#Doom Bar
hungrytravellers · 7 months
Chasing Rainbows
“Customer Service, how can I help you?” “Oh hello, I wonder if you can. We have an existing booking with connecting flights in Lisbon, but we’re a little bit worried about the short connection time at Lisbon Airport. Is it possible to change just the first flight, the one from Heathrow to Lisbon?” He asks for our booking reference, then goes quiet. Canned music messes with my ears for a while…
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pikkish · 1 year
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I thought it was hilarious, at first, that everyone’s decided Doomguy is still the protagonist of MyHouse.wad. After all, it doesn’t really have much more to do with Doom than gmod has to do with Half-Life 2. But then I remembered, isn’t that a plot point of Doom II? Visiting the burnt out ruins of your hometown on your way to the portal to Hell? Why couldn’t Doomguy take a few minutes to have a nightmare of an emotional journey in a childhood friend’s home to come to terms with everyone and everything he ever loved being destroyed?
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sillystringsimpsons · 17 days
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Memphis can do a little boykissing... As a treat.
The other character is Caleb, he belongs to @bakedbrioche ^^
interactions hugely appreciated :33
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The Land of Ooo in Shermy and Beth's time feels barren...deserted...empty...dusty...devoid...depressed...lonely...melancholy...dead. BMO has forgotten Finn's name. Finn and Jermaine's statues have crumbled down, the old hero forgotten. The Candy people are stuck in the capsules of a giant gumball machine. It seems like everyone, particularly the pups, Jake's descendants, are leaving the planet. Everything's gone. Everything we know, everything we thought we could depend on seeing when we turned on the screen, all abandoned and grayed out as we realize that Finn and Jake have been forgotten, along with almost everything else that might've happened in Adventure Time. This land, this washed-out future we have stepped into it, is entirely different, with only an echo, a shadow, the sound of a laugh, remaining from a thousand years ago for us to notice and point out to each other as drowning people pointing out lifelines to our fellow victims.
"What remains, tell me what remains, some loser smashed out your brains..."
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noxiatoxia · 3 months
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h hhave we considered he is the franchise's ☝️ best character and thati should replay dr:ae for the fifth or so time
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xzbat-loverzx · 6 months
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sylviamarsh · 1 year
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1899: a commentary
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rgrdsalxndra · 23 days
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Olivia Benson in Therapy or with a Therapist
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ianthedebonair · 1 year
I am looking respectfully at your Hollow Ground 😳 What do u think Damien's relationship with him is gonna be? 💞💖
I've been breaking HG's nose for the majority of my playthroughs for the hell of it. But I loved going deep into his mind and go fishing for a moray so I'm thinking to have that over in my save state.
Damien will definitely be curious about what happened and wouldn't be able to keep a mystery like that unsolved. If HG still seeks Damien's partnership in Book 3 (which I hope he still does), Damien would be inclined to agree in order to take advantage of HG's resources, investigate their connection, and maybe do a bit of spying for our local glorified power bank (he did promise to help after all).
What might bite him in the ass, however, is whether HG would pursue a more familial relationship with Damien...
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He'd be a fool not to take advantage of their sort-of blood connection to further infiltrate HG's ranks. Getting buddy-buddy with HG might make him feel like he's wearing a dead person's skin and living their life, but he's always been good at playing roles (plus it's HG, so no harm, no foul when Damien ends up betraying him). The problem is if Damien would end up actually liking the role he's playing.
He had to act human to fulfill his missions and liked it a bit too much that he escaped The Farm. He didn't really trust the previous Rangers and Ortega all those years ago, yet he became comfortable playing hero, and now the loss of what he once had still hunts him. He swore never to make contact to the Rangers again but is now playing the role of a disillusioned retiree a bit too well and is being dangerously comfortable in their headquarters. He also planned to keep his relationship with Dr. Mortum purely transactional, yet now Jane and the good doctor are literal besties and drinking buddies.
If Hollow Ground wanted Damien to play the role of his brother and fall into the trap of finding a connection that makes him feel human, how would this be any different?
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mdemn · 11 months
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“you guys and the don, none of you think i got plans. but you’re wrong. i got big plans.”
marshmallow - victoria hannan, outhouse (for jacob) - rachel mckibbens, mafia: definitive edition (hangar 13) - glory and gore - lorde, birthday - andrea gibson, glory and gore - lorde, mafia: definitive edition (hangar 13), aeschylus- the oresteia, war of the foxes: “the stag and the quiver” - richard siken
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yardikins · 3 months
I am normal about and can be trusted with the Norse mythology in Star Wars
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timothylawrence · 9 months
finding out Ulder was distant from pretty much Wylls birth has left me only capable of thinking abt how lonely all of Wyll’s childhood stories are. he’s always alone in them and if his father ever makes an appearance, it’s to scold him.
no wonder he searched for mermaids and lead such a fantastical imagination. he was always alone and the only person he ever craved love and attention from was unreachable- even if he was physically there.
And now I’m reminded of a quote by Dennis Nurkse: in the park the child says: watch me. It will not count unless you see.
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gideonisms · 7 months
I am so tired of having anxiety. Idk if y'all know this but it's a real bummer. A downer even
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astaldis · 13 days
@juneofdoom     @witchermonstermayhem
For the June of Doom prompts 1: "Help me." & Fetal Position and the Witcher Monster of the Month June prompt: "Yikes!"
Chapters: 1/1    Words: 2,158 Fandom: The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Geralt of Rivia & The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members, Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt of Rivia & Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy Characters: Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Maria Barring | Milva, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members (The Witcher) Additional Tags: Hurt Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion Whump, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Has Feelings, Protective Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, venom, Parasites, insect attack
Summary: While collecting firewood for the campfire, Jaskier goes missing in the forest. When Geralt finds him, a surprise is waiting for the Witcher. And it is not a nice one.
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uniquezombiedestiny · 7 months
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it is better to be a part of beauty for one instant and then cease to exist than to exist forever and never be a part of beauty
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retro-robin · 1 month
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America Anywhere, America Everywhere
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