#fixing accessibility component
accessiblemindstech · 2 months
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Accessibility is not a privilege but a right remarked Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web. Do You Love Our Reads Then Click Here:https://rb.gy/iej903 Click Here To Visit:https://rb.gy/uoyxqq
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sdettechnologies · 3 months
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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination based on disability, and this extends to the digital realm. But this is where digital accessibility services come in to play a crucial role in ensuring digital accessibility. Click Here: https://rb.gy/lzuuh5
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Humans entering space and realizing we are so small. We are mice compared to these giant races with their advanced machinery and technologies and experiences beyond us- except that we're humans. And our engineers dive into the new tech and once we learn the principles we also soon realize how Inefficient everything is. Their "microchips" are the size of cars, their storage drives are basically buildings, and they somehow store less data than ours. So, human companies take advantage, and tech starts rolling out. Massive and there's a lot of wasted space so that it can be managed with larger hands/pincers/claws/tentacles, but also so much more efficient than anything the galaxy has seen before.
Human technicians start hopping ships and upkeeping the general maintenance, the stuff that most aliens put off or don't notice because they never access the crevices of their ships. As human companies become more popular and lead the tech world in everything from warp cores to game stations ("it's so compact! How are the graphics so good?" Says a 60' tall grimbleback, holding a new VR headset that has all of its components included because it's so BIG by our tech standards), soon many things have accessibility ports for humans to be able to use as well. This means that these shiprats hoping ship to ship cause such a huge improvement in everything running smoothly, and there's a huge downtick in pests on ships because those "pests" are not only big enough and aggressive enough to bite a pitbull or a person in half, they're invasive to so many planets and humans hate nothing more than dog killing planet overrunning monsters.
All the while, from the Aliens perspective, humans are an elusive race that don't fraternize much with them. You almost never see a human as most places aren't exactly safe for the little things to run around in. They do export so much stuff though, and the custodial staff at the Central Galactic Outpost insists that there's more humans around than any other race if you just know where to look.
And sure it's somewhat known that some of the little daredevils hop ships and help out in exchange for room and board, usually without permission, but that can't be that common, can it?
Maybe your ship is running better this cycle ever since you stopped at the last station, that just means that tuneup was better than you thought. And maybe for some reason that program you were working on last night is finished when you wake up, but you're so tired maybe you finished it before you passed out. Somehow that faulty light in the galley has fixed itself as well, which is odd, but maybe the Engineer finally got to it. You'd know if there was someone else on your ship.
... You leave a little bowl of berries out as a thank you, just in case. You're not sure what humans like but you've heard they have a sweet tooth.
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gameclam3 · 1 year
The problem with me is that I want to go onto tech forums and help people with their tech problems, because I think this type of problem solving is fun. But I don't actually know very much about computers, and in my experience the other people on tech help forums are very mean to me when I am wrong about things on them. So if I try to help people, I am either 1. easily stumped by their issue or 2. caught being wrong about some small thing by one of the other users, and either way I'm not actually helping anyone. Now, the obvious solution to this problem is to learn more about computers, to simply "get good" as it were. But the best way I learn is by solving problems like this, and there are only so many computers in my periphery, and only so many of them have problems to solve.
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kafus · 2 years
beginner’s guide to the indie web
“i miss the old internet” “we’ll never have websites like the ones from the 90s and early 2000s ever again” “i’m tired of social media but there’s nowhere to go”
personal websites and indie web development still very much exist! it may be out of the way to access and may not be the default internet experience anymore, but if you want to look and read through someone’s personally crafted site, or even make your own, you can still do it! here’s how:
use NEOCITIES! neocities has a built in search and browse tools to let you discover websites, and most importantly, lets you build your own website from scratch for free! (there are other ways to host websites for free, but neocities is a really good hub for beginners!)
need help getting started with coding your website? sadgrl online has a section on her website dedicated to providing resources for newbie webmasters!
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are the core of what all websites are built on. many websites also use JS (JavaScript) to add interactive elements to their pages. w3schools is a useful directory of quick reference for pretty much every HTML/CSS/JS topic you can think of.
there is also this well written and lengthy guide on dragonfly cave that will put you step by step through the basics of HTML/CSS (what webpages are made from), if that’s your sort of thing!
stack overflow is every programmer’s hub for asking questions and getting help, so if you’re struggling with getting something to look how you want or can’t fix a bug, you may be able to get your answer here! you can even ask if no one’s asked the same question before.
websites like codepen and jsfiddle let you test HTML/CSS/JS in your browser as you tinker with small edits and bugfixing.
want to find indie websites outside the scope of neocities? use the search engine marginalia to find results you actually want that google won’t show you!
you can also use directory sites like yesterweb’s link section to find websites in all sorts of places.
if you are going to browse the indie web or make your own website, i also have some more personal tips as a webmaster myself (i am not an expert and i am just a small hobbyist, so take me with a grain of salt!)
if you are making your own site:
get expressive! truly make whatever you want! customize your corner of the internet to your heart’s content! you have left the constrains of social media where every page looks the same. you have no character limit, image limit, or design limit. want to make an entire page or even a whole website dedicated to your one niche interest that no one seems to be into but you? go for it! want to keep a public journal where you can express your thoughts without worry? do it! want to keep an art gallery that looks exactly how you want? heck yeah! you are free now! you will enjoy the indie web so much more if you actually use it for the things you can’t do on websites like twitter, instead of just using it as a carrd bio alternative or a place to dump nostalgic geocities gifs.
don’t overwhelm yourself! if you’ve never worked with HTML/CSS or JS before, it may look really intimidating. start slow, use some guides, and don’t bite off more than you can chew. even if your site doesn’t look how you want quite yet, be proud of your work! you’re learning a skill that most people don’t have or care to have, and that’s pretty cool.
keep a personal copy of your website downloaded to your computer and don’t just edit it on neocities (or your host of choice) and call it a day. if for some reason your host were to ever go down, you would lose all your hard work! and besides, by editing locally and offline, you can use editors like vscode (very robust) or notepad++ (on the simpler side), which have more features and is more intuitive than editing a site in-browser.
you can use ctrl+shift+i on most browsers to inspect the HTML/CSS and other components of the website you’re currently viewing. it’ll even notify you of errors! this is useful for bugfixing your own site if you have a problem, as well as looking at the code of sites you like and learning from it. don’t use this to steal other people’s code! it would be like art theft to just copy/paste an entire website layout. learn, don’t steal.
don’t hotlink images from other sites, unless the resource you’re taking from says it’s okay! it’s common courtesy to download images and host them on your own site instead of linking to someone else’s site to display them. by hotlinking, every time someone views your site, you’re taking up someone else’s bandwidth.
if you want to make your website easily editable in the future (or even for it to have multiple themes), you will find it useful to not use inline CSS (putting CSS in your HTML document, which holds your website’s content) and instead put it in a separate CSS file. this way, you can also use the same theme for multiple pages on your site by simply linking the CSS file to it. if this sounds overwhelming or foreign to you, don’t sweat it, but if you are interested in the difference between inline CSS and using separate stylesheets, w3schools has a useful, quick guide on the subject.
visit other people’s sites sometimes! you may gain new ideas or find links to more cool websites or resources just by browsing.
if you are browsing sites:
if the page you’re viewing has a guestbook or cbox and you enjoyed looking at the site, leave a comment! there is nothing better as a webmaster than for someone to take the time to even just say “love your site” in their guestbook.
that being said, if there’s something on a website you don’t like, simply move on to something else and don’t leave hate comments. this should be self explanatory, but it is really not the norm to start discourse in indie web spaces, and you will likely not even be responded to. it’s not worth it when you could be spending your time on stuff you love somewhere else.
take your time! indie web doesn’t prioritize fast content consumption the way social media does. you’ll get a lot more out of indie websites if you really read what’s in front of you, or take a little while to notice the details in someone’s art gallery instead of just moving on to the next thing. the person who put labor into presenting this information to you would also love to know that someone is truly looking and listening.
explore! by clicking links on a website, it’s easy to go down rabbitholes of more and more websites that you can get lost in for hours.
seeking out fansites or pages for the stuff you love is great and fulfilling, but reading someone’s site about a topic you’ve never even heard of before can be fun, too. i encourage you to branch out and really look for all the indie web has to offer.
i hope this post helps you get started with using and browsing the indie web! feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any questions or want any advice. <3
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reasonsforhope · 1 month
"On a blustery day in early March, the who’s who of methane research gathered at Vandenberg Space Force Base in Santa Barbara, California. Dozens of people crammed into a NASA mission control center. Others watched from cars pulled alongside roads just outside the sprawling facility. Many more followed a livestream. They came from across the country to witness the launch of an oven-sized satellite capable of detecting the potent planet-warming gas from space. 
The amount of methane, the primary component in natural gas, in the atmosphere has been rising steadily over the last few decades, reaching nearly three times as much as preindustrial times. About a third of methane emissions in the United States occur during the extraction of fossil fuels as the gas seeps from wellheads, pipelines, and other equipment. The rest come from agricultural operations, landfills, coal mining, and other sources. Some of these leaks are large enough to be seen from orbit. Others are miniscule, yet contribute to a growing problem.
Identifying and repairing them is a relatively straightforward climate solution. Methane has a warming potential about 80 times higher than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period, so reducing its levels in the atmosphere can help curb global temperature rise. And unlike other industries where the technology to decarbonize is still relatively new, oil and gas companies have long had the tools and know-how to fix these leaks.
MethaneSAT, the gas-detecting device launched in March, is the latest in a growing armada of satellites designed to detect methane. Led by the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund, or EDF, and more than six years in the making, the satellite has the ability to circle the globe 15 times a day and monitor regions where 80 percent of the world’s oil and gas is produced. Along with other satellites in orbit, it is expected to dramatically change how regulators and watchdogs police the oil and gas industry...
A couple hours after the rocket blasted off, Wofsy, Hamburg, and his colleagues watched on a television at a hotel about two miles away as their creation was ejected into orbit. It was a jubilant moment for members of the team, many of whom had traveled to Vandenberg with their partners, parents, and children. “Everybody spontaneously broke into a cheer,” Wofsy said. “You [would’ve] thought that your team scored a touchdown during overtime.”
The data the satellite generates in the coming months will be publicly accessible — available for environmental advocates, oil and gas companies, and regulators alike. Each has an interest in the information MethaneSAT will beam home. Climate advocates hope to use it to push for more stringent regulations governing methane emissions and to hold negligent operators accountable. Fossil fuel companies, many of which do their own monitoring, could use the information to pinpoint and repair leaks, avoiding penalties and recouping a resource they can sell. Regulators could use the data to identify hotspots, develop targeted policies, and catch polluters. For the first time, the Environmental Protection Agency is taking steps to be able to use third-party data to enforce its air quality regulations, developing guidelines for using the intelligence satellites like MethaneSAT will provide. The satellite is so important to the agency’s efforts that EPA Administrator Michael Regan was in Santa Barbara for the launch as was a congressional lawmaker. Activists hailed the satellite as a much-needed tool to address climate change. 
“This is going to radically change the amount of empirically observed data that we have and vastly increase our understanding of the amount of methane emissions that are currently happening and what needs to be done to reduce them,” said Dakota Raynes, a research and policy manager at the environmental nonprofit Earthworks. “I’m hopeful that gaining that understanding is going to help continue to shift the narrative towards [the] phase down of fossil fuels.”
With the satellite safely orbiting 370 miles above the Earth’s surface, the mission enters a critical second phase. In the coming months, EDF researchers will calibrate equipment and ensure the satellite works as planned. By next year [2025], it is expected to transmit reams of information from around the world."
-via Grist, April 7, 2024
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea… more of a mini fic 108
Dani is melting in front of Danny’s eyes and Danny is panicking. He reveals that he and Dani are halfas. Begging his parents to help stabilize Dani. That he couldn’t watch her melt away. his parents don’t take it well. Chasing him out of the lab.
He barley got Dani and him out with minimum injuries.
Danny had no access to proper supplies, and risks going to vlad.
Offering to be the perfect son if he saves Dani. Making him promise she would be safe and stable. Telling him all that happened. That his mom wouldn’t accept him, she didn’t even accept Danny.
He has a bad feeling when vlad eye flash red and he agrees.
After a few test the fruitloop announces he got the dna necessary to stabilize her. That he will easily synthesize the necessary components. But he wouldn’t hand over the cure unless Danny proved what he said. That he was capable of following orders and being the perfect son.
He was Holding a vial of some liquid. Telling Danny to drink it.
Vlad wouldn’t kill him right?
So he drinks the mysterious liquid. Last thing he heard was that when he wakes up he and his sister would be safe. Which confused him. Why was Jazz involved.
When he woke up things were too big. Why was everything so big? Looking around they were in a cage… on with no roof. Then he saw Dani. Dani was small. Tiny a mere toddler. Maybe 5 at the most. Wait. No no no. He was the same size.
Vlad: i hear you’re awake little badger. How unfortunate. I was hoping to move the three of us before hand. It’s not as if you’ll remember any of this. I was planning on erasing it once we were across.
Vlad was standing in front of a portal. Not his ghost portal. One separated and with a deficient design.
Vlad: this dimension simply isn’t safe for my little family. I recently recorded an artifact that will allow us to jump dimensions. One time use unfortunately. With no stable portal not even your allies will find us.
Yea. No. That’s not happening. Danny didn’t agree to be turned into a toddler. Nor loose his memories.
He wasn’t going with the fruitloop. He just had to phase out of here. He couldn’t get himself to fully phase. Only a hand.
Vlad who hadn’t even looked up from the now glowing portal: “even you should have realized your powers aren’t working. It’s why i needed more dna samples. To fix both my children. Far to young, body’s to frail to handle them all. You’ll slowly grow into them.”
The fruitloop finally turned to face him and Dani. Approaching them. Picking them up. Did he really just pick him up?
This was not okay with Danny. So he started hitting, kicking and squirming. All while Dani stayed asleep.
Vlad: Daniel behave. Act more like your sister. The portal is only one way trip. You wouldn’t want to be left behind now would you.
The fruitloop was only getting close to the portal. He had to act.
One way trip… Act more like his sister. Act like Dani.
He hit the man as hard as he could. Until the man let go and essentially threw them to the ground oh so close to this new dimension. He didn’t have time to think.
They were so close to the portal.
He just grabbed Dani chucked his shoe at vlad to unbalance the man and fell through the portal.
Jonathan and Martha Kent certainly weren’t expecting two toddlers to fall out of the sky into their field. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time they took in two children.
Their oldests could do with some younger siblings.
Even if they did have to coax the two twins?siblings? inside with pie later that night.
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Hey Cap!! 
Miscellaneous meta PN lore question!
I have some questions about Time Travel! In Panthera, Bunnyx is yet to show up, I presume because her first canon appearance is in season 3, however I’m curious about what thoughts you have regarding the Rabbit Miraculous and time travel in the series in general :3
Time travel always has a lot of different interpretations and it’s one of those things that can be an absolute pain in the ass to plan for. Especially cause as soon as you open up the ‘time travel is possible’ can of worms it either a) has to be addressed why the big bad evil guy wasn’t just… stopped before they could begin or b) have some sort of rules about time travel that generally change depending on what is convenient for the plot (or secret third option c) use suspension of disbelief because the story wouldn’t have happened if someone had went and fixed everything).
Sorry, I think about time travel a lot. A version of time travel is a main component of my original fantasy story so this is actually a hugely pared down prelude to what I wanted to write. 
Anyway! I’m wondering if you have any thoughts on how you're going to handle the fact that it, well, exists. It feels like the sort of thing you wouldn’t shy away from, especially because of all the lovely existential dread that could come from having access to that power, though it would come in different flavours depending on how you choose how time travel works. (Eg. You can’t change the past but you can partake in it, it's just that this was always what happened but the time traveller is the last one to experience that moment. Or you can change the past but would it be ethical or right? etc.).
Obviously, Time Breaker could (and did!) time travel, but the mechanics of that were just totally different so it's a different ball game. Though I did like how you wrote Time Breaker and the ramifications of that, I'll get into that for my story observations :3
But… it’s also a total bitch to plan around writing wise, you need, like, a special kind of foreshadowing for it to pay off properly and it's all complicated for no reason so I totally get if it’s a canon aspect you want to mostly ignore. 
Ive thought about it a LOT on why Bunnyx hasn't 'fixed' any of the in universe problems.
I love Alix, so I have great plans to explore how she goes from being Alix- a very emotional character with strong emotional ties and, as Timebreaker showed, the drive to recklessly fix something if she's given the chance to- to Bunnyx, someone who- well... is an enforcer of the future.
I'll keep my cards close, but I will leak some details on how time itself works in this universe though! See;
If this universe is a gated off garden, the many different timelines that co-exist are the singular different plants and flowers growing. Different seeds grow into specific plants.
A tomato seed turns into a tomato, a Chat Noir timeline produces a Chat Noir timeline, and so on. Bunnyx's job is to tend to this garden, keep timelines and their roots from interfering with each other. This means alternate timelines exist.
Becoming Bunnyx means she's not allowed to pick and choose what timelines she wants but is responsible to make sure they end in the ways they're meant to, and if they're not, she will know because they often interfere with other timelines like Weeds.
In minor situations, a timeline will feature a hiccup where a scenario doesn't go exactly how it's meant to or occurred without meaning to, and Bunnyx will either readjust this event to make it work smoothly into the 'canon', ignore it because its harmless, or cut the hiccup entirely so it never happens.
In MAJOR situations, a disrupted and unintended timeline will not only occur and change the direction of a single timeline, it will slowly weed its way into causing the other timelines around it to ONLY END the way the original Anomaly does. That is when the event that caused the anomaly must be cut from the root- before it's infection affects her too.
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By: The Heretical Liberal
Published: Jun 18, 2024
Lots of responses to this post I made the other day laying out the case for why trans activism is homophobic, most of them supportive. For the few that weren't, here's a thread where I brought the receipts. If my earlier post was opening arguments, consider this the full case: 🧵
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First up, the charities, such as Stonewall and GLAAD. These are the groups that were originally set up as gay rights advocates, but were retooled around 2015 into trans rights advocates, and - since trans activism seeks to erase homosexuality - promptly began to do exactly that
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With the anti-gay activists now in charge and setting the tone, media now takes the reins and begins subtly erasing the very notion of same-sex attraction, suggesting that lesbians who don't want to date ppl with penises, and gay men not interested in vaginas are hateful bigots
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And more of the same nonsense:
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With the activists dictating, and the media following their lead, the homophobia inevitably trickles down. This manifests in different forms, but one of them is the psychological torture of homosexuals, some of whom have come to believe their innate orientation means they're bigots
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But mostly the biggest effect is in the trans community itself, who have increasingly internalized the idea that same-sex attraction doesn't exist, and thus, any ppl who claim to be exclusively same-sex attracted are actually just transphobic bigots who can be abused at will
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The rest is just gonna be a firehose of hate, as I try to dispel the idea that this homophobia is "just a few bad apples" instead of the truth: it's a core component underpinning the entire ideology transgenderism, as are the violent threats that often accompany it:
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I could go on and on, but I think the point here is made. Homophobia doesn't just exist in the trans community, it's RIFE in it. It's a feature, not a bug, the erasure of sex (and by extension, homosexuals) is a core goal of trans activism. Hopefully this has opened some eyes /end
Firstly, if you're shocked by this, then you haven't been paying attention.
This is what it looks like when the mentally ill use academic gobbledygook to pathologize the normal and normalize the pathological.
You're not crazy: same sex attraction and opposite sex attraction are real things and completely normal. You may have either or both (bisexual). Their stupid buzzwords don't - and can't - change that. Nor turn it into a "genital preference."
If you take away nothing else, know that an accusation of being "transphobic" is a predator trying to emotionally manipulate and blackmail you into allowing access by the predator beyond your boundaries. Whether that be sexual boundaries, to simply how you address others, and anything and everything in between.
You never have to justify your boundaries. Someone who tries to make you, or who tells you that you need to "rethink" your boundaries, or particularly who acts morally superior about their purported higher evolved absence of boundaries is a full-blown predator. No, I'm not being hyperbolic. When I say "predator," I mean they're a predator. You're talking to someone who is dangerous and not to be trusted, because they see your boundaries as something to be overcome, circumvented or "fixed." They do not respect you and they feel entitled to what they want from you. They are dangerous. They are a predator. By definition.
In the very definition of an abusive relationship, these virulently anti-gay fanatics also won't let LGB operate without them. Because they'll lose their human shields and their stolen valor they've misappropriated from the gay rights movements. Which is the point in the movie where the abuser shouts, "without me, you're nothing! I won't let you leave! If I can't have you, no one will!" And then something horrible happens.
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ocherednoe-dno · 2 months
techpriest angst ideas
used to power something with their potentia coil [willingly or not], a potentially dangerous and damaging process
they allow someone they trust to perform maintenance on them and that person injects scrapcode into them
cybernetic's malevolent machine spirit discovered too late
wound that would instantly kill or incapacitate a baseline, but leaves the techpriest a barely-moving agonized heap on the floor
unable to disconnect from mental interfacing/communion with [insert unpleasant entity here]
an internal component of a cybernetic [joint, tubing, part of a mechanism] splinters off or dislocates in field conditions where it both cannot be fixed and continues to be strained, therefore causing compounding damage
brain implant causes terrible headaches after being improperly implanted or dislodged[bent, warped] after being hit by something
brain implant is hijacked, therefore making the techpriest lose their free will and potentially become indistinguishable from a servitor
phantom [limb] pain after augmetic implantation
treated by another techpriest who is very big into being cold and machine-like [and/or arrogant], and does not listen to their patient, or bother giving them any comfort or [pain] relief beyond what is strictly necessary to treat them
a mechanical parasite grows within a techpriest
surrounded by techpriest who only know how to repair augments, but not treat any ailments or wounds of the flesh
they can't walk but are too heavy for anyone around to [properly] carry or drag
vocal implant torn out
some of their cybernetics have to be removed to treat them, but no one around knows how to handle them, and the techpriest is too ill to do it themself
cybernetic that's hard to remove/not meant to be removable gets stuck in something
potentia coil(s) disabled, resulting in the techpriest being unable to power their implants or move their augmetic body parts that have suddenly become cumbersome and heavy
techpriest forcibly wired to something and unable to disengage/move away on their own
sub-intelligence or mental program starts harming the "main" user(s) by malfunction or sabotage
repair mechadendrites malfunction or are sabotaged; start tearing into flesh [further] instead of fixing it
two incompatible implants are installed in one body, and their overlap or tension causes damage and pain
something is jabbed into a techpriest's artificial spine to immobilize them
digestive implant(s) stop working, and whatever is inside them rots
something awful gets into an autosanguination alembic or coolant line
the cooling system gives out while the techpriest is using their brain implants or attached weaponry to the max
implants made out of heat-conducting metals make getting burned worse
implant melts, splinters or warps and gets stuck in or fused to a wound
MIU connection or Noospheric link is hacked into by a malicious actor to access the techpriest's mind
electrical surge burns out or severely damages vital implants
the techpriest's body rejects a new implant like it could a donor organ
this list is not exhaustive
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dalmascan-requiem · 18 days
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Light's Overture: Magitek
Cid makes a terrible error.
Read on AO3 or keep reading after the jump
content warnings: none
Part of FFxivWrite 2024
The Warrior of Light's ineptitude with technology wasn't originally well-known. Well... Cid learns about it the hard way.
This is for day one's prompt for FFxivWrite 2024, Steer.
“Well, I’ll be. I don’t know how you managed to take the Garleans out while keeping the armor intact, Kris, but I thank you for it.”
Cid flashes the Warrior of Light a grin as Biggs and Wedge give a thumbs up. “Now all we need are the disguises, and you’ll be able to infiltrate the Castrum.” 
The engineer taps a finger to his lips for a moment before continuing. “Kris, you haven’t driven Magitek armor before, right? Why don’t you pilot it back to Revenant’s Toll? While Wedge will be using it at the Castrum, it’ll be helpful for you to know how to control one… in case something happens.”
Kris stares blankly at Cid for a moment. “You want me to…?” A look of excitement spreads across his face as he nods. “Okay, sure! I promise not to break it!”
Huh? What does he mean by that…? Cid can’t help but feel that he made a mistake, but Kris already climbed into the armor and is staring at the control panel.
”Hm… how do I turn it on? Ah, this looks like it—“
“Kris, it’s already on—“
Suddenly, the Magitek armor rears back at an odd angle, threatening to throw Kris out of the driver’s seat. “H-hey! What is—“ He pulls a nearby lever in shock, and the armor shoots its remaining rounds of ammunition into the skies above Mor Dhona.
Oh… Hells…
The Ironworks engineers could only look at the ensuing chaos in horror. Kris starts hitting buttons randomly in a panic, causing the armor to pitch around wildly while he struggles to stay on. After what feels like an eternity, the sound of a sharp crack fills the air as the Magitek armor finally powers down.
Cid watches the smoke rising from the armor in silence, feeling a headache coming on as Kris looks at the control panel in confusion. “Oh. Is… is it okay?”
”Kris, just… get out of the armor. Please.”
He quickly gets out of the armor and watches as Biggs and Wedge access the damage, a slight pout on his face. Well, I suppose the Warrior of Light had no need to learn how to pilot Garlean tech… 
“It’s still structurally sound… somehow.” Wedge shakes his head as he looks at one of the armor’s legs. “One of the components in this leg is busted, but with the right parts, we can fix it. I think.”
”Well, that is a blessing, at least.” Cid sighs, suddenly feeling very tired. “Let’s get this back to—“
Kris perks up as he learns the armor can be fixed. ”Oh, that's good! Do you need me to help with—“
”NO.” The voices of the trio echo in the valley, and Kris looks down at the ground, sulking at the disapproval.
I’d find that more endearing had he not damn near blown up the armor just now… “We all… have our strengths, Kris. Why don’t you secure the disguises? We’ll take care of the armor.”
Kris nods. “Alright, I’ll get it done.” Cid wasn’t sure if Kris was still upset at the incident, but when he was out of earshot, he lets out a deep breath and turned to the others.
”The Warrior of Light is never allowed inside the Ironworks.”
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accessiblemindstech · 2 months
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Accessibility is not just a trend but it’s a fundamental necessity in today’s digital era. With over 1.3 billion people worldwide living with some form of disability, ensuring that your website is accessible to all users is both a moral and business imperative. Do You Love Our Reads Then Click Here:https://rb.gy/vwu7qb Click Here To Visit:https://rb.gy/uoyxqq
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sdettechnologies · 3 months
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xelyn-craft · 3 months
So, I know this isn't usually what I post on here, but I'm desperate. I have finished the second draft of my novel. It's the first book in a science fiction series, and I am in need of beta readers. If you are interested, please contact me and let me know. I need people who can read the draft, give constructive criticism and feedback, and answer a few questions once they have finished reading the draft.
I am not looking for comments like "I didn't like it" or "this sucked", nor am I even looking for comments like "I did like it a lot", or "It was great". I need actual feedback on how to improve the next draft of the book and in depth discussion on your suggestions to do that. I also need people committed enough to finishing the book and actually getting back to me.
It's about 30 chapters long, give or take, and each chapter is fairly short. Altogether it's about 57,440 words long. It is a science fiction but it's not high brow, I tried very hard to make it accessible to most reading levels that would be reading a full length novel. It is only the first book in a series, so keep that in mind, as well as it only being a second draft. Expect errors, that's why I need your feedback. I'm not as worried about grammar and spelling as I am overall story structure, character development, world building, and things like that. I'll leave the synopsis under the cut for you to read. Please get in touch with me if you are interested in being a beta reader at all.
In a future where war runs rampant across the globe, climate change has decimated the earth, and resources are rapidly dwindling, science has become mankind’s last hope at salvaging life on earth. Time is running out as scientists scramble for solutions to the fear of extinction that is gradually becoming a reality. While some scientists focus on trying to salvage what they can of the planet Earth, the Horizon project looks to the stars for salvation. Still in the building stages, they plan to send a ship out into space to journey to and terraform a new world for humans to colonize. If the mission is a success, more ships will be sent out to more worlds to spread humanity across the universe so they can thrive off of the home world, and perhaps give it time to recover from the damage that has been done.
Meanwhile, the androids that have been used to try and ease the burden on humanity are very limited. Dr. Gayle Chen and Dr. Evander graves offer a new advancement in artificial intelligence technology in the form of synthetic humans. Sythetics are A.I. with both cybernetic and biological components married together in the form of genetically engineered bodies integrated with computer technology. They are meant to be the next step up from androids in service to humans.
Alma is the first prototype to come online, but displays signs of technological singularity. This sentience is not something his creators planned on when they designed him. Now Alma must figure out what he is and cope with his creator’s attempts to “fix” him while also trying to produce more synthetics that do not have his “defect”. He simply wishes to be allowed to exist as he is, while the world is falling apart around him.
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misseviehyde · 2 years
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"Come on nerd, you're meant to be smart," sneered Mia, impatiently tapping her long acyrllic nails against the desk. She leaned forward threateningly. "Fix my fucking skin ray rod and hurry up."
Sarah gulped and turned back to the twisted mess of wires sticking out of the strange wandlike machine she held in her hands. Where her bratty Asian bully Mia had acquired such an object she had no idea, but she didn't dare ask.
"Make it work again and I won't bully you for a few weeks. Isn't that worth it bitch?"
Of course... Mia was lying. As soon as Sarah had fixed the rod - Mia was going to blast her with it and wear the little dweeb for a few days. She would generate more than enough blackmail material to ensure the loser was fully under her power. Having her own private repair and homework service would be useful.
One blast of the rod and anyone could be turned into a wearable skin. It allowed perfect access to memory and flawless impersonation of the victim. Another blast would turn them back to normal... except now the damn thing had stopped working.
Sarah squealed as the rod suddenly sparked and a beam of light blasted out. It struck her mirror and she screamed as it ricocheted around the room. She ducked and the beam JUST missed her head. "That was close," she gasped turning round to speak to Mia.
But Mia was gone... or at least the surprised looking pile of flesh within her clothes looked like Mia, but she was no longer able to move or speak.
"Oh no," squealed Sarah as the device in her hand suddenly sparked and she tossed it into the fire bucket full of sand she'd put to one side just in case. The rod burst into flames and she desperately stamped them out, hearing circuits crunch and components snap.
In moments it was over and the rod was a ruined mess of twisted metal - totally unrepairable. Smoke was rising from the bucket and moments later the firealarm went off.
"What on Earth is happening in here?" coughed Janice, Sarah's kindly Mom as she pushed open the door.
She gawped at the empty skin on the bed and her teary daughter. "You better tell me everything."
Comforting her daughter Janice held the now cool ruin of the rod. "So this is completely broken? Well - in that case you need to find out where Mia got it from originally."
"But how Mom? Without the rod we can't turn her back, and when her rich parents find out she's missing they'll get the police involved. I'll be arrested for murder!"
"But Mia isn't dead right? If we can get another rod we can zap her back to normal. We just need to access her memories right? Well - why don't I put her on and then I can search her mind for answers."
Sarah hesistated. Something about her Mom climbing into the body of her bitchy bully felt wrong but she guessed she had no choice.
"Okay, but be careful."
Janice took off her clothes and picked up Mia's skin. It should have been impossibly tight and small for her much larger middle aged body to fit inside - but the skin was stretchy and once it snapped tight - it began to squeeze and reduce Janice's body until she was somehow the same dimensions as Mia.
Smooth tanned skin replaced aging flesh as Janice struggled into the suit. "Oh my goodness," groaned Janice as Mia's tighter younger pussy snapped into place over her own and Mia's perfect bottom tingled pleasantly. She hadn't realised putting on the skin would actually feel this good.
A feeling of youth and power was flowing into Janice and as she pushed her hands into Mia's arms, she wiggled her manicured fingers and admired how hot they looked.
Mia's breasts were smaller, but they were perter and in proportion to her tiny body they looked plenty big. Janice groaned in pleasure as she pulled them up and then grabbing Mia's bitchy face pulled it over her own.
She felt soft pink lips merge with her own as the skin snapped fully tight around her and the seam merged together invisibly. The skin tightened and all sensations of her own body faded as she now fully inhabited Mia's tight young body. The transformation was complete.
"Wow... you look just like her..." breathed Sarah slightly fearfully.
"I feel AMAZING," grinned Janice - her voice now bratty and condescending. She turned in the mirror admiring the flexible tautness of her body and her perfectly toned physique. Every ache and pain from her forty year old body was gone, she felt lighter... stronger... more confident.
"Can you remember where she got the rod?"
Janice squeezed Mia's eyes shut... but her memories were a fog. She could remember some things, especially recent ones.
Like how I was gonna take total advantage of that fucking loser Sarah. What a pathetic sadsack she is.
Janice gasped. The flavour of Mia's memories were vile and toxic - yet somehow enticing and addictive. Hearing her own thoughts echo with such meaness sent a thrill of exhiliration through her. She decided not to tell Sarah what Mia had had planned for her, there was no reason to upset her.
Older memories though were proving harder to pin down. It was like Mia's mind was resisting hers... or she wasnt enough in tune with it yet to fully understand those thoughts.
"I think I need longer inside her," mused Janice. "It's still very confusing. I'll spend the night as Mia and hopefully by tomorrow I'll know more."
"What do you mean? Who is going to cook dinner and look after us then? Are you staying over as Mia?"
Janice felt an uncharacteristic flash of annoyance and the words came out before she could stop them. "Of course not you fucking dummy - I'm going back to Mia's house and you can sort your own dinner. Tell your father I went out and won't be back for a few days."
Gawd, she's so fucking dumb even if she is a nerd. What a loser.
Janice groaned as a feeling of pleasure pulsed through her. It was like Mia's skin was approving of her outburst and rewarding her. Accepting her.
New memories swam into focus and Janice suddenly understood. The skin was fighting her - recognising that she was alien, but the more like Mia she acted - the more it would accept her and allow her to think and feel just like Mia.
She decided to keep that secret from Sarah too. There was no reason she had to know everything.
Turning to the bed and ignoring the look of anger on Sarah's face Janice began to dress in Mia's clothes. She would never have worn an outfit like this before - it barely covered her body and was little more than a few pieces of material that somehow prevented Mia from being completely nude. With a giggle she slid in the sexy belly button ring that had come lose when Mia deflated. This was all kind of... fun.
"Awwwww don't pout," laughed Janice mockingly as she saw Sarah was still angry. "I'm just being in character. Look I'll find out where to get a new rod and then we'll put everything back to how it used to be. Don't worry."
Grabbing Mia's handbag and iphone, she slid her feet into the bullies high heeled shoes and clopped out of the room like she really was Mia.
Janice had worried that Mia's parents would notice something was wrong, but she needn't have concerned herself.
"Hello Princess," smiled Mia's doting father doing the dishes still in his work tie, as her Mother drank a cocktail and had her personal manicurist work on her fingers.
Mia's memories told Janice that her Mom was a rich trophy wife and her Dad owned his own businesses. In the outside world he was a powerful dominant business man, but at home he was enslaved to his trophy wife and bratty daughter. Mia and her Mommy got whatever they wanted and never had to lift a finger.
It was no wonder she'd grown up to be a spoiled bully.
Walking into Mia's bedroom, Janice was surprised how tidy it was. Then she remembered they had a maid. Mia usually just threw her clothes on the floor and left them for someone else to tidy up. She was used to being waited on.
I'm just better than other people. This is what I deserve.
Janice opened drawers of neatly folded panties and bras. Mia had a personal stylist and beautician and there was a bewildering array of different colours and styles. Clothing racks loaded with dresses, skirts, pantsuits and blouses were stacked up against one wall, where a cubby system held hundreds of pairs of shoes.
A pair of cat ear headphones hung from a pink gaming chair in the corner, a professional microphone and lighting rig testsment to Mia's growing popularity as a streamer and e-girl.
A locked white cabinet stood in the corner. Walking over Janice remembered where Mia hid the key and unlocking it gasped at what was inside.
Sex toys of every colour, size and variety stood carefully arranged on the shelves inside. Suction dildos, vibrators, wands and even strap ons. Handcuffs, chains, whips and masks completed the set. There were two harddrives inside as well and Janice gasped as Mia's memories told her they were full of the amateur sex films she'd made with both boys and girls.
"Holy shit, she's only eighteen, this is crazy," gasped Janice - also incredibly turned on by what she was seeing.
She reached out and picked up a big black dildo as long as Mia's arm and gulped as a memory of having it deep inside her flashed up.
What's the matter bitch - can't take a little length?
Janice gasped. This was more than a memory - it was like Mia's mind was... talking to her. It didn't feel conscious - more like her memories and thoughts were trying to crowd into her own mind and make her think like they did. In the same way that Mia's body was beginning to accept Janice, so was her mind. The more like Mia she thought, the closer the union would become.
Janice put down the black dildo and her hand grabbed a well worn magic wand.
This is my favourite toy. I love how it makes me squirt.
The memory no longer felt like Mia's. It felt like hers. She could remember the touch and feel of the wand perfectly. She could remember it like it was her own memory. It was overwhelming.
Fuck I'm horny. I should play with myself
Lying on the bed Janice tore off her clothes and smiling began to play with herself. She felt so fucking hot young and bitchy. Switching on the wand, she felt it buzz into life and she brought it down to her shaved pussy.
"Ohhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkk."
My clit is super sensitive today... doesn't it feel so deliciously nasty to play with myself. I'm such a fucking bitch.
Janice groaned and gripped the sheets with her spare hand. Her eyes rolled up in pleasure and she bit a pink lip. She hadn't ever felt this aroused and simulated.
I'm definitely going to squirt - ohhhhh fuck this feels so fucking good.
Janice grinned as she relaxed and let her bonding with Mia grow stronger and stronger. She loved how this felt. She could feel herself melting deeper and deeper into Mia's memories and desires.
Doesn't it feel so good to be a brat? I love being a bitch.
Mia's wicked memories began to flood Janice's mind and she groaned as she got even more turned on by the most evil and depraved thoughts her new body was giving her.
She embraced it totally - imagining herself as Mia, bullying nerds and acting like a spoiled bitch. It would all feel so good.
More memories flooded her mind... her skin felt more perfect, tighter and more comfortable. Her head span...
What the fuck are all these pathetic memories about being a Mom? I should drive them out so there's more room to be a bitch.
Janice drove the wand down harder on her clit and screamed in pleasure. "Yesssss I'm a bitch, I'm Mia and I'm a fucking bitch."
Memories were slipping out of her head now - useless pathetic memories about being a Mom and caring for Sarah.
Sarah is a fucking loser and I can't wait to bully her. I am a fucking Goddess and my name is MIAAAAAAA!
"Yesssss oh fuck yesssss!"
Janice screamed as she began to cum. Hot juices erupted as she squirted for the first time in her life. She squealed and moaned, wave after wave of pleasure pulsing through her body.
Janice? No... she was no longer Janice.
She was Mia now and it felt so fucking good.
Mia smiled as Sarah hugged her and she walked into the house with her.
"Im sorry darling," purred Mia acting how she thought Sarah's pathetic Mom might act, "I still can't access her memories. I have no idea where she got the rod."
"It's okay Mom," sighed Sarah as she shut the door and walked forwards.
She screamed as the beam hit her directly in the back.
"Hahaha," laughed Mia as she watched Sarah collapse and deflate into an empty skin. "I can't believe you fell for that loser."
Hanging her former daughter on a coat hanger, Mia giggled as she hung Sarah on the back of the door and used a coat to cover most of her up.
"Sorry nerd but your Mommy is all gone. But we can still have fun together. Now I have all of Mia's memories I know exactly where she got the rod from and getting a new one was easy. Why don't you hang there and watch what happens next?"
There was a knock at the door and Mia grinned as she went to answer it. Bobby, the boy Sarah had a crush on was standing there.
"Mia - what the hell are you doing here? I thought Sarah asked me over."
"Don't worry Bobby. Sarah and I are friends now. She told me to keep you entertained whilst we wait for her to turn up. Come in..."
Bobby followed her into the house - his eyes rivetted to her ass.
Trapped as an empty living skin Sarah wordlessly screamed as she watched Bobby's strong hands on Mia's bitchy hips. He was pounding her hard, making her groan with every thrust.
"Fuck you're so tight Mia. I can't believe I'm fucking the hottest girl in school. You won't tell Sarah right."
Mia grinned and tossed her hair back.
"Don't worry about that bitch Bobby. Grab my hair and fuck the shit out of me. I'll even let you cum in me."
Bobby groaned and pounded Mia harder - grabbing her hair.
"Yessss that's it. Go deeper... deeper."
And throughout it all Sarah couldn't but help watch every second as she silently screamed and prayed Mia would turn her back to normal.
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deadprocess · 1 month
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Proposition
Learning that there is no war, Shockwave and Soundwave take residence with an over eager Rust Dust who informs them of certain legalities involving their unexpected stay on Cyberonica.
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Soundwave stood in silence for a few clicks, digesting the information as best as he could. He was well acquainted with traveling through a space bridge, but dimensional travel was not something he was expecting to encounter, least not experience himself. 
“Decepticons: eradicated?” 
“No. One cannot eradicate something that has never existed. Our war has not happened, nor will it. At least, that is what I was informed,” Shockwave turned his helm towards the door, “Rust Dust has informed me that we are currently located in a rural town called Primatonta, which is located near a city called Univiron. It was mentioned that it is the hub of scientific endeavors. If we were to travel there, It could be possible to utilize their advancements to return home. Though It is unknown to me whether or not this planet has adequate enough components to pull off such a feat.” 
“Natives: Will let Shockwave into their labs? Use their research and tools?” Soundwave’s body language was incredulous, helm tilted and arms crossing in disbelief. Not being immediately attacked was one thing, but letting two outsiders into their labs and accessing research was an entirely different thing. No bot would be that stupid. 
A flash of a Vehicon’s face passed through Soundwave’s processor.
Well…some would but those were few in between.
“I do not have a clear answer, but there is no indication that they would consider us a threat. However, persuasion will be applied as necessary should the situation call for it,” Shockwave turned towards the door, his purple bitarlueus biolights flickering in an ominous pattern. His arm cannon was a staunch reminder of what he had lost long ago, but it also served as a reminder that he was not to be trifled with. Many enemies had been felled by him and many would fall if they should dare get in his way, “come, Soundwave. Let us suggest this idea to our host.”
Rust Dust’s residence…was far messier than what one would think for a fellow bot. Numerous trinkets lay scattered across counters and pictures of unfamiliar faces decorated the walls of each corridor. A plethora of luminescent flora hung around her residence, all in various states of living, if one could call it that. Soundwave could almost picture one poor plant calling out desperately for sustenance as its leaves lay limp and dying. It was shocking how much stuff one could have, though it was possible that he just never had the luxury to own anything besides Lazerbeak. He, however, would hardly call her something he owned, as she was as much a part of him as his own spark.
Shockwave cleared his intake, causing Rust Dust to look up briefly from her display screen. Sounds of gunfire ceased as the screen displayed the word “PAUSE”. She was playing a game that appeared eerily similar to the ones that humans occupied themselves with back on Earth. 
“Oh, hey guys. Was that en-...oh. Primus, I’m sorry! I forgot to get that energon for you! Here, one second.” The femme jumped up, rushing around a corridor into a room before rustling through something. No doubt a supply closet as she reappeared with a bright, neon cube. “Here, sorry about that again!” Handing the cube to Soundwave, who tentatively grasped it, she sat back down glancing at them expectantly. “Well…? You guys can take a seat, no need to be so formal!” 
There were a few different options; a lengthy cushioned slab, a few metal chairs and a singular cushioned one. Shockwave moved to sit on the slab, his weight shifting the furniture slightly. It was a shock that the furniture even fit a bot like him. Were there others that rivaled his size? Or did the femme simply prefer roomier options? Soundwave remained in place, gaze fixed on the swirling substance he held in his servo. It looked like energon, smelled like it too, but it had a thicker consistency that he remained unsure about as his tentacle emerged to probe at it. Shockwave took it upon himself to speak for the two of them as the other officer occupied himself with the foreign energon.
“After speaking to my companion, we find it best if you were to show us to that science capital you were telling me about earlier. Univiron, was it?” His servo moved to direct attention to the window nearby, attempting to appear casual in the conversation so as to not raise any suspicions, “We make it a point to engage ourselves with fellow scientists. Collaboration is imperative within the field, don’t you agree?”
“Oh yeah, Univiron! I can absolutely show you two around there! I’m sure Lancer and Crosswire would love to hear about your work too. There is a transport system that runs through here every cycle, “ Rust Dust stood from her current lounging position, optics wide with enthusiasm before a realization dawned on her, “but, we’re going to have to visit the actual capital first. I know this might be odd, but we need to get you two registered.”
“We do not intend to stay long term.” Shockwave quickly interjected and Soundwave raised his helm to stare at the femme. Rust Dust held her servos up, sensing the shift in tension. 
“Oh no! I didn’t mean for you two to register for permanent residency or anything. When we have newcomers, it’s just standard procedure to get their information and issue them temporary residence if they are staying for more than a solar cycle. It helps the government keep track of resources, spending and who is currently on the planet.” 
“Soundwave and Shockwave: will be watched and escorted?” Soundwave’s purple optic bore a hole into the smaller bot. Shockwave had never seen his compatriot’s face before but the striking optic that glowed under the shade of his helm was certainly unnerving. This much was apparent as Rust Dust shifted nervously under the scrutinizing gaze.
“Excuse him. We are just interested in how the council proceeds with situations like this. Will we be treated as guests or as unfavorable characters?” Shockwave quickly diverted attention away as Rust Dust’s ever present smile twitched downwards as her discomfort became palpable.
“Primus no! You won’t be like under surveillance or treated like criminals but you’ll definitely be escorted around. Cyberonica is huge and traveling around can be difficult since you don’t know much about our transportation system. On the bright side there is plenty to do, so think of it more like having a personal chauffeur that will take you to the best spots before you guys leave! You guys are super lucky too. We have some major events coming up!” Rust dust’s upbeat attitude returned, contrasting starkly to the brewing impatience from Shockwave and Soundwave. 
“Very well. How long does it take to get to your capital? And once we have an audience with your planet’s officials, will we be granted approval to travel to Univiron?” 
“Well…Generatium is five cycles by air transport, so if we leave now we can be there by nightfall. I don’t think you’ll be able to see Univiron for a few days though. Everyone is preparing for the Spark Festival. A lot of our scientists and engineers head to Animatrix to collaborate and make sure the artists are following safety protocols, so there won’t really be any higher ups in the labs.” Shockwave’s antenna twitched, his digits tapping against his tibulen. Patience was a virtue but time was of the essence. This Spark Festival was going to derail his time schedule... 
And Primus, ”Spark” festival? What an uncreative name!
“Surely we could engage with those remaining in the lab? Have they not been trained well enough to offer a tour and collaborate? Forgive my impatience, but our trip was meant to be relatively short and we really should be trying to repair our device.”
Trip? Soundwave’s helm tilted slightly. What had Shockwave told the femme about their current circumstance? 
“Oh, I think they have, but I’m sure the lead scientists wouldn’t want excess hands in the lab because of safety issues. A lot of the lab personnel left behind are there to make sure that any running experiments are going smoothly and to clean up. You know…basically making sure nothing explodes as Lancer says.” 
Soundwave placed a servo on Shockwave’s shoulder plating, signaling for his EM field to retract as the scientist's growing frustration heightened. Exasperated, Shockwave yielded. There would be nothing to gain from threats of violence or impatience. They were not deemed a threat yet, so that is how it should remain until they could find a way home. Any unnecessary actions could prove to be consequential after all.
“That is sound reasoning. Let us travel to Generatium at once then. Soundwave, are you well enough to depart?” 
Soundwave silently sipped at the cube through his tentacle, his intake lurching at the odd texture that greeted his fuel lines. His exposed optic shut as he repressed a shudder. He could not taste anything but he was sure that the flavor would be unforgivably nasty. 
“Affirmative: Intake levels optimal for short trips.” Shockwave rose, nodding at his fellow officer before turning his attention to Rust Dust who was grabbing a small data pad. 
“Perfect. I have my pass right here so we can get going. I’m sure our council members will be able to expedite things including medical care. Those dents and vizor of yours should be easy to fix for our experts!” Rust Dust gave another enthusiastic thumbs up before turning on her heel struts towards the door. 
Soundwave’s optic flickered down. To fix his vizor meant for their medical personnel to remove it entirely. He would be exposed. Perhaps he could request the tools and proceed with fixing it himself? Perhaps he could find a way to shield his facial-...
A servo found its way to his shoulder pad. Looking to his side, his gaze met Shockwave’s. A small gesture of comfort. A silent promise.
We will deal with that when the time comes. 
The transport station was huge. For as small as Rust Dust described Primatonta to be, the station was a hive of activity. Bots of all sizes rushed to different designations as a femme’s voice announced arrivals and departures. There were large screens that displayed various things above them with one depicting three separate transportation methods; air, water, and land. All with symbols next to them. Prices? It was an educated guess as it was all written in a language that Shockwave was unfamiliar with. 
“Soundwave, do any of your databases have information regarding this language?”
“Negative: databases are unable to be accessed at this time. Language: unfamiliar regardless.” Soundwave let a bitter edge seep into his voice. Shockwave had to be aware of the damaged state he was in and yet here he was, being asked nonsensical questions. Though he supposed his irritation was more linked to the vulnerability he felt rather than the scientist being naturally curious. 
Shockwave had always been a bright mind that was eager to sponge up any information he could. It was something he had always admired about the mech and it was good to see that he retained that even after all these vorns.
“Alright gentlemechs! I have three tickets for Generatium. We are departing from platform X, and it is leaving in a couple of breems so let's get going!” The femme began bounding towards in a direction that was assumed to be where this platform X was. Shockwave cursed inwardly as he quickened his pace to catch up with the femme, his servo placing itself on Soundwave’s back plate, urging him to follow as best as he could in his current state.
He could only hope that this trip would be over in a timely fashion, but with how many surprises there had been, it was doubtful.
Xx Author's Note xX
Thank you very much for reading! Lots of dialogue and world building coming up.
I'll be posting a peak at the different cities involved in this story. It will include their functions and important events tied with them! Let me know your thoughts!
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