#Prompt: Broken
mrmrsman · 8 months
The bats have so many folks around, even if they aren't always working together. Enough that folks like to joke/write about Danny just kinda showing up acting like he already lives there. He just kinda blends in.
I'd love to see more magic motivated versions of this. Some kind of spell that affects the bat's perceptions of the past and present, making them actually miss that this boy wasn't with their family too long ago. Maybe it changes their understanding like it's a time line shift, maybe it fogs their mind just a tad and makes them glaze past something like it wasn't even there. I like the second if only because I feel like that would make it more likely for the bats to realize a spell was a foot.
Imagining this from Danny's side, hes terrified this whole time of getting found out. He knows how and when he showed up here and maybe even how flimsy whatever magic is in place is. Imagining a Desiree wish that was either very carefully worded or Not so carefully worded. Maybe he placed himself with the Wayne family with the expectation that he would quietly mooch of some rich idiot until he was ready to be on his own. Or maybe he wished himself to be a part of the batclan, taking up a mask and patroling with them as a bird that Doesn't Exist.
Ofc eventually the spell has to be broken, leaving the bats confused worried scared angry probably even amused, and a billion other things. WHY did this teenager decide to adopt himself into the Wayne/bat family? Who the hell is he and where did he come from. Someone call Zatanna, there is some magic Fuckery going on.
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emacrow · 3 months
What's that on your cape, superman? Oh that a feral child. Wait what?!?
Superman was just helping a family out in the middle of near the woods by finding their lost daughter who was playing around with her imaginary friend.
Only to land back down with the little 6 year old girl, who jump out of his arms to hugs her mom as she pointed back at Superman's cape.
"Superman found me and dany, but now Dany won't let go of Superman's cape.." Said the blonde haired child with twigs and leaves in her hair and mud on her pony shoes.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Superman. Susie just have a very active imagination and talk a lot about her imaginary friend dany that she found in a broken box at the park a couple weeks ago." The mother said embarrassingly shushing her child who whined that dany is real and right there holding Superman's cape.
Superman chuckled a bit amused and played along as he kneed down in front of Susie.
"Is it OK that I bring dany with me? I'll make sure he'll be alright with the other imaginaries." Superman said with a gentle smile while Susie looked at him and back at what behind superman before whispering in Superman's ear.
"Okay, but you promise to feed him green food? He really like the green candy rocks best but doesn't like spinach either." Susie whispered as quietly as possible but it was pretty loud enough to be heard around the adults.
Superman nod a bit before saying goodbyes as he flies back off to meet with the rest of the justice league with John Constantine.
"Um... Superman..?" Zatanna asked a bit as she was staring at something.
"I think you accidentally brought a feral child with you..." zatanna said pointing at his cape.
Which superman turn to see that there indeed was a feral thin child, wearing dirty mud covered clothes, twigs and leaves stuck to what seem to be black over grown hair that hang down to his bottom as he was clinging onto his cape with tiny tiny boney hands completely mesmerized by it.
As Superman reach his hand to gently pull the delicate looking small hands away from his cape.
"Sweet mother of pear-" Superman said with a winced painfully as his hand was bitten and nearly was halfway engulped by the tiny child who growled menacingly even though it look cute with is daring blazingly blue eyes glaring at him in a warning while holding half of his hand that was starting to bleed hostages between sharp chomper.
Superman froze a bit as he stared at the feral child holding his bleeding hand in his mouth, not letting go even if he tried to pull away before looking at the rest of the justice league with a panic and shock look on his face.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 251
Danny is tired and annoyed. On one hand, his parents took the whole ‘so I might be slightly dead’ pretty well! Which is good! On the other, they decided to send him and his sisters to their uncle while they take care of the Guys in White and refurbish the house to be, well, him safe. Which meant a ridiculously long flight all the way to New Jersey. 
A flight he was pretty sure happened to be illegal what with the fact that neither of them were asked for their IDs or anything despite having them with them. Hm. Y’know he’s not going to question it, he’s getting a nap the moment they get to Uncle Harvey’s. 
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tanglepelt · 5 months
Dp x dc
Danny has long since solved the GIW and the meta protection acts does now apply to ghost.
They are now not his problem.
The portal is shutdown. He is a legal adult. No more amity for him. The minute he could he was out in an out of state college. No ghost fights meant he was doing great in college! He may yet be an astronaut after all.
While Danny hung up his hero hat Ellie had not.
It was great. Last he heard she was in some hero team. Something about titans? maybe? She respected how he wanted no involvement.
That was until she was in trouble. He had to act.
But listen. How was he supposed to know not using his powers would cause lack of control. So he might of froze the threat and maybe some league members.
But. It was fine.
His sister and her friends were bruised and definitely had some broken bones maybe some concussions but nothing major. And he didn’t freeze a single one of them So really he’s content.
The whole frozen hero popsicles….. Well. It would be fine. They’d melt on their own as long as his didn’t keep them frozen. Probably.
He just waved at Ellie took a look around. Went through the portal he made back to his dorm and transformed into a human. He had a class in 20 minutes to get to.
Danny is sure nothing will come of the little stunt.
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defire · 1 month
So if we're breaking whumpees, what broke?
Their sense of humor? Now they can hardly smirk at someone else's joke, let alone make one themselves
Will to live? Thoughts now dominated by suicidal ideation
That naive idea that everyone is trying to do the right thing in their own way? No longer trusts anyone.
Their sense of wonder and curiosity? They'll accept your help or your abuse, no questions asked. They don't want to know anymore.
Their intelligence? They used to be able to make sense of everything. Now they can't make sense of anything
Their heart? Love will never feel like the first time. There will always be the remnant of that first betrayal in every relationship afterward.
Sense of self? Always on the lookout for danger, hypervigilant, there's no time for reflection anymore.
Sense of will? They'd laugh at an order before, now they just grimace at whatever they think you'll hit them with, and do it.
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mischievous-thunder · 18 days
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Here we have character depth and development at their finest where their love and trust for each other changed their entire perspective. In just a few days of being with each other, their hearts underwent an immense transformation that felt incredible and otherworldly.
What we witnessed was one of the rarest cases where saving the world and saving each other felt synonymous. They didn't expect to find someone to call their own in that mess and yet they ended up finding their soulmates.
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whump-galaxy · 16 days
The smartest of the team is captured before the rest. They’re mercilessly brutalized for information they refuse to give up. When the team is captured, the smartest is only a shell of their former self. Any time spent conscious isn’t coherent.
The team is dragged out in front of their captors, berated and taunted for being unable to save their teammate. The smartest’s head is lifted, eyes glazed over and blood trickling from cracked lips. They seem broken beyond repair.
But as the team is separated and dragged away, the smartest looks up with a glint in their eyes and a smile on their face.
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hughmanbean · 8 months
The Nurturing Queen and the Greedy Duke
Credit to @sky00asara in this post for this idea I love guys who are moms (if you get what I mean) This will follow the same rough story beats but will still have a little of my own flair.
The Nuturing Queen, Mother of the Wandering Princess and Erratic Prince, has been said to provide protection and inspire devotion to all who come across her. Praised as Balance and Duality personified, she is a large influence and very commonly mentioned in every scroll, book, art piece, and all magic artifacts that Constantine has seen. He's heard from so many beings of how great she is, her feats, and her being the largest connection between the Unknown Realms and Earth.
Here comes the problem. The Nurturing Queen has an enemy who's been around just as long as she has, who's also been seen not long after wherever she goes, chasing her trail and lurking. The Greedy Duke. He wishes to have her as his own, and take the throne to himself, subsequently plunging the Unknown Realms into chaos. Whenever he confronts the Nurturing Queen, legendary battles commence, and he is beat back.
But now, things are going wrong. The Lazurus Pits have been reported as acting, well, erratic. The Erratic Prince, some beings say, has been seen discussing things with the Greedy Duke. They fear his loyalties may not lie with his family.
A shift has been felt in the magics community. Unknown Realms Beings have ventured into Earth, either out of curiosity or to wreak havoc. Now, at the watchtower, JLD work out how to summon a being and demand to know what's going on, the rest of the Justice League desperate.
When they finally do summon one, they're launched into the Unknown Realms as an answer, told to "Find our Queen" as the being dissappears. They're on a floating island in a green void.
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stars-obsession-pit · 1 month
Danny Phantom was not used to fighting magic users. Ghosts, yes. But humans with powers? No.
So when a cult managed to successfully summon and bind him, he lacked the knowledge of how to stop them.
And they tore him apart.
His core was broken into pieces, each one then implanted into one of the most loyal cult members (or potentially sold off to another person to use…) to grant them a portion of Phantom’s many powers.
However, the cult didn’t entirely know what they were doing either. You see, it turns out that shattering Danny’s core in that manner didn’t truly end him. His soul still persisted, still refused to die even as it was trapped amongst the disparate shards. Though each individual piece lacked the strength of mind or power to affect their hosts, they would gradually forge themselves together anew should they ever be gathered back together.
And after Red Hood killed several of the cult’s members, that process began. Their shards, now freed, transferred to the vigilante, instinctively latching onto his proto-core. Though still not yet whole enough to form a truly conscious fragment of Danny, they are enough to start to nudge Hood in the right direction (bolstered in effectiveness by Jason’s connection to death)
Jason can feel it deep within his soul. There’s something more to this cult’s powers than just normal magic, and he has a growing need to find out what that is. To stop them. To burn them all down and dig their secrets from the ashes.
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 months
“what do I have left? Nothing. I have nothing!”
Their friend leaned in, blood trickling down their high cheekbones and shadows under their eyes.
“You have rage.” They cupped Whumpee’s face with a hand stained with dirt, chalky and coarse against their skin. Forehead to forehead, they whispered, “Use it.”
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 308
Honestly, Damian is so disappointed in his father right now. And his so-called siblings. The friends allies he had made over the years and he had been swapping multiple times, and still they hadn’t realized. Danyal was as pale as a corpse, closer to Drake for Pit’s sake! Jordan had red eyes! Elena was a girl! Respawn had white hair! Surely someone noticed- thank fuck, hello Todd, no he’s not on patrol, listen, listen, he needs you to know that Father? Blind. An idiot! The others more so! Yes yes, they’ve been doing their single-person trick, but surely someone should have caught on yes? And they haven’t- Oh? What a wonderful idea Akhi, he shall inform the others of this idea, the Lazarus waters do make dna testing quite hard to do. 
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the-broken-pen · 4 months
Hello! Heard you were open for writing request? Had this idea in mind about a villain who's Russian and a hero who's falling for villain's accent? Maybe a bit of flirty banter as they fight 👀 your choice tho! Have a fun spring break ☀
The hero was pretty sure the villain was actually trying to kill them this time.
“Hey, don’t aim for the face, okay? It’s the money maker.”
The villain raised one eyebrow–and aimed for the hero’s face.
“Oh come on,” the hero groaned. “That’s just uncalled for.”
“Really? Is it now?”
If the hero had better judgment, they would have said something snarky back, or attempted to get the upper hand. Instead, in a move uncoordinated and wrought with embarrassment, they tripped over their own feet and blushed.
The hero was used to pretty. They were used to gorgeous.
But they had never expected to be attracted to someone’s accent of all things, and it was driving them mad.
“Yep, pretty sure it is,” they managed. They had to dodge halfway up the wall to avoid the villain’s next blow.
“You’re awfully chatty today,” the villain said, and the hero was going to lose their mind–
“Is this affection?” The hero blurted, and contemplated throwing themself off the building to spare both of them. “Because it feels like affection.”
“I don’t know,” the villain shrugged. Their mouth tipped up slightly, gone in a flash between one second and the next. “Do you want it to be?”
The hero froze. “You–I–” and found themself blinking up at the sky, the villain’s hand around their wrist. “Did you just judo flip me?” They wheezed, and the villain grinned.
“You’re blushing.”
“Yeah, because you just knocked the wind out of me. Excuse me for going red with oxygen loss–” the hero cut themself off with a cough, lungs protesting every word, and tugged the villain down to crash into the pavement beside them.
“Let me rephrase; You’ve been blushing this entire time.”
“It’s cold.”
“It’s July.”
“A very cold July.”
“If you’re going to lie,” the villain said, and truly, the hero was lucky they hadn’t had a knife pulled on them yet, “Do it well.”
The hero buckled the villain’s knees. Petty? Yes.
Satisfying? A good reprieve to try and get the blush that flared every time the villain spoke to subside? Also yes.
“Real smooth,” the villain rolled their eyes, pushing themself to their feet. “So, what is it.”
“Was that a question, or–”
“My winning personality?”
The villain was studying them with far too much care.
“Aren’t you supposed to be robbing a bank or something?” They said half-desperately.
“Smile? Laugh?” The villain paused for a moment, catching the hero’s punch as if it was nothing more than a mosquito–which was insulting, to say the least–before their face cleared of any confusion.
“Ah,” the villain said, and oh the hero was so screwed, because they knew that look. That look appeared regularly in their dreams. It was the villain’s signature ‘I figured something out and I’m going to use it to do nefarious things’ look. Their ‘I’m smarter than you and I’m about to prove it in an effortlessly ruthless maneuver’ look.
The hero saw it far too often.
“‘Ah’ what.”
The villain, damn them, grinned, releasing the hero’s hand.
Any air that the hero had managed to regain after the judo flip escaped from them like they were a sinking ship.
“I’m right, aren’t I?”
“No,” the hero said, cursing every single moment of their life that had led up to this one. Maybe they really should have become a lawyer– “I’m just flabbergasted by how dumb that sentence was.”
Flabbergasted. Flabbergasted. Who the hell says flabbergasted?!
“This is cute,” the villain remarked as they drew a knife. They gestured with it towards the hero’s undoubtedly fire engine red face. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this flustered.”
“I’m not flustered, I’m–”
“Flabbergasted?” The villain suggested wryly, and truly, the fact that this situation was funny in a hopeless and pathetic way was not helping. The accent absolutely was not helping either.
The hero truly had nothing to say to that, staring at the villain, the two of them impromptu statues.
“You like me,” the villain teased. “And my accent.”
The hero was not proud of what they did next.
Considering their life, it wasn’t the worst thing they had ever done out of embarrassment.
A close second, though.
The villain smirked, and in a move far more elegant than they had ever thought themself possible, the hero slid under the villain’s arm, snagging the knife from the villain’s hand as they went—and planted it into the villain’s side.
The villain blinked, hand going to their side. The hero blushed—
Finally, in the single coherent thought they had managed in seemingly their entire life, they did something not embarrassingly pathetic.
The hero bolted away, into side streets and alleys, to the sound of the villain’s pained and endlessly amused laughter.
“Real smooth,” the villain called after them, voice echoing between the buildings. “You’re handling this quite well.”
The villain was never going to let them live this down.
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defire · 15 days
Hidden injuries/broken bones
Content: broken bones, sprains
"you'd better set that." Whumper smiles. "Or I'll do it myself."
"Don't touch it. No, please, PLEASE!"
Whumpee writhing on the floor over their arm, which looks perfectly fine, in front of caretaker
Living weapon whumpees having to hide their injuries because they'll be punished for GETTING INJURED in the first place
Said living weapon, bandaging themselves up and their handler comes in. Cue the next few minutes of "I'm fine sir, just cleaning up, no that's not my blood,"
Captured whumpee with a previous injury hiding it so their captors don't take advantage of it
Sweat running down whumpee's temple as whumper's hand tightens around the sprain
Caretaker checking if their ribs are broken and suddenly whumpee flinches away and screams
Whumper pressing, digging a thumb into an existing wound and making whumpee SCREAM. (Bonus: caretaker is forced to watch)
That horror when whumpee realizes this pain is not going to subside for a long time
"maybe you should have thought about that before you disrespected me." "Maybe you shouldn't have been a little bitch about it!" "...You're not getting painkillers."
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whump-galaxy · 2 months
The whumpee struggling not to laugh with their broken ribs. They hold their chest tight, wheezing and coughing through manic laughter. The caretaker thinks they’ve gone crazy, how could they be laughing after almost dying? But that’s why they’re laughing. They can feel the pain in their ribs. The blood soaking through their fingers. The ringing in their ears.
They’re alive. They lived.
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the-witchhunter · 7 months
DP x DC: Loser Baby
So the thing is, tonally John Constantine is probably not a great match for Danny in lighter funnier fics
Don’t get me wrong, John can have his lighter moments, especially in crossovers, and he’s got a sense of humor
Hellblazer lore is dense and weird, but more importantly it’s DARK
Like, extremely
John is a deeply traumatized man, people around him get hurt, he spent three years inpatient at a psychiatric facility. There’s a story line where he’s a homeless alcoholic who makes friends with a rent-boy and shows a grim reality of life on the street, substance abuse, addiction, and sex work. It also ends with John’s demon blood eating the face off of the King of Vampires who happens to look like James Dean
That’s not even getting into the serial killer plot or the multiple trips to hell
Sins of the Father involves John being forced to confront the soul of his father in hell, a man who was terribly abusive and blamed John for the death of his mother who died while giving birth to him, which given information revealed during this comic turns out to be very misplaced.
However, makes him a good fit for a “Jack and Maddie are Bad Parents” fic, and/or a dissection fic
And it would basically play out like “Loser Baby” from Hazbin Hotel
Because it is a shitty situation. Coming to terms with neglect, the trauma of them rejecting him for an aspect of himself he can’t change Phantom Planet does not exist and the emotional and physical trauma of a dissection, and then being homeless and having to find a way to survive on his own
But John can empathize and understand
His own trauma may be different but he gets it, can relate to it, and can say “mate, situation is fucked to all hell but you don’t need to be alone because of that”
And that’s not even getting into the trauma of dealing with supernatural weirdness, which frankly they would both understand pretty well
Just two traumatized people bonding and saying “yes, we may be damaged goods, but we’re not broken and we aren’t alone”
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stxrslut · 6 months
I LOVE BABY DADDY RAFE SO..how about when you actually are in labor and he just slightly panics
I love this sm actually <33
I just know he’d be pacing around that delivery room, having to be talked down by the nurses every few minutes cause he’s so stressed out.
and he just hates seeing you in pain. every time you have a contraction he’s pulling himself out of his little freak outs and coming over to hold your hand, kiss your head, get you whatever you ask for.
he’s also constantly questioning whether the nurses are doing the right thing, even though they’re the ones with professional training. you have to tell him off every time he says something along the lines of “are you sure that’s the best thing to be doin’ right now.. I- I mean.. not that I know anything but…”
also best believe he is staying in that room the whole time you’re there. even peeing with the bathroom door open, purely for the purpose of not leaving you.
and going to get your favourite food the moment you fall asleep so that you can wake up with a fresh meal ready.
he’s so stressed and panicked but the moment he gets to hold his new baby girl it all melts away. he becomes the most gentle being on the planet when the infant is placed on his chest.
when the baby gets to sleep he climbs into your bed with you and you take the little girl. all three of you cuddling and sleeping together <33
in that moment everything is perfect.
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