#Do not even think about tagging this with neurodivergent/ADHD/etc
nightmaretour · 2 years
Me, accidentally smacking the side of my head off of the exact same doorframe for possibly the 200th time this year: Excuse me, who the fuck put that there???
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midnights-dragon · 6 months
Pinned post 📌
Feel free to skip over if you're just stalking my blog! (Here's a song for you to listen to.) -> 
Hi, I’m Tristen! I’m transmasc and use he/him pronouns, bisexual, and religious-adjacent; a believer, not a follower. I am neurodivergent (ADHD specifically) and identify as a silly guy.
Important, first of all:
This user supports AO3
This user is anti-censorship
This user believes in "don't like, don't read"
This user believes in "ship and let ship"
This user believes that fiction tastes and preferences do not dictate moral character
ALSO very important:
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So feel free to block me if you disagree. (ESPECIALLY do block me if you are an antisemite, or along that area of hatred towards people, if you're at all racist, homo/transphobic, etc). 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🎗️
Additionally, I do not usually post political things; this is first and foremost a fandom and personal blog. However, if I ever do, and you disagree, DO NOT attack me over it. Like, seriously. Just unfollow and move on! Block if you have to. I frankly could not care less.
Though, if you are transphobic, I ask that you don't follow me at all, as I do happen to be trans myself, as I said. And don't even try to send hate; anon asks are off, and I will freely blast & report you. I don’t have any “DNI” criteria except for obviously if you have any hatred or bigotry towards ANY group of people. Trans people, POC, Jews, ANYONE. And/or if you think one group’s suffering negates another’s. Period. Get off my blog if you hate someone for who they are.
Now that all of that is out of the way; onto the good stuff! ->
Things that I love/am hyperfixated on:
Good Omens
Hozier & Queen (average Good Omens fan)
Warrior Cats (cringe is DEAD)
Snakes, sharks, and birds (and dinosaurs)
My cat and bearded dragon (you will see pictures of them you have no choice)
Cliche old movies (The Parent Trap 1998, my beloved)
Bojack Horseman (run far away)
Hannibal (run further away)
Sometimes just random fucking shit that Tumblr puts on my For You, and that I will then reblog like 20 posts of in rapid succession, very unescapable, not sorry about that
ASKS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME, AS ARE DMS!!! Nothing weird obviously, keep in mind that I am a minor (though I do enjoy smutfics, as any teenager does), but I LOVE random people saying random things, it makes me feel like a friend. Which you are to me! I love making mutuals as well, and if you want to be on a tag list for games like picrew chains, just let me know, I do those a lot. They're fun!
Now, writing requests & my Ao3! ->
I do accept writing requests, feel free to ask for anything for fandoms I'm in (if it's something topic-heavy, CWs are appreciated in advance), but obviously I'm not going to write anything like underage content or proship; I AM ANTI-CENSORSHIP, as said, I just am not a writer of pro-ship content, myself.
My favorite tropes:
Angst, specifically Hurt/Comfort
Human AUs
Trauma Recovery
Anything involving domestic & non-sexual nudity
Religious Trauma Messages
Panic Attacks/PTSD (and being helped through that)
Generally, just. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Happy Ending, though. I sometimes write fluff one-shots I sweat it just does not happen Often
Mostly anything goes; obviously I'm at full liberty to delete any messages I get or not do them, but I LOVE requests and I usually more often than not do end up doing them! Just send it my way (ask box or DMs is fine) and I'll let you know. I write currently for almost exclusively Good Omens content, which can be found under the AO3 link below. Specifically, here is my Good Omens Masterlist!
A little intro to me as a writer can be found here from a recent ask game I participated in, if that is of interest to you. Also here from my 2023 Ao3 wrapped. My current writing 'order of things' (i.e., what I'm working on right now), can be found here.
I'm on a lot of other socials under a similar url! You can find my Twitter here, and my Instagram here, and then my Ao3. I mainly post similar content on all my socials, just reposting memes, art, and fandom stuff and sometimes posting stuff of my own! I'm a young artist, but proud of whatever work I muster up the courage to post. Which is not a lot, but nonetheless
If you’d like to support me and my work in any way, feel free to support me on my GoFundMe for my future top surgery/transition/therapy in relating to gender dysphoria if you are able and wanting! I am trans FTM, and use he/him pronouns, as it says in my bio. However, this is in no way an attempt to pressure anyone to do anything. Please think of yourself before a random stranger on the internet.
Link is also here for the post.
And here is also a link to a post you can reblog for my friend’s uni tuition, please reblog or share if you can with that as well!
Anyways, thank you for all of the love I've ever gotten across any platform, I love how kind people can be. And if you're mean, then, well, I prefer if you didn't interact, because this is what I try to make a safe space. Unless I was mean to you first (with disregard to transhomophobes and the like), then it's free game, and also, my bad. <3 Enjoy my blog!
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worldsbiggestnerd101 · 4 months
intro post!!
hi there! my name’s emmy, welcome to my blog! i’ve been here for a good while now but since i’ve started to gain more attention, i figured it was time to make an intro post!
basic info:
name: em/emmy/emeline (or angel/angie if we're not that close or if you feel Silly)
age: teenager
birthday: january 4 :D
orientation/sexuality: bisexual (femme/wlw leaning)
gender: cis girl
pronouns: she/her but they/them works too
nationality: born and raised in the US of A (specifically northeastern usa), but my parents are guyanese, so i’d say guyanese american
race: mixed, my mom has light skin (she gets mistaken as hispanic a lot) and my dad has medium brown skin so i’m somewhere in the middle (i too get mistaken for hispanic a lot)
other info: i’m neurodivergent, possibly autism or adhd (or both) but i was a “gifted” kid if that counts for anything, oh and i have anxiety
this a multifandom blog, so while i do have my phases/eras/hyperfixations, i will be posting about multiple fandoms at once, even if one’s taking up more posts than the others combined.
here are some of my mains!
hazbin hotel/helluva boss/the general hellaverse
ride the cyclone
welcome home
she-ra and the princesses of power
carmen sandiego (2019)
my little pony: friendship is magic/equestria girls
it’s easiest to tell what my current main hyperfixation is by just looking at my pfp/blog theme, as i’ll usually set it to something related to my current biggest hyperfix. i’ll update this list as needed, but i’m also active in the percy jackson, american girl, and stranger things fandoms. i’m also into a lot of cartoons, like gravity falls, steven universe, the owl house, etc. so feel free to ask about those! i’m also a major theater kid, some of my favorite shows are hamilton, dear evan hansen, wicked, mean girls, beetlejuice, and six, so you can ask about any of those too! (i’ve only seen wicked and hamilton 😭)
ok so all my links to other posts or blogs or accounts or anything really are here!!
ao3: here!!
youtube: here!!
angel dust rp blog: @xx-angie-fluffy-bootz-xx
hazbin hotel high school au masterpost: here!!
discord server bullshittery masterpost: here >:3
#em rambles - original post tag
#asks - any and all asks i get!!
#mutuals - any asks from/posts about my mutuals will be tagged with this, and it's like a guarantee that you'll get your own name tag too!!
#anon - if you send me an anon ask, just look here to find it :D
#emmy’s edits - all my original edits!! they’re up on my youtube too but you can find them here under that tag
#hazbin high school au - my own au!! i made this by myself with a few ideas from friends but this is like my own creation that i'm working on!!
homophobes, transphobes
supporters of israel
queer exclusionists (anti "conflicting labels, terfs, etc)
blogs with heavy amounts of nsfw content (i’m a teenager so. please.)
so yeah i think that’s about it!! thanks for reading y'all <3
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Hi! I want to know more about the Water wife, I´ve a really small understanding of this take on Penelope and i wANT TO KNOW MORE!!!!
Thanks for being so kind! 💙
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(understand that these are just headcanons/my ideas and I'm very silly)
Go through the tag of #my headcanons if you want more stuff though honestly, as...I write a LOT about her.
Not gonna lie, this is a LOT of rambling. Also certain things I won't say as I DO plan to someday write Odypen's courting and I want the readers to "fall in love" with her ALONGSIDE Odysseus. We already know him. But the Odyssey kind of keeps a lot of her intentions/sneakiness hidden on purpose because she's just as much of an enigma to Odysseus as the Narrator in a way. (it's one of the things I love so much about her). I hope to write her in a way that "reveals" HER as well.
Honestly I'll try and tag all my stuff with her with Water Wife (maybe without tm because...that was just for the silly and it's sometimes annoying to dig up the emoji thing on computer)
I take a lot of liberties with everything "nonmortal" (demigods, nymphs, etc.) because honestly it's just genuinely fun to write about plus I'm neurodivergent :P also have chronic pain, so I like writing SOME of my gals doing athletics. Mostly just Penelope and Helen being SUPER into it while other women have some activities they like. Ctimene for example, likes running and Anticlea woodcarving (who Odysseus learned it from)
Also silly thing, but one thing I always try to keep in mind is the idea of "A lot of people write women just reacting and not affecting" and I feel like people think Homer and other Ancient Greek Authors do that when...No. They write very dynamic and complex women. Penelope isn't JUST "sobbing" when the suitors are there. If it weren't for her schemes, she'd be married already. BUT NO!!! She's so cunning and held them off WITHOUT physical force!!!
"She should've killed them-" YEs! BUT there are also the political implications of that and xenia to consider!!! Literally at the end of the Odyssey, Athena has to calm everybody down!!! She couldn't do that without even more angry people coming at her!!! rtdyfugh ANYWAYS
I also take "likeminded" and sprint with it. For every shitty/wonderful thing Odysseus has done, she's rooting for it or would do something similar. They're as full of love as they are full of hate.
These two are that "evil couple" sometimes. She's sitting in his lap and they just humiliated someone publically and laugh at them and then they start nuzzling noses, giggling.
She's prideful in many ways as well and she's not against throwing someone under the bus if she needs to and WILL blackmail. You're afraid of snakes and she doesn't like you? "Oh my gosh! What do you think of my new snake necklace?"
She's pretty reckless often in her youth (Her and Odysseus both got that Adhd swag). For example, in my one fic's first chapter, it mentions how she ate a catfish that is making her sick. She rushed in and wasn't even thinking about "...Hey, isn't this one kind of weird?" She was pretending she was fine at first when she clearly wasn't as she doesn't like showing "weakness" (plus adrenaline). Also as she just gave birth like, 8-9 months before, she's in a weird funk of feeling strange about how her body has changed a bit despite recovering very well (water helps!). She's soooo happy she took the "beast" down. While sick, she knew she was reckless and mad at herself.
She's actually closest with Helen probably. Her siblings are a bit older than her and as she was born in a creek and quite smaller because of it (Naiads being affected by the waters they were born in) she got teased by some other naiads for quite a while. Helen is also, a little shit, in her own way so these two loved doing silly shit often. (Penelope, Helen, Menelaus, Castor, and Pollux, were this very strange little squad of kiddos who just...did random shit. They each have scars and knicks from their silliness (except Helen and Pollux))
Some of the scales she has on her arms and one shoulder, dry out quicker, from one of the times older naiads got a hold of her and kind of ripped at them :'D "Puddle girl"
It's something she carries with her in a way and when her water breaks with Telemachus, she hides it at first being like "Hey, let's head towards the caves!!!" until Odysseus realizes and he's so frustrated and upset with her has to scoop her up. (her stubbornness and recklessness) He scolds her after everything calms down like two weeks later.
Funny enough, I've had this idea for a LONG time even before I watched the 90's Odyssey. Odysseus just gives that vibe of "I'm not fucking leaving." don't he?
Odysseus: I can't believe you did that. The Canals were closer, Penelope- Penelope: I know but he'd be so much stronger if he were born in the caves and he is. AND I'm fine!!! I'm actually doing very well.
She hates bracelets. She usually ends up breaking them from messing with them too much.
Athena technically spoke with her first before Odysseus but Athena was WATCHING Odysseus for a longer time.
She's really close with her parents because her eldest sister got married quite young and her brothers are in the military. She goes running with dad often (let me have this) and she enjoys swimming (ofc), running, and pankration (Idk why I think it's really neat but I do)
She's got a scar on her temple that is kind of hidden by her hair from when she got washed away once when she was little (the scars she DOES have are because of her own novice attempts at healing, otherwise she doesn't have really any) and she's got a little crook in her nose, something she's self-conscious about as it was one of her first times "setting bone" with water and so it didn't end up perfect. It's not too noticeable but of course, you notice your own flaws more than others. (When she finally allows Odysseus to kiss her face, he immediately places a little kiss on her nose.)
There's...SO many more but yeah. a lot of basics.
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rationalcashew · 5 months
Saw your tags-- very curious where we disagree!
This episode is such a mixed bag, discordant even with its own message (separate from the broader canon.)
Scully is a person who thinks she can "cure herself"; and doesn't want others to be "burdened with" or "pity" her. Her needs are often placed second in her relationships, professionally and personally (All Things explored that as far back as Daniel Waterstone), but she can't be perfect forever. Thus, rebellion with the end of wanting to get caught-- look at me smoking cigarettes, look at me going on a date (The Jersey Devil, Never Again, Bad Blood, Milagro, etc.), look at me taking a leap (Beyond the Sea, Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose, Trevor, etc.) Mulder, meanwhile, isn't clued into his own self-sacrifice-- or that he has sacrificed normalcy for this strange existence-- as typified by his "I have a life"/"this is a normal life." He struggles with self-denial: in Home, Mulder admits he'd live this life if (the if being Samantha and his quest for the truth), in Amor Fati he had a dream family only if he was forced to live in the suburbs for Scully's safety's sake, etc. He takes forever to act on his love towards Scully (heartbreakingly staring at her in Max and grasping her hand in Redux II; but withdrawing in Detour and not reiterating his confession after the high evaporated in Triangle.)
CSM projects his own ideals onto Mulder and thinks Scully's love can be drawn to himself by wooing her with his power and, he assumes, more open heart. Intent on breaking down her self-denial where there is none, he is surprised she so easily grabs the disc and leaves him in the dust; and what he took for altruistic self-sacrifice from Mulder was really morbid self-punishment.
To iron all that out AND make sense of En Ami? WBD had an interesting idea for the episode, I think; but too many hands in the pie changed it from roadtrip pop psychology to CC's bait-the-fans-with-the-miraculous-S8-conception angle (here and here.) I haven't taken the time to sit down and methodically break the episode apart; but there are probably a hundred and one ways that its internal structure doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
Now after that long-winded ask, XDD, where do you think I was off? Always curious to hear feedback (if it's not too much trouble~.)
It’s less about the episode itself where I disagree. Regarding the MSR part: what we have is a neurotypical (Scully) living in Mulder’s neurodivergent (I will die on the hill that he has undiagnosed—or, if he was diagnosed, completely neglected—ADHD) world. She struggles to adapt (this rather than the not wanting the life of mess that you mentioned). One big area of the original post where I disagree is your stance (although, to be fair, I do agree to an extent) is Scully’s being drawn to men with “power.” I think the word used in the episode was incorrect but I think the principle behind what he was saying is valid. Scully seems to be attracted to men who are unavailable (on any level: physically, emotionally, etc.) and/or in authority (which, I have always thought is a better word than “power” in that scene). The ones we know about are: Daniel, Jack, and to an extent, Mulder. One could even argue Jerse (emotionally unavailable) but that’s a whole different discussion 😂
I definitely agree with you about all the hints Scully had dropped for Mulder (the wine and cheese in the motel room wasn’t exactly subtle LOL). I’ve argued those points for years. However, I disagree about Mulder’s aversion—for lack of a better word—to bring “more.” I think that for the longest time, he’s completely oblivious. This is something that is INCREDIBLY common in people with ADHD. The flirting and even the way he goes about his job would produce the dopamine that his brain needs. It’s. A dopamine-reward based existence. Even his disorganization is pretty typical of ADHD as he has an “organized clutter.”
At first, we know Mulder is suspicious of Scully. He’s clear about that in the pilot. However, after she actually listened to him in a way that he isn’t used to (at that point), I think that changed. I think he was still a little suspicious for awhile but I think that, for him, was a, “wait, someone actually cares?” moment as well. She didn’t treat him like the crazy person that he appears to be accustomed to being treated as.
The earlier flirtations were definitely a dopamine thing for him and I’d even argue that, to an extent, it was even after that (again, this is incredibly common in people with ADHD). I think he wrestled with his feelings for her differently than she wrestled with hers for him. I think for him, it was more of a “am I reading this right?” thing (again, more often than not, for those of us with ADHD, we can see it a mile away with other people; but when it’s us, you have to spell it out for us). With Scully, I think she didn’t know where he stood—I think she felt like she made herself pretty clear but he is oblivious. However, throughout the series (especially post-her abduction and return), he is completely devoted to her.
I’ve always had mixed feelings about the episode itself because it was one of those where I could sort of see what they were going for but I don’t think they thought it all the way, through. I definitely agree with you about too many hands in the pie with this one.
Sorry, I’ll do other, more specific comments about the original post in comments on this one. I have to refer back to it and it erases my whole response when I try to do that on my phone. 🤦🏼‍♀️
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johaerys-writes · 29 days
Hey! I see you sometimes talking about your Achilles being neurodivergent (and I think I saw you mention Patroclus being nd too) and I was wondering if you have any specific headcanon? And, for example, if the headcanons vary depending on the universe of each fic or if they are somewhat fixed.
Hi! My answer is going to be about Achilles, because he is the one I talk the most about being ND.
I personally find that Iliad Achilles has some character traits that are widely recognised now as being on the spectrum: he is very direct and often very blunt; he is quite set in his opinions and has a rigil moral code; he means exactly what he says, often without bothering with societal niceties, and hates when others don't do the same; in the iliad he feels his emotions to the max and has extreme outbursts of anger, frustation, grief etc. So I like to joke about Achilles being on the spectrum and thinking of all the different ways this affects his behaviour.
But the truth is that I don't take all this very seriously, at least when we're talking about canon Achilles, Achilles in general. I'm not a big fan of diagnosing fictional characters with real world conditions, especially when they weren't intended to be perceived this way. When we talk about Achilles, we're talking about an ancient folk hero who appears in a work that was written thousands of years ago, during a time that autism wasn't even a thing-- our very definition of autism that we have today, and being "neurodivergent" in general, is very recent, and until a few years ago someone being on the spectrum meant something completely different, for the most part, than it does now. Achilles is also a demigod and is intentionally written differently from every other character in the Iliad; in that case, perhaps it's his divine ancestry that makes him behave in such ways, like his extreme anger or his bluntness. We can’t really know for sure.
Some people might say "but ASD/ADHD has always existed, we just have a name for it now!" That is true, but the most important thing to keep in mind when saying "oh, x character in autistic/has adhd/some other disorder" is that this isn’t a real person, but the creation of a real person (or real people, in the case of folk heroes). So even if unconsciously, let's say, Homer wrote a character that has autistic traits because it's something he saw in the real world, that would be his own interpretation and his own biases when it comes to this specific group of people. This example is kind of silly because we don't really know who Homer is, if he was one person or many, or what sort of artistic liberties he took when he transplanted Achilles from greek mythos into the Iliad, but I feel like it's something to keep in mind in general when we perceive a certain character to be neurodivergent: that they are only some other person's interpretation of what e.g. autism is, and not what autism actually is.
When it comes to my own personal headcanons, I mostly talk about Achilles being ND in my own works, and specifically in my Disasters AU. His traits are intentionally more pronounced there than in canon or other AUs of mine, because this is how I imagined him and it's the sort of story I wanted to tell. I never spell it out in so many words in the fic itself, and it isn’t even in the tags anywhere, because it isn’t what the story is about. And Achilles' ND traits are mild for the most part I think, and we don't even see a lot of the struggles that he has off screen because, again, it isn’t the focus of the story and also he isn’t a real person lol. He is just someone I wrote and I think it would be kind of unfair and maybe misguided to equate his struggles to those of an actual person living with this disorder because, again, he is my interpretation of what ASD is and looks like and might not correspond to how others experience ASD, and in any case it should all be taken with a grain of salt. But at the same time, I'm glad when someone reads my work and finds a lot of what Achilles does relatable, I think that's one of the coolest things about stories and literature, that we see some of ourselves in there.
I hope this answered your question somewhat! I don’t know if this was what you had in mind when you asked me, but I just felt like I had to put it all out there lol.
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amrago · 11 months
Whoami V2
Hello! I'm Amalia (not my real name, lol), 27. I'm an hobbist writer that focuses on speculative fiction and romance.
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I work in cybersecurity during the day. (Yes you can message me or send asks about my job btw)
I unconsciously tend to write about my own experiences so here a list of themes, tropes and similar things I naturally tend to write about. I think this is better than a self-id list and more interesting. This is no particular order of importance or how much I use it and of course not everything is always included.
Bisexuality, especially WLW "ships";
Disability, mental illness and neurodivergency;
Feeling without a choice;
Community in a positive way*;
Second (or even third, fourth chances);
Family and friends;
Some sort of war or big conflict;
Resilience and resistance...
I think there will be other things and I maybe will update the list as I go.
Anyway I'm always up for tag games etc. It might take me some time to get back because of my job (and ADHD).
I have to note that all my writing is original. I don't write or read fanfiction at the moment although I'm an avid reader.
Servant of Chaos
Other things I'm working on:
What if? - Writing exercises ->That's the tag I use to publish the excerpt. I'm trying to learn how to write fiction in english and this helps.
My writing -> Self-explanatory.
WIP -> Everything that has to do with my WIPs.
My tags to find references and writing tips are a mess, mind you.
4TW Referral code: PRTOL95348
That's everything for now!
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(artwork by @mayasdigitalart - she deactivated)
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baycitystygian · 11 months
well I guess it’s about time I made an about post!
I’ve been on this website for like six years or so and I never really made a proper intro post to my blog, so here’s a couple basics for new friends & visitors just dropping by!
-heather, she/her, 25, neurodivergent as fuuuuuck but not officially diagnosed with specifics yet (although I’m almost certain I have autism, there’s a possibility I have ADHD or both? looking into a diagnosis, but definitely ND in general)
-if you’re a minor and you like a post of mine, that’s cool- but I post whatever I feel like so be warned, I don’t censor myself and I do have a wide range in my sense of humor so there will probably be adult themes™️ on here so I don’t recommend sticking around- or do so but only at your own risk! I also don’t interact with minors and I’ve always listed my age just in case it matters to someone happening across my blog.
-I generally don’t tag often unless A) I’m talking in the tags or B) it’s a hyperfixation that I want to go back to/keep organized in tags on my blog, if you’re a mutual and there’s anything you’d like me to tag that you filter/blacklist please send me an anon in the ask box letting me know! I’m happy to tag anything that might be an issue but I don’t really know if anything specific is a sensitive topic to a mutual unless they tell me and you can absolutely stay anonymous about it- do not hesitate if there’s any way I can be a better moot ❤️
-big procrastinator and very sporadic on here (even though I generally use this app as my morning paper) so I can take awhile to get to asks & sometimes I forget altogether, sometimes I save them in drafts then forget to check my drafts & I’m very bad about that and I am SO sorry cause it’s genuinely never personal 😅same with messages but I’m not unfriendly, I just have raging executive dysfunction
-I block liberally over political reasons, TERFS are blocked on sight, any blog I happen across that’s said/reblogged something that might generally be upsetting to me and, of course, bots get blocked too- I don’t engage in discourse so if you’re a TERF, right winger, or just a general troll just keep moving along or block me cause I just go right for the block button anyway. any hate has no home here, UNLESS it’s hate for bigots, billionaires or cops ✨
-I check blogs of people I follow but I don’t necessarily check OP’s so if I’ve accidentally reblogged something from a shitty person (“OP is a terf,” etc) just slide in the ask hole and let me know cause the odds are almost 100% that I’m unaware
-I don’t post original posts terribly often, mostly just reblog anything that tickles my fancy but vintage fashion/shows/music and rocks are my big ones on here. most original posts are just top-of-my-head nonsense or stuff I’m hyperfixating on
-if you’re a fan of Paul Williams, Barenaked Ladies, Bucks Fizz, Bay City Rollers/Rabbitt, Flo & Eddie, Howard Jones, Bowling For Soup, Wings (the TV sitcom but I’m also a Paul McCartney & Wings encyclopedia if that’s more your speed), Phantom of the Paradise, or Caroline In The City, those are all recent-ish interests of mine that have almost NO fandom so like. you’re automatically my friend now if you like any of those 😂
…I think that about covers everything I wanted to say, so sit back, relax, and have fun in my hodgepodge of a social media home ✨
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sunny-seas-sys · 6 months
Pinned post time!!
This will be updated but :) probably a good idea to start it now lol
About our system:
Heyo! We are the Sunny Seas System!!!
We collectively go by the name Noid/Solenoid, but anybody irl might know us by the name of River!
You can always ask our pronouns, but our favourites are weird neos, Ey/Em, Ae/Aer and Err/Errs are personal favourites rn!
Our current headcount is 150+, and we are a self diagnosed polyfragmented DID system!
We are bodily 15!
We have other neurodivergencies and some sort of physical disability.
We are self diagnosed with ADHD and Autism, and are searching for diagnosis for these! We are also suspecting Bipolar disorder, BPD, and NPD.
Supporters of the idea that all narcissists are abusive are not welcome.
Neo/xeno haters are not welcome
People who think self diagnosed systems arent “real” systems!
“Littles can consent” people DNI (do i even need to say more?)
Racists, transphobes, homophobes, etc (just dont be a bigot)
Do not include us in syscourse! We are just trying to get through life :)
Non-traumagenic systems are not welcome here! Systems can only exist with trauma, if you cannot remember it, you are still valid but dont claim to be a system without trauma <3
Other important info:
Littles will not be posting on this account, but we may mention them and their shenanigans in passing!
Many of us use xeno/neo pronouns/genders, genuine questions are welcome!
Anybody (agewise) can interact just dont be weird!
We probably wont post full alter intros, but will use our sign off tags/emojis :)
Interests and other stuff:
Fictional podcasts! (TMA, WTNV etc)
Voice acting and acting (we are a young actor and voice act in multiple podcasts!) (TAC, P9P, TSAU, Interlude, CG, and TMS)
Circus stuff :)
Chemistry and other sciencey stuffs :)
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[Userbox credits to @sysboxes!!]
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kiragecko · 2 years
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I posted 766 times in 2022
55 posts created (7%)
711 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 736 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#described - 78 posts
#undescribed - 44 posts
#neurodivergence - 42 posts
#fandom meta - 24 posts
#linguistics - 24 posts
#people write things - 22 posts
#adhd - 21 posts
#mental health issues - 18 posts
#food - 18 posts
#autism - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#(not sure about the lisp. phonetic accents are slightly painful to read. especially when i'm already dealing with him having my level of soc
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
Finally started the first Murderbot novella. It just wants to be locked in cargo holds, and stored in its tiny storage locker, and Not Have To Talk To Humans!
Yes, SecUnit, I understand this urge. I, too, want to be useful without having to feel icky emotions. I, too, want to spend all of my time engaging with media instead of people.
It is SO DISAPPOINTED when the humans ask it to ride in the ship’s cabin with them!
I can’t stop giggling.
148 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
I love autistic writers.
They aren’t a monolith, of course. Every authour is different, no trait applies to everyone, etc. etc. Some of the things I appreciate don’t even apply to all of the half-dozen autistic writers follow on Tumblr. Some allistic people write in similar ways.
But I love the way many autistic people just ... don’t include traditional breathing space in their stories. Most stories ebb and swell, building up tensions and then providing rest, building up emotion and then providing a moment of catharsis. The reader’s speed is faster when the book is tense, and slower when things are calm. All Systems Red (the first Murderbot book, which I finished 10 minutes ago) doesn’t do that. A lot of autistic-written fanfic doesn’t either. Instead, the story moves at the same pace, whether characters are about to die or they’re feeling a bit socially awkward.
The first time I read a story like this, I thought it was weak writing. I felt like I wasn’t properly in the viewpoint character’s head. These days, I love it.
One thing about neurodivergence that is hard to grasp from the outside, is that we frequently don’t WANT to fit in perfectly. Acceptance is wonderful, but fitting in usually requires losing parts of ourselves. Our whole life is trying to navigate a world that forces us into roles that don’t fit, and then people assuming our distress is about not being shaped correctly. The idea we might want to roles to be flexible enough to handle OUR shape seems foreign to other people.
Murderbot isn’t asking us to feel its emotions. We aren’t supposed to be able to fit in its head, understand it completely. Murderbot wants us to accept its perspective, not necessarily share it. And there’s a soaring feeling inside of me at that thought. At the thought of being allowed to connect with what I CHOOSE to connect with, rather than what the authour decided I should. With choosing my own pause points, my own speed, my own reactions.
I definitely connect with Murderbot. I, too, am a socially anxious asexual who doesn’t relate with most of humanity. Eye contact is hostile, and I wore a headscarf as a teen for similar reasons to its love of its helmet. But I love the fact that the story allows me to connect from a distance. We don’t have to be identical to understand each other, and the differences aren’t dissonant. They’re just fact.
I fell in love with my husband partially for this reason. His straight-forward acceptance of the weird, hyperactive person I am. He was interested in me, but didn’t need to understand everything. I think it’s something that many neurodivergent people value - none of us are easy to summarize, but so many people won’t interact with us until they boil us down to a few key traits. The rest of us s supposed to stay hidden, I guess, or maybe abandoned?
It’s so freeing to read like this. I love deeply connecting to characters. Mapping other people’s heads is part of how I navigate the world, how I interact in ways people will accept. (I’ve spent the last two weeks navigating my OWN head by reading fic that goes deep into its characters’ minds. Had some good insights.) But All Systems Red doesn’t ask for that.
It’s such a relief.
184 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
I'm getting really tired of this 'likes don't matter' BS. Likes matter. They just don't help a post circulate.
Likes show the OP that you enjoyed the post. This is often unappreciated by popular blogs, but it matters, especially to smaller blogs. Likes increase the note-count, and signify how many people are seeing and interacting with a post. They are signs of appreciation.
The whole concept of curating your followers' experience breaks down if the only way of appreciating something is reblogging it. I am not going to follow someone who reblogs everything they even slightly enjoy - I want the best of the best. My experience here is good because I only follow people with great taste!
But I also want to tell people I like their post, even if it's a private enjoyment.
Circulation isn't everything. There's value in people pausing to tell you that they liked what you created.
229 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
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The Tiger Poem in Classical Maya!
The Tiger He has destroyed his cage Yes Yes The tiger is out By Nael, Age 6
Literal translation:
he-destroyed his-captive-place the-tiger yes-yes he-came.out the-tiger his-writing master-Na'el man[of]-6-years
ʔu-jomow ʔu-baaknal ʔu-balahm xt xt Joyoy ʔu-balahm ʔu-tz'ibaal Aj-Naʔel Aj-6-habiy
Character Transliteration (ALL CAPS are characters that stand for full words, lower case are syllabic):
ʔu-jo-mo-wa ʔu-ba-ki-NAL ʔu-BALAM-la-ma xa-ta-xa-ta jo-JOY-yi ʔu-BALAM-ma ʔu-tz'i-ba-li AJ-na-ʔe-le AJ-6-HAB-bi-ya
278 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Lately, I’ve been thinking a LOT about how Bruce Wayne pretty clearly goes non-verbal when emotional/distracted/stressed. Reduced to grunts, poorly thought out actions, or inappropriate statements (usually in the form of commands).
Shutdowns are a valid way to deal with being overwhelmed. His, however, are destructive. He needs to learn how to work through them in a healthier manner.
I REALLY want a Bruce who gets out his phone and writes down what he’s trying to say. Where people who care about him go and sit down, waiting the 5 minutes he needs to craft a response, understanding that the effort he’s putting in is a sign of caring.
I want a Bruce who makes it clear that he needs transition time. That he can’t talk to people while researching on the computer, but if it’s something important, give him a minute or two and he’ll get off and focus on you. A Bruce who recognizes that even though cases ARE important, his family/friends are also important, and he needs to trust them when they say he should switch focus.
A Bruce who turns their nightly medical check-ins into time to hear his kids’ thoughts, because he knows he’ll start hyper-focusing the minute he starts writing his report, so he needs to schedule time for them first.
A Bruce who trains himself into purely defensive physical reactions when he shuts down - protecting himself and those with him, but not attacking until he can make plans again. Who trains himself out of using deadly weapons when his opponent is affecting his judgement - no bladed or explosive weapons when they have hostages and he’s panicking, or they’ve threatened his kids, etc.
A Bruce who makes scripts for when he’s on patrol and needs to talk down villains, or calm down victims. Who includes script writing in his evening prep - making sure he's ready for likely outcomes to his current cases. Who, whenever he can, has someone listening in over coms, so if things go off script, or he freezes up, he can get a prompt.
I don’t want a Bruce that gets better by learning how to communicate neurotypically.
I want one who needs to find adaptive strategies. Who has to grudgingly accept that he has limits, and learn to navigate them. Who learns that making things easier for himself makes many things easier for others, because he hurts people less.
I want to see him grow in the ways I’m trying to grow.
3,928 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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somerandomhuman080 · 11 months
self diagnosing is a-ok btw. it can take years of research to fully understand and know for sure but self diagnosing is fine do not worry! Take some time to research each concern you have and do not get attached to a diagnoses until you hit the "nothing else explains me/ these are symptoms are separate and I just need a second diagnosis"
One thing I can say for sure is that things like ADHD, Autism, OCD, etc. can have very similar symptoms but you gotta research HOW these symptoms arrive and HOW they effect you. I highly highly recommend following many tumblr users who are diagnosed or long time self-diagnosed who talk about their struggles and explain symptoms. You don't have to follow everyone, follow the tags, look through them, see what people have to say. Biggest thing you need to do: read articles! Google questions you have and see what shows up. Read multiple articles on each thing to check for accuracy etc etc.
if you are specifically researching ADHD right now, I recommend learning about executive dysfunction and see how much you relate to it from there. Also read the criteria of an ADHD diagnosis here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519712/table/ch3.t3/ (pay extra attention to things you relate to and try to find/ ask questions on these things specifically. Like what causes this in you? how does it present? Does it affect your other symptoms? Does this specific symptom show up in separate ways? etc.)
and to start, if you want to ask questions to people here on tumblr I recommend the account autistic-af (she is both autistic and has adhd, she takes in asks regularly but right now they are closed...follow and check in every day or so! Highly recommend) another blog you might want to try is my-autism-adhd-blog (they take in asks and give a lot of direct links and excerpts of articles if you do not know where to start. and I believe they will also help you find articles on OCD and anything else neurodivergent as well!) Remember to scroll down and look through tags! You might have some questions answered already. (but its okay to ask them again if they have, don't worry!)
self-diagnosing is a long road, but it helps to know yourself more and is very helpful for if you are able to get formally diagnosed in the future. also very very very important to remember... even if you are incorrect, if any accommodations you may ask of people around you helps you, please do not be afraid to continue those accommodations. If you are afraid of being wrong when mentioning these things just say that you suspect *diagnosis* and you think this would help you or you want to see if it helps you. Since you know you experience anxiety/depression then you damn well deserve accommodations already! Look for some tips for those conditions to help for now.
just to add some points i may have missed: many of symptoms you posted in your post are traits you may find in someone who has ADHD but they can also be found in someone who is autistic, who has ocd, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression etc etc. You will have a lot to research do and a lot of deep diving in yourself to come to a conclusion. (or conclusions) Start with learning more about ADHD then go to the next that you relate to. Learn about comorbidity and see how conditions look combined. Give yourself plenty of time and ask questions to people who have known you for years. You don't have to tell them why if you are uncomfortable with them knowing and if they think you don't have these problems and refuse to help, move on to the next person who is willing to help and take you seriously.
lastly, i wish you good luck in all this!!!! Genuinely!!!! For me, I grew up in a toxic environment and wasn't allowed to even see a doctor growing up. I had to learn everything on my own and it was difficult and sometimes scary until I learned about the communities here on tumblr who talk about their experiences day by day. It helped. A lot. And now i'm working towards finally and officially getting diagnosed with (quite a few) conditions! Self diagnosing saved my life, kept me going, kept me safe. don't be afraid to ask questions and give yourself any help you need. don't be afraid to self-diagnose. in time you will learn which diagnoses you can confidently say "i have this!" and which ones you will need to say "I need professional advice to confirm this but I want to let you know I heavily relate to this condition" just don't be afraid of getting to either! <3
Oh! and remember to take breaks if it gets overwhelming or frustrating! its definitely a lot to learn. and sometimes discourse can be hard to read.
( sorry for the very long ask! just wanted to help out on a day I am able :3 )
thank you so much for your advice! this is really helpful, i’ll definitely be doing more research :) i really appreciate it. also i literally got tumblr the other day and i have no idea if i responded to this right, please let me know.
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terrie01 · 2 years
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I posted 7,592 times in 2022
That's 1,209 more posts than 2021!
29 posts created (0%)
7,563 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,058 of my posts in 2022
#cats - 300 posts
#btvs - 143 posts
#dogs - 134 posts
#leverage - 118 posts
#stranger things - 102 posts
#harrisco - 85 posts
#batfam - 77 posts
#sandman - 75 posts
#the untamed - 59 posts
#muppets - 50 posts
Longest Tag: 116 characters
#it is impossible to underestimate the amount of time we spend correcting bizarro claims from religious conservatives
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells Characters: Cisco Ramon, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Jesse "Quick" Wells Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Just so much sugary sweetness, Santa!Cisco, Christmas Summary:
Harry gets a special visitor for Christmas.
7 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
I'll be honest. I don't want diverse artists, actors, writers, etc, because people need to see themselves reflected in the world around them. I mean, I believe they do need that, but that's not why I want it. I want it because it means more varied stories and that benefits everyone, including me. I'm selfish. I want more stories. I want ALL the stories.
8 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
The weirdest thing about getting older is that even as your knees get creaky, your back unreliable and your stomach refuses to deal with the junk food you could live once live off of, you don't feel like an adult. Right up until you get a front row seat for teenage social drama. And then it's like "Nope, definitely an adult. Thank goodness."
61 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
Mental image of Damian in preschool or 1st grade. Little kid age. And they're going around the circle saying what their parents do.
"My father is a laawer."
"My father is a doctor."
Damian: "My father is an embarrassment."
62 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
One thing I've realized during the pandemic is that NTs are actually pretty rigid. Despite the fact that a certain rigidity of thinking and need for routine are often mentioned as hallmarks of neurodivergence (most often for people on the spectrum, but it does come up occasionally for other things like ADHD, anxiety, etc), the antimask crowd is overwhelmingly NT.
Among ND people I know, the response to masks has varied. Some really like them, because they don't need to spend a ton of energy thinking about their facial expressions. Some have basically gone "I don't like them, but whatever. It is what it is." And a small few have had sensory issues they can't figure out a work around for, so they just do curbside pickup and avoid situations where a mask is needed as much as possible.
And when you think about it, it's not very surprising. ND people, whatever our individual issues, are pretty used to having to move through a world not designed for us. Why would a pandemic be any different?
Meanwhile, we got to witness NTs having meltdowns because they couldn't get a haircut. The pandemic had interrupted their routine, and they couldn't handle it. For the first time, they were living in a world that wasn't designed around their desires.
So apparently rigidity and a need for routine aren't a ND thing, so much as what happens when human beings live in a society that isn't designed around their preferences.
16,940 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kahin · 2 years
Accessibility masterpost
Lately, it's been nice to see a bunch of people starting to transcribe their works so I've decided to compile a bunch of things that I know about accessibility!
Image, Video, and Gif Descriptions:
A form of accessibility that transcribes all forms of images, gifs, and videos for people on the vision-blindness spectrum!
If you can't transcribe images yet or haven't quite learned how then try looking for one in the notes of the post or check the post for alt text.
The main starter for image descriptions is "[Gif/Video/Image Description:" and then describing the main details in the image.
Some examples:
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[Image Description: a screenshot from The Great Ace Attorney, showing Ryuunosuke hunched over and sweating worriedly behind the defence desk. He thinks to himself, "(I can't understand a word that old man is saying...)." End Image Description.]
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[ID: a post by maamlet that reads, "not trying to be rude but i love posts on here where i learn a completely new thing that immediately gets refuted in the same post. net zero information." End ID.]
Do not write your IDs in italics, coloured font, or small print as not everyone uses screen readers, and it may make it difficult for them to read; Don't put them under a cut, and don't use subjective language whilst writing them too! Doing so only makes disabled people go through hoops once again just so they can get accessibility.
Another note is that, yes, even things you don't like or agree with should still be transcribed. Some links!!:
Why you shouldn't put IDs under a cut, or use subjective language, and some more accessibility links! And here is another one detailing more on image descriptions.
Another kind of image/video/gif description, however, is only visible to screen readers! When writing alt text, make sure it's concise and short, and don't put in "ID: an image of x. End ID." since it's going to be read out as, "Image: ID: an image of x. End ID." An example:
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How the alt text should read: [Image: a solid light pink banner.]
Plain text:
For posts written in italics, in small print, in leetspeak, or in a certain colour! They can be extremely difficult and straining to read. Writing them is extremely simple. For example:
I could listen to this song for hours
[Plain text: "I could listen to this song for hours."]
Another example!:
This is my favourite character!
[Plain text: "This is my favourite character!"]
Trigger Tags:
Mainly self-explanatory. Tag basic and more common triggers (like blood, violence, war, unreality, etc), and also less common triggers as well (if asked I think!). Some other things I can think of is tagging videos with no sound as "soundless," as some videos with no sounds may be paranoia-inducing (particularly to HOH/deaf people from what I've heard).
People learning English or ADHD havers (etc etc) may struggle to read long paragraphs worth of text. Adding a TL;DR can be a bit difficult, but you only need to grab the main focus of the long post, and maybe along with some additional details.
Eyestrain/Flashing tags:
Self-explanatory. Tag flashing gifs or videos with "tw eyestrain" or "tw flashing." Aside from that, having blog themes that don't cause eyestrain (such as having a bright red theme with white text, or having very bright themes in general!).
Tone Indicators:
Most of us know that they are, but for those who don't: they're meant to convey tone for neurodivergent people mainly or people who may have trouble picking up on tone through text! Here's a carrd that has a lot more information, and can probably explain a lot more.
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amrago · 1 year
About Me
Call me Queen because I'm too lazy to find another nickname for myself.
In my day- job, which sometimes it's a night-job too, I work in IT - cybersecurity.
I'm 27, European and a polyglot. Despite the fact that I've been writing for 15 years I yet have to write a complete novel that I can call that way without feeling any shame.
I write speculative fiction and romance. I haven't tried with erotica but i won't be sharing anything related here regardless.
This blog is about my writing (and use it as a motivator when I can) and serves as a collection of resources and prompts i might use in the future.
I unconsciously tend to write about my own experiences so here a list of themes, tropes and similar things I naturally tend to write about. I think this is better than a self-id list and more interesting. This is no particular order of importance or how much I use it and of course not everything is always included.
Bisexuality, especially WLW "ships";
Disability, mental illness and neurodivergency;
Feeling without a choice;
Community in a positive way*;
Second (or even third, fourth chances);
Family and friends;
Some sort of war or big conflict;
Resilience and resistance...
I think there will be other things and I maybe will update the list as I go.
Anyway I'm always up for tag games etc. It might take me some time to get back because of my job (and ADHD).
I have to note that all my writing is original. I don't write or read fanfiction at the moment although I'm an avid reader.
Servant of Chaos -> Regency settled fantasy. Our MC is Rosaspina, 23 and demigod, grandson of Death and Destiny. He gets kicked out of magic university/institution, offically for a prank unofficially because his grades sucks. He was sent there because he had a clandestine relationship with the princess of the place he cames from and despite his parents being the general of the army and the first advisor he is not up enough the ladder for a marriage. Chaos offers him a job. Find the Death goddess so zombies stop ravaging a continent since she just disappeared. And why two of the most powerful entities ever existed decided to live in a castle with humans... And have a kid after the few millennia they have been alive and togheter. (Keep in mind that there is no racism or sexism in this world - the point is making a commentary on how much we undervalue people because they can't give you want you want in the way you expect them to. Yes MC is ADHD although it's never mentioned because at the time ADHD wasn't recognised yet. More details when I decide to create a wiki or something. )
Other things I'm working on:
What if? - Writing exercises ->That's the tag I use to publish the excerpt. I'm trying to learn how to write fiction in english and this helps.
[Placeholder for the prompt tag]
My writing -> Self-explanatory.
WIP -> Everything that has to do with my WIPs.
My tags to find references and writing tips are a mess. When I have some time (which I rarely do lol - the JOY of being an adult I guess) I will fix them in a way that makes sense.
That's everything for now!
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(artwork by @mayasdigitalart - she deactivated)
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
about me!! yeah :)
name: Miles!
pronouns: they/them. I prefer gender neutral or masculine language. (mx./mr., sir, etc.)
funky brain go- *incomprehensible jargon and mechanical screeching*: a lot of this fandom is neurodivergent, so I want to share that I am autistic, have ADHD, dyscalculia, and anxiety. Many of these things affect the timeliness, or other aspects, of my posts or responses.
I don't want to share my age publicly, but I want to state that folks of all ages are welcome here! Please note though, that some of my content may involve slightly more mature themes, such as swearing (not from me directly, but from reblogs, memes, audios used over videos, etc.), and sometimes angsty topics discussing headcanons and theories related to mental illness or trauma. I will never post anything ns\ft. I will always add CWs and TWs to my posts; if I miss one, please don't be afraid to let me know, or request anything specific!
favourite character: Barnacles 🛞💙
(VERY honourable mentions: Tweak 🔧💚, Natquik/Tracker ❄️🤍, and Kwazii/CJ/Pete 🏴‍☠️🧡)
posts I make: character/episode analyses, random observations/thoughts, funnies/jokes/memes, headcanons/theories, videos/edits, etc.
favourite GBR song(s): Pirate Pie and Briney Blue. Kwazii go prr <3
favourite special: Great Arctic Adventure
favourite season: all of them 4th and 5th
go listen to my Octonauts playlist >:)
"I sent an ask and it's been a while lmao": I struggle with executive dysfunction really badly, but I will get to you eventually. I pinky-promise. /gen
"Where's your askbox?"
ask/dni rules under cut:
(the block button is my dearest sweetest bestest friend <3 so read carefully lmao)
(There are "\"s through some words, so that this post isn't filtered for people who have them blocked.)
Please DON'T ask me shipping questions. This includes my opinions on certain ships, what I ship or don’t, prompts or requests implying certain ships, etc. I know that shipping is fun for a lot of people, but publicly talking about it triggers my anxiety, so I’d rather not. Thank you for understanding.
Side note: Please DON'T TAG ANY of my posts as #ship, unless explicitly stated otherwise with a "#tag however you wish" or "#interpret how you wish". It's rare that I use these tags, but if I do, it's fair game. If you leave comments on my posts or in my inbox about shipping, I will not respond to them, and I'll probably remove them.
Side note²: I don't like pros\hippers. Go away. If I see ANY pros\hip content or support of such content on your blog AT ALL you will instantly be sentenced to life of a block without trial. No excuses, no second chances. ❌
Keep it family friendly. Meaning: No swearing or usage of slurs (even if you don’t know it’s a slur, or if you personally can/have reclaimed it, I will delete your ask/reply, and block you. the word “queer” is fine.), no references to or specific asks about dr*g use or alc*hol, no lemony or sugg\estive material, no graphic viole\nce, go\re, or inju\ry. This applies to comments on my posts, as well.
No queer\phobia (this includes gatekeeping), no rac\ism or xeno\phobia, no able\ism. (or any other kind of -isms, if they ever come up). Don't ever send me hate speech, dis\course, or bullying, regarding myself or others. It's pointless, will be deleted on sight, and I may block you. Go eat a snickers and think about your life choices.
If you really want to ask something that might imply one of the above, please put CWs and TWs* at the beginning of your ask; and be very clear that what you're sending in is a genuine question*, headcanon, or whatever else it may be. (*If it's a question, I may respond privately.)
Also remember that I can decide to just,, not answer something, even if it follows the rules. Usually I’ll do this if I’m not sure how to answer an ask, like, if I’m not knowledgeable enough on the subject, or it references a non-octonauts piece of media that I’m not a fan of, or it features a weird specific trigger/squick of mine that you would have no way of knowing about. Either way, if you’re sitting in your room staring at the wall and you randomly think to yourself, “Hey... my ask never got answered.......” that could be why.
I welcome angst concepts with open arms! But again, please use CW/TWs, and refer to the previous rule’s “no graphic viole\nce” note. If you’ve been here a while, you’ll know I love some good emotional angst~ (high school english teacher voice: "in writing, that's called ✨catharsis!✨")
...UNLESS it’s just a case of Funky Brain Syndrome (executive dysfunction, or good ol' anxiety). In that case, I promise it's not personal, and I am sincerely sorry for the delay—please continue being patient 🙏, and take this lollipop for your troubles: 🍭
*Quick glossary:
a CW warns for content that someone may not want to see or hear, for any reason. (examples: viole\nce, ns\ft, certain people or topics, phobias, squicks or triggers: see final note.)
a TW warns for content that may be triggering for someone to see or hear. (examples: flash\ing, eye\strain, unr\eality, vents, tics, certain topics, words and/or phrases, or phobias.)
a squick is something that may make someone highly uncomfortable to see, hear, or read about; it's different from a trigger in the sense that they're usually more mild, and less likely to cause real damage or harm, but you'd still prefer to avoid them nonetheless. (examples: they can be anything, but are often things like certain tropes, topics, ships, or milder phobias, secondhand embarrassment, etc.)
The two words CW + TW can, and very often do, go hand-in-hand; but the difference can matter sometimes—so can the difference between a squick and a trigger.
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crypttechnikian · 2 years
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i can see my page. but if i go into a different browser/on my phone this happens
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this is honestly mogaiphobia and ableism. my amount of genders and pronouns (my hoards) are unable to be seen by the public. you may ask, "Nik! Why do you think they thought you were trolling?" and honestly? I have no idea. Here are my labels:
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I'm not quite sure why this amount of labels counts as "trolling" when there are many people who have a lot more labels! I have about 70 pronouns on my page, I can't really show all of them, it would make the post way too long.
Another question someone might have is "Why do you need all of these genders and pronouns?!" Well, it's simple. I'm Autistic (ASD Level 1) and ADHD. That's why my labels are in alphabetic order, it's easier for me to see them. My gender is heavily based upon my neurodivergence. My mirco-labels help me understand my mspec oriented aroace-ism. Maybe It's because of the amount of "counteractive" or "same" labels. I, personally, identify with being a Gay MSpec Transmasc Aroace. My neurodivergence has turned my gender into something very vast.
I use xenogenders to help me understand it. My gender sometimes feels like a void in space, or a rotting log with mushrooms on it, etc. My gender is loud. My gender is evil. My gender is the night, my gender is robotic. There is no reason for me to be "trolling" about this. I am very much connected to all of my labels and pronouns.
If someone reported my page, why? Is it because they actually thought I was trolling? They probably don't know me. So how do they know I'm trolling? Whoever reported me doesn't know my gender any more than an employee of pronouns.page or even myself.
There is no reason to be banning someone for using MOGAI labels, especially when one of them is Autigender. I'm very upset and still processing my emotions about this situation.
If someone knows how to appeal this ban, please let me know.
Tagging MOGAI/LGBTQIA blogs and others for a boost under the cut. Please let me know if you would like to be removed from the list.
@alcremie-mogai-n-kin @aroacechillzone @blurgender @bored-coiner @forest-of-mogai-genders @galaxy-of-genders @gendermerchant @little-gender-trinkets @mogai-clouds @mogai-timezzz @mogaiz-heaven @neopronoun-flags @neopronounprovider @neopronounsmybelovaed @pinkfruitgender @spiral-gender @tangymogais @thexenofaerie @xenogender-klown-goblin @xenogenders @xenozandshite
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