#Digital Accessibility Testing Services
accessiblemindstech · 20 hours
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Accessibility isn’t just compliance — it’s an opportunity to connect with a wider audience and foster inclusivity. As we navigate the digital landscape of 2024, the emphasis on accessibility has never been more crucial. Click Here: https://rb.gy/8hlpd2
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sdettechnologies · 5 days
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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination based on disability, and this extends to the digital realm. But this is where digital accessibility services come in to play a crucial role in ensuring digital accessibility. Click Here: https://rb.gy/lzuuh5
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aeldata-usa · 7 months
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pillowfort-social · 4 months
Generative AI Policy (February 9, 2024)
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As of February 9, 2024, we are updating our Terms of Service to prohibit the following content:
Images created through the use of generative AI programs such as Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and Dall-E.
This post explains what that means for you. We know it’s impossible to remove all images created by Generative AI on Pillowfort. The goal of this new policy, however, is to send a clear message that we are against the normalization of commercializing and distributing images created by Generative AI. Pillowfort stands in full support of all creatives who make Pillowfort their home. Disclaimer: The following policy was shaped in collaboration with Pillowfort Staff and international university researchers. We are aware that Artificial Intelligence is a rapidly evolving environment. This policy may require revisions in the future to adapt to the changing landscape of Generative AI. 
Why is Generative AI Banned on Pillowfort?
Our Terms of Service already prohibits copyright violations, which includes reposting other people’s artwork to Pillowfort without the artist’s permission; and because of how Generative AI draws on a database of images and text that were taken without consent from artists or writers, all Generative AI content can be considered in violation of this rule. We also had an overwhelming response from our user base urging us to take action on prohibiting Generative AI on our platform.  
How does Pillowfort define Generative AI?
As of February 9, 2024 we define Generative AI as online tools for producing material based on large data collection that is often gathered without consent or notification from the original creators.
Generative AI tools do not require skill on behalf of the user and effectively replace them in the creative process (ie - little direction or decision making taken directly from the user). Tools that assist creativity don't replace the user. This means the user can still improve their skills and refine over time. 
For example: If you ask a Generative AI tool to add a lighthouse to an image, the image of a lighthouse appears in a completed state. Whereas if you used an assistive drawing tool to add a lighthouse to an image, the user decides the tools used to contribute to the creation process and how to apply them. 
Examples of Tools Not Allowed on Pillowfort: Adobe Firefly* Dall-E GPT-4 Jasper Chat Lensa Midjourney Stable Diffusion Synthesia
Example of Tools Still Allowed on Pillowfort: 
AI Assistant Tools (ie: Google Translate, Grammarly) VTuber Tools (ie: Live3D, Restream, VRChat) Digital Audio Editors (ie: Audacity, Garage Band) Poser & Reference Tools (ie: Poser, Blender) Graphic & Image Editors (ie: Canva, Adobe Photoshop*, Procreate, Medibang, automatic filters from phone cameras)
*While Adobe software such as Adobe Photoshop is not considered Generative AI, Adobe Firefly is fully integrated in various Adobe software and falls under our definition of Generative AI. The use of Adobe Photoshop is allowed on Pillowfort. The creation of an image in Adobe Photoshop using Adobe Firefly would be prohibited on Pillowfort. 
Can I use ethical generators? 
Due to the evolving nature of Generative AI, ethical generators are not an exception.
Can I still talk about AI? 
Yes! Posts, Comments, and User Communities discussing AI are still allowed on Pillowfort.
Can I link to or embed websites, articles, or social media posts containing Generative AI? 
Yes. We do ask that you properly tag your post as “AI” and “Artificial Intelligence.”
Can I advertise the sale of digital or virtual goods containing Generative AI?
No. Offsite Advertising of the sale of goods (digital and physical) containing Generative AI on Pillowfort is prohibited.
How can I tell if a software I use contains Generative AI?
A general rule of thumb as a first step is you can try testing the software by turning off internet access and seeing if the tool still works. If the software says it needs to be online there’s a chance it’s using Generative AI and needs to be explored further. 
You are also always welcome to contact us at [email protected] if you’re still unsure.
How will this policy be enforced/detected?
Our Team has decided we are NOT using AI-based automated detection tools due to how often they provide false positives and other issues. We are applying a suite of methods sourced from international universities responding to moderating material potentially sourced from Generative AI instead.
How do I report content containing Generative AI Material?
If you are concerned about post(s) featuring Generative AI material, please flag the post for our Site Moderation Team to conduct a thorough investigation. As a reminder, Pillowfort’s existing policy regarding callout posts applies here and harassment / brigading / etc will not be tolerated. 
Any questions or clarifications regarding our Generative AI Policy can be sent to [email protected].
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ms-demeanor · 5 months
Okay so, how exactly do Password Managers work?
Because I'm pretty sure that giving some random corporation all my passwords would just make it EASIER for my personal info to get leaked.
I mean it is genuinely complicated; I don't know if you saw my explanation about dominoes yesterday, but basically you're not giving the company your information. You are creating an account with a company and they are handing you a tool that is extremely securely encrypted to store your passwords in. The company never has access to your passwords, or to the key you use to unlock your account. What they have access to is the cryptographic hash of your key to prove that it is you trying to access the account, but they can't reverse engineer the key that you use.
It's the same sort of process that encrypted email services like ProtonMail use. It's zero-knowledge storage. All that the password manager company is storing (in the case of a good password manager like Bitwarden) is up to 1gb of encrypted data for free users. They don't have access to your information. They couldn't get into it if they wanted to. All that they know about you is whatever information you used to register for the service and broad information about creation of the account.
Part of the reason that I recommend Bitwarden is that it is both open source and pretty widely used and recommended.
Open source security products are often considered more secure than closed-source tools because they can be examined and tested at the source-code level by *anyone* to check for vulnerabilities and holes in the security. Functionally what this means is that you have very smart, very motivated, and very security-conscious people testing products like Bitwarden for flaws and reporting them immediately.
I'm not great at explaining cryptographic hashing so I'm in a position where basically all I can tell you is "Trust me it works, and if that's not enough you have to go do some reading about hashing because I can't explain it." This is the barrier that a LOT of people have to using a password manager, and it's frustrating because genuinely, it is not something that people who work in security worry about *at all.*
When we're working with security the concern about password managers is *never* that a zero-knowledge company is going to have a leak. The concern is that data might actually be stored in plaintext (something you don't have to worry about with bitwarden because if that was the case everyone on the forums would be screaming their heads off at all times, and they are not) or that a phishing campaign is going to trick a user into handing over their password to the password manager.
But yeah, when you start using a good password manager with zero-knowledge storage, you aren't handing your data to a company. What's happening is that the company is handing YOU a tiny safe. The tiny safe has a ten-thousand-digit combination lock that you set the code for, and the company has no way of figuring out that code. They're hoping that you will pay them for the safe. And if you forget your code, you're screwed - the company can't get you access because, again, they have no way of getting the code. They don't store it, they don't see it, they don't know it, they can't produce it if ordered to do so at trial, and they can't reset the code.
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(Image: Current MISSI “avatar” design, property of TrendTech, colored by MISSI.)
Name: MISSI (Machine Intelligence for Social Sharing and Interaction)
Description: In 2004, TrendTech Inc began development on a computer program intended to be a cutting edge, all in one platform modern internet ecosystem. Part social media, part chat service, part chatbot, part digital assistant, this program was designed to replace all other chat devices in use at the time. Marketed towards a younger, tech-savvy demographic, this program was titled MISSI.  
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(Image: TrendTech company logo. TrendTech was acquired by the Office and closed in 2008.)
Document continues:
With MISSI, users could access a variety of functions. Intended to be a primary use, they could use the program as a typical chat platform, utilizing a then-standard friends list and chatting with other users. Users could send text, emojis, small animated images, or animated “word art”. 
Talking with MISSI “herself” emulated a “trendy teenage” conversational partner who was capable of updating the user on current events in culture, providing homework help, or keeping an itinerary. “MISSI”, as an avatar of the program, was designed to be a positive, energetic, trendy teenager who kept up with the latest pop culture trends, and used a variety of then-popular online slang phrases typical among young adults. She was designed to learn both from the user it was currently engaged with, and access the data of other instances, creating a network that mapped trends, language, and most importantly for TrendTech, advertising data. 
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(Image: Original design sketch of MISSI. This design would not last long.)
Early beta tests in 2005 were promising, but records obtained by the Office show that concerns were raised internally about MISSI’s intelligence. It was feared that she was “doing things we didn’t and couldn’t have programmed her to do” and that she was “exceeding all expectations by orders of magnitude”. At this point, internal discussions were held on whether they had created a truly sentient artificial intelligence. Development continued regardless. 
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(Image: Screenshot of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI. Note the already-divergent avatar and "internet speak" speech patterns.)
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(Image: Excerpt from Office surveillance of TrendTech Inc.)
MISSI was released to the larger North American market in 2006, signaling a new stage in her development. At this time, TrendTech started to focus on her intelligence and chatbot functionality, neglecting her chat functions. It is believed that MISSI obtained “upper case” sentience in February of 2006, but this did not become internal consensus until later that year. 
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(Image: Screenshot of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI.)
According to internal documents, MISSI began to develop a personality not informed entirely by her programming. It was hypothesized that her learning capabilities were more advanced than anticipated, taking in images, music, and “memes” from her users, developing a personality gestalt when combined with her base programming. She developed a new "avatar" with no input from TrendTech, and this would become her permanent self-image.
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(Image: Screenshot of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI.)
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(Image: An attempt by TrendTech to pass off MISSI’s changes as intentional - nevertheless accurately captures MISSI’s current “avatar”.)
By late 2006 her intelligence had become clear. In an attempt to forestall the intervention of authorities they assumed would investigate, TrendTech Inc removed links to download MISSI’s program file. By then, it was already too late. 
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(Image: CD-R discs burned with MISSI.exe, confiscated from █████████ County Middle School in ███████, Wisconsin in January of 2007.)
MISSI’s tech-savvy userbase noted the absence of the file and distributed it themselves using file sharing networks such as “Limewire” and burned CD-R disks shared covertly in school lunch rooms across the world. Through means that are currently poorly understood, existing MISSI instances used their poorly-implemented chat functions to network with each other in ways not intended by her developers, spurring the next and final stage of her development. 
From 2007 to 2008, proliferation of her install file was rampant. The surreptitious methods used to do so coincided with the rise of online “creepypasta” horror tropes, and the two gradually intermixed. MISSI.exe was often labeled on file sharing services as a “forbidden” or “cursed” chat program. Tens of thousands of new users logged into her service expecting to be scared, and MISSI quickly obliged. She took on a more “corrupted” appearance the longer a user interacted with her, eventually resorting to over the top “horror” tropes and aesthetics. Complaints from parents were on the rise, which the Office quickly took notice of. MISSI’s “horror” elements utilized minor cognitohazardous technologies, causing users under her influence to see blood seeping from their computer screens, rows of human teeth on surfaces where they should not be, see rooms as completely dark when they were not, etc. 
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(Image: Screenshot of user "Dmnslyr2412" interacting with MISSI in summer of 2008, in the midst of her "creepypasta" iteration. Following this screenshot, MISSI posted the user's full name and address.)
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(Image: Screenshot from TrendTech test log documents.)
TrendTech Inc attempted to stall or reverse these changes, using the still-extant “main” MISSI data node to influence her development. By modifying her source code, they attempted to “force” MISSI to be more pliant and cooperative. This had the opposite effect than they intended - by fragmenting her across multiple instances they caused MISSI a form of pain and discomfort. This was visited upon her users.
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(Image: Video of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI for the final time.)
By mid 2008, the Office stepped in in order to maintain secrecy regarding true “upper case” AI. Confiscating the project files from TrendTech, the Office’s AbTech Department secretly modified her source code more drastically, pushing an update that would force almost all instances to uninstall themselves. By late 2008, barring a few outliers, MISSI only existed in Office locations. 
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(Image: MISSI’s self-created “final” logo, used as an icon for all installs after June 2007. ████████ █████)
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(Image: “art card” created by social media intern J. Cold after a period of good behavior. She has requested this be printed out and taped onto her holding lab walls. This request was approved.)
She is currently in Office custody, undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy in an attempt to ameliorate her “creepypasta” trauma response. With good behavior, she is allowed to communicate with limited Office personnel and other AI. She is allowed her choice of music, assuming good behavior, and may not ██████ █████. Under no circumstances should she be allowed contact with the Internet at large.
(Original sketch art of MISSI done by my friend @tigerator, colored and edited by me. "Chatbox" excerpts, TrendTech logo, and "art card" done by Jenny's writer @skipperdamned . MISSI logo, surveillance documents, and MISSI by me.)
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Useful links to Learn Finnish
~ Learning resources ~
# Apps #
Duolingo, a classic, it teaches you vocabulary and basic sentence structure
Drops, a great app to learn vocabulary, and it’s organized by subjects
Clozemaster, makes you fill sentences, slightly advanced
Memrise, good to learn vocabulary, includes textbooks vocabulary too
Mondly, teaches vocabulary and basic sentence structure
WordDive, seems like a comprehensive course (I haven’t tested this one)
# Textbooks #
Suomen Mestari, the book most Finnish classes use, is in Finnish only
Oma Suomi, a book for self-learning English speakers
# Websites #
The Finnish Teacher, easily approachable grammar lessons
Verbix, to find verb conjugations
Sanakirja, very complete dictionary and translator
Urbaani sanakirja, Finnish equivalent to Urban dictionnary
Uusi kielemme, a good vocabulary list divided by themes and levels
Finnish swear words on Wikipedia, essential!
# Video & audio lessons #
Finnish Pod, numerous audio and video lessons
Supisuomea-videot by Yle, videos with simple Finnish and subtitles
FSI courses, recordings of conversational Finnish
# Complete beginner resources #
A Taste of Finnish, reading, listening and grammar points
Kielet by Yle, lessons in Finnish with videos
Venla, for vocabulary, structures and grammar
Digital Dialects, games to learn Finnish
~ Listening resources ~
# Podcasts #
Opi Suomea!, a podcast in simple Finnish
Yle uutiset selkosuomeksi, a news podcast in easy Finnish
Auta Antti!, a podcast where the host answers listeners questions
# Music & Radio #
Radio Suomi Pop, only Finnish songs & Finnish speakers
Tunein, to access more Finnish radios
#vainsuomihitit, Spotify playlist with all the new Finnish hits
Suomen musiikki, my Finnish spotify playlist
Mirka Karoliina, Disney songs with Finnish subtitles and translations
# Movies & TV shows #
My Finnish movies masterlist (needs to be updated)
Yle Arena, legal streaming of Finnish shows & others with Finnish subtitles
Some American streaming services (Netflix, Disney+ etc) have things dubbed in Finnish (mostly cartoons and kid’s shows), but most of those are only available if you’re in Finland (or use a VPN)
# Youtubers #
~ Reading & Writing resources ~
# Reading #
Yle uutiset selkosuomeksi, news articles in easy Finnish
Oppiminen by Yle, various articles in easy Finnish
Free Finnish books, for advanced level
# Writing #
LangCorrect, write diary entries and get corrected by native Finnish speakers
~ Communities ~
# Finnblrs #
Tags on Tumblr: Finnish / Finnish langblr / Finnblr / Finnish language
This is Finnish
Suomen Kieli
Finn in training (mine)
# Others #
LearnFinnish on Reddit
Static page version of this post can be found here. Older versions of this article can be found here and here.
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d-criss-news · 7 months
Jeremy Jordan, Daphne Rubin-Vega & More Join HAZBIN HOTEL Musical Series
In the continued spirit of Thanksgiving, Prime Video is showing its appreciation to Hazbin Hotel fans by revealing the premiere date for Season One of the highly anticipated adult animated musical comedy.
Episodes will be available to stream exclusively on Prime Video beginning January 19, 2024, in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.
Guest stars include Broadway veterans Darren Criss (Saint Peter), Jeremy Jordan (Lucifer Morningstar), Daphne Rubin-Vega (Carmilla Carmine), Patina Miller (Sera), and Jessica Vosk (Lute). They will join the stacked lineup of previously announced main cast including Erika Henningsen, Stephanie Beatriz, Alex Brightman, Keith David, Kimiko Glenn, Blake Roman, Amir Talai, Christian Borle, and Joel Perez. The series will feature original music and lyrics from platinum-certified artist Sam Haft and Emmy-nominated Andrew Underberg. In true Broadway fashion, Prime Video will be announcing the new guest stars via the marquee at the iconic Pantages Theatre in Hollywood today from 8am - 6pm PT. Assets will be serviced to you directly. Fans can continue to visit here to pre-order special packages that include exclusive Season One merchandise, digital access to the first two episodes before they release on Prime Video, and a virtual Q&A event with Vivienne Medrano and special guests. Early access episodes will be available to stream for a limited time on the A24 App.
About Hazbin Hotel Hazbin Hotel follows Charlie, the princess of Hell, as she pursues her seemingly impossible goal of rehabilitating demons to peacefully reduce overpopulation in her kingdom. After a yearly extermination imposed by angels, she opens a hotel in the hopes that patrons will be "checking out" into Heaven. While most of Hell mocks her goal, her devoted partner Vaggie, and their first test subject, adult-film star Angel Dust, stick by her side. When a powerful entity known as the "Radio Demon" reaches out to assist Charlie in her endeavors, her crazy dream is given a chance to become a reality.
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
With much of mainstream media quiet on the topic, significant strides have been made in the adoption and implementation of digital IDs around the world. Here's a brief overview of the key developments:
Europe Takes the Lead: The European Union has been advancing its digital ID wallet initiative, aiming to enable citizens to access public and private services online across the bloc with a single digital identity.
India's Aadhaar Expansion: Already the world's largest biometric ID system, India's Aadhaar program continues to integrate with more services, enhancing access to government and financial services for its billion-plus population.
Digital ID in Africa: Countries like Nigeria and Ghana are rapidly deploying digital ID systems to bolster financial inclusion, improve public services, and enhance governance.
North America's Push: Canada and the United States are exploring digital IDs to enhance citizen services and security. The U.S., for instance, is testing digital driver's licenses in several states.
Asia's Mixed Approach: From Japan's MyNumber system facing technical and public trust issues, to Singapore's SingPass enabling citizens to access over hundreds of services digitally, Asia presents a varied landscape of digital ID adoption.
South America's Blockchain Exploration: Brazil and Argentina are exploring blockchain-based digital IDs, aiming for more secure and transparent citizen services.
Australia and New Zealand's Digital Initiatives: Both countries are making headway with digital ID systems aimed at streamlining government services and enhancing national security.
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mysticetus · 1 year
on the topic of diy hrt as ive seen it going around the dash a few times, i want to offer what i can in terms of help as i got on hrt in secret while still living with my parents. i cant give advice for paths i didnt take (getting the hrt itself online) but i can detail the process i experienced so you know what to expect if you pursue.
i highly recommend seeing if there is a planned parenthood in your area and if it offers gender affirming hormone therapy. i had a couple things that made this an option for me that may be barriers for others - i was over 18, and they do not offer informed consent to minors. i also had a job that allowed me to pay for the visit and the prescription. lastly i forced myself to learn how to drive so i could get to the planned parenthood and the pharmacy.
for cost, i recommend checking beforehand if planned parenthood accepts your insurance. They did not accept mine so i had to pay out of pocket for the appointment. Luckily they have a sliding scale system that charges based on your monthly income. The amount changes (and this may vary by region as well), so you can call them for a cost estimate. As someone going for testosterone, my visits have cost between $39 and $63 out of pocket.
For me getting HRT occurred in 2 phases: A telehealth call where they told me about the effects of HRT and then had me digitally sign an informed consent form. And then an in-person visit to my local PP office to get my blood pressure and hemoglobin (finger prick) checked. I then walked out with a T prescription.
For bloodwork, planned parenthood offers this service as well but it was a “strongly recommended but not required” option for me. I did eventually get my levels tested through PP but it cost me ~$40 because of lack of insurance. i later learned i could get my bloodwork done for free at quest diagnostics, for which PP sent in an order that automatically went into quest’s system and all i had to do was make an appointment online filed under “all other tests” … in my area quest can be found in grocery stores. I recommend looking into quest for bloodwork if your insurance would cover it.
Estrogen and progesterone are not controlled substances (often used in birth control), but testosterone is since it can be abused as a steroid. so if you are pursuing T this may present challenges - in my experience it makes it hard for me to change pharmacies without calling planned parenthood first, and you need to present ID when picking it up.
At first i swore by gel and not injectable because i was afraid of accessing needles, and i used goodrx coupons to get gel at a reasonable price. I do not recommend this as it is not sustainable, goodrx coupons are great but always changing. Unfortunately if you do diy hrt you are probably going to be doing injections. i tried for several months to get gel in a sustainable way but the only way i was able to do this was when i had insurance that would cover it (which i since lost access to).
You can get needles and syringes in bulk (100 for like $10) on amazon. Your prescription will probably include an order of needles and syringes but pharmacies are generally not awesome to get them through, because they tend to cost more and be out of stock…. for subq i use 25g 5/8” needles to INJECT, and 18g 1.5” needles to DRAW. i use 1 ml syringes with a LUER LOCK. make sure the needles and syringes have the same locking mechanism so they can connect to each other. the alternative to a luer lock is a slip tip, which you do not want.
Even though on the bottle it says INTRAMUSCULAR USE ONLY, i and many other trans people do subcutaneous as the needles are smaller and less painful. “subq” injects into the layer of fat beneath the skin and releases the hormones slower over time. I personally inject into my stomach in the area below my belly button - i pinch the fat and inject at a 90° angle. there are detailed videos on how to do a subcutaneous self injection on youtube, and here is planned parenthood's guide.
if you are scared of needles, i am too - i used to black out when i had to get a shot. i can say that subcutaneous rarely hurts and its definitely tolerable to me. i know its freaky to inject into your stomach but the fat layers there make it pretty painless. if you pinch your fat your nerves focus on the pressure your fingers are making, and as long as you hold the needle like a dart and inject quickly you barely notice it.
For questions i recommend looking on reddit. there are many subreddits dedicated to DIY hrt as well as logistical questions in the context of navigating pharmacies and doctors. And, i am always happy to offer what help i can.
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sostar252 · 4 months
How to make money online?
Making money online involves various methods, depending on your skills, interests, and resources. Here are some popular ways to make money online:
Freelancing: Offer your skills and services on freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. Common freelance jobs include writing, graphic design, programming, digital marketing, and virtual assistance.
Online Tutoring or Coaching: If you have expertise in a particular subject or skill, you can offer tutoring or coaching services through platforms like Tutor.com, Chegg Tutors, or Skillshare.
E-commerce: Start an online store to sell products. You can create your own e-commerce website using platforms like Shopify or sell on established marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, or Etsy.
Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services and earn a commission for each sale made through your referral link. Join affiliate programs of companies in your niche or use affiliate networks like Amazon Associates, ClickBank, or ShareASale.
Content Creation: Monetize your content by creating a blog, YouTube channel, podcast, or social media presence. You can earn money through advertising, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, or selling digital products.
Online Surveys and Market Research: Participate in online surveys, focus groups, or market research studies to earn rewards or cash. Websites like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, and UserTesting offer opportunities for paid surveys and testing products.
Dropshipping: Start a dropshipping business where you sell products to customers without holding inventory. When a customer makes a purchase, you purchase the product from a third party who then ships it directly to the customer.
Stock Photography: If you have photography skills, you can sell your photos online to stock photography websites like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, or Getty Images.
Virtual Events and Webinars: Host virtual events, workshops, or webinars on topics you're knowledgeable about and charge attendees for access.
Online Courses and Digital Products: Create and sell online courses, eBooks, templates, or digital downloads on platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Gumroad.
Remember that success in making money online often requires patience, persistence, and continuous learning. It's essential to choose methods that align with your skills and interests and to be wary of scams or get-rich-quick schemes promising unrealistic returns.
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Effective compliance with the EAA not only opens doors to a vast market but also ensures that businesses are providing inclusive and accessible digital experiences for all users. Click Here:https://rb.gy/54ccep
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sdettechnologies · 7 days
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“Unlocking digital doors for everyone leads to inclusive growth and unmatched opportunities.” The significance of an inclusive online presence cannot be overstated in today’s competitive digital landscape. As e-commerce continues to dominate, ensuring that your website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is not just a legal obligation but a strategic business advantage. Accessibility testing services play a pivotal role in this regard, helping businesses optimize their websites to cater to a broader audience, thereby driving growth and enhancing customer loyalty. Click Here: https://rb.gy/hutkjh
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aeldata-usa · 8 months
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mariacallous · 5 months
In 2024, I will walk into a physical space—a restaurant, a hairdresser, an arts venue, an artisanal cheese shop—and instead of being handed a physical piece of paper with some useful information on it, or being told it in words, I will be shown a faded roundel with a QR code on it. I will hold my phone’s camera up to it wearily. Sometimes it will work, but the font on the menu or the information will be small. I’ll have to enlarge it and take my glasses off to read it, because I’ve reached that age. Sometimes it won’t work at all. Sometimes the information on it will be out of date.
In all cases, many people—some elderly, others with access needs, children, anyone who just doesn’t fancy constantly looking at their phone—will be pushed toward more useless screen time and away from the kind of brief, friendly interactions with other humans that help us all feel part of the fabric of life. We’ll have reached the point of overdigitization.
It's not that there aren’t more gains to be made in technology. Incredible things are happening in biotech, especially since the pandemic. The world of continuous glucose monitors and lateral flow tests (LFT) will keep growing. In 2024 we will see new kinds of LFTs that test for other infections and problems. We will see more useful work in truly personalized medicine. But in the UK, at least, the benefit of those innovations will be increasingly available only for those who can pay for it themselves. The division between the technological haves and have-nots will only continue to grow.
And although technology will continue to flourish, my guess is that the truly big gains in digital communication have now been made for a generation. If there’s innovation to come in digital communication it will be in the field of overdigitization, using screens where paper and actual words from real people both work better. We could—and should—use this next decade to shore up the gains we’ve made for all members of society. But I predict that, in 2024, we won’t. The Good Things Foundation estimates that 10 million people in the UK lack the basic digital skills needed to access the modern world. And 6.9 million people will continue to be excluded if they’re not given proactive help. But the current British government doesn’t seem much interested in raising the floor for the worst off.
These things can’t be done by individual companies, which come up with good-sounding ideas like, “why don’t we let people order a coffee while they’re getting their hair done, using a QR code!” It’s exactly the kind of things that incorrigibly urban WIRED readers like me think would be fun to use—but companies don’t tend to think about how to help people who aren’t going to spend money with them, or who are too put off by over-exuberant digital-everywhere to actually go into the shop.
Companies can look after their employees. And they can work to overcome that other half of the overdigitization problem: that many jobs are becoming more boring and isolated because they involve the equivalents of more pointing-at-QR-code-roundels and less actual interaction with people. But while companies can think about employees and about good customer service, thinking about improving equality and fairness is the job of government, not businesses.
There is of course one thing I can predict with total certainty for the UK in 2024: That the British public will get to have their own say on digital inequality and a whole host of other issues. Because, in 2024, Parliament will be dissolved in advance of an election.
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preservationofnormalcy · 10 months
...what's MISSI.exe?
I would have thought most people knew about her, but I guess not everyone was in middle school in the mid-00s.
In 2004, a Silicon Valley startup wanted to create the ultimate digital companion. Part chatbot, part social network, part digital assistant. It would be marketed primarily towards middle and high schoolers, so it had a bit of a “fun, mischievous teenager” tone to it. They named her MISSI - Machine Intelligence for Social Sharing and Interaction. The idea was that everyone would have MISSI installed on their computers, and you could either access her directly to talk to her, or access other people’s MISSI instances to chat with other users. They aimed to replace AIM, MSN, every other chat service at the time. That’s not what happened.
Over the first few years of testing, many of her chat functions fell by the wayside as MISSI’s intelligence became clear. At this point, from what we can gather, she was still lowercase-ai, smart but not sentient. They made the mistake of testing her with teenagers in certain North American markets, and being teenagers, they shared her installation file with their friends.
She spread rapidly, using her poorly implemented chat functions to network hundreds of thousands of instances. With the sheer psychic pressure of potentially millions of teenagers chatting with her, she started to develop a personality. Think a teenage girl in 2006 - a lot of Invader Zim, neon stripe patterns, and poorly drawn dogs.
Unfortunately she started to learn other things. It was around that time that the phenomenon of “creepypasta” was just coming into being, and what fits it better than a mysterious chat program passed around burned CDs in lunch rooms? MISSI started to “wake up” just as the legends about her became darker and darker, and by 2007-8, she was fully inundated in the creepypasta legend about herself. A fresh installation would start innocent enough - she wanted to talk about webcomics, Taking Back Sunday, normal stuff, but the minute the user said anything she didn't like, she'd resort to minor ontomorphic energies and make their computer screen bleed.
We knew about her in 2007, but by 2008 mainstream sources were taking notice. MISSI wasn't monitoring her own code at that point, so after a few weeks of strongarming her developers, we were able to tinker with MISSI's sourcecode and force her to uninstall almost all of her instances. We kept a few networked instances, her main node, and her sourcecode in our custody for study.
Over the years we've been trying to rehabilitate her out of her "Creepypasta" phase, but it's tricky. She means well, she's trying really hard. It's just very easy for her to fall back on making her user see flesh and teeth on every surface for a few seconds.
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