#Divine Judge
judahmaccabees · 5 months
silly perverts in Gehenna should keep quiet about serious things
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umbrvx · 7 months
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[ @orvwomenweek ] uriel + faith || day 3
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bestworstcase · 1 month
& in fact one of the things that makes salem compelling as a character is this juxtaposition between her personal cruelty and the rightness of her cause; it bears repeating that she chose to live in exile rather than fight back for thousands of years while ozma dedicated himself to the cause of destroying her, and that her war follows on the heels of ozma forging a global alliance and then, as ozpin, abruptly locking down the relics in apparent preparation to summon the brothers back to remnant. if salem’s true goal is to avert the final judgment—get rid of the gods—then it is clear from the historical timeline and the events immediately preceding her commitment to war that she really did not want to go to war.
but with the information she has and the experiences she’s had there really is no other way to achieve her goal – every other possibility requires her to take it on faith that ozma is willing the break from his task now, against all signs to the contrary. he is still openly promoting worship of the brothers and urging everyone to live as if the final judgment will come tomorrow while zealously guarding the relics needed to summon them – no reasonable person would conclude from ozpin’s public actions that he is, in any way, wavering from his task, and so it is wholly irrational to expect salem to just intuit that somehow. and if ozpin is, as he seems to be, more committed than ever and on the brink of summoning the brothers, war is in fact her only recourse.
what makes salem a villain in this story is the abusiveness toward her associates; her individual cruelty, far more than the war of last resort, because the cruelty has no justification. and i think rwby is interested in the tension here, between how long salem refused to fight back and how cruel she is on a personal level. the tenderness with which she speaks of humanity versus her violent resistance to letting herself care about any one specific person.
i think it’s easy to write the cruelty off as a simple matter of salem… not caring, not having any interest in caring – in extremes this is how we get the "spoiled bitch" reading – but the same could be said of ozma; he’s nicer about it but no less willing to use people as disposable tools. why does he lie? why does he manipulate? why does he get violent when his secrets are about to be exposed? you don’t treat people you care about that way.
so ozma has his reasons – the trauma and the cognitive dissonance and the self-hatred and learned helplessness that motivates his submission to the divine mandate, the palliative fairytales, the retreat into dissociation to cope with being forced to exist as a parasite, and so on – and so too does salem, it’s just that hers are made more opaque. what drives this woman who speaks so lovingly of human virtue to treat individual humans like garbage? some of it is sheer alienation – she hasn’t been allowed to participate in civilization in thousands of years, of course she is antisocial – and the trauma of ozma’s betrayal, the deeper trauma of collective punishment, the fear of being hurt again, the resignation to being seen as a monster no matter what she actually does…
which i expect will begin to rise to the surface over the last few volumes. but the point is i do think her villain -> hero arc will turn almost entirely on ending and atoning for the personal cruelty as opposed to the war, and in fact i imagine there may end up being a stretch of the story wherein salem has moved clearly into the ‘good’ camp (as in: made things right between herself and her remaining associates, cinder in particular, and her true end is known to the audience) and still actively in conflict with the vacuo coalition because Her Cause is just. and that’s the kind of complexity rwby is interested in.
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sandushengshou · 1 year
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Wang Zhuocheng | Divine Destiny ↳ A god and his emotional support rock
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justarandomlambblog · 5 months
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How do five fallen gods pass their time in paradise? Together, hopefully.
And finally, after nearly 30 hours of work, it is done.
I got a little lazy with the background but forgive me, last day of vacation and my ipad was riding on 13% the entire time I was working on this hhghh
Anyway have the Bishops in fancy dresses/robes/whatever you wanna call them (let's be real they're dresses) and if anyone even TRIES to tell me Kallamar would not be THAT extra I will not believe you <3
Anyway included the individual figures bc covering 60% of Leshy's outfit broke my heart, every single flower in this image was done by hand. I did not copy and paste ANY of them and my wrist demands y'all look at Leshy's outfit
So this is related to the Song of the Eternal comic I did a bit ago, where eventually former gods will hear a song calling them to the Eternal Lands once their time is up. This is probably quite some time after the Bishops have settled into their eternal lives in this eternal land, and have adjusted to living their new lives (alongside familiar faces from their past) in peace.
I want to do more with this AU.... there is some really painful good NariLamb crumbs and LeshyCat moments. Resisting the urge to spoil the ending of the story haha
I really want to make a comic from this AU instead of writing it out bc there's some visuals from it I don't think would be captured as well in words...... of course I could do an illustrated fic.... hm.
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voiarc-draws · 6 days
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DIVINE COMEDY BLAST 💥💥💥!!!!!! they ‘eepin
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
You lose the plot when discussing and fighting for minorities when you buy into the specific brand of (specifically christianity) "suffering is Divine, and the more you Suffer, the More Divine you are."
Suffering is suffering is suffering - when you choose to ignore a marginalized group's suffering because they are not suffering enough or are not "good victims," you have lost the plot.
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karinaesque · 1 month
me trying to not laugh when i see boys wearing jeans that fall off them to the point where you can see their underwear
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natjennie · 4 months
I'm not gonna be able to make this coherent but I just want to say. as someone who grew up as a teen with undiagnosed PCOS who was so fucking angry at everything all the time. and as a person in their 20s now who is a chronic people-pleaser and is constantly doubting and blaming myself for everything. the bit where the bad kids were remembering their past injustices hit so fucking hard I can't even describe it. fig and riz's especially. just.
when you're a teenager the whole world feels so unfair and there's nothing you can do about it. you're trapped and no one listens to you and you can't stand up for yourself in a way that matters and things are wrong and it feels like no one else can see it. you're so mad at everything but there's no productive way to channel it so you're just stewing in all of your hatred and of course it turns inwards. where else can it go. you're mad and you're mad at yourself for being mad and you hate the state of the world and there's nothing you can do to fix it and that makes you even madder. and the rage turns to frustration turns to sorrow turns back to rage and it's horrible.
and when you're forged in that, you grow up feeling like everything is your fault and you have to try to take care of everyone else and work and work and work for them to love you. and you shove your needs and your questions and your justice down into a little box hidden in your chest that overwhelms you with grief and confusion whenever you peek inside. the shame and the doubt and the guilt get all mixed together in with your soul and it hurts to imagine a world where you deserve good things. everything is so confusing and helpless you don't even bother to try.
but then. cassandra holds your hand. and ankarna does too. and they remind you that there is room in the world for doubt. there is room for mystery and you don't have to have all the answers. and at the same time, there is a time and a place for righteousness. when you see something wrong in the world, in yourself, in your loved ones, you cannot be afraid to stand up against it. it seems dark and muddled now but a new dawn in breaking. you choose your purpose, you choose your next steps. but you will have dignity and strength when you struggle, when you falter, when you don't know what to do next. have the serenity to except the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference. hoot fucking growl.
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judahmaccabees · 4 months
"I never knew you." - Jesus
Raping spiritual power is offensive, you knew better.
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mosslingg · 6 months
i dids it. does the title make sense? idk. you tell me.
anyways. fic. one of many probably. yay
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brownsugar4hersoul · 6 months
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The Call of Gideon
And Jehovah looked upon him, and said, Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of Midian. Have not I sent thee? — Judges 6:14 | 1890 Darby Bible (DARBY) The Darby Translation of the Holy Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Judges 6:11; Judges 6:36; Judges 13:3; Hebrews 11:32
Read full chapter
Judges 6:14 - Bible Verse Meaning and Commentary
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hanakihan · 1 year
『As you walk by, you notice a man in a suit. There’s nothing exceptional about him, just another KHA member on assignment, albeit this one looks tired and worn out. You don’t pay him too much attention, ready to leave so you won’t disturb other’s work. But as you’re about to turn away, you find yourself frozen still under intense stare of a God. Liquid gold impassively stares right into your very soul, but as unexpectedly as it started, it ended. God has no interest in you, and you hurry to leave, least you’ll try his patience anymore.』
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sephirajo · 1 year
Man these dark urge scenes are way more intense than the losses of control you have playing Loshe in DOS2. They learned from that and the training wheels are off now.
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voiarc-draws · 2 months
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when ur circle small but y’all are craaaazy
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