him.
by the end of freshman year, you were osamu's honorary best friend. his competitive demeanor came out quickly as you two spent the afternoons playing volleyball together when his parents were working.
you ran your hand through your hair, grinning. "c'mon 'samu, i know you can do better." he smirked back at you, "y/n, you're so mediocre at volleyball, don't even."
"i'm still winning-"
"by one point."
"so what?"
atsumu remembered how beautiful you looked playing with osamu. also remembering how much he wanted- no needed- you. he wouldn't tell you but aurora and him were about to start dating but once he saw you he knew he didn't want her.
so he spent his whole highschool chasing after you. he needed you. you just radiated kindness and happiness. you were the teenage dream. he couldn't help but to feel some sort of jealousy towards you. but the more times he coaxed you out of spending time with osamu, the more he realized how different you are.
confidence and beauty.
the more you noticed atsumu running after you, the more you noticed the fact that osamu was avoiding you. you mainly thought that it was because your parents decided to ground you for the whole senior year. (you don't like to admit it but it was because your parents caught you drinking with aurora)
"trust me, 'samu is not mad at you! he just notices that- you and i are closer."
"i mean, tell him we can hang out tomorrow at the cinema." atsumu nods his head in response.
"i'll see you on monday! have a nice weekend." he says before heading to his car.
osamu didn't show up to the cinema but atsumu did. "i'm so sorry y/n- i don't know why he got his panties in such a twist. you and i can go watch a movie, right?" that was the day you realized you were so over osamu and now drunk on atsumu.
you constantly tried to ignore how aurora and atsumu talked and whispered to each other. but you couldn't shake that he likes her. you even had the thought that maybe you and osamu not talking anymore was a curse, maybe he is the better miya twin. but that night, senior prom, he completely proved you wrong. and you two started dating the next day.
as fast as you two started dating, he knew it was over that night. the look in your eyes which he you would've loved him for a lifetime. and the sadness he felt right after watching you leave. as he sits and looks up at the sky he hopes you might be kind when you remember him. even though he wasn't kind to you, he hopes for forgiveness.
you fiddle with the straps of your white dress while also playing with your feet. you can't believe you're sitting in osamu's house after everything. as sappy as it sounds you can't believe you met him, again. he's just perfect.
his light airy smiles right at you. and only at you. you can't help but to feel that it was destiny to end up with osamu.
it all started with atsumu breaking your heart that you found osamu again. sitting in some five star restaurant, post breakup. he knew it was you the second you walked in. he would even serve you just to talk to you again,
"hi y/n."
"osamu, wow, you work here?"
how lucky you are. he might possibly be the better miya twin.
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scribbles97 · 11 months
Left Behind - Where We Left Off
Oh look... after two years I've fixed that big old cliff hanger that I left lying around!
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Thank you to those that have missed me and welcomed me back into the fandom after being absent for so long, the biggest of hugs to all of you... I hope I don't end up leaving you all on another cliff hanger!
For those that I haven't met yet, Hi!
I was here in the TAG fandom right at the very beginning and somewhere around the time the series finished I thought it'd be fun to imagine an AU in which Lucy was alive and well... this monstrosity of a fic is the outcome of that.
Looks like I was pretty rubbish at posting the last few chapters on here so check Ao3 for the fic in its entirety.
For those that don't want to re-read the entirety of what's already there... have a little recap under the cut.
Beware, there be spoilers ahead!
So... where were we?
Part One of this fic was basically about losing Jeff. That's right folks we hit off from the day the Zero-X blows up and Jeff vanishes.
This leaves Lucy, her brother Lee, and Val Casey as the main leads of International Rescue as we know it.
In this universe Lucy demanded that IR could not be run by their family alone and spearheaded what we call the IR academny, from where Scott is about to graduate. Kayo and Penelope are also about to graduate, but in a much quieter private ceremony for our two espoinage specialists. Both of these ladies have their fathers present and playing a big part in both International Rescue and Tracy Industries.
As for the rest of the family, John is working for NASA and about to shoot off into space. Virgil and Gordon are about to join the IR academy (which momma bear Lucy is absolutely having mixed feelings about). And Alan is being the kid that he should rightfully be at such a young age.
Part Two sees us skip forward four years.
We start to see a little more of IR as we know it here, though Virgil and Gordon are very much still learning, and Alan is barely getting away with being allowed to play on the simulators.
Lucy is afraid because of whisperings of Gaat (The Hood) returning and what this might mean for the safety of her family and IR as a world-wide organisation.
What nobody expects is that new camera angle from the Zero-X, leading to the suggestion that Jeff could still be alive.
Gaat tricks Lucy into thinking he has a new ship capable of the same flight, it's aboard this ship where she meets an engineer known as Michael and promises to free him from Gaat's grip. They then discover that Gaat has found his way onto the Island and is threatening the whole family (think Legacy).
Then the ship goes boom.
Part 3 starts out with the aftermath of Lucy being on a ship that exploded. She's in a coma and all of her boys are a little bit lost as to what to do now.
Scott takes over the business and the running of their IR team with John leaving Nasa to take his rightful place aboard TB5. Lee does an excellent vanishing act when it's decided to return Lucy to the island, and we haven't heard from him since.
We also discover that Lucy and Hugh Creighton-Ward might have been more than just friends at some point in the last four years.
Part 4 Lucy wakes up! Then promptly wonders what her place is in the family now that Scott and Hugh have taken so much of her role on for her. Their main concern is seeing her get stronger before they consider letting her take over some of the reins again.
Scott is quite happy to go on regular business meetings as it gives him an excuse to meet up with Tia, his off-island security that may also be turning into something more.
Speaking of which, Virgil and Kayo are also up to something and have a hilariously cute moment in telling Lucy as much.
Alan is also up to something, being the baby of the family and far too young to actually join the academy yet, he's trying hard to find a way to be involved in IR.
More importantly though, thanks to Eos, we find that Jeff is alive!
Part 5 is the most recent part posted... honestly? If you're not going to re-read the whole thing I'd at least read from here as a refresher.
Scott finally talks to people about his hopes and fears, but then his entire world comes crashing down around him is the most summary I can really say without spoiling what happens next. Val starts to question Lucy if they've done the right thing bringing the boys into IR, and Lucy starts to question her own relationships.
But Jeff is alive and there's a whole lot of figuring out how to get him home.
So... that's the fic in summary so far. Honestly, if you have the time and energy please please re-read the whole thing to refresh your memory. I did just that the other week and it opened my eyes as to how much there is that I left myself open to fix so you might find some interesting threads if you look hard enough!
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This Melodious Rain(it's all you)
This is a re-release because my chapter has finally been edited by the darlingest of betas @the-life-support-system
shoutout to jamie everyone
Chapter 1
Meera's POV
You might ask me how the fuck did it come to be like this.
I'm sitting in one of the many pews of the most beautiful church I have ever seen. The girl I love is getting married to some guy at the altar, who waltzed into our lives without permission.
Lisa looks like she is about to cry. I wish to comfort her, but she has already denied my companionship. Why in the ever-loving hell would she want my comfort? 
She has chosen her path, and I can't do anything about it.
Why does it feel so stuffy in here? There are air conditioners but it feels like I'm about to puke.
I look at them and I hate them. I hate her. I hate the guy, I hate this love that had to blossom in my heart for the most unavailable person and I hate myself for beginning to want to be the person taking her veil off even after everything. 
Yet, I'm not able to take my eyes off her. It's like every movement of hers pulls me like a magnet. I love her and she loves me too, because I can see her watching me from the corner of her eyes. But she has made her choice.
That is us. We are better off when we don't have to face anything.
The evening of her graduation and the morning after it would always be a memorable period for Meera. Not because she graduated from some godforsaken engineering college, or because she had finally got an assistant director's job under Suresh Prabhakar (though that was one of the top contenders), but something else.
She had gone to Suresh Prabhakar's set, had been introduced by Krishna, the guy with the connections who was her senior from her college and had rigorously tried to learn everything that was to be learnt.
She had come back home a few hours ago. She was lying on her bed, the little script book clutched to her chest. It was the best feeling. She’d been lying like that ever since she came back home at 9 o’clock. She couldn’t sleep at all. She checked the time using her phone. It was 4:20 a.m.
The room was too stuffy, too small for the big things she felt at that moment. She had to step out. She sat down on the wicker chair in their balcony, looking down at the quiet street of their neighbourhood. They lived on a residential street, and one could seldom see vehicles passing through this place. Sometimes you could hear the ghost of a honking car if you were lucky.
She was swept away by her dreams of making big in film, when she heard the gate open. It was 4:30 in the morning. Why would anyone be entering the house at such an ungodly hour?
She peered closer over the edge of the railing. It was...a woman.
Ah. Not a robber. It was the daughter of their tenants, the Palackals. Her father had mentioned something along the lines of someone from downstairs working a midnight shift. She had thought it was the uncle, not the daughter.
3 months ago, a Kerala family had come to rent their ground floor house. A contact of her father who was also a contact of the uncle showed the family to the house. Talks had gone down and finally the downstairs house had been rented. Most of the time, the families avoided contact with each other due to the language and culture barrier experienced throughout the first month (the interaction being just the parents), but Meera knew a few details here and there. They were a family of four - the parents and a sister and a brother - Christians and very, very fond of meat. The last one was ascertained by the fact that every time the aunty cooked, the smells wafted upwards and they had to shut their windows and doors when they cooked a particularly smelly dish. They would give a little bit of their curries every time they cooked though (not the beef, of course). Meera and Veena liked them enough, her parents did not touch them. The aunty was nice about it, so perhaps that was what made the peculiar dishes tasty. Athididevobhava: after all.
She had never seen the siblings' faces though. She wanted to say hello, but she wondered if the other woman would be startled by a rando saying hello to her in the midst of the night. In spite of that, her curiosity did not dampen even a little bit. Why would it? A normal landlord wouldn't go 3 months without knowing the face of their tenants.
Perhaps god had heard her wish, because as she peered from the railing, the woman looked up.
Oh, boy.
Her curly black hair fluttered in the light breeze that seemed to pass by just at that moment. Her dark skin shone with little beads of perspiration above her upper lip. Her beautiful, dark brown eyes twinkled in the little bit of sunlight that came through. She clutched her Bisleri water bottle as she looked up.
Their eyes met. Shrouded in the morning mist, the woman raised a subtle eyebrow.
At four-thirty in the morning on a random Tuesday, Meera had come face to face with the goddess Usha.
Meera tried to adjust the way she looked, knowing it was all in vain. She had got out straight from bed and looked as sweaty and weird as she felt.
The goddess looked radiant. She didn't know how it was possible to look flawless on a night-shift, but this woman achieved it.
Meera felt like she had to take a picture of this.
And so she did.
"What the fuck" came out of two mouths (one of them her own) in two very different tones.
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Can you do one where Draco and the reader are friends and Draco asks her to teach him a different language (maybe Spanish IDK I'm Latina so yea)and she said in a different language "I like you" and he says "Me too"
IDK this is soo bad, you don't have to do it!
I finally finished it!!! I´m really sorry it took me that long but I just graduated from university, so I was quite busy, and life feels kinda weird right now and is almost impossible to schedule. Also, I feel like this turned out not as good as I wanted it to be, so I apologize in advance but hope you´ll still like it. Also, thank you so much for helping me out with Spanish, I hope I used the right phrases and it all makes sense because I have no idea if it does. So all in all, I hope you´ll enjoy it even if was all a bit chaotic.
Me gustas
“Mierda!”, you cursed, as you buried your face in your hands. The homework Professor Snape had given you was already jarring on your nerves. And you hadn’t even finished half of it.
“What did you say, love?”, you heard Draco´s voice next to you.
You glanced at your friend through your fingers. Draco was sitting next to you, also working on the potion essay, but while you had by now only managed to write a few lines, he had already filled two roles of parchment.
“Nothing.”, you sighed.
“But you said something.”, Draco persisted.
“Nothing you´d understand, imbécil.”
You were for sure not in the mood for Smalltalk now.
“It´s cute when you´re doing this, you know that?”
You slowly raised your head and looked at Draco with narrowed eyes. He had laid down his quill and was watching you closely, his arms crossed in front of his chest as he leaned back in his chair.
“Doing what?”, you asked, slightly confused.
“Talking like this. Even though I´m pretty sure you just insulted me.”
“You better believe I did.”, you groaned, still you couldn’t help the smile that crept on your face as you saw Draco looking at you with a small smirk playing around his lips.
“Still cute.”, the boy said, while the grin on his face only widened.
You felt your face heating up immediately. You knew he had just said this to tease you since you normally hated it when people called you cute, especially when you were annoyed, but when it came to Draco, things were different.
Your friend just had this effect on you. Even things that bothered you in others, made your heart beat faster when it was about Draco. Especially if those things implied that you might be more for him than just a friend. Because to you, he was more. You hated to admit, but the feelings you had for Draco were far more than those you normally had for a good friend. Much more. You had a crush on the boy ever since you could remember. In the beginning, you hadn’t thought much about it, but over all the years you had been friends, you had fallen in love with him more and more. There was nothing you could do about it and at some point, you simply had to accept the fact, that Draco would always have that special place in your heart, no matter if you wanted him to or not. But obviously, he didn’t know. It was pretty clear that to him you were just a friend. A good friend, but still, only a friend. He loved you, probably more than most other people, but not in the way you loved him. And you highly doubted that this would ever change. It wasn’t like you didn’t wish for more, but you also were contended with how things were. And you swore to Salazar that there was no way that you would risk the relationship the two of you had by telling him about those stupid feelings you had caught. Still, sometimes you enjoyed giving in to the illusion that Draco was feeling the same way as you did. And at these moments, when he sweet-talked you, even if he didn’t mean it that way, it was pretty easy to do so.
“You should teach me.”, Draco suddenly interrupted your thoughts, and you snapped back into reality.
“Spanish. You should teach me.”
“Because I ask you to.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“You didn’t exactly ask Draco.”
The boy rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Fine. (Y/n), I am officially asking you to teach me to speak Spanish. Would you do so?”
Draco gave you big puppy eyes, which you barely ever saw on him. He hated it when people saw him like this because he just looked illegally cute like this and he hated it, but he also knew that if he used this power, he would always get what he wanted. Especially when it came to you. Draco had figured out pretty early that you had a sweet spot for him when he acted like this. Even though he had no idea what it actually did to you. But this time, even if he looked at you like that, you hesitated. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to -you normally welcomed every excuse to spend some time with Draco-, but all in all, you were already busy enough with all the school stuff. Especially because it wasn’t long until the exams would come up.
“I could help you with potions in return.”, Draco added, as if he knew exactly what was going on in your mind.
That wasn’t a bad deal indeed. Draco was one of the best students and you could definitely use some help. So you shrugged your shoulders.
Draco smiled smugly.
“Great! When do we start?”
“Buenos días.”
“No Draco. It´s Buenas tardes now.”
“Because it´s already late.”
That doesn’t make sense.”
“Well, you wouldn’t say good morning to someone by now as well, would you?”
Draco shrugged his shoulders.
“If you say so.”
“I say so because it´s that way.”
“If you say so.”
You sighed. As much as you loved that boy, teaching him a new language was just exhausting. Draco was used to being on top of every class and to always being right and the fact that you were actually better at something than him, seemed to annoy him much more than he wanted to admit.
“Draco, I grew up with this. I´m fluent. You can trust me that I´m right.”
“Never said you weren’t.”
“You implied it.”
“If you say so.”
“Hey, you asked me to teach you. If you don’t want to, we can stop at any time. I can think of better things to spend my time on.”
This was only half of the truth. Because even though you were quite annoyed by Draco´s smart-alec attitude, you still enjoyed spending time with him and being near him. And -if he wasn’t complaining for once- it was actually quite fun to listen to him, trying to get the pronunciation right. Also, the way he gave all his attention to you, his gaze fixed on your lips, when you told him the words he was supposed to repeat, send chills down your spine and sometimes made it hard for you, not to lose your focus. In a good way though. So overall, it would be your loss too, if he would actually stop taking those lessons with you.
But it didn’t look like this would happen any time soon, because Draco raised his hands in defence and gave you an apologetic look.
“Sorry, (Y/n), I didn’t mean to…”
“I know.”, you cut him off.
“I really enjoy what you are doing for me, you know that?”
As fast as the annoyance had boiled up in you, it disappeared again, as a familiar warmth flushed over you. You cursed yourself for how quickly you were always willing to forgive Draco. But how could you be mad at him any longer, if he was looking at you like this? You threw the boy a small smile.
“I know.”, you answered, this time in a much softer voice.
When you locked your eyes with Draco´s, there was something in his gaze making you suspect there was something else he wanted to say; but he didn’t. He just returned your gaze, not breaking eye contact for a second.
You didn’t know how long you had been staring into his eyes, getting completely lost in them, when a small voice in your head suddenly spoke up, telling you, that you needed to do something. Anything. Because just staring at him and doing nothing was just awkward. But while all you wanted to do was move even closer to the boy in front of you, closing the gap that still separated the two of you, somewhere deep down in your cloudy brain you knew, that this wouldn’t relax the situation at all.
That´s why you abruptly broke the eye contact, now staring at your own feet, and cleared your throat.
“So where were we?”, you asked, relieved and sad at the same time that the tension was now broken.
For a second you thought Draco looked slightly disappointed when you backed off, but then he cleared his throat as well.
“Buenos días.”
“You mean Buenas tardes.”, you smiled.
And Draco returned your smile cheekily as he said: “If you say so.”
“Buenas tardes. Me llamo Draco. Cómo estás?”, Draco approached you one day, when you were sitting down by the lake under a tree.
You had finished all your exams and now dedicated more of your free time to Draco, practising Spanish. Over time it had become more and more fun to spend your time with him like this because the better he got, the less annoyed he was by his mistakes and the less he blamed you for them. What you enjoyed even more about it was that Draco was actually really passionate about your lessons. By now, he dumped all of his other friends regularly to spend his time like this. You knew that the reason for this was that he was highly ambitious when it came to learning new things and he had an insatiable thirst to prove himself, but a part of you liked to think that he used those lessons just as an excuse to spend more time with you. Because that what it was for you in the first place. Obviously, you were glad to help a friend out and teach him about a language you grew up talking with your family, but the fact that the friend you helped out like this happened to be Draco, made the entire thing even more interesting for you.
You squinted up at the blond boy smiling down at you. In the bright sunlight, his hair seemed to shimmer golden. He really looked like an angel like that, even though you knew that he was in fact anything but that. Not that you would mind that at all.
“Bien, gracias.”, you responded, mirroring his smile. You followed him with your gaze as the boy sat down next to you. “You really improved in the last weeks, you know that?”
Draco smiled and you swore you could see a slight rosy shimmer on his pale cheeks.
“I had a good teacher.”
Now it was on you to blush.
“So, what are you up to?”, Draco asked you, eying you from the side.
You shrugged your shoulders.
“Nothing particular. Just needed a calm place. The last weeks have been so busy, so I just wanted my peace for a moment.”
“And now I´m ruining it.”, Draco grinned.
“It isn’t like I´m not already used to this.”, you chuckled.
“I can leave again, if you´d prefer that.”
Draco´s voice was playful, but as you looked into his eyes, you realized that he was actually worried about the possibility of his presence bothering you.
“Don’t you dare. Being bothered by you is by now one of my favourite things to relax to. It´s almost as comforting as the sound of the sea or birds chirping.”
Draco raised an eyebrow.
You gave the boy a small smile.
“Not sure if I should take this as a compliment.”
You chuckled.
“Me neither.”
You didn’t know how long you had been sitting down by the lake, but by now, the sun already set. Draco and you had been talking about many different things during this time, but now, you just enjoyed the silence between the two of you and the rustling of the leaves above your head. At some point, you had rested your head on Draco´s shoulder, and the boy had wrapped an arm around you. Your heart was beating faster, as it always did when Draco was this near to you, but this time, you were for some reason far more relaxed than usual. The situation didn’t feel tense or awkward, but like it was the most natural thing to do. It just felt right being so close to him, melting into the heat he radiated and inhaling his scent that was mixing with the one of the warm summer evenings.
“That´s just magnifico.”, you sighed, as you watched the landscape in front of you being dived into a golden light, as the sun slowly disappeared behind the lake, making the water look like molten lava.
“It is indeed.”, Draco smiled, as he glanced down at you, while your gaze was fixed on the natural spectacle in front of you.
You raised an eyebrow, as you slightly shifted your head, so you could look up at him.
“You understood?”
“Of course I did.”, Draco said, sounding slightly offended.
“I just don’t remember ever teaching you this word.”
“C´mon (Y/n), that´s the basis.”, sounding more like the teacher than the student.
“You think you are really smart, don’t you?”, you chuckled.
“I know I am. Try me.”
“Okay.” You deliberated for a moment. “Lo siento.”
“I´m sorry.”
“No hablo español?”
Draco huffed.
“I do speak spanish by now. You can do better (Y/n).”
“You really want to know, don’t you?”, you laughed.
“I always do.”, Draco grinned.
You felt a warmth flushing over you, as the boy smiled down at you so sweetly, making your heart ache. You tore your gaze apart from his angelic face and stared at the landscape in front of you again.
“Me gustas.”
Your voice was barely more than a whisper.
“What?”, Draco asked, sounding slightly irritated.
You cleared your throat.
“Me gustas.”
It was hard to let those words slip out of your mouth, even though you knew Draco wouldn’t understand. But you had spent so much time trying to hide it, trying to convince yourself that your feelings for him weren’t more than those you had for a good friend. Accepting that they weren’t was difficult. But you knew for sure that you felt more for him. And to tell him that, somehow lifted a weight from your shoulders, but broke your heart at the same time.
“I don’t think you´ve ever taught me this one.”
“No, I didn’t.”, you smiled dolefully.
“You care to tell me what it means?”
“I don’t actually.”
For a while, you just sat there in silence. You weren’t quite sure how to feel. Being near to Draco now felt so right, yet wrong at the same time. Your heart was beating fast, your thoughts were racing. You felt happy and relieved, but at the same time, a wave of sadness washed over you. You shuffled a bit closer to Draco, trying to find some comfort in the boy who caused all those feelings, the boy, you knew would never be yours, not in the way you wanted him to be.
“(Y/n)?”, Draco suddenly spoke up. His voice sounded husky.
You hummed in response, not quite trusting your voice right now.
“Yo también.”
For a moment, the world around you stilled. How did he know? You were a hundred percent sure you had never told him, what that meant. So where did he catch up on that? But even more importantly…
You lifted your head abruptly and looked at Draco with widened eyes.
“Yo también?”, you repeated in disbelieve.
You could see a cheeky smile appearing on the boy´s face.
“Yo también.”, he confirmed.
“You… you know what that means, don’t you?”, you stuttered.
The grin on Draco´s face only grew wider.
“You told me you like me and I told you I like you too.”
“But I didn’t mean… I mean of course, I like you, we are friends. But what I was trying to say is…”
“I got it sweet on you.”, Draco interrupted your stammering.
“That´s what I was trying to say, I mean… Wait, do you mean that I got… or do you mean that you…?”
Now you were totally confused. Draco raised an eyebrow and looked at you in amusement.
“Do you?”
“Well, I guess… I mean…” This time you interrupted yourself. This wasn’t the time to make a complete fool out of yourself, even if you assumed that it was by now probably too late for this. You took a deep breath and locked your eyes with Draco´s. His grey eyes were sparkling as he didn’t tear his gaze apart from you for the split of a second. “I do.”
“That´s -how did you say?- magnifico. Because I like you too. And not only as a friend.”
Slowly, his words settled in your mind. And as they did, the smile that appeared on your face could easily compete with the beaming of the settling sun.
“You do?”
Draco nodded. He slowly raised his hand and brushed a few strands of your hair behind your ear, before he carefully cupped your cheeks.
“I do.”
Draco shifted closer to you until his face was only a few centimetres away from yours.
“Oh, Bésame el tresero.”, you whispered against his lips.
Then, you bent forwards for one more centimetre and your lips finally crushed on Draco´s.
You had imagined kissing him so many times, but none of those mental pictures could come close to reality. Draco´s lips felt soft on yours as he slowly started to move them against yours. The way he tasted like peppermint and apples made you suspect that you never wanted to taste anything else ever again. His hands, which you had felt so many times on your skin before, felt so different when they were tangled in your hair or cupping your cheeks.
It took the two of you some time, to get comfortable with each other like this, exploring the body of the other one as if it was for the first time. But once you had gotten more familiar with each other like this, you could barely remember it ever being any other way. The kiss now got more demanding and Draco´s lips started to wander as you sighed comfortably. The grip on your hair tightened before his hands began to wander as well, down your neck and your back, pulling you even closer than before.
When you finally pulled back, due to a lack of air, your lips were swollen, your hair a mess and your cheeks red, but the both of you felt as happy as you had never done before in your entire life.
“How could I survive years around you without doing this?”, Draco panted, as his thump brushed over your lips.
“I´m asking myself the same thing.”, you grinned, while you too tried to catch your breath.
Draco pulled you close to his chest and wrapped his arms around you. He kissed your temple, as you watched the sun finally disappearing completely.
“Maybe I should ask you to teach me things more often.”, Draco chuckled.
“I feel like you are doing completely fine on your own. And besides,”, you placed a small kiss on his jaw, “I can think of much more pleasant things to do.”
Draco hummed in response. “We can probably both learn some new things from this.”
“Can´t complain when my teacher is that hot.”, you grinned.
Draco raised an eyebrow.
“Is he?”
“He is.”, you confirmed. “And cute and loveable and just adorable overall.”
“You know if you´ll ever say this in front of anyone else I´ll have to kill you, don’t you?”, Draco frowned.
“You wouldn’t.”
Draco sighed and pulled you even closer.
“You´re right, I wouldn’t.”
Taglist: @xodracomalfoyxo @marigold-morelli @army24—7 @lbhmoon @cappgyuccino @victoriapedroza
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
After getting excited over Kawi matching colours with the plushie, and then forcing @respectthepetty's hand into revealing her theories, I said I would do a re-watch of the four Be My Favourite eps so far. I did...and to be honest it was a slog to get through them again (I even watched at 1.25 speed). BUT I wanted to see things with a fresh eye...and to collect all the mint green. Because it seems to be important.
Is it symbolic of the connection between Kawi and Pisaeng?
Does it represent clarity, truth, and communication?
Is it just mint green or is teal included too? Blue as well?
I don't have answers, and may not for a while, so I just want to collect all the instances of mint green/teal during the series so far. So here's what set me off at the end of ep 4:
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And then the presence of mint green at the moments of confession or truth reveal; Kawi telling Pear that he's her secret buddy, Kawi confessing to liking Pear, and Pisaeng revealing he knows of Pear's affections towards him.
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And Kawi's mint green phone in the past - as my dear Pet has already mentioned, phones are all about open communication.
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And then there's the senior's shirt with the mint green design - I think it's the art for Penguin Villa's song Acrophobia (which seems originally to be blue). Interestingly, the song is about how someone is out of someone else's league - perhaps reflective of the groups perceptions of Pear and Kawi. (lyrics under the cut below)
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And then some possibilities but the colour looks a little more blue; Kawi accidentally telling Piseang that he doesn't want them getting close, and Kawi revealing he's a virgin to, well, everyone.
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And these that are more in the teal range: Not's phone through which everyone listens to Kawi's confession to Pear, and it looks like the graduation colour might also be teal - so something about enlightenment and knowledge?...
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Finally, I thought this was also interesting, Pear has several bracelets...one of which is the peachy pink colour she wears a lot, and the other is mint green. So maybe these colours are connected...or, since the background of Kawi's fantasy wedding is also teal, perhaps it's Kawi's (fantasy) happiness?
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No theories on this, just filing away for later reference...and general feral screaming over.
As you were.
Acrophobia lyrics:
Saw, Saw, Saw, I saw you walking by Suddenly, started to feel trembling Quivering in my hand; Upsetting my stomach Dizzy in my eyes; like my heart’s on fire It’s always been like this You’re out of my league. I’m losing it
Oh, Can you hear my voice? you are up there Could you lower yourself, come down to me Acrophobia makes me afraid to look at So, Please climb down from the sky, I can’t look at your eyes
Lay, Lay, Lay, I lay down on the lawn Once looked up at the sky, I felt the same Quivering in my hand; Upsetting my stomach Dizzy in my eyes; like my heart’s on fire It’s always been like this You’re out of my league. I’m losing it
Oh, Can you hear my voice? You are up there Could you lower yourself, come down to me Acrophobia makes me afraid to look at So, Please climb down from the sky, I can’t look at your eyes
Dare not to
Oh, Can you hear my voice? You are up there? Could you lower yourself, come down to me Acrophobia makes me crazy for you So, Please climb down from the sky, I can’t look at your eyes If you can’t come down, give me the ladder; I’ll climb there
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angiefsutton · 7 days
Quantum Leap (1989) Re-watch - S1, E8
As previously mentioned, I'm doing a re-watch of Quantum Leap (1989) now that I've fallen back into writing slash for it. And as I watched, decided to write up my off-the-cuff/stream of consciousness thoughts as I watch them. (I'm also doing this on my Dreamwidth.)
Season 1, Episode 8: "Kamikaze Kid" Date of Leap: June 6, 1961 Written by: Paul L. Brown
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If I recall correctly, this is where we learn that Katie was an abuse victim. {After watching: Yep, I was right.}
"Oh, my God: I'm a dork!" My dude: you have an IQ of 267, speak 7 languages, learned to read at the age of 2, do advanced calculus in his head at the age of 5, and beat a computer at chess at the age of 10. You also graduated from high school and went to MIT at the age of 16. You are ALREADY a dork/geek/nerd. ;-)
Yay - an 'Oh, boy!' leap-in.
Oh God: I forgot Jason Priestly was in this!
Sam is already the fighter of the bully. Yay!
"He's not wearing any underwear!" The first of many, I think. Also, blocked beautifully so you don't actually SEE anything.
Woo-hoo: shirtless Scott. Starting to wonder if him being shirtless and/or in jeans was part of his contract. :-)
That silver jacket and those shades for Al - so laughably futuristic!
(And is it just me, or is Al looking in at the 'naked' Sam when he gives him the 'rating' of the dive?)
We get that Al has Russian blood on his mother's side.
"You remind me of a stripper I know in Vegas: she starts out with empty TV shipping carton and then she ends up with a little teeny weenie Kleenex box right over her …." I love it. Something tells me Al would've loved the burlesque routine I saw at the Kansas City Fringe a number of years ago where the performer did a 'reverse' strip (started out mostly naked and put her clothes ON. One of the audience members jokingly yelled out at one point, "Put it on!").
Ah, TV in the 80s - when they had to reiterate basic ideas (like Al being a hologram) every episode for the newbies.
Sam's hilarious fall back into the garbage dump: it's so well done! Such a great 'pratfall'.
"Ah, young love: there's nothing like it." / "How would YOU know?" God these two are great together.
The waitress offers dessert. Al says, "Just put a cherry on top of your head!" and just bounces in anticipation.
"Did you ever notice that girls never cuddle up to guys unless they're driving a fancy car?" And thus the canon of Al having a 'fancy car' is born. ;-)
The way Dean watches and follows Scott when Sam 'remembers' about Katie's past - dear lord, he was a talented actor.
But Al's response of "I'm sorry, Sam" implies that this is the first time he's heard this. Huh.
Also - still no mention of Tom. Very obvious he doesn't 'exist' yet in canon, as there'd be some sort of comment about why Tom didn't help either.
Sam getting punched in the arm by 'his' dad - Sam's reaction is PRICELESS.
And then, "I hurt this arm" only for the dad to haul off and hit the other arm. I lol'd.
The pause Scott/Sam does when mom calls out "Cameron!" Total 'oh, fuck - what did I do wrong?' of a teenager.
Oh god - I forgot that the mom pulls out a Playboy!
"You gonna bring her to the wedding?" / "I don't know - she's awfully young." My dude. My man. You're a TEENAGER here. Remember? (Glad Al wasn't there, otherwise who KNOWS what he would've said.)
"Strange: now that I'll finally be doing what I always dreamed of …" / "It's a little scary." / "How did you know?" / "Oh, I've had the feeling." Daw - Scott's look! Bashful!Beckett once again!
"For one: he drinks too much." <-- obviously before Al was a recovering alcoholic.
The fixing of the car: Sam is apparently GREAT at improv by now!
"Tina'd look great without that on." Al Calavicci, I love you. (Also - if I ever DO get around to that 'Sam dresses in lingerie for Al', I may have to use a variation of that for his reaction.)
"Check out this black number in the Fredericks of Hollywood box." The EYE WIGGLE! Be still my heart!
"What are you going to publish: a lingerie catalog?" / "That's a good idea, Sam. I could do some 'inside research', if you get my drift." Don't ever change, Al.
"I thought lingerie was enough." Oh, yeah. DEFINITELY referring to this episode if I write that story. (And Sam's … fondness for Al in reaction: so sweet!)
And we get the bruises on her neck. Handled well, especially for the Afternoon Special feel of the plot.
Sam's stopping of Bob as he walks up is SO. GOOD. Kudos to Scott Bakula.
Sam being protectively violent. Oh dear LORD that's hot.
The rehearsal is at the TAIL O' THE COCK??? (Sounds like Al's kind of place .)
I forgot about the running joke of Sam getting punched in the arm.
I ALSO forgot he has to sit at the kid's table. (And gets smacked - in the arm - by one of the kids.)
And outfit #3 for Al. (Dear lord: how much did they spend on COSTUMES?)
Oh, god - the Michael Jackson 'kiss with history. Totally unneeded. Although watching Scott/Sam dance IS fun.
"You know: normally, I'm against spreading men's room gossip. But in THIS case…" Seeing Al … not angry, but almost OFFENDED, is great here.
"Ka-za-zoom!" God I love Al's … slang? Is it slang?
Sam: "Al!" {beat} "I love ya!" CANON. (And the two of them in that car is SUCH GOOD CHEMISTRY)
"Wasn't that a kick in the butt?" Is this the first time we get that phrase? I didn't note it in my other write ups. If so, huzzah! And that SMILE of Al's. They ARE in love!
Scott/Sam's 'jump' out of the way of Bob's car is SO. BADLY. FILMED.
And a right hook from Sam. YAY!
Really? Bob's gang just … decides it wasn't cool? REALLY? (I guess for an hour-long drama in 1989, it works.)
And the very slashy scene of Sam and Al singing "Let it Be Me" together.
And outfit #4 for Al - LOVE that blue shirt!
Yay! A canon 'Sammy' as well as an 'Al-y boy'!
"Look what I picked up this morning." / "The girl or the car?" / "Both. Met her at the car auction. She offered to 'wax my hood'." SO MUCH TO SAY about this. First: being right on the heels of that very slashy moment, it almost comes across as a 'Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?' moment. Second: this was one of the ones that made me use "Susan: she's a gardener, and she lets me trim her bush at the front of the house." in my "OSHA Safety Guidelines Regarding the Quantum Accelerator … and YOU!" story. Headcanon that Al specifically comes up with these double entendres just for the fun of it.
Oh, the damn 'glow up' of Jill. I hate it almost as much as I hate the one on Ally Sheedy in The Breakfast Club.
Of COURSE Al is encouraging Sam to kiss the pre-teen. Because of course he is.
… did Sam just look at Al for PERMISSION/APPROVAL????
That is such a sweet kiss, too. Very obviously filmed keeping in mind the REAL age difference between the actors.
And another 'oh, boy' leap in. Glad to see that that became standard in the leap in this early in the series!
Final thoughts: This one aged pretty damn well (aside from that damned glow up). Scott and Dean seem to be having the time of their lives in this episode. We also get more backstory on Sam. (And technically Al.) I mean, it's basically an homage to Grease/Happy Days/American Graffiti, but when has THAT stopped this show? It's engaging, with great act cliffhangers. And the director does a good job showing everyone's reactions (especially the women) to Bob (and Bob's dad) when they are 'misbehaving'.
I want to say I read somewhere that this is one of the slashiest episodes of the series, and it definitely holds up there. Scott and Dean have SO. MUCH. CHEMISTRY. Thinking back over the series, I'd have to say this is one of my favorite episodes.
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freaky-flawless · 2 years
If you're still doing the redesign suggestions maybe Robecca. She's was my absolute favorite as a kid and still is (with like 3 others but I Can't decide RIP)
Here she is! Finally!
This is my second drawing of her. The first one I did before I even started taking requests and I wasn't totally satisfied with it, and kept debating just posting it anyway. Ultimately I decided to just start over and I'm much happier with this one!
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I adore Robecca, and it always kinda bothered me that the series never really acknowledged what a tragic character she is. This ghoul went through a lot, and we never got to see her get a happy ending. The fact that we never even see her get reunited with her father is a travesty.
More into her story under the cut.
As I previously hinted, after coming back to life, Robecca goes on to stay with the Stein's. For one thing, they were colleagues with her father, and she was already familiar with them from way back in the day. She was also the inspiration behind Frankie's creation, so they are more than happy to take her in. She shares Frankie's basement bedroom with them, and they, along with Hoodude become incredibly close, quick to regard one another as siblings.
Attending the school that she disappeared in again is a weird experience for her, and it's not made any easier given how much time has past and things have changed. Though she does take comfort in the fact that Bloodgood is still the Headmistress, as she was close to her father before he disappeared. For whatever reason though she looked as though she'd seen a ghost upon Robecca entering her office to re-enroll at the school, and ever since seemed to go out of her way to avoid her.
Robecca is seen as a sort of superhero by her peers, with her rocket boots and want to help others. It takes a while for her to be comfortable with SKRM again, considering what happened to her, but after some gentle coaxing from her ghoulfriends Rochelle and Venus, as well as Clawd Wolf, she does eventually give in, and her love for the sport is reignited. She becomes Clawd's co-captain, up until he graduates, in which Rochelle becomes her new co-captain.
Her father is always at the forefront of her thoughts, and she'll often spend time with Ghoulia slowly plotting out a search mission through the catacombs to find him. Although Robecca is plenty capable of fixing herself up, she will enlist the Ghoulia's help for the repairs she can't do herself. She's eternally grateful to her for bringing her back to life, as well as helping her adapt to modern technology.
Robecca has a lot of catching up to do, and a lot of issues to work through, but she came back to life with a very supportive friend group and family.
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