#Do NOT give the EBU your money
While I have absolutely no desire to watch it at all, especially since there’s no way for me (in America) to watch it without contributing to the numbers, it is still very bittersweet
It’s kind of like that first Easter when you wake up and there aren’t eggs hidden. You get why, you don’t particularly want to do it, but that’s still a ritual that will no longer be part of your life anymore
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jaarijani · 5 months
The fact that Joost got disqualified yet we still don't fully know what the hell happened yet is super sketchy...
Also the fact that one of the most (if not the most) beloved songs this year got disqualified is a really, really bad move on EBU's part...
Everyone better be prepared for tonight...
it's ridiculously stupid they've already lost about 90% of dutch viewers with this move and I'm sure they'll lose many international viewers as well because Europapa was so popular. This whole scandal is so ridiculously hypocritical and it looks and feels like a total setup. It feels entirely manufactured both to turn our eyes away from the cruelty in Rafah and to boost Israel in the final results.
They won't tell us the full story because they know it's unfair and hypocritical, Joost does not deserve any of this and I am so so saddened to see him turned into a scapegoat at the event that he's worked towards for years and years.
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kazisonline · 5 months
Don't televote. It doesn't matter you want to vote for someone else than Israel, you're still giving your money to EBU, and they don't give a single shit who you vote for AS LONG AS YOU VOTE AND GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY. Who wins this year really doesn't fucking matter. What matters is NOT WATCHING THIS SHITSHOW.
What matters is getting their numbers LOW to show we don't want to "Unite through music" with war criminals. That them and their racist double standards on who to ban and who not to can go to hell.
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Don't watch. Percentage of Your viewership money goes to the sponsors, and among others that's Moroccanoil - an Israeli brand.
If you want to do something good with your money, give it to people in Palestine who NEED to evacuate as fast as possible. 1€ is like 50 EGYPTIAN POUNDS.
Here is a 20 years old medicine student whose school got bombed. She needs to evacuate. You want to do something, anything? Donate to her
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faelapis · 5 months
Don't Vote in Eurovision.
the 2nd semi is about to happen. israel is competing. i want to start by acknowledging something: i hope my fellow eurovision boycotters, protesters and general #BanIsraelfromEurovision people know it's not like. impossible for israel to win this year.
at eurovision, you only need a minority of televote to "win" televote, when there are 26 entries in the final. nobody wins with outright majority, they win by being the biggest minority.
if there's 10% dedicated zionist viewers who will vote for israel just because it's israel, that probably outweighs the points that a lot of other countries will get. if you divide 100/26, you get an average of 3.8%. if there's 10% dedicated zionists, i hope you see how that's suddenly a HUGE percentage. (of course, eurovision votes are not even. some songs get 0.2% of a country's vote, some songs get 20%. but the point stands. you don't need majority support to win.)
yes, this means that, theoretically, a country that supports palestine 90% could still give israel televote points - because of the united 10% voting for israel, while the 90% votes divided among the other entries. and you can't vote against songs in televote.
i side with the bookies that it's not LIKELY. we are very unlikely to see "ukraine 2022" level televote numbers for israel. europeans are much more divided on the apartheid colonial state. and many will vote just for "whichever song they like best."
i'm only saying that, IF israel were to get a huge televote score, it doesn't mean the "majority" of europe supports them. quite the opposite. it just means you can't vote against entries. you can be deeply unpopular and win.
i'm also saying this because, in the likely event that israel gets at least top 10, please dont let the zionists spread it as "proof" that europe is behind them. their apartheid colonial regime is bleeding support every day. most pro-palestine folks are boycotting.
this is a silly song contest. do not feel hopeless because of it.
instead, focus your attention on helping palestine and boycotting the contest. do NOT vote. that's giving the EBU money, which is a zionist organization willing to disgrace the contest to let israel use it as a propaganda platform. they don't deserve your money.
boycott eurovision. no watching, no voting.
donate to the world central kitchen, whose aid workers were murdered by israel while attempting to help palestinians.
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thegeekcloud · 5 months
Boycott Eurovision: Yes or No?
There has been a lot of talk on boycotting Eurovision this year because of the Israeli participation and their qualification to the final. Behind everything of course is the subject of money.
MoroccanOil or however it's spelled is one of the biggest sponsors of the Eurovision Song Contest, not just this year but every year. And guess what country this company is from? You got it. It is therefore logical for audiences to boycott Eurovision by refusing to fund the competition in any way. That includes:
Streaming the competition
Buying merchandise
If the EBU is not funded then the profitability of having MoroccanOil as a sponsor (and Israel attending) will drop dramatically.
One must keep in mind a few things:
"The big Five are the biggest sponsors which is why they are automatically qualified to the final". They literally keep 5 countries in the final to entice them to keep paying. IN fairness, this is not as much as you might think but still a substantial amount.
They already banned Russia - a country with an incredibly large amount of people (and therefore potential viewers)
The sponsored money has already been given. This is the money that mostly funds the contest.
The participating countries themselves pay a fee. A fee so big a LOT of Balkan countries can't afford!
Most of the money is used for the incredible staging and other events of the competition.
Boycotting Eurovision now in terms of keeping money away from the EBU doesn't really do much in truth. Go for it if you like. It doesn't hurt. But, watching the contest right now is not really gonna change much. A lot of people are already attending (tickets are like 1000 euro apparently btw).
It doesn't hurt, though it doesn't make much difference either to be completely honest with you. My advice is follow the instructions of your favourite artist. After all, this contest is not just about Israel but about them as well. They've all worked so hard and they've been asked to remove all political messages from their performances which is basically a violation of freedom of speech.
Protesting always helps though it is very hard to do IN the arena.
Voting would help if we were all to vote for one person. We all saw last year how Loreen took the crown from Kaarija even though he had like 1.5 times more public votes. And now, Joost is about to be disqualified (cause apparently he punched an Israeli representative who mocked Joost's dead father???). Not voting would basically mean Israel would win. Why?
Italy is not really a political ally of Israel (an example for that would be apology votes from Germany) yet they gave them 40% in the semi finals vote. 40%!?!?. Israel was not even that high on the trends yet they got 40%. But, at the same time, I do not know many people who watch the semi-finals so those who did are either die hard fans or, if those were protesting, people who explicitly watched for Israel.
The jury will 100% give a lot of votes to Israel. I don't like to say it but their song is EXACTLY the type of song they vote for. Another example might be Greece (they are trying something different from a musical point of view) or France (let's face it that man is an angel). I want to say Switzerland but I would also have said Belgium and look where we are. They SHOULD like Switzerland too. In any case the jury can do SERIOUS DAMAGE (again, why Sweeden won even if tHeY'rE nOt SoRrY tHeY wOn)
Governments can push the jury towards a specific result. We probably know where Belgium's 12 is not gonna go (they cut the broadcast) but this is for example a minister in greece:
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IF the competition ends up going to Israel THEN the real boycott will matter cause it can start earlier. Prevention of countries participating for example. People not attending at all.
But the best result would be to prevent that all together. It doesn't help that Joost (Netherlands) did not perform today at the Jury show but his recording was shown.
That's all.
My advice is don't watch or don't watch israel to send a message but vote for either Greece, Italy, Croatia or Switzerland or all of the above. The Netherlands too if they participate cause even though I don't want the contest to go once again there Joost has fucking earned it.
Edit: the goal was for israel not to participate at all (and honestly Azerbaijan shouldn't either) but they did, they are, we're here now so...unless the artists themselves step down....
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pharahsgf · 7 months
wait i thought israel was banned from eurovision?? what happened????
kan (israeli broadcaster) and the ebu (eurovision organisers) were previously at a stalemate, with the ebu rejecting the israeli entries for being too political and kan refusing to change them, and insiders considered it a done deal that israel would withdraw. however, herzog has since stepped in and forced kan to change the lyrics anyway, saying that israel's participation is "extremely important". it's now likely that the ebu will approve of the entry and allow israel to compete.
zionists also tampered with the icelandic selection to prevent palestinian artist & public favourite bashar murad from winning and going to esc, so here's to hoping that the ebu grows a spine and sanctions them for once, but i wouldn't hold my breath considering the bs they've let slide.
to quote bds: "Palestinians call on supporters to launch creative, strategic initiatives that can pressure broadcasters to withdraw & appeal to all participants to refuse to be complicit in @/EBU_HQ’s whitewash of apartheid Israel’s genocide against 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza." keep making noise and putting pressure on your broadcasters, and again, do NOT watch this shit or give them any of your money.
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beauty-and-passion · 1 year
Eurovision and the jury’s problem (but mostly the jury’s problem)
Ah, the Eurovision national juries. I love them so much. My love is so big that, since I started this tradition of writing a post about Eurovision, I’ve always included one paragraph to openly express my love for them and, not surprisingly, my love took the shape of FUCK YOU JURY.
So this year gave me the final push to do more research and finally give them the post they deserve, in which I will finally explain why they do more harm than good and are generally useless.
If that’s what you wanted to know, you can close the post now, thank you for your time. But if you want to know why I think the jury is useless, then allow me to expand more and properly explain myself.
The jury has always been part of the show!
Yes, but now always with the same power.
Let’s do a bit of history: Eurovision started in the 50s, right after the end of WW2. TV was starting to grow stronger and with the birth of the EBU, they were searching for a TV program that could’ve involved and united all nations.
And so, an Italian journalist said: “Hey, here in Italy we have this sick song competition called Sanremo. We can make something similar, but every European country should send an artist.”. Marcel Bezençon, general manager of the EBU at the time, liked the idea and, after a few meetings, it was decided to make this music competition that will become Eurovision.
So yes, this is how Eurovision started. It’s because of Sanremo. It’s because of Italy. My country might do stupid shit, but we are still able to do something good once in a while.
The first edition counted 7 countries: Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Switzerland. Four of them will become the “Big Five”, because they are the ones that put more money into this competition. Other countries will slowly join in.
The jury was first introduced because, well, there was no possible way to call every single person who was watching the show. The TV was still in its infancy, let alone the global communications, so of course there was a jury. IT was the only way.
However, over time the televoting system was born and it started to improve. In 1997 five countries used it for the first time and from the year after all countries could use it. The jury was left in the back and used only under exceptional circumstances when televoting was not possible.
This lasted from 1997 to 2009. Then from 2010 it started the 50/50 system.
So yes, the jury has always been part of the show. But at first it was present because it was the only way to choose a winner, then it was pushed in the back, only to regain more power in the last 10 years.
But hey, you may ask: since Eurovision has been inspired by Sanremo, maybe this is how Sanremo voting system works too, right?
Nope. We are Italians, so we should make the most complicated voting system ever. Sanremo is currently articulated in five evenings and every evening has different juries and different ways to vote. I won’t go into too much detail because it’s bonkers, but I can tell you that:
1) There are multiple juries: the public, a jury made of 150 accredited representatives and the opinion poll jury. This one in particular is a group of people chosen by the national public broadcasting company RAI (which broadcasts Sanremo) out of a sample of habitual music users and selected according to criteria of age/geographical origin.
So no, the system is completely different and yes, this system is evolving too, because the opinion poll jury counted 1000 people last year, this year only 300 and who knows how many there will be in the future.
2) The final result is the sum of all three votes: 33% of the final voting is made of the representative’s jury, 33% of the opinion poll jury and 34% of the televoting. So even if by just one measly point, the televoting is the most important one out of the three.
Is this system perfect? No, it doesn’t work either and it’s fucking complicated. But at least it acknowledges that the public deserves to have more power than the juries. And there is also more than one jury, which at least allows a wider vision of things.
The jury is here because it brings more variety!
Aww, how adorable.
I specifically searched for every single winning song from 1997 to 2023, thus including both the years without jury (1997-2008) and the ones with jury (2009-2023). I checked which is the musical genre of every winning song.
Do you want to know which genre won the most? Pop.
Do you want to know how many times a pop song won in the years without jury (including europop and latin-pop)? 9 times.
Do you want to know how many times a pop song won in the years with jury (including folk-pop, dance-pop and electro-pop)? 10 times.
Please, tell me more about the variety the jury brings. Can’t wait to hear it.
The jury is here because it brings variety 2: Englishvision
Europe: a country with a shit ton of languages and we use always the same one for singing.
Do you want to know how many times we had a winning song that wasn’t in English from 1997 to 2023? 7 times and in two of them there were English parts.
The first three winners come from the years without jury (Dana International - "Diva", Ruslana - "Wild Dances", Marija Šerifović - "Molitva"). The others come from the years with jury and my god we had to fight tooth and nail to have them:
Jamala - "1944"
Salvador Sobral - "Amar Pelos Dois"
Måneskin - "Zitti e buoni"
Kalush Orchestra - "Stefania"
Those are people’s winners. Well, except for Jamala who no one wanted as a winner, because the public wanted Russia and the jury Australia. However, let’s leave it in for now: it’s a particular case I want to talk about later.
What I want to let you know is that, in order to have these winners, the public had to do a massive collective effort to give them enough points to overcome the jury - especially the last two. And if you know them, it’s because they are in the top 10 list of the public’s favorites.
But what if I tell you we could’ve had two more songs in their native languages on this list?
In 2015 the public’s favourite was Italy with Il Volo. An Italian song, genre classical music. It lost against Sweden’s pop song.
In 2023 the public’s massive favourite was, as you know, Finland. A Finnish song, genre hyperpop/industrial metal. It lost against Sweden’s pop song.
What a strange coincidence, isn’t it? Both times a song in a native language lost against an English pop song. Both times, the public’s favourite lost because the jury’s favourite won. Both times it was against Sweden.
Please, tell me again about the fairness of this system and how much variety it brings.
The jury is here because the eastern countries all vote for their neighbors!
Just because the western countries all hate each other’s neighbours, it’s not a valid reason to blame the eastern ones for that.
Also, hey, wasn’t that a music competition? Why should we even care about which country the winning song comes from? Shouldn’t the jury think just about the music? Please tell me more about the impartiality of the jury.
Another thing: maybe it’s just me, but I supposed everyone studied math or had a basic knowledge of how many countries are in Europe. Well, I did both for you and if we divide Europe in half, we will have more o less 21 countries on the west and 26 countries on the east (I am including Australia in the west).
In my world, 26 is a bigger number than 21. So if the east slightly wins more times than the west is, well, understandable. The probability for them to win is higher, because there are more artists from those countries and so they have more chances to bring the winning song. I don’t think it’s so difficult to understand.
Maybe the reason why the western countries win less is not because “the easterns votes for their neighbours”, but because the westerns do not take the competition seriously and send shitty songs. Why Italy rarely gets a bad position? Because we care about music and we want to send something good. Why the UK fails a lot of times? Because they don’t care enough to send a good song. They are both Big Fives and they both put money on this show: the only difference is that one cares a bit more than the other. So instead of blaming the east, maybe it’s time to start bringing more decent songs.
And this “the east wins more” is even more stupider, if you look at the countries with the highest number of victories: Ireland, Sweden, the Netherlands, the UK, Luxembourg and France.
In my world, those countries are all in the west. I know we all hate each other, but knowing when our rivals are on a map would be a good start.
Do you want to know why this stupid theory exists? It’s all because of the years without jury. It’s because in the years 2001-2008 we had this series of winners:
Since they are all in the east, they thought these countries were all voting for each other’s. That’s it.
I don’t know how they justified Ireland winning 3 times in a row (1992-1994) in their minds but hey, maybe that’s why I’m not a member of the EBU.
The jury doesn’t have a favourite!
Very cute.
Do you want to know which are the countries with the most victories in the years 1997-2023? Here is a very funny list:
Israel: 2 times
1998 (no jury year) with Dana International - "Diva" (public’s favourite)
2018 (jury year) with Netta - "Toy" (public’s favourite)
Denmark: 2 times
2000 (no jury year) with Olsen Brothers - "Fly On The Wings Of Love" (public’s favourite)
2013 (jury year) with Emmelie de Forest - "Only Teardrops" (public’s favourite)
Ukraine: 3 times
2004 (no jury year) with Ruslana - "Wild Dances" (public’s favourite)
2016 (jury year) with Jamala - "1944" (not public’s favourite, but highly appreciated by the public)
2022 (jury year) with Kalush Orchestra - "Stefania" (public’s favourite)
Sweden: 4 times
1999 (no jury year) with Charlotte Nilsson - "Take Me To Your Heaven" (public’s favourite)
2012 (jury year) with Loreen - "Euphoria" (public’s favourite)
2015 (jury year) with Måns Zelmerlöw - "Heroes" (jury’s favourite)
2023 (jury year) with Loreen - "Tattoo" (jury’s favourite)
I don’t know you, but I notice two victories that made the public unhappy because both times the jury’s power overcame the public’s power. How weird it happened for the same country that won three times since the 50/50 system has been introduced.
Sure, the first victory was wanted by the public, but the other two were against the public’s will. And please allow me to repeat it again because this is what upsets me the most: both times an English pop song won instead of a song in a native language with a different musical genre.
And what makes these two victories even more undeserved, is that in general the winner has always been the public’s favourite. In 27 years the public’s favourite won 23 times and two times it was a public’s appreciated artist (Jamala, Duncan Lawrence).
The only two times public’s favourite didn’t win, it was a Swedish artist with a massive push from the jury that made it impossible to defeat it.
But hey, maybe this point is a bit unfair. After all, it’s not Sweden’s fault if they learned what the jury likes and keep sending the same kind of song to get their votes. Maybe I am just jealous: I mean, my country basically invented Eurovision and yet we’re not able to exploit this show to win all the times? Gosh, we’re useless :P
The problem is not Sweden’s cleverness. The problem is that the jury always uses the same criteria, so one country has been able to recognize and exploit them. In a democratic world with a fair competition, the organizers of said competition would say: “okay, maybe we should change the criteria all the time, so no one would be able to use them and the jury will remain impartial”. But I suppose this was a too difficult choice for the EBU.
Or maybe they just own Sweden some money, who knows. I really have no idea.
The jury is here because otherwise people’s votes would be political!
Oh, so hilarious.
This is the list of the winning entries by jury and by the public:
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Until the recent years, public and jury agreeded on the winner and when the public chose a winner, it was jury’s second choice. So if the public’s votes were political back then, the jury’s votes were political as well.
Only in the last editions jury and public started to truly diverge and unless I missed something, Israel just had a catchy song, Italy’s victory had nothing political behind, Ukraine’s victory was a massive collective justifiable effort to say “fuck you” to Russia and people just like Finland’s song more. So, again, nothing political behind.
However, there are also two very interesting cases, the only ones in which the winner was a country no one chose as favorite:
2016: public’s favourite: Russia - jury’s favourite: Australia. Winner: Ukraine
2019: public’s favourite: Norway - jury’s favourite: North Macedonia. Winner: the Netherlands
Do you want to know why the jury’s favourite of 2016 is Australia? I don’t know. What I know is that Australia joined Eurovision in 2015 and it was supposed to be just a one time thing, so they were automatically qualified for the finals. But in 2016 they joined like everyone else and had to make through the semifinals and... well, it wouldn’t be nice to send back home a country that just joined. I am not saying these two things are related, but it’s a bit of a weird coincidence, isn’t it?
Do you want to know why the jury’s favourite of 2019 is North Macedonia? I don’t know. What I know is that on June 2018 the country changed its name to the Republic of North Macedonia. And, you know, it’s nice to hear it more times, just to leave an impression on people’s minds. Again: I am not saying these two things are related, but it’s a bit of a weird coincidence, isn’t it?
Okay, let’s leave the tinfoil hat theories on the side. Do you really want to know where the “the public’s vote is too political” thing comes from? It comes from Jamala winning in 2016. Because Russia has already started with their bullshit in Crimea and Jamala’s song (despite not specifically talking about that invasion) was a reminder of that situation. And so everyone blamed the public for this victory and said that “the public was influenced by the actual political situation”. All while Jamala was second favorite of both the public AND the jury. So, again, if the public was biased, the jury is biased as well.
Actually, in her case the jury is a lot more biased than the public, because the public’s favorite was Russia! So, well, who is the political one now?
The truth is that the public is made of people and of course people will be influenced by the situation in which they live. But same goes for the jury: the jury is also influenced by the current situations, both Eurovision-related and world-related. So it’s totally unfair to blame the public for having a heart and a mind and for their will to choose a song over the other - especially when they are not influenced by the world situation (like in 2016) or when they are as it happened in 2022.
And, honestly, I’d much rather prefer people choosing a winner because of a fucking war, than a bunch of people choosing their winner for reasons that will benefit them only.
The jury is made of experts and they give their expert opinion!
Awesome. Now explain to me how can you objectively choose the best song between a pop one, a folk one, a metal one and a rock one. Tell me which universal criteria will you apply.
Voice? But each genre requires a different kind of voice. An opera singer has a powerful voice, but growl music requires a powerful voice as well - heck, it’s even more complicated than opera, so it should be more praised than that! I mean, try growling without sounding like an idiot: it’s immensely hard. How can you decide which is better in an objective way? Do you just focus on which is more difficult to perform? But then it’s unfair to the pop singers, who also have good beautiful voices. How can you objectively choose the best?
Performance? But every genre requires a specific kind of performance. You can’t put an energetic performance on a ballad or slow dancers on a rock song. If two performance are equally beautifully ftting for their music genre, how can you decide which is objectively better?
Lyrics? But not everyone knows the lyrics of all songs and some lyrics might have multiple meanings or refer to particular aspects of the country’s culture, so you might not understand how beautiful they are. How can you choice which one is better, without knowing all these details?
Overall impression of the song? That’s not even an objective criteria, try harder.
The truth is that you CANNOT choose between different songs and different genres in a universally objective way. You will always be influenced by your own preferences and musical tastes.
Do you want to know how these criteria could’ve worked? If everyone brought the same song. Then okay, you can objectively make your choice: after all, we are talking about one genre and one song. In all other cases, this criteria makes zero sense.
And before you say “the jury needs to recognize the good singers”: people have ears. If a singer is bad, people can hear it by themselves. Polish people proved very well that they can recognize a very bad singer from an extremely good one and I doubt the entire country of Poland is made of musical experts or that everyone likes dance-pop/electro-industrial music.
Same goes for all the people around the world who praised Jann and said Blanka is terrible: I doubt they are all music experts or Polish. Maybe they just have ears.
Sure, some people have better taste than others, I don’t deny that. But considering that all humans have ears and a brain, I don’t think they need someone else to tell them that yes, this thing you like is good or no, that thing you don’t like is bad. Maybe they can understand it by themselves.
And if the problem is that the public doesn’t have a taste, then give them the means to acquire said taste. Let experts give more insights about an artist: they could explain why their voices are good or bad, why their performance works or not and why the lyrics are complex or simple. Let the public take a decision, instead of treating them like toddlers who should be spoon-fed.
The importance of the public
What makes this 2023 victory so empty, is that it has nothing Eurovision stands for. It’s not the victory of an unknown, talented artist. It’s not a victory the majority wanted. It’s not a victory that sends a good message.
It’s the victory of mainstream and safety. It’s a victory that doesn’t look forward and doesn’t try anything new, because it prefers to rely on the same old stuff. It’s a victory of nostalgia, industries and brands.
And if it hurts so much, it’s not just because the public’s will has never been so blatantly clear about who they wanted to win, but also because after two years in which we had native languages and new genres on the top, we were really, really hoping for a switch towards something different.
I don’t blame the past artists for not trying more, the years were different. But we are in the 20s of the year 2000 now. We are more open to different people, genders, sexual orientations. We don’t have to play safe anymore, not in a world that is moving forward. We can have different winners, we can have different cultures and we can have different genres.
I really hope that this year will teach something, not just to us, but to the EBU and to Europe. If things will change, good. And despite my harsh words, I am okay if the jury stays: it has always been present, after all, even when pushed in the back. So if we have to keep it, let’s keep it.
But it’s time to give them less power. It’s time for a 30/70 or a 20/80 system. 50/50 is just not acceptable anymore.
Or, as the 2023 public’s winner said:
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Thank you for your time and please, keep support your winners.
(Clips from THIS video)
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justanothergreb · 4 months
Some post-sleep, post-coffee, post-scroll thoughts:
Can we say the boycott worked? Seeing so many incredulous posts and musings on the points last night with lots of sarcastic "well a lot of people boycotted so of course they got high points" comments but let's remove the sarcasm because it does make one wonder how many people didn't tune in and participate last night. Viewing figures will be telling.
If pro right wing people are celebrating the "silent majority" backing you, you really need to take a good hard look at yourself and what you align with. Especially the people who voted because they felt sorry for Eden (from what I can see, a big number of UK voters did this and I despair). Also if this truly were the "silent majority" you would have won.
Ukraine giving you zero points? Telling.
Agree that perhaps focusing more on Eden being pro-Russian would have had more of an effect as people do feel more strongly about Russia.
Voting will probably need to be examined properly - have seen people saying pro-Israel influencers were encouraging mass voting, I also had a message from someone saying this was happening in communities across Europe. You would think people would also be able to spot voting irregularities or at least be suspicious but apparently not. Also wasting 20 votes on this? What a waste of your money.
The UK receiving zero points is a bit of a shock and can I just say I have been enjoying the comments from people blaming Brexit who also very much seem to be the brigade yesterday of "oh its just a bit of fun". I didn't watch the show last night but from what I have seen people said he was naff. Also need to remember that a lot in the LGBTQ+ communities were disappointed with Olly's stance on appearing at Eurovision. You could also argue who is more well-know - Olly Alexander or the band he was in? Olly feels like he could be a UK celebrity and not a more widely known celeb. It could also be whenever the UK enters a "well-known" act, its seen as a bit gimmicky. We also came second a few years ago folks - if the song is good it will do well.
Final thoughts from me today - keep an eye on the stories being shared by artists and delegations over the next few days as I think the EBU are even more in the shit than we realise.
Final actual thought - do what you can for the people of Gaza. Donate, speak up and out, whatever you can do.
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transmasc-tfw · 5 months
I’ll ask off anon. Do you boycott those things? What are you doing in your day to day life that you see as permission to ignore activists and Palestinians asking people not to watch Eurovision?
I run the Amnesty International society at my university, where we’ve ran multiple fundraising events for Palestine. I’ve given over £200 of my own money to gofundme’s of Palestinians trying to flee. I have got a volunteering place set up over the summer to help Palestinians.
I think watching a TV show for less than 10 hours is not going to outdo the good I have already done. I’ve realised through doing this that there are different ways of helping others. Boycotting is one option. Giving money is another. Giving your time is a third. You don’t have to do all to be a good person.
Furthermore, I want to point out that in my country eurovision is not shown with any adverts, and as I’m not paying (nor is anyone in the household paying) for a TV a license, and I am not going to vote I am actively not giving the EBU any of my money.
I know exactly where my money is going and that’s to fleeing Palestinians.
Where’s yours?
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zevranunderstander · 1 year
No offense, but "colonialist and imperialist festival that is trying to rebrand colonizers into quirky modern nations" is one of the most ignorant definition of Eurovision I've ever seen. The contest was born in the early 50's literally to put Europe together after WWII. And believe me, neither then, nor now the organizers give a fuck about colonialism, also because EBU is made of 56 country and only a small fraction of them were colonizers. On the other hand many were colonized.
So far it's also one of the very few occasions in EU where queer artists can express themselves. We all agree Israel shouldn't be allowed to partecipate, though, and that the jury's vote should be abolished. As for the public, this year their vote has been a mess as well, but for the first time it was open to the whole world so this may be part of the problem.
Your post is also insulting to many of the artists, btw.
the ESC was NOT put together to reunite europe after WW2, this sentiment is not once stated in the first ESC or any of the following ESCs and is literally just a narrative told today to make it seem more heartfelt, there is a really good video on it that by verilybitchie, that goes into much more detail about this than i will right now: link. but generally the first ESC was also just a money making concept: the EBU had this whole new platform they needed to have content for, and hosting a "non-political" song contest was a really lucrative idea. also for a long time, eastern europe for example was excluded from the ESC, because the west didnt like the communism going on there. the video is really good if you are genuinely interested in the previous "brandings" and politics of the ESC and is like, 40 minutes long, so i will not rehash everything said in there.
"neither then, nor now the organizers give a fuck about colonialism", yeah, obviously they don't otherwise they wouldn't allow Israel or Azerbaijan to have a platform in this contest. a lot of these countries aren't just "former colonists" they are still actively colonizing or completely suppressing human rights in their country. they do not care about colonialism because Israel for example can offer tons and tons of money so that they are in the contest and that's way more lucrative than "doing the right thing" and not having colonialist superpowers in a song contest that are currently actively waging wars. i am not saying "the EBU does colonialism", i am saying "the EBU let's a bunch of colonialists do funny acts where they can show off queer people in their country so that they can gain sympathies as a progressive country because they get a lot of money from the people participating and it's also giving them a whole new country as a market for the event night". do you know how lucrative it is for a country to host, because they can completely re-brand themselves as a popular tourist destination?
also, they did only ban russia after 6 countries appealed for them to do so and threatened to drop out, so they truly don't care about colonialism and only how to serve the biggest market available. but the narrative of a country persevering in the face of war is so inspirational, no? so this year you could have almost mistaken all of their branding to be a genuinely heartfelt stand in solidarity with the ukraine, with all of their anti war stances and singing imagine by john lennon, but really, if no one would have threatened to drop out in solidarity with the ukraine, would the EBU have thrown russia out? probably not.
also colonialism is such a complicated, intricate topic that is very much not a thing of the past just because a lot of countries have "officially" been declared independent. colonialism is not a "this is a bad thing that happened in the past but, like, it was 100+ years ago and now we're all modern and progressive, we are both colonizers and colonized", what do you think the european interventions in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, etc. are - if not re-branded colonialism? occupying a territory with a foreign military to "free" people of random regimes, when it just so happens that there always seems to be a lot of oil in th occupied territories. do you think Germany, France, the fucking UK are not STILL colonizers? do you know how many weapons Germany sends to Israel each year so that they can keep doing Apartheid down there? (colonialism also persists in globalization and outsourcing of labor into underpaid "third world countries" so that the economy in "first world countries" like Europe stays stable, but this out of the scope of this answer right now) but like? colonialism is not a "thing that happened long ago" its a thing that is still happening with a lot of the countries, and this paragraph isnt really relevant to answer you question but i really wanted to get this straight
also im focussing on the actual colonialist aspect in my post and am more talking abou how i am concerned with the intentional branding of any country as a woke, queer and progressive country, like, "look they sent a gay entry, that is sooo progressive of this country", which make you absolutely blind to the fact that they might be doing Apartheid and shit.
also i explicitly said that i do like how diverse the stage is for artists, it is just that the network's intentions behind putting them there aren't as genuine as you seem to believe. these artists are usually really talented people and I really loved some entries over the years, but 1. these artists need to be aware on what kind of stage they are performing, this isn't some indie underground platform this is one of the biggest music events in the world, and i love that there is an international stage for queer artists to perform, but you kind of have to count in the fact that these people all made the willing choice to be in a contest that is usually hosting Russia, Israel, Azerbaijan, etc. and I am not saying they are bad, horribly immoral people for that but they made that choice and then they should be able to live with the fact that they were in a show that is being criticized by people. does it suck that the biggest (and maybe only) big opportunity for a lot of queer artists seems to be a rather nationalist PR event? yes, of course it does and I genuinely do not blame artists who do ignore the moral implications of the event for having a chance of kickstarting their career, but that changes nothing about the morality of hosting countries that are active imperialists trying to convince you of the opposite. like, why do you think so many countries want in? because Australia and Israel wanted to be part of some european song contest REAAAAALLY bad or because it's THAT much of a PR boost?
The EBU will do whatever brings them the most money and that is:
allowing as many countries to be there (regardless of the fact that some of these still very imperialist participants are using the space to re-brand themselves) and only dropping them if this would cause real backlash from other parts of the audience (hence why Israel will never be dropped)
being "non-political" so to cause as little controversy as possible (if you watch verilybitchie's video she actually also mentions how "non-political" EXCLUSIVELY seems to refer to "do not make any political comments about participating countries when it could cost us viewerships"),
having progressive entries that give off a good image, which is endorsed by the countries as a PR campaign and by the audience, who mostly genuinely wants to see queer and campy entires that aren't the common mainstream. this also leads to the ESC branding itself as such a queer event and then often leaving it to the juries to ensure that nothing too queer or too campy or too communist or too political or too "generally eastern european" wins, because the winning entry needs to be marketable and needs to be playable on every radio station for the next 3 months without causing any offense to all the people who only then watch what the winning song was
none of these things are done for "moral" reasons or because they care about "doing the right thing", but because they make the most profit. but BECAUSE some of them seem so morally inspired the ESC usually tries to weave it into their branding ("was founded in an attempt to unite europe after WW2", "ESC has always been queer", "we stand with ukraine and thus russia isnt in this contest this year")
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hextechmaturgy · 1 year
i'm sorry but you and the person in your replies are stupid if you think "we all agree israel should be kicked from the show ❤️" is a good excuse to watch and fund by viewing a TV show that OPENLY supports israel and zionism, going as far as even having a ZIONIST SONG win one of the contests. what you're basically saying is, "Yeah, we all agree, amazon should treat its workers better ❤️" then ordering next day delivery. european or not, you're dismissing the struggles and suffering of palestinians and funding a show that openly supports israel and zionism. saying, "i disagree with israel and want them off the show," literally isn't enough. but honestly, this is the most european attitude to have towards the situation, so i honestly don't know why i'm surprised. also - some contestants holding a flag for palestine doesn't negate the support the show itself gives to israel. you need to remember that the people suffering in palestine are real and more important than a competition show for, historically, the most racist countries on earth with shit music on it. the fact that you stating "indeed!" and the user in your replies stating you're both aware of the situation is worse than being ignorant and unaware. i will block you just because you are clearly going to die on this hill because what does it matter to you, a white european person, if brown people die so long as you get to watch your silly little music show, which you know, is still openly supporting israel by not excluding them from the competition despite russia's removal. i suppose the white victims of russia are easier to empathise with than the brown lives lost in palestine. i'm embarrassed that i ever bought any of your art.
hello again :) first of all, i appreciate that you're passionate about this topic, it's a good cause to champion and i'm sure there are a lot of ignorant ESC fans that could use the reminders, lord knows you can't escape the zionists on twitter. alas, you don't know me personally, and i don't know you at all, so our back and forth here on tumblr dot com asks seems a bit pointless, especially if you're blocking me anyway? hence my brevity before, but maybe that came across as me generally not giving a damn about anything, and if so, i am sorry
eurovision's 'apolitical' stance (as if anything can be apolitical) is and always has been bullshit, whether it's about how hip europe pretends to be regarding queer issues, misogyny, and other major conflicts like the ones you brought up, such as the war with russia and, of course, israel and palestine. this really isn't a well kept secret, and neither is the response this incites in activists everywhere. there have been protests, petitions, boycotts, there's a heated discussion about eurovision every time we have eurovision, and rightly so, i fully encourage them. the sad truth in my eyes is that people people can only do so much to set things right. EBU is in this to make money and they're fucking great at it. nobody fixed russia by booing and banning them from the show, it was just more profitable to throw them out than keeping them in because 'communism bad', which is a trend among western countries
i've watched eurovision almost every year since i was a little kid, and it's pretty obvious that my stance on this whole thing is privileged. war has never been loud outside my door, i have a reliable supply of food and water every day, a sturdy roof over my head. i can spare myself some respite, and music is a big part of what constitutes my peace, always has been. i'm an enthusiast of foreign arts, of songs and languages that are difficult to get exposed to with how american-centric the music charts are nowadays
and so, the way i see it - and i understand if this is a line you're not comfortable drawing - the artists performing at eurovision aren't the EBU. i watch it for them. many of them who are just young singers looking for their big break, many others who are older and confident using their platform to say the uncomfortable things the organizers want to keep on the low. they're all gathered in one spot to represent a different culture, many singing in different languages, sharing traditional garb and dance. ethnic and LGBT minorities take to a huge stage that connects them to every point of the world, and i'm sorry if this all sounds quite silly in the grand scheme of things, but this is the one thing the show can do right in it's current state. europe is diverse, and sometimes it looks like even europe doesn't know that
i'm sad to see you go, but i respect that you've drawn this line, and i'm thankful to hear you've supported my art in the past. keep fighting the good fight, and may the world be a little less shitty sooner rather than later
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buglordsupreme · 5 months
Anon who sent the boycott Eurovision message here, while I understand your rationales for watching it and your efforts in other areas to try to help the Palestinian people, I think you should reconsider your decision to engage with Eurovision.
We have an opportunity to stick to our guns and not just send complaints but show them we are serious about our resisting their support for Israel by denying them ratings.
Yes, this isn't going to stop bombs falling or IDF troops marching through the streets massacring Palestinians, but it sends a message that we are united in our opposition to genocide and won't support institutions that permit it.
We can only do what we can, and I hope that missing a TV show we were looking forward to watching is worth the message we can collectively send that the people and culture of Palestine matters more to us than a yearly song contest.
Also I hope it goes without saying but I don't want anyone to send you hate over this, my goal is for all of us to be able to be united in helping Palestinians however we can; even in small ways that may seem insignificant or hopeless or useless, what's most important to me is that we show a united front in our support for Palestine and the end of Israel's genocides against the Palestinian people.
I absolutely understand this and I don’t think your asks were bullying me in any way, shape or form. Like I said, I am all for boycotting and have even participated in several of them for several causes, that includes Palestine.
I will find ways to watch the contest without giving the EBU any ratings or money. And I have been using the ESC hashtags in twitter specially to post about Palestine to the best of my ability.
But the truth is that I am also 25 years old, I work, I am trying to manage my money to get my own place to live, I have internal and external struggles to deal with that cause me great amounts of stress. Eurovision is a way for me to relieve that stress. Sometimes people need vapid, stupid shit to make it through their day to day lives. Is my life in any way comparable to what the Palestinian people are going through? Not in the slightest, they have (and will always have) a priority.
But I cannot run on an empty fuel tank of energy, jaded about the world if I want to help people out. Every new information we have on this genocide has this tinge of hopelessness to them that I think everyone who cares about Palestine is actively trying to fight against. Is really reassuring to see so many people boycotting the EBU and I am genuinely saddened at myself that I do not have the willpower to join in.
I will be continuing my ongoing support of the people in Gaza while finding ways to watch my favorite show without giving them ratings or money. I think both of these can coexist, even if its not objectively the right thing to do.
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juuret · 5 months
Pssst boycott Eurovision, it gives platform to Israel amidst the genocide it's doing. Contact your participating broadcaster and demand for the removal of Israel. Every action counts. This show is a two-faced hoax that silences minorities
No, i'm not boycotting the show and i think me boycotting it won't solve anything at all and I don't think this specific action will count. Obviously plenty of people will disagree with this and more power to you, but my decision is made.
I'm avoiding the official channel and I'm not watching anything there because it actually gives money (and numbers) to the EBU, so no opening ceremony for me tomorrow (amongst other things). But watching via satellite won't boost neither money nor viewing numbers so I'm at peace with that
Also lmao, have you seen my broadcaster. Some people there would probably go and committ the genocide themselves, if they could.
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shinylitwick94 · 7 years
Eurovision 2017 Wishlist
1.Italy wins
2.Portugal gets to the Finals and (hopefully) places higher than 10. Alternatively, Portugal does not get to the Finals and we finally convince ourselves to give up on the contest, because the situation as it stands is just embarrassing and a waste of money.
3.No booing of contestants over their countries’ actions (I wonder who’s going to get it, without Russia around, but someone probably will)
4.There is another massive scandal involving the jury v. popular vote and they decide to scrap the jury vote for next year. Or just make it more discreet like it used to be (which is way more likely)
5.EBU brings back the “you can only sing in your own language” rule. If it leads to another Ireland-sweep, we’ll change it back, but I really do think we need this as soon as possible, we have 35/42 songs totally in English. Enough is enough.
6.The rest of the planet sees the light and decides to create Earthvision/Globovision/Terravision
7.I stop complaining
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pawukicu-blog · 6 years
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LAME features a VBR variable little bit level encoding which works by using a top quality parameter rather then a tiny bit fee purpose. Afterwards variations 2008+) assistance an n.nnn high quality aim which quickly selects MPEG-2 or MPEG-two.5 sampling rates as suitable for human speech recordings which want only 5512 Hz bandwidth resolution. Going community[edit] So, the general high quality on the file could possibly be enhanced by using a reduce little bit fee for the less elaborate passages and an increased one particular for the greater complex parts. With some Innovative MP3 encoders, it is feasible to specify a provided high quality, as well as encoder will regulate the bit rate accordingly. 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mykiiliu · 7 years
The worst thing you can do in your workflow as a visual artist is to blow a whole lot of money on expensive camera gear, and skimp out on the equipment that is needed to view what you capture. Having a poor monitor is just as bad as having a super poor lens– I mean, it’s great if you’re being spontaneously artistic and aren’t expecting realistic colors. I’ve been given the opportunity to take a look at the ViewSonic VP2785-4K display, and I think that this screen is super awesome! Here’s a few reasons why…
Thought-out Features
Like the other ViewSonic monitor I ended up playing with, the 24″ VP2468, I fell in love with the sleekness that ViewSonic put into this basically frameless series. The VP2785-4K looks like the older brother of the 24-incher with a very strong family similarity. This monitor is feature-packed, with some standing out more than others.
This 27-inch monitor comes with a load of hook-ups for various inputs: two HDMI 2.0, a DisplayPort, a MiniDP, a USB-C and a USB Up-stream that hosts a USB 3.1 Hub that gives you 3 USB-A ports to use as a docking station if you’re working with a laptop.
Like its brother, this VP2785-4K can be raised and rotated vertically, making it quite a bit easier to retouch a portrait oriented image. It can also be tilted up 5º and down 21º to help match whatever viewing angle you’re at. Something that is super nice about this monitor is the stability of it. I’ve played with some monitors made by Samsung and LG that are super wobbly– specifically, if you touched it, but if you bumped the desk or pushed your chair in, the screen would shake. That’s not the case with the VP2785-4K. This thing is solid and really has a feel of luxury. The base also allows you to swivel the display a good 120º, making it easy to show off your images to the people around you.
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There’s a handle on top of the stand– something seemingly insignificant, but dang super helpful when toting things around. One can opt for a VESA compatible mount instead of the included stand if preferred.
VP2468 being calibrated by the CS-XSi1 and the VP2785-4K
My favorite feature is the ability to hardware calibrate the monitor using the CS-XRi1 calibration kit. It keeps everything consistent and accurate and can be used across multiple VP monitors to guarantee that consistent workflow. It isn’t simply just a hardware-software communication, it’s a hardware to hardware communication- the CS-XRi1 saves the calibration settings to the monitor! That makes it so that when you hook the monitor up to a different computer, the calibration isn’t lost and the monitor will show accurate colors!
Other features of note to mention, but won’t be discussed in detail include:
Ambient light sensor – adjusts brightness based on ambient light.
Presence sensor – shuts off the monitor when you’re not there.
HDR10 Content support — amazing video playback for compatible video.
KVM ability with Picture-By-Picture (splitting the screen between two computers)
14-bit 3d Look-up table – renders smooth transitions of color
This 4K (3840×2160) IPS panel is absolutely stunning and is really forgiving on viewing angles. The brightness is seemingly even. In a blacked out room and a blank black screen, I wasn’t able to view any hot spots, and the screen seems super even from edge to edge. The screen refreshes at a good 60Hz with 14ms response time, making this great for people in our industry. Gamers would probably prefer a ViewSonic XG2700-4K, which has AMD FreeSync and a response time of 5ms over the VP line, which prioritizes color accuracy and brightness.
Most importantly for photographers, this monitor covers 99% of the AdobeRGB color gamut, 96% DCI-P3, and also displays 100% of sRGB. This should calm some of those who work in larger color spaces. For the majority of us who like to use sRGB as the final color space of images, this will be more than enough. Color reproduction is awesome with an accuracy of Delta E<2. Delta E is a standard calculation metric that correlates the visual judgment of differences between two colors. In general, the lower the Delta E number, the closer the display matches the input color to the display’s reproduced color. Most of us wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the Delta E value of 1 and 2.5. The monitor comes pre-calibrated with printouts and such for a couple different standards including sRGB, EBU, SMPTE-C, REC709 and uniformity for the actual monitor that is shipped.
Other specifications of note: 1000:1 contrast ratio, 350 cd/m2 brightness, anti-glare surface.
With the addition of AdobeRGB to 4K, a barebones monitor would cost something in excess of $1000. A normal 27″ AdobeRGB monitor is around $700, and a good IPS 4K screen is around $400 for a cheap one. This monitor, with all its benefits, rings in at $899.99 at B and H.
That’s a pretty dang good deal considering everything that it does.
Things I liked
Hardware calibration to AdobeRGB, sRGB, and others
Large Anti-glare display (except when you use a giant softbox to light the monitor like the title image)
Basically bezel-less.
Built-in USB Hub
USB-C charges the computer that’s hooked up to it
4K IPS Display which provides wide viewing angles that don’t dim down colors and brightness.
Optional KVM for displaying two computers at once on the display
Includes all the cables you would need to connect to any of the inputs, and there are many.
Stability– no weak stands here!
  Things I’d ask for
Perhaps a monitor hood for bright offices.
Can’t daisy-chain into this monitor (which is just a technical limitation). 4K needs a lot of bandwidth, and perhaps when the future comes, we will see 4K daisy-chaining. This can be placed at the end of the daisy-chain though.
Speakers– it’s a lot to ask for in such a slim and sleek body, but some decent speakers would be nice.
This is by far my favorite 4K monitor for working on images. I do have the XG2700-4K for gaming, which I used for my editing for a while, but the VP2785-4K definitely has the features that are necessary. I’ve been using it for more than a month now, and it simply just works. There are so many features that you can fine tune if necessary, but for most people, this will work right out of the box as a beautiful, stunning and even display for wonderful colors.  There aren’t any real quirks with the monitor itself
If you haven’t used ViewSonic before, this is a great time to check them out– they’re like the Sigma Art series of monitors, providing awesome features and competing for performance at an affordable price for all visual professionals.
For more info, head over to ViewSonic’s VP2785-4K’s product page!
ViewSonic’s VP 2785-4K is such a beast! The worst thing you can do in your workflow as a visual artist is to blow a whole lot of money on expensive camera gear, and skimp out on the equipment that is needed to view what you capture.
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