#Dominique Roses
koldusek · 6 months
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James Sirius Potter Facts
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• He loved quidditch. Like really loved it. Knew he was expected to be a seeker like his dad but being a chaser like his mum is way more fun.
• He thought he was only popular because of his family but people actually really liked him for who he was.
• Has a lot of muggle born friends because at least when he started school they had no idea who he was.
• Struggles to open up to people, even the ones he’s closest to. Only started opening up more when he was diagnosed with cyclothemia.
• Even though Fred is his best friend he is probably closest to Teddy or Dom.
• He was kidnapped for 5 days when he was 9 by some remaining death eaters. He tells everyone he doesn’t remember anything but he does.
• Didn’t actually care that Albus was in Slytherin and was first to stand up and applaud after his sorting.
• He wasn’t actually that good at school. He struggles a lot with the theory side of things but he was one of the best duellers at Hogwarts so people didn’t really notice.
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rewritingcanon · 1 month
tell me two facts about yourself and i’ll give you a hp next gen character
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lemonagrios · 1 month
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Weasley Next Gen! Ft. Teddy and Scorpius
Something like this is how I imagine them look like, but there is so little information that almost everything is just pure headcanon of mine tbh
I am an indecisive person when it comes to drawing characters from books, even worse when they don't even have a description like these fools, so who knows maybe I will change things in the future, but for now I like these enough to post them (even if I drew this like a month ago ngl)
I think James Sirius also needs glasses he just doesn't wear them much bc he says they ruin his style and they're ugly and that makes Albus kinda mad bc James chose the stupid frame himself lol
And I find it funny to think that it's almost impossible to beat the ginger hair genes so only Victoire and Albus got to fully scape them
I love Teddy bc I can change him everytime I draw him and it's ok bc he can literally change his appearance in a second 🥰 so no headaches
I also kind of colored the clothes in each of the colors of the houses in which I imagine they would get sorted into (?) yeah
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venusdivinatus · 3 months
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A lexicon of sluts
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catgriller · 2 months
Cursed Child? More like WOKE NEWGENS !!!!!!!!!!
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Edit: I decided there was TOO MANY Gryffindor kids in cursed child like.. CMON!!! 9 out of 12 of these kids were wearing red.. ugh. I get it the Gryffindors are cool and awesome but can we pls have more Hufflepuffs and ravenclaw 😫
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tenaciousarcadeexpert · 8 months
let them be in a movie/show together:
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lilylunalvr · 1 year
when people write headcanons for hp’s next generation i think they usually forget these are post war children and they can be so much more interesting. their parents, family and everyone around them have all been to war and have lost too much. that’s not to say that they can’t be happy or won’t ever have fun, but this is the kind of thing that leaves scars and trauma. i don’t think it would be the case in canon because jkr is a bad writer but thinking about characterization these kids don’t always have a good time at home, their years have too many days dedicated to mourn. they didn’t lost anyone themselves, but somehow grief has been around ever since they were born. they probably struggle to get through holidays and see hogwarts as a way to escape this reality because family can be a lot even when they love each other. maybe fred the second doesn’t prank around because his father taught him or it’s on his blood. he does pranks because he thinks his father’s actually a bit strict and it’s not having enough fun. maybe he doesn’t get why his father of all people would work on the funniest place in the world. he feels like it’s his job to make the house happier and to make everyone smile because realistically talking, george had a rough time without fred i and it changed him. he probably put too much expectations on his first child, named after the person he lost. he’d probably expect fred to be exactly like his brother and got frustrated when he wasn’t and what child wants to disappoint their parent.
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harrypottergenzhc · 7 months
Who’s going to ruin Christmas dinner?
- James got expelled for his third detention
-Teddy, Fred II, Charlie and Arthur went for a ride in the car
-Ron forgot the chicken and is avoiding to tell Hermione
-Roxanne broke a clock and the pieces are hidden under the table
-Albus is dating Scorpius and James knows (he read his diary)
-Teddy is dating Victorie and Dominique knows (she read her diary)
-Lucy got an Acceptable in Charms
-Dominique pierced her bellybutton in secret
-Hermione is talking about politics with Percy
-George is picking on Percy
-Hugo’s trying to take out his milk tooth with a self made new spell
-Albus told Rose he doesn’t feel anything for Scorpius and that she’s being paranoid
-Fleur brought a fancy french wine and Ginny and Molly are in the kitchen laughing about it
-Harry asked Ron where’s the chicken in front of everyone
-Lily and Louis are upstairs playing with Victorie’s makeup
-Rose saw something under the table
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The next gen kids and...
- who they look like the most (which parent)?
- who are they like the most when it comes to personality (which parent)?
- who (except their parents) are they simillar to?
Victoire looks a lot like Fleur when she’s younger and grows to look like her Tante Gabrielle, especially after having children. She’s tall and beautiful, and she grows into her curves and figure.
I would say her personality is a lot like Bill’s and he hates it lol. She’s a rebel with a cause and also a mother hen to her siblings. She does come off as a bit standoffish like Fleur can, but she means well in the end.
I would say she is the most like Ginny, headstrong and stubborn and not afraid to fight for her own rights and happiness.
She looks so much like Fleur, just throw on some freckles and a wild mass of red curls she likes to call her lion mane. She is tiny and is often mistaken for being the premee baby of her siblings, not the one that was over ten pounds.
She is just like Bill, a Weasley through and through. She makes fast and rash decisions and it does bite her in the ass, but she grows from it
Speaking of which, I would say she is most like Percy. When it comes down to it, he is defined by his two biggest moments in canon, leaving and coming back. Dominique is made of the same stuff, fitting for the godfather/goddaughter duo
If you held up a photo of Louis and Bill at sixteen, even Molly would have trouble telling who was who.
He is quiet and calm and delicate, Fleur’s baby through and through. He loves art and to dance and to live his life the way he wants to, even if he has to burn some bridges
Not only is he named after Charlie, they are great friends and pen pals. Louis takes after Charlie like a duck to water and they both enjoy it
She looks like Audrey, but with those Weasley freckles and brown eyes and that unmistakable shade of gingery-orange hair. Really she and Lucy are the perfect mix of their parents
Molly is so bright and happy and hopeful, very much like her mother and the Hufflepuffs she finds kinship with. She has had so much pain and sadness thrown on her that she needs some happiness and lightness in her life
She’s like George, they both have this warmth and happiness they can bring out of themselves while also holding onto a deep trauma
She looks like Percy the same way Molly looks like Audrey. She does have Audrey’s blue eyes but Percy’s eyesight and she does tend to walk a little taller than she really is, but sometimes she needs that extra confidence
Lucy is very emotional, she’ll cry at the drop of a pin and her moods change so quickly from happy to sad to confused to happy to angry, she tends to just let everything out because for so long Molly didn’t or couldn’t
Lucy takes after her “Uncle” Oliver Wood, one of her dad’s closest friends and quite the emotional man (when it comes to his Quidditch team lol)
He looks like George, a bit tanner and a little taller, but he looks just like George.
Freddie is a bit troublesome, but not as bad as his dad. He’s playful and silly, but has a tendency to doubt himself at times. He loves deeply and fiercely and will fight for those he does love. He’s a good son to his parents even if he made them grandparents much too young
He takes after Ron really, his confidence goes up and down and he can crack a good joke while being in love with the smartest girl he knows
She looks like her Aunt Roxie, but with some dark red curls she loves to braid and play with
Like her brother she is a bit troublesome and does have some confidence issues. Her issues manifest into a horrible eating disorder and an abusive relationship, but through a lot of work and love she comes out on top
I really feel like she takes after Hermione, she’s stubborn and headstrong and used to being listened to as the smartest person in the room, but her insecurities do hold her back at times
She looks like Ron, red hair and blue eyes, freckles and that playful smile, but Hermione’s curls and her short stature
Her personality is a great mix of her parents, the good and the bad. She also tends to mother hen her cousins, which they jump on and take advantage of at times
She takes after Harry, he’s her godfather and uncle and in many ways her third parent. She learns so much from him and he’s a great source of comfort to her
He looks like Hermione, but he does have the Weasley red hair and he’s sooo tall, the tallest of the Weasley grandsons with only Louis within inches of him
He’s happy, he’s hyper, he loves to have fun and joke around but come exam times, his head is in the books and won’t come out until it’s all over. He is very competitive, but who can blame him when he wants to be the smartest person despite his set backs
He’s like Fred, funny and sweet but sometimes with a mean streak that he hates and a hyperness that holds him back until he overcomes it
James is the perfect mix of Harry and Ginny, he has the messy red hair and tan skin and brown eyes and freckles and lanky limbs that are both Potter and Weasley
He is definitely a goof ball, but also has a heart of gold. He is protective and loving and often doesn’t think before he talks, but it doesn’t matter because he’s so good and honest to those he loves. He has made his mistakes, but he honors them and lives up to his names and the men his mother named him after
He is very much like Bill, taking the weight of all the family in his shoulders with pride and love even if he sometimes puts his foot in his mouth
He looks just like Harry, but he had freckles on his nose and cheeks and it reminds Ginny of Fred. She will never compare her second son’s looks to Harry, always her brothers
Al is dramatic and moody and always rolling his eyes, but he loves his family and gets along with everyone despite his dramatics. Rose is his ride or die and she is the reason he made it to adulthood and he knows it
Honestly, I want to say he’s most like Ginny, but if I can’t pick a parent I would say Percy. He is a bit high strung and prideful, he’s ambitious and wanting from the world, but his family comes first over and over and over again
Merlin she looks like Ginny, she has hazel eyes like her grandfather James and can’t see anything closer than her outstretched hand without her glasses, but honestly she and Ginny could be twins if they were the same age
She is a bit of a brat, being the only girl in her immediate family and then the youngest granddaughter, she takes full advantage of being the baby. But she does grow up and levels out and becomes more than just her wants. She ends up finding a peacefulness in being unknown and called out on her more selfish behavior, and it’s good for her to see reality a bit
He takes after her Grandad Arthur, taking interest in something small but oh so important to her and finding her own ways to be brave and just in front of not only herself and others. She also takes a bit of happiness in hiding away at times, even if she’s always watching
He looks like Draco, but Astoria’s features have made there way in. It’s in the slight tan of his skin tone and the curls of his white blond hair, but otherwise he is all Malfoy
He is literally the kindest and sweetest person, sure he’s also ambitious and cunning, but people notice his presence through his polite and kind demeanor
He takes after Theodore Nott, who has proven himself to be kind and wholesome and a great father. He loves every lost child that comes into his home and has made his home open and accessible to anyone that needs a place to stay, but especially his children’s friends
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 5 months
hp next gen au info (in age order until after Louis)
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James, Albus & Lily=Hinny kids
Victoire, Dominique & Louis = Bleur kids
Roxanne & Freddie = George x Angelina kids
Molly & Lucy = Perciver kids
Rose & Hugo = Romionie kids
Frank & Alice = Nannah kids
Lorcan & Lysander = Luna x Rolf kids
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
next gen fav games:
albus: there’s two sides of him— dead by daylight (he forces scorpius to play just so he can bully the shit out of him and hear him scream on his mic when he gets jumpscared) or omori (someone check up on him maybe…)
scorpius: minecraft (he likes to be the housewife making his house look pretty whilst albus goes out and mines for their family of mushroom cows) and little misfortune (yeah he also needs a check up)
rose: sims 4 (how she deals with her god complex)
james: silent hill (says it’s because the protag is named after him but he’s actually very mentally ill and resonates with the manifestation of self-punishment)
lily: mortal kombat 11 (for the fatality, but mostly for mileena)
hugo: fortnite (bro is a toddler and likes to attend the concerts) and my singing monsters (bro was feeling… musical)
teddy: hades (local pansexual genderfluid sillyman lets himself get slain by the hot villains again) and baldurs gate 3 (for literally the same reasons except add character customisation)
victoire: cooking dash (she likes to feel stressed) and the witcher 3 (shes never played another witcher game)
lorcan: fnaf (he always thinks hes done with it and then a new game or dlc comes out) and it takes two (he forces lysander to play with him obvi)
lysander: little nightmares 2 (only game that had him shook)
fred: detroit: become human (loves story-based games and choose your own adventure) and batman: the telltale series (same reasons)
roxanne: telltale’s the walking dead (simply cant move on from any of the games except the third one)
dominique: the last of us (she’s an elitist and will yap about this game at any given chance)
louis: played doki doki literature club when he was 12 and that was it for bro (….core memories were made)
molly: resident evil 3 (she likes them all but is obsessed with jill) but also life is strange (she’s probably gay)
lucy: when asked will tell you its pathologic (which she still loves a lot and is an elitist about) but it’s secretly danganronpa (she likes feeling smart when she connects clues leave her alone)
yann: final fantasy 7 (hes obsessed with the world and its the only game he can play)
polly: amanda the adventurer (to no one’s surprise)
karl: roblox (he’s been banned on so many different servers for bullying little children and is one of the most infamous hated users in his continent)
craig: league of legends (he’s a bit of a loser) and injustice: gods among us (he needs to win the challenges and unlock the characters)
sophia: stardew valley (she wants to live in a world without conflict (she will get stressed over it anyway))
delphi: couldn’t play video games (she would’ve loved fran bow though)
alice: episode (she spends an embarrassing amount on gems)
frank: arkham knight (he’s literally batman guys) and what remains of edith finch (he has range guys)
auggie: project sekai (they need to go take a shower)
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liiilyevans · 1 year
Next Gen Girls
The big sister of the group
Always there to lend an ear and is the first to defend her girls when the need arises
Tries really hard not to let her cousins see her cracks (she's a lot like her dad in that way)
She teaches her little cousins (Lucy, Roxanne, and Lily) some French when they're around eight
They all end up on the floor laughing with tears in their eyes because the girls can't roll their r's well and it makes for some interesting pronunciations
She never misses a family dinner at her Grandma Molly's house
If she is not there, something is wrong
Has broken up a physical fight between her cousins before and will do it again
She is close with all the girls and doesn't really have one in particular who she's closer to
She always carves out time to talk to each of the girls and bond with them
No one dislikes Vic
They might hate her bluntness or have disagreements with her, but she does not keep receipts and all her cousins appreciate that about her
Can you say wild child?
She's the reason Bill and Fleur have grey hairs for sure
She's two years younger than Vic and they are like night and day
Dom is the life of the party and also the family's budtender though most of the parents are unaware of this
She's very chill and loves hanging out with her cousins and gossiping
This has gotten her into trouble before
Once Rose walked in on Dom talking about her latest hook up and Rose ended up not speaking to her for over two months
She is really close with Molly
These girls are twin flames, both wild to the core
They go backpacking across Europe together after they graduate Hogwarts
Dom decides to get a tattoo while she's high and it ends up getting infected
Molly takes her to a Muggle doctor and the girls end up giggling over how cute he is
Molly is the same age as Dom, but she was born first
She is supper smart but never flashes it around
Organizes monthly girl's nights for all her cousins
Not all of them end up coming and that's ok, but they know the door is always open if they want to
If they do end up coming, she makes a bunch of 'junk food' like chips and chocolate chip cookies from scratch
She takes after her grandmother when it comes to cooking and the other girls love her for it
If Dom is the budtender, Molly is the bartender
She used to work at a bar and can do all sorts of fancy tricks when pouring shots or making drinks
One night when the girls are all together, she makes a mixed drink for each of her cousins and one for her sister and names them after each of them
The definition of the cool one
She's always off on some adventure or taking some cool vacation
She is six years younger than Vic, but they're still very close
She goes to Vic whenever she needs advice on anything from love to life to her career
The younger girls adore her and think she's the best thing since baked bread
She caught them doing weed (which they stole from Dom) once at the Burrow in the twins' old room and didn't tell the adults
Instead she grabbed them water, helped them add a little concealer so they didn't look so high, and reminded them that getting high with their parents downstairs was definitely not the best idea
Then she winked and was gone
Everyone is always shocked that Ron and Hermione produced such a chill kid
She's Healer so anytime that one of the girls end up with the slightest headache they call Rose
She pretends to be annoyed but she really loves it
She's the quiet one
Not in the shy way but in the if you interrupt me again, I'll cut your head off way
A total bookworm
And swears like a sailor
She's the most reclusive of the Wotter girls
She's the one who comes to their sleepovers the least, even though her sister hosts them
It's not that she doesn't like them or the girls, she just values her peace and quiet
She's is six years younger than her sister and eight years younger than Vic
If any of the girls were going to pull up to a fight, they're bringing Lucy
She is tiny but mighty
Loudest of all the girls and definitely the most likely to accidently break something
She's the same age as Lucy, but Luce was born first
She loves the chaos that is the Burrow when all of her family members are there
Is probably the easiest of the girls to talk to and the most outgoing
Like this girl's mouth does not stop moving for a second
Are we surprised that she's really funny?
No, no one is surprised by that
She is closest with Lily, but Vic is like an older sister to her
She and Lily hang out a lot at school and once they graduate, they move in together
They definitely spend those first few years partying way too much and getting high way too often
But they grow and mature together and they're closer because of it
If you took all of Harry's bad traits and all of Ginny's bad traits and mixed them in a pot, you'd get Lily Lu
She is sarcastic and always has a comeback ready
She can also be a brat and Ginny blames Harry for that
She is the last grandchild born, three months younger than Roxanne
She has green eyes not brown, and yes, this is a hill I will die on
Loves her cousins, but can find them overbearing at times, especially Vic
When she's feeling overwhelmed, she goes to hang out with Lucy
They both appreciate the quiet and downtime
She sites the fact that she and Roxanne both have annoying older brothers as the reason they're so close
Also a wild child, but in a much more self-destructive way than Molly or Dom are
She blows through boys like they're candy, and it's especially concerning to her cousins
She's loyal though and no one is going to say a word about her family without answering to her
You can think Becky (aka @harryissuchalittleshit) for these headcanons because she asked me for them! You should send all the love her way because she is awesome!
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purebbyfawn · 7 months
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tart, 2001
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bellwood-qudditch · 1 year
HP: Next Gen Headcanons part 2
•Louis’s middle name is Arthur
•James=Chocolate, Lily=Strawberry, Albus=Vanilla
•Lucy is in Hufflepuff
•Victorie became a healer
•Molly II loves crocheting
•Roxanne became a fashion designer in the wizarding world, becoming the next big named designer in the industry
•Hugo has a huge interest in dragons and he took Charlie to the movie theatres when “How to train your dragon” came out
•Everybody calls Fred II, Ricky—to distinguish him from his namesake
•Albus has a black cat named Jetson who he found whilst in Hogsmeade in his sixth year. He was a stray kitten.
•Lily Luna hates being called LuLu but all her friends use that name to tease her all the time
•Victorie did ballet dancing all her life and even went to Paris one summer to train
•Hugo learnt to speak French when he was really little by copying Fleur
•Lily Luna is best friends with Madison Wood and Everett McLaggen
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