#Doom helmet
oilpaints-and-cats · 1 year
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Daisy's revenge
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twigstick9 · 2 months
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an inside joke lol
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hertist-art · 2 months
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[DOOM] Slayer Vacation
Date: 3/23/2024
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sanchomps · 7 days
doom eternal being so obsessed with face reveals they forget the captivating mystic of leaving the helmet/hood on and letting people fill in the gaps with their imagination
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paci-transformers · 3 months
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Recreations of the outfits of @archie-sunshine's Knightformers AU Rodimus and Optimus in VRoid. I just think the character designs are neat.
I know they aren't completely accurate. In my defense, I think my laptop would have exploded if I added any more texture layers.
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verndusk · 1 year
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re-drawing a Bad Batch scene a day until season 3 comes out (or i forget): day 24
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morninkim · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month to Ori and Aleia from Power Rangers Universe ONLY
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runningfromevil-mp3 · 8 months
I sometimes think Xisuma (and Evil Xisuma) designs are missing Doom inspiration to them. Maybe its because Xisuma probably needed a full .WAD to replace the Icon of Sin from Doom 2 with Evil Xisuma's face (I assume), or because Xisuma made something similar to the classic Doom flesh texture on the side of his build once, or maybe because I like mixing character designs together. It could be cool. Also there's so many demons in Doom with horns or interesting designs you could add to his helmet. If I could draw helmets then I'd do it.
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cyborg-pasta · 8 months
Guys. My attraction to big, masked, brutal men is getting out of hand. Help
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echo-shard · 1 year
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Apparently, hermitcraft had its 10th 11th year anniversary yesterday and I just found out!!!
happy 10 11 years!!!!!
(this is TOTALLY not edited poorly)
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xmagicalpotatox · 8 months
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Undertale if it had an actually good protagonist
(Based off of this ao3 fic)
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zeenovos · 1 year
For anyone who might be interested, I’ve just updated my shop! Poseidon, Dr. Hayden, Ribbot, and the ‘roar’ pin are all preorders, but the remaining @femmemetalezine Lightbright pins are immediately available. 💛 Please have a look and consider spreading the word so I can continue making cool pins! 👀 And if you’ve got suggestions for stuff that would be cool to see, let me know!
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B.F.D.G. 08: BLEEAHK- that was a bad idea
[Ao3] [ffnet] Full chapter in links!
The Slayer did not go too far from where he left his new human. He could not as the Demigod realized that she was not equipped at all to survive alone. Just far enough away to get a good reading of the scents and a basic layout before looping back. Finding that the main halls were just big enough for him to walk through as he paced a bit. Investigating a bit as the Slayer just caught a glimpse of the other humans retreating around a corner again and then behind what seemed like airlock doors. He was finding quite a few of those really!
That… made some sense actually, to have several fail safes for breathable air.
He heard the scrambling in the hall that he used before, head snapping around and away from where he sensed the living souls. The near giant launched back the way he came. Following the sound and down a now familiar hall with the big windows that showed the Martian landscape and the colony.
The little human was just starting to move, sitting up and looking around. Only to yell as one of the black slicked possessed creatures was climbing up on the machines she had been left on. The fear drew the creature up on the colorful machine and another one latched onto a machine at her feet.
The Slayer lunged to get over there faster, a snarling growl slipping out. The lower gravity was still throwing him off as he cleared the distance faster than he was expecting. So he crashed into those colorful machines while just able to grab the first altered thing. Shoulder hitting them and rocking the things, and fronts of two of the three crumpled and seemed to just pop open. Sending a few things scattering across the ground with a clatter and thumb of plastic, metal and glass.
The human scream that resulted had an instant reaction. A few moments of chaos that seemed much longer than it really was. He grabbed that first creature and was trying to break it when the second one climbed on top of the machines. Having to grab at that, the Slayer gave a confused but insulted sound as the second hell altered possessed slipped out of his hand as the black oily substance on it let the thing wiggle free. It reached for the human's leg as she was trying to curl up.
The human cried as the Slayer grabbed the second creature with both hands. It made a squelching sound and twisted as if inside its own skin to try to bite his fingers. He grunted in surprise as she fell off the hiding place, half behind the machines. The Slayer gave a frustrated sound as a third black shape was scrambling over his back and was jumping for the living mortal as the broken but still living first possessed rolled over.
He needed both hands to grab the two things, as well as hold onto the slippery one-
The Slayer did not think, he just acted and reacted. Feeling something squished and popped wetly as the same altered teeth that helped him tear into the restraints in his sarcophagus now sliced through demonically altered flesh. Hard enough char was starting to form in his mouth as he caught the third creature and the first in his hands.
Like what happened in the sarcophagus it took more effort to kill the things then it should have. Caving the first creature's chest in and throwing it back. Then had to hold tighter to the last and flexed to start ripping it apart. Annoyed at the strange vine like growths in it-
…and then the taste of the oil that was on the creature he bit finally sank in, a few seconds after the fact. Not even that strange metallic sweet of proper, healthy blood. It was almost rancid and fatty. Engine grease would, and did taste better he knew from experience.
Do not ask what the experience was.
Technically it was two experiences, but he also knew that Human made engine grease and Argenta made were alike but different.
"...blaaaahh-aahk…" The Slayer spat, gagged and tried to get the fluid out of his mouth as the possessed were charring around him. That one that he bit was tossed down the hall as it seemed to be moving. It was weird and tasted bad and it was like there was a thick layer of that rancid oil under the skin-
The Slayer made a face not unlike someone might do when they suddenly had unexpected acid reflux. That moment between realizing it was a horrible taste and then betrayed that it happened in the first place. The near giant of a man started to lift a hand to try and clear the taste, then realized that the same black oily substance was all over them and coughed. Gagged and then… the demigod dry heaved there in the hall.
The little human was just barely peeking from around the farthest machine that was broken. Mostly seeing the giant's shadow at first and then just the Slayer's top half. He heaved again hard enough some of the traces of liquid energy he had been, well, fed, while trapped in hell came up. Not that that was much better, but not rancid like the oily stuff.
He shifted to start pushing himself up, debating on at least trying to rub the oil off on his shoulder or something-
The Slayer's left hand landed on one of the things that fell from the machines, he started to wince, feeling it crunch. Then jerked away as it… imploded? Exploded? His right shoulder hit the one machine that he did not damage before. Though now its small locks broke and there was a flood of some sort of packets against his shoulders. There was a rather ungraceful moment of him trying to get away from the stuff, triggering some more pop and splashing hisses of fluid.
He was sitting near the human when he finally started to place what the things were. Sitting there out of range of popping anymore…cans. Bottle. Both.
He started to recognize these things. Or at least he recognized that he used to know what these things were. The Slayer sat for a good minute, frowning at what he was seeing. He leaned forward and plunked up one of the undamaged cans, scowling at it as if offended it's kin did that to him.
It was as the big guy was slowly turning the can, squinting at the text on it, that the nearby human, still mostly hiding, wondered if he could read.
In reality, the Slayer could and did read and write quite well. Both human and Argenta languages, several of the latter in fact.
At least…he thought he could still read the old human language. The spoken language was recognizable to the Demigod. Even if it was accented to him. These things had text that were… semi familiar in how the letters were but at the same time like those letters were… wrong. Backwards maybe?
Almost like backwards or spelled so odd it was almost something else.
"It's…" a very small voice spoke, drawing the glowing gaze to his left. The human swallowed almost audibly, as she tucked her face down against her knees. Oddly, it helped her speak again without being able to see anything. "It's a Drizzle Sprint drink. Soda?"
The Slayer blinked slowly at the tiny human, looking at the can again. Soda?
Why was that… familiar?
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hertist-art · 1 year
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[DOOM] Rip & Tear Poster
Date: 4/5/2023
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lingeringscars · 9 months
I'm having a lot of feelings about 1x11 as is to be expected. Bellamy saying what he wants to say and then saying but I'm not the guy who says stuff like that to keep up his selfish asshole image despite clearly Caring So Much the entire episode. Immediately asking raven if it helped, knowing it didn't but hoping it did anyway. How clarke says only people who can be spared should go hunt, but when clarke, finn, and myles don't come back, it's raven, Octavia, Bellamy, and monty who go search for them, all arguably essential personnel.
And then when they find myles, Bellamy does exactly what he would have done if he had been there when they were attacked. He says they need to get myles, who is extremely injured, back to camp. He immediately says he's sorry to raven when he finds out that clarke and Finn were taken, because he assumes that means they're dead or worse, but he can focus on and save this one person, myles, who is in direct danger and in need of help.
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scover-va · 3 months
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Assorted thingies of my ultrakill ocs i dont think ive posted here yet. Whoopsies. Theres a chaaance i posted the first image but whateverrr i dont caaaarree. Look at my doomed yuri, boy
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