#Dice club podcast
artbyelix · 8 months
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cold is the night without you here just your absence ringing in my ears
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diceclubpodcast · 5 months
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The end of the journey has never been closer in episode 30 of Dice Club, Out Now!
(bonus episode sketches by Eggy under the cut)
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57papercranes · 1 month
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Hey I like your smile :)
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samwisegamwise · 8 months
I think about dice club every day you should all listen to the cool podcast I do with my friends it's literally so good
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thydungeongal · 2 months
Hi! I love reading your thoughts on different TTRPGs, it's great to hear about ones I'm not familiar with, but I also realize I'm missing out on a lot that's out there. As an aspiring TTRPG creator myself, I was wondering if you knew any good communities where I could bring a game idea and talk with others, or seek out people willing to playtest something? And sorry if you've had this question before, I'm just not sure where to look outside D&D communities. Thanks for doing your thing!
A few that come to mind immediately:
The Dice Exploder podcast is a podcast that delves into the nitty gritty details of roleplaying games and they have a Discord community that is dedicated to talking about design, including being able to share your works-in-progress and get feedback on them!
Another one is the @anim-ttrpgs indie RPG book club! While the main purpose of the club is to read and play indie RPGs (with a very broad definition of indie) we also have space set aside for talking about our own RPG projects. It would also be a potentially good place to recruit players for playtests!
There are undoubtedly many others! I'm not too active in RPG communities but like I would imagine that the RTFM podcast would have a good community, they're good folks.
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gavinswindowpod · 4 months
Gavin's Window is now on Tumblr!
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Inspired by the people behind the gamemaster screens and character sheets, Gavin's Window is a love letter to TTRPGs and the candid stories that arise from folks gathering around the table and just roleplaying their hearts out!
If you came from the pilot episode: Hiya! We're Gavin's Window, an audio drama about the stories beyond the dice and rulebooks, and we're officially on Tumblr now! We hope you're looking forward to some of the extra content we're cooking up as we count down to the Podcast Book Club listening party on June 1st! We might also have an announcement once the listening party is over!
If you aren't here from the Podjam, and are interested in listening to our pilot episode, feel free to check out the episode on Spotify or the 2024 Podcast Jam's Acast feed!
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m-ilys-grave · 4 months
Nostalgic Vegetable Soup
Everyone has a favorite comfort food, so here's one of mine.
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~All ya need
•3-4 cans diced tomatoes
•1 can peas & diced carrots
•1 can sliced carrots
•1 can French or Italian cut green beans
•1 can Golden or white corn
•1 whole onion (of choice) diced or sliced
•1 lb ground hamburger meat or 5 patties of impossible hamburger meat
•seasonings such as: garlic salt, white pepper, tajín, paprika, turmeric, & parsley
•water or tomato juice
•maybe crackers if you like :)
~All ya do
•Add the canned tomatoes to a medium to large pot (dont drain em!), drain the canned veggies and add them to the pot. Dice or slice the onion and add it as well. Include your spices and start cooking!
•In a frying pan, brown the burger meat or impossible meat and season it with your garlic salt and turmeric, and any other spices you're feelin! Drain grease if needed, then add your meat to the soup!
•Add some water or tomato juice to desired consistency and let it cook for a while!
•when it's all cooked up and got the house smelling delicious, grab a bowl and enjoy a serving with your favorite TV show or podcast!
*My niece and mom add saltine crackers and my dad adds club crackers, but I just eat it as it is. <3
Thank you for reading about a soup I enjoy, if you make it at home I hope it warms your heart too! :)
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verosvault · 6 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 1:44:54
Video Length: 3min. & 31sec.
Riz is the only one who can take stress for other people + Kristen rolling for popularity and academics (learning about Osmir) (‣Pt. 1 | Pt. 2)
Brennan: "Kristen. We gotta figure...So, you rolled for your church. We gotta roll for Cleric stuff, as well."
Ally: "Oh, the biweekly essays."
Brennan: "Yes"
Ally: "Do I have to start that now or do I start that next...?"
Brennan: "You have to start that now. So it's happening in the same chunk of time."
Zac: "Can I do that later?" 😂💀
Brennan: *laughs* "Can I do that later? So, this is gonna be a Religion check, which you roll with advantage. But I'm gonna say that there's disadvantage 'cause you're not connected to a divinity right now. So you're just gonna roll straight."
Ally: "Okay. And what's the DC on this? Is this my second slot?"
Brennan: "This is now DC 10. So to get an A it's not a 17, it's a 22."
Ally: "Okay and what if I did Popularity first for the campaign?"
Brennan: "Go for it."
Siobhan: "omg."
Brennan: "Go for it. You wanna do Popularity for the campaign? Persuasion DC 10."
Ally: *rolls dice* "12."
Brennan: "12? Cool. You're hitting the bricks, you're shaking hands. It's not an outrageous success, but-"
Ally: "Oh, I still have Bardic! I haven't used yours[Fabian]."
Lou: "Don't throw it on there."
Siobhan: "Don't throw it on-"
Murph: "Don't throw it on."
Ally: "No?"
Murph: "Can I take a stress for Kristen? Just like going around trying to make Kristen cool?"
Brennan: "Yeah, you can allow for a re-roll here. So your campaign manager's just gonna take a stress token to give you. Riz is the only character allowed to take stress for other people. Okay? There we go."
Ally: "Thank you, Riz." *rolls dice* "*** ******, it's worse."
Brennan: "Okay."
Murph: "I'll take another one please."
Ally: "No, no!"
Murph: "We got this!"
Brennan: "We got this. Okay, there you go, Riz." *evilly smiling* 😭✋
Ally: "We got it!" *rolls dice* "Come on, come on, come on. Okay! Okay!"
Murph: *happy claps*
Ally: "And that's for Persuasion?"
Brennan: "Persuasion."
Ally: "21."
Brennan: "21, you beat it by 10. You have advantage on Charisma checks for any kid that you're meeting at the school for the first time. And you have advantage on any other track check you roll in this period because your popularity helps you. People start supporting you. They know that Fabian's on the team. Honestly, all of this is Riz. It's all the weird clubs."
Ally: "Yeah, it's absolutely Riz."
Brennan: "The clubs are coming through to help you. It's all Riz."
Riz: "The freshman can vote! We don't need cool kids! We need a lot of dorks!"
Kristen: "Are you okay?"
Riz: "No, of course! I'm great!"
Brennan: "You're ****ing beltway guru."
Murph: "Yeah."
Ally: "You're listening to all these podcasts."
Riz: "Soil! It's all about the Soil Club!"
Brennan: "I'm on Crooked Media every day. Yeah." *laughs* "Great, so that's Popularity for you. Now go ahead. So, Kristen, against all odds, the godless Kristen Applebees... Kristen and Fabian vault to the top of popularity in the school, right?"
Ally: "That's right."
*Ally and Lou do cool handshake and pose*
Brennan: "Let's go baby. Let's go."
Lou: "Yes."
Brennan: "Kristen, go ahead and give me... you may roll... This, I will allow it to cancel the disadvantage 'cause of that popularity check. Go ahead and roll Religion with advantage. The DC for this is 15 gets you a D."
Ally: "I get a plus six."
Brennan: "Rolling with advantage."
Ally: *rolls dice* "Okay, 12. So that's an 18."
Brennan: "18, so that means you get a C."
Ally: "Oh and I can Bardic for this."
Brennan: "You can bardic for that."
Ally: "Okay, okay, okay." *rolls dice* "It's a two. Okay, so 20."
Brennan: "So that's 20 from 15. Okay, Kristen, you get a C in Religion. Give me one more Religion check, actually, just normal."
Ally: "Okay."
Lou: "Without a god, you know?"
Ally: *rolls dice* "It's a nat one."
Brennan: "Oh, you roll with advantage 'cause of your book."
Ally: "Thank ****ing God."
(Emily laughing)
Ally: "Okay, that's a 16."
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duckies27 · 6 months
could you tell me more about ur Au and ur headcanons?
Ready for an info dump? It's time for an info dump.
Adding onto everything from before, here's some stuff for the daddies!
!!!!Spoilers ahead for both podcasts!!! Read at your own risk!!!!
Henry met Ellga before Chip, when she first came over to help Lark with a project. He really loves to see how Lark and Sparrow get along with her and treat her. She's basically like a sister to them by the end of the first week of school together.
Darryl actually knows Mathide really well. The two of them talk all the time when he's getting his morning coffee. The two of them talk about recipes and he's genuinely considered working at the bakery with Mathide. So far, no dice, he loves coaching too much to give it up.
Ron and Chip are co-workers of course, but he also really likes talking with Barney. They always talk about literally nothing while Barney unwinds and rewinds his yarn. Happens lot more at soccer games then you would expect.
Glen is suspicious of the entire group, but he can't help but admit he's started to care for them all. Barney and him do yarn crafts together every Wednesday night, he helps babysit Ellga a ton, and Mathide gives him free donuts sometimes. Chip and him have yet to talk much, but they go to the same single father support group.
Jodie, oh how I love Jimmy but hate Jodie. He doesn't trust any of them, so he avoids them all for the most part.
Nicholas is a jerk to Ellga, bullies her a lot of the time.
Lark and Sparrow adore her, they would kill for her.
Grant and Ellga aren't really close off the field, but they sometimes play Smash together during lunch on Grant's switch.
Terry Jr and Ellga are a part of a school club for children with deceased parents, it's supposed to be a support group but it kinda just turned into a space for kids with similar experiences to hang out and vibe. She carpools a lot with Terry if no one else can pick her up.
As for classes, Ellga is in sewing, baking, wood working, and orchestra as extra curriculars. She shares Math with the twins, English with Terry, Science with Grant, and Gym with Nicholas.
She plays violin, and it's actually a huge outlet for her when it comes to missing home and missing having her axe.
I think that's all I got right now but I can always add more!
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filorunsultra · 1 year
Aggiornamenti prima dell'autunno
Solito ricapitolone prima dell'autunno. Questa notte ha piovuto, il sentiero che attraversa il bosco per andare al lago inizia ad avere foglie per terra e di tanto in tanto una nuvola copre la cima del Calisberg. Prima ho guardato i prezzi delle scarpe da strada e ho pensato che dovrei dare una pulita alle chiodate. Ho voglia di fare un po' di campestri.
Per quanto riguarda la corsa è stato un anno davvero fantastico. Ho iniziato a fare delle campestri l'inverno scorso e sento che mi hanno dato una grande base che mi sono portato dietro per tutta la primavera. Sciacche è andata benino ma avrei potuto gestirla meglio, RunFrogRun è stato un disastro ma mi sono divertito un sacco e spero che l'anno prossimo riusciremo a organizzare qualcosa di ancora più figo coi ragazzi. Sono riuscito a tenere volumi alti tutta la primavera infilando lunghi molto belli e in compagnia, Trento-Bolzano è stato sicuramente l'allenamento più duro della mia vita ma sono grato a Roby per averlo condiviso. Con l'annullamento del Passatore io Roby e Michi, che dovevamo correrlo tutti e tre, abbiamo ripiegato sull'FKT del San Vili che è stato super figo. Dopo uno scarico a giugno ho iniziato con la montagna: tanti lunghi lenti, più dislivello, l'FKT dell'Alta Via del Granito col Michi, altra bella esperienza. Ho scaricato ancora a metà luglio per una settimana e poi ho fatto tre settimane di carico per Leadville. Sento di essermi allenato davvero bene in quel blocco e mi sentivo molto concentrato: Leadville è andata super bene e meglio di qualunque aspettativa, ed è stato figo condividere qualche chilometro con il mio pacer Lapo.
Quest'estate ho cambiato casa e ora siamo in un paesino di montagna sopra a Trento io e Camilla, con i sentieri più belli del Trentino, qua a cento metri, su cui venerdì ho vinto il vertical della sagra di Montevaccino. Il terzo aveva sessant'anni. È stato super divertente conoscere le persone del mio nuovo paese attraverso una gara di corsa e tutti erano presi molto bene, forse è la gara col mood più figo che ho fatto in Italia, il che la dice lunga su quanto siamo sfigati. Il ragazzo che è arrivato secondo è di Saluzzo e si è trasferito a Trento da poco, magari verrà a correre con noi qualche volta. Ho anche rivisto uno dei signori con cui abbiamo fatto manutenzione sentieri in Lagorai, era molto contento soprattutto quando gli ho dato un po' del salame che avevo vinto e che io non mangiavo.
Cose che voglio fare questo autunno: un podcast di RunTrento in cui parliamo tra di noi di quello di cui abbiamo voglia, deve essere una cosa tra amici, un salottino trentino, come il Buckled delle origini. Vorrei che l'Indian Summer fosse un evento figo e sentito da tutti e penso sarà così perché è un bel momento per il Trento Running Club. Con la Eli abbiamo lavorato bene negli Stati Uniti e sono sicuro che il documentario verrà una bomba: ci sono un sacco di cose in ballo con RunTrento e vorrei che uscissero tutte nei tempi, ma ce la faremo. Vorrei anche sbloccarmi e iniziare un corso di tedesco e prendere la certificazione di inglese, e magari la cazzo di patente. Lo dico poi chi sa se lo farò.
Sono super contento di UTMB e di come è andata per gli americani, non tanto il risultato ma per loro come persone. Sarebbe stato triste per Jim buttare un altro anno e probabilmente avrebbe fatto difficoltà a digerirla. Sono contento anche per Zach, e spero che riuscirà a vincere altre gare negli Stati Uniti il prossimo anno. Questa foto di lui mi piace un sacco e la metto qua, fanculo le foto patinate. Ciao a tutti, ora vado a correre col Raffa e poi ci beviamo una India Pale Ale nel mio porch.
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artbyelix · 8 months
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did everyone try episode 22 of dice club I thought episode 22 of dice club was lovely
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diceclubpodcast · 8 months
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Let’s try this again.
Episode 23 out now.
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lilavh · 1 year
hola, bbs !! de este lado cordelia, viniendo a hablarles un poco de mis dudesitosss ( sip, ambos en el mismo post xq pajita ). abajo del read more dejaré la info, pueden darle al corazoncito y yo con gusto les hablaré por discord ♡
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delilah white ( o lilah solo para sus compitas ) , francesa, veintiséis años, heterosexual mentira, matriculada, mansión cinco.
facultad: st. wolfeius. carreras: medicina y psicología. año de curso: tercer año. extracurriculares: violín en la orquesta universitaria, miembro del coro universitario, miembro del club de latín y lenguas bíblicas, miembro del club de tenis femenino & miembro del club de trabajo voluntario. y les dejo el formulario por si gustan saber un poquitín más ♡
viene de una familia muy religiosa y super fiel a la iglesia pero es cero good vibes. puede tener algunas veces una sonrisa pero casi siempre es forzada, la mayoría del tiempo tiene cara de un humor de perros. tiende a ser sarcástica, ser medio rude o a decir verdades pero si llega a estar de buen humor puede ser más sencillito de hablar con ella, sobre todo con sus amigos o quienes les agrada.
lleva una biblia con ella la mayoría del tiempo, también a veces repartiendo folletos de la iglesia y haciendo comentarios como si realmente fuera fiel también a su religión ( cuando nope ) pero es más que nada por la costumbre a lo que siempre estuvo rodeada. puede decir que no toma pero al final de las fiestas, igual estará de ebria como todo mundo :P, también puede jurar que solo le gustan los chicos pero se besuquea con las dudes en las fiestecitas. su mejor hobbie, btw.
es como la típica chica religiosa de las pelis pero versión medio bitch and fake asdfgk, q parece ser aburrida pero nop, xq dejando de lado sus humores, sabe divertirse y socializar. btw, siempre tiene alcohol en su recamara clandestinamente, obvs, so a los compañeros de mansión, ya saben con quien conseguirlo, wu.
suele mostrarse más malhumorada con los hombrecitos pero se junta más con estos ( en parte como para fingir apariencia de que solo le gustan los dudesitos¿? ) aunque con las chicas si es algo más amable, claro que yes.
le gusta vestirse con colores grises / negros y ama las faldas con tablones✨
busco conexiones de amistad, enemistad, etc. ( anything<3 ) pero igual dejo aquí algunas de las lista que nos dejaron las admins. conexiones.
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archibald ' archie ' richards ( le da igual quien le dice archie pero el prefiere que le digan richards, ahr ), británico, veinticuatro años, bisexual, becado, mansión siete.
facultad: st. philip of agira. carreras: ingeniería mecánica e ingeniería eléctrica. año de curso: segundo año. extracurriculares: locutor del podcast universitario, miembro del club de poesía, miembro del club de español, miembro del club de jardinería & miembro del club de boxeo. formulario.
tiene una cicatriz que cruza por su ceja izquierda, que por un golpe que recibió en una de sus clases de boxeo, en la que tuvo una herida abierta e incluso necesitó sutura. además de esa cicatriz, algunas veces traerá algún ojo morado o alguna partecita de su rostro algo hinchado idk, por lo mismo de sus clases de boxeo ( o porque se ande metiendo en peleas, ah ).
tiene pinta de ser un tipo rudo / intimidante ( y le gusta que así lo crean, tbh ) pero no lo es, o al menos no tanto como él realmente quisiera ( xq si es algo fácil de hacerlo enojar, ah) . es muy relajado y amigable aunque le cueste hacer amigos porque no sabe como iniciar una conversación decente. es ese amigo que si te metes en problemas, le puedes llamar para que arregle todo a golpecitos.
además del boxeo, le gusta mucho la jardinería y también leer poesía pero no es algo que le guste divulgar mucho o sacarlo al tema, no porque le de penita pero es para mantener su reputación ( según él ) y porque no le gusten que hagan un comentario en burla porque luego se pone a la defensiva ahr.
es locutor en el podcasts de la universidad, que siempre los suben los jueves por las noches, llamado: life sucks!, donde habla de sobre situaciones en las que pasan los jóvenes adultos / estudiantes pero inclinándose a lo cómico. a veces por experiencias propias o de conocidos. a veces suele tener invitados en ellos.
es fan de los simpsons y puede ser notorio como en un pequeño pin de ellos en su mochila, en alguna playerita q use como pijama o en las venditas adhesivas de bart que usa para las heriditas que se hace en jardinería.
también busco conexiones de amistad, enemistad, etc. ( lo que se les ocurra<3 ) pero igual dejo aquí algunas de las lista que nos dejaron las admins. conexiones.
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valoisfulcanellideux · 10 months
Huh. Just came across this, and am listening to it. Fascinating interview from 2021 with Pix. He talks about Wikiriffs, Tumblr, writing, Club Penguin "(If you were on Club Penguin I probably banned you at some point... because I may have done!"), early videos ("on a PC held together with cardboard and string") and then a bunch of D&D talk.
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theredbackpack · 1 year
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I saw Tisakorean live last week. I did not pay attention to the openers until right before the show started, but was blown away at the lineup: Texas Boyz, Yung Nation, and Trill Sammy with Dice Soho were the big names. Across these acts, you can draw a line from them to Tisakorean's new music. It was an incredible blend of circa-2011 blog-rap nostalgia that called to mind in the best way my nights at small sweaty clubs seeing eight rappers in a row over the course of four hours.
I don't know if you've seen the videos of Soulja Boy snapping, but I clocked it as a reaction to what Tisakorean is doing. It speaks to a trend/zeitgeist: concurrent to this is the embarrassing efforts to make "indie sleaze" a thing, which confusingly throws all manner of sounds and aesthetics anywhere from about 2004 to 2010 into a blender. The Dare kinda sound like LCD Soundsystem but they also remind me of mid-'00s detritus like The Bravery. I sense the same era rap music creeping on the margins: Homer Radio featured a slew of snap/dance music in a recent episode (#23, from April); indie sleaze nostalgia combined with "blog rap" podcasts point toward an endpoint destined to go just a few eras backward in time; the fact that 2003 was twenty years ago; this Druski skit that dropped the day I drafted this; and yes, Tisakorean's masterful album, Let Me Update My Status.
When Tisa appeared on the national stage in 2018, I thought he was riding the wave of a trend: regional dance rap that consisted of artists like Splurge and 10kcaash, alongside future footnotes like Lil Tecca. His 2019 debut, A Guide to Being a Partying Freshman, was met with a mixture of shrugs to light praise. A fun collaboration with Chance the Rapper seemed to seal his fate as a guy who would burn bright and hot but not for long.
The first time I thought "he has something" was 2020's "Bate Onna Bo" which weaved through so many movements in the span of four minutes it had to be the work of a musician with a real vision. By 2021 we got "Old School Cash" and "Silly Dude" and it was clear he was following his instincts and making the exact kind of music he wanted to make. This came to a head in 2022 with his EP 1st Round Pick and "Backseat," which was my favorite song of the year. Sometimes that's as far as an artist can go. But he pressed on: Let Me Update My Status underlines my thought that Tisakorean is an era-defining rapper in a time when artists make interminably long albums to game the streaming algorithm then disappear off the planet.
It may seem premature to call Tisakorean era-defining but that's where I landed. I don't mean he's sold the most albums or had the most hits, but in this age where you can have a few songs and leave no impact, that he's had an audience since 2018 is huge: that he's produced great music since at least 2020 is even more impressive. (While I never disliked his earliest music, it hits a lot better now in the context of his career arc.) A lot of people who liked "The Mop" may not be following him now, but artists who shed casual fans are probably doing something noteworthy. No one is good for three years, let alone five. I like Travis Porter more than your average person, but I'd argue at best they had a three year imperial phase. Now anyone starting a twitter reply with "buddy" doesn't know they exist.
The Atlanta snap/swag sound and movement from 2006 through about 2009 was a singular moment that came just as regional music was cresting (Houston famously in 2005, Three 6 Mafia won the Oscar in 2006), before blogs, before Drake. Early Gucci Mane was popping off and OJ da Juiceman became a household name within this precarious window. But as soon as all cool regional stuff became fodder for rappers on major labels and young hypebeasts like ASAP Rocky to absorb, it was over, which is why it's due for a renaissance.
It's getting harder to imagine life before smartphones, before omnipresent internet and connectivity, before literally every aspect of our lives was managed by at most three or four corporations. Kevin Durant's iconic BlackPlanet page might as well be the Dead Sea Scrolls as a relic of his personality expressed through that era of the internet. But any means of original expression becomes unlikelier as we get funneled into pre-ordained ways of being our ourselves, of consuming art and media and sports, to the fabric of our thoughts.
A few years ago Matty Healy described his life pre-internet the best I've heard it. It's not about the changes it brought, but that he cannot remember what it was like to live without it. He cannot remember what it felt like to feel things before the internet, and what it felt like to not have to think about the internet as he felt things, and that his life and experiences still had meaning. And this inability to remember will render us more vulnerable to exploitation, and feeling like we are not connected to our true selves.
It used to feel different to feel alone, to feel sad, happy, etc, without thinking about how to broadcast it. Even if you don't put yourself online like that, there's an inkling to want to. I took a ton of pictures and videos at the Tisa show and I put some in my stories, but I found I didn't want to share them permanently. They are for me.
Let Me Update My Status is a masterpiece in perfecting sounds from snap to crunk to mid-aughts Neptunes. It's a callback to a simpler time, which is nearly impossible to do without some subconscious argument we also need to return to simpler, regressive politics. What makes the album so invigorating is how thoroughly it plumbs the era as an aesthetic and sound, not just as an excuse to make goofy videos. Its accomplishment is how it demonstrates snap music as an organic form that was never a response to anything: it was not conservative in its values, instead it was a truly original and innovative Black American artform that took time to receive the respect it deserved. (Quick aside: yes there were people who always loved it and it was popular for a reason, but it was not considered a given until years later.)
In Kelefa Sanneh's Major Labels he says in spite of the liberal ideology at the heart of punk music, it was a conservative movement because art that aspires to either simplicity in its content (songs as political statements) or as a "return to form" (three chords and 4/4 time) is reactionary. The real-world impact of punk as ostensibly progressive expression was what came after it; it's Minor Threat and Green Day but also skinhead music. When mid-'10s revisionism took hold and people rightfully concluded "D4L were important" it took forgettable Big Sean and Kid Ink albums to get there; it took the critical adulation upon the arrival of artists as disparate as Kendrick Lamar, Future, and Waka Flocka Flame to get there; it took time to get there, to see what had shaped everything that preceded the moment as vital to the culture.
Tisakorean’s delirious ode to snap music locates within a specific timeframe from the past an emotional center and palette, finding new entry points into the sound, blending homemade beats with experimental forms as well as hyperpop to fashion an immersive triumph. There’s nothing one-dimensional about Let Me Update My Status and it also doesn’t conjure any Bush-era feelings of excess or doom, which it might do if it used nostalgia as a gimmick. I love Let Me Update My Status because it sounds exactly like how 2007 felt, and for me 2007 was a good year to be alive, using the internet not because I had to but because I wanted to.
Finally, Found Me Volume Two, released with my creative brother Fat Tony, released in February. Buy one here. It continues to be my favorite thing I do. I wrote about Lil Yachty for NPR. Read that here. I started a Linktree and will add to it when necessary; bookmark/follow me here.
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channelping · 1 year
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