#Double post
bladelineage · 2 months
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kim has an experience w carmen once then never again
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daily-odile · 3 months
odile telling me to lay off the jenshin impact
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odile says to game responsibly
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zangtang · 8 months
oh my god it's too much power i think i have an idea
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rallentando1011 · 3 months
Can I request rottmnt boys x reader?
Reader is extremely unbelievably beautiful, but always comes out looking bad in photos. I'm not talking regular bad I'm talking a whole transformation you don't believe that's the same person kind of bad.
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ROTTMNT Boys With A Highly Un-Photogenic Reader
Donnie’s a photo enthusiast
Any sunset or equation or person he finds entrancing, you can bet he’s archiving that in his archives
So, when he notices you looking like an absolute spectacle, you know he’s all over that, camera in hand, ready for a shoot
But when he sees the results, he’s flabbergasted
Jaw agape, brows furrowed, completely puzzled
 “Ope. Uhhh, the lighting on that one was really bad. Just the lighting. Definitely not you. Anyway, let’s try that again.”
When it ends up the same - that is to say, foul - he’s absolutely perplexed
He tries a plethora of angles, multiple kinds of lenses, he makes new inventions to try and solve it, but it is all for naught
Despite his effort, every photo of you fails to capture the inane beauty you capture naturally
That doesn’t mean he’ll ever stop trying
Mikey has the exact same situation
Somehow his rugged good looks don’t translate well into photographs
So, when every time he sets out to get a nice picture of the two of you, it never ceases to seem like some sort of eldritch horror
“Life is messy. So is art.”
He’s likely to say something along these lines while admiring a photo of you two looking like feral gremlins
Honestly, Mikey is a chillaxed kind of guy, so he’s never going to be upset about your pictures not turning out
Even if he has a specific vision for one, he won’t be perturbed if it doesn’t look how he wants it to
He’ll just do what he does best: improvise
When Leo first meets you, he actively tries to take terrible photos of you
Call it what you want - a bonding experience, blackmail material for down the road - it’s just something he does with every new person he meets
Fortunately for him, the task proves easy
Maybe even too easy
Once he gets a sufficiently vast album of downright horrific photos of you, Leo decides to let you off the hook and get some nice photos of you and him
Except he can’t
Every photo he gets with you in it is rancid, respectfully
At first he thinks you’re messing with him
“Okay, I get it. It was unfair to try to take bad pics of you, but you can stop now.”
When he sees your confusion, that’s when he realizes that it’s not you, that it’s actually just happening naturally
So that’s when his objective changes: take a genuine good photo of you
Just like when he saw a pigeon eating a slice of pizza and couldn’t stop pursuing it with a camera, Raph finds a good photo of you to be just as elusive
”Wait! Don’t move!”
Despite how it sounds like there’s something life threatening, he just thinks it’s a viable opportunity for a genuinely decent photo of you, the lighting just so, the atmosphere perfect
Yet he can never seem to get one that portrays just how he sees you, nothing that does you justice
It also doesn’t help that every photo he takes of you is unbelievably blurry and/or has one of his fingers partially covering the lens
To be honest, he never knows if it’s you or him throwing the photo off
So he just calls the blame 50/50
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hisbucky · 9 months
Buck: Mom. Athena: Yes, honey? Buck: You've got to help me with dad. He's being ridiculous. Athena: Now what did Bobby do now? Buck: He won't stop texting me every time I go over to Eddie's house when I'm trying to get some — Athena, raises a hand: TMI. Nonetheless, I hear you, and I will promise to do my best. Buck, beams: Thanks, mom!
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amelia-sun · 9 months
The sillier (?) side of this au + some lore <3
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And lastly, alternative scene from the other post :)
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Page 16
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libraryofmoths · 7 months
Moth of the Week
African Wild Silk Moth
Gonometa postica
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The African wild silk moth is a part of the family Lasiocampidae. It was first described in 1855 by Francis Walker. It is also known as the Brandwurm in its larval stage in Afrikaans, Kweena in its pupal stage in Tshwana, and Molopo moth/mot in English and Afrikaans.
Description The female of this moth is much longer and larger than the male due to having to carry eggs. The male is about half the size of the female and much thinner.
The female has a light brown abdomen with a dark brown thorax and head. The female’s forewings are striped light brown, dark brown, and gray. The hindwings are a yellow-brown with a dark brown edge.
The male has a dark body and wings with a transparent portion of the hindwing.
Female Forewing Range: 35–42 mm (
Male Forewing Range: 21–25 mm (
Diet and Habitat Larva of this species eat Acacia erioloba, A. tortilis, A. melifera, Burkea africana, Brachystegia spp., and Prosopis glandulosa. The larva will feed from the same tree it’s entire life unless there are two many other caterpillars. When there is a large number of caterpillars, they may defoliate the whole tree and the larva must move in order to not starve.
This moth mainly inhabits savannas with many Acacia trees, especially in drier areas. These moths contribute to the Acacia environment by providing food to predators and nutrients to plants through feces. Cocoons are usually found on Acacia tees.
Mating Males detect females’ mating pheromones with their antennae. Males fly to the females because the females are weighed down by the eggs. The female contains about 200 eggs which are laid on the food plant after fertilization. Eggs hatch in about two weeks. Eggs are laid in clumps and the newly hatched caterpillars grow as a group and become more solitary with time.
Predators This moth is preyed on by parasitic wasps and flies. These insects lay their eggs on the caterpillar and feed off of its resources until the moth larva cocoons. The parasites live off the cocoon and grow to adulthood while killing the pupa. Specifically, these larva are subject to parasitism by Diptera and Hymenoptera, the most common parasitoids being Palexorista species from the Tachinidae and Goryphus species from the Ichneumonidae.[6]
To combat external predators and weather, the caterpillars build a tough cocoon. Caterpillars and their cocoons are also covered in stinging hairs to deter predators from touching them. Female cocoons are larger than male cocoons.
Fun Fact In Madagascar, wild silk has been harvested for centuries, and this knowledge has been introduced to southern Africa. The cocoons are harvested commercially in Namibia, Botswana, Kenya and South Africa, and the species also occurs in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. They are difficult to harvest due to the cocoons being covered in calcium oxalate. Oxford University discovered and patented a method known as demineralizing using a warm solution of EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) that soften the cocoons by dissolving the sericin. This lets the silk unravel without weakening it.
- Wild African silk moth cocoons are also used as ankle rattles in southern Africa by San and Bantu tribes. They are filled with materials such as fine gravel, seeds, glass beads, broken sea shells, or pieces of ostrich eggshell.
- Furthermore, the cocoons have long been known to cause the death of cattle, antelope and other ruminants in the Kalahari. During drought periods, the cocoons are eaten, probably because they resemble acacia pods. The silk is indigestible and blocks the rumen of multiple-stomach animals, causing starvation.
- Finally, the protein found in this species’s slik contains many basic amino acids making it a potentially useful biomaterial in cell and tissue culture.
(Source: Wikipedia, SANBI)
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chrlvctius · 8 months
what if double post on friday 🧍🏼‍♀️
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strawberry-nia · 1 year
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skateslidefunk · 6 months
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fefetasprite too
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bladelineage · 29 days
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beauty covering filth
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daily-odile · 3 months
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Corporate America is dumb.
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barrracuuda · 2 months
♥︎The Queen and The Heirs♠︎
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hisbucky · 9 months
*The following day*
Athena: Let's make a bet. Eddie, instantly on guard: ...Yes? Athena: If you manage to close your case within the week, then I will distract Bobby from texting Buck on your next couple date nights with him. Eddie: Holy shit — Deal! Athena: I'm expecting that file on my desk by Friday, Diaz.
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