#Disney: White Noise
smashboydraws · 3 months
Mickey Madness
Draw a whole collection of Mickey's cause I was bored. Which ones do you know?
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misscloudiedays · 1 year
“A visitor”
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xxratsuicidexx · 2 years
Belzeebu (White Noise Mickey), P. Negative Mickey and Runaway.
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triplicatedrhymes · 1 year
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britneyshakespeare · 4 months
hey wait. so if you grow up as an only child or with siblings who like the same tv as you how do you learn tolerance?
#that football poll really made me reflect on how much tv i've had on in the background that was just absolute white noise to me#altho back when we were all younger there were more tvs in the house. mostly small ones#there was one i remember vividly that was like only a foot wide. it sometimes moved around#it had a vcr player in the bottom#i so clearly remember watching lizzie mcguire on it while discovering if you smash a marker youre coloring w#all the ink comes out at once. but then youre left wo it being pointy at the end#and that tv could be moved around. i remember watching shrek on it in my mudroom once lol#i also remember watching whose line is it anyway and not understanding improv but just seeing the men sit in chairs#and stand up and just looking at the colorful background. it was somehow still entertaining to me i dont remember AT ALL why#tales from diana#one thing that is somewhat understandable to me from what i understand about childhood entertainment in the streaming era#is that children THANK GOD still seem to fight w their siblings about what to watch on tv#they just dont even say 'on tv' they say 'on disney plus'#it shouldnt feel so strange to me but i just cant imagine coming home from school and selecting something from a list of programs#and then watching that in full without commercials. i'm like what. that's not tv#you're supposed to get home in the middle of an episode of spongebob that they play twice a week and quote along w it like karaoke#youre supposed to argue and flip back and forth one thing and another when one turns to a commercial break#THATS AMERICA!!!!!
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captainquaten · 1 year
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Needed to lob theses out. Cobblestone still likes rock music btw
I hope Noise at least gets mentioned in the refurbished DWN bc it feels like I just materialized the fucker.
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lovepaperhearts · 2 years
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warlock2k · 6 months
Disney's Poltergeist
In the year 2000, Disney had planned to release their first theatrical horror film for mature audiences. This was a fairly big step for the company, as they'd hoped to usher in a new era by making movies strictly for adults; alongside their usual family-friendly material, of course. On paper, it was a smart move. Disney was a household name well before the '90s rolled around, but they were mainly acknowledged for their animated material, so they wanted to surprise people with newer concepts. However, despite the corporate giant's hopeful mindset, the execution of this idea was a disaster.
According to documentation, written by my own accord, Disney wanted to try something "bold" with their iconic poster boy: Mickey Mouse. No, not by making him the protagonist of the film, but the antagonist instead. They'd planned for this version of Mickey to be a doppelgänger of sorts, acting as more of an influence than a physical entity.
I'm sure you can see the clear nonsense here.
Disney's thought process during this endeavor was a major risk, but they went all out nonetheless. Typically, this process is understandable. If you're trying to pitch a new idea, you need to make a good first impression. However, the executives leading the project clearly weren't thinking straight. Using a lighthearted character like Mickey Mouse as a villain is risky, because most of the time, people won't take it seriously. If the movie was planned to be comedic, then I'm sure Mickey being a slapstick villain would've been passable, but the final product wasn't a comedy in any sense of the word.
Let's rewind back to 1999, specifically the 13th of August, when a test screening for a film called "White Noise" took place. Invitations were handed out to people chosen by the cast and crew, up until the auditorium was full. Various family members and close friends were treated to the end result of strenuous efforts and the occasional sleepless night. This was a big deal for everyone involved in the film's production, so they wanted a packed audience. However, as you're already aware, the event didn't go as planned. There was one screening for the film, and that was more than enough.
Moving forward, I'll be citing the aforementioned documentation word-for-word. Personally, I find it pointless to attempt a summary of the situation. Everything described is exactly what happened. However, before I begin citing said documentation, I want to clarify that the contents of "White Noise" will not be shared. I apologize if you were expecting an in-depth description, but as you read the rest of this article, you'll understand why the information can't be relayed. "Fortunately", I do remember the aftermath very clearly. The following is a printed excerpt from the notebook I used to document my experience in '99. Please read at your own risk, as this may trigger those who suffer from poor mental health.
"'White Noise' test screening aftermath"
"After the film had ended, the auditorium went dark, and quickly fell silent. Most of us were in a strong state of shock. Others had understandably fainted, due to the horrors they'd witnessed. After a moment of silence, a truly unpredictable event shook the audience to its core.
In the midst of mass disturbance, the door to the nearby emergency exit began to drift open. Its slow progression caused an overbearing sense of dread. Once again, no one made a sound. It seemed as if this dread was strong enough to restrain even the quietest response. This undeniably sounds impossible, but we knew that something was silencing us by force, and it didn't hesitate to show itself.
When the door had reached the wall behind it, a warm light engulfed the passage, leading to what seemed like a void. It was in this moment when a somewhat uncanny voice came through the speakers, calling for patrons to leave the theater due to an electrical emergency. With haste, several people rushed out of the auditorium, fearing the worst. Despite so many people leaving, some of us stayed behind, with a sinking feeling that something was very wrong. Why would an emergency alert be broadcasted through the speakers connected to the projector? This exact thought sparked unease, and we were right to feel that way.
Once the last person walked through the door, the enveloping light disappeared in a split-second, followed by silence that made breathing sound like wailing. Breaking the silence, a faint sound made itself apparent from outside the room. Growing in volume, it inched closer to the doorway, and started to sound like a broken music box. A dreadful sound to be sure, but its source was far worse.
Shrouded in darkness, a Mickey Mouse costume sauntered into the room, and froze in front of the doorway.
With the music now piercingly loud, I covered my ears to muffle the sound. It was hard to think straight, but I still tried to get a better look at the source of the sound. At first, I thought it was just some jackass trying to prank us. However, the more I looked, the more I couldn't possibly try to explain what I was seeing. The costume was entirely white, as if it were repainted to resemble a ghost. Its stance was unnerving, seemingly frozen in time, without a single twitch or shudder. By the time I'd processed what I could see, I noticed the music changing.
Once a corrupted assortment of notes, it seamlessly shifted into sobs and screams. It was unbearable to listen to, but I couldn't do anything except wait it out. No one dared to move, but it's not like there was anything else to be done. The exit was being blocked by something with unknown intent, and none of us were willing to move from our seats. Surely someone would come to help eventually, so we just waited. Yet, despite my hopeful mindset throughout the chaos, no one came.
I couldn't tell how much time had passed.
Around ten minutes?
Around thirty minutes?
Around an hour?
The constant noise made it impossible to consider a reasonable time frame. I felt like I was going insane, until I had an even stranger feeling. Being exposed to those cries for so long, I started figuring out who they belonged to. The patrons who disappeared into the light never did leave the theater, did they? After all, I didn't hear another door open or close. Maybe, just maybe, the light was the door, and the costume was on the other side. This thought seemed far too outlandish to be true, and I hoped the noise was just scrambling my brain, until I noticed the costume staring at me. I was undoubtedly right about my revelation, and I feared the worst for it.
Petrified, I expected the costume to move toward me, but it didn't. It just stared at me, and after some time, the wailing faded. I uncovered my ears, expecting to hear the other patrons do something, but I couldn't hear anything at all. My first thought was the fear of having gone deaf, until I turned around to check on everyone, and was met with more terror than before.
The auditorium was empty.
I turned back around, expecting to see the costume remaining where it stood, but it disappeared as well. I began to panic, unable to process any aspect of the situation. A nightmare turned into something much worse, and I was the only one there to experience it. I went to cover my face, but I couldn't move my hands. I couldn't feel them either. Looking down to see why, I saw nothing. I didn't see my hands, I didn't see my arms, nor my legs or feet. My body was gone. I looked back up, and my body was suspended in mid-air. The projector lit up, and a pulsating mass of conjoined faces filled the screen. They looked like the other patrons, with eyes darting in random directions every second. Not a second later, my body started clawing at itself, tearing flesh from bone and ripping out nerve endings like ingrown hairs. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I noticed the faces staring at me now, morphing into the shape of the white costume. Without a second to process anything, the costume propelled itself out of the screen and engulfed my body. I couldn't handle it anymore, and I blacked out, waking up in a hospital bed with hardly any memory of the film's contents.
In the following months, the event became a highly questionable rumor. Victims began to show their trauma one after the other, often resulting in suicides or missing persons cases, while known survivors were likely hospitalized. Thankfully, there are individuals alongside myself who have learned to cope with their trauma and losses, but insult was eventually added to injury. Due to insufficient evidence, the test screening was labeled as mass hysteria, with the entire scenario being denied by both Disney and the theater. In addition, no lawsuits against Disney were ever publicized, likely due to being snuffed out, but that notion is theoretical. As for the movie itself, don't hold your breath when it comes to finding undeniable proof. Cameras were prohibited during the screening, and promptly confiscated before entering the auditorium. The entire ordeal was practically scraped from history, resulting in nothing but painful memories for those of us who are still here to speak up.
In conclusion, "White Noise" became a ghost story, with no sound evidence to back up its existence. Those who dealt with their trauma had attempted to spread the word, but it was treated like an off-color joke. This harsh reality showed that nothing could prove the event's existence, nor the toll it took on us. We have to live with being part of an urban legend, keeping our involvement private for the sake of ridicule. While others can enjoy Disney's current movies and shows, any mention of the corporation is an immediate reminder of what transpired, and the image of Mickey Mouse has ultimately become revolting."
As you can see, the event became incredibly deranged near the end. While it may seem improbable, the psychotic aspects of the event occured after I slipped into a state of unconsciousness. The part where I described the costume's presence did indeed happen, but the effects of its influence were purely a result of a stress-induced nightmare. CCTV footage of the auditorium revealed the costume's existence, but the remaining patrons and I had passed out from the aggression of the noise before it entered the room. Strangely, the footage wasn't revealed to me until recently, when I decided to start digging into the grave of this whole ordeal. Somehow, I perceived the costume while unconscious, and documented it as though I was awake to see it. However, the rather chaotic aspects of my experience occurred solely while I was knocked out. The costume was in the auditorium for around ten to fifteen minutes before walking out. It couldn't be seen by the cameras outside the room, and the individuals who left after the emergency alert couldn't be seen either. They completely vanished after walking through the doorway, and were never found.
Disney's "White Noise" was an unforgettable experience for the wrong reasons, and the aftermath turned Disney into an unforgivable violator.
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nycteres · 8 months
Love astarion as much as the next guy but some of you need to like. Relax and stop being rude to every other character 😭
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miffyxl · 1 year
While I understand WHY Jim Crow and his murder are unacceptable as portrayals go of the black community...
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Why do I only hear about them and not the work crew and their fuck awful song about being happy roustaboust, because God damn those lyrics.
Or the camel and elephant riders during the parade????
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I'm not saying no one else has ever seen this and commented on it but really when you're up against this Jim is almost a positive force. Like okay whatever it wasn't seen as unacceptable "for the time"
But when I was a kid I was unaware of the racism in the song and music video for Lazy Town and I genuinely loved the song because then too(I grew up in Australia and we don't do racism like America) but even as a kid I even thought it was weird that only the black guys and animals were putting up the tent and then never seen again.
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pineapplesaresweet · 2 years
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get a load of this guy
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misscloudiedays · 1 year
Black Rabbit and Beezlebub
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streamondemand · 1 year
What to stream: 'Strange World' on HBO Max, 'White Noise,' a 'Matilda' musical, and 'Treason' on Netflix
What to stream: ‘Strange World’ on HBO Max, ‘White Noise,’ a ‘Matilda’ musical, and ‘Treason’ on Netflix
Here’s what’s new and ready to stream now on Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, Disney+, Amazon Prime, video-on-demand, and other streaming services …   The animated adventure “Strange World” (2022, PG) sends a multi-generational family of explorers (along with their three-legged dog) into an weird and wonderful underground world that channels Jules Verne by way of Dr. Seuss. This odyssey from Disney also…
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keerysfreckles · 7 months
secret - peter parker (tasm)
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pairing: tasm!peter x f!reader
summary: peter goes to y/n, his best friends twin sister, to help patch up his wounds.
warnings: use of y/n and she!her pronouns, maybe two swear words, small makeout seshhh
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
y/n wasn't doing anything unusual on her saturday night. she always watched a movie before falling asleep so tonight was no different while high school musical was displayed on the tv in her bedroom.
however the only difference tonight was a knocking sound came from her bedroom window. y/n, now confused, walked towards the sound and opened the curtain. she was most certainly taken aback by the brunette boy crouching on her fire escape.
"peter? what the hell are you doing here?" y/n asks while opening her window. the question having two meanings; why peter was in her room, or why peter was on her fire escape. she's quiet with helping peter threw the small window, not wanting her brother to hear from the room next to hers.
"i'm supposed to hang out with josh, but-" before peter finishes his sentence he lifts his shirt, revealing three giant gashes across his torso. y/n gasps before covering her mouth.
"peter what happened?"
"i uh- tripped?" he simply shrugs it off before sitting at the foot of the bed. he places his backpack down and is quick to zip it up, encasing the red and blue fabric inside.
"just stay here," y/n starts to walk to her bedroom door, "and please dont make any noise."
peter only laughs, at y/n's words and the disney musical playing on her tv. his head turns as y/n walks back inside with a white box. peter guesses it's a first aid kit.
y/n walks around the boy, and sits on his right side. "lay down," y/n instructs. peter obeys, as he lays back on the comforter. his eyes watch the slow moving ceiling fan to distract him from the cold wipes y/n uses to wipe the excess blood off of his skin.
"sorry," y/n whispers, and peter lets out a small response, before grimacing again.
"how did this even happen?" y/n asks, while starting to patch up the open wounds with gauze and medical tape.
peter doesn't respond at first, as he's not entirely sure if he should lie or tell the girl the truth. her own brother doesn't even know about peter's secret.
"pete?" y/n voice is softer than before, and she looked him in the eyes now. she had just finished patching up the third and final wound.
peter sits up slightly and leans on his elbows. "can i tell you something?"
y/n simply nods and watches peter take a deep breath.
"do you ever notice how i disappear a lot whenever i hang out with you and josh?"
y/n nods again.
"it's not because i have catchup homework or i remembered aunt may needed something," peter looked up at y/n, before taking in another breath. "i'm spiderman."
"what?" peter could barely hear y/n's voice, but he could certainly hear the confusion.
peter gets off the bed and hands the girl his backpack. she only looks at him once before unzipping it. a small gasp leaves her lips when she pulls out a red and blue spandex suit.
"so you're really spiderman," y/n looks over the suit.
she looks up at peter who only responds with a dopey half-smile, which only makes her laugh. "how did this even happen?" she asks, and refers to the suit in her hands.
"i was sorta bitten by a radioactive spider at the place gwen used to work at," peter explains.
"wait so what exactly did that do?" y/n's genuine curiosity shocks peter. he was mostly worried she'd never want to talk to him again, or freak out and tell her brother.
peter rolls the sleeves up of his longsleeve shirt and shows the girl the black bands on his wrists. he chuckles as her eyebrows furrow. peter simply shoots a web towards the backpack on the bed, and is quick to hold it in his hand.
he chuckles again at y/n's reaction. "holy shit!" y/n's jaw is to the floor as she's amazed by the boy in front of her. "what else can you do?"
once again, peter lets out a laugh, before he drops the backpack on the ground. y/n watches peter stand on her bed and jump. his hand touches the ceiling which leaves the boy hanging there. y/n laughs before covering her mouth and watches peter bring his other limbs up as he starts to crawl on her ceiling.
"that's so cool!" y/n exclaims while peter lands on his feet with a thud.
y/n stands with the first aid kit to put it back in the bathroom, however she feels a small tug at the back of her shirt.
"i can also do this," peter states, before y/n twirls back towards peter until she's right in front of him. she looks down at the white stringy web now wrapped around her waist.
before she can get a single word out, peter's lips meet hers. his hands hold her waist until one moves to cup her cheek. after y/n's first reaction of shock fades away, her hands rest on peter's shoulders, before her hands interlock behind his neck.
the kiss is quick to heaten up. peter moves y/n to her bed and leans her down, with him hovering over her. y/n's hands are now on peter's jaw as she caresses over his skin, and peter feels nothing but butterflies in his stomach.
much to the two teenagers dismay, they pull away from each slightly and both catch their breath.
both y/n and peter's heads turn at the sound of a rattling doorknob. peter's quick to lock it as he shoots a web across the room.
"y/n?" josh calls from the other side of the door. "i heard a loud thud from my room. you okay?"
y/n's eyes scan her floor and she internally groans at herself for dropping the first aid kit from earlier.
she's quick to come up with a lie, "yeah i uh- just dropped my history books."
y/n's shoulders relax as josh responds, "oh okay, just checking."
as soon as josh's door closing could be heard from y/n's room, peter questions, "where were we?"
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animusrox · 1 year
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1.   The Batman 2.   Everything Everywhere All at Once 3.   Prey 4.   Triangle of Sadness 5.   Barbarian 6.  The Northman 7.   Bodies Bodies Bodies 8.   The Banshees of Inisherin 9.   Bones and All 10.   Avatar: The Way of Water
Grade A
11.   Turning Red 12.   The Menu 13.   Babylon 14.   Hit the Road 15.   Cow 16.   Watcher 17.   Funny Pages 18.   Mad God 19.   On the Count of Three 20.   Armageddon Time 21.   Terrifier 2 22.   Marcel the Shell with Shoes On 23.   Smile 24.   Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery 25.   Holy Spider 26.   Aftersun 27.   The Fabelmans 28.   Breaking 29.   Decision to Leave 30.   The Whale 31.   All Quiet on the Western Front 32.   Brian and Charles 33.   Piggy 34.   Saint Omer 35.   Thirteen Lives 36.   Men 37.   The Fallout 38.   Resurrection 39.   Causeway 40.  The Black Phone 41.   Official Competition 42.   Nope 43.  Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio 44.   Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood 45.   Till 46.   TÁR 47.   Happening 48.   A Love Song 49.   The Outfit 50.   The Innocents 51.   Jackass Forever 52.   BARDO, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths 53.   Montana Story 54.   Three Thousand Years of Longing 55.   You Won’t Be Alone 56.   The Sadness 57.   Halloween Ends 58.   Pearl 59.   X 60.   Vesper
Click "Keep Reading” For My Full List
Grade B
61.   This Place Rules 62.   Fresh 63.   Windfall 64.   Kimi 65.   No Exit 66.   Top Gun: Maverick 67.   “Sr.” 68.   Farha 69.   The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 70.   Weird: The Al Yankovic Story 71.   Nitram 72.   Speak No Evil 73.   Run Sweetheart Run 74.   She Said 75.   White Noise 76.   Puss in Boots: The Last Wish 77.   V/H/S/99 78.   The Wonder 79.   Women Talking 80.   Hatching 81.   Soft & Quiet 82.   Scream 83.   To Leslie 84.   Hustle 85.   Chip ’n Dale: Rescue Rangers 86.   Dual 87.   God’s Country 88.   Emancipation 89.   Vengeance 90.   Fire of Love 91.   Bullet Train 92.   Incantation 93.   The Valet 94.   Hellraiser 95.   Christmas Bloody Christmas 96.   Significant Other 97.   Cha Cha Real Smooth 98.   Lucy and Desi 99.   Not Okay 100.   A Christmas Story Christmas 101.   Blonde 102.   Deadstream 103.   Sissy
Grade C
104.   The Bad Guys 105.   The Cursed 106.   Empire of Light 107.   A Man Called Otto 108.   Broker 109.   Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 110.   The Princess 111.   Beast 112.   After Yang 113.   RRR 114.   Fall 115.   Jackass 4.5 116.   Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe 117.   Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness 118.   Jennifer Lopez: Halftime 119.   Lightyear 120.   The Pale Blue Eye 121.   The Woman King 122.   Violent Night 123.   God’s Creatures 124.   Ambulance 125.   Elvis 126.   You Are Not My Mother 127.   Emily the Criminal 128.   Crimes of the Future 129.   The Apology 130.   The Lost City 131.   Wendell & Wild 132.   Trainwreck: Woodstock ’99 133.   The Found Footage Phenomenon 134.   See How They Run 135.   Spiderhead 136.   Studio 666 137.   Bros 138.   Spin Me Round 139.   We’re All Going to the World’s Fair 140.   Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank 141.   Honor Society
Grade D
142.   Thor: Love and Thunder 143.   Summering 144.   Strange World 145.   Glorious 146.   The Gray Man 147.   Devotion 148.   Clerks III 149.   The Forgiven 150.   Enola Holmes 2 151.   Father Stu 152.   Jurassic World Dominion 153.   DC League of Super-Pets 154.   She Will 155.   The Bob’s Burgers Movie 156.   Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody 157.   Hellbender 158.   Samaritan 159.   Day Shift 160.   Sonic the Hedgehog 2 161.   Prey for the Devil 162.   Troll 163.   Uncharted 164.  Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile 165.   Dashcam 166.   Firestarter 167.   Do Revenge 168.   Catwoman: Hunted 169.   The Munsters 170.   Amsterdam 171.   Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
Grade F
172.   Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris 173.   The Bubble 174.   Dead for a Dollar 175.   Jerry & Marge Go Large 176.   Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul. 177.   Infinite Storm 178.   Marry Me 179.   Don’t Worry Darling 180.   Spirited 181.   Disney's Pinocchio 182.   Alice 183.   Black Adam 184.   Orphan: First Kill 185.   The Adam Project 186.   The Invitation 187.   Texas Chainsaw Massacre 188.   Ticket to Paradise 189.   The 355 190.   Umma
Bottom 10
191.   Green Lantern: Beware My Power 192.   Deep Water 193.   Where the Crawdads Sing 194.   Blacklight 195.   Mack & Rita 196.   Memory 197.   Me Time 198.   Death on the Nile 199.   Morbius 200.   Moonfall
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lovelytsunoda · 8 months
kill of the night // lando norris
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summary: she hates parties. especially quadrant parties hosted in large creepy mansions. at least the hot pirate hosting the party is into her, or she would have left ages ago.
pairing: lando norris x female reader
warnings: consumption of alcohol, lando cannot take anything seriously to save his life, the eerie feeling of being watched (anxiety or haunted house, you decide), pirate themed sexual innuendos, mention of spiders (arachnophobia warning!) reader has mild autism
the lights were low and the music loud as she pushed her way through the crowd, desperate for a drink and a moment of peace. the music was bad (some club mix of the rocky horror picture soundtrack) and all she wanted was for her massive headache to go away.
too bad she didn’t drink often. maybe something stronger than a hard lemonade would make this evening bearable.
she sat at the bar, feeling the eerie sensation of all eyes on her as she scanned the sea of bodies for the slew of other glittery fairy wings she had arrived with. she didn't even know some of the girls that well. all of the girls from her program had been invited, and she was trying to be a team player.
one girl was making out with a stranger, two others playing beer pong. the rest were lost to the crowd, dancing in ways that would definitely have disappointed their parents.
when the tuxedoed bartender came back with the crystal tumbler that had her vodka lemonade in it, she frowned at the tiny plastic sword, a gummy worm speared through it.
she just wanted a normal fucking drink.
sighing, she grabbed the glass and got to her feet, sending one last glance to the other girls before she started making her way towards the exit, mindful of the massive plastic wings strapped to her back. she had half a mind to just rip them off and throw them into the nearest trash can.
the outside hallway wasn't much better, and she found herself reaching into her purse for her airpods, less for music and more to just to cancel out the noise. she extracted the green plastic sword, taking the gummy worm off the plastic and dropping it into her mouth. the dj was playing ghostbusters, and she wanted nothing more than to be back home in her small, peaceful dorm, wrapped in her fleece blanket and reading 'love in the time of serial killers', or in the warm movie theatre watching 'a haunting in venice'.
instead she was here.
folding the small sword over in her hands, she grabbed her drink from the side table and made her way down the dreary hallway to get some fresh air.
the outside of the mansion was peaceful, if not a little disused. the hedges were neatly trimmed, the flowers well tended to as she sat down on a stone bench, the cold from the surface seeping in through the fabric of her dress as she took a sip of her drink.
truth be told, the peaceful atmosphere of the large, creepy mansion had been one of the few reasons she had agreed to come, living out her 'haunted mansion' fantasy: ghost who's been pining after her for centuries, the promise of eternal love. all but the evil ghost butler trying to kill her.
"the party's inside, you know!" a shout carried over the breeze, bristol accent sharp.
she yelped, dropping her drink and watching the glass shatter against flagstone.
"jesus! you can't just sneak up on people like that!" she shouted, yanking out her earbuds. "what is wrong with you, you fucking wanker!"
she got to her feet, spinning around to see who had spoken. he was tall enough (taller than her at least), dressed in a billowy white shirt and leather vest, leather breeches hugging his impressive thighs, a mane of curly brunette hair on the top of his head, and a fake sword strapped to his thigh.
at least, she hoped it was fake.
"woah, hang on." he frowned, coming closer to her. he looked like a prince, straight out of a disney movie. "i didn't mean to scare you."
could this be him? the ghost lover from her haunted mansion fantasy?
"it's fine. i guess i'm just jumpy. mansions that are almost certainly haunted will do that to a girl." she took a step back, trying to avoid the smashed glass as she turned, intending to go back to the stone bench before her wing got caught on a hedge. she cursed, resisting the urge to yank at the iridescent plastic.
"let me help." the stranger encouraged, coming closer to the hedge.
she shook her head. "it's fine, just let me take it off my back."
she gently eased out of the elastic straps securing the wings to her body, attempting to make it happen as gracefully as possible. one wing snapped back and smacked her in the face, and she tried to shake it off as she moved away, allowing them to dangle dejectedly from the hedge.
the prince came to stand beside her, his cologne overloading her senses as her reached over her to help disentangle the wings, his body heat against her back making her skin flush.
"here you go." his voice was soft as her passed her back her costume.
she could have left the wings there, she'd only paid three dollars to make them. she folded them up, placing the scratchy plastic on the stone bench before looking down at the shattered crystal.
“sorry about the glass. you’ll probably have to pay for it, being the host and all.”
“how did you know I was the host?”
her face blushed pink “havw you ever seen the haunted mansion? the original one with eddie murphy and wallace shawn?”
she gave him an opening, ready to hide her face behind her hands if it didn’t work out. there was a slight pause, and then he burst out laughing.
“you think that I’m some dead ghostly prince searching for his lost love?” he sputtered. “hate to break it to ya, tinker bell, but I’m not a prince, and I am very much alive.”
“I never said you were dead!” she crossed her arms indignantly, stomping one sneaker-clad foot against the flagstones.
chuckling, the suitor extended his hand. “I’m lando.”
“y/n.” she sighed, reaching to shake his hand. “sorry about the hostility, I just felt overstimulated in there. it’s the ‘tism in me.”
lando gestured for her to sit on one of the benches, looking out at the algae-caked fountain. it smelled earthly, yet his cologne was still all she could comprehend.
“have you had a chance to explore the house? based solely on your haunted mansion statement, I feel like that would be something you were in to.”
“it’s the only reason I came, truth be told. I hate parties, but some of the girls o study with thought it would be a good idea. what i didn’t realize was that we’d all be packed into the ballroom and pretty much the rest of the house would be off limits.”
lando laughed, straddling the bench next to her, one leg on either side. not very prince-like, if you had asked y/n. “well, I didn’t pick the venue. you can thank max and steve for that.”
“I don’t know who either of those people are.”
“I work with them in quadrant, they’re hosting this thing. I’d stepped out for a minute to take a business call.”
she snorted. “you? a business call?”
“what’s so hard to believe about that?” lando feigned offence, smacking his chest with his palm. “and why did your mind immediately go to the haunted mansion when you saw me? I was going for less master gracey and more will turner.”
“please, you’re jack sparrow at best. I can tell you bought your little pirate outfit at spirit halloween. and if my first instinct was that you were dressed as a prince, something is missing.”
she propped one leg lengthwise on the bench, tucking one sneaker-clad foot under the other, smoothing her dress over as to not give the man in front of her a glaring look at her dusty pink panties (although an intrusive thought did prompt her to wonder what would happen if she did).
“have you had a chance to explore the mansion yet?” she asked the man. well, the boy. he couldn’t have been too much older than she was.
lando shook his head, a few errant curls falling from his shaggy hair and over his eyebrows, and something about the way he shook his head to clear the curls from his eyes had her mouth watering. she wondered briefly what it would be like to kiss him.
“i saw a bit of it when we were bringing everything in. it’s a maze of service tunnels and secret doors. i actually got myself locked in a cellar.” lando laughed, and the butterflies erupted in her stomach, a giddy feeling spreading through her bones. “and that’s why ria thought it would be a good idea to cordon off most of the house. so that idiots like me didn’t get themselves locked in anywhere they couldn’t get out of.”
she raised an eyebrow, almost questioning exaclty how th man in front of her got himself locked in a cellar before she thought better of it. “so you know where all these secret passageways are?”
lando wagged his eyebrows. “is that something you’re into?”
“why do you have to say it like that?” she giggled, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth when she remembered how she usually looked when she laughed. “you make it sound weird. like a sex thing.”
“well, it’s not a sex thing,” lando reassured, stepping off the bench like he was dismounting a noble steed. “unless you want it to be? I’d be down to, uh, shiver your timbers in a secret hidden alcove.”
“not if you make bad pirate puns.” she rolled her eyes, taking landos extended hand in hers and allowing him to help her up. “but we can see where the night takes us.”
she shouldn’t have said that. why did she say that? would he think she was propositioning him?
the wind was breezy on her bare legs as lando led her across the moonlit backyard, pushing open the same door they had just come through. the family photos on the wall were old and faded, frames of orange gold around them. lando ushered her up the stairs, clouds of dust flying off the carpet as they ascended. the further up the stairs they moved, the mustier it smelled.
lando stopped her on the landing, hardwood covered in a threadbare oriental carpet, everything covered in a fine layer of dust, save for the cracked mirror.
"press on the edges of the fame, but stand back." lando suggested. "max brushed up against it earlier and almost got flung off the landing. it's a service entrance door."
"sick." she mumbled, pressing her slender fingers along the filigree gold frame. "just like this? do you remember where the latch was?"
"if i did, i'd have opened the door myself." he shrugged.
all at once, she felt the mirror give way under her hand, a clicking sound barely audible as the door began to move. lando reached for her hand, gently pulling her out of the line of fire.
"that was fucking awesome." she giggled, pulling her phone out of her purse and switching on the flashlight. "you know we need to go in there now, right?"
"just as long as you can get us back out." lando pleaded. "i don't want to die in a service tunnel."
she lead the way up the stone staircase, her flashlight illuminating the pounds of dust and cobwebs (as well as the occasional lump that might have been a dead rat, but she actually didn't want to know).
"if i see any big ass spiders in here, killing them is your job." she tried to keep her voice steady, but the thought of a massive spider crawling up her leg was not her idea of a good time. in fact, it would likely send her into hysterics.
they reached the top of the winding staircase, coming to rest in front of a large wooden door with a wrought iron knocker shaped like medusa's head. the hinges were slightly rusted, and it was clear that nobody had come up here for a while.
until them, of course, their footsteps clearly imprinted in the dusty stairs below.
"well, it would be a shame to turn back now." lando remarked, reaching for the door handle. it was stiff, but the room was unlocked.
she followed lando inside, reaching blindly for the old dial lightswitch on the wall. the room flickered to life, lit by two dull bulbs hanging from the ceiling.
a large bookshelf took up one wall, a dust and dirt caked window overlooking the grounds on another, equipped with a window seat for reading. a small crosley record player sat on a teak stand, pressed up against a wall painted an off cinnamon color. she walked to the milk crates stacked neatly next to the the player, flipping through well-worn vinyls.
"whoever was last up here was really into seventies disco. we've got abba, donna summer, elton john, blondie, hot chocolate, earth wind and fire." she mused, pulling a blondie album out of the basket. "although i always considered blondie to be more new wave than anything."
lando reached over her, his chest just faintly burshing up against her arm, body heat causing her skin to flush as he grabbed an elton john record from the basket.
"elton john? now this guy wrote some great stuff."
"nothing in this basket is organized in any way! they've got wild cherry at the front with earth, wind and fire, but blondie is pushed way to the back with chaka khan and ike and tina. no rhyme or reason! i have half a mind to rearrange it myself."
the record player crackled to life, the sound coming out of two old wooden marley speakers, a sound system that hadn't been updated in a while but still came through crisp as they day it was put together. elton john and kiki dee's duetting voices began to fill the room, and lando extended a hand.
"can i have this dance, my fair maiden?"
she smiled, leaning against the stack of milk crates. "i dunno. ladies like me don't dance with scoundrels like you."
"but a scoundrel like me will show you a damn good time. if you let me, of course."
giggling, she grabbed his hand, allowing the young man to twirl her in a circle before dipping her towards the floor, her hair dusting the shag carpet. soon, their laughter was louder than the stereo itself.
out of breath, their gleeful dance began to slow. they stood in the middle of the dimly lit room, 'don't go breaking my heart' playing lowly in the background, the thumping bass from the ballroom travelling upstairs as lando leaned in.
the craned her face up, pressing on to her tip toes to meet him halfway, brushing her lips against his before her pulled her in for more, his strong arms like a safety net around her body, ready to catch her if her knees buckled (which she was almost sure they would).
"i've gotta hand it to ya, captain. you're one smooth operator." she giggled, kissing him again. "i wonder what else you can do with that tongue?"
"come dock in my port, and you'll find out."
she burst out laughing, dropping her arms to playfully smack him in the chest. "that was your worst pick up line yet!"
"really? i've got a ton more, read up for this very occasion. what else have i got? there's 'i sure would like to pillage your booty', but that one sounds a little sleazy, 'not only do i have a ship, but it's a long one."
"oh my god, you need to stop. they're all as bad as the one that came before." she was laughing so hard there were tears in the corners of her eye. he thought he was so suave, rattling off stupid pickup lines while he leaned against milk crates of vinyl pressings.
and the stupid thing was, it was working.
tired of listening to him ramble, she stalked over to him, grabbing his leather vest and pulling him in for another kiss.
TAGS: @userlando @magnummagnussen @diorleclerc @scuderiamh @lorarri @cartierre @clemswrld @httpiastri @love4lando @silversainz @silverstonesainz @scuderiasundays
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