#DreamCatcher Draws Stuff
dreamcatcherwriting · 8 months
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" so with advice of the dead, and a halo over my head.... "
reblogs are appreciated! this art is also on twitter :]
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citty013 · 18 days
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Can someone please give me gravity falls aus to draw or dreamcatchers stuff or ocs bc I ne3d to draw some ships or something plssss
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
Gathering CEDH edition: Once Upon Time
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Author's notes: No this is not a repost. I am trying this a third time. I now have a clear understanding of What I want to do with the series. I wanted to Streamline it as an Izone/Izone's daughter group and Dreamcatcher fic. The Main characters are also a bit more refined this time around as I have figured out how they connect. I also have now consolidated a lot of the bloat the previous version had to focus on better storytelling between the characters. So sit back and Enjoy the New Version. Think of it as a Director's cut.
I entered the new Photography collective my friend Dexter asked me to join. The goal was to create a group that could help each other rise in related industries relating to Photography, film, directing, scriptwriting, producing, etc. I was unsure of the efficacy as most of us were amateurs with some experience but not much. Dexter was the most well-versed of us as he was getting cameraman jobs for several TV shows and his roommate and other member of this collective Connor was in the same boat. I was just some rando they found on social media who had an insane appetite and penitence for artistic expression in all forms I could get my hands on. so these two "extroverts" Our first meeting I learned that we were all Nexos and fans of the game Magic the Gathering. This made building a relationship that much easier as our first meeting ended up with us playing a game of Commander. Connor was a Jeskai player, and Dexter was a Temur player. Thankfully I could play anything so our games were always varied. I began to lean into Sultai a lot as it was the colors I felt were most reflective of my player mindset. it also had the highest number of my favorite creature types Ooze. (WotC if you are reading this please give me a legendary Ooze elder dragon in Sultai that becomes copies of things when attacked that would be so cool). One day after the Aespa concert we all went to Connor made a huge reveal.
Connor sat at his computer waiting for another round of historic brawl on MTGA (Magic the Gathering Arena). He was on a roll with your kinda junky “Omnath Locus of all” deck. He stepped away to grab a snack from your fridge across the hall but came clamoring, and running back when you heard the ding of a match found. It was against a person with the name Scorpion’s-love-00. He noticed the name was funny and chuckled at the beginning of the match. You did your tradition of “ggs” before the match. He focused up and eased in. She was playing a bit of a serious deck helmed by Kyodai that relied on flickering and cloning the dragon spirit numerous times so her board became almost impenetrable. The only problem she was playing against someone who thrived in unbeatable situations. For each new indestructible body she put on the field you retaliated with more interaction in the form of bouncing exile until she was tapped out and drawing empty on resources. To finish her off Connor ended with a simple draw Connor the whole deck into Thassa’s oracle. As the scene shifts to the win screen, Connor sighs a sigh of relief. The win was tough but well-earned. Connor relaxed and decided to send a friend request to Scorpion’s-Love-00. you enjoyed playing with them and thought it would be fun to play with them again. He was surprised to have the friend request not only accepted but also a message attached.
“Hey! What’s your discord?” the message read. Seeing this as Harmless He responded
“Infinite #2782” Connor responded. To his continued surprise there was another ding and a new friend request from a “Scorpio Rapper 00” He accepted and was treated to the following messages.
“wow, you kicked my butt. You must know your stuff. How long have you been playing?”
Connor smiled and responded, “I am decent, and you didn’t fare too badly yourself.”
The message that came in response read “ ;] I bet you say that to all the girls you beat.”
Connor responds “Only the nice and cute ones.”
You say the message typing and then this message you, “Aw you're so sweet. I want to take a bite out of you.”
Connor laughed and responded “Lol, Lol” and for the next few hours, he talked with Scorpion flirting and helping her with deck ideas and builds. She was adamant about sending Connor pictures through messages as when he brought up the idea of screen sharing she freaked out.
“What are you some uber famous Mega star?” he asked innocently.
Scorpion replied “Something like that. Or maybe I am disfigured and I don’t want to scare you off.”
Connor smiled at her response. She was easy to talk to and so those hours flew by. Eventually leading to Connor needing to go to sleep. So Connor explained this to Scorpion.
“Aw, but we are barely halfway through my Hinata Dawn Crown deck and I need your expertise and card knowledge.” Connor sighs and respond
“I have work early in the morning I need to go to sleep but when I am free I will shoot you some more cards and ideas," Connor said
So with this, Connor fell into a routine. He would work, go home, go to sleep, work out, and play magic in either a shop or online (Usually with Scorpion). As he does this you get to know Scorpion. She is funny, sweet, caring, and ultimately a gentle soul. She also likes K-pop which is also a plus. One of the groups she is into is Aespa right now whom Connor loves. When she asks who’s your bias and you proudly say Giselle she laughs, but she insists she is laughing at something her roommate said and not him. She still refuses to do anything showing her face but he's seen her hands after she sent a video going through a completed paper high-powered Hinata deck that she adores. Eventually, this culminates with her making a voice call out of the blue
“Hey, you’re in New York City right?” Scorpion’s pleasant voice asks
“Um yeah, why?” Connor respond hesitantly
“Well let’s meet up?” I want to see what my friend who’s helped me get better at mtg looks like.
Connor hesitates. Scorpion waits for his response until she can’t bear it
“you didn’t hang up on me did you?” Scorpion asked anxiously
“Ah no. I just wasn’t expecting you to say that. Sure I am down what day and what time?” You respond quickly
“Good, How about in two weeks? At the Empire State Building?”
“Works for me.” He responds
“Great!! see you then.” Scorpion says a bit too excitedly.
As the weeks pass Connor tries to figure out a plan and an outfit to wear to meet Scorpion. As the day gets closer however your nerves lessen. Connor figures she’s going to bail as she has always not wanted to meet face to face. That is until Connor finds himself standing at the Peer waiting for her.
Connor was stressed but had chosen a killer look and had a dope plan all figured out. It’s a little chilly so he brought a windbreaker and some gloves. To ease his mind you put on some Aespa, you found their music oddly calming and familiar at this time. While you are chilling on the peer looking around when you get a call.
“Hey, it’s scorpion what do you look like? I am having trouble finding you.” Connor gives her a bare-bones description. That is specified only by the jacket you have on. Scorpion responds “Okay I think I see you.” and she hangs up. Well, here it is the moment of truth. You stand still for a few moments until you get a tap on your shoulder. You turn around and an extremely pretty young woman is staring at you expectantly.
“Scorpion?” Connor says hesitantly.
The young lady smiles and responds “ Yes I knew it was you!! but call me Aeri. Since that's my name. What about you” Connor laughs heavily, still starstruck that his mtg partner is a world-famous musician.
"Hello, earth to InFinite." Aeri laughed. Connor came out of his stupor to respond
"Connor Sun-won Kang." Connor stammers
"Wait Are you Korean?" Aeri asks
"half my mom was Welsh American...I think. I was adopted and only know what my "mom" told me about them." Connor explains
“Okay got it, and I am Aeri,” Aeri said
"I know but I am sure that's not what other people call you."
Aeri smiles as she responds. “No, but you’re not most people. Now are you?” she links his arm with hers and she says “Now let’s hurry I don’t have much time.” so begins the impromptu date with Aeri. The duo grab a bite to eat and then go through various rides and attractions on the island. As the date winds down the two find themselves in a taxi Connor looks at her still in shock. The rapper of Aespa and his bias Giselle was sitting across from you. All because he met her playing mtg.
“What?” she said “Do I have some ice cream still on my face?”
He shook his head and responded, “No you're just kinda prettier in person is all.” Aeri blushed.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” she responds
“Aw, I bet you say that to all the boys you meet?”Connor teased.
Aeri laughs and responds. “Only the cute and nice ones. Lucky for you. You're both.” Connor tries to find things to talk about that aren’t magic but it does often get back to that. Aeri is hooked on the game and she picks Connor's brain for a thousand and one ideas.
“oh, I won my first commander night. The week before we flew out.” Aeri said with pride. “Guess which card you suggested cinched the game?”
he thought for a moment then responded “Aurelia’s fury”
Aeri nodded surprised. “I am impressed you do know your stuff, but I’d expect nothing less from the guy who’s been beating me up relentlessly over the past few months.”
You sigh and say “Well I have also been trying to encourage you as well. You are an excellent player and a very quick study, Plus that's how I learned from My roommate.”
Aeri smiled softly. “So when does that mean I can go against your paper deck?”
You wheezed at Aerie’s question, “Um yeah I don’t think you’re ready.” you said trying to catch your breath.” Aeri smiled.
“Why not?” She said innocently “I have some tricks up my sleeve you know.” You blink rapidly as flashes of numerous counter-spell wars and free interaction flash through your head from the games you played against Nathaniel your roommate.
“Uh yeah okay. Sure next time I see you I will bring my deck and we will play together one-on-one.” You respond slightly shell-shocked. smiles and claps
“So after the concert?” Aeri asks. Connor blinks again remembering and now cursing yourself how excited he was to be going to see Aespa. He is trying to figure a way to wiggle himself out of this until Aeri says, “What are you scared I’ll beat you?” Hearing that flips his hesitation and apprehension into bravado and completely earned confidence.
“Yeah definitely,” Connor announces sardonically. Aeri noticed the change in demeanor and smiled at him.
"there he is. My confident and passionate sparring partner." Aeri teases
After this Connor and Aeri part ways for the night. When he gets back home you stress out as you get a text from Aeri.
“Here’s the address to our hotel I look forward to beating you After the concert. ;]” You sighed and got two of your decks ready to face off against Aeri. looks like you wouldn’t be holding back.
Two days later was the concert. Connor had a great time. Aespa did fantastic as always and even though Connor wasn’t close to the stage at all he could have sworn Aeri locked eyes with him a few times but he ignored it and just focused on enjoying the music. He was elated to hear their songs especially "Hold On Tight" since it was his favorite song by the group. ( I like the more metal-sounding girls but hey to each their own) Thankfully the mix was good too.
As the concert winded down he thought for sure that Aeri locked eyes with him and winked, but again it was probably all imagination. After the concert, He made his way to the hotel. When he arrived he stayed in the lobby for a few minutes decks, and play-mat in hand. after a few more minutes there was a tap on his shoulder.
“Infinite?” An unfamiliar voice said. Connor turned to see Minejeong aka Winter.
"Winter?" Connor questioned
"Were you expecting someone else? Well sorry to disappoint. Also, call me Minjeong you are too close to us to use that name." Minjeong said
She smiled when she saw him. Connor followed her to her room. She was dressed plainly in an oversized t-shirt and baggy sweats. She grabbed him and said, “Come on before someone sees you.” Connor puts his hoodie up to obscure his face and when you get to the elevator Minjeong looks at him “Oh I see put the hoodie on and cover your face. I like it.” Connor smiled at his friend
“Don’t want any dating rumors.” Connor replies “You need to keep your image after all.” he adds
Minjeong smiled, “Ah what a gentleman, but that won’t get you mercy.” Connor laughs at Minjeong’s taunt.
"Um if you don't mind me asking where is Aeri?" Connor asks
"Oh, Aeri Unnie still needed to shower and do...What did she say deck edits." Minjeog stammers
"Oh deck edits," Connor Suggests
"Yeah, that," Minjeong confirms
"Fair" Connor nods
When Connor arrived at Aeri and Minjeong's room you were surprised to see the other members all chilling. Ningning was the first to acknowledge you “Oh is this him?” Aeri nodded. Ningning stared at you with confusion, “I thought he would be taller, but you're right h, He's super cute.” she said, in between bursts of laughter. You set your decks down and unfurl your play mat on the nearby table across from Aeri’s deck box which was littered with various stickers. Connor took out yours and Winter sighed.
“Giselle please don’t get mad and scream when he beats you,” Winter said
Aeri smiled and said “Oh I would never besides. He is the one going to lose tonight.” he held his tongue which Karina noticed. She had been watching him the whole time you had entered not saying a word.
“Is there something you want to say?” Karina asked pointedly. Connor steepled and shook his head. he cracked open his deck box and set his commander down.
“Oh, I haven’t seen this card,” Aeri said as she gently grabbed your commander. “Narset Enlightened Exile. she’s cute.” Aeri said. Connor laughed as he spaced out thinking about all of the games he'd played with this deck and the trouble, Aeri was in for.
“What was that about?” Their leader Karina asked, “You spaced out”
”Oh it’s nothing.” He responds
Connor shuffles his library and hands it over to Aeri. She in turn hands him hers and he cuts it. She cuts yours. Connor gets his starting hand and wince. An OG Dual land fast mana, a free counterspell, and early plays. “Um you can go first,” Connor says to Aeri. The other members have circled her. She starts by playing a Shock land and playing Esper Sentinel. “Okay untap upkeep draw,” he says. Connor plays a scalding tarn (He had Tundra in hand) and fetches for a Volcanic island he grabs it, and plays it then taps the volcanic island for a ragavan, nimble pilferer. After that, you play Mana Crypt and Mox Opal. after all of that Aeri looks at you
“Um, what was that?” Aeri said dumbfounded.
Feeling confident you say “What never seen an og dual or a turn one mana crypt before?” Aeri shook her head
“Unnie I think you’re in trouble,” Ningning said. Connor nods. After that Aeri played another land, a sol ring, and a rhystic study.
“You like your tax effects huh?” Connor asked Aeri
Aeri nodded, “I need to keep up somehow how "Mr. I am playing cards I have never heard of before." I just thought it was going to be Ruhan and not all of this.”
Connor smiled and responded, “Well It could be worse.”
Aeri looked at him with apprehension, “How?”
“Well I didn’t open up turn one Narset,” Connor explains.
“how would that be worse,” she asks.
“You’ll see,” Connor says as she passes. He draws his card for a turn and sighs. Connor plays chrome mox pitching whirlwind of thought and a Tundra to play his commander. He swings Ragavan at Aeri. She doesn't block. Ragavan triggers and gets a red elemental blast from Aeri. he uses the treasure and it from Ragavan to destroy Rhystic study.
Aeri sees this and says“Wait what?" in Connor's mind the game is over, but Aeri thinks it’s only begun. that changes two turns later when Connor countered her commander twice and swung at her for another 15 damage. She looks at Connor with awe and silent terror. Winter is laughing hysterically. After conceding Aeri says to him, “Well that was unexpected.”
Connor laughs, "Next time I will play something a bit more your speed." He comforts Aeri in the meantime
Winter laughs jovially before saying “And you doing all that trash talk.” She looks to Connor (the only American in the room) to confirm She used the right phrase. he nods, and Winter smiles. Aeri is still surprised.
“You know your stuff.” She said. You nod at her as she tries to recover.
After that beatdown, Aeri sits next to Connor and converses with the rest of the Aespa members. They learn he is a cameraman for various events and a few indie darlings movies. They Also Learn he is adopted. He shows them some of his work and Karina especially takes interest.
“Oh I love the angles you get they are so dynamic,” Karina says intrigued Connor smile
“Thanks, Karina.” Connor say meekly
She looks at Connor with a smile and says “You’re welcome and don’t be so stressed we’re friends now.” he tries to relax at her words. As Connor shows them more stuff they warm up to him more and more. Eventually, the group looks up and it's 2 in the morning and you Connor is exhausted. He looks at his friends and says, “I gotta go to sleep but we can talk later.” They all nod. As he walks out Aeri follows him to the door. When outside she smiles at Connor
She kisses Connor's cheek and says “Thanks for giving me a great time.” he smiles and walks away.
A few days later at the Photography club Connor, Dexter, and I were a part of he told us what he did over the weekend. I believed every word while Dexter was more suspicious.
"So you want me to believe you just met one of your biggest idol crushes? who also plays MTG," Dexter questioned. I groaned
"Dex that is literally what he just said," I respond
"I know man but that's crazy that you just befriended Aespa like that," Dexter replied still skeptical. I look at him confused and ask
"Would you have rather Scorpion be a serial killer that's zodiac-themed? Or worse a Yandere who would steal our boy, and we have to fight to save,"
"Ugh Hiro you and your imagination need to calm down," Connor replied.
I laughed before saying, Come on dude. We are just having fun,"
Connor and Dexter roll their eyes, as we head to a Karaoke house at the request of Dexter at the end of our meeting. While there Connor gets a face time Call from Giselle.
"Hey Can you come to Korea for a few days," she asks
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Ezana Concept Art
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Concept art and translations for Ezana! Translation notes and image id under the cut.
Translation notes:
On the first page when Ikushima is talking about how he feels pressure to make his drawings beautiful, he's actually saying something more like "Usually with sexy woman I go 'I'm obligated to/I must make them beautiful!'... " but no matter how I phrased it the wording felt awkward in English, so I changed the sentence to go without the quotes.
There's a note on the second page above the monochrome sketch that was pretty hard to read (the middle character in particular might have been scribbled out?), so I kind of guessed at the rough meaning from the surrounding characters. The first kanji seems to be 玄, which has the general meaning of "mysterious, occultness, black, deep, profound," and the third kanji seems to be 器, which has the general meaning of "utensil, vessel, receptacle, implement, instrument, ability, container, tool, set". I went with "mysterious staff" as the meaning of the kanji together, also working off of the fact that it's. um. pointing at a staff that seems vaguely mysterious.
"Call forth the rain" was more literally just "rain," but it uses a particle at the end that has a vaguely commanding/requesting vibe to it, so I added extra words to convey that.
There's a part on the second page where I write "SHAMAN" in all caps. On that particular line, "Shaman" was written out using English phonetics, whereas on the rest of the page when I use the word it's the Japanese word for an equivalent concept.
"Lines like a weather map" is literally "isobar pattern". I'm assuming that most people aren't familiar with the word "isobar" (including myself) but from a brief google search, isobars are the lines that show up on a map when weather forecasts are trying to show the range of a storm and the barometric pressure specifically. Since it's (probably) not a commonly-known word, I just wrote out the "weather map" stuff instead.
"Sexy as it sounds" is a weird one. I think it's a portion of this phrase, which is defined as, "not existing despite seeming like it should", but just uses some different particles at the end which I'm assuming make it non-negative (e.g., "as sexy as it should be"). But I couldn't find a ton of examples of how the phrase is used though or what the differences in particles would be, so I just kind of went with the auto-translation I got from Deepl.
Image id:
[id: Multiple images from the Triangle Strategy artbook surrounding Ezana Qlinka. There is a page with a large colored portrait of her, along with a smaller line drawing in the corner. There are two illustrator's notes at the bottom: the first is, "Ezana has a really lovely ethnic design. Actually, after the character's portrait was completed, Mr. Ikushima redid all the linework, which added a lot to the character's beauty! (Yoshiura Rina)" and the second is, "Ezana is primitive, spiritual, and also a mysterious kind of character. With sexy women I usually feel pressure to make them beautiful, but strangely she was very easy to draw. I like how the natural colors are interspersed with the lapis lazuli. (Ikushima Naoki)". On the second page, the top half has several drawings of Ezana in a design close to her canon one. It is titled, "Weather Manipulator (Shaman)". There is one drawing where Ezana is without her headdress, captioned, "If there are different ranks of shaman, I think it'd be fine to start out without the headdress." There is a note pointing to her headress labeled, "Sheep's skull with some parts cut off," and another that reads, "Horns. Red and blue cord is coiled." Another note points to a full sheep skull and reads, "Origin. It's been shaved away starting at about this area." It points to roughly the middle of it. Another note points to a feather ruff she wears, labeled, "Crow feathers". Her staff is labeled, "A staff with elements similar to a dreamcatcher". There is a portrait of her from the back, with a note reading, "Back of the dress is open." The second half of the page is titled, "Weather Manipulator (Shaman) Large Brainstorming WIP". There are 5 drawings, each of a different potential design. The first is similar to her canon design, but with darker skin and a black dress. The second is very colorful, and has the notes, "Hear the song from the wind and go into a trance" as well as "Lines like a weather map" and "I think it would look better if the saturation was lowered a little or the colors were narrowed down a bit." The third drawing has a purple cloak with eyes on it, and seems to be throwing seeds into the air, captioned, "Sowing seeds toward the sky." The fourth design uses more pastels/bright colors, and has a drum at her hip. She seems to be saying, "Thunder!" and there is a note that reads, "Beat the cover and let it resonate through the air." The fifth drawing is of a woman wearing a full mask and a heavy cloak made of grass fibers. It has several bullet points including, "Weather Manipulator (Shaman)," "Female SHAMAN", "Indigenous - Separate wind and lightning magic", and "As sexy as it sounds." She holds a staff which is labeled, "Mysterious Staff" and also has a note reading, "Indigenous". She seems to be saying, "Bring forth the rain..." There are two illustrator's notes on the bottom. The first reads, "Mr. Asano requested that I add in leopard print, and I thought about how I could make it unique. (Naoki Ikushima)" and the second reads, "Looking at it again, it's a really sexy outfit. And it's great in battle! (Tomoya Asano)" /end id]
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callico-awts · 1 year
"I'll lend you my umbrella, you might get cold.."
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Yes.. this is spirit snnuy, since in my au has lots of rainy weather going on mostly in headspace well black space too.. but there's a difference red rain sign of shit is going down or something bad will happen.. there's also like normal rain..
So, this is the design I came up with.. The only thing is different he's holding a umbrella,it has a dreamcatcher that has a sun design (not that noticeable..), star and ofc the white tulips..
Ye I'm not good with adding symbolism.. Her brother is the light of her life, like the shining sun, her rainy days vanishes when he was with her. The friend group will agree with her with that, he's the baby bro of the group.
Despite his lack of expression, they know that deep inside.. he cares and loves for his friends, his big sis and family too ofc.. tho he often doesn't talk about them that much
He's forgiving, kind and caring.. He's talented when it comes to writing, drawing and playing the violin.. a good listener.
They didn't know that, the sun is slowly losing it's shine Tulips slowly wilting and losing it's beautiful pure white color..
Haha enjoy some of these long bread crumbs.
Don't think too deep about some things here.. when I read it, they don't make any sense..
Edit: sorry if you noticed I kept editing shet.. I like adding random stuff..
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billford-dump · 1 year
Ex-god Bill, half-delirious because he's starving without any worship to feed on, wanders outside. They find him laying down in the middle of where the bonfire was. They never said WHERE they burned all Fords old stuff, just that they DID, but he's so hungry that even those tiny crumbs of crumbs left over after the fire is at least Something, is enough to draw him in.
It happens every so often. He just sorta Wanders when he's hungry enough. The first few times they stop him before he gets too far, but eventually Ford says "Let's follow him this time. See what happens." His body is reasonably healthy, the hike through the woods isn’t too much of a problem. He leads them to The Cave, the one where Ford found the incantation to summon him. It's such an old place, but fear, however stale and faded, is soaked deep into these walls. It's bitter and dusty, but fear can still be a kind of worship.
It goes on like this for a while.
And then one day it's all used up. The faint traces of residual worship. In Fords study, the room that was once his temple. In the ashes of his artifacts. In the warnings painted and carved into stone centuries ago. In every single thing in Gravity Falls that was once holy to him, that was ever used to invoke him or depict him or ward him away.
He's desperate, dying, starving, so he goes to Ford and he begs. Just one day, one night, one hour. Let me be your god again. Love me. Worship me. Fear me. Please, Sixer. Name your price.
And Ford says no, because he already loves him. Already fears him. Worships him in dreamcatchers and wards and plans for if he ever regains his power, in reminding him of his new body's needs, in missing him so much it hurts. And once Bill knows that, once he knows what to look for, he finds it. The most mundane form of worship, a man who simply loves him, not as a god, but as a person.
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Writeblr Intro
*rubs hands together and cracks knuckles* Let's give this another try shall we? (since I was a nervous mess in the first one, but I am nostalgic as fuck so link!) _____________________________________________________________
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*Ecstatic waving*
*whispers* still learning
Stray over here! Welcome to the disastrous fire that my blog is. It's an absolute pleasure to meet you even if I don't know you! If you love paranormal schools, a found family of superpowered beings, assassins, creepy magical playground, you have got the right place *wink*. If you are a fellow young writer yourself, I cordially invite you to the
Discord Server For Young Writers.
( I could feel my mental version of myself do a salesman style wink while re-reading that. Ew. Great now that idea is repeating itself over and over and over again. Ignore me.)
Projects (with links ofc):
(Note : The tags are the names of the WIPs) 1. Defenders 2.Havenpoint 3.Paint It Red (the link is to the tag which is still the old name of the wip 'Rebel'. I plan to publish this work when I am done so I have not posted chapters. If you want to you can just search about it through the tags or send me an ask/dm) 4.Orphic Academy 5.Little Bit of Nonsense 6. The Playground (Coming soon, after I think of a goddamn plot. Also kinda dead.) 7. Sacrifice (still on the planning stage) 8. Games of the Astute (dead WIP) 9. Stolen by Silence (dead WIP no.2) 10.Random Writing (just snippets of random stuff I write, this will need to be searched with tags) 11. Legends and Lore my podcast
Random Stuff About Me:
1. She/her 2. Bisexual and aromantic mess 3. Open to all tag games, asks. 5. Can't write a romance story even if my life depended on it. But I am trying, okay! 6. Too many ideas and too many google docs 7. Unhealthy obsession with mythology 8. Daydreamer 9. Trying to be adventurous in an adventureless world (at the same time never stepping out of my house). 10. Poisons, weapons, dreamcatchers? Gib them to meeeeeeeeee 11. bleh bleh blah (Dracula style) 12. Formulated exactly 7 different ways to assassinate my chemistry teacher and coming up with more 13. I repeat myself a lot. 14. Overly honest...maybe a little too much. 15. I draw...sometimes 16. Have you ever killed someone? If you know about me I am allowed to know about you!
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brain-r0tten · 8 months
BRAIN-R𝟬T (or just Rot / Nate)
here to draw fanart and be self-indulgent🌈
my personal account (memes/rambles/reblogs of stuff I like) @cringe-for-breakfast
pony side-blog (original pony content / aus) @i-love-scenecore-ponies
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✰ they / he
✰ 19 yrs
✰ enby + bisexual + poly
✰ autistic
✰ multifandom + selfshipper
✰ artist, toyhouse coder, fanfic writer (not on this blog tho)
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currently into:
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
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general interests / likes:
dogs & lions
punk rock, electronic, pop, dance, scenecore
♡ Creep-P, Rebzyyx, 6arelyhuman, Ayesha Erotica, nervexx, Vylet Pony, Graveyardguy, Hollywood Undead, Fall Out Boy, New Medicine, My Darkest Days
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talk to me if you want and feel free to use my fanart as pfp, just tag/credit me :]
(current pfp credit https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/347199452537010317/ )
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zs-art · 1 year
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Inktober 2023 Day 1 & 2 : Dream / Spiders 💭 🌌🕷️
Outertale Muffet selling you a dreamcatcher she made
(or collecting your sweet dreams to sweeten her pastries 🧁)
first drawing of the month and i almost skipped & messed it up cuz i went to a cosplay con yesterday & i’m still unpacking stuff xP
i won finalist btw~ not the best but still a big win for me cuz it’s my 10th cosplay anniversary (that’s why i recos Fionna) & my birthmonth 🎉 🥳 Happy October !
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dreamcatcherwriting · 5 months
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Not the real you.
Yeah haha I had a lot of fun with this one! It's based off the document @hellenite put out with their ideas for the Fading Lights continuation that will never happen.
Spoilers for that below the cut.
This is based off the would-be scene in the continuation where the new version of Ranboo, the reset one, comes back and successfully locates Tubbo. Tubbo at first thinks he's the "real" one, until he flips over Ranboo's wrist and sees that the tattoo is missing.
Here's the original fic (though this scene isn't in it.)
Here's the post hellenite made with the doc attached.
Complete credit for the idea goes to them!
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lightbarebunnies · 8 months
Hello hello! I saw that there was one more matchup slot open and was like “hey, don’t mind if I do!”
So… about me. I’m a 19y.o. transmasc person (he/they). I’m a Pisces (cusp Aries) sun, Aquarius moon, and Capricorn rising, my MBTI type is ENTP, and my enneagram type is 8w7. I stand at 160cm (5’3”). I have shoulder length naturally wavy (I straighten it) strawberry blonde hair that I highlight with platinum blonde. I also have hazel eyes, pale skin and freckles.
Generally I dress in a mix of business casual and gothic aesthetics, combining stuff like your typical button-up shirt/dress pants combo with combat boots and long jackets/trenchcoats. Also tying bows around the neckline of collared shirts in the place of a tie, or wearing a bejeweled tie. I’m also quite the fan of blazers haha. In terms of jewelry, I usually wear cuff earrings (my favorite being a silver snake that slithers up my ear), and finger armor style rings, or ones that are designed to bend with your finger. I also do wear makeup, but usually it’s only eyeliner, and then a bit of eyeshadow and some rhinestones near my eyes in a color that matches my outfit.
I’m a sophomore in university, majoring in music with a concentration in vocal performance. I’ve been taking private vocal lessons since I was in elementary school, and music has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I’m also an amateur composer (although my teacher does say I’m a mature writer for my age, which is something I’m definitely proud of, hehe.) I’ve also been an actor since I was small, so I spent a lot of my formative years on a stage, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Although, I will definitely say, growing up in the entertainment industry and around so many people I grew to idolize made me a bit of a perfectionist in regard to my own work. I hold myself and anything that I make to a very high standard, but that’s because I want to see it be what I know it can be. I’m also a bit of a busybody since I’m almost always performing, composing, or working on college work. I do love it, though! Every day I’m always improving my craft, and working closer to finally being the musician I know I can be.
Outside of my professional life, though, I’m much less uptight, especially regarding myself, although music is still my lifeblood. I was on my debate team in high school, too, though. In terms of non-music related hobbies, I enjoy roller skating (I go every week), drawing (markers are my main medium), writing (I’m working on a gothic horror duology, but I also roleplay, literate to advanced lit), playing games (I also play Magic: The Gathering biweekly), dancing, and visiting museums (art exhibits or historical houses, there’s some preserved mansions nearby the theater where I work and perform nearly every day, and they’re my happy place, I go on my birthday nearly every year). I also read tarot, and I have a collection of crystals that grows by the day haha.
Some favorite bands/artists from outside of Ensemble Square would have to be Laufey, Frank Sinatra, Kaya, The Mechanisms, Evanescence, Dreamcatcher and Ali Project.
My love language is primarily compliments and acts of service, especially as I’m growing more comfortable around a person, since it takes me a second to be comfortable with being vulnerable without the safety of the stage lights and a role to feel safe behind. I’m more comfortable with hugs once I know someone well and we’re both clearly comfy with the idea of it. (Also, late night texts, usually driven by creative ideas.)
Hopefully this isn’t too much 😭 I did get a bit carried away, I was like “what else can I say” haha. I’m really curious to see how this goes!
Hi, hi! Your result will be under the read more to maintain the surprise surprise, while my thought process will be displayed below – it is entirely skipable <3
Initial Thoughts: Ah, ENTP… the dream partner MBTI /j I think Pisces-Aries cusps are incredibly interesting given how drastically different the individual signs typically are, but you being an 8w7 matches your sun sign perfectly? I love that for you!
Basically, 8w7 desires freedom and a feeling of self-control, while also not stomping those around them into confirming to them. You would get along best with someone slower paced, to build friendship before you move on to partnership – a sense of trust needs to be built so you can feel secure.
Initial Selection: Rei, Shu, Eichi, and Tatsumi are the four I ended up picking to examine further.
Rei: Old man no.1… He’s definitely the type who needs time to get close to someone before opening up about his true self at all. Rei is an INFJ, which may seem like an opposite to ENTP, but in reality they gel well together because their differences are so complimentary. You’d be able to give Rei new perspectives, while also keeping him from getting to deep into his own head.
Shu: INTJs tend to get along exceptionally well with ENTPs, providing deep and meaningful discussions and generally understanding each other far more than other MBTI types do. As a 1w9, he can relate to being an advocate for others to maintain their individuality and freedom (… I mean, look at how he gets frustrated with Mika for not embracing his own unique sense of creativity) but he also might nag you for not having as much ‘tact’ as he does.
Eichi: Eichi is a Capricorn, which gives him that strong ‘get things done’ work ethic as well as a general sense of passion and tenacity. Pisces-Aries cusp is unique in that it’s basically a more determined version of Pisces. You’re both able to be honest, and Eichi won’t absolutely dominate your personality with his own – while you both have your individual passions, you can appreciate the other’s.
Tatsumi: The layers of Tatsumi Kazehaya are not meant to be pealed back by just anyone, which is why I think the two of you would make a pretty good match. Like Rei and Eichi, he’s an INFJ. The biggest difference between the others is that he’s a type 7, which is your wing. You’re both more cooperative, warm people who are generally pleasant… so forming that initial bond will be easy and eventually you’ll get to a mutual sense of trust and comfort.
With all of that in mind…
I'd match you with Shu!
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It’s definitely a slow burn, but once that fire starts it’s going to be impossible to put out. Even if you do something to absolutely infuriate him, he’ll be adamant on letting you know rather than ignore you or brush it off.
Music will definitely be the place your bond begins. He loves your creativity, especially in the various mediums that you enjoy, and the passion you have for music as a whole will spark that initial attraction. When hit with an idea that he can’t quite get out properly, he’s going to want to talk it out with you. Your varying perspectives will be more than enough for him to trust you with having a part in his creative process.
Given your similar need for time to develop a full relationship, things would progress slowly but surely. Museum trips for inspiration slowly start turning into dates, he’ll start to reach for to your hand when in a more populated areas, you might catch him looking at you more than the art.
Once you’re properly together and have established your romantic relationship, Shu is going to want to do more for you. He’ll offer to do your make-up, make you accessories to match a certain outfit you particularly like, and… if you’d let him, he’d certainly want to make some sort of matching attire for the two of you to wear. He’s proud of you, of being yours, and he’d like others to know that much.
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egabdraws · 2 years
These were some sketches I did back then when watching dreamcatcher's Mind, was the first time drawing them all and stuff (cuz if you know me from Twitter, you would know... My love for deukae got BIG)
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Okayy soo Hey guys!! My first post on tumblr here~~ I'm gonna give an introduction about my self and tell about who I am so here we go!~
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🌻• I'm a teenage girl from India, who loves doing, thinking, reading aesthetic, fun stuff.
🌻• I love all kinds of art and I am deeply interested in them, whether it be singing, dancing, whether it be painting, drawing, poetry. Just ANYTHING.
🌻•I'm a proud Hindu girl who deeply loves God and is proud of her culture🧡
🌻•I can speak, write and understand Hindi, English and Gujarati well. I can just read and write Korean alphabet yet, I'm learning the words and grammar.
🌻• I also have a Youtube channel! I'll drop the link in my description its called 'Purple💜💜'. Im not active on it now but I'll comeback soon, I usually upload kpop edits there.
🌻• Bestie: @pluxyrainbow
🌻• I've also been a fan of animation since childhood so I am a HUGE fan of My Little Pony and Miraculous Ladybug, and I'm getting into anime and have watched alot of Disney and Pixar's stuff.
I am halfway through Death Note and Gakeun Babysitters yet, and I have just started One Piece.
🌻• My hobbies are dancing, singing(although im not good at it yet-), drawing, reading and listening music, I enjoy playing games and sports too. I'm a just started begginer at keyboard too.
🌻• I want to become a music idol and performer when I grow so Im trying to improve my skills day by day.
🌻•Im getting into working out recently(without equipments).
🌻• To describe myself as a person, I am a kind and one of a kind(pun intended lol) person, I am very loyal and have strong morals and opinion. I never judge or bitch about anyone unless they actually are a bad person.
Even though I would hate a person due to how they treated me or how they treat others, I would never go to a extreme of wishing smth really bad to a person, bc at the end of the day we're all God's kids c'mon
Lets say I'm a picky extrovert or a loud introvert because it takes me time to open up to people(due to trust issues and safety measures yk), but when I open up, I JUST DONT STOP TALKING😭😭.
🌻•I love Harry Potter and am a very big Potterhead⚡️💙.
🌻•I love listening various types of musics.
🌻•I stan some Kpop groups as well:
And almost listen to every other kpop group.
🌻•I'll upload my Harry Potter and other Kpop group's profile soon to let yall know more about it in those ascepts.
Soo that's it for today bye guys see ya!🩷
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lotusprotocol · 7 months
dreamcatcher devlog: past 3 months (oops)
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(screenshot from current wip level, out of orbit)
full devlog below the cut!
long time no see! really sorry for missing the past two months; i never ended up getting started and by then it was too late to post. i'll try my best not to let this happen again, though i can't make any promises.
anyways, there's been a lot in the past couple months! without further ado, here's everything(?) that's happened since the last devlog:
i started off in december by getting some of the core mechanics working, such as the camera, level transitions, etc. the visuals aren't completely done yet, but my main priority is getting the mechanics to actually work, and i'll make them look good later.
i did a lot of work on optimizing the performance and build size of my game, which i made a few posts about (big one about build size here)
i made another track for one of the levels, and i think i've been improving at music! here's the audio:
(i also tried making album art later in december but it didn't turn out good so i'll redo it at some point)
one of the most important things i did in december was get playtesters! i made applications open from the 15th to the 22nd, and chose 6 people who submitted. it was hard for me to leave people out though, but applications may be open again sometime in the future.
i set up a daily goals list to put 5 things on every day, and hopefully stay focused. admittedly, it's been a while since i used this list, and i lowkey forgot about it until i looked through my post history before making this devlog, but i think i'll get back into it this month.
i also set up a twitch channel! i'll be streaming over at https://www.twitch.tv/lotus_protocol if you want to check it out!
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i was on break for the last week of december, so i was able to get a lot more done in that time. i also got a stylus, which is a really nice upgrade from drawing with my finger before, and did a lot of practice with it.
january didn't start off great, and i barely got anything done over the first couple weeks. i was eventually able to get back in the groove, but i had a sucky feeling during that time since this game's a big part of my life and my mood depends quite a bit on it (in a healthy way though, it's not out of control)
when i came back to working on the game, i polished some stuff up before pushing the first playtester build! i got some valuable advice, and it went pretty good.
i wrote down the outline for the entire story! there's still some wiggle room if i want to go back and change anything, but it's nice to have it down instead of only in my head, and i've wrote the dialogue for a few scenes already.
i've been improving my art a considerable amount over january and february! i've gotten a lot more confident in my art as well, which motivates me more to make it!
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(pencil sketch from mid february; there's quite a few mistakes here and there but i still really like it)
i continued working on one of the levels, which was what i did for the rest of the month. not much i can say here, but it's been shaping up pretty good so far!
to be honest, february wasn't a good month for development. i had a lack of motivation and a lot of work to do for other things in my life, and there was barely anything new from last month.
the main thing i did in february was work on the tas tools for the game more, which are coming along nicely. i've been having an issue with consistency and don't know exactly what's causing it, but i'll figure it out eventually.
(unrelated to dreamcatcher but) during february, i took some time to make a side project i had been wanting to do for a long time: an upgraded level editor for red ball, a flash game that i enjoy. there's still plenty of work to do on it, but so far it's pretty nice, and it's not my main focus right now.
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(screenshot of the tool, you can find it here it you're interested)
i've also been delaying the next playtester build for a long time, and it was originally supposed to come out at the start of last month; if there's any playtesters reading this, sorry again! i'll hopefully have it done this month.
i finished off february by making some more music! here's a wip from a few days ago:
and that's it for the past 3 months! with all that being said, here's what i plan on doing next month:
get the current wip level done, and hopefully do another full one
finish all story scenes for the demo
push at least two new playtester builds
do some story art if i have time
enjoy the process :]
that's all for this devlog, and if you made it this far, thanks for reading! right now, i'm trying to get the demo out by august this year, so expect to see something done by then. also feel free to join the discord server, where you can get more regular updates, ask me questions, or chat with the community! anyways, signing off now, have a great day!
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stellarremnant · 5 months
thanks @comflexing for the tag ;)
Stan: Jinjer
Casual listener: lorna shore, tallah, bloodywood, all league of legends songs, dreamcatcher, måneskin, songs from epic the musical, my chemical romance, movie scores
Likes: the big three obsessions at the moment: arcane, the locked tomb, epic the musical. sleeping, long youtube videos on 2x speed, learning weird not useful stuff
Hobbies: reading, listening to music, writing, making bad drawings
Fav colour: dark green at the moment. also like dark blue
Fav food: please dont make me decide there are so many. but. im craving sev puri right now
Random fact: i learnt how to use a drill recently
MBTI: entp i think
Big three: cancer sun, libra moon, sagittarius rising
Personality: im a nerd about the things i like. i keep zoning out a lot have difficulty paying attention in general. im mostly very lazy, but im trying to work on it. i like learning new things and doing research.
Job and Relationship status: Entering the second year of college, single
Tagging: uhhh... @katsus-mistress
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mashihope · 1 year
《 About me 》
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• Basic info You can call me Luna (or Yoshi, whatever you prefer); I'm 22, INFP-T, pisces and spanish. I go by she/her, but I don't really mind if you accidentally use something else. One of my self-given nicknames is Ghost, because I usually disappear quite a lot (keep that in mind if you don't see any updates after a while!). I'm shy; (to mention a few things) I have social anxiety and low self-esteem issues, I may have ADHD and autism, I overthink a lot (these are my excuses for my non-existent socializing skills + lack of interaction + questionable things I say about myself, I'm so sorry!)
Listen to my favorite song! ♡
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(This mini moodboard is made by me; I don’t own any of the pics.)
What does Luna like?
Listen to music (pop, kpop, rock...)
Read / Manga / Webtoon
Plushies / Dolls
Anime / Kdrama
White chocolate
Fantasy / Mythology
Stars / Galaxy themes / Moon related stuff
Animals / Bunnies (my favorite animal!)
Blue (my favorite color!)
Autumn (my favorite season!)
Cherry Blossom (my favorite flower/tree!)
Animal Crossing, The Sims, Stardew Valley, Palia
Cookie Run
Monster High / Ever After High
Harry Potter* (Ravenclaw) / Percy Jackson (Cabin 6) * I don't support the author in any way.
What does Luna dislike?
Loud noises
Crowded places
Being alone
P*rn bots
Kpop • Groups/soloists I stan:
A.C.E (Donghun, Chan) ◦ Ateez (Yunho) ◦ &TEAM ◦ BTS (Suga, J-hope) ◦ CIX (Seunghun, Hyunsuk) ◦ Cravity (Wonjin, Seongmin) ◦ DKB (OT8) ◦ Dreamcatcher (OT7) ◦ E'Last ◦ Enhypen (Sunoo) ◦ (G)I-dle (Yuqi) ◦ Ghost9 ◦ Golden Child ◦ Kingdom (Mujin) ◦ Mamamoo (Moonbyul) ◦ Monsta X (Kihyun, Hyungwon) ◦ NINE.i (OT9) ◦ ONEUS (Keonhee) ◦ ONF (MK) ◦ ONEWE (Dongmyeong) ◦ P1Harmony (Theo) ◦ Park Jihoon ◦ Pentagon ◦ Pixy ◦ Purple Kiss (Yuki) ◦ Seventeen (OT13) ◦ Stray Kids ◦ The Boyz (Sunwoo, New, Q, Hyunjae) ◦ Tomorrow by Together (Beomgyu) ◦ Treasure (Junkyu) ◦ WEi ◦ Woodz ◦ Xodiac (Beomsoo, Wain) ◦ Xdinary Heroes (Gaon) ◦ ZEROBASEONE (Matthew, Taerae) 《 Ult group/bias 》
• Other groups/soloists I support:
BAE173 ◦ EVNNE ◦ H1-KEY (Hwiseo) ◦ ONE PACT ◦ SF9 ◦ Tempest (Hanbin) ◦ TIOT ◦ VANNER (Hyesung) ◦ Verivery (Hoyoung) ◦ Xikers ◦ 8TURN 《 Some groups (that I currently have some kind of attachment to) may not appear due to less interest (compared to the ones shown here) 》
Anime • I've watched:
͏͏Angels of Death ◦ Ascendance of a Bookworm ◦ ͏͏ Assassination Classroom ◦ Bungō Stray Dogs ◦ Cells at Work! ◦ ͏͏Danganronpa ◦ Death Note ◦ Demon Slayer ◦ Haikyū!! ◦ ͏͏Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun ◦ Jujutsu Kaisen ◦ ͏͏Little Witch Academia ◦ Mirai Nikki ◦ My Hero Academia ◦  Sailor Moon ◦ Shadows House ◦ The Promised Neverland ◦ ͏͏Tokyo Ghoul ◦ Yuri!!! on Ice ◦ Zombie Land Saga 《 Fav 》
Kdrama (and movies) • I've watched:
͏͏The Mysterious Class ◦ True Beauty ◦ My ID is Gangnam Beauty ◦ Hotel del Luna ◦ Phantom School ◦ Witch's Love ◦ The Labyrinth ◦ The Sound of Magic ◦ Weak Hero Class ◦ Sell your haunted house ◦ Imitation ◦ Vincenzo ◦ Delivery Man ◦ Zombie Detective ◦ The witch store ◦ The Witch store reopens ◦ Mimicus ◦ User not found ◦ Nightmare Teacher ◦ Ms Ma, Nemesis ◦ Extraordinary Attorney Woo ◦ Itaewon Class ◦ Night has Come ◦ Twinkling Watermelon ◦ At a Distance, Spring is Green ◦ Begins ≠ Youth ◦ Pyramid Game ◦ Snowdrop
@strawberry-chuuice ⬅ click the name to go back to my side blog. @cookierunwitch ⬅ click the name to go to my Cookie Run blog. @thatweirdwitch ⬅ click the name to go to my Monster High blog.
Things will be added if needed. Created on 18/05/2022 - 15:45 ; Edited on 17/07/2024 15:16
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