#Disaster Report 4 Plus
lumi-nescentt · 8 months
Rumor Has It
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Part 1 - Someone Like You
Pairing: Jenson Button x Reader / Mark Webber x Reader
Warnings: none
Words: 3.4k
Summary: Catching the attention of an F1 driver is already rare but catching the attention of two very close friends in the paddock can only be a recipe for disaster. Especially when they're both devilishly handsome and have their mind set on winning your affections.
A/N: This was supposed to be a oneshot but I got carried away so it's now a four parter
Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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Mark and Jenson were close friends, that was a fact. The two drivers were always joking with each other. Despite their competitiveness on track, they always knew that leaving any argument they had on track was the wisest decision. 
It was almost an unspoken rule that any disagreement was to be left to deal with on track and for years they never argued about anything because they knew better. Plus, they never had something to argue over that required more than what racing solved. That was until you came along, you and your bright smile that made Jenson stutter for the first time when giving an interview. Mark was just as affected as his British friend but he chose not to show it  to you initially. 
Jenson had been on his way to tell Mark about this gorgeous and funny reporter that he had immediately been attracted to but before he could say anything, the Australian was already talking about you. All Jenson could do was nod and laugh as Mark described how beautiful you were and how you had smiled so brightly at him while asking him questions.
Part of him wanted to shut Mark up, to tell him that you had also smiled at him and that he wasn’t special but that meant admitting that he was just as ordinary as the Australian and Jenson hoped the spark between you hadn’t been one sided. 
For months the two men tried to get your attention, each with their own method but the same motivation behind it. Mark always spent as much time as possible with you in the media pen, sticking around until you were done to have a quick discussion until he was forced to join his team briefing. The usually quite grumpy Australian seemed to soften around you, smiling softly and always finding something interesting to say to you even when he DNFed. He was really trying to show his softer side in hopes that you’d like him back someday.
Where Mark was putting his hopes of getting with you on a subtler approach, Jenson was the complete opposite. The Brit was trying every trick in the book to get you to notice him, shamelessly flirting with you on or off camera. His smug smile never left his face whenever he knew he had your undivided attention. 
He got high on it, trying to find how to rile you up, how to get you to respond to his taunts. When it worked, the rare times you caved in and teased him back, Jenson beamed with pride.
With how close the two drivers were, they were well aware that they liked you both and that if you ever decided to reciprocate their feelings, one of them would be left behind and forced to let you go. Each of them hoped their antics would work, bragging about how well they knew you and how you would like them back someday.
Neither of them dared to say they’d get you explicitly. First, they didn’t want to jinx it by saying out loud a wish that hadn’t happened yet. Second, they knew better than to be douchebags and they respected you too much to treat you like some prize to be won. No matter how this whole flirting game felt like a competition between them, you weren’t an object to own.
By the end of the 2008 season, you still hadn’t reciprocated any of their feelings but neither of them was ready to give up. For an unknown reason, you had their undivided attention and there was nothing you or they could do about it. 
At first, you had thought they were indeed flirting with you and it felt good to be wanted. It wasn’t everyday that two gorgeous men got out of their way to have your attention. But then when Seb, who you knew had a girlfriend he loved to death, had started to flirt with you too, you started doubting the whole thing. 
Without knowing it, Seb’s need to tease his teammate and his friend had ruined most of their efforts. Jenson was known to be a playboy anyway so it was easy to convince yourself that he was just being his usual charming self and that you had overanalyzed every interaction you had with him. 
Convincing yourself that Mark was just being friendly was harder because the change in personality was evident. Your colleagues relentlessly teased you about your capacity of turning the intimidating Australian into some sort of lovesick puppy.
Even with how hard he was trying, Jenson could tell you were pulled towards Mark by a force bigger than him. Maybe it was the age difference between him and the Australian that pulled you towards his friend. Mark was in his thirties and despite not having changed on track, the Brit could tell his friend was in another stage of his life than him. 
Mark was done with meaningless flings and was looking for something real now. He still liked to party but there was something more serious about him. A steadiness and surety emanated from him. Jenson was well aware that he lacked that in appearance.
He was still enjoying life like there was no tomorrow and despite getting close to thirty, the Brit was still acting as if he was in his early twenties. He just thought life was easier that way. No one expected anything for you if you didn’t give them a reason too and it was the only way Jenson knew to avoid disappointing the people around him. You can’t really fail to meet expectations if the bar is on the floor. 
Maybe that was Jenson’s biggest flaw, his deep-rooted fear of disappointment had made him create this wall around him. This persona of Jenson Button, the ladies’ man, professional playboy, slag of the F1 paddock, he had heard it all and basked in it. Sometimes even using it to his advantage to get what he wanted because he was after all just a man with needs and there was only so long he could resist when presented with a good time.
As both of them kept trying to make you fall for them, the months passed and with that the 2009’s season with it. With how well his career was going, Jenson was putting his everything into whatever bond the two of you shared. He swore he could touch everything he ever wanted at the tip of his fingers: his dream of being a world champion and his dream girl, miraculously in the same place. 
In a moment of euphoria after he won the championship, Jenson had asked you to come to the afterparty to celebrate with him and all the drivers. You had planned to go out to celebrate your well-deserved break anyway so you agreed, thinking he’d be too busy to notice if you ever decided to show up or not. 
Seb was the first one to notice you in the packed club, smiling at you before nudging his teammate who smiled at you fondly, the alcohol letting him show his emotions more freely. You watched as he closed the distance between you, navigating between the mass of drunk people with ease before stopping in front of you with the same drunken smile. 
-“ Hey Mark” 
-“ Nobody told me you’d be coming, if I had known I’d have drank less.” Mark apologised
-“ Why, scared you’ll share your deepest secrets with me ?” 
-“ I have nothing to hide from you, I just want to be sure I remember every moment spent with you.” he smiled fondly 
-“ That’s very sweet but don’t worry about the alcohol, I plan on drinking as well so I’ll catch up with you soon enough.” you laughed 
-“ I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drunk. I wonder what kind of person you are then…”
-“ What do you think I am ?” 
-“ You don’t strike me as an emotional or loud drunk. I’m hoping you’re either a flirty drunk or a very honest one.” 
-“ Oh yeah ? Why is that ?” you asked, trying not to let a smirk creep on your face
-“ Because then I can ask you if you like me back and either you’ll flirt back or you’ll tell me the truth and I’ll know for sure how you feel about me.” 
-“ So you really like me ?” 
-“ I thought I made it obvious sweetheart but yes, I like you y/n.” Mark said, the pet name rolling off his tongue naturally
-“ Ok ok, just making sure.” 
-“ So you’re not going to tell me if you like me back or not ?” 
-“ I think you’ll have to wait until I’m a little drunk to get that answer, Mark.” you teased him
-“ Then can I go buy you a drink ?”
-“ If you insist, I’ll have a rum and coke please.” you said moving towards the bar to accompany him
-“ Go to the VIP area, I’ll bring the drink to you once you’re sitting down.” Mark smiled, motioning to the corner of the club you had seen him before he made his way to you
You nodded watching as his tall figure disappeared in the sea of people. You could still feel how warm your cheeks were from indulging in his game but you didn’t regret it. You felt good, the season was over and all you wanted to do was relax and enjoy yourself. 
You started to try and navigate the crowd to reach where you were supposed to wait for Mark but before you could make any real progress, a very drunk Jenson arrived right in front of you. 
-“ Y/n ! You really came ?” Jenson happily slurred, pulling you into a hug 
-“ Of course, I did. Congratulations on your win Jenson. It’s well deserved.” you said with your head resting on his shoulder
-“ Thank you, love. I’m really glad you’re here.” he muttered before stepping away from the hug
-“ It’s not like we see each other at every race, you know ?” you teased him
-“ It’s not the same. I can’t really be the way I want with you because of work…”
-“ And what way is that, Mister World Champion ?”
-“ I can’t ask you out properly at work, this is the first time I did.” 
-“ You were asking me out ?” 
-“ Of course I was. You’re gorgeous, funny, incredibly intelligent and you drive me up the wall. What’s there not to like ?”
-“ Jenson. You flirt with everyone, how am I supposed to believe you really like me ?” you deadpanned 
-“ I don’t flirt with anyone like I flirt with you, love. I don’t want to be with anyone like I want to be with you. I thought I had made it pretty obvious but I’ll do better”
-“ What do you mea–” you try to answer
Before you could finish your sentence, Jenson cupped your face with his hands and crashed his lips on yours. Taken aback at first, you stayed frozen not expecting the kiss. Once you fully realised what was happening, your lips moved on their own, returning it. 
Jenson’s lip tasted like champagne and what could only be described as pure victory. You could feel him smile when he felt your hand sneaking on the back of his neck. The kiss was tame at first until Jenson playfully bit your lower lip, giving him access to your mouth. From there the kiss turned heated and it was a clash of teeth and tongue. Jenson’s hands snuck around your waist, pulling you flush against him. 
When you finally separated from each other to breathe, Jenson looked like he had won the greatest prize of all. You tried to keep staring at him but his hungry eyes made you blush and you looked elsewhere, bringing your fingertips to your mouth, still not sure the kiss had really happened. 
When you looked back at him, Jenson seemed like he wanted to say something but it was his turn to get stopped. This time it was by Alonso who wrapped an arm around his friend’s shoulder before shoving a glass in his hands, unaware of the moment he had just ruined. 
Jenson thanked his Spanish friend before turning his attention back on you but Mark was back next to you. You offered a small smile to the Brit as Mark led you to the VIP corner, his hand proudly resting on the small of your back. All Jenson could do was stare longingly at the pair of you as you slowly disappeared in the crowd, leaving him still troubled by the passionate moment you had just shared. 
Part of him wanted to follow the two of you so that you and Mark weren’t alone but he hoped that the kiss would have been enough to convince you to choose him. He had made his affection clear so now all he could do was wait for you to come to him. Plus, it was his party, it would be a shame not to enjoy himself so he downed the glass Alonso had given him before following the Spaniard on the packed dance floor.
The night kept going and after drinking what Mark bought you, you decided to go dancing a little with Hanna who had joined Seb for the last race of the season. The two of you danced until your feet hurt because of the heels you were both wearing so when the pain became unbearable, you went back to the VIP area to sit down for a bit.
Jenson was still nowhere to be seen so you sat between Mark and Seb while Hanna sat between her boyfriend and Kimi. At first the boys were too deep into their conversations to pay attention to you but soon enough Mark looked at you with a smile, nudging your shoulder with his playfully.
-“ You looked good out there.” 
-“ Did I ? I didn’t realise you were looking at me.” 
-“ I mean you always look good but this dress looks insane on you sweetheart. It’s hard not to stare when you’re looking this pretty. ” Mark winked
-“ You don’t look so bad yourself. Your shirt suits you. It’s nice to see you in something other than your racing suit although fireproofs look crazy good with your body.” you blurted, the alcohol letting you say whatever came to your mind
-“ You’re definitely drunk.” 
-“ What gave it away, Sherlock Holmes ?” 
-“ You never complimented me when you were sober.” 
-“ I did ! I told you you had made a nice move on Seb in Spa.”
-“ Sweetheart, I’m not talking about racing compliments.”
-“ Oh… Well you always look good in whatever you’re wearing so there’s a compliment.”
-“ Do you know what else I’d look good in ?”
-“ Tell me.”
-“ I’ve been told I look pretty good wearing nothing at all.” Mark teased, bringing his face closer to yours
-“ Mark ! There’s people around, don’t tease.” you whisper-shouted as you blushed, his face even closer now
-“ Can I kiss you ?”
As soon as you nodded, Mark’s hand raised your chin and he delicately pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was nothing like the one you had shared with Jenson. For starters, Mark’s lips didn’t really taste of anything other than just Mark. That wasn’t a bad thing, it was just different. Mark was also a lot less aggressive when he kissed. While you and Jenson had been battling each other for dominance in your kiss, Mark was more than happy to slowly and languidly kiss you, following whatever lead you took. 
His other hand was resting on your thigh, rubbing circles absentmindedly with his thumb while yours were tangled in his hair. This didn’t feel like making out. You were just kissing because you wanted to. With Jenson it had felt like you needed to kiss in order for your heart to beat, in order to stay alive. 
With Mark, kissing him felt like being in the eye of the hurricane. You knew everything around was chaos but the kiss gave you a little breathing room. It gave you a temporary shelter to whatever was unfolding around you. 
When you pulled away from the kiss to breathe, Mark’s thumb was stroking your cheek. He pecked your lips before sliding closer to you on the couch you were sitting on. Now that the moment was pretty much over, Seb slapped a hand on Mark’s thighs to congratulate him for finally making a move on you.
-“ He’s been pining for you for so long, it was starting to get a little sad.” Seb joked
-“ It wasn’t sad Seb, shut up. I just know what I want, that's all.” 
-“ Are you going to tell Jense about it or should I break the news to him ?” 
-“ I’ll do it, just not tonight. It’s his night, let’s not ruin it.”
-“ Oh my God ! Jenson !” you muttered, making all the heads snap back towards you
-“ What is it sweetheart ?” 
-“ It’s actually a funny story but hum Jenson, well I did too I suppose so, Jenson and I kissed a few hours ago.” you admitted, scared of how Mark was going to react
-“ Oh, Jenson gets a little touch deprived when he’s drunk. He’d kiss anyone he can..” Mark reassured you
-“ Earlier this year he even tried to kiss me.” Seb remembered with a laugh
-“ So don’t worry about it. Chances are, he won’t even remember it tomorrow. That’s usually what happens when he kisses someone at random without feelings.” Mark affirmed, trying to be convincing enough for you to forget about it
You were too focused on Mark to notice the look exchanged between the two other drivers. Seb looked uncomfortable at the statement and asked Hanna if she wanted to dance, using the excuse to leave. Kimi was glaring at Mark menacingly. It’s not like it was his business or that he cared but even he knew that Jenson’s feelings about you were genuine. So in his book, Mark’s comment wasn’t one of a good friend but a very manipulative one which he didn’t really like so he just stood up and left.
Now left alone again, you and Mark used the opportunity to talk some more, really getting to know one another out of a professional context. Mark was pretty funny and kissing him every once in a while made you feel pretty giddy so your smile never left your face that night. 
When you finally decided to go back to your hotel, Mark insisted on walking you back which you accepted. You had wanted to say goodnight to Jenson but when your eyes fell on the Brit, he was hugging someone with long hair rather closely so you let Mark drag you away toward the exit. 
If only you had stayed a second later, you’d have realised that the person hugging Jenson was none other than Fernando who was trying his best to hold his drunk friend up while Jenson’s body wanted nothing more than to touch the floor and lay there forever. 
Now convinced that Jenson wasn’t serious about you, you invited Mark back into your room without remorse. If Jenson could have fun, so could you. This night turned into regular meetings at your hotel every race until Mark properly took you on a date and asked you out. Since the two of you had fun together and liked each other, you agreed to date him but kept your relationship private.
After his night of partying, Jenson remembered the kiss very clearly and he knew you had been sober so he came to the conclusion you hadn't enjoyed the kiss as much as he had. Or maybe you simply didn’t like him back. With that in mind, Jenson slowed down on the flirting during your interviews, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. 
Little did he know that by doing that, he was just convincing you that he didn’t like you like that and had just acted because of the alcohol. This whole situation just pushed you further into Mark’s arms and when you were finally ready, you made your relationship public. 
Seeing you and Mark kiss for the first time was like a punch in the gut for Jenson. He had known there had been a chance of losing you to Mark but up until then, he was convinced neither of them managed to seduce you. Knowing that he no longer had a chance with you broke his heart but like the good friend he was, the Brit congratulated the both of you and only expressed how happy he was for you. 
He wanted you to be happy more than anything. It was just a shame you had found happiness in Mark’s arms instead of his but he’d live with that as long as the smile on your face stayed there.
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carionto · 9 months
"It's perfect" a Human said about a Deathworld
Continuing with this trio
Gieverne exclaimed upon reading the latest report on the atmospheric and soil and vegetation conditions of a new batch of surveyed planets. One particular planet read: 43% oxygen, 56% nitrogen, 0.03 carbon dioxide, and lesser traces of other gasses. Lows of 16 and highs of 33 degrees C at mid-latitudes, plus/minus 4 at the equator/poles.
From pictures taken by a survey drone, it was completely covered in kilometers high verdant green ferns and trees. Even the few oceans, or, more appropriately - land-locked seas, also had a greenish-purple algae coating still half a meter thick furthest from any coastline. Indications of extensive microbial lifeforms, but no traces of any macroscopic creatures.
He quickly rushed to his colleagues, and upon hearing the news, Everie was ecstatic, while Henrietta pondered something:
"It's a good start, but we'll first have to introduce smaller herbivores better suited to digesting such dense plants. I'll call up the girls on the Bountiful Kaleidoscope, I suspect the gliding mammals they're working with would serve as better initial prey animals, and all we introduce will have to be tree climbers and nest builders or the lack of sunlight on the ground will just kill them."
There was a short discussion about the best starting species and locations, when Everie suddenly looked as if he had experience a Eureka:
"What if we cleared a spot from orbit first, see how fast it regrows? If it's slow enough, we'll have more options and the ecosystem could better adapt to their new friends without killing them."
The other two thought for a second, then enthusiastically nodded in agreement. After a few more short discussions and consultations with other relevant groups of scientists and natural disaster response experts, they adjourned, with Gieverne concluding the meeting:
"Then it's decided, I'll file the necessary paperwork, and this station should be on its way to our new orbital home by the end of the month."
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houseofbrat · 3 months
Is there actually a #Wales Kid Number Four or is that a metaphor for something else? What am I missing here? I don’t understand. Stephen Colbert jokes on live TV that William knocked up her mistress. Is that it? Does Wales kid number 4 have a different mother? And is that what caused Kate’s nervous breakdown? What wrong decision did William make that he can’t admit to?
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As I posted a few things on William's past this weekend, let's remember that William a) has a temper, b) has a big ego, and c) is thin-skinned.
William's reputation as being a "good" king-in-waiting solely rests on statements and pr games his mother played thirty years ago during the War of the Waleses. His cult of fans love him because he was hot twenty years ago; although, some still think he's hot now. I'll leave it to you to decide.
Anyhow, cut to September 2022 when William became the heir to the throne, The Duke of Cornwall, and The Prince of Wales. After that, William no longer had to depend on his father to bankroll him and his office. Before September 2022, William's (& Kate's) office reported up to Clarence House, office of the previous Prince of Wales, Charles.
Since then, William has proceeded to fuck plenty of things up, even though his über fans view everything with rose-colored glasses. Let's review some of those fuckups & weird shit:
There was the fuckup at Boston in 2022 when William issued a statement throwing his godmother under the bus when all he had to say was “This is an issue for Buckingham Palace.” Except he didn’t.
No foreign tours since becoming The Prince & Princess of Wales.
There was the bizarre photo op of Andrew being driven to church by William last August (2023), when everyone with a functional, long-term memory knows that William has never kowtowed to his father.
Kate’s stretch of wearing thirteen pantsuits in a row, ‘cause she was all about “the work.” Somehow, she didn’t go on a crusade about wearing pantsuits when she was only The Duchess of Cambridge.
Announcing Kate had “planned abdominal surgery” the day after said planned abdominal surgery. If it was “planned,” then wouldn’t they have said something at least the day of rather than the day after?
The entire pr fuck up of not having Kate photographed leaving The London Clinic after being discharged, which in turn led to more fuckups.
Then there’s the timeline of fuckery that’s happened from Christmas until 09 March 2024 that I collated before The 2024 Mother’s Day Photo Disaster.
William is an emotionally damaged, thin skinned, control freak with a privacy fetish.
Due to his natural, control-freak-plus-privacy-fetish state, he fucked up Kate's whole pr when she left the hospital. The entire controversy regarding "Where is Kate?" would never have even happened had he handled it properly.
All he had to do was allow her to be photographed leaving the hospital. She didn't even have to walk out of the hospital. He could have just driven her out the same way he himself was photographed leaving The London Clinic.
Except he didn't do that.
Because he's an emotionally damaged, thin skinned, control freak with a privacy fetish. Again, his über fans who view everything he does with rose-colored glasses because they're parked up his rectum, will write odes and songs as to how William "protected" Kate's "privacy."
Ah, yes, the same "privacy protecting" moves that have garnered comments like this from the UK press:
“I think the thing we’ve actually seen pretty consistently about Kensington Palace since the Prince of Wales took over as it were, isn’t actually–they aren’t very good at communicating with the public. They had that visit which didn’t go very well. They’re doing whatever’s going on with here. I think clearly there’s a problem.”
“The pr machine that can handle Megxit can surely handle the princess getting surgery, and it has–just as Stephen says–spun out into these wild, wild rumors. Most of which are pretty crazy, ultimately stemming from the fact that something doesn’t feel quite right about this in a story with multiple witnesses and no photos. But, you know, let’s see, maybe, in the next 12 hours some photos do emerge. That would be a fascinating development.”
Note that these two comments recognize the before and after William became the heir to the throne. For some reason, the Kensington Palace press office could handle the shitshow of Megxit in 2020 when they were under the auspices of Clarence House. Except today that is no longer the case.
Because the Kensington Palace of today is the one that helps The Daily Show write their script for the evening.
Because they've become an INTERNATIONAL JOKE!
And it's the current Kensington Palace that picked a fight with the British Army over Kate's picture at The Colonel's Review almost two weeks ago.
Because, again, William is an emotionally damaged, thin skinned, control freak with a privacy fetish.
William is a few fries short of a Happy Meal, one beer short of a six-pack, one egg short of an omlet, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, etc.
And yes, there is unquestionably more crazy shit coming our way after William goes on vacation for several weeks.
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ramenliker · 6 months
Ramen Report #1: Disaster-addled Tonkotsu
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Howdy! This marks the first post in my ramen making journey. For those unaware, I am on the grind to become a ramen chef. I have a background in restaurants so I’ve always been cooking, but ramen is so far out of my usual comfort zone that in spite of loving it so much I’ve never really been able to nail it.
With that short introduction out of the way, I present what I like to call my “Disaster-addled Tonkotsu”, a pork bone broth with a rich soy sauce base.
So to build flavor in a bone broth, you typically want to boil it for long periods of time, as in 8-12 hours. With this recipe (an amalgamation of Joshua Weissman’s Tonkotsu broth with Keizo Shimamoto’s shoyu tare), I elected to go for 12 hours. In the beginning, it calls for the pork bones to boil alone for 10 minutes in order to remove all the scum that comes out of them. In my infinite wisdom, I thought that I could just put the bones in before the water started boiling. When the scum started to release from the bones after a few min of simmering in hot water, I thought “oh, that should be fine. that’s a lot of scum, it’s not like it will release even more.” So I drained the gunk water and put the bones back in the pot with fresh water. Then, I added the vegetables. As it came to a boil, I walked away for a bit, confident that I was ready to begin the very long passive boil part of the cooking.
Unfortunately this ended up not being the case, as when I returned, the vegetables were coated in scum.
Panicking, I removed everything and put it in a fresh pot, water and all. This ended up being my second mistake - the first of which I learned 12 hours later after tasting the broth that I added too much water when I refilled the pot. Since the vegetables had already released some of their flavor into the first batch of water, and with the excessive amount of water in the second, there was too little flavor to infuse amidst a vessel far too vast. I started to feel the pressure mount - I had promised my entire household that I would have ramen ready for them later that day (I finished boiling at 7 in the morning) and I didn’t have the means nor the money to get the ingredients I needed on short notice, nor the time to start over.
Although the situation seemed hopeless, I had a rescue plan for the broth. Since it still had that signature tonkotsu broth flavor - albeit very watered down - it could still be salvaged with some clever cooking techniques. Here’s what my rescue operation looked like:
1) fry ground pork in a large nonstick sauce pot with salt, grated garlic, grated ginger, and the whites of a green onion until pork releases its juices into the pot.
2) stir in a healthy helping of miso paste (I used white miso) until the fat and miso make a sort of slurry. Let miso toast for 2-3 minutes.
3) pour in the light pork broth slowly, mixing in the miso.
4) warm the broth until it starts to boil.
With the ground pork and miso base in the pot imparting its flavor into the 12-hour Disaster Broth, it helped to enhance and bring forward the more unintentionally subtle taste of the broth in a short time frame, making it taste much closer to what a tonkotsu broth should (although a bit miso-y). By the skin of my teeth, I had managed to avoid disaster. Tasting the broth, I audibly went “mmm!” because I did not expect it to be anywhere as good as it was. It tasted just shy of restaurant quality. My roommates seemed to agree with me; they loved it! I don’t think I ever received that much collective praise at any other point in my life… haha… 😂 💀
Well, with all that being said - although it’s my chimera of a recipe, it’s very much other people’s work (plus my salvage efforts). Because of that I don’t feel comfortable taking credit for the recipe, nor sharing the instructions. Instead, I’ll just ask that all of you check out these very talented chefs on youtube, as their videos contain all the necessary steps and knowledge. Thanks for sitting through this ramble!
Long story short, FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!!
Joshua Weissman’s tonkotsu ramen (broth) https://youtu.be/uPqzY8rZLZM?si=VO8_la2uvroaHsc6
Way of Ramen’s video of Keizo Shimamoto’s shoyu ramen (agenegi and tare) https://youtu.be/5e5UYxESO-E?si=EsroVpmQAuPb-oIT
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foundtherightwords · 10 months
All Our Yesterdays - Chapter 12
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Pairing: Ralph (Timewasters) x OFC
Summary: Thu, a museum archivist, only wants to escape her dull life in 21st-century Hanoi. The last thing she expects is to end up in 1929 Indochina via a time-traveling elevator and cross paths with Ralph, an Englishman on the run from the French Foreign Legion. Romance blossoms between them, but in a colonized country, unrest is always looming on the horizon, and Thu must decide if she wants to stay with Ralph in the past or return to the safety of the future.
Warnings: outdated/period-typical attitudes about women, mentions of war, mentions of pregnancy and abortion (involving a supporting character), some angst, some smut (non-explicit)
Chapter warnings: mentions of war, angst, smut (non-explicit)
Chapter word count: 4.5k
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Thu told the office that Mai had acute appendicitis and had to go to the hospital for an emergency operation on New Year's Eve. The other women tut-tutted and fussed and wanted to visit Mai in the hospital, but Thu insisted that the girl was very tired and shouldn't be disturbed. It was such a clumsy lie that she was sure nobody believed her, least of all Madame Phuong, but the editor-in-chief seemed to have other things on her mind. She only said, "Poor girl, her parents are not going to be happy with me," and repaid Thu for the hospital bills out of her own pocket.
"But Madame Phuong, this is too much," Thu said, looking at the money.
"No, that's for after she is discharged. I'm going to be—quite busy in the next few weeks, and the house will be in disarray. It's no place for her to recover. Could you find her a nice boarding house and put her up there for a while? I'll pay you for your trouble."
Thu narrowed her eyes. Did Madame Phuong suspect something and want Mai out of her house to avoid a scandal? Was she afraid Mai's parents were going to blame her for not keeping a closer watch on their daughter? Still, Thu had to admit, whatever the reason was, it was best for Mai to be somewhere else. In the end, she brought the girl to her old boarding house. She figured she owed the landlady as much after moving out so abruptly; plus its closeness to Ralph's studio made it more convenient for her to check on Mai.
Mai recovered physically, though she remained low-spirited. Thu hoped that once she was well enough to go back to work, the girl could put this whole episode behind her. As for herself, Thu couldn't quite shake that feeling of vague unease that had settled on her after the Lunar New Year. She felt tense all the time, but unlike the fluttery, pleasant tension between her and Ralph before they got together, this was heavy, menacing, like the air before a storm. She could forget it for a while in Ralph's cheerful and calming company, only to feel it churning in her stomach again. Despite telling herself that war was fifteen years away, she couldn't shake the sensation that disaster was looming on the horizon.
About ten days after the Lunar New Year break, Thu went into the office as usual to find the women all huddled around a newspaper—not their own, but Hanoi Noon Report. There was fear on their faces, and they whispered to each other in low, serious tones. She felt cold all over. Had something happened?
"What's going on?" she asked Lien.
"There was a mutiny in a garrison up north," Lien replied, showing her the paper. "In Yên Bái."
The Yên Bái mutiny. Of course! That was in 1930. She'd completely forgotten about it. "The Vietnamese Nationalist Party was behind it, right?" Thu said, before she could stop herself.
Lien glanced at her sharply. "Why did you say that?"
Shit. Perhaps they don't know yet. Thu scanned the article to avoid Lien's scrutiny. It only stated that some Vietnamese soldiers turned on their French officers, killing two and wounding several others. It made no mention of the Nationalist Party. She had to be more careful letting things like that slip.
Over the next two weeks, the true scope of the mutiny was gradually revealed. It wasn't just a few disgruntled Vietnamese soldiers turning on their French officers. Though nobody dared talk about it, everyone knew it had clearly been an organized attempt by the Nationalist Party to overthrow the French government. The tension Thu had been feeling seemed to spill out all over the city and its people. The streets were full of soldiers; checkpoints were set up; arrests were made; raids were conducted. Firebombs were thrown into some public buildings, though no one was hurt. A 10 PM curfew was imposed, but as soon as it got dark, most streets were already deserted as people hurried back to the safety of their homes.
Everybody at the office was on edge; Madame Phuong seemed a lot more irritable than usual, and more than once, a reporter threw down her work in disgust, asking "Why are we writing about such frivolous things, when there are much more important matters going on?"
Thu spent most nights pacing around the studio, wondering if she should leave, but then she would catch Ralph looking at her, his eyes tugging at her heart, and her resolution would wane again. Could she ask him to come back with her? He would say yes, probably. But it would be difficult for him to stay there, much more difficult than it had been for her to stay here. Perhaps she could just wait until this all blew over. It wouldn't take long, if she remembered her history lessons well.
But it didn't blow over. If anything, it blew up, and Thu finally realized, it was one thing to learn about history. It was another to actually live in it.
On a cold, wet afternoon in late February, two weeks after the mutiny, Thu was coming back to the office after an errand when she saw a crowd outside the office. There were shouts and screams from within. Her heart dropped. Elbowing her way through the rubberneckers, she found her way inside and was greeted with a scene of pandemonium—several Vietnamese police constables were turning the office upside down under the watchful eye of a French officer, while the women huddled in a corner, looking at them with a mixture of fear and hatred. Only Madame Phuong stood alone, tall and motionless, her face deathly pale like a marble statue.
One of the constables emerged from the corner office, brandishing a stack of papers triumphantly and handing it to the French officer. Thu saw a slight waver in Madame Phuong's calm gaze.
The officer threw the papers in front of Madame Phuong and asked her something. She gave a short reply. More questions. Thu had no idea what they were saying, but she caught the words Parti nationaliste vietnamien and could feel the fear from the women around her rise like a wave of cold, clammy air. Then the officer nodded to the constables, and Madame Phuong put her arms out in front of her with a resigned look, accepting the iron cuffs that a constable clinched around her wrists.
"No!" Lien cried out and ran forward, but shrank back in front of the menacing glare of the French officer. The constable yanked at the cuffs, and Madame Phuong was all but dragged outside, bundled into a waiting black car, and taken away.
Once the police were gone, the crowd slowly dispersed as well, leaving only the shell-shocked women behind. They tried in vain to clean up their destroyed office, but all looked dazed. Some went home. Others sat at their desks, burying their faces in their handkerchiefs.  
"What was that all about?" Thu asked. "Why did they arrest Madame Phuong?"
"She is a member of the Vietnamese Nationalist Party," Lien said, picking up the scattered papers on the floor.
Thu remembered the New Year's Eve party, the heated discussion, the furtive looks. Had they been discussing the mutiny?
"They're arresting anyone with a connection to the Party now, in case they're connected to the mutiny," Lien continued. Then, remembering something, she looked up at Thu. "You mentioned the Nationalist Party when the news of the mutiny first broke," she said. "How did you know that they were involved?"
"I—I didn't. It just sounded like—like the type of thing they would do," Thu said lamely.
But Lien was not convinced. She stood up, her usual gentleness gone, replaced by fierce anger as her eyes bored into Thu's face with needle-like sharpness. "And how would you know what 'type of things' they usually do, then?" she asked. "I've been watching you, you're a strange one. Nobody knows where you come from, who your family is. Always going around with that photographer, sticking your nose into who knows what." Lien's voice rose. "Did you sell Madame Phuong out to the police? Are you a police spy?"
Lien's accusations were getting the attention of the rest of the staff. They all turned to Thu with suspicious eyes. If Mai were here, she would tell them how silly they were, and that they should focus on straightening up the office and getting some work done. But Mai was still on sick leave, and Thu could only stammer, "No, I'm not—you know I'm not—", before turning on her heel and running away, like the coward she was.
She ran back to the studio and sought comfort in Ralph's arms. But it was no good. The guilt she'd felt over Mai was back, only increased tenfold. She knew about the mutiny; she knew would be crushed; she had heard hints of their preparations at the New Year's Eve party; she could've warned Madame Phuong.
"But you can't have known that," Ralph said. "And what if you warned her and it led to some terrible consequences in the future? Like robots taking over?"
She knew he was trying to make her laugh, but this was too big a disaster for her to shake off. Her heart ached when she thought about Madame Phuong's beautiful villa in the modern day, all broken up and in disrepair, and her children. What was going to happen to them?
"They dragged her away like some common criminal," she said. "But she only believes that we should have independence, that we should be free to decide our own affairs. How is that a crime?"
"It's not, but she shouldn't align herself with violent radicals..."
His words stung. She sat up to face him, her nostrils flaring from anger. "And what is she supposed to do? We can't all be Gandhi. France is not Britain. Who do they think they are anyway, coming here and acting like they own the place? Like they own us?"
"I'm sorry," Ralph said quietly.
He looked so apologetic that Thu felt her heart softening. "You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault."
"But I worked for them."
"You left, didn't you?"
Ralph pulled her to him again, rubbing her back. "Is there anything we can do to help Madame Phuong?"
"I don't think so. The rest of us were lucky to not get arrested ourselves. She's going to die in jail, I know it." Thu knew Madame Phuong was going to be imprisoned in Maison Centrale, known locally as Hỏa Lò Prison. The name, which simply meant "stove" in Vietnamese, came from the nearby street which sold wood and coal stoves, but it also meant "Hellhole". It was an apt nickname. Thu knew all of its horror stories, though in her time, only the gatehouse remained as a museum. She buried her face in her hands and shuddered. "I can't stay here, Ralph."
Ralph's hand stiffened on her back. "What do you mean?"
All the romance and beauty and glamor of this time were only an illusion, a veil to hide the darkness underneath. She knew that now. Now the veil had lifted, the illusion gone. "I can't stay here," she repeated. "I've just been kidding myself. I can't live in a place where a girl could die just because she fell in love with the wrong man. I can't live in a place where you can go to jail for fighting for your own country. I have to go back to my time. It's not perfect, but at least we're free."
"But... how are you going to go back?"
She took a deep breath. "I actually found Homeless Pete a while ago," she said, not looking at Ralph. "When you got dengue fever, remember? I found him at the War Memorial. He's still there now."
Ralph took a while to respond. "You found him, but you... stayed?"
She nodded.
"To be with me?"
She hesitated and nodded again. He exhaled, as if his whole being depended on that confirmation.
"So stay now," he said. "Stay with me."
His eyes were fixed on her, squeezing her heart, making it hard to breathe. She looked down again to avoid those blazing eyes. "I can't," she said. "In about ten years, all this is going up in flames. Almost literally."
"We don't have to stay here. We'll go to England, or America, or anywhere..."
She hated to throw cold water over his optimism, the thing she loved most about him, but she had to. "You don't understand. Nowhere is safe." She couldn't imagine being an Asian woman in America after Pearl Harbor. Everywhere she turned, there was just more violence and destruction.
"Why? What's going to happen?"
"... Another world war. Longer and much worse than the last one. And once that's over, Vietnam gets another thirty years of war."
"Thirty years?!"
"Yeah. We didn't have peace until 1975." And decades of austerity and reconstruction afterward, that somehow were even worse than the wars. How many times had she heard those stories from her parents and grandparents?
"My God."
Ralph sat back, his arms slipping off of her waist to hang at his side.
"Come back with me," Thu said, suddenly emboldened.
Ralph was taken aback. "What?"
"Come back to 2023 with me." She had been turning this proposal over in her mind for a while, but now, when faced with the ugliness of the past, it didn't seem so absurd anymore.
"You mean... to stay?"
"Come on, what do you have here? You're wanted for desertion, your parents are gone, your sister doesn't care, the girl you love hates you—"
"God, I hope not."
Thu stared at him. He looked back with a sad little smile, and her breath caught when she realized he wasn't talking about Lauren.
"It seems I have a very specific type, don't I?" he continued, still with that sad little smile that broke her heart. "Girl from the future who wants nothing to do with me. That's my type."
"No, Ralph, that's not true." She took his hands, pressing them to her lips. "I want everything to do with you! That's why I'm asking you to come with me."
"How am I going to live there? What am I going to do for a living?"
"You can teach English. You can become a photographer. You can start a vintage photo studio, it'll be all the rage—there are lots of things you can do!"
"But how, when I'm some sort of persona non grata? You said it yourself, they have all these strict rules about ID and paperwork. How are you going to explain a man just appearing out of nowhere?"
"I don't know," she said, with wild abandonment. "We'll figure something out."
Ralph gazed at her for a long time, beseeching, searching for something only he knew. Then the fire in his eyes went out, and he looked away.
"... I'm sorry, I can't."
Thu dropped his hand. She had been so sure that he would say yes; she'd never expected to have to convince him. "Where's your sense of adventure?" she asked.
"I once ran away because of a girl, and look how it turned out for me."
His refusal cut her to the quick. Was he still that hung up on Lauren? Did he really think she would reject him in the same brutal way or abandon him to his fate? Did the past months mean nothing to him?
"So it's OK for me to stay here and brave war and famine for you, but you can't face paperwork for me?" she snapped.
As he kept looking away from her and saying nothing, her heartbreak turned into anger. She knew she was being unfair, but she couldn't help it. What did he know about war and suffering anyway? He was just a boy playing soldier.
But at least he's lived through a world war, that annoying voice at the back of her mind piped up again. All you've got is what you've read in books. If there's one that doesn't know real war and suffering, it's you. And at the first sign of danger, you're running away.
Ignoring that voice, she got up, went into the bedroom, pulled out her backpack, and started throwing her clothes into it haphazardly, careless of the soft silk and the smooth velvet. Ralph ran after her, seized her arms, and pulled her toward him. She pushed him away, but he held on. "I'm sorry," he said, over and over again. "Please—please don't go."
Somehow she was in his arms again, her face pressed into his chest, hot tears running down her face. "I can't," she sobbed. "It's impossible." That precarious bridge they were on had collapsed, and now they were floundering in the void of time, not belonging anywhere. How long could they stay like this before being consumed by that void?
"I'm not asking you to stay forever," he whispered. "Just for tonight."
"Why?" she asked, but made no attempt to move away. "Why draw it out and hurt ourselves?"
"So I can have some memories to carry with me."
She wanted to leave. Her mind was screaming at her to leave. As soon as she said no, she knew he would let her go. But her body wanted to stay. Her heart wanted to stay.
So she stayed. Just for one night.
"Okay," she said, and crushed his lips with hers.
This wasn't like their first time together, with those tentative kisses, those languorous touches, as they explored each other's body. Now they were desperately clinging to each other, holding on to each other so tight it almost hurt, taking each other in with every one of their five senses, filling every second they had with as much of each other as possible, knowing that there would be no more after this, that it would be goodbye. His frantic thrusts seemed to reach to the very center of her, sending through her an ache that was equal parts pain and pleasure, pushing her close, closer to the edge—
"Wait—" she panted, "slow down—I don't want it to be over yet—"
And he immediately did, easing his pace, keeping his forehead pressed to hers so their eyes never left each other's, while his hands and his lips stroked and caressed, drawing out that exquisite ache into a glow that left her gasping and burning for more.
But nothing could last forever, and soon, too soon, the heat blazed once more, and the slow rhythm now turned wilder, more frenzied as they were pulled helplessly into that fire, consumed by it.
"No—!" she cried out, trying to hold on to the moment, but it was gone, slipped away.
She didn't know how long they remained locked in an embrace afterward. They didn't talk. They didn't sleep. These moments were too precious to be wasted in sleep. She lay as motionlessly as possible, as if by doing so she could halt the flow of time. Keeping her mind blank, she tried to memorize everything about him, his face, the way his curls dropped over his forehead, the feel of him still inside her, his breath, hot and uneven, against her neck, and his hands, gripping hers so closely, afraid she would vanish into the night if he let go.
The cry of a bread vendor eventually roused her. That cry of "Hot bread! Hot bread fresh out of the oven!", still used by bread vendors in her time, reminded her of her old life, of what she had to do. With an enormous effort, she extracted herself from Ralph's arms, got out of bed, and put on her modern clothes, shivering in the early morning air. He made no move to stop her, simply followed her with his eyes, eyes that were no longer desperate but had grown sad with acceptance.
She went back to packing, taking more care with the áo dài this time. Unable to fit all of them into her backpack, she only took her two favorites—a pale green silk, and the burgundy velvet. The rest she folded into a neat pile. "Will you give these to Mai, please?" she asked Ralph. She wouldn't have time to say goodbye to the girl as well. "They're a bit long for her, but I hate for them to go to waste. Tell her—tell her I've gone back to Hong Kong or something."
He nodded. There was nothing else to say.
When he saw her take out the album he'd given her and put it on his bedside table, Ralph sat up. "What are you doing?" he asked. "That's yours!"
"But those are the only photos you have of me," she said. "I want you to have them, to remember me by."
"I can always print more." She hadn't thought of that. Seeing her hesitate, he jumped out of bed. "Dammit, I can take one of you right now!"
"In this getup, after that sleepless night?" she said with a rueful grin. "Not on your life."
"You always look beautiful to me."
He reached for her, but she pulled back slightly, shaking her head. "Don't," she said, and he dropped his hand, looking crushed.
"What about you?" he asked. "What do you have to remember me by?"
His pleading tone broke her resolve. She went to him, took his face between her hands, and kissed him, hard. "Do you honestly think I'm in any danger of forgetting, after all this?" she asked, once they drew apart for a breath.
"...Yes," he whispered, "and that's why I have to keep reminding you"—he pulled her back for another kiss, and another, and another, until she steeled her heart and turned away.
She then took an envelope out of the inner pocket of her backpack, where she had hidden all the money she had saved. She kept back a few bills and coins as mementos, and handed the rest to him.
"I believe it's enough for a steamship ticket out of Indochina," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
"I can't take this," he said.
"I have no use for it." She pressed the envelope into his hand. "Please, Ralph. Take it and go... somewhere. Stay out of the war. I'll feel better if I know you're safe."
"But how would you know?"
Thu thought about Doc Brown sending Marty a letter from the Wild West at the end of Back to the Future II. That wouldn't work here; there was no business reliable enough that was still operating after decades of wars and reconstruction. What still stood in her time that was accessible? Then she remembered. "You remember that cotton tree by the archaeology school?"
"It still stands in my time. If you do go home, leave me some sort of sign there, OK? I'll know that way."
He clutched at both the envelope and her hand for a moment, before letting go.
"Look me up on that goggle thing when you get back, will you?" he said.
Despite the lump in her throat, Thu had to smile. "Google," she corrected him.
"OK, Google. Maybe I will have become a famous photographer or something."
The forced cheerfulness of his voice, which contrasted with the look in his eyes, was unbearable. She nodded, knowing she would break into tears if she opened her mouth. Hoisting the backpack onto her shoulder, she turned, opened the door, and fled into the freezing winter morning.
She didn't remember how she'd found Homeless Pete. She must have gone to Robin Park, put the chocolate into his hand, and dragged him back to the IDEO Printing House with her, because the next thing she knew, she was back in the elevator as it shook and disintegrated and reassembled around her. When she opened her eyes again, the light was back on and Homeless Pete had disappeared once more.
She stepped out of the elevator. A gust of air-conditioned wind blasted her in the face, along with the smells of coffee and pastries. She looked around. She was back in the French Institute, standing in front of the boulangerie that took up the right-hand side of its entrance hall. People were hurrying back and forth, nobody paying her an ounce of attention.
She grabbed a woman walking past. "Excuse me, what's today's date?" she asked.
"First of September," the woman replied.
"What year?"
The woman shot her a curious look, but answered anyway, "2023."
September 1st, 2023. A clock on the coffee shop's wall told her it was just past seven PM. Homeless Pete had taken her right back. She had never left at all.
Dazed, Thu left the building and walked the familiar street back to the museum, dodging traffic by instinct rather than actual awareness. She would get her motorbike, which was still in the employee's parking lot, and get home.
As she reached the museum gate, however, a tall, dark shape out of the corner of her eyes caught Thu's attention and shook some of the daze out of her. It was the ancient cotton tree, its straight trunk rising above the museum, its leaves rustling by the octagonal roof. Dusk was falling, but she could still see by the light of the street lamps. She had to check... she had to know...
But even as she pulled out her phone, another fear reared its head in her mind. What if, since she'd returned to the exact moment she left, those months with Ralph had never happened at all? What if they had never met? But no, her necklace was gone. That told her that her six-month trip in the past did happen. She turned her phone on and inevitably flinched at her lock screen, which was set to a photo of her and Ralph. Trying hard not to look at it, she switched her flashlight on and shone it over the tree trunk while she walked around its base, checking it carefully inch by inch.
Her fingers felt it first—a difference in the roughness of the bark, a slight raise. Then her eyes saw it. Carved into the trunk of the cotton tree, just a little above her eye level, was that classic shape that anyone who had ever been in love would recognize—a heart framing two letters, R+A. It had been carved a long, long time ago, and the tree had filled in the deep groove, turning it slightly bumpy, making it easier to notice. R+A. Ralph and Autumn. That was his sign. He had gone home. He was safe.
Thu leaned against the tree trunk, heedless of its scratches on her forehead, and cried, half from relief, half from sorrow.
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A/N: And that's the end.
I'm totally kidding! But we only have 2 chapters left, so the end is nigh...
13 notes · View notes
how-to-do-it-better · 2 months
Reasons Men Are Choosing To Stay Single
 The dating world’s been flipping on its head.
With input by Blonde&Balanced and Dinsmore. Listen to the Podcast at How To sex.
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Clearly, western culture has started failing to secure our survival. We saw it in western Europe, late in the last century. Plus, totalitarian Asian governments dictated it. We quit having enough babies to replace ourselves. We quit teaching our younger generations that a big part of existence is, creating more existence.
We delegated out so much of parenthood, that we quit associating with our roles in life.
Then we quit finding our identity in marriage. That ancient blending of the two halves of humanity. Boys increasingly started pleasuring other boys, and girls started preferring a romp with another girl.
Hell, with internet porn and sex toys, even gay relationships started taking the hit.
People are increasingly alone, and getting lonely. But for many of our fellow humans, that’s more acceptable than all the potential disasters of trying to find a soulmate and life partner.
Here’s a report by Blonde&Balanced, about
 28 of the possible reasons that men, in particular; are choosing to stay single.
 The dating world’s been flipping on its head, with more men choosing to hit pause on the whole dating game. It’s not just a single problem causing this shift, but a variety of new challenges prompting guys to retreat. 
Let’s delve into 28 reasons highlighting why some men are opting out of dating.
1: High Cost of Love.
The bill for playing the dating game can make some guys hit the brakes, especially when it’s on them to foot the bill for everything from fancy dinners to fun dates, all while balancing their budget.
2: Clash with Modern Women.
A rift between modern independence and traditional dating expectations has led to a disconnect, with men feeling sidelined by women’s dual demands for autonomy and special treatment.
 3: Situationships.
This modern take on non-committal relationships allows for emotional and physical connection without the need to label or define the bond, making it a popular choice for many.
4: The Lost "Getting to Know You" Phase.
Ian Breslow, a 28-year-old high school teacher who lives in Astoria, shared his own personal experience that underscores a shift from casual dating to immediate, intense relationship probing, making casual encounters and light-hearted dating seem a thing of the past. 
5: Impact of Pandemic.
Andrew Bruno’s account highlights how the pandemic has altered social behaviors, making in-person interactions less frequent and more guarded. 
6: Goals over Dates.
Many men are putting love on the back burner to chase their career or academic dreams, driven by a mix of personal ambition, societal pressure, or the quest for financial security before settling down.
7: Past Pain.
Some guys are keeping their hearts off the market thanks to rough rides in past relationships, from betrayals to breakups, leaving them wary of round two.
8: High Expectations.
Feeling overwhelmed by the mountain of expectations in the dating world, some men think it’s just too much—whether it’s pressure from society, a string of bad dates, or those fairy-tale romances in movies.
9: Fear of Exploitation.
Past experiences of feeling used, whether for money, handyman services, or emotional support, have some men wary of dating again, fearing another round of exploitation.
10: The Age Gap.
For some, dating seems to cater exclusively to the young, leaving older individuals feeling out of place and questioning the worth of seeking love later in life.
11: Digital Dating.
The digital dating scene, with its endless swiping and focus on fleeting connections, has some dudes questioning if it’s all just a bit too shallow and overwhelming to bother with.
12: New Rules.
As the ground shifts beneath the traditional gender roles, a lot of men find themselves lost in the new norms of dating and relationships, unsure of their role.
13: Happy with Being Single.
With over half of single Americans content in their solo journey, the drive to seek out a partner is notably low, reflecting a broader acceptance of living life unattached.
14: Busy Life.
The modern dating marathon, with its initial virtual connections leading to real-life meetups, challenges even the best time managers, turning love-seeking into a logistical puzzle.
15: Low Sexual Desire.
Men experiencing a dip in sexual desire might find the dating scene less appealing, choosing instead to invest in friendships or other non-romantic relationships.
16: Emotional Barriers.
Struggling to forge deep emotional connections can act as a significant roadblock in the dating world, whether it’s a challenge with new partners or a deeper issue of emotional availability.
17: Fear of Rejection.
The potential for social rejection, with its emotional toll similar to physical pain, can lead men to steer clear of the dating scene to avoid the discomfort of being turned down.
18: Fear of Commitment.
For some, the idea of locking down with one person brings more panic than peace, driven by fears of lost freedom, past pains, or the weight of relationship responsibilities.
19: Mental Health Issues.
The stigma and challenges surrounding mental health can add layers of fear about judgment or rejection, making the dating scene appear unwelcoming for those struggling.
20: Dating Ambiguity.
The question of whether one is truly in a relationship, casually dating, or simply involved in a fling often goes unanswered, reflecting the widespread uncertainty in contemporary romance.
21: Single is More Acceptable.
Society has shifted from a focus on traditional milestones like marriage and parenthood to celebrating individual choice, making the single lifestyle more prevalent and accepted.
22: Self-Doubts.
Men battling low self-esteem may see the dating field as a minefield of potential rejections and embarrassments, choosing isolation over the risk of not being good enough.
23: Social Anxiety.
Social anxiety casts a long shadow over the dating experiences of many men, with the dread of judgment or rejection making even basic interactions seem daunting.
24: Questioning Love.
Men battling low self-esteem may see the dating field as a minefield of potential rejections and embarrassments, choosing isolation over the risk of not measuring up.
25: Too Lazy to Date.
It appears the bar has dropped, and men are finding shortcuts in the dating scene. The classic moves – shaving, dressing up, and traditional gestures like buying chocolates or flowers – seem too demanding for many today.
26: Pressure for Serious Commitment.
The societal push towards finding a serious relationship and the perceived loss of prime dating years during the pandemic have left some feeling caught between the desire for casual dating and the pressure to settle down. This conflict can lead to frustration and a sense of missing out on both fronts.
27: Expectation Gap.
Ronald Levant, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Akron, suggest that women’s dating motivations might be evolving, with an increasing focus on finding long-term partners, especially as the biological clock becomes a consideration. This shift can create a mismatch in expectations between men and women, particularly affecting men who prefer casual relationships.
28: Communication Gap.
For some men, the daunting task of articulating feelings or navigating conversations can turn dating into a high-stress ordeal. This struggle often stems from societal norms that stifle male emotional openness, personal insecurities, or simply not having enough practice.
  In a Perfect World, Marriage Might Work
The ramblings of a perpetually horny aging male.
By Dinsmore
At the end of the day, no matter how many baubles and flowers he gives you, no matter how much he tells you he loves your mother, no matter how many times he cooks you dinner or does the laundry, no matter how often he treats you to a romantic evening and no matter how many times he tells you that you are his 'best friend'; it's all bullshit. If he wanted a best friend; it'd be a guy.
He wants to get laid; that's all he ever has wanted, and ever will want. It's been that way for thousands of years. Stop reading women's magazines and just accept it. He just wants to fuck you.
One would also expect that the more experienced male; the one with more experience, sexually; would be less inclined to ejaculate prematurely, more adept at making the experience pleasurable for the female; thus getting invited back. Other females observing the coupling; or getting the details from tribal gossip; would be more interested in the particularly 'talented' male.
Sociologists and psychologists have really clouded the water in the last one hundred years, looking for all sorts of hidden meaning in an effort to make things more 'human' and thus more complicated than they need to be. Their efforts have completely confused both sexes and sadly, resulted in an increase in homosexual activity among females and males whose view and understanding of human sexuality is inadequate; or at best, distorted. In essence it is those humans that have essentially 'dropped out of the game.'
I'm not saying that those factors are the sole cause of increased homosexuality but certainly they have had an impact. The whole feminist revolution hasn't helped normal male-female interaction; at least sexual interaction. Certainly some homosexuals of both sexes find themselves unable to compete, i.e., weaker males who are not found attractive by the opposite sex and unattractive females who find it almost impossible to find a suitable male to mate with.
Again, one has to assume that in the 'good old days' of an ancient, primitive culture, weaker males simply did not survive the hardships. Unattractive females without the support of a strong hunter/gatherer, left on their own to fend, simply perished. While it may sound cruel, we have to accept the fact that the mating of the strongest and most attractive of the species is what ensured its very survival.
So, in a perfect world.
One thing that screws up the perfect world; is clothing mandates.
We men can't go around with our dicks hanging out for female inspection; well, except on the beach. Clothing makes it impossible for the female to demonstrate her readiness to conceive. Stupid women's magazines with inane articles about 'how to show him you are interested' don't help matters. Still, female fashion of the day is certainly intended to accent; 'display'; the female posterior. It's latent and subconscious. It's like saying, 'I know you can't actually see my labia; but trust me, it's there, it's engorged and my vulva is open and ready for your cock.'
Think back to the number of times a woman becomes interested in a man and finds every excuse to 'show her ass' so to speak. Again; forget the tits. In the good old days they were seldom covered and there was little male fascination with them. Baby formula hadn't been invented. Young women frequently turn their backs on a dance partner; if they have decided that the male in question is prime mating material.
I can remember one time going to pick up my kids after my divorce; my exwife climbed the stairs back to her new apartment, just as I settled behind the wheel, swaying her posterior provocatively as she ascended. I wasn't sure if she was having second doubts about the divorce; or simply trying to be cruel, saying: 'see what you're missing.'
The first time I met my second wife; keep in mind, we've now been married for over twenty years; she unconsciously presented. We had talked on the phone a number of times but never actually met. We still laugh about the fact that she decided to bend over to retrieve a file from a lower file drawer just as I entered her office. She was wearing these hounds-tooth pants. She still has an amazing ass; and the bending over stretched the fabric alluringly over her butt. I distinctly remember my dick twitching; and deciding that I was going to nail that hot little babe.
A number of years ago a buddy and I were flying military aircraft across the country and ended up staying in a west Texas city for a few days awaiting repairs on our aircraft. We rented a car and drove around, finding an all-nude diner. Out of curiosity we went in. To our surprise the girls were almost universally young and attractive. While there were certainly food sanitation issues, it was a very interesting experience. As our young waitress bent over the counter to give the kitchen our order, my buddy and I were spell bound as she thrust her pert young cheeks back and her sweet little cunt was in full view.
"That's what I'm talking about!" he said with a leer. "In a perfect world, when a guy sees a sweet young thing bent over like that, he'd just go over and mount her; there'd be a law requiring him to do so." I've had more than one erotic dream about such a world.
Sadly, the closest I ever came to it was
 Thailand many years ago.
Three of us had ferried some aircraft over from Vietnam and were staying over waiting on the aircraft we were going to fly back. Thanks to maintenance delays and a monsoon, we got stuck in Thailand's major city for a couple of days. We ended up procuring some female companionship; the sex business in those days was legal, regulated and 'clean' over there. It was also absurdly inexpensive. Our driver and guide procured four quite attractive young women for us. We had rented a suite for something less than ten dollars a night in a four star hotel. The girls were sweet and friendly and spoke reasonable broken English. They figured out what we had in mind and were all naked within minutes of closing the business side of the deal.
So, within a few minutes, I'm looking around and the debauchery is in full swing. One little hottie is riding one of my buddies on the floor, two others are double teaming another guy and eying me wondering when I'm going to jump in and the fourth one is on her knees sucking off my other buddy. Her ass is up in the air and her cheeks are spread. Her little hairless pussy is glistening. Her ass is moving in slow circles. My cock is bone hard. I walk over to them; my friend getting his knob polished wordlessly indicates that he doesn't care. She looks back at my hard cock and nods. I'm balls deep in that tight little Asian cunt in a flash.
She's cute enough that I don't need to close my eyes and picture some girl from back home. She's either into it, or a damned fine little actress; she's making all the appropriate noises. This isn't about love or marriage, it's just about fucking; servicing the alpha males. The alphas expect you to display and present; there aren't going to be any cocktails or long walks on the beach.
Sweet thing, you're just going to get cock; and lots of it. We were in our early twenties, perpetually horny and deprived, after too many months in a war zone. We ordered room service and fucked those sweet little Asian whores constantly for twenty-four hours and not once did we hear, 'not tonight, I have a headache.'
I was not trying to impress this girl; I'll never see her again, and if I suck in the fucking department she'll neither care nor let on. No dinner, no five dates with increasing activity and no long kissing sessions or sweet nothings in her ear. This is just primal shit. Mount the bitch and fuck her. It's all about me getting off and enjoying myself. No guilt, no touchy-feely bullshit. It's fucking prehistoric. She's receptive, I'm hard; she exists for one reason in the world; to make me feel good by getting me off.
I almost ended up going to Thailand for a full tour; unfortunately I ended up back in Vietnam for a second tour; but I did get back to Thailand a few times, if only for an overnight. Lots of guys actually stationed there had multiple, full time, live in babes who, in addition to cooking and cleaning for them, fucked them on demand any time of the day or night. I'm not sure any marriage could have survived a tour of duty in Thailand.
What Would I Do?
I often wonder what I would do, if something happened to my wife? I love her to death and she really is my closest friend. We do everything together. She travels; by air; too damned much. If something happened to her, I'm just not sure I'd have the patience to 'jump back in the game' and find another wife. I doubt that I could find one as perfect as my bride of the last twenty-some years. We're terribly set in our ways.
A foreign mail order bride might be an answer. I'm financially secure; I could certainly afford it. Then again, there are so many horror stories about mail order brides and then of course there is a certain stigma in this society; for both participants. Ultimately she would end up becoming westernized and completely fucked up and I'd probably have to replace her just about the time I had her trained to my liking. Mexico is becoming crime ridden and politically unstable. Asian mail order brides have their own issues and end up being corrupted by our society.
I haven't been to Thailand in decades but I suppose it would be worth a look although I've heard things have changed for the worse. I'd miss my friends and my kids; I'd miss the good old U S of A. Still the idea of posting on eHarmony and then sorting my way through a series of plastically rearranged gold diggers makes me nauseous.
Why does it have to be so damn complicated? I don't need a maid, I’m an excellent cook, and don't need taking care of. I'm not cruel or abusive and don't drink to excess, or do drugs. I can offer an above average quality of life; but! If, God forbid, something should happen to my wife; I'm positive I don't want another one!
I'm not excited about getting into the modern dating scene, and everything it involves. I'm just looking for a decent, regular and reasonably attractive piece of ass, preferably first thing in the morning, and again before nodding off; with an occasional blowjob at lunch.
You don't have to like my friends, and I don't even have to meet yours. Now sure, there's always the chance that we might actually develop a genuine affection, find out that we really enjoy each other's company outside of sex; and then, who knows? Marriage wouldn't be out of the question, I suppose. But don't be surprised at the prenuptial agreement.
Still, I was thinking; you'd keep your own house; and job. Dinner out, or a movie on occasion; why not. At the end of the day, all of that would be just window dressing. At my core I'm just prehistoric. I want a reasonably attractive female in close proximity; who will present her luscious rump at regular intervals and not give me a ration of shit when I pull down her drawers and/or flip up her skirt and drill her cunt with a stiff dick. I know, I know, you'd like to cum too; no problem. I'm not that prehistoric.
By Dinsmore for Literotica
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hrpayrollplus · 8 months
What Are The Benefits Of Implementing An HR Payroll System In Asheboro NC Your Business?
In the dynamic landscape of modern business, change is constant, and adaptation is key. One significant transformation that has redefined how companies operate is implementing the HR payroll system in Asheboro, NC. These systems have become the cornerstone of efficient HR management, offering many advantages to businesses of all sizes. Let's embark on a journey to discover how embracing an HR payroll system can revolutionise your business, making it more streamlined, productive, and human-centred.
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The Benefits Of Implementing An HR Payroll System In Asheboro, NC Your Business
1. Simplified Payroll Processing
Gone are the days of manual calculations and paperwork. With an HR payroll system, processing payroll becomes a breeze. It automates calculating wages, taxes, and deductions, reducing errors and saving precious time.
2. Enhanced Accuracy And Compliance
Precision is paramount in payroll. HR Payroll management software in Asheboro, NC, is designed to ensure accuracy, helping you meet tax and labor law obligations. No more sleepless nights worrying about compliance issues – the system has your back.
3. Empowered Employee Self-Service
Employees can conveniently access their payroll information, such as pay stubs and tax documents. This self-service feature reduces administrative burdens and empowers employees, giving them more control over their financial data.
4. Efficient Time And Attendance Management
Say goodbye to manual timesheets and attendance tracking. Payroll software companies in Asheboro, NC, often include time management features that simplify tracking, making managing employee work hours and attendance easier.
5. Streamlined HR Administration
An HR payroll system can streamline various HR processes from onboarding to offboarding. It simplifies tasks such as managing benefits, leave requests, and employee records, allowing HR professionals to focus on strategic, value-adding activities.
6. Data Security And Disaster Recovery
Protecting sensitive payroll data is paramount. HR payroll systems incorporate robust security measures and often have disaster recovery plans, safeguarding your data from potential threats.
7. Real-Time Reporting And Insights
Access to real-time data and analytics delivers useful insights into your business's financial fitness. It empowers educated decision-making and helps determine trends and places for advancement.
8. Cost-Efficiency
While there may be an initial investment in implementing an HR payroll system, the long-term savings are substantial. Reduced errors, time saved, and increased efficiency contribute to cost efficiency.
9. Scalability
As your business grows, your HR payroll system in Asheboro, NC, can grow with you. It's designed to be scalable, accommodating an expanding workforce and evolving needs.
10. Employee Satisfaction
Lastly, an HR payroll system can significantly improve employee satisfaction. Accurate and on-time payments, self-service options, and a streamlined process contribute to a happier and more engaged workforce.
Discover the Payroll Revolution - HR Payroll Systems – Your Business's Efficiency Upgrade!
Embracing an HR payroll system in Asheboro, NC, is more than just a business upgrade; it's a transformation that can elevate your entire organisation. It's about putting people first, ensuring financial security, and freeing time and resources for strategic initiatives. In a fast-paced world where every advantage counts, an HR payroll system is your ticket to a more efficient and human-centred business.
Ready to transform your business? Contact HR Payroll Plus LLC to be your partner in this journey towards a more efficient, people-centred organisation. Elevate your payroll process and embrace a brighter future today. Contact them to start your payroll transformation!
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newsbites · 11 months
News from Marseille, France, 13 July
Various cities in Provence, France are hosting events and celebrations on Bastille Day, July 14th, including parades, concerts, fireworks, and commemorative ceremonies.
The Bastille Day festivities in Marseille will include a traditional military parade, a spectacular fireworks display, and various military and security forces showcasing their roles and achievements.
The festivities will not be limited in Marseille despite recent violence in the Bouches-du-Rhône region, according to the prefect of police. However, security measures will be strengthened, with additional police forces, including the CRS, gendarmes, and the RAID, as well as water cannons and armored vehicles. Several restrictions will be in place, such as limited fuel sales, a ban on the sale of fireworks, and regulated possession of weapons. Public transportation will also be regulated, with extended metro service and limited bus service.
Bus and tram services in major urban areas across France will stop running at 10 PM on July 13th and 14th as a security measure for the July 14th celebrations. The metro lines M1 and M2 in Marseille will continue to operate normally during the festivities.
2. The second weekend of July is expected to be challenging for travelers, both in terms of departures and returns, with long traffic jams predicted.
3. The risk of wildfires in France is high due to the heatwave and drought, and firefighters are on high alert across the country.
Firefighters are not only dealing with climate-related emergencies but also prioritizing emergency rescue missions, which account for 80% of their operations.
Prevention is crucial in reducing the number of forest fires, and recent legislation has been passed to strengthen fire prevention measures, including smoking bans in wooded areas and stricter rules for clearing vegetation.
4. A commune in the Var department has been declared a natural disaster area due to flooding and mudslides caused by heavy rain in May 2023.
Residents of the affected commune have 30 days to report the damages to their insurance company for reimbursement.
The village of Flassans-sur-Issole is the specific area impacted by the floods and mudslides.
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peertechz · 1 year
Missing Persons Identification: Genetic profiling of highly charred human remains using sixteen STR loci markers
Law enforcement and Disaster Management Agencies within Governments spend substantial resources to identify human remains and dead bodies after wars, mass disasters and political unrest [1-4]. Under certain legal circumstances such as civil paternity cases and unclaimed human cadavers, biological samples may be collected from living relatives and exhumed human remains, as well as mortal remains for DNA profiling purposes [5,6]
In present-day society where socio-cultural dynamics and economic factors encourage migration in search of better living standards, relatives are always looking for missing family members.
In all these cases, DNA analysis is considered the best method of identification. Microsatellite DNA, namely Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) loci show high variability. Degraded DNA from old skeletal remains can be amplified by PCR [7].
Biological materials that are of importance in identifying exhumed remains using DNA are bone, teeth and nail due to their ability to withstand rapid decomposition. According to Vass, et al. [8] tissues such as nails, teeth and bones are more resilient to environmental factors. DNA analysis from skeletal samples has developed rapidly since its inception in the late 1980s.
The two main objectives of forensic DNA analysis are to identify the sources of biological evidence, including associations of persons through kinship, and excluding persons mistakenly linked to some evidence.
The most widely used genetic markers for forensic DNA typing in most crime laboratories are autosomal Short Tandem Repeat (STR) loci [4]. Commercially available STR kits, such as the SGM plus PCR amplification Kit, AmpFℓSTR Identifiler PCR amplification kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, California) or the PowerPlex 16 system (Promega, Madison, Wisconsin) make use of a set of 10–17 STR loci to provide a high level of diversity and resolution for identity testing [9]. These kits, and STR loci, have been used widely for the identification of human remains as well as in relationship testing, such as paternity testing and family reconstructions.
We report on how a highly charred human remains were genetically identified after the victim, a female, was reported missing in 2016. Intelligence gathered by Police fourteen months later resulted in the discovery of burnt and buried skeletal remains at a location about 42Km away from her home. Crime scene investigators sampled bones for forensic DNA Analysis since there was no soft tissue. Close relatives of the missing female (alleged son, and alleged mother) were invited for buccal swab sampling for comparative DNA analysis to determine the identity of the human remains.
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Welcome to the news channel of the Planet Plus Tv,Today we will tell you about Ecuador earthquake, Cyclone freddy Africa👇 https://youtu.be/Mf5QSBlfTz0 Earthquake 18 March Guayas region, Ecuador,At least 16 people died after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, according to government officials. The earthquake struck near the southern town of Baláo and was more than 65 km (nearly 41 miles) deep, according to the United States Geological Survey. An estimated 381 people were injured in the quake, the General Secretariat of Communication of the Presidency of Ecuador tweeted on their official account. In the province of El Oro, at least 11 people died. At least one other death was reported in the province of Azuay, according to the communications department for Ecuador's president. In an earlier statement, authorities said the person in Azuay was killed when a wall collapsed onto a car and that at least three of the victims in El Oro died when a security camera tower came down. People who were injured were being treated at hospitals, the Presidency added, but did not provide further details. #ecuador_earthquake #peru_earthquake #angry_nature#peru #ecuador _______________________________ The channel lists such natural disasters as: 1) Geological emergencies: #earthquake  #volcanic_eruption  mudflow, #landslide landfall, avalanche; 2) Hydrological emergencies:  #flash_flood #tsunami  Limnological catastrophe, floods, flooding; 3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire, Glass Fire, Wildfire; 4) Meteorological emergencies: #tornado, ATTENTION: All videos are taken from open sources. The selection is based on publication date, title, description, and venue. Sometimes, due to unfair posting of news on social networks, the video may contain frames that do not correspond to the date and place. It is not always possible to check all videos. We apologize for any errors! Thank you for watching, don't forget to subscribe our channel, We Wish you good Weather,
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worldofwardcraft · 1 year
The big buyback boondoggle.
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Prior to the late 1970s, profitable corporations typically retained their excess earnings and reinvested them in order to increase their capabilities, often by rewarding with bonuses and higher wages the employees who made them more competitive. In those days, buying back your own stock, reducing the amount of shares outstanding, and thereby raising your company's share price, was considered stock manipulation. And was totally illegal. That is, until the disaster of the Reagan presidency.
In 1982, St. Ronnie's SEC adopted Rule 10b-18, that exempted a company from being charged with manipulating its stock price when it repurchased shares. Which opened wide the floodgates for abuse. Especially because stock increasingly made up the majority of the compensation for corporate executives. As the Harvard Business Review pointed out as far back as 2014,
Since the late 1980s, the largest component of the income of the top 0.1% has been compensation, driven by stock-based pay. Meanwhile, the growth of workers’ wages has been slow and sporadic.
But it was the misnamed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (it provided massive tax cuts to corporations but didn't create any jobs) that really set off an explosion in share repurchases. Republicans touted it as a mechanism to spur investment and stimulate the economy. Yet all it stimulated was the stock market.
Flush with cash due to their greatly reduced taxes, US corporations went on a madcap stock-buying spree. Like companies such as Johnson & Johnson (which repurchased $5 billion of its common stock), Meta Platforms/Facebook ($40 billion), Procter & Gamble ($4 billion), Lowe's ($4 billion), Comcast ($45 billion), Cigna ($26 billion), Walmart ($65 billion), Morgan Stanley ($12 billion last year; $9 billion the year before), plus a host of others.
In fact, Bloomberg recently reported that American firms announced a record $1.26 trillion in stock buybacks last year. And according to US News, S&P 500 companies repurchased a total of $210.8 billion of their own shares in the third quarter of 2022 alone. This included 319 companies that reported at least $5 million in buybacks.
Robert Reich, President Clinton's Secretary of Labor, is undoubtedly correct when he says,
Stock buybacks don’t create more jobs. They don't increase wages. They don’t grow the economy. They do one thing: Make corporate execs richer.
Rather than investing in the economy or their employees, corporate bosses are lining their own pockets with buybacks — creating a false impression that a higher stock price reflects an increase in the company's value. Or, in other words, perpetrating a fraud.
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creatiview · 1 year
At least 23 people killed as dozens of wildfires torch forests in Chile.Chile has extended an emergency declaration to yet another region as firefighters struggled to control dozens of wildfires that have killed at least 23 people. The latest emergency order on Saturday covers the southern region of Araucania, next to the previously declared Biobio and Nuble regions, located near the middle of the South American country’s long Pacific coastline. The measure allows the government to mobilise the military to help battle the fires. “Weather conditions have made it very difficult to put out [the fires] that are spreading and the emergency is getting worse,” Interior Minister Carolina Toha told reporters at a news conference in the Chilean capital, Santiago. “We need to reverse that curve,” she added. At least 23 people have died in connection to the fires, while 979 have been reported injured. More than 1,100 have sought refuge in shelters. Some 11 of the victims, or nearly half of those reported killed so far, died in the town of Santa Juana in Biobio, located some 500km (310 miles) south of Santiago. The deaths also included a Bolivian pilot who died when a helicopter that was helping combat the flames crashed in Araucania. A Chilean mechanic also died in the crash. Brigade members of the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) fight a fire in Nacimiento, Concepcion province, Chile, on February 4, 2023 [Javier Torres/ AFP] Some 232 wildfires were still active on Saturday, according to authorities, including 16 that sparked to life earlier in the day, as local temperatures in the southern hemisphere summer exceeded 40C (104F). Chile’s disaster mitigation agency said 151 of the fires were now under control, while official data released late Friday showed that some 40,000 hectares (99,000 acres) have been burned by the fires. The three affected regions are sparsely populated and home to many farms, including where grapes, apples and berries are grown for export, plus extensive tracts of forest land. “I left with what I had on,” said Carolina Torres, who fled from an approaching fire near the city of Puren in the region of Araucania. “I think everyone here did the same thing because the winds shifted and you just had to grab everything right away.” Officials said the governments of Spain, the United States, Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil and Venezuela have offered help, including planes and firefighters. Toha, the interior minister, suggested the fires should serve as yet another wake-up call about the effects of climate change. “We are becoming one of the [nations] most vulnerable to fires, fundamentally due to the evolution of climate change,” she said. “The thermometer has reached points that we have never known until now,” she added. On Friday, President Gabriel Boric cut short his summer vacation and travelled to Nuble and Biobio, pledging to make sure the affected areas receive all necessary support. Boric also pointed to “signs” that some fires may have been started intentionally but did not provide any additional details.  
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dismains · 2 years
The waltons the hostage
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The AC (plus the MC?) did a ~16 hour round trip last night. vHLoold2sWĢ x USAF KC135R QUID640/641 followed by an USAF AC-130J Ghostrider from Morón southbound over #Morocco /oBCwttKyDI Quite a grouping! x4 MC-130J and x2 Osprey’s out of Mildenhall with transponders on heading across the English Channel looks like a Special Ops exercise. AFSOC MC-130Js and CV-22 Ospreys, forward deployed to Rota, Spain, took part in the raid, supported by 6x KC-135s from RAF Mildenhall: Part of the activity could be tracked online by means of ADS-B/Mode-S. Following a “brief but intense firefight”, Walton was moved on foot to the extraction site where helicopters flew the hostage and rescue force to safety. Once the rescue force was inserted into the area by parachute, they moved on foot approximately three miles to the target area where the rescue was made. There were approximately 30 special operations personnel involved in the raid. It is also used if forces assigned to the raid must travel into the target area from a significant distance on longer range aircraft. This insertion method is generally used only if other means of covert insertion are not immediately available. special operations began with a parachute insertion into the area according to reports. personnel were injured during the raid, but reports indicate that all but one of the kidnappers were killed during the operation. The captors demanded nearly $1 million in ransom for Mr. He offered them $40 and was then taken away by the armed gunmen on motorbikes, the officials said. Walton was seized from his backyard on Monday in front of family members after assailants asked him for money. American and Nigerian officials had said that Mr. Walton, the son of missionaries, lives with his wife and young daughter on a farm near Massalata, a small village close to the border with Nigeria. While unconfirmed, it is possible that Walton has been moved to Niger Airbase 201, a facility that has been significantly upgraded for expanded operations in the region.Ī report by Eric Schmidt in the New York Times today said that, “Mr.
hostage, Philip Walton, was not named during the Pentagon press briefing. The Waltons (TV Series) The Hostage (1981) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by Herbert Hirschman Writing Credits Cast (in credits order) Produced by Music by Alexander Courage Cinematography by Hugh K. Hoffman added that Walton, “…is safe and is now in the care of the U.S. in northern Nigeria to recover an American citizen held hostage by a group of armed men”. forces conducted a hostage rescue operation during the early hours of 31 Oct. Learn more about some of the historical events addressed on the show.Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman told reporters on Saturday, “U.S. The moon landing ( 'A Walton Easter', Special #6) The assassination of President Kennedy ( 'A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion', Special #4) The death of President Roosevelt ( 'The Outrage', s9-ep1) The abdication of King Edward the 8th ( 'The Abdication', s4-ep11)Ĭherokee "Trail of Tears" 1836-'38 ( 'The Warrior', s6-ep4) The Hindenburg disaster ( 'The Inferno', s5-ep19) The Spanish Civil War 1936 – 1939 ( 'The Collision', s4-ep24) The Spanish-American War & The Battle of San Juan Hill ( 'The Fox', s4-ep17) Events that affected the Walton family and most Americans during that time include: In doing so the writers never failed to immerse the characters and viewers on a bit of a histroy lesson. The show spanned more than 30 years of American history from 1933 to 1969. Teen Pregnancy ( "The Odyssey", s2-ep2 "The Revelation", s6-ep21 'The Pursuit', s9-ep6) Religious persecution ( 'The Unthinkable', s8-ep14) Racism ( 'The Festival', s6-ep16 'The Illusion', s7-ep8 'The Outrage', s9-ep1) Physical disabilities ( 'The Foundling', s1-ep1 'The Job', s3-ep11 'The Obstacle' s7-ep14) While many see the Walton's as a family that represents conservative values they in fact exhibit very liberal attitudes when dealing with a variety of topics and issues, these include:Īlcoholism ( 'The Calling' s7-ep2 'The Captive', s7-ep7)Īnimal welfare ( 'The Calf", s1-ep3 'The Hunt', s1-ep4 'The Fawn', s2-ep8 'The Last Mustang', s5-ep12)Īnti-German sentiment ( 'The Firestorm', s5-ep5 'The Hiding Place', s5-ep22 'The Rumor' s6-ep14 'The Spirit', s8-ep12)Ĭonscientious objection ( 'The Conscience', s7-ep13)Ĭustoms & traditions ( 'The Ceremony', s1-ep9 'The Shivaree', s3-ep19 'The Quilting', s4-ep21 'The Hostage', s9-ep20)ĭomestic violence ( 'The Victims', s9-ep15)
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The U.S. housing market stares down an excellent larger financial shockmortgage charges close to 7%
Unbeknownst to patrons lining the sidewalks exterior of frenzied open homes this spring, the Pandemic Housing Increase was already in its remaining inning. In March, Fortune revealed a pair of articles titled “The housing market enters uncharted waters“ and “An financial shock simply hit the housing market“ arguing simply that: The red-hot housing market would rapidly shift within the face of spiked mortgage charges, which had jumped from 3.2% in January to over 4% by late March. Not solely did larger mortgage charges assist to trigger the Pandemic Housing Increase fizzle out, however it was changed by what Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell now calls a “tough correction.” “For the long term what we’d like is provide and demand to get higher aligned in order that housing costs go up at an inexpensive stage and at an inexpensive tempo and that folks can afford homes once more. We in all probability within the housing market should undergo a correction to get again to that place,” Powell instructed reporters final week. “This tough [housing] correction ought to put the housing market again into higher steadiness.” The dangerous information for mortgage brokers and builders? This housing correction is much from over. In truth, the shock hitting the U.S. housing market continues to develop: On Monday, the typical 30-year fastened mortgage charge jumped to six.87%. That marks each the best mortgage charge since 2002 and the largest 12-month bounce (see chart under) since 1981. Anytime the Federal Reserve flips into inflation-fighting mode, issues get difficult for charge delicate industries like actual property. Greater mortgage charges result in some debtors—who should meet lenders’ strict debt-to-ratios—shedding their mortgage eligibility. It additionally costs some patrons out of the market altogether. A borrower in January who took out a $500,000 mortgage at a 3.2% charge can be on the hook for a $2,162 month-to-month principal and curiosity fee over the course of the 30-year mortgage. At a 6.8% charge, that month-to-month fee can be $3,260. The financial shock attributable to elevated mortgage charges, in fact, underpins the continued housing correction. The housing correction is the U.S. housing market—which had been based mostly on 3% mortgage charges—working in direction of equilibrium. As patrons pull again, the housing correction will trigger stock ranges to rise and residential gross sales volumes to fall. It is also placing a lot of the nation susceptible to falling house costs. We’re already beginning to see house value declines in bubbly housing markets like Austin, Boise, and Las Vegas. Nonetheless, house value declines have but to hit the entire nation. In accordance with Zillow, simply 117 housing markets noticed house value declines between Could and August. In one other 500 plus housing markets, costs have been both flat or costs rose. However extra markets might quickly transfer into the falling house value camp. So long as mortgage charges stay close to 7%, housing analysts inform Fortune we’ll see downward stress on house costs within the close to time period. “The longer that [mortgage] charges keep elevated, our view is that housing goes to proceed to really feel it and have this reset mode. And the affordability resetting mechanism proper now that has to occur is on [home] costs,” Rick Palacios Jr., head of analysis at John Burns Actual Property Consulting, tells Fortune. The large query: How a lot can “pressurized affordability”—a 3 proportion level bounce in mortgage charges coupled with frothy house costs—push house costs decrease? In contrast to the 2008 housing crash, this time round we do not have a housing provide glut nor a subprime disaster. Need to keep up to date on the housing correction? Observe me on Twitter at @NewsLambert. Join the Fortune Options e-mail checklist so that you don’t miss our greatest options, unique interviews, and investigations. Originally published at Sunshine Coast QLD News
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jobuganda · 2 years
Food for the Hungry Jobs 2022 – Driver
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Food for the Hungry Jobs 2022 – Driver
August 8, 2022 Job Title: Driver – Food for the Hungry Jobs 2022 Organization: Food for the Hungry Uganda (FH) Duty Station: Uganda Reports to: Finance and Administration Officer     Food for the Hungry (FH) Uganda Profile: Food for the Hungry (FH/U) is a Christian international relief and development organization that has been working in Uganda since 1989. FH is currently operating programs in Asia, Latin America and Africa with support offices in the UK, Canada, Switzerland, United States of America and Japan. FH’s primary goal is to end all forms of poverty world-wide. In Uganda, FH is operational in the Districts of Adjumani, Kitgum, Lamwo, Kween, Mbale, Namutumba and Amudat Districts implementing programs in four main sectors of Education; Food Security and Livelihoods: Health/Nutrition and Disaster Risk Reduction; with the Head office located in Kampala.     Job Summary: Under the supervision of the Finance and Administration Officer, the Driver facilitate transportation of staff to various destinations.     Roles and Responsibilities: - Project Planning and implementation - Stakeholders Engagement Networking and Collaboration - Monitoring, Reporting and Documentation - Child, Adolescent and Youth Participation     Minimum Qualifications: - Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, Agri-business. Animal husbandry, Forestry, environment, energy conservation, Food science and relevant work experience - A post graduate qualification in a relevant field is an added advantage Typically. 4+ years of experience in program management compliance, financial management experience. - Experience with working with private and institutional donors. - Non-profit ministry experience is a plus. Program leadership experience that includes risk and compliance management, financial, and opportunity development - Knowledge in value chain development, income generating activities and VSLA is desirable. - Language Skills - Proficiency in spoken and written English. Ability to speak local language (L.UMASABA) is an added advantage. Note: A valid motorcycle riding permit, including the ability to ride and care for a motorcycle, is a must for this job     How To Apply Food for the Hungry Uganda Jobs 2022: FHU is an equal opportunity employer. All suitably qualified candidates are encouraged to apply by Clearly stating the position applied for in the Subject line and submitting only electronic copies in one pdf file not more than 25MB of an application letter, a detailed CV, contact telephone numbers, copies of relevant testimonials/certificates, names/contact details of three referees, addressed to: The Human Resources Manager, Food for the Hungry Uganda Email: [email protected] not later than Thursday 18th August, 2022 at 4:30pm. Consider your application unsuccessful if you don’t hear from us by 15th September, 2022 Deadline: Thursday 18th August 2022 at 4:30 pm     For similar Jobs in Uganda today and great Uganda jobs, please remember to subscribe using the form below: NOTE: No employer should ask you for money in return for advancement in the recruitment process or for being offered a position. Please contact Fresher Jobs Uganda if it ever happens with any of the jobs that we advertise. Read the full article
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
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The May-announced Switch version of Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories will launch on September 26 in Japan for 6,998 yen, Japanese retail listings reveal.
First-print copies of the game will include an original acrylic key chain and original costume downloadable content.
Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories first released for the PlayStation 4 in November 2018 in Japan.
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