#Done with one of my favorite singers of 12 years
womenwithhighstandards · 11 months
Pls ignore this-
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DORO PESCH And ROB HALFORD Have Recorded A Cover Of 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart': 'It Sounds Really, Really Special'
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During an appearance on yesterday's (Tuesday, September 12) episode of SiriusXM's "Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk", German metal queen Doro Pesch revealed that her upcoming studio album, "Conqueress - Forever Strong And Proud", will include two separate duets with JUDAS PRIEST singer Rob Halford: the recently released cover of the PRIEST classic "Living After Midnight" and a version of the 1983 global smash hit "Total Eclipse Of The Heart", written by Jim Steinman and originally performed by the Welsh singer Bonnie Tyler.
"The record has 20 songs on it, and I think they all sound killer," Doro said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET). "And it has three duets on it, and two duets with my favorite, with Rob Halford of JUDAS PRIEST, and I can't believe it. It's so awesome to me. I was a big, big PRIEST fan, and it was my very first big tour in 1986. And [Rob and I] met [again] last year in France at Hellfest, a great festival. And then we were talking, hanging out. And then we said, 'Hey, let's do something together.' So we did two duets. And the first one is 'Living After Midnight'. That was my choice, because I loved singing it. It was always a feel-good song. And then Rob Halford said, 'I have the song I always wanted to do with you. It's 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart'.' And that came out so great. When you hear it, you can tell Rob loves the song and I'm so happy. Even two duets, man. That's more than I can ask for. I'm a lucky baby, I tell you."
Asked if "Total Eclipse Of The Heart", will be a bonus track on the album, since it didn't appear in the LP's original track listing, Doro said: "It is on the record, but it just got finished a couple of weeks ago. Actually, I delivered the record and the vinyl is already done. And then I got an e-mail. Rob Halford said, 'Hey, what about the second song?' And I thought, 'Oh, man. That's too good to be true.' And then we did the second song. And it just got done a couple of weeks ago. We will do a video for that song, and it will come out — the video and the single will come out the day the record will be released, so on the 27th of October. But it came out so awesome. And oh, man, that was just the icing on the cake. I thought I was done with record. And [PRIEST producer] Andy Sneap, he worked on it, and my guys worked on it, and it was a great teamwork. And Rob Halford sounds so great on it. It's, like, wow. It's definitely one of my absolute favorite songs of this album, and it sounds really, really special. You have to check it out. But yeah, it's brand new — just got done; mastering just got done. And video we are doing in a few weeks."
Pressed by host Eddie Trunk whether her version of "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" is "heavy", Doro said: "Yes, yes, it is heavy, and it's, like, wow. It's very heavy, but it sounds great, I think, yeah. I think it's a killer version. I always get goosebumps when I hear it. And I think other people who heard it, they thought, 'Wow.'
"I think all my dreams came true working with all these great people, all my heroes, all people who inspired me so much," Doro added. "And [PRIEST] was my very first tour in Europe in '86 when metal was so huge. And it was such a great tour. So [Rob and I] finally did something together. And we always stayed friends. So I think that makes this album even more special to me, and I think many fans will love it."
"Conqueress - Forever Strong And Proud" is described in a press release as "the result of intensive hard work that took the incomparable singer and songwriter back to studios in Miami, New York and Hamburg, amongst others. The album presents Doro at the height of her creative powers."
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dodger-chan · 1 year
15 mutuals, 15 questions
tagged by @flowercrowngods Thanks for thinking of me.
1. are you named after anyone?
Yes. My mother's grandmother (first name) and my father's aunt (middle name).
2. when was the last time you cried?
The last time I specifically remember was a couple of years ago when I saw Hadestown. I'm very bad at crying; when I realize I need to I have to sort of trick myself into doing it.
3. do you have kids?
Nope. And not looking to.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Pretty much all the time in person. I try to be more careful about it online since tone can be harder to read.
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
I really don't do/have never done competitive athletics.
I do bike a lot. Twenty mile rides most weekends when the weather cooperates. Bike trainer in the apartment for daily cardio.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their presence? Actually, around my apartment building the first thing I tend to observe is if they have a dog. My building is full of dogs and it is fantastic, if allergy inducing.
7. what’s your eye colour?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
I think most of my favorite movies have happy endings, so probably that one. I care more that the ending is earned than that it's happy, though.
9. any special talents?
I can memorize long strings of (what seem to me) nonsense syllables and repeat them as though they have meaning. The only practical use I've had for this talent/skill was in high school drama club. I played a character who spoke almost entirely in a fictional language and I got the role solely because no one else could make the babble sound like lines. If I were a good singer, I could maybe use this skill for opera, but alas, I sing like a cat being murdered.
10. where were you born?
Los Angeles, California.
11. what are your hobbies?
Reading. Yarn crafts, like knitting and crochet. More reading. Writing.
12. do you have pets?
Not at the moment. Well, a spouse. It's a bit like having a cat in that he mostly looks after himself and likes sit on my lap when I'm trying to write. But unlike a cat he doesn't give me hives or trigger an asthma attack.
13. how tall are you?
5'0" (152.4 cm, for those of you who aren't American)
14. favourite subject at school?
Math. Always math. Best math classes: linear algebra, logic and proof, statistical theory (that class was so difficult, but I use what I learned there all the time)
15. dream job?
I used to work as a library page. Just putting books on the shelf, in the correct order, for 20 hours a week. If I'm selling my time for money, that's the labor I really enjoy
tagging: You know, I'm not sure I have fifteen mutuals. So I'll just tag some people I haven't seen these from. @counting-dollars-counting-stars @greenlikethesea @threewaywithdelusion @rosethevoid @sthound @sharpbutsoft @motsimages
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acasternaut · 6 days
1. do you make your bed
no lol i wake up n roll out of bed
2. favourite number
11!!! vivi we r twinning my favorite number is also my bday omg
3. what's your job
i work at a grocery store. sigh
4. if you could go back to school, would you?
mmm maybe? i really struggled in school but now that i do not live with my father and i understand my own needs better perhaps i could succeed
5. can you parallel park
no! i cant drive ❤️
6. do you think aliens are real
there is life out there for sure
7. can you drive a manual car
see 5
8. guilty pleasure
ummmmm. LOL i still enjoy listening to youtuber music from like. 2014
9. tattoos
i have two!!!!! and both of them are mcr LOL. i somehow dont have any good pictures of the first one except from right after i got it done but shes almost two years old now. its the bats from the glow in the dark shirt w/ the castle on it incase u cant tell. AND MY SWEET TRAMP STAMP
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10. favourite colour
its red!!!!!!! i dont have a specific favorite shade but i do lean more towards darker shades i think
11. favourite type of music
i simply cant choose. when people ask me what kind of music i like i usually say 80s (very broad i know but it is true)
12. do you like puzzles
YESSS i heart puzzles
13. any phobias
scared of bugs.
14. favourite childhood sport
i played basketball for three years but i would not consider it a favorite based on my experience
15. do you talk to yourself
yesss all the time i am talking to myself
16. tea or coffee
i drink a lot more coffee but i still love tea
17. first thing you wanted to be when you grew up
i think maybe a singer? ive always loved music so much
18. what movies do you adore
in no particular order: spvtw, hot rod, nausicaa, saw, the original star wars trilogy, ummm i know im missing some. catws.
YIPPEE tagging @rillball @coatabyss @dacergirl369 @nofr1lls @theblackparadeisdead and aaaaanyone else if u want to do it. u can say i tagged u
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triptychgrip · 4 months
New chapter - Ch 12 - of my post-canon Yuri!!! on Ice Olympics fic uploaded
If you're a Yuri!!! on Ice fan wishing the fandom had more Olympics content, I hope you'll consider checking out my fic/series, which revolves around both the 2018 PyeongChang and 2022 Beijing Olympic Games. The fic itself takes place at the Beijing Winter Olympics, but switches back and forth between the two, in large part due to a sports politics scandal (not doping) that significantly affects Yuuri/Viktor/others in elite figure skating at the 2018 Games.
It's fluffy, rooted in lots of research, and is my attempt to delve into the world of post-canon, married Victuuri/Viktuuri, as well as Yuuri's impending retirement. The main fic "Gold's On The Inside, Elevated My Feet" will close out at 20 chapters, but I've got other side-stories in this fic universe that flesh out Yuuri/Viktor/Yurio's lives and friendships, as well as Yuuri and Viktor's decision to leave Russia and move to Fukuoka, Japan, about 2.5 years post-canon.
Below is an excerpt from the chapter I just uploaded, which covers the Beijing 2022 Team Skate
When Kapanadze had chosen to make things personal, attacking Team France’s Alex Alouda – who he claimed was ‘stealing’ Russia’s spot – Viktor had released a very frank video via their SkateHusbands YouTube channel, utterly excoriating him. 
Yuuri still remembered the quiet, glacial fury in his husband’s azure eyes, and the trenchant, methodical manner in which he’d made the case for upholding (and even strengthening) the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) ruling. 
It had been undeniably hot.
Unfortunately, it had also made their group’s 6-minute warmup, which had finished just ten minutes ago, unbearably tense. 
Though he’d tried to give Levan a wide berth, it had seemed like the Georgian skater had been going out of his way to openly glare at Viktor and Alex, and had even begun circling close to where he had been practicing his quad lutz entries. 
The few times Yuuri had gone over to the boards to consult with his coach around something, they could each feel eyeballs laser-focused on their backs, branding them with rancor. About half-way through the warm-up, he noticed that Mickey had literally put himself in between them both, a gesture he’d been incredibly thankful for. 
As he now met Viktor’s gaze, Yuuri nodded as he saw how he was holding his phone and earbuds out to him. 
Though the IOC didn’t appear to be done with their ice inspection, it was time to start getting into the right headspace, which meant doing visualization exercises and listening to his program music. 
As the synthy, electro-pop beat of the song that had been written just for this occasion blanketed Yuuri’s eardrums, he lost himself to the enthralling melody. 
The experience of getting one of his favorite singers to co-write a song with him dedicated to Viktor, and for his exclusive use this season had been nothing short of surreal. 
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hushedstars · 6 months
15 people, 15 questions
Thank you for tagging me @xceanlynx ^^
1. are you named after anyone?
Nope (at least not to my knowledge).
2. when was the last time you cried?
Hmmm got teary-eyed today (it's 1am so yesterday, I guess)? Twice. Full on crying I'm not sure (I have terrible memory.)
3. do you have kids?
Nope. And probably never will.
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
uhhh nothing outside of mandatory stuff. The one I played the most during school/uni PE would be volleyball.
5. do you use sarcasm?
Yep. (But sometimes people don't get it. And vice versa xD)
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
My terrible memory is like: I don't remember. Their hair? Sth that catches my eye (like a pattern, clothing, the way they behave - for example how they arrive as in are they confident/gentle/loud/dismissive etc.)? Or voice yeah. (I'm seriously not sure but I would place my bet on hair or the behaviour/"vibe".)
7. what’s your eye color?
Hazel. Like hmm ugly, boring, darkish gray with brownish middle (just checked in the mirror; google shows me it's hazel with gold flecks? And I think this is a first time I learned that hazel eyes are quite uncommon? I was under the impression that they are just boring, plain and 'just there' while others have nice one full colour... Kinda perplexing news. Still meh tho.).
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings.
9. any talents?
Not really.
10. where were you born?
11. what are your hobbies
uhh I'm the "want to do so much but somehow mostly do nothing/somehow stop (like with drawing, baking - done only for parties sometimes now -, sewing...)" So typical stuff like reading (tho I suck at reading books for many years now. Wish I read more.), listening to music. I have a writing phase now, I guess? (wrote a lot as a kid)
12. do you have any pets?
Not anymore (used to have hamsters as a kid; a dog - Chaps, named after the Lady and the Tramp son).
13. how tall are you?
176 cm = 5'9 (I think the last time I was told my height was in middle school, over ten years ago.)
14. favorite subject in school?
The constant one I think was: English (foreign language)
15. dream job
This is the worst for me because I want to be sooo many things. A baker, an actress, a singer, a lawyer, a florist, a fancy glass maker, a tea shop/bookshop/craft corner owner... just show me a TV show/movie/post/etc. with some job and my brain will be like: uuuu shiny. But overall I would like to just have a stable income and no job (as in somehow I have always enough money to live and can just do whatever I want at any given moment without fear of failure/getting bored/life in general.)
Tagging: @wastelandbaby7 @yashihimi @bythebyandbithebi @ripmacbeth @yupkook
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findswoman · 1 year
(Almost) 15 Questions for 15 Followers
Thanks to @sassygirl579 for tagging me! There are actually fewer than fifteen questions below, because some earlier answerers opted not to answer some for privacy reasons. The original fifteen were posted by @aroace-moron , but since I can’t find the list on that person’s blog right now, I am fine with sticking with the ones that were passed on to me.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes, a great grandmother whose name is a near anagram of mine.
2. When was the last time you cried?
This past weekend (last Sunday, and it’s now Friday), when visiting an octogenarian friend and sometime fellow musician in the hospital, as it brought me right back to my dad’s last days.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not often, and when I do it’s usually only with people I know and trust very well.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes and voice, mostly. But I do pay attention to clothing and jewelry elements a lot too.
6. What’s your eye color?
Dark brown.
7. Scary movies or good endings?
Oh, definitely good endings. I don’t do well with horror, and that has been the case ever since seeing parts of Carrie as a very high-strung preteen.
8. Any special talents?
I can play a musical instrument with both hands and both feet simultaneously! (Really—I play organ!) I also speak some German, know Latin and classical Hebrew proficiently, and have decent reading ability in several other European languages.
10. What are your hobbies?
Music (well, I guess that’s on a semiprofessional basis), fan fiction writing, cooking, a little gardening, reading (when I can).
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes! A big, beautiful, smart, spirited male ginger mackerel tabby cat named Percy (Percival), who we think is about four years old (he’s a rescue so it’s unclear).
12. What sports do you play / have you played?
Do yoga and Pilates count? I have done both but not for a while and probably should get back to it. Also a wee bit of bicycling.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Math, and I started out as a math major in college (as a double major with organ), but did kind of an about-face when I realized I enjoyed music more. If I could redo college, I would make my second major something like German language and literature.
15. Dream job?
I already have a job I like very much, as an editor in a music publishing house, and I occasionally moonlight as an organist and singer.
Tagging (no pressure whatsoever):
@jadelotusflower @lasatfat @seleneisrising @kanerallels @independence1776 @rendar-writes @jedi-valjean @uncannyzuck @queen-susans-revenge @fontainebleau22 @merspots @para-cera-therium @pretchatta @runrundoyourstuff @xvlvxvr @lasatgirl60 @gondalsqueen
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heartsoulrocknroll · 4 months
Piano Man Ranked
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This was so hard for me, because I love every song on this album. These rankings are based primarily on the album versions, but if I was unsure, the position was ultimately determined by my favorite live version. I firmly believe that you can't truly appreciate how great the songs on this album are without hearing them played live by the 1976-1982 Billy Joel band.
1) The Ballad of Billy the Kid
I am so obsessed with this song. I think it's one of the greatest songs Billy has ever written, from the excellent instrumentation and arrangement to the fanastic storytelling lyrics. I love the album recording. The clip-clop of the horse hooves. The campfire harmonica. But the back and forth between the band (especially when the strings come in) and those ICONIC piano riffs does something to my brain. I freak out every time I hear it even though I've heard it repeatedly for 12 years. And the piano work throughout the entire song is just phenomenal. The live versions obviously don't have the strings, but the post-1975 live versions with the core Billy Joel band have a whole different energy that make the strings unnecessary. I have to mention the 1976 University of Connecticut live performance of this song, because that particular combination of Billy's vocals, Billy's kickass piano playing, and the band's pure energy literally makes me the audibly-yellin', hand-wavin', object-throwin' kind of insane.
2) Somewhere Along the Line
This song reminds me a bit of James Taylor in parts, but then those big backing vocals and piano riffs come in and take the song in another direction. The melody is great, the lyrics are some of the best on the album, and Billy just goes nuts on the piano, especially on the break after the third verse, during the fourth verse, and on the break that closes the song. I love the album recording, but this is another song that really comes to life in the live setting with the slightly higher tempo, the more prominent guitar riffs, Liberty on the drums, and Billy singing and playing like the world-class singer and piano player that he is.
3) Worse Comes to Worst
This song rocks so hard and blends so many musical styles. The signature guitar riff is super funky. The pedal steel guitar makes another appearance for more country undertones. The background vocals provide a gospel flavor, while the steel drums come in later on for a bit of a Caribbean feel. But even still, this remains distinctly a rock 'n' roll song. The album version is great for the aforementioned reasons, but the live versions rock so much harder. I love the 1977 CW Post live version more than life itself. I know I never shut up about it, but my god, Liberty's drumming adds so much drive to these early songs, and Billy sings the hell out of this song live.
4) Travelin' Prayer
I love absolutely everything about this song. The brushes on the drums, the bass, the opening piano, the banjo, the fiddle, the lyrics, Billy's vocal, the psychotic tempo. This is just a fantastic country/bluegrass song that takes what is great about those genres and improves it with the incorporation of Billy's brilliant piano breaks, especially the piano solo during the first instrumental break, which just rocks. This song doesn't have as strong of a country feel without the banjo and fiddle, but the live performances with Liberty's energetic drums, Richie's sax additions, Doug's driving bass, and Billy's piano improvs are incredible in an entirely different way.
5) Ain't No Crime
The soulful, gospelly vibes of this song really do it for me. I LOVE the use of the organ, and the piano riffs slap so hard it ain't funny. This is another song that needs to be heard live to be truly appreciated, with Liberty on the drums and Richie adding some sax. Billy goes crazy on the piano and does such a fantastic, soulful vocal on this song live.
6) Captain Jack
This is just an epic song. Billy's piano parts in the intro and the verses are beautifully done. The combination of Billy's organ and that legendary guitar riff in the chorus is so dramatic and really gives the song its epic feel. The lyrics are a great commentary on how people can have everything and still be overcome by the aimlessness and hopelessness of life. I like the album version, but this is another song that really takes on a whole new life in the live setting with Billy improvising on the piano and singing so incredibly well, while Liberty adds the dramatic opening cymbals and the ridiculous driving drum transitions from the third and fourth verses into the third and fourth choruses. 😭😭
7) Piano Man
No matter how many times I hear this song, I will never stop loving it. It's popular for a reason: it's great. That iconic opening piano riff gets me every time. The harmonica parts are great. The piano break after the third verse rocks on the album, and rocks even harder live. These are some of the best lyrics on the album. They are excellent, immersive, storytelling lyrics with a great rhyme scheme.
8) If I Only Had the Words (To Tell You)
This is a gorgeous melody with a distinctly beautiful opening piano riff, more beautiful piano work throughout the song, and some nice strings toward the end. This is also one of those songs that really makes me go, "Damn, that guy can sing." I am a freak about singing, and there is a live version of this (supposedly from Carnegie Hall in 1974) in which Billy gives a vocal performance that brings me to tears if I focus on it too hard. Billy may not like the sound of his own voice, but I'd give anything to sing like that.
9) You're My Home
This is a great, country-sounding song. It's one of those classic, beautiful Billy Joel melodies. The album version isn't very piano-heavy, but there are a few nice piano bits in there. And the instrumentation is great nonethless, from the finger picking on the acoustic guitar to the pedal steel guitar. Billy's vocal here is really beautiful as well.
10) Stop in Nevada
This is a beautiful song with a great melody and a great build from the quiet piano and pedal steel in the verses to the big, full choruses with the backing choir and the strings
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avastrasposts · 11 months
Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @i-own-loki
1. Are you named after anyone? Kinda, a 1960's singer but mainly because my mum liked the name more than the singer I think.
2. When was the last time you cried? On Saturday when I re-watched TLoU ending with my husband (I've been nagging him the whole spring and summer to watch the show)
3. Do you have kids? No, never wanted any
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Never! (read that in a sarcastic voice please)
5. What sports do you play/have played? Lots of different ones but the main one was swimming, I competed until I was 16 (I would totally beat Pedro in a race, just saying. Come at me, Pascal).
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? Their general vibe or aura, like what kinda of vibe do they give off.
7. What's your eye color? I found out only this year that apparently the correct name for the type is hazel? They shift between green and blue and have gold specks in the middle.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I am TERRIBLE with scary films, forever traumatised from watching Gremlins as a kid, and that's not even a scary film.
9. Any special talent? I'm ambidextrous, right is my dominant hand but I write almost as well and as fast with my left. I sometimes practice it because it seems like a handy skill to have.
10. Where were you born? St Thomas' Hospital in London. (It's the hospital at the start of the film 28 Days Later!)
11. What are your hobbies? Writing (duh), baking, swimming, rowing, learning Spanish, guitar playing (which I'm trying to learn but there's only 24 hours in the day).
12. Do you have any pets? I have a husband but that probably shouldn't count as a pet....
13. How tall are you? 165 cm/5´4
14. Favorite subject? History and Politics
15. Dream job? Journalism I think, at least it used to be. But journalism these days seems like a difficult profession. Baker would be fun but I don't want to go to work at 3 am. Ideally I'd like to run a small bookshop/coffee shop like everyone else but I think that's more work than I imagine and probably not as fun as it seems.
No pressure tags, I don't know who's done this one before! @roundroald @deadpoetress @meveispunk @violetmina @nunya7394
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birdisland · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @cloudsofbespin & @wheresbenni thank you  💕
1. Are you named after anyone? My middle name is from a great-great grandmother, my first and third I don't think are after anyone.
2. When was the last time you cried? I fake-cried yesterday when joking around with my daughter and made myself cry for real. I tend to do that. 😂 (We were joking about IWTV Louis eating the fennec fox FYI. 🧛🏽🦊)
3. Do you have kids? A 22 year old daughter.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Not really, no. I’d like to be able to, but it always comes out so forced.
5. What sports do you play/have played? Fencing and swimming as a child/teen. Swimming is still my favorite form of exercise.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? Voice, eyes, mouth.
7. What's your eye color? Blue.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Both? Depends? Not sure how to answer this, they’re not mutually exclusive.
9. Any special talents? I used to write a lot, both original and fanfic and poetry, and people said I was talented, but it's been years and years since I’ve written anything to speak of. And I'm not a bad singer, but again, it's been a long time.
10. Where were you born? Lund, southern Sweden.
11. What are your hobbies? Reading, listening to music, hiking, enjoying nature, swimming... and studying maps! I can lose myself in maps for hours. 🌎
12. Do you have pets? None right now. I've had cats all my life but since my last two both passed away in 2021 I haven't felt ready for such a long term commitment again. I'm not exactly young anymore and cats live long. And also now that my daughter is all grown up I want to be free to travel and do whatever I want for a while.
13. How tall are you? 173 cm/5'8.
14. Favorite subject in school? English, Swedish.
15. Dream job? When I was a small kid I wanted to be a truck driver, and sometimes I regret not becoming one actually... I also dreamed of becoming a translator for a long time, but alas, it was not to be.
Tagging @viciousland @malpuella @scouser-villanelle @thefairylights @alix-ir @edwardashley @katdulac @starfirebird @ohnoitsmycircus @terribledelights @laisofhyccara  @thewordlair  @thoughtofstseb @uozlulu @soitamulle. If you’ve already done it, ignore, and if you just don’t feel like it, ignore too. 😘
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visualtae · 5 months
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The other day I realized I hadn't done a top ten albums of the year list for the past 7 years, and this felt like the perfect year to remedy that. There was so much good music that came out this year, sitting back and taking a look at all of it was a bit overwhelming. I'm sure there's something I missed, but i started with 58 albums, narrowed that down to 16 using a rating system, and from those I found my top 10. And so without further ado, I present my list of the top 10 albums of 2023.
10. Nothing But Thieves-Dead Club City With a great alt/indie rock vibe, this album will keep a smile on your face from start to finish. From smooth tunes reminiscent of the early 80s, to harder deep bass sounds of the 2010s, this album is sure to bring some joy to your eardrums.
my top 3 songs-Welcome To The DCC, Do You Love Me Yet?, Foreign Language
9. Boys Like Girls-Sunday At Foxwoods So although I was aware of their existence, I am not someone who really listened to Boys Like Girls until like....3 months ago. But that means I approached this album with no judgement and no expectations. A fresh perspective. And I really like this album. The songs are modern, peppy, and fun, but they dance around the edge of angst. So even if, like me, you were previously unfamiliar with this band, I think you'd find it easily enjoyable.
my top 3 songs-The Outside, Blood and Sugar, Physical
8. Sleep Token-Take Me Back To Eden I think Sleep Token has been on a lot of people's music radars this year, it was this way that I originally found them. Imagine my surprise when I learned they are a 'progressive metal' band. I haven't listened to a ton of their previous work, but aside from one song on this album (that I always skip) the music is deep, melodic, and beautiful. The lead singer has a haunting and soothing tone, I would definitely recommend giving them a listen (just remember to skip song #5)
my top 3 songs-DYWTYLM, Ascensionism, Aqua Regia
7. FIZZ-The Secret To Life FIZZ is a group made up of 4 seperately successful solo artists (including my personal favorite, Dodie Clark) who have joined together to create a fabulous sound that harkens to movie soundtracks of the 90s, with a dash of flower-power and a sprinkle of queer angst. FIZZ is definitely bringing something different to the floor that I don't hear in a lot of modern bands. A bright sparkling sound that grabs your attention and
my top 3 songs-The Grand Finale, Close One, You Me Lonely
6. Niall Horan-The Show Ok, I do have to say, this album is no Heartbreak Weather (the best Niall album imo) but it's still a great album. I love listening to Niall because he feels like one of those people who will still be doing shows when he's 60 and these songs will be considered classics. These songs make me feel like it's 1974, I'm dancing in my living room, and this album is of course playing on vinyl. Everyone from your little brother to your grandma will enjoy this (even if they won't admit it).
my top 3 songs-Save My Life, Heaven, Must Be Love
5. The Rose-Dual Sadly I missed their show this year, but I always always adore a Rose album. Woosung's vocals are top tier, the blend of genres, and for those of you too scared to listen to Korean music, no worries, all the songs are in English. One of my favorite things about The Rose is the way they sound on their albums is the way they sound in person, and after listening to them for a few years I see so much growth in their music and it's so good.
my top 3 songs-Back To Me, Alive, Wonder
4. No Frills Twins-Aquarius Not surprised if none of you know who this is, but this awesome Australian duo has been on my radar for close to 12 years now. This is actually their first full album and it's about time! Their unique sound and vocals are like nothing you're hearing in mainstream music today or yesterday either. If you need a full emotional escape, this is the album for you.
my top 3 songs-Golden, Heartbreak City, Soft Porn
3. Maisie Peters-The Good Witch What an adorable human being! British singer/songwriter Maisie Peters should be your new favorite, because she certainly is mine. With an ethereal voice and thought-provoking song lyrics, you truly feel like she is telling you a story. I love how each songs has a lovely spritely feeling and Maisie's sweet voice provides you a delightful experience. Recommend if you want some joy in your music.
my top 3 songs-The Good Witch, BSC, History of Man
2. Hozier-Unreal Unearth Oh what can I say about Hozier that hasn't already been said. This album is a theraputic escape. The music is deep and orchestral and gathers you in a warm dark place. I absolutely love that the songs are inspired by Dante's Inferno, music inspired by literature are some of my favorites. I love combining two forms of art. I feel like I don't need to tell you to listen to this album, because you're smart, you've done it. But if you haven't, we all need to cry in car at some point.
my top 3 songs-I Carrion, Unknown/Nth, Damage Gets Done
Honorable mentions-Carly Rae Jepsen "The Loveliest Time", Raye "21st Century Blues", Jungkook "Golden" , Ren "Sick Boi", Dreamfone "postMANIC" and finally...
1.Morgan Clae-Dreamboy If you're on TikTok you may have seen Morgan who went a bit viral for her audition of Poseidon in the EPIC musical. If you haven't, let me tell you, this album was a religious experience. I was stunned to the edge of stunning. Morgan's voice, music, and presence, holds such a beautiful power and she finds such perfect ways to express herself. Not often does an album truly leave me speechless. I implore you to listen to this artist.
my top 3 songs: The Break: Injury, The Hope, The Dream
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nymeriaaa · 1 year
tag game: get to know me!
thank you so much for the tag @svintsandghosts ! ♥
1. Birthday? 22nd oct
2. Favorite color? green or purple, depends on the shade
3. How tall are you? about 5’3
4. How many pairs of shoes do you own? id say about 12 but i only wear like 3 pairs lol
5. Favorite song? currently it's regular by nct 127 buuuut don't ask me my all time fave coz like... i couldn't choose. it would probably be an mcr or green day song lol (or treasure by ateez)
6. Favorite movie? um well i love edward scissorhands and the lotr trilogy. oh and the harry potter movies too! school of rock... horror would probably be the descent part 1 only... ahh don't make me choose seriously i could list so many 😩
7. Who would be your ideal partner? idk... just someone who loves me for me and is kind, loyal... accepts the fact that i have many kpop boyfriends who will always own my heart 🙄
8. Do you want children? not really but i'd definitely compromise if i met the right guy and he wanted one
9. Have you gotten in trouble with the law? nope
10. What color socks are you wearing? none
11. Favorite type of music? pop punk/post hardcore/"emo", and kpop lol
12. How many pillows do you sleep with? ok so 2 for my head, 2 on the other side of the bed, my boomerang pillow and a big square/european one as well... so 6 lol
13. What position do you sleep in? i fall asleep on my side but when im just chilling in bed i can lay on back too for a bit
14. What don’t you like when you’re sleeping not having the fan on, i don't care what temperature it is. my fan stays on. (im keeping this answer cause same 100%)
15. Have you tried archery? nope
16. Favorite fruit? watermelon, blueberries and mango
17. Are you a good liar? no unless it's at work and i have to come up with an excuse to get out of going to another store or to not send one of my staff to another store... then im a brilliant liar. oh im also really good at lying about why i can't hang out or go somewhere if im not feeling up to it (which is most of the time lol)
18. What’s your personality type? istp. im very shy and the biggest introvert unless im comfortable around you, and awkward as fuck lol
19. Innie or outie? innie
20. Left or right handed? left
21. Favorite food? sushi. japanese good in general is just 🤌 delish
22. Favorite foreign food? oh well i just answered that in the question above? japanese. chinese, thai, korean and vetnamese are amazing too!
23. Are you clean or messy? both but trying to fix bad habits and keep my room clean and organised but it's hard when your mental health sucks sometimes
24. Most used phrase?
probably what the fuck and the word cunt in general. oh if you ask sandra my 2ic it would also be i don't care 😅
25. How long does it take you to get ready depends but if its for work about 30/40ish mins
26. Do you talk to yourself? of course
27. Do you sing to yourself? yes lol
28. Are you a good singer? hell no
29. Biggest fear? this is stupid and lame but spiders/insects/bugs/creepy crawlies... just all of that 😬
30. Are you a gossip? not really, maybe a little at work but it's more just complaining and bitching about our shitty area managers lol
31. Long or short hair? for me? long hair. but i like both on other people
32. Favorite school subject? um... none? lol like i didn't have any one subject i was really good at compared to others i was just kinda average in everything but really really bad at maths and science
33. Extrovert or introvert? introvert
34. What makes you nervous? yeah people, public speaking... there's more but ill leave it at that
35. Who was your first crush? his name was matthew it was in year 3. i found out he passed away a few years ago and he had a wife and kid so that was sad
36. How many piercings do you have? just my ears (which have kinda closed up lol) i used to have my lip done too many years ago
37. How many tattoos do you have? one but wanting more!
38. How fast can you run? no ❤️ (lol same)
39. What color is your hair? purple atm but it's faded so i need to redo it
40. What color are your eyes? hazel
41. What makes you angry? so many fucking things. work makes me angry (not my team in store but mostly everyone else) i could rant about my workplace for a whole fucking month i swear. when i see people talking shit about people/artists i love. people who play games and toy with other people's emotions and use them... im gonna stop but i could list a lot
42. Do you like your name? yeah
43. Do you want a boy or girl as a child? none but if i were to have one... i guess a boy... idk
44. What are your strengths? um im friendly and welcoming, kind. i think overall im a good person and that's a good thing... lol
45. What are your weaknesses? shy, ignore red flags and forgive people too easily. scared of confrontation due to being shy so i don't speak up as much as i should especially when it comes to my beliefs and i guess in that sense i can be a bit of a pushover... but only in certain scenarios. i definitely need more confidence
46. What’s the color of your bedspread? black and white atm
47. What’s the color of your room? black, grey and white wall paper on one wall then just a neutral, off white colour the rest
Tagging but no obligation; @alphadisaster @septicrebel @jin-neck-shaft @hyuckilstan @saynofakke
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authoralexharvey · 1 year
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Do I know 15 people who haven't done this yet? Fuck if I know. Anyway, was tagged by @carrotblr and @bebewrites so thank you! I realized the questions on both tags are different so I'm combining them try to stop me.
Tagging (sorry if you've already done this): @moonluringfrost, @linaket, @amewinterswriting, @atlasprieto, @vcaudley, @crescil, @decaymouth, @crosswise, @saintedseraph, @louyardley, @kjscottwrites, @minutiaewriter, @magic-is-something-we-create, @alistonjdrake, @asablehart
If you do this, feel free to pick 15 out of this list. Or do them all. Go nuts.
Everything else goes under a readmore for the sake of your dashboard.
1. Are you named after anyone?
My deadname, no don't think so. Not that my mother mentioned, anyhow. My name, though, was stolen from my middle name so. I named myself after myself, if you want to put it that way.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhhh in like. July? Don't remember
3. Do you have kids?
I have a snake and a turtle. Those are enough for me.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes but I also struggle to understand it when it comes from others.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I'm not sure tbh? Their faces I guess?
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies make me way too anxious but I also like tragic endings more than happy ones.
8. Any special talents?
Singing! I have a pretty decent range. I also kinda,,, emulate whoever the singer is in general though. I guess that's a talent, too.
9. Where were you born?
Lost Wages. I mean--Las Vegas. Ngl, being born there, don't get the appeal.
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing (obviously), reading, playing video games
11. Have you any pets?
Snake and a turtle! Snake is named Sagora. Turtle is named Lyndis.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I played volleyball in middle school, played baseball in elementary. I did Taekwondo for like. Two/three years too. That one was my favorite. I don't like most popular sports tbh
13. How tall are you?
5'4 I think.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Uhhhhh good question. Astronomy was cool.
15. Dream job?
Writer and menace to society.
16. Do you prefer owls, capybaras, or flamingos? 
17. What is your favorite soup?
Creamy soups. Potato soup is pretty good. Miso is growing on me.
18. What is your favorite…rock (idfk)?
Uhhhhh igneous rocks are kinda cool. Amethyst has grown on me a lot. Otherwise, Lapis Lazuli is one of my faves.
19. Choose a familiar: 1) very dumb, very loving disobedient dog. He loves you but will never listen to you ever 2) a raven that speaks but it only ever shrieks the name of various fast food restaurants 3) a toad that screams like a teenage boy instead of croaks
Raven. He can help me decide if I want lunch.
20. Which planet do you feel like would be kind of an asshole if you met them? 
Mmmmmmm Saturn. Pluto I think would be an asshole but also it's an earned rage given how it got demoted from Planet status so like. yeah if Pluto was a dick I would at least deserve it.
21. if you were a worm would you love me? this worm question courtesy of ✨ @/legiomiam✨
22. Least favorite type of clothing?
I was gonna say dresses but actually, tank tops. They're fine under other things, I guess, but I hate how they look by themselves.
23. You are now in a horror movie—so sorry. Chance of survival?
First to die man I would get paralyzed with fear and then that's it. Game over. I'm a goner.
24. Would you rather: the ability to instantly grow a perfect mustache, or ability to talk to vegetables?
talk to veggies. Tell me the secrets of the universe.
25. What do you think of whales?
Whales are good beans!
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discodreambubble · 1 year
Celeste Bállon for SummersBC
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Poses used (on shuffle by Lou from moonwood)
For @minamill Summer Bachelorette challenge :)
Full name: Celeste Maxima Bállon
Nickname: DJ CB.
Height: 5,9
Age: 25
Zodiac: Aquarius
Myers-Briggs Type: ESFP
Recent simstagram quote: "Stayed until 12:00 am last night at the stranger Ville club, Y'all are crazy!"
Orientation: Lesbian
Job: Entertainer and part time DJ
Traits: Clumsy, Music lover, Party Animal
Favorite colors: Black, and Pink (Least: Green)
Skills: Guitar, Dj Mixing, and dancing
Favorite music: NuDisco, Singer Songwriter, Retro, Strange tunes
Playlist: Songs she has for sure danced to
Celeste was born and raised in Dol sol valley by her Politician father and Food critic mother. After an argument with her parents about her future after high school she decided to move across the world (Not to strangville in question). The van that she was driving broke down in the middle of Strangerville when she was 20 years of age. She was stranded with only 400$ dollars to spare (that she saved up from work), so she decided to live in a rundown motel. A family offered to put gas in her van after she told them her life story. Once they were done, she wanted to explore stranger Ville. Celeste ran into a bar/club not too far from the motel. The bar/club was playing her favorite song, so she started dancing. The bar owners loved her personality and offered her a job as an entertainer for them. She accepted at a price; they help her find a good place to live. Ever since then she has been headlining the most popular club/bar in Strangerville(and only one actually). But there's one problem…she's deadly single and lonely. Her co-workers have teased her that she shouldn't keep dancing to love songs if she's not looking for anyone. Well, she actually is looking for someone…
Here's the cc I used for her:
Face: Skinblend, Misc Details Eyebrows(3) Eyelashes Eyes
Everyday: Hat Hair(Farrah) Hair cc(Highlights)
Eyeshadow(Half moon) Outfit Outfit Acc Shoes(Western Boots) nails
Formal: Hair Dress Shoes (base game)
Athletic: Hair , Pants require University life, but the shirt is base game.
Sleep: Hair(base game) Shirt Pants(base game)
Party: Hair Shirt and Skirt Shoes
Swimwear: Hair Outfit
Hot weather: Includes hat and hair from everyday wear but, the rest is base game.
Cold weather: Top(University Life) Pant Shoes(base game) (and has hat and hair from everyday wear)
Note: The hair highlights are in all of her outfits.
Thank you all of you wonderful cc creators!
I used almost all of LUUMIA sliders and this belly slider by hi-land, Teanmoon Mouth Scale Slider
Preview :)
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Behind the scenes questions for Celeste
What's your favorite food?
What's your favorite type of music to DJ?
Hip Hop Music
What do you do on your free time?
Binge watch my favorite shows and song write..
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cfdisturbia · 2 years
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(—) ★ spotted!! JAVI MORALES on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 40 year old looks like RYAN GUZMAN, but i don’t really see it. while  the SINGER/ACTOR  is known for being CHARMING my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be INDULGENT i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song ROJO by J. BALVIN  {he/him / male} - Sushi
Name: Javi Ignacio Morales Nicknames/Alias: J. Morales, Iggs Face Claim: Wilmer Valderrama Age: 40 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Date/Place of Birth: January 1, 1982 in Barcelona, Anzoátegui State, Venezuela Currently: Santa Monica, CA Nationality: American Occupation: Singer/Actor
Positives/Virtues/Skills: Persuasive:  good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation. Suave:  charming, confident, and elegant (typically used of a man). Determined:  having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it. Energetic:  showing or involving great activity or vitality. Generous:  showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.
Flaws/Weaknesses:  Impulsive:  acting or done without forethought. Sarcastic: marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt. Abrasive:  showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh. Judgmental:  of or concerning the use of judgment. Possessive: demanding someone's total attention and love.
Likes Favourite colour? Red Favourite foods?  Favourite music? Reggaeton, Latin Pop, Cumbia, Bachata,  Favorite books? Fears: TBD
Parents: Javier Morales (Father) Raquel Morales nee Gutierrez (Mother)
Siblings: Unnamed Morales (Younger Sister, UTP, Wanted Connection)
Children:  Acacia Morales (16-year-old Daughter) Luca Morales (13-year-old Son) Ocean Morales (7-year-old Daughter)
Other family: TBD Pets: TBD Spouse: N/A Current Partner: N/A Ex-Partners: Ex-Wife/Baby Mama #1 (Wanted Connection), Ex-Fling/Baby Mama #2 (Keira O’Malley) Co-Workers: TBD Co-Stars: TBD Friends: TBD Enemies: TBD
Build: 5'7", 163 lbs, muscualr build Hair Colour: Dark brown Eye Colour: Dark Brown Distinguishing Marks: N/A
Regrets: TBD
Born in Barcelona, Anzoátegui State, Venezuela in 1982 to a Venezuelan farmer and a Colombian seamstress. He is the oldest of two kids.
His family moved to the states, Miami, Florida specifically when he was 13. His father opened a small convenient store and his mother began working for a well-known tailoring company.
His music career kicked off at 16 when he self-wrote and self-produced his first album, Comenzare. 
He was signed to a label within the next 3 years and another album was released. 
Over the next two decades, Javi would go on to release a total of 12 albums and 26 singles, several ending up on the billboard top 100s and winning several awards across various different award shows.
At 24, Javi married and a year later welcomed a daughter with his wife. Another 3 years and his son would be born. Unfortunately, with his demanding acting schedule and the stress of having a toddler and a newborn his marriage would begin to crumble and eventually end.
At 33, one of Javi’s flings wound up pregnant, giving birth to his second daughter. 
Following his divorce, Javi wound up with some major commitment issues to anything that wasn’t his career or his kids. He’s determined to be a good father, or at least the best father he can be while juggling his acting and music career.
Though he has commitment issues and prefers flings, he is known to get into relationships every now and then and when that happens he is intensely loyal but also jealous and possessive which is normally the downfall of those relationships.
Music Career:
Comenzaré (Released, age 16)
Si Tu Quisieras 4:26 
Comenzaré 3:55
Perdóname 4:00
Tu calor 3:54
Dime Como 3:43
Yo frente al amor 3:16
Amor de una noche 3:42
Tres veces no 3:28
Me iré 3:39
Ya no sé querer 4:20
Amor Secreto (Released, age 20)
Quisiera Poder Olvidarme De Ti 4:23
Fuera De Control 3:16
Amor Secreto 3:35
Entregate 3:54
Te Vas 4:01
Tienes Que Parar 3:33
Y Ahora Como Te Olvido 4:03
Tu Puedes Salvarme 4:39
Diselo Ya 4:07
Irresistible 3:38
Me Lo Dijo El Silencio 4:40
Para Vivir 3:39
Fight The Feeling (Released, age 21)
Fight the Feeling 3:39
Secret 3:48
Turn It Up 3:33
Save Me 4:37
You Got Nothing on Me 3:16
If Only 4:35
Keep My Cool 3:13
Tell Her Tonight 4:06
Twisted 4:15
One Night Thing 3:59
I Wish 4:09
Palabras del Silencio (Released, age 26)
Quien Le Va A Decir 3:47
Llueve Por Dentro 3:58
Otro Día Sera (Desencontrandonos) 3:14
No Me Doy Por Vencido 3:58
Aunque Estes Con El 4:38
La Mentira 3:37
Lagrimas Del Mar 4:16
Todo Vuelve A Empezar 4:13
Persiguiendo El Paraiso 3:38
Todo Lo Que Tengo 3:30
Aquí Estoy Yo 4:10
Tienes Razon 4:23
No Me Doy Por Vencido (Ranchera Version) 3:55
Tierra Firme (Released, age 29)
Explícame 3:46
Respira 4:18
Dime que no 4:07
Gritar 4:09
Nunca digas siempre 4:35
Me gustas tú 3:26
Vuelve a mi lado 3:57
El anillo y la flor 3:53
Claridad 4:03
Se supone 6:32
La Familia (Released, age 31)
Sola 3:47
La Venganza 3:26
Déjate Llevar 3:11
Mil Fantasías 3:42
6 AM 4:03
Lose Control 4:54
Eras Así 3:47
What A Creation 2:29
Desnúdate 3:43
Imaginándote 3:36
Bajo La Luna 3:35
Live In Stereo 3:30
Porque Tu 2:55
Tranquila 3:20
Yo Te Lo Dije 3:41
La Familia B Sides (Released, age 32)
Ay Vamos 3:46
Sola 3:47
La Venganza 3:26
Déjate Llevar 3:11
Mil Fantasías 3:41
6 AM 4:03
Lose Control 4:54
Eras Así 3:47
What a Creation 2:28
Desnúdate 3:43
Imaginándote 3:36
Bajo la Luna 3:35
Live in Stereo 3:30
Porque Tu 2:55
Tranquila 3:20
Yo Te Lo Dije 3:40
Mami 3:07
Tú Tienes Algo 3:09
6 AM (AtellaGali Remix) 3:49
6 AM (Merengue Remix) 3:07
La venganza (Vein remix) 2:40
Vibras (Released, age 36)
Vibras 1:06
Mi gente 3:06
Ambiente 4:09
Cuando tú quieras 3:25
No es justo 4:11
Ahora 4:15
Brillo 2:40
En mí (interlude) 0:54
En mí 3:16
Peligrosa 3:22
Noches pasadas 3:43
Tu verdad 3:25
Dónde estarás 3:12
Machika 3:03
Oasis (Released, age 37)
Mojaita 3:07
Yo le llego 4:10
Cuidao por ahí 3:18
Que pretendes 3:42
La canción 4:03
Un peso 4:37
Odio 4:31
Como un bebé 3:39
Vida (Released, age 37)
Sola 3:25
Apaga la luz 3:32
Le pido al cielo 4:07
Imposible 2:44
Poco a poco 2:55
Dime que no te irás 4:21
Échame la culpa 2:53
Tanto para nada 3:50
Despacito 3:50
Más fuerte que yo 3:49
Calypso 3:20
Ahí estás tú 3:22
Despacito (Remix) 3:50
Calypso (remix) 3:05
Sola (English version) 3:24
Colores (Released, age 38)
Amarillo 2:38
Azul 3:26
Rojo 2:31
Rosa 3:10
Morado 3:21
Verde 2:23
Negro 3:02
Gris 2:57
Arcoíris 3:07
Blanco 2:26
JAVI [Deluxe Edition] (Released, age 39)
F40 2:42
Una Nota [feat. Sech] 2:51
Te Acuerdas De Mí [feat. Yandel] 1:45
In Da Getto [feat. Skrillex] 2:11
Billetes De 100 [feat. Myke Towers] 2:45
La Venganza [feat. Jhay Cortez] 4:08
Vestido 3:07
Que Locura 3:19
Bebé Que Bien Te Ves [feat. Feid] 3:47
Lo Que Dios Quiera 3:15
Si Te Atreves [feat. Zion and Lennox] 2:50
Fantasías 3:16
Pa' Guayarte [feat. Ozuna] 3:18
Ganas De Verte 2:58
Perra [feat. Tokischa] 2:38
7 De Mayo 3:30
Suerte 3:24
Querido Rio 2:32
La Familia 4:12
Qué Más Pues? [feat. Maria Becerra] 3:38
OTRO FILI [feat. Jay Wheeler] 3:23
Otra Noche Sin Ti [feat. Khalid] 3:49
Poblado (Remix) [feat. Karol G, Natan & Shander, Nicky Jam] 6:33
UN DIA (ONE DAY) [feat. Dua Lipa, Bad Bunny, Tainy] 3:53
Singles (Various Ages, All Released)
Travesuras [feat. Zion & De La Ghetto & Nicky Jam & Arcangel] 4:47
Ay Vamos (remix) [feat. Nicky Jam & French Montana] 4:56
Unforgettable (Latin Remix)[feat. French Montana & Swae Lee) 3:34
Mi Gente [feat. Beyonce & Willy William] 3:30
Mi Gente (Dillon Franci Remix) [feat. Willy William & Dillon Francis] 3:28
Sensualidad [feat. Mambo Kingz & DJ Luian & Prince Royce & Bad Bunny] 4:57
Downtown [feat. Anitta] 3:14
Bum Bum Tam Tam [feat. MC Fioti & Stefflon Don & Juan Magan] 3:34
Bonita (Remix) [feat. Nicky Jam & Wisin & Yandel & Ozuna & Jowell & Randy] 5:23
Ahora 4:16 
Dime [feat. Arcangel & De La Ghetto & Revol & Bad Bunny] 4:45
Familar [feat. Liam Payne] 3:17 
X (Spanglish Version) [feat. Nicky Jam] 2:52 
Reggaeton 2:39 
I Can’t Get Enough [feat. Selena Gomez & Benny Blanco & Tainy] 2:38 
Con Alture [feat. El Guincho & Rosalia] 2:42 
La Rebelion 2:42 
Siempre Papi Nunca Inpapi [feat. Luigi 21 Plus] 3:25 
Baila Baila Baila (Remix) [feat. Farruko & Anuel AA & Ozuna & Daddy Yankee] 3:55 
Loco Contigo [feat Tygo & DJ Snake] 3:05 
RITMO [feat. Steve Aoki & Black Eyed Peas] 3:52 
Mood (Remix) [feat 24kGoldn & Justin Bieber & Iann Dior] 3:13 
Lento [feat. Mr Eazi] 3:09 
Location [feat. Karol G & Anuel AA] 4:23 
Que Mas Pues? [feat. Maria Becerra] 3:38 
Sal y Perrea (Remix)[feat. Sech, Daddy Yankee] 3:46 
Television Career
From Dusk Till Dawn: role; Carlos Madrigal, age; 31-34
Grey’s Anatomy: role; Kyle Diax, age; 35
NCIS New Orleans: role; Nicholas Torres, age; 34-Present
NCIS Los Angeles: role; Nicholas Torres, age; 34-Present
NCIS: role; Nicholas Torres, age; 34-Present
NCIS Hawaii: role; Nicholas Torres, age; 38-Present
Movie Career to come
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I answered your get to know me 20 questions and I want to get to know you better too! So I compiled a 20 list of some questions I thought were interesting (some are from the list you sent me because I liked them too). If you don’t want to answer them or answer them publicly that’s okay!
1. What’s your go-to guilty pleasure?
2. What’s your favorite quote from a tv show/movie/book?
3. What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better?
4. If you could have any exotic animal as a pet, what would it be?
5. What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
6. What are you most proud of in the last year?
7. A place you want to visit?
8. What fictional character do you relate to the most?
9. Top 5 wrestlers?
10. Favorite book?
11. What fandoms are you part of besides wrestling?
12. Favorite movie?
13. Non-wrestler celebrity crush?
14. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
15. Favorite singer/band?
16. Favorite holiday?
17. What’s your favorite story trope?
18. What do you find most attractive in a person?
19. Sunny days or storms?
20. Cutest kiss? (Forehead, cheek, hand, etc.)
1. I honestly have no guilty pleasure so to speak. In real life, I am known as the nerdy book lover who knows every Disney movie by heart and has a collection of almost 500 Funko Pops. I am a walking guilty pleasure. BUT not many people know I love wrestling, mostly because I dread the "two talks":
a) But do you know it's fake?!?!?
(And because I'm a girl)
b) So you watch it for the hot naked guys?!?!
That being said, I am currently outing myself as wrestling fan because all I wear are my FTR shirts on repeat and people ask me about it.
2. One?! You're killing me! Okay, I can do a top 4:
“You're mad, bonkers, completely off your head, but I'll tell you a secret... all of the best people are.”
Alice in Wonderland
"Your name is a golden bell hung in my heart."
The Last Unicorn (I actually have this tattooed around my wrist)
"Curiousity is the strongest force in the universe because it can overcone the two strongest braking forces in the universe: reason, and fear."
The City of Dreaming Books (losely translated by me)
Never cowardly or cruel. Never give up. Never give in .
Doctor Who
3. Our dogs greeting me when I come home, the smell of freshly mowed lawn, and having some comments/notifications on my writing.
4. I am not that much into owning an exotic animal. I like fluffy cute ones that I can pet and cuddle...so, if you want to count it as exotic, definitely a fennec. Those huge ears. And they're foxes 🤩
5. Decaydance Fest 2007. My three favorite bands at the time in one evening: Fall Out Boy, The Academy Is, and Cobra Starship. I was in heaven. And at the end of it, I got to meet the singer of CS, Gabe Saporta. Such a nice guy, and to this day, the only celebrity I've met.
6. Oh my...a tough call. I am generally never proud of anything, because I am a rather mediocre person. Okay at a lot of things, but not good at anything specific. If you're calling me out like this, I'll say this: I am proud I finally started writing (again). Is it my anchor in stormy weather.
7. The Holy Trinity of places I want to visit: Chicago, Ireland, Iceland.
8. The first that came to my mind is Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. A weirdo, a loner, but a dedicated friend. I love her so much.
9. No. 1 will forever be Cash Wheeler/FTR. Because these two little shitheads helped me so much with conquering my depression. For years, I haven't done anything I've enjoyed in the past. And they got me back into writing and drawing. And I've met some of the greatest people because we share the love for FTR. I basically owe them every good thing I have in life right now. ( I always get so freaking emotional when it's about these two)
No. 2: Christian Cage. My first real wrestling crush, and I still love him today
No. 3: Trent Beretta. He's just so criminally underrated. I feel like everybody is sleeping on him. And he is so hilarious. And gorgeous.
No. 4: MJF. Everything he touches turns to gold. And he's still so young. It's only gonna get better from here on. And I can't wait to see what he can do.
No. 5: Kenny Omega. I have said it before, but there is just something about the way he moves in the ring. It's almost poetic. I get mezmerized every time he wrestles.
10. RUMO by Walter Moers. It's just so beautiful. Everything about it. But literally any of his Zamonia books are wonderful. I could ramble on about it forever it, but I'm biting my tongue right now.
11. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Marvel, Batman, and Disney are my main thing. And the Zamonia fandom mentioned above.
12. It's either Edward Scissorhands (first movie that made me cry because I connected so much with Edward) or V for Vendetta. And, of course, the Lord of the Rings movies.
13. Chris Evans.
14. First a vet, until I realized I had to put animals down. So no, thank you. Then a lawyer, but I'm too stupid for that, then a profiler. But that wasn't a real thing in Germany back in the day.
15. Fall Out Boy. I've loved them since I was a teenager, and I've grown up with them. I will (hopefully) never get sick of them.
16. I wish Halloween had been a thing here in Germany when I was younger. I would've loved getting all dressed up. In my heart, I just know it's my favorite holiday, even though I've never REALLY celebrated it.
17. Hmmm, I don't know. Pining? What I do love are slowburn stories. Because although I can imagine crushing on someone right away, it will forever be a mystery to me how people can fall in love so fast. I'm such a slow person with this... probably why my ass is still single, noone has enough time for slow me.
18. The two sexiest traits in my opinion: humor and intelligence. There is nothing hotter than a guy that can make me laugh and have a deep conversation with me about anything. That's borderline orgasmic.
19. Storms. I'm not sure if one can tell by my writing *cough*, but I am not a summer, beach type of Person. I get a sunburn so easily, I even once had a heatstroke. No fun. The sun just doesn't like me all that much.
20. An ex always kissed the tip of my nose. It was so intimate and innocent at the same time. And I am such a sucker for temple kisses. I love these so much, that's probably why they're in almost every fanfic I ever wrote.
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