#Doing more SH art yay!
ananaspapu · 1 year
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Heather I drew for the Silent Hill 3 birthday couple days ago! I also finally beat SH3 myself and ahh I just love the game even more 💖
(before I was able to play it myself I watched alot of let's play videos back in 2010 when I was 9 yo and since then I have been a fan)
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Okay so I guess the 4th season is just gonna be a remake of the first but in 13 episodes instead of 24..? But omg
I only watched one episode. Screenshots here ya go:
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Someone stole their melanin 😭
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I know Guts has already been lightened since the first season but his skin blends with the tent in this scene pfff bro is the color of mayonnaise
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Guys, I think Griffith wants him lololol
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I had to pause here. I started laughing so loud bkdhfkvk the show somehow got gayer and not even my boy Guts is skipping past it bmxhcjvk XD
I chose not to mention the bed scene cause i still wanna vomit thinking about it. I do love, however, how Casca punched Guts so hard he keeled over with spit running from his mouth. I think that's the strongest I've seen her be this whole show 🥲
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Mwah give him a kiss kiss. The art style now looks kinda like Jojo's part 1 and I am not complaining
Okay somehow Guts went back to his original ish color? Bros a chameleon.
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Edit #2:
Btw I feel as though i forgot to mention in my first Berserk post...
No. Women do not get a high fever when on our period. We also don't just pass out. Fainting can happen, though, but not commonly like... Also, I love how no one mentions how the crap Casca is dealing with the blood. I assume she's just bleeding out, I guess. Blood everywhere. Never getting that out of your clothes in that age. NOT TO MENTION A S3X SCENE. BLOODY S3X. AAUGH
I doubt even a single women looked at the script before these dudes published it in the manga... and show... and remake...
EDIT #3:
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...they let Casca save herself for once like the strong women she's supposed to beee 😭😭😭
But why we gotta see her b00bs out bro
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caff3inatedsh0rk · 2 years
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Ngl I was SO shook when I saw a repost of this art I did for TBOBF a while back! @.@
I really don't mind people reposting my art, but I figured I should probably put it on Tumblr myself! I really need to do a better job keeping up with the socials haha
Anyway, here's a little bit of angst from TBOBF! I always wanted Dave Filoni to add a little depth to these two. I was hoping we'd get more info about their past but shit I'll take it \(0.0)/
(A few thoughts)
Seeing Bane brought to live action was the coolest sh*t ever. The suspense? The voice? The gear? The sass??? I ate that sh*t up.
I will admit I was a little taken back by some of his design choices but I quickly came to love it. I saw some edits where people "fixed" him to make him look more like his clone wars counterpart but honestly?? His live action look was so much more sinister and crunchy. It was perfect!
I hope they didn't put in all that work just to never bring him back in live action again :(((
What did y'all think about Bane in live action? Yay or nay?
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rapidcow · 2 years
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A very Isaac Christmas
Yes, I am surprised that I managed to sit down for almost 6 hours straight just to draw... whatever this is. And yeah, it’s probably not the best comic idea, but if I had to wait for that day I actually make a good comic... I might as well give up on art entirely, which I clearly don’t want to so I’m going to continue to pollute the online art community with my terrible stick figures :>
Drew this on iPad with Notes: yes, the last app you’d expect a sane person to draw anything competent on. That is somehow the only app I feel comfortable start drawing in (and although not being able to zoom in and export properly is mildly annoying sometimes, letting perfectionism get to me would be even more annoying)
To explain what I drew in case it isn’t blatantly obvious, first off, everyone is friends here, NOT, IN, A RELATIONSHIP OR SOME WEIRD SH—you get the point. And everything else is just my overly personal interpretation of these TBOI characters: Judas is the most aloof among all in the friend group and Cain admires him because Judas looks really cool and scary with his Book of Belial (I think so too!) And so he wonders very very often how Judas would look if he smiled one day......
So on Christmas Eve he snuck into Isaac’s bedroom and “borrowed” the D6 from him, kept rerolling, refilling the charges, and rerolling again all night long until he finally got Mom’s Knife (a really good quality 4 item I suck at using :c) And when the morning of Christmas came Cain handed Judas his Knife, and that... would be the start of this comic. (Yay headcanon gang... I really wish Isaac finds more of these wholesome moments in his imaginations as much as I do mine :,)
(And don’t ask me why Isaac’s D6 was just conveniently next to Cain lol... need it for the plot okay I DON’T FRICKING KNOW WHY EITHER OKAY I’m very demotivated when it comes to self-expression with art and stuff T_T)
(I could’ve drawn more characters like Azazel & Maggy & Eve & ... like in fact I wanted to draw something like this drawing by Sunomii, but do you really think I was capable of that? Probably not, as you might have already figured.)
Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone!
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bitetherabbit · 2 months
tw sh
fuck i feel like doing it again. i just want to die. getting yelled at for doing something "wrong" totally sets me off... getting yelled at in general. or even being around angry yelling. like. you don't have to yell to communicate goddamn! just talk to me! why do you have to raise your voice?! plus, said thing doesn't even involve you!!! and it's not something to be mad about! you're making it a problem!!!
not like she knows how to properly communicate. she can go for days without saying anything to me when she shuts down so then im like "did i do something wrong?" when it's not even to do with me. but i never know. and then she'll explain like a week later. fuck that. im sick of it. im done. im your fucking kid! we both deserve better!!!!
and i was having a pretty ok day, i made it to the grocery store on my own this morning and wasn't anxious for the majority of it. towards the end i was like ok get the last few things you came for and leave, no more browsing. but i'm glad i did it. and now this. and i want to fucking not exist anymore.
i like how the scabs feel when they're healing, but they're not as rough now cuz it's been a week or so. i want more, but i also don't. i need to stop it!!! but i just feel so casual about it like it doesn't matter. i literally am at the point of "i don't give a FUCK" about everything, even sh. everyone and everything makes hurting yourself out to be a big deal, a bad and dangerous thing, which it really can be if you're seriously going deep. so then i feel guilty about it usually. add it to the misplaced guilt trauma pile.
i don't cut deep at all. it squicks me out. i can look at gory art and draw it or whatever but if it's my own body i get nauseous. but i still get the urge to sh when im really fucking upset or depressed, which makes no fucking sense but that's my brain i guess. so i just do surface layer injury, like a bad scrape. sometimes they bleed. and it's enough pain to distract. and i make sure to keep it clean, at least. i don't want infection. people might be like "so why do it at all?" and i don't know. it doesn't actually help the problem, i know. it's just a coping thing. i didn't even consider it until i was 20ish yrs old? and then one day (certain events happened) i just thought to do it and jumped the fear hurdle of the first time and now it's a constant pressure in the back of my mind when im having a very bad time. yay.
may go do that. or draw! who fucking knows. oh, that last drawing i uploaded was the result of me thinking about bashing my head into the wall over and over! because that's the type of shit i think about when i feel really fucking bad and want to not exist anymore. so, y'know. a few cuts here and there really isn't that bad comparatively, right?
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maofa · 3 months
uni is almost over (yay!!!!) (( just need to finish 2 more assignments and send the rest)) so im gonna list things i wanna do soon-ish to get me motivated!! pls keep me accountable >;p ((sry if its a bit unhinged im low on sleep))
1. fics (im serious im plagued in visions coded in words)
- fuckin sit my ass down and finish franky ch of fishue. cmon. how hard can it be (it is idk y but it is)
-post ch7 as well. its mostly done. maybe few corrections bc i havent looked at in like 3 months but yeah.
- also get a bit ahead if possible... i dont want it to be wip forever :((
- the WPF and all of the ICH.PWFMs and RDPAP and and and FN-DBG fics. ifykyk. (sike. only i know)((but you could know. if youre interested. you. you the viewer))
also maybe rewatch mp100 and do smth about the 19 ch ficlet i have in drafts 😒😒
2. art (uuh i wanna draw. i wanna draw so badly- watch me not fuckin drawing as soon as i get free time)
-SH time skip redesigns. i have. many thoughts. fr fr.
- postcard-like illustrations of each arcs. that would be super cute
- portraits of crew. bust out my markers. could be with my redesigns :3
- assortment of random side characters. i just wanna play with them
- shippy doodles. platonic doodles. just doodles. requests?
- finish sketchbook. im so done with it 😭😭😭
- and learn digital while im at it. cmon
i also might wanna embroider my hoodie. thats a thought. anyway. manifesting productive summer 🌠🌠🌠
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jenodunno · 3 years
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a/n: aish i’m sorry i haven’t written in a while, i have no excuses for myself other that i had no inspiration to write. Anyways i hope you enjoy this cute little story of Jaemin tutoring you hehe
pairing: Jaemin x Reader
warnings: none ?
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"How can you even get good grades in this class" You sigh looking at your boyfriend's test paper that the teacher just handed out.
"I don't know," He shrugs looking over at the grade on your paper "But I do know I'm better at it then you" He lets out a small laugh
"Instead of laughing you should be a good boyfriend and help me" You sulk, laying your head on your desk.
Let's just say Human Anatomy isn't the class you do best nor do you even like it, but the sadly you still need to pass the class to no disappoint your parents.
"Of course I'll help you out, love," He smiles looking at you before petting your head "I'll come over after school, like that we can get started"
"Wait, what ? Now ?" You asked in disbelief "I know I asked for help but not right away I want to rest my brain a little"
"Yah...no, the faster we study the faster you'll understand what's going on and anyways the next test is schedule for next week so it's best if you start now, love." He says letting out a small laugh at the end when you sighed once again for like the one hundredth time.
"Fine" You mumble burying your face in your hands.
Wednesday at your place, (A week till the test)
"Wait" Jaemin says trying to hold back his laughter while looking at the test you received back from your teacher yesterday because he's a great boyfriend and doesn't want to laugh at your failure "You're really going to tell me you don't know where the esophagus is,"
"No, I know where it is, It's just that-"
"Then why did you put throat instead,"
"Because technically-"
"No baby no, technically it isn't our throat"
“Well technically yes because when we eat food goes down in it-“
“I can tell this is going to be long” He sighs chuckling
“Heyy don’t laugh at me !” You huffed, pushing him lightly “can we take a break we've been reviewing for hours" You sighed
"It's only been 30 minutes, my love," Jaemin says and looks at you with an 'are you serious' face "And I pretty sure we'll need more than that if you don't know where the esophagus is" He chuckles
"You're really not going to let me go for that one" You say getting up off the floor
"Nope" He smiles at you, before kissing you on the nose.
Thursday at Jaemin's place, (6 days till the test)
"Maybe you'll focus more at my place" Jaemin mumbles opening the front door for the both of you.
"What's that suppose to mean" You say looking up at him
"I mean that, maybe studying in another environment that's not your usual one might help you focus more" He explains
"I practically live here with you, Jae" You looked at him laughing a little
“Yeah yeah whatever, come on” He laughs stepping a side a little letting you go in first before closing the door behind himself.
After getting settled on the kitchen counter with all the school work laid out in front of you guys and Jaemin to your left you try to pay attention. In the end you actually are paying attention to what Jaemin is showing and explaining to you, maybe he was right earlier....
"So as long as you can try to remember this graphic by heart you'll at least get a 10 out 35 on the test" He says trying to make you feel better
"Yah but that isn't enough," You blow out a breath
"I know it isn't, love, but that's still better than the grades you got yesterday, and anyways I'll try my best to help you" He says grabbing your hand into his own "Anyways let's focus on this chapter, most of the vocabulary and work that'll be on the test is in this chapter, okay ?" He says softly looking at you and when you nod at him he starts explaining.
After 2 hours of studying flying by, you both decide to take a break.
“You know I hope you focused more on what I was explaining to you and not my face.” He smirks before drink out of his water bottle
“W-what do you mean,?!” You answered back in a flustered state “I was paying attention to you.”
“Yeah to me or to what I was explaining,” He chuckles before raising an eyebrow at you “because to me it seemed like you were paying more to me, as in my face and not the work.”
"T-that's not true," You defended
"Come on just admit to it and I'll give you a kiss" He once again lifts the corner of his lips forming a smirk
"J-jaemin !"
Saturday at Jaemin's place, (4 days till the test)
You don't know if Jaemin is actually a really good tutor or he is a good tutor because suddenly you can understand things you didn't think you could or at least you think so. I guess you could say you were lucky to have him.
"Are you guys really studying on a Saturday ?" Jeno says walking in Jaemin's house as if it's his own with a basketball in his hands
"Hmm, Oh yeah I'm helping my princess over here not fail for our next test" Jaemin hums a response to Jeno barely acknowledging his presence "Anyways, do you understand the graphics over here, It's explaining how the fluids in-"
"What's up fuckers" Donghyuck says bursting into the living room with a football soccer ball in his hand "Jeez it's literally the weekend and you both are in here studying, tsk, you know it feels really good outside ?" He smirks at you, dropping his weight on the couch "I would say the weather is about 28 degrees with a few clouds and the wind is-"
"You know it's better to stay in here than to be outside with your presences," You playfully glare at him
"Oh come on, stop acting like you hate me when you don't" He laughs before throwing the ball his holding in the air before catching it again.
"Stop being lame Donghyuck," Jeno chimes in "Anyways come on Jaems, It won't kill to take a little break and have fun, right Y/N ?"
"Okay, okay fine how about about we take a small break," Jaemin says getting up before smiling at how happy you looked
Let's just say it wasn't a small break you both took.....
Tuesday afternoon in the library (The day before the test)
"I'll never understand why it's so important to learn this, I honestly don't care about the human anatomy and how it works," You whine pushing your folder away from you
"You know your only learning about this because you chose this course" Jaemin says letting out a small laugh at your defeat
"Yeah well I only chose the scientific course because I wanted to have Laboratory but even that is hard and boring, I should have chosen the literature course like that I would of gotten art and I'm pretty sure that is much more fun and less hard than this human body thing. And also I wouldn't be alone because Renjun is there" You ramble out.
Jaemin pauses looking at you, then looking at all the school work flared out in front of you both before letting out a small sigh with a light laugh at the end.
"Look baby, I'm going to be honest with you. I know we've been studying for this test since last week but going the way we are going and the fact that the test is tomorrow, you're going to fail this test, I love you, but there's nothing we can do about it now" Jaemin says looking over at you before you let your head fall on the table with a bang gaining peoples attention. Jaemin just smiles at them before bringing his attention back to you caressing your back
"I knew it, I'm going to fail again and like you said there's nothing we can do" You mumble out lowly with a sigh following at the end
Jaemin doesn't respond but just sits there and comforts you.
Wednesday, ( test day )
The moment the teacher handed out the test papers, you knew you were doomed. On the first page you barely understood anything and the second page even less, though on the third page there was the graph that you studied so hard to remember, which you shockingly did. While filling out the graph you started remembering a few things Jaemin had taught you a few days prior.
30 minutes passed by pretty fast before you heard your teacher's timer going off "Okay times up, everyone pens down" He then proceeded to collect everyone's papers before going back to his desk to grade them leaving the class to do whatever.
"So how do you think you did ?" Jaemin says looking over at you, who was staring at the bracelet you were wearing
"Hm ? Oh umm well honestly I'm pretty confident, after I completed the graph suddenly things you had explained came into my head and I feel like I got a lot of things correct !" You say cheerfully. You honestly do think you did pretty well, all the answers suddenly came into your head at one pointed so yeah you are confident in yourself.
"I'm glad to hear that you're confident, It puts me at ease knowing I tutored you well" He smile at you like always
"Of course you did, you're a pretty good tutor y'know now I understand why Jisung always comes to you for help" You laugh softly
"Good morning everyone, i hope that today has been a pretty decent day for you all" Your teacher speaks out to the class walking in front of his desk. "Now before you ask yes I've graded yesterdays test, I will now hand them out" Your teacher announces.
"Yay finally, I could barely sleep last night because of this." You giggled cheerfully
Your teacher finally reaches yours and Jaemin's desk handing out your papers. When giving Jaemin his paper, you didn't miss your teacher giving him a small pat on his shoulder before giving you your paper with a small smile on his face. Giving him a small smile back you checked out your grade on the top right of the paper. The moment your eyes landing on your grade, you practically had stars popping out out of them.
With a little squeal of happiness you turn your paper around to show it to your lover with a huge grin on your face.
"Look !" You beamed happily at your boyfriend "Ahh thank you so much" Leaning in giving him a hug
"You're welcome my love," He chuckles looking down at you on his chest, reaching to pat your head "But you do know that having a 14/30 doesn't exactly mean you passed"
But you were quick to look at him and shush him with a finger to your lips "Don't ruin it for me, it's the highest grade I've gotten in this class" As your face changed from having a playful pout on it to having a smile letting a few giggles escape from your lips.
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gatorkid509 · 2 years
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I LIVE TO CREATE MORE ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the wait guys, but I have a very good excuse for why I haven't posted more art since at least March.
You see, my old 2 in 1 laptop was getting really slow, so I decided to get a new laptop with an actual drawing tablet( Which not only cost me a lot of money, but I had trouble getting the tablet to my house with UPS just failing to just put the package on my doorstep!!!!) And I'm still having some trouble getting it work properly, mainly getting it to configure into left hand mode without flipping my laptop screen.
And also trying to type these twos bios in time, but I decided to be lazy and just publish the art now and post the bios with the art at another time and day, kinda like with Caspian's redesign.
Anyways, time for the next Storm Hawks OC Redesigns, this time for Princess Dayna and Dakota the Terradon.
As you can tell, they do look quite different from their first designs, and Dakota finally gets a body, Yay!!!!
So for Princess Dayna's redesign, I know pink is a very stereotypical color for a princess, but that's why I added the green to compliment the pink. In fact, the reason I wanted her dress to be pink is because I wanted the dress to compliment Leugey's green scales. I also had her sleeves cover her hands because... I simply didn't want to draw the hands, as well as giving her a sheer over skirt to give her an ethereal like look you see in a lot of princesses in movies and shows.
I was also kinda debating whether or not to give her long hair since SH characters don't exactly have long hair, probably because long hair would get in the way when fighting or flying. So I figured since Dayna doesn't fight or use a skyride often( And no she doesn't know how to fly a skyride) she has an excuse to have long hair, and when she does she simply styles it into a braid or a bun to keep it out of the way. As well as debating if I should keep her old hair color or a new one more colorful one since the people of Atmos have a verity of different unnatural hair colors. But I decided to keep her regular brown hair because I thought her having brown hair amongst the plethora of unnatural hair colors would be unique, plus we rarely get princesses with brown hair.
For Dakota, I wanted to emphasize his role as a mad scientist, Terradons in the show already have a bit of a mad scientist like appearance with their spines and goggles.( I kinda think they missed the opportunity to make an evil Terradon either working with Cyclonia or on their own accord.) So I decided to make his lab coat look all patched up like if he fixed it in a hurry in order to get back to work. 
Another thing I did was giving him spiked wrist and ankle cuffs because I actually noticed that the Terradons in the show are actually wearing shackles on their wrists and ankles, like prisoners( And collars too, but they're actually textured into their skin) which makes a lot of sense as they were held against their will by Repton, though I’m not quite sure if they’re there because Repton made the Terradons wear them or the show’s character designers thought they looked good on them, I'd like to think it's more the latter since they do look pretty cool with them. I’d like to think Dakota replaced his shackles with spiked wrist and ankle cuffs as a way to symbolize that he is with the Raptors, not just as their resident smarty, but also as their teammate.
And as you may have noticed, his crystal spear is bent. That was actually a mistake on my part since his physical sketch had curved lines in his spear due to me not paying attention. But I decided to incorporate the reason why it's bent is because it has taken so much damage that the metal bent and he hasn't had the time to fix it.
Also he has dinosaur like legs, main reason why is because I thought the would make he stand out from the Raptors since the Terradons share the same character model as Leugey.
I'm pretty proud of how well they turned out. They definitely feel more like how I envision them to be then their first designs. Especially Dakota since he was just a head before. They definitely feel more like established characters now( At least until I get unsatisfied with this designs in maybe a few years.)
And yes, fanart of this 2 plus Alita and Caspian are definitely appreciated.
Hopefully I'll have their bios typed up soon.
And so I think that's it, tell me what you think.
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heavenfell-au · 3 years
Okay so, i'm taking my time to write you this... In the best english i can uummm, so around april i've fall into a coma bc of a very bad meds error, they gave me too much valium oh heh i forgot to say that i am in a hospital for soul since 5 years and this year was the WORST i had 27 f* meds by days every day and very strong one to turn me into a zombie.. they send me to 2 different hospital while i was just dying everyday a little bit more, i should complain to the police and SH* but i have nothing to show and my voice as a patient is not taking serious yeaah that suck, but why am i complaining about my life to you ? And you in particuliar ? For one art piece you made. This one with frisk in a hospital bed surronded by papyrus and sans i'm talking about the firts one not the remade ( who is Amazing btw ) this art.. i was thinking of it a lot between the pain and every shame i had to face, in my head i wanted to fight just like frisk did and get out of this urgent Care unity but it took me a while and my mind was still focus on your art it gave me a f* lot of power and finally i was able to go out around may but i'm still in the hospital for 2 months and will get finally freedom soon yay ! So i have to thanks you for this piece of art who nearly saved my life. I think that, an artist can have a real impact on someone life with they art just like music or any form for art but i guess you know it.. now i only have 4 pills by days, i have a nice life way better than before and its part bc of you, i've know about your arms and i'm sorry i hope you will be free from this pain soon ! Also i just have a request, can you please post my Ask on your blog ? It's not for peoples to Come tell me 'omg poor you' i want peoples to know that they art, passion, anything they share can help anyone in any time of they're life, it's precious, i hope you get the message and that i didn't waste your time it could it be longer with more detail but i have my phone only 2h by day so it was a bit hard to find the time ! Well have a good day my fav artist ! With luv - Castielsan
I'm glad you survived, Castiel. I really do. Thank you for holding on despite all the shit you're going through. And the fact that my creation helped you somehow really hits a spot, thank you so much for sharing this.
Take care of yourself. You deserve to have a healthy and happy life.
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sunshine304 · 3 years
On to eps 25 + 26, my friends! It’s heating up!
Yang Jin was concerned because he saw Yu Wenzhi’s troups – but he definitely, absolutely was NOT concerned for Li Yan, no no! XD They keep on going together, but only... for 5 min or so? Until Li Yan tells him to go help A-Fei in town, since she can make the rest of the way herself (that worked so well before...). It’s cute how Yang Jin doesn’t want to go, but she makes puppy eyes at him and so he leaves.
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I guess in the long run that isn’t such a bad decision to send him to A-Fei’s aid. 
Poor Li Yan of course meets an outpost that’s already infiltrated by Disha. At least the man helps her instead of selling her out. And then it turns out that Li Sheng didn’t even include a message, just sending her away from where the attack will happen. Oh Li Sheng... He could have thought about how the outpost might be in Disha’s pockets, though, since it wouldn’t be the first time. Anyway, Li Yan steals a horse and goes to find help.
So much stuff is happening at the same time! Yang Jin asks after the Intinerary Gang who surely will help him (good idea), while Chuchu listens in on the Elders talking about how Li Sheng is very likely dead. She is devastated. T_T
Yu Wenzhi starts distrusting Kou Dan, because she now mentions a rumoured hidden path to the 48 Strongholds. She’s all like, “What, it’s just a rumour.“ and even I side-eye her for that. He wants to set a trap for A-Fei and leaves.
Meanwhile, Xie Yun has already strongly hinted to A-Fei that it would be an advantage if they could get YWZ to distrust at least Kou Dan. A-Fei uses YWZ’s ruse for just that, basically telling Gu Tianxian that this was an assassination attempt lead by Mingfeng Sect. 
OMG the kiss by proxy!! I flailed!! Give me moooore! ♥
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XY is off to distract GTX while A-Fei looks for YWZ's new hiding spot. But before that she stares into space, thrown by XY's proxy kiss. I swoon along with her. XD
Li Yan meets Li Jinrong, who was on her way back anyway since she missed her husband yet again. The army seems to have some problems, though General Wen is… perhaps downplaying? Anyway, LJR now knows that 48 Strongholds is under attack and hurries home.
Shen Tianshu has waited out the fire, it seems, and is now in front of the main gate to the 48 Strongholds. Also, YWZ’s private army has arrived. All in all, this huge combined army consists of about 30 people; 6 of them leave to find the secret path. I can’t get over the fact that the mean villains only have so few people! You really didn’t have a budget, huh? XD I mean srsly, there are definitely more people hiding at the 48 SH! XD
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Look at his smug face! He always squints smugly at everyone, he’s so weird! XD
Love how XY is leading Disha around. Also happy that Wang Yibo could do lots of wirework in that scene, since he likes to do that stuff. XD Meanwhile, YWZ feels super threatened. Rightly so, asshole.
Aww the Elders Zhao and Zhang at the 48 SH want to go fighting! I actually enjoy that this show has many older characters as well.
Aaaand A-Fei has found YWZ! And she fights! And then there’s Yang Jin and the IG to the rescue! I love how they’re all fighting, while YWZ just stands there and watches with Kou Dan protecting him. Kinda. I cheered for the IG just fighting with big sticks and whatever else was at hand against that trained (? I assume) private army with swords – and they win by brute force. XD
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A-Fei is all confused and Yang Jin explains, “I met Li Yan on the road and she started crying. She’s so annoying, I can’t say no to her!” He is so whipped. XD
YWZ really is a totally useless fighter. A-Fei reaches him and overpowers him easily. What kind of position does that guy have in the government? Doesn’t seem to be an army position… Since they won they want to get Disha to stop the attack on the 48 SH.
Meanwhile I fucking knew it that Ma Jili would betray them! Did he actually kill that one Elder? Or did they really encounter Disha and the Elder got killed there? Hm.
Anyway, look at Chuchu grabbing a sword! That was cool, you go queen! Though she didn’t get to use it, I’m sure there will be another chance for her to fuck some shit up!
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A-Fei is so devastated that Uncle Ma betrayed her. I feel you, A-Fei. And then Uncle Ma feels guilty (or… was also misled by Kou Dan?) and fights KD, which doesn’t end good for him. 
That fight between A-Fei and KD was really cool. Loved how they used the end credits song! I’m a sucker for that song! A-Fei gets her revenge and doesn’t even watch KD die.
Seriously, those poor kids will all be so traumatised. Yeah in CQL they all went to war at 19 or so, but they at least all had fighting experience in a real life situation against monsters, fierce corpses and whatnot. The kids from 48 SH grew up sheltered with this kind of fighting just a theoretical exercise. 
OH nooo Xie Yun uses the super power needle! O_O He sees that 48 SH will likely lose (how, against only 20 Disha ppl, IDK…) and decides on that, because he can’t lose A-Fei.
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Look at his conflicted face!!!
He also throws some exposition in there, that Chuchu’s necklace is the main key for the HTYS which he is looking for. Okay. Whatever, now pls fuck Shen Tianshu up, my man.
He does. He also tells A-Fei that he wants to enjoy himself here. (Meaning he doesn’t have long afterwards anyway and wants to go out with a bang I guess. T_T) STS is shocked because it seems that Xie Yun has some SERIOUS FIGHTING SKILLZ.
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This is getting really long... XD
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Xie Yun fights and it's pretty cool! A-Fei also keeps fighting, but she gets weaker, and also seems overwhlemed by the situation. I can’t blame her.
And then Li Jinrong signals her arrival and Shen Tianshu kinda panics while A-Fei decides that this is a good moment to faint. She does a lot of fainting in this show.
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Have this gif for the drama of it all. XD
Yay, Chuchu has found Li Sheng! She had to wade through some corpses for that at the river bank, but she is a badass and doesn’t care. MVP Chuchu! ♥
Excuuuse me!? STS punches (!!) Li Jinrong's horse. Seriously, asshole?! WTF?! LJR fucks him up anyway, destroys his metal hand (he later has a new one so I guess he just... has a lot of these things lying around?). Disha + YWZ’s troups finally retreat, and Chuchu immediately tells them where Li Sheng is. He is now safe, yay!
Okay this shot of LJR is really cool.
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There LJR goes again with her tough mother routine. XD A-Fei is awake and happy to see her; she also aks after Xie Yun, and her mother is like, “Do you know who he is?” and A-Fei conveniently does not mention that she knows he's royalty and just tells her the important stuff like, “He does poetry and songs to make a living.” LJR just dismisses her with, “We'll talk about him later.” Oh oh.
Cute scene with A-Fei and Li Sheng, who tease each other good-naturedly. Li Sheng now can admit that A-Fei is better than him at martial arts, but he doesn't want to give up – perhaps he'll manage to be better than her one day anyway? ;D I like his growth so far.
Xie Yun comes over to flirt and invite himself into A-Fei's bedroom. XD But this time A-Fei flirts back! It's the, “I know I'm good looking, but you have to pay money to stare at me,” and A-Fei answers, “You can stare at me too and we'll call it even,” scene. XY is surprised and delighted. XD
That whole conversation between these two. ♥ T_T A-Fei knows XY so well by know that she sees through his act of putting on a happy face whenever he's worried. She wants to ask so many questions but doesn't because she thinks he won't answer them honestly anyway. T_T And she sincerely asks him if he's alright. T_T He's obviously thrown by all of this, and he talks around some things and yep, he isn't really honest. And then she asks too many questions anyway and he uses her accupoints to knock her out. My God, just talk to her!!
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And there's the other ship that's shyly circling each other! Chuchu and Li Sheng have an awkward conversation, because now that it's not live or death they don't know how to act. XD He wants to look for Chuchu's brother and they perhaps could live at the 48 SH? *puppyeyes* I mean seriously, where is that kid?!
Shen Tianshu is pissed, Yu Wenzhi is too. He's going on about how Xie Yun (=Xiao Chuan) should be dead, damnit, since he was poisoned 10 years ago with that super rare and deadly Bone Piercing Blue poison (we remember, the one that 9th Madam Duan also suffered from until Li Zheng helped her). We get STS exposition that a master must've helped XY so that he survived (and the master should've died of it), but now that XY used the power needle his meridians are no longer blocked and the poison is free to circulate again = He only has a few months to live. OH NO! T_T They don't know if he's also looking for the HYTS but want to keep looking anyway; Disha masters are sent out after the two men yet again bitch at each other. XD
Sometimes it's nice to actually get some exposition here...
There's a funeral scene at 48 SH with cool music and all of them swearing their oath again to do their best with a clear conscience before Heaven, Earth, and themselves. That “clear conscience” idiom is really popular I think?
A talk between Xie Yun and Li Jinrong. She thanks him and seems sincere enough, but she also seems wary/distrustful of him (well, he fetched her ill husband to go to war again, sooo...). He yet again circumvents actually answering her questions about his former master (although I assume she at least has a hunch who he is), and he tells her she should perhaps be nicer to her daughter and compliment her from time to time. Well, I guess he's dying anyway and hasn't anything to lose. XD
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She comments on his pale complexion, is he perhaps ill? Wow the passive-aggressiveness in this scene from LJR. XD Then she hands him a sigil to pass the guards and basically throws him out. Charming. Good start into that in-laws situation. XD
OMG Li Sheng sends pastries to Chuchu! ♥ And Li Yan is all excited, like, “Yes please fetch your little brother, I always wanted a little brother, that would be awesome!” XD
Xie Yun and A-Fei have a romantic stroll under the not-moonlight. ♥ They are holding hands, be still my heart! ♥  While they are hand holding we also get a MV of their best moments so far.
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She tells him she's working on a gift for him, and she wants to help him look for the HYTS since it seems to be a shitty thing and she doesn't want it to fall into Disha's hands. Xie Yun would like to stay at 48 SH and of course doesn't tell A-Fei about his talk wit LRJ nor that he's, you know, dying. It's obvious that he will leave without her because he doesn't want to drag her into this (the trope of “I know what's best for you without giving you a real chance to make a decision yourself” ugh) and also because he's fucking dying. OMG. T_T
We end with A-Fei knocking on his door the next morning (where he very obviously isn't anymore) to give him her gift. Before she can actually see that he isn't there Chuchu intercepts her, so A-Fei tries to give her back the necklace. Chuchu is all like, “Nooo you keep it, it's far saver with you!” so there's that. This will surely be important later. The two girls leave for town to fetch medicine, while Xie Yun sits near the river and sadly plays his flute. T_T
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
y’know what, I think you and ari should legit have a podcast for analyzing watt-
HI AGAIN TEA ANON FBSJFJS honestly dude i just ummmm mindlessly point out patterns that i find cool and just hope that something coherent comes out when i talk about them fjsjs i just rlly love finding patterns in stuff! And yea yay for the tag podcasts and yay for discussion buddies!!! It's really freaking nice to like see more analysis stuffs and bounce ideas off of those analysis stuffs so yea woo for Ari and their big analysis brain and their amazing art!!
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Survey #350
“let’s play a love game, play a love game  /  do you want love, or you want fame?  /  are you in the game?”
Who was your first good kiss with? Jason. Would you kiss this person again? I know I fucking would and I hate it more than I could possibly express. Name something that is on your bedroom wall? Lots of artwork, mostly of meerkats. What accessory do you want in your bedroom? I need another desk to put stuff on. If you could paint your walls any color what would it be? Something pastel. Maybe like, peach. Soft and warm and would really bring light to the room. What does your phone case look like? It's just this boring purple one that came with the phone. What do you take the most pictures of? My camera roll says my pets, hahaha. What is the point of Twitter for you? Liking Mark's shit lmao. What does your planner look like? I don’t have one. If you get into an argument what is it usually about? My anxiety, I think. What are you always in the mood for? Ummm probably a car ride where I can control the music in the passenger seat. It is very, very rare I'll turn that opportunity down. What’s the last emergency you dealt with? I don't really know; I'm thankfully not in these situations very much, especially when you're cooped up at home. I probably haven't been actually engaged in an emergency since I had to call 911 for my mom before she found out about her cancer. She was basically immobile from agony in her abdomen. Do you have a son? I'm perfectly happy without a son, or kids period. Are you married? No. Have you ever worn a suit? I haven't. Have you ever had to call 911? Twice for Mom. How many keys are on your key-ring? Just one for the house. What’s the last thing you created? An RP post would count as art creation, I'd say. Who are your closest friends? Sara, Girt, and uh... Well, they might be it as far as friends I consider truly close to me. I have a few other people I consider good friends, but we're just not like... on that "close" level, you know? Lisa is maybe another, and Lyndsey perhaps, both WoW friends. Are you ready to have a family? I hate that "have a family" tends to mean get married and have kids, which I'm guessing is what you're implying. If that's the case, no, given I don't want kids and am not fit to get married right now. I'm not even with anyone. I'm content right now with just living with my mom and my two pets, who are children well enough to me. Have you ever taken a DNA test? No. Do you have a family cemetery? No. Would you say you have a high sex drive or not so much? *shrugs* I think it's pretty normal. How do you feel about swallowing pills? What do you mean how do I "feel" about it? I just do it if I need to. What animal is the scariest in your opinion? Some kind of bug, probably. Giant centipedes creep me the fuck out, for one, and I've heard their bite is incredibly painful. I've also always been very afraid of Australia's funnel web spiders since watching some show on Animal Planet when I was younger; I think it scarred me for life, aha. And let's not forget the murder hornets. No thnx, rather die. :') Have you ever questioned your sanity? Way more than once, my friend. How do you feel about people wearing fur coats? Are you for or against it? I am VIOLENTLY against it unless it is for survival in extreme climates and you don't have access to other material. That aside, there is NO way you could possibly convince me that it's okay to wear the fur of something once living on yourself for ~fashion~. What’s the worst thing a friend has either done or said to you? Let's not go here. What’s fake about you? Like extensions, fake nails, botox etc. Nothing. If you got the chance, would you audition for a reality show? No. Have you ever gotten into a Facebook fight? Haha, yeah. Favorite flavor of jelly bean? Probably watermelon or strawberry. I'm not a massive jellybean fan. Do you use Tinder? If yes, have you ever met up with someone you matched? I've never tried it, no. What book/movie has made you cry the hardest? Either The Notebook or Titanic. Something you feared as a kid but don’t anymore? Thunderstorms. What’s your skincare routine? I don't really have one. Just wash it with water in the shower and then use a washcloth when I feel the need. Would you rather have a snake or a tarantula as a pet? I want both, but I prefer snakes. What is something you are NOT looking forward to? I both am and am not looking forward to my second Covid vaccine because it's notoriously worse than the first; the only bright side to it is that after the potential side effects blow over, I'm job hunting. What do you usually do right when you wake up? Check the time on my phone. Would you rather eat your pizza cold or hot? Hot, but I like both. Who taught you how to swim? Dad, I think? Can you do push-ups? No. Do you like Doritos? Yesssss. Who is the closest friend that you live by? I don't know. Have you ever banged your head against something? I've had two concussions before, so, y'know. Have you ever jumped on a trampoline? Yeah, I loved that as a kid. Do you like watching scary movies? Yeah. Has anyone ever told you that you have a big butt? No, considering I have like no ass, rip. Has one of your friends ever tried to "hook you up?" Ugh, yes. Do you prefer landmarks or street names when being given directions? Landmarks, by a mile. Although, I'm super bad with directions, so it probably wouldn't really matter much. Do you read the prologues in the beginnings of books? Yeah, you got to. Does your house have more than one fireplace? No. What was your favourite gym class moment? The one and only thing I liked about gym as a kid was when you took one of those rainbow tarps and made like, an air bubble underneath to make this awesome dome everyone sat in. Ya missed out if you didn't do that. Do you think that ocean boardwalks are fun? Yeah. Do you dread when people ask you to sign their yearbooks? Not at all; I was always flattered, knowing they cared enough to want mine. Apple Jacks: yay or nay? I looove those. Do you have a favorite Scooby-Doo movie? Haha yeah, I think it's the second one? Such iconic scenes. It's the one with the Mary Jane girl that Shaggy liked... oh, jokes that went over your head as a kid. Who were your last 3 Facebook messages from and what do they say? I'm too lazy to list the convos themselves, but the people involved are my friends Chelsea and Ian, as well as a friend's mother. Do you turn your phone off at night when you go to sleep? No. It's always on vibrate, and I just turn the brightness way down. What is the sexual orientation of the last person you talked to? She's straight. What’s your favourite hairstyle on the opposite sex? Don't you fucking dare laugh, emo hair is A++. Has anyone ever played a prank on you? What happened? Not a big one, no. Do you like the Silent Hill movies? Do I?! I love the first one (though for a while I wasn't very happy they swapped the lead role from Harry to his wife), and while the second is literal trash story-wise and it's ALL over the damn place, I still enjoy it with just how much I adore SH as a whole. What movie scared you the most out of any other movies? The Rite, because the concept of being raped and impregnated by a demon is fucking horrifying to me. Have you ever wanted to be on American Idol? When was this? Nah. Name 5 things you don’t believe in. 1.) "Everything happens for a reason;" 2.) karma; 3.) destiny/fate; 4.) psychics, fortune tellers, all that; and 5.) luck, at least in the sense of someone having set "good" or "bad" luck. If you could have any friend that you’ve lost back, who would you pick? Probably Megan. If you have pets, who normally puts food and water in their dish? Me for both of them. Do you organize the pictures on your computer into different folders or are they all just under “My Pictures”? I have folders. Do you think if someone is in a relationship, that it is acceptable to have sleepovers with other people of their preferred sex? Eh, nah, that feels a bit far to me. I am very firmly for friends still being able to hang out even if they're each other's preferred gender, but a sleepover sounds a bit too intimate, even without sharing a bed. Would you shoot a gun if given the chance? If you’ve shot a gun before, how many different types of guns have you shot? No. I'm very intimidated by guns and nearly shook when I merely handed a friend his (not for anything bad, he just carried it with him when he goes out), and I've got noooo plans of holding one again unless my life depends on it. Do you feel uncomfortable sharing things like artwork or poetry you’ve written? Is it because you don’t think it’s good enough to show off or because it’s too personal? You. Have. Zero. Idea. It's for both reasons, and it's far more severe in person. Online, I actually don't mind much, oddly enough... I can't quite pin down why. Do you have any siblings you absolutely despise? Why do you despise them? No. Do knives scare you? Is it from watching scary movies? Knives scare me like five times more than guns. Scary movies have nothing to do with it, though. They're just so sharp and the idea of being stabbed by one is terrifying. As someone with a history of self-mutilation too (not with knives, but I've thought about it and once planned to slit my throat with one, but Mom stopped me), they just make me incredibly uncomfortable to the point I can barely hold a "real" knife to just slice food. Have you ever climbed a chain-link fence? Many times. What is your LEAST favorite Disney animated movie? That I've seen, uhhhhh... I don't know man, there are way too many Disney movies lmao. Who was the last person’s house you went to besides your own? My sister's. On YouTube, who are two people you find hilarious? I'm just counting GameGrumps as one, and then you can't forget Shane Dawson, regardless of the controversy. He probably made me laugh more than any other YouTuber. Do you shave your pits? Yeah. Do you know anyone who has been on life support, and survived? I don't think so. Besides the USA, what is your favorite country? I'm not nearly informed enough about foreign countries' politics and laws and mannerisms to have a favorite. Would you rather go to Europe or Asia? Europe. Would you rather go to Africa or Australia? Africa. Would you rather go to Mexico or Canada? Canada. Do you think emo/scene hair is attractive? I love emo and scene hair, don't @ me, it's cute as fuck. Have you ever seen a ghost orb picture? Lots, actually, at one of my old houses that I totally know was haunted. Do you think abortion should be illegal? NO. You would NOT end abortions. You would end SAFE abortions. Do any of your pets have strange habits? Explain? Venus, my ball python, is extremely odd with food to the point I sometimes worry about her, but she's always been this way and is healthy, so I guess it's nothing really worth fretting over. Anyway, when I place her rat in her terrarium, she gets excited first and will pretty much frantically examine her surroundings, like slithering around everywhere, and even when she has clearly found the rat (she'll even prod it with her snout), she usually won't immediately eat. She just like... sits there and has to continue to verify for ten minutes that it's food. I know it's thawed perfectly, btw. So anyway, THAT'S weird... As for Roman, dear god, that cat's just weird, lmao. Especially in the morning, he's very hyper and will bolt around the house sometimes, he "plays" with nothing all the time, he "meerkat"s at nothing that I can nothing, etc. etc. etc. He's a weirdo lol. Have you ever told an extremely inappropriate joke? Oh god, I said something really inapprops once when my friend Chelsea startled me. I won't be repeating it lmao. Who in life have you felt the strongest need to protect? Sara, I think. Who have you most feared in your life? My dad. He doesn't scare me anymore, but he did. What was the quickest friendship you ever made? Oh idk. What is the worst word anyone ever used to describe you? "Martyr." And not the kind that dies for their beliefs. It hurt me so badly to know someone thought of me that way, and I'll probably never let it go. If you have any pets, were they adopted from the humane society? No. Roman is one of the billion kittens born to the cats my sister's in-laws have, and Venus is from a ball python breeding business in Florida called The Gourmet Rodent (they sell f/t rodents too, obvs) Do you like home design, like picking out paint colors and furniture? Not really. My grandmother though, whew, that was her calling for sure. Have you seen any of the old James Bond movies? Nope. List all of your features that you have ever gotten compliments on: My hair, my eyes, my tattoos, my hands, I think my nose, my dimples, my smile, and my boobs lmao. Have you ever been in a hot air balloon? And if not, would you ever want to go in one? I haven't. I think it'd be kinda cool, but they seem too easy to fall out of, and I'm afraid of heights. I'd probably go in one if given the opportunity. Do you have any stains on your shirt currently? No, but there are two small rips. It's just an old tank top. Do you listen to local bands? No. Not that I'm opposed, I just don't know of any I really enjoy. Do you watch YouTube videos often? Many, many daily. Do your parents fight? Do they even talk at all? They're divorced; they used to fight a lot when they were together. Now they only talk if they have reason to. Have you ever watched a movie that's in a complete different language, so you had to read sub-titles? No. Do people with yellow teeth disgust you? Dude, fuck off, no. My teeth are kinda yellow, and I'm extremely self-conscious about it, so seriously fuck this question. You never know for sure why someone's teeth may seem yellowish. Do you drink alcohol on New Year’s Eve? Usually a drink or two. Do you wear rings? I always have two on, yeah. Are you hungry right now? No, I literally just ate a breakfast bowl. Have you ever tried smoking a cigarette? No; I haven't the slightest interest in doing so.
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faejilly · 4 years
@rutherinahobbit replied to your post “So I signed up for two Bangs this summer and just can’t do it, writing...”
PS when do we get to see your pretty art? ��
The first art was for the @wipbigbang and can be seen here: https://cactusspatz.tumblr.com/post/627371928750096385/cactusspatz-faejilly-lost-found-spotify
The second art is for the @malecdiscordserver bang and will be going up tomorrow! 
@rutherinahobbit replied to your post “So I signed up for two Bangs this summer and just can’t do it, writing...”
I’m sorry love :( I mean first off you don’t need to force yourself to write anything your not feeling, this is supposed to be for fun! Second, maybe just leave em be for a while? If you fancy writing for them then yay, if not then let it lie. Thirdly, if it would be helpful to have me read anything and ask you all the questions about it, say the word. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself? It’s ok to need a break and step back and ignore the things. ��������
I think my problem is I want to have finished at least some of these things, I can handle not all of them, not everything turns into proper fic, but I took a break, and now I’m looking at them all doing vaguely confused hand gestures and I don’t know how to turn them back into fic rather than rambling.
(I shall absolutely hit you up for venting later, thank you lovely 😘🥰💕)
@janoda replied to your post “So I signed up for two Bangs this summer and just can’t do it, writing...”
that really sucks. and I know how you feel. i've been avoiding my sh folder for months. but also, i took a break of a couple of months, where i told myself i didn't need to write and didn't need to count my words and put no expectations on myself to finish anything, and i feel so much better now. and I finished a thing! so maybe taking a break, might do you some good?
it's been an exhausting and soul sucking time <3
It has, hasn’t it? Normally I’m decent at knowing I need dormancy between creating things, but I’ve apparently managed to take a break without actually recuperating or something? IDK. I miss writing fic but I feel like I don’t have anything to say that anyone’s going to bother reading anymore. (It doesn’t help that I spent awhile around a bunch of people who engage with fandom & the canon differently than I do, which is fine, but it makes it harder to remember that the way I do it is also fine, and there are probably people still interested in my version. Even if I’m having trouble being interested in my version atm. *snorts*)
tbh, it’s very similar to the problems I was having finishing up my Dragon Age WIPs before I started writing for Shadowhunters, and I never did get back into being really excited about DA (tho I did finish the WIPs that I’d started posting, at least? eventually?) and I don’t want to be done with SH, I had a lot of stuff planned, but IDK. *shrugs* I can’t seem to get any of it to work any more. *thbbbt*
@shadoedseptmbr replied to your post “So I signed up for two Bangs this summer and just can’t do it, writing...”
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radiosandrecordings · 4 years
I’m a different anon but I have mixed feelings abt them getting popular. I’m happy, but the more artists I see pop up making fan art (which yay fan art) the less I see people acknowledge Jon as ace. I’ve seen sooo much nsfw work of Jon or pieces where Jon’s asexuality and probably boundaries aren’t addressed. The bigger the fandom gets the harder the conversation about how ppl need to make a better effort will get. I’ve been attacked for saying people need to do better.
Oh big mood anon, which is why I do a lot of the things I just advised the last anon on. I’m repulsed-ace and arospec man. I just want to see some content of my favourite character where him being like me isn’t erased. And before anybody gets on me about ‘interpretations’ and ‘death of the author’ and ‘not elaborated on in canon’ and whatever just. sh. this is not the place i am a minor and i’m tired of being bombarded with sexual stuff for a character that canon says, and I quote, ‘Doesn’t’. 
I can’t fight the world though, or specifically change people’s opinions, so I just. follow people who agree with me, block those who REALLY get on my nerves, and ignore those who are just doing their own stuff. 
I doubt we’ll get more elaboration on it from Jon in S5 but also we doubted we’d get JM at all so I can hope 
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tfiolarry · 4 years
tfiol chapter two: pretty
summary: simply, the girls meet their grandmas and make a friend.
[one] [three] 
give us feedback :) 
A/N: gif not ours creds to owner
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11:55 AM 
Louis and Harry already woke up, the girls fed them breakfast, gave them a bath. Now, they are getting them ready to meet their moms, Jay and Anne. 
HARRY: (putting Dani's hair in pigtails) Alright, so on the agenda for today is meeting with moms and then we’ll head to the park for a cute little picnic.
JORDYN: (Louis putting her hair in a pigtails also) What's genda? 
LOUIS: An agenda’s like a game plan, o’ tiny one. Like...all the fun stuff we wanna do with you guys today. (finishes her hair)
DANI: Fun stuff?
LOUIS: Yeah, like snacks and bubbles or...barbies, maybe chalk or coloring...but all that, plus picnic.
DANI: (tries to look up at Harry even though he’s doing her hair) For real?
HARRY: (nods and puts cute bows in her hair) Anything you guys wanna do, we will get it for you.
JORDYN: I like bubbles and grapes. (smiles)
DANI: Chalk too.
LOUIS: We can bring it all.
DANI: We can have grapes now?
LOUIS: (looks at Harry) Now?
HARRY: (looks at Louis and shrugs) I guess. But only a few, because we still have lunch later.
JORDYN: (claps her hands) Yay! 
HARRY: Alright Ms. Dani, you are all set.
DANI: (smiles a lot and touches it) Pretty. (gets down from her chair and hugs Harry) Thanks.
HARRY: (pouts and hugs her back) You’re so welcome.
JORDYN: (to Louis) I done too? 
LOUIS: Yes you are indeed, my little poppet. All done and just as pretty as Dani’s, I promise.
JORDYN: (smiles, turns to him and holds her pinky out) Pwomise? 
LOUIS: (smiles and pinky promises her) I promise, 100%. (boops her nose with his other hand) How about we get you guys those grapes now? Sound good?
JORDYN: (nods quickly and gets off the chair after letting go of Louis pinky)
They head to the kitchen with the girls and give them handfuls of grapes each. While they are eating the grapes there is a knock on the door. Wonder who it could be? 
HARRY: I got it. (goes to the door and opens it) Mothers! Hello! (hugs both at the same time) 
ANNE: (hugs him back and is a smiley woman) Hi lovebug.
JAY: (hugs back also) Hello indeed, darling, where are these adorable children of yours? 
HARRY: (lets go of them and opens the door more for them to come in) They’re in the kitchen eating grapes. Come in.
They join Harry and co. inside the house, making their way to the kitchen where Louis, Dani, and Jordyn are eating grapes - seedless green ones, red are for chumps. The girls are casually munching and Louis’ gonna get up.
LOUIS: Moms! How exciting is this? (goes to Jay first and gives her a big hug and then Anne) Lovely to see you guys, like always.
DANI: (while chewing) Who that?
JORDYN: (shrugs and eats more grapes) Moms?
HARRY: Dani, Jordyn, these are our moms who are now your grandmas.
JORDYN: (looks at Dani to let her know who they are) Grandmas. 
DANI: (smiles) Grandmas. (baby waves to them) Hiiii.
JAY: (waves back) Hello, you are so cute.
DANI: I know.
LOUIS: Dani…
DANI: (giggles) Thanks.
JORDYN: Hewwo (waves also) I Jordyn, (points to Dani) This Dani.
DANI: (nods and stuffs her mouth with grapes)
ANNE: (laughs a little) I’m Grandma Anne, nice to meet you both.
DANI: (tries to talk but she’s got grapes)
ANNE: (looks at Louis and Harry) I think...she’s got too many grapes. 
JAY: Yeah, I’ll second that.
LOUIS: Harry, it’s your turn to fix this. I fixed the plant situation the other day, so...
HARRY: (scoffs) How do I even fix this? (goes to Dani) Hey bub, you got too many grapes...one at a time, yeah?
DANI: (looks at him and then decides to fix this by spitting them out on a paper towel on the counter and looks at him) Okay. (gets a new grape now and does a little dance)
HARRY: Okay. (smiles at Louis, Anne and Jay) Parenting isn’t so hard after all. 
JORDYN: (drops a grape) No! (pouts and is almost about to cry because she was really excited for that grape)
JAY: Are you sure? 
LOUIS: Harry, it’s still your turn to be fixing this. 
HARRY: (is pouting but goes to Jordyn) Hey, hey. (grabs another grape and gives it to her) Look, don't be sad - there's more grapes.
JORDYN: But...(points to the one that fell)...I want that one. (pouts) 
LOUIS: That one is yucky, love, it’s on the floor. 
ANNE: (teasing) Thought it was Harry’s turn.
LOUIS: I’m...being a good person, sh.
DANI: No sad, just do like... (grabs a grape and wipes it off with her hands)... that.
HARRY: It’s still yucky, Dan.
JORDYN: (big baby sigh and grabs a new grape) 
HARRY: I’m sorry Jordyn, it’s just how life goes.
LOUIS: But it is, Jordy, it is how life goes, sometimes life gives you yucky grapes on the floor, and you just have to accept it, why? Because big girls accept those things. And you guys are big girls for real, so just say bye bye to it.
DANI: (pouts) Bye bye.
JAY: Kind of depressing to tell them that’s life, isn’t it?
DANI: Who is pressing?
HARRY: Don’t worry about that. The better question is who is ready for the park? 
JORDYN: (gasp and raises her hand) Me! 
DANI: Me too! And...chalk too.
LOUIS: Yes, Dani, the chalk is ready for the park as well.
DANI: Good. You too?
LOUIS: Yeah, me too.
DANI: And grandmas?
ANNE: Of course.
JAY: Always.
DANI: (to Harry) You too?
HARRY: (laughs) Yes me too. 
3:12 PM
Jay and Anne came over earlier in the day to meet the girls before Louis and Harry rounded them up and got them ready to go to the park. They requested chalk, granted they went shopping for toys the other day and picked some up, so they brought it with them. At the park, Dani and Jordyn walk ahead of the adults. Louis is holding a bag of snacks, Harry has a cooler bag for drinks and stuff, and Jay is holding a bin of chalks.
ANNE: (looking at Louis and Harry) They’re really lovely girls, you two.
LOUIS: Of course they are, they’re being raised by us. We’re the loveliest of the lovely.
JAY: Debatable, at least for you.
ANNE: For sure, I agree. 
LOUIS: Hey! Harry, back me up here!
HARRY: (looks around and points, ignoring him) Oh! We should sit there! 
ANNE: That’s an excellent choice, my darling boy.
LOUIS: Wow, I see how it is. I just get bullied around here and get no back up, just pointedly ignored. Just rude. 
DANI: (goes to Jay and taps her leg) Grandma? Chalk please?
JAY: (opens it and hands her the bin) Be careful, okay? Try not to drop them, they’ll break.
DANI: (gasps) Oh no. (looks at Jordy) We be careful, okay? They break.
JORDYN: (looks at her) Why? 
DANI: Dunno. (looks at Jay) Why break?
JAY: Science?
LOUIS: Mom. Science? Really?
JAY: It’s a good answer, hush, you.
DANI: (looks at Jordyn again) That.
JORDYN: (makes an unsure face and looks at Louis) Why? What’s a...(struggles to say science). 
LOUIS: Science is the reason why everything is everything. Like why are you guys the cutest? Science. Why is grass green? Science. (joking) Why is Harry goofy looking? Science. 
DANI: (looks at Harry) Goofy? 
HARRY: (does the goofy laugh) 
JORDYN: (laughs a lot) 
DANI: (also cracks up but is careful because the chalk)
LOUIS: See this? The man makes our children laugh, I knew I picked the right guy to fall in love with.
HARRY: (smiles) I also picked the right guy to fall in love with - who else would be so down to risk being mobbed to get their kids chalk and bubbles? 
LOUIS: Approximately zero people, you lucky son of a gun.
JORDYN: (stops laughing and wipes her face) That funny. 
LOUIS: He’s a comedian. I mean...he is very funny.
DANI: (she’s done laughing too and puts the chalk bin on the ground and starts drawing with a green one)
Anne and Jay go to sit in the spot that Harry pointed out, and Louis follows (hopefully Harry too). They sit and supervise the kiddos from...close enough.
HARRY: Girls, we’re going to be over there. (points again) If you need anything, yell, got it? 
JORDYN: (nods) Got it.
DANI: Yes, got it. For real.
HARRY: Alright, good. (leaves them) 
JORDYN: (sits with Dani) You like dem? 
DANI: (holds up her chalk) Chalks?
JORDYN: (rolls her eyes) No! Hawwy, Lou Lou, and Grandmas?
DANI: Ohhh, yeah. (continues drawing) They nice. And funny, like goofy. You too?
JORDYN: Yeah, (picks up chalk) I happy. (starts drawing too)
DANI: Me too. Happy. 
Dani and Jordyn continue to scribble on the pavement, creating some incomprehensible images that would only make sense to their young minds. They encourage the family to come see when they have a lot going on, and they appreciate their creative efforts in full. While the adults relax and talk, making sure to check on them every now and then, a small boy - Chase - is riding his scooter near them. He is going back and forth, being sure not to ride through their drawing. He makes his way over to them though and looks at their drawings. 
DANI: (looks up at him from her spot on the ground and smiles) Hiii.
JORDYN: (squints at him like “who are you”) Hey. 
CHASE: I’m Chase. You?
DANI: Dani. (points to Jordyn) Jordyn.
CHASE: Okay. What’s that? (points to their art on the pavement)
JORDYN: Flowers. (keeps drawing)
DANI: (asking him for an opinion) Pretty?
CHASE: (nods) Pretty. (fixes his elbow pads)
DANI: (smiles) Thanks. What that?
CHASE: These, I have ‘cause I felled.
DANI: (nods) Ouchies.
CHASE: (nods too) Lots of ouchies.
JORDYN: (looks up at him) You felled on that? (points to his scooter)
CHASE: Yeah. But not scary, just...ouchies. 
DANI: Just ouchies. I try?
CHASE: Dunno. Maybe.
DANI: (pouts) Okay.
CHASE: (sits with them and touches drawings they did already) 
JORDYN: (offers him blue chalk) Draw? 
CHASE: (takes it) Yes, I help?
JORDYN: Yeah. (point above their drawing) Do sky. 
DANI: Do sky pretty, okay?
CHASE: (nods and starts drawing) Pretty. Okay.
JORDYN: Like Dani.
DANI: Me? No… (bashful smile) you.
CHASE: Both pretty. 
JORDYN: Both? 
CHASE: Yeah. Like...you two. Mommy telled me.
JORDYN: Thanks. You pretty. (nods)
CHASE: (smiles) Thanks.
The children continue drawing, talking about their matching ages, favorite colors and toys, and how Chase got a baby sister in their own baby way. He claims he got up and “mommy wasn’t big anymore”. Interesting. Meanwhile, the family keeps watch on all three of them, especially when Chase does let Dani try his scooter. It’s a fun day, in summary.
A/N: Thanks for so many notes on the first fic it really means a lot 🥺
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sarahwyland · 4 years
How about 2,10, 18 and 23 :).
Yay! Here you go @thetvmoviefan! 
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
I answered this from the “current” perspective for @thoughtsaboutshows so I’ll answer the “future” part here. 
I found about 40 pages of a Nabrina fic I started the way a lot of my fanfics start - in my office, bored, and watching the clock. I had just about finished up ‘Free Pour’ and, true to brand, dusted off those 40 pages during a conference call. Yet again, I said I was going to be finished with fanfictions after my latest one and then the sh*t hit the fan with CAOS and work gave me a week of funemployment coming up so... Here’s the scoop: 
It takes place 50 years in the future, after whatever happens in Part 4 has happened. Sabrina married Harvey (I KNOW) after Nick left Greendale. But then a stranger shows up at Harvey’s funeral and the dominos start to fall. 
Honestly, it’s a pretty heavy, dark fic. I’ve really gotten into Sabrina’s head this go around and yeah, it’s heavy. Oh, and there are witch hunters, too. 
10. How would you describe your writing process?
I always start with an idea. Like ‘Free Pour’ came from the idea of “what if Nick was a bartender?” and I ran with it. I literally just started typing and the story came to me. I like to say I let the characters tell me what they want to do. 
I’m going to have to get better at outlining, etc., because apparently I have to do that if anyone is going to buy any of these television shows I dream up, but I honestly just the words come to me, whether its an original work - I’ve got plenty of those living on my laptop - or a fan fic. 
When we’re not in a pandemic, I tend to wake up  couple of hours earlier than necessary to write before I begin my day, then end the night writing after a full day of work/coaching/training/socializing. But given that I’m in NC and we’re still pretty shut down... I’m writing and reading constantly and LOVING IT. 
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
I answered this one for @thoughtsaboutshows as well (great minds, you two!) but I’ll expand a tiny bit more. 
I think that’s the beauty about fan fics. You can take them and turn them into something else. Look at ‘50 Shades’ and ‘After.’ Not exactly literary pieces of art, but the commercial success is undeniable. I could see any one of my Sabrina fics, particularly the AUs, being re-worked into TV pilots to develop. 
Maybe I’ll cast Kiernan and Gavin. I hear they’re looking for jobs... 
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
I started an original piece in 2016 that I’m REALLY proud of. As I got into it, I began to daydream about publishing it and having someone option it for a TV series because it just FELT like a TV series. It didn’t dawn on me until I got back into the fan fic game with CAOS that *I* could write the TV Series. 
It’s inspired from my days working as a music journalist in Nashville and follows a country music singer that’s not quite mainstream and deals with a lot of mental health issues and addiction. He falls in love with a journalist who has had a rough life, but has always just put one foot in front of another and made things happen. There are some fantastic supporting characters, too. 
I love this piece so much that it’s A) three “books” long and B) might well be the pilot I pursue developing throughout college. I’ve been editing the manuscript throughout lockdown and keep toying with the idea of putting it on WattPad to see how it would go... 
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