#Dr. Grace Augustine
twoloaksinatrenchcoat · 2 months
I will never understand simping for the Sully kids. Like they are pretty sure but so are like 90% of the other na’vi/avatars. The only one I could really understand is Kiri but that’s just bc I think Grace/Sigourney Weaver and her avatar are hot as hell and Kiri looks exactly like her but younger. Also the sully kids are all under 16??? I understand aging them up but I keep seeing edits of Neteyam (who gives brother vibes more than anything) and all of the comments are super sexual and I’m like he’s 15? Maybe it’s bc I’m gay but I just don’t get it
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sinema-karakterleri · 2 months
Dr. Grace Augustine Kimdir?
Dr. Grace Augustine, Avatar filminde yer alan ve önemli bir rol oynayan bir karakterdir
Dr. Grace Augustine Dr. Grace Augustine, Avatar filminde yer alan ve önemli bir rol oynayan bir karakterdir. Özellikleri şunlardır: Bilim İnsanı: Dr. Augustine, Pandora’nın doğal dünyasını ve Na’vi’leri inceleyen bir bilim insanıdır. Na’vi’lerle iletişim kurmayı başaran ilk insandır. Avatar Programı Başkanı: Dr. Augustine, insan bilincinin Na’vi bedenlerine aktarıldığı Avatar Programı’nın…
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Sigourney Weaver  as Dr. Grace Augustine  in Avatar (2009)
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avatar-trash-ayyy · 1 year
Avatar movies: Grace is in Na’vi heaven now 😭
Grace in Na’vi heaven: wowee I sure love sciencing in my lab of science :)
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torukmaktoskxawng · 4 months
Reference to my Avatar!Grace Lives AU and they're talking about the probability of Grace being pregnant without a baby daddy:
Norm: What if it was Eywa? What if she did more than just save your life by transferring you into your avatar? Jake: Are you trying to say that Grace is the next Virgin Mary? Grace: Grace: Neytiri, your child is about to be fatherless.
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commanderpeggymcgee · 3 months
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“Or what, Ranger Rick? You gonna shoot me?”
Sigourney Weaver as Dr Grace Augustine in Avatar (2009)
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tsireyqs · 1 year
Stepmommy!Grace lives in my head, rent-free.
a heheh giggle, she's so... 🤭
i'd imagine she'd have you placed over her lap as her hands rub up and down your sides. she whispers into your ear telling you how dirty you are for letting your stepmother touch you that way. her long fingers inching to cup your clothed pussy, her thumb rubbing over the wet patch and she sucks bruises into your neck. moving your panties to the side before she slips her fingers into you, curling them in all the right places to make you writhe above her <3
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Y’all the way I never noticed Kiri and Dr. Grace are both played by Sigourney Weaver
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tonowarii · 1 year
if i wrote a grace fic / one shot who would read it be honest 😔🙏
edit: ooh or norm fics?? they need some love man
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krakenandcracker · 1 year
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unusual ship, but ı have them as a married couple in a forum rpg so ı made this. Young parker & Grace
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archerygun · 4 months
Welcome to Hell (my most recent rewrite of the blue people Avatar movie).
DISCLAIMER. No hate to anyone that likes these movies, also, I haven’t seen the second movie. Maybe they get better. But this movie and its absolute lack of characters (except Trudy Chacon she is an icon and will not be forgotten) has haunted me for three years. This IS an exorcism. Double disclaimer, I have NOT bothered researching Avatar lore so bear that in mind. There’s only so long I can think about this movie without going insane.
So, the very, very first thing that got me about this movie is how quickly they move on from the whole “Your twin’s dead, we’re gonna put you into his body.” thing like what the actual fuck. Jake’s twin is called Tom (Tommy) Sully, he was a scientist working on the project and he was killed by a thief attempting to take his wallet, if you needed a refresher. I’ve been calling him Tim for the past three years so don’t worry about forgetting him.
My setup starts similarly to the movie: Tom’s dead, and his alien body has gone missing. It will take years to create a new body with the genetic traits of a completely new person, which will be incredibly expensive and time-consuming. However, there’s a loophole. He has a twin! Jake! The setup is basically the same, Jake is promised the healthcare to get his legs back in return for joining the program.
Sidenote: I’m imagining in this interpretation one of Jake’s deciding factors for joining the marines was to be able to pay for Tom to get further education, as well as to cover the costs of living for their family. Their father had serious medical issues from his time in the military and their mother died serving when the twins were fairly young. Jake was always the one taking care of everyone as well as the sportier one who never did super well in school and he knew Tom would never survive the military. He joined so Tom could get higher education and go into a science job instead, as well as to pay for his dad’s healthcare. I imagine soldiers in this universe are ready to kill from the time they are very young, because they’ve been raised in a society where the narrative and reality is always “There’s not enough for everyone.” (because of heavy corruption, this is not true, but yay wealth inequality). They know it’s kill or be killed. They are shown that the path to a safe decent life has to be carved out in blood.
Grace and Norman are initially more interested in forming diplomatic connections with the Na’vi so they can mine unobtanium - they are disliked by the army at large and at first by Jake because the soldiers view them as having cushy lives and never having to work (kill/die) for anything - because the alternative is the company invading and destroying everything. They think by getting the Na’vi to cooperate with the company, they can work things out (the higher-ups at the company privately agree that the Na’vi will have to be ‘relocated’, sure we can all guess what that means).
Jake slowly becomes friends with Grace and Norman. He doesn’t understand science and in fact he’s barely literate, but he really likes listening to them talk and hearing their enthusiasm. It reminds him of his twin. He explains what life is like for a soldier to them, how they know the army views them as cannon fodder but fight anyway because it’s the only way to make any upward progress in life. It helps them understand a little better why the soldiers dislike them so intensely.
Anyway, while Grace and Norman focus on their mission, Jake becomes a little obsessed with finding Tom’s avatar body so he can bury it; in this version Tom’s death was militarily classified and cannot be spoken about so Jake is desperate for some sort of connection with his dead twin.
So, you’re media literate, you’ve probably guessed where this is going. That’s right, Tom’s alive! But he’s stuck in avatar form because his human body is very much dead as fuck. And the company will super want him dead 2.0 if they find out because he has vital information that they don’t want the Na’vi getting their hands on.
Speaking of the Na’vi, they aren’t paying attention to the humans right now because they’re in the middle of a political crisis. Instead of being engaged, Tsu’tey and Neytiri are fighting for leadership of the Na’vi. Neytiri and her friends have taken in Tom after finding him alone and scared in the forest and Tsu’tey is using it to his political advantage to try and discredit her. (Which is kind of fair, they don’t have any way of knowing he’s not a spy).
(Also I am removing the whole ‘chosen one’ thing that was a little weird and awkward and made me feel a bit iffy. Maybe the ‘chosen one’ is Neytiri or something. Maybe there isn’t one. But I’m gonna make Jake EARN their respect and friendship the hard(er) way).
And here’s some central conflict for you. Tom is a scientist. He’s interested in making connection, trying to stop war from breaking out and preserving the safety of the Na’vi even if some of them super want him dead. Jake just wants his legs back and to make sure his brother’s alright. He doesn’t really give a shit if the Na’vi get genocide as long as Tom’s okay.
So you can have the good old
“Jake, there are more important things in life than your legs.”
“Maybe I’d still HAVE my fucking legs if you weren’t so pathetic!”
Cue sad music.
I want to explore Jake and Tom’s dynamic. Tom being more idealistic and wanting to help people because that was the example his brother unknowingly set for him growing up. Jake being more pessimistic and disaffected because he’s been trained for years to shoot and not think about the people on the other side of the gun. This man has for sure killed people, and the only way he could cope with his actions without breaking completely was to become a mindless killing machine essentially. So they’re gonna have to deprogram that out of him. Jake being selfishly motivated without realising he’d unintentionally brought about his brother’s selflessness. Tom dealing with the weight of Jake probably having some form of PTSD. Jake being overprotective and Ready To Fight at a moment’s notice for Tom.
Grace and Norman are also more likely to now fully side with the Na’vi against the company because Tom’s their close friend and his safety depends on it. Jake’s basically just some stranger to them. Also, I think it’d be really funny if Tom tries really hard to impress the Na’vi with his knowledge of their culture that he’s been studying for ages and it does not work in the slightest, but Jake’s already made like 5 friends by being a dumbass.
“I can recite your entire history :))))”
“Bet I’m faster than you.”
“Bet you’re not.”
Jumps off of cliff.
Jake was definitely the sporty twin before his legs got deleted. If I included romance between Jake and Neytiri, I think powerful political leader and her sportsball 2 braincells trophy husband is an excellent dynamic.
“……….I’m fucking the future chief.”
And my ideal ending would be one in which Jake has to give up his avatar body to save the Na’vi and his other friends. Instead, they cut ties with the rest of humanity and integrate human innovation with Na’vi knowledge to create a successful human society in cohabitation with the Na’vi. Jake engineers a souped up wheelchair that lets him move around way easier and becomes the leader of the new settlement. Sure, it’s a horrible planet to set up a society on. But so is every other planet because human society in this universe is majorly fucked up. They have no money from the company or government or anything, they’re starting basically from scratch with what the mining company left behind. A lot of soldiers stay behind, too, because Jake doesn’t demand that they lay down their lives for him just to be able to feed themselves.
Jake and Neytiri can’t be a proper couple because he’s permanently human now, his avatar body is dead as fuck. (I think him and Tom could probably switch bodies if need be but they would absolutely prefer not to because they’re siblings and they find it gross and weird). But they see each other frequently as leaders of their respective settlements, they live apart but in harmony with each other. The Na’vi interact with the humans, but their different biology and stuff means while the two live close together in a joint society, they have to be somewhat separate from each other.
Because movie Jake doesn’t really go through a story arc. He gets everything he wanted at the start of the movie and all he had to do was fight people he already hated. Idk man. He didn’t really struggle for anything. He was such a non-character.
Anyway, that was long. I’ll definitely post more about this sort of rambly rewrite pitch because I have a lot of thoughts, but that’s it for now. If you have any feedback, anything to add, or any criticism, feel free to add it. This isn’t meant to be me saying you can’t enjoy Avatar or anything. I just personally have a hate obsession about it and cannot be normal. I won’t fault or judge you for liking it.
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earthravenclaw · 4 months
They aren't really similar in any other ways, but Eda Clawthorne and Grace Augustine are maternal in the same way.
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toweroftickles · 2 years
Avatar - Stress Test (Tickle Fic)
Kinda-sorta written for @trrickytickle but also for me 😆
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“Ugh; I don’t have time for this shit,” Trudy Chacon grumbled.
The ace RDA combat and transport pilot sat uncomfortably on a periwinkle blue medical bed on Pandora’s research bay. She’d already been measured and weighed and fidgeted around as Dr. Grace Augustine looked into her throat, and her sunglasses did little to hide her annoyed expression. This room…the coolness bothered her. She’d always preferred warmer climates and was much more at home on the field of battle than in a cramped doctor’s office with the AC turned up too high. It didn’t help that she was wearing her tank top and beige hiking shorts for the exam, but she still kept her boots on for the moment.
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“It’s only a few minutes once every six months; I think you’ll live,” Grace remarked. She brushed a strand of faded red hair aside and marked something on her digital clipboard.
“Should you really be smoking if you’re doin’ this, doc?” laughed Trudy. Grace said nothing and merely inhaled through her nose before stamping out her cigarette. “I’m not even in the Avatar program.”
“No, but you are piloting advanced helicopters at 200mph in an atmosphere humans generally can’t breathe in. So it’s kind of important.”
In truth, that wasn’t the reason Trudy hated getting physicals. The stethoscope made her jump. Her head involuntarily wiggled when the otoscope touched her inner ear…that was a little too sensitive. But when Grace stretched her arm out and removed a blood pressure cuff, her hand gently grazed the skin just slightly under Trudy’s armpit, which caused the army girl to shudder and bite her lip in a helpless grin. A giggly snort escaped Trudy’s nostrils as she flinched, and to her embarrassment, her reflex exasperated the doctor. Grace hung her head for a moment before glancing sternly back at her patient.
“Are we really going to do this again?” she asked. (If a smoke wasn’t going to cut it, she at least felt the need to jab a toothpick in her mouth.)
“No,” Trudy blurted out insistently. “I can do this. Come on.”
The pilot leaned back, her black ponytail brushing against the pillow, and breathed deeply. Nothing was worse than this part.
Her tank top lifted up. Ugh, just get it over with…
Her whole body tensed. Dr. Augustine’s hands bent into terrible claws, pointed right at her…
All ten of Grace’s sharp fingers jabbed deep into the soldier’s belly…
…and squeezed.
No…no! Don’t giggle! Trudy was thrashing already. The cot squeaked and creaked underneath her.
It was those damn nails…Dr. Augustine’s weren’t long or pointed, but they were just barely sharp enough to burrow agonizingly into the skin of Trudy’s tummy. They were grabbing, wiggling their tips and pressing hard on every inch of her abdomen, moving like big spiders.
“Heheh-Heheh; Heheh-Huhuh Heh! Sh-hit, that tickles; Heh-Heh Heh-Heh!”
“You see? This is why I like plants more than people. They don’t laugh when I do this.”
Why, Trudy wondered, did she have to touch everywhere? Above her hip-bones…her sides…oh god, not underneath the ribs… The sunglasses weren’t just to look cool; Trudy couldn’t bear to look in Dr. Augustine’s eyes. Not when she was tickling her like this. Every prod made the soldier girl jump and want to curl up in a little ball.
“HEH-Hn; Ha-Ha Ha-Ha Ha!! Ckkkggghn, Hnhn!! Gahh, this suhucks!! Hn! I-hit…ffff…it is soho hard not to la-haugh, Huhuh-Huh!”
Despite a thick, multi-layered hide of snark and superiority, deep down, Grace caught herself admitting that this whole thing was a bit funny. Watching a hardened military fighter pilot giggle like a schoolgirl…Grace was frustrated, but it almost made her smile. At least, for a moment.
Trudy felt a terrible grip from a hand’s full set of fingers, all five, chomping down in that tender area just between her hip and her inner thigh, and she couldn’t help it…she yelped loudly and flailed around on the cot, and her boot connected with Grace’s knee before either could think. There was an unbearable pause while Grace groaned in pain…now she was annoyed.
“Ugh…if you don’t hold still,” the doctor ordered, “I’m gonna have to make you.”
Uh-oh. A jolt of fear reverberated up Trudy’s back. Not that…not again… she’d experienced that before and knew what it was like. Her wrists and ankles strapped down to the examination table, unable to move while the doctor’s hands probed her every soft spot…Grace always seeming to take as long and go as slow as possible, just to punish her…always giving her an extra reflex test on her feet…the thought filled the shuddering Trudy with dread as she struggled to hold in her laugh. Her eyes were shut, but she could feel Dr. Augustine smiling at her. Two fingers were rubbing slowly in little circles just below her liver…
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“PfffVVN!! Hnhn-Hn!! F-HUH-huck, no, stohop it!” she cackled furiously. Her raspy voice crackled with tomboyish energy. It took every ounce of strength she had to keep from spazzing out.
“Oh, get a grip; this doesn’t tickle that bad,” Grace said, almost teasing her, now unable to hide the grin on her face. She was trying not to laugh herself.
God, why is this taking so long?! Trudy was really struggling now. Her stomach bounced and heaved. She slapped the cot. Her eyes were squeezed so tight she could see the swirling colors of the Pandoran oceans in their lids. But as soon as Trudy sneezed out another forced gasp of laughter…it stopped. The constantly-pulsing room around her slowed to a standstill, and the splotches of color stinging her eyes faded. Her tummy ached from all of her constant wiggling, but the abdominal exam was finally over.
“This isn’t going to be a problem, is it? Hmm? You know if screw up my results, I’ll have to start over…” Grace said, visibly stifling a chuckle of her own.
“*whew*…ugh…gimme a sec…just gimme a sec…” Trudy was positively giddy from the tickle torture.
After a brief moment to recuperate, the pilot soldiered through the rest of it as normal. No issues with her nose or finger reflexes, nor any reactions when the little orange hammer smacked her in the knee. (Though she did chuckle a bit when Dr. Augustine traced the hammer along the back of her knees.) Before she knew it, it was finished.
“Alright, you know the drill; come back in another six months.” Grace’s tone was her usual brand of icy, but a little twinkle of mischief didn’t go unnoticed. Trudy was still trying to catch her breath. Tiny rivulets of sweat dotted her flushed back…she was worn out.
“Heh-Heh…you at least gonna take me to dinner first next time?” she scoffed.
“Just be grateful I don’t show the log video of your check-ups to your meathead squadmates,” Dr. Augustine replied with a devious smirk, hand on her hip. “Wouldn’t want anyone to know how ticklish you are.”
Trudy blushed a little and angrily huffed a strand of hair out of her face. As she sat up, her lighter clicked open and a cigarette popped into her mouth.
“Yeah, screw you, doc.”
Half-serious and half-joking, Trudy stood and walked out as fast as her feet would carry her.
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imma-write-stuff · 1 year
Grace Being a Mom to Kiri (JC Avatar)
Author’s Note: Seeing that scene between Grace and Kiri made me cry. I wish Grace lived. This is AU where Grace lived. 
- Grace would’ve been shock to find out she’s pregnant. She never had plans to be a mom her whole life was dedicated to her work for Pandora. So children wasn’t on her list. She had nothing against the idea of motherhood, she had life goals that prohibit it more or less. 
- Plus, she was older about fifty, Grace felt that she was too old to have kids. Last thing, she wasn’t sure if her avatar body would carry a child being a hybrid. But its happening what can she do now?
- Jake, Neytiri, and everyone close to her will offer her support and help her get through this. 
- Grace’s fears disappeared when she got to hold Kiri for the first time. “Maybe I can do this,” she thought.
- As Kiri grew up Grace would read stories to her and teach her various subjects. Jake and Neytiri would be Kiri’s god parents, and they play an important role in Kiri’s life.
- Since Grace and Kiri are considered part of the clan, the couple would teach Kiri about the Na’vi, culture, and customs. Grace would be surprised to hear how Kiri got her Ikran. (She’ll be relieved to know Kiri didn’t have to fight,)
-  Grace and Kiri both are interested in botany and learning more the wild life in Pandora. The girls would go to the Tree of Souls to gather samples and connect with it.
- Grace’s experience with the tree to transfer her soul change her perspective on Eywa. Kiri’s unusual strong connection with Eywa made Grace wonder a lot. She has a few theories running in her head.
- They rarely fight and Kiri is a good kid, all Grace has to do is give her daughter a look that would stop Kiri on her tracks. 
- Grace will call out bullies and would reassure Kiri just because she’s different doesn’t mean shes a freak. 
- I think Grace would be a good mom to Kiri not perfect but she is good with kids and knows how to handle them 
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torukmaktoskxawng · 5 months
hi, I was wondering if you could do a part to your grace lives au that’s like right after the first movie and it’s her finding out she pregnant and the aftermath of the war. No pressure of course, I would just love to see you take on what happened.😊
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(Guys fr there need to be more Grace gifs)
At first, Dr. Augustine is in denial.
She noticed the signs in her body but stubbornly ignored them since it was scientifically impossible for her to be pregnant. Since she wasn't physically showing, she was able to ignore it for a long time, juggling her work, the Na'vi, and the one-year-old human boy she recently adopted. It wasn't like she could trust any of the idiot scientists who worked for her to raise a child, so she "begrudgingly" became the baby's mother.
Since Spider wasn't big enough to fit into a breathing mask, Grace had spent the majority of her days squished inside the small rooms of Hell's Gate, doing her best to raise him while also trying to continue her work. Now that she didn't have any RDA pigs breathing down her neck and monitoring all her research, she thought she'd have all the time in the world to do whatever she wanted. That is, until Spider.
It happened on one of the rare occasions Mo'at had stopped by the compound to see her old friend. The tsahik of the Omatikaya was more than happy to sit cross-legged on the ground of the lab to keep Spider company while Grace did her work. The scientist thought she'd be able to get stuff done with Mo'at keeping an eye on her son, but she was wrong.
"How long has he been doing that, Kìreysì?"
Grace looked over her shoulder to see what the tsahik meant. Spider was bent over, keeping himself steady on his hands and feet, planted on the floor while he tried peeking his head between his legs, looking up at Grace, and giggling with his cute little toothless grin.
She analyzed her son with a small smile, satisfied that he wasn't in trouble or in danger, then returned to her teeny tiny microscope, "He's been doing that for about a week now."
"Do you understand the significance?"
Grace shrugs, half distracted as she answers, "Well, back on Earth, there was a superstition. Babies who did that were said to be trying to tell their mothers they were pregnant."
Mo'at hums thoughtfully, a smile beginning to grow as she watches the little human baby in front of her continue to giggle between his own chubby legs, "Perhaps we are more alike than we originally thought. The Na'vi believe this superstition as well."
"I don't."
The avatar scoffed with mirth in her tone, "Because that would mean Spider thinks I'm pregnant. And I'm not."
"Are you certain?"
"I haven't been with anyone, Mo'at. It's not possible."
Mo'at rose, but not to her full height in order to avoid colliding her head against the ceiling. She crouched, shuffling her way to Grace, before offering her hands out to the other woman, "May I?"
Grace looks over her shoulder once more, clocking the tsahik reaching out to her and sighs, resigned to this conversation, "Mo'at. There's no need--"
"Indulge me, my friend."
She sighed, defeated, and turned to face the Na'vi woman. Mo'at inspects Grace with methodic, experienced healing hands, poking and prodding along the sides of Grace's breasts, and pulled away when the scientist winced from the tenderness. Mo'at eyes Grace with suspicion before moving her hands down toward the woman's stomach, below her belly button, before huffing with confidence and pulling away.
Fully facing Grace with her conclusion, albeit a bit smug, Mo'at smiled with joy and amusement as she tsked at her old friend, "Kìreysì, you claim to be a woman of practicality and yet you didn't even realize how your body was changing to make room for the life inside you."
Instead of shock, Grace went straight for defiance and denial, "No. I realize that my body is changing. I've known for a while now, but since it's not even remotely possible, I coughed it up to stress. I mean, why wouldn't it be? You know what it's like, right? To work with morons alongside doing your job and raising a child, let alone the two that you raised? Are you telling me you've never felt stressed?"
"If I recall, I went to my mate whenever I felt such stress," Mo'at eyed her with curiosity, "But you're saying you haven't gone to anyone?"
"No," Grace snarled with slight irritation, annoyed with having to repeat herself but kept her emotions semi-in check in Mo'at's presence, peering up at the ceiling to restrain herself from snapping, "I haven't been with anyone in years."
Despite what Grace did or didn't believe, she finally had to come to terms that she was, in fact, pregnant once her stomach visibly grew and a small fist decided to hit her from the inside. Once she recovered from freaking out over that feeling, she begrudgingly decided to admit to Mo'at she was wrong and then proceeded to let her peers and friends know the news.
"Are you serious?" Norm voiced everyone's initial thoughts, but he was the only one to voice it. Max and the other human scientists were much more afraid of confronting Grace, especially now that she was in her avatar form permanently. Nevertheless, neither Max nor any of the other scientists could hide their shock from her.
Jake, the ever-prominent little shit that he was, scoffed with a small grin, arms crossed in front of him, "So who's the lucky guy?"
Neytiri smacked her mate's arm, bouncing a newlyborn Neteyam in the sling that was strapped to her chest. The sight of her former student now with a baby only reminded Grace she was old and that her situation felt more impossible than before. How can sweet, little Neytiri now be a mother? Where has the time gone?
Despite her love for Neytiri, Grace sneered at the idiot she chose for a mate, "I'm not like you. I don't shack up with the first Na'vi I meet."
Jake loudly choked on his own spit, and despite the crudeness, Neytiri eyed Grace with a small spark of amusement. If there was one person Neytiri could rely on to put her mate in his place, it was Grace.
After Jake recovered, he voiced what everyone else was thinking, "But... then how can you possibly be...?"
"I don't know!" She snaps, swiftly handing Little Spider to Neytiri so she can lay into the jarhead she took under her wing without startling her son, "It's scientifically impossible, Jake! I don't need to have The Talk with you about the birds and the bees now, do I?"
Norm and the other scientists began to cough to hide their laughter under their breaths, especially at the horrified expression on Jake's face.
A/N: Sorry for the long post! I got carried away XD
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