#Disneyland was quiet today knowing the mood I was in
jestierabbit · 5 months
I am going feral at the notion that I am… so… many in game hours away from unlocking Oswald in disney dreamlight valley. I’m literally to the point I want to lose it on all the other characters because they’re not Oswald and their inability to FIND GEMS OR IRON IS KEEPING MY FROM HIM
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
Back to Marina Bay we go!
Long time no see!
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So it's been 2 weeks now and it hasn't really been that quiet, am I right!? First, we have the Monaco GP renewed until 2025 at least, which for me it's great news since I love it regardless of how boring it can be most of the time outside of Quali. And then we have Yuki being renewed too but in this case for another year at Alpha Tauri. Now we only need to see if Pierre stays and the bromance goes on or, on the contrary, we get robbed of the greatest love story after Sewis.
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Aaaaand the most non-shocking news was Latifi's exit from Williams at the end of the 2022 season. Now that's gonna be fun. Who will be Albon's new partner in crime?
Also, now it seems we're getting 6 sprint races instead of 3 for 2023. Are you fucking kidding me. Not even asking anymore. Just, are you fucking kidding me.
Apart from that the greatest thing to have happened in the last 2 weeks is the fact that Estie Bestie invited Mick to his birthday party with his family and they went together to Disneyland Paris. How cool is that? And they say you can't have friends in Formula 1. Check them, those are friendship goals 🥰
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Lastly, but very, very importantly, Red Bull and Aston Martin suspected of surpassing the cost cap. Aston Martin vibin' spending money and still flopping gives me life. But Red Bull? I truly hope Ferrari's right AND that the FIA do their fucking jobs for once. It's time, they owe it to all of us, especially one very specific someone.
Now onto the important stuff. MARINA BAY IS BACK! And so am I, now let's see what I've missed during my busy work days.
Alex is finally back after undergoing surgery to remove his appendix during the Monza weekend. Doctors having to turn off the race because he was getting stress is a funny thing, tho.
Estie Bestie and Mick getting asked about their time together on the break between race weeks was quite cute, honestly.
Other than "all" that, the guys mostly talked about the possibilities and challenges of this race, so nothing else worth commenting really.
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I don't think I've ever seen the Singapore track in the daylight. Of course, before this season I never really watched Free Practice so... There's that.
FP1 just starting and Charles already has some trouble with the brakes. Can this boy have a normal weekend??? Please????? He hasn't even done anything because of the issue with his car so far. George going against the wall, slowly at least. Good thing he knows what to do not to fuck up the car, it was so subtle. Good boy, Giorgio.
I'm not even gonna start on the commentators today, I'm not in the mood. Nothing else really happened until Stroll went sideways and crashed into the wall with the left side of his car. "So... Red Flag, Red Flag".
Lewis saying that the car is undriveable and then he gets P1, huh?
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This guy!
Carlos almost crashing with everything he has against the wall, Jesus Christ boy, do you want to die?! Between the commentators losing it and the moment itself, my heart wasn't ready 😂
By the way, how cool is Seb's new helmet?! I mean!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! It's fucking insane, I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
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Anyway, so Lewis P1, STOP THE WEEKEND! I guess having James Allison there must have been effective.
How impressive is Singapore from the air? Whoa.
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I'm trying to stay awake, at least not to postpone again watching FP2, because I know myself and having to work at 4pm tomorrow, having to FPs to see plus Quali... I won't make it 😂 I'm not making any sense, I'm aware 🤪
Giorgio my boy going against the very same spot in the wall as in FP1? Dear Lord, spare me. And Alonso almost going sideways against the wall too but in his case he always looks like he's bumpy riding or something so 😂
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Latifi ranting about Pierre when Pierre clearly, after making a mistake, put the car on the side in order to let people pass? No wonder he's out of F1 next season.
Leclerc catching on pretty quickly after not even touching the track for the whole of FP1 and more than half of FP2. Leave it to Charles Leclerc. Such a guy.
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I think I might make it through FP2 without falling asleep, which is a success for today. I know I've probably left out several things I wanted to comment on here for days, but it is what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️
Lewis drifting into the weekend like he owns it, which he obviously does, as usual. That was hot even if he didn't mean or want to.
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So I'm gonna do the same and drift... away to bed 😂 I can't take this anymore, I'm exhausted.
Let's see what tomorrow brings, then. Peace out!
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survey--s · 2 years
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Any recent purchases? The LOTR extended edition DVD boxset - I found it on eBay for £10.
Have you ever thought about giving up on life completely? Yeah, in the past.
Have you seen the entire Harry Potter series? Hundreds of times lol - I watched them all last week actually.
Do you still have both of your parents? Yeah, thankfully I do. 
Do you live very far away from Kansas? Sure, I live almost on the other side of the world to Kansas.
Do you enjoy cuddling? Mmm - yes, but I have to be in the right mood.
Do you play video games? Not console games, but I do play quite a few mobile games.
How many colors are in your hair right now? Just my natural brown.
Do you have your full license yet? Yeah.
Do you have the same color eyes as your mother? Not exactly the same, but close enough.
Does your significant other boss you around a lot? Nope.
Do you prefer winter or summer? Summer for the most part, but today was the perfect winter day - blue skies, sunshine and snow on the ground.
Do you know anyone who has overdosed? No.
Are you a fan of PDA (public displays of affection)? They’re not for me, but other people can do what they like.
Have you ever been put to sleep for surgery? No.
Where are your siblings as of now? I don’t have any siblings.
What color shirt are you wearing as of now? It’s kind of a creamy colour.
What is your favorite class? I used to love history.
Are you in love with someone right now? Yes.
Can you speak any other languages than the one you’re fluent in? Yeah, French - and a decent amount of German, plus a few words in Italian and Spanish.
Do you take a lot of photos? Yeah, mostly for work or of the animals.
When you were little, did you think band-aids healed everything? Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? Yes.
Where do you download music from? I just use Spotify to listen to music.
Have you ever attempted suicide? Yes.
Do you know what ‘irony’ means? I do.
How many pillows do you normally sleep with? Two - sometimes three.
Do you lose your remote often? I don’t, but Mike manages to lol.
Have you ever skipped class before? Yeah, I once passed a module of my degree without ever turning up to any of the classes involved lol.
Are you a regular school skipper? I never skipped actual school as they would have rung my parents, but I skipped a lot of classes at university - I just didn’t care lol.
Do you have any Pay-per-View channels? No.
Who, in your life, makes you feel discouraged? Nobody - I don’t spend my time on people like that anymore.
When was the last time you went bowling? About six years ago - there isn’t a bowling alley anywhere near here.
Do you ever suspect your significant other of lying to you? No.
Are you expected to help fix Thanksgiving dinner? We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here, but I cook our Christmas dinner each year.
Is there anything bothering you right now? I’m really tired.
Would you like to talk to someone about it? No, I just wanna sleep lol.
Do you live by any major bodies of water? Yeah, the ocean is about five minutes away.
Do you tend to make the first move in a relationship? Sometimes.
Do you spend a lot of time with family? No, not really.
How many times have you been to Disney World, if any? I’ve only ever been to Disneyland Paris once.
Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? No.
Have you ever been accused of being on drugs when you weren’t? No.
Do you have a more quiet or loud voice? Quiet.
Do you personally know anyone who is transgender? No.
When was the last time you got a shot? Whenever I had my last COVID booster - about two years ago I think.
Can you play any instruments? If so, what are those instruments? I can play piano and a few chords on guitar.
Do you have any diseases? Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever been into a car accident? Yeah - one major one where I was driving, one minor and one when I was a passenger.
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airyairyaucontraire · 3 years
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Hang the lampshade on it, Yasmina. You've got a probably broken ankle, which happened because you were very brave and went back to help others who were having difficulty keeping up, and you've lost your corporate sponsor for athletics and the first friend you made on this trip turned out to be a low-down dirty spy, so you deserve it. Of course, the curious thing about it is, Jurassic World is not a new park at the time of Jurassic World and Camp Cretaceous. It's been successfully operating, presumably with no more fatalities than any other major theme park/resort (plenty of people die at Disneyland/World; there was even one awful time when a little kid was taken by an alligator at one of the park resorts in Florida), for ten years at that point.
It's like, they did learn from the mistakes of Jurassic Park. They have better security and more effective systems in many ways. The corner-cutting that plagued the original (despite John Hammond's claim to have spared no expense, he decided to automate park operations as much as possible to save on staff, hired the lowest bidder for the IT contract, and then when the job turned out to be much more challenging than the original scope, refused to renegotiate or pay more, which doesn't make Nedry's sabotage justified but goodness knows he had reason to be pissed off) is not in evidence, at least to the same extent (why there was only one guard on duty at the Indominus rex paddock, and he essentially a mall cop rather than a zookeeper with training in managing large predators, is a mystery for the ages). They had a successful, functional dinosaur theme park and resort, whose emergency plans turned out to be terribly inadequate when there was a real emergency, but there wasn't a real emergency for ten years, meaning they must have been doing most things right, right? What was originally a hubristic reaching-too-far (having a cloned dinosaur park at all) has become the new, maintainable status quo, and it's a further hubristic reaching-too-far that dooms Jurassic World, developing new hybrid dinosaurs to be cooler and edgier. And it was so unnecessary, because while Claire dismissively says that kids today look at a T rex "like an elephant at the city zoo," a) people STILL LOVE ELEPHANTS Claire, b) she said herself they were consistently getting guest satisfaction scores in the low 90s, which is pretty excellent, and c) in the park scenes in the movie before things start to go wrong, everyone we see (with the exception of Zara, who is unhappy to be stuck babysitting her boss' nephews when that is not her job and distracted by wedding-planning phone calls, uhhhh I have forgotten the older brother's name, who is feeling encumbered by his lively little brother when he would like to be meeting pretty girls, and Gray who is initially having a fabulous time but whose mood crashes when, during a quiet moment, he remembers his worries about his parents' impending divorce) is enthusiastic and having lots of fun. We don't see a single child turn up their nose at the old-school dinosaurs. So I guess the worst decision at Jurassic World was the whole late-capitalism thing of "We can't just keep doing the thing we now do very well and maintain a steady business of happy customers, success is only defined by perpetual growth, innovation and disruption."
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heyo-silver · 5 years
Happy Birthday Indeed- Oscar Issac
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Oscar Issac X Actress! Reader 
Summary: When two stars get together sometimes it’s hard, you miss dates and birthdays, and you’ve done it before but this time it hurt Oscar just a little more. But you have to keep a smile on your face when you’re being interviewed and viewed by millions. 
A/N: This is for the amazing @my-name-is-alice-ayers​ who requested this amazing imagine.
Oscar looked at himself in the mirror. Wow, was he getting old? I mean, 41 that’s when people start pointing out your age everywhere. 
She always said to never worry about it. That’s what she told him earlier when they were on the phone.
She was in Atlanta, she has been for the past few months. Filming for her new movies with Benedict Cumberbatch. A project that she had started jumping at when she found out she was accepted for the role. He remembered the huge smile on her face as she was jumping around like a child who found out they were going to Disneyland. He hugged her tight and swung her around in excitement, this was her dream, and there she was living it. In Atlanta, and on the other side of the country. 
It made him sad, but only for a minute. She was always there for his birthday, in the four years that they had been dating she never missed it once. He remembered last year when he was filming out in the middle of nowhere, for the new Star Wars movie of course, and she had packed a bag and hauled herself hundreds of miles just to throw him a party surrounded by his friends. She was always extra like that. But Oscar liked that about her. But this year it just wasn’t the same. 
Being the main character in a movie was hard, he knew that, but that also made it so she couldn’t get away from set, even for his birthday. Which he understood, he had done it to her one year, even though it snapped his little love-struck heart in two. She always said that it was fine, and that he had to do what he had to do, so he had tried to give her the same treatment. 
“It’s fine love, I know what it’s like!” He put a little chuckle at the end to try and ease her emotional burden. 
“That doesn’t make it any easier Oscar! I just feel really horrible....” You whispered on the other end of the line. He could hear your small sigh, he felt his heart drop in your chest. 
“Don’t feel that way.” He took a small pause, a smile slowly seeping on his lips, “You’ll just have to make it up to me when I see you next.” He heard you chuckle. 
“Sounds like a deal, Mr. Issac.” 
“It better.”
He straightened his bowtie again and ran his hand through his hair once more to try and smooth it back. He took a deep breath in and then out to try and calm himself down. 
A knock on the dressing room door drew him out of his state. 
“You can come on in!” He spoke. A small young woman poked her head through the door. She had her hair pulled back a headset resting on top of her head. 
“We’re ready for you to head to stage right whenever you are.” She spoke in a tone that made her feel soft yet authoritative. 
Oscar smiled and spoke: “Thanks, I’ll head over right now.” He put a smile on his face, something that he had gotten use to. She nodded and closed the door behind her. Oscar glanced at himself in the mirror one more time just to make sure he looked well. She had told him earlier on the phone that she would be watching from her trailer, so he made sure that he wore her favorite bowtie because he was thinking that maybe, making her smile would ease her burden a little more. A ping on the dresser alerted him. 
‘Good luck Mr. Birthday boy! I love you to the moon and back mon amour!’ He smiled down at the screen. He started typing. 
‘I love you too mi amor! Just a text from you has lightened my night! Promise you’re going to watch me brag about you?’ He sent the message and only had to wait a few seconds for a response. 
‘Promise. xx’ He smiled and set his phone back down on the dresser. 
He took a deep breath in and turned and lifted himself off the chair. Smoothing his hair one more time he opened the dressing room door. There was a stage assistant standing right outside the door and gave him a big smile when he made eye contact. 
"Are you ready Mr. Issac?" She asked, pulling her clipboard a little closer to her chest. 
"Absolutely! Please, lead the way!" He smiled when talking to her, hoping to put a little more happiness in his heart before he went on stage.
 "Oscar Issac!" Oscar pushed himself on stage with a smile and a wave. The crowd cheering seemed to lighten his mood, just a little. He walked up to Jimmy and shook his hand before taking a seat in the comfortable chairs next to him. As the crowd died down they began a conversation. 
Jimmy asked s few questions about Star Wars, trying to get spoilers out of him like always. They both cracked jokes in between and in those moments Oscar seemed good, he felt happy. Every time he looked into the crowd he didn't see you. He tried to not let it get him down too much. He didn't even know why it was bothering him so much, it didn't in the past. He kept smiling though, know that she was watching. 
"So, at D23 we got a sneak peek at Marvel's plans for the future and your girlfriend is actually playing in one, right?" Oscar perked up just slightly at the mention of her. 
"Yeah! It was so amazing to find out that she got the role." He went down the reminiscing lane for a sec, trying to tell the story. "I remember when she finished the phone call she just broke out in the biggest smile I have ever seen on her; she just started jumping around like a small child. I have never, in my life been happier for her than I had in that moment." He had waved his hand around for a moment when telling the story and Jimmy laughed a little at the end of the story. 
"When you two are away filming, do you call each other a lot?" 
"Oh, all the time." Oscar put emphasis on all in the sentence just trying to tell everyone just how much they talked. "If we're not talking its texting, just trying to spend time with one another even though we may be hundreds if miles apart." The crowd seemed to awe at his comment which made his face break out in a small smile.
"So shes away currently?" Jimmy asked him, leaning slightly on the tabletop desk.
 "Yeah, I can't say where but shes away filming." Oscar's smile seemed to falter but only for a second, she was watching. 
"Okay. And it is your birthday is it not?" Jimmy seemed to tread lightly at this question. The crowd erupted into cheers for him which made that smile start tugging at the corners of his mouth again. 
"Yeah. 41, today, which I know is crazy." The crowd erupted into a clapping session once more. He looked out into the crowd and looked at their faces. 
"Well, since it's your birthday, I've decided to get you a little gift." 
"Oh no." The crowd laughed at the comment Oscar made. 
"Oooo, that one hurt." Jimmy and Oscar laughed at one another. "You're going to have to close your eyes." Oscar gave Jimmy a look before as the crowd went into yet another cheering session. It didn't take a lot for Oscar to give in and cover his eyes with the hands. The surroundings were quiet for a moment while Jimmy made some movements behind his desk. Oscar couldn’t tell what was going on but he had a feeling that when he opened his eyes he was going to get a cake to the face. It just felt like it was something that Jimmy would do to him. Another moment passed before a few in the crowd started to cheer and clap, which threw him off for a moment. Oh no, the cake idea was becoming a reality.  
“Okay, Oscar, I’m going to count down to 0 and when I do you can go ahead and open your eyes.” Jimmy gave him simple instructions. Oscar nodded and gave his acknowledgment to Jimmy. Someone took him by the shoulders and stood him up. He seemed a little taken aback by the person but tried to let it roll off his back, they were just trying to set him up for a good shot of the pie he was getting in his face. 
“Okay, 5″ the start of the countdown didn’t make him as nervous and maybe it should have been, “4, 3-” this was the point was he started shuffling his feet a little bit, not that he was nervous at all. “2,” Jimmy took a short breath and Oscar could feel the crowds' breath be put on hold. “1,” Oscar was giddy, like a little child, he almost started to hold his breath, waiting slowly. 
“0!” Jimmy yelled Oscar's hands flew off his face and his eyes snapped open and his mouth fell open in a gasp. 
The woman in front of him was dressed in a nice silver dress that gave a few sparkles when hit by the studio lights. The dress flowed down to the floor and hugged her curves in just the right way. You couldn’t see her feet but she was most likely wearing short heals like she always did when she wore a dress like that. She wore a small pendant around her neck that seemed to catch the light just enough to make it sparkle loudly in the room. And wow, did she take his breath away. Her hair was done just the way she liked it, and whenever she liked it, he liked it ten times more. She didn’t have a lot of makeup on but she didn’t need it, she was gorgeous without it. She broke out into a smile. That’s when Oscar rushed forward and took her into his arms.
She was here. A large smile broke out on Oscar’s face as he spun her around. She let out a few giggles that made him chuckle lowly. For just the two of them, this was such an intimate moment, despite the hundreds and maybe thousands of people watching both of them right now. But they didn’t matter to Oscar, what mattered was her. Her hand reached up to hold onto the sides of his face while she craned her head just enough to meet his lips. He smiled into it before she pulled away and looked at him. 
“Actress (Y/N)(L/N) everyone!” The crowd erupted into a storm of claps as she was announced. Oscar twirled her around a few more times before setting her back down on the carpet. She covered her face for a second as she laughed and then started waving into the crowd. Oscar slipped a hand behind her back and brought her a little closer which caused her to look at him and then brake out into an even bigger smile. God how he loved her smile, never failed to warm up his day. The crowd wasn’t stopping either, Jimmy next to him was clapping. She just kept smiling at looking out at the people. God, she looked gorgeous. She soon turned and looked at Oscar with that giant smile still gracing her lips. 
“Happy Birthday Oscar.” She spoke in a small voice. 
“Yeah, it is a happy birthday indeed.” 
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 4 years
sugawara koushi x reader
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A/N: I wasn't actually going to write anything for Suga’s birthday as I'm meant to be busy writing for A Crow Without Wings, but I thought of this scenario and couldn't get it out of my head. I’ve hopefully made the reader gender neutral so enjoy :)
synopsis: sugawara had hoped that his friends would be able to get together just for one day; his birthday. instead, each and every one of them were busy, so you take him to the store to lift his spirits. little did he know, you had something up your sleeve...
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The quiet bustle of other customers wandering around the store filled Sugawara’s ears as he rested his arms on the bar of the shopping cart, pushing it along as he followed you down the aisles. You were slightly further ahead, your sights set on the sweets section as usual, and Sugawara smiled fondly at the sight of you so happy. 
Unlike most people, he absolutely loved coming to the store. Especially if it was with you. Every trip seemed like a visit to Disneyland with the way your eyes lit up at the turn of every corner, the smile on your face each time you handed him something to put in the cart, your cute little expression when you asked if you could get something you knew he wouldn't let you. 
You loved food, and he loved you. 
“Oooh, let’s get a cake!” Lips pursed in concentration, you looked over the shelves in search of the perfect one. It was your boyfriend’s birthday, after all. It had to be just right. 
“You know I don’t want anything special, puppy.” It was a lie. Of course he wanted something nice; it was his birthday. But he wasn't in the mood for it anymore. He’d wanted to have a party with his old volleyball team and finally get them all together after so long, but no matter who he called, they were all busy. Even Hinata was busy, and the little tangerine would usually be the most excited about a party, no matter what it was for. 
“C’mon Kou, It’s just a cake.” He tried, he really did, but there was no resisting the way your cheeks puffed out as you pouted up at him. He sighed, but there was a huge grin on his face as he shook his head at you in amusement.
“Fine, put one in.” Giggling, you picked out his favourite cake from the selection and carefully placed it in the cart. Sugawara then reached for your your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. He smiled down at you lovingly and you spent the rest of the rest of the trip hand in hand, Suga watching you as you pointed out all of the items on your list. 
It didn't take much longer to find what you needed, and you were soon at the till, packing everything into bags. While Sugawara was busy paying, you quickly pulled out your phone, sending a short message. You slipped it back into your pocket just as your boyfriend turned back to you and picked up the bags, leaving you to carry the cake. 
The apartment you shared wasn't much of a walk from the store but it was nice to spend time just walking beside your boyfriend as you both enjoyed the cool evening breeze. It was a nice deviation from your usual routine, and it had slowly become one of your favourite things to do together.
Since you had a free hand, you unlocked the front door and quickly rushed in, kicking off your shoes in the hall and leaving Suga to struggle through the door with all of the bags. When he finally managed to get his own shoes off, he wandered into the living room, which had darkened as the sun had set, so he couldn't see where you had disappeared off to. 
“SUPRISE!!!” The room was suddenly light again as someone flicked the switch and there was a shower of confetti raining down over Sugawara. Said boy jumped in shock, causing the shopping bags to drop to the floor.
“KOUSHI! THE EGGS!” The eggs were the least of his concerns though. A huge smile adorned your boyfriend’s face as he scanned the room, looking over each and every one of his supposedly ‘busy’ former team members.
He let out one of the most joyous laughs you had ever heard, and you chuckled as you walked past him to move the bags into the kitchen, double checking that the eggs hadn't been cracked by the impact. 
Sugawara hugged each of his friends in turn, including even Tsukishima, and sighed in content at the sight he’d been dreaming about for weeks now. 
There was only one thing missing.
“Where’s Y/N’s favourite vase?” It had been right there in the centre of the coffee table before you had left to go to the store, and yet now it wasn't. Suga’s eyes landed on Kiyoko, who he knew would tell him the truth straight away.
“Noya and Hinata got in a fight because they both wanted to put the banners up and they fell off the ladder.” Tanaka burst out laughing at the memory and Suga could have sworn he heard Kageyama let out a snicker as well. 
“They’re going to kill them.” The vase had been a moving-in present to you from Sugawara’s mother, and you had treasured it since the second you laid eyes on it. 
Luckily, the rest of the surprise party went surprisingly smooth, albeit slightly rowdy with the group of friends having been apart for so long. It lasted well into the morning, and soon enough, all of them had decided to crash at your apartment. 
Your apartment wasn't exactly very big, and it was tough splitting them between the living room and the spare bedroom, but it wasn't long before they were all sound asleep. 
Sugawara shook his head with a smile as he stepped over a sleeping Hinata in the hallway on his way to the bedroom, his energy clearly having run out before he made it to one of the two rooms. 
Opening the door to your bedroom, he found you already in bed, almost asleep yourself. Chuckling, he closed the door as quietly as he could and shuffled over to join you in bed. At the shift in weight on the mattress, you stirred and reflexively curled into your boyfriend’s side as he settled his arm around your waist. You smiled into his chest as he pressed a light kiss to your forehead, letting the chirps of the morning birds fill the silence. 
“Thank you for today, puppy.” The arm he had around your waist tightened and you buried your face into your boyfriend’s neck. 
“Happy birthday, Koushi,” You managed to mumble before you let the exhaustion take over you and you drifted off to sleep, your breaths fanning against Sugawara’s skin. 
He wondered how he had managed to get so lucky having you by his side like this, and in the light of the morning sun peeking through the curtains, he made his birthday wish, or more of a promise than anything else; to stay like this, with you, forever. 
“I love you.”
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toast-connoisseur · 4 years
all the colors!
Answered these earlier so I’ll repost☺️
zinc white; how are you really feeling today? no one-word answers please! -I’m exhausted. Working and home life are draining. The current state of the world also has so much going on and I so desperately wish I could instantly fix everything at the same time.
cadmium yellow; when you think of the word “happy” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? -Laughter
lemon; what’s your comfort food? -It depends on my mood tbh but usually something chocolatey
hansa yellow; what’s your guilty pleasure song? -I don’t consider any of my music worth being called a guilty pleasure but I do like the song titled Guilty Pleasure by Cobra Starship
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of! -Straight Line Stitch
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home? -Right now I can’t really say I have a place. Used to be Disneyland.
raw sienna; with whom do you feel most at home? -My best friends
golden ochre; describe the relationship you have with your closest friend. -I’m lucky to have several close friends and each relationship is very different but ultimately we can speak our minds with each other and laugh about random stupidities for hours.
golden deep; what’s your favorite season? -Fall
cadmium orange; what do you like to do on your days off? -See my friends usually, but now I mostly sleep.
orange lake; do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad? -Yes. I hate doing that though. I don’t want others to feel sad because I’m sad and I don’t like bothering people.
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings? -Relaxing evenings. Mornings stress me out no matter what.
shakhnazaryan red; are you currently binge-watching anything? -No, I already finished the newest season of Queer Eye.
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)? -I am both for sure and I think anyone that knows me would agree.
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it? -I’m not good with memorizing the names of paintings. While I have had this experience before, I don’t recall what they’re all named.
english red; what animal do you relate to most? -A puppy. Always learning new info and has too much energy at times.
vermilion; what’s your favorite accent? -It’s a tie between a Cuban accent (looove speaking Spanish with Cubans) and an Australian accent.
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other? -I think so? I guess my type is someone who can keep up with me and make me laugh so hard I cry.
scarlet; describe your current crush/es. -Nonexistent.
ruby; what does your ideal first date look like? -Honestly just sitting somewhere quiet, like the beach, and talking nonsense about anything and everything.
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like? -Maybe something fun like a bar/club or even going to the movies (I find that very fun)
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date? -Yes. As long as it feels right, I’ll always accept a kiss.
rose; what’s something really positive going on in your life right now? -I graduated college! But that’s dying down so I’ll have to find something new soon.
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to? -The world being a safer place in every aspect of the word.
violet rose; what does your dream house look like? -I like open spaces and lots of rooms to decorate yet do nothing with.
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down? -I’d love to stay in the LA area but it’s a big bitch money-wise.
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down? -I think I be done it already. I’d love to have my dream job but I wouldn’t mind settling down whilst looking for that too.
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to? -Multnomah Falls
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it? -I was getting ready to see my friends.
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember? -Last night I dreamt that I went back in time to meet myself as a child but I encountered everyone else but me.
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each? -I’d love a big family. Wife and as many kids as we can comfortable afford, preferably 4 maybe? A dog, maybe an aquarium?
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could? -I don’t really care for my name but I wouldn’t even know what to change it to tbh. I tried when I became a US citizen but it didn’t work out.
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent? -Anything clean or the smell of fresh baked goods.
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any? -I don’t like tea.
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant? -I actually had this thought the other day and I want a garden so bad I feel like I’d plant whatever I could get my hands on and easily manage.
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog? -Maybe. Sounds super fun to do without viewers but I wouldn’t want to deal with the mean people/comments. Ruins the fun.
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives. -Curvaceous.
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario? -Birds chirping, butterflies flying around, a slight breeze that’s not too chilly yet saves me from the heat of the sun on my face.
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better? -Not really. I require more stability than what is being offered to me at the moment but it’s really expensive to be out on my own here.
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them? -I could name them all and know I probably won’t get around to many. Life is messy and expensive. France and Greece sound nice though.
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn? -Spanish. Both English and Spanish are basically my native languages and I speak both fluently and most times people don’t know which is my primary language.
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book? -Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin
olive green; are you currently reading anything? how do you like it so far? -Nothing at the moment.
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh? -Saved!
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself? -Take a fat nap.
umber; have you drank enough water today? -It’s 6AM so, no.
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent? -Selena
sepia; name five things that always make you happy. -My best friends, Disneyland, food, coloring, watching movies, and drinking
indigo; what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received? -When people tell them I make them feel safe enough to tell me anything.
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic? -I honestly think it varies on a day to day basis but mostly like retro I guess?
black; post a selfie because you are so beautiful!
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closetspngirl · 6 years
Love Heals the Soul (Part 22) - She Speaks
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Summary: Reader moves in, things are finally discussed...sort of. And tennis cake?
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Word Count: 2198
Warnings: Sad reader, maybe it counts as angsty? nothing, unless I missed something.
A/N:  Feedback is always welcome! Italicized are lyrics, POV thoughts or text conversations; you can tell by the context
You and Jensen decided to move all of your stuff into his apartment the following week over the winter break in filming that they had. The assistant that you had hired when you took a month off work was still around, you having told both of them your long-term plan for the café. Having the two of them gave you more time to be with Jensen, and take care of yourself.
You had been putting off any type of therapy or surgery for your wrists, not ready to deal with it yet. Very much in the mindset that you were fine and everything would be ok; when deep down you knew that was a lie and all you were doing was hurting yourself. You’d been wearing the brace, Jensen was nice enough and didn’t make you talk about it, but it was still progressing, which is why you hired the assistant’s assistant in the first place.
On one of the trips between apartments, the two of you got out and unloaded the boxes from the truck and put them in the house. “We can just leave them in the living room, and find a place for everything later today or tomorrow. There’s no rush,” Jensen said, walking into the kitchen and rummaging in a cabinet, finding what he was searching for. “What are you doing over there?” You asked laughing, hands on your hips.
“What? I needed a little snack, gummy bear?” He asked you, holding out a handful for you. “Sure! They’re one of my favorite candies actually,” laughing as you reached your hand up to his, going still for a considerable amount of time, what had to have been five or ten seconds. There is a serious brain to hand misfire happening right now. Hand! Work! You looked at your hand, confused and then managed to pull it back to you, holding it in your other hand. “Actually, I’m ok…” you decided. Before you could fully turn away from him, Jensen put the bag down and grabbed your arm, bringing you back to him.
“No, you’re not ok. Your hand, the almost…petrified look that’s on your face right now; those are not indicators of being ‘ok’. Please talk to me. This is going to be the only time I beg. Whatever just happened, that wasn’t ok, Y/N. Something is wrong. Please tell me.” Oh god, the hurt in his eyes. But it’s nothing. Ugh, man up and talk, Y/N! He’s not going to kick you out or leave you, what are you so afraid of. It’s not like you’re the only one in the world dealing with this. Suck. It. Up.
“Y/N,” he said, still holding onto you, unaware that you had lost yourself in your thoughts. You looked at him, tears wanting to fall, but doing your best to hold them back. “Jared brought this up to me when we were in Austin a couple of months ago. He noticed some things with you, and after he said it, I started noticing, too. Is that was this is about? The broken glass, not holding the kids…Jason playing guitar last week at the café?” He asked gently.
You took a deep breath and held it for a second then slowly exhaled, nodding your head slowly, moving your gaze to the ground.
“The nutshell version? I had tendon issues as a kid, it was never a big deal, they fixed it and I was fine. It was made worse when I…” you stopped, memories suddenly flooding your mind, fingers running over old scars. Jensen’s eyes still locked on yours, one hand coming up to your cheek and rubbing his thumb across it, “When you what, baby, what happened?” His voice was calm now; he wasn’t completely relaxed, but at least better since you had started talking to him.
The tears, thankfully not many, finally fell. “When I was in Ecuador. They…things…happened. I came home, had another surgery. The doctors didn’t know how long it’d be before I started having problems again; they weren’t optimistic when I told them what I did for a living. And here we are,” you finished flatly.
“What happened…in Ecuador?” he asked, as if he was taking a chance on how you’d react to the question. He was met with wide E/C eyes staring back at him, full of tears, you shaking your head no, suddenly scared, small whimpers starting to escape you. “Y/N, sweetheart, no. You don’t have to tell me. It’s ok. You’re fine,” Jensen said, wrapping you up in a hug trying to calm you. He pulled you towards the couch so the two of you could sit, and you could be more comfortable.
The two of you sat there for ten or fifteen minutes until you started relaxing. Your head was lying on his chest, the beat of his heart and his steady inhale and exhale of his breathing were what calmed you enough to drift off. Jensen’s arm wrapped behind your back, pulling you into his side, rubbing tiny circles on your hand he was holding. After you relaxed, he changed both of your positions, making it so you were cradled in his lap. He let you lay like that for an hour or so, waking you up for dinner, running his finger up and down the bridge of your nose.
When you started to stir he whispered, “Hey baby, you hungry? It’s almost dinner time.” You tried answering yes, but really it just came out like a whimper, making Jensen chuckle.
“What are you in the mood for? Pizza? Take out? Cereal?” He listed off, brushing the stray hairs out of your face, trying to get you to come out of the after-sleep fog.  You sat back in his lap thinking about what he said. “Do you have peanut butter and jelly?” you asked.
A smile crossed his face and he kissed your forehead, “Of course. I’ll go make you a sandwich, then after dinner we’ll go to bed and watch TV, how does that sound? Finish the rest of the moving tomorrow.” You nodded as you moved so he could get up, following him to the kitchen as he made you both a sandwich. “Crunchy or creamy peanut butter?” he asked you. “Creamy please. Wait, you actually have both kinds?” you asked, laughing. He laughed and shrugged, “Yeah, I like crunchy peanut butter and Jared likes creamy, and since he’s always over here eating my food, I have a jar of each.” You mock groaned, “So you mean I have to share peanut butter with Jar? Great,” making the two of you laugh. “You can quote me on that too, the next time you see him, tell him no double dipping the spoon.”
After dinner the two of you headed up to bed, changed and got under the covers. You curled into Jensen’s side as he picked something on Netflix, opting for something you had both seen before, in the event you fell asleep. You were surprised when he had picked Great British Baking Show. “Do you really want to watch this? We can watch something else, I do like other things than just baking,” you said with a laugh.
“Nah, this is good. Just don’t tell Jared, he’ll never let me hear the end of it.”
Chuckling at the thought of Jared finding out about it, you told him his secret was safe with you. Over the course of the episode, he was asking questions about different things, seeming to have a genuine interest in the show. “You know, I could actually show you some of this sometime, if you’re that curious about it,” you told him, finding the whole thing endearing.
“Éclairs? Macarons? Really?” he asked, like a kid just being told they could go to Disneyland. You looked up at him then, “Dude, you’ve been to the café, you’ve seen what I can do. Yes. We can make éclairs and macarons,” you retorted with an eye roll at him acting like a dork.
Jensen was rubbing his fingers along your back, the movement trying to pull you to sleep. Your hand was on his chest, held by his other hand. You looked up at him, waiting until he looked at you, or until you figured out what you wanted to say, you really weren’t sure which it was.
Jensen looked down after a second, “Penny for your thoughts?” You smiled, “Just thinking about how nice this is. Coming home at the end of the day, together.”
“Yeah it is,” he whispered, kissing your head and smiling. “I’m sorry it took so long to figure it out,” you said shyly, almost embarrassed that you didn’t say yes when he asked you almost two months ago. Smiling, he responded, “It’s ok baby. You’re here now and I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
You were quiet for a few minutes, as one episode ended and the next one started. You weren’t watching the TV, but you were listening to the cheeky banter of Sue and Mel in their posh British accents.
Sue: “Four bakers are fighting for their lives…is that too dramatic? Mel: “It’s never too dramatic. It’s cakes, biscuits and desserts we’re talking about!
Jensen must have felt your body tense and relax, only to do that same thing a couple more times. “Y/N/N, you ok?” he asked, looking down at you. “Yeah, I…” you started, not really knowing how to tell him that you wanted to talk and felt lame for not being able to.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on in that pretty little head?” he asked, moving a hair off your forehead.
You’re attention now on tracing some of the freckles on his chest in a nonsensical pattern, suddenly finding it to be the most interesting thing in the room, you tried again.
“I…are you…are you upset that I haven’t been able to tell you what happened? In Ecuador I mean.” You said, barely above a whisper.
“God no, I would never be upset. I know that you’ll talk when you’re ready. I am perfectly ok with that.”
“It’s just that, earlier tonight, I saw the look in your eyes. I don’t know what it was, but you looked at me different, I don’t want you to be mad at me like I’m hiding something. I mean I am…” you paused, realizing you were just digging a nice little hole for yourself.
Exhaling a breath you apparently had been holding, you continued. “I’m not hiding anything, per se. I just don’t like talking about it, so I keep it discreet. Yes. I’ve been having problems with my wrists, but I don’t want to admit it, because then it’s really happening. I’m terrified to talk about what happened in Ecuador, like if I do it’ll find someway to come back for me. That’s stupid. That all sounds so stupid, I’m sorry,” you sighed, turning over, your back now facing him.
Without missing a beat, Jensen rolled over behind you, putting his arm around your waist and pulling you close, your head tucked under his. “Y/N. You beautiful, lovable idiot, I will never, never, be upset with you. You are healing and grieving and everyone does that differently. I don’t know everything that happened, but I know that you will get to that point where you will be ok to talk about whatever you need to, to help you heal. This entire thing is a process, and I, nor anyone else, can tell you one way or another on how to get through it. You will know when you need help, and when you’re ready to open up about it. Until then, I will be by your side every day, and every day after. I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me Y/N/N.”
You stayed there for a minute, moving one hand down to meet his on your waist, before turning around. “Thank you, Jen. I get stuck in my head and start doubting everything, feeling like I should be over it all by now.”
“I will always be here to help you back out, you don’t have to be alone in this anymore, ok?” he said, brushing his thumb across your cheek, leaning down to kiss you. “But, I do need you to do something for me,” he said, making you freeze.
“If your wrists are becoming a problem, you need to go to the doctor. Putting it off will just make them worse. Please?”
You nodded, knowing exactly what the doctor had to say. You nodded, knowing that it was time for this long-term plan of yours with the café to finally start. “I will.”
“Good. Now. What on earth is this Tennis Cake that they’re supposed to be making?” He said, rolling you back over so you were once again laying into his side; your head on his chest. You laughed, remembering the first time you watched this episode, “It’s a fruit cake, with a tennis court on top made out of marzipan, fondant and royal icing. And yes. It’s weird, but apparently a thing.”
It wasn’t too long after that, that the lull of Jensen’s steady breathing pulled you into sleep.
Tags: @maralisa124 @somilotopia @delightfullykrispypeach @steffiemeheus @lizwinchester16 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @mystrie @supernatural-lover-teamfreewill @cats-are-untrustworthy @superromijn @gifsforgomez @sherlock44 @life-through-the-lenss @1233088 @fandomloveyeah @allonsy-yesiwill @amomentintime @headingforthe-target-of-insanity @justforsavingfics @ocean-waves-that-misbehave @justfloatingthroughtime @hobby27 @musiclovinchic93 @im-super-un-natural @miserys-company23 @stellaa33 @greyeyedsmile14 @deanlovespiebabyandmeloljkiwish @winchester-top-the1975 @siriuslyimmortal @zahiaouzidane  @ tftumblin  @hopefulcolorcollectorsthings
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sparklemichele · 7 years
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Best Friends
Prompt by @itik-angsa: tom x reader has been friends for like 7yrs now. he is a good friend.very supportive and understanding. his flirtatious nature makes you and him shared stories about girls he’s been dating. reader n tom even do a sleepover together. so, they had this roadtrip to disneyland for a couple of days. without knowing both of them develop feelings towards each other but dare not confess in fearing it would ruin the friendship. until, she introduced him to her new boyfriend and things started to heat up. they were onto a big fight. he went berserk and accidentally confess his feelings. well..end up in making love session. smutty, angsty, fluffy are most welcome. 

You smiled when you saw who was texting your phone at 3am. You would have cursed anyone else if they dared texted or call you so late, but it was your best friend Tom. He always received a pass. Ever since you met him during the filming of Inception eight years ago there was not a week that went by you did not talk to each other. You were just starting your career as an actress and were excited about your small role alongside great actors as Tom Hardy, Leonardo DiCaprio and Elliot Page. You were nervous about your scene with Tom and he was a sweetheart and talked you through all your scenes. You could not help but to gravitate toward him and he to you. You were attracted to him, but he never gave you the vibe he would be into you that way. He seemed to only enjoy your friendship and friendship was what you had for eight years. He was always there for you and you for him. He picked you up when you were down after you found out all your scenes were cut from the film and he supported you when you left acting and pursue a career in Interior Design. He sent you a graduating gift when you graduated school and even shouted you out on social media which helped immensely with the start of your own design firm. So, you were all smiles as usual whenever he contacted you and this time was no different even though it was three in the morning and you had a flight to catch at 7am to San Francisco to see him on the set of his new movie Venom. His text asked if you were up and getting ready as he did not want you to miss your flight.
I have at least another hour of sleep.
You texted back, put the phone back on your night stand and turned over to get your last hour of sleep only to have your text go off again. You rolled over with a sigh and picked up your phone.
Get up!
You could not help but laugh as you knew he was right, it took you forever to get ready. You quickly typed back that you were getting up, and you slowly crawled out of bed.
It had been about three years since you saw Tom. Last time you saw him you had gone to London to pick out furniture and other décor for a client and you stayed at Tom’s flat. You both stayed up most the night talking about everything that was going on in both your lives. One major topic of conversation was the woman Tom was seeing at the time. You instantly did not like her and from all his complaining he did that night about her you knew their days together were numbered. You were right because you were on the phone with Tom less than a week later listening to him complain about her meltdown after he broke up with her. You found it humorous and teased him about it. He took your teasing in stride like he always did. After you landed and got your luggage, you found a middle-aged tall, bald man in a black suit waiting for you with your name on an iPad after you landed. 
“Hi, I’m Y/L/N.” You smiled.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Victor and I will be your driver today. Follow me.” You followed Victor to a black Lincoln Continental. It was a gorgeous car you thought as you climbed in the back seat after Victor took your suitcases.
“Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. Hardy ask me to take you where you need to go today before you go to set. Would you like to drop your suitcases at Mr. Hardy’s place first?” Victor asked climbing into the driver seat.
“Yes, please take me to Mr. Hardy’s place first. I would like to freshen up.” It was amusing to you to call Tom “Mr. Hardy.” 
“Yes ma’am.”

You smiled as you entered Tom’s home. Victor had a key and let you in. Tom’s place was beautiful, and it was so him. You could not help but wonder if he decorated it himself or if he had help.
“I will be in the car waiting for you, ma’am.”
“Thank you, Victor.”
You found the guest bedroom after you scrolled through your text messages and found his instructions as to where everything was in his home. Tom was thoughtful enough to leave out towels and travel size toiletries for you.
“How sweet.” You said to yourself. You freshened up and was back in the car with Victor about twenty minutes later. It took a few hours driving around town, but you found some great décor for your client and now you were ready to see your best friend. 
A production assistant ushered you on set and you quietly watched as Tom did a dialogue scene with one of his co-stars. After a couple of takes the director yelled cut and Tom took a beeline straight to you. You both embraced and held one another for a long time before finally letting go.
“You look great!” He told you planting a kiss on top of your forehead. 
“You do too, Tom.” 
Tom’s face was lit up with a huge smile. You could not help but smile back.
“I will be done in a few and we can go grab something to eat.”
“Sounds good.”

You were on set for a couple more hours and after he finished for the day you both went to a quiet restaurant to catch up. Before the sun set for the day Victor had dropped you both off at Tom’s place. You both were full and tired from the day’s activities so you both slumped on the couch and continued to catch up. In the middle of Tom telling you his take on the character Eddie Brock he was playing your phone went off. You looked down and realized it was the guy you were seeing the past two months. You had failed to tell him you were heading out of town. You answered the phone and was having a conversation when you looked up at Tom and noticed he was giving you a death glare. He was making you feel uncomfortable, so you went outside on his terrace. You leaned against the balcony as you listen to your ‘friend’ on the other end having a fit that you left to see Tom without telling him. Yes, you knew you probably should have mentioned it, but you did not want to hear his mouth as he was always threatened by your relationship with Tom.
“Look Chad I am not in the mood to argue with you. I will be back home the day after tomorrow. We can talk then.” You told him as sternly as possible, so he would know to shut the fuck up. Chad took the hint and literally hung up on you. You looked at your phone in disbelief. He was acting like a tween hanging up the phone on you. You shook your head and sighed. Now you will have to go inside and deal with Tom. 
“So, when were you going to tell me you had a boyfriend?” Tom asked as soon as you walked back inside.
“He is not really my boyfriend. We just started seeing each other.” You sat back on the couch beside Tom. You vented a little and told Tom how Chad was jealous of him and he just hung up on you like a little girl having a hissy fit.
“I don’t like him.” Tom crossed his arms across his massive chest. You rolled your eyes at him.
“You haven’t even met him. He is an alright guy.”
“I don’t need to meet him. He sounds like an asshole. Who hangs up on people they care about?” Tom scoffed still staring you down.
“Well he has his moments.”
“You deserve better.”
“Maybe.” You shrugged your shoulders. He was who you wanted but you would never tell him that. You got up from the couch. “You have anything to drink?”
“You know I don’t keep alcohol in the house. I can get some delivered….what do you mean “maybe”?
“No, no need for delivery. I will be fine. Can I get some water?” You asked heading to his kitchen.
Tom got up from the couch and followed you into his kitchen. “You don’t need to ask. Anything I have is yours. You didn’t answer my question.”
You opened his fridge and found a bottle of water. You shut the fridge, open the bottle and took a gulp before answering him.
“Sometimes a woman may have to lower some standards. I think my standards were too high.” You finally answered.
“That is a load of shit. You are beautiful, intelligent, have your own business you deserve someone that will treat you like the queen you are.” 
You looked down at your feet. Why could he not see? You started to get frustrated by his lack of perception when it came to you.
“Well the man I want does not see me that way.” You told him before walking back into the living room. You said that?! You did that?! If he didn’t get it now he would never unless you blurt it out and then you may risk your friendship. 
“Y/N.” Tom called to you. You turned around, Tom walked up to you, grabbed the back of your neck and crashed his lips down on yours. You instantly accepted his tongue. As you both kissed passionately it began to register in your brain what was happening. He knows! 
“Tom? What are you doing?” You asked breathlessly after pulling away from his kiss. Tom smiled his winning smile at you.
“Well, I hope you were talking about me as the man you want. ‘Cause I want you and have for a long time. I just didn’t want to risk our friendship.”
You hit Tom on the shoulder with your fist.
“Ow! What was that for? Am I wrong?”
“No! You wasted eight damn years! You should have told me.”
“Same for you, Y/N! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to lose our friendship either.” You shook your head at all the wasted years that you both could have been more than friends to one another. Tom caressed your face before leaning down and softly taking your lips again. You sighed with pleasure as he slowly and deeply kissed you. You took your time and licked, sucked and nibble on his juicy, thick lips. His lips were just as soft and inviting as you always imagined them to be.
“We have known each other for eight years. How long do I have to wait to be inside you?” Tom whispered against your lips. You were already moist from his kiss and now with his question you could feel your core tremble in anticipation.
“You don’t have to wait another second.” You answered. Tom smiled against your lips before biting your bottom lip. He took your hand and you followed him to his bedroom. As Tom undressed you he kissed every inch of your skin. You almost buckled when he took one of your nipples in his mouth. The softness of your skin was causing Tom to strain in his pants. After a few more licks and sucks to both your breast he had to rid himself of his jeans. You stood totally naked as you watch with intense desire as Tom undressed before you. As soon as he was rid of his clothes he fell to his knees, running his tongue along the inside of your thighs. You quivered at the feel of his lips and tongue tracing along the inside of your thighs. Tom took his time and inhaled your musky scent and it drove him wild with desire for you. Tom leaned forward and ran his tongue along your slit tasting your juices. A sound you did not recognized came out your mouth. He felt so good.
“I knew you would taste delicious.” Tom murmured against your pussy lips.
“Tom, please I need you now. I’ve waited too long.” You whined as you grabbed the back of his hair to pull his inviting lips from your aching pussy.
You scooted on his bed waiting for him. Tom crawled on top of you leaning over you with his arms holding himself up as he began to kiss all over your body. As he attacked your nipples again he could hear you breathing become heavy and moans escape your mouth. Your bubs tighten as he flicked his tongue over them. Looking in your eyes he saw the desire for him flaming in them along with impatience. You wanted him just as bad as he wanted you. Wasting no more time, Tom position his cock for entrance as slowly slid inside you. The moan that came from you almost sent Tom into and orgasm. He smiled as he saw you wither under him as he held his cock inside you just savoring the feeling he had been denying himself for so long.
“Tom….” You sighed hoarsely. Tom stood still savoring the feeling of your tight walls gripping him until he felt the overwhelming need to pump. Tom slowly, deliberately took his time as he thrust in you.
“Please Tom…please stop teasing me. We’ve denied this from ourselves to damn long.” You whined as continued long, slow strokes. You wrapped your arms along his muscular back urging him to move faster. When Tom could not hold out anymore he began to drive into you faster and harder with his balls slamming into the base of your ass. Your moans got louder as he spread your legs putting them over his shoulders. He drove deeper as your ass hit his thighs. My God he was so good! Your mind was screaming at you. This feeling was years in the making. 
“Tom, I’m about to cum!” You cried.
“Cum for me baby.” He whispered in your ear as his hips jerked and thrust repeatedly. Tom watched your face contort in sweet agony as your orgasm washed all over your body. Your walls grabbed his cock even tighter as your juices soaked him. Tom held you tight as he continued to pump in you coming to his own intense orgasm. 
“Give me you all you got Tom. Don’t deny me anything. Cum for me.” You purred as you bucked up against his frantic thrust. Tom pumped in you harder at your urging and your words drove him over the edge. Tom felt his orgasm rising and in seconds he was shuddering on top of you as the most intense orgasm gripped his body. He moaned your name as his body shook. After a few moments Tom collapsed on top of you drained. You wrapped your arms around him holding him tight. You both lay in silence with Tom still inside you.
“Eight damn years.” He said in the crook of your neck.
“Better late than never.” You told him as you ran your fingers through his hair. Tom pulled out and gathered you in his arms.
“You know you are mine now. You can tell that Chad guy you are not seeing him anymore.”
“I will, how do you know this will work between us Tom?” You asked running your fingers through his five o’clock shadow beard.
“Because Y/N the best of friends makes the best lovers.” He kissed your forehead. “You know me better than anyone. You are mine and will always be mine.”
You smiled and snuggled further into his arms. Those were the words you were waiting to hear after eight long years. You could not be happier. 

@itik-angsa @badassbaker @virgosapphire79 @captstefanbrandt @jaihardy @emmysrandomthoughts @hows-my-hair @inkinterrupted @pathybo @oddsnendsfanfics @mimigemrose @to-hold-me-and-to-hide-me @laketaj24 @imgoldielikehawn @banes-tshirt @readsalot73 @angelswannawearmyredshooz @shelbzzzzzz @yes-sir-mr-tom @jenniferhtesta @doloreschanal @kelly27crickett @xemiefx @bubbleboss17
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enixamyram · 6 years
Imagine a Jones-Mills family trip to Disneyland (because they’re ironic like that). Rumple has Blessing in a carrier strapped to his chest. Killian has Desiree on his shoulders. Zelena is pouting because she drew the short straw and has to carry the diaper bag. Robin insists on riding the Alice in Wonderland ride several times.
This one is so long, it might as well just be a oneshot rather than a CA short! Haha! Again, so much fun writing this out! It was honestly just… Yeah, it was just awesome! Thanks for the idea, Anon! 
   The sun was shining brightly overhead, there was barely a breeze to cool them down as they walked, the smell of cotton candy and other sugary snacks filled their noses and made their mouths water, and almost everywhere they turned, there was a swell of screams and cheerful cries from all the people crowding onto the various rides and entertainment around them. It was busy, like it was every day of the year, and the small group shuffled closely together in order to avoid being lost in the crowds.
   Sitting on her grandpa’s shoulders, Desirae sat open mouthed and wide eyed in awe of her colourful surroundings. She couldn’t look at all fast enough. Every time she looked in one direction, something new had appeared behind her and she rushed to look back again. She twisted and turned as much as she could, almost falling off several times, saved only by the light grip Killian kept on her ankles above her bright blue sandals. At one point she lay back against him, hanging upside down and letting her dark blue dress fall down, revealing a pair of pink frilly knickers underneath.
   “Desirae! Stop that! Sit up right now!” Zelena said, putting a hand on the younger girls back and pushing her into sitting position, brushing the material of her dress back around Killian’s neck.
   "She’s having fun, mum!” Robin laughed, glancing back at the three of them. “Don’t spoil it for her.”
   “She can have fun without flashing her underwear to the world.” Zelena said strictly.
   “You’re just bitter cause you pulled the short straw.” Killian smirked, raising an eyebrow at the children’s bags hanging off Zelena’s elbow. They held everything from a change of clothes, to spare diapers, to an incredible amount of sunscreen, to the endless bottles of juice and water to keep them hydrated. All of it would have her weighed down if not for the quick spell she had cast to make them as light as possible.
   Zelena scowled at him but turned ahead and pouted slightly, saying nothing. It really was unfair if you asked her. Especially since Rumple wasn’t even biologically related to either of the girls. Yet he had been a second father to Alice for many years before and during the cursed years, and had been as big a part of Desirae and Blessing’s life as she was.
   Not even the sight of Rumple could cheer her up about it. Although she had promised to take pictures for when she was in a better mood to tease him relentlessly once they got back home. After all, The Dark One in denim was nothing compared to The Dark One with a pink baby carrier strapped to his chest.
   Blessing sat in said carrier, cradled against Rumple’s chest, her short blonde hair curled slightly at the end and bouncing with every step. Though unlike her sister, she seemed far more entertained with the way her feet hovered so far off the ground than the cheerful screams and flashing lights on every other side around her. In fact she barely glanced up at all, and even that was only when one of her mothers paused to move back towards her tickling her underarms and causing her to look up and squeal at them.
   Striding in front of their daughters and parents, Alice and Robin were arm in arm, grinning from ear to ear as they looked at the amazing sights ahead. It was their first real holiday together, as a whole family, travelling somewhere completely new for once. It had taken them a while to agree on just where to go, but in the end, Disneyland won out. Because what better place to go, than where their stories were celebrated the most.
   “So what next?” Alice asked loudly, not bothering to look back any more.
   “Lunch!” Zelena suddenly cried, wincing at her next step. “I need to put my feet up already before they start bleeding out.”
   “I told you to wear proper shoes!” Robin complained, pausing to look back at her. “I said we’d be walking all day!”
   “Zelena’s stupid footwear aside,” Rumple said, leaning against a nearby sign. “She’s right. A break would be good. Not all of us are as young and fit as the two of you.”
   “But the day’s still young! And we have so much left to do!” Alice gasped excitedly.
   “We also have all weekend to do it,” Killian chuckled. “Come on, Starfish. We’ll take a lunch and then keep going until dinner.”
   Alice felt her face drop but glanced towards Desirae and Blessing guiltily. They were both very distracted at that moment (Desirae by a nearby water ride and Blessing by someone’ puppy as it walked passed) but she knew it was probably best to get them something to eat and drink anyway. And somewhere shaded would be good too. Even though they both wore sunhats and even though they were layered in protective cream (and a few protective spells) it would be nice to hide the somewhere with air-con for a decent meal. As much as she wanted to do more today, she also knew being a parent meant sacrificing for your child’s best interest over your own selfish wants.
   But then suddenly Robin was sliding an arm around her waist, pulling her close and grinning at the others. “Okay then, tell you what. You guys take the girls for lunch and rest your old aching feet. Meanwhile, Alice and I will go off for a few minutes of alone time.” She said cheerfully. “We’ll meet up after and continue the family fun together!”
   “That works for me.” Rumple nodded, pushing away from the sign and stretching his arms slightly as Blessing wriggled in her carrier.
   “What do you mean old?” Zelena demanded.
   “Great!” Robin said, ignoring her mother. “Call us when you’re ready to meet back up!”
   With that, she spun a squealing Alice around in a circle before pulling her off into the crowd. She already had the perfect place in mind where she wanted to take Alice. In fact she had wanted to take her there since they first entered the park early that morning. And now that they would be doing it alone, well, that just made it even better.
   Meanwhile, Killian paused, watch the two of them disappear before looking at the other two, smiling and waving towards the buildings to their right. “Shall we?”
   “So where are we going?” Alice asked, letting Robin lead the way since she clearly seemed to have a plan in mind, judging the way she was still pulling Alice along rather specifically.
   “Somewhere special.” Robin grinned, looking up at a sign before tugging Alice aside, not giving her a chance to read any of it.
   “You’re not going to tell me, are you.” Alice said, rolling her eyes.
   “Just be quiet and enjoy the private moments we have together,” Robin said, pausing long enough to kiss the side of her mouth.
   Alice smiled back at her. “I’m enjoying every moment. With you and with our family.” She sighed happily, leaning against Robin and shutting her eyes for a moment to enjoy the feeling in its entirety. “I never thought we’d reach this moment in our lives… It feels wonderful.”
   Robin came to a sudden stop. “Wonderful. Huh. Interesting choice of words.”
   Frowning, Alice opened her eyes and was immediately greeted with the sight of her smiling self beaming down at her. Or at least, the cartoon version of herself that this world had come up with for some bizarre reason. She stumbled back a step and looked up at the imagine, finally realising her cartoon picture was plastered on a poster that sat atop of a pink mushroom in front of Robin’s planned destination.
   “You’re kidding…” Alice said, looking at Robin in a mixture of genuine surprise and slight horror.
   However Robin was unaffected and just grinned back at her. “Well we’d better get in line!” She said, dragging Alice to where a crowd of people were already waiting to take their turn on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
   “Oh it feels good to get off my feet!” Zelena gasped, sitting back and smiling as she pulled her shoes off, taking a quick bite from the sandwich she had brought for herself. “God, I wish Chad were here to give them a proper massage.”
   Rumple cringed at the thought and turned his attention back to Blessing, making sure she was drinking all her juice. He had her balanced on one of his leg, the carrier now hanging off of one shoulder to allow some of the minor breeze they had to catch and cool his sweaty chest. He reached over, grabbing his own water and downing half of it without pause, his own sandwich barely touched at this point. Once again, he missed his magic and the ability to keep himself feeling fresh no matter how long he marched for.
   “It’s a shame he couldn’t make it.” Killian nodded, once again doing his best to remain civil. He always had done, even before their daughters had fallen head over heels for one another.
   “I know,” Zelena sighed sadly. “Next time, for sure.”
   “Pan!” Rae suddenly gasped, grabbing onto Killian’s top to pull herself clumsily onto her feet, standing on his leg and leaning against him for support. “PAN!” She cried.
   “What?” Zelena frowned at the young girl.
   “PAN!” Rae shouted, pointing hard at something behind her.
   “Did someone say Pan?!” A new voice shouted out.
   Suddenly all the others sitting at the outside tables looked up. Several children cheered and squealed, jumping up and crying out like Desirae as they pointed over towards the figure who ran towards them, followed by several other excited audience members. It was a grown man dressed in green tights, with red hair and a green hat sitting on top. He danced towards them with a big smile and came to a stop right beside Rae’s table, leaning towards her.
   “Hey there, everyone!” He called happily.
   “Oh God,” Rumple mumbled, purposely turning himself and Blessing away, glad that Blessing had no interested in the actor dancing around them.
   “Pan!” Rae beamed happily, reaching for him.
   “That’s right! I’m Peter Pan!” The man beamed, standing back and putting his hands on his hips. “What’s your name? Are you a Lost Girl?”
   “No, she’s not.” Zelena said, also turning her body away, hoping he would get the hint and leave them.
   He did not.
   “Uh, oh. Someone’s grumpy.” The man playing Peter said, leaning towards where Rae was beaming up at him and where Killian was attempting to lean away - and would have, if not for the back of the chair preventing him from doing so. “But that’s okay, I know what’ll make her feel better. A story! Stories make everything better! Do you have any stories?” He asked with an eagerness that was eerily convincing.
   Rae hesitated, putting a finger between her teeth before she shook her head, smiling shyly at him.
   “You don’t? Oh man. I love stories!” Peter said, looking towards some of the other people sitting close by, including a pair of young teenagers taking pictures of him. “Do any of you knows any stories?”
   “Yeah…” One of the girls giggled nervously.
   “Well let’s hear it!” Peter said, leaping over the gate and stealing a seat, sitting beside Killian and Rae - far too close for Killian’s liking. “Tell us a story!”
   “What is happening?” Killian hissed, leaning towards Rumple with a look of confusion and awkward terror.
   “An actor. Playing the part of Peter Pan.” Rumple cringed. “Or at least, this worlds version of it.”
   “Are you ready for the story, Lost Girl?” Peter asked Rae.
   “Yeah!” Rae shouted, just as loud as the crowd around them.
   Sitting side by side in a cosy yellow cart with the cartoon caterpillar head at the front, the girls had chosen to settle at the back, and out of everyone else’s way. After they had started and disappeared into the first dark tunnel, it was easy for Alice and Robin to get a little lost with each other. Especially as they started out staring at one another, grinning it cheerful and reluctant excitement for what was to come. In fact, what started out as a friendly ‘are you ready for this’ kiss, quickly turned into a passionate make out session that lasted the whole of the ride, until they were broken apart by the flash of lights from the exit and the crowds watching closely while waiting for their turn.
   “Wow, that was fun!” Alice grinned suggestively, climbing from the ride and reaching to pull Robin out with her. “But we better go find papa and the others now.”
   “Oh no!” Robin said, grabbing Alice’s hand and dragging her to the back of the line. “We’re riding that again.” She looked at her. “Properly this time!”
   Remembering fondly how their last ride in the dark tunnels had gone, Alice allowed herself be dragged along with little resistance. “Fine by me.” She grinned, winking at her as they took their place and waited together.
   “That was a great story!” Peter shouted, jumping up and clapping excitedly in Killian’s ear, grinning when Rae joined in with him. Even Blessing finally looked up towards him, only to grow bored almost immediately and leaned back against Rumple, eyes growing heavy.
   “Ugh, can you go away now?” Zelena grumbled.
   Peter, finally seeming to get the hint, gave an extravagant bow to her and the other tables. “If you say so. I better go find Tink! We’ve got some more adventures to have.” He jumped back over the gate, pausing to wave at Rae. “Bye, bye, Lost Girl!”
   “Bye bye!” Rae shouted, waving her free hand at him while the other continued to cling to Killian.
   “Thank God,” Rumple breathed, turning back around again and twisting Blessing in his arms until she was comfortable.
   “You can say that again. Now let’s get out of here already. It’s about time we met the girls before that idiotic man child comes back.” Zelena said, collecting the bags back into her arms.
   Unfortunately it seemed they spoke too soon. Suddenly another voice shouted over the crowd and drew the attention of everyone (Rae included) back to them.
   “Uh oh!” Peter gasped, looking towards the boys and girls over the gate. “I think I hear a pirate!”
   Suddenly all the kids were shouting and booing. They jumped from their seats and began clambering against the gate, cheering and talking over one another with Zelena, Killian and Rumple stuck between them. Even if they wanted to stand and get away, they wouldn’t be able to easily and not while Rae continued to squeal and bounce, leaning as far as she could in Killian’s arms and pointing along with the rest of them at the shape that had called out to Peter.
   And then a man was stepping forward. Or at least, someone dressed as man. Unlike Peter, this actor wore a mask that included comically enlarged facial features, including a fat nose on top of a long thin moustached that was upturned on either side, over the top of a large toothy grin. He had long black curled hair and wore a purple fancy hat with a thick white feather to match the long red coat with a white frilled shirt underneath. He strode forward in a pair of pink and white leggings with a hand on his fake sword and the other arm held up above him, revealing a long silver hook on the end.
   “No…” Killian said quietly in disbelief.
   “On second thought…” Zelena said, sitting back and smiling. “I think we’ll stay a little longer after all.”
   “Alice,” Robin breathed. “Pay attention.”
   “I am.” Alice said, leaning over and kissing her again. “I’m giving you all my attention.”
   Robin pulled her close then twisted her around suddenly so she was facing away from her, breaking their kiss and wrapping her arms around her chest and arms to keep the other girl pinned and prevent her from twisting around to face Robin one more. As much as Robin loved their private moments in the dark like this, she also brought Alice on this ride for a reason and she was going to sit through it no matter what.
   “I hated the film,” Alice grumbled, scowling at the white rabbit chanting in front of her. “Why should I enjoy the ride?”
   “Cause you’re on it with me.” Robin grinned, kissing the back of her neck.
   Alice smiled. “Well… That is a perk.” She leaned back in Robin’s arms, barely paying attention to the animatronics that quoted the cartoon to them. In her mind, that was Robin’s fault. If she wanted Alice to focus on the ride, she shouldn’t be holding her as close as she was.
   They both slouched down together, riding along the tunnels and through the various story scenes of the film. When they momentarily slid back outside, they paused to share a grin between them just before entering the second part of the ride.
   “See?” Robin laughed as they neared the end.
   “Okay. I’ll admit. The stories a little more fun in the ride version.” Alice nodded, pecking her cheek. “But I think our first ride through was still the best.”
   As they came to a stop and climbed from the cart for a second time, Robin took Alice’s hand and began to head in direction of where most of the restaurants were located. They both knew they had to meet with the others eventually and there was no doubt they would all still be somewhere they could sit and rest. After all, they would need all the rest they could get for today.
   And then suddenly Robin felt herself being pulled to a stop. She looked back and saw Alice smiling at her, biting the corner of her lip. “You… Maybe want to go again?”
   “No…” Killian groaned, looking around but both Zelena and Rumple had gotten quite comfortable now.
   “Sit back and enjoy the show, Hook.” Rumple smirked, Blessing having now fallen asleep curled up slightly in his arms, oblivious to everything happening around her.
   “HOOK!” Rae gasped, looking from Killian and towards the actor and back again. “HOOK!” She gasped excitedly, pointing towards the actor while staring at her grandpa. “HOOK!”
   “Think she recognises you.” Zelena smirked.
   “Shut up.” Killian moaned, trying to sit Rae down in his lap, but she was more excited seeing Captain Hook than she had Peter Pan and refused to let herself be settled.
   The two actors had begun to walk around one another. Hook said very little as he waved his sword at Peter who mocked and giggled at him, jumping around and running in circles like it was a game of tag. Every now and then he jumped the gate and ran among the children with Hook pretending to try and chase after him while unable to actually follow and every time he did, the three actual fairy tale characters got a lovely view of his ridiculous head, including the enlarged cheeks and chin that went with the nose and smile.
   “Can we go now?” Killian asked, trying to sound more bored, like he didn’t care which way or the other.
   “And abandon the show?” Zelena cackled. “I think not!”
   “Let’s leave it to Desirae to decide,” Rumple said confidently, leaning forward, being careful not to jostle where Blessing had turned and curled against his chest now. Not that he needed to try so hard, it seemed the young girl was completely undisturbed by the cries of many people still shouting around her. “Rae? Rae? Do you want to go now? Or do you want to watch Peter Pan and Captain Hook?”
   “HOOK!” Rae cried, pointing and bouncing on her feet still. “HOOK!”
   “That decides it,” Rumple said, leaning back and smiling at his old enemy/new friend.
   “I hate you both.” Killian mumbled, slouching down in his seat while keeping his hands on Rae’s hips. He had to be careful to keep her from falling as she continued to bouncing up and down on his leg.
   “Okay, we should really head back now.” Alice giggled, walking for the excit, back alongside the crowd of people still waiting to have their turn.
   “We should.” Robin agreed firmly. Then added with a devious smile; “Or… We could have one more ride.”
   “Really?” Alice laughed. “Come on. Even I’m getting bored of it now.”
   “Yeah but think of it this way,” Robin said, pulling her forcefully to the back of the line once again. “We started this ride with a kiss… Shouldn’t we end it that way as well?”
   Alice pretended to pause and think it over. “Well, that sounds fair to me!”
   “How long are they going to do this?” Killian hissed.
   “For as long as it entertains.” Rumple shrugged, looking towards the kids and teens still laughing around them.
   “Yeah, well, I’m going to get us some more drinks,” Zelena said, standing and wedging her way through the crowd, pausing to pat Killian’s shoulder and wink down at him. “Don’t go anywhere.”
   Killian lashed out a hand, grabbing her wrist tightly. “You are not leaving me here!”
   “Well you can’t come. Rae’s enjoying herself so you have to stay for her sake.” Zelena said, pulling her arm free. “Have fun, Captain.”
   Rumple chuckled, watching Zelena disappear into the crowd. Then turned as he caught Killian glaring at him. “What?” He asked.
   “You’re not going anywhere.” Killian warned, then added quickly. “Don’t forget, if you move, you’ll disturb Blessing.”
   “Oh no worries there.” Rumple said, putting his feet on Zelena’s recently vacated chair, smiling as he looked back towards the show just as Hook bent over and had his backside kicked by Peter, sending him toppling to the ground. “I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
   Killian was suddenly regretting the idea of keeping Rumple around and groaned loudly, watching his cartoon self struggle to scramble back onto his feet and those ridiculous looking shoes. Rae couldn’t stop laughing and more than once pointed at Killian and pointed back again, as if reminding him again and again that, yes, that was supposed to be him.
   “Okay, now we should head back.” Alice sighed sadly.
   “Are you kidding? They made us sit up front this time. We couldn’t finish how we started we everyone able to watch us.” Robin argued grumpily.
   “Robin, enough, okay? If I have to see those stupid things again or hear any of their high squeaky voices, I’m going to lose my mind.” Alice said sharply, rubbing her temple at the very idea of passing through those damn tunnels once more.
   “You won’t hear them. Not if I’m doing it right.” Robin said quickly.
   Alice ignored her attempts to flirt and kept walking. Or rather, she tried to keep walking. She didn’t get very far when suddenly Robin reached down, picking her up off her feet and physically carrying her to the back of the line.
   “ROBIN!” Alice yelped, kicking her legs out.
   “One more time!” Robin promised.
   A few parents shot Killian a dirty look but he ignored them. He didn’t care if he sounded like a miserable old bugger. Seeing his cartoon self run off like a coward when Peter got all the audience to start making ticking sounds like a clock, was both a great insult and an even greater relief. Killian was an inch away from carrying Rae off mid performance, even if she hated him for it, while Rumple had never looked like he was enjoying himself more. Even now, he was still grinning at the (real) pirate with a smugness that wasn’t going to be wiped away easily.
   “Can we go now?” Killian growled as the crowd around them thinned out and everyone returned to their seats to finish their lunches.
   “Yeah, the fun’s over now.” Rumple said, standing and shuffling Blessing in his arms. She whimpered and her little blue eyes blinked open staring up at the shocked expression on the older man’s face. “That’s what wakes you?” He blinked.
   As if she even understood him, Blessing smiled slightly - a smile that matched her mothers cheeky side - before shutting her eyes and cuddling back up against him. Rumple shook his head at her before turning and heading back inside the restaurant, followed by Killian where he had settled his granddaughter back on his shoulders, ignoring her restless fidgeting. While he knew she was eager to be released on her own two wobbly feet, there was no way he was going to risk letting her get lost in this crowd.
   As they made their way through the main restaurant and for the exit, they kept an eye out for Zelena but she was nowhere around. At least not until they found their way out of the building and back into the main area of the park.
   “I thought you were just getting drinks?” Killian demanded when he caught sight of Zelena, hovering across from the exit, waiting patiently for them.
   “Guess I forgot.” Zelena shrugged innocently. “So did you enjoy the show?”
   Scowling at her, Killian stormed passed, letting Rumple come to a pause behind him, still smiling at his back. “Oh he loved it.” He said loudly, then glanced at Zelena and lowered his voice so Killian could no longer hear. “I think we’re gonna need to ask for a special request for Captain Hook to come see Desirae, don’t you think?”
   Zelena smirked back. “Even without your magic, you are still the Dark One.”
   “What are you two whispering about back there?” Killian snapped, looking over his shoulder at them.
   “Oh nothing!” Zelena sang, walking over and reaching up. “Now give Rae here. It’s your turn to carry the bags.”
   Killian side stepped away from her. “After what I just sat through? I don’t think so.” He walked around her, heading off with Rae falling back to hang upside down behind him again, giggling and waving to her grandma.
   “Hey! Over here!”
   Alice and Robin caught sight of Rae’s flashing knickers before they saw the faces of the others. They hurried over, both looking very pink in the face and grinning with deep matching breaths.
   “You two look like you had fun,” Zelena said, pushing aside her irritation at still being stuck with the bags. “How many rides did you get on in the end?”
   “Oh… Not many actually.” Robin shrugged.
   “Just the one really.” Alice admitted.
   “Just one? Was the line that long?” Zelena blinked. Well, all the lines were long but she had discovered that the park was actually quite good at getting everyone moving at a brisk pace so as to give everyone a chance.
   “… Yeah. Let’s go with that.” Robin nodded, ignoring the puzzled look her mother gave her.
   Quick to change the subject, Alice looked between her daughters. “Aw, is someone tuckered out?” Alice asked, walking over to Rumple and brushing some strands of blonde hair to the side of Blessing’s head, kissing her sleeping forehead softly.
   “Yeah, she fell asleep near the start of the show.” Rumple nodded.
   “Show? What show?” Alice asked.
   “Forget about it!” Killian said quickly before anyone else could answer. “Now are we going to go on some more rides today or not?”
   The girls looked questioningly towards Rumple and Zelena for answers, both of whom were smirking to themselves and each other. It was obvious something had happened while they were gone, but neither had any idea what could pull such mixed reactions from the three of them.
   “We’ll tell you later.” Rumple promised.
   “We’ll show you if we can.” Zelena grinned, then looked at the girls. “Seriously you are both still very red. Lemme guess, roller-coaster?”
   “Uh- yup! That’s right!” Robin nodded. “Very exciting! So much fun! Couldn’t get enough of it.” She looked at Alice and shared a secret knowing smile. “Definitely do it again some time.”
   Alice grinned back, reaching over and entwining their fingers together as they began following Killian across the park. “Sometime soon.”
   As oblivious as ever Zelena shrugged and walked beside them. “Well, we have all weekend for you two do it again. But for now, Rumple, give me my granddaughter! Now! Grandma Zee wants time with her precious Blessing as well, so hand her over!”
26 notes · View notes
lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
Have you ever held hands with the last person you texted? Yes. Can you remember the last conversation you had before you went to bed last night? Who did you talk to, and what did you talk about? Not really, honestly. I was in a shitty mood last night. Are you okay? Be honest. If not, why not? ”Well if you wanted honesty that’s all you had to say... I’m not okay...” Well, how’s your view of things today? Meh.
How do people get addicted to such weird things, like house cleanser? I don’t know, man. I remember that show, My Strange Addiction, and I was like...what.
Do you watch Skins? No, I’ve never seen it. Know any Gleeks? (yourself included) No. Do you know what Bosco Sticks are? It sounds familiar... If so, aren’t they like, amazing? I’m not exactly sure what it is at the moment, just that it sounds familiar. Do you like your hoodies tight, or a lil’ oversized? Oversized. Have you ever been sailing? No. Do you have any jewelry/accessories with owls (an owl..?) on it? I don’t.
What’s the closest thing to you that’s red? Coke bottle. Have you ever been fishing? Yeah, once. I didn’t enjoy it. Have you ever heard of the movie ‘Frozen’? Duh. I wasn’t into it, though. What’s your favorite Bath & Body Works scent? I love their beach-y and autumn scented stuff. Have you ever received an anonymous gift? No. Do you brush your tongue? Sometimes but it’s hard because it makes me gag. What kind of laugh do you have? I don’t know. A weird one. Do you plan on seeing The Black Swan? I saw it in theaters and several times since. It’s such a trippy movie, but I like it. Do you keep a scrapbook? No. Are you afraid of flying? Yes. Would you rather go to Disney World, or Pleasure Island? Disney World. Pleasure Island sounds like a sexual place lol. Have you ever camped out somewhere for an event the next day? No. I’m like how do people do that? Do you do anything regularly that could damage your body? Yes. Who will you be with Saturday night? My family. What woke you up this morning? My mom calling to make sure I was up getting ready,...which I wasn’t. If you took a drug test would you pass it? Yes. Did you kiss or hug anyone today? No. Who was the last person you rode in a car with? My brother. Do long distance relationships work? They can. Who do you wish you were with right now? I’m good. Is anything bothering you? Yes. What do you want to do right now? I’m about to eat. Are you listening to music right now? No. Are you in a good mood? I’m alright. What are you doing this weekend? Nothing. Are you talking to anyone while doing this? No. When were you the saddest in your life? Been going through it. Do you use eBay to buy or sell? I’ve bought things on eBay, but I’ve never sold or bid on anything. What makes you mad? Stuff. Have you ever sang in public? When I was in choir in elementary school. Never solo, though. Do you have a job? No. Next concert? I don’t have any plans for one. When is the next time you will take a shower/bath? Which one will you take? Tomorrow. I only take showers. As a child, did you ever get the chance to go to Disney World/Disneyland? Disneyland, yep. What state do you live in? What’s the best aspect about this state? California. People often think of the beaches, which are pretty awesome. Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? No. Are you planning on going anywhere with someone, some time today? No. Do you find your school to be loaded with hot guys or not so much? I’m not in school anymore, but while I was at UC there were a couple cute guys in my classes. Do you like to watch gay guys’ fashion do’s & don’t’s videos on YouTube? I haven’t watched it so I don’t know. What kind of cell phone do you have? (ex. flip, slider, or traditional.) IPhone 6s Plus. What would you consider the stupidest movie you’ve ever watched, ever? A Quiet Place because of the ending comes to mind at the moment. It was good until then. I was pretty pissed lol. Would you beat up anyone at the moment, if you absolutely had the chance? No. I don’t do that. What color are the curtains in your room if you have any at the moment? Blue. Is there anyone you are currently trying to get out of trouble? Why? Am I trying to get someone else out of trouble? ...No. Are you one of those people who don’t like children of any kind at all? No. Are you planning on going anywhere today? Where are you going exactly? Nope. It’s 8:55PM, I have nowhere else I need to be. When was the last time you rode a horse, if you’ve ever ridden one? Once, when I was about 10 or 11 at a pumpkin patch. Are you plotting anything at the moment? If so, is this plot against anyone? No. If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you? My younger brother lives with us. Do you know anyone who has or has had any kind of mental illness/disorder? Yes. Including myself. Do you ever listen to music so you can actually change your emotion? I have, but now my go-to is ASMR. Have you ever gotten searched by the cops? No. When was the last time you went to the mall? A couple weeks ago. When was the last time you had a smoothie? It’s been a long time. Any fun plans for tonight? Just the usual. I’ll probably play The Sims at some point. Do you like fried rice? Yeah. When was the last time you cut your hair? I got it trimmed and layered back in January. Are you wearing any socks? Yes. Did you dream last night? Yeah. Do you like melted cheese? Yesss. How are you sitting right now? With my legs to the side. Are you currently wearing bobby pins? No. Are you a fan of ice hockey? No. Do you want any piercings? Nope. How often do you use the coffee maker? Everyday. When you were in elementary school, did you change best friends a lot? Yeah. I feel like back then it changed all the time. The term “best friend” was used rather loosely. Where was your last car ride to and from? To Burger King, our family friend’s house, and then back home. What were you doing at 4am this morning? Going to sleep. Did you drive at all today? I don’t drive. Do you own any shoes from Demonia? No. I’m not even familiar with that brand. Can you see a cat from where you’re sitting?
 No. Is banana bread better with or without chocolate chips? Mmm I’d take it either way. How many Aeropostale hoodies do you have? I think I still have one. Is there a high chance of you going out to the movies soon? I went this morning. I don’t have any plans to go again as of now. What body part aches you the most right now? My back. What was the last thing you ate? Spaghetti O’s with meatballs. Do you remember what initially got you hooked on surveys? MySpace. Does your sibling have a significant other? My older brother does. What does your last text say? ”This is my new number [insert number here].” Are you someone who hates to read? No, I love to read. What was the reason for your last tear shed? Lifeeee.
Who did you last go out to eat with? My mom, brother, and our family friend’s son. If your parents searched your room, would they be mad at what they’d find? No. I mean, I’m twenty-eight for one and for two they wouldn’t go searching in my room, but anyway I have nothing bad. Do you have any plans for the weekend? No. What was the last thing you drank? Coke. Do you have any bruises? No.
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I got tagged by @osbournebemydaddy and @classic-rock-roller! Thanks for the tags ❤️
@osbournebemydaddy‘s questions:
1. What’s one song you want to sing with everyone you know, as a group?
Hmm... this is probably cliche, but Bohemian Rhapsody. It’s the one song everyone I know and I can agree on liking lol.
2. Do you fear uncertainty?
To a certain extent. I can get anxious very easily, even though I have been working on it, uncertainty just makes my anxiety get worse.
3. Do you have a favorite board game?
I’ve always liked Clue for some reason when I was younger. I haven’t played it in years, so I don’t really remember how exactly to play it, but I always liked it. The movie is hilarious too. If you haven’t seen it, you should watch it.
4. Something you’re passionate about that others don’t understand?
I guess my love for KISS? A lot of people don’t understand why I like them, as I’m usually pretty adverse to sexual stuff, and KISS’ music can get pretty raunchy. And just 80s stuff in general. People don’t understand why I like the things my dad grew up with rather than the movies, music, and tv shows of today. The only people who really understand it are my best friends and my dad, even if he does think I’m weird sometimes lol.
5. Do you believe in dreams?
I’m going to leave this quote here, which is one I try to live by:
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them” - Walt Disney
So yes, I do believe in dreams. Unless it’s one of those weird ass KISS dreams I have where I had to help them solve a murder mystery at Disneyland. I don’t think that will happen.
6. Be honest, are you a music snob?
It depends. If you’re an ass to me about it then I will get snobby, and I do hate it when people wear band shirts when they don’t know who the band is. But I hate it when people do that with any pop culture shirt. But yeah, for the most part I’m not, unless you’re an ass to me.
7. What’s an earworm of a lyric stuck in your head right now?
“It’s a trial by fire
I’m gonna live my life, oh yeah
It’s a trial by fire
So just roll the dice, oh yeah
And I’ll take what I get”
-Trial By Fire by KISS
8. Have you ever purposely sung the wrong words to a song for the sake of humor?
I have lol. My friend and I like to replace certain words with “dick” or “ass” or “tits” in certain songs. Very mature, I know lol. Or I’ll replace curse words with other words. Like “fuck” would be “fudge” or hell would be “heck” or damn would be “darn”. And I’ll sing that louder than the other words.
9. Who do you relate most to that you don’t know personally (like a celebrity or a character)?
Probably Nightcrawler from X-Men. We’ve both been through a lot of shit but try to keep a positive outlook on life and want to help people out however we can. We also both have really shitty moms. And Rapunzel from Tangled. My mom sheltered me my whole life just like Gothel did with her, and we were also both heavily manipulated by our mother figure. Sorry that got depressing. But to end on a positive note, I also love to do art like Rapunzel and am pretty cheerful and care deeply about people, and I’m always up for an adventure!
10. Where do you want to be in ten years?
Working on movies! Not sure what role yet, but hopefully getting up there! I hope I’ll at least have a few scripts written!
11. Something people told you couldn’t do and you showed them just how wrong they were?
My mom constantly put me down but I ended up proving her wrong a lot. I’m not gonna bring up anything just because I don’t want to bring those memories back, and while I don’t talk to her anymore, I’m doing things she said I would never be able to do. So, at least I got the satisfaction of knowing she was wrong about me.
@classic-rock-roller‘s questions
1. How do you feel about televised talent shows?
I’m neutral about them.
2. Whats your favorite biography (if you don’t like biographies then your favorite fiction book)?
I didn’t get the chance to finish it, but KISS: Behind the Mask. I read a little less than half of the book and it was really interesting and I learned a lot about them.
3. Who do you think is better, Quiet Riot or Mötley Crüe and why?
I like both bands, but I know more songs by Motley Crue so I’m gonna go with them.
4. Who is your favorite bassist and why?
Maybe it’s just because I like KISS way too damn much, but Gene Simmons. I love the bass line in KISS songs, they’re great. I also really like Duff McKagan from Guns n’ Roses.
5. If you could pick anyone in the world to resurrect/save without any consequences who would it be?
Eric Carr. He had so much left to live for. He died way too young.
6. Who’s your favorite fictional character?
Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler from X-Men. The reason is above.
7. Are you more looking forward to the Bohemian Rhapsody film or The Dirt film and why?
I’m really looking forward to both. I can’t choose which one I’m more excited for lol, but I’m definitely seeing Bohemian Rhapsody in theaters, and I think the Dirt film is gonna be a Netflix film? I kinda wish it would be in theaters, but I’ll definitely watch it as soon as it comes out.
8. What would your dream job be?
A movie director!
9. If you had the chance to live in another country for one month, which one would you choose and why?
This is a hard question! I would love to go many places. Not too sure, but maybe Ireland because it’s really pretty there from what I’ve heard, or maybe Japan since they have a lot of cool stuff over there. And the rural part of Japan is gorgeous!
10. Who’s your favorite guitarist and why?
Either Ace Frehley or Bruce Kulick. They’re my top two favorite KISS guitarists. Their guitar playing puts me in a good mood, and it’s hard to ignore it.
11. If you could choose any band to travel with during their most popular tour, who would it be and why?
This isn’t a surprise, but KISS definitely. I feel like I could have gotten along really well with them when they were younger. Besides, they seemed like they were fun to hang around lol. I would help Ace krazy glue furniture to the ceiling. Of course I have no fucking clue how he pulled that stunt. But yeah, I feel like it would have been fun to hang out with them. Probably not in the late 70s though, as tensions were really high between them before Peter left.
I’m not gonna write any questions as it’s late for me and I didn’t go to sleep until four in the morning last night and should attempt to sleep soon lol. Thanks for the tags though! I appreciate it!
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littleindigochildx · 5 years
Aunt Clara prompt 🤍💛
Savanna and Timothy had been looking forward to spending a day with their Aunt Clara since Christmas. 2020 was in full swing and there hadn’t been much down time since the kids went back to school. “Are we goin’ ta Aunt Clara’s or is she comin’ here?” Timothy asked as he finished his breakfast in front of the television which was something Vic didn't typically allow, but her mind was elsewhere for the time being. Victoria had a therapy session scheduled, and Declan hadn’t been answering his phone, so Clara was recruited to watch Timmy and Savanna for a couple of hours. “I’m droppin’ you two off before my appointment, so please go get dressed once you’re finished eating.” Victoria explained. Timothy nodded as he took one final bite of his cereal. He cleaned up after himself and headed upstairs to get dressed like Vic asked. Savanna was in her room doing the same. She seemed to be struggling with finding an outfit to wear.
“Be over soon. Thanks again for watching the kids for me.” Victoria texted her best friend to let Clara know they were on their way. As soon as she got Savvy’s hair brushed and out of her face, they piled into the car and set off for the Valance residence. “I’m so excited ta see aunt Clara!” Savvy beamed from the back seat. “I miss her.” Timmy nodded in agreement. “Think she’ll let us bake cookies t’day?” He asked with a grin. He couldn’t remember the last time they saw Clara when they didn’t bake something. It was their thing.
“Aunt Clara!!” Both kids said in unison as they wrapped their arms around the blonde in a giant hug. “We missed you.” Savvy beamed. “Well-- I missed you. I think Timmy just missed yer cookies.” The seven year old teased. “No… I missed her too.” He replied immediately. The cookies were just a bonus but both Deschaine children genuinely enjoyed spending time with their aunt.
“Thank you for looking after them.” Victoria said once she got a turn for a hug. “I shouldn’t be gone too long.” Hopefully the appointment she needed to be at would be over in an hour or so. “You be good, okay?” Vic reminded her two youngest. Not that she really had to worry. They were good kids who were usually well behaved. “We are always good for aunt Clara.” Timothy told her. Sometimes he and Savanna engaged in some sibling rivalry, but other than that, there were never any issues when they were left with a sitter.
“Don’t worry, mommy…” Savanna hugged the brunette goodbye. “We will save you an’ daddy some cookies too.” They always did.
An hour later, cookies were in the oven and Savvy was helping Clara wash dishes. The little girl was lost in thought as she scrubbed. It wasn’t like her to be so quiet. “You okay, sweetheart? You’re not acting like yourself.” Clara commented. Something was weighing heavily on the child's mind. Clara could tell. Washing dishes wasn’t typically Savvy’s favorite thing to do, but she didn't mind today. She was thinking about her parents and how they had been spending more time together. It made both Savanna and Timothy extremely happy, but there were things they both noticed about their father’s personality… Things Vic often made comments to him about when she thought the kids weren’t around.
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“Aunt Clara?” The seven year old looked up from what she was doing to face the blonde. “Do ya think my mommy an’ daddy are gonna get back t’gether?” The question seemed to catch Clara off guard. Victoria told her things about her relationship, but to her knowledge, a reunion with Declan hadn’t been one of them. “I don’t know, sweetheart.” Clara replied honestly. She finished drying the dish in her hand and put it down so she could give Savanna her undivided attention. “Why do you ask?” Savanna wiped her hands off on her pants and stepped down from the stool at the sink. “Cause they go ‘ta lunch sometimes an’ mommy lets daddy come over ta’ read me an’ Timmy a bedtime story….” Those weren’t the only reasons. Declan and Victoria seemed to make each other happy... Just not all the time. “Daddy makes mommy smile again.”
Clara lead them over to the kitchen table to talk. She pulled out a chair for Savanna to take a seat and pulled her chair up next to the child. She clearly didn’t know what to say. This wasn’t her place. “I think your parents are trying to be friends... Your friends make you smile, don’t they?” Savvy nodded. “They make me smile all the time. ‘Specially Libby. She’s so funny.” So technically Libby was her cousin, but a friend all the same.
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Silence hung in the air. There was more on Savanna’s mind than her parent’s getting back together, but Clara didn’t want to pry. “Is there somethin’ wrong with daddy?” The question came out of nowhere and it was another difficult one for the blonde to answer. “I heard mommy say he should see a therapist cause’a the voices in his head.” Her blue eyes locked on Clara’s. The sadness was evident. “What if I have voices in my head too?” She asked. Her’s weren’t quite the same. The voices in her head were more her active imagination than actual voices, but there was a chance she could inherit the trait from Declan. He was, afterall, her father. “How come it’s okay for me ‘ta have ‘maginary friends, but not daddy?” Clara had no idea how she was going to diffuse this situation, but luckily for her she didn’t have to. The timer for the oven went off, signaling that their first batch of cookies were ready to come out of the oven.
“Wanna help me with the next batch?” Clara asked the little girl. Savvy nodded. She would drop the subject for now. Vic and Declan had the same tactic when it came to avoiding difficult conversations. Creating a diversion usually made Savanna forget what they were talking about… At least until bedtime when the question popped into her mind again. “Are we gonna decorate these?” The seven year old asked with a little grin. The cookies were sweet enough on their own, but she was an artist and the cookies were a perfect canvas for her to draw her next masterpiece.
“When I’m bigger...Like maybe as old as Dottie… I wanna open my own bakery so I can sell all kinds’a pretty food.” Clara pulled the baking sheet out and set it on the stove top to cool while she supervised Savanna putting the next batch in. “I might need yer help though. You an’ mommy make the bestest cakes, cookies, an' pies.” Timmy’s birthday was just around the corner and Savanna was probably more excited about it than Timothy was. “Can we make Timmy’s cake’a surprise?” She lowered her voice so he couldn’t hear her in the other room. “Think we can make him a Star Wars cake?” There were many things the almost nine year old liked, but currently Star Wars was among his most favorite. “Mommy can draw the Death Star an’ we can cut it out’a fondant.” She had been brushing up on her baking terminology thanks to Clara. Every time they were in the kitchen the blonde taught Savanna something new. Whether it be technique, special ingredients to make things taste better, or different options they could use (instead of icing) to make their cakes look fancy.
Naturally, Clara agreed. She and Victoria had been making the kid’s birthday cakes for as long as Savanna could remember. This year she wanted to be included. She always wanted to help.
“Timmy… Are ya’ gonna come decorate cookies with us?” Savvy called from the kitchen. The little boy was sucked into a show about building motorcycles. He was fascinated by things with engines and had been since he was very young. When Declan took the kids for the day he and Timmy would do some work on Declan’s bike. The kid had talent. He picked up on things quickly and Declan was confident that one day he’d even be able to build a bike from scratch… Probably better than DC ever could.
“I’m comin’...” Timothy replied as he turned the television off to rejoin the girls in the kitchen. Savvy seemed to be in a better mood, though she always was when she did things she loved, which included baking with their aunt Clara. She’d choose this over a day at Disneyland. No lines, plus the food was cheaper and way more delicious. “What are you gonna put on your cookies?” Timmy asked his little sister.
Valentine’s Day (and Timothy’s birthday) was coming up, so Savanna opted to decorate her cookies with a combination of hearts and flowers while Timmy chose to decorate his with things the intended recipient would like. For Vic, he did his best to make a butterfly. For Ransom he did a convertible. Dottie’s had a ladybug, and Declan’s had a motorcycle that looked pretty close to the one he rode. He also made Clara a bee.
Decorating took the better part of an hour. Timmy and Savvy just finished cleaning up their mess when Victoria returned to pick them up. “Mommy, guess what we did t’day!?” Savanna said excitedly. Vic could already smell cookies so it wasn’t hard for her to guess. “How much sugar did you give them?” She teased her best friend. It wasn’t uncommon for Clara to let the kids indulge in treats. Since it didn’t happen too often Vic allowed it. She knew the blonde was trying to keep her title as cool aunt, and she was... She was the cool aunt, but so were the others. All for different reasons. Timmy and Savvy genuinely enjoyed any time they got to spend with their extended family.
“We didn’t have that much sugar.” Savvy replied with evidence of frosting on her cheeks and chin. Vic arched a brow and chuckled softly as she wiped it away. “Not that much, huh?” She gave a playful glare to all three members of the guilty party. “No peekin’ at the cookies until after dinner. Ya gotta eat it all b’fore ya can have a snack.” The seven year old smirked. It was a house rule… At least for the kids. No dinner meant no dessert. They were holding this same rule to be true for Victoria and Declan. “Is daddy gonna come over for dinner t’nite?” The little brunette questioned. “We maked one for him too. Me an’ Timmy each maked him one. I don’t think he’s had’a aunt Clara cookie b’fore.” If he hadn’t, he really was missing out.
“Can we come over ‘ta play with you again this weekend? Maybe for’a sleepover?” Savvy turned to the blonde. “I like comin’ over here… Not just cause’a the cookies… We like stayin’ at yer house aunt Clara. We like watching the scaaary movies.” The little girl admitted with a smile identical to her mother’s. There was no doubt she was Victoria’s child, although the sweet talking… That came from the Deschaine’s. “You’ll have to ask your mom.” Clara replied as she, Savanna, and Timmy turned to Vic as if waiting for an answer. “I’ll think about it.” Victoria told them. “Please go grab your things. You have school in the morning so we need to get home.”
Timmy and Savvy collected their belongings, including the cookies they made. They gave Clara a big hug goodbye. “Thank you.” They said in unison. Vic did a double check to make sure nothing (especially Savanna’s teddy bear) was left behind. “Thank you again for watching them. I owe you.” She hugged the blonde and rounded the kids up to head to the car. Declan was waiting for them at home.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Rugby World Cup: New Zealand v Ireland - radio & text
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/rugby-world-cup-new-zealand-v-ireland-radio-text/
Rugby World Cup: New Zealand v Ireland - radio & text
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Live Reporting
By Alex Bysouth
All times stated are UK
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No time for goodbyes
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
Lose, and this will be Joe Schmidt’s final game in charge of the Irish team and Rory Best’s last match as a professional player.
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Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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PA MediaCopyright: PA Media
Ireland coach Joe Schmidt:“You can’t go out against an All Blacks side and accept you are second fiddle.
“There are a number of players within the side that have contributed to a fair bit of history for us.
“The first win over the All Blacks, the first time we won at home against the All Blacks, but a few other milestones along the way.”
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Denis Hickie
Former Ireland winger
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Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
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Posted at 10:0010:00
Post update
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
BBC Radio 5 Live are across this one – tune in to follow all the build-up with just 15 minutes now to go until kick-off…
Click the link at the top of this page to listen, stick on t’wireless or use the BBC Sounds app.
Posted at 9:589:58
Post update
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
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Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
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Michael Morrow
BBC Sport NI at Tokyo Stadium
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Last night there was a hastily arranged but by all accounts immensely successful ticket swap held near Tokyo’s Asakusa Station for fans who had jumped the gun in booking their quarter-final tickets.
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Of course, Ireland didn’t finish top of their pool, leaving many an Irish fan with a ticket for Japan v South Africa as opposed to their team’s meeting with the All Blacks.
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
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Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
Posted at 9:419:41
Hansen to ‘set-up’ Schmidt?
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
New Zealand coach Steve Hansen hinted earlier in the week he could “set-up” Ireland boss Joe Schmidt with his approach for the quarter-final.
Schmidt is renowned for his detailed analytical approach, with the New Zealander has guided Ireland to two victories over the All Blacks in their past three meetings.
“We’ve got weaknesses like everybody else, so you’ve got to look at your own weaknesses as much as anybody else’s,” said Hansen.
“You know that Joe does a lot of studies, so that can be a strength and a weakness. I might be able to set him up.”
Posted at 9:399:39
‘Surreal’ moment for Sexton
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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ReutersCopyright: Reuters
Conor Murray and Johnny Sexton will become Ireland’s most-capped starting half-back duo as they line up together for the 56th time.
Speaking to the media on Friday, Ireland fly-half Sexton said it is “a little bit surreal”.
“It’s been a long time in the back of our minds, this quarter-final,” Sexton said. “We’re here now. It’s a little bit ‘I can’t believe it’s finally here’.”
Posted at 9:379:37
Sexton takes the lead
Ireland v New Zealand (11:15 BST)
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Michael Morrow
BBC Sport NI at Tokyo Stadium
This week the Irish press corps were treated to two media conference masterclasses from Johnny Sexton.
The first was the morning after Ireland’s win over Samoa in Fukuoka and Sexton made sure the media were well aware of the buoyant, confident mood running through the camp as he fielded every question in a jovial manner.
The second, at yesterday’s ‘captain’s run’ during which Sexton was the only Irish player to make the trip across Tokyo to the stadium from the team base near Disneyland, was all about quiet confidence and focus.
He had a kind word about his younger team-mates, batted away questions about the potential for this to be Joe Schmidt’s last game and told us that his team were excited, not nervous.
Off the pitch he’s pretty impressive, but he’s better and much more crucial still on it. If Ireland are to get a win today, their best player is going to need to be firing on all cylinders from the first minute.
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shooktim-blog · 5 years
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One of my favorite aspects about visiting Disneyland has nothing to do with the attractions – it’s the food. I’m not alone either, the food offerings at all Disney properties are so diverse and delicious that they’ve sparked entire web sites devoted only to the culinary side of the Disneyland experience. Since I’ve now visited Disneyland and Disney California Adventure on four different trips, today I want to share some of my favorite bites or go-to meals when visiting the Happiest Place on Earth.
Chicken and Mickey Waffles
On a recent visit to Disneyland, I made reservations at the storied restaurant on Main Street, Carnation Cafe. Originally an ice cream parlor, today Carnation Cafe is best known for serving up all-American classics, including menu items that Walt Disney himself loved. I was eager though to try something that wasn’t on their normal menu, a special item that had a limited appearance at the cafe, but I hope it returns as a permanent item. The Mickey-shaped waffle and chicken was a delicious start to my day, featuring of course those mouse inspired waffles that have made the cafe famous amongst die-hard fans. It was the perfect mix of sweet and savory and I even loved the sprinkles on top.
  Lunch & Dinner
Cozy Cone
Modeled after the iconic Wigwam Motel on Route 66, most of us remember the Cozy Cone Motel from the “Cars” movie franchise. At Disney California Adventure it’s been reimagined as a great place to grab a snack, all in cone form of course. My favorite lunch item isn‘t for the faint of heart but, believe me, it’s well worth the extra calories. The Bacon Mac & Cheese cone is a serving of creamy mac & cheese mixed with roasted bacon in a bread cone. If you’re still hungry afterwards, head to one of the other cones for some ice cream.
Ronto Wrap
The newest addition to Disneyland also has its fair share of great snacks and meals. Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opened a few months ago and almost immediately it was the foodie side that interested people the most. Blue milk, grabbing a cocktail at Oga’s Cantina and more all captivated guests, but my favorite bite was at the modest Ronto Roasters. Located next to the market stall the thing to get here is the Ronto Wrap: roasted pork and grilled sausage with peppercorn sauce and tangy slaw wrapped in pita. Paired with a chilled glass of Meiloorun Juice and I had the perfect meal.
Lamplight Lounge
Located on Pixar Pier in Disney California Adventure, the Lamplight Lounge is a Pixar-themed restaurant that I couldn’t wait to try. A table-service restaurant, advance reservations are absolutely necessary as it’s one of the most popular restaurants in the park. My first experience though patronizing the Lounge last year frankly didn’t live up to my expectations. Maybe it was what I ordered or just my mood, but I walked away with mixed feelings about the experience. That’s why I’m so happy that a friend encouraged me to give them another try, adamant that obviously I had been there on an off day. It was with a bit of hesitation that I arrived a few weeks ago to enjoy a quiet lunch at the Lounge, and this time the experience was everything I hoped it would be. Everything inside the Lounge pays homage to Pixar, with so many hidden Easter Eggs it would take months to find them all. The menu matches the décor and the quality and creativity of the dishes impressed me. This was what I had imagined the Lamplight Lounge to be like and I’m thrilled I gave them a second chance.
Café Orleans
Like many restaurants in Disneyland, Café Orleans has seen a lot of change over the years. Located in New Orleans Square, the Cafe originally opened in 1966 as the Creole Cafe before being renamed to Cafe Orleans in 1972. It was a modest establishment until 2006 when it became a table service restaurant and today is a favorite place to eat for many guests. The atmosphere and decor can’t be beat, but I was there to try a few of the restaurant’s most well-known dishes and I wasn’t disappointed. We started with the fries, which are tossed with Parmesan and garlic before ordering the massive main course, Disney’s famous Monte Cristo. This isn’t your average sandwich, it’s deep fried and dusted with sugar but it’s also enormous, so come hungry. If you still have room, don’t miss the Mickey-shaped beignets for dessert. Since this restaurant is a cult favorite, make sure to secure reservations well in advance.
Personally, I think the many snacks offered around the parks are the real food highlight of any trip to Disneyland. I would gladly skip a table service restaurant in lieu of snacking my way around the parks. There are many not-to-miss bites, but a few of my favorites, and some of the most famous, include these incredible Disney snacks.
Mickey Pretzels
Guests to Disneyland are very quickly acclimated to the sight of Mickey-shaped everything, even hidden Mickeys found around the parks. One of the most beloved snacks echoes this iconic shape and the soft pretzels are easily one of the most popular snacks in the park. They’re widely found and are the perfect snack to help fuel your fun-filled day in Disneyland.
Corn Dog
Like all classic Disney snacks, the corn dogs found at the Little Red Wagon at the top of Main Street, U.S.A have created a legion of loyal fans. While they’ve been around for decades, it was only at the start of the millennium when they dramatically changed the batter and in the process created a corn dog that has almost addictive properties. They’re also enormous, so putting them in the snacks category may be inaccurate, but no matter how you classify them they’re not to be missed.
Dole Whip
Another cult classic, this tasty dessert has become the stuff of legend among Disney devotees. It’s a simple enough concoction, a soft serve pineapple treat served in a cup. You can also get a Pineapple Float, but the purists go for the original. In Disneyland, the Dole Whip is found at the Enchanted Tiki Room in Adventureland, but be sure to plan your visit and use mobile ordering to avoid waiting.
Seasonal Treats
Throughout the year there are any number of special food items for sale honoring everything from Disney anniversaries to major holidays, but my favorite seasonal snacks happen during the Christmas season. On any given day, the food options at Disneyland are considerable. Whether it’s in Disneyland itself, Disney California Adventure or Downtown Disney, the many options mean that you’ll never get tired of trying new things. During the holidays though, Disney rolls out even more choices; special holiday offerings showcasing the best of the season. Before I left home, I printed off checklists of the special holiday food items for sale so I could better plan my snacking experience. That being said, I was only able to get through a tiny fraction of the list, there was just too much to eat. From holiday-inspired churros to the incredible Festive Foods Marketplace in Disney California Adventure, the options were a little overwhelming but certainly delicious.
First-time visitors to Disneyland know that the attractions will be an important aspect of their trip, but few understand the important role food plays. Whether it’s an elaborate meal or a simple snack, for millions of people Disneyland food is a key part of the experience and one that is not to be missed.
What’s your favorite bite in Disneyland?
The post My Favorite Disneyland Food Experiences in 9 Bites appeared first on LandLopers.
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paniccord-ff · 7 years
20. Part 2
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I am in shock still, I am shocked that I am blessed to have this. I am shocked that god has given me so much happiness ‘Vintage! Love you baby’ captioning the picture pressing send, I have so many messages to go through but I will just say thank you on a video while Rylee goes to pee. I have noticed that Royalty follows Rylee, she followed her to the toilet. Holding the camera up and flipping the camera to face me, pressing record and clearing my throat “just wanted to say thank you all so much for the birthday love, I am so blessed to have my fans and my loved ones. I can truly say I have had a meaningful birthday, thank you. Album coming soon y’all, it’s done so that will be coming up” seeing Rylee walking, I can slightly see her nipples. Frowning at the camera not saying a word. Looking behind me and then back at the camera “you not wearing a bra?” I spat, Rylee looked up at me and then saw the camera as I busted out laughing “get the fuck out of here!” pressing stop on the phone, turning around “you really not wearing one? Only I can see those” looking down at my phone “you best not post that Chris, seriously” I find that video hilarious, captioning it ‘Thank you for the love lol’ looking up at Rylee “please” she said, pressing send “oh damn, my finger slipped” she stormed towards but I moved back “hey, hey! Wait, I am the birthday boy, be nice” placing my hand up, she mean mugged me turning around “thank you baby” I chuckled to myself.
Stood outside waiting “who are we waiting for?” I asked, watching Royalty run with my birthday balloon “this” she pointed “you got a SUV?” I said smiling “yeah, I didn’t want to drive. I might as well tell you now, I am not sure how you feel but you know we are doing family things so we going Disneyland. I mean you are a grown adult but still” she looks all nervous “I rather spend my birthday and see smiles then spend it in a club with people staring at me to make the fun, I promise you that this is a beautiful gift. I know we about to have fun” placing my arm around Rylee “stop being nervous babe, honestly. I am a cool guy, I am not stuck up and demand expensive shit, just people assume that” she is so sweet “let’s go” hearing Joe, furrowing my eyebrows looking at Joe “what?” I said confused “I got in contact with Joe, we needed some bodyguards” look at Rylee doing work, she actually contacted Joe herself.
Sitting in the back with Royalty “you excited baby? We about to turn up with Mickey baby, all this fun for you” touching the top of her nose “I see princess dad” nodding my head “all the princesses in the world, all for you” holding her hand as I leaned over and pressed a kiss to her cheek, she let out yelp grabbing my chin hair with her free hand “what you doing girl? Hey!” she pulled my chin hair giggling “hey!” I screamed, Royalty is finding this funny but it hurts. This is why I like holding her hands when I kiss her, she must like to see me in pain. Biting her cheek lightly “you finna let me go now?” she shook her head, lifting her hand up that I have in my hand. Biting the tips of her fingers and she let go “oh no, Lee! Look!” she lifted her hand up screaming, she is legit snitching on me. Rylee turned around in front “what happened” Rylee touched her hand “I hurt” wow, Royalty snitched on me “why you not playing nice Chris?” moving Rylee’ hand away from Royalty’ “you a snitch, I hate snitches!” side eyeing Royalty, she smiled at me like she knew “play nice then” Rylee retorted “I will bite your fingers too” I said, Rylee put a finger up at me.
We barely entered Disney Adventure Park and Royalty fell asleep, I just keep staring at Rylee. I really wish she was Royalty’ mom, I wish she came into my life sooner because I wouldn’t be like this and wouldn’t be stuck with that bitch baby mother. I would be blessed and married by now, I know she thinks I am not having fun but I would take this any day “you want to go on the racers?” I pointed saying to Kyrie “can I?” he said, he didn’t even notice it “yeah for sure, we can fast track or something” Rylee stopped walking “I will stay with Royalty, you both go” walking closer to Rylee, pulling her snapback down before wrapping my arms around her “I love you so much, thank you” I don’t even want to leave her here, she will be far away from me “I love you too Chris, I am happy you love it” moving my arms “y’all sitting there then? Joe stay with her, I’ll be cool” Kyrie and I will be ok to wait, I just want my girls safe.
This queue is no joke at all, leaning back against the wall “do you like it?” Kyrie touched the watch, looking down at him “I love it, did she tell you?” I said, he nodded “I was with her, she told my mom too” this is useful, he can tell me more “really? What did your mom say?” I asked, biting on my bottom lip intrigued to know “she said something like that is wonderful and she said to my sister that treat Royalty as your own, and I did that for Blake” nodding my head “Royalty is funny, she always calls me poo poo head” rubbing my chin laughing “she gets that from me, I been call her that and now she calls it most of the people” moving off from the wall as the queue moved “I am glad you having fun though, you need anything you got me. But you know like we cool and all that, you think we can get you sister to not go to Vegas? You think that is doable?” Kyrie paused thinking “maybe, I can cry?” I chuckled at Kyrie “you funny kid” scratching my head.
Kyrie ran ahead of me, seeing Rylee sat with Royalty. She is awake, hearing my fans behind me and I want to run. Maybe I should just take pictures, just to get rid of them “he is so fine, oh my god” looking to the side of me, turning around and seeing the group of girls “please don’t follow me today, I will take a picture but honestly I just want to spend time with my family. It’s my birthday so y’all need to be nice” Joe stood at the side of me “we will, oh my god. I love you so much” my bodyguard doesn’t look happy “so who is taking the picture? Y’all together yeah?” they nodded and they all gave me their phones “Joe pick a phone and can we just gather around ladies, I am about to get in the middle aight?” walking closer to them, I don’t know whose arms are around me but it’s happening “alright smile” Joe shouted “you smell so nice, Jesus!” hearing one of the girl shout, I laughed out loud “all done” Joe walked back over “thank you ladies, appreciate the support. Love y’all” moving backwards slowly, I still had a girl holding me but I want to go.
Blowing out air “Chris you got so many girls!” Kyrie spat “I do, but I only want one” Rylee rolled her eyes smiling at me “they still behind you” Rylee said, I don’t even care. Leaning down and pressing a kiss to Rylee’ lips and then Royalty’ head “you awake now grumpy, come on” opening my arms, picking Royalty from Rylee’ arms “my baby girl, you ready to have fun yeah?” she is so quiet but it does look like she has just woke up “you ready to go to your next attraction?” the VIP tour guide came over to us “for sure, when do I get to meet Minnie though? I used to like her” Rylee snorted at the side of me “soon, shall we go on a ride little Royalty to go on?” the tour guide said waving at Royalty, she is not in the mood “let’s go then” walking off slowly behind the tour guide “I may have another little surprise, but it wasn’t on me. Lo text me” Rylee said, furrowing my eyebrows “Lo?” I said confused “yes, he text me. He wanted to turn up with you” I think Rylee should change her number “I don’t fuck with that nigga like that anymore Rylee” I don’t think I want to turn up with them at all.
Royalty didn’t like the ride at all, she hated it but I loved it “daddy is so mean for laughing” Rylee said to Royalty, she ain’t want me now because I did nothing but laugh while she clung to me. The ride barely moved but her reaction was funny “we are about to go and see Mickey and Minnie, how exciting” I said trying to make it up to Royalty but she ain’t want to know, walking inside this building. Usually they are outside but not this time, unless it’s some VIP thing. Looking behind me, they are so behind me, let me just go inside and see my niggas. The lady opened the door for me “after you” she said, walking into the room I see Mickey and Minnie. They both waved, turning around to my daughter to see her reaction. She ran into the room smiling giggling to herself before running back towards Rylee, she held onto Rylee’ leg. I just love the way she is with Rylee, god I need to marry her “come on baby, look” Rylee held Royalty’ hand walking towards them.
Staring down at the picture of us together with Mickey, I think we look like a bomb ass family and I love it “I think Minnie liked me, she touched my butt” I said as I sat down “boy please, you kept standing next to her. You were annoying her” Rylee said, shaking my head laughing. Posting the picture of us with Mickey, I mean I don’t know how the baby mother will feel about how Rylee is holding Royalty close. I think it’s beautiful anyways, captioning the picture ‘To see my baby girls happy, to be with my family. Today was a beautiful day, thank you Rylee. I love you, blessed’ I can’t help myself but tell the world, I love this woman so much “what shall we eat Royalty? It has to include chicken” looking up at Royalty and Rylee looking at menus “why is Royalty acting like she can read?” I chuckled pointing “oh baby your dad is hating again, he is just jealous we having more fun” pulling Rylee’ menu down “what is with the hate? Y’all can’t be ganging up on me, what about poor Chris?” Rylee shrugged “it’s girl power on this side, your got your boy over there” she pointed at Kyrie “you hear this Kyrie? Remember Royalty can’t say a full sentence so there, least Kyrie can” Rylee waved me off “you wouldn’t upset me now would you?” she is right, side eyeing her in annoyance because I can’t.
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Chris is a damn freak, he keeps on touching my leg “you really shouldn’t wear skin tight body suits, you got a nigga going crazy here. In all white too” pulling up the door “stop it, we need to go to your party now” Chris groaned out as I got out of the car “Rylee, your booty. I want you, please. Let’s go home” closing the car door smiling, he will soon follow. I want to end his day on a party, we had a lovely day and Joyce was kind enough to look after my brother too. Today has been a good day, I just want to end it on a party. I found this outfit somewhere, I am glad I did actually. I knew Chris would get out of the car, he wouldn’t keep me waiting “take your time boss man” Joe said, Carlos has finally joined us with another man but I don’t know him “nigga, I want to bust a nut. I don’t even want to be here” holding Chris’ hand myself without him having to do it “thank you so much for today babe” he said, squeezing his hand smiling a little “don’t be” I am happy it was a success.
I can tell with the look on Chris’ face, he does not want to be here. He wants to go home, I am trying to stay behind them all because it’s too much being up in front. It’s not a thing I like to come too and also Bailey is here with Lo, she is partying up in front with my man. Not only that, I can smoke a blunt without being caught, I am not stupid. Blowing the smoke out from my lips, I haven’t done this in so long and it feels so good. The blunt got yanked out of my fingers, looking up frowning. My face softened seeing Chris, he took my damn blunt. He sat down next to me as he placed the blunt between his lips, here he goes again with my legs. There is so much tension between us, he pulled the blunt away from his lips. Blowing the smoke out in my face before kissing my lips “why you here for? I ain’t partying without you” Chris shouted over the music, I shrugged. Is it just me or Chris’ hand is getting higher up my thigh. Grabbing Chris’ wrist, his eyelids heavy and his face getting closer to mine, I bit my lower lip because of the look he gave me. He looked at my lips, Chris touched my lips softly with his thumb. He leaned towards me and pressed his lips gently against mine, placing my hand behind his head deepening the kiss until the realization on where we are hit us “Chris Breezy in the building” that soon made us stop but I couldn’t stop smiling.
Wiping his lips with my hand, he now has lipstick on his lips “I love you babe, come with me” he got up, he still took my blunt though and never gave me it back. He held his hand out for me to take, holding his hand as I followed him. The group of guys up front suddenly started to move for us, I felt all eyes on me as I walked by them. I now know why Chris hates it, all eyes are on you and people stare at you to do something with their phones in your face. I just want to hide right now but Chris won’t let me so I am stuck here, looking to where Lo is stood I see Bailey staring at me but I turned my head away. She tried to break us up and lied on us, I am not about that. Some guy passed Chris a mic, the club became quiet “thank you all for the birthday love” he said on the mic, looking down at the crowd. Now the camera lights have stopped blinding us I can see the crowd. It’s funny how guys are the worst to be pushing the women to get to the front, just to be near Chris. Smiling at the crowd but then a certain male caught my eye, I had to do a double take because that is not real. My smile soon faded, my ex stared at me and I can feel myself freaking out.
The music came back on but he kept his eyes on me and I couldn’t look away either, everything that happened between us came back to me and my heart fell. That man was crazy for me, so crazy that he rather make me feel worthless so no other man could see me. He could have killed me and yet he is here, here to look at me. To look into my soul, I need to get out of here. I don’t want to be dramatic but I can’t breathe and I need air, looking to the side of me as Chris laughed with his friend. Turning around and seeing more guys in my way, I am done and I need to go. Turning back around, Joe stood to the side of us in front. Placing my hand on his shoulder and jumped down “Woah, you good!?” Joe asked, he was about to grab my hand but I pushed my way through the crowd.
I am not looking back but I feel everyone stare at me and I am mentally going crazy, I can’t take this at all. People pointing and staring at me, there is so many people and no way out. Looking up trying to see the exit or the toilets or something, pushing my way through I finally see some security guards. I can find a way out, I just want to cry so much. Looking up seeing the toilets just around this corner, I can just go here. I am just so happy to see this saviour of a place, even if it is the toilets “Rylee” hearing his voice made my stomach turn, the touch of his hand on my skin made me feel instantly dirty. Turning around in shock, my back was already against the wall “Rylee, it’s been so long. I have been meaning to see you, you know it was your brothers that broke us up. I love you” he spoke these words to me “remember I told you, you was mine Rylee. Forever, you know that. You look so beautiful, you know we are meant to be” why is he walking close, clenching my fist together about ready to punch. If he takes one more step, why am I frozen like this why, oh my god please god why. I was about to punch him until a fist met the side of his head which sent him flying, my eyes widened in shock. Chris didn’t stop there as he kicked him, to me he looked unconscious already “come on” Joe picked Chris up, I feel like I am in the twilight zone seeing Chris raging because of me.
Stood in shock shaking, Carlos carefully placed his hand on my shoulder “come with me, it’s fine” the music stopped playing in the club, all you can hear is the chatter of people. I slowly started moving my feet, looking to the side of me where my ex is laid out. His leg moved which made me want to run, he will never die. I can hear Chris shouting from here, he is not calming down at all. Suddenly I felt my legs wanting to run to Chris, his voice made me want to hold him. I want him “he’s in here” some security guy pointed at this door “I got you Rylee, come” Carlos went ahead of me “let me go now Joe! She is out there, I am going to kill him” how did he even know, walking into the room. This is an office of some sort “she’s here” Carlos moved to the side, seeing my baby being pinned to the wall “let him go” pulling at Joe’ arm, he moved his arm “I am going to kill him for you, Rylee. I got you!!” Chris shouted, shaking my head “please no, stop. I don’t want this, not this trouble ok?” placing my hands on the side of his cheeks “calm down for me, we need to go. We can talk, but we need to go. Calm down for me” I won’t have him getting in trouble.
Sat in his Lamborghini as Chris sped off, the ambulance is outside the club and all I can think of is the trouble it has caused. Placing my hand on Chris’ arm “you’re still so mad, calm down Chris. Please, I am in shock that you knocked him out with one punch” Chris looked at me in sadness “I saw him touch you, why didn’t you tell me? I am supposed to protect you, why walk away? Lo told me and I saw him touch you” he slapped his steering wheel “I didn’t want that, I didn’t want you doing that. Now you will be in trouble” moving my hand away from his arm “are you ok?” he asked, nodding my head “I freaked out, I saw him and wanted to leave. I didn’t want to tell you because I know you would have flipped out, he’s crazy. He said he loved me and I am his” I totally regret saying that, Chris angry is scary “Chris the police will want to question you, what if you go down for it” I can’t breathe “I won’t, nobody was watching. I had three bodyguards covering us, it was a corner. We good, he say that to you!? This is why you need protecting, fuck. I saw red, you mean too much to me Rylee. I’ll do anything for you” I am so worried about Chris now, I don’t want anything to go bad for him “I love you so much” I sobbed out “please don’t cry” Chris reached over with one hand and touched my cheek “I love you too Rylee” I can’t believe this happened out of all the days, I know my parents said I one day might see him but I wasn’t ready.
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