#Digimon fcs
lopmonappreciation · 2 years
A long awaited reunion
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After the final battle with Lucemon, he and the other two archangels were reborn as Digi eggs .after being taken in by tilly and Cocoa they eventually hatched and surprisingly had there memories and now they all get a second chance to grow up and be friends together again, much to Cocoas happiness.
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neogabu99 · 3 months
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Redibuje una linea de un digimon que hice cuando era pequeña. mi primer FC de digimon jajajajaja
Su linea se llama: Kymon- Kykymon - Tyrmon - Oriomon - Metaloriomon - Omicropheumon
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lilttlefloffu · 1 year
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A silly edit I did on aggio with a friend @twinkletinystar , we have fan characters of ours favorites digimon ❤️
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meringuejellyfish · 1 year
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you guys ...
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thedigitalvalkerie · 6 months
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leori-the-unlearned · 2 years
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a whole bunch of grils... and a random ferret
featuring: fink can be a sonic character if she wants to, tangle can be a digimon if she wants to or stare into your soul with lemur eyes, leoryu can be mean if she wants to, + canonical dragon leoryu-who-isnt-leoryu
btw GOODBYE OFFICIALLY to caramel frappes, chai with milk is my new best friend
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sege-h · 2 years
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Was bored at work with nothing to do, which led to a sudden Gabumon drawn from memory
And then I made a random fake Digimon version of Storm bc I was in the rare Digimood
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cpirits · 2 years
(( damn, now I want to write any of my three ocs with someone... ))
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bluesfreakingart · 2 months
not related to Jervis or Batman villains but... Do ya have a Sonic AU for your OCs too like your Digimon AU for them? :o [Ni is very curious, y'see]
MM NO! Not necessarily!
but I do have a sonic fc who's been with me since child hood called lazer the dingo! She's a gaia guardian! Though by how she had appeared from practically no where with a strong connection/earth manipulation in general there are some rumors she might be a manifestation of a more docile half of dark gaia!
this shit ain't true, as far as she keeps telling anyone she hears say that.
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she's unaware of the blueblurs party and only has some experience with eggmans goons. (as for her verse the events of sonic unleashed haven't happened) for the most part she acts similar to knuckles in trying to stay in her lane and out of trouble but packs a punch when shit goes south. Otherwise, she's very lax and flexible with people, friendly even!
Fun facts: Her powers are mostly borrowed to a degree. Because they aren't really her own and she's drawing power from light gaia most of the time, sometimes depending on the mental state/reason/intent of the usage she can tick over to a more destructive force from dark gaia. this is good for literally no one, including herself!
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raging-violets · 10 months
Odaiba Day 2023: OC Introduction - Noémie Nishidake
o after the news that the Digimon Movies 1 Collection was coming out, my fixation on Digimon came RUSHING back! And every year I say I’m going to have something ready for Odaiba Day, and every year I fall short. But not this year! This year I have something! It is kind of just a dump of facts, but now my focus is to really get it all together into a cohesive idea/story.
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Name: Noémie Nishidake
FC: Auriana, Lolirock
Nationality: French-Japanese
Likes: Ice cream, sushi, bread, perfume
Dislikes: The dark, Silence, Obnoxious people, Chess
Positives: Principled, Compassion, Attentive
Negatives: Wary, Self-Dependent, Blunt
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Background: Has always followed the idea that children should “be seen, not heard” as it was impressed upon her. Her mother lives alone in France, while Noémie lives with her father in Japan; her parents deciding to live apart due to her father’s passion for his job. Noémie’s father is a public relations specialist with the government, trying to help keep Digimon instances a secret. Her father was part of the team that helped plan the “terrorist” story that the city released to the news. Koromon and Parrotmon’s attack was the catalyst for the Nishidake’s moving out of Japan in the first place. With the moves, and two cultures to learn, Noémie has learned to eat her feelings; both metaphorically and with food. She is a rule follower and does what is expected of her, which makes it harder for her to make decisions when she needs to. Despite her friends/the DigiDestined around her, she tries not to show that she’s very lonely. Tells the truth without sugar-coating it.
Fears: Being forgotten, Weakness, Isolation  
Goals: Freedom, Respect
Ship: Tai Kamiya
Digivice: Grey, black/lilac when activated; D3 is lilac/black
Crest: Justice (Crescent moon with fleur de lis)
Digi-Egg: Loyalty, Virtue
Item: Compass
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Family: Only child. Related to Izzy? (Still haven’t figured this part out yet, with Izzy’s adoption background and the hair color, I’ve considered them being related.) While both her mother and father instill in Noémie the importance of presenting yourself as a respectable member of society, it’s the pressure of doing everything “right” that makes her as blunt as she can be; albeit all with a smile. Due to her father working a lot, he doesn’t pay a lot of attention to Noémie, or so she feels. He only works a lot to keep her safe with the growing revelation of Digimon and the Digital World. With his role in the public relations field, Noémie’s father often crosses paths/works with Matt’s dad at the at TV station to learn and discuss more about Digimon.
Digimon: Frimon
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lopmonappreciation · 1 year
One week
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So I don’t think I’ve ever described the relationship between Tilly and Victor , my bearer’s of the crest of love and friendship respectively. When they first meet they start out as rivals and have a bit of a love hate thing going cause they’re too stubborn to admit they have feelings for eachother, but after a few close calls and fighting together side by side they eventually confess to eachother and end up in a relationship by the end of everything though they do still like to tease eachother.There Digimon also had similar feelings toward eachother and ended up getting together as well .
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covenunited · 1 year
Silas Montoya -
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An excitable and nerdy youth from Austin, Texas, who is currently studying for their master’s degree in entomology. Growing up, they always had an interest in insects, arachnids, and everything that most others would consider to be ‘creepy crawlies’, but they also loved sci-fi, old horror movies, fantasy novels, tabletop games, and animes like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon, and Digimon, as well as the games associated with such shows. In their freshman year of high school, they began to notice patches of their skin turning paler, starting with a patch on their forehead that also turned their bangs white. They were diagnosed with vitiligo, a condition brought about by the bodily stress of the autoimmune system issues they’d been facing throughout middle school. As the vitiligo spread throughout their body, they got bullied more and more, mostly in the form of name-calling and other students avoiding physical contact with them due to their striking resemblance to Rogue from the X-Men comics. They tried to take it in stride, ignoring it in favor of concentrating on their studies, but when that didn’t work, they instead turned to embracing the changes their body was going through, drawing various tattoo doodles on themselves and taking care not to cover their vitiligo patches. Once they got older, the tattoos became more than just doodles, and were accompanied by several piercings, a radical haircut, and a more emo/goth look. They moved out of Texas shortly after graduating high school and coming out as non-binary, wanting to finally escape the judgment of their peers and find a good university to study at, and eventually settled into Asheville, North Carolina. They are fairly new to the study of witchcraft, but are eager to learn and apply what they already know to their practice.
Age: 25
Gender: Non-binary (AMAB)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Appearance: 6’3”, broad torso, lanky frame, pale with vitiligo patches and several tattoos, black painted nails, green eyes, black hair in an undercut with white bangs, wardrobe varies from ripped jeans and nerdy t-shirts/sweaters/tank tops to classy/semi-formal, always wears glasses because they’re nearsighted, has several piercings including lime green gauges.
Personality: Aloof, excitable, loves talking about their interests, tries to be a better friend than others are to them, easily loses track of time, has trouble motivating themself to do menial tasks/chores, but will knock out a long essay in a couple of hours, often procrastinates, friendly but doesn’t trust easily, can be extremely petty, embraces the fact that they are weird and even takes it as a compliment, loud, impatient in certain situations. Diagnosed as being on the Autism spectrum, as well as having ADHD and social anxiety.
Familiar: Luna Moth
FC: undetermined
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yensidhq · 2 years
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☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█  AESTHETIC :
don't hesitate, snap the picture - you don't want to forget this moment. vanilla ice cream sits sweet and cold against your tongue, a memory of hot summer days. the silver whistle hangs around your neck just the same as it always has, a just in case measure. the ferris wheel keeps right on turning, bright carnival music just background noise, and you can see for miles. enjoy it.
☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█   BIOGRAPHY:
(tw: pregnancy complications, minor death mention, near death mention)
.the first ray
She is born to one Susumu Yagami and one Yuuko Yagami. Little sister to one Taichi Yagami. She is frail. She is small. She is weak. She is two months too early when she first enters the world.
Her mother enters labor abruptly, unexpectedly, one midafternoon when the family is out on a picnic. No one foresaw their child coming this soon. The destined day is still months away, yet everyone foresaw the complications of a fetus that had not yet fully developed being born. The sunlight wavers in the delivery room, descending into the evening night. Yuuko holds strong, though there is a sense of fear and trepidation that creeps in.
Her husband and son wait out in the hallway. Taichi, too young to really understand what is happening. Susumu trying to keep a level head.
The moon watches and listens as the nurses and doctors begin the operation. The unborn child too small and fragile to be removed naturally. It is a risky operation, but it is the only option they have.
As the sun rises, they pull the child out. As the sun rises, they realize the child is not breathing.
.the sun rises
Their child is kept in the ICU for a long time, days and weeks longer than Susumu or Yuuko would have liked. Would have wanted. But they could only hope and pray for the betterment and health of their child. That she would recover and she would be able to come back home.
There is a lot of discussions with doctors and specialists. Lots of talks with family and friends to keep themselves sane and rational and hopeful. There are a lot of days of staring at their child through a window. It tests them. It tests them in ways they wished no one has to experience.
Yet, they endure.
As well as their child. Through the tests, the incubations, the multitude of things that no infant needs on their first days, weeks, months of life. They endure. It is a slow, steady progress. Miniscule at first, till the small things pile up into big things and then it becomes obvious that their child is healing.
It takes a long time, but eventually Hikari Yagami does come home.
At long last, Hikari Yagami is able to come home.
.the shining star
She is still sickly growing up, but she perseveres. She is a sweet, humble child that only a parent could dream about having. She adores and preens and constantly uplifts Taichi, because there is no one more admirable than her older brother. Anyone can see how she idolizes Taichi. It’s cute. It’s heart-warming.
Until it hurts her and Taichi. Without her even trying to- without her meaning to.
It starts and ends with a game, a simple game. It can’t be helped that she is sick at the time and it can’t be helped that Tai wants to play his favorite sport. So she does what she always does, what she always wants to do- she wants to help him. She wants to make him happy. So she plays the game, even though she shouldn’t.
She really shouldn’t.
Hikari doesn’t realize the full catastrophic risks and neither did Tai. Until she is hospitalized yet again. Pneumonia she hears.
She stays in the hospital again for a few more days, before she is in the clear and she is able to come home. She sees the way her parents are fearful and frustrated, and she sees the way Tai looks apprehensive. She apologizes. It’s the first thing she tells him, because she is so terribly sorry that she could not kick the ball. That they couldn’t finish the game.
It does not have the effect she wants.
It takes a long, long, long time for the memory to lose its vividness over the years. The sight of her brother crying. It takes her deep in her core, rattling and unnerving. She never forgets it. Hikari doesn’t think she ever will.
.the eternal light
Things change over the years since that core memory. Hikari still goes by Hikari, but now they use different pronouns. Something about it feels better- atleast for the moment. They find some passion in caring and looking after animals. It’s a driving force, leading them to a career in vet tech. It is an empowering, and humbling experience all the same.
They meet people, make friends. Some lasting a short amount of years, and others Hikari knows will transcend lifetimes. Some people are just other parts of your soul as they say.
They grow taller, older, more mature. Still as sweet and good natured. They grow wiser- having a better understanding of themselves and the world around them.
They hold their secrets closer to their chest. Some memories tainted by darkness and eerie voices. Sometimes haunted by the ghosts of those who wished to see an angel fall. Those times are hard to forget and they follow them to this day. They never spoke a word about it, and maybe it is something they will keep hidden till it is forced out of their lips. Hikari never plans to tell, but maybe life has a way of humbling them further.
Still, despite all the changes, there is one consistency. Something is missing. There is a piece of their soul that they have yet to discover. Hikari has tried to figure it out, tried to find what it is that calls to them. Yet, it stays elusive hiding away from them.
One day, they hope to find them. Whatever missing piece it is. They know once they do, they will finally feel whole. Hikari can finally bask in the light.
☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█   CONTACTS:
Taichi Yagami: brother. Takeru Takaishi: best friend.
☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█   THOUGHTS: 
Hikari has always loved animals, and working with them can sometimes feel like a dream come true. There are hard days of course, days where they can't believe that this was something that they chose for themself, but those days are few and far between. More often is the feeling that they are missing something, that they are lost, that they are half full, and they don't know where to find that other half.
HIKARI IS ___________________ TAKEN BY BLAIRE
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blue-star-above-me · 2 years
Finally started Digimon Survive and I’m very early in the game but I gotta say...
All the complaints about there being too much reading (...in a visual novel) are very overblown. This is coming from someone who thought there was too much reading in Trails in the Sky FC and took three years to finish Code Realize. It’s more a point and click adventure game than a traditional VN. And you can battle as much as you want. 
I am still disappointed that the partner Digimon of the other characters don’t branch until Mega... Yet the random Digimon you can recruit DO branch at every stage. 
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hikorzik · 2 years
Hello there! I'm trying this network for the first time and it looks great to follow topics I like. Still discovering features and such but I like how this works.
To tell a bit about myself, I like TCGs quite a lot, even tho I can't play them all. I regularly play MTG and Flesh and Blood, and I dabble in Netrunner, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh and Digimon. I also like fighting games, in which I mainly play grapplers (I play a lot of them so to name a few... Garou MOTW, Street Fighter 3.3, Tekken 7, Guilty Gear Xrd/Strive, Arm Joe...). I like videogames in general too anyway (currently trying to muster the will to play through every Trails games, I've played Sky FC SC TC and Cold Steel 1 & 2).
I like to play boardgames and TTRPGs even tho I don't play as often as I'd like (life is tiring lol). Currently playing an Ysoki evocation specialist wizard in a Pathfinder 2e Kingmaker campaign. Soon I will take a fervor witch archetype and acquire a lil white snek to go with me and cast spells hehehe...
Well I guess that is enough about my interests! I think I'll mainly be reblogging/liking/lurking because that's what I like to do.
Be seeing you o/
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hyakunana · 3 years
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I was playing Digimon Next Order a while ago and I still didn't get over miscellaneous digimon becoming Omnimon... so I concepted how my Omnimon should probably look like sdfghjkl
Feat Vikemon + Vikemonn (named Odimon by my college friend) and Rosemon + (Chaos)Gallantmon (that I personally called Zorromon lmao)
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