#Dragon Ball Miracle
pastel-kaleesh · 5 months
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Anya Nion chibi!!!
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anya-nion-and-co · 6 months
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I'm a time patroller now!!! So is Mimiko!!!
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scoots-canoe · 3 months
finding out there are ridiculously high quality tien/launch manga out there
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some of them are mentioned here https://twitter.com/lovelykotorii/status/1285310495159967746
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tenshindon · 8 months
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shut the fuck off new yamcha screenshot
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cheekblush · 1 year
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me today 💤
#no i did not end up studying 🫣🤐🤥#the ibuprofen did help with the migraine but i still feel so drained like my energy tank is on 0 😞#and i'm tired of beating myself up for not constantly studying like why do i always have to neglect my health for school??#idk how other people do it bc i know others get way more done than me & have way more responsibilities but i just don't have that kind of..#energy i'm sorry it takes up all of my energy just to survive and exist in this world 😭#i feel like such an immature crybaby but once again that kafka quote comes to mind:#i could have built the pyramids with the effort it takes me to cling on to life and reason#also my mom recently pointed out to me that i have been studying for 21 years of my life & i just went shocked pikachu face 😯#like that is absolutely INSANE i've been in school since i was 6 years old it's honestly a miracle i didn't kms yet#and all of this studying for what??? you'd think i'd amount to smth but i'm an utter failure 🙃#literally haven't achieved anything the only things i got in my name are mental & physical health problems </3#well this is getting depressing let me stfu#so instead of studying i ended up watching sailor moon & dragon ball while eating chocolate covered strawberries <3#i actually wanted to take a nap but i just couldn't fall asleep even though i feel so exhausted#i need to survive 3 more weeks of exams before the easter holidays... i'm on my knees but i'm crawling...#i just need to pass everything... no need to have perfect grades just make it through these next 3 weeks alive#i just know i'm gonna have a breakdown soon & cry my eyes out bc it's all getting too much again 😮‍💨#☁️
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kerbrobro · 1 month
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Great news for Gamers (on Switch anyway)
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elmundotech · 2 years
Se anuncian los juegos PlayStation Plus de septiembre 2022
Se anuncian los juegos #PlayStationPlus de #septiembre2022 - #videojuegos #PS3 #PS4 #PS5 #elmundotech
Sony anunció los próximos títulos de PlayStation Plus de septiembre 2022 que llegarán a las consolas para los fanáticos en todos los planes de suscripción. A partir del 6 de septiembre, todos los suscriptores de PlayStation Plus pueden comenzar a descargar tres juegos: Need for Speed (PS4), Granblue Fantasy: Versus (PS4) y Toem (PS5). Need for Speed Heat | PS4 Trabaja durante el día y…
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kamehamehamlet · 4 months
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The Tumblr reblog sensation is returning. But like the Sayians or Shakespeare’s folios, it has the potential to develop in many forms.
Visit kamehamehamlet.com to be notified when we have more details.
Follow this blog for a peak behind the curtain.
And read on to learn more about the show, how we got here, and where we’re going.
Thank you for waiting just a little bit longer.
Revival Project FAQ
Who are you?
Hi! I’m Daniel Cole Mauleón (@writepictures), the writer of Kamehamehamlet. In 2015 I co-founded the theatre company Play-Dot Productions with KHH’s director Shalee Mae Cole Mauleón.
What is Kamehamehamlet?
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Kamehamehamlet: Good Night Saiyan Prince, was an hour-long one act play, performed during the 2015 Minnesota Fringe Festival. It’s a staged retelling of Vegeta and Freeza’s battle on the planet Namek. Marketed as a Dragon Ball Z and Hamlet mash-up, the parody quickly shuffled off its weighted gi, revealing it was actually a Waiting for Godot spoof. After five performances, Vegeta hung up his helmet of spiky hair. Seven years later, K (@amokslime) wrote this incredibly gracious post on Tumblr, which inspired two people to reach out to me via Reddit to ask if I had a script or a recording of the performance.
I want to pause the semi-marketing voice and say a heartfelt thanks to K. Kamehamehamlet was brought to life by an incredible team of artists during a summer I’ll never forget. We got laughs at jokes, gasps at fight choreography, and we broke even on the budget (a Fringe miracle TBH). K’s post gave me the chance to revisit that show through someone else’s eyes. The mix of pride and humility it stirs up is truly indescribable.
If there is art which has changed you, and especially if the artist is still alive I encourage you to non-intrusively share that with the artist.
Is there a copy of the script?
Yes, I’ll speak more about that at below.
Is there a recording of the performance?
There was, but I genuinely lost the files. And that’s for the best, honestly. It was a last-second attempt, filmed from two cheap cameras (with different qualities and resolutions!), both at bad angles and with truly awful audio. Trust me. It’s better this way.
That said, I do have other archival footage from rehearsal's, tech, etc. that I look forward to sharing for those curious.
What’s next?
This is the question I’ve been asking myself over the past year and the reason it took so long to post anything. Especially since one thing I want to do differently this time is make sure that any artists involved are meaningfully compensated for their time and skill. However, I can’t plan without a better estimate of what kind of support we would have, and I didn’t want to share our intentions without concrete details. Right now, the best way you can support this project is by signing up for the announcement on kamehamehamlet.com and following us on Tumblr and YouTube!
The second best thing you can do is to share with others about this project, if I’ve learned anything reading through the comments on K’s post, it is that there’s a much bigger audience for KHH than I could have ever imagined, and you likely know at least one more person who would be interested.
And while I don’t want to promise anything I can’t deliver on, I will share that I’m planning on making the script available this year and I’ll be writing a separate post about that in near future.
Update 5/21/24: We've announced a staged reading for later this year! (Click to learn more) Update 6/11/24: We're going live on YouTube every Saturday through June to rally fans and talk about the project. This link will always take you to the upcoming stream. And this link will take you past recordings.
If you’ve read this far thank you so much.
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Photography by Ann B. Erickson. Vegeta is played by McKenzie Shappell. Freeza is played by Cayla Marie Wolpers. Costumes by Sarah Noel Simon.
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thought you might enjoy this one, raven ;) how about headcanons of rollo and malleus who are crushing hard on g/n reader but the twist is that reader is dating/in love with their mortal enemy...THE OTHER GUY. what will rollo and malleus do? try to steal reader away to spite the other person? I eagerly await to see what you'll do with this prompt!!!
*rubs hand together* They're both emotionally repressed and silly little guys that I will happily torment 😈 This prompt reminds me of fjsbsjxvksnwkw this video…
I can now use Dorm Uniform artworks for the banners, yay--
Curiouser and Curiouser…
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Emo Boi era? Emo Boi era.
Malleus is used to being alone. He’s used to it and yet… it has never felt this frigid, with needles of ice that prod his skin and scales with each step, the loneliness seeping into his blood and bones. The chill always comes when he sees you with Flamme—smiling, laughing—or when you turn down his invites to walk alongside him. “I already have plans with my boyfriend,” you’d say, and he’s encased in ice. “Sorry, maybe another time?”
It’s not just him that experiences the consequences of his gloomy mood. His classmates and the immediate surrounding environment also suffer. When Malleus passes, he brings with him angry thunder or hail the size of golf balls, floods the hall or brings a blanket of snow up to your knees. Everyone walks on eggshells, scared to do or say something to set him off.
He retreats from those rejected outings and spends the evenings alone, walking around campus to hit up all the gargoyle spots. Malleus laments to the gargoyles (and to Gao-Gao Dragon-kun), sharing about his romantic troubles. On the days when his mood is so sour he cannot even take his usual strolls, Malleus holes up in his bedroom with a blanket and a tub of ice-cream. He'll pout and indulge in the sweet frozen treat to chase off his sorrows, all while watching historical dramas and soap operas to temper his envy.
He savors the little victories, times when he’s able to have you for a moment of solidarity. Nothing is quite as enchanting to him as seeing how the sun blooms in your eyes when he performs what he considers such minor tricks—sparks of light that dance in the palm of his hand, a flower pulled from midair. (He considers flexing his magic small acts of revenge against Flamme too.)
... How is it, then, that you smile brighter still with him, when he abstains from the miracle of magic? The frustration is enough to make the light flicker out, and the flower crumble into ash. It’s not fair, Malleus thinks, that Flamme should come in to steal away the one I’ve had my eye on long before he has. Dragons can be territorial and possessive creatures—and you’re the treasure he’s guarded for so long.
His retainers awkwardly try to comfort him. Silver isn’t quite sure what to say, Lilia gently reminds Malleus that there will be others that take his breath away (“If you love them, then you must also learn to let them go,” Lilia had sagely advised)… and Sebek is Malleus’s personal hype man. He goes on for hours and hours about how “the human has poor taste in men!!”, shit talking Rollo, and extolling his young master. At one point, Sebek even advises that Malleus reveal Rollo’s misdeeds to you just to prove “the difference in nobility” between the two.
Malleus would be lying if he said he hadn’t considered any and all options. All it would take is the wave of his hand to decimate any rival, mage or no. Perhaps he could spin a curse to drive the others off, or simply whisk you away under the cover of night. But the longer he lingers on the ideas, the more they make his heart ache. No, he cannot bring any of them into fruition—he can't bear to see your happy expression shift to that of fright, the same way everyone else seems to regard him. Caving to his basest desires—it would be proof of the monster they see in him. It would make Rollo right.
It would be discourteous of me to intervene in another's personal affairs. It's his final decision, the mantra he recites to himself over and over and over again. Let go, and move on. Let go, and move on. Yet in his heart of hearts, he has not accepted it, cannot cut away the last of the threads that bind his feelings to you. Malleus is plagued by fitful nights, dreams that manifest as if just to mock him. In them, you're always shrouded in white, at some faraway altar. No matter how fast he runs or flies, he can never reach you. Other times, he's been forgotten entirely, not invited to the ceremony at all. Cast off into the darkness or a bog or an enchanted wood to stew and brood all alone.
He'll wake in a cold sweat and with an agonizing roar that shakes the entire castle. When Lilia and the others rush to his chambers to check on him, they find it in disarray. Items are thrown everywhere, the comforter cast off and the bed a mess from tossing and turning, ugly claw marks running across his curtains... The chandelier has fallen, the green-tipped candles of it catching the fabric on fire—and there he is, kneeling amid the flames, clutching at his head, his heart.
"Leave me be," Malleus snarls at his retainers. He knows the flames will not harm him, and they know it too. The least he can do is spare them from witnessing him in such a pathetic, distraught state. It’s over, isn’t it? He, the fearsome dragon, has lost to some self-righteous “hero”. His fairy tale’s happily ever after is impossible.
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He’s coping… coping and seething—
At first, Rollo thinks you must be mad, or playing the part in some cruel prank. How can anyone genuinely be attracted to such a repulsive, despicable villain like Malleus Draconia? He cannot fathom it—yet the longer be observes, the more frightening the truth becomes: those feelings of yours are genuine. Rollo then concludes something even more wild: that Malleus as bewitched you, cast some sort of dark magic that clouds your common sense. After all, how can you not see that Malleus is so very, VERY wrong for you?
Whenever possible, Rollo tries to preach, to warn you about dealing with the devil (yes, he outright calls Malleus that) and giving into temptation. He furiously implores you to reconsider, to think of your soul and to salvage it. Alas!! His words only fall on deaf ears. He curses, thinking Malleus’s enchantment far too powerful for him to overcome through typical means. Still, Rollo shall not relent.
His digs and sleights directed at Malleus seem to only become more hateful. When they cross paths in the hallway, Rollo makes it a point to purposefully bump into him on the shoulder--and you can bet this man doesn't hold bad when it comes to the insults. (Sebek tends to yell back in Malleus's defense, while all Malleus does in response is tut and tighten the arm he has wrapped around you.)
Rollo remains cordial to you (though you're not free from his lectures about how you should "renounce Malleus Draconia's hand"). He's still very much resistant to any sort of affection you try to demonstrate for him, be it verbal, physical, or otherwise, often shooing it away or deeming it "salacious". However, he's quick to change his tune if Malleus happens to be nearby, enduring your compliments and brief touches as he fights a blush from creeping onto his face. The blush is something he hastily conceals with his handkerchief and insists is "just the weather" or "a fever", nothing more than that.
There are instances when Rollo wonders why he's dedicating so much time and effort into saving one puny, pathetic person. His cause is so much greater than that, and yet he cannot tear himself away. Perhaps, he reasons, you are just that pitiful, and he feels sorry for you to fall victim to Malleus's machinations again and again. In his mind, Malleus is the monster that has kidnapped some innocent royal, and he, Rollo, is the saint sent to liberate them. Why is it, then, that he also sees your face everywhere even when he doesn't mean to? It's maddening to gaze into his fireplace and jolt back, thinking he has seen a ghostly face in the flames.
Much to Rollo's chagrin, his aide and vice president (and even the entire gaggle of enchanted NBC gargoyles) offer their unsolicited romantic advice. They demonstrate their unwavering support in other ways as well, often sneaking about to check on their beloved prez and making an effort to speak highly of him specifically in your presence. The gargoyles also (annoyingly) try to set a "romantic ambience" up by singing and tossing glitter down on you and him when you happen to speak. They're the wingmen Rollo didn't ask for--
It's ridiculous that they would think I have even a passing interest in seeking intimate companionship, Rollo quietly seethes. He doesn't understand where anyone would get that impression of him from. But everyone around him, even the folks of the City of Flowers, can see it for themselves. Rollo seems haunted by something, always looking over his shoulder with a longing in his eyes. The line between disgust and desire are gradually blurring, in spite of the man himself not recognizing it for what it is.
Rollo becomes increasingly frustrated that you refuse to listen to him, that you continue to hang all over Malleus like some brainwashed thrall. He doesn't even know what he's mad at anymore. At Malleus, for taking you for himself? At you, for being so stupid? At himself, for not being strong enough to bring you back to your senses? Maybe it's all three. It's become an obsession now, never too far from his mind and always gnawing away at his every thought. This fire under his skin, the urge to sin, sin, sin… He feels like he's going crazy--
When the anger has finally swallowed his sanity, Rollo, numb, comes to a singular dark conclusion: it's not him, it's you. It was always you, because all this time, you were in on this ruse. Of course. It was so obvious. How could he have not realized it before? You must be a mage too, one that had cast a horrible curse upon him, made him go mad with desire. Dangerous—you were dangerous, and he had to be rid of you just like he had to be rid of Malleus Draconia. For the world's sake. For his own sake, before fanning flames converged into another inferno.
And so he calmly takes out a plain white letter and matching envelope, penning an invitation to you. He asks you to come visit him in the City of Flowers, that he will be waiting for you at the top of the bell tower. You appear here as requested, and you’re greeted with an offer most ominous: choose him or Malleus; be his or burn like the wicked being that you are. There’s no humor to Rollo’s eyes, only a fervent fire blazing in the darkness. He awaits your answer, ready to cast his judgment soon after.
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
Okay, so I finally got around to watching Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero the other day, brought to you by the same people who came up with the name Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan.
Bulma's shameless, confident vanity continues to reinforce why she's the best character in Dragon Ball.
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I need everyone to understand that this might actually be the funniest moment in the whole franchise. It's silly on its surface, but it's also steeped in Dragon Ball history. You can feel Piccolo dying inside, and there's a reason for that that goes much deeper than third-party embarrassment over Bulma's shallownness.
Bulma's cosmic butt-lift is a continuation of a gag from Broly (the good version). In that film, it was established that Bulma routinely uses the Dragon Balls to knock a few years off her age, for the sake of vanity. This was contrasted against Frieza's desire to use the Dragon Balls to add a couple inches to his height, for the sake of vanity.
Both of which are resurrections of the gag from the Red Ribbon Army arc, where Commander Red brought militant warlord violence to all corners of the world to claim the Dragon Balls for himself... so he could make himself taller. Using limitless cosmic power for petty and shallow reasons is a funny joke that Toriyama's fond of.
But this isn't just about the shallowness. It's about Piccolo. Or, more specifically, the other half of Piccolo that is Kami-sama. Dragon Ball is steeped in religious and mythological imagery, primarily Buddhist. A fantasy spin on it with a lot of fictional elements added, but there is a lot of genuine Japanese spirituality in there. Which is why God Almighty is now walking around as one half of Piccolo, with a substitute God ruling from his Temple in Heaven in his place.
During his reign, God gifted the Dragon Balls to mankind so that they would have a cosmic miracle they could turn to in times of great need. Shenron was meant as a great gesture of benevolence; The difficulty in summoning him is to serve as a particularly grueling trial, one that only the most determined and most worthy could fulfill.
However, that didn't exactly go to plan. Rather than a source of hope for the world, the Dragon Balls became objects of lust for its greediest and most corrupt. Near-limitless reality-shaping power to grant any miracle one could ask for, wasted on petty ambitions and selfish desires. God regretted ever making this cursed things.
When Piccolo killed Shenron and destroyed the Dragon Balls, God's response was basically, "Good riddance." The Dragon Balls were a mistake he could now take back. He had no intention of ever remaking them.
But then Goku defeated Piccolo. Goku ascended into Heaven to implore God to return the Dragon Balls to earth. Goku's pure innocence, his kindness, and his strength of character convinced God that there was good in the Dragon Balls. That they were worth remaking and returning to the mortal world below.
And now. Here he stands.
With this woman. The woman who utterly trivialized his great heavenly trial by inventing a handheld radar that beep-beeps all of the Dragon Balls' locations for you, allowing them to be easily collected in the span of a weekend excursion.
Watching her call upon his great reality-shaping miracle, so that she can get a butt-lift and slightly longer eyelashes.
While strongly insinuating that she does this every time the Dragon Balls regenerate. This is the legacy of his cosmic miracle.
Bulma is the greatest heretic in the history of fiction. That is why Piccolo is dying inside. This joke killed me. Almost as hard as Piccolo visibly wants to kill Bulma right now.
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pastel-kaleesh · 8 months
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Introducing Ginger Nion! She's Anya Nion's mom and the one who sent her on the mission to Earth! For those who don't know about Dragon Ball Miracle, it's a story revolving around Anya, Neru, and Mimiko. It starts off with Anya spying on some Saiyan pirates called the "Turnip Force" and finding out what they were up to. Anya and her mother disguised themselves as Saiyan pirates and her last words before the mission were "Head to Earth, it's the only way." After Anya's Earth mission, she headed off into the galaxy, meeting Mimiko and Neru along the way. Afterwards, on a desert planet, Anya finally reunited with her mother again.
The poster text is Ginger's name and in the bubble it says "She's Anya's mother!"
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anya-nion-and-co · 6 months
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cherr-22 · 6 months
The cause of the attack was a pack of starved wyverns.
It wasn’t uncommon for demonic beasts to come down near the territory after suffering from hunger during the long winter.
However, the damage was too much for that.
Not only was the castle heavily damaged, there were also quite a few casualties. An hour had passed since Kyle left, yet there were no news sent to the shelter. There was an uneasy silence.
“It was my first time seeing a wyvern like that…….”
The voice filled with fear got me jumping up. I hurriedly walked through the darkness towards the voice.
“How was it different than usual?”
“Ah, you’re the demonic beast specialist. The one close to the Grand Duke…….”
I nodded my head and pressed for further explanation.
“Originally, wyverns are low-level beasts among the dragon clan. They are vicious and often travel in packs, but hunting them is not difficult. However…….”
The man gulped nervously and clenched his shaking fists.
“When the knights’ spears pierced the wyvern’s body…… a terrible odor came from the blood. The spears and the ground… they corroded upon coming in contact with the blood.”
“A-and the wyvern was the biggest I’ve ever seen!”
“Its horn was pointed and sharp…….”
I unconsciously held my breath as I listened to them.
A beast similar to wyverns but larger, its blood emitting a foul odor and corroding anything it touches even after the beast’s death…
It was a monster wyvern from the game I developed.
I took out the Demonic Beast Encyclopedia from my inventory and frantically flipped through the pages. Then, I read and read again the page that introduced the wyvern.
Everything I just heard was true. It wasn’t a wyvern from this world. It was an abnormal phenomenon just like the swamp goat case.
I couldn’t help but laugh.
What on earth are you asking me to do? How could I bear this guilt?
Thankfully, the Blake estate was stronger than I had thought. The people who had been trembling and unable to sleep in the shelter last night got up the next day, wiped away their tears, and began rebuilding the castle.
They were strong people.
They were people who knew how to swallow down their sorrows despite the castle falling, their houses destroyed, and losing their loved ones. Everyone here was like that. They were people who worked hard for tomorrow.
I rubbed away my watery eyes and observed Kyle who was commanding the knights from afar.
He looked very haggard. It took a lot of time for the commotion to calm down, so he probably didn’t have even a moment to rest. He must’ve stayed up all night without having even a sip of water.
I looked down at the cookie crumbs left in my palm. I ate it in a hurry, but I didn’t know how many I bought during this mess.
I now barely had 20 percent of Miracle Points. I only realized now that I used up quite a lot.
I had no choice. I couldn’t disappear from the shelter suddenly, and I was afraid that Kyle might come find me when the commotion was over.
[‘Summon’ will be canceled in 3 minutes.]
‘I ate so many and yet I only have 3 minutes left.’
I smiled helplessly and went back into the castle. A bright light enveloped my body, and when I opened my eyes, I was back in the familiar study room.
The system repeatedly appeared and disappeared while watching my reactions. I quietly watched the system windows before rolling over with a sigh.
Let’s first do the things we could do. Nothing will resolve if we rush things.
‘Right. Let’s take it slow, one by one…….’
I went into the hut, curled into a ball, and went to sleep.
I wished for tomorrow to come quickly.
The castle was busy the next day as well.
It’ll most likely be busy for the next couple days. The proof of that was Kyle, who didn’t come into the study at all yesterday. Although, I wasn’t sure if he came to my room to look for me.
“Stop worrying about him. He’s doing well.”
I mumbled to myself and pulled the bowstring.
Both the string and my arms trembled. I pulled as hard as I could, yet the trembling wouldn’t stop. It wasn’t this hard when Kyle was helping me.
I lost my grip as sweat covered my hands. Ting. The arrow flew, hit the tree next to the target, and fell to the ground.
I didn’t know if I had no talent or if I didn’t have enough exercise. It could be both.
I held back my sigh and pulled out another arrow.
I think I already fired twenty arrows, but only a few hit properly. Still, I practiced everyday while thinking of the people who worked hard to return back to their daily lives.
A week has passed since then.
At first, I used ‘Summon’ and tried to help the people around me, but I ended up being in the way. They were well-experienced and already knew what they had to do, so I just picked up the bow instead.
As a result, my skills with the bow increased significantly, but I still wasn’t good enough to be of any help. There was no way I could improve with only two hours of practice per day.
“Six shots. You’ve improved a lot.”
A voice came from behind me while I was bandaging my hand. When I turned my head, I saw Kyle looking straight at the target.
“……Aren’t you busy?”
“The things that needs the most attention have been sorted out. We’re at the final stage of recovery, so there is no need for me there.”
“How did you know I was here?”
“I came yesterday too.”
I had no idea.
I spaced out with my mouth wide open and tried to remember. Did I make any mistakes during my practice yesterday? I didn’t talk with the system, right? Or what about fisting up into the air?
I ignored the system’s strange expectations and smiled sheepishly. The system has been acting weirder and weirder lately.
But why did His Highness take time out of his busy schedule to see me secretly?
“You should’ve said something.”
“You were concentrating. I didn’t want to disturb you.”
He gently squeezed my hand. The tip of my finger twitched at his soft touch.
After practicing for a whole week, my hands turned red and swollen. I recover quickly but making the same wounds at the same spot prevented it from healing.
Kyle soothed me and applied ointment to my entire palm.
The round container smelled like grass that was dried and then boiled. It wasn’t a good smell. Still, I didn’t dislike it when Kyle applied it thoroughly onto my hands while blowing lightly.
I examined his complexion as he tied the wounds with a white handkerchief.
It was a concern every time I saw his tired face. Although, before I used ‘Summon’, I’ve already seen him as Cashew. Even in these hectic times, Kyle came to prepare my meal every morning. He didn’t kiss me though.
“Don’t overdue it. You can’t improve your skills by rushing.”
“I know. But…….”
“The wound needs to heal and toughen before you can build a new foundation on top of it. If you keep holding onto the bow with a hand that hasn’t healed, it’s not a surprise that you improve slower than you expect.”
His gentle voice made me relax my tense body. I glanced down and saw my hand was done being treated before I knew it. It used to sting from just a light touch, but now I only felt a dull pain. There was no discomfort when I opened and closed my hand.
In that time, Kyle cleaned up the area and put back the bow and arrows I used. He then lightly pulled at the hand that wasn’t hurt.
“If you’re not busy, let’s go.”
“To where?”
“The market is up again. They’re also selling the duck dish and quilted clothes you taught to the people.”
I quickly checked the system window. I had roughly 30 minutes left.
‘……It should be okay if it’s just for a little while?’
As Cashew, I didn’t get to see Kyle often these days and as Shu, we didn’t talk much.
Even if Kyle wasn’t here, I was curious if they followed my recipe well and how they were selling the clothes. How has the castle been repaired and what expressions do the people have now? I wanted to know. I wanted to see what it was like now.
I cleared my throat and took his hand.
“Then exactly 30…… no, 20 minutes.”
He smiled.
The tired handsome man looked even more handsome when he smiled. It’s not like his face fits my preference… wait. No, this has nothing to do with my preference. A face like this would make anyone drool.
As we walked towards the market, I swallowed my saliva. Kyle looked down at me and asked.
“Are you hungry?”
“……Uhhh. Yes!”
How sharp.
The corners of his lips trembled and drew into an arc. I avoided his gaze and hurried my steps.
“We should’ve ate before coming here.”
“No. There’s food everywhere here. We can eat those. Wow. That looks delicious! Oh, there are skewers over there!”
I felt embarrassed and rambled on.
In front of us was a stall selling demonic beast meat grilled until golden brown. Kyle paid for them and I took a big bite out of the skewer. I looked around the bustling market.
The people’s faces have become much brighter than they were a few days ago. There were still some places that haven’t been repaired yet, but it seemed like they were making good progress. They even finished making the funerals for those who passed away during the attack.
He spoke while I stood in place.
“There will be a memorial service tomorrow.”
He said it would be a long night. A hint of sadness could be heard in his low voice.
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Whumptober 2023
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Day 25: "Maybe I'm just hopeless" [Reader x Piccolo] {Dragon Ball Z/ Super}
Another pan hit the countertop, the contents were completely inedible and Piccolo couldn't be more upset. All the advice he had from Gohan, Chi-Chi, and Bulma was going to waste as the Namekian couldn't, for the life of himself, figure out how to cook or bake anything.
How was he supposed to impress his crush if he couldn't even cook?
Pacing around the small Capsule house, Piccolo pulled bandages tight around his fingers. Too many small, angry blisters had formed from his carelessness with the oven and stovetop. He was running out of time.
Sort of... he had already confessed, asked you to come over, and was delighted that you were going to come over. Though you did mention taking things slowly as you weren't entirely sure if you really felt the same way about Piccolo or not.
He was perfectly okay with finding out over the course of a courtship of sorts. A slow-burn relationship wasn't too bad a fate, and should either of you not like where this was going... it would be easier overall to break things off.
Though Piccolo really didn't want to think about that...
No, he needed a plan and fast. You would be here soon and Piccolo's attempts at cooking had all fallen flat. It was a miracle he didn't burn the house down at this rate.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Piccolo froze mid-step. Well, he clearly had less time than he thought. But he couldn't just not answer the door. Not when he was actually looking forward to someone's company for a change.
"[Name]." He stepped back, gesturing for you to enter, "I wasn't expecting you for a little while yet."
Humming as you slid your shoes off, "Yeah, I hope that's okay. I was a bit nervous for this."
"That... that makes two of us." Piccolo smiled weakly.
"Did... it smells like something burned."
"Ah, yeah." He turned back toward the kitchen, "I was trying to cook but... Maybe I'm just hopeless."
You snickered, causing the poor alien man to blush, "Nah, you just need a little practice. Though..."
Piccolo was trying to remain calm, his mind was racing from the fact that you were here... just a few feet away and no one else was around to ruin the moment.
"I didn't want to be too rude. So I ate before showing up, since Krillen mentioned you don't actually need to eat or anything." You shifted, only slightly nervous from admitting that out loud, "But if you're dead set on cooking... maybe we could try working together? I wouldn't mind teaching you."
"Yeah?" He felt like melting on the spot, "That... that would be nice."
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THE ULTIMATE ANIME TOURNAMENT BEGINS! featuring 384 shows spanning 60 years!
all matchups are listed below the cut, and the first polls will be going up shortly 👍
edit: made a google spreadsheet documenting all matchups and their wins/losses!
left side:
Majokko Megu-chan VS Soul Eater VS Turn A Gundam
Noragami VS Ranma 1/2 VS Shadows House
Captain Tsubasa VS Barakamon VS Ojamajo Doremi
Dr Ramune: Mysterious Disease Specialist VS Joshiraku VS Concrete Revolutio
Maya the Honey Bee VS Bocchi the Rock! VS Senyuu.
Angel Beats VS Golden Kamuy VS Initial D
Lucky Star VS Mononoke VS Assassination Classroom
Go! Princess Pretty Cure VS Shirobako VS Space Pirate Captain Harlock
Golden Time VS Death Note VS Ao Haru Ride
Food Wars VS One Piece VS Space Battleship Yamato
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K VS Blood Blockade Battlefront VS Poco's Udon World
Space Patrol Luluco VS Yu-Gi-Oh! VS Your Lie in April
Slam Dunk VS One Punch Man VS Candy Candy
Doraemon VS Akame ga Kill VS Black Clover
Space Dandy VS Sazae-san VS Bloom into You
Show by Rock!! VS Pokémon VS Restaurant to Another World
Uchouten Kazoku VS Tetsujin 28 VS Miracle Girl Limit-chan
Sally the Witch VS March Comes in Like a Lion VS Ground Defense Force! Mao-chan
Day Break Illusion VS Heidi, Girl of the Alps VS Zombie Land Saga
Yuri is My Job! VS Kimagure Orange Road VS The Seven Deadly Sins
Akudama Drive VS Future Boy Conan VS Land of the Lustrous
BanG Dream! VS Rin-ne VS Serial Experiments Lain
Snow White with the Red Hair VS Juni Taisen: Zodiac War VS The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Ranking of Kings VS Osomatsu-san VS Odd Taxi
Flying Witch VS Bodacious Space Pirates VS Shugo Chara
Yuki Yuna is a Hero VS Super Dimension Fortress Macros VS Spy x Family
Magic Kaito 1412 VS Kaguya-sama: Love is War VS Kingdom
Aikatsu VS Cells at Work VS New Game!
Blue Exorcist VS Sound! Euphonium VS Ashita no Joe
Re:Zero VS My Hero Academia VS Pani Poni Dash
Ouran High School Host Club VS Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai VS Children of the Whales
86 vs Erased vs Demon Slayer
Mashle vs Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt vs Bakemonogatari
Skip and Loafer vs Shiki vs My-Hime
Laughing under the Clouds VS Naruto VS Sakura Wars
The Vampire Dies in No Time VS Dragon Ball GT VS Fist of the North Star
Shadowverse VS Blue Lock VS Tamako Market
Legend of the Galactic Heroes VS Lycoris Recoil VS Tanaka-kun is Always Listless
Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple VS Sonic X VS Samurai Champloo
Cutie Honey VS Tokyo Revengers VS Parasyte
Kaiji VS Deca-Dence VS Clannad
I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss VS Digimon Adventure VS Charlotte
Kageki Shojo!! VS Majuu Senshi Luna Varga VS Stars Align
Love, Chunibyo, and Other Delusions VS Gintama VS Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits
Bubblegum Crisis VS Air VS Made in Abyss
Touch VS Fire Force VS Love Live! Sunshine!!
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer VS Sket Dance VS Himitsu no Akko-chan
Zatch Bell VS Little Witch Academia VS Gal & Dino
Parappa the Rapper VS Life with an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout (Fabiniku) VS Talentless Nana
Nyanbo! VS Bomberman Jetters VS Do It Yourself!
Kochikame: Tokyo Beat Cops VS Nobody's Boy Remi VS Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
Chika Ichiban VS Squid Girl VS Anne of Green Gables
Ikkyuu-san VS The Case Study of Vanitas VS Free!
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story VS Chihayafuru VS So I'm a Spider, So What?
Aggretsuko VS Hakumei and Mikochi VS Mou Ippon
What's Michael VS Kimono Jihen VS Kiratto Prichan
Mushishi VS Uma Musume VS Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Sabikui Bisco VS Dorohedoro VS The World Ends With You: The Animation
Un-Go VS The Case Files of Jeweler Richard VS Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure
Sonny Boy VS Tiger & Bunny VS Black Butler
A Place Further than the Universe VS Lupin III (all Parts) VS Tsuritama
Tari Tari VS Maoyu VS Buddy Daddies
Horimiya VS Akiba Maid War VS Cap Revolution Bottleman
Helck VS Play it Cool, Guys VS Revolutionary Girl Utena
right side:
Gegege no Kitarou VS Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood VS Urahara
D.Gray-Man VS Bakuman VS Devilman
Violet Evergarden VS Death Parade VS Speed Racer
Skull Face Bookseller Honda-san VS Mazinger Z VS Planetes
Aim for the Ace! VS Futari wa Pretty Cure VS Saiunkoku Monogatari
Comic Girls VS Galaxy Express 999 VS Dr. Slump
Wedding Peach VS Ronja, the Robber's Daughter VS Haikyuu!
Saint Seiya VS Mahoutsukai Chappy VS Yuri on Ice
Hikaru no Go VS Yona of the Dawn VS Mega Man NT Warrior
Black Lagoon VS Nichijou VS Space Cobra
Ms. Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles VS Stop! Hibari-kun VS She and Her Cat: Everything Flows
Space Brothers VS Gakuen Alice VS Dragon Ball Z
AKB0048 VS Kino's Journey -The Beautiful World- VS Musashi no Ken
Flip Flappers VS Hamtaro VS Daily Lives of High School Boys
Another VS Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju VS Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Gurren Lagann VS Hana no Ko Lunlun VS City Hunter
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water VS Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun VS To Your Eternity
Kiteretsu Daihyakka VS Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun VS Noir
Bungo Stray Dogs VS Soreike! Anpanman VS Moomin
Hajime no Ippo VS Paranoia Agent VS Mobile Suit Gundam
Maison Ikkoku VS Yuru Camp VS Sherlock Hound
Great Pretender VS Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress VS World Trigger
Little Princess Sara VS Ghost Sweeper Mikami VS Keep Your Hands off Eizouken!
My Next Life as a Villainess VS Kirby: Right Back at Ya! VS Air Gear
Saint Tail VS Haibane Renmei VS Astro Boy
Crayon Shin-chan VS Tokyo Ghoul VS Hell Girl
Heaven's Design Team VS Neon Genesis Evangelion VS Kiznaiver
Servamp VS Akane-chan VS Yo-kai Watch
The Vision of Escaflowne VS Tsurune VS Sk8 the Infinity
The Promised Neverland VS Hime-chan no Ribbon VS Fruits Basket
Urusei Yatsura VS Dr. Stone VS Shaman King
Star of the Giants VS Cardcaptor Sakura VS Angelic Layer
Berserk VS Kodocha VS Ping Pong The Animation
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's VS Boys over Flowers VS Otherside Picnic
Monster VS Sgt. Frog VS K-On!
Aria VS The Rose of Versailles VS Beyblade
Natsume's Book of Friends VS Planet With VS Detective Conan / Case Closed
Nodame Kantaabire VS Kyou Kara Maoh VS Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
Duel Masters VS Shounen Ninja Kaze no Fujimaru VS Hunter x Hunter
Mahou Shoujo Lalabel VS Carole & Tuesday VS Powerpuff Girls Z
Big Windup! VS Heartcatch Pretty Cure! VS Fighting Foodons
Gosick VS Ace Attorney VS Inazuma Eleven
Given VS The Prince of Tennis VS Cowboy Bebop
Code Geass VS Teppen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VS FLCL
Wolf's Rain VS Reborn! VS Princess Tutu
Magic Knight Rayearth VS Romeo x Juliet VS Oshi no Ko
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo VS Bakugan VS Jujutsu Kaisen
Yu Yu Hakusho VS Love Live! School Idol Project VS Trigun
Kimba the White Lion VS Waccha Primagi VS Toradora
Ultra Maniac VS Mahou Sensei Negima VS Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
Visual Prison VS Steins;gate VS Inuyasha
Vinland Saga VS Assault Lily Bouquet VS Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
Pop Team Epic VS Gingitsune VS Tokyo Mew Mew
Blue Period VS Higurashi When They Cry VS Fairy Tail
Chargeman Ken VS Shin Sekai Yori VS Chainsaw Man
Beyond the Boundary VS Silver Spoon VS Hyouka
Stitch! VS Mobile Suit Gundam SEED VS Symphogear
Kuroko's Basketball VS Pokemon Horizons VS Gatchaman Crowds
Ghost Stories VS Non Non Biyori VS Samurai Flamenco
Fushigi Yuugi VS Psycho-Pass VS Azumanga Daioh
Bleach VS Dragon Ball Super VS Ace of Diamond
My Neighbor Seki VS Mob Psycho 100 VS No. 6
Full Metal Panic VS Princess Principal VS Ya Boy Kongming!
Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei VS Puella Magi Madoka Magica VS Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
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First off, I wanna say that I mean no disrespect to the artists who worked on Hazbin Hotel. It’s just that I’ve been seeing people make redesigns of Hazbin characters, and though I don’t usually participate in stuff like this (it seems fun, and you are all incredibly talented. I just feel kinda bad tinkering with someone else’s work like this), the show made me frustrated, and frustrated induced brain-vomit started sloshing around in my skull so noisily that it’s been keeping me up. And, well, I had to get it out somehow.
So…here ya go, I guess. It’s nothing crazy or new. It’s just a few disgustingly rough ideas for this very specific version of Charlie that I kept seeing in my head. They’re far from polished or anything, and they’re definitely missing some key details because I’ve been hyper-fixating on trying to get the face right lol. I might make a full body illustration later, but I have commitment issues so who knows how far this’ll go. That is to say, don’t expect any more of this or the other characters unless 1) my brain decides to torment me with more literal demons or 2) I, by some miracle, become a more productive person. Plus, Tumblr’s a new thing for me, and I don’t know what I’m doing with this yet other than posting art and then disappearing for years. Seriously, you have no idea. It’s a wonder that I posted for a second time.
Anyway, the direction of this design is pretty obvious. I went with the lamb/goat motif because I liked the idea of inverted/parallel symbolism. I was toying with a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” concept where they appear to be a lamb in this form but actually shift into a more wolf-like dragon sorta thing when prompted. Their wardrobe is supposed to be an extension of the innocent lamb deception as the ruffles and looseness are meant to be kinda reminiscent of fluff while communicating a sense of privilege (a white untainted by the grit of Hell… something that probably wouldn’t last long). I was also inspired by white goth and catholic goth aesthetics (I blame Ethel Cain) as well as those insanely beautiful ball-jointed dolls. I don’t know if I captured that well (to be honest, the more I look at those digital renditions, the more I hate them). I considered adding a pair of spectacles coz I thought it was cute lol, and because I thought it could be a way for them to try and seem more human.
If I were doing a rewrite (which I have ideas for, but I should probably focus on my actual original characters instead) then:
1. They would be agender and androgynous (I’d go the Good Omens route and make most angels/non-human entities largely genderless as gender is a human construction, one that most angels wouldn’t really concern themselves with)
2. They would be kinda elitist and naive but still sweet
3. Their intentions would not be entirely insincere, but they would not be acting without selfish goals
4. They would be an eldritch abomination
5. There would be possible exploration of their role as an antichrist as well as basically being a tool of war for their papa’s self-gratification
6. Their pops would suck
7. More horror
8. Like, it wouldn’t not be funny…but horror’s my genre so….
9. They would not suck at fighting, but death is traumatizing and so is being the cause of it (squeamish)
10. That being said, could make friends with Death??
And that’s all I feel like writing. Hopefully I update this lol
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