#the boundless tide
diceclubpodcast · 8 months
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Let’s try this again.
Episode 23 out now.
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chknbzkt · 11 months
Just want to say. I love your FNAF AUs. They are epic!
I keep amassing them and hoarding them like a FNAF AU dragon (specifically DCA AUs OUGH) I need to be stopped
Seriously I’m tripping over them down the stairs and more of them fly out of my pockets like Sonic rings it’s a real problem 😭
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lovekia · 5 months
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runariya · 13 days
Merman JK who placed a courting offer on a rock for a potential mate and human reader takes it. She also goes willingly to the mating cove not knowing JK prepared it for their mating. JK's yandere show at the end when the reader tries to leave him after 🤫
Note: JK wasn't really yandere for reader unti the end. He really just want a mate but because reader took his courting offer, she's it for him.
Thank u soo much for accepting reqs! And u write so fast how do u do that? Your writing is also marvelous!
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(yandere+fantasy+smut) part of the prompt game pairing: merman!Jungkook x human!female reader genre: fantasy!AU, S2"L", yandere, merman!AU, dark romance warnings: oblivious reader, fluff, language barrier (merman-language is italic and blue), smut, a little bit of fingering, big cock JK similar to the shape of a whale idk man..., unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, panic, realisation, yandere, lmk if I forgot smth (still hate writing warnings) word count: 3.375
a/n: aaaah thanks a lot for your lovely words anony! I hope it turned out just as you imagined it 💕
The ocean is beautiful. 
You remember a film once, where the male lead whispered that the moon is beautiful as a stand-in for "I love you," but for you, it's always been the ocean. The sea is your love. The scent of briny air, the soothing rhythm of waves unfurling endlessly against the shore, the gentle nibbling of curious fish as they dart around you in the cool, embracing water—all of it anchors you, providing solace in moments of sadness or joy alike. It's what love feels like, or at least what love should feel like, wrapping itself around your soul, calming yet oh so profound.
You always marvel at the depths of the sea that stretch out before you, boundless and mysterious, and yet infinitely captivating. Sometimes, in those quiet moments when the world recedes and you find yourself alone, you long not just to stand as an admirer of its splendour, but to be one with this vast and enigmatic force of nature. 
And so, as you walk along the shoreline, as you do almost every day, your bare feet sinking into the warmth of the sand, you're taken aback when you stumble upon a bracelet resting on the stone where you so often sit to gaze at the waves. It appears pristine, otherworldly, with pearls and shells glistening in violet hues beneath the afternoon sun, a beauty far too rare to be discarded by chance on a lonely shore like this.
Your fingers trace its entchanting form, marvelling at the craftsmanship—the smoothness, the intricacy, though curiously lacking any engraving. You glance around, noting the empty expanse of the beach, and let your eyes wander across the vast waters; there is no one else here. The bracelet appears to be yours now by some strange serendipity, still, you hesitate for a moment, torn between leaving it behind and taking it with you, a part of you reluctant at the thought of it being swept away by the tide or snatched by a passing gull. In the end, you slip it over your wrist. But it doesn’t fit—too loose, and as you allow your hand to tilt, it falls away.
You frown, perhaps the universe is nudging you to let it go. But then, as you glance at the bracelet, now nestled near your foot, it occurs to you that perhaps it's meant to be worn as an anklet instead. That makes sense, and so, convinced by this thought, you sit down upon your stone and fasten the jewellery around your ankle. It fits perfectly now, shimmering with a quiet elegance in the sunlight. And as you lean back, stretching your arms behind you, allowing the coolness of the water to caress the tips of your toes, you know that it is, without a doubt, a beautiful day, and this small discovery seems to elevate it to something extraordinary.
It’s not long after when, suddenly, something stirs the stillness of the moment. You sit up straight, eyes wide, as not far from you, without so much as a splash or ripple, a human head breaks the surface of the water. Instinctively, you pull your feet close, nerves bristling slightly from the scare. “C-can I help you?”
But the man remains silent, drifting in the water, and as you squint against the sunlight to study him more closely, you spot what seem to be scales glistening on the back of his neck. Your mouth falls open in an instant—this can't be real. Yet here he is, a creature from tales of mermaids and mermen you once dismissed as fanciful myths. And here you are, unable to tear your gaze from his face, dark wet hair framing features both familiar and otherworldly, his violet-tinted eyes locking onto yours that sends a strange thrill through your veins. His smile, too, is not quite human but not wholly alien either, a delicate balance of sharpness and charm you think. 
“Wow,” you breathe, unable to conceal your awe, the astonishment spreading across your face in a grin of its own. He moves then, slowly, swimming a little farther away, and you feel a pang of disappointment, a pout forming unbidden on your lips. But just as quickly, he beckons you to follow, his gesture smooth and inviting as he stays near the shore.
Without a second thought, excitement bubbles up within you and you spring to your feet, hastily dusting the sand from your dress as you jog alongside him, eyes transfixed by the way his body moves through the water with such fluid grace. His tail—large, powerful—propels him effortlessly, and you're left torn between admiring his handsome face and the hypnotic sway of his tail. He makes it look so easy, this gliding through water, while you're struggling to keep pace, panting and stumbling to catch up with him. 
Soon, you find yourself before the entrance of a vast cave, its shadowy maw framed by a path of few smooth, small stones that allows you to cross where he has already vanished beneath the surface. Nothing would have prepared you of what you’re met inside. The cave is nothing short of paradise—sunbeams slanting through narrow crevices, casting a thousand reflections on the water’s surface, turning the space into a living kaleidoscope, while droplets of condensation plop gently from the stone ceiling, adding their own melody to the serene ambiance.
The merman is there, resting near a platform, still smiling that beguiling smile, making you approach slowly, leaving a respectful distance between you as you settle yourself against the cool stone wall. “It’s so beautiful,” you whisper, your voice hushed in the face of such breathtaking beauty.
He regards you warmly, then speaks in a language that dances on your ears like music, though you can’t understand it. Still, there’s an unmistakable sense of warmth in his tone. “I hoped you would accept my courting offer.”
You smile, pointing to yourself. “I’m ___,” you say simply, hoping the meaning translates through gesture. 
He nods, understanding the basics of this exchange, replying, “Mate.”
Thinking he’s simply stating that you’re human, you enthusiastically reply, “Yes! ___ mate. And you?” You point towards him right after.
His expression brightens once more. “Jungkook mate,” he responds, nodding firmly. 
It takes you a moment, puzzling over his words, and then the realisation dawns on you—he doesn’t mean ‘human’. He means ‘friend’. Of course! A wave of happiness washes over you at this revelation, more than happy to be friends with him. “Yes! ___ mate, Jungkook mate,” you repeat, beaming.
His eyes glisten even more at your response, and you can’t help but smile back, the sheer magnetism of his presence holding you in its thrall. It’s as if he’s cast a spell over you, drawing you into his world, his realm. But the moment is soon broken by the buzz of your phone, vibrating in the pocket of your dress, reminding you of your upcoming dentist appointment. Regretfully, you rise to your feet, an apologetic smile on your lips as you back towards the cave’s entrance.
Jungkook looks visibly disappointed, or so you think, as his brows are furrowing ever so slightly, though his expression is still one you're learning to decipher. 
“I have to go,” you say softly, “but I promise I’ll be back tomorrow.” You gesture as you speak, hoping he might understand. “___ mate, Jungkook mate. Tomorrow, sun down, sun up, I here.” You gesture dramatically to emphasise your words, and to your relief, his features soften, his nod of understanding clear.
With one last glance at him, you turn and make your way back out into the light, already counting down the hours until you return.
And so, seven days drift by, each one seeing you return to the cave, where Jungkook awaits with that silent patience of his, the two of you growing ever closer, your understanding of him deepening with each shared glance, each exchange of words. With every moment together, the awkwardness ebbs away, replaced by a gentle ease, as if you’re learning to interpret the language of his quiet gestures, his lilting voice that carries meanings beyond the reach of words.
It’s on the eighth day, after you’ve spent enough time together to almost convince yourself that you can read the currents of his mind, that something shifts between you. The anklet around your ankle, the one you now realise must have been crafted by Jungkook’s own hands, seems to have inspired you to gift him something as well.
“Kook?” you call softly as you step into the cool shade of the cave once more, a bracelet for Jungkook clutched in your palm, something you’ve carefully chosen, a small token of gratitude for all he has given you. You shouldn’t have called out, though, for there he is, as always, waiting by the platform, his strong arms draped languidly over the stone, his face splitting into a wide smile the moment he sees you.
“Mate!” he calls in return, the word making your heart twist in a way you shouldn’t feel. He means friend—but the taste of it is bittersweet now, the small seed of longing inside you growing with each encounter, but you push it aside.
“I’ve got something for you,” you announce quietly, lowering yourself to sit before him, close enough to feel the cool mist of water from his skin as his hand instinctively reaches out, resting lightly on your legs, as if needing to sate his curiosity for your strange, warm softness. You take his hand in yours—his skin wet, cold beneath your touch—and fasten the bracelet around his wrist. It’s titanium, chosen for its strength, its resilience against the sea, knowing it will last, just as you hope this tenuous connection between you will endure. “A courtship gift,” you murmur, the words familiar now—he used them himself every time he pointed at your anklet.
Jungkook stares at the bracelet, turning his arm this way and that, admiring it from every angle, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. He whispers the word that has become his tether to you: “Mate.” His voice is soft, reverent, as if the gift means far more to him than you had imagined, and his gaze, filled with such raw affection, causes a flush to rise to your cheeks, a smile tugging at your lips at his sentimental reaction. 
But then, before you can make sense of it, his hands cup your face with a suddenness that takes your breath away, and his lips press forcefully against yours. The kiss is so unexpected, his pull so swift and sure that you lose your balance, your arms flailing before they instinctively loop around his neck as you tumble into the water.
He holds you effortlessly, keeping you afloat as his lips claim yours again and again, his cold mouth moving over yours with an intensity that blinds you to the cold water. You had wondered, more times than you’d care to admit, what he might taste like—whether the salt of the sea would be a part of him—but reality is sweeter than fantasy. There is a hint of salt, yes, but beneath it lies something sweet, something intoxicating, that makes you crave more as his tongue slides against yours.
His hands roam your body, sliding over the wet fabric of your dress, exploring with a curiosity that borders on obsession. His fingers press into your skin, kneading the softness of your breasts as his breath grows heavier, more laboured. You can’t help but let your hands wander in turn, feeling the smoothness of his scales beneath your fingertips, the hard muscles that ripple beneath his skin, as solid as the stone walls of the cave.
When you finally pull away, gasping for much needed air, your eyes meet his, and up close, they are even more mesmerising—violet speckled with flecks of black and blue, like galaxies swirling in the depths of his irises, and you reach up to touch his face, tracing the lines of his cheekbones, his lips slightly swollen from the intensity of the kiss, and you imagine your own must look much the same.
Your peaceful moment is shattered when something thick and solid brushes against your thigh beneath the water, and with a startled shriek, you push away from Jungkook, not sure if your heart starts racing or stops altogether. But his arms tighten around you, keeping you from sinking beneath the surface, his expression shifting to one of sadness as he realises he’s frightened you. The panic ebbs as quickly as it came, replaced by a curious calm as you peer down into the water, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever had startled you.
“Oh,” you exclaim softly, your surprise evident as you realise it wasn’t some sea creature that had brushed against you, but rather, something that extends from Jungkook’s tail. And again, you’re not sure if your heart starts racing or stops, when you realise what it is. “Oh!”
His arousal is unmistakable—large, thick, and utterly unlike anything you’ve ever seen, more like that of a whale than a man, and you swallow dryly as you force your gaze back to Jungkook’s face. He watches you intently, waiting for your reaction, his expression unreadable but his eyes filled with an intensity that sets your skin aflame despite the chill of the water and his skin.
A deep heat begins to pool within you, your body responding to the sight of him, the proof of his desire for you undeniable. It would be a lie to say you aren’t tempted—to say he doesn’t stir something similar within you, something that makes your skin prickle and lungs work overtime. The wetness gathering between your thighs is evidence enough of that.
“Are you sure?” you murmur, your voice still echoing in the cave, your gaze searching his as if hoping he’ll understand the question without needing words. And perhaps he does, for his eyes darken with something unmistakable—an answer, a promise—before he nods, pulling you closer once more.
His lips find yours again, kissing you with a hunger that speaks of deep, aching need, his teeth grazing your skin, his rough tongue lapping at your lips, your neck, as though he can never get enough of your taste. You lose yourself to it, the world melting to nothing but the feel of his mouth on yours, his hands on your body, the heat of his desire coursing through you like a you imagined devotion would feel like.
You help him rid yourself of the soaked fabric of your underwear, Jungkook’s hands exploring your thighs with barely concealed curiosity before his fingers find the sensitive skin of your cunt, teasing your clit until soft moans escape your lips, your grip on his shoulders tightening without much thought.
But you pull his hand away, knowing the water will only wash away your arousal, leaving you wanting. Instead, you reach for him, your small hand wrapping around the thickness of his cock, marvelling at its size, the way it seems to pulse beneath your touch. Jungkook groans silently, his eyes never leaving yours as you guide him towards your entrance, the size of him daunting but the ache of desire overpowering any trepidation.
You take him slowly, gasping as he stretches you wide, the burn too much at first but quickly giving way to a deep, overwhelming pleasure as he begins to move inside you with the little bit of his cock that fits, each thrust sending sparks flying behind your pupils. He holds your legs tight, forcing your thighs together around the remaining part, the friction equally becoming almost unbearable for you, his cock filling you to the brim, and before you even realise it, you’re crying out his name, your body trembling as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over you.
Jungkook doesn’t stop, doesn’t slow, his movements relentless as he fucks you with abandon, whispering words in his strange tongue, words you don’t understand but that seem to echo with a raw, untamed passion that makes your heart race all the faster, imagining he’s praising you, thinking that you’re such a good girl for him. 
You lose track of time, of the number of times he makes you cum on his cock, your mind a haze of bliss, his name the only thing you can remember to say. Each time you think you’ve reached your limit, he pulls another climax from you, his cock hitting every sensitive spot inside you with devastating accuracy, his low groans and moans clouding your mind even more.
Finally, you feel him tense, his body shuddering against yours as he buries himself as deep inside you as your physique allows, his release coming in thick, powerful pulses that fill you to the point of bursting. The sensation sends you spiralling into yet another orgasm, your body trembling uncontrollably, your mouth parting without a sound, as pleasure consumes you yet again.
When at last Jungkook pulls back, placing you gently on the platform, you collapse against the cool stone, utterly spent. It takes all your effort for the world to slowly come back into focus—the soft hues of the cave ceiling, the gentle lapping of the waves, the quiet drip of water from the ceiling above. 
You lie there, breathless, your mind racing with a thousand thoughts, like the restless waves outside the cave, wondering what you’ve just done, what it means, and whether you’ll ever be able to return to the life you knew before.
But your mind can’t settle.
The realisation of your stupidity and naivety crashes over you in waves—the impossible reality of sharing yourself with a creature of myth, the deep-seated regret that gnaws at you like a tide pulling at the shore, whispering that this was a mistake, that you should have known better, should have resisted. 
You find yourself wondering absurdities—whether a morning-after pill could possibly work against the seed of a merman, or if his essence would simply fade away inside you like mist, dissolving with the salt water, leaving no trace behind. Your body feels foreign, strange now, as if you've been altered by his touch, by the unearthly pleasure that coursed through you, and an instinctive panic rises, setting your nerves alight, urging you to flee. 
Your limbs still tremble from all the orgasms as you push yourself upright, hands unsteady as you try to find your balance, desperate to extricate yourself from the surreal haze that envelops you. Jungkook is still there, watching you with those mesmerising eyes, his fingers gently tracing aimless patterns along your exposed thigh, as if nothing in the world could be more captivating than the feel of your skin beneath his touch. His gaze is so tender, so filled with awe, that it only deepens the ache of guilt growing in your chest, highlighting the dangerous ground you’ve ventured onto. 
You attempt to pull away, to create some distance between yourself and the fantasy you’ve allowed to take root, knowing full well that this is a world you cannot inhabit, a dream too fragile to hold in the blinding light of reality. But Jungkook’s hand is faster, catching your ankle in an instant, right above the anklet he gifted you—an innocent token that now feels like a binding chain, keeping you bound to something far beyond your understanding. 
You struggle, trying to shake him off, beginning to feel more panicked than you ever been in your life, but his strength is undeniable, your efforts feeble against the power of his hold, of the very being he is. 
And then, he speaks—softly, with that strange lilt of his voice, but this time, not in his tongue. The word that falls from his lips is yours. The sound of it stops your breath, chills not only the air around you but you too. And in that moment, you realise what you should have known from the beginning, what you should have seen the moment you clasped that anklet around your leg—you’ve crossed a threshold that cannot be uncrossed, a line that cannot be erased. 
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tojisun · 3 days
simon’s not used to this—the boundless devotion shining in your eyes. how, when you are lost, you look onto him for guidance; for a tether; for a warm hand on your back as he wades you through the shifting tides.
simon’s not used to being the one to receive such loyalty, unyielding and whole. because he had been so used to being the one on his knees; the dog who heels; the mutt that is leashed.
he’s not used to being the divine; the one being worshipped; the one with its priestess.
but here you are, in front of him, shaking, faithful. eyes wet with tears, yes, but chin tipped up. waiting for his blessing. his gift. his passion.
simon croons, cupping your cheek and swiping just underneath your eye. like this, he feels untouchable. like a magnanimous entity. like the only one who is worthy of you.
“i know, i know,” he says. “i’ve got you, sweetheart. i’ve got you.”
you nuzzle your cheek into his palm, mewling, breaths hitching, and so, so putty. so trusting. so reverent of him.
simon’s lip trembles because how could someone ever make him feel bigger than he truly is? how could someone love him so much that he feels like he is soaring up above?
how could someone see his scars and his anger, and still find comfort in his chaos?
(this must be why prometheus stole the embers of the fire and offered it to the humans—because isn’t it so addicting to be needed?)
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spiritualseer · 2 months
Love as Venus Signs
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Copyright Disclaimer ©️ All works are owned by me and I do not allow reposting or translations- only reblogging
Aries Venus: Love is an adventure, and I dive into it fearlessly, guided by the fire within my heart.
Taurus Venus: Love is a sanctuary of comfort and stability, where I cherish every touch and savour the sweetness of affection, guided by the senses that speak to my soul.
Gemini Venus: Love is an ever-changing conversation, where minds meet and ideas dance, sparked by curiosity and the thrill of intellectual connection.
Cancer Venus: Love is a nurturing embrace, where emotions flow like tides, and I cherish the bonds of family and intimacy, guided by the soft glow of the heart's hearth.
Leo Venus: Love is a grand stage where passion shines bright, and I bask in the spotlight of affection, guided by the drama and romance that ignite my heart.
Virgo Venus: Love is found in the details, where every gesture and word is meticulously cared for, guided by a desire for perfection and a practical approach to intimacy.
Libra Venus: Love is a dance of balance and beauty, where hearts intertwine in perfect harmony, guided by the scales of passion and compassion.
Scorpio Venus: Love is a powerful alchemy, igniting flames of desire and unravelling the depths of the soul, revealing the raw beauty hidden within.
Sagittarius Venus: Love is an adventure across the horizon, where freedom and exploration intertwine, guided by optimism and a quest for new experiences.
Capricorn Venus: Love is the foundation on which I build my dreams, brick by brick, with patience, commitment, and unwavering dedication.
Aquarius Venus: Love is a boundless universe of possibilities, where we celebrate each other's individuality and soar together, free in our authentic selves.
Pisces Venus: Love flows like a gentle river, embracing all with its tender waves, and I dive into its depths, guided by the currents of my heart.
I got almost 50 followers so here's a little treat :)
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Lazy kisses ✧
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Plot: Cuddling with your boyfriend .
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An idle Sunday lazed by in sun-dappled tranquility, the midday silence cloaking your shared bedroom in a syrupy warmth.
Not even the hazy tick of the bedside clock intruded upon this blissful pocket of domesticity - save for the occasional breathy sigh escaping your lips as you lost yourself within the pages splayed before you.
Nestled amidst the cozily rumpled sheets lay Leon - your normally unshakable, clear-eyed sentinel anchored steadfastly against the world's roiling tides of nightmarish evil.
Yet within these achingly finite moments behind closed doors, even that stalwart facade softened into pure boyish vulnerability.
Gradually stirring from a deep, much-needed slumber after over a week's deployment, Leon drowsily burrowed tighter against your bare thigh with a mumble muffled by plush bedding.
Still smeared in the dregs of jet lag and weariness plaguing those steely features despite being worlds away from his latest harrowing operation.
Simply sinking deeper within your comforting presence with a reflexive nuzzle sent your chest swelling with boundless affection.
Those habitually hyper-alert gunmetal irises remained obscured beneath a heavy fringe of tawny lashes, angular jawline lax.
Leon Kennedy - the living epitome of unrelenting willpower and heroism borne from steel - reduced to nothing more than an endearingly rumpled mass in slackened repose beside you.
Just one innocuous shift of the mattress was all it took for those gunmetal blues to finally drag open through a squint, fixating upon your doting half-smile with a tender yearning.
The sort which inevitably dissolved every carefully maintained stoicism within their molten depths.
Reaching across the sliver of space between you, Leon toyed idly with a lock of your tousled hair, drifting nearer until your faces hovered a hairsbreadth apart.
Until his baritone burr ghosted over your parted lips like velvet rasping across satin.
"Hey...missed you," that chiseled visage tilted into yours ever-so-slightly, thumb sweeping reverently along your jawline with undisguised longing.
"Kiss me?"
Catching your giggle before it could fully bubble up, you nodded and carefully tucked your novel away.
Because the toweringly heroic, hyper-competent government operative you'd fallen so maddeningly hard for morphed into the gentlest, neediest lover once breaching your oasis's bounds.
Skimming the calloused pad of your thumb across his whiskered jaw, you felt that delicious familiarity thrumming beneath in the tautening of sinewy muscle and tendons as Leon initiated the achingly slow, unhurried collision of your mouths.
Yet with none of the commanding intensity one would expect from such an epitome of masculine fortitude.
Instead, the instant your lips brushed in gossamer friction, Leon melted like warmed honey into your soothing embrace.
Solid contours molding seamlessly against you as that impassioned heat blossomed steadily across your mouths and into hungry, writhing depths.
Sloppy and luxuriantly decadent, your limbs languidly tangling as scorching pants mingled on feverish cusp of perpetual collapse.
Silken muscle glided in achingly deliberate, indulgent strokes of worship. Chasing the maddening bliss only he could lure forth with such practiced reverence.
Wholly cherished and consumed, swathed in the rich cedar and gunpowder musk cloaking your senses, you both spun deliriously in a centrifuge of celestial descent - until rasping breaths and tender caresses ultimately pulled back the hazy veil.
Lids fluttered open in tandem, mere inches between your swollen, reddened lips as molten slate gray bore unguarded into yours.
A barely-perceptible smile ghosted across Leon's finely-hewn features - rare and infinitely more beautiful than any treasures hoarded across the globe.
"Thanks, gorgeous..." he purred, hoarse and thoroughly spent as you traded trembling inhales and exhales.
"Was needing that. Bad."
And with zero preamble, he reclined back into that sweet respite afforded between your cradling arms and heartbeat's lullaby like a contented infant - soaking in the solace and reprieve you alone could grant.
Peering down at your beloved, honed warrior recharging his depleted batteries while you tenderly sifted adoring fingers through his burnished forelocks, you couldn't help but shake your head through another helpless giggle.
Leon Kennedy.
The very man entrusted with safeguarding humanity from incomprehensible evil incarnate.
A deadly, hyper-lethal force to be reckoned with by hell's legions.
Yet in this sanctuary of love and tenderness you shared, he teetered forever on the precipice of simply dissolving into a huge, needy baby within your sheltering arms.
And honestly? You wouldn't have traded this meltingly sweet authenticity for all the universe's wealth and laurels.
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astraystayyh · 1 year
you're in the wind, i'm in the water
hyunjin x reader. friends to lovers with a pinch of unrequited love (it's very much requited dw). this is pure brainrot so suggestive at the end. but also fluffy and soft. also reader wears a two piece swimsuit.
a.n: again, sanest response i could have to this hyune. please enjoy my descent to madness :) also the last scene is heavily inspired by my favorite dialogue in the song of achilles!!
pt. 2- orange
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The first time you went on a vacation with Hyunjin’s family, you were only seven years old.
You don't clearly remember the island his parents took you to, the details of the travel elusive to your memory's grasp. But you remember Hyunjin- his hair darkening under the touch of the saline sea, akin to a night sky devoid of its stars. You remember the dimple on his left cheek- the sheer pride in you each time you managed to bring it to light. And you remember thinking that Hyunjin was pretty, for the first time in your small existence.
It's a thought that scorched itself indelibly into your brain, and as the years cascaded by, the branches of your love grew, each leave bearing new adjectives to describe Hyunjin- caring, emotional, talented.
But never yours.
You're both older now, and you see him less since his house is no longer right next to yours, the rhythm of life distancing you both. Hyunjin comes in and out of your life as an ephemeral tide, gently brushing your shores. You cling to the sea shells his oceans sometimes throw at your feet- the rare times when your schedules align, when you can see him beyond the confines of your phone, in pixelated video calls late into the night.
And it seems as if you've caught a rare shell this time- one with an ivory pearl hidden within it. Because you're traveling once again with him.
You're all much different, the passage of time marked you in different, but palpable ways. But your presence with Hyunjin's family still felt just as effortless as it did when you were seven. You never had to second guess what you said or how you acted with them. You were just like running water, flowing naturally within the nooks and crannies of his family.
And at night, under the moon's watchful gaze, your hushed conversations with Hyunjin remained. Beneath a shared blanket knitted by his mom, the warm sand melded with your feet, his dimple appearing once again at every word you uttered. He was still as pretty, perhaps even more so with time's gentle sculpting, molding his features into much sharper ones. It seemed only fitting for a soul as beautiful as his.
"I want to take you somewhere tomorrow," he had whispered excitedly, his lips grazing the shell of your ear, momentarily leaving you breathless- tongue dissolving in your mouth like ivory seafoam.
"You want to kidnap me?" you playfully asked, nudging him.
"You don't want to come with me?" he pouted, his gaze locked into yours, pupils appearing much darker with the absence of the sun, like a boundless ocean. The water was right beside you and yet your only wish was to swim in his eyes.
"I want to," you admitted.
"Anywhere?" he asked, irises trembling slightly as he sought your response. You were both very different, chemicals binding his molecules, and your love for him binding yours. You stood faraway from one another- you in the water and he in the wind, stirring your waves, submerging you in the seas of your longing.
Faraway land punctures the ocean you're gazing at, crystal blue water filling the small pool Hyunjin took you to. You admit it's a breathtaking view, only your eyes can't depart from Hyunjin's figure.
He jumped into the pool first, while you went to retrieve your camera from your bag. And now you stand by the door, heart caught in your throat, as you watch him swim around. Hyunjin is graceful, in the way he moves his limbs, bending the water to his will. It doesn't look like he's swimming, rather dancing on liquid ground.
Kkami joyfully barks once he sees you, and Hyunjin finally lifts his eyes, locking them with yours. He is pretty, unattainable, a singular star outshining all the celestial light. Foolish of them to even think they could compare.
And he's still not yours.
"I’ll take a picture of you both," you smile softly, willing yourself to conceal the lump growing in your throat. Hyunjin nods, draping his hand over Kkami's body, softly scratching the spot behind his ear. You take the first pic, capturing the tenderness in Hyunjin’s eyes. This one's for you alone.
"Okay, look at the camera," you call out cheerfully, and they both turn to look at you in unison. Though your bodies did not touch, the intensity of Hyunjin's gaze seemed to sear into your skin, igniting a fire within you. Foolish of you to dream of more.
You set the camera aside, before sitting at the edge of the pool, dipping your toes into the cool water. Hyunjin swims towards you, positioning himself between your legs, his warm hand wrapping around your ankle. You want to flee, to go back to to the innocence of seven, to never recognize how pretty Hyunjin is, to avoid the heartbreak of dreaming of someone you'll never have.
"Come swim with me," he pouts, palm pressing against your damp skin. You shake your head, a teasing smile on your face, and he pulls you to him, hands holding your waist promptly to prevent you from sinking under.
You free yourself from his intoxicating hold, before diving into the water, a desperate attempt to get away from him. Because when Hyunjin held your waist, a tenderness so earnest in his eyes it made your heart skip a beat, you dared to imagine a future together. For a fleeting moment you became the ocean and he the sky, merging at the faraway horizon.
Hyunjin dives right after you, and then you both swim around one another, giddy smiles on your faces, your laughter echoing around the room. He tries to drown you, hands gliding across the surface of your skin, making goosebumps ripple in you. You attempt to do the same, but you soon regret it. His skin was smooth, taut muscles flexing under your touch; broad shoulders you wrapped your arms around, trying to push him down. Your hand accidentally brushed against his pulse, and you removed it as if it had burned you. There is life beating within him, wildly. But not for you. Never for you.
"Wait, hold on. Your straps are loosening," he notices, reaching for your arm and spinning you around, your back now facing him. "Can I?" he asks, voice dipping to a lower timber. You feel it in the depths of your stomach, depths only he can unravel.
"Yes," you whisper, as he undoes the loose knot of your swimsuit, the one behind your neck still holding up the fabric against your skin. You can feel his cold breath traveling across your bare back, crystalizing the droplets of water trailing on it. His fingers are a stark warmth as they brush against your spine, fingertips gently grazing your skin, like a delicate feather. You imagine your body is molten wax, and he's the seal stamp pressing onto you, molding you whichever way he'd like.
He's tentative as he grabs the undone straps, wrapping them in a knot. Or at least attempting to. You can tell that he's shaking, a shuddering breath escaping his lips. "Im sorry, I didn't tie it well," he giggles sheepishly, undoing the knot once again. You don't reply, unsure of what words will stumble out of your mouth. 'I don't mind you touching me' instead of 'it's okay'.
You turn around once he's done, but he doesn't move back, his body mere centimeters away from yours. You can see the rise and fall of his chest, the slight blush creeping up his neck, coloring him in the prettiest shade of crimson. The droplets cascading down his body, forging a tantalizing path you wish you could undergo. His dampened hair, a shade darker than his usual color. His lips slightly parted, rosy as they've always been. His adam's apple bobbing up and down furiously.
And you suddenly can no longer breathe.
Beneath the water, his hand encircles your wrist, a touch so faint you almost believe that you've imagined it. His fingers trail down, holding your palm and bringing it to his face. He closes his eyes, letting out a shaky exhale, one you inhale right back in. You're cradling his cheek, his hand right on top of yours, holding it in place.
"Hyunjin..." you start, but he shakes his head, eyes still shut.
"Please," he whispers, "just for a little." and the clouds slightly uncover, a singular sun ray piercing through them- one petal of hope unfurling at his words.
"Don't- don't do this," you plead back, tone tinged with panic. You couldn't have him, not even for a second, not even in a dream. That's the way things are. Two parallel lines, traveling down the same path, forever adjacent, but never merging as one.
Hyunjin plants a soft kiss on your wrist, lips barely brushing against your pulse. You've never truly known gentleness until this moment.
"If I told you that this trip with you is the happiest I’ve been in a while, would you believe me?" he whispers against your skin, head slightly tilted.
You shake your head no.
"If I ask you something would you be honest with me? I'm tired, yn," he says, his voice softening as it always did when he uttered your name. As if the syllables were always coated in honey, even in his sadness, in his anger, and now, in his pleading for you.
"I will," you respond with an equally quiet voice, and yet it resounds loudly around the room, amplified by the consequences looming around the corner.
"Do you want me?" he asks simply, expecting you to easily uncover a secret you've buried for years, to dust the weight of your fear in mere seconds.
You remain silent and Hyunjin deflates a bit, shoulders slumping forward, the dimple in his face vanishing completely.
"Because I'm drowning in my want for you."
A water droplet falls from the strands of his hair, landing softly on his mouth. You follow its descent, as he licks his lips nervously, his hold on your wrist faltering. The wind is gliding across the water- he's offering himself to you. Who are you to ever refuse?
Your lips crash on his before you even realize it, years of longing exploding before your eyes, spilling from your mouth to his in the most vibrant colors. His lips are soft as you've always imagined them, and they move against yours perfectly, as if molded from the same dough, created to meet again and again, in a fervor, and then in a tenderness that makes your heart ache.
You're kissing Hyunjin, and you aren't burning, disintegrating under the weight of longing for someone so unattainable. You aren't Icarus- you flew too close to the sun but it hadn't burned you, instead it embraced you, it's now wrapping its hands around your waist, pressing your chest to its warm one. It's a touch you welcome, one that liquefies in your veins like molten amber.
You wrap your legs around Hyunjin’s waist, as he walks backward until your back is against the pool railing. Your hands are tugging his damp strands, fingers threading through his locks the way sunshine weaves between the leaves. He tastes sweet, sweeter than anything you've ever had in your life. And you're greedy, you can't get enough of him, so you part for a second only to meet again, his hands digging into your sides. Chest to chest, skin to skin, heart to heart.
"Say it," Hyunjin whispers against your lips, "say that you want me back."
"I want you. So much, Hyune. You're the only one I’ve ever wanted," your words wash over him, erasing every doubt that was anchored in his heart. How could you not have seen it, all this time? In each photograph you took, his gaze, always on you. The fondness in his eyes and the dimples in his cheeks, only ever coming forth for you.
You lean away, head dipped down to kiss his shoulders. Your lips trail down his collarbones, moving to the mole on his arm. He smells like chlorine, and the sweet scent of your monoi oil. Hyunjin is pretty, Hyunjin is warm, Hyunjin is yours.
Your eyes meet his and you both let out giddy giggles, the flush of your cheeks matching his. His lips are slightly swollen, and he bites the lower one as he glances at Kkami, who was idly watching you both.
"Do you think we traumatized him?" you ask in a hushed whisper.
"I think he's glad this happened and he no longer has to hear my rants about you," Hyunjin smiles sheepishly and you laugh, the sound reverberating through Hyunjin’s heart.
"Have I ever told you how much I love your laugh?" he asks, thumb swiping across your cheek with a tenderness that leaves you dizzy in its trail.
"You have," you whisper, the sound of it getting caught in your throat.
"And this?" he gently grazes your cupid bow. "Have I told you how much I love your lips?"
"You haven't," you say, mouth parting slightly at his words.
"This then," he trails across your neck, skimming your pulse. "Did I tell you how I feel about your blush? How it always always starts up your neck? Always so pretty?"
"No," you are breathless now, shuddering under his touch.
"What about this?" his hands hold your waist, kneading the tender flesh. "Did I ever tell you? About this?" They go over your hips, gliding across the bare skin. "Surely I did."
You shake your head. Skin burning up where he had touched it. He smiles, tongue poking against his cheek, hands going to your back, tracing over your spine, undoing the knots of your swimsuit. "And this? Did I tell you how much I want you?"
You close your eyes, wind meeting water. "Tell me again."
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trappolia · 4 months
MY SWEET VILLAIN, MY DARLING GOD ── nanook + gn!reader, 1.3k
nanook's birth was a fiery thing; a light piercing through the clouds like golden death, scorching the world once known as adlivun. their birth preceded the collapse of an entire universe, one that had somehow persevered through the emperor's war and was strengthening their defences against the coming of the swarm's march. the old towers of this already dying world had crumbled as the sun rose for the very last time in adlivun, marking the coming of destruction incarnate.
but for all the chaos and death their birth brought upon, the day they came into being is of no real importance to nanook. they do not remember the constellations shining upon their home when they first ignited it, nor do they recall whether or not the heat remained or if the cold dark was the first thing they felt, for adlivun was long gone by the time their golden irises illuminated what was left of the world.
it is a curious thing; for all they have discarded and forgotten of their birth, they remember yours.
what is a god? certainly not immortal, that is for sure. pantheons have collapsed with the passage of time, forgotten in the seas of lost religions. aeons are just as susceptible to death and collapse as the universes they traverse and conquer. on the same spectrum, the birth of a being as powerful as an aeon is an anomaly felt by the entire universe, a single ripple that results in the violent waves of a turning tide. such concepts are merely specks of dust for them. what use do they have for such worries, when their lives are mysteries in the known worlds, tipping the balance of the scales simply by existing?
nanook’s fascination with you could be dismissed as another consequence of the butterfly effect. they should have nothing else on their mind beside righting the worlds’ wrongs, ridding the universe of the cancer that emerges from the boundless stars to taint civilisations. war. death. destruction. finality. nanook is a jagged puzzle made up of the gods and mortals they had killed, universes scorched from existence like a supernova; and yet, you fit into their life like you were meant to be there all along.
“my sweet villain,” you whisper into their ear, saccharine sweet and painfully loving in all the ways they do not deserve. “my darling god.”
no, they want to say. they are a villain, yes — your sweet villain, if you continue to insist — but a darling god? no, that has always been you. for a being whose existence has been dictated by their status as avatar of entropy since birth, nanook finds that everything seems to come together when you press your lips against theirs, your taste sweeter than ambrosia.
you are their most infuriating distraction, they think as you sit together amongst the stars of a universe that has yet to die, clinging onto their last rays of sun and hope before nanook ends it all. it is their sweetest punishment, to have to sit here with you in their arms, so easily drawing their thoughts away from their duties and ideals— and for what? looking at the stars together? how pathetic.
pathetic, in the way they recognise these stars, these constellations. it is rare to come across any two galaxies that have the same formation of stars, as likely as to find a needle in a haystack, as mortals say. but here they are, their eyes dragging over the stars glimmering in the abyss. they know these patterns. they know their stories.
they remember the day.
“it’s your birthday,” they murmur. even in this soft tone that nanook only ever reserves for you, their voice is a booming bass that reverberates throughout the galaxy. somewhere, another star dies out.
“hm?” you say cluelessly, looking up at them with eyes that shine brighter than the golden ichor that drips down their arms.
“a mortal custom,” nanook replies gruffly, feigning nonchalance even as a shiver runs down their spine at the touch of your fingers upon their skin. “the stars are the same as they were the day you came into being.”
“ah. so it is,” you say when you finally look at the constellations.
it is a strange thing— a humiliating thing; the way nanook can barely breathe when you are looking at them, and how the air grows stale when you aren’t. it’s as if the aeon of destruction is utterly dependent on your attention, your love. how pathetic. how miserable.
how true.
the aeon may have only ascended recently, the youngest of all known paths, but they have made their mark on the universe already; whether it is with the presence of the antimatter legion, or the existential crisis brought upon by nanook’s very life. with their birth, one could no longer deny that destruction is the inescapable destiny of all the known universes; expansion, fusion, and then annihilation. it is the same for aeons; the survival of the fittest, to destroy or be destroyed, to absorb or be absorbed. for as long as people still walk on the path of destruction, nanook will continue to aim for the complete devastation of this tainted universe. they alone are the sole being who truly understands what a mistake the birth of this universe was. each ship and planet may follow a different path, but what civilisation does not speak the common tongue of war? what universe does not know death, pain, destruction?
“what universe does not know love?” you would ask them in response to that. your hands come up to cup their cheeks in your palm, and nanook is undone. “even you know love, my violent delight. why else would you have remembered the position of the stars the day i was born?”
“would you like your death day to be on the same day as your birth?” nanook questions you without any real malice, their voice breathless as you drag your thumb over their bottom lip.
you laugh, and nanook hears the stars sing with you.
why is it that mortals bother in the struggle of survival? they think. nothing lasts forever, not even the great aeons themselves. civilisations rise and fall, galaxies materialise and collapse. for a new beginning, the book must end. it is simply the way of things. nanook knows this. nanook has always known this.
and yet, in these moments with you, they cannot help but cling onto your immortality. they cradle you close, because if the aeon of destruction — of all things lost to violence and death — cannot kill you, then what can? if lan of the hunt shuns yaoshi of the abundance for loving the living too much to the point of cursing them with immortality when it is too heavy of a burden to hear, then it is only a matter of time until they realise that nanook is a threat to the balance as well. what is life without you? merely the act of existing, rather than living— chasing a goal, without ever stopping to see the stars and consider the stories behind them.
in death, nanook will be remembered as many things, and the antimatter legion will carry out their legacy just as all the previous aeons’ factions do in the present day. even if they must continue nanook’s ideals in the shadows, the aeon of destruction will shadow the known universe for all of eternity— for what civilisation exists without the pain of violence and death? destruction is a concept as sure as life and death; immortal, even if its aeon has long passed. that is nanook’s goal, their sole purpose of living.
but on this day, nanook allows themself a singular moment to hope that when they die, the universe will know them not only for the destruction they had reigned upon the universe, but for the fact that they did it in your name, for they had loved you above all else.
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verstappensrealwife · 7 months
would you be able to write about lance stroll? possibly a story where she is his childhood best friend and they end up together. Smut if possible!!
Beyond Friendship's Boundaries - Lance Stroll x Reader
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approx. 1960 words.
warnings: oral (fem!recieving), awkwardness in the start, sex (p in v). --- Also my horrid smut writing (I am yet to write a smut fic that i think i wrote well!) Hope you enjoy anyways <3
lance stroll masterlist - here. f1 masterlist - here.
You and Lance had been inseparable since childhood, ever since that fateful day in kindergarten when his boundless energy collided with your unsuspecting form. As he barreled into you with the force of a tiny tornado, you found yourself sprawled on the ground, tears welling in your eyes. But even in that moment of chaos, Lance's instinctive kindness shone through as he scrambled to lift you up with all the might his pint-sized arms could muster.
"Sorry," he blurted out, his voice tinged with genuine concern.
With a sniffle and a shaky nod, you forgave him, wiping away the tears with the back of your hand. His infectious grin, inherited from his mother's insistence that it could brighten anyone's day, worked its magic once again as you found yourself mirroring his smile. From that day forward, a bond was forged between you two that would withstand the tests of time and tide.
In the present moment, he found himself thousands of miles away in Australia, while you remained in Canada. Alone in the confines of his hotel room, he sat on the edge of the bed, consumed by thoughts of you that strayed far from the innocent memories of childhood. With a conflicted mind and a restless urge, he grasped his cock in his hand, indulging in fantasies that danced on the edge of forbidden desire.
If only you knew the depths of his depraved thoughts, he reasoned, you might recoil in horror or sever ties altogether. But in that solitary moment, consumed by the need for release before the impending race, such considerations faded into insignificance. He whispered your name like a forbidden prayer, his imagination weaving a tapestry of carnal delights where your bodies entwined in passion, where your desires ignited a flame that threatened to consume them both.
As he surrendered to the waves of pleasure crashing over him, he couldn't help but yearn for your presence, for the touch of your skin against his, for the possibility that you might reciprocate the intensity of his longing. In the darkness of his solitude, he dared to dream of a world where your desires aligned, where the boundaries between friendship and something more blurred into obscurity. But for now, all he could do was chase the fleeting ecstasy of release, his fantasies a bittersweet reminder of the distance between them and the unspoken truths that lingered in the silence.
Unbeknownst to him, the object of his affection stood mere inches from his hotel door, her heart thrumming with anticipation as she prepared to surprise her closest friend.
"Lance~" Your cheerful voice called through the door, sending Lance into a whirlwind of panic. Why were you here? When had you arrived? And most importantly, where on earth were his pants!? With a frantic scramble, he attempted to cover himself, his heart racing with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
As you swiped the card and entered the room, Lance's eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn't believe you were here, standing before him in the flesh. But before he could gather his wits or even properly greet you, your exclamation filled the room, cutting through the air like a knife.
You couldn't help but yelp in surprise as you laid eyes on him. There he stood, with his messy hair tousled in disarray, a rosy flush painting his cheeks, and no shirt to conceal the sculpted contours of his chest. Beneath the sheets that draped over his lower half, there was an air of tantalising mystery, hinting at the forbidden pleasures that lay hidden from view. Thankfully he had found his boxers before you had walked in.
Caught off guard by the unexpected sight, you felt a rush of heat flood your cheeks as your heart raced with a mixture of shock and embarrassment. It was a moment frozen in time, etched into your memory with vivid clarity, leaving you breathless and at a loss for words.
You stuttered out a few words, your voice wavering with uncertainty as you struggled to make sense of the unexpected scene before you. "Is this a bad time... I can leave," you managed to murmur, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
"No!" His response was swift, almost desperate, as if the mere thought of you leaving sent a jolt of panic coursing through him. He hesitated for a moment, the realisation of his own desperation dawning on him, before quickly composing himself. But deep down, he couldn't deny the truth: he was desperate for you, in more ways than one.
You stared at him, your eyes wide with surprise and uncertainty, unsure of how to proceed in this newfound tension. "N- Not a bad time... uhm..." he stammered, his words trailing off into an awkward silence as he searched for the right thing to say.
As the tension hung heavy in the air, a palpable electricity crackling between you, Lance's heart pounded with a mixture of desire and uncertainty. In that charged moment, he couldn't deny the raw attraction that pulsed between them, igniting a fire that threatened to consume them both.
With a hesitant step forward, he closed the distance between you, his gaze locking with yours in a silent plea for understanding. "I... I want you here," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper, laden with desire and longing.
Your breath caught in your throat at his admission, your own desires laid bare in the vulnerable space between you. In a bold move, you closed the remaining gap between you, your fingers trembling as they reached out to touch his bare chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips.
With a shared moment of unspoken consent, the floodgates of desire burst open, consuming them both in a whirlwind of passion and need. Lips met in a searing kiss, hungry and desperate, as years of unspoken longing erupted into a frenzy of desire.
Lost in the heat of the moment, Lance's hands roamed eagerly over your body, tracing every curve and contour as if committing them to memory. With each touch, each caress, the world fell away until there was only the two of you, lost in the throes of passion.
As the intensity of their desire reached its peak, they surrendered to the undeniable pull of their bodies, consumed by a hunger that could only be sated by each other. In that moment of blissful surrender, they knew that they had found something truly special, something worth fighting for amidst the chaos of their tangled emotions.
His movements were urgent, fueled by a hunger that threatened to consume them both as he pushed you gently onto the bed, his lips trailing a path of fire down your trembling body. Each kiss left a trail of tingling heat in its wake, igniting a blaze of desire that pulsed between you.
Reaching your legs, he knelt between your thighs, his breath catching in his throat at the sight beneath the dress you had worn just for him. His eyes drank in the sight of your exposed skin, the tantalising curve of your hips, and the promise of what lay hidden beneath.
"Fuck..." he mumbled, his voice husky with desire as he took in the sight before him. The realisation that you wore no underwear beneath the dress sent a surge of heat coursing through him, his heart pounding with anticipation.
His fingers trembled with longing as he reached for the hem of your dress, his touch gentle yet urgent as he pulled the fabric slowly upwards, revealing more of your intoxicating form with each passing moment. As the dress pooled around your waist, leaving you bare and vulnerable beneath him, he felt a primal need stir within him, urging him onward.
You could only moan in response, lost in a haze of pleasure and desire as his lips continued their journey, leaving a trail of kisses along your inner thighs. Your words dissolved into incoherent babbling, your mind consumed by the overwhelming sensations that pulsed through your body with each touch, each caress.
Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine this moment would come to fruition, yet it consumed your every waking thought, an unrelenting desire that pulsed through your veins with a fierce intensity.
As he pushed his fingers into you, the sensation sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body, igniting a fire that burned with an intensity you had never known. With each skilled movement, he found the perfect spot, sending sparks of ecstasy dancing along your nerve endings.
His mouth followed, hot and hungry against your skin, eliciting a guttural moan of pleasure from deep within your throat. The sound echoed off the walls of the room, mingling with curses and cries of ecstasy as you surrendered yourself to the overwhelming tide of sensation.
He pulled two earth-shattering orgasms from you with his skilled touch before finally entering you, the culmination of desire and passion reaching its peak. Position after position, they explored the depths of pleasure together, lost in a whirlwind of sensation and ecstasy that seemed to stretch into eternity.
For almost an hour, they moved as one, bodies entwined in a dance of primal desire. With each thrust, his dick found its mark, sending waves of pleasure crashing over you with every movement. It was a symphony of sensation, a crescendo of pleasure that built with each passing moment.
Despite his best efforts to prolong the inevitable, he could only resist for so long before the overwhelming tide of pleasure threatened to consume him. With a primal groan of ecstasy, he pulled out at the last moment, spilling his release over you in a cascade of pure bliss.
In the aftermath of their passionate encounter, they lay entwined in a tangle of limbs, their bodies still humming with the echoes of pleasure. With gentle caresses and soft whispers, they reassured each other of their mutual affection, basking in the warmth of their shared intimacy.
As they lay together in the quiet aftermath of their lovemaking, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, unspoken words lingering on the tip of their tongues. Lance shifted slightly, his fingers tracing absentminded patterns along your arm as he mustered the courage to broach the subject that had been weighing on his mind.
"Hey," he began softly, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty, "can we talk about... us?"
You turned to him, meeting his gaze with a mixture of curiosity and warmth. "Of course," you replied, your heart fluttering with anticipation.
"I... I know we've always been friends," Lance started, his words hesitant as he struggled to articulate his feelings. "But after tonight, I can't help but wonder if there's something more between us."
Your breath caught in your throat at his confession, the air crackling with tension as you searched for the right words to respond. "I've thought about it too," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "What we have... it feels different now, doesn't it?"
Lance nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, it does," he agreed, his gaze softening as he looked at you. "And I don't want to risk losing what we have, but... I can't shake the feeling that there's something special between us."
You reached out, intertwining your fingers with his in a silent gesture of solidarity. "I feel it too," you confessed, your heart swelling with emotion. "And maybe... maybe we owe it to ourselves to see where this could go."
Lance's smile widened, a flicker of hope dancing in his eyes. "I'd like that," he replied, his voice filled with conviction. "To us, whatever that may be."
"To us," you echoed, a surge of excitement coursing through you as you leaned in to press a tender kiss to his lips. In that moment, you both knew that whatever the future held, you were in it together, bound by the unbreakable bond of friendship and the tantalising promise of something more.
el fin.
Hope the smut was good. I tried not to use cringe words, key word tried. anyway. probably gonna have 2-3 fics out today :)
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obsidian-pages777 · 4 months
Pick a Card: Goddess Sedna 's Healing Messages. [Goddess of the Sea]
Left Top [Pile 1], Right Top [Pile 2], Bottom Left[Pile 3], Bottom Right[Pile4]
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Sedna, the Sea Goddess of Inuit mythology, reigns over the icy waters of the Arctic seas with power and grace. She is a complex and enigmatic deity, embodying both the nurturing embrace and the fierce wrath of the ocean depths. Revered by the Inuit people as the mistress of marine animals and the keeper of the sea's bounty, Sedna holds sway over the delicate balance between humanity and the natural world. Her mythic tales speak of transformation, sacrifice, and the inexorable cycles of life and death. Often depicted as a beautiful maiden with long flowing hair, Sedna's presence is both captivating and formidable, reminding mortals of the awe-inspiring majesty of the sea and the mysteries that lie beneath its surface.
Pile 1: Card drawn: Ace of Cups
Sedna speaks to you of a fresh start in matters of love. The Ace of Cups represents new beginnings, emotional clarity, and overflowing feelings of love and compassion. This card suggests that emotional healing in your love life is on the horizon. It encourages you to open your heart to new possibilities and allow love to flow freely into your life. Release any past hurts or disappointments and embrace the joy and fulfillment that love can bring.
"Let the currents of love carry you to new shores, where the waters are clear and the heart finds its home."
"In the vast ocean of love, every wave carries the promise of a new beginning. Embrace the tides of change with an open heart."
"True love is an endless ocean, deep and boundless. Dive fearlessly into its depths, and you will find treasures beyond measure."
"Love is the eternal dance of two souls, moving in harmony with the rhythm of the universe. Trust in its sacred flow, and let it guide you to your destined shore."
Pile 2: Card drawn: Three of Swords (Reversed)
Sedna acknowledges your pain and offers solace in the Three of Swords reversed. This card indicates that you are in the process of healing from a painful breakup or heartache. It suggests that you are beginning to let go of the hurt and release any lingering resentment or sorrow. Trust in Sedna's healing waters to cleanse your heart and soothe your soul. Remember that healing takes time, but you are on the right path towards emotional recovery and renewal.
"In the depths of sorrow, find solace in the healing embrace of the sea. Let its gentle waves carry away the pain, leaving only strength and resilience in its wake."
"Like the ocean's tide, healing comes in waves. Allow yourself to ride the currents of grief, knowing that calm waters lie ahead."
"With every tear shed, let the sea goddess cradle your heart and whisper words of comfort. She understands the ebb and flow of pain, and she will guide you to the shores of peace."
"Healing begins with acceptance. Surrender to the healing waters within, and let them cleanse your spirit of all that no longer serves you. From the depths of despair, rise renewed and whole."
Pile 3: Card drawn: The Star
Sedna shines her light upon you with The Star, a card of hope, renewal, and healing. In the realm of mental and physical health, this card signifies a period of rejuvenation and inner peace. It encourages you to have faith in the healing process and trust that brighter days are ahead. Connect with Sedna's nurturing energy to replenish your mind, body, and spirit. Practice self-care, seek support when needed, and believe in your ability to overcome any challenges that may arise.
"In the stillness of the sea, find the tranquility of the mind. Let go of worries and fears, and allow the gentle currents of peace to wash over you."
"Your body is a temple, sacred and strong. Nourish it with care and kindness, and it will carry you through the roughest seas."
"Like the stars that illuminate the night sky, let your inner light shine bright. Believe in your own strength and resilience, and you will navigate any storm with grace."
"The journey to wellness begins with self-love. Honor your mind, body, and spirit, and you will find harmony in the depths of your being."
Pile 4: Card drawn: Ten of Cups
Sedna blesses your family life with the Ten of Cups, a card of harmony, happiness, and emotional fulfillment. This card represents the deep bonds of love and connection within your family unit. It suggests that your relationships with loved ones are strong and supportive, providing a source of comfort and joy. Take time to appreciate the love and stability that your family brings into your life, and cherish the moments spent together. Allow Sedna's gentle waves to wash away any tension or discord, fostering a sense of unity and contentment within your family circle.
"Family is the anchor that keeps us grounded amidst life's storms. Treasure the bonds of love that unite you, for they are the pillars of your strength."
"In the embrace of family, find refuge from the chaos of the world. Together, you weather every storm and celebrate every triumph."
"Like the sea, family flows with the rhythm of love. Cherish each moment together, for they are the waves that make up the ocean of your shared memories."
"Family is not just blood; it is the love that binds us together. In the arms of your loved ones, find sanctuary and belonging, knowing that you are cherished beyond measure."
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diceclubpodcast · 8 months
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He was her sun. Episode 22 of Dice Club, out now.
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fiyaa-xoxo · 8 months
Theres something different about receiving a handwritten letter......
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✧˚ · .Spring has sprung as the NCR students walk through out the NRC campus. With spring here and the flowers blooming, and most important of all valentines day right around the corner. NRC launches lockers for students to anonymously give someone something for valentines day. Surprise, Surprise the prefects locker was the one with the most letters. Lets see what some of them wrote, will u find out who wrote what?....
From: A crimson flower...
My Crimson Rose,
In this whimsical realm where time dances to its own curious tune, I find myself enchanted by the notion of Happy Unbirthdays and the delightful chaos that ensues in the shadow of the Queen of Hearts. It is within this peculiar Wonderland that our paths have crossed, and my heart, typically bound by the rigidity of rules, has succumbed to the joyful mayhem of your presence.
Oh, how the tea parties unfold in blissful disorder, each cup raised in celebration of the nonsensical day that is every day but one! The Queen of Hearts, with her regal decree and whimsical demands, presides over these gatherings where laughter echoes like the most harmonious of melodies. In the mirthful company of jesters and creatures, our souls intertwine, and the rules of reality bow to the capricious whims of Wonderland.
As the Queen commands the cards to paint the roses red, I am reminded that the essence of love in this fantastical realm is as unpredictable as the ever-changing hues of Wonderland's flora. In the intricate dance of courtly affections, I find myself waltzing with you, my partner in this splendid, topsy-turvy masquerade.
From: An Inky Dealer...
And so, my heart, once bound by the rigid laws of reason, now surrenders to the whimsy of Wonderland and the joyful rebellion that accompanies it. With every unbirthday tea party we share, I am reminded that true happiness lies not in conformity but in the enchanting chaos of love.
To my Siren,
As the currents of fate weave through the whimsical waters of Twisted Wonderland, I find myself drawn to you like a siren's call echoing in the depths of the Monstro Lounge. In this ocean of magical mayhem, your presence is a beacon that lights up the darkest corners of my heart.
The glittering allure of Ursula's domain mirrors the shimmering depths of the feelings that swirl within me. Much like the ebb and flow of the tides, our connection resonates with a rhythm that transcends the ordinary cadence of everyday life.
In the enchanting embrace of the Monstro Lounge, where secrets are exchanged like treasures and laughter dances upon the waves of conversation, I am captivated by the spell you cast upon my existence. Ursula's wisdom echoes in the whispers of our shared moments, and I am reminded that love, much like the sea, holds depths yet to be explored.
So, let this letter be a testament to the enchantment you bring into my life, a tale woven with threads of magic and mystery. In the embrace of Ursula's sanctuary and the symphony of the Monstro Lounge, my heart finds its rhythm in harmony with yours.
From: The oasis in the hot sands...
Dear, sunshine
With the boundless energy of a desert breeze, my affection for you grows, and the tapestry of our shared moments becomes a mosaic of joy and laughter. Your smile, a treasure more precious than any gem in the sands, illuminates my world with unparalleled warmth.
In the vibrant oasis of love, I find solace in the melody of our shared laughter and the dance of our dreams under the twinkling stars. With each passing day, my heart beats in rhythm with the magic you bring into my life.
So, let this be a simple testament to the love that blossoms like a desert rose within my chest—a love as boundless as the endless sands of Twisted Wonderland.
From: A loyal knight
My dearest Everglow,
Amidst the tapestry of my own existence, I pledge my loyalty to you with the same unwavering devotion that I offer to the illustrious Malleus Draconia. To serve him is an honor, and in his guidance, my loyalty becomes an intricate dance—a choreography of duty and affection.
In this realm where loyalty is both a shield and a key, my heart beats with the rhythm of a promise made not just in service but in love. Your understanding gaze, a refuge in the labyrinth of obligations, is a testament to the deep connection that transcends the boundaries of duty.
So, let this be a tender acknowledgment of the magic that binds me to both my fae heritage and the loyalty I extend to you and Malleus—a love letter written with the ink of allegiance and sealed with the embrace of my heart.
Writers note: Hello everyone! Were u able to find out who's who? Let me know if u want more writings like this!
Requests are open!! ^^
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sluttysanemi · 8 months
Tide of Reunion
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Giyuu Tomioka x Fiancée!Reader
The moon shone tenderly amid the forest's evergreen trees. A night of longing and drive, as the wind howled gently. Soft clouds form along the starry sky, capturing a visual impression.
Your shared home, in which you resided with Giyuu, was nestled among the seemingly unending woods. Your home is constructed with large woodwork, layered with a sloping roof. 
The exterior doors were adorned with translucent paper, creating a serene atmosphere.
You lie calmly, asleep within the futon, a comfortable warm within. You are surrounded by poetically painted scrolls on the walls and tatami mat floor surfaces.
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It had been overly long since your fiancée slept beside. He was hauled along strings of responsibilities, leaving you confined to your own presence. Though he hadn't written, he had on occasion sent you the plucked marvels of flowers he came across, indicating to you that you'd very much lingered in his mind.
Laying within the warm, padded material, your mind trailed aimlessly.You slept tranquilly, pondering on what your partner could be doing at this very moment. As your chest lifted and fell delicately, the foyer doors slid open.
It was promptly followed by the familiar ring of footsteps. They tread particularly lightly, preventing from grumbling a disturbance. It creeps across the hallway until it settles behind your door. You were yet to stir, as you continued to aspire, your mind venturing through absurd existences.
Careful hands lightly nudge the door wide before promptly closing. A wave of soothing lavender and rosemary aromas caress your senses with ardor. Deep, azure eyes glare at you fondly, as if not more relieved to see you. Despite his excessive thrills, he did not awaken you so suddenly, instead carefully undressing himself from his own uniform, leaving him bare.
He swiftly clothes himself in loose robes, carefully trailing to the futon in which you laid in. He lies beside you, pressing his palm against the side of your cheek. He relished the warmth of your skin, caressing it with his thumb.
You felt his familiar touch and gradually awoke. Your tired gaze moved to your tranquil spouse, who had held you with boundless tenderness.
You smile lazily at him, shifting closer.
“Giyuu…”, you whisper, your mind steadily attempting to recognise the scene.
“I didn’t mean to stir you...”, Tomioka replied dismissively. 
You did not care for him awakening you, instead overly glad to see your partner be beside you once more. You retort his touch, placing your own hand to his face, and watch him longingly. You move in, gently laying your lips on his after so long.
Giyuu embraced quickly, amiably reciprocating your kiss. He was exceedingly sweet, overcome with the relief of finally resting alongside the one he cherished most. He felt his heart gradually pummel harshly.
He moves atop of you, needing to hold your body closer. You wrap your arms around his sturdy neck, continuing the passionate display.  His breathing rolls heavily from his lips, consumed by passion. 
He misses your warmth. Your scent. Your embrace.
He'd spent so long beneath frigid, lonely sheets. Exhausting his body to its very core for those around him. Weary and miserable. 
He needed you desperately. More than he had needed oxygen. 
His soothing hands caress your thigh, tenderly pushing your gown up. 
"Can I?" he asks, ensuring you felt safe. 
You nod, permitting his entry. His fingers travel over your thighs, to your very clit. His slender fingers trail along your slit, leisurely gathering slick. Filthy noises echo as his digits continuously glide. 
Your hands maneuver along his back, as you whine delicately against him. Starved so long from his touch, you were greedy. Endlessly greedy. 
You prompted your thighs against his waist, suggesting a desire for more, much more. He groans and sits up, grasping the opposing sides of your thighs. You could feel his impending love, grazing against your sex. It pulsed and twitched, longingly to be embedded within your warmth. 
With a gentle push, he softly slides himself within you. He almost falls forward, releasing a pleasurable gasp. Your inner-walls grasped at him intently, almost hindering his movement. He pants, attempting to consolidate his thoughts into one.
With a sharp inhale, he carefully begins to roll his hips into you. Sensual, soft movements, disinterested in forcing himself from your comfort. Though you provided unending pleasure, all he longed for was to be with you again. Feel your connection. Your intimacy.
And you pleaded for it too. You cup his cheek, coaxing him to come closer. To hear his sighs of pleasure, to feel his pulse of ecstasy. And he does. He lowers his face inches from you and kisses you. He continuously assures of how much he loves you. Adored you. Treasured you. 
Over and over, lips graced along each other, momentarily separated for breath, before rekindling again in a moment of euphoria. 
“Soft… so soft.”, he babbled, prompting his lips to the tender skin of your neck. 
Your fingers glide to his back, caressing gently. Muscled and firm. Your unexpected touch had driven him to tilt his head back in delight, overwhelmed. Even your smallest details would strike him deeply.
His shaft endlessly pumping within you, a lewdful display. He was overcome with love, whining pleasurable groans into the air. And you followed. This was marvelling. He was only angelic.
Your cunt flutters tenderly around him as he repeatedly pleases you, driving you to squirm deep inside. 
He felt himself to finish soon, a surge of bliss rising within him. His thrusts grew briefly clumsy and hasty. 
Pushing him towards his impending climax, you whine thoughtlessly.
“I love you, Tomioka!”
And it finishes him. 
With a harsh push, his cock spurts ropes of love within you. Buried into you, he plunges every ounce of his desire deeply to you. The air is coated thickly with your unending affections for the other. 
So long without each other's love, there was not a greater peace than this moment. 
With hasty and drowsy eyes, he lies in the same position, unconcerned with pulling himself away from you. He was quick to drift to slumber, resting against your breast. Your fingers caught in his dark hair, you felt yourself submerged in the soft seas of paradise. 
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majestativa · 21 days
Is a sacrifice for the greater good still a sacrifice?
I feel like I’m going to explode, all is naturalized, exorcize me, from the false me’s, I need to breathe my spirit, unquiet still, inconsolable at times, until Light appears, and it does…. Cartilaginous, shrewd, eclipsing the pellucid waters of flowing pain dwelling the translucent hearts and their parti-colored moods as they mouth slow solemn words the rays of a dull gray sun, greeting decay, flowering again, from the abyss. these inviolate ones, untouched, untouchable, the timid ones, the bashful ones, the frightened ones the brave ones, overawed at times, tightroping the fallen bridge of time absorbed by the tides of the unknown their wisdom is simple and self-explanatory, of insufferable perfection and perdition, of the utmost repugnance of a kind that disrespected itself, born to fail and fade away of militaristic order, of spellbinding chaos, blameless, debonair gentiles, genes and genitals, rearranged, rephrased, redesigned to triumph over the not-yet-named but shall be, legitimate, open to wounds and scars, jubilating in secrecy for they believe… oh they believe, in the censored refinement the forewarning revelations, and the impregnable auguries of love.
For the record, I am not here to preach, I’m just a madwoman, laconic then verbose, then silent, covertly sentimental, inured to trauma, immured in the chambers of insanity where tyrants and their boundless passion retell the tale of humiliation, strata, status and enslavement, my heart jumps when the right is wronged, Kharbouchesque at times, Leviathanesque at others, when they try to bury the women in me, the hag, the maiden, the timeless one, the warm embrace, the womb of glory I don’t scratch; I tear apart. And that too is part of femininity, madness and hysteria call it what you want, I persist like their sins, being nothing, as the nothingness of being screams that freedom is outdated, and before it’s their turn to scream, I stand, an unwavering Kali, fully and marvelously human, sinking my fangs, in the veins of the rotten ones, as cruelty leaks, and my womanhood soars, like the moonfaced Shahmaran.
Occult Woman | 29.03.23
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wiz-writes · 1 year
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In Aesemyr: The Withering (previously named A Rhapsody in Blue) you play as a mage trying to rein in their erratic powers while embarking on a quest to discover a plot years in the making. Yet as dark clouds gather on the horizon, you quickly realise that the coming storm seems to bring with it something much worse.
Genre: fantasy, adventure, romance
Rating: 16+ for some dark themes
Last update: 22 August 2024 (87k words)
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Play as a man, woman or non-binary.
Customise your appearance and shape your personality.
Follow the teachings of a specialised Way and gain access to different skill sets.
Find romance with one of the ROs; or choose to stay as friends.
Investigate the elven presence in the capital and discover how it relates to the accident that nearly cost you your life.
Unearth a secret that might shake the foundations of the kingdom you call home.
Protect yourself and those you care about, lest they suffer a bitter end.
Retain your hold on your magic; or let it corrupt you beyond repair.
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Magic comes with a price.
That is an inevitability every mage has to face. But when you lose your powers in a freak accident, you are certain that the price has been paid in full.
You settle down in the peaceful countryside, far away from any conflicts or conspiracies, all the while focusing on your recovery. And for two years, your life is quiet.
However, when an untimely visit forces you on a path not of your own choosing and magic itself seems intent on corrupting you, you must once again rely on your training to keep yourself and those you care about safe.
The presence of elves in the capital brings nothing but ill tidings and as yet another storm brews in the distance, you set off on a journey to discover the truth of your accident and a plot that could bring the kingdom to its knees.
The Withering approaches, and with it, a reckoning for all the world.
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Main romances:
Valia Kainen (F, 28)
Having met at the Academy, you've known Valia for more than a decade, so it's no surprise she now occupies the seat of the Academy's Headmistress - her rise through the ranks often attributed to both her exceptional skills and ruthlessness. Despite her cold exterior, she is mainly driven by love for her family and kingdom. While she’s no longer the girl you used to know, some things still remain the same; her dislike of you being one of them.
Lucenis Veldari (M, 32)
As the younger brother of the King, Lucenis tends to keep his distance from royal affairs. He is well-known to the general populace as a poet with a gentle soul and quiet disposition. Though there have been many rumours throughout the years about him and his mother, none have ever been proven true. He is a good friend of Valia and your twin brother.
Tevshedi “Tev” Zanue (F/M, 36)
Tev is a well-travelled mercenary and a seasoned warrior that has decided to leave their life of wandering the world behind and instead, work as Lucenis' personal bodyguard. Good humoured and loyal to a fault, their natural charisma has helped them establish various connections among both the common folk and nobility.
Cerin Melista (F/M, 25)
A part-time librarian and a soon-to-be university professor, Cerin is a person with an outgoing personality and boundless enthusiasm for the things they love, particularly history. Being a passionate collector of ancient relics, they possess a dauntless spirit, which often lands them in dangerous situations.
?? (non-binary, 30)
Several years ago, they came to study at the Academy, their affinity to psychic magic envied by many. Lyyra became their new home, the people they met their new family. They are quick to grin and joke, but their eyes always seem to be haunted by shadows both past and present.
Side romances (= you'll see them less often than the above characters):
Mara (F, 31)
A silver-masked miracle physician willing to help anyone in need in exchange for utmost secrecy. Nobody is certain of her true identity as she disappears without a trace each day.
?? (M, ??)
An elusive figure that seems to be fascinated with your magical powers.
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