#Dob Hyde
hotdogdynamitezzz · 2 years
🦇 𝖂𝖊𝖉𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝕬𝖉𝖉𝖆𝖒𝖘 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖙 🦇
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Note: This is my own personal interpretation of what her birth chart looks like and how it represents Wednesday. The only confirmed section is the year and date, excluding the month and time. It's all for fun. Let me know your thoughts 🖤
Confirmed Birth Date: Friday the 13th in Vermont. Year of birth is 2006 as Wednesday is 16 in the series.
Wednesday's DOB used: October 13th, 2006 in Vermont, USA.
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Her Chart ~ Rising in Scorpio, Sun in Libra, Moon in Cancer, Mercury in Scorpio, Venus in Libra, Mars in Libra.
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Why I chose her as a Scorpio Rising:
Even though Wednesday sees the world through black and white, her strong moral values for right and wrong are defined by her Libra 11th house stellium that prioritizes objectivity, fairness & equity.
Even though Scorpio is an intense rising sign, and Wednesday is seemingly detached. She's actually quite an intense individual in the series when she protects her friends and her bond to her childhood scorpion in the past. You can also see her passionate determination to solve the mystery behind who the hyde and the hydes master are.
She just doesn't act on her emotions or overthink her feelings as I believe her cancer moon in the 8th house would conceal and hide her emotional nature as this house rules over what we conceal and keep secret as well as our fears. So, she's presented as having an "empty" heart, which isn't true, but I will explain more about this when I debrief my thoughts on her potential moon placement.
Because Scorpio is associated with death & and the void, this rising sign lends a cold demeanor to her personality that appears monotonous, but she does show her sudden bursts in her temper. Wednesday's actions show she cares more than she lets on as she's always looking out for eugene.
Wednesday is not fully detached as she gets in her head a lot and is shown to care deeply about Enid and crush on Tyler once she finds the courage to trust them enough. However, Wednesday is always polarized between who actually has her best interests in mind, and her perspective on the world remains suspicious and wounded. So she prefers loneliness and staying in the shadows to protect herself while also investigating those she deems as harmful to get an upper hand.
There is an obvious power dynamic present between herself and others that is common amongst scorpio risings. This power dynamic is people thinking that she's either better than everyone else or too odd to fit in, which is all just a misunderstanding. She has Pluto in the 1st House with this chart, and Pluto does show where we tend to be the black sheep and blamed yet at the same time are perceived as threats or having a hidden power others want to exploit or take. This fits with Wednesday's identity being heavily misunderstood by the school and Ms. Thornhill wants to use her as a sacrifice to resurrect Joseph Crackstone.
As a result of Wednesdays misunderstood intentions and intense personality, she ends up a bit ostracized at her school because she can't trust anyone. However, once she learns eugene and enid have her back, she stays very loyal to them. I believe all Scorpio risings just need to find their people in order to understand and show love to the world as it's often something they are left without.
Her appearance reflects that of a Scorpio rising in which she embraces the dark and macabre side of scorpio and their love for older clothing that reflects the past. Wednesday looks like a put-together ghoul, imo and seeing as how Scorpio rules over death, her appearance just fits that. I also see her smudged eyeliner and bangs, a fitting Scorpio look as many with this rising sign prefer bangs to conceal their forehead and add a layer of mystery.
Her Libra Stellium in the 11th House:
Main focus on Detachment, Selfishness, Objectiveness, Vengeance, Injustice is present in Wednesday's values. She has absolutely no desire for money, fame, status, or anything that would benefit her. Instead, her sole focus Is justice for others, specifically those who are innocently killed by the hyde.
Wednesday has her Sun, Venus & Mars in the 11th house which contributes not only to her life theme of bringing justice to a community and group of people, but also her motivation in life to fight for justice seen with her Sun - Mars conjunction.
This is the hero aspect to me, and Wednesday very well is the community's hero. I think it's important to note how she is written.off as self-absorbed and narcissistic by Xavier during their conflict. People assume Wednesday only thinks about herself, and for a period in time, SHE WAS only thinking about herself and her plan to capture the killer.
Wednesday's disregard and inability to see value in emotions reflects her Sun - Venus conjunction in the 11th house because while it's in Libra, this aspect is solely focused on prioritizing her values and ego. In the 11th house, this can translate to actually disregarding her personal feelings and only seeing importance in community and social matters, especially in Libra.
This is an objective sign that works with fairness meaning she can be very vindictive with no remorse because that is what's morally right in her opinion even if she takes it too far like we saw with Tyler trapped in the chair. 11th house & Aquarian people underdeveloped are known to take things too far just because they are so goal oriented that they tend to disregard the personal feelings of others as it's seen as a barrier to progression. I think this explains why she's only focused on her investigation and views her feelings as weak. Because her feelings could also be a part of her fears, which I will explain next.
Her Cancer Moon in the 8th House
Moon in Cancer was unexpected for many, but it makes a lot of sense the more I thought about it. The moon rules over intuition and subconscious, which is domicile in Cancer, meaning her intuition comes naturally to her. Even without visions, she had strong intuition, being naturally aware and suspicious of those around her. She wasn't your typical friendly cancer moon, but then again, her family isn't typical, so we have to focus on the signs qualities more so than stereotypes when analyzing her chart.
Wednesday was very reserved and internalized her feelings without realizing it. This is very cancerian behavior as they prefer to stay in their comfort zone, which in this case is by herself surrounded by darkness and gore, which her family and specifically her mother fostered.
Another point to acknowledge is how Wednesday has quite a supportive family. They got her out of boatloads of trouble and were there for her more than most other families. In fact, they were quite a clingy family that was close-knit and coddled Wednesday, to which she revolted against.
Considering the Moon rules over our behavior, what's genetically passed down through our mother & our maternal figure, we can see Wednesday is a lot like her mom as the moons' qualities are amplified in Cancer. Wednesday has her psychic visions passed down by Goody & Morticia.
The moon also shows our mom and the 8th house rules over what will withstand throughout time, the legends of individuals, and what will reoccur through generations in our bloodline. I believe this shows clearly with Wednesday's mom Morticia Addams' famous legacy at Nevermore Academy. Wednesday is set to repeat the same history as Goody and kill Joseph Crackstone as well as making a name for herself at Nevermore Academy like Morticia that will withstand time.
Moving onto Wednesday's emotional nature, for a water sign and house moon, you may expect an overly emotional individual, but it can actually create the opposite effect. A lot of the time, those that are water dominant have a clear control over how to express and use their emotions.
This means they can often end up expressing themselves as cold or detached as they don't lose control over their emotions easily. Instead, they control their emotions based on what they can use it for to benefit themselves and others. It's usually those that lack water in their chart that are overly emotional as a fun fact. In Wednesday's case, being both water & air dominant, there's a clear conflict between prioritizing her head or heart.
However, Wednesday chooses to guard her heart as this serves her the best and instead uses her high intelligence to manipulate others for answers. The 8th house rules over our fears and what we keep secret. The moon in Cancer here means she honestly did not want anyone at Nevermore knowing about her family, Wednesday is seen trying to remove her reputation from her mom and hide her family identity.
Another big fear of Wednesdays was trusting others. She had been so used to being stabbed in the back and people hurting her loved ones that it wasn't death that scared her. She actually loved gore. It was instead love and intimacy that she was afraid of expressing and experiencing. As the 8th house deals with deep, intimate bonds, Wednesday feared deep emotional connections throughout the series and purposely put others at a distance and self-sabotaged connections. Wednesday's fear of trust ultimately almoat put her in the grave, but she learmed a big lesson through enid, xavier & eugene on how to truly bond and trust their loyalty.
I'd say Enid helped her the most in this area as her polar opposite because Enid was the light Wednesday needed to nurture her hidden feelings that were comfiest, staying in the dark and alone. Enid brought Wednesday out of hiding and shined light by embracing it. This dynamic definitely resulted in some conflict between the two but ultimately an irreplaceable bond as Enid sought to help Wednesday understand her own emotional needs and to be able to recognize and percieve others intentions which is what cancer moons in any water house are the best at when they've matured.
This placement also indicates massive family secrets and could point towards Gomez Addams' false murder accusations and her mom instead thinking she murdered Garrett Gates when really he was poisoned.
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Scorpio Mercury in the 12th House:
Her blunt and sharp edge, she is known for her intelligence and quick wit plus dark humor. She's more focused on strategy, vengeance, and solving challenges that come her way, not chatting up people. Scorpio does rule death, and I hate to say it, but most Scorpio Mercury natives tend to have a dead expression almost? They just sound very sarcastic 24/7 and sometimes monotonous unknowingly as this sign rules over paradoxes.
So naturally, they communicate in a paradoxical way that can be confusing despite their sharp straightforwardness due to mars traditional rulership. Wednesday's trademark humor is definitely seen here, as well as her perception that everyone has secrets, even those we don't suspect. She receives knowledge from higher realms and isolated or foreign places she touches, which can be attributed to the 12th House.
She often finds out secrets by chance, and her goal is to investigate. Wednesday is so secretive I think her Mercury placement here makes perfect sense, especially because she's always overthinking because of her second-guessing which is common for Scorpios as they struggle with knowing who to trust with their information just like how she struggled to trust tyler and xavier.
I'd also say that because this house rules over hidden enemies and Mercury & Jupiter is placed here, we can see how her neighborhood crush and someone who's highly educated and has authority would be her hidden enemy.
Jupiter in Scorpio 12th House:
This shows an abundance of spiritual knowledge & protection from the higher realm being Goody Addams. Jupiter is also very karmic and can show where you have the most success or fortune in which would be spiritual matters, foreign places & anything having to do with magic.
It's actually the best placement she could have for Nevermore as it literally points towards success over hidden enemies. As well as expansion towards what is invisible without a physical body. This means her dreams and visions as well as others' emotions she'd have a level of influence over. This is why Wednesday is seen as such a threat to Bianca imo.
Saturn in Leo 22° 9th House:
I mean, the 22nd degree is known as the kill or be killed degree, but also the fall from grace and rise back up degree. It's also in Leo the shining star in the 9th house that rules over religious and higher educational institutions, which Nevermore would fit into as a school full of magical people learning advanced topics for their powers.
Saturn is about delays, limitations, completing past life lessons, and discipline. Nevermore showed Wednesday that she may actually have gotten herself into some trouble and overestimated herself. Saturn here presents the lesson of Wednesday expressing her heart and this being delayed. Her lesson was to learn how to trust, which almost killed her because she trusted Tyler first. But then someone with leo qualities would be more fit to actually show Wednesday loyalty and love.
I'd say Wednesday's biggest setback was her disregard for her own and others' feelings, but this changed at Nevermore. Another interesting pattern with Saturn here can show where we build ourselves up and keep respect. Wednesday saved Nevermore, so obviously, she was highly respected but also went through many obstacles at her institution with her authority figure the principle Larissa Weems.
Although Larissa wanted the best for Wednesday, she viewed Larissa as a setback and someone who got in her way. Wednesday also struggles with authority figures as a common theme because she values her independence, which can show up as a common 9th house saturn theme and the battle against those who teach you life lessons. To say the least, Wednesday would struggle to listen to others' ideas, beliefs & morals until she matured because she just views hers as better and others as too restrictive and boring. Rules are not for Wednesday lol
Saturn also opposites Neptune in the 3rd House, which means there's a theme of common knowledge being hidden from the authorities and a lot of secret messages made to deceive the school and principle. The neighborhood conflict between Jericho and Nevermore can be seen here because Jericho holds more mystery and secrets than they let on in the neighborhood history, literally being a lie as they praise Joseph Crackstone.
On the other hand, Nevermore feels trapped by Jericho and unfairly treated. Saturn being a cold planet means Nevermore feels isolated from their neighborhood Jericho that is put on a literal pedestal built off of lies.
North Node in Pisces 4th house
Wednesday's life path is to create familial bonds and become closer to her family. This also has to do with searching family history and speaking to ancestors through her psychic abilities. Because her NN is in Pisces in the 4th House, this means she's supposed to nurture and grow her psychic abilities as the 4th House is how we foster and nurture while Pisces theme are unconscious psychic sense and higher emotional comprehension. The 4th House is the root of our being.
Therefore, it is in Wednesday to master her psychic abilities and further develop her emotional understanding. However, she has a hard time understanding herself. She's simply more comfortable with her SN in the 10th house Virgo, where she has an intelligent reputation and work from evidence and facts. She prefers to solve problems rather than work on emotional comprehension.
Pisces 4th House & Houseruler in 3rd (Neptune):
I can see this with Wednesday's struggle to emotionally understand or become attached to others. She may have often felt manipulated by her own family and dissociated a lot at home. The 4th House is our upbringing and emotional roots, how our emotions were nurtured. I can definitely see how Pisces here would make her feel insecure by her family but also protective over them as they're her greatest power and healers.
But at the same time, she felt like living in their shadow with past wounds that were brought up later by her father's accused murder. A theme seen from the I.C. ruler in the 3rd House where dirty rumors about her family were spread to the entire neighborhood.
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dayzedandconphused · 2 years
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Legal Name: Phoebe Dayze Robertson Known as: Phoebe Dayze Nicknames/Alias: Phee, Dayzie DOB: April 1, 1992   Gender: cis female Sexuality: herteroflexible, heteroromantic Place of Birth: hospital wing of the Robertson Property, North Berwick, Scotland. Currently: London Nationality: Scottish   Day Occupation: Executive Assistant Jabberwock Occupation: ‘Revenue Raiser’ and Debt Collector
Childhood/Family Life: The Robertsons built their family wealth on owning multiple sprawling properties in Scotland. They are often booked and ‘rented’ by the elites of society, the royals or saved for weddings. Phoebe was raised by her mother and a slew of nannies and assistants – most of whom were fired by her mother once she found out they were sleeping with her husband. Education: Phoebe was educated privately until she was of age to be sent to Wycombe Abbey in England to board. Once she finished high school, she took the opportunity to travel as far away from her parents to study. Adult Timeline:  2010: moves to Melbourne, Australia to study International Business and Business Administration at Monash University. 2014: graduates (with honours) and moves back to London 2015: given a trust by her parents (conditional on her finishing University with a pre-approved degree) to live off. Uses it to party, buy a flat by Hyde Park and do anything but use her degree to work. 2016: through threats of being cut off, Phoebe lands her first (and favourite) job as an executive assistant to Rafael
Positives:  +fun-loving: Phoebe is not one to turn down the opportunity to be social or be the centre of attention at a party +open: with those she trusts, she is an open book, willing the share information and swap stories +congenial: mostly on the surface, Phee knows not to rock the boat until absolutely necessary
Negatives:  -manipulative: she will take as much information from someone as possible to store in her mind should the chance arise to need to use said information against the other person -self-centred: if it’s not about her or doesn't affect her directly, Phee barely wants to know -troubled: riddled with trust issues and a rather low opinion of her family, Phee struggles to find her place in the world
Personality Type: ESFP – the performer
Archetype: The Manipulator Likes & Dislikes:  + brunch and breakfast outings filled with coffee, pastries and mimosas + long lay ins with a good book + pushing the boundaries to get what she wants + recharging at home without the incompetent public around her - feeling forced into being social - long lines at her favourite café - rain (unless it’s a long lay in day) - being condescended to because she’s a short, attractive blonde, woman - blood stains on her favourite shoes
Parents: Chrisopher Robertson (strained, more useful to keep her father in her pocket than to piss him off entirely), Heather (nee Dayze) Robertson (not on speaking terms post-arrest) Siblings: None that Phoebe knows of, though with her father’s multiple indiscretions she wouldn’t be surprised if a few popped up, [open] Children: None. Is not looking for children any time soon. Spouse: [open] Current Partner: [open] Ex-Partners: [open] Boss/Employer: Rafael Co-Workers: [open] Friends: [open] Enemies: [open]
Build: slim, 165cm tall, almost ‘too’ skinny, little noticeable muscle mass Hair Colour: Blonde, sometimes indulging in the darker side of life by embracing a light brown root shadow. Eye Colour: Blue Distinguishing Marks: quite pronounced cupid’s bow, small inch-long scar on the side of her neck under her left ear from a glassing incident whilst clubbing
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littlerani · 2 years
AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 5’5”
ETHNICITIES: Jewish, Irish (Paternal), India, Japan (Maternal), Canadian
DOB: December 25th, 2000
PLACE OF BIRTH: Vancouver, B. C., Canada
CURRENT LOCATION: Salem, MA (Currently); Sydney, AU (Home Base); Lakewood, OH (Formerly)
OCCUPATION: Actor, singer; Witch at Fort Salem (formerly); Fort Salem Sorceress Supreme (currently)
SPOUSE(S): SKYE RIVERA (Fiancée, Deceased); Raven Iraklidis (Girlfriend)
BIRTH NAME: Rani Nirvana Elisha Eliyana Gupta
AGE: 18 (at the time of the Christmas Lime Street Curse); 45 (Age when deceased in Normal Timeline)
HEIGHT: 5’4“
WEIGHT: 115 lbs
PARENTS: DAVID SMITH (Vishnu Ravi Gupta) (Biological,Deceased) AND RUTH SMITH (Padma Ekisha Gupta, Nee Bhatt), Biological, Deceased); EBENEZER SCROOGE (Adopted father, deceased), SARAH SCROOGE (Adopted mother, deceased)
DOB; July 5th, 1833
DATE OF DEATH: December 25th, 1851 (Lime Street Christmas Curse); December 23rd, 1878 (In the normal timeline)
CAUSE OF DEATH: Hypothermia/ Unkown Causes (Christmas Lime Street Curse); Natural Causes (Normal Timeline)
OCCUPATION: Seamstress
STATUS: Reborn as Emma Victoria Jekyll until her death from the same curse in 1905. Currently reborn as Rani Haruka Varadkar Nakamura Williams with all of her past lives’ memories.
KYRA SKYWALKER (daughter of Kai Skywalker and Yuna Skywalker, niece of Anakin and Padmé Skywalker, cousin of Luke and Leia Skywalker)
(Daughter of the late Doctor Henry Jekyll and Lisa Carew-Jekyll; Rani Gupta’s spirit was reborn as Emma Victoria Jekyll, and at 18, she died under mysterious circumstances trying to find the truth behind her father’s tragic death.)
Ra-Ra (by Adrienne, Alex and Jessica)
Ra (by Jamie, Jocelyn, Kimiya and Krishna and friends)
Baby Girl (by Joshua Williams and Mary Williams)
Sweetheart, Rani-bun (by Mary Williams)
Dear Heart (by Brianne Williams)
Magomusume/ Kokoro(by Hiro Nakamura)
Pōtī (by Padma Varadkar Nakamura)
My Dear/ My Sweet/ My Love (by Sweeney Todd)
Dear/ Dearie/ Love (by Nellie Lovett)
My Universe (by Ebenezer Scrooge)
Little one/ Daughter/ Williams/ Cadet (by General Sarah Alder)
K (by Luke and Leia)
Kiki (by Padmé, Kai and Yuna)
Kyr (by Anakin and Obi-Wan)
Sweetheart/ My Em (by Lisa Carew-Jekyll)
Emmy/ Em/ Darling/ My Heart (by the spirit of Dr. Jekyll)
Em/ Angel face/My dear/ Jekyll’s spawn (by the spirit of Mr. Hyde)
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onsieluenkeli · 9 months
Tudjátok, amióta Szentesi otthagyta a WMN-t, azóta D. Tóth Kriszta is megváltozott.
Ami azért különös, mert őt sokkalta stabilabb, kiegyensúlyozottabb, normális és értelmiséginek hittem mindig is. Gerincesen hű volt a média világát kiválóan ismerő önmagához, és tényleg felelős újságíróként adogatott, ostoba netes manipulatív játékoktól mentesen. 🤔🤨 Ez baj? - Szerintem, nem! Ennek kellene a normálnak lennie a Facebookon! Vagy tévedek?
Hogy értsétek
DTK sosem szórakozott rajtam a hátam mögött, mindig kimaradt a párkapcsolati oltogatásokból.
Nem stigmatizált senkit sem. Békén hagyott mindenkit. Valahol tudta hogy nem oké mindent a hátunkra dobni.
És random sosem bántott. Kivéve, ha igazságtalanságot vett észre.
A mostani DTK meglát egy zsidó történetet, és egyből a Mérő Verának dobja, miközben neki teljesen más a története, ráadásul nem is zsidó! Vagy meglát a WallStreet Farkasa című filmről posztot, és egyből rosszmájúan én kapom, miközben semmi közöm ahhoz sem! És meglát egy leszbikus posztot, és azt is én kapom. Kényszeresen összekapcsol posztokat emberekhez, emberek tulajdonságaihoz. = Rohadt stigmák szerint, kategórizálva netezik. Ilyeneket a 60 év körüli, Facebookra rárohadt, mások életét élő, enyhén már demens intoleráns, gonosz Náci nők művelnek. Sajnálom, de többnyire tényleg rájuk jellemző ez!
A DTK körülbelül 1 éve olyan mintha időnként tudahasadása lenne. X napig kedves, normális, azután bántó, és toxikus. = Gashlight. Ha vissza görgetitek, lehet látni...
Ez azt jelenti, hogy nagyvalószínűséggel
valami Dr. Jekyll, és Mr. Hyde problémája alakult ki. 🧠👀
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valaki más is használja az oldalát, feltehetően ugyanaz a mélyen seggfej, aki a WMN-en aláz le, és céltáblája vagyok örökké. = Ez pedig ciki, és nagyon kínos.
Csak kérdezem
Miért nem lehet befejezni a játékokat? Meddig folytatódik? Amíg meg nem ölöm magamat? Vagy valaki más, akit szivattok? Miért muszáj kényszeresen zaklatni minket?
Mit szólnátok, ha a gyerekeitekkel történne meg ugyanaz? Egy 50/60-as nő naponta rá asszociál mindenféle baromságot, zaklatná, égetné... csak azért, mert nem neki tetszően netezik, és él. Ti mit szólnátok, ha egy WMN-es nektek az anyagi helyzeteteken gúnyolódna sunnyogva? (A Mérő Verát iszonyatosan lenézik, az elmúlt hetekben nagyon betalálták, és nem hazudok! Észre lehetett venni).
Nekem a Domi nem csalódás, sem az írásai, a szexuális orientációja, és a magánélete pedig abszolút NEM ÉRDEKEL! Hanem az a bajom vele, hogy tudja mennyire seggfej a social felelős, és mégsem tesz ellene. Kifelé Toxikus a WMN és rengeteg olvasót elveszített!
Sokadjára kérdezem!
Miért nem tudja az a rohadt seggfej tiszteletben tartani másokat, mások döntéseit, másoknak a magánéletét? Egy öreg, és beteg social felelős éli az életünket, miközben senkit nem ismer, senki nem hívta, senki nem kérte, és stigmák szerint könyveli el az embereket! Horror! Miért nem segít neki a Domi, a DTK, vagy a Csepelyi Adrienn? Nem bántóan kérdezem! Miért nem lehetne újra noooooormális az a kurva oldal, ahol nem mások jutnak eszembe fojton amikor meglátok egy posztot!?!? Miért kell minden héten megalázni valakit? Miért jó annak a személynek? Miért nem érti meg, mi a probléma? = 2023 borzalmas volt!
És a legrosszabb, hogy sunnyog az a személy, aki a Szentesi helyett lett. Lapul, befossva. Tipikus zaklató, akinek senkihez sincsen köze! Nem rajtunk kellene szórakozni, hanem eltakarodni!
És még valami, anno a Szentesi pontosan tudta, hogy milyen témák érdekelnek, a Krányik Cintia is szerintem jó izléssel és marketing érzékkel rendelkezik. Tudtak adogatni. De emez a b@lfasz KÁPÓ... ha nem negatívan zaklat, lealáz, és a szuiciditásba lök... akkor olyasmiket dob elém, ami 60 éves büdös nénikéket érdekli!
- Szerintetek mennyi az esélye, hogy egy Gamer, ismeretlen és öreg hulladék nőket bámul ahogy beszélgetnek!?!?!? - ezt SEGGhülye, egy bugyuta, büdös, retardált majom tippeli!
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knotfodder · 1 year
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name: Hyde N. Plainsight nicknames: Shifty (by some) dob. age: unavailable (??) gender: Male pronouns: (he/him/his) secondary gender: Both? occupation: drifter species: shape shifter fc: Charlie Hunnam
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+observant, charming, adaptable+ -manipulative, secretive, stealthy-
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angrygrape1337 · 4 years
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The real reason Dobson went missing. Be careful, @hypocrisyofandrewdobsonhe’s still out there inflating lesbians, he can’t keep getting away with this!
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bubblegumstardust · 7 years
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BooksForThoughts November BPC | Day 16: Gets Me Through
Jekyll and Hyde is the book that really got me through my GCSE English Lit
87/100 days of booklr
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juvinile · 4 years
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* LOGAN  LERMAN ,  CIS MALE  +  HE / HIM  |   you  know  SEAN  O’MALLEY ,  right ?  they’re  TWENTY - SIX ,  and  they’ve  lived  in  irving  for ,  like ,  THEIR  WHOLE  LIFE ?  well ,  their  spotify  wrapped  says  they  listened  to  FREAKING  OUT  ON  THE  INTERSTATE  BY  BRISTON  MARONEY  like ,  a  million  times  this  year ,  which  makes  sense  ‘cause  they’ve  got  that  whole  CHIPPED  BLACK  NAILS  ON  CALLOUSED  HANDS ,  STUMBLING  BLIND  THROUGH  DAEDALUS’S  LABYRINTH ,  SKATEBOARDING  ALONE  ON  HOT  PAVEMENT  thing  going  on .  i  just  checked  and  their  birthday  is  AUGUST  4TH ,  so  they’re  a  LEO ,  which  is  unsurprising ,  all  things  considered .   
TW  INCLUDE   divorce tw ,  alcoholism tw ,  bullying tw
hi  hi  hi  it’s  alli  previously  known  for  less  strange  things  than  playing  my  own  muse’s  sibling  but  i  hope  u  can  overlook  my  faults  and  my  hubris  bc  i  love  sean  and  he’s .  something .  ok  he he he 
full name:   sean thomas o’malley
age / dob:   twenty - six  /  august 4th
gender:  cis male
pronouns:   he / him
occupation:  mechanic
zodiac:  leo
orientation:  bisexual & biromantic
faceclaim:   logan lerman
pinterest:   HERE !
chipped black nails on calloused hands, stumbling blind through daedalus’s labyrinth, skateboarding alone on hot pavement, a broken stopwatch, the burn of whiskey and the ash of discarded cigarettes, clipped wings, no one taught icarus how to fly, earbuds that always manage to tangle themselves in your pocket, liminal space
kyle scheible ( ladybird ) ,  alyssa ( end of the fucking world ) ,  klaus hargreeves ( the umbrella academy ) ,  steven hyde ( that 70s show ) ,  tony stonem ( skins ) ,  jonathan byers ( stranger things ) ,  frankie ( beach rats ) ,  alexander vass ( if we were villains ) ,  angie  ( the oa ) ,  lip gallagher ( shameless ) ,  literally every deadbeat stoner skateboarder side character in any tv show ever he literally modeled his personality after them
sean thomas o’malley was the eldest born to patrick o’malley, an on again off again construction worker, and aoife o’malley nee murphy, a checkout clerk at the local supermarket.
he was a wild thing from the beginning  --  always tugging on his mother’s hair and biting at his father’s hands, so much trouble that his parents, in their happier years, affectionately coined him “scrap”.
his sisters came a few years later, first sloane and then fia, the three o’malley alley cats. their childhood was a decent one, poor as dirt and left to rot in lilac ridge, but a close knit bunch all the same.
sean was always grinning, even that time he chipped his tooth, lopsided and warm, and his parents usually weren’t drunk until long after the children had gone to bed.
though sean himself couldn’t see it for a while, his parents had a sort of reputation around town. the o’malleys were too poor, had too many kids to take care of, spent too little time at home, were too friendly with the local bartenders. and though they didn’t know exactly what they were echoing, the kids at school had a way of letting sean know exactly what their parents thought of his. he found that sticking up for himself meant sticking up for his sisters, and he learned he didn’t particularly hate getting into fights.
sean isn’t really sure himself when things started to change, perhaps when his mom stopped work at the supermarket, or when his father broke his ankle and had to take off from the construction site, but the facade of happiness at home never lasted.
they grew apart, all of the o’malley’s, aoife and patrick ending their marriage in a divorce, sean and the girls spending more and more time away from home. to escape, it seemed, from the ghost of a family.
he fell into his group of friends like he always falls into things, seemingly at random, and bless their hearts because he’s never been the easiest person to get along with. he’s combative, and indulgent, and maybe those parents were right when they used to warn people to stay away from the o’malley boy, but he’s got his heart in the right place. if only he knew how to properly express it, maybe he wouldn’t be so on edge all the time, so starkly defensive of what little he has.
he still takes care of his dad, who moved into an apartment in delphinus heights. he makes sure he gets out of bed in the morning, even if it means being late to his own crappy job. he makes sure he’s eating enough. he tries to borrow the one family car as little as he can, knows his dad needs it more. he tries to shield his sisters from having to know the extent of a deadbeat their dad is, wants better for all of them but knows he isn’t going to be the one to give better to them.
sean cares for them all deeply, his family and the few friends he has, but he’s never been great at expressing his emotions, not with them and certainly not with anyone else. he does what he can, working whatever job he manages to secure and sticking around irving  ( currently he’s taken to fixing cars but .. how long can sean really be good for  fixing  anything .. ) , but there’s an undeniable pull he feels in his gut, whispering that it doesn’t have to be this way. that there’s more, somewhere, anywhere else. he’s never had a problem listening to his gut before.
an ex, probably someone who ended up leaving and things were maybe never even that serious to begin with ??  everyone always knew sean would never make it out of irving and they just wanted really different things. maybe they’ve stayed in contact or maybe not, maybe it ended badly or maybe they just both knew it was coming and sean isn’t exactly the type to care enough to try to hold on.
skate crew, i think a few other muses skate or possibly even just go to the skate park to watch others skate ??  little social gathering thing going on. picture parties at 3am in the in ground pools, drunk half pipe usage, sliding down ramps on mattresses, chaos.
his childhood friend, maybe they stuck up for him when he was a kid getting bullied and has just been there for him through everything. his parents’ divorce, everyone leaving, his many failed attempts to hold a job. maybe they grew apart and now its awkward when sean skates by like hi :P
antagonistic, no matter how hard they try not to, they’ve always butted heads. sean’s so confrontational and he can’t keep his head on his shoulders. he’s always been an easy target, but he’s also always been so jealous. isolated himself and pities himself and it’s infuriating. they’re polar opposites, but they can be at each other’s necks one minute and grabbing a pint in the next. it’s complicated.
someone innocent, maybe someone who has come to him because they want to loosen up ??  they want to put themselves out there more. they’ve always been the voice of reason and they want to cut loose, they went away and now they’re back and they don’t know what to do, etc. just think it would be fun for sean to be the father of bad influence lmao
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eventidespirits · 3 years
• (in)Complete List of Muses •
(See Pinned Post for Main Muses)
Breaking this up into the roles the various characters play so you can get an idea of alignments . Sharing this as-is but this is not the complete list at the moment..
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Adam Freemont: He/Him || "29" || DOB: August 11th 1896 || RIP 1925 || Vampire (Siren)/Bloodbound Spirit || Morgan's Maker/Sire || Social Psychologist || Gaslighting Egotist || Daddy Issues || got eaten by his progeny during her first week of unlife
Camille Belikova: She/Her || "23" || DOB: Midwinter || RIP: Spring 1236 || Vampire (Stryzga)/Cursed Sidhe || Walking Trigger Warning || Plans for World Domination || HATES the Fae ||Collector of Pretty Boys || The Villain || One half of a Bonded Pair
Lucille DeSantos: She/Her || "26" || DOB: November 1st 1204 || RIP December 21st 1230 || Experienced Umbramancer || Servant of the Watchful Moon || Nyctophobes DNI || The Other Half of the Bonded Pair || Wants a Family 💗
Ella DuChamps: She/Her || "17" || DOB: January 9th 1900 || RIP October 31st 1927 || Lich (?) || "Voice of the Myriad" || Considered the most powerful Necromancer in the United States (at least) || Leader of the Myriad Eyes Cult || Party Girl || Stopped aging in 1917 || Anything is Possible Through her Gods || incredibly unstable || thinks body horror is a hobby || eye & tentacle enthusiast || Has Big Plans
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Neutral Parties
Andrea "Andi" Vega: She/Her || 27 || DOB: April 7th 1994 || Werewolf (Born) || Problem Solver || Hunter of Hunters || Living out of her Car || Walking Personification of Depression || Does not want to be your friend, does not want to be ANYONE'S friend || Lost her pack and will never be over it until she dies or avenges them || Will Work For Food || "Lesbian Werewolf Jessica Jones"
Sheila Cohen: She/Her or They/Them || "21" || DOB: March 21st 1948 || Faetouched Mortal || Knight of the Winter Court || Coldly Logical || Currently doing work for Winter on the mortal plane || Motorcycle Enthusiast || Too Sarcastic 4 You || formerly a hippie flower child
Alexander Hyde: he/him || "18" || DOB: December 30th 1958 || RIP: December 25th 1976 || Vampire (Revenant) || Formerly Devout Catholic || Antifascist OG Goth || Born into a family of Vampire Hunters || Do Not Mention the Sex Pistols Ever || 5'6 babyfaced ball of rage || Born and raised in Whitechapel || Friends with Laci || Doesn't like to stay in one place...
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the-cosmic-blogger · 4 years
I finally drew my AU Dendy, along with her alter ego, T.D, whom I drew first. I had this concept for quite a while and it took a Dendy art collab to get me to draw it.
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While T.D is a turbo form, due to how she came to be, she's more like an alter ego. No real mindscape and no cage. T.D's Dendy, and Dendy's T.D. Think Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
More Info
NAME: Dendy
ALIASES: Den, science baby, nerd, mad scientist (as Turbo Dendy), T.D., Turbo Dendy, kid
GENDER: female
AGE: 12
DoB: Unknown
OCCUPATION: student, coder, hacker, scientist, hero
SKILLS: she's able to kinda warp reality via her technology, can type super fast and run just as quickly. She also exhibits super strength and superior jumping abilities. Due to the turbonic energy, she can send out magnetic impulses as well. And she's always watching.
QUIRKS: she tends to adjust her glasses/goggles quite a bit. As T.D, she clasps or rubs her hands together when excited. Children cheer or boo and cry depending on whether she's Dendy or T.D. when she appears, most often when she's needed.
PERSONALITY: Dendy is a very intelligent, kind and helpful girl, though she tends to be insensitive and unaware of people's feelings, particularly when she's experimenting. But she means well and wants to be more open and be better. | T.D, on the other hand, couldn't care less about the notion of friendship and emotion, all too willing to close herself off from that and happily indulges in experiments, seeing people as future subjects for her studies and experiments. She's less kind and helpful, and is more cynical as a whole, but she has a couple soft spots: POW Cards and Kaio himself. She finds him intriguing.
BIO: One day, Dendy wanted to find out more about turbonic energy and how it naturally occurs, with glorbs as her subject. But one of her experiments blew up in her face, literally, leaving her unconscious. When she awoke, she felt a special darkness only she could feel.
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fmromeo · 5 years
Intro - Romeo Romero 
Hey guys! I’m back with character number three - Romeo! This intro will be pretty short and sweet because I’m planning to flesh him out as I go, but I hope that it sparks your interest nonetheless. Thanks for reading! 
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( TYLER POSEY. TWENTY-SEVEN. CISMALE. HE/HIM. ) in texas, ROMEO ROMERO is known to most as ROMEO. they have been riding with the diablos for 4 years. they originally from TUCSON, AZ and the RIDER is known to be very APATHETIC & WARY but the other club members will tell you they are ACCEPTING & PERSONABLE. as the years go by, they’ve gained a lot of respect in the club and around town. they rarely ever drive a car but when they do THE CULT OF DIONYSUS by THE ORION EXPERIENCE is usually heard blasting. (sleeping in ‘till four in the afternoon, ouija boards and midnight ghost hunting, “work smarter not harder”, nose rings and cheeky smiles) 
& Basics
Name: Romeo Christian Romero Nickname(s): Romeo Age:28 DOB: April 23rd Gender Identity: Cismale Sexual Orientation: Homesexual Relationship Status: Single Occupation: Unemployed  Place of Residence: Stratford, TX Hometown: Tucson, AZ Affiliation: Diablos
& Appearance
Height: 5′10″ Hair Color: Dark brown ye Color: Dark brown Distinguishing features: his jawline is slightly crooked and he always looks half-dead with the bags under his eyes Tattoos/Piercings: he’s got a nose ring and an assortment of tattoos scattered about his arms and torso 
& Personality
Negative Personality Traits: Apathetic, Wary, Pessimistic, Petty, Unreliable  Positive Personality Traits: Accepting, Personable, Articulate, Clever, Protective  MBTI: INTP Alignment: True Neutral
& Background
Romeo started off life as the child of a single mother who worked full-time as a professor at the University of Arizona. She was the Undergraduate chair of the Biology department and took him to school with her as often as she could - usually over the weekends when she was getting extra stuff done or setting up her schedule/lectures for the following week. 
He was bored easily as a child and hanging out at his mother’s work didn’t help. He found himself constantly looking for things to do or ending up places he shouldn’t, but his mom was always patient with him and spent much of his early childhood humoring his curiosity. 
School bored him, too. He was one of those kids that caught on really quickly and spent the rest of the class period goofing off or falling asleep in the back. As he progressed through the grades, it didn’t get better. 
He didn’t have to try all that much to get by, he didn’t have to care. So he didn’t. He put all his energy into socializing and building a close-knit group of friends who were just as bored as him. Romeo was the unofficial ‘leader’ of said group and was the mastermind behind most of their ‘shenanigans’, still, he managed to avoid detention more than anyone else. 
When High School rolled around, his mom had had enough of working at the university and she wanted a change. A big change. They moved across country to Virginia where she worked for a research lab developing pesticides. 
While she was much happier there, Romeo felt lost - more so than he ever had before. Without his friends, he had nothing going for him at school and when his mom pressured him to start thinking about College, he blatantly ignored her. The last thing he wanted was more school even if she promised him it would be a hell of a lot less boring. 
For his entire High School career, he found himself more closed-off than anything - sleeping as much as he could and giving all of his classes as little effort as he could get away with. He was in a funk and he did a lot to try and feel something besides the nothingness that weighed heavily on his chest. 
It had always been there but as soon as his friends were taken away, he felt like he had nothing else. 
Tattoos, piercings, binge drinking, hookups - he did whatever he could think of and still the rush it gave him only lasted a few days. It felt like nothing was worth doing and he couldn’t articulate it to anyone without feeling frustrated. 
He graduated with average grades - a first for him considering his previous track record of near-perfect marks - and out of high school, he didn’t pursue higher education. Instead, he got a shitty job at a fast-food restaurant and moved out of his mom’s place to live in an apartment with three other guys he vaguely knew. 
Life went on like that for a few years - mundane and soul-crushing, that was until he found a box of old photos old his parents. His mom had never really talked about his dad but it turned out he’d been a part of an old motorcycle club in Texas before they’d hooked up. 
The Diablos. He decided he may as well go try it out. 
& Useless Headcanons 
He has two rats named Jekyll and Hyde and they are his pride and joy. He teaches them tricks and takes care of them better than he takes care of himself. They go with him sometimes, he sticks them in his jacket pockets, but he doesn’t go too far from the clubhouse in case he has to take them back on short notice. 
He’s an amateur ghost hunter and he makes the trek down to abandoned houses just to spend the night there and see if he can reaffirm his belief in the supernatural. 
He doesn’t trust the government. 
He’s got a fixation on conspiracy theories - from the absurd to the almost believable, he’s got an encyclopedic knowledge of them all. Whether or not he believes them, the world may never know. 
He’s a good person to go to if you just want to rant about something. Romeo makes a good shoulder to cry on and he’ll listen to whatever you have to say, not just because he wants to keep tabs on everyone (but that’s a big chunk of his reasoning.) 
He’s the personification of the phrase ‘work smarter not harder.’ He has laziness down to a science and does everything in his power to avoid doing things if he doesn’t absolutely have to/want to. 
He’d probably sleep nonstop if he could stand to lay in bed for longer than 36 hours straight. 
His favorite color is purple. 
He likes to listen to audiobooks because his mother used to read to him often when he was little. It’s comforting. (Plus, reading is a lot of work and he’d rather have somebody else do it.) 
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hello-dobs · 5 years
So I have to say - every time you pop up in my feed I get very excited and say to myself “oh Dobs is posting!” Because I don’t know your real name and I feel that if you reveal that info to people I probably should should because I don’t think your name is actually Dobs!
Oh this is so sweet! I didn't think my blog mattered to people or anyone really paid attention to if so I'm delighted to hear that my activity brings you joy! My name is Holly-Ann 🤗 my Tumblr name was gifted to me by Tom Bateman when I had to look after him on Jekyll & Hyde since I told him about a modelling job I did where I couldn't take a photo of my outfit for my Mum, so I had to describe myself to her & I said "I looked like Dobby with a Noel Gallagher haircut". He cracked up & from that day forward called me Dobs, reuniting again I couldn't spot him until I heard "Hello Dobs"
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dxvinechaos · 4 years
Intro - Sloth (Romeo) 
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[ tyler posey, cismale, he/him, unknown ] Whenever I hear WAITING ON THE WORLD TO CHANGE by JOHN MAYER  it always makes me think of ROMEO. They have been so AFFABLE & CLEVER, but occasionally they have gotten a little bit APATHETIC & IDLE during their 20 YEARS in Evergreen Parrish. They currently work as an RECEPTIONIST, a strangely fitting job for a DEADLY SIN (SLOTH). A SUB, they never tried to hide that they were DEMISEXUAL. A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP YOU JUST DON'T WANT TO WAKE FROM, A DAY SPENT INSIDE LETTING THE ROOM GET DARK AROUND YOU, MILLENNIA OF KNOWLEDGE UNUSED AND NEGLECTED are pretty much their calling card, and that fits perfectly with their role as a RESIDENT in the parrish.
& Basics
Name: Romeo/Sloth (he hasn’t bothered with a last name in centuries)  Nickname(s): n/a Age: Unknown DOB: Unknown Gender Identity: Cismale Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Demisexual, Panromantic  Relationship Status: Single Occupation: Receptionist Status: Resident
& Appearance
Height: 5′8″ Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown Distinguishing features: perpetual state of dishevelment, a snazzy nose ring 
& Personality
Negative Personality Traits: Apathetic, Idle, Pessimistic, Unmotivated, Petty, Unreliable Positive Personality Traits: Affable, Clever, Personable, Sentimental, Hard to Anger Alignment: True Neutral
& Background
Not much is known about the origin of the seven deadly sins, why the appeared, or why they were given their physical forms. Their beginning is a mystery even to them and Sloth doesn’t give enough of a shit to figure it out. 
 What happened before he moved to the Parrish is a blur of doing both everything and nothing - influencing rulers, religious figures, and anyone he could get his hands on to join him in his sin of omission. 
He was swept into town propelled not by his own desire for a change of scenery but by an ex before things between them fell apart. After that, he didn’t bother leaving, he had most - if not all - of his siblings there anyway. What more could he need? 
He spent the next twenty years going from job to job, apartment to apartment, relationship to relationship. The downfall of each and every one of those things was nothing more than his nature. He didn’t put in the effort, he didn’t bother to go above and beyond, and so eventually he was cut out. 
The only time he wasn’t at fault was his most recent relationship. He’d loved the other more than he thought he was capable of and for the first time he really committed to being in a relationship. Things were great until they weren’t and they fell apart - not for lack of trying. This has only served to reaffirm his actions, to prove to him that the effort wasn’t worth it. It was never worth it. 
& Useless Headcanons 
Sloth goes by the mononym Romeo and hasn’t bothered to give himself a last name in at least a century. He even signs it on legal documents...no one has bothered to question it or him. 
 He also doesn’t save people’s contacts in his phone, he just recognizes them by number.
He has the power to dissuade people from productivity, to coerce them into temporary apathy. His power morphs and changes with the times as the definition of sloth changes, nowadays it’s a lot less focused on spirituality and more focused on physical and mental laziness. 
America is his favorite. He loves how dependent on technology everyone is. 
Romeo is both exceptionally smart and quick thinking. He could accomplish a lot with the centuries of human knowledge floating around in his brain he just won’t. Because he is truly the embodiment of his sin. 
Romeo doesn’t usually keep jobs for long. Actually, his longest running employment to date is his current place of work - Finer Motors - at a whopping 11 months. 
He’s really into tattoos and body piercings. He has a plethora of tattoos littered across his body and both his ears and his nose pierced. 
He has two rats called Jekyll and Hyde that he loves more than life and takes care of way better than he does himself. He’s taught them a variety of tricks and he puts a lot of effort into keeping them and their home healthy and clean. 
Unlike some of his siblings, he falls victim to his own sin easily and he doesn’t fight it. It’s who he is, after all, there’s no point in denying the inevitable. 
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yourdailyqueer · 6 years
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David Hyde Pierce
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 3 April 1959  
Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Actor, director
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espacey · 2 years
They just don't listen about injecting osmotic dob: unknown and suffocation!!!
They just don’t listen about injecting osmotic dob: unknown and suffocation!!!
We have been through this with Lorne Hyde and NSW health previously with just the female side on Simon Antony Roberts and injecting dob: unknown like it shows they are on ancestry.com.au; now it with the male side of the chamberlains of ninjutsu with elpiniki iosif; normally it only takes 2 maybe 3 shots by anything after dating them and you get what is called surranus suffocation which makes all…
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sistema-celeste · 6 years
Just of the sake of it, what are the facts on UNI that were revealed in Q&As but not in game? I only know two things that were shown in Q&As only but I feel like there are more.
Quite a bit of info is revealed in both the in-chracter Q/As and the Information Station streams (When they do a Letterbag Corner segment anyway).
I won’t be able to post a full list of things revealed here, but I may do a whole list when I get the time to go through the Q/As. There should be a blog somewhere that features all of the Q/As translated (If someone could link me, that’d be grand), so I may have a look at that to give you the full details.
Q/As (These mostly just delve into the social lives of the playable cast):
Orie visits Hyde every now and then to help out with studying, cleaning, cooking and so forth.
Gordeau can cook, his signature dish being beef stroganoff...
Meanwhile, Carmine mostly just lives on reheatable corner shop food.
Streams (The nitty gritty stuff like character info, EXS abilities, etc)
Details on the EXS abilities on some of the NPCs
Statistic info on Zohar (Height, weight, DoB, etc and etc)
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