#Different worlds
vintagerpg · 2 days
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Different Worlds 42 (May/June, 1986). Another skipped publication date. The cover is “Alien Bandits,” by James Warhola, and is accompanied by a feature on his career. This one is fun, with a background city that looks almost Seussian. I also like the sense of warm comradery I get from my muggers, here — I may be poorer for the encounter, but at least I helped a group of friends strengthen their bond.
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oldschoolfrp · 3 months
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"Endless" by Gary Davis, Art Feature in Chaosium's Different Worlds 35, August 1985
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fairytailuv4life · 7 months
Did I start shipping NaLu when I started FT? Honestly nope. Never did though about shipping almost anyone.
Though I do love the couples but at the same time I'm a favorite of when bonds don't interact with romantic sense. Cause they're more special in a way when it doesn't have any romance. It happens with almost every dynamic duel of a protagonist of a and b to be together as friends but then ends up romantically. And though I know Mashima most likely has given his decision on his terms with NaLu (despite whatever the 100 yq may be happening with them currently) but tbh I won't be mad if they don't end up canon. Cause to me that shows that you can be best friends and have a special bond without it being romantic. And to me that is a bit more special.
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nelc · 9 months
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Kevin C Ellis covers for The Space Gamer (plus two Different Worlds):
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roniiuwu · 3 months
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This was originally supposed to be cannon Bloodmoon fanart, but I accidentally made somewhat of a alternate universe instead. Oopsies 🤷🏽‍♀️🥰
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tomoleary · 6 months
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Mike Mignola - Fantasy RPG Artwork (1983) from Different Worlds #31
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tenth-sentence · 8 months
And just as the girl, gliding in the shallow water, and Lucy, leaning over the bulwark, came opposite to one another, the girl looked up and stared straight into Lucy's face.
"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" - C. S. Lewis
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shazaminachurch · 9 months
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Maybe it's just the pron I watch? But the comment sections on phub are always super positive and genuinely pleasant, in my experience
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annivluna · 1 year
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“You are not far, so I wait for you.. You are not near, so I meet you. You are not for me, so my heart is at peace.. Nor am I deprived of you to forget you.. You are in the middle of everything.”
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frivolous-pastel · 11 months
My brain just spat out the phrase "Venn diagram matroyshka" while trying to parse through the difference between dimensions and worlds in this one story that featured both
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vintagerpg · 10 days
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Different Worlds 39 (May/June, 1985). Another gap in publication as editor Tadashi Ehara moved operations to San Francisco under Sleuth Publications. I can’t find a real explanation as to why the magazine went with Ehara — it was launched by him and Greg Stafford as a Chaosium product, but Ehara produced every issue, so maybe Stafford considered it his? Maybe he bought it! But that doesn’t seem to be the case — in the editor’s note, it seems like Sleuth took over publication, but it was Ehara’s decision to relocate. Anyway, the cover is “Insectoid Robots,” by Brad W. Foster. It seems to harken to an earlier period of the magazine’s design aesthetic. It is also “The Magazine for Adventurers” now.
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oldschoolfrp · 3 months
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The wizard summons you . . to Comics & Comix's 7 convenient locations. Co-founded by Bud Plant in 1972, C&C was the first comic store chain in the US. The last 2 shops closed in 2004. (Ad in Chaosium's Different Worlds 35, August 1984, with Frank Cirocco art)
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viarogue · 1 year
"Dream for me when my sunrise is your sunset, dream of a way we could meet and rise to the incoming storm"
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pianotuna · 2 years
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Characters: Kir Var and Periwinkle “Peri”
Media: The Changeling Sea (1998)
Setting: Northern Islands
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Chapter Two
'Issue 245, Volume One'
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Every moment is a fresh beginning -T.S. Eliot
Lois handed the heavy box to Clark, the weight lifted off her arms. Emma rolled her eyes as she helped Jon with his stuff. “Jesus Christ! What is even in here?” Emma asked him, feeling her back break with every step she took. “Just my trophies and medals, few game balls” Jon answered, not even noticing the weight in the box.
Emma looked at Jon with wide eyes. “That all” She spat, sarcasm dripping from her voice. Jon made a face as they walked up the steps to the house. “Hey, I found some chocolate. Want some?” Jordan offered the pair, holding the bar in his hands. “Please before I turn your brother foxy” Emma glared at Jon before smiling at Jordan as he handed her the bar. She broke off some before handing it to the other brother.
“Are you always this mean?” Jon asked, taking the bar from her harshly. “I lived with six boys, two being my brothers, three being my cousins and my father. I have a sister who is four and my mother. Being harsh is needed” Emma explained, eating the chocolate.
Jordan laughed at Jon’s face, Emma smiling back in response. “Also Mom wants you outback” Jordan told Emma, making room for her to slide past.
Emma smiled at the infamous couple as she walked outside the house. It still felt surreal. Being in Smallville with the Kent Family and practically living with them. “How are you holding up?” Clark asked the teen, noticing the bags under her eyes. The reporter was no stranger to sleepless nights and neither was his wife.
Emma tilted her head at Clark’s concern, smiling softly. “I’m grand. I’ve been in worse foster homes compared to a whole different universe” Emma compared, remembering the Lordans from when she was seven. Lois gave her the typical ‘mammy’s not impressed’ stare. “Well, we wanted to ask you something before Cisco finishes the paperwork” Clark told her, hoping to get this done quickly.
Emma fixed her posture, waiting for one of them to continue. “Do you have any medical or mental health issues?” Lois asked her. Emma thought for a moment before answering. “Carpal Tunnel in my right arm” Emma informed them, shaking her arm around.
Clark raised his eyebrow, knowing the girl was lying about something. “Are you sure that’s everything?” Lois asked, picking up on Clark’s signal. “In my world, you guys are probably the most trustworthy people ever” Emma began, her voice raising a couple of octaves.
Lois and Clark had a strong feeling about where the girl was going. “Emma, it’s okay if you don’t want to tell us” Lois reminded her. “I know it’s just… My childhood is very lock and key. I want to tell you guys but–” Emma stopped herself. “It’s hard?” Clark guessed, listening to her heartbeat.
Emma nodded, biting her lip. Lois brought her into a hug. “I know this must be scary and frightening but I promise that we’ll be here when you’re ready” Lois explained to her, rubbing her shoulders. “Thanks, Lois” Emma smiled.
Emma followed Lois and Jon to the shop or as they kept correcting her, the grocery store. She wanted to actually understand how American currency worked and let’s just say she sucked. “Okay, so how much is this?” Jon asked, holding a bag of crisp- chips. “Dollar?” Emma guessed.
“One right out of twelve” Jon smiled at her snarkily. Emma returned his smile before kicking his kneecaps. “Jeez, thanks Emma” Jon deadpanned before Lois scolded them both. “I’m never gonna understand this shit” Emma groaned. “Language” Lois warned her, taking the tea bags from her hands. “Sorry” Emma sighed before they made it to the tills.
“Don’t worry Emma, it just takes time” Lois tried to reassure her. “Yeah, who knows, maybe they’ll put you into elementary school” Jon teased her. Emma smacked his head. “That’s enough you two” Lois scolded them, scaring the pair with her stare. “Yes Lois/Mom” they both said together.
Once they returned to the farm, Emma noticed Jordan waiting impatiently for them to return. “Someone’s in a good mood” Lois giggled as Jordan rushed to help them with the shopping. Jordan only smiled at his mother before rushing inside. Emma and Jon both looked at each other confused as fuck. “Not psychic” Emma glared, seeing the lightbulb ding over his head.
Once the trio walked inside only to find Clark smiling as happily as Jordan. “Okay, I understand why the entire comic community calls Clark the walking version of a golden retriever” Emma started, putting the bags of groceries on the kitchen countertop. “But this is a whole new level of fucked up and I had to watch Injustice a million times” Emma pointed at the father and son.
Clark and Jordan looked at each other before Jordan nodded. “Cisco called me… You're officially a U.S citizen” Clark announced very giddily. Emma raised an eyebrow at the hero. “And….” Emma dragged on. “You’ll be starting school with the boys” Clark told her, clapping his hands together. Emma looked at him speechless. “Holy shit!” Emma exclaimed, her fear taking over.
Clark noticed this, “Don’t worry, the school is going to help you with extra tutoring” He reassured her. Emma nodded, sitting down. Her hand was aching from the bags. “Em, you okay?” Jordan asked her, seeing her pain. “My hand is killing me. Stupid Carpal Tunnel” Emma hissed, clenching her teeth.
Clark whooshed out of the kitchen. Jordan quickly ran to get a glass of water. Clark came back with a chemist bag in hand. “Here, take one of these” He said, handing her a white pill. Emma looked at him, taken back. “This better not be poor man’s coke” Emma warned him before swallowing the pill with some water.
Jordan and Clark looked at her with raised eyebrows. “Totally not concerning at all” Jordan mumbled, kicking the floor. “It’s an Irish thing ya wouldn’t understand” Emma brushed off quickly. Not the time for her tragic backstory. “So when am I starting exactly?” Emma asked, going to put away the shopping. “Tomorrow” Clark told her.
Emma froze for a moment, her head spiraling everywhere at once. “Grand” Emma shook off nervously. “That’s okay, right?” Clark asked her, noticing her light shock. “It’s grand Clark” Emma reassured both him and herself. “I think I might go lie down for a bit, tablets make me sleepy” Emma spoke quickly, rushing past them and practically jumping upstairs.
She fell onto the guest bed, her heart racing. It felt like only yesterday she was smacking her cousins for stealing her food and now she was living with Superman and Lois, the most famous couple in her world, besides Rose and Jack from titanic.
And, she has to go to school with the Kent twins, one who she has had a crush on since the show came out! How was she supposed to manage all that on top of these freaky powers?
All this thinking was making her restless, yearning for the sleep she missed out on when Clark decided to wake them up at sunrise which in Kanas was fucking five in the morning. She closed her eyes, hoping that her sleep would allow her some peace.
Emma watched the shadows of black around her spiral and bubble around her. “Where am I?” She called, only for her voice to echo back at her. She kept turning around, trying to find something, anything to tell her where she was.
“What is this? Owl House!” Emma screamed in frustration. That’s when a weird shadow figure started to form in front of her. “Who are you?” Emma asked the figure.
‘You are the Key’
Emma was taken back by the voice. “What are ya’ talking about?” Emma asked, trying to punch the figure. Her hand went right through and the darkness just moved to her right.
‘Change what you must but don’t let the darkness overcome him’
“Overcome who?” Emma asked the figure.
‘You’ll know soon when they decide it’s time for you to remember’
“Remember what? Who the fuck are ya!” Emma exclaimed, waving her hands around. She noticed the glowing blue on her veins. “No, not again!” She panicked.
Emma felt her eyes open so fast she could practically feel the wind on her face. That wasn’t normal. “Sun’s Up! Come one, school starts today!” Clark’s voice boomed. Emma groaned, did she sleep for that long?
A knock on the door gained her attention. “I’m up” Emma groaned. Lois peeked through the small crack in the door. “How are you feeling?” Lois asked her, walking into the room with some clothes in hand. “Like Sciath na Scol but ten times more nervous than excited” Emma groaned, pulling the duvet covers over her head.
Lois sighed at the teen, her head going to the. “Come on, it’s not that bad. Besides, you’ll have Jon to help you today” Lois tried to cheer her up, pulling back the curtains. “Jordan and Clark going to the fortress today?” Emma asked, turning away from the sun. “Yep. Now get dressed quick, you missed dinner last night” Lois told her, pulling her up by her arm. “Not an unusual occurrence” Emma muttered, swinging her feet to the cold floor.
“Clark is cooking a big breakfast and I am packing that lunch bag for you. Now get dressed” Lois informed her before walking out of the room and closing the door. Emma groaned before putting on the pastel pink tank top and knitted sweater. She took a glimpse at the flats Lois left and sighed. There was no way that she was putting them on and risking getting blisters up the back of her ankles. She noticed her Flash converse was sitting by the door, looking cleaner than when she arrived.
“Any chance of getting a cuppa?” Emma asked as she walked into the kitchen. Lois smiled at her, delighted the girl even left the bed. “Kettle just popped” Lois smiled at her. “Nice” Emma thanked, walking over to the cupboards and taking out a large mug.
“You seriously aren’t gonna finish a full cup of tea before school?” Jordan asked her, seeing the amount she poured into the mug. “I had a 1-litre flask and the tea barely lasted twenty minutes” Emma answered, pouring a bare drop of milk in. She stirred the teabag before taking a massive gulp of the burning liquid.
The twins looked at her in awe, how had she not coughed or even winced about the burning sensation of the boiling hot water. “Ye both are gonna catch fists if ye keep staring at me like that” Emma glared at them. “Noted” they both said, her glare rivalling Lois’.
“Get it while it’s hot” Clark announced, placing a huge plate of eggs, rashers and sausages in front of Emma. “You know unlike your boys I am not a greyhound breed sadly” Emma commented, staring at the food in slight fear. Clark looked at her strangely, why was she comparing the three of them to dogs. “It means I can gain weight unlike those two” Emma pointed at the twins, envious of their lack of weight.
Lois tapped her with the Smallville Gazette, “Eat now. You missed dinner last night. No one could wake you up” Lois warned her. Emma held her hands in defeat. “I’m a deep sleeper, not to mention certain tablets make me very sleepy, along with concentrated bleach” Emma shrugged before she began eating the food.
It was a busy morning, Lois sorting out lunches for Emma and Jon, Clark was helping Jordan find suitable clothes for the Fortress and Emma stayed quiet, eating her food in silence. Jon noticed her silence and kicked her foot under the table. “Yes?” Emma asked, kinda irritated at him. “What’s the weirdest thing about America to you?” He asked her.
Emma leaned back, thinking as she played with the food. “Besides your lack of self-preservation? How you lot practically play rugby but with metal helmets and call it football with completely different terms” Emma answered, causing Jon to be very offended. “How dare you mock football” He gasped, putting a hand over his heart. “Sorry to burst your bubble Jon, but ‘Football’ is basically a pussy’s version of rugby” Emma fake pouted at him.
Jordan laughed at the pair, soon enough the three teens were laughing at the previous words said. “Alright you three, get ready we’re leaving in ten minutes” Clark announced before humanly jogging upstairs.
Emma waited by the car as Jon and Jordan said their goodbyes. “Good luck Jordan” Emma smiled at the curly-haired boy. He nodded before Clark and Lois came out. “Emma! Jon! Car, now” Lois ordered before kissing her husband and son goodbye. “How come he gets to go flying with Dad and I have to go to school?” Jon asked Lois who opened the driver's side door. “At least we have the radio” Lois smiled.
The drive was quite short as Lois pulled up to the school. Emma grabbed the school sack that Jordan lent her. “Emma, before you go…” Lois called her, rummaging through her handbag. She pulled out an old Samsung phone and handed it to her. “Lois… you don’t have to” Emma tried to decline. “You need a way to contact us. I know you’re being modest and not used to help but please take it” Lois figured out pretty fast.
Emma sighed before taking the phone from her. “Thank you” Emma smiled before leaving the car. She looked at Jon, he looked kinda scared and nervous. “Not used to being the new kid?” Emma asked him. “Nope” He said, looking at Emma. “Any advice?” He asked her. “It usually depends on what kind of school it is but I’ve been in a boys school for the last four years so this is kind of like deja vu to me” Emma admitted, her stomach doing way too many flips. “How did you end up in an all-boys school?” Jon asked her, eyebrow raised.
“Long story” Emma groaned.
Emma huffed as she looked down at the school map. She hated High School and it’s only been two hours. How the fuck was she supposed to know where the science labs were? “Are you okay?” a strongly accented voice called. Emma looked up from the scrunched piece of paper to see a girl with short blonde hair in a Loki t-shirt looking at her kindly. “Depends, do you know where the science lab for Ms. Mills class is?” Emma asked, exhausted from all the walking.
“I’ll show you. I’m Marty” The blonde raised her hand out. Emma shook her hand, “Emma. You seem weirdly familiar?” Emma mused as the two walked away from the lockers. “I have one of those faces. You’re the new girl, right? Some of the football team mentioned you” Marty answered with her own question. “Does the Irish accent give it away?” Emma asked cheekily, gaining a laugh from Marty.
“Well Emma, here we are. I have to go to this class but just take the first right down this corridor” Marty smiled before leaving Emma to her own devices. Emma nodded and went to grab her science books from the bag. She looked up to see Jon and Sarah walking towards her. Just as she was about to greet them when she was pushed to the side.
Emma looked forward to see the football team walking towards the pair. It clicked in her mind, the playbook. She stayed back, not interfering with the scene. She knew this was like time travel, some things you can change, others not so much. Until she could remember more, Emma had to stay silent. Once the team left Jon, she walked up to him. “Load of shitheads” She grumbled, catching Jon’s attention. “This is all Jordan’s fault” He huffed, looking down at his feet. ��Hey” Emma punched his arm. “Give him a break, it’s not every day you learn a life-changing family secret” Emma reminded him. Jon just rolled his eyes. “Whatever” He tufted before leaving for his class.
“Sweet Thor gives me strength” Emma begged before going to science.
Emma started at the fields, music in her ears as she wrote in a copybook. She felt the wind from Clark landing. However, she stayed put, the events of today making her rethink every decision she made. Maybe she should have helped Jon with Sean. Maybe it would have helped.
A tap on her shoulder caused Emma to look up. She smiled softly as the curly head of hair looked down at her. She took out one of the earbuds, “Jor-El’s so weird right?” Emma asked him, pushing over to allow him to sit next to her. “Totally” Jordan agreed, looking at her with a very serious expression. The pair burst out into fits of laughter.
Emma had to take a few deep breaths before speaking again. “No, but like seriously, how are you feeling?” Emma asked him, pausing the music to listen to him. “A lot better, kinda wished Jon was there with me though” Jordan admitted, looking at his twin practicing his football skills.
The Irish girl only looked down, the flashing images of the fortress in her mind. She shook her head. “Who knows, maybe you’ll be flying him there next time” She forced a smile, making Jordan look at her like she had two heads. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves” Jordan playfully nudged her arm.
Emma only smiled at him, watching his eyes light up at the thought of being able to fly. She may have started a bit too long because she swore Jordan’s eyes were an actual mix of blue and green swirling in his eyes.
“Boys, Emma you’re coming with me” Lois called, taking Emma out of her trance. “Shotgun!” She called just before Jon could get the words out. She smirked at him, sticking her tongue out at him. “How’d you respond so fast?” Jon asked, thinking that the girl had super speed or something.
“I've spent the majority of my life with eight-plus kids. Speed is how you get shit done” Emma responded, buckling up. “Language Emma, please” Lois practically begged her. Emma shrugged, smiling at Lois. “Lois, I’m Irish” Emma explained loosely. “I can’t stop myself from something that’s literally the way I was raised. Just like you want to investigate the new owner of the Planet, Morgan Ego” Emma added.
“You don’t like him do you?” Jon caught on from the fact she didn’t say his proper last name. “The Brits colonized my entire country for nearly a century. Some of them are sound out, but the ones like Thatcher and that poor excuse for a millionaire are the ones I’d love to break their noses” Emma explained with a hint of disgust in her voice. Lois smiled brightly at her, their mutual hate over Edge making her a little more upbeat.
From the moment Emma stepped into city hall, she felt two pairs of eyes on her. Morgan Edge and his weird assistant Leslie Larr. The woman glared at her as if Emma spat on her, which sounded very appealing right now. Emma could have sworn that her eyes had a faint red glow to them.
“You’re the Irish girl right?”
Emma turned to see Sarah Cushing smiling brightly at her. “I go by Emma actually” She responded as if the girl called her the worst thing since Lex Luthor. She didn’t mean for it to come out that snarky but old habits die hard. “Sorry, that didn’t come out right” Emma apologized to her. “It’s okay, must be weird being the new kid” Sarah empathized with her.
Emma nodded, not trusting her mouth. “Well if you ever need help, Jordan has my number” Sarah smiled at her before she went to stop her sister from eating something. Emma turned to see Morgan Edge glaring at her not so subtly. She looked around before sticking up her middle finger at him. Once he saw it she put it down and walked over to the boys.
She sat next to Jon, who handed her a can of something. Emma raised her eyebrow at him. “It’s soda” Jon whispered, putting it in her hand. “What flavour?” Emma asked as Morgan Edge began to talk. “Orange” Jon answered. Emma shrugged and opened it, taking a sip. Not bad for America.
Emma was playing with her hands when Lois spoke up, hearing the argument a million times. She saw from the corner of her eye that Jon and Jordan facepalms at their mother. “You two are so weird. She’s only protecting the town” Emma whispered to them. The twins only gave her an evil look.
“An Irish teen in the crowd! How delightful” Morgan Edge called, noticing Emma’s accent. The girl raised her eyebrow at him, her nose scrunched up in disgust which Jordan smiled at shyly. “A Brit on stage! Some things just don’t change” Emma replied to him sarcastically.
He only smirked at the comment. “I see the Irish haven’t lost their flair for the dramatics. What’s your name, young lady?” Edge asked her, Emma now standing up. “Call me young lady again and I’ll recreate the Easter Rising ya tory!” Emma spat at him, her glare rivalling Lois’ one. All the adults were quiet, looking at the girl in awe.
“And second, it’s Emma. Emma Ní Chroídheán, Morgan Ego” Emma answered, crossing her arms. Edge only rolled his eyes. “Anyhow, what do you think of my proposal for Smallville?” He asked her. Emma snorted halfway through.
“Before I even begin to answer that, let ye all know my opinion is very biased” Emma said looking onto the people of Smallville barely noticing the smile from Lois. Emma nodded to herself before changing her stance. “First of all, you are basically a richer and more shitty version of Thatcher” Emma began counting on her fingers. “Second, you’re asking me, the descendant of the same people yours enslaved and deemed unfit to even rule our own country, stripped us of all that we are with our traditions, language, rights and well fucking more and ye still have six of our counties ye greedy cunts!” Emma snapped, earning gasps of shock from the adults who never heard an Irish teen go off on one.
Emma then walked closer to Edge, with the most confidence in the world as she was bulletproof. Once she was mere meters away she spat as loudly as she could.
“And you expect me to comment on the welfare of a town I’ve been in for the bare two weeks? You are a load of bullshit wrapped up in an expensive suit” Emma then turned and walked out of city hall, being the first to ever leave Morgan Edge speechless.
“Your friend is so cool” Sarah smiled at the twins. Jon noticed the lovesick look in Jordan’s eyes as the boy took one last look at the exit she used. “Yeah, she’s something alright” Jordan commented, thankfully having the strength to hold back a lovesick tone much to Jon’s relief.
Emma stayed in the guest room when she returned to the farm, playing with her necklace. She looked at the engravings, smiling softly at the memories the necklace brought her. Jordan knocked on the half-opened door. “Hey! Dinner’s ready” Jordan told her, walking in slightly. Jordan noticed her daze and came closer, gently shaking her shoulder.
Emma jumped, turning to punch Jordan. Thankfully she snapped out of it only an inch or two away from his face. “Shit! Sorry” Emma apologized, backing away quickly, fiddling with the necklace again. “It’s alright Em” Jordan smiled, recognizing the sign of anxiety as Emma kept her eyes trained on the necklace. “Your necklace, it’s beautiful” Jordan commented, hoping to make her feel better.
“My older brother, Conner gave it to me after my Dad died. It’s like a mini urn, I have his ashes with me” Emma explained, her voice soft like silk. It wasn't like when she was around others, her accent was soft, not harsh and bold. Jordan gave her a small smile. “What was he like? Your Dad?” Jordan asked, sitting next to Emma on the giant wooden chest.
Emma took a moment, kissing the key necklace before looking out the window. “He was my favourite person. Always smiling, telling jokes and being a spoof. When I was with him, I knew that I was safe. He was the one who got me into comics actually” Emma smiled at the memory.
“I was seven years old, day after my birthday. My Dad took me to an old charity shop with my birthday money. Let me go wild. First thing I saw was a Superman comic, issue 245 volume one. Ever since I’d been reading the newest issue. My Dad loved the fact I was into heroes, always buying me comics”
Jordan saw the way her eyes lit up as she spoke, a certain sparkle drew him in falling down the rabbit hole of her ice-blue eyes. There was something about her that would trap him in a longing gaze.
Emma looked away from the window, her eyes now at her feet. “Due to the system, I didn’t get to see him much. Even when I was with him for a few overnight visits, it just wasn’t enough. He was gonna adopt me and my brothers even though he wasn't their dad” Emma trailed off before going back into her unsettling silence.
Jordan raised an eyebrow, not used to the girl going so quiet in the two weeks he knew her. “Em? What happened?” Jordan asked her softly. “He was murdered. I witnessed the whole thing but no one believed me” Emma whispered, letting a tear slip from her eyes. Jordan pulled her into a hug, patting her back gently.
He never said sorry for your loss or he’s looking down on you proud or some shit like that. Emma could just hug him and cry silently. Once they pulled away, Emma wiped her tear-stained face. “Thanks, I needed a winge” Emma smiled at him, letting out a little laugh. “Anytime” Jordan smiled back.
“Why do I have to go?” Emma pouted at the couple, her arms crossed.
Lois and Clark raised their eyebrows at the teen girl. “Not like you’re living here out of the goodness of our hearts” Lois remarked carelessly at the girl. Emma scoffed at the statement. “If I had a euro for every time I was told that Lex Luthor wouldn’t stand a chance against me” Emma snickered. “Still, you need friends and Smallville seems like the best place to do so” Clark added, leaning against the kitchen sink.
Emma rolled her eyes at the hero. “I’m not the outgoing type. I’m the new girl who has a weird obsession with depressing music and superheroes. If I felt up to it, I’d take over the world” Emma sighed, uncrossing her arms. The pair deadpanned at her. “I’m serious” Emma deadpanned back at them.
Lois sighed, throwing Emma a light jacket to wear. “You are coming, after your talk with Morgan Edge the town is even more curious about you” Lois reminds her, earning a groan. “I hate people, and crowds” Emma moaned, following the woman to her car. “You sound like Jordan” Jon commented as he walked past her.
Emma looks back to the mentioned twin, “Finally, someone who gets it” She smiled before allowing him to sit in the middle cause lord knows she ain’t sitting in between two brothers ever again. “You two done with the sibling spat?” Emma asked them, buckling her seatbelt while looking at the twins.
The pair nodded, gaining an impressed look from Emma. “That was fast, me and my brothers are usually fighting for weeks. The longest one was three months” She recalled before Clark and Lois entered the car.
Emma stood behind the family as Lois knocked at the door. She played with her sleeves, humming a melody from a movie she watched as a child. She was just behind the twins to be noticed but not enough to be seen fully. The door opened with a very happy Lana Lang behind the thick wood.
“You made it!” Lana exclaimed, glass of red wine in hand. “Sorry we’re late” Clark smiled at his best friend, showing his bottle of wine that he bought for the barbeque. Lana only brushed him off. She noticed Emma looking at her feet from behind the twins. “You must be Emma” Lana smiled at her.
Emma looked up, matching her smile before it faded quickly. “It’s so nice to meet you” Lana ushered the family inside, giving Emma a small rub on her shoulder. “You too” Emma muttered under her breath. “I am so glad that you guys could come. I’m embarrassed… hi. I’m embarrassed I didn’t have you over sooner” Lana exaggerated as she led them into the kitchen. “Oh, yeah, no, don’t be” Lois smiled bashfully at the woman.
Emma looked around the kitchen, basking in its cleanliness bar the fact of the number of people in the house at the present moment. She noticed how the men had a beer or a cigarette in hand as they chatted with other guests and older ones.
Emma’s right hand went to the back of her left, tracing where a faded scar once was. She hated house parties with strangers, they made her relive memories and nightmares she wished to forget. She felt someone touch her elbow gently causing her to flinch. “You okay?” Jordan asked gently, making sure no one around them could hear but Clark if he wanted to.
Emma looked up at him, praying to the gods she wasn’t on the verge of tears or that her voice might cooperate with her brain for once. “Yeah, just um– little dazed that’s all” She lied bluntly, faking another smile. Jordan furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, making Emma wonder if he saw through her lie.
He nodded, biting his lip. “You just say the word okay?” Jordan hoped to reassure her, his fingers ghosting over hers making a shiver climb down her spine. Emma didn’t even realize that it was unlike one from the cold or the bad feeling kind of shiver when she was around untrustworthy people.
Emma followed the twins, trailing behind them as they made it to a room with other kids from their class, including Sarah Cushing. Emma trained her eyes to the floor, listening to anything else but her conversation with the twins. She tried to focus on something else, anything else but the overwhelming pit that seemed to be growing in her stomach and her chest.
She looked up when Sarah called her name as if she were looking through the unprescribed glasses she used as a kid to help read her schoolwork. Emma’s voice was like an echo of when she had asked Sarah for directions to the bathroom, not even sure what her exact words were.
Emma could barely hear what Sarah had said, yet her body seemed to take her away from the room as if it knew. Emma didn’t feel the hard concrete as her back hit the wall. She felt her chest tighten as she tried to take deep breaths. She could feel the sting of tears in her eyes as they travelled down her cheeks. Why was this so hard for her! Why couldn’t she just accept that she was here, in Smallville? Why was it every time she ended up in a new home or unfamiliar place she had to have these stupid panic attacks that caused her to become more closed off?
She shouldn’t be like this, Clark and Lois should be so easy to talk to. Emma had read and seen so much that they should be the easiest people she could talk to. Her hands began to shake as she slid down the wall, away from the prying eyes of the guests. She could hear herself think anymore, the words of her mother now echoed louder than the drunk adults laughing obnoxiously at something stupid.
‘Stop with the waterworks, you are making yourself look like a child’
Emma shook her head, trying to get the demon out of her mind. She had her nails dug into her scalp, feeling the roots of her hair against her fingernails. She felt her throat close up as she tried to gasp. A hand was hovering over her shoulder, a shadow looming over her shaking form.
“It is okay, you only need to breathe” a calm and soft female voice echoed. Emma barely caught her words, opening her clenched eyes. She looked up her sight still blurring. The woman was white and had black hair if she was correct. The woman knelt down, her hand placing itself gently on Emma’s shoulder.
Emma let out a gasp, flinching away from her touch. “No touch? That’s okay little one” The woman unknowingly reassured the teen. Emma looked away, not wanting her to see her state any longer. “It’s okay, I only want to help you. Now, nod very slowly if you know a breathing exercise” The woman carefully instructed her.
Emma did as she asked, turning back to face the woman. “Okay, now I want you to count to five with your fingers as you take a deep breath okay?” The woman said in a soft tone, kneeling next to Emma.
“Very good, now do it again but let the breath out”
“Atta girl, now let’s keep doing it until you feel a bit better” The woman praised her. It was like that for a good ten minutes, the panicked, short breaths were replaced with soft sobs as reality came crashing down on top of Emma. “Gods I’m so stupid” She muttered, her head pressed against her palms.
The woman was taken back by the negativity, curious as to who hurt the girl. “That is a horrible thing to say about yourself. Panic attacks are more common than you think” the woman softly, brushing the stray hair out of Emma’s tear-stained face. “I’m sorry Ms..?”Emma looked up at the woman, who smiled warmly at her. “Sienna, Sienna Clarks” She told her, holding out her hand. Emma shook it gently a sad smile on her lips. “Sorry for taking you away from the party Ms Clarks” Emma apologised to the older woman. “Never apologize for someone helping you little one, and please call me Sienna” She gave Emma a very serious look.
“I’m Emma Ní Chroídheán” Emma introduced herself, hoping to change the conversation topic. Sienna gave a knowing look. “You’re the girl who got Morgan Edge to shut his mouth” Sienna had a sly smirk on her face. Emma rolled her eyes, guess the one thing she inherited from her mother was how to make a name for herself.
Emma let out a defeated sigh. “He did have it coming, something about him doesn’t sit right with me” Sienna let out a small laugh, now standing from her crouched position. “Come on, I’m sure Lois or Clark may be worried about your sudden disappearance” Sienna held her hand out for Emma.
Emma looked at the woman, feeling like she was missing something. “Have we ever met before?” Emma asked. Even though she knew it wasn’t possible something inside of her said otherwise. “I don’t believe so” Sienna answered, raising an eyebrow. “You do remind me of my niece however, you look her age” Sienna commented, helping Emma from the floor.
“What’s her name?” Emma asked, a grateful smile replacing her frown. “Elrisia”
Emma felt her throat close up at the name.
Emma sighed, walking into her house. Her hair was curly and bright pink. She was tired, too tired to function but somehow she was. “Who’s in the house!” She called, dropping her back bag with various superhero-related pins and sewn-on patches.
“Just Sophie and myself Emmy!”
The teen sighed, rubbing her eyes as she walked past the beige coloured walls of her halfway into the small kitchen. “Emmy!” A little girl bounced up and down as the tired girl smiled weakly at her. “How was school, Soph?” Emma yawned, pressing the small switch on the kettle.
“Me and Nora made snowflakes! Also, Ms Donovan said that the parent meets were tomorrow. Can you sign my journal?” Sophie asked, holding the poorly made school journal that had been decorated in scribbles by the six-year-old. Emma nodded, pointing to the table where her older sister sat with a cup of tea.
“Any news on the next batch Kono?” Emma asked, pouring the hot water into her giant orange mug filled with coffee powder and sugar. “Not yet, but I highly suggest you sleep Emmy you look like how Darkseid feels” Kono commented, her eyebrow raised at her sister.
Emma gave her a tired look before sitting down on one of the chairs that had a very interesting leaf design. “Jeju and Aunite Emily working the night shift?” Emma asked the blonde, grabbing a pen to sign her sister’s journal. “Yeah, the terror three are out getting high per usual and Antony is with Leighanne ‘studying’ at her house” Kono tried to hold back a laugh while her sister snickered. “Here Soph, go watch the telly while me and Kono have big girl talk” Emma ruffled her baby sister’s amber hair as she ran out of the kitchen with her journal.
Emma took out her phone, noticing a text from her mother. “Mam?” Kono assumed, seeing the look. “Ever since the funeral. I hate that she keeps getting away with this shit. First my Dad, then Billy Rose now Con” Emma spat, slamming her phone face down on the small, glass table. “Jeju will make you replace the glass if it cracks” Kono reminded her, shaking her head.
Emma rolled her eyes before a loud bang caught the sister's attention. “Your favourite gay disaster has arrived!” Emma laughed at the statement as her friend waltzed into the kitchen. “Jordan, you’re thick” Emma scoffed at him, earning sad puppy eyes. “Emma! How could you, my only female friend that has never had a crush on me” Jordan fell to the floor in his dramatics, on his knees with an offended face.
“I heard that Adam left his hoodie over the couch, grab and I won’t say another word” Emma offered her friend. “This is why I love you” Jordan smiled as if nothing had happened. “Please get off my floor” Kono sighed. Jordan was gone, most likely entertaining Sophie from the sound of her laughs.
“Saturday, Higgs is bringing a few ounces of green. Only problem is your Ma also gets stuff of him” Kono spoke in a hushed tone. Emma let out another sigh, could she ever get away from that woman. “ If I see her again, I’ll kill her” Emma deadpanned.
“That so daughter?”
Emma turned around to see her mother smiling down at her. Emma felt her body tremble as she got up from the chair. Everything turned black around her and her hair went to its natural brown colour. “I only ever wanted what was best for you Elrisia, why do you constantly make me the bad guy” Her mother gritted her teeth.
“You kill everyone I care about, how is that good for me!” Emma shouted back. Her mother scoffed, “You think they were good for you? Seán was going to relapse on cocaine after the papers went through. Billy Rose was using you for your little side job in the school” Her mother began to list off, walking closer to Emma.
“What about Conner! Your son!” Emma screamed at her, tears in her eyes.
“Conner was a means to an end”
Emma’s eyes shot open, a cold sweat crawling down her spine. She slowly sat up on the bed, kicking away the covers. She took a moment to process her weird nightmare. She was used to having them about her mother, but not like that. Never once did her siblings, cousins or friends come into it. They were usually the memories that carved themselves into her brain, not memories turned nightmares.
Emma needed to do something, unable to sleep now. She grabbed the phone that was upside down on the bedside table. 3:09 illuminated in white. Emma huffed before standing up, grabbing a go-go. She tied her hair in a half-assed bun before carefully walking downstairs, hoping she wouldn’t wake the superpower man who could probably wake at the slightest creak in the floorboards.
She wandered into the kitchen, opening the small cabinet under the sink. Emma grabbed the bleach, glass cleaner and a cloth. She put them on the counter before filling up the kettle. Once she had mixed the bleach and boiling water in a mop bucket she found, Emma began her normal stress-cleaning routine.
First, she swept the floors, making sure she wouldn’t deal with cleaning dirt with more dirt before mopping the floors. She then cleaned the windows she could get her hands on, going from to the inside of the house to the outside as best she could. Once she finished that, Emma then did a second round of mopping the floors before she began to clean all the picture frames she could see.
Clark had landed on the front porch, exhausted from his latest Superman venture in the Philippines. He walked into his home, a wafting smell of bleach making his nose hairs tingle. He noticed how the floors seemed way cleaner than he left them only an hour or so ago.
He walked into his home more, noticing the brighter picture frames and the fewer pale windows. He looked into the kitchen to see Emma, putting away the cleaning products as she mumbled words to a song.
“Emma?” Clark called out. Emma jumped in her place, hitting her head off the sink in the cabinet. She turned to see Clark, letting out a loud sigh. “Sweet Rao, Clark. You gave me a heart attack” Emma gasped, standing up and closing the cabinet. “How much like Derek Hale can you be?” Emma whispered to herself, forgetting he had super hearing.
“Who?” He asked her. “An alternative version of you that is an angsty werewolf that is constantly angry or pissed off that all my girl friends have an unhealthy obsession of” Emma explained, not holding back anything at this point. Clark looked at her, a little unsettled by her answer. “Same” Emma shrugged, putting the mop bucket back where she found it.
Clark only nodded, using his speed to change out of his hero attire. Emma sat down at the table, playing with her hands when he came back. “Why are you up so early?” Clark asked her. “Nightmare” Emma laughed at him, begging that he wouldn’t ask too much.
“What was it about”
He has asked too much. Emma bit the corner of her lip, now sitting back in the chair. “Just a nightmare” Emma repeated, now picking at her nails. Clark sighed, pinching his temple. “Emma, I only want to help you–”
“You but you have to open up or else I can’t?” Emma guessed, raising her eyebrow at Clark. He was slightly taken back at her. “I know, I’ve heard it all before, sorry” Emma muttered, flicking away the little nail fragment she had torn off. “Then let me help you, please” Clark begged her, now sitting in the chair closest to her. Emma took a moment, contemplating the cons and pros of what she might say next.
“My birth mother hates me” Emma stated, her tone cold and brash. Clark looked up at her in shock. “Out of all of four of us, she only ever wanted to leave me in the system” Emma told him, her mind racing to the moments her mother constantly told her she was the only mistake she had ever made etc.
Emma looked at the hero, a small smile on her face. “I hate her as well so it’s pretty 50-50. Honestly, I’m surprised she even gets visitations with any of us anymore” Emma laughed off slightly, hoping this wouldn't be a big deal. Clark placed a hand on her own, taking Emma out of her little rant. “Emma, what she did isn’t right” He spoke softly, choosing his words carefully.
Emma’s eyes widened. “I already know that” She pulled her hand away from him, her words coming out harsher than expected. “I already know she’s a shit mother. I already know that what she did to me was wrong. She’s supposed to be my mother for fucksake and all she can do is use me to gain a couple of bob” Emma began, the tears gathering in her eyes.
She looked away from Clark. She already had enough breakdowns today and doing it in front of one of her idols wasn't on her bucket list. “I’m… I’m not stupid like she says, I know that at least” Emma choked, standing up from the table, closing in on herself.
Clark followed her movements, walking closer very slowly. “It’s okay to cry, to break down and let it all out, Emma. Trust me, I understand” Clark tried to relate to her. Emma turned to him, eyes full of tears. Her veins glowed a soft hue of blue. “Why is it the one woman that is supposed to love me can’t even admit that she’s… cruel?” She asked him, holding back the sobs.
“I don’t know” Clark admitted before pulling the girl into a hug as she cried against his chest. He rubbed her back gently, telling her it was okay to let it all out.
Emma smiled as Jordan walked into the school, his own smile making her stomach swarm with butterflies. He quickly caught Sarah’s attention, making Emma’s smile disappear. She knew. Every day her memories came and reminded her that no matter what, Jordan Kent and Sarah Cushing would end up together.
She only let out a deflating sigh before closing her locker. She turned away to see Jon look at her with shocked eyes. “Ye alright?” She asked him, fixing her bag on her shoulder. Jon walked up to her, trying to hold back his smile.
“You like Jordan”
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