#Dracula fic
Reading BlueCatWriter's Dracula along with Dracula Daily
Ok so I've been meaning to read all of @bluecatwriter 's wonderful Dracula hc fics in order for a long time but I never have time to get with it so I decided to read it along with Dracula Daily this year.
If anyone else wants to do the same, here are the dates (or aproximante dates*) for each fic. (idk if someone has done this already but oh well) (BlueCat if you read this feel free to correct me if i got any date wrong)
*(Since there's 2 pre-canon fics and 2 days of may before dd, i'm setting those fics on those dates. Dates of undated fics are also adjusted to not overlap with date of other fics)
*(The order during the varna stay is a bit wacky since the book gets pretty vague for 2 weeks there but I tried to adjust it as well as possible.)
1-A picnic in may. May 1st 2-Home before you know it. May 2nd 3-I too can love. May 16th 4-Three letters. May 19th 5-The prisioner. May 28th 6-Tonight is mine. June 29th 7-Stay awake. August 14th 8-In sickness and in health. August 24th 9-Full of vague fear. August 24th 10-A golden afternoon. August 31st 11-A doctor’s confidence. September 2nd 12-I come to my friend when he call. September 2nd 13-Blood she must have. September 7th 14-After the transfusion. September 7th or 8th 15-Sleeping beauty. September 10th 16-The wolf in the window. September 17th 17-Sympathy. September 18th 18-Things will be different. September 19th 19-My only son. September 19th 20-Come, my husband. September 28th 21-These others. September 29th 22-Lucy’s second death. September 29th 23-How good and thoughtful. September 29th 24-Brandy, bath, and beadtime. September 30th or October 1st (preferably the former since the dd entry is slightly shorter that day) 25-A pale orphan. October 2nd 26-You will not call in vain. Between September 30th and October 11th?? 27-Renfield’s death. October 3rd 28-Safe for one more moment. October 3rd 31-Hungry. Between October 12th and October 15th 29-A week in varna. Between October 15th and October 27th? 30-Waiting. Between October 17th and October 27th? 32-Judge moneybag. Between October 15th and October 27th? 33-How i miss my phonograph. October 24th 34-Mem. get recipe for mina. Between October 15th and October 27th? 35-Farewell, sweet friends. October 30th 36-Starlight on the sereth. October 31st 37-Step into the light. Between October 15th? and November 6th (if reading in one sitting wait until november 6th)
38- Love multiplying. November 7th onward
Omg guys it's may already I'm so exited for this. This year I know I will be up do date with everything even tho I'm busy with my End of Degree Project because the dracula fixation i caught last year is a part of my life now I have been planning this so long guys.
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thegoatsongs · 9 months
(Following the bad ending, Mina waking up as a vampire in one of the tombs of Castle Dracula after Jonathan carries her body there)
The moment she opened her eyes, her whole being was Hunger.
Once the smell that she knew was blood came from the breathing, black-clad body lying with her in a tomb as cold as she, a wild desire came upon her, and she was now pinning it under relentless arms.
She was instinct, bare fangs itching to tear that bag of flesh and bone underneath her apart.
The scent of anything besides blood was a dark blur, yet she was driven to seek fear too. She grabbed the fabric covering the pumping veins beneath and met the eyes; hollow, gleaming in the moonlight.
Why was this man in mourning garments not trembling underneath her adamantine, heartless cruelty? Why was he smiling so sadly up to her?
Why was this invading familiarity hurting?
The word deafened the thumping of the arteries in the hand reaching out to her snarling face.
The hand (no, her Darling's hand) cupping her face was cold and tender on her cheek.
A wetness trailed down her cheeks and she saw red liquid drip on his clothes underneath her, staining them.
His thumb simply wiped one of her tears away, and she was again in that sickbed that became their wedding bed, on top of him, as he was looking up at her with these same adoring eyes.
The remnant of his love was supposed to have passed into hate and loathing. Her killing to be done by his hand, with savage delight.
My husband, she tried to assert, but the pain in her wounded throat cut like a bonesaw, but he must have heard it anyway because my wife was his staunch reply.
Her husband bent his head to the hand gripping his collar and kissed the ring in reverence.
She saw through his eyes how the final act had played out: Alone he returned to his old Hell, carrying his other half in his arms for this final visit, and thus he abandoned his place among the stars of Heaven. She understood then where the smell of blood on him had come from, that the snow outside was as stained as her forehead.
But the past was dead like noble old friends with stakes and saws, and there was only the now. No regrets arising from the grave.
In the haze of her mind, she felt a touch of triumph. Her sire's demand for her to devour her man against his will had been overpowered. Could King Saul force his kin to mangle the Beloved intertwined with his soul? Foolish to even conceive. She knew the Vampire would shroud her mind again, but she would not let It take their renewed union and its sanctity away from them.
She lifted her clasping hand away and waited. Wordlessly, her husband presented his dear throat to her.
His caress was tender in her long hair as she sank her teeth, and his sigh filled their desolate chamber. Love surged through her veins, and she was enveloped in warmth.
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if a filmmaker ever makes a book-accurate adaptation of Dracula, the only right way to dramatize the night of September 17 is to cross-cut between Lucy's experience and Mina's experience - like so:
Mr. Hawkins, raising a glass in toast to Jonathan & Mina: My dears, I want to drink your health and prosperity; and may every blessing attend you both. Lucy: *waking with a start, dazed, in pain, bloodied, finding her room smashed-in and her maids come in screaming* Mr. Hawkins: I know you both from children, and have, with love and pride, seen you grow up. Lucy: *her maids lift her dead mother off of her, lay her on the bed, cover her with a sheet, and Lucy lays flowers on her mother's chest* Mr. Hawkins: Now I want you to make your home here with me. Lucy: *hearing THUD THUD THUD outside her room, going out, finding all her maids on the floor unconscious beside a decanter of sherry, calling out but hearing only her echo down the halls* Mr. Hawkins: I have left to me neither chick nor child; all are gone, and in my will I have left you everything. Lucy: *wandering her empty manor in tears, calling for help, hearing only low growls, returning to her dead mother's side, shaking with fear and weakness as she looks for pen and paper* Mina: *bursting into tears of joy, kissing Jonathan, shaking hands with Mr. Hawkins, and excusing herself* Both Mina and Lucy: *in their rooms writing, looking out their windows at the same night sky, thinking about each other, and hoping they're both okay*
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vickyvicarious · 2 months
Go down together by rallamajoop
I thought this was another music rec and spent a few minutes trying to find it on Youtube, hahaha. Only when I went to search the wider webs after having no luck did I realize you were sending me a vampire!Mina fic rec. Specifically, another one where Dracula is defeated but Jonathan still ends up alone in the Castle with vampire women - well, just the one this time.
Go down together - @rallamajoop
To one thing I have made up my mind: if we find out that Mina must be a vampire in the end, then she shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone.
I love the variation in these. My favorite aspect of this one was the slower and more deliberate pace (though the choice to act was still made at the last moment, the ultimate reason was made well before). We hear the hesitation and the 'knowing better' but being unable to choose differently, and not regretting the choice once made. It is a very good match to the quote it's based on.
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lauralot89 · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dracula - Bram Stoker (Novel 1897), Dracula & Related Fandoms Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dracula/Jonathan Harker Characters: Dracula, Jonathan Harker Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Extremely Dubious Consent, Shame, Humiliation, Embarrassment, Wolves, Bruises, Touch-Starved, unintentional arousal, Temperature Play, by which I mean Dracula is a corpse and is as warm as one, Teasing, Crying, Dacryphilia, Sweat, Licking, Blood, Blood As Lube, Oral Sex, Anal Fingering, Vampire Thrall, Immobility, Loneliness, Dracula feigns remorse to cuddle, and is unintentionally more revealing than he'd prefer in the process, Jonathan tries to think of England, And by England I mean Mina, it doesn't help, Also maybe the Brides dropped in to watch, Or maybe Jonathan is having sex-induced hallucinations, Gratutious Biblical References, Come Eating Summary:
“Either you allow me to attend to you as hospitality dictates,” Dracula says, so purposefully, tortuously calm, “or I will leave the matter in your hands, as it were."
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losing-dog-art · 8 months
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A redraw of this old thing, I posted may 17 2022, close to two years ago! I remember not liking it when I first posted it but hoping to get some fandom related attention at the time lol. Anyways I was looking for things to try with the new digital style I've been experimenting with lately! I like it a lot better
I feel like I need to confess that this art was inspired by a very specific fanfic involving Dracula bathing Jonathan after turning him. This fic has stuck in my mind ever since but alas... I did not save it in any way so it is lost to memory (pls let me know if you know it)
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nosferatvpussy · 2 years
distorted lullabies [chapter XXIII]
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Word count: 4k
Warnings: the usual // +18
Pairing: Dracula x reader
AO3 link | masterlist
Summary: Reader gets ready for the opera and Dracula thinks he has a moment of postnut clarity. Our girl is done with his shit.
At the white glare of a morning cloudy sky, my eyes opened, quite unwillingly. I opened my mouth to ask Dracula to close the curtains when I noticed his absence and smiled at my own blunder. The covers at my side still held the shape of his body where he lay so the sunrise couldn’t have been more than an hour ago.
I slipped out the bed glancing at the clock and saw it was almost 8am already. My alarm hadn’t gone off and I’d slept in more than usual. A shower should startle me awake. 
As I undressed in my bathroom, my shirt chafed at my back and the memory of being massaged, or almost skinned considering his brutality -- although surprisingly enjoyable -- returned. I turned my back on the mirror and tried to look over my shoulder to see the state of my skin. Not a mark in sight, though it glistened as if the skin was raw and new. Reaching, I experimented with feeling it with the tips of my fingers. I hissed when a nail accidentally scraped it but other than that, it felt only a bit sensitive. It was a small bother compared to the head splitting migraine from last night. When the hot water from my shower hit my back, I expected it to burn upon contact with the apparently new skin there. Instead I found it rather helped. My body throbbed as if the flow of hot water made my heart beat faster and the skin on my back to grow thicker. 
After I showered, dressed myself and ate breakfast, I pulled the dress I would be wearing for the night out of the closet and laid it carefully over the bed. 
It would be hours until I would have to squeeze myself in there, but I felt an inexplicable urge to stare at it while I worked. 
At 9am sharp my phone lit up with Hayes calling. I let it ring. At 10am another call. At 12pm, it was time for Chambers to call. Talbot called at 2pm, Hayes again at 2.30pm. Renfield called at 4pm and I answered. 
“Y/N, for Christ’s sake, will you answer one of them? They call me when you don’t answer and they’re driving me mad!”
“Hi, Renfield,” I said in my most pleasant voice. “How are things going for the party?”
“Y/N, it’s no time to be a brat.”
“I’m doing well, yes, thanks for asking!”
He sighed heavily.
“I expect you are. Dracula arrived this morning minutes short of sunrise.”
His answer shook me straight out of my urge to annoy him just for the fun of it. Not only did that mean he had welcomed Dracula into his own penthouse – and possibly spent the night there, on the couch, waiting for him like a dog – Renfield had implied much more through his words. Although nothing had happened last night and I was a grown woman, I flushed in embarrassment.
“They won’t take no for an answer and I am in no mood today to listen to their ravings,” I spit out to disguise my mood.
“They gave you a week.”
“I’m giving myself another day.”
“Tomorrow is Saturday.”
“Yes, and I can say no to them at your party, where they won’t be able to annoy me for hours on end. I have work to do, you know, I can’t spend an hour saying no over and over to Hayes.”
“Fair,” he admitted. “Shall I tell them that? That you’ve asked for a stay of proceedings?”
“Those are kind words but yes, tell them that.” I leant back on my chair and straightened up at once as my skin was pulled tautly over my spine. “Ow.”
“Ow?” Renfield echoed. 
“Nothing,” I said as I stood up from my chair and started pacing around the room. “Is Dracula awake yet? The sun is starting to set.”
“Asleep. Before he went to bed, he mentioned that he would be picking you up at 8.”
“Oh. Good, hm.” How awkward was this? “How are the preparations for the party tomorrow coming along?” I repeated, silently cursing myself.
“Fantastic,” Renfield said shortly. “Y/N, piece of advice… call the police if you’re worried about being stalked by Zoe’s people. Scotland Yard doesn’t need to know the whole story, only that you’re being watched and feel threatened.”
I opened my mouth to fight it, out of sheer need of countering the simplicity of his argument, but, simple as it was, it could prove effective. 
“Dracula told you?”
“He asked me to keep an eye on you during daylight. I can’t be with you all hours and the police will prove more able than I should Zoe decide to take action, which I doubt will happen. Yet, it would set the master’s mind at ease. And mine, as well,” he completed. 
“Okay. I’m sure the police have their hands full of lawyers with death threats, but I’ll give them a call this afternoon.” I sighed. “It can’t hurt to give them a description of Raoul as well.”
“You do that. Enjoy your date at the opera tonight.”
The phone became mute before I thought of an answer. 
“Oof!” I made for the second time.
“Oh, so sorry, dear,” Diana said between gritted teeth, peering over my shoulder to look at me through the mirror’s reflection. She tugged again and my waist gained a cinched shape that made me gasp. “I didn’t tighten that much- oh. Oh.” She seemed to comprehend that this time I hadn’t gasped for air, but out of surprise. The both of us stared at my body reflected in the mirror. Not a piece of clothing in my closet flattered me this much. The corset bustier forced my posture into a severe elegance that suited me. I didn’t know my waist could look like that or that my breasts, although suffering from PMS aches squeezed in there, looked sexy instead of whorish. 
“Pity I’m not a man,” Diana murmured, raising her eyebrows as if in contemplation, and making me laugh. “Honestly! And you said Dracula bought you this? You didn’t try it on beforehand?”
I shook my head, and she nodded hers, still a little transfixed. Admittedly, I was too as I ran my hands down my sides, feeling the accentuated curve from my waist down my hips. I turned around, sweeping my hair away, and gazed at the laced up bustier digging into my back. The skin still had a light sheen to it but hours since the abuse it had taken, the soreness and sensitivity had subsided to a faint tingling. 
Diana left me to twirl in front of my reflection and went to rummage through the things scattered on my bed. 
“What time is it?” I asked as I leaned to the mirror, pushing my eyelashes up with my fingertips as if that could have the power to curve them even more than mascara had.
“Uh, seven forty. He should be getting here in a few. Try these on with the choker,” she said, turning around from the bed with both her hands held out. A pair of teardrop earrings made of mother-of-pearl blinked at me from her left hand. In her right hand, a thin band of black velvet trimmed with lace of the same colour. Small, delicate pearls stood on the tips of the lace and a large pearl dangled on the centre of the choker. “I must have worn this once or twice. Don’t think I have the neck for it, although it’s very pretty.”
“Where did you get it?” I asked, taking the choker from her.
“Antiquity store quite a while back. The shop owner said it’s Italian but I don’t know how honest he was.” She shrugged. “Let me help you with it,” she said, extending her hand for it.
For a second, I started pulling my hair up, but then I remembered myself.
“I’ve got it.” I smiled. “You know, I think it’s quite cold outside. I’m worried the stole won’t do it. Do you have something else to lend me? If not, I think I’ll take my trench coat…”
“Trench coat with that dress?! I’ll lock you up for that. No, no, no…” she trailed off, already heading for the bedroom’s door. “I’ll find you something.”
With Diana gone, I turned to the mirror again. I hooked the earrings to my earlobes quickly and twisted my hair up in a knot so I could work the clasp on the choker. My eyes lingered on the light serrated scars on each side of my neck. The freshest one sparked alive when the choker brushed it, sending a shiver to my spine that finished in a ball below my navel.
I drew a breath in.
I knew that feeling. 
Shaking my hair down, I shoved my phone in a tiny purse where the tickets were already safely kept, grabbed the pair of Louboutin’s waiting for me by my dresser and practically pranced down the stairs to the first floor. I stopped on the last step, staring at the bottom of the front door, balancing on one leg at a time to fit the shoes on. 
The pull on my navel tightened a moment before a light flickered on beneath the front door. 
There were only hours since I last saw Dracula but excitement filled me either way as I turned the doorknob. Smiling big, I swung the door open to reveal him filling the doorframe. 
“You’re early,” I told him but I barely registered my own words. 
I stared at Dracula. He stared back. 
I think he said something, that, again, I didn’t register.
A black striped silk scarf was draped around his shoulders, falling down his chest to frame a magnificent damask burgundy waistcoat, half concealed by the long suit jacket. The matte black tie contrasted against the white shirt. With the sheen of the scarf and waistcoat, the effect was rather striking. The light hitting the scarf and the imposing wideness of his shoulders inside that suit kept stealing my attention to form a more elaborate response than simply staring stupidly.
To my delight, he seemed a little lost for words as well. But instead of staring continuously as I did, he stepped forward and seized my waist in his hands. I felt the weight of them. Dracula lowered his face to mine. I pressed my lips to his only to amuse him but turned my cheek when he tried for something more.
“I just finished doing my makeup,” I told him as he kissed my earlobe. “Let’s not ruin it before we go out.” 
A low rumble came from him - whether in agreement or not, I couldn’t tell - and, as if dropping the subject entirely, he forced me round with a twist to my waist. My feet tangled over each other. Gasping in surprise, I had to lean into him so I wouldn’t tumble and he took that as an opportunity to follow the deep curves of my waist to the rest of my body. His left hand drifted down to my hip and lingered there as he apparently detected something to his interest. Exploring still, his hand slid back to gather a firm grip on my ass. 
“You seem to be lacking something,” he stated, almost matter-of-factly as if he wasn’t veritably groping me.
“Very perceptive,” I taunted. Dracula squeezed my ass again, his fingers biting into the inside of my buttock. I let out a strangled noise as I tried to shift away from his grip but once he released me, the lingering touch was more pleasurable than painful. “Underwear doesn’t go with this dress,” I panted. “It shows through the fabric.” 
“Really?” His tone was almost disinterested as both hands were now uptaking the task of exploring each and every curve of my hips. Then, his lips were on my exposed shoulders, rovering over my back. I shivered and bent my back at the feel of his lips on the fresh skin. “Do you mind being late?”
“No, but I do mind showing up looking a mess.” I turned my head to look over my shoulder at him. His eyes, hungry and red, were on my throat. I grabbed his face to make him focus and he met my gaze. I understood by his look alone that he didn’t really care about the opera or me looking a mess. 
The creak of the back door opening dissipated the moment as Dracula glanced up in alertness. Quick steps sounded from the kitchen to the hall. I stepped away from Dracula, trying to disguise that we were moments away from tearing each other’s clothes off.
“Y/N, I’ve got just the thing-” Diana cut her phrase short as she appeared from behind the stairwell and saw us. She cast the coat she held over an arm. “Oh.” The brown in her eyes appeared dull for a fraction of a second, but a polite smile curved her mouth and gave life to her face. She glanced between Dracula and I. 
“Di, this is Count Dracula. He was a bit early,” I added, as if that was meant to remedy the awkwardness. “She was very excited to meet you,” I told Dracula and I wondered how I made the words sound so casual. “I’ll spare many introductions. You both know a lot about each other already because of me.”
Ever the gentleman, Dracula took Diana’s hand and kissed it. She looked at me as he did so and I shrugged in unspoken conversation - “really?” “told you”.
“She talks a lot about you,” Diana said when he let her go. “But meeting the man is always quite different from knowing of him.”
“Always,” he agreed, smiling down at her. “I hope I didn’t hurt your expectations.”
“You’re exactly what I expected,” she replied quickly, a frozen smile on her mouth. I narrowed my eyes. “Count, what do you think of lunch on Saturday? It would be lovely to have you over and get to know Y/N talks about so often.”
“My mornings are eternally busy, I’m afraid, and this Saturday I’ll be hosting a party at my home. I’m sure Y/N’s told you-” he looked at me and I nodded in confirmation “-you should come. If you want to evaluate me, and I do believe that’s what you want to do, you can do so there.”
Diana laughed. I was sure it was the laugh she used for corporate meetings - polite, short and a little contemptuous. 
“I’ll come.” She stepped aside from him and handed me the coat. Heavy black and grey fur caressed my skin as I threw it over me. “Don’t want to be late. Tell me all about it later?”
With that and a last surveying look at Dracula, Diana made her way back and left with the same creak of the closing door.
“She doesn’t like you,” I blurted as he turned to me.
“She knows something is off about me,” he said, grabbing the doorknob. “I don’t think she remembers what I did, as you suspect.”
“That’s comforting,” I replied, although it was not. 
Cutting, bone-chilling wind put Diana out of my mind as we stepped out into the night and I locked my door. When I turned around, I found Count Dracula holding the passenger door of his car open for me. My gaze lingered on the cufflinks on his outstretched arm, the dark rubies winking at me under the streetlights, and the waistcoat tight over his torso, accentuating his noble posture. He narrowed his eyes with a slight tilt of his head as I continued staring. Then the wind slipped under my coat and I was reminded of the freezing cold. I rushed past him, fumbling to throw my keys inside my purse, and took my seat on the passenger side. 
Dracula slid beside me with a slam to his door. He opened his jacket to sit more comfortably and flipped the ignition. We shot through the road. His legs underlined the fabric of his trousers as he changed gears. Lean muscles tensed and relaxed as I watched. The light coming and going from outside barely highlighted his profile with how darkly tinted the windows were.
“What did you do to me last night?” I questioned, observing him.
“Healed you,” he replied.
“With a massage?” I scoffed. 
He glanced at me.
“A massage,” he repeated, and chuckled in that way I hated so much, like he knew something I didn’t. “Yes.”
“Tell me.”
“Why should I?” He asked, leaning back in his seat as he held the wheel with only one hand. 
“Because I’m asking you to.”
Again, he chuckled. 
With his square shoulders set back, his body relaxed as he drove in feigned concentration. 
I did remember, at least, I thought I did. But something was missing. He knew it and wouldn’t give me the answer. What he wouldn’t give, I would take.  
“Make a right here,” I said, giving into impulse.
“But this is the quickest way,” he replied even as he obeyed me.
“There are tolls on that road.” I kicked my shoes off. My heartbeat accelerated. 
He smirked.
“And your point is?” He prodded.
“You would have to lower your window at some point.” I removed my seat belt, bent my legs under me as far as the dress would allow and leaned across the centre console. Dracula turned his head to look at me as my chin rested on his shoulder. “I can’t have that right now,” I breathed. “Eyes on the road.”
For a moment too long, he stared deep into my eyes, his smirk growing into a smile as he fully understood my intention, then he raised his left arm to give me space and put his eyes back on the road. 
Keeping my lips to his ear, I reached between his legs, feeling the most promising outline of his cock through his trousers growing rigid to my touch. I took his earlobe between my teeth. He tilted his head in response, shoulders tensing and relaxing as a chill came and went through him. I undid his trousers carelessly. The steering wheel let out a sound of complaint as Dracula tightened his hand around it. To my utter fascination, I saw that he had his bottom lip caught between his teeth. My hand drifted lower, fingers brushing against the distinct hardness hidden beneath the fabric of his boxers. He exhaled. Content, I pushed his underwear aside and bent down, settling on my knees and elbows so I could reach him and bestow a generous lick down his length. I taunted him with licks and brushes of lips and in return, he twisted my hair around his hand.
“Put your tongue out,” he said between his teeth. 
Opening my mouth, I did. He raised his hips slightly as he forced my head down. I squeezed my eyes shut and forced my tongue out as far as it would go to stop myself from choking as he hit the back of my throat. He thrust upward once again with complete disregard, past my defences, and I pulled back, gasping for breath. A sound between a groan and a laugh came from him. 
Mocking laughter. 
Grasping him tightly, I brought the soft contours of the head of his cock to my tongue. Dracula kept a firm hold over my hair as I fell into rhythm. Tears nearly leaking out of my eyes, I took as much of him as I could down my throat. Drool cascaded out of my mouth as I pulled back. I stroked his cock and left sloppy kisses along his shaft as I tried to catch my breath. Rasping groans escaped from him. He sounded the same way when he was inside me, and my body responded. My breasts felt heavier, my nipples puckered to hypersensitivity, and my loins swelled while wetness slicked my inner thighs. That arousal made me move my head a little faster, drawing on him harder. His grip on my hair tightened. 
The car swerved and jostled to a stop. I started lifting my head but he raised his hips and held me still. 
“Ahh, good.” 
Something about the way he spoke seemed to sink in and I took his cock deeper as I tried desperately to suck and breathe at the same time. My hair was released for a brief second before being pulled again, guiding my head to his own pace. A large hand, the one that was supposed to be steering the car before, began traversing down my back only to find rest on my ass sticking up in the air. “Again, pet.” Eyes filled with tears, gagging and choking, I obeyed, if only to hear him moan again in that way that seemed both demanding and pleading. “Good, good,” he said, and I thought ‘more, more’. 
His groans became louder until they reverberated inside the car. I felt his legs tremble, heard a breath leave his body when it didn’t belong there, felt his fingers digging on my behind, and then tasted him on my tongue as his groans subsided. Still, I kept him encased inside my mouth, attempting to drain all that he could give.
He pulled my head back by the roots of my hair and raised me to eyelevel. I swallowed hurriedly, before I let anything spill, as I continued grasping his cock. It was a shiny, slobbery mess. 
My chest heaved with deep, rewarding breaths. Gaze turning to the man at my side, I found him with his head resting back, eyes shut. Fangs loomed behind his parted lips. 
“Such a brat,” he sighed.
“Brat?” I prodded, stroking his cock slowly. He tensed.
“You’ll do anything to get what you want.” He chuckled, showing me more serrated white teeth. 
“Well? Have I earned it?”
“I spoil you too much.”
A racket of noise from outside filtered in and I let go of him in alarm, recoiling to sit on my ankles, before I realised it was people leaving a pub down the street where the car was parked.
Dracula adjusted himself, apparently unbothered by the interruption, and wiped a hand down his trousers. 
“You’re still scared of me,” he murmured, as he continued analysing his trousers.
That was his response after that?
“I’m not,” I protested at once. 
“What did I do to you yesterday, Y/N?” He asked, turning his face toward mine too quickly. His face was unnervingly closer than a fraction of a second before. My heart pumped harder. But not with fear. I wouldn’t allow that.
“Healed me,” I repeated his own words back.
“How?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. I opened my mouth to give him an acidic answer. “Think. You are much too clever.”
“You bit me,” I breathed out without a second thought. “Several times,” I completed as I thought of the cold pressure on my back. But no scars to attest to that fact, which meant he had licked all the wounds away, as he had once done to my breast. If I was right, that justified the feeling of raw skin on my back.
“I didn’t drink your blood, though. Not much of it.”
The corners of my lips curled.
“And you think I forgot about it- rather, I erased it from my memory because I’m still scared of you? Please.”
“I bit you repeatedly last night and you have no memory of it,” he said.
“Didn’t feel like bites. It felt a lot like-” a clear image of Dracula hovering over my back, sharp teeth biting and pulling my skin to meet the cold and cavernous inside of his mouth. Blood coalescing but not being drawn to pour. “Cupping.” A questioning look appeared in his eyes. “Alternative medicine, that’s what you did. It’s used to draw sickness out and clean toxins,” I finished, divided between wanting to find it fascinating and funny. “You learned it from the Turks.” I gave him a smile. “It’s very popular now.”
“Entirely not the point,” he muttered, and leaned back to his seat. 
“Isn’t it?” I carried on as I sat straight. “Maybe doing that on some damsel of yore could have elicited some kind of- what? Horrified and disgusted reaction? I know what you are, and it’s the 21st century as you are well aware. Not much mystery going around. So you snuck into my room, quite literally sucked the pain from my body and healed me better than medicine ever could, and I’m thankful, but not scared.” I exhaled harshly. “I don’t know how many times I have to repeat myself. I’m not bloody scared of you. Stop trying to test me and push me away.”
I angled the rearview mirror towards me. My makeup was mostly intact, which was somewhat of a miracle. My hair on the other hand was a different story. 
Dracula’s black gaze was fixed on mine through the mirror. Empty. It cut through my stomach.
“We’re late,” I grumbled.
Staring straight through me, he put the car in first gear, then looked away and sped off.
A/N: So, hot and (slightly) angsty, my favourite combo. He's having a hard time fully coming to terms with this relationship. He still expects her to run off. He never quite stopped believing it. And now she's like a dog with a bone :)
In another note, I am SO excited for the next chapter!! I've been thinking about it for months and it came out exactly how I wanted to. It'll accompany a small playlist to set the tone, so you can read while listening to the pieces that inspired me.
Same time next week.
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dodger-chan · 2 years
Self indulgent birthday posting:
Today is my *coughcough*th birthday. Uh, lets go with 40th, that sound properly meaningful. In honor of that event, please enjoy (or ignore) this short Dracula alternate take based on Septemeber 22nd's entry.
September 22
"It is the man himself!"
The poor dear was evidently terrified at something—very greatly terrified; I do believe that if he had not had me to lean on and to support him he would have sunk down. He kept staring; a man came out of the shop with a small parcel, and gave it to the lady, who then drove off.
The dark man turned and set eyes upon Jonathan. The look was neither friendly nor hostile, more like puzzled displeasure. It was a look one might give at finding an acquaintance in an impossible place. That look proved too much for Jonathan; he swooned entirely. I was guiltily grateful that he had not regained his full health for I would not then have been able to support his weight. As it was, we were stuck awkwardly in the middle of Piccadilly; though I could hold him up, I had not the size and strength necessary to carry Jonathan into one of the shops where there might be a chair.
The stranger with his cruel face approached us. Oh, but what relief that the cruelty lay in his looks alone! He easily took up the burden of Jonathan’s weight and hailed a hansom for us. He is apparently a French count and a client of the dear late Mr. Hawkins - which must be how Jonathan had known him. M. DeVille was greatly saddened to hear of Mr. Hawkins passing, and also of Jonathan’s recent illness. He was truly a pleasant and kind man once you got past his ill-looking features. M. DeVille insisted on paying for the hansom and seeing us onto the train home. I do not know how I would have managed otherwise.
He has promised also to come and visit us in a few days to ensure that my dear Jonathan has recovered.
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laconic-yet-voluptuous · 11 months
Fandom: Dracula (1897)
Relationships: Mina/Jonathan/Jack/Arthur/Quincey, past Jack/Arthur/Quincey
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Dr Seward's diary, fivesome, sorry to Van Helsing, Mina getting what she wants, bisexuality, cunnilingus, coitus interruptus
Words: 4,438
"I want you to know me, here and now, as intimately as Jonathan knows me - as only a lover knows his beloved. That way you will all have knowledge of me, full knowledge, as I truly am; you will know my most intimate self, as it truly is. And so, if it should be that in the course of our mission, I grow changed, and I reach out to you lasciviously or speak to you voluptuously - you will know it is not my true self. Thus you may protect me from myself, when I am unable to do so; and you may be forearmed with the knowledge to protect yourselves also."
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The 29th of September, with one key difference. Van Helsing and the suitors are not alone on their quest in the graveyard, their mission to put Lucy Westenra to rest. 
Mina Harker will not leave her dearest friend to this hellish fate.
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embystarr-blog · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Dracula - Bram Stoker (Novel 1897), Dracula & Related Fandoms Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: John Seward/Kate Reed, John Seward/Original Female Character(s), Jonathan Harker/Mina Harker Characters: Jonathan Harker, Mina Harker, Dracula, John Seward, Brides of Dracula, Quincey Morris, Abraham Van Helsing Additional Tags: I got Kate Reed and made her my own, jack is an oblivious mad scientist, kate is a relentless journalist, Dracula Is A Little Bitch, it's going to follow canon events I want to explore kate and jack, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Adventure & Romance Summary:
Kate Reed is like a blood hound: when she knows something doesn't add up, she doesn't stop tinkering with it until it does. She's used to elbowing her way into any problem and staying there until she has a conclusion. This time, however, the problem might be more than even she expected...and perhaps even more than she can handle.
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quailfence · 1 year
Title: Blood and Marriage Length: 385 words Fandom: Dracula - Bram Stoker (Novel 1897) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jonathan Harker/Arthur Holmwood/Quincey Morris/Mina Murray Harker/John Seward/Lucy Westenra Characters: Mina Murray Harker, John Seward, Arthur Holmwood, Jonathan Harker, Lucy Westenra (Dracula) Additional Tags: Canonical Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, (specifically the harkers arrived in time to witness lucy’s death), Gift Fic, Fic Exchange, exchange treat, Dialogue Heavy, POV Mina Murray Harker, Lucy doesn’t actually appear but the story is about her, so she gets a character tag, Ficlet, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Past Character Death, Polygamy (discussed) Summary: 
“How sad it is,” remarked Dr. Seward after Lucy’s funeral, “that you were not able to marry Lucy before she passed.”
On DreamWidth
On Archive of our Own
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thegoatsongs · 11 months
Via Dolorosa
Mina and Van Helsing heading to the Castle, and Mina's truest thoughts. Set from October 31st to the approaching morning of November 5th.
Now with AO3 Link
Mina Harker is carrying the weight of the world.
It feels egotistical, to feel this way. Even if the Professor riding the carriage has reassured her that it is all right to be. Maybe he is right. The weight is crushing, even if she has been sustaining the depth of Death for what feels like so, so long since. And the way to the hill is longer still.
Her Jonathan’s words echo in the growing silence of her mind. “O holy and most merciful Savior, deliver us not into the pains of eternal death,” he had recited, for her, only for her.
The truth she had told him about how much the loving words would comfort her stays, even if everything else has been slipping off her fingers.
His words, spoken or written, always filled so much dear space in her once busy mind- his whispers in stolen kisses last year, his (still experimental) shorthand love letters to her school lodgings, his law facts and his jokes and “Oh Wilhelmina, will you marry me?”...
She feels it. The Pass where it all comes home. She knows the truth of how beyond this, the weight will be ever heaviest. She hears the written words in his voice: “after going to the far side of the Pass, he suddenly turned down a narrow roadway which ran sharply to the right.” and she is ready. So she tells the Professor the way.
It makes him uneasy, she can tell in the way he asks how she could know. Of course she knows! Is her soul not knit to the one who wrote (just said) so?
She laughs a little because it is funny. It scares the poor man a little, who seems gray and morose now. Laughing while mourning is his modus operandi. It had made her cry once, and she had promised the old man to not forget. She will remember him the way he is, his true self. How she wishes to be remembered too, when she is no more.
As they move up thanks to the dear patient horses, she knows she soon will not be able to write her latest thoughts. The Professor is taking over for her. Afraid, afraid, afraid, she hears in the silence. Yet she feels no anticipation of the hammer and the stake.
She can no longer both crawl and lift all at once so now he is carrying it all for her. She knows, even in her day-sleep, when he lifts her on and off the carriage, bundles her, and lays her down. Later, she lies that she has already eaten, to lighten his own burden a little bit. His reaction is a bit amusing again, and she cannot help but smile a little wider.
Mina Harker resolves that when the old man dares to enter the open maws of Death, she will make sure that he, too, will not be crushed by It. Now, in the shadow of where her darling had suffered so much, she fears no evil.
Mina rests in the holy circle as the Professor sits beside her, and awaits the night. She recalls no sounds of waves, but she hears an approaching voice calling her name in a written prayer, and Love fills her like rushing blood in her veins.
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corinthianism · 11 months
corinthianism's fic recs
here are my personal favorite fanfics! idk how often i'll update this, but i hope you like them as much as i do :) *indicates smut
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last updated: march 26, 2024
loki laufeyson - from the void, with love — by whirlybirbs (my fav fanfic of all time!!! i think about this fic several times in a day bro) - riptide — by starks-hero - the tailor* (series) — by birdofhermes (ao3) - time after time (series) — by goldencherriess (ao3) - a friend from work — by cozy_the_overlord (ao3)
thor odinson - god of fertility* (request) — by charnelhouse - highway don't care (but i do, i do)* (part one, part two, part three) — by spacelabrathor
peter parker (andrew garfield) - agree to disagree — by delicate-dorothea - nerdy peter (request) — by webslingingslasher - good boy x bad girl trope (request) — by webslingingslasher - hold you here, my loveliest friend* — by p3mybeloved - your friendly neighborhood sensitive spider* — by jin0 - glad you're home — by withahappyrefrain - the mechanics of a soul — by irndad - 3 is the magic number* — by withahappyrefrain - crush — by ptersparkers - as it goes — by forever-rogue - here comes the sun (part one, part two, part three) — by withahappyrefrain - stability, reciprocity, and a romance for the ages (series) — by privateanxieties (ao3 - need an account to read)
steven grant (moon knight) - hold me close — by stormkobra-5 - gift of min* — by astroboots - puzzles* — by stormkobra-5 - first time* — by luvpedropascal - domestic adonis* — by peterman-spideyparker - where it starts — by silversweetpea - fallen from heaven, grown on earth* (series) — by davosmymaster (ao3) - call me poe* — by kittyfandom (ao3) - elemental — by batsingotham (ao3) - the boy with the thorn in his side — by eating_flowers (ao3)
marc spector (moon knight) - not him — by loud-mouth-loser - it's worth it, it's divine* — by the-archxr - i'm getting to know someone — by davosmymaster (ao3)
wade wilson (deadpool) - tea and sympathy (series) — by bucketsoffrogs (ao3)
sherlock holmes - your hidden strength — by okay-j-hannah - sublime dexterity* (part one, part two) — by daydreamtofiction - literally everything by starks-hero
sam winchester - playing house (part one, part two) — by uncouth-the-fifth - baby i'll stay (heaven can wait) — by uncouth-the-fifth - move over.* — by ggwritesstuff - where's your head at?* — by beau55515 - birthdays: sam winchester style* — by karleekarma (ao3) - the comforts of home — by zepskies - under the hood* — by shawslut
dean winchester - whether you like it or not — by kbeautimous (ao3) - reading you wrong — by zepskies - cherished — by thatonewriter15 (ao3) - soft touch — by wearywinchester - i love her, that's why* — by kaleldobrev - drivin' me crazy* — by lis-likes-fics
castiel - salt n' lick* — by aperfectgrace (ao3) - a bite of apple pie (series) — by ac_deanc (ao3)
the corinthian - bring me a dream* (series, ongoing) — by placeinthemiddleofnowhere - nihil — by lis-likes-fics
dream/morpheus - sweet dreams (are made of this) — by stranger-nightmare
aaron hotchner - from eden — by heliotropehotch - gold star — by honeypiehotchner - love, an abstract concept — by luveline - honeymoon phase* (series) — by hotchsbitch (ao3)
soldier boy (he's absolutely horrible but so. so. hot.) - break me down* (series) — by zepskies (go read their other stuff too!) - talk to me — by zepskies
homelander (also absolutely horrible. would sleep with him.) - if i can't have you — by watchstarscollide - milky white* — by after-witch
jaime lannister - i'm not made by design — by ichorai (this legitimately changed my brain chemistry)
obi-wan kenobi - like turning on the light* — by full-time-make-believer (deactivated acc) (this also changed the trajectory of my life) - where it wasn't* — by 221bshrlocked - your thoughts are loud — by spidersbane - empty me out* — by 221bshrlocked - house of memories* (series) — by meshlasolus - bad idea, right?* (series) — by mischiefling (ao3) - you make me feel like dancing — by saradika (ao3) - it's a wonderful lie — by firstofficerwiggles (ao3) - temptation's kiss — by karasong (ao3) - you make my dreams* — by wickedscribbles (ao3) - like a living mirage — by karasong (ao3) - broken drought* — by rosalindbeatrice (ao3) - never grow up — by doihavetoloseyoutoo (ao3) - never ending story — by kybercrystal (ao3) - volveré* — by kxnobi (ao3)
din djarin (the mandalorian) - the savior* (part one, part two, part three) — by dindjiarin - significant — by softlyspector - touching din — by archieimagines - uncharted territory* — by pedrito-friskito - creed* — by wheresarizona - home is wherever i'm with you* (part one, part two, part three) — by saradika
count dracula - the székely* (series) — by theplumsoldier
thranduil oropherion - a boon* (series) — by inksplots (ao3) - beauty and the beast (series) — by tamurilofrivendell (ao3)
dan torrance - of monsters and men* — by helaintoloki & obitwo - domestic life (headcanons) — by thornsinmycrown - smut alphabet* — by daincrediblegg
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vickyvicarious · 2 months
Haha I was going to say yeah "Blood of My Blood" also has vampire Harkers but quite differently from the scenario you were talking about.
I also have one called "the Penitent" which very much does NOT have vampire Harkers, but does have Jonathan keeping his vow...
I also don't read fic as a rule, but here we are
*scribbles down The Penitent as well*
Gotta admit, I'm intrigued about how you have Jonathan keeping his vow with no vampire!Harkers. ...the title and premise there suggest I should brace myself before reading this one as well.
Haha, seems like a bit of an exception for you, then? I read a fair amount of fic but I do think I tend to do it more when I'm dissatisfied with the original canon in some way. I also tend to have energy/motivation to do lots of discussion/writing of my own OR read fic, and not often both at once. In this case I've not really felt much urge to write fic for Dracula, which is more unusual than me being in a fandom while not reading much fic, actually.
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lauralot89 · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dracula - Bram Stoker (Novel 1897), Dracula & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dracula/Jonathan Harker Characters: Dracula, Jonathan Harker Additional Tags: One-Sided Attraction, One-Sided Dracula/Jonathan Harker, Communication, The Stage of Bad Relationship Where Jonathan Makes Himself Responsible for Dracula's Feelings, Crossdressing, Cooking, Paprika - Freeform, Burns, Dracula will eat you but he will not make you do chores Series: Part 5 of Infatuation Summary:
"Are you mad?" Dracula sounds as offended as Jonathan has ever heard him. "What host leaves his guest to make the bed?"
"You drink my blood," Jonathan retorts.
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