#Dokan No 1
chuulimta · 11 months
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EVA16.JPG from Dokan Especial Nº 1 - Evangelion 1998? (Spain)
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 017 - Catastrophe at the Black Order
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[ Masterlist ] [Read on AO3] [ Raws ]
Summary: The infamous Komlin incident, part 1. Also some very interesting Q&A with the author.
♦ 7
sfx: bu— [beeeep]
Komui: Muahaha... It's finally finished. ♫
Komui: As I said: Komlin!
sfx: bububuh [beep beep boop]
sfx: pochin! [screen turning on]
Reever: Hey, Director, what's with the big ungainly robot...?
sfx: bubu [boop boop]
sfx: chikooon [fully powered up]
Lenalee: Um....
Lenalee: Komlin's....
17th Night - Catastrophe at the Black Order
♦ 8
sfx: pika! [lightning cracks]
17th Night - Catastrophe at the Black Order
♦ 9
sfx: fuaaaaa [big yawn]
Allen: It's gotten so late...
sfx: gakoon [boat bumps into dock]
sfx: gigigi [Toma hauling on the mooring line]
Toma: Because the storm delayed our train...
Toma: Knowing the Science Division, I'm sure someone will still be awake.
sfx: nemui [sleepy]
Allen: It must be nearly midnight....
Allen: What should we do with the Innocence we've retrieved?
Allen: I'll go see, then!
sfx: dosa [thud]
Allen: !?
♦ 10
Allen: Huh?
Allen: L-Lenalee!?
Allen: What happened to you!?
Allen: !
Reever: Oh... Y-You're back, Allen....
sfx: yura [stagger]
sfx: haa, haa [panting]
Allen: Reever!?
Allen: Look at you... What in the world is going on?
Allen: What?
sfx: dosah [slump]
Reever: R... Run.
Reever: Komlin is coming...
sfx: dodododododododododo [swift, heavy footsteps]
♦ 11
sfx: DOKAN [Komlin the Koolaid Man comes through the wall]
Allen: !?
Reever: It's here.
♦ 12
sfx: zappo-n [hydraulic pistons whine as it attacks]
Allen: Whaa—!?
sfx: zababababa [it slowly gets to its feet]
Reever: Damn, it's so bloody quick....
Allen: What is that!?
Allen: !
sfx: pipipi [high-pitched series of beeps]
Komlin: LO... CATED!
sfx: pi pi [beep beep]
♦ 13
Reever: Run for it, Allen!
Reever: It's going after Exorcists!!
sfx: dadadada [them running]
Komlin: SURGERY!!
sfx: buo [rears up]
sfx: doga doga doga [chewing up the stairs behind them up as they run]
sfx: dadadadada [more running]
Allen: Aaaghh it's coming after us!? It's coming after us!!
Allen: Reever, I have no idea what's going on here!!
Reever: Uhh, well, that's.... Komlin... an all-purpose robot the Director built....
sfx: dogagagaga [the sound of their running changes as Komlin gains ground]
Reever: And as you can see, it's running amok!
Allen: How come!?
♦ 14
Reever: So about half an hour ago,
Reever: we were doing unpaid overtime, like always.
? Wonder if I can get myself transferred....
Johnny: It's endless....
Johnny: We could waste our whole lives and never catch up....
Tup: I need a nap so bad I'd even take the dirt kind.1
Reever: Hang in there, boys, we will catch up... eventually....
Lenalee: Coffee, anyone?
Everyone: Yes please! ♥
sfx: gashon gashon gashon [hydraulic footsteps]
sfx: gassha-n [hydraulic settling]
Komui: Gooood morning! Everyone conscious?
Komui: Behold, behold!
♦ 15
Komui: Ta-daaa! ♫
Komui: Allow me to present the saviour of our Science Division: "Komlin"!!
Reever: Hey, Director, what's with the big ungainly robot...?
Reever (side): It's wearing a hat.
Komui: As I said: Komlin!
Komui: I've just finished it, finally!
Komui (small): Magnificent~ ♥ ♥ ♥
Komui: A prototype all-purpose Innocence robot which duplicates my entire mind and personality. ♪2
arrow: charm point
Komui: In addition to handling all manner of paperwork, it can also perform surgery on anti-Akuma weapons and provide Accommodator care support.
Komui: It's like a second me!
Komui: It should make the job a breeze!
Komui: Yes, yes, I'm incredible, I know.
Division: Directooor~~ ♥
Division (side): Is this for real?
sfx: hisshih [desperation]
sfx: uiiiii [delicate hydraulic whine as Komlin plucks a mug off Lenalee's tray]
Komui, side: Beg my forgiveness! Sing my praises!
sfx: goku goku goku [gulp gulp gulp]
Lenalee: That's... my brother's coffee....
♦ 16
Lenalee: Komui, can Komlin drink coffee?
sfx: ahahahahaha [ahahahahahaha]
Komui: Don't be absurd, Lenalee.
Komui: However much it may resemble me, it's only a robot.
Komui: Of course it can't—
Komui: drink... coffee...?
sfx: DON [BOOM]
sfx: busuh [Komlin stabs Lenalee in the neck with a comically large syringe]
Lenalee: !?
sfx: dosah [slump]
♦ 17
Komui sfx: KYA—— [SCREECH]
Komui: Lenalee!!!
Komlin: I am... Komlin.
Komlin: I make Exorcists... stronger....
Komui sfx: hawa hawa [umm?? umm??]
Komui small: K-Komlin?
sfx: muki ♥ [brawny ♥]
Komlin: This woman... is an... Exorcist.
Komlin: I must perform augmentative surgery to make her macho!!
Division: Whaaaaat!?!
sfx: dogya-n [kablaaam]
sfx: zu——n [Reever's story has cast a pall over everyone's mood]
Division 1: GYAAA
Division 2: NGUHH
Division 3: KOMLIN NO
sfx: ha— ha— ha— [panting]
Allen & Toma: How inane...!!
Reever: ...And there you have it.
Reever: Sorry it's so stupid.
♦ 18
Allen: Is Lenalee all right?
Allen: She's an Exorcist, yet she couldn't—
Allen: Hm?
Reever: Komlin put her to sleep with a syringe of something.
sfx: goh [Reever lets his head fall back against the wall with a thump]
Reever: Ahhh.... Serves us right for wanting things to be easier on us.
Mana, past: Welcome back, Allen.
Reever: You Exorcists and Finders are always risking your lives on the frontlines.
Reever: So, sorry.
Reever: And welcome back.
Allen: Mana....
Reever: Allen?
♦ 19
Allen: Hm... Oh, yes?
Reever: What's with you? Did you get injured on your mission?
Reever: You can report that to me.
Reever: ?
Allen: No no, I'm fine!
Allen: I'm—
Allen: I'm home.
Allen side: haha... [haha...]
Division: Hallooo!! Are you all right!?
Allen: It's the Director and the others!
Johnny: Foreman, quick, over here!
Tup, small: We'll catch you!
Komui: Oh, Allen and Toma are back? You two as well, quickly now....
sfx: don! [bam!]
Komui: Lenaleeeee, are you still slim!?
sfx: jita bata jita bata [Division members milling and fretting]
Reever: Calm down, all of you...
? It's here!
♦ 20
sfx: go go go go go go [Komlin dragging its huge body into the central hall]
Division: FIRE!!
sfx: gashakon! [elaborate sound of a whole cannon extending from the hovervator and clicking into place]
Johnny: Don't underestimate the egghead brigade!!3
sfx: kachih [double click]
Komui: !!
Komui: No shooting my Komlin!!!
Johnny: !?
♦ 21
Allen: Ngahhhh!
sfx: dorurururu [wild gatling firing]
sfx: don don don [bullets impacting one after the other]
Division 1: Hold him down!
Reever: The hell are you doing!!
Reever side: You wanna kill us!?
sfx: doka baki goh dofuh [Division brawling with Komui]
sfx: ha— ha— ha— [panting]
Division 2: Komlin—
Division 3: Tie him up!
Toma: A traitor in our midst....
sfx: hyuoooo [wind whooshing over the abyss]
Komui: Komlin...
sfx: gusuh [sob]
Komui: It seems Allen's anti-Akuma weapon is damaged.
Komui: Fix it, please.
Allen: Huh?
sfx: pipi [high-pitched double beep]
Komlin: There's
Komlin: damage....
♦ 22
Allen: !
Komlin: Triage priority established!
sfx: chiko-n [whirr as it gears itself up]
Komlin: Top priority SURGical treatment FOR Allen Walker, SERIOUSLY INJURED!!4
sfx: gashih [Komlin attempts to grab Allen, gets him by the foot]
Reever: Wh—
sfx: gun! [it yanks Allen towards itself]
Reever: Allen!
Reever: It's dragging Allen into its operating room!!
sfx: vi-n [smooth high whirr of the door opening to receive him]
Komui: Now, Reever! Get Lenalee over here while it's preoccupied with its prey!!
Allen: Eeeeeek, where does that door go!?
sfx: zuzazazaza [Allen's fingernails digging into the stone as he resists being dragged]
Reever: Is there no low you won't sink to!?
Komlin: Surgery ♫ Surgery ♫ Surgery, in any case ♫
sfx: gacha gacha gacha ["surgical tools" clacking and clattering in the hands of half a dozen masked and gowned mini-Komuis]
♦ 23
Reever: Ooh, a new anti-Akuma weapon!
sfx: bah [Allen stares at his impending doom, teeth gritted]
Allen: Nnn...
sfx: vun [his Innocence powers up]
Allen: Innocence: initialize!!!
sfx: fuh [spitting sound; Komui blows dart at Allen]
sfx: pusu [dart hits home in Allen's neck]
Reever: Allen—
Allen: Hwassisnow?
sfx: biri biri biri [wibble wobble]
Allen: M' goin' all numb...
sfx: batah [flops over limply]
Toma: Sir Walker!!
Reever: DIRECTOR!!!
Komui: But but but if you shoot my Komlin with that it'll... it'll...!!
Division: He's got a blowgun!
Division: Confiscate it!
sfx: jita bata jita bata [Division brawling with Komui]
Division: Grow the hell up, Director!!
♦ 24
Allen: R— Reeverrr....
Reever: !
sfx: viiin [doors begin to close as the mini-Komuis drag Allen inside]
Allen: Tage Lenalee an' run, pleesh...
sfx: zuru zuru [his heels scraping over the lintel]
Reever: Allen—
sfx: i-n [door continuing to whine shut]
Allen: Furry.5
sfx: gashi [Reever makes a leap for him and catches the tail of his coat just as the doors shut completely]
Reever: ALLENNNNN!!!
Komlin: Allen Walker successfully retrieved.
sfx: chi-n [door will not budge]
♦ 25
sfx: guwah [Komlin suddenly stands up, leaving Reever hanging from Allen's coattails in middair...]
sfx: pateh [...and Toma splat on the ground]
Reever: Ahh!
Reever: Damn, it's after Lenalee now!
Komui: No, not macho, I beg of you!!!
sfx: dodododododododododo [swift, heavy footsteps]
Komlin: Exorcist Lenalee Lee.
Komlin: Operation required.
sfx: pachi [Lenalee's eyes blink open]
♦ 26
Komui's Lab "Lounge", Vol. 1
Q1. Your characters hail from all over the world, but what language do they communicate in?
A. English, the universal tongue. And yes, Kanda speaks English too.6
Q2. Who is the travelling rabbit that sometimes shows up in your work? Does it have a name?
A. That's an animal version I made of my manager Y-shi. Its name is Yosshii. I originally doodled it for a one-shot, but took a shine to it, so now I slip it in here and there (to annoy Y-shi). I'd love to make an Akuma version someday, perhaps. [looks to the distant horizon]
Q3. What does the title "D.Gray-man" mean?
A. It's a word I came up with on my own, and it has a number of meanings, some perhaps to do with Allen and some perhaps with other characters. Before I thought of it, the series' previous tentative title was "dolls", and prior to that "kuronowa" or "ZONE".
A "dirt nap" is slang for lying "asleep" in one's grave. The literal translation is "If I can't go to sleep right here and now, I don't mind if I never wake up again", which deliberately doesn't quite make sense, but implies that he's so miserably tired that he'd rather flat-out die than stay awake one more second. Relatable, but... be careful what you wish for.
[ ♠ ]
He doesn't explain how exactly Innocence is involved, just lumps the adjectives "Innocence" and "prototype" and "all-purpose" together and lets us guess. It could mean that Innocence was used as a power source during development in some way, or it could mean that there's literally Innocence inside Komlin right now, giving it agency beyond what its creator intended (much as it did for Lala, a similar artificial construct).
[ ♠ ]
Kanji: 科学班 kagakuhan "Science Division"
Furigana: インテリ interi, short for "intelligentsia", slang for "geek, nerd, egghead, brainiac", etc.
Basically "we nerds can fuck you up too".
[ ♠ ]
Variable caps may come up again, so I'll explain that these are used when the dialogue switches jerkily back and forth between hiragana and katakana. It almost always has to do with a malfunctioning robot or AI of some kind, and replicates the way in which volume and tone fluctuate between words.
[ ♠ ]
This here is why I opted not to include honourifics in my translation. By saying this, Hoshino implies that the script I'm translating from Japanese to English is actually already an English-to-Japanese translation and dub in and of itself, which means I'm just undubbing it. The "original" English would not, of course, have used elements of the Japanese language or culture such as honourifics, so... much as I personally love them and always preserve them when translating anything set in Japan (or other Japanese-speaking setting), I couldn't justify keeping them in this time. Alas.
This is a tiny tribute to the first translation I ever read, more than fifteen years ago. This panel made me laugh so hard I made a LiveJournal icon out of it, which I still have and still treasure. Forever grateful for those first fan-translators; I wonder if any of them are still around.
[ ♠ ]
That said, if you ever want to know what honourifics anyone is using, or what first-person pronouns they're using, or literally anything else for that matter, by all means ask! I'm always more than happy to directly convey context details I haven't been able to include in my translations.
[ ♠ ]
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eground01 · 3 months
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Dokan Pro v3.10.1 NULLED + Dokan Theme v2.3.8 - плагин и шаблон для электронной коммерции WordPress - dokan (2024)
Dokan Pro v3.10.1 NULLED + Dokan Theme v2.3.8 - плагин и шаблон для электронной коммерции WordPress
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Для просмотра вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
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allwordpress · 4 months
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gpltips · 8 months
Best Multi-Vendor WordPress Themes
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In the ever-expanding world of e-commerce, creating a multi-vendor marketplace is a lucrative venture. With countless WordPress themes available, choosing the best one can be challenging. In this article, we'll explore the top multi-vendor WordPress themes, helping you kickstart your online marketplace effortlessly.
Get Any Multi vendor WordPress themes for Free
The Power of Multi-Vendor Marketplaces
Why Choose a Multi-Vendor Marketplace?
Creating a multi-vendor marketplace allows various sellers to list their products, giving buyers a wide range of choices. This model is gaining immense popularity due to its potential for profitability.
Key Features to Look For
When selecting a multi-vendor WordPress theme, consider essential features like vendor management, commission tracking, and an intuitive user interface.
The Top Multi-Vendor WordPress Themes
1. Martify - Your All-In-One Solution
Martify offers a versatile platform with a sleek design and advanced vendor management tools. Its customizable features make it suitable for various industries.
2. Dokan - The Trusted Name
Dokan is a well-established multi-vendor theme known for its reliability and scalability. It provides an extensive set of features, making it a top choice for many entrepreneurs.
3. WooCommerce Product Vendors - Seamless Integration
For those already familiar with WooCommerce, this plugin is a seamless way to turn your site into a multi-vendor marketplace. It offers convenience and reliability.
Choosing the Right Theme
Factors to Consider
When choosing a multi-vendor WordPress theme, consider factors such as your budget, the size of your marketplace, and your technical skills.
Building Your Multi-Vendor Marketplace
Setting Up the Theme
Once you've chosen the perfect theme, setting it up is a breeze. Most themes come with user-friendly installation guides.
Vendor Onboarding
Help vendors get started on your marketplace by providing clear instructions and support.
Marketing Your Marketplace
Attracting Sellers
To build a thriving marketplace, you need a solid seller base. Implement marketing strategies to attract vendors.
Attracting Buyers
Create a marketing plan to draw buyers to your platform. Utilize social media, email marketing, and SEO to increase your marketplace's visibility.
Customer Support and Feedback
The Key to Success
Providing excellent customer support is paramount. Addressing customer queries promptly and efficiently can build trust and loyalty.
Creating a multi-vendor marketplace using WordPress has never been easier. With the right theme, you can set up a successful e-commerce platform that benefits both vendors and buyers. So, don't wait any longer—start your multi-vendor journey today!
1. What is a multi-vendor WordPress theme?
A multi-vendor WordPress theme allows multiple sellers to list their products on a single platform, creating a diverse marketplace.
2. Which multi-vendor theme is best for beginners?
For beginners, Dokan is an excellent choice due to its user-friendly interface and extensive documentation.
3. How do I attract sellers to my multi-vendor marketplace?
Attract sellers by offering competitive commissions, a user-friendly interface, and effective marketing strategies.
4. Can I use WooCommerce with a multi-vendor theme?
Yes, you can integrate WooCommerce with multi-vendor themes using plugins like WooCommerce Product Vendors.
5. Is customer support crucial for a multi-vendor marketplace?
Absolutely. Providing exceptional customer support builds trust and encourages sellers and buyers to use your platform.
Get Any Multi vendor WordPress themes for Free
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magnigeeks · 9 months
Implementing Multi-Vendor Marketplaces with Custom WooCommerce Development
Operating an online marketplace has never been more profitable. Consumers are flocking to online platforms to find a diverse choice of products from various merchants as e-commerce grows. If you want to develop your own multi-vendor marketplace, WooCommerce is the ideal platform to use. In this article, we'll look at how to use custom WooCommerce development to construct multi-vendor markets, giving you the ability to create a successful online marketplace personalized to your needs.
Multi-Vendor Marketplaces
Before we dive into the technical aspects, let's understand why multi-vendor marketplaces are so appealing:
Multi-vendor marketplaces provide a large and diverse product catalog, attracting a wider spectrum of buyers.
As the marketplace owner, you can focus on platform management while sellers handle inventory and shipping.
You can receive commissions on each vendor's sales, resulting in a consistent revenue stream.
Custom WooCommerce Development for Multi-Vendor Marketplaces
While WooCommerce is an amazing alternative for building an e-commerce site, it does not enable multi-vendor capabilities natively. Custom development is required to turn your WooCommerce store into a multi-vendor marketplace. Here's how:
1. Select a Multi-Vendor Plugin
Start by choosing a reliable multi-vendor plugin for WooCommerce. Popular options include "WooCommerce Product Vendors," "Dokan," and "WCFM Marketplace." These plugins add essential multi-vendor features to your WooCommerce store.
2. Configure Vendor Settings
Once you've installed the multi-vendor plugin, configure the vendor settings. You can set commission rates, payment gateways, and vendor registration options. Customize these settings to align with your marketplace's business model.
3. Vendor Registration and Management
With the multi-vendor plugin in place, vendors can register and manage their accounts independently. They can add products, manage inventory, and fulfill orders within your marketplace.
4. Customize Vendor Storefronts
To enhance the user experience, consider customizing vendor storefronts. Each vendor can have a unique storefront design that matches their brand identity.
5. Payment and Commission Handling
Ensure that the payment system is set up to handle transactions between customers, vendors, and your marketplace. The multi-vendor plugin should facilitate automatic commission deductions for each sale.
6. Shipping and Order Management
Implement a streamlined shipping and order management system. Vendors should have access to order details and be responsible for fulfilling orders promptly.
7. Security and Support
Security is paramount in a multi-vendor marketplace. Regularly update plugins and themes, implement security measures, and provide support to vendors and customers.
8. Marketplace Promotion
As the marketplace owner, you can promote the platform, attract more vendors and customers, and create a thriving online ecosystem.
Custom development can transform your WooCommerce store into a multi-vendor marketplace. It broadens your product line, decreases overhead, and boosts revenue possibilities. You may build a successful online marketplace that caters to a wide range of needs and preferences by carefully selecting a multi-vendor plugin, establishing vendor settings, and offering solid support to vendors and customers. To know more visit us at https://magnigeeks.com/
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themesnulled · 10 months
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New Post has been published on https://themesnulled.us/dokan-pro-v3-8-1/
Dokan Pro v3.8.1
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Hey. I just want to hear some opinion. And i am sorry if i offend anyone with this ask since this is probably can be sensitive. I do not mean harm or wanting to offend anyone. This is pure curiosity from me. Probably i need to give a trigger warning for those who have dysphoria (sorry i don't know how to spell it). Warning : I want to discuss about female bodied human who claimed to be female. (Sorry if i seem overreacting, but i have some bad experience because i do not give these warning and being called some unflattering words)
What i want to say is... Is it just me who got weirded out by female!Yuu or any female yuusona or any female bodied Yuu/OC who is readily tell the twst cast that she is a female, i am talking about the yuu who is a minor aka student, first year Yuu.
This is not me hating those female Yuu btw. I am just genuinely confused.
I mean it's an only female in all-boys school. Doesn't that should already ring some danger alert? Shouldn't she feel a little unsafe? I mean you wake up in a different world, with no memory or you do, probably your clothes got magically changed to some weird cult-like uniform (you probably don't know that is magic), you don't have money, don't know anyone. You are basically an orphan, homeless, moneyless minor with no knowledge of the new world you are in.
And NRC is a prestigious magic school, an ALL-BOYS MAGICAL prestigious school. If a girl who is MAGICLESS studied there with 'special' circumtances wouldn't there be some scandals involved. I bet the reporters would have a field day. It just doesn't make any sense. It already defy 2 things that the school is known for. I doubt Crowley would say it openly or even accept it easily.
Okay, you can argue with 'the casts are not criminals' and i use this word here lightly. Buuuuuttt... Let's not forget that Leona, Vil, and Jamil almost kill people. Leona almost 'sand-ing' Ruggie, Vil almost poisoning Neige, and Jamil who dokan people into the night of dessert which cold can kill people. Yes, we can argue about how they are not bad people. But if you ask me, this can be classified as attempted murder right?
If murder can almost happen in that school and physical bullying can also happen, what other bad things that can happen? Also for the magicless female yuu, how in the world are you so fearless????
I am genuinely confused in how those magicless female yuu is so fearless?? How can you defense yourself against the talented magical students with 'gray' moral? You can say using fists or things like that, but how far can a mere physical defense and offense fight back against magic and poison?
Thank you for reading this essay and question. I hope you can give me some insight for this little problem. I hope this doesn't offend anyone. If it is, i apologize.
If you don't want to answer, please direct me to a blog that can answer this kind of thing. I don't intend this to be hate message btw.
Hello Anonie 🌸☺️,
As per your question, well, I'll try my best to explain to the best of my abilities. But many people have many differing opinions and views, so I hope you will keep that in mind. Also, I'm not always the best at explaining, but I'll try.
(under the cut for response)
(Before I start, I want to say I hope I don't offend anyone. If I say anything wrong or wording it wrong, please kindly point it out and I'll correct my mistake. I am a human being as well and I can make mistakes, but I am also always willing to learn. ☺️☺️☺️💕💕💕💕)
So I have a couple points I can make and different ways I can handle your question, so I'll try my best. 
Point 1: MC/Yuu
First, I will start off with your main point about MC/Yuu. You’re main issues is that MC is portrayed as a female to many people and how that can be a problem, especially in an all boys school. 
Now, here is the part that I think you focus too much on. 
The fact that MC is a female to alot of people eyes and the problem that it could bring.
I think wether the MC is female or male or feminine or masculine, there will be issues. 
Now I get the point that you are making, don’t get me wrong.
but you have to remember that MC/Yuu is from another world and not only that, but they are magicless, so in reality, it doesn't matter if they are female or not.
They will be in danger. They will be in trouble, not because of their gender but because of their setting and background that was set up for it. We play a character that not only is trying to survive in this world but are making friends and the narrative is focusing on the fact that we, as a magicless person, are trying to survive. That is literally part of the story, never mind the fact that it could be hinted that MC might have powers, or the fact that despite it, they are trying their best to survive. they are trying to make the most of living in this world and getting through day by day, one day at a time. 
And, as a human being, that's what we all try to do, right? 
We try our best to get through each day as it comes no matter the circumstance.
You bring up the fact about scandals and such, but remember NRC is a prestigious school. The headmaster can stop rumors like that from happening, I mean look at chapter 6.
also, to a point, MC is under the protection of the headmaster and the staff. No one, at least in my opinion, is going to cause trouble by breaking that protection.
you bring up instances about what MC went through, as part of the story so it doesn't matter if MC was a female or not, they would have gone through it either way. they would have always been in this danger. 
But you have to remember that despite the danger, MC survived it all
not only because it is part of the narrative 
but I personally think it cool, why? because here you have a magicless person survivng through all these struggles that even people with magic have and they are not only getting through them, but they are winning.
It shows you how far determination can get you. It shows you human strength.
not to say that it doesn't affect MC, You can see how tired they have become throughout the chapters. You can see from their responses to the slight sarcasm they have. they are tired but they keep going 
and we keep wanting to overthrow Crowley.
and I guess, I can see the implication you are implying with being in a boys school and dealing with magic and bullying but that applies to all MCs and there are fanfics that explores that tough side of it and even darker tropes.
but I think that at the end of the day, don’t think too hard on it. just enjoy the game for what it is. a fun adventure game with an interesting plot. 
because worrying about those aspects will just give you unnecessary stress and worries.
at the end of the day, that is what it is, just a game. and we can forgive a view points when it comes to story telling and plot holes. as we can do with any book or tv series or anything else. and anything we question, well that's what fan theories and fan fiction and analysis posts are for.
just have fun. ☺️☺️💕💕
Point 2: Self-Inserts 
You had brought up self-inserts and I just want to point out that everyone’s self-insert is different.
while the game might be the basis for the backgrounds for some
it is not the basis or backgrounds for all of them
everyone had different backgrounds or traits or capabilities when it comes to self inserts.
for example: I have seen those who have inserts that do not have powers in the beginning but require them later on or some that do have powers but the magic mirror just doesn't recognize it or some that just hide their powers.
same can be said with any other abilities they might have or might be hiding.
in the end, self inserts are made to give people a sense of belonging and a sense of immersion to the world they are a fan of.
its to bring a sense of comfort and warmth and to get away from real life just for a moment.
it is different for everyone, how their self inserts will react and how they would go about every situation that they come across. 
not all of them are helpless and even those that seem helpless can surprise you.
or maybe your favorite character will save the day.
at the end of it all, it for fun and its for comfort.
and I think that's what we need to remember.
for example: in certain instances I or the mc would have reacted differently, chapter 3 when everyone cheated??? I would have let them suffer a bit more. cheaters dont prosper and they deserve the punishment. Chapter 1 with riddle? after the overblot I would have helped him bake the tart because I would want to help him. Tsuntaoro never being invited??? guess what?? we are not starting this meeting until we drag his butt here. Bird brain for dinner after five chapter of overblot and he better be paying me for all this BS I am going through and fixing my dorm. or you know, social media is my friend and I'm sure I can make NRC look horrible for treating a student this way...
so there's many ways it can go, and I dont think you should focus on that one aspect of it anonie. 
Let’s have fun 🌸🌸
I hope that answered your question anonie, I tried my best to word it the way I see it.  if anyone wants to add in, please go ahead, and as stated before, if I said anything wrong or worded it weirdly, please let me know. I am always willing to learn ☺️☺️😊😊😊
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aic-asian · 3 years
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Woman Holding a Branch of Kerria Flowers in the Rain (parody of Ota Dokan), Suzuki Harunobu, 1761, Art Institute of Chicago: Asian Art
Gift of Hermon Dunlap Smith Size: 27.7 x 20.3 cm (10 15/16 x 8 1/16 in.) Medium: Color woodblock print; chuban
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opalmaplehibiscus · 4 years
Jamil’s Guide to Get the Okay From Your S/O’s Parents HC
HC on how Jamil Dealt w/ Everyone when trying to get Permission to Date Reader
*Continue ver. Of Jamil and His Adventure with Romance HC
·       So, you would think that since the 1st year crew witnessed the confession, you and Jamil would be dating right? Haha, wrong
·       Deuce and Epel would be giving Jamil death glares every time he says hi to you when meeting each other in the hallways, giving light kisses on the cheek or forehead, or even approaching you in general
·       The two would pick a fight with Jamil, making delinquent-like facial expressions and cracking their knuckles going as far as to even growl when Jamil doesn’t stop walking up towards you
·       They felt like dads that were about to give up their kid to some evil maniac, tainting their once innocent child to a “I hate you Dad” delinquent – and they weren’t having that. Excuse you, I raised that kid and you’re about to ruin all my hardwork? F*** you, like hell I’m letting you do that
·       Jamil would get annoyed by it. But, he would hold back his sneer since he knew that you treasure your friends, and he literally just started dating you (although Deuce and Epel would like to say otherwise). Yeah, no, he’s not willing to get dumped when their relationship hasn’t even lasted a day
·       He would let his tongue use its magic, not his unique magic, but its flattering magic in hopes to convince Deuce and Epel to let him at least get a foot closer to you
·       And to the horrors of Dad #1 and #2, they nearly fell for it. Nearly. That is until Ace comes in to save the day
·       Ace would make it seem like he approved of you and Jamil at first. At first
·       Out of all 5 of them though, he was  #2 most overprotective dad 
·       He’s seen your ups and your downs. And he was freaking saved by you not once, but twice. Not only that, but you tolerate his jerky-side and continued to support him nonstop. He cares about you and wants you to be in good hands, not get hurt
·       After witnessing Jamil’s true side and how much of a jerk he was to Kalim, yeah, Jamil was added to Ace’s black list. Now that he’s dating you though? He’s on the hit list now
·       And to emphasize that Jamil would never get his approval, Ace would take you somewhere else whenever Jamil ends up arguing with Deuce and Epel
·       Jamil would notice it right away, and try to get through or at least stop it, but Deuce and Epel, following the plan the 1st year squad created, would continue to block his way, even going as far as to insult how ugly he looked when he was OB. Which was taboo.
·       The duo would then be facing a pissed Jamil, who gets angrier when he sees Ace sticking his tongue or giving a knowing-smirk behind his shoulder as he takes you far, far away from him
·       And every. time. it. happens. Jamil would be tempted to use his unique magic. The only reasons he wouldn’t were because of 1. You, 2. He just got over OBing and wasn’t dumb enough to use it when he wasn’t done recovering, and 3. You
·       If Ace was bad, Jamil had it worse with Sebek
·       Surprisingly, the half-demon/half-human was #1 most overprotective dad
·       When Sebek watched how Jamil betray Kalim, he felt betrayed and angered
·       He thought him and Jamil were similar, with the want of wanting to protect their master while feeling honored to stay by their sides
·       After watching the magicam, he was already ready to take down Jamil. But boy oh boy did he had the guts to date you
·       Sebek: PREPARE TO DIE SNAKE Jamil: WHAT THE ACTUALLY F- Kalim: NO CURSING JAMIL! Well, at least not in front of your s/o Jamil: … F-Duck
·       Sebek wouldn’t hold back and literally tries to kill Jamil while Jamil runs away, screaming profanities left and right. Sebek wouldn’t admit it even in his death, but he holds you close to his heart
·       Jack, being the nicest of the five, would interview Jamil, interrogating him to T. He’s also the one that gives the okay sign to attack Jamil once he sees that the coast is clear
·       When Jamil talks with Jack, it goes more or less smoothly except for some bumps along the way
·       Jack: You better watch your back, if you ever hurt [Y/N]… Jamil: Do you expect me to actually take you seriously? I bet I can beat you even when you’re using your unique magic Jack: Even in front of [Y/N]? Jamil: You’re becoming more like your dorm leader Jack: You do realize that I’m the easiest one to get permission right? Jamil: Did I ever mention that your unique magic makes you look majestic. Honestly, I admire it
·       In the end Jamil does get Jack’s permission to date you. And thanks to that, he was able to get Deuce and Epel’s permission more or less. If you take out the threats and insults and him nearly getting caught by you when he was about to roast them
·       Just when he finally, and miraculously, finished getting all the first years’ permission, someone taps him on the shoulder. When he turns around and sees the rest of the dorms, his face turns pale
·       Are you kidding him? Why the actual crap are they involved? Just let him date you for gosh sake!
·       Out of all the dorms he had the easiest time to get approval, it was Heartslabyul
·       Riddle was similar to Jack, where he interrogated Jamil, probing around to see what were his true intentions of dating you
·       After the whole, intense event, Jamil was able to prove that he wanted to date you out of love and adoration he held for you. To be completely fair, he had no choice but to give honest answers since Riddle had used his unique magic on him, while Cater was filming him with his phone and Trey, who he thought would be the softest one of the three, was giving him a glare that could potentially put the devil to shame
·       The talk with Octavinelle was just a shaming session. They would continue saying “shame on you for so and so” or “you really think you could date [Y/N], when you’re only going to do this and this”, listing everything he had done in chapter 4. When they mentioned you not liking guys that would scream “DOKAN! NICE SHOT!”, he wanted to just dig a hole
·       Pomefiore though made Octavinelle seem like a baby. Until then, Jamil thought he had the sharpest tongue in the school. But that obviously wasn’t the case
·       He found it strange that Vil had politely asked him to stop by his dorm so they could talk, and thought that if he used his flattery again, he’ll at least easily get approval
·       The blows Jamil faced was too much though. Vil and Rook, when they want to roast someone – they don’t hold back
·       Jamil’s pride was completely trampled to the point he wasn’t able to get up. From judging his taste in fashion to criticizing how he looked when he Obed - and what do you mean he looked like Juju?! He looks nothing like that dumb snake! His looks, at the least, is decent compared to the rest of the school! WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE’S JUJU?!?!?!?
·       Vil: Honestly you just remind me of that one snake that always sticks its tongue out on the side of its tongue from that one voodoo movie Jamil: What? I’m not that dumb snake! Vil: You’re right. That’s just an insult to the poor thing. You look like Jafar
·       We don’t talk about Savanaclaw. Don’t mention it to him, don’t try to ask about it to him, don’t bring it up to him
·       Jamil: Why the hell do I need to get approval from you? Leona: Is that how you’re going to talk to their parents when you ask for their permission to date [Y/N]? Jamil: At least they’ll like me unless a pathetic cat who’s only liked by a kid Leona: … “I am hunger. I am thirst. I am which steals your tomorrow –”
·       Honestly, Jamil didn’t know why you didn’t mention that you were friends with Malleus Draconia? That guy isn’t your “cute, kind and shy Tsunataro”!!!! He’s THE Malleus Draconia!!!!!
·       Jamil has felt fear before. He’s familiar with it. He felt it when Kalim was about to die from poisoning, when Kalim fell his magic carpet, when he found an assassin disguised as a servant, waiting to kill Kalim in his sleep. But the fear he had for the Diasomnia dorm tops all that.
·       He never would’ve thought that out Silver, Malleus, and Lilia, he would be most scared of Lilia
·       What baby face? What about him talking like a grandpa? All Jamil sees is Satan in a body of a dark fae 
·       When he was able to finally leave their dorm, he nearly fainted from the sheer pressure they emitted. They do not hold back on their blood lust. Whoever gets on their bad side, his condolences. You aren’t going to survive
·       When you greet him from the dorm’s entrance, he demands you to spoil him for a week while resting his head on your shoulder and hugging you tightly
·       When you hug him back just as tight, and patted his head while saying he did good, it reminds him why he still did it and that everything was worth it. Your mere presence was enough for him, yet when you comfort him? It was the best thing ever
·       After resting and spending a whole day with you (it ended up becoming more of a therapy session for his newly formed PTSD from Diasomnia), he prepares himself to face the final boss: Kalim
·       Despite Kalim already telling him that he supported their relationship, Jamil knew better than to just leave things at that
·       Jamil was aware how precious you were to Kalim especially when he heard Kalim saying you were his bffl right after Jamil
·       When he heard how you helped Kalim become more honest with his feelings and spent time hanging out with him when he was lonely, the feeling of guilt crashed into Jamil
·       It was times like this that he’s reminded how much of a jerk he was towards Kalim and that he should do a better job giving Kalim the respect he deserves
·       So, when he approached Kalim and asked Kalim’s approval, the conversation between Kalim and Jamil ended up being another heart-to-heart conversation with Jamil wanting to actually gain approval as someone Kalim would honestly support, not because he was his best friend
·       In the beginning, their talk resembled that of a person consulting a relationship counselor when Jamil was talking about his honest opinion of him dating you, his feelings for you and how he honestly felt nervous around you. Despite his calm and chill demeanor, Jamil talked about how he was scared of hurting you. Even if it wasn’t his intention, he was scared that he might screw up
·       Kalim, being someone who knew him the best, would point out everything good about Jamil, and Jamil would forever hold it a secret in his heart, but when Kalim mention how Jamil was someone he would trust despite everything that happened
·       The conversation shifts  towards them telling each other how much the other changed and developed after the whole Chapter 4 incident
·       When Kalim brought up how he learned to be more observant and considerate towards him, Jamil felt his heart beat faster from the nervousness and guilt. Jamil wanted to tell him that Kalim did more than enough, that he was, other than you, the only person in the world who would ever give him honest praises. That Kalim would forever be his irreplaceable friend
·       Yet, Jamil could only hold back seeing how this was going to a rare moment that Kalim actually opens up and spills everything that was piling inside of him. And if he interrupted, he knew that Kalim would end up stop talking about it, and how was he going to know that Kalim is actually okay with him dating you when it hasn’t even been a few days since the two of them went back becoming buddies?
·       When Kalim starts talking about how closely he holds Jamil and you to his heart, and that he wants to see the two of you becoming happy, Jamil would deny the fact that he was tearing up. Nope you’re just seeing things, Kalim, I’m not about to cry. I said I’m fine, Kalim no seriously I’m okay Kalim-
·       When he sees you coming out of your hiding spot from Kalim’s room, he surprised
·       You confess to Jamil that you came to also gain Kalim’s approval just a few hours before he had arrived, but stayed back out of your concern for him
·       When you noticed how Jamil started to look offended and thought you were suspicious of him using his unique magic on Kalim like he did before, you clarified and mentioned how Jamil looked nervous, heck more nervous then the time he had to talk to Diasomnia which led you to stay back and morally support him
·       Jamil would try to hide his blush, embarrassed and touched that you stayed back for him
·       He pulls up his hood, press it down firmly on to his head, pulls the strings until his face wasn’t visible, and he lied there in ball position
·       It took you and Kalim a good hour to coax Jamil to get him off the ground, and another hour to get him to take off his hood
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chuulimta · 11 months
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Icons/Cursor from Dokan Especial Nº 1 - Evangelion
1998? (Spain)
(Converted to PNG and upscaled 1000%)
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Incorrect quotes: *Khushi in pregnancy* Khushi: Arnavji, I want something sourish and chutneys. Arnav: Okay. *A few moments later* Khushi: Why these trucks here? And who is this woman? Arnav: Oh! That's a truck of tamarind and pickle. And this lady is known for the best chutney maker, in case you wanna taste different flavours.
Arnav's rival at a business party:" Khushi, You're dazzling hot. I wish we met before you met ASR ;) Let's dance. "Arnav: *making a fist* " Aman I want him bankrupted before next sunrise" Aman: "Kiranke ki dokan is ready sir"
*Khushi is pregnant* Doctor: "Baby looks fine, we're going to have normal delivery" *Labour pain starts* Arnav: "Cesarean would be less painful, let's go for it"
Hi Anon!
Hope you’re doing well - I’m glad you’re having a fun time with the incorrect quotes and thanks for the multiple submissions! I’m glad you like this little corner of Tumblr :)
Just a few things:
1) For incorrect quotes I use dialogues that are already written in other shows/movies. Like this one is from Friends, this one from Coco and this one from The Big Bang Theory :) I do not write them, they are pre-written and that’s why it’s hilarious at how other dialogues fit into IPK context.
2) I’m sure you’re super excited to send all of these back to back - I’m super excited to see multiple messages in my inbox :) But I do wish you sent a ‘hi/hello’ because I don’t know what you want me to do with these incorrect quotes. Should I post them? Gif them? Cause I’m not getting the love you’re sending until you say a hi, hello, a thank you. Yes I did get excited for the one Feelz Anon sent, but I also got a follow up from Feelz Anon just asking about how I’m doing and extending a hand of friendship :D
3) I have a little problem with the last quote. I know it’s all fun and humor but the option to have a normal delivery or a cesarean lies solely on the mother until and unless the mother is unconscious or there’s some fatal issue for which the doctor decides to proceed with cesarean. I know your incorrect quote came from fun but there’s nothing funny about a man taking a life/death decision in his hand because he thinks it’s correct (yes delivery is life/death). 
So here are my two cents on cesarean:
- Cesarean, while might seem painless at the moment is also incredibly taxing for women. 
- Recovery includes pain, postpartum bleeding, and many other things.
- It’s a decision that relies on the mother (because she’s giving birth) and on doctor (because he is the expert when it comes to mother and child health). Am not saying the partner isn’t consulted too, but the partner is almost never the sole authority is going forward with normal delivery or cesarean :)
But yes feel free to send me quotes and a hi/hello! 
Take care, 
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foodbookreviews · 3 years
DIPS & TOPPINGS – RABDI ICE CREAM Well interesting isn’t it, Rabdi and Ice-cream together in a nutshell! As we know, Rabdi was created in Mathura and perfected in Varanasi, the art of rabdi travelled east and today one village of Bengal survives by making it. A lot of varieties are made from this rich authentic sweet dish. The origin of ice-cream also dated back to China in 618-97 AD, where King Tang of Shang had 94 ice men who prepared an ice-cream like food made with buffalo milk, flour and camphor. Today, in this technologically and experimental era of living, a lot more of inventions are coming into forefront, with some tasting really exceptional. Rabdi –ice cream is one such experiment with bringing two famous desserts together as a whole! It’s time to review one of the best and newly-experimented dessert- the Rabdi-ice-cream in the town of Kolkata. We went for a review of this dessert at Dips & Toppings which is near the Bansdroni metro station (Masterda Surya Sen). Our reviews will be broken down into five parts: 1. Ambiance: The ambiance was beautiful. So here is a point, Dips & Toppings have 2 outlets, one right at the location and the second one is within the outlet, with the infrastructure being in the lane. The colourful lights, music and most importantly the organised manner contributed to this factor largely also along with tasting their special made rabdi icecream. We will mark the ambiance- 9/10. 2. Hospitality: Their politeness, courtesy, support and most importantly behaviour stands out the most. They explained every process and the ingredients to us, as a result we could show you the entire process of this delicacy-making right in the video. Therefore, we rate 10/10 for the hospitality services. 3. Taste: For people who are really confused as to what wouyld be the exact taste of theis dish, I mean which flavour would dominate the most? Well, then both the rabdi and the ice-cream stood out, since the ice-cream itself was of that very flavour bringing in the actual essence of rabdi, and then there was so much of garnishing with pistas, almonds and cashews which added to the colour on top, whipped cream was added to fill in those void spaces to add that creamy texture and most importantly there was the actual Mishti-dokaner doodher rabdi which was put on top with some milkmaid. The taste was divine; all flavours of that rich creamy ice-cream had popped out while tasting it. The dry fruits added to the crunchiness which went perfectly in hand with it. For this beautiful dish, we rate 9.5/ 10. 4. Hygiene: The most important factors which is to be highlighted is the availability of lifeboy hand sanitizers for the customers. For the first time, in these covid-19 affected world, this outlet is providing a branded sanitizer which adds to a great impression to its hygiene. Apart from it, everything was well-organised with proper wearing of masks and gloves as the protocol should be. The kitched and the ingredients were also well organised and highly clean. We will rate 9.5/10 for the hygiene factor. 5. Cost-Effectiveness: For those 3 big scoops of rabdi flavoured ice-cream, dry fruits garnishing, whipped cream and some milkmaid, 220/ (inclusive of all taxes)- is completely worth it. One can’t finish this rabdi-ice cream all one. For cost-effectiveness, we rate 9/10 So overall, we rate an average 9/10 for Rabdi Icecream at Dips & Toppings. We bet you’ll surely fall in love with it!
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gioelline · 3 years
[Intro: Jennie & Lisa]
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
[Verse 1: Jennie]
Cheonsa gateun "hi" kkeuten angma gateun "bye"
Maebeon michildeuthan high dwien baeteoya haneun price
Igeon dabi eomneun test
Maebeon sokdeorado yes
Ttakan gamjeongui noye
Eoreo jugeul saranghae
[Verse 2: Lisa]
Here I come kickin' the door, uh
Gajang dokan geollo jwo, uh
Ppeonhadi ppeonhan geu love
Deo naenwabwa give me some more
Araseo maedallyeo byeorang kkeute
Hanmadimyeon tto like hebeolle hae
Geu ttatteuthan tteollimi saeppalgan seollemi
Machi heaven gatgetjiman
You might not get in it
[Pre-Chorus: Jisoo & Rosé]
Look at me, look at you
Nuga deo apeulkka
You smart nuga you are
Du nune pinunmul heureuge doendamyeon
So sorry nuga you are
Na eotteokae nayakan nal gyeondil su eopseo
Aesseo du nuneul garin chae
Sarangui sumtongeul kkeuneoyagesseo
[Chorus: All, Lisa, & Jennie]
Let's kill this love!
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum
Let's kill this love!
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum
[Verse 3: Jennie, Lisa]
Feelin' like a sinner
It's so fire with him I go boo-hoo
He said "You look crazy"
Thank you, baby
I owe it all to you
Got me all messed up
His love is my favorite
But you plus me
Sadly can be dangerous
[Pre-Chorus: Rosé & Jisoo]
Lucky me, lucky you
Gyeolgugen geojitmal we lie
So what? So what?
Manyage naega neol jiuge
Doendamyeon so sorry
I'm not sorry
Na eotteokae nayakan nal gyeondil su eopseo
Aesseo nunmureul gamchun chae, eh
Sarangui sumtongeul kkeuneoyagesseo
[Chorus: All, Lisa, & Jennie]
Let's kill this love!
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum
Let's kill this love!
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum
[Bridge: Rosé]
We all commit to love
That makes you cry, oh-oh
We're all making love
That kills you inside, yeah
[Outro: All]
We must kill this love (Yeah! Yeah!)
Yeah, it's sad but true
Gotta kill this love (Yeah! Yeah!)
Before it kills you too
Kill this love (Yeah! Yeah!)
Yeah, it's sad but true
Gotta kill this love (Yeah! Yeah!)
Gotta kill, let's kill this love!
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wpdeed · 4 years
Why We Love 10 Best eCommerce Theme and You Should Too!
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The theme is several years among the most popular in the world, being constantly improved and following the trends of design and best practices of code. Your search for the best solution is over, get your own copy and join tens of thousands of happy customers.
Porto has a huge variety of options and settings to manage your site, we organize all these options perfectly so you can quickly modify something and see it in all pages and posts. Be impressed by how easy is to use our intuitive visual content editor.
Porto has high performance framework base, all structure are focusing on performance as the main point. Porto also comes with exclusive speed optimization wizard that makes your site super fast compared to other themes. Enjoy Porto Business & Woocommerce Theme!
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Electro Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme
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If you want your ecommerce shop to stand out from all of the cookie cutter designs out there, I'd definitely recommended the Electro WooCommerce Theme. Electro is a clean, modern, user friendly, responsive and highly customizable Wordpress Theme, built for especially for your WooCommerce electronics store.
It supports all features of WooCommerce. Multi-vendor management is not a default feature of WooCommerce. However there are WooCommerce extensions like Dokan, WC Vendors, WCFM Marketplace and Multi Vendor Marketplace by Webkul that allow you to extend WooCommerce into a multi-vendor platform. Electro supports the above mentioned plugins. So, yes you can build a multi-vendor website using Electro if you are familiar with the above plugins.
Having said that if there are any issues with Dokan or WC Vendors apart from UI issues, we cannot help fix it. This is because while the theme is compatible with these plugins, they are essentially third-party plugins and are not covered by our support policy. However if there is any UI issues like a broken form while using these plugins, we will help you fix it.
Overall one of the best woocommerce themes I've seen on here.
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Flone – Minimal WooCommerce WordPress Theme
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I’d recommend Flone to anyone who wants a modern and minimal theme on their ecommerce site. The layouts are very simple, which is great for showcasing top products on the homepage.
The designs are of high quality and really showcase your images in a way that is more creative, unique, and somewhat abstract. It’s certainly not a conservative or traditional theme.
Flone – Minimal WooCommerce WordPress Theme is a super-smooth and creative Website design. We create the top-notch demo websites because we analyze the market and anticipate the coming trend of this industry. We have successfully inserted all the best quality features and user-friendly attributes to Flone WordPress theme.
On the other hand, Flone theme has excellent product display with collection sorting, product video and product review. In addition, Discuss Comment, Product Share and Smooth scroll will engage your clients more into the site. Remember, the more your clients will be engaged into your business, the more revenue will you have.
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ekommart - All-in-one eCommerce WordPress Theme
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ekommart is one of the best eCommerce themes that you can get your hands on today. Ekommart is a powerful and impactful marketplace eCommerce theme that works for all sorts of products. It is easy starting a multi-vendor marketplace with ekommart so make it happen now and enjoy.
Ekommart is All in one eCommerce WordPress Theme. If you already have planned the niche you’re going to pick for your single product business, you can choose the most suitable theme from these single product WordPress themes. You can use the template for toys & kids, electronics & computers, food & Grocery, tools & parts, beauty & health, clothing, watch & jewelry, home & furniture, marketplace, sports & outdoors.
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Biagiotti - Beauty and Cosmetics Shop
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Biagiotti is a truly stunning eCommerce theme we designed for all beauty websites and cosmetics shops. Aside from full WooCommerce compatibility, a gorgeous set of shop page layouts and elements is at your full disposal, topped off with full compatibility with both Elementor and WPBakery page builder plugins. If you want to create a dazzling beauty or cosmetics shop website, look no further; Biagiotti is here!
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Nexio - Fashion WooCommerce Theme + RTL
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Nexio is resourceful and vast, flexible and pliable and modern fashionable eCommerce theme. Nexio is a theme designed to work on any device, especially mobile devices. With the mobile-first design language, the Nexio theme brings a great experience on mobile devices. Nowadays, almost every website visit comes from mobile devices, so Nexio will be the perfect choice for all mobile users.
Nexio supports a complete ajax shop, with intelligent filtering, delivering extremely fast speeds, eliminating the need to wait for page loads. And Nexio, with its Instant Product Search system, instantly finds results instantly when you type without waiting for a moment.
Nexio theme is designed to be SEO friendly and meets HTML 5 standards. It is also designed to have the fastest page load speed, whether you have lots of articles or a lot of different products that load together on the page. Nexio is easy to use for everyone, without the knowledge of code or webmaster. Try Nexio today and feel the difference of having a truly comprehensive theme by your side!
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Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce
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Pinkmart is the best and most trusted WordPress theme​ with multiple layouts and styles allows you to create different structures and satisfies any specific requirements for different kind of business. Fully compatible with wooCommerce help you to implement your e-commerce website in the shortest time. Featuring latest web technologies, enjoyable UX and the most beautiful design trends.
Full of different pre-built websites such as Fashion, Electronic, Cosmetic and Beauty, Furniture and … so you can easily import any demo website within seconds at 1 click. A well-designed, responsive, and eye-catching theme for any kind of retail or marketplace e-commerce website and any kind of products. Flexible theme options help you customize every aspect of your online shop. Finally, Pinkmart will help you build an impressive, high-performance website in minutes, without touching a line of code.
Don’t know how to code? No problem. Pinkmart has a elementor page builder that is simple enough for anyone to use, regardless of technical skill level.
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Eurotas - Clean, Minimal WooCommerce Theme
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Eurotas is suitable for e-commerce websites. We have included multiple layouts for home page, product page to give you best selections in customization. It is not just a WooCommerce theme, we had a plan in order to develop Eurotas for any kinds of websites: Business, Creative, News, Corporate and etc.
It is a professional WordPress theme. It comes with a lot of features and variations: Responsive Layout, Mega Menu, Page Builder, Awesome Slider Revolution, Product Quick View, Easy One Click To Install, ... and so much more.
Easy to use, awesome and powerful. These are the words that we talk about Eurotas. You will be able to build your website in a snap without coding knowledge. Are you ready to get it for now?
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Lauriel – Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme
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Lauriel is a truly stunning eCommerce theme we designed for Multi-purpose websites. Aside from full WooCommerce compatibility, a gorgeous set of shop page layouts and elements is at your full disposal. If you want to create a dazzling fashion, jewelry, leather, kids store, auto parts, motor bikes, furniture, plants, electronic, organic, beauty or cosmetics shop website, look no further; LAURIEL is here!
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Each one of the themes on my list has something that makes it unique or stands out from other options. So take the time to review each to see which theme fits the needs of your eCommerce site. No matter which theme you choose, I’m confident that it will improve the overall design, layout, and performance of your eCommerce store.
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wpthemego · 4 years
Avesa - Beauty & Cosmetics Store WooCommerce WordPress Theme available on @Themeforest now!
📥 More info: http://1.envato.market/avesa
Avesa is the best beauty product WordPress theme for any cosmetics store. Also, as a Power Elite Author with over 11+ years of experience in Web Design, we develop this theme as a beautiful, unique and professional design for all ecommerce website.
✅ 02+ homepages and more design coming soon ✅ Mobile layout coming soon ✅ Elementor page builder ready ✅ WP Rocket pro support ✅ Support multi-vendor plugins: Dokan, WC Vendors, WC Marketplace, WCFM MarketPlace
--- ➡️ SEE OUR TOP THEMES: #eMarket: http://1.envato.market/emarket #Revo: http://1.envato.market/revo #ShoppyStore: http://1.envato.market/shoppystore #TopDeal: http://1.envato.market/topdeal #MaxShop: http://1.envato.market/maxshop #OneMall: http://1.envato.market/onemall #Autusin: http://1.envato.market/autusin
SEE OUR TOP COLLECTIONS: ➡️ Top premium themes: http://bit.ly/best-premium-wordpress-themes ➡️ 25+ best selling themes on Themeforest: https://1.envato.market/25-best-wp-themes 📧 Contact Us: [email protected] #avesa #magentech #wpthemego #beautystore #cosmeticsstore #elementor #wordpresstheme #themeforest #sportaccessories #motocycle #bikeparts
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