#Donated Elevator and pizza
prwizard · 1 year
Shuttle sky Lifts & Structures Pvt. Ltd. collaborated with Dominos for a CSR at National Blind School
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usinesses are expanding their dimensions to boost the profit graph for their organizations but few impart value to society without any expectations in return. A re-known name of the lift manufacturers in Delhi caught the chance for the same and made their presence worthy at National Blind School.
ShuttleSky Lifts & Structures Pvt. Ltd. did a CSR in collaboration with Dominos at National Blind School on the occasion of baby Vanshika Mann’s birthday. There they provided pizza to the students of the school to create an aura of happiness and humbleness that shows that humanity is still alive.
The birthday became more touchy with the thrive of such special celebrations that happened together in the school and the happiness was visible on the face of little angles of the school. ShuttleSky Lifts & Structures Pvt. Ltd. has a long goal to achieve by serving many whom they come across and that’s the reason they committed a new elevator to the National Blind School building with lifetime free maintenance.
ShuttleSky Lifts & Structures Pvt. Ltd. showed their respect for the collaboration of Dominos to make the step successful. Their kind gesture of special thanks to Mr. Anil, senior vice president, of Dominos India was quite a heart touchy at the moment.
They also appreciated and showed gratitude to Mr. Amit Kumar, Manager of operations, at Dominos India. Even a special thanks went to Mr. Swapan Mandal, who is the president of the National Blind School provided them an opportunity to serve those special kids and add value to society.
ShuttleSky Lifts & Structures Pvt. Ltd. have planned to contribute many more CSR even in the tribal areas of the country in the coming days with all the possible ways they can serve society. They are a well-known name due to their result-driven services to the customers and the values that they keep on adding to society to make it a great place to live. Want to know more about them? You can fetch more details by visiting ShuttleSky.in
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bxynjolf · 2 years
NAME: Brynjolf
NICKNAME(S): 'Bryn', or alternatively, 'bastard' will suffice!
AGE: 36-40 (This is verse/timeline dependent!)
SPECIES: Human / Nord
MORALITY: lawful / neutral / chaotic ||| good /  gray / evil 
RELIGIOUS BELIEF: Brynjolf believes in the Daedric Princes', or rather, their merits and mischief, but didn't personally pursue any faith within the Nine Divines or even the Princes prior to the Betrayal. He is now a follower of Nocturnal, albeit a rather laidback one.
VIRTUES: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: His primary ambition is to restore the Thieves Guild to what it was under Gallus' fair guidance. With it flourishing again, he'd then be able to extend the Thieves' influence, reconnect with old contacts, and turn his charitable recruitments into lasting returns so he too may rest.
LANGUAGES KNOWN: English (or Nord?) as well as Mer/Altmeri
SECRETS: Too many to count. It IS his trade, after all.
QUIRKS: Tapping a quill against the desk's surface in midst of thought, thumbing his Flagon as he speaks, and crossing his arms in guarded conversation are just a few! All of which he will mask depending on the context of the situation.
SAVVIES: Coercion, persuasion, or just the general 'gift of the gab'. He spins silk words to smooth over initial confrontation, then promptly employs a 'back up' to tie the knot. Is it money? Is it power---control, rather---over your situation? Or is it just this handsome smile of his?
BUILD: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other  \
HEIGHT: 6'2"
SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: Brynjolf is a mosaic of his hardships, and frankly, carries many, many scars from them. One of the most notable are the small slants along his fingers, a call to a snapped pick to many. There are few misplaced punctures from where, perhaps, his honeyed words failed him. Another worrying mark is the distinct arrow hole near his heart; this one is a testament of his fluctuating luck, he claims. Outside of injuries though, he has a branded tattoo of the Thieve's Guild on his right shoulder blade (his dominant side).
ABILITIES/POWERS: Being that he is a Nightingale, he typically remains as an Agent of Stealth, which allows him to slip into the shadows seamlessly. He's also very lucky.
RESTRICTIONS: Brynjolf is....complicated. He holds little to no ambition in the pursuit of power for himself, but also enjoys having his hands in all the honey pots. He loves to be the connector, the man of the people, but doesn't care to be viewed as a leader. He adores the idea of lavish luxury, even holds a needling greed for it, but will spend his last dregs into a Guild that had long since lost its profitability. Brynjolf believes himself to be greedy because he's never known stable comforts, and now that he has the memory of the Guild and what it had done to elevate him, he'll do anything to get the coin to bring it back The problem lies in the fact that his passion has become passively obsessive and his initial 'donations' to cover losses have turned to self-sacrificing. In short, he's been with the Guild so long he sees nothing but it at the end of the day. That means that if it were to go, he....doesn't know what else he'd to, let alone what he'd even have left.
FAVOURITE FOOD: Main verse would be anything with potatoes, but he has a particular fondness for chunky potato soup brimming with cheese.
FAVORITE DRINK: Mead. Ale tastes too bitter and too weak for his palate.
FAVOURITE PIZZA TOPPING: Pizza doesn’t exist tragically, but he's that man who would have all the toppings. Too many. Way, way too many.
FAVOURITE COLOR: Green! A close second is blue.
FAVOURITE MUSIC GENRE: Anything that carries a jaunty, up-beat tune.
FAVOURITE BOOK GENRE:  He can easily lose himself in hours of Snow Elves' history, records, lore, theories, etc. etc. His fascination stems from Gallus' and Mercer's vague conversations surrounding it. A good portion of it comes from the allure of forgotten treasures too, so.
FAVOURITE SEASON: Autumn. It's the time of change. Ironically, it's telling of a dwindle in business as bodies will now be holed up in their homes, but the slight slow in contracts welcomes more time in the Flagon, more time with fellow Guild Members, and a seasonal flavor of Mead that never fails to quench his thirst.
FAVOURITE CURSE WORD: Why pick just one?
FAVOURITE SCENT: The smokey burn of firewood coupled with the sweet crisp of good mead.
B.OTTOM OR T.OP: Top, sure, but he does have a soft spot for a lass that knows what she wants and will make sure she gets it from him. ;)
SINGS IN THE SHOWER BATH: Most of the time? No. Every now and then he'll hum a soft tune to himself, but overall, bathing for him is simply a responsibility. Nothing more than a quick 'in and out' of the lake.
LIKES BAD PUNS: Of course, especially when they push others' buttons.
THEIR OPINION ON THE MUN: Neutral. This man don't give a---
TAGGED BY: @bladedwoe (thank you for this! it was a good warm-up for me for this muse <3)
TAGGING: @ all yall.
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
How would you describe yourself in one positive word? Understanding. 
Iced tea or iced coffee? Iced coffee.  Do you like decorating your house for the holidays? I love to.  What did you do on your latest birthday? Not a whole lot since I’m laid up in the hospital, but my family came to visit and brought big cute balloons, so that was nice. They tried to make the best of it since they knew I was sad about being here in general and spending my birthday here, unable to do anything. Like I’ve said, I can’t even eat actual food or have actual drinks, so I didn’t even have a special birthday treat to look forward to. How often do you go on vacation? A few times a year or so, it varies. We try to do something when we can. 
Do you get along with your family? Yes. 
Would you ever dye your hair pink for charity? No, but I’d donate.  What's your perfect pizza? Extra sauce, extra cheese, spinach, garlic, chopped meatballs, pesto. Depending on the place, I might add green onions and cilantro.  Favorite dog breed? Labs and German Shepherds.  What brand of make up do you use? (if you wear it) I don’t even bother with makeup anymore.  Are you currently waiting for/on anything? I’m waiting to go home, whenever that’ll be...  What is your favorite way to pass time? Stuff like this.  What is your favorite not-so-famous band/artist? I don’t know.  Do you have any pictures or posters on your bedroom wall? Yes.  Have you ever been stuck in an elevator? No, thankfully. That is a fear of mine.  Are you a morning person? Not usually. Although, prior to coming to the hospital I had been getting up early most days and I looked forward to my morning routine, which had consisted of a protein shake and some chicken or beef broth and then a couple hours later I’d have coffee and breakfast.  What is your most dreaded chore? I don’t enjoy doing any of them.  What is the current temperature where you live? It’s 88F right now.  Can you walk in heels? No. Do you like to go to the movies or do you prefer to rent movies? I like going to the movies, especially for big movies I’m excited about like when new Marvel films come out.  Do you still watch Disney movies? Yes.  Do you ever wear hats/beanies? Yeah, quite often.  What was the happiest moment of your life so far? Hmm. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? About 4. 
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purplesurveys · 2 years
How would you describe yourself in one positive word? Strong.
Iced tea or iced coffee? Iced coffee. I’ve outgrown iced tea because we used to regularly have a pitcher of it at home, and I had it so often at one point that eventually I grew sick of it, hahaha. Even at restaurants I avoid it now.
Do you like decorating your house for the holidays? Only during Christmas since it gets me and the family into the ~festive ~~spirit. We don’t go as all out for other holidays.
What did you do on your latest birthday? I treated my family to dinner during my actual birthday, then that same weekend I brought my friends to a quick beach trip in Zambales. It was my first birthday since recovering from my long period of depression, so I had wanted to make the celebrations big, also as thanks to the people who helped pull me out of my slump.
How often do you go on vacation? I try to go at least once for every half of the year.
Do you get along with your family? Sure, definitely much better than how it was during my teen years.
Would you ever dye your hair pink for charity? If dyeing had some sort of monetary equivalent, then I would. But if the act was just done for show (shoutout to the ice bucket challenge, lol) then I’d much rather do something more productive like putting in community work or donating.
What's your perfect pizza? This local restaurant we have serves a five-cheese pizza with bechamel sauce and also comes with a separate honey dip, and I never forgot about it since the first time I ordered it. It’s everything I need in a pizza.
Favorite dog breed? Beagles and Golden Retrievers.
What brand of make up do you use? (if you wear it) I never wear makeup. If I do, I just borrow the stuff from my sister and I don’t even have a clue what brands she uses lol.
Are you currently waiting for/on anything? Erm not really, unless I count my usual 11 PM waiting time (aka 12 AM KST) for any announcement from BTS’ social accounts. 
What is your favorite way to pass time? Well doing these is certainly one of them. I also like spending time at coffee shops as if I haven’t shared that enough haha. Also watching web series! Most of the ones I watch and enjoy are those from former BuzzFeed employees, so channels like Watcher (a big big favorite these days), About To Eat, The Try Guys (save for Ned).
What is your favorite not-so-famous band/artist? Hozier. He’s pretty mainstream now but nowhere near as popular as my other favorites.
Do you have any pictures or posters on your bedroom wall? I do.
Have you ever been stuck in an elevator? Nah, thank goodness. Elevators are so freaky though, you can get stuck in them or have an elevator drop straight to the ground altogether. That’s why I always prefer to get in them only when other people around so that when something bad happens at least I wouldn’t be alone, lol.
Are you a morning person? Oh, not at all. I find it so hard to relate to/understand my co-workers who are able to wake up at like 6 AM and squeeze in a walking or workout session before starting work.
What is your most dreaded chore? Folding laundry. Because my back.
What is the current temperature where you live? According to Google, 27ºC. That’s great, that already counts as chilly where I’m from hahaha. 
Can you walk in heels? Yeah sure, I love heels. 
Do you like to go to the movies or do you prefer to rent movies? Watch them on Netflix.
Do you still watch Disney movies? Sure, every once in a while.
Do you ever wear hats/beanies? Yep. I literally wore a bucket hat out today. What was the happiest moment of your life so far? So far? Probably my 2nd Paramore gig. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? I got a beautiful 8 hours.
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klayaeus · 1 day
When Should You Invest in Outdoor Firepits for Sale?
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Firepits for Sale
Firepits for sale proposal a charming addition to any outdoor space, as long as warmth and setting for gatherings. These versatile landscapes come in various styles, counting wood-burning, gas-powered, and portable selections. They serve as central points for socializing, roasting marshmallows, or just enjoying the flickering fires under the stars.
Outdoor Firepits for Sale
Outdoor fire pits for sale are exactly designed to withstand outdoor elements though enhancing your backyard aesthetics. They come in numerous sizes, shapes, and materials, counting steel, stone, and copper, catering to diverse preferences and budgets. These fire pits make a cozy atmosphere for outdoor pleasurable and relaxation, making them a prevalent choice for homeowners in search of to elevate their outdoor living seats.
Firewood Suppliers
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Firewood for Sale
Firewood for sale is obtainable in different forms, counting logs, split wood, and kindling, suitable for numerous firepit and fireplace setups. It is vital to choose well-seasoned firewood to ensure clean burning and reliable heat output. Some dealers offer specialty firewood mixtures, such as fruitwoods or perfumed woods, adding unique flavors to outdoor culinary and ornamental the ambiance.
Wood Fired Ovens for Sale
Wood-fired ovens for sale are sought-after additions to outdoor kitchens, letting homeowners to bake pizza, bread, and other cooking delights with a distinct wood-fired taste. These ovens come in various sizes and designs, counting traditional brick ovens and modern stainless steel models, offering adaptability for outdoor cooking fans.
Corten Steel Fire Ring
A Corten steel fire ring helps as a durable and stylish repression solution for outdoor firepits. Complete from enduring steel, Corten fire rings develop a sole rusted patina over time, ornamental their aesthetic appeal although providing excellent corrosion confrontation. These fire rings come in dissimilar sizes and designs, offering a pretty element while safely comprising the fire within the designated zone.
In swift, fire pits, firewood suppliers, wood-fired ovens, and Corten steel fire rings donate to creating attractive outdoor spaces for relaxation and entertainment, adding warmth, atmosphere, and functionality to any courtyard or patio location.
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black-kitties · 1 year
Chapter 3
Start reading from Chapter 1
Jaz’s trip downtown was hindered by frequent dizzy spells that were plaguing her. She found she kept having to sit or rest herself against a pole to catch her bearings again. Throughout their trip Hero stayed glued to her side and kept moving as if to catch her every time she stumbled. He was a strange dog, especially the way he listened. Jaz was no stranger to talking to animals, though normally they’d just sort of, perk an ear your way at best and only really react to a change in your tone. Other times they’d simply ignore you unless you started baby talking them. Hero though, Hero made eye contact. He paid attention. It was strange.
 “I’m thinking of going to the library. See if theres any missing dog posters online, but also, gotta charge my phone finally.” She explained too him while leaning against a pole. “Also, we gotta see about getting some money. I’m down to one pair of clothes and no cans of food… That pizza will only last us a day or two tops, especially if I have to feed you too.” Hero whimpered as if to say sorry, “Hey, do you know any tricks though? We could put on a show, do a little busk in front of the library for some cash maybe.” He barked. Downtown Metro City was a beautiful place. The streets were immaculate, and everyone rushed about in suits and business casual attire. Even the ground underneath the trees was free of fallen leaf litter. A large, cathedral-like building mixed with modern architecture was the library Lex Luther had bestowed upon the city. Out front of it stood an odd-looking art piece, a polished giant bean that reflected the skyline and passersby in a warped mirror like finish. The entrance was behind three levels of stairs that spanned the entire front of the building, and large white pillars held up the parapet above. The entrance was two overly large double doors of solid thick glass and metal bars spanning their length, propped open. They looked like they could be really heavy, and Jaz wondered just how hard it was to open and close the library.
Inside, no one seemed to notice that Hero was following Jaz. She couldn’t convince him to wait outside and eventually gave up, trying to evade attention as she entered the elevator to floor two where most of the computers were. Each computer sat in its own little cubby space that reminded her of the study spaces she was used to back in university. The small desk had an outlet that she happily plugged her phone into before launching the computer and logging into her own profile. She was a frequent visitor of the previous library until it finally had shuttered its doors last month in preparation for its official move into this building. “You know, Hero. As much as Lex Luther’s likely up to something with the donation of this library… It is really nice; I’ve got to admit. Sucks that people like me have to rely on the charity of people like him, eh?” She shot Hero a smile before loading up the browser and beginning her search.
 This world, like hers, had the same sort of social media sites she was used to, and she quickly found community boards for the city and for pet owners. She sorted through hundreds of posts of missing pets, enough that she’d begun coming across posts commenting on the increased volume of missing pet reports over the last week. “Weird. If you look at the time stamps on all these it went from a couple a day at best, but now its in the double digits a day.” Jaz looked at Hero. “I mean, you’re not alone in being a lost pet, I guess… I hope all those dogs are ok though.” Her instincts were telling her it had something to do with dinosaurs… “This world is so weird.” She muttered under her breath.
 After scouring sites for an hour while Hero watched over her shoulder, she finally sat back and sighed, running her fingers through her greasy hair. “Nothing about you. It’s like no one is looking for you… At least, no family is.” Jaz glanced back at Hero who simply stared right back. “I wonder if you’re chipped…” She pressed the power button on her phone and searched up the nearest vet office while she waited. Her phone began chiming the moment it connected to wifi, thirty missed messages from Clara and Teresse.
 ‘What’s up?’
‘How are you? You ok?’
‘Is your phone off?’
‘Yo, space to Jaz, message me when you get this, im worried about you’
‘Jaz its been like a whole day. You promised that you’d keep in touch every day. If you don’t reply back soon im going to tell them that you’re on the planet and have someone look for you.’
‘I’m worried’
 It went on for a bit like that. She quickly thumbed back a reply.
 ‘Yo. I’m good guys. Phone died and I didn’t get to a charge for it for a bit. My bad.’ Behind her Hero made a noise.
 “I’m not gonna tell them I was just in the hospital. Look, they already threatened to tell on me, you think they’d just let me have my fun if they knew I’m hurt?” The noise Hero made sounded chiding. “Good thing you don’t have thumbs, eh? It’s fine. I’m fine, no harm done in the end.” She shrugged. Why was she arguing with a dog again?
 Her phone dinged again.
 ‘If you ever dip for three days, three WHOLE days again, I’m going to tell Batman that you’re down there.’ Jaz stared at the message for a moment longer. She almost put the phone in her pocket without responding but thought better of it.
 ‘I get it. I’m sorry. New library its pretty sick anyways so I shouldn’t have problems with my battery anymore. Tell Izzy I say hi!’
 She logged out of the computer and tried to make her way to the exit, but Hero kept blocking her and giving her a head tilted glance as if he had a question. “What?… What? What do you want?” Frustrated, she brushed past into the elevator. “I don’t know what it is you want. You’re acting weird. Anyways, we’re going to the vet now, I’m gonna see if they can find a chip in your neck or something. Finally get you home. How does that sound.” He looked annoyed. If a dog could even look annoyed.
 The closest vet clinic was only a few blocks away from the new library, set on the second floor of one of the new skyrise towers recently built downtown. She had to follow the signs to find the office inside. The floors were white marble with well maintained indoor plants accenting the lobby and halls. Jaz paused a moment before entering the actual vet office, a sinking feeling filling her gut. The unimpressed look she was afforded by the receptionist seemed to confirm her fears. “Hey. Names Jaz, what’s yours?” She smiled and tried to schmooze the receptionist using the best retail sales tone she could muster.
 “Are you a current member of our practice? We’re not accepting new clients at this time.” The lady had a cold ‘friendly’ tone she’d obviously perfected after years and immediately went back to typing whatever it was she was working on.
 “Well, I was actually wondering if you could check the chip on my buddy here. I found him and judging from his coat and breed, I think he might be owned by one of your own lovely clients.” Jaz gave no indication that she’d noticed the lady’s dismissiveness, or the flash of annoyance that crossed her face the moment Jaz hadn’t immediately left.
 The receptionist clicked her tongue but at least stood up to peer at Hero. She moved to immediately sit down after only a second, before her eyes shot back open and she took another closer look at Hero. She even side stepped around the counter. “Well. If that is the case, you can leave him here. We’ll see too it that he finds his way home.” The lady moved to grab Hero by the collar and a flicker of frustration crossed her face as she realized he didn’t have one.
 “Leave him here? Gosh no,” Jaz cut off the receptionist before she could insist, “I have a vested interest in making sure I personally see Hero returned to his family, so if you don’t mind, he’ll be staying with me.” Something about this lady, the way she seemed to be trying to hide her sudden interest in Hero felt off to Jaz.
 “What, so you can ask for some sort of reward?” Seems she’s going full mask off, Jaz thought.
 “Yep.” She shrugged. She felt no need to try to explain her actual intentions to this Karen. Especially to someone who had already decided not to respect her. “So, I’d appreciate if you’d check the chip now.”
 “It would break our code of ethics to let someone extort money out of our clients. Who’s to say you didn’t steal the dog yourself?” She tried to step in between Hero and Jaz but he swiftly sidestepped her, keeping close to Jaz’s side.
 “If I’d stolen him myself, I wouldn’t be asking you for help finding their home again now, would I?” Anger was boiling in Jaz’s chest now.
 “I wouldn’t know how criminals work. Leave the dog now, or I’ll call security and have you forcibly removed.” The way the woman spoke with such a toxically sweet tone made Jaz grind her teeth.
 At this point she couldn’t contain the glare she levelled at the woman. Her hands balled into fists and her heart was beating hard. It felt like her body was wound tight and ready to fight. She hated the feeling conflict had over her body, “Right.” Her words were clipped, “Then we shall leave.” She turned towards the door calling to Hero to follow. A sharp bark warned Jaz a moment before the lady grabbed her arm with a bruising grip. The receptionist started yelling for security while pulling Jaz away from the door. Try as she might, Jaz was no match for the strength of a regular human in this world. The tension in her body coiled and she found her free hand balled and flying through the air. Before it connected, though, Hero snapped his jaws feigning a bite near the lady’s arm. She reflexively released Jaz who stumbled and slammed herself through the door, Hero close at her heels.
 Security only caught up to them as they crossed the lobby of the building and by then Jaz had regained her balance. She easily dodged the front desk security guards attempt to detain her, slamming her hands into the glass front doors and reeling down the block with Hero at her side. Pedestrians clutching their purses and pockets side stepped out of Jaz’s way. The guards kept up the chase, leaving Jaz with no choice but to rush out into oncoming traffic, snaking her way through at breakneck speed. After a couple blocks she cut through one alley, and down another till she realized she’d lost them.
 Jaz doubled over panting. Hero sniffed the quickly blackening bruise on Jaz’s wrist. “Don’t worry about it,” she gasped. She could feel her heartbeat pounding in her ears and temples, like her whole head was an overinflated balloon that kept expanding and contracting with each beat. “The whole, from another world thing.” She stood straight again, pulling her sleeve down to cover the bruise, “Means I’m physically weaker than even a normal human here.” As if to punctuate that fact, a wave of dizziness caused her to stumble and lean on a wall for balance. Her face felt numb, and her knees were weak. “And I really don’t think I should be running with a head injury again.” She joked, sliding against the wall to sit on the cold cement.
 Hero nudged her good arm and cuddled against her side lending her warmth while she rested. Jaz found herself rambling, “That lady gave me weird vibes. The way she looked at you, its like she recognized you or something. I don’t know, maybe I’m imagining things. I got a head injury after all…” She peeked at Hero who seemed to be listening attentively, “I’m also talking to a dog. I swear I don’t talk this much… Well, that’s a lie, I talk a lot. But not to dogs… Ok that’s another lie.” She sighed running her fingers through her hair. The tender spot at the back of her head caused her to wince when she touched it.
 Thirty minutes later the pounding in her head subsided to a dull throbbing and the bright sunlight no longer stung her eyes. She fished out the phone from her pocket and opened the map she’d downloaded while at the library. It still had all the vets nearby loaded. Scrolling through the options in the map, she noticed one in the ‘shittier’ part of town several miles away. Other transients had warned her not to stay there overnight, in fact to avoid the place all together given that she was a woman, but the vet there might be more forgiving of a vagrant asking for help to return a lost dog to its owner. At the very least, perhaps they’d be more welcoming? After plotting a course that would take them past several more clinics she carefully stood. Her balance seemed to be back, so she removed her hand from the wall.
 They zig zagged across the city though after the third vet on their way Jaz was feeling uncomfortable. Each one they’d passed was closed with obvious signs of a break in. One was covered in police tape with boards over the entrance, another with a broken front window. The final was closed with a sign saying they would remain closed until the recent crime spree subsided. “The hell is happening in this world anyways?” Jaz turned to Hero who looked just as confused as her. “You think its related to that attack we experienced at the pound?” She blinked in surprise, before deciding she imagined the dog nodding at her. “Well, anyways. Last stop.” She headed off in the direction of Southside. Or as the locals had called it: Suicide Slums.
Chapter 4
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joonie-beanie · 4 years
The Demon Brothers + College AU + (Cliche?) First Meetings
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So an anon sent me the above ask, and it may have gotten a little out of hand ;;;
I also kind of switched it up and made it college instead. Hopefully the meetings I came up with are still somewhat cliche! Or, at the very least, cute lol
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You’re running late for class on the first day of the semester and he holds the elevator door open for you when he sees the desperate look on your face, and how you’re making a dash for the closing doors.
“Thank you,” you breathe out as you try to get ahold of yourself, hoping that the tall, handsome male beside you doesn’t see or hear the way you’re struggling for air. (It’s 8am, okay? Your body isn’t ready to be running so early.)
“Which floor do you need?” he asks, smiling politely. You respond “four”, and he hums to himself while hitting the button.
When he doesn’t press a different button, you assume he’s heading to the same floor.
“Thanks, by the way,” you say, flashing him a small smile. “You really saved my ass.”
“No thanks needed,” he responds, gaze shifting to look at the small screen above the door. The second floor moves past with a quiet beep. Silence falls for a couple of seconds.
“May I ask what class you’re heading to?”
“Ah, it’s a psychology lab,” you respond, laughing to yourself after a beat. You pull your phone from your pocket, trying to find the screenshot you’d taken of your schedule. “I signed up for this one because Rate My Professor said the TA is hot.”
“Oh? Is that so?” You’re not paying attention, so you don’t see the smirk that tugs at his lips.
The next moment, the elevator stops and the two of you step out together. You exit first, flashing the male one last smile before you turn your attention to your phone, double checking the room number. Lucifer brushes past you without saying a word, and you don’t realize that you’re headed in the same direction until you glance up, and find him holding the classroom door open for you.
“After you,” he says, and while you’re confused, you dip your head in thanks and make your way in. Since you’re one of the last ones in the classroom, you get stuck sitting in the front row.
As you unpack your things, Lucifer steps to the head of the room and sets his computer bag down onto the desk.
“Good morning, class,” he says, his gaze shifting to you when you look up and see that it’s him who is speaking--a vibrant blush rising to your face as you recall what you’d told him in the elevator.
“My name is Lucifer, and I will be the TA for this lab.”
You’re in the large, open eating area at the campus student union when he bumps into you.
Instantly, the greasy, cheesy pizza on your tray jumps up and lands on the front of your shirt. You freeze in shock, wide eyes glancing down as the personal pizza slides down your chest before flopping back onto the tray.
“Oi, watch where you’re going,” a voice says behind you, and you slowly turn around to face the apparently dumbass man who doesn’t even have the sensibility to apologize to you.
Despite that fact that he sounds pompous, you can’t deny that his styled white hair, and pierced ears are kind of charming.
“You backed into me,” you tell him, attempting to keep your calm. You almost lose it when you see his eyes rake down to your chest, staring at the likely un-washable stain on the fabric. He stares much too long, and you’re just about to curse at him when he speaks up again.
“Uhhh...,” he raises a hand to sheepishly rub at his neck, and when you look closely, you see that a blush has spread across his face. “Y-ya know what, maybe it is my fault...can I, um, buy ya another pizza?”
You blink, surprised at the sudden turn around in his attitude.
“That would be nice,” you say honestly, and suddenly he’s smiling, hopping back into the pizza line, which is right beside where the two of you had collided.
“I-If ya want, I’ll lend you my jacket because of, ya know, your shirt,” he says, motioning to your obviously ruined top. You cock an eyebrow at him. 
“You’d give a stranger your jacket?”
 “Well...I’m kind of hoping that you’ll have lunch with me, and we won’t be strangers for long,” he mumbles, gaze shying away. “Or, ya know, that I can get your number at least.”
“You’re really pushing it,” you tell him with a laugh, and you can see his feathers ruffle. He’s obviously embarrassed at you calling out his flirting. “But...maybe we can eat lunch together. Since you’re paying.”
He blinks, shocked at your words, but soon breaks into a smile. Self-satisfied, he continues grinning stupidly even as the cashier calls him up. However, when he pulls out his wallet, swipes his card, and it comes back denied...
“Uhh...can you pay this time? I PROMISE I’ll pay you back.”
You sigh, and debate throttling him.
You sit next to him in a lecture hall, and can’t help but notice that the background on his laptop is Sailor Moon. 
When you reach down to dig a notebook out of your bag, you also see the number of anime and video game pins decorating the front of his backpack.
While you don’t tend to talk to strangers, you can’t help but say something.
“Hey, um,” you start, catching his attention. He freezes, amber eyes shifting to look at you--wide with surprise. You smile, doing your best to come off as casual, and friendly. “I noticed all the pins on your backpack. Do you like anime? I started watching Demon Slayer the other week, and I’m in love with it.”
“I...you...,” his surprise shifts to wonder as he regards you. The slightest blush rises on his cheeks. “You watch anime???”
“Yeah,” you laugh. “Is that so weird?”
“N-no, I guess not,” he mumbles, his hands fiddling with the cuffs of his hoodie. You wonder if you’ve made a mistake by talking to him, since he seems so shy--
“Do you play video games too??” he breaks you out of your thoughts as he scoots forward, eyes sparkling. He’s whispering hurriedly, eyes briefly straying to glance at the time on his laptop. “I recently started playing Doki Doki Literature club, and it’s crazy. I love RPG games, and Indie games too--like IB, and Mad Father. Witches House is also good. Of course, I’ll give pretty much any video game a chance, but--”
At that moment, the professor steps up and addresses the class. Levi’s words cut off, and his blush deepens as he suddenly realizes that he’d gone on a mini fanboy rant. However, you just smile at him, hoping that you come off reassuring, and turn to your notebook.
During the lecture, you’re too busy taking notes to notice the way he sneaks glances your way. And when the class finally ends, and you move to repack your belongings, you look up to find him staring at you.
“Is something on your mind?” you ask him. 
“I...um...I-I was wondering if I could get your contact info. You know...f-for class stuff, and maybe, if..if you wanted to, we could also talk more about anime…?”
“Sure!” you say, and he blinks, apparently shocked by your willingness. The two of you proceed to exchange emails and phone numbers, and by the time you arrive at your next class 15 minutes later, 6 new text messages (about anime, video games, and the like) from Levi are lighting up your phone screen.
He’s volunteering at the library when you approach him, desperate for help finding a textbook you need to scan for a class. You’ve looked everywhere, but still can’t find it.
“You do realize that this code is indicating that this textbook is online, right? Not physically in the library?” he asks you, a bit of amusement swimming in his eyes when he hands your phone back to you--the screen open to an email your professor had sent a few days before.
You feel heat rise on your cheeks. “Ah, nope. Did not realize...”
“It happens often, actually. I’m sorry for teasing, I shouldn’t have” he says, smiling at you. “If you want, you can come around the desk, and I’ll show you how to access the textbook online. That way, you won’t be confused next time.”
“Thank you,” you sigh, scooting your way around the desk. Satan pulls up a spare chair beside him, and your knee accidentally knocks against his as you take a seat. 
“Here, you just have to search for it in the library portal,” he says, and you attentively watch as he guides you through the online website. However, when he starts going off into a spiel on all of the other cool resources and books available to students online, your attention strays.
You notice the copy of Jane Eyre open on the desk beside the computer. 
“Are you reading a book that’s assigned in high school AP Lit?”
He blinks in confusion, but immediately goes on the defense when he notices where you’re looking.
“Hey, Jane Eyre is a classic. And the help desk is far too slow some days. I need something to keep me busy.”
“Hmm, I guess that’s fair,” you respond, smiling. You move to grab your bag--pressing to your feet. “I can’t blame you either, considering I actually enjoyed reading it once upon a time. The Great Gatsby was probably my next favorite.”
“Personally, out of all the high school literature, I enjoyed Fahrenheit 451,” he responds, grinning when he sees the disgruntled look on your face at hearing the name of the book.
“Really?? I still have no idea what it was about.”
He’s quiet for a moment. You turn to look at him, and find him regarding you with interest. 
Satan smiles.
“Can I buy you a coffee?”
Asmo is working a booth about safe sex in the student union when you approach, hoping to get free condoms (or maybe even donate to support the organization, considering it’s a good cause).
“Well, hello there, gorgeous,” he says, smiling at you as you survey the goodies and pamphlets laid out on the table. He comes off as a little flirty, but mostly friendly, and well intentioned. “Are you here to buy one of our prettily shaped chocolates?”
He motions to the cup full of vagina-shaped chocolates on a stick. Your eyebrows raise. Huh.
“Well, that’s not why I stopped, but I may need to buy one now,” you laugh, making him smile. Asmo leans forward onto his elbows, his eyes twinkling up at you.
“Are you here for the condoms then? If so, feel free to take a handful. We have a ton prepared. People on this campus fuck like bunnies, honestly.”
You laugh. “Oh? Well, good on you guys for protecting all of the precious, needy students.”
He nods sagely, moving to gather you a few of the wrapped condoms, along with some educational reading material. “Can’t have a bunch of students getting diseases, or pregnant. Sex should be fun and safe. Always! And if it’s not both, then find someone else to fuck.” 
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind,” you say, smiling as he hands you your free goodies. Your eyes stray back to the vagina chocolates. “How much for one of those?”
“5 dollars,” he says, reaching over to grab one. “Pricey, I know, but the money goes to a good cause.”
“I don’t doubt it,” you laugh, pulling a 5 from your wallet. The two of you exchange items, and you pocket the chocolate. You flash him one last smile, intending to walk away, but he pipes up before you get too far.
“By the way, we’re having a class on BDSM safety tonight~” You pause at his words, turning to face him, and he grins at the look of interest plain on your face. “In case you’re interested.”
“Are you...implying something?” you ask, posing a hand on your hip as you turn to face him. He cocks his head to the side innocently.
“I would never~ But you’ve left a good impression in the two minutes we’ve known each other, and I’m the one teaching the class, so~ I’d be thrilled to see you there.”
You raise an eyebrow, surprised, but amused as well. “Maybe I’ll see you tonight.”
With that, you turn on your heel and head to class. But you definitely end up attending the class that night.
You meet during a 1-credit, weekend Yoga class. He puts his mat down next to yours, and you can’t help but stare at his biceps, and triceps, and...wow he’s really built.
Aside from that, though, he looks pretty concerned.
“Have you never done yoga before?” you ask him, smiling politely. Having caught his attention, he turns to look at you--the same adorable frown pulling at his lips.
“No...I like to work out, but I’ve never done yoga...I’m not very flexible.” You watch him as he demonstrations by sticking his legs out and trying to touch his toes. His fingertips only reach halfway down his calves.
“It’s okay!” you tell him. “I’m pretty new to yoga too! And this is just an intro course, so I wouldn’t worry. Most of the grade comes from knowing technical terms, and I’ve heard this instructor is really nice.”
At that, he finally smiles--relieved to hear you say so.
“I’m Beel, by the way,” he says.
“Y/N,” you respond, but before the two of you get the chance to talk more, the instructor arrives. You then spend the next few hours smiling to yourself as you watch Beel struggle to get into poses. Luckily, he doesn’t seem to mind that you’re getting humor out of his situation.
“Did you not eat today?” you ask him when lunch finally rolls around, flopping back against your mat. He shakes his head, rummaging around in his bag. You can hear his stomach growling.
“I had an extra large breakfast since I knew I would be burning calories, but I’m starving now…” He pulls an entire sub from his bag, and when you catch a peek at the inside, you realize that the entire backpack is stuffed with only food. Holy shit.
But...you suppose he does need to eat a lot, if he works out a lot.
“I’m gonna grab a soda, and I’ll be back,” you say quietly, assuming that you’ll be eating lunch together, since he’s already turning to face your mat. 
“Okay,” he says with a smile, and you smile back at him, excited to get to know him more. However, before you can even get a step away,  you’re tripping over your backpack
The world spins, and you hold your arms in front of you--expecting to eat shit--but you don’t meet the floor. Two arms curl beneath you and your body rolls--your ass landing between folded legs.
You blink in surprise, blushing when you glance up and find that it’s none other than Beel who is holding you. Concern is written on his face. He doesn’t seem the least bit concerned that you’re currently occupying his lap.
“Are you okay?” he asks, not moving to release you, and oh boy you think your heart may beat straight out of your chest.
You meet him in the library computer lab at 11:48pm, on the last day of finals.
You trudge into the computer lab, bordering on going blind. You’ve spent the last 6 hours writing out your term paper, and had felt pretty fucking proud when you’d finished with a whole 30 minutes to spare, but just as you’d gone to submit the paper online, your apartment wi-fi had cut out
Of course.
So, you pop a squat at one of the many computers--not even realizing that someone else is in the lab until you hear a quiet snore.
Immediately, you’re pausing, standing to glance around the room. A few computers down, sitting parallel to you, is a dark haired male, with his head down on the keyboard.
Honestly, you debate not waking him. He probably needs the rest, but as a fellow student, and considering it’s the last day of finals? You can’t just leave him be in good conscience.
“Hey, uh, dude?” you call out, glancing at him from over the row of computers. He doesn’t stir. “Heyyyy~ It’s almost midnight,” you say a bit louder. “I don’t know if you’re writing something, but you better submit it.”
Finally, he stirs.
“Aw, fuck,” you hear him grumble, and he lifts his head up--his tired gaze turning to look at you. He sighs. “Thanks. You probably just saved my ass.”
“No worries,” you respond, laughing a little. You sit back down in your seat, and put in your credentials....only for the computer to indicate that you’ve put in the wrong password.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” you say, deadpanning, and try another password. Then another, and another. None of them work, and you don’t have enough time left to change it.
“I’m gonna fucking jump off the roof,” you deadpan, holding your face in your hands. Belphie chuckles.
“Something wrong?”
“I guess I don’t know my computer password, so I can’t log in and submit my paper.” You say, glancing up. This time, it’s Belphie who is glancing over the row of monitors at you, eyebrow raised.
“You can come use mine. I just submitted my paper. Just log into the school site with your ID.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” you sigh, and Belphie scoots his chair over as you walk around the aisle to meet him. Again, he laughs.
“Eye for an eye.”
“That’s...you use that phrase with enemies,” you tell him, unable to help the smile that spreads across your face. He blinks, and then groans.
“Fuck, you’re right. I’m still asleep. Just...forget I said that.”
“Actually, I think I’ll remember it forever,” you respond, and he grins, his eyes shifting to look at the keyboard as you type out your password.
“Okay, OppaiLover69 exclamation point.”
You feel your cheeks heat up, and when you see the shit-eating look at his face, you debate throwing hands. He’s lucky he’s cute.
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Business AU - Working Late, Part 8
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7
There’s one scene in there I had in mind ever since I started writing that small fic and HELL YEH I’m gonna draw something about it at some point because fsdfbbsfbsdhbfgsbgdfguidfg it just looks aesthetically pleasing in my head.
(also reminder that I base Donnie’s place on this video. The only part I change is the “kids” area - which is horrendous imo :’D - and I make into a lab/small training area)
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There was something different in the air when Vee got to work the next day. This feeling that wanted to explode out in the open, an incessant rush in her veins that made her heart beat faster whenever she’d spot the terrapin. Their tasks for the day didn’t give them much time to talk, but everytime they’d be exchanging words or documents, there was this longing sensation that slowed down time to a honey sweet pace. Fingers brushing against the other, light touches here and there. Professionalism remained king in the work place and they intended to keep it as such.
By the end of the day, she knew she couldn’t leave without at least wishing a good and proper evening to the mutant. She walked to his office, remaining at the doorframe as she watched him place various papers into a briefcase. Vee gently knocked, signaling her presence, to which Donnie responded by looking up to her and adorning the cutest smile.
“At least this time I didn’t scare you,” started the woman.
“As I said yesterday, I had a lot on my mind. At least today my thoughts are a little clearer, so I can’t be easily scared. Come in!” he added, gesturing for Vee to step inside.
“I won’t take much of your time, I just wanted to check up on you before leaving.”
The turtle placed some final documents in the case, snapping it closed afteward.
“I was actually about to leave as well. Want me to drive you back home?”
“Do you have something planned?” asked Vee, raising a brow with a small smile.
Donnie faked pondering, lightly drumming his fingers on his desk: “Hmm, I suspect I might be spending the evening with a pretty lady, if she agrees.”
“Lucky her, I’m sure she’ll say yes,” winked the woman.
Already on the move, Donnie offered a hand for Vee to hold, the duo then walking together in order to reach the indoor garage at some levels below.
“Is it okay, though? Did you have something to do after work?” asked the terrapin.
“I was planning on having a drink back home, but if I can share one with you, that’d be even better.”
“How about you have that drink at my place? I have a couple of bottles that might interest you.”
“You know that if I am to step foot into your place, I will be incredibly jealous, right? ... I’m sure you must be living in a luxurious place or something.”
“A little castle in the sky, but it sure is missing a beautiful presence inside of it.”
Vee blushed, definitely enjoying the compliments that were left here and there.
Once in the vehicle, the duo made their way to the streets, the conversation light and simply glad the week was finally over. Vee did notice that their path led them to streets that featured tall buildings in the Tribeca district. For a moment she felt out of place, definitely not the target audience for such a high-end environment, but her curiosity kept her on edge only to be able to get a view of Donnie’s place. They were first facing a tower with a blank stone facade, extending so high up in the sky. The entrance’s interior was as elegant and refined as the exterior, the place giving out this feeling of prestige from every corners. As they stepped inside an elevator, Vee’s eyes widened a little as she saw Donnie press the button for the 78th floor. Castle in the sky, indeed.
As they arrived at the desired level, they were soon facing the entry door, the turtle smirking to the woman as he held the doorknob and waited.
“Open the damn thing already so I can cry a little inside,” answered Vee amusedly.
The door fully opened, she couldn’t retain her gasp as her eyes started to devour the interior of what was rightfully a penthouse.
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The very first few rooms she saw around left her speechless, the single thought of ‘this is bigger than my whole damn apartment’ flooding her mind. She knew there would be more, her curiosity would lead her to visit every rooms anyway. She did notice french doors leading to an outdoor balcony, her instinct pushing her to get out and take in the view.
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Stopping by the the rails, she could feel the refreshing gusts of wind go through her hair, accentuating the euphoria of being so high over the city.
“So, what do you think so far?”
She turned around to face Donnie, the terrapin leaning against the open doors’ frame, always this smile on his face - glad to see her reaction. Vee tried to play it cool, shrugging.
“Heh, I’ve seen better,” she joked.
“Ah damn, and I wanted to impress,” tsked the terrapin in a similar tone.
Vee couldn’t retain her smile any longer, happily trotting back inside.
“You still have your chances. Show me the rest!”
The lower level was also home to a small office and a formal living room, but the next area was what retained the woman’s attention the most.
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The kitchen was a thing of beauty, Vee unable to resist the urge to feel the marbled island and counters, in awe of the space.
“Damn, I WISH I had such a kitchen. I'd be cooking all the time!”
“You fancy yourself as a chef?” questionned Donnie.
“I do like to experiment from times to times,” she winked back.
She clapsed her hands together, bringing another subject on a rather similar topic:
“SO! What should we eat? I could even prepare something if you want.”
The turtle waved that offer away.
“Nonsense, you're my guest, you shouldn't be doing anything of that sort. … I uh-” He opened some cupboards, then the fridge and its freezer. “Wow, I have almost nothing! Except one frozen pizza for dire situations,” he added, waving a box out in the open with an unpleased expression.
Vee was instantly on board: “You know what? Fuck yeah. It's Friday night, we deserve that.”
“Now that's a line of thought I can get behind.”
As Donnie was starting to preheat the oven, Vee got closer, some questions raising in her mind:
“Although, I'm kinda susprised you don't have much variety, judging by the size of this place.”
“Not gonna lie, I need to go grocery shopping,” shrugged the mutant. “Also that tends to happen at certain times of the month. Mikey has us go through our stock, fresh and canned, in order to donate to food banks and soup kitchens.”
“That's amazing and kind!” Vee was pleasantly surprised.
“He does have this city at heart, and he loves to give back to the people,” continued Donnie. “We all love the idea. Since we can afford pretty much anything we want, it's only fair that we help those in needs. … Heck, this city has done a lot for us in the past and we had to rely on what others were throwing away for us to survive. Now it's time to pay back.”
“I find that to be very admirable,” commented the woman gently. “… Not a lot of people would do the same.”
“Indeed. It’s not because we’re mutants that it means we’re savages. We do have some heart under our shells,” he playfully added.
The oven ready, the food was placed to cook and the tour then continued. As Vee was heading to the staircase in order to reach the upper level, Donnie stopped her, pressing a button nearby and opening a encased door in the wall to reveal a small elevator.
“Show off!” laughed Vee
“What?! It can be helpful!” he quipped back with a smile.
The second floor offered two sections, one part leading to the bedroom, but the other leading to entertainement and other things. They first got to the media room, the place cozy for a nice and quiet evening.
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But Vee’s eyes brought her to the glass doors that led to a juliet balcony, not wasting any time to open them and take another good look at the city.
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She sighed dreamily, barely hearing the faint clinking of glasses and a bottle opening back inside.
“You like the view, don’t you?” started Donnie as he next got near, offering her a glass of red wine.
“It looks and feels like a dream. Didn’t know such a place could be found in this city.”
As she took it, the terrapin next sled his free hand and forearm gently around her waist, unable to resist the need to feel her closer... Vee did not mind, actually leaning back a little against him, gladly taking a sip of her drink before answering:
“You’d be surprised, there are bigger places laying around.”
“I’m sure they wouldn’t look as tasteful as yours.”
“Nonsense. It only looks good right now ‘cause you’re in here. ... Any places you’re in looks a thousand times better than before.”
Vee’s blush was more apparent as she could feel the other gently nuzzle the top of her head, slowly making his way to a temple and leaving a soft kiss there.
“You’re one heck of a charmer, did you know that?” added the woman with a smirk.
“I only aim to please, I can’t help it.”
She turned to face him, raising a brow in amusement.
“And so what now? You brought me to your place only so you could woo and please me?”
“That does sound like a good plan.”
The feel of his hand next cupping her cheek brought a shiver across the woman’s body, leaning slightly to his touch. His scales did feel foreign compared to human skin, but there was a certain softness to it as well that only made her crave for more...
“Each days I wake up and wonder if meeting you was ever a dream...,” softly said the mutant.
“I wouldn’t mind making it feel a bit more real to you.”
That brought a quiet chuck out of Donnie, but also gave him enough courage to lean in and place a sweet, slow kiss on Vee’s lips. Each instances would bring their bodies closer, the duo mindlessly making their way back inside and only breaking their kiss to leave their wine glasses on a nearby coffee table. It was that magnetism, a certain je ne sais quoi that sparked that fire in them whenever they’d get that close. Last evening’s passion was still lingering and right now it felt as if there had been no break at all since then. As Vee was starting to unbutton the mutant’s shirt, both heard a beeping sound, stopping them dead in their tracks. Their eyes fell on Donnie’s right wrist - his watch.
“Shit, the food,” said the terrapin. “I, uh, I’ll be right back,” he added, trying to gain back his senses. “I’ll get it out and let it cool for a bit on the counter.”
“Sure, go,” replied Vee with a small smile, slightly flustered as she replaced her crooked glasses and moved some strands of hair away from her face.
She took back her wine as she watched him go. A part of her was telling her to slow down, but on the other hand she couldn’t deny that the need was there - on both sides. What harm could there be? It was just about having a little bit of fun... She proceeded back to the hallway, sipping as her gaze scanned the decor. She heard hurried steps in the staircase, soon Donnie’s shape coming into view. He tried to play it cool as he noticed the woman looking at him, vaguely gesturing in the kitchen’s direction downstair.
“It’s ready whenever you want.”
Vee took another sip, then adding: “We still haven’t finished the tour yet. Let’s do that first!”
“There’s not much left, but alright.”
“‘Not much left’, says the guy who lives in a two-story penthouse WITH an elevator,” pointed Vee, amused.
The mutant chuckled, inviting the woman to follow him as he left a hand at the small of her back. The next part had been completely renovated in order to have one room be a small lab, and the other one be a private gym and training area.
“What kind of trainings do you do?” inquired Vee, looking around at the equipment.
“Mostly nin-uhm, martial arts,” Donnie quickly corrected himself.
“’Nin-uhm-martial-arts’, sounds interesting,” laughed the woman. “Any specialty?”
“Bōjutsu,“ he replied, grabbing a pole from a rack nearby.
Vee whistled in appreciation, her eyes scanning the weapon.
“I’ve heard that can pack quite a punch, surprisingly.”
“It’s good to whack some butts, not gonna lie,” added Donnie, rolling the staff in one hand. Then in one swift movement he brought the woman closer, the pole resting at her back. “It can also be helpful for some maneuvers,” he ended with a smirk.
“Such a tease,” said Vee, playfully tapping at his exposed plastron. “I wouldn’t say no to a demonstration.”
“Another day, perhaps.”
He let her free, putting the staff back to its resting place
“Aight, come on, one room left!”
“What about that lab part?” asked Vee, following the terrapin next.
“There’s nothing much to see, frankly. It’s pretty messy as well.”
“Or maybe you’re just a mad scientist and you don’t want me to see your evil inventions?”
Donnie faked a surprised gasp: “Alas, you’ve uncovered my secret!”
Both were laughing as they made their way to the last room; the master bedroom.
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It was quite simple and charming, but the main feature remained the large windows that gave that same phenomenal view of the city. Vee took some time to appreciate the decor, sipping the last drops of wine from her glass.
“... I can’t imagine waking up every day with such a view,” she mused, her gaze drifting back to the windows. “You must feel on top of the world.”
“Wait, I can make it even better,” said the other as he moved to the light switch.
As soon as he turned the lights off, the room’s atmosphere changed, suddenly illuminated by a sea of stars below them.
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Envelopped in darkness, yet glistening in colorful lights, Vee felt at peace - a hidden watcher over this tumultuous city. She next felt her glass gently get taken away from her hold, the mutant leaving it on a small table nearby. It didn’t take long for him to get back close to her, his arms surrounding Vee’s form as he stood behind her. The woman easily slipped into that feel good moment, closing her eyes and exposing a faint smile on her lips. He felt so strong, yet tender - the promise of a good man that would never do her wrong...
“... I’m so glad you’re here,” he murmured, his hands travelling along Vee’s arms in light touches.
Oh to hell with it. She decided to move out of Donnie’s hold, proceeding to remove her shirt. She turned around to face him, noticing his gaze studying her form and probably a bit surprised to suddenly see her in her bra. But she didn’t give a damn. That’s what she wanted.
“And I’m glad to be here,” she answered calmly.
She heard that deep churr rise again in the mutant’s chest, an expression of desire which would entice her so much in return... Vee couldn’t help bringing her hands to his exposed chest, feeling the faint vibration and appreciating the texture of his plastron. Her touch lowered, continuing her previous task of unbuttoning his shirt. The turtle helped a bit by detaching another button behind his neck and then at his lower back, allowing the clothing to be properly removed from around his shell’s attachment. Without a shirt, Vee could rightfully observe the terrapin’s muscles, her fingers lightly hovering his toned arms and appreciating every inches of what she saw. All it took was for their gazes to cross, her greens in his golds, to bring back that same need from earlier. Kiss me again and again, and never stop...
The feel of his lips was pure addiction at this point. A slow dance that lightened up all her senses. Soon enough he was sitting down on the bed, Vee inviting herself unto his lap only so she couldn’t break their kissing. To feel his three-fingered hands across her skin kept her in such an incessant need, feeling like she was drowning in-between her legs. The terrapin dared to unclasp and remove her bra, although the whole movement felt very natural. In return, the woman removed her glasses, as well as Donnie’s, taking a moment to admire his traits.
“... You have such beautiful eyes,” she cooed, next tenderly sliding his bandana away.
She couldn’t get over the feeling of his scales under her fingers, soon nuzzling his cheek and her lips trailing light kisses here and there.
“Fais-moi l’amour (make love to me),” she whispered.
Donnie answered with a stronger churr, his hands travelling lower on Vee’s body only to bring her closer into one delicious wave motion, her lower core meeting his hidden erection. The movements were repeated, getting a momentarily release for all that sudden need. It was when he started to hear quiet moans out of her that he decided ‘screw it‘ and proceeded to shift her position to have her lay on the bed, on her back. Bringing himself over her, he left some kisses on her lips before starting to trail along her features, his tone husky as he started:
“You smell nice...”
He went along her throat, his pace slow and delightful. His path led him lower and lower, from her breasts to her stomach.
“I’m sure you taste nice too,” he added.
Sitting on his knees, he brought Vee’s hips over his thighs, but he gave himself a pause, his palm caressing the front part of her jeans.
“You good? You still wanna go on with this?” asked the terrapin.
She nodded, biting her lip in delight.
“Absolutely, or else I wouldn’t be laying here, half naked. ... What about you?”
He smiled, already at the task of unbuttoning and unzipping Vee’s pants.
“I never want to stop.”
In one swift movement, he removed her panties as well, undressing her completely without issue. He took a moment to study her form softly illuminated by the lights outside. She was a work of art to his eyes and right now he felt like the luckiest man alive... He lovingly squeezed her hips and altered with languid caresses over the woman’s skin, only to next bring one of his hands closer to her core, his thumb starting in slow circles over her clit. He could feel the relief washing over Vee’s body, her waist lightly following his motion only so she could feel more. The greater her need, the more Donnie didn’t want to let go. He even got to slip one finger in her at some point, her moans an absolute delight as he took his time. After a moment, he dared get his finger out, his gaze plunged in Vee’s as he licked his digit with a low churr.
“... You do taste nice,” he commented lovingly. “Now I wonder how you’d feel around me.”
Vee was unable to speak, her heart beating so hard and throwing any reason out the window... As she saw Donnie about to unzip his pants, she got on the move and decided to take the matter in her own hands. They joined in a kiss as she got to the task, the mutant’s hands caressing her skin and sometimes getting lost in her hair, visibly as much in need as her for their imminent union. He was able to get out of his pants and underwear in a slight clumsy fashion, but he was quickly back on his knees, allowing Vee to observe him. Of a mixed pink and purple color, his penis did present some characteristics that were not human, such as a slightly flared tip. As it had been internal until now, the organ was coated in natural lubricant when out, most probably allowing for an easier penetration and accomodation to any partner. He was a bit longer than what Vee ever experienced with other partners, but right now her desire was surpassing any concerns. They didn’t need to speak, Vee bringing the mutant into another kiss, allowing herself to climb back into his lap only for their cores to meet and rub in a delicious manner. The world around them was a blur of shadows and lights, only their presence the most real and tangible aspect in the room. Their thoughts were a cloud of mixed emotions, but right now what mattered most was that they wanted this. They needed this. A demonstration of love they’ve been holding back for some time now... Donnie instinctively started to shift forward, getting Vee back on the mattress. He was careful enough to hold back some of his weight on her, having enough strength to sustain himself, even when the woman would cling to him. He felt her legs gently caress along his, finding the best position to hold close to his hips, his shell proving to be somewhat of a challenge. That slight shift in her position allowed for better friction, the turtle’s languid motions bringing delighted mewls out of Vee. At some points he could feel his tip trying to slip in, to which he thought ‘fuck it’ and decided to go all in. Vee’s gasp brought him to a pause, remaining inside of her only so she could adjust.
“You okay?” he murmured, encouraging her with some kisses here and there on her features.
She nodded, her fingers lovingly going across his scales at his neck and shoulders.
“I’ll go slow, I promise,” he added.
He’d never excuse himself if he ever were to hurt her, anyway. His churr rumbled again as he slowly moved his hips in a circular motion, Vee sticking to him like glue. Her toes were curling due to pleasure, her body soon following Donnie’s pattern only to better meet his thrusts. Some slurred “fuck” and “oh oui” would leave her at times, sometimes interrupted by kisses that translated all the desire in her. At some point Donnie shifted their position so they would lay on their sides, still facing eachother. He helped one of Vee’s leg to stay up, his palm resting behind her thigh, allowing her to feel his muscles at work.
“You feel so good,” he complimented, back into an amorous motion.
The friction created by this new proximity was bringing Vee on edge. She was unable to answer anything, her breathing making her lose her words. It was the only encouragement the mutant needed, nuzzling her as he kept going. Everything felt so natural. As if all the pieces of an intricate puzzle had finally been assembled. There was this sensation of completion between them, knowing that something in their bond would definitely shift - hopefully for the best.
“You like that, baby? I won’t stop. I wanna feel you cum around me...”
She moaned his name in return, her eyes remaining shut as she lost herself even more in the moment. Every touches and kisses heightened all sensations, bringing both of them to an edge they so very craved for. Feeling Vee’s body tensing up slightly, the terrapin knew she was close to an orgasm, lightly squeezing his hold on her and bringing her into a french kiss. His thrusts were a little more forceful, their bodies tingling in anticipation. It was when she gasped for air, her nails digging into his scales, that he knew she was high on a cloud. He could feel her walls deliciously clamp around him, the sensation bringing him to his own edge as well. His orgasm brought him to slow his pace to long and langorous pumps. Their moans intertwined, riding this wave together. Neither of them wanted to depart once the high died down, keeping close and slowly petting eachother. Vee did bring Donnie’s attention on her as she left small kisses along his jawline. His golden eyes seemed to shine in this surreal lighting, conveying many unspoken words. There was this feeling of peace he never experienced with anyone else before. An affirmation that this was where he belonged, in her arms, as well as she belonged in his. They were still connected and it felt so right...
“Well, now that really opened my appetite,” finally said Vee with a small smile.
He smiled in return, leaving a kiss on her forehead. His appetite was growing as well, and for many things too...
Only wearing their underwears and glasses, both were now cuddled up in blankets on the couch in the media room, the television on to a random channel as they were eating their pizza (which they had to reheat, to their amusement). As they finished their meal, Vee did not mind cuddling closer to the turtle, simply enjoying eachother’s presence. Her attention did drift from the television at some point, observing Donnie’s traits instead. She was used to seeing him with his purple bandana, but even with a bare face and only his glasses he still had a lot of charms. He had a kind face and the cutest snout, the mere sight of him a wonder when compared to humankind. The terrapin did notice her focus on him at some point, smirking.
“Yes? Can I help you, madame?”
“I have a question.”
“Outrageous,” he added playfully. “... Do tell.”
She shifted her position a bit, bringing an arm against his chest, softly petting the scales at his collarbone and base of his neck.
“Why do you and your brothers wear those bandanas? ... If it’s too personal, you don’t need to answer.”
His smile was renewed and sweet, his arm around her bringing his hand to pet her shoulder and skin in return.
“I don’t mind answering at all, although I’ll skip some details.... But long story short, it was a gift given to us by our father, years ago. It has a great significance for us and it’s still a great proof of all we had to learn and overcome in order to be who we are today.”
“Something symbolic then, that’s nice,” added Vee. “As long as it brings something positive in your life, that sure can be as nice as anything. .... Also, not gonna lie, purple looks good on you.”
“It’s my favorite and it’s the best color, that’s why! What’s your favorite color?”
Vee was amused by this simple question, but that brought her to move once more. She was now straddling the terrapin, her eyes scanning him as she answered:
“It’s green.”.
“Oh,” added the other in amusement. “So I guess I must be quite the jackpot for you?”
"You're everything I want..."
There was no ounce of hesitation as she leaned forward to give him a sweet kiss. Donnie easily gave in, his hands resting at the small of the woman’s back This time there was no shyness in-between them, only comfort and peace. Soon enough the television was nothing but background noise as they kept going for a second round that night...
((Part 9))
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hale-13 · 3 years
Slipping Through the Cracks
By Hale13
For the Summer of Whump Day 5 - Broken
Just when his life was finally leveling out Parker luck struck again. Peter has had four opportunities with parents and has lost all of them. The way he sees it, this is the least of what he deserves.
Post-Homecoming - Tony didn’t meet with Peter immediately to offer him a place on the Avengers.
Words: 3856, Chapters: 1/1 (Complete), Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Gen-Teen
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Happy Hogan, Ned Leeds
TW: Depression, Dissociation, a single line of Suicidal Ideation, Referenced Child Abuse
Read on AO3 or below the line break.
Peter was silent as he exited Midtown with Ned keeping a quiet pace with him. Seven months ago they would be just as excited as their classmates for the weekend, for the plans that they surely would have made to build Legos or marathon movies or even to just study together. Ned would have been ecstatic to set up in Peter’s bedroom as his ‘guy in the chair’ while Peter did a quick patrol or two. If they were at Peter’s instead of Ned’s, May would attempt some new dish that would, inevitably, be awful and they would order pizza from their favorite place for dinner.
Now Peter never saw any of his limited friend group outside of school. He didn’t build Legos or watch movies or eat take-out pizza and he certainly wasn’t Spider-Man anymore – he had given that up after the Homecoming disaster when he had destroyed Mr. Stark’s plane.
It had been just over six months since he had found May dead in their kitchen and Peter didn’t really do anything at all anymore.
The ER doctors told Peter that she had an undiagnosed aneurysm that had finally burst – there was no way for anyone to know. She went quickly. She felt no pain. There was nothing that Peter could have done even if he was there when it happened.
The reassurances meant nothing really – Peter was numb. May was his last living family member, he had no one else and nowhere to turn. He can vaguely remember telling the social worker that was with him when they told him the news about May that he was alone now. He can remember being taken forcibly from the hospital before he was ready to go, wanting to kick and scream and drag his heels but too shocked to do so. And then everything was a blur.
Somewhere in his mind he knew that he had been allowed to pack up everything important from their apartment to go into storage until he was eighteen besides the bag of essentials he had for himself. He knew that everything else was donated or sold to pay off their remaining debt and the medical bills he had incurred by calling for help when he found May on the kitchen floor. He knew that the social worker told him that, even after selling everything, they couldn’t afford a funeral. He has a business card in his wallet with the number of the crematorium that was holding May’s ashes until he was old enough to retrieve them and, hopefully, give her a proper burial in their family plot next to Ben.
He spent the two weeks after in a group home, mute and dissociating with seven other boys in similar situations. He didn’t go to school, but he remembers the constant stream of unanswered texts and calls from Ned and MJ before his phone plan was discontinued then his phone became a dead relic in his bag. There were a lot of discussions about school that Peter didn’t take part in but, thanks to his full scholarship, he was able to continue at Midtown at least until the end of the year.
And then he was placed with his foster parents.
The Fishers seemed to be pleasant people when Peter first met them; they didn’t force him to speak, they had extensive fostering experience with teenagers and were willing to pay for his subway pass so he could get to and from his school even though there was a decent public school in walking distance. It didn’t take long, however, for their true colors to show.
Now, though, Peter knew the rules. He was always home by his curfew of four on school days and he never went out on the weekends. His grades were perfect. He kept his undecorated room spotless. He cooked supper every evening and breakfast and dinner on the weekends. He kept the house presentable. He stayed out of the Fishers way. Mostly he drifted. His days slid together to the point he had difficultly remembering entire weeks passing him by but it was fine.
He was fine.
“I’ll see you Monday,” Ned muttered as he split off to get in his mom’s car, not acknowledging the pathetic little wave Peter offered in return. A coiling feeling settled in his gut and Perter felt guilt rise up to swirl in his throat. Ned was his best friend and he was treating him like shit. With Peter basically unresponsive, bullies had taken to picking on Ned instead… well except for Flash. Flash had been the only one to back off and stand up for both of them – it helped but didn’t fix everything.
“Better if he leaves you now,” a little voice in his head whispered. “It’s better to be alone.” And maybe at one point he would have fought against that mindset but now he couldn’t help but agree. Peter destroyed everything he touched and everyone around him was doomed for misery. Better for Ned to get out while he could.
Lethargically, Peter began across the empty football field toward the subway entrance – his trip home was always a little tight and he couldn’t afford to miss this train.
“Peter!” A harried voice shouted as his shoulder was grabbed and he was roughly turned around to face a red-faced and irritated Happy Hogan. Peter’s mind blanked for a moment in total shock at seeing the man again after so long. “Didn’t you hear me calling for you?”
“Sorry Mr. Hogan,” Peter mumbled, not making eye contact. He felt the phantom sting from the slap he had gotten for that when he first moved into foster care burning his bare cheek.
“The Boss has been calling you, he wants to chat. You screening our calls now?” Happy asked, accusatory as his eyes raked down Peter’s form. Peter felt a shiver crawl up his spine and kept his sight locked on Happy’s chin, trying to remain as relaxed as possible. It was important to not draw any unwanted attention to himself.
“No sir,” he answered, voice a little rough and quiet with disuse. “I don’t have a phone anymore.” Happy huffed and narrowed his eyes at Peter before steering him to the expensive Audi parked in front of the school.
“No matter, he wants to talk to you in person anyway. Hop in and I’ll take you to the Tower.” Peter gulped and fought the urge to dig his heels in – it wouldn’t be polite.
“I have a curfew of four,” he protested weakly as Happy pulled open the door for him and motioned for him to climb in. Peter hesitated but relented when Happy gave him a little shrug.
“I’m sure May will understand and Tony can always give her a call to clear anything up.” And with that Peter was gone. No one had said her name since she died and the thought… the very implication that he could still be living with his aunt, happy and carefree, was insane. His mind floated away and he felt like he was watching himself as a specter. He saw his body relax but his eyes were distant, cloudy. Happy, for the first time that Peter could remember, didn’t raise the partition between the front and rear seats and, instead, watched Peter in the rear view mirror.
The drive to the Tower took over thirty minutes with traffic and Peter would be panicking about how late he was going to be if he had any capacity to feel at all. Instead, he let his mind wander as the skyscrapers of Manhattan blurred into a grey mosaic outside the window, fat raindrops sporadically hitting the window as a drizzle started. “We’re here,” Happy told him as he parked the car in the underground garage that was reserved for Mr. Stark and other high level staff of the Tower. Peter popped his door open and followed the man to the private elevator that he assumed would take them to Mr. Stark’s office.
“Hello Happy. Hello Peter,” the disembodied voice of Mr. Stark’s AI, FRIDAY, said as the doors closed and the elevator began to move. “Boss is awaiting your arrival in his workshop.”
“Thanks FRIDAY,” Happy said, texting intently on his phone. Peter just remained silent as the elevator began to slow before stopping completely, the doors trundling open soundlessly. Happy nudged Peter out but remained inside the car as the doors closed, leaving Peter alone in the sleek room.
Tony was seated in front of a large hologram of his armor, code scrolling past on his monitor as he made adjustments. “Mr. Parker,” he said as Peter edged closer to him, not looking up from his work. “You’re a hard man to get in contact with.”
Though Tony sounded more forthright than angry, Peter still had to fight the cringe in his shoulders as he came to a stop about ten feet away from the work bench – out of reach and with enough time to prepare if the man were to make any sudden moves. “Sorry,” he murmured, keeping his eyes low and doing his best to keep his shoulders from curling in – the last thing he needed to do was show any weakness.
“No need for apologies,” Tony said, light, as he fiddled with a holo mechanism in the right repulser. “Just a statement of fact. According to the news Spider-Man has also been just as difficult to find.”
Peter just hummed in response, choosing not to comment on his previous alter-ego. He didn’t much feel like a hero these days.
“A man of few words,” Tony commented, shutting down the programs in front of him and turning to face Peter fully. “Are you the same kid who was talking my ear off in Germany a year ago?”
“Yes sir,” Peter said, keeping his eyes focused on Tony’s chin. He could feel his mind slipping as his heart rate sped up and he struggled to keep present – it was getting harder and harder to stay in the moment the more he allowed himself to get lost in his head. He occasionally dreamed that one day it might be permanent; one of the few good dreams he had.
“Sir?” Tony parroted, his eyebrows raising and a flash of guilt washing over his features quickly before disappearing. “Look kid, I think I owe you an apology. Actually, I know I owe you an apology. I didn’t communicate with you about the whole alien weapons take-down thing. I underestimated you and treated you like a side-kick and ignored you and then I left you alone and without any protection and you saved my bacon anyway.”
“I deserved it,” Peter said matter-of-factly. “I was in over my head and I disobeyed. The punishment fit the crime.”
“No it didn’t,” Tony told him bluntly but firmly, looking surprised but resolute. “Maybe we both share some fault in the situation but I’m the adult and the one with experience and I didn’t do anything to teach you or help you and for that I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Peter assured him, allowing himself to tap his index finger against his thigh once to let out his stress. Mr. Fisher didn’t like his constant fidgeting and Peter knew that it was pretty annoying so he had done his best to learn how to stand as still as possible to not incur any extra punishments – the index finger tap he was able to normally get away with.
Mr. Stark’s eyes were narrowed as he surveyed Peter. “I wanted to offer you a real spot as my intern. You could spend a few days a week in the shop working on tech and I made you a new and improved suit for the other part of your ‘internship’. I promise that you’ll always have the support you need to be New York’s Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. You’re the future of the Avengers, kid, its pretty clear to me now. Your spot on the team is there whenever you want to take it.”
For the briefest of moments, Peter was overwhelmed with excitement and incredulity. Ever since Tony had announced he was Iron Man to the world, Peter had wanted nothing more than to be a superhero as well, to be an Avenger. If Tony had offered him a spot on the team after Germany, Peter would have taken it in an instant. Now…
“Thank you Mr. Stark,” Peter said, voice still a little broken and hoarse from how little he spoke these days. “But I can’t.”
“Oh you don’t have to join now,” the man assured, misunderstanding. “You’ll need some training first but Rhodey and Vision are always down to join us at the compound for some group work. You have a lot of potential.”
“Thanks but that’s not what I meant,” Peter clarified. “I have to decline all of it but I appreciate the offer.”
“Oh,” Tony looked a little crestfallen, a dark expression of acceptance on his defined features. “I understand. Broken trust and all that. Sure.”
“It’s not that,” Peter reassured quickly. “I don’t hold anything against you – I was the one who messed up. It’s just I have a four o’clock curfew every day so I can’t do the internship.”
“That’s easily remedied!” Mr. Stark said, his eyes lifting with a smile and looking relieved. “I’ll just give Aunt Hottie a call and work things out and we’ll have you in the lab and out swinging through the streets in no time!”
Peter’s ears fuzzed out again, a sharp high-pitched note cutting off Tony’s excited words as a feeling of immense emotion flooded through Peter before he could tamp it down. His breathing felt a little ragged in his chest and he squeezed his eyes shut for just a moment to gather himself. “My aunt is dead,” Peter gritted out, interrupting Tony and rendering him speechless. “She died six months ago. My foster… the people fostering me are a little more strict.”
“Oh,” Tony said, face blank and an awkward silence filling the space. Peter gripped his worn down backpack straps and backed toward the elevator.
“Thanks for the offer,” Peter said earnestly. “It really is an honor I just…” he trailed off. “Thanks. For everything.”
And with that, he entered the elevator and pushed the button for the lobby, the doors shutting on Tony’s pitying expression before the man could say anything much to Peter’s relief. The metro card the Fishers had gotten him only had a set amount of money on it every month so Peter would be hoofing it back to their house from the Tower. His cracked watch face told him that it was already close to four-thirty and his stomach bubbled with anxiety. At this rate he wouldn’t be back in time to have dinner on the table at five-thirty.
Resigned to his punishments, Peter left the building through the shining lobby and pointed himself toward Queens, moving as fast as he could.
“You’re late,” Mr. Fishers’s tone was short and monotonous from where he was seated on the couch. The house was otherwise quiet which meant Mrs. Fisher was out that evening.
“I’m sorry sir,” Peter whispered looking at the floor and making no excuses. He had learned the hard way that trying to justify his poor behavior only made things worse for him in the long run.
“Go to your room,” Mr. Fisher told him making Peter cringe. “I’ll join you in a moment.”
Later, when Peter was lying on the bed with silent tears still leaking from his eyes and his back and ribs stinging in pain, he thought about Mr. Stark’s offer with selfish desire. In another universe, in another life, he would have been elated but now he only felt desolation - life always did like to dangle things in front of him he couldn’t have.
Setting his alarm for five-thirty so he wouldn’t oversleep, Peter let his consciousness slip away into the ether, mind going blissfully empty and blank.
Monday came both faster and slower than Peter wanted. His body still ached from his well-deserved punishment and he was exhausted from the extra chores and minimal food he had been offered as a result of his actions. School passed in a lonely blur for him as he drifted from class to class, hiding away in the deserted music room during lunch to avoid Ned and MJ. They didn’t ask as many questions anymore but Peter didn’t want to put himself in a situation where he would have to lie to his friends again.
When the final bell of the day rang, Peter chose to not stop by his locker where he may be ambushed and, instead, left the school, headed directly for the subway. He had nearly made it when a body physically blocked him from the stairs.
“Howdy Pete,” Mr. Stark said, peering over his glasses to look at Peter and Peter did his best to school his expression into indifference. He couldn’t be late again. He couldn’t take another punishment, he was just so tired all he wanted to do was sleep. Maybe forever. “Where are you headed?”
“Back to my fosters,” Peter told him, trying to skirt around. “I have a four o’clock curfew.”
“I remember you saying something about that,” Mr. Stark agreed with a nod. “Tell you what – let me give you a ride home. You’ll get home well before your curfew and I can talk to your foster parents about the internship. Who can say no to Tony Stark right?”
“NO!” Peter said loudly before smacking a palm over his mouth. He could feel the blood draining from his face as his body tensed, preparing for the correction he knew was coming. Mr. Stark’s brow was furrowed now and his eyes behind his blue glasses had a twinkle of understanding in them.
“Peter,” he began, reaching a hand out with the intention of lying his hand on Peter’s shoulder but he never got that far. Seeing the hand coming towards him and already being on high alert after his exclamation, Peter violently flinched away, only barely able to catch himself from falling over due to his enhanced reflexes, and squeezed his eyes shut tight. “Oh Peter,” Tony said, a desolate understanding in his voice.
Peter cracked his eyes open to see Mr. Stark with both hands raised in the universal ‘backing off’ signal, a soft look on his face. “Sorry sir,” Peter croaked out. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. It’s fine.”
“Do you have something you need to tell me kiddo?” Tony’s voice was soft and gentle and Peter felt his eyes well up with tears he hastily blinked away as he shook his head quickly. “It’s okay buddy. You can tell me.”
“I’m fine. I’m okay. It’s fine.” Tony looked even more crestfallen at Peter’s answer and tapped the side of his glasses to activate FRIDAY.
“Can you I’ve me a scan FRI?” He asked and Peter flinched again knowing there was no way to hide the broken and healing bones and skin that he had been doing his best to conceal. Tony’s face was tight as he stared at Peter and Peter felt all of the blood left in his face drain away.
“I deserved it,” Peter told him desperately. “I disobeyed, it was my fault.” Mr. Stark just looked even more beaten at his words and Peter felt his breathing picking up.
“It’s not,” Tony said, voice still unbelievably soft but firm. “It’s not your fault and you didn’t deserve it. You’re a great kid Pete.” Peter shook his head no and couldn’t stop a couple tears from leaking out before furiously wiping them away. “I promise that it wasn’t your fault Underoos. Will you let me help you?”
“You can’t,” Peter said, feeling hollow. “Everyone… everyone close to me dies. I’m cursed and I can’t do that to you too Mr. Stark.”
“Can I hug you?” Tony asked suddenly, arms twitching with need. After a seconds hesitation, Peter nodded and was hastily folded into the man’s arms; one arm tight around his shoulders and the other snaking up into his hair to pull through the too long strands carefully. Peter felt more tears leak out and, suddenly, he couldn’t hold it in any longer, throwing his own arms around Tony to return the hug and letting out a gut-wrenching sob into the man’s shoulder. Tony just shushed him and let him take as much comfort as he could. “You’re not cursed and none of this is your fault. I get the feeling no one has told you that yet and you need to hear it.”
Peter sobbed loudly again, curling in tighter. He had always thrived on positive affirmation and had grown up in a family where hugs and shoulder pats and forehead kisses were the norm. To go so long without… he had forgotten how nice it was to just be held and cared for. “Thank you,” Peter said, his voice clogged with emotion. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me,” Tony said firmly. “Anyone decent would do the same thing and it’s the least of what you deserve.”
Peter squeezed him one more time and took a deep breath before pulling away. “Thank you,” he reiterated, fighting to make eye contact so he could show just how sincere he was. “But I need to get back before four and I already missed my train. I can’t be late.” Tony, who still had one hand resting on Peter’s shoulder, gripped him tightly to prevent him from escaping up the stairs to the train.
“You aren’t going back,” he said firmly, ducking his head and forcing Peter to make eye contact. “You’re coming with me back to the Tower where I’m going to call CPS and my lawyers. You’re never going back there again.”
“I can’t ask you to do that,” Peter insisted. “It’s really not that bad if I’m home on time and do my chores and stay in my room. And its only two more years until I’m eighteen and then I can get a job and an apartment.”
“Pete,” Tony said, eyes shining as he wrapped an arm around Peter’s shoulders and started leading him away from the subway and toward the Audi that was parked in the pickup lane; Peter could see the outline of Happy’s silhouette in the driver’s seat. “You deserve better. You deserve somewhere safe and you deserve to have someone care about you. I know you don’t believe it now and that’s okay – I’m just going to keep telling you until you do.”
Peter sniffed back another onslaught of tears and allowed himself to be pulled away. “Thank you Mr. Stark,” he said, voice clogged with emotion.
“It’s Tony kiddo,” the man told him with another squeeze that warmed Peter to the core. “And you don’t need to thank me for this okay?”
“Okay,” Peter agreed, fully aware and present and wanting to be for the first time in a long time. Things were never going to be the same, but maybe, just maybe, they would get better.
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tuellertrails · 3 years
We’re 3 weeks into our hike so far, here are a few things I have learned
- Wake up EARLY in the desert. Because it will get hotter than hell and you will die of heatstroke if you hike in the heat of the day.
- Take your shoes (foot prisons) off at every opportunity. Your feet will thank you
- The higher you go in elevation, the harder the hiking is, the less hot it becomes and the more beautiful the scenery is. The desert has its own kind of beauty, but being in an alpine environment with lots of trees and the smell of sun warmed pine needles is my favorite place to be (besides a comfortable bed watching TV and eating snacks, of course). We’ve had several days of hiking where we’ve done over 5k feet of elevation, and I find that I am particularly prone to swearing and exhaustion on those days 😂. But the incredible views do make up for it somewhat! It’s all part of the experience.
- Ibuprofen (Vitamin I) and Benadryl are a hikers best friend.
- Pack out fresh food whenever you can. Vegetables and fruit have never tasted so good.
- Kindness is EVERYWHERE. We’ve received food, cold drinks, rides, camp chairs to sit in and many other kindnesses from trail angels, other hikers, family members and random people. Everything is appreciated.
Speaking of kindness, we spent several hours one day waiting out the heat of the day in a small hut next to the wind farm made for hot, suffering PCT hikers, with a cooler of cold water for us to enjoy. It was 95* even in the shade 🥵. We did not leave early enough that day, but it gave me the chance to wait out the heat and look at my phone 😂.
Here’s some highlights/points of interest from the last 100+ miles
- We heard a great story from Trail Angel who gave us a ride out of Julian, who heard it from a different hiker that she gave a ride to. So the hiker was hiking down the trail (early on, around mile 15) when he hears a voice say "hello". He looks down and sees a guy laying in the bushes in a sleeping bag with mud on his face. "Oh, uh... hello" the hiker says. The man responds "Would you like to be blessed with magic sand?" And holds up a pile of sand in his hand. The guy wasn't sure if this dude was on drugs, was going to throw the sand in his face or what, and he's contemplating how to side step this very weird man when the dude stands up and reveals that he is completely naked and says "You should really use mud. It makes the best sunscreen". Glad that it wasn’t me, poor guy.
- We went through a small town in Warner Springs who had a gas station and some picnic tables, so basically a hiker haven. We spent a couple of hours eating gas station food, and I gave another hiker a shot in the butt 😂. Nursing skills always coming in handy out here. Landon consistently says that the gas station hot dog was one of the highlights of the trail.
- My feet are MUCH better than they were. Getting inserts and some foot compression socks were a game changer for me. I now can walk many more miles without having to stop so often to roll out the golf balls on my feet. Despite this, hiking is still hard and we still find new soreness, aches and pains every day. But I do think that we are toughening up and able to do more miles than we did the first week. My blisters are mostly hardened now, and we have done as many as 18 miles in a day at this point.
- Water can be very scarce, and you have to plan out your water carries very carefully. One water source in this last stretch was a big water tank a few hundred feet from “Mikes Place”. Mikes Place is near the trail and has a big water cistern for hikers to go and get water, but they also let hikers camp and party there and sometimes feed them. There were some comments on Guthooks (the hiking navigation app we use) about how Mikes Place was kind of sketchy and borderline sexist, but we went down there with our hiker friends Sarah and Clyde, hoping for some food. Mikes place was interesting to say the least. It was a run down one story house that looked rather shabbily built, with a blanket as a wall in one section. It’s in a few acres of property, and there are all sorts of random things in front of the house. An assortment of stools and chairs, some lawn games like croquet and darts, a fire pit, a few coolers, and then even more random things like a sword stuck in a stone (a replica like in the movie). There was also an old painted car on one end, a shabby outdoor kitchen with a pizza oven and a greasy grill and lots of bowls and plates and utensils, and lots of other items spread out across the property. It seemed a little hoarder-y to us. They had Johnny cash playing in the background which kind of fit the vibe of the place. There were a few hikers there eating already, and a more stout gentleman wearing a t shirt, shorts and flip flops whose name was Scott. He said that there was no food left but that we could cook our own if we wanted, and we were like "ummm, sure?" 
So he brought out the ingredients for breakfast burritos and we got to cracking eggs and slicing veggies and fired up the very greasy outdoor grill, and within about 15 minutes we were eating breakfast burritos. Scott was a little weird. He would pop in and out of where we were cooking and then disappear again, I guess he was nice enough but he just gave off a bit of a weird vibe. Apparently Mike lives in San Diego and Scott is a caretaker of his place for now, along with another guy named Spirit who we met a little later as we ate. He was a older guy, with long white hair in a ponytail and beard, wearing a dirty green zip hoodie with what looked to be a hand painted "VVR" on it, jeans and chacos. He chatted with us briefly, he is a hiker who has hiked the John Muir Trail every year since 2014 and then decided to go work at VVR, a resort in the Sierras, after visiting it so many times. He said he was headed up there in a few weeks. Anyways, we are our burritos, washed our plates, said thank you and left to go filter water from the tank up above, leaving some money in the donation box as a thank you. The food was good but I definitely wouldn't have felt comfortable being there by myself, Mike’s Place was a little...dirt baggy, but I’m glad I got to experience it all the same. Apparently Scott is hiking now, and showed up at the campground in Idyllwild a few days later, drunk as a skunk and vomited all over 😂.
- We’re 10% done with the trail! Which really puts into perspective how long this hike actually is 😂. We had heard that our trail legs would start to come in after 3 weeks, but both Landon and I agree that we’re still quite sore and wake up with different aches and pains every day. We are definitely running a major calorie deficit at this point, burning upwards of 4K calories per day, burning much more than we are eating. This is ok with us, as we could both lose 30 Lbs or more and still be in a healthy weight range! Our friend Jamie, who hiked the trail years ago with her husband, says that we are losing our “town fat”. But we both agree that our clothes are feeling a bit looser than they were before. Who knew that 3 weeks of near continuous intense exercise would do that? We are slowly getting more fit, so hopefully those trail legs will come in soon here in the next few weeks.
- Remember the girl I talked about in our last post a few weeks ago, who woke up our friend at 5 AM and told him that she had no pants? Well, he came across her again a few days ago. She was topless, sitting in a stream in her underwear, playing a ukelele. And much to his chagrin, she remembered him! 😂 Not exactly a meet cute.
- Though there are definitely some eccentric people out here, 95% of the hikers and people we meet are wonderful. We have met the most incredible people as we hike, and are grateful to have made some good friends. They say that trauma bonds you, and all of the hikers have similar trauma out on trail 😂. We all know how hard this is, how beautiful, and have experienced first hand the heavy packs we carry after filling up our food and water, and the different aches and pains that accompany hiking day after day. Ive seen some pretty gnarly feet 🦶among the hikers out here, covered in blisters and cuts, with blackened toenails and foot fungus. Our feet are constantly getting beaten up! I’m glad to know that it isn’t just us experiencing the aches and pains. Ive always been a bit of a social butterfly, and after a year of isolation due to the Covid pandemic, the extrovert in me is absolutely loving the social aspect of our hike.
We will be getting off trail for four days this next weekend to go to a family wedding and sadly, a funeral as well. We were saddened to hear that Landon’s Grandfather has passed away, after suffering from Alzheimer’s for many years in the last years of his life. I never knew him before the Alzheimer’s had affected him, but I was told that he was smart as a whip, very funny, and a great story teller. Landon has fond memories of his grandfather, going on family trips and hearing his many stories. Even after the disease progression, Arlin was a very sweet and gentle man who was happy to give you a hug and listen to you talk, even if he didn’t quite remember who you were. We feel very lucky to have been able to spend some time with him and with Landon’s Grandmother the week before the trail, and he will be greatly missed by all. We are looking forward to getting off trail for a few days to reunite with our family to both celebrate and mourn together.
Thanks to everyone for the love and support in our PCT journey so far, this has been the most incredible experience of our lives so far and we’re grateful for every second, no matter how tough, of this great adventure.
- The Tueller’s
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hello *clears throat*
Four score and *several* years ago our founding fathers laid down the structure of a country that solely allowed white men to take office, thus setting into effect a power structure that mainly benefits (cis,straight) white men, *INHALES*
I could sit here providing cOmPleTeLy coherent thoughts on the more useless conflicts such as pineapple on pizza, neopronouns, the works, but those ‘conflicts’ aren’t denying people their human rights and liberties that they should have as Americans as we’ve attempted to progress beyond the blindingly white patriarchy, SO, I’m just gonna say whatever comes to mind.
First and foremost, people who say that ‘Black Lives Matter’ is overly divisive *cough cough some people I know irl*: I know this analogy has been used far too many times, but if someone’s house is on fire and the fire department yeets themselves off to the house with their hoses, and then you say ‘but my house matters too, why don’t I get a hose?’, then WHAT THE FUCK. ~17% of Black Americans who’ve been killed by police were unarmed, which, proportionally, is higher than any other racial group in the US. And since Black people are being disproportionately affected by police brutality, the spotlight is on them right now. In other words: YOUR WHITE KAREN ASS IS NOT BEING IGNORED, WE’RE JUST FOCUSING ON A SPECIFIC ISSUE RIGHT NOW AND ON A SPECIFIC GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLING FOR SPECIFIC REFORM because, again, historical societal values are hard to shake from the roots of a country; the fact is, the beginnings of this country elevated white men, and it is them who continue to benefit. White men make up 31% of the US population, and yet they hold 65% of all elected offices. Black Americans have been fighting since the beginning, and yet here we are - the KKK still exists and has not been classified as a terrorist organization, school districts and neighborhoods with majority Black populations are disproportionately funded, kids in schools experience bullying from an early age because of their race (especially in places like my redneck, probably 90% white hometown).
Another theme that I’ve frequently seen from *some people* is: “why do you hate police and armed service members so much omygodstop”. This comes up not only in the BLM argument but also in things like ‘should pride month exist’ which HONESTLY I am SO TIRED OF I had to argue about that for half a year in my english class but anyway. Honey, hate might be a strong word, but we’ve really got to hate on the officers who murder PoC due to racial bias, because that’s how the system gets changed. Those officers need to be arrested. We either need the police defunded entirely in order to create specialized workers trained for specific situations, or the government needs to reallocate money from useless endeavors (or perhaps - tax the rich more? *gasp* just a thought) in order to a) fund more police training (specifically bias training and deescalation training so that nobody fucking kneels on the neck of another human being) and background screening and b) redistribute materials, because as far as I know, a city police department does not need weapons of war. We’re hating on the system because the system is killing people. We’re not writing diss tracks on the armed forces, either. Specific people who commit crimes need to be arrested - such as the harrassers and murderer of Vanessa Guillen. And laws and policies that cause death and violence towards minorities need to be eliminated or entirely reformed. That’s the tea, motherfuckers - oh, should I censor that? I meant motheroofenflugens. The expansion of swearing is the only good colonialism, and that’s the tea, squidbeasts. 
Me talking about this to a limited audience is not at all impactful - what actually helps in policy reform is petitions, and donations for people who actually have bank accounts *ah yes money management*, so a couple posts back I linked most of the petitions I’ve found and heard of, because being an ally is not just ‘oh I’m not racist’ - it’s trying to help, amplifying Black voices and letting them tell us what they need because they are the ones experiencing the actual racial oppression, and we are the ones holding others on our shoulders so that the government can see our signs. The goal here is dismantling the systemic oppression that was set in place four score and *several* years ago - the culture, the society, the laws that made ‘white’ the ‘norm’. *Sips coffee intensely*. I’m going to tag this a lot in an attempt to get actual views because the point here is spreading ideas. I commend you for forging through these paragraphs. Peace out. 
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Seminole County Bites Above the Rest
<a href=”http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/childhood?s_cid=healthyweight-007-bb” title=”September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. 12.5 million U.S. children are obese. Join the conversation. Spread the word. Take action.”><img src=””http://www.cdc.gov/images/campaigns/dnpao/hw/hw-ncoam01-180×150.jpg” style=”width:180px; height:150px; border:0px;” alt=”Help your children play! Celebrate Worldwide Day of Play.” /></a>
Imagine, if you can. The year is 1989. You are in elementary school waiting in line for lunch. You grab your chocolate milk. Put it on your green tray and grab a fruit cup. The lunch lady puts a scoop of canned corn and a slab of rectangle pizza on your tray. Those were the days, right? School lunch has come such a long way since I was a kid, eating in my school cafeteria. I am here to tell you it’s not what it used to be and that is a good thing! The 3 reasons you should consider leaving your child’s lunch box at home are that eating at school can help to fight childhood chronic diseases, it is free for everyone right now and we service delicious and nutritious meals every day, here in Seminole county.
In the United States children and adolescents overall are not meeting the current nutrition guidelines. We are fighting an epidemic of obesity in adolescents in this country. The percentage of adolescents that are considered to be obese has nearly doubled over the last 20 years. Chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, high blood lipids and hypertension are being seen in children younger and younger all the time. Eating meals at school guarantees a child has access to healthy balanced meals, twice a day. This sets them up to be on track to meet the nutrition guidelines, that so many adolescents are not meeting.
As a nation we are also battling food insecurity. In 2017, 11.9% of Seminole county was considered to be food insecure. Food insecurity is having limited or questionable availability of a person or family’s food supply. If one person in the family misses out on a meal through the day, because of availability of food, that is considered food insecurity. Food insecurity is a problem at every level, city, county, state, nation and the world. Which, has only elevated overall food insecurity worldwide.
So, what causes food insecurity? One of the biggest causes is poverty. Families living below the poverty line are at much higher risk to be food insecure. There are local, national and worldwide organizations, such as food banks that are there to help families in need of food. This year especially has put a strain on our government, communities and food banks. Causing many throughout our communities to stand up and help by donating food, time and money to organizations willing to help feed fellow citizens.
Some of our high schools have also partnered with a local charity to provide our school leftovers to those in need of food. This not only allows us to give back as a district, but lowers our food waste as well. Hopefully we can get more schools working to help more people truly in need. So, when you are supporting Seminole County Public School’s breakfast and lunch program, you are supporting people locally who are in need.
In Seminole county alone, 47% of our students are eligible for free or reduced lunch, regularly. Eligibility is based on the poverty level. Children in families with income at 130% below the poverty level are eligible for free meals. Those with incomes between 130 and 185% are eligible for reduced lunch, which is $0.40 for lunch and $0.30 for breakfast. So, for example a family with 4 members and with an income of $31,005 would be eligible for free meals and up to $44,123 would be eligible for reduced meals.
There are schools in the district that do offer school wide free breakfast. So, look into your specific school for details on your school’s eligibility. The application for eligibility is fast and easy. If you need assistance filling it out the school staff is happy to help you fill out the application. It is something that needs to be done each year. So, be sure to visit the cafeteria during your schools open house.
One thing the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has done recently to help out families through COVID-19, is they have made school breakfast and lunch free for all children. School Nutrition professionals have worked tirelessly through the pandemic to provide nutritious meals for breakfast and lunch 5 days a week. They have made many adjustments in order to serve as many families as they can. Being flexible and understanding every step of the way.
Allowing your students to eat at school will lessen your burden, as parents. Lowering the cost of providing nutritious fresh meals for 10 out of 21 meals each child eats every week. While students or parents do not have to worry about planning and packing a lunch box every day. Saving them money, time and aggravation.
In order for our meals to qualify for reimbursement through the NSLP, they must meet certain USDA regulations when it comes to nutrition. A district is required to increase the availability of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat free and low-fat milk. They are also required to lower sodium and reduce saturated fats. The lunch menu must contain 1/3 the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for calories, protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C for recommended age of the students.
The School Breakfast Program has its own guidelines, too. These meals must provide a quarter of the DRI for protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C and calories. This program is offered at all schools within the Seminole county district. We offer a hot meal option, cereal or a breakfast bar in middle school and high school. Students can always have milk, juice or a fruit with their breakfast.
In Seminole county, we go above the minimum requirements. Setting the standard high for the quality of food we serve. We have many fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Many that are “Fresh from Florida.” We do like to let our guests know what foods we get that are local to our area. We use whole wheat pizza crust, using a recipe made specifically for our district. We use real tomato sauce and shred our own cheese. Our meats we choose are 100% antibiotic free and are a high-quality product.
Fresh from Florida is a state agency that was started in 1990. They provide up to date in season produce for the state of Florida. They offer recipes ideas using Fresh from Florida items. They also provide gardening tips for plants by Florida zones. In our service lines we like to show what we are offering each day that is “Fresh from Florida.”
There is a government program “Farm to School,” that help local schools access to fresh, local foods. They also help with educating kids by funding school gardens, teaching kids how to cook and farm field trips. Teaching kids about how food is produced and grows sets each student up for making healthy life choices. Utilizing this program helps us get a wide variety of local foods and support local companies.
In Seminole county we do not limit the number of fruits or vegetables a guest takes. We encourage the goal of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Our nutrition team works very hard to provide balanced, nutritious and delicious meals for our students, teachers, staff and guests. We have Registered Dietitians, a chef and a full department working together to perfect our menu.
An example of a breakfast would be a chicken biscuit with a serving of fresh fruit of their choice, and a fat-free milk. For lunch middle and high schoolers can enjoy a burrito bowl. Which is Brown rice, their choice of beef crumbles or grilled chicken, freshly made pico de gallo, corn salsa, sautéed sweet peppers, and black beans. Along with a milk, and a fresh fruit or vegetable of their liking. We also offer a side salad as an option with any meal. We do offer a chicken sandwich and pizza daily in our middle schools and high schools and the kids take a fruit or vegetable to go with it. All schools enjoy our baked pasta. Made with real tomato sauce and our own shredded mozzarella cheese.
I love how ahead of the game our district is when it comes to feeding our children. It truly is a team effort to nourish our kids. With all the programs available to assist schools I would like to see more education brought into the breakfast and lunch process. School nutrition has a very unique opportunity because there are so many children eating in schools every day. If you feed them nutritious meals and teach them important life lessons on how to make healthy choices, you help them make these choices throughout their entire life.
We need to teach our children what healthy foods are and how to grow them. Incorporate basic nutrition education such as, food groups, RDA’s and how to cook and prepare these foods. Adding gardens to our schools and having the kids help maintain them, is a great way to add more educational opportunities. The state of Florida also offers grants and assistance setting them up. Creating cooking clubs and labs would be a fun way to get them involved.
So, as you can see, school lunch is not what you remember from when you were in school. Especially, here in Seminole county where our mission is to nourish and enrich the lives of our guests through an exceptional dining experience. We are not just any district when it comes to education and it is no different for what we feed our kids. We want you to feel confident in sending your children to eat because we know school meals can help fight chronic diseases in children, continue to be free through September and our meals are nutritious and delicious.
Submitted by: Jessica Tillmann, Food and Nutrition Student
Total word count:1621
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whereisten · 5 years
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The Agreement
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | more coming soon
Summary: Vampire!Sicheng needs a new toy and he just so happens to find you, a struggling college student that would literally give up a few drops of blood for some quick cash. An agreement is reached, you are told that you are strictly forbidden from falling in love. You are to only show up, give blood, get money. Seems pretty easy, right?
Pairing: Vampire!Sicheng X female reader
Genre (emboldened words signify what this specific part has): angst, smut, fluff, violence
Chapter Warning: mentions of blood and death
Word Count: 3K
Playlist Link
You got onto the elevator to head to your next class. It was there that you saw a poster asking for volunteers for a lab.
Volunteers needed, will be paid for their time and travel. Room P-204, September 1st between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM
You quickly snapped a picture of the poster before getting off the elevator. There were little to no details on what the lab was about and the information was printed in small Times New Roman font on plain white printer paper. It’s almost like they didn’t want to draw any attention to it.
But you were always on the lookout for these opportunities. As a college student with little financial help from a single parent, you needed everything you could get.
You were a cashier at a local drugstore close to campus, but you didn’t work many hours because you needed time to rest and sleep when you weren’t in class.
September 1st rolled around and you entered the room around 10 AM, giving you enough time to complete the lab before your 1 PM class.
You entered the quiet lab room and looked around. No one was in sight.
“Hello?” You called out, your voice was stuck in your throat, the lights were dimmed and the room felt..eerie.
A typical lab had bright lighting and multiple technicians or students walking about. This was different.
Suddenly a door in the corner opened. A man with brown hair walked out and donned a smile bright enough to light up the gloomy room.
“Hi! It’s nice to see you, I’m Yuta, you must be here for the lab!” He said enthusiastically.
You smiled. “Yes, hi, my name’s y/n.”
“Good. I’m glad you’re here today let’s sit down” Yuta continued, putting on a lab coat that hung behind the door he opened.
His features were stunning, cheekbones high and jawline sharp enough to cut through diamonds, you were sure.
You’d never seen him before, but he wore a college I.D like yours on a lanyard around his neck that read Yuta Nakamoto, Senior Laboratory Technician.
Seems legit. You thought to yourself.
“If I may ask, what is this lab...about?” You asked as you placed your backpack down beside you.
Yuta smiled again. “Oh it’s pretty simple, you’ll just be giving blood. We’ll then send it to the hospital to be used for blood transfusions and to the American Red Cross.” He said as he put surgical gloves on.
“oh.” You said, a bit disappointed in how boring the lab would be.
I’m getting paid to give blood? You thought to yourself and your confusion must have showed on your face because you felt Yuta lightly touch your arm.
“You don’t have to do this” Yuta looked you deep in the eyes, and for a split second, you felt as if he didn’t want you to do it, as if he was warning you.
“No, no—I want to do this, to be honest Yuta, I need the money” You exhaled.
“Okay” Yuta nodded and proceeded to connect the needle to the tube that led straight into a bag that hung over you.
His skin was radiant, his lips were a beautiful peach pink and his eyes were a deep brown, unlike any brown you’d ever seen. However, he looked weak and tired, and not like the usual college kid tired, no, he needed rest.
His soft fingers gently held your arm. He pushed a fresh needle into your vein carefully.
You watched as the dark liquid slowly flowed straight into the bag.
No blood pressure test, no glucose level test, no iron level test...weird. But you didn’t ask questions, you just needed the money.
“So..how did you find out about this?” Yuta asked to break the awkward silence.
“oh—I saw a flyer on the elevator”
Yuta smirked. “well, at least I know it’s still there.”
“What’s your major?” He asked, furrowing his thick brows.
“I’m a third year psychology major. That’s why I come to this building so often. I’m surprised I’ve never seen you before” you said before you could stop yourself.
Yuta giggled. “I guess I’m a busy man”
“What year are you?” You ask to keep the conversation going.
“I actually graduated this past May..” he started and stopped, a bit of sadness cover his eyes.
“I’ll be..going off to grad school in a few weeks” he continued in a low tone.
You nodded. “Congratulations, I’m sure it wasn’t easy” there was a bit of silence.
You watched as Yuta took his gloves off and busied himself. He filed away some lab files before heading over to the door and locking it. Shouldn’t he have left it open for other volunteers?
He came back over to a window and peaked through the blinds, it was as if he was hiding from someone or something. He was fidgety. He exhaled heavily before blurting out what was on his chest.
“Hey—you know, if you’re comfortable with giving blood..I may have a job for you.” Yuta started quietly, you looked up at him and waited for him to continue.
“It’s off-campus but he can provide transportation for you..you see, you’ll be giving blood, just like you are now..but for one specific person..” his voice trailed, he was really trying to sound logical.
“I’m sorry...I’m not following” you shook your head.
“I’m sorry, forget about it” Yuta put a hand through his hair and laughed.
“no, no it’s okay. If there’s money involved, I’m interested” you laughed it off.
Yuta paused and looked up at you.
“So there’s a guy that is in constant need of blood? For like—constant blood transfusions??” You innocently asked.
Yuta shook his head as he put a new pair of gloves on and started to take the needle out of your arm.
“no—forget it.” Yuta said before placing gauze and tape on your skin to replace the needle.
“Yuta..I know I just met you...but, I know you know the struggle of going to this expensive ass school. I need the money, I’ll do anything..well, as long as it’s not illegal.” You looked up at him with wide eyes, hoping to get more information.
“I’m not—sure if you’re ready for this job, you’ll have to meet with him 3 times a week. I—I don’t even think you’ll be well enough to give that often—“ Yuta continued, picking up the bag and carefully placing it in a cooler.
“I can do it—“ you interrupted him.
“Think about it, y/n, it won’t be easy” Yuta continued and held out a hand to help you up from the chair.
You sighed in defeat as he handed you an envelope with cash and held out his other hand which was empty.
“Phone.” He demanded.
You hurriedly took it out of your pocket and handed it to him.
“You have my phone number, but only text me when you’ve seriously considered it.” He said as he typed on your screen.
“Thank you for coming” Yuta said softly as he handed you your phone and held the door open for you to leave.
Two days later.
“Are you suuuure that’s the reason for why he gave you his phone number?” Bella, your best friend smirked and winked.
You laughed. “Yes! We didn’t flirt, it wasn’t like that at all!”
“It was...interesting” you said before taking a bite of your pizza.
“So what, like, he wants to do a one-on-one blood donation? That sounds pretty cool, at least you know your blood is going to an actual person and not some—crazy, underground vampire association” Bella laughed before taking a sip of her Sprite.
“I mean, I guess its okay, I’d have to go to his house though, which is weird. Why not have it set up at a clinic or something?” You squinted your eyes and tilted your head.
Bella shrugged her shoulders. “Do what you gotta do, girly.”
At that moment, your phone rang.
“Give me one sec, I’ll be right back.” You stood up from the lunch table and walked outside.
“Hey Mom, how are you?” You asked brightly.
“Y/n, I’m good! My sweet girl, how are you? I miss you. How’s everything?” Your mom said with a tinge of sadness. She was trying to cover it up, but you knew she wasn’t good.
“I’m doing well, mom. Just having lunch with Bella.” You answered.
“Oh? I’m sorry to interrupt, we can talk later!” Your mom tried to hurry off the phone but you really wanted to know what was going on.
“No, mom, it’s okay. What’s going on?” You sat down on a bench outside of the cafeteria.
“Well..honey, the company announced that they’ll be making budget cuts and of course, they mean cuts to the amount of hours each of us will be getting” she spoke quietly.
“Those pricks! How can they do that to you? You all work so hard” your voice rose. Your mom had been working with them for over twenty years and this is how they treat her.
“Y/n..it’s okay, I’m gonna be okay. I just..honey, I’m so sorry, I’ll-I’ll get a second job, I just want you to finish college.” she went quiet, you knew she pulled away from the phone to cry so you wouldn’t hear.
“Mom, don’t be sorry, don’t worry, we’ll be okay, I’ll get a better job okay? And I’ll work harder so I can get a scholarship for next semester. Don’t worry about me, please, mom.” You held back tears. You two always found it difficult to make ends meet once your dad unexpectedly passed away three years ago. And now, this would only make things worse.
“Mom, we’re gonna get through this, we always do.” You laughed, hoping to get her to smile.
“Please eat something, okay? I’m gonna call you later.”
She sniffled. “I love you, honey.”
You smiled, “I love you too.”
You hung up and wiped a tear that threatened to fall down your cheek.
You looked at your phone for a moment. “Shit.” You said to yourself.
You scrolled through your contacts and found Yuta’s number.
I’m ready for the job.
Yuta decided that it was best to meet you that night.
He texted you with the time and place and told you not to be late.
Yuta pulls up in a black BMW with completely black windows, something you weren’t used to seeing a college student with.
Yuta puts the window down and flashes that same bright smile. “Need a lift?”
You smile and roll your eyes before getting in.
Yuta drives carefully, always looking on the road. He didn’t pick up his phone or turn to you, but he seemed nervous.
His eyes darted back and forth like he was on guard, and not just on guard for others on the road..for something else.
He took a deep breath.
“So..the man you’re going to meet and work for is named Sicheng. He will explain your duties and the rules you must follow in order to receive your weekly allowance.” Yuta paused.
“Y/N...there will be moments of temptation, moments when..you may want more..don’t give in. Only do what he tells you to.”
Yuta didn’t elaborate. You had no idea what he meant by ‘moments of temptation’ but you didn’t ask, you only listened. You didn’t want to ruin anything by being too curious.
You nodded.
“Y/n..promise me you won’t give in” Yuta turned to you for the first time during the drive.
You watched as his eyes grew dark and glossy like he would cry at any moment.
You nodded again. “I promise.”
Yuta turned and looked back on the road.
He was buzzed in instantly and soon he pulled up to a large, secluded house. It was dark. There were no lamps on the outside and no lights on the inside.
Yuta clenched his jaw and rolled his neck before opening the car door. “Come on.”
A young man with pale and glowing skin cane to the door within three seconds of Yuta ringing the heavy and loud doorbell.
“Hello.” Sicheng gave a small smile as he gazed up at Yuta.
Sicheng was gorgeous, there was nothing or no one you could compare his beauty too. His perfectly round lips sat above his small chin and his eyes were soft like those of an antelope. His cheekbones were high and jawline looked as though t were sculpted of marble.
“Sicheng, this is y/n, she’ll be your new donor.” Yuta said stiffly, clearly not reflecting the same look of admiration that Sicheng gave him.
Instead, he looked down and spoke sternly through cold eyes.
Sicheng frowned as he shifted his gaze from Yuta to you. He nodded and looked you up and down.
“Hello, come in.” Sicheng turned and flipped on the lights of the foyer.
Sicheng is weird at first, the relationship between him and Yuta..is strange, you think to yourself.
His house is immaculately decorated with gold accents and red velvet decorated throughout. It was like a scene from Buckingham palace. Your mouth dropped as you looked up at the extremely vaulted ceilings with sparkly and extravagant chandeliers that hung above you.
“Please, take a seat.” Sicheng sits down on a velvet covered couch in his living room and holds out his hand to show the other couch for the two of you sit on.
Sicheng only focuses on Yuta as you two sit.
Sicheng introduces himself and says that he’s 22 but speaks as if he’s a character from the Great Gatsby.
“Well, y/n, it’s probably not as fun as you’d want it to be, but it’s fairly simple.” Sicheng was speaking to you but watched Yuta, who only looked on the paintings on the wall to avoid Sicheng’s gaze. You felt like you were third-wheeling an awkward date between estranged lovers.
You cleared your throat. “That’s alright with me!” You tried to say enthusiastically.
Sicheng glanced at you. “You’ll be giving blood directly to me, a needle and tube will be hooked up to you and that tube will go directly into a bag which I will drink out of. The entire process takes about an hour but will be done in ten minute increments.”
You held a finger up. “Um. I’m sorry, did you say you’ll be drinking..from a bag of my blood?”
Sicheng giggled. “He didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?” You turned to Yuta whose eyes flashed to the luxurious carpet below you.
“I’m what you kids call—a vampire.” Sicheng cringed as he said the word.
You laughed out loud and held your stomach. Yuta and Sicheng remained still as you chuckled loudly into the large room.
“Wow! It’s not even Halloween yet! That’s a good one.” You wipes a tear from your eye.
Sicheng got up from the couch and walked out of the living room.
“Yuta, this is a good prank. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive you for wasting my time though.” You gave Yuta a light punch on the arm, but he turned to you and frowned.
You tilted your head. “You’re not—he’s not serio—?” You were startled by a loud slam on the coffee table in front of you.
Sicheng lays out stacks of money and says that he’s serious, the playful tone disappearing. “By the end of the week, this could be all yours.”
Your eyes flashed up to a smirking Sicheng. “How about it, y/n?” He was irresistible. His dark eyes were captivating and his smile was tantalizing.
You shook your head.
“This—this is crazy. You’re a vampire..like Twilight, oh my God are you Dracula?!” You asked innocently, earning a wide smile from the handsome man.
He looked down at Yuta. “I like her, where did you find her?”
This was crazy but you could make several hundred dollars for each 60 minute meeting just from giving blood. You’d have more than enough to give to yourself and your mom.
“If you’re not serious about this, I don’t want to waste anymore time, y/n.” Sicheng sat back down onto the couch.
You looked up at him, then back to the stunning collection of cash of money on the table.
You swallowed hard. You were scared, but you needed this, you needed the money.
“I’ll do it.” You nodded.
Sicheng jumped up from the couch and passes you a written agreement that was resting on a grand piano in the corner.
You look over the agreement. It basically tells you that you must maintain a healthy diet and report to his house twice a week. You can not engage in risky (sexual, drug use) behavior or drink alcohol more than once a week, as it ruins the taste and subjects him to diseases (which his body can handle and eventually cure himself of, but makes him weak nonetheless).
“I know you’re a college kid, but please.. no drinking. The alcohol in your bloodstream also has an effect on me. It is very important that you follow ALL of these rules” Sicheng walks to the fireplace.
You look back down at the agreement. It says you can only give blood to him and he can’t drink blood directly from you as it establishes a connection and the piercing feeling becomes quite addictive for some humans. Some humans get high off of the feeling.
Your eyes widen at the last rule.
Do NOT fall in love.
Why would you fall in love? It was a pretty easy job, just show and give blood, how could you fall in love?
You quickly sign the lengthy document and hand it back to him.
Yuta is still quiet, you wonder what happened between him and Sicheng. Why was he leaving? Did he break one of the rules?
“Well, I’ll see you on Monday, y/n. Yuta, when will you come by again?” Sicheng turned to Yuta who started to rise from the couch. He looked up at Sicheng.
“Sicheng—don’t” Yuta shook his head and left the living room.
You turned to Sicheng who watched as Yuta walked away with sorrowful eyes.
You cleared you throat. “It was nice to meet you, Sicheng.”
You walked after Yuta, he was your ride home and you couldn’t wait to get out of that place.
You thought of how crazy your life was to become. You had just signed on to be Vampire food.
A/N: thank you for reading! I will be uploading one chapter per night! I promise the next ones will be more interesting. This is more of an intro so it’s not that great
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imthepunchlord · 5 years
LfM Ch 15
One morning, the hotel was in an excited hustle, with butlers and maids rushing everywhere to make sure things were cleaning and lovely and that the hotel will be at its best. Amber and Chloe dodged the employees skillfully, both of them used to busy bodies darting around them. As they passed one of the royal suites, Amber strayed a little to glance inside, curious to see just how royal they wanted this room to become.
They learned yesterday that they would have a true royal guest coming to Paris; an actual prince who was visiting in good faith of France, coming to visit children’s hospitals and offering up donations of wealth and toys. Prince Ali Kowar of Achu was his name, and Amber wasn’t able to hear too much else about him.
Chloe wasn’t so curious about him, seeming smug and eager while hearing that there was a prince coming to their hotel. Amber could already foresee the clinginess ready to jump out and latch onto the poor boy.
Though, he was a prince, so perhaps he wouldn’t mind? Who’s to say what modern princes were like these days. 
“Ah, there are, my princesses!” their father loudly exclaimed, delighted to see his girls coming down to join him. The rehired butler stood quietly near him, hands behind his back, and their father continued, “I have your morning presents!” 
Chloe stepped forward expectantly while Amber made a slight face. The butler came forward, presenting a white box that Chloe snatched out of his hands. She opened it and took out a black beret, eyeing it critically.
When the butler turned to her, Amber waved it away, stating, “I’ll look at it when I get back home,” and slipped past them, ignoring the frown her father shot after her. Her mom raised her to not accept empty gifts from desperate men who want to buy her affection. Amber wasn’t interested in that and had better things to do than pile her room with things she didn't want. She’d rather make most of what her father got herself, and then she’d know it was be well made, because she was the best at what she did.
Well, one of the best, she corrected, thinking back to Marinette. It reminded Amber that she’d need to step up her game, since that hat design easily impressed her mother. Audrey Bourgeois was not an easily impressed woman.
Feeling pumped, Amber headed to the limo, ready to start the day. 
Be a storm. 
It's what Aurore was told and it's what she embodied. She was a storm; fierce, loud, imposing, and commanding, leaving awe in her wake. 
But how could a storm be when there was no direction? No flourish of energy, nothing to help it thrive and exist in stupendous momentum. Aurore had to admit that she felt rather… aimless. 
She lost the weather girl competition. 
Her crush on Adrien was a wasteful blunder. 
So now Aurore had found herself a tad aimless, slouching at her desk, idly spinning her parsol around and watching the clouds on it twirl around slowly. It was even worse that Marinette wasn’t there, being very, very late today. 
It was something Mendeleiev took notice of, having spared their desk one sharp look before she turned and started the lesson. Aurore winced, knowing that Marinette was going to be hearing about it when she finally joined the class. With a sigh, Aurore leant her umbrella against her desk and started to focus on the lesson.
Nearby, there was one blonde who wasn’t paying attention. Amber had her eyes on her sketchbook instead of the board, sketches of Ladybug on the page, different designs laid out before her. Ladybug with winged themed cape. With a black jacket over her suit. With boots and more padding for some. More black. Some white. Longer ribbons. Biker Bug. Punk Bug. Princess themed.
“She’s going to notice.” 
Amber paused, sparing a glance at Felix, then Mendeleiev. She whispered, “I’m getting this out of my system.”
Felix released a breath beside her, but let her go, knowing full well that Amber would do what she wanted, risky or not. Like grabbing an akuma on a whim; insane, but she’d do it.
“Is that chicken scratch I hear?” Mendeleiev loudly called out, to which Amber promptly put her things away, having her notebook replace her sketchbook.
Felix’s lips twitched up and Amber hissed, “Shut up.”
“Thank you, Ladybug!” the kid cried out, taking their cat back from the hero. They ran off to their mom, shouting happily that “Mittens” was safe. Ladybug smiled after him and waved, then threw her yo-yo out and swung away. She sighed to herself as she landed.
She hadn’t even reached half the day yet and she was wore out.
It seemed like today was the day that everything that could happen would happen. A last minute delivery her parents wanted her to do before school started, a falling helicopter, an old man walking into the street, Officier Roger needing to go on a bathroom break and grabbing her to direct traffic for him, and now a cat stuck in a tree.
And she hadn’t even had a chance to get to school yet, and was so late Mendeleiev was going to kill her.
Ladybug opted to not think about that, just get there, better late than never.
However, when she landed near the school to detransform, Tikki dropped like a brick and Marinette had to rush to catch her. “Tikki?” she asked in alarm. 
She was answered with a cute, tiny sneeze. The kwami cracked her eyes open, blinking them as she peered up at Marinette.
“Are you ok?” Marinette asked, alarmed.
“Hm? Oh, oh yeah, I, I’m fiiii—choo!” Tikki sat up with a wobble, rubbing her cheeks with a wince. “Ok, maybe a... a little under the weather.”
“My kwami’s sick,” Marinette uttered, a panic starting to set in. “My kwami is sick. What do I do? Like, uh, a vet?”
“Can I take you to a vet? No, no, I can’t you to a vet—”
Marinette went quiet, turning to Tikki with big, worried eyes. Tikki smiled and waved, insisting, “I’m ok! You, you three don’t need to worry.” She fell back in Marinette’s palm, squinting.
“You have school,” Tikki reminded, giving Marinette’s thumb a pat. “I’ll be ok, I just need cookies. Cookies solve everything.”
“You really just need food?” Marinette asked.
“Ok, ok. There’s cookies in the purse, eat away, and we’ll see how you’re doing at lunch.”
“And school!”
“School! Yes! Right! School, I gotta go!” Marinette was off, frantic to get back to school as quickly as possible.
Tikki did not get better, which was made very clear while in the middle of a lecture for their career day when Tikki let out a loud sneeze that fired her right out of Marinette’s bag. When all glanced Marinette’s way, she coughed awkwardly, her smile tight and awkward as Mendeleiev narrowed her eyes at her. As the class resumed their focus on the teacher, Marinette reached out with her foot and gently slid Tikki under her desk, where the kwami safely crawled back into the bag.
Marinette anxiously waited for lunch to arrive and was off before the bell even rang, missing Aurore’s surprise gape after her.
“Wow, she must be super busy today,” Ondine offered as she came by to stand beside Aurore. “Since she’s busy, you want to join me for lunch today?”
Out in the hall, Marinette went to the most reclusive corner she could find, holding her purse to her chest. When she felt safe, she opened it, peeking in to see Tikki curled up. “Oh those cookies did not help.”
Tikki shook her head, not even opening her eyes. “You need to take me to a healer.”
“A healer, ok, um… the vet? Do I take you to a vet? Or—”
“A kwami healer.”
Marinette went quiet, surprised. “There’s a kwami healer?”
There was someone else out there who knew about kwamis? There was the wonder of how Tikki came to be in her room… maybe this healer was the one who gave Tikki to her?
There was a cough and Marinette snapped out of it, her eyes becoming firm. She got up, starting to head outside the school. “Can you guide me to them?”
Tikki gave her a weak nod, starting to tremble in the bag. Between rushing through the school and keeping a watch over Tikki, Marinette wasn’t watching where she was going, and didn’t see the open school bag, or that she was heading for it till her foot went right inside, tripping her up and sending Tikki flying outside her bag.
“Marinette! Are you ok?!” Jean cried out in alarm as Marinette drew away from Adrien catching her, regaining her balance.
As Marinette calmed Jean down, Chloe paused from outside the limo. Rose had been sent away, the letter torn up and dropped at her feet. Chloe looked over, seeing something red on the ground, and headed for it as Amber headed for the limo. Picking it up, Chloe decided to keep it, deeming it be a nice little toy for the prince, even as ugly as it was.
She jumped, looking up to see Marinette rushing her way, hand outstretched. “That’s mine!”
With a smirk, Chloe rushed inside her limo and commanded the driver to go. “Bye, Marinette!” she cried out smugly, waving the toy about in clear view of the distraught girl.
“Chloe, what did you do?” Amber asked as Chloe dropped back inside, smug.
“None of your business,” Chloe answered, making sure to hide the toy away so Amber wouldn’t see it. She received an annoyed look but her twin let it go, drawing away in her dumb book.
When they arrived at the hotel, they were immediately ushered in to see the prince, with Chloe trying to inconspicuously look over the toy she swiped.
The twins jumped, whipping around to see some girl in a red helmet, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, holding a box of pizza.
“Greasy food!” Chloe shrieked in fear, jumping into the elevator. Amber was quick to follow her, horrified at the risk of greasy coming near her sketchbook. She slammed on the close button over and over again, and both sagged in relief as the doors closed, keeping the greasy food away. Safe.
When they got to the room where the prince was, Amber leaned out a little to eye him, seeing what appeared to be a sweet boy with bright eyes. She narrowed her own, falling into place behind Chloe as their father eagerly introduced them.
Unease shot through Amber as Chloe offered her hand to be kissed. What was she doing? Trying to make the biggest scandal? To have someone above you status-wise kiss your hand was going to upset people and cause political turmoil, Chloe why.
Amber’s fears were put to rest when the prince simply raised a brow at first, then with a cheery smile, took Chloe’s hand to shake it, much to her twin’s offense. Crisis averted, Amber happily smiled as the prince turned to her, eager to give him her handshake as Chloe went off to the side with a scowl.
At least, Chloe thought to herself, she had a special gift to get a leg up, her lips curling up into a slight smile with the “toy” clutched tightly in her pocket.
In that pocket, Tikki hoped Marinette would get there soon.
After the craziness of the afternoon, Tikki was finally safely back in Marinette’s hands. However, the relief didn’t stop her as Marinette was restlessly making her way through the streets, desperate to find the healer to fix Tikki. Then, she’d have to come back for the akuma, already knowing that Chat was out of commission.
And then, she’d have to get some answers.
With Tikki’s instructions, Marinette found herself at a little massage shop. It was one of the smallest buildings she’s seen in Paris, and one that would be easily overlooked. Coming to it, one hand in her purse to hold Tikki and let her know that Marinette is there, she tentatively knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
With a deep breath, she slipped inside, filled with anticipation. Inside, she found a familiar old man, meditating on a mat with burning incense near him. He opened his brown eyes and smiled warmly at her. “Hello, Ladybug,” he greeted.
She blinked at him, surprised. “You… you were crossing the street earlier today!” she cried out, jaw going slack. This was the old man she saved earlier!
He looked sheepish. “Ah, yes, that time was not intentional.”
“Not intentional? That time?”
He chuckled. “That wasn’t our first encounter, Ladybug. Do you remember your first day of school?” he asked, voice full of fondness.
Marinette did, the first save she did that year coming to mind. That was him.
His smile grew at the remembrance shining in her eyes, and he commented, “It really stood out to me as a possible hero that I could rely on.”
“I did what anyone would’ve done,” she said, rubbing her arm.
The old man just smiled, looking pleased.
Clearing her throat, Marinette became serious as she approached him, dropping to her knees and taking out Tikki. Presenting the kwami to him, she explained, “She’s sick. She said you can help her?”
He looked concerned, gently taking the wore out kwami from her. “This was caused by overuse,” he told her, watching Marinette reel back, looking horrific and apologetic. “Tikki’s a workaholic,” he reassured, setting the kwami on a table, “she’ll always bite more than she can chew. Just, in the future, be more aware and decide when you truly need to transform.”
“Yes, I will. So, uh, you can help her?”
“Yes, she just needs to be rebalanced. It won’t take too long.”
She sighed in relief. Then with a determined look, she voiced, “I will be coming back, after the akuma’s been dealt with.”
“For answers?” he guessed, watching her nod. He eyed her for a moment, truly considering it, then he nodded. “Very well, I will tell you what you need to hear.”
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purplesurveys · 2 years
surveys by brelee
How would you describe yourself in one positive word? Resilient, I’d say.
Iced tea or iced coffee? Iced coffee. Iced tea is usually too sweet for me, and I prefer coffee over most drinks anyway.
Do you like decorating your house for the holidays? Just for Christmas. I don’t find it necessary to put up decorations for the other holidays.
What did you do on your latest birthday? Well I didn’t file a leave that day because workaholism, but I did send food to my friends during the day and hosted dinner for my family. Then I bought overpriced merch because I felt like it lol.
How often do you go on vacation? It used to be around 4-5 times a year pre-pandemic; but with the current situation, being able to go out of town at least once a year is already a big deal.
Do you get along with your family? I’d say I’m civil with them for the most part, but there are those fundamental differences that I’m sure will never make me the favorite daughter or niece or granddaughter.
Would you ever dye your hair pink for charity? If it’s for a cause I’m very much passionate about, turning my hair a different color doesn’t seem like such a big deal. But then again this also feels like performance activism at best – what would dyeing my hair do for anything or anyone? I’d much rather exert my efforts to something more tangible, like donating Acual Money or raising awareness by sharing posts.
What's your perfect pizza? I’ve never been particular about ingredients, but I always go for quattro formaggi. If I find it on a menu you’ll never see me ordering anything else.
Favorite dog breed? Golden Retrievers or Border Collies! I love all dogs though.
What brand of make up do you use? (if you wear it) I never wear makeup.
Are you currently waiting for/on anything? Technically I’m waiting for the day to inevitably pass so I can get my Monday dreads over with, but obviously it’s not the pleasant kind of waiting.
What is your favorite way to pass time? Watching stuff on YouTube can be super therapeutic and relaxing. I never run out of content to enjoy.
What is your favorite not-so-famous band/artist? Against Me! is big in their genre but virtually unknown here, so them.
Do you have any pictures or posters on your bedroom wall? Yeah. On one wall I have these decorative Audrey Hepburn frames that my mom got me years ago, and on another I have a couple of BTS posters up.
Have you ever been stuck in an elevator? No, thank goodness. That’s one of my worst nightmares.
Are you a morning person? Not really. I hate being woken up early or having to fulfill a morning itinerary. I’d much rather be active and do stuff at night.
What is the most embarrassing thing you have done? I do at least one embarrassing thing a day lol, it’s honestly so hard to tell what the most embarrassing thing I’ve done is.
What is your most dreaded chore? Folding laundry, because they can be a lot.
What is the current temperature where you live? 30ºC.
Can you walk in heels? Yes.
Do you like to go to the movies or do you prefer to rent movies? I prefer watching them at home, but I also wouldn’t mind going to the cinemas. I haven’t been able to do the latter though, because even though they’ve reopened they don’t allow food anymore and force you to sit apart from the people you’re with which, even though I get it’s for safety, just sounds boring.
Do you still watch Disney movies? Sure do. I haven’t seen Encanto though.
Do you ever wear hats/beanies? Yes I LOVE hats, especially bucket hats.
What was the happiest moment of your life so far? Thus far, nothing has been able to dethrone the night I got admitted to UP.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Around nine, I would say.
What's your favorite app? I haven’t been using my phone a lot and going through my different apps these days, but I do tend to gravitate towards Facebook and YouTube.
Something that annoys you about your family? We’re so emotionally closed off towards one another it drives me fucking nuts. We barely know each other and never know what the other is going through, and misunderstandings are never resolved. I’ve always told myself that if I ever were to start my own family I’d do anything to prevent this from happening with me and my kids.
Would you rather time travel into the past or future? Future. Because I have major FOMO and would hate to miss out on technological and scientific developments that would take place long after I’ve died, hahaha.
Do you get scared easily? Yeah, I’m quite jumpy and not as immune to horror movies as I thought.
Do you want any tattoos? I want maybe one or two tiny ones, but my days of wanting sleeves has been over for years now.
What is your favorite thing about yourself? I’ve had many chances to quit (in every sense of the word) but at the end of the day I always choose to keep going and end up facing and conquering the things I used to be scared of. That’s why it always surprises me, like when I have the time to look back, to see all the progress I’ve made, whether at work or in my relationships or in my mental health. It’s also the same mindset I’m currently employing in this premature promotion that I’m still so terrified by.
What was the last song you listened to? I don’t think I’ve listened to any song at all today, actually; I’ve only watched wrestling so far hahaha. But if I had to guess, maybe BTS’ Home?? I vaguely remember listening to it last night.
What is your favorite meal? BUTTER CHICKEN with some basmati rice and roti. Fucking delicious my man.
Would you ever dye your hair blue? Sure.
What is the saddest song you've ever heard? Hayley Williams’ Flowers for Vases / Descansos is just one whole smorgasbord of sadness and grief. I’d say Find Me Here, Trigger, Wait On, and HYD are some of the most painful songs to listen to on there. Why We Ever on her first album is also a good contender.
What's the best present you've received? The CM Punk shirt + Petals for Armor CD + handwritten letter combo I received from Andi in 2020.
What insect do you hate the most? Cockroaches.
How are you feeling right now? A little nervous and unsettled because Sunday is coming to an end.
What is your favorite snack? Mozzarella sticks.
Do you have any freckles? Nope.
What is the weirdest dream you've ever had? Just a couple of weeks ago my ex appeared in a hilarious scenario where I saw her doing BTS choreography and giving away photocards for free. I literally woke up shaking and laughing.
Donuts or muffins? Doughnuts. Not a big fan of muffins as it is, unless it’s chocolate.
How many languages can you speak? Two - Filipino and English. I can understand a good amount of written Korean and can already read at a normal pace, but my listening skills are still super off. Spanish is also easy to pick up just because of the sheer amount of similarities to Filipino.
Do you ever make new years resolutions? Nah.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? In my own condo, hopefully making even more money than I am now.
Do you believe in life after death? No. Just let me sleep pls.
If you were a color from the rainbow, what would you be, and why? Purple because borahae and all that jazz.
Do you ever read magazines? Digitally.
Do you like Chinese food? It’s fine, but I prefer other East Asian cuisines.
What is the first letter of your middle name? My second name begins with an I.
Are you afraid of snakes? If I found them in the wild, yeah. I’ve held snakes with an expert present, though, and would always be game for experiences like those.
Do you ever watch YouTube videos? I’m literally doing it as I’m taking this survey.
Who is your OTP? (one true pairing, a couple you really like together) I’ve shipped a number of pairs in the past but my current OTP is Taejin. Probably the least popular BTS ship too, which I like because at least it can feel like my own thing lol.
Would you ever have a wild animal as a pet if possible? Nope.
What's something that has made you smile today? Angela sent over a hilarious video this afternoon - she and Hans went out today and happened to pass by my ex’s school, and the video was essentially Angela whipping out her middle finger as they drove by. She does it every time they go that route and it always makes me giggle.
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nco05 · 4 years
I was tagged by @aguerofc​ to do this. Thank you so much I wanted to do this one for ages! 💘
1. What is the colour of your hair brush? White.
2. Name of a food you never eat? Besides the foods I despise, I guess it’s McDonalds.
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? Both actually. I cool down super fast but I also heat up super fast.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Been on my computer doing absolutely nothing.
5. What’s your favourite candy bar? Kinder Bueno.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? Yes, I’ve been to several; 4 games for KV Mechelen, 3 games for the Belgian Red Flames - our WNT - and the Joan Gamper Trophy 2019 in Camp Nou.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? So you don’t have to call her anymore today? (Don’t ask what, that’s my mom’s business).
8. What is your favourite ice cream? Chocolate and Stracciatella.
9. What is the last thing you had to drink? Milk.
10. Do you like your wallet? Yes but I’ve been using a smaller one for now.
11. What was the last thing you ate? Apple cake my mom made.
12. Did you buy any new clothes last week? The country’s in a lockdown and that lockdown’s extended for at least 2 more weeks so hell no.
13. Last sporting event you watched? It’s two older matches I watched last: the match Ajax got their 30th Schaal - Eredivisie trophy - and El Clasíco Barça won with 4 - 0 in I think 2016 but not entirely sure.
14. What’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? Don’t really like popcorn but if I have to choose it’s salt popcorn.
15. Who was the last person you sent a message to? In a groupschat, some of my friends are on the brink of pissing me off atm: Listen to the experts, our politicians don’t know anything about viruses.
16. Ever go camping? Yes on Tomorrowland twice. Supposed to do it for a 3rd consecutive year but we don’t know if this pandemic’s gonna be gone by the end of July.
17. Do you take vitamins? Not really. I sometimes take iron supplements before I donate blood, platlets or plasma cuz my iron levels are usually too low.
18. Do you go to church every sunday? No: I’m baptised, I did my communions but I’m an atheist.
19. Do you have a tan? I’m rivaling Donny Van De Beek’s paleness atm so no.
20. Do you prefer chinese food or pizza? Pizza.
21. Do you drink soda with a straw? No.
22. What colour socks do you wear? Black and white. There’s one pair I own that resembles mint chocolate ice cream. My sister got it for me on Christmas 2018.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? No. I still do driver’s ed so I can’t really afford to do that nor do I have a desire to do so.
24. What terrifies you? Claustrophobia but in elevators only. I also have mild pyrophobia.
25. Look to your left what do you see? My window.
26. What chore do you hate? Vacuuming our stairs. They’re annoying stairs to vacuum clean.
27. What do you think of when you hear an australian accent? Crocodile Dundee . RIP man :(
28. What’s your favourite soda? Sprite. It’s so tasty. I used to sneakily drink it in High School on my worst diet(tm). I’d have this empty water bottle and then put the Sprite in there.
29. Do you go into fast food places or drive thru? Haven’t been to a fast food chain in nearly a month and haven’t been through drive thru in nearly a year.
30. Who was the last person you talked to? My mom and my sister. They’re both home: my mom only has to go to work on occassion nowadays and my sister has to study at home.
31. Favourite cut of beef? I prefer fish sorry.
31. Last song you listened to? Dastic - Tequilla. My sister was playing it and now it’s stuck in my head.
33. Last book you read? I think it’s Le Racisme Explique A Ma Fille - Tahar Ben Jelloun. It was for my French exam.
34. Can you say the alphabet backwards? Yes I actually can.
35. How do you like your coffee? I haven’t had coffee in nearly 3 months. Cut it out of my diet. I like to drink it black mostly.
36. Favourite pair of shoes? My Timberlands.
37. The time you normally go to bed? At 12 AM lately but I gotta get to bed earlier and earlier considering I’m starting to work soon.
38. The time you normally wake up? 9 AM.
39. What do you prefer sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets. I usually go walking during them lately.
40. How many blankets are on your bed? Two. It still gets fairly chilly at night.
41. Describe your kitchen plates? We have a lot but they’re all white.
42. Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? I like cocktails mostly but if I have to pick a specific one I guess it’s Kriek - fruit beer - or White Vodka.
43. Do you play cards? A specific card game called cards or any in general? Cuz if it’s in general, I can play two I think.
44. What colour is your car? I don’t have a car but the cars my parents own are dark blue and dark gray.
45. Can you change a tire? No but I’d like to learn it someday.
46. Your favourite province? Of my own country? I guess West-Vlaanderen, Limburg and Luxemburg.
47. Favourite job you’ve had? Being a coach in figure skating.
48. How did you get your biggest scar? Knee scar: I’ve had a purple scar there for 5 years because of cutting my knee on accident twice in the same spot when it didn’t heal properly. Last summer I fell off my bike because I took a turn at too high of a speed. Now my knee looks purple permanetly. Ankle scar: I cut too deep with my razor. I have very skinny legs (see my icon) so yeah. I didn’t took care of it properly and now my right ankle has a scar that goes straight up lol.
49. What did you do today that made someone happy? Social distancing I guess.
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