#Did my first lipsync to that one! It's really good!!
karaokebearwithal · 8 months
(volume warning maybe?)
The start of the vid is pretty grating!
It's based on this Headcanuary Fic by @optiwashere featuring The newly weds Asheera (Opti's Tav) and Shadowheart with this Tiktok audio . She's white girl wasted serenading her wife.
To be quite honest I made this the same day I downloaded the software (today) and I have never edited before in my life. It is so hard....
It'll be a lil' treat to start of Femslash Feb on a bang like them early 2000s youtube MVs.
It's like their wedding video!
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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☆ cerca de ti.mp3 ☆
♡ genre ¿? ♡ -> angst ♡ pair ¿? ♡ -> ot8!skz x gn!reader ♡ plot ¿? ♡ -> the song they wrote when you left them + some moments and how it went down. ♡ warnings ¿? ♡ -> swearing ; smoking (weed) ♡ request ¿? ♡ -> nope
a/n: so i had this idea today and i wrote it all today because i wanted it out as soon as possible. i obviously get it if you don't like or think it's kinda odd? idk i really enjoyed this and the process of it so i hope yall like it too. it was kind of inspired by edits that i see on instagram where they make stray kids lipsync to latin songs, goddamn i love those. so yeah this is my take on how they would sing cerca de ti!
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[ intro : chan & seungmin ] cerca de ti estaba bien y de tu vida me borré (close to you i was okay but of your life i got erased) y ella ante' no lo veía, pero sé que te fallé (but she didn't see it before but i know i failed you) y si ahora vuelves, te juro que no te vuelvo a perder (and if you come back, i swear that i won't lose you again) porque me di cuenta que muero si me alejo de tu piel (i realized that i die when i'm far away from your skin)
when they first started writing this song, only one thing would come to their minds and that was you. it wasn't your typical love song or even sad song but more of a mix of emotions that all the members were feeling condensed into one song. one they would call close to you, one that would express how much a certain person had changed them and their experiences with that individual.
chan at first didn't want to take a part in the song, he thought it was too soon, too much but the rest convinced him that it would be a good idea to let go with lyrics (it wasn't). when he wrote the first two verses of the introduction, he knew he was fucked and he was too deep now. when you decided to leave, he was the last one you saw and he got the final word, it didn't go well. he was too harsh and too egoistic to see what was happening in front of his eyes, the hate that blinded him was making him spill words that he didn't mean. 
"(y/n) i don't think you're realizing what you're doing." he said almost as if you were betraying him and the boys as you packed your things. you thought this was the right choice all along and you weren't gonna get convinced, especially by someone who wasn't showing they cared or that they appreciate you in anyway (he did very much so in the end). 
"what do you want me to do chan? to pretend everything's alright? god you guys really only think about yourselves." you said and it wasn't nice but it needed to be said. you've been left in the dust for way too long to care about other people's feelings, especially if it was the 8 boys you were referring to.
"rich coming from you, you act like we don't have a job. our lives don't revolve around you!" he exclaimed but it just made you roll your eyes. you weren't talking about that, you never even once mentioned their job because you knew how busy their schedules were but it just got to the point where they didn't show that they cared, that they loved you, that they wanted you. "if you leave, you aren't coming back."
"watch me." you said as you walked out the front door and out of their lives.
seungmin felt so lost without you, he got too used to your presence. he got used to your morning kisses, you preparing his lunch for work, how you would listen to him. the thing he missed the most was your body, not really in a sexual way, he just wanted to hold you. to feel your skin against his and plant a kiss on your cheek, he wanted to kiss your lips again and love you tenderly & softly.
he didn't think much of you leaving because he knew in the end you would come back to them. when you didn't for months, he lost hope and when the boys suggested writing, he was the first one grabbing a pen and a paper. he almost seemed desperate to get these feelings out of the way.
"you think they're gonna listen to it?" jeongin asked and the older didn't know how to respond. he wanted you to hear it, for you to process the words that everyone was singing. you were always so attentive towards their lyrics that it just made sense that if you heard it, you would want to contact them right?
"i hope so, this is our last shot i think." seungmin responded and jeongin nodded as he sat down next to him to write the lyrics. everyone needed to put in a bit of effort to make a team and for it to be put out.
[ chorus : chan, seungmin & jeongin ] y si fuera por mí, estaría cerca de ti, eh (and if it was up to me, i would be close to you) pero tengo que dejarte volar (but i gotta let you fly) supongo que es una parte dе amar (i guess it's a part of love) y si fuera por mí, estaría cerca dе ti, yeah (and if it was up to me, i would be close to you, yeah) pero tengo que dejarte volar (but i gotta let you fly) supongo que es una parte de amar (i guess it's a part of love)
vocalracha did the chorus, it just seemed right. jeongin finding the right words to go with the flow and chan's voice starting it were exactly what everyone was looking for. it was their way of showing they were letting go but not willingly because if it was up to all of them they would want to continue what they had with (y/n).
jeongin took it really hard when you left. like seungmin, he had hope that you would come back, that it might be a mistake or a joke in bad taste but it wasn't like that. he didn't even get to say goodbye, to tell you to take care of yourself. he wanted you so bad in every way that your presence not being there for him when he needed you the most was destroying him.
"hyung i wish i could talk to them. i'm so lost and i don't even know what to do." jeongin expressed, in the verge of crying because he just wanted you but he was stuck in the dorms not even knowing where you were.
"we gotta give them time innie, i know it's hard but we'll find a way." chan said as let the younger cry and let his worries out. even if he didn't feel like things were gonna get better, his hyung always had his back.
right now he was feeling less broken, more confident but he just wanted you to hear this song. even if you didn't want to, these were the things that needed to be said and expressed by the members. he felt like he was left in the dark, he was trapped and had no way out but right now he was seeing the light. when they were filming the music video, everything shined so bright and it took his breath away. if only you could be right there, right now. 
[ verse 1 : jisung & minho ] cerca de ti fue que sentí que ya no había más na' malo (yeah-eh) (close to you i felt like there was nothing that could be bad) cerca de ti fue que sentí que ya no había más na' de amor (close to you i felt like there was no more love) sé que me fui lastimado (ey), dejaste en mí todo raro (i know i left hurt, you left everything weird in me) yo no sé cuándo estaré sano (i don't know when i'm gonna heal) pacas y pacas, todas las gasté, stop, ¿toda esa mierda pa' qué? (bags and bags, i spent them all. stop, all of that shit for what?) ya no me sirve fumar de la maría si no e' con vo' en el hotel (now i can't smoke the maria if it's not with you in the hotel) oh-oh, no me sirve fumar si no e' con vo' en el hotel (oh-oh, i can't smoke if it's not with you in the hotel)
jisung like he said, was left with a mix of everything. the weirdness that affected him when he wasn't by your side but the way you made him believe that he could be loved again lived within him. you showed him a new side of himself, way more careful and way more calm, one that brought peace everywhere he went. he carried that when he wasn't with you because he would go crazy if he didn't.
"you're kinda different today, i like the vibe." you said as you sat down next to him and he smiled, nodding. he couldn't explain the relaxation that invaded his body whenever he found himself in the same room as you. he couldn't let go of the feeling and yet at the same time he didn't want to.
"just wanted to be with you and enjoy the moment." he mumbled burying himself in you but then coming up to give you a sweet kiss. you smiled and pulled him closer as you made out on the sofa in the 3racha + hyunjin) dorms. 
he found himself smiling at the memories and not looking back because he was confident this would catch your attention. maybe a little too cocky for his liking but he knew you all too well to know that this isn't the end but the start of something different.
minho wasn't a big smoker, yet this verse was a reminder of how fucked up you two got at the hotels when he was on tour. when he brought you along, he wasted all of his money on you and on pleasing you, whatever the baby wanted they would get. maybe he acted more like a sugar daddy and didn't realize but he couldn't care less because he wanted to spoil you rotten.
"dude are you smoking?" jisung asked him and he could just nod, of course jisung was only interested because he wanted to hop on the same train. "this is fucking harder than i thought it would be, everything i write is shit."
"i wrote my verses but i still feel like it's missing their approval." minho said laughing, a bit high already. jisung just laughed because his giggles were contagious. they would spend the whole night like this, just going back and forth with new bars but in the end settling down for the ones they had at first. there was a reason those were the first things they thought of, it was because they came out of the broken heart they were experiencing.
staying silent wasn't unusual for them but since they met you, you would always invade with your voice and say whatever you were thinking. now the silence was uncomfortable and they just wanted to hear your voice again.
[ verse 2 : changbin & hyunjin ; both ] miro pa' atrás y parece to' un chiste (i look back and it seems like a joke) yo sé que no daba y por eso te fuiste (i knew i couldn't do it and that's why you left) no sé qué le pa', no sé qué le diste (i don't know what's going on, i don't know why you gave) pero estoy nuevo, como si no exististe (but i am new like you never existed) y sé que si yo puedo, podría cualquiera (and i know if i can, anyone can do it) porque mi corazón era una heladera (because my heart was a fridge) ahora tropical entre cocos y palmeras (now tropical between coconuts and palms) con un recuerdo dulce de cómo eras tú (with a sweet memory of how you were) ah, de cómo eras tú, oh-oh-woh (ah, of how you were, oh-oh-woh) miro pa' atrás y parece to' un chiste (i look back and it all seems like a joke) yo sé que no daba y por eso te fuiste (i knew i couldn't do it and that's why you left) no sé qué le pa', no sé que le diste (i don't know what's going, i don't know what you gave) pero estoy nuevo, como si no-como si-como si- (but now i'm new, like you've never-)
changbin thought it was genuinely a joke when chan told them you weren't coming back. this is why the first lyric went like this and then they immediately thought of realizing why you left him. it's like he knew he had to accept that you were not gonna come back, that the situation got worse and that they left you behind (without wanting to). you didn't leave because you wanted to but because you had to, you were done with them. 
he was the first to try to pretend like you didn't exist, like it didn't mean a thing to him that you left. while most of them were broken and trying to pick up the pieces, changbin decided to live in his new reality where he didn't even meet you. that lasted way too little for his liking since he got reminded of you everywhere he went.
"i feel like being without you makes me feel so fucking weird." he said one time to you and you raised your eyebrow at this. he wasn't one to usually get sappy but you welcomed this moments any time they happened. "okay i know i sound like a major loser but i love you."
"i love you more and you're not a loser for expressing your feelings binnie." your voice was engraved on his mind but he still craved to call you when he felt low. he knew leaving voice messages was weird to get it out since you blocked all of them but a man had to let it out somehow.
hyunjin thought his lyrics were so stupid but somehow he knew that's the way to go. if he wanted to capture your attention somehow, he wanted it to be in a cheesy line and make it seem like he was doing fantastic. yet when he thinks of the sweet memory of you, he's brought back to you, your perfume/cologne, your smile and your hugs. it felt like home every time you held him in your arms.
"hyunjin i feel like i'm drifting away from you guys and i'm scared." he remembers you said to him this one day and he was a bit shocked. he didn't feel like that at all but there had to be a reason why you were feeling like this and not overreacting right? he knew he had to talk it out with the other guys.
"no baby, we're here for you okay? i doubt anything is gonna happen." he said and now that he thinks about it, he should've done something, he should've held you closer and reassured you even more that nothing was gonna separate you from them. he didn't, he now regrets it every day because he missed you like crazy and there was no turning back.
but he knew he still had a chance to mend things, to at least have a way to contact you if you needed anything. he didn't want your last messages to be so sad, to be blocked in your phone forever 'cause you could never be blocked on his. it was stupid but he wanted to be in your life, even if it was the bare minimum.
[ verse 3 : changbin & felix ] ¿cuántas vece' te fallé? (how many times did i fail you?) sin contar la última ve' (without counting last time) pensando volverte a ver (thinking of seeing you again) cuando llego, yo te llamo y no respondes, baby (when i arrive, i call you and you don't answer, baby) me tiene' quemándome en tu fuego (you got me burning in your fire) todo' tu' problema' lo' resuelvo (all of your problems i solve them) como un boomerang yo siempre vuelvo (like a boomerang i always come back) tengo gana' de explorar tu cuerpo (i want to explore your body) ya me lastimaste, igual no aprendo (you already hurt me, i never learn) (ya me lastimaste, igual no aprendo) (you already hurt me, i never learn) (igual no aprendo) (still i don't learn)
felix didn't think he did things wrong, he didn't feel like your falling out was justified. yeah they made a mistake, he made a mistake but all the missed calls that night would haunt him forever. he wanted to see you, to talk to you, to know how you feel and what went wrong. he still couldn't understand it even if chan tried to explain it 100 times, he wasn't convinced. he wanted another chance and he would live in delusion of you coming back if he had to. 
the last time he saw you, you two fought. he remembers it very clearly but he wants to forget it every day, he felt like it wasn't that bad. was he in the wrong? 100% but it didn't justify you walking out on them. 
"(y/n) come on, you can't be serious. even if you do feel like that, it's nothing that we can't fix!" he said when you came to visit him to talk about how you were feeling. god he was such a fucking idiot, he should've just taken you seriously and the more he thinks about it, the more he cringes at how he reacted.
when you sighed and shook your head as you left, he was so blinded by hysteria that he didn't even look at you. he remembers telling changbin this and he knew he would get mad at him but he didn't care, if a lesson needed to be taught that he behaved in a stupid manner, he deserved it. it never arrived though, changbin understood that he wasn't in the right but he also missed the red flags so he couldn't blame his friend for taking this approach.
"i just want her back bin. this song is all i fucking have and it already feels like it's done for." felix expressed and changbin just patted him on the back as he looked at the lyrics his member wrote. 
"i think we can do it though, i think everything will be alright in the end." the older said as he continued the song with his verse and together they made it work. changbin hugged him and held him close as the other one just lost himself in his hyung.
if there was a feeling worse than losing you, it was missing you felix thought.
[ chorus : chan, seungmin & jeongin ] y si fuera por mí, estaría cerca de ti, ah (and if it was up to me, i would be close to you, ah) pero tengo que dejarte volar (but i gotta let you fly) supongo que es una parte de amar (i guess it's a part of love) y si fuera por mí, no me correría de tu lado (and if it was up to me, i wouldn't be moved from your side) apretados, pero ya embarcaste (tightly but you already sailed away) di todo lo que tengo por vos, pero sé que yo fui un desastre [i gave everything for you, but i know i was a disaster)
he knew his members would eventually fight him because he was the last one that saw you. the confrontation was tough because even though everyone was fond of each other, the glue that tied them together was you when the situations got hard. chan knew he didn't handle the situation well, he knew everyone was disappointed in him and blamed himself for you leaving every day. he didn't want to feel like this but it was impossible when he was so cold and distant with his words and actions.
as a leader he should've known better, as a person he should've been better. 
"hyung please don't blame yourself." seungmin said as he sat down next to him. he was the only one who didn't yell at him and yet he thought he deserved it but the youngest wouldn't do it. "it was long overdue that they were gonna leave us because of how they felt and all of the signs were there."
"yeah but i had my chance to stop it and didn't" chan expressed, rotten and bitter that he still had to put up a fight against himself. if he couldn't keep you, he wouldn't be able to keep anything, not like he cared since the only thing he wanted right now was to see you again. 
"maybe you did but we can't keep on thinking that, we need to do something about it." seungmin said and chan nodded. he was right, he couldn't leave in the shadows forever, he couldn't keep on taking the bullet because it would only make it worse for him.
he really gave everything for you but it wasn't enough. even like he said, he was a disaster and there was no changing what went down or how it happened. there was only hoping that it would all heal and you would be able to continue what you once started. or maybe there would be a part where he would have to let go finally.
jeongin got lost in a train of thought when he had to say his verse. he got completely caught up in a moment that happened so long ago that all he could do was stare as he tried to say his lyrics but chan told him to start all over again.
"innie i know it's hard but i'm always here for you." you said and that should've been sweet but it wasn't because he responded the worst way possible.
"please go (y/n), i can't do this right now." he said and it made him physically recoil. like he could not understand why he was so distant, why he felt the need to talk to you like that and of course he remembers it now that he doesn't have a chance at all.
he was mad at himself not only because of that, because of everything they made you go through. maybe it was for the best that you went away because if you did stay, things would've gotten worse. but he wouldn't go without a fight as stupid and cliche as it was, he needed to fight for you and what your love was.
[ verse 4 : hyunjin, felix & minho ] sé que mucho arriesgaste, pero mirá al final (i know you risked a lot but look at the end) paso la noche viendo las fotos que tengo de los dos (i spent the nights looking at the photos i got from both of us) cara de póker cuando mi brother pregunta: "¿qué pasó?" (poker face when my brother asks the question "what happened?") yo solo estoy enfocado en ver cómo soltarte (i'm only focused on seeing how i let you go) bebé, no quiero perderte (baby, i don't wanna lose you) pero menos que me pierdas una oportunidad (but less that you make me lose the chance) eso significa no verte, fuck mi mala suerte (that means not seeing you, fuck my bad luck) tengo que aprender a soltar (i need to learn to let go)
minho remembers taking a picture of you, it was by the han river and you were making a peace sign. late at night when no one could see him and you didn't have to hide from the public. he wanted to keep you there forever, cherish you and make you feel loved.
"god i look so bad, delete it." you said and he just shook his head as he embraced you, giving you a tight hug. covering you with his coat as the wind blew near the water, it got suddenly colder. you accepted his tenderness and love as you laid your head on his shoulder.
"you look good all the time." he said, smiling and giving you a kiss on the forehead. you blushed as you looked up to meet his eyes and then suddenly closed them to meet him in a peaceful and lovely kiss that you would be sure to remember. well at least he still remembered and felt it from time to time.
"stop daydreaming." hyunjin said as he woke up minho from his daily session of reimagining things again and he sighed, annoyed by the others' presence but he knew they had to record their lines together. "It's all about letting go now like the lyrics say."
"yeah none of us are doing a good job at that." felix said as he walked in, his hair a mess and his voice raspier than usual. he knew he wasn't doing well but this was bottom of the barrel and he just didn't know how to take care of himself anymore.
"tired of saying we'll probably get a chance when i actually don't know." minho mumbled to himself but the other two catched it and nodded along. this was gonna be a tough act to put on but they needed to keep going till the end. a bad loser was one that wouldn't even show up, at least they were trying to win something out of this.
[ chorus : jisung, chan & seungmin ] y si fuera por mí (yoh, yoh), estaría cerca de ti, yeah (and if it was up to me, i would be close to you, yeah) pero tengo que dejarte volar (but i gotta let you fly) supongo que es una parte de amar (i guess it's a part of love)
jisung was in the last chorus because that's what they decided on. he sighed as he had only one verse, the last one to make the chance count. even now he was feeling nervous for one line, he never felt this tense since he started being in stray kids and now he just wanted to shut himself off and close the door to his bedroom to not think about you. he was always invaded by memories anyways, so it's not like he could stop it but right now all the flashbacks like a movie were on his mind and he felt the tears build up.
seungmin found himself saying the last lyric of the song, thinking of the times when you would be staring at him before you two kissed. he didn't want to let go even if the song said otherwise but it would be the best option if things didn't go as planned.
"i love you minnie." you whispered to him after an award show one day. they had collected most of the trophies yet none of them felt as good as your love and having you by his side (as corny as it sounds). 
"i love you too." he whispered back and kissed your cheek as you were leaving the place were it took place. fingers intertwined and smiles on both of your faces. 
he remembered it with such love but deep pain as he pronounced his lyrics. i guess it's a part of love huh? he thought to himself as he saw the video going up, the song reaching an incredible amount of listens and going viral on every platform
maybe something good would come out of this.
+ 1
you knew it was about you and it was absolutely everywhere. you didn't have a friend who didn't send you the song and you didn't have a coworker who didn't talk about it. the new stray kids song is so sad that it will make you cry but it's still a vibe or whatever the headlines were saying. you were done with it but because your curiosity was over the roof, you knew you had to listen to it at least once.
and you did, you took in all the lyrics, all the verses and the chorus. you sighed when you finished it, is it really like this? do they really want you back? do they crave to be close to you like they say? you didn't know fully. maybe they just took in the situation and made the song for clout. but you knew them better than that and wouldn't do that if they weren't truly sorry, it was a whole mess to think about this.
you unblocked all of them, the hardest one to unblock being chan but you did it. speaking of the devil, he sent you a message as soon as you did unblock him and it was like destiny or magic or something insane because he couldn't believe he was no longer prohibited on your phone as he started spamming you. 
then soon everyone started messaging you and it felt like the old times, bringing back a smile to your face. it looks like they really did miss you and wanted you back.
you opened seungmin's chat and wrote just two words.
one chance.
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thelargefrye · 2 years
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was apart of kq fellaz and trained with ateez
moved to korea in 2015 to become a trainee
was sought after by several companies including the big 3 but chose kq after meeting hongjoong
is referred to as the “4th gen concept queen” because of how you do a new concept with each comeback
is widely known by other fandoms cause of your fashion and how even your personal style is always on trend
has started several trends in korea like jelly nails, belly chains, and fur hats
had a model concept and announced your comeback by creating a magazine that featured different concept images
learned how to pole dance for a comeback and even has a pole dance ver. to your song mago
collabed with mattel for your 2023 season’s greetings which came with a doll of yourself
you tied with loona for 2nd place on queendom
you are close friends with ateez, fans often spot you hanging out with several members in public
yeosang is your appointed fandom president
you and ateez did a reality show together in 2021 called “project the chillin’ house” which was eight episodes
you revealed in an interview once that the ateez member you are the closest to is yeosang 
“he’s very good at listening to me ramble and putting up with my pointless rants especially when we were trainees. i really appreciate yeosang for being such a caring friend to me.” 
has cussed on multiple lives and ixluvs now keep a tally for how many times you do it and you are now at 56
you have a great relationship with your manager and other staff members
made bracelets, keychains, and phone charms for the staff members that work closely with her
self-proclaimed herself as eden’s favorite
“hello, i’m y/n, eden’s favorite child. sorry i don’t make the rules.”
along with nct, you were one of the first idols to film the recording behinds to your songs and have been doing since early 2019
you once did a live dedicated to tier ranking the barbie movie villains 
has also went on a ten minute rant about why 12 dancing princesses and princess and the pauper are the best barbie movies
you were forced to lipsync at an event and instead of pretending, you just didn’t sing
appeared on immortal song 2 on the psy special and placed 2nd 
probably one of the few underrated dancers in 4th gen kpop
however everyone always talks about your vocals and how you’re one of the best in 4th gen kpop
ixluvs and atiny are patiently waiting for a collab between you and jongho
is more popular among female idols than male idols
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prisoner-000 · 1 year
Hey, here's a fun question: Which lines are sung visually/directly by the characters in each MILGRAM MV?
Weakness: Haruka's 'Ah, ah, ah's' are also shown in video form in the chorus. He definitely does have that manner of laughing in canon, but I'm not sure there's much to say about it. He has every disease
Umbilical: No lines are sung/said. This might resemble Yuno's whole 'innocent girl with little agency' thing that people saw her as at first. She doesn't even get to say anything in her own story.
Bring It On: Nope. No lines sung/said. Like with Yuno, I think this might be taking away from Fuuta's agency on purpose. To portray him as more of a follower that got out of hand instead of the group leader. Though this may also be a budgetary issue, as Milgram's animation was pretty limited at first, they couldn't afford much lipsync animation.
After Pain: Arguably, her part with holding on to Rei's sleeve can be lip-read as 'I'm sorry/gomenasai' which would sync up with 'gomen' in her lyrics, though I think it's supposed to be more of a parallel than a direct spoken line. It's still a very fun detail that I don't see people talk about that much!
Throw Down: No spoken lines. This time, I think it's just Shidou putting up that barrier between the audience and what actually happened with his backstory, making it more vague and unclear.
TIHTBILWY: "I'm sorry!" In the scene where Mahiru looks at the camera, and maybe also her monologue on the phone? The lipsync doesn't quite match up, but it's possible. The fact that the only proper thing she says is "I'm sorry" hurts, though: She really does know she did something horrible and wants to atone for it, but doesn't know how.
half: "The curse of reuniting with you puts a dagger in my heart; I imagined you saying "See you" was the same as "It's over"; Only if your heart would change, but that's not possible; Please tell me what I should do, feelings shrouded in lies will float and away and disappear" (essentially: the entire chorus). It's notable how this is all sung during Kazui's performance on stage, once while wearing his mask, once without.
Magic: "See?" (From 'See, isn't it a great thing?') and "God/Wise One" ("Kami-sama" from 'Dear Wise One, is this ok?'). To me, the 'See?' is directed at herself, convincing herself that the things that happened to her were actually good. The whole song is just Amane trying to justify all the horrible things she went through.. And the visual cue just makes that more obvious :(.
MeMe: "Why am I here? It must be a mistake, right? Take a good look at me" and "Never forgive" (from "I will NEVER forgive you if this is happening to me even though I'm right"). First one is pretty self-explanatory, I feel like the second one has some implications about Mikoto's judgment of other people, mayhaps.
HARROW: No spoken lines! Due to the lines being more general in establishing Kotoko's goals and not really towards any one person in particular, it might have been awkward to fit a speech segment into the video. So. Hmm.
All-Knowing and All-Agony: No lines are sung directly except for mayyybe an "Ah" in the middle. I think they might be trying to highlight Haruka's tendency to Ah, eh, hm, in his speech mannerisms, with these being his only visually spoken lines.
Tear Drop: "Shut up" (from "Just shut it, will you? You know it all") and "So nauseating... So creepy... will you please disappear". These are very clearly said to a person in particular; though also possibly just her clients that infantilize her in general. Love that these lines get emphasis considering Yuno's character.
Backdraft: "So worthless!/What a load of crap!" and "Come up to the ring and face me!". Very much still Fuuta's tough guy act talking to the people that judged him.
It's Not My Fault: "We are just the same" (from "I am doing this just because I'm bored, we are just the same" and "I'm always so pitiable!" (Translated as "I'm always the drama queen" but this sucks as a translation so.. lol). Aimed at Rei, mayhaps? The first line carries some very interesting implications with it. Wasn't here for the drop of this MV so it's probably already been analyzed to death..
Triage: "I want to be forgiven, I want to live!" Ohh Shidou.. be careful with that developing savior complex. Basically Triage's whole message summed up into two lines.
I Love You: Just a simple sigh. She's too exhausted to say anything more than that.
Cat: "Phew, wow, I'm drunk.. Hey, if I said I liked you, what would you do?" and arguably him breathing out smoke/sighing at the end. Infamous confession scene. IMO, this is still him confessing his feelings for his friend, which leads to that insane downwards spiral that ruins his life.
The Purge March: No lines spoken. Due to most of the MV taking place before the murder but the lyrics being about her motivation for murder... Yeah, it's natural no lyrics are visually said. (Since they also want to keep her actual murder scene vague).
That's all we've got so far!! Hope you enjoyed :-) if you have any thoughts feel free to add on!
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imsparky2002 · 6 months
Barbie in the Nutcracker: First Thoughts
The following is my thoughts while watching this for the first time.
Credits look awful. Still, it’s 2001 and this is the first installment so I’ll give it a pass.
Only know the basic Nutcracker song and theme but nice that it uses an orchestra
Barbie herself doesn’t look too bad but her little sis… yikes.
Kinda weird to see these dolls moving like mocap performers.
Heh! Barbie’s voice actor has the same name as her little sister.
Kelly very clearly sounds like an adult woman trying to do a kiddish voice.
Lipsyncing is odd, looks more like generic flapping.
Surprisingly decent snow effects.
I’m assuming Clara’s parents are either dead or abandoned them. Or they could also just be on vacation.
Is it wrong that I find Grandpa cute? Gives off a very distinguished vibe. Especially that voice.
They call gingerbread houses “christmas boxes”? That’s… interesting.
Kinda wish they gave Clara a different voice from Barbie, or at the very least a different hairstyle.
The lighting is actually pretty good! Nice warm hues, makes me feel like I’m at a cozy inn.
Her little brother looks like the kids who played Fortnite and would tease me in high school. Of course his name is fuckin’ Tommy.
This CGI is reminding me of early PS2 cutscenes.
Aunt Drosselmayer’s got that 90’s Leo DiCaprio/Hugh Grant parting in her hair. Bleh.
Why is Clara the only blonde in the family?
Ooh! We’ve got some family drama between Auntie and Grandpa. This is getting juicy.
Elizabeth is giving me confident bisexual vibes with the voice and manner of movement. Bet you that’s why Grandpa doesn’t trust her.
Looking at the wiki I just found out that Trixie’s VA voices the Aunt, Starlight’s VA is Barbie and Cadence’s VA is one of the kids! Must be a Canadian production.
I will never not find the word “nutcracker” to be hilarious.
Clara, why tf are you fighting over a toy with your lil brother? You’re like… 17? 18? I dunno but it’s way too old.
Seriously they gave Tommy the most punchable face ever. Not that I’d ever punch a kid but I can see why other kids his age would deck him.
Magic shenanigans are ensuing.
I like the medeival look of the rats. The CGI actually fits them well.
Clara wakes up to see an anthropomorphic warrior rat right next to her eating something and is just like “goddamn it, git ya varmint!” I love it.
Oh, she thinks she’s dreaming. That makes sense to why she’s so calm.
Hmm… I feel like the Rat King should look a bit more evil, and larger as well. Still, TIM CURRY! I’m gonna LOVE this.
Woah! We’re getting a fight scene! A swordfighting scene to be exact!
Oooh the Rat King’s magic and can shapeshift his weapon. That’s metal AF.
Tim Curry putting everything into his performance as usual.
I’m kinda surprised we’re already getting a Nutcracker-Rat King battle. I’d have thought they’d save that sorta thing until the third act.
Did they really have to change it to Sugarplum Princess? Fairy just sounds more powerful.
Wow! This snowy cave is beautiful! Something out of a classic painting.
Did this nutfucker not realize that an icy fortress would have ice for the walls?
The fairies doing ballet looks weird because they have nothing to stand on.
Please don’t tell me the small fairy is staying, I hate her.
Dance is currently reminding me of Fantasia.
“The fairies probably went off to make a blizzard somewhere”. The way he said that nonchalantly had me cackling.
The effect of Clara’s footsteps turning into flowers is beautiful.
Pimm sounds like he’s an absolute troll online. Also gives me Psychicpebbles vibes (though I know it’s not him).
Wow the Rat King is a straight up genocider.
Why do all the kids look like Kelly?
Wait Prince Eric? Are they legally allowed to call him that? We all know how much Disney loves copyrights.
Man these kids are little shits and their outfits are gagworthy.
Major Mint definitely got a big personality, and the voice actor does a good job with it.
Ok Mint is hilarious and is so far the best part of the movie.
Nice to see some Asian rep with Captain Candy.
Wow, Rat King turns his failed employees into stone. Dark!
The zoom in on the Rat King as he says “that’s it?” made me giggle.
Thomas Astruc looked at the Rock Golem and got his first idea for an akuma.
Wait how the hell does Clara know that the Nutcracker is Prince Eric? I mean I already assumed because of the plot of the original ballet, but how does she know?!
The bridge scene gives me the willies, since I’m afraid of heights.
Wow this flower fairy is the only kid-looking character that has a decent design.
Didn’t expect a song to be interrupted by an enemy.
Lol, the Major’s monocle falls off as he sees the giant.
Glad to see the fairies serve a purpose other than dancing. Kick that giant’s ass!
Captain Candy’s a better man than Mint, as he actually makes sure that he gets saved.
Once again, the island is beautiful! Reminds me of Oz with the colored roads.
Ooh clever! At first I thought the castle’s backdrop looked really fake but I just factored it was because it’s 2001 CGI. But it was actually a trap!
Nice we see a test of Clara’s character that she passed.
The invisble hand touching Clara’s hand is actually making me feel kinda teary-eyed internally.
The Rat King definitely has a Napoleon complex.
Loving the character arc for Nutcracker with his final duel.
Ah! So now the Rat King is growing. Fits for the climax.
Huh… Prince Eric looks more like Jimmy Pesto than a prince.
Lol Major Mint realizes he’s been shittalking the prince.
Huh, so Clara’s the princess? I guess it sorta makes sense since it’s her dream.
For those princes out there who are hated by the public, all ya gotta do is fight a giant mouse.
Mint and Candy got the moves! Best dancers of the entire movie.
The final dance between Eric and Clara is absolutely gorgeous.
The villain was taken down by a snowball… I love it.
God Kelly Sheridan and Kirby Morrow really put everything into the scene where Clara disappears.
Lol Kelly’s Canana accent shows up when she says “It’s not a story”.
“What’s all this foolishness about mice kings and bats, Clara? Enough of your womenly hysteria! Time for a lobotomy!” Grandpa, basically.
Actually now that he’s in a suit, Eric looks a lot hotter.
I’m surprised Barbie’s little sister had the attention span to listen to a 1 hour story.
I'll be making a full review of the film soon. Let me know thoughts in the comments and reblogs. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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chaserainbows · 3 months
Week 6
(enough time has passed)
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This episode starts with the bane of my existence the reading challenge because all the reads in the simulator are derived from the show and assigned at random so it's really long and really boring and I'll skip to the winner but I do wanna give a honorable mention
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Grusha kinda ate this up
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The winner is Lynn (her reads weren't particularly good or fitting) and we stan her girlypop renaissance going well underway
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This episode's challenge is The Rusical(tm) I don't know what Jersey Shore is but imagine the cast doing a fun little theater number
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And surprise surprise Lynn's wide awake now after her previous challenge win and Shauntal Will and Aaron all do great because they do all give theater kid energy
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Sidney and Garreth do fine one thing I'm realizing with Sidney is that because he has such a strong gritty edgy punk aesthetic he's probably not a good actor for these types of challenges because unless he's playing a character with a similar energy his natural fiercepopness will always break the immersion
Meanwhile Grusha completely tanked this challenge because I mean why would you put Grusha on a musical
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The runway category is facekini (we can pretend it's a mask category in post-production) and LYNN ATE THIS UP TOO SHE'S OUT FOR BLOOD
Will of course does well because he's literally already wearing a mask while I assume Shauntal does a bad job not necessarily on the look but rather on the presentation because she can't wear her glasses and trips on the runway or something
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Aaron's safe (which makes sense because out of him Will and Shauntal he has the lowest amount of theater kid energy) which means the tops and bottoms of this episode are very clear
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Somehow she went from being in the most precarious position in the competition to being the first to get to 2 wins that's a legend right there
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Sidney avoids the bottom 2 because his runway was stronger than Garreth's which means that we're actually getting a rematch between Garreth and Grusha
You know that after coming into the season being renowned as a dancer and then being bottom 2 for the lipsync tournament Garreth has something to prove
But also Grusha already beat him before and he can do it again
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oh this song is for garreth
But also on the show itself this song was used for a lipsync and someone lost because they danced too hard and looked a boo boo fool so if he tries too hard to redeem himself it's over
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Also if they're this good how did they end up in the bottom last episode
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This is a surprisingly sudden end for Grusha's run but it's pretty fun that he got to have a rematch with Garreth it's giving lowkey rivalry
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Meanwhile in Untucked I assume that Lynn's emotional after her Lynndemption success and apparently the dragonfly situation moved to Garreth and Will this time
Where are they getting all these dragonflies from
Aaron is this your fault
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The rankings have shifted and Will's still the frontrunner but Shauntal is quickly approaching after being in contention for the win 3 episodes in a row and Lynn managed to make a full comeback but also Grusha's the first one to be eliminated after winning a challenge
Right now the only ones without any wins are Aaron and Shauntal so Aaron has to win a challenge really fast because he's dead last in the rankings now
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dojae-huh · 4 months
Hybe sold some SM shares it had and now owns 9.38%... still too much for my liking, heh.
I'm glad BSH got so many problems with the MHJ case. They could have sorted everything out with lawyers behind the scene, but he just had to make a witch out of the woman in the media. Yes, she is no innocent lamb herself, they all break the law in SK, don't pay taxes, manipulate with stock purchases and fake companies, and everyone knows it, the game is not to be outed for it, however, he tried to "easily deal" with an opponent feeling all powerfull, and it backfired on him. Fans rightfully noted that there were no problems when MHJ worked in SM for years. She left because she burnt out, and wanted to be a boss on her own, not to be hold back by LSM. Seems like BSH lured her with sweet promises of her own company and full reign, and then just decided to get rid of her after using her name for the first two female groups (NJ and LSF). I get that as an artist, a creative person, she feels easily slighted by her work/identity being copied. Artists are sensitive people, not business sharks.
MHJ was a visual director behind "Firetruck", "Limitless", "Cherry Bomb", Dream's "The first". Here is a short comparison of eras. An article on MHJ as a pro.
It's also good that groups that can sing (Nmixx, Kiss of life, aespa, Babymonster) benefit from the sasaegi and lipsyncing scandals. There is a need to correct the practice of debuting pretty dancers. I heard that TWS did numbers on charts, went to check their MVs, and left with an impression that they really were pushed artificially. The sound is so simple, there is no identity for the group to catch one's eye, they just can't be like Ive (2 already well-known popular idols, a viral debut song) or even Enhypen (who were a result of a popular survival show).
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Hot Takes/Unpopular Opinions (in no particular order)
To preface this: none of these opinions reflect my thoughts or feelings on the queens mentioned (I felt the need to put this here bc this is still the internet) I was going to put my shipping opinions on here too, but I might save those for another day.
US seasons (mostly s15)
Season 15 was very predictable, and Sasha was a very predictable winner
Irene’s shade and reads to the other queens felt mean-spirited. It came off like she was being rude most of the time.
Aura was the correct winner for the Girl Groups episode. Her and Sasha were about the same level in the challenger, but Aura’s runway was better.
Anetra should have been in the bottom for the Girl Group challenge instead of Jax. Jax (minus the runway) was safe, at least
Luxx should have won the 50/50 challenge.
Marcia was kinda dragged along for most of the season.
The wrong twin was sent home first (if we disregard the lipsync). Sugar could of made it to at least the comedy challenge.
Some (not all) of Sasha’s runways were overhyped. Specifically the Beyoncé and Tye-Dye runways weren’t as on-par with the rest of her looks
The fact that Anetra made almost all of her runways herself isn’t talked about enough
The drama was overhyped. Most of the time it felt like watching people fight for no reason
They should film the finale in Vegas for all seasons like they did for s14
The unpredictability of s14 was a good change. It kept the engagement high and it’s fun to talk about.
Just because s13 had great runways and lip syncs, doesn’t make it a good season
Gigi isn’t really as much of a fashion queen as queens like Violet and Gottmik. She’s more modelesque
S11 is better than fans give it credit for
The ‘what would you say to your younger self’ is a total Emmy grab. It feels forced and doesn’t really add anything to the final judging decision (I skip it every time)
UK1 is severely underrated, it gets overshadowed by the other seasons. Whether it be for better or worse
UK2 is better on first viewing than rewatch. The rewatch loses that extra something special
UK3 had a phenomenal cast, but the worst production
Jonbers is definitely a fashion queen. Her looks are more suited for editorials than live runways
DRDU and CDR (there’s not many so I’m combing them)
Kita gets overshadowed as a winner, due to how bad DU1 was
Spankie is the most underrated winner. She has some of the most charisma out of any other RuGirl
DU2 is very slept on
CDR2 drags on a bit since there’s pretty much no drama. The queens seemed like they were avoiding causing any drama (except Eve)
Lady Boom Boom should have stayed over Kimmy
And I don’t really have any for other international seasons, but I’ll give some random non-Drag Race ones!
No matter if you’re living on your own or not, you aren’t an actual adult until at least age 22 (emotionally and socially)
Grown adults that refuse to eat fruits and vegetables are immature (besides special exceptions like autism, afrid, allergies, etc)
Colleges shouldn’t pressure undergrad students to go to grad school
People that refer to their pets as their actual children (like a son or daughter) are weird
English food isn’t bad, it’s just bland most of the time (I’ve go to the UK every few years to see family, for those that didn’t know)
And the last, pineapple is amazing on pizza
I know some of these aren’t that big of hot takes, but I just wanted to share my opinions:)
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unethicalexperiments · 8 months
oh now that dragula s5 is over i can do my writeup on that too. spoilers for the whole season (and probably show) below the cut
i guess i'll kinda go episode by episode for this.
ep 1: fun way to start off, love when they make them walk around in the woods n shit in full drag. everyone meeting for the first time was fun as well big personalities right off the bat. correct winner and correct bottom 2. i loved the extermination challenge on this one, hardcore as fuck.
ep 2: i will say i am not a fan of contestants (of any show) returning for no real reason. however i very much enjoyed jay kay on the show so i can't say i'm too mad about it. VERY correct winner, throb nailed that floorshow. i do not remember if cynthia deserved bottom2 off the top of my head but correct extermination. unfortunate because onyx is a cool performer just a little too... shy/quiet/etc for the show. there is no amount of money you could have paid me to do this extermination i do NOT do bugs </3 but i do love a gross one.
ep3: this was the ghost episode which was fun. by this point this season had already surpassed s4 for me. loved jay kay's bellhop look, deserved the win especially after the rough start. i remember throb doing really well this one too. as for the bottom 3 this ep. clearly there is something about orkgotik's drag that i just do not get. the entire time i thought their looks were messy and i didn't get the concepts but they were PRAISED by the judges (up until here) for it all. like ep1 when they were called to stay on stage i legit thought they were bottom 3 not top 3. obviously this is just a me thing bc other people online seem to really like them too. i forgot about satanna so i'm assuming her going home here was right. another good extermination with the rats but fuck that looked miserable. i would do it but i would not be happy about it LOL
ep4: ok it seems like the fanbase doesn't care for monsters of rock but i LOVE monsters of rock, and having this broken up into 2 episodes felt like a bonus for me. fantasia absolutely deserved the win here, she really is an excellent performer. i know a lot of ppl thought the whole time she wasn't giving monster (myself included at a few points) but you cannot deny her stage presence at all. jarvis and jay kay definitely did deserve bottom 2 and jarvis did lose that lipsync which was unfortunate but jay really beat his ass lol. jarvis's death scene may also have been one of the best in the show so far.
ep5: part 2 of monsters of rock. ok so i enjoyed this half less LMAO i do not care about songwriting on the show/rpdr, most of the time its mid at best; but i do get that its also how a lot of artists make money. but then again not every drag performer should be a recording artist lol. ANYWAY on to the actual floorshow. orkgotik's band NAILED it and they def deserved the win. fantasia's band was for the most part pretty good (or at least fantasia herself was good LOL) but man... you could tell niohuru had never performed like that before. i also forgot anna was on this season and it was way past her time to go. i like the tattoo exterminations, but it is pretty clear they use those to get rid of whichever contestant they want to get rid of. i think anna held her own in this extermination comparatively speaking between the two tattoo designs. i liked the tattoo challenge from s3 the best where they got to pick a tattoo for the other competitor.
ep6: i BARELY remember this episode oop. had to go to the wiki to get the synopsis of what happened. i thought it was strange the boulets said the floorshows weren't "what they were expecting". ok if everyone "missed the mark" then clearly your instructions weren't good enough. i remember the looks being cool but the actual "selling" being kind of.. forced? idk. not as much fun as i was hoping it would have been. i do not remember anyones looks this episode, but i do remember blackberri's win being deserved. i do not remember if fantasia deserved bottom but jay kay definitely did, and he gave up in the extermination! so yeah! its just pregnancy simulators that shouldn't be that difficult especially when you have contestants bungee jumping and eating maggots.
ep7: oooohhhhhh mygod. this was a great episode. i know they also said the runways "weren't what they were expecting" again but like i said before that's on them. i thought these runways were cool as fuck. blackberri and throb had really cool looks but hooolllyyyyyy shit niohuru. niohuru blew me the fuck away with that floorshow. i literally sat there eyes locked on the screen jaw open. she deserved to win the season on that alone. holy fuck. cynthia and orkgotik were definitely deserving of bottom 2 but man i loved cynthia she was so much fun even if her runways weren't the best. personally would have sent orkgotik home here but like i said i'm clearly missing something about their drag that everyone else loves.
ep8: this one i didn't care for but it certainly wasn't a bad episode. i think i'm just unfamiliar with the floorshow theme and that's probably why it didn't impact me the same. again i would not have given orkgotik the win here, i would have given it to throb. the extermination challenge for this one was fun i like it when they let them straight up fight. this was unfortunately fantasia's time, but i think she did better than a lot of people expected, i think she showed she has the versatility to be any kind of performer.
ep9: last supper, which is always a good time. loved whoever it was pulling a vape out in the middle of the episode fgfhjdsk i do not care for on-screen relationships but i know a lot of people wanted a clearer answer wrt niohuru/orkgotik.
ep10: ok so finale. i have to say i did NOT like final 4 last season and i did NOT like it this season. there is no reason to have 4 out of your 11 contestants as potential winners. i would have cut orkgotik or blackberri (but really orkgotik) and made it a final 3. i also hate that they went in a different order (filth/horror/glamor as opposed to glamor/filth/horror) bc seasons 1-3 went in the same order. i also have to say i wasn't particularly blown away by anyone's finale looks. i thought throb did a good job overall, if we were picking a winner based off the final floorshow alone it would have been throb. i thought niohuru's and blackberri's looks were all around kinda mid, niohuru's takeout look was very good though. i actually liked orkgotik's horror look for this one! only took me to the finale to get on board with them then the boulets immediately turn around and say they didn't like that one dfgfhjdksa either way, niohuru was the clear winner of the season and she definitely earned it. its also nice to have a non-american, asian trans woman in the winner's circle.
overall, i would rank the seasons 2 > 3 > 5 > titans > 1 >>>>> 4 at this point in time (i had a lot of issues with season 4) but its also been a minute since i've watched season 1. not ranking these on performers but in terms of how the season was produced. i think they've improved a LOT since season 4/titans alone, let alone season 1, but i think there's still some room for improvement. and now i'm getting bored writing this so i'm ending it here lol
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crazysodomite · 11 months
Thief deadly shadows long post
Its a good game. worth playing but sadly dragged down by its limitations. i think it stands alongside the first 2 games. The graphics. They're okay and I'm not picky. The cutscenes generally look fine except the parts where we see in-game models talking. Showing Garretts face with a pretty ugly model and lipsync was a bad decision in my opinion. The drawn/painted ones are very good. The REAL fun starts with the lighting. The thief formula greatly benefits from more robust lighting mechanics and my only complaint is that they didn't take it a step further because of console-related and time constraints. New enemies who carry light sources, lightning exposing you to enemies, seeing enemies by their shadow only, and so on and so forth. It tickled my mind to imagine all the different stuff you could do on a thief mission with light and shadow and it's sad we don't get another game that truly squeezes as much as possible out of this. They did a good job and I was greatly satisfied. The third person perspective is probably the worst decision they made for this game. I firmly believe thief needs to be played from 1st person and so many mechanics Depend on it !!! The rope arrow, leaning, blackjacking and so on. The worst part is that you can't ignore the 3rd person view because it actively hinders 1st person gameplay. Your model doesn't rotate when you turn your view so when you move there's this annoying delay. The rope arrow had to be scrapped for the gloves and your model gets stuck and starts floating without a way to get unstuck (without reloading or shooting an arrow). It's not completely game ruining but it IS annoying. The city map. The pseudo open world of this game. Oh lord. Where do I even start. We all loved life of the party and the city missions in t2. But the reality is that it gets very tedious to sneak past guards in the same locations over and over. By the end of the game I was sick of the fucking city maps and going back and forth and back and forth and through the portals and trying to find where I needed to be. Side quests and locations, doing stuff for factions around the city, robbing shops and listening in on conversations around the city, pickpocketing people on the street, the fact you can do a prison escape if the guards catch you, that’s all fun, but. I didn't want to stick around in the city maps any longer than I had to because they were just so annoying. I love the city missions when they're one and done and I don't need to do them over and over again with respawning enemies.
I just don't think 'open world' or a hub map with HOSTILES is the right fit for thief. I didn't do pretty much any of the side quests because of how much the city maps annoyed me. Even though I WAS kind of intrigued. Running from the city watch wasn't fun, it was tedious. Maybe if there was more roof action to get from place to place safely or something. The loot and the shopkeepers. I think this is really the last nail in the coffin for the 'open world' idea. In the first thief games you had an incentive to collect loot aside from it being fun. Your money reset each mission and filled up based on how much stuff you collected. If you collected very little, you could buy very little equipment. Sure, the loot requirements were also there, but I would consider them to be the worst part of the OG games.
It's annoying when you have to run around the map for those last bits of loot on expert, especially if that loot is little things hidden in corners. I WANTED to collect stuff so I could stack up for the next mission, in addition to stealing just being fun. By maybe the third mission I collected more money in TDS than I knew what to do with. And the thing is? The merchants never fucking sold anything I wanted. They would maybe sell 2-5 water arrows if I was LUCKY. By the end I had so much money Garrett could retire. And I still had Nothing to buy :/. I had no reason to loot anymore except to meet the mission requirements. The fact your equipment carries over from mission to mission is a bad decision. Stop making the women hit on Garrett it's really annoying... WHY IS NO ONE FUCKING SELLING WATER ARROWS? Not that I needed them... I didn't really use any of my equipment for the majority of the game. It's not Necessarily bad I could complete the missions without using my equipment or knocking anyone out. So judge on your own opinion. Sound is extremely important in thief games. What kind of floor you're walking on is one of the foundational mechanics and it's lost in this game... If I crouch I'm pretty much completely silent even on tile floors. I Never had to use a moss arrow aside from doing the stuff for the factions or as part of puzzles. It takes away from the experience. It renders one of the most important pieces of equipment pretty much useless which is sad! Generally this game is more of a visual than an audio experience, but I think thief should get the best of both worlds! Loot. Valuable loot has a glistening animation. There's no 'drop quietly' button for junk items. If you accidentally pick up junk and not loot and you drop it on the floor, sometimes even if you drop it on carpet, it alerts Everybody. See the problem? When I played t1 for the first time I was also sometimes confused what can be picked up. But after playing a few missions you understand what can be looted at a glance, plus there's a 'drop quietly' button (at least in t2 for sure). In TDS the exact same items are sometimes junk, and sometimes loot. The exact same cups, candlesticks, plates and so on. You HAVE to wait for a glistening animation or you risk alert. Annoying !!!
ALSO. The sound for picking up loot was much much better in t1-2. The first time I opened a chest and could see and pick up whats inside instead of it being automatic it was interesting. But as I played longer it became annoying. There were times where looting a chest was needlessly hard without detection. The fucking 'coin bag' item gave me so much grief while playing because unlike other items you have to basically stand 1 centimeter away from it to pick it up. Which meant you had to mantle on top of the chest and get real close to it. As it relates to loot I played on hard and not expert because I Knew the 90% of the loot requirement would be annoying. The 'special loot' thing is a hit or miss depending on the mission, usually I completed it by just searching pretty well, but I rarely got 3 special loot. Here's what I think about lockpicking. A 'minigame' of lockpicking actually detracts from the thief formula. Thief actively avoids taking away control from you for any reason. In t1-2 lockpicking is extremely simple. But it never makes you enter a separate screen. You can continue moving and looking around at any time when you're lockpicking. You can even stand at an advantageous hidden position and lockpick from there. In TDS you enter a minigame you have to manually quit if you hear someone coming. Not a big deal here but we see this in thief 2014 for sure.
Thief rarely if ever takes away your control and that's important! Also to be entirely honest after a certain point picking locks was exhausting.
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ellavaday · 1 year
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Hello! We're back to Sandra talking too much about DRES3.
I promised myself to make these shorter unless something truly horrific happens in the subtitles lol (which is, thankfully, not usually the first episode, so this is relatively short and sweet)
Here's the reference post for the first episode.
I have a drinking game for you. Take a shot each time someone mentions Torremolinos. (Disclaimer you might die of alcohol poisoning). Think of Torremolinos as the equivalent of Palm Springs. Where all of the gays go on holiday and where all the drag queens go to die retire.
Pinkchadora makes a joke of Supremme's pictures in the work room bc her name is also the name of a McDonald's burger here (yes, the entire name, Supreme Deluxe, hence the bbq sauce comment). People Pinkchadora mentioned as inspiration/references for her drag: Lola Flores (flamenco singer); Sonia and Selena (one hit wonder duo of the early 00s)
Pakita's intro line in the work room is a pun 'i whisked my milk so much' (de tanto batir la leche) ((yes yes masturbation joke)) 'i ended up whipped' (he terminado montada) we call the act of getting/being in drag as montarse/estar montada in Spain
Pakita said she's what happens when you put a Furby and Falete in a cocktail shaker. Falete is a nb flamenco singer.
Bestiah says she comes from the cultural capital of the province... Leganés. Which is a joke but we love Madrid working class neighborhood pride in this blog (sidenote there's a lesbian and a nonbinary flag in their entrance look and they're my comfort punky this season)
Pitita's name comes from Pitita Ridruejo, a socialité (that reported seeing various Marian apparitions when she was alive for which it's safe to say she was not only filthy rich she was also more than a little insane)
María Edilia came dressed like the logo of Harina Pan (the Venezuelan precooked maize corn flour used to make arepas) and in the colors of the Venezuelan flag
When Chuchi entered they talk about how they won the Canarian drag gala of 2019. There's nothing to compare Canarian drag to and it's like saying you won the most ferocious drag competition @supremmedeluxe did a post about Canarian drag if you wish to know more but like. Suffice to say it really is a league of their own
Chanel's intro line in the work room is a pun with badmouthing ("turning someone green") ((she's the one in green skin ofc))
In the mini challenge Pitita says her rat is named Obregón and it's a ref to Ana Obregón, an actress that is better known for the 'sexy sexy sexy' bit Pitita mentions (it's from the romcom Ana and the 7, in which she's a stripper that gets a job as the nanny of the seven children of a widow man, a raunchier version of The Nanny lol)
A bonus fact about how insanely talented Clover is (bc I'm in love and they talk about people thinking cis girls can't do drag): Last year there was an official viewing party hosted by Pupi in which there were also local drag performers and there were mini contests w the audience (think butch queen realness, dance offs, lipsyncs, all that, it was amazing). Clover won that thing when she was like 3 months into drag, she's really that bitch
I don't think there's much to explain for the talent shows but just in case...
Vania Vainilla mentions an app called To Good to Go that I don't know if it exists outside of Europe so we'll just mention it, it's for restaurants to sell a bit more cheaply the food that is still perfectly good but might get thrown away
Spain is Different. Alright. Welcome to my history class. So you might be familiar with how Spain was in a dictatorship for about 40 years. After WW2 Franco realized he needed to get friendlier with the US government if he wanted to keep in power bc money ((Spain was neutral in WW2 so it didn't qualify for the Marshall Plan in the beginning but it got in basically bc Franco was a massive prick that hated anything remotely Communist leaning and the USA gov... Is what it is))
Pitita's was my favorite talent show but I do realize it was the hardest to understand without references. The women in the wheel she was spinning are pop culture icons here, and she was imitating stuff that represents them. The first one was Manuela Trasobares (a mezzo-soprano trans activist) who got famous for getting very angry when discussing LGBT rights on tv on an interview and breaking a glass. Then Carmen Lomana who is a filthy rich woman that made an ad for BK that went viral bc seeing such an elegant woman in that ad was kind of camp. Then there's Terelu, there was a reality tv about how was her life and her mother's (a well known newswoman) called Las Campos (they tried to make it something akin to The Kardashians) and she famously told her mother to go fuck herself bc she asked her if she wanted a churro which became a meme so her eating churros became viral. Ana María Aldon however is a little less clear to me (the time she got COVID maybe? The fact that her disgusting ex who is the one that was actually in the wheel is one of those super macho man and famously said in an interview his sperm was still strong and wanted another kid w her??? Eh still insanely funny)
Part of said efforts was making a very strong tourist campaign under the slogan "Spain is Different" which was used to promote... Literally every single stereotype you know about the country. Toros. Flamenco. All that. So that's how you get Bestiah dressed like jamón serrano, Macarena as a comment against bullfighting (which *chef's kiss*), Hornella in a Goya/locomia inspired fan look, Maria Edilia as a flamenco souvenir doll, Vania and Kelly as homages to Sara Montiel (la Violetera and Sandra Montiel the official Sara Montiel impersonator and an icon of Torremolinos), Chuchi as a disco ball representing the party scene (very Paco Rabane too), Chanel as the dumb tourist shirts, Clover as the 12 grapes tradition on NYE, Visa as La Sagrera and then the Parc Güell in BCN
But we also now use it as a very sarcastic way to talk about things that suck but of fucking course happen in Spain. Like Pitita making a commentary on corrupt politicians (listen people trying to get away w illegal money in trash bags is a surprisingly common occurrence I'm not even going to mention a case there's a dozen), Pinkchadora talking about the Spanish cinema dedicated specifically to juvenile delinquency and in a very heartwarming example, Pakita and her homage to Ocaña (LGBT icon from the 80s that we love and adore thank you very much)
María Edilia's exit line was for me and me alone (and every other Venezuelan bc no one else would have understood it lmao). The national beauty pageant is a huge deal in my country and she sang the hymn song of the contest. It's extremely catchy and I'm now humming it lol.
I think that's all for this episode 😊 if you made it this far, thanks 💖 lmk what you thought about the episode
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Just saw Taemin's live performance of Criminal. I think his concerts are causing a stir because of the nudeness and dancing. I have mixed thoughts on the performance? I know he was singing a good part of it, but his singing didn't sound real. Whenever I'm not sure if an idol is singing or not, I think of BTS. If they sound more stable than BTS while dancing the whole time, something is wrong. If even BTS can't always sing and dance at the same time, most other idols definitely can't either. I was mentally comparing Taemin to Jungkook, because Jungkook performs 3D and SNTY really well, but he doesn't sing all of it (a bit by choice) and sometimes you can hear he struggles. Jungkook performs completely live by choice (his mic is turned all the way up in concerts, but music shows and stuff sometimes lower his mic and edit his vocals), to the point where you can nearly always pick up the backing track. The volume of his vocals isn't always stable either - in his TSX STNY performance, for example, his vocals were imperfect, in a very normal way, because he still did amazing - and Jungkook rarely brings the mic to his mouth if he isn't singing. So, anyway, I was kinda comparing Taemin to Jungkook, because Taemin was sounding too good for all that dancing. He was singing, but the backing track was hiding his flaws. I think he's a stable live singer, but he sounded too stable. It's not interesting when the idols sing but it sounds like they're lipsyncing...
Moving on, I think Taemin added too many dance breaks to the song? There's a really long dance break and it wasn't great - the choreo, not the dancing. Still, I don't know if that was his first song or not, but he danced with a lot of energy and really consistently. He's in really good shape these days. I don't think he's ever been that buff? I like Criminal a lot, choreo included, and the remix and Taemin's stage presence were good. I just think that, besides his voice being buried in the backing track, Taemin's outfit and dance breaks didn't work for me. I didn't like the pants, and the jacket was weird... It looked weird when he took his shirt off? Like, his pants were too high waisted for the shirtlessness? Dunno, but idol fashion is seriously beyond me. I rarely like what idols wear, especially the men. So, compared to most stage outfits, this one was great.
There's no point to this post, and it's entirely too long, but my brain's like this... this was just my impression of the performance... I really wish Taemin would sing live more. I wish all idols just sang live all the time. Why are we surprised when they don't lipsync? We should be surprised when they do...
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t4yce · 2 years
I want to thank you for all of your great Drag Race UK gifs from both the finale (I can’t believe you did so many so quickly) and throughout the season💝
I also wanted to know what you thought of the episode. I was a little worried about how the song mashup would go but I really loved it and the performance was amazing (and I loved how they brought back the other queens for both the finale runway and the performance🤩). I knew it would come down to Danny and Cheddar for the top two (and they were both my faves) and I feel like I kept going back and forth between who I wanted to win but I’m definitely happy with the winner (even though I was hoping for a tie since I honestly couldn’t pick🙈)
And since I’m already in your inbox I also wanted to talk about Drag Race Italia and make a gif request (if that’s okay). If you wouldn’t mind would you be able to gif Nehellenia winning this week and all the cuteness surrounding it (like her going over to hug Aura and Diamond and how happy they were🥰)? I really enjoyed this episode (and I’m loving the season as a whole) and I just love how close all the queens are to one another (and it was so sweet when La Diamond asked Aura to be her drag daughter☺️)
Thank you in advance for the gif and once again thank you for all your great gifs you gift us with for so many different drag shows and thanks for continually being amazing💗
helloo 🤗 i was a couple of eps behind on italia but i just finished catching up and am ready to read your thoughts!! but druk first! honestly neither can i 😅 when i came on tumblr the next morning i was wow ok that was a lot :P sometimes i finish an ep with so many screen recordings i just have to go go go otherwise i probably wont get round to them unless someone requests but anyway yes i thought it was a great finale i really enjoyed it!! the mashup was a nice twist and i thought they all did pretty well and yes it was so nice to see all the eliminated queens again! they looked amazing! oh and the finale lipsync!? so good!! i thought that might make the winner more clear but no they were both equally amazing i really don’t know how ru picked tbh but i’m very happy danny won 💕 a lot of the uk queens do tv appearances here (especially viv + lawrence) and i feel like it’ll be just the same for danny! yes ofc thats okay, i’ll get it done tomorrow ^^ that was adorable i’m glad she finally got her win! and yes the drag daughter moment was super cute, i loved that moment too and fully understand why many people had asked to be aura’s drag mother, shes so sweet and charming 🥰 (also i think this was the first italia episode where i fully agreed with the placements so that was nice too lol) and can i just say in ep5, i loved how chiara went full pageant mum during the rehearsals and rusical 🤣 an icon and no problem, its nice to connect with people about drag through gifs! and thank you for always being so kind, i hope this coming festive season is nice to you 💖💕
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prynnehesters · 2 years
ok here we go, dragula and drag race who should win/how someone will win
ok let's do dragula first cuz it airs tonight
so track records
victoria- 3 win, 2 bottoms (but in general, has received high praise on everything but the dnd challenge)
hoso- 2 win, 1 bottoms (they are not into hoso as much as they were last season)
koco- 1 win, 2 bottoms (the boulets love koco and so do the viewers lol)
tbh the last ep it was more like "if ur not the winner, ur in the bottom" so eh but like, it was astrud's time. evah could've won, but like, idk, it wasn't really her season? i love her tho
anyways, i feel like koco had the biggest "glow up" in comparison to her old season. like she placed high her first ep her season but then she faltered over 2 eps and then went home. astrud's crash was wilder than koco's (won first ep, then had a meltdown and was exterminated...i feel bad for her but damn, that's nuts and idk if that has happened on drag race lol...the closest we've had was astina mandela on uk2 but that wasn't as drastic because there was a buffer between the two episodes with her being safe)
i feel like koco has been more vocal and her outfits have been versatile and iconic. like, i love her.
hoso should've won s4 tbh. i feel like her storyline was kind of annoying. bcuz of drama (annoying) and like, her looks weren't as nutso as s4 (they in general seemed less versatile)
i feel like victoria...i was excited to see what she brought every week like her looks were nuts but like, idk. i think she is too advanced for dragula and probably should be working practical effects on horror movies but like, eh
koco is that bitch. it'd be nice to have another winner who is a poc and trans (now that i think about it, vander and dahli are poc, and landon is latino, so like...eh. idk. also i think dahli and vander are trans/nonbinary). biqtch is the only cis white gay lol
ok so like, i think im more ok if koco or victoria win. i think hoso should've won s4 but eh. i feel like it makes the most sense w how the season went w koco to win because she has surprised me so much
ok now onto drag race
track records
victoria- 3 top2 placements (1 win). started off meh but dominated after ep 2
silky- 2 top2 placements (1 win), 1 bottom. similar to victoria, started off meh, dominated, and then bottom last ep
rita- 2 top2 placements (1 win), 1 bottom. top2 first ep, top2 last competitive ep, kind of just there. only canadian left lol
rajah- 1 top2 placement, i love her, but like, i don't think she's gonna win? but who knows...idk i feel like she and silky have evolved so much from s11. s11 i loved rajah's looks but like, she had a terrible edit and i did feel bad for her because i feel like something was up w her idk. as6 she could've won ngl. i feel like she should've waited to be on tv but whatever. i love her anyways.
silky also had a great redemption on as6 bcuz her lipsyncs on s11 were rough or tryhard. as6 they were great and she only lost the last one cuz her prop faltered and also eureka's storyline lol
anyways, here's how i think the queens will make it to the finale
victoria- give her either a rock song or a song she can camp up. either campy or sexy tbh. i feel like if they give her a ballad, she could win, but idk. Ultimately, rock song. like something sexy w guitar lol
silky- she will fail if a prop or reveal fails on her. i feel like she is the most versatile lipsyncer out of the bunch cuz she can do everything, but idk. i feel like if there's a malfunction of some sort, she's out.
rajah- she's great w high energy pop numbers and like, older songs (80s). i think if you give her a slower song or like, a weirdly paced song, she's out.
rita- can do camp and gives really good face. her "you oughta know" lipsync is probably my favourite from canada s1. i think she will not do that well to an upbeat pop song that relies more on dance or like, a song that requires you to be sexy, but not, funny sexy
idk i want victoria to win but like, im cool w silky winning as well. i feel like rajah wasn't as emphasized in the season and i also feel like rita was just there so it makes sense for victoria. i love her! as a former lesbian, please win. i want her on all winners lmaooo
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chaserainbows · 3 months
Week 1
(no double premieres this time it's a miracle from god)
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The very first minichallenge of the season is some weird thing with noodles but Will serves V O C A L S I'm trying to come up with a way to make this more Pokémon related
Will sings an ode to Tangela and wins a cash prize and also an advantage for the maxi challenge which I'm sure will not matter because
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It's a talent show so everyone brought their material from home already
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Aaron and Candice are doing the exact same thing which I'm sure will not have repercussions but then again they do have different enough styles that it wouldn't feel like seeing the same thing twice, like Aaron is probably doing something conceptual based on insect metamorphosis while Candice's serving winter fashion
Meanwhile Garreth does a comedy number based on the fact that he's hot so everything he says sounds interesting, it's called charisma
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Grusha doing a salsa number is really funny and also lipsync numbers on Drag Race talent shows are kinda overdone so there's not much to say about Lucian or Maylene but those numbers usually do well
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Will doing a magic show is pretty obvious and also really seems like something he'd slay and I love Shauntal doing a dance number I can see her doing a really elegant dance but also look at Sidney doing another pyrotechnics show
Sidney and Lynn said we will put those fire safety mechanisms to the test
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Everyone does really well but Maylene Grusha and Lynn did the least well, in Maylene and Lynn's cases presumably because Lucian and Sidney did almost the same thing
Meanwhile Grusha probably shouldn't have gone for that salsa dance but he still did fine so I stan his dancer era anyway
Meanwhile Candice's probably out of contention for the win but it's a really close race between the top 6 so the runway will be a deciding factor
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The runway category is looks made out of plastic and I can definitely see Will and Shauntal doing something spooky and conceptual, especially Shauntal using plastic folds to create a spooky Jellicent-themed outfit to match her team while Candice's probably going for something more cute and Barbie-themed I see it for her
As for my characters I can see Sidney wearing a shredded punkish look made out of plastic strips so he can make a statement about pollution while Aaron's probably going for a more translucent insect wing-themed look which ended up looking more costumey than what he intended
But yeah going off runways it seems that Will and Shauntal are in the top and Aaron and Garreth are out of the running
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But SURPRISE we have the first twist of the season no one's going home on the first episode
(it's kind of a necessity since this is a very short cast)
Surprisingly Aaron and Garreth are in the top but it's Shauntal that's out of the running, maybe they were so good in the challenge that the runway didn't make a difference
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Since there's no elimination this episode's lipsync will be to determine the winner and the top 2 are Sidney (for his fire show) and Garreth (for his comedy skit)
Garreth must be really funny because his bad runway did nothing to knock him from the top
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The first lipsync song of the season is a BOP
As we know from season 1 Garreth's a REALLY good lipsyncer so the question is how Sidney measures up against him
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Sidney takes the first win and enters the extremely rare list of people that managed to beat Garreth he's off to a really good start
Also Garreth being top 2 in the first episode is a big deal considering that on his original season he didn't win anything, he's doing better this time
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Meanwhile in Untucked we have Aaron and Shauntal gossiping about attractive men, Aaron thinks that Will's the hottest and Shauntal thinks it's Lucian
Meanwhile Grusha seems to be upset that his salsa number didn't land him in the top but Candice's here to tell him that it's alright he won in our hearts
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Sidney what the fuck are you doing
You know what in my fantasy Sidney's teaching Lynn how to play a convincing heel character it's a practical lesson and they're just having fun
After that Lynn got invited by the bookworm duo to S I N G, I see the vision of Shauntal getting Lucian to do a few dance steps as well since she did do a dance number
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Maybe a little more than that
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Technically the bottom 2 was going to be Maylene and Lynn but since no one was up for elimination they're just safe
Sidney and Garreth are in the lead right now and Shauntal juuust barely missed out on a top placement but there's still plenty of challenges left
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fingertipsmp3 · 3 years
I have once again been possessed by the need to buy stupid shit
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