#Dua To Marry Someone
Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You
In the Quran, there are many Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You. But We don’t know how to perform appropriately. So many other websites share Dua or Wazifa in their article, but they don’t provide an accurate way to achieve it. So here we Provide the Powerful Dua to make someone fall in love with you, So Read this Article carefully. Islam is a religion of love and peace. It encourages…
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halalnuskhe · 10 days
Dua For Someone To Love You and Marry You
Are you dreaming of a special bond with someone who means the world to you? Imagine a powerful way to nurture that love and see it flourish. Our guide to Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You is here to help you make that dream come true. To know more, you can visit: https://halalnuskhe.com/dua-to-make-someone-love-you-and-marry-you/
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recitedua · 28 days
How to Perform Dua to Marry Someone You Love
Love is one of the most powerful emotions we experience in life, and finding the right partner is a dream for many. For those who want to marry someone they love, turning to prayer and supplication can offer hope and guidance. If you want to get married to the person you want, read this article about the dua to marry someone you love. 
In Islam, making dua (supplication) to Allah is a powerful way to seek His assistance in achieving your heart’s desires, including marrying the person you love. In this blog, we will explore how to perform a dua to marry someone you love and the steps to make your prayers effective.
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Understanding the Power of Dua in Marriage
Dua is a means of directly communicating with Allah, asking for His guidance, blessings, and help in our affairs. When it comes to matters of the heart, making a dua to marry someone you love is a heartfelt plea to Allah to bring the person you love into your life as your spouse. It is important to remember that while making dua, you should have sincere intentions, complete trust in Allah’s wisdom, and patience to accept His decree.
Steps to Perform Dua to Marry Someone You Love
1. Start with Sincere Intentions:
Before beginning the dua, make sure your intentions are pure and genuine. Your intention should be to seek Allah’s pleasure and guidance in marrying the person you love, rather than pursuing the relationship for selfish reasons. A pure heart is more likely to be heard by Allah.
2. Perform Wudu (Ablution):
It is recommended to be in a state of purity before making dua. Perform Wudu, a ritual purification, to cleanse yourself physically and spiritually. This act symbolizes your readiness to stand before Allah with a clean heart and mind.
3. Choose the Right Time:
There are specific times when making dua is more likely to be accepted. These include the last third of the night, between the adhan and iqamah of the obligatory prayers, after obligatory prayers, and on Fridays. Utilize these blessed times to make your dua more effective.
4. Face the Qibla:
Facing the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca while making dua is a Sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It shows respect and aligns your heart towards the House of Allah, which adds to the sincerity of your prayer.
5. Raise Your Hands and Begin with Praise:
Start your dua by raising your hands and praising Allah. Recite His beautiful names and attributes, acknowledge His greatness, and thank Him for His countless blessings. This not only glorifies Allah but also sets a humble tone for your prayer.
6. Send Blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):
It is recommended to send peace and blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) before making any personal requests in your dua. Recite the Salawat (blessings) as a means of gaining Allah’s favor.
7. Recite Specific Duas:
Now, recite specific duas that are known to be effective in seeking marriage with someone you love. You can say the following dua with complete sincerity:
“Rabbana Hablana min azwajina wa zurriyyatina qurrata a'yunin waj 'alna lil muttaqina imama.” (Quran 25:74) Translation: “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”
Additionally, the dua mentioned in the article can be recited:
“Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khairin faqeer.”Translation: “My Lord, I am in need of whatever good You send down to me.” (Quran 28:24)
8. Make Your Personal Request:
After reciting these duas, make your personal request to Allah. Speak from your heart and clearly express your desire to marry the person you love. Mention their name and ask Allah to bring you together in a halal (permissible) relationship that is filled with love, mercy, and blessings.
9. Have Trust and Patience:
After making your dua, place your trust in Allah. Believe that He knows what is best for you and will grant your wish if it is beneficial. Sometimes, answers to prayers may be delayed or may come in unexpected ways. Be patient and continue to make dua regularly.
10. End with Gratitude and Peace:
Conclude your dua by expressing gratitude to Allah for listening to your prayer. Again, send blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and seek forgiveness for any shortcomings.
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Additional Powerful Prayers and Wazifa to Marry Someone You Love
For those seeking to marry someone they love, some other duas and wazifas can be recited. Incorporating these prayers into your daily routine can enhance your chances of a successful outcome:
Dua to Get Married Soon to Someone You Love: Regularly recite this dua with a sincere heart and a hopeful mind. It can help expedite the process of getting married to the person you love.
Dua to Marry Someone of Your Choice: This prayer is specifically for seeking Allah’s help to marry the person you have chosen, ensuring that the relationship is blessed and accepted by Allah.
Wazifa to Get Married to Someone You Love: A wazifa is a specific set of recitations or actions done for a particular purpose. Perform this wazifa with dedication and trust in Allah to facilitate your marriage to the person you love.
For more detailed guidance, refer to the dua to marry someone you love for additional support.
Making a dua to marry someone you love is a beautiful way to involve Allah in your personal life and seek His blessings for a successful marriage. Remember, the key is to make your dua with sincerity, trust in Allah’s wisdom, and patience. 
Follow the steps outlined above to make your dua more effective and never lose hope. Even if things do not go as planned, believe that Allah has a better plan for you, and He knows what is best for His believers. Keep your faith strong, and may Allah grant you a happy and blessed marriage with the person you love.
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quranicwazifa · 5 months
Unlocking the Power of Dua: Manifesting Marriage with Divine Guidance
In the labyrinth of love, the heart often seeks the companionship of a specific soul, yearning for a union ordained by destiny. At ReciteDua.com, we believe in the transformative power of dua, the sacred invocation that bridges the gap between human desires and divine will. Today, we delve into the realm of marital aspirations, exploring the profound efficacy of dua in manifesting marriage with…
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halaldua · 7 months
The Magic of Prayer: Ultimate Dua To Marry Someone You Love
When it comes to love and wanting to marry someone special, talking to Allah through dua is like having a heart-to-heart chat with a dear friend. Let's keep it simple and explore how making dua to marry someone you love can be your secret ingredient for blessings.
Magic Of Dua To Marry Someone You Love
Dua is like sending a text message to Allah. You share your feelings, hopes, and wishes with Him. It's your way of having a personal talk with the One who knows your heart inside out.
Expressing Your Heart
So, you're head over heels in love? Great! Start by telling Allah all about it. Share your feelings and dreams for a wonderful marriage with the one you love. Even though Allah already knows, it feels good to put your thoughts into words.
Talk to Allah Every Day
Making dua isn't a one-time thing; it's an everyday chat. Find moments during your day, like after prayers or when things are quiet, to talk to Allah. Consistency is the key – make it a routine to keep the conversation going.
Keep It Simple, Keep It Real
No need for fancy words. Allah likes it when you speak from your heart. Use simple words that show your true feelings. Ask for Allah's blessings on your relationship. Remember, Allah understands even when words are a bit jumbled.
Trust Allah's Plan
While you're pouring your heart out, remember to trust Allah's plan. He knows what's best. Include phrases like "If it's good for me" in your dua, showing that you trust Allah's wisdom and know He has the perfect plan for you.
Ask for Guidance and Wisdom
In your chat with Allah, ask for help in making the right decisions. Pray for a strong relationship filled with love, respect, and understanding. Request the patience to handle challenges – every happy couple needs that!
Wait Patiently, Trust the Timing
Here's the hard part – waiting. Trust that Allah hears you and knows when the time is just right. The waiting might have a purpose, like a test of your patience or a setup for something even better. Have faith in Allah's plan.
Use Quranic Gems in Your Chat
Want to add a little extra to your dua? Throw in some lines from the Quran. Surah Al-Furqan (25:74) is like a wish for a righteous partner. Ayatul Kursi (2:255) is a power-packed verse for protection and blessings. And don't forget Surah An-Nur (24:26) for goodness in relationships.
Learn from Prophet Zakariya (AS)
Picture this – Prophet Zakariya, despite being old, prayed for a child. Guess what? His dua was answered! Let this story boost your confidence. If Allah can make that happen, your heartfelt dua is a game-changer too.
Praying to marry someone you love is as simple as having a talk with Allah. Keep it sincere, read every day, use simple words, trust Allah's plan, and throw in a Quranic verse or two. Learn from the prophets, especially Prophet Zakariya. Your dua to marry someone you love is a powerful force that shapes the destiny of your love-filled marriage. Here's to love, blessings, and Allah's grace on your journey. You can visit our website to know how you can marry the person you love with ease.
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i-cant-sing · 3 months
i was just minding my business like scrolling to find new fics to read since i was so so bored and while i was finding some delicious fics (ahem ahem: yandere big brother bakugou x little sister reader) ur post suddenly idk the word (lumitaw (its a filo word)) and i was screaming and immediately dropped what i was supposed to read to read yours 😭😭😭
i got the worst memory ever to exist because i keep forgetting their names but i think i'll grasp them once the next chapter is out (hopefully) but yeaaah!!! baris reminds me of abbas in a way but ig he's a bit more.. brute yk what im talking about????? ig he's ok..
OH! and i have a theory about the painting, y/n's face getting smudged maybe because baldwin or SALAUDDIN decided to smudged it to forget how they look due to heartbroken (prob not baldwin,, but i feel like salauddin would do that ??) i guess im getting married again 😔😔 i feel like im betraying my pookie salauddin 💔💔💔🙏🙏 BUT ANYWAYS THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE SNOW!!!! AMAZING AS ALWAYS!! can't wait for the next one already!! 😭😭😭 i think i'll send more of my thoughts if something crosses over my mind (prob when im in the shower)
ooohh i like your theory(portrait pictures at the end). i like it a lot. expanding on it:
Baldwin would probably cause the painting to be smudged because he's kissing it, kissing your lips, drunk off his mind, tears streaming down his cheek as he spends hours sitting in front of it, talking to the painting as if u still exist, begging u to come back from heaven, even apologising for all he's done, just please- come back, angel...
Meanwhile Salauddin would probably be staring at your portrait angrily. He understands why you had to leave but.... you couldnt have told him where you were goinh? Do you not think he couldve protected you? He wouldve used his whole army, gathered Muslims from all around the world to protect you. Did you... did you not have the least bit faith in him? deep down, he knows u did this to prevent a war between him and baldwin but.... Salauddin wouldve gone to war for you. Happily. This wasnt your decision to make alone. Now, he stands in front of your portrait, he has it in his palace now, and he doesnt say voice it out like baldwin, but he has complaints. HE keeps them inside, mentally talking to you, telling you just how stupid you were for sacrificing yourself, for jumping off that stupid cliff. How u shouldve just- just asked him for help ONCE, and he wouldve fought until his last breath if it meant keeping u safe. In his mind, u sacrificed yourself to protect Baldwin from murdering innocent muslims or anyone else u wouldve seeked help from.
And now? All Salauddin can do is pray for you. He wakes up late into the night and sits on the prayer mat, making dua for you for hours, reading Quran for you, has animals slaughtered on eid on your behalf, even doing charity and hajj (pilgrimage) on your behalf, just so that you can have more good deeds in your name. He still has the chess board u gifted him, but he's stopped playing chess. He never played the game again, it was only a painful reminder of you. The one person who he could never beat.
As for your painting, why it was smudged? Salauddin didnt want anyone to see your beauty, thats why he kept the portrait hidden in his room, but then he feared that one day when he's not around anymore, someone will see you. So, he used a rag soaked in turpentine to smudge your face, but couldnt do more than just the bottom half of your face. He thought that was fine, after all, thats how u did often appear when you were around, wearing a niqaab, a veil that covered your face.
Now that he looks at your eyes, he realises his mistake. He heard the wise tell him-
"Eyes are the windows to the soul."
He now knows it to be true.
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This is what I think the portraits look like:
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Notice that this is the earrings Salauddin gifted Y/n when she was in the market with him:
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How Baldwin's been:
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pearlprincess02 · 3 months
1st house synastry playlist
mirrored vibes - 1st house synastry (playlist) / inner planets / outer planets
for when their north node is in your first house:
"what dreams are made of" - hilary duff / "shake it off" - taylor swift / "break free" - high school musical / "u drive me crazy" - nsync / "roar" - katy perry /
for when your north node is in their first house:
"breakaway" - kelly clarkson / "this is me" - the greatest showman / "try" - colbie caillat / "party in the u.s.a." - miley cyrus / "wings" - little mix /
for when their south node is in your first house:
"everywhere" - michelle branch / "a thousand miles" - vanessa carlton / "already gone" - kelly clarkson / "don't start now" - dua lipa / "peaches" - justin bieber (feat. daniel caesar & giveon) /
for when your south node is in their first house:
"someone like you" - adele / "no matter what" - boyzone / "what about us" - p!nk / "we found love" - rihanna feat. calvin harris / "you'll be in my heart" - tarzan /
for when their lilith is in your first house:
"irreplaceable" - beyoncé / "jealous" - labrinth / "behind these hazel eyes" - kelly clarkson / "everything i wanted" - billie eilish / "unwritten" - natasha bedingfield /
for when your lilith is in their first house:
"genie in a bottle" - christina aguilera / "black widow" - iggy azalea (feat. rita ora) / "mysterious girl" - peter andre / "confident" - demi lovato / "therefore i am" - billie eilish /
for when their chiron is in your first house:
"beautiful" - christina aguilera / "who am i" - casting crowns / "invisible" - hunter hayes / "skyscraper" - demi lovato / "anyone" - justin bieber /
for when your chiron is in their first house:
" scars to your beautiful" - alessia cara / "my future" - billie eilish / "broken" - lovelytheband / "better days" - onerepublic / "leave the door open" - bruno mars & anderson .paak /
for when their juno is in your first house:
"marry you" - bruno mars / "a thousand miles" - vanessa carlton / "paper rings" - taylor swift / "leave before you love me" - marshmallo (feat. jonas brothers) / "treat you better" - shawn mendes /
for when your juno is in their first house:
"locked out of heaven" - bruno mars / "marry the night" - lady gaga / "thinking of you" - dua lipa / "better together" - luke combs / "10,000 hours" - dan + shay (feat. justin bieber) /
for when their eros is in your first house:
"lucky" - britney spears / "hot in herre" - nelly / "kiss me" - sixpence none the richer / "a whole new world" - aladdin / "crush" - mandy moore /
for when your eros is in their first house:
"oops!... i did it again" - britney spears / "because you live" - jesse mccartney / "can't take my eyes off you" - frankie valli / "rock your body" - justin timberlake / "kiss me more" - doja cat feat. sza /
main masterlist
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
First Lady of Private Garden Masterlist (Jack Harlow)
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First Lady of Private Garden Fics
First Lady of Private Garden
Missin My Baby
My Baby is Having a Baby
How Could You?
How Could You Part 2
How Could You Part 3
Sex Lies (NSFW 18+)
Let Them Know What's Mine
Love the Way You Love Me
Don't Tell Her
She Gets the Last Word
She Gets the Last Word Part 2
She Gets the Last Word Part 3
And the Award Goes To...
I’d Rather Be Sleeping
I’m Doing This For Us
His Favorite Pillow
Down in the Valley
You Can't Fly Unless You Let Yourself Fall
Forever and Always Part 1
Forever and Always Part 2
My Wife Stays
Best Friends Forever
Muwop (NSFW 18+)
I Love You
Nights in Miami (NSFW 18+)
I Thought I Was Never Going to See You Again
Cramps and Cuddles
She Tryna Do More With Her Than Do a Feature
I GIve Husband
Wifey's Lullaby
Keep My Wife’s Name Out Your Mouth (NSFW 18+)
Don't Do it Again
Like a Virgin (NSFW 18+)
Cold Water
Cold Water Part 2
Cold Water Part 3
Luv is Dro (NSFW 18+)
Say it Back
Who is in My House?
You Put it There
Off Limits
Dirty Little Secret Part 1
Dirty Little Secret Part 2
Fright Night
Grammy Nominated Harlows
What Are We Thankful For? 
She Only Has Eyes For You
Play (NSFW 18+, Jack x FL x Urban)
Lose You to Love Me
Lose You to Love Me Part 2
All I Want For Christmas Is..... a Telfar Bag
My Perfect Gift
Always Going to Take Care of You
I'll Always Be Proud Of You
First Lady Please
Will You Be My Valentine?
So Into You
Sisters No More Part 1
Pop A Plan B Before I Let Him Trap a Bitch (NSFW 18+)
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU:
AN: You have to read these in order for them to make sense
First Lady of Private Garden
Dua Lipa
Dua Lipa Part 2
Two Halves of a Whole Idiot
Married Since When?
Proud of My Wife
Meet Your Children
Side Piece (NSFW 18+)
Did We Learn Our Lesson?
Someone Very Important
Asking For It
That's Just My Baby Daddy
It’s Givin
You Made It
Still Amazed
My Superstar
My Baby and My Husband
Please Kiss and Make Up
Trouble In Paradise 
Back To The Way They Were
Birthday Queen
Where's Your Wife?
Wrong Harlow
Two Can Play That Game
Best Friend Shit
Five Years in and a Lifetime To Go
Not Today Satan
Another Nasty Song
Subtle Hints
Nothing Like Sister Love
Put a Bounce House In You
Harlowchella Part 2
Trophy Wife/Trophy Husband
I Need A Pencil
Do You Still Love Me?
Where My Kisses At?
Would You Love Me If...
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zaurae · 5 months
𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐲
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ 𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒐 𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝑹𝒊𝒄𝒉 ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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𝑨𝒔𝒌 𝑨𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒉 𝑺𝒖𝒃𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒉𝒖 𝒘𝒂 𝒕𝒂❜𝒂𝒍𝒂
♡ Always and forever pray to your lord, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for wealth and success in a healthy and halal way ♡
Make constant dua, repentence, Tahajjud, and perform goodness as well. With goodness, eliminating bad habits and doing good for your lord, repenting, and seeking to our Rabb; Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grants our duas, grants us more than what we asked.
Ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala by the 99 names:
-`♡´- Al - Ghani (The Rich, The Independent One, The Wealthy)
-`♡´- Al - Wajid (The Wealthy)
-`♡´- Al - Razzaq (The Provider)
-`♡´- Al - Mughni (The Enricher)
Never lose hope and know that with every blessing we have and whatever way we earned that wealth being an amazing job offer you received or marrying a good wealthy man--that is all due and thanks to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Be sure to always thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, and strive to become a good muslim and never be deceived or change no matter how much wealth you have
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𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑶𝒖𝒕 𝑶𝒇 𝑫𝒆𝒃𝒕
♡・゚:。.:・゚ The more debt you have, the less wealth you will have. Debt is dangerous in terms of becoming rich, as well as limiting your freedom.
Unfortunately, VISA or any form of credit card is a tool that makes us less rich--of course it depends how you use it or repay it--therefore, I suggest you to not always use your credit card and only use it if it is an emergency or that is the only payment method; however, please make sure to repay those debts as soon as possible. Give yourself a 10 day due date to repay the amount owed. ♡・゚:。.:・゚
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❥ Saving does not only mean save your money, but it also means saving liquid money--cash--or any item/product that has the value to convert it to cash--with a higher price.
This makes you richer even though it may not seem like it. For instance, your house or your apartment you bought, if you end us selling it you get half the money.
If you have cash, instead of trying to get rid of it and only relying on your debt card or apple pay; save the cash money, those quarters and dimes you think is useless but it is not.
Save your liquid money, those investment objects because that is the true secret of becoming rich.
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As mentioned above, save and make investments through your money like liquid money and physical items that obtains higher value each year or month.
As much as we love shopping, try your best to purchase more of the things that brings more value and more wealth in the long-run. This includes the following:
-`♡´- Full Karat Gold
-`♡´- A Property
-`♡´- Any clothing with higher value each year
-`♡´- Good Quality Device
-`♡´- Books (Especially College/University Textbooks)
-`♡´- House
-`♡´- Car
-`♡´- Diamond or Gem
・❥・There are a lot more items, but basically whatever item that has a increased value/price over the month or year.
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𝑫𝒐𝒏❜𝒕 𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅
Do not think little of a few dimes or dollars. Money is still money and is still worth something.
Whenever you earn lets say a quarter or 50 cents, be grateful and happy as if you earned $100. With this mindset, and treating every amount as it is huge, this will ultimately manifest money itself.
Be grateful no matter the amount--as you are more grateful, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grants more.
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𝑮𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒚
✧˚ · Giving charity is so important and mentioned a lot in hadiths ✧˚ ·
"Those who spend their wealth (in Allah's way) by night and by say, secretly and publicly, they will have their reward with their Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve." (Al - Baqarah 2.274)
When you give charity to those in need, it certainly does not decrease wealth.
And giving charity does not always mean giving it with money. Sometimes others cannot give money; however, there are also many ways such as:
Making dua for that person
Making someone feel better
Speaking good to and about someone
Helping others
Not being indulged to backbiting
Charity means so much more because there are so much to give to someone!
Never hoard your money of your other abilities to help, but instead help others as it also helps you in ranks, wealth, respect, rewards, and the hellfire.
˗ˏˋ 𝐷𝑢𝑎 𝑡𝑜 𝐵𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑅𝑖𝑐ℎ ´ˎ˗ Allahumma akthir malee, wa waladee, wa barik lee feema a'taytanee O Allah! increase my wealth and offspring, and bless me in what You have given me.
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raya-rhaenyra-ahsoka · 8 months
My Thoughts on Ep.06 - We Take a Zebra to Vegas, A rant (SPOILERS AHEAD!)
Actual Iris-messaging on screen! Good way to start the episode.
Yes, toss the drachma, SEAWEED BRAIN!
If you want the gods’ attention, you have to pay for it. Eh, not surprised since it’s kinda how children have to do to get their parents’ attention these days.
Wtf is Luke Castellan doing in Chiron’s office?
We know who stole the bolt. (Book-readers, we know who stole the bolt!)
*Calm expression* How do you know? and not *gasp* Really? Who is it? Very sus. 🤔
I do have a love-hate relationship with Clarisse La Rue as a character, but accusing her as the lightning thief? OH, HELL NO!
This convo:
Luke: Guys, what is this?
Percy and Annabeth: What?
Luke: When did you turn into an old married couple?
Percy and Annabeth:
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Everyone in the fandom:
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Luke channeling his big brother energy by teasing Annabeth, his little sister, to a boy her age. Annabeth’s going through that older-sibling-embarrassing-you-in-front-of-your-crush stage. It’s just typical sibling stuff.
Annabeth, externally: *pokerface*; Annabeth, internally: STOP EMBARRASSING ME!
Confirmed: Luke ships Percabeth. 🥰
Percy changing the subject because he’s also embarrassed.
Annabeth cuts off the connection before Percy can mention Hermes and tells him Luke and his dad aren’t on good terms.
Grover just figured out that the truck is driven by animal traffickers and insists that they free the animals is absolute peak characterization.
They’re like artists. Proceeds to release the animals in the middle of traffic.
How that convo basically went:
Percy: Idk about this, man.
Grover: Oh, they’ll be fine. I gave them the satyr’s blessing so they’ll be able to reach the wilderness safely.
Percy: Dude, I meant for these people.
Grover: Oh, uh, it’s fine. These people destroyed nature so idgaf about them. But the animals are fine, so let’s go!
Percy: So, which hotel is the Lotus Casino? It could be any building-
Annabeth: Duh! Obviously, it’s the one with the giant lotus blossom on it.
Percy: Seriously?
3 minors walking into a Casino hotel. Totally normal and not suspicious at all.
Dua Lipa’s Levitating instead of Lady Gaga’s Pokerface. I ain’t even mad.
Of course, Annabeth insists Percy goes with her. Percabeth! 😍
Annabeth tells Percy about May Castellan, Luke’s Mom. It’s kinda early to know about this, but I’m not complaining. It just justifies Luke’s resentment of Hermes in the show.
Grover: *finds Augustus, a fellow Satyr* *Forgets everything*
Please tell me someone else heard some kid calling out BIANCA in the background. It's not just me, right? Please tell me it's the di Angelo siblings in the Lotus Casino. UNCLE RICK, WE NEED ANSWERS!
Percy explaining his nightmares and asks if they are real.
How that convo went:
Annabeth: Hmm, idk
Percy: How do you not know?
Annabeth: I may be smart but there are things I don’t know.
Percy: Wtf does that make me then?
Hermes/Alexander Hamilton not throwing away his shot. How does a bastard, son of a god and a Pleiad. Grow up to be a master trickster, according to Homer’s Illiad…
In Vegas you can be a new man...apparently, not.
Hermes: I’m not doing this again. You’re on your own, kids. Bye!
Annabeth: We’re friends of Luke’s.
Hermes: *surprise pikachu face* Damn it, let’s talk.
Hermes being an epitome of another crappy absent godly parent. Not surprised.
Annabeth doing what probably Luke taught her to do:
Annabeth: So I stole Hermes’ keys.
Percy: You what?
Annabeth: I turned invisible and picked his pocket.
Percy: You stole from the god of thieves?
Annabeth: Yes, I’m multi-talented. Lol
Percy: *lowkey falls in love*
The lotus fruit being pumped into the air is something new.
Percy: Grover got really old. 🤣
Percy and Annabeth chases Augustus around while Grover’s playing VR games.
Grover forgetting things because he was alone, while Percy and Annabeth remember because they have each other. PERCABETH!
Grover acting all carefree like a dentist just sedated him with nitrous oxide, while Percy and Annabeth are frantically looking for Hermes’ car will never be not funny.
TO THE DUMB KIDS. Yep, that note is for you.
Percy: So, who’s driving?
Percy and Annabeth turning to Grover because he’s the adult.
Grover: *still high* Idk man. Idk what we're even doing here.
Percy: Ok, I’ll do it. How hard can it be. If I killed the Minotaur, I can drive a cab.
Percy: How hard could this be? Proceeds to hit the car on several columns.
Percy getting angry because another car didn’t slow down and nearly hit them, then slamming the horn. Bruh, you’re inner New Yorker is showing and I’m here for it.
This scene: 😍😍😍
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Me, watching this scene:
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Percy and Annabeth smiling at each other then realizing the car’s scraping the wall. This shit cracked me up.
The truck nearly hitting them gave me a mini-heart attack. Good thing they’re in Hermes’ cab.
Percy half-nervous and half-excited to finally meet his Dad only to find a Nereid instead, giving him 4 teleportation pearls as a gift.
The title implying they took a Zebra to Vegas but we see no zebra? Come on! Anyway, that was a good episode. Can't wait for the Percy vs Ares showdown next week.
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jiniwae · 11 months
According to LoreMaster (the person on the Just dance team who answers the lore of some dances) Chitsuki (Kill Bill) possessed Michiya (Zenit) to purify his soul. Night Swan probably learned from Chitsuki how to have coaches
I really like the lore in general, so when I saw the story of 24 I was very happy, but at the same time with a feeling of trepidation And honestly, I hope the ending is a season, I don't want to wait a whole year to see how it ends -
I think that in Just Dance 2025, Jack Rose will somehow try to contact Wanderlust's father (since Traveler can travel through the Danceverse) to warn him of what happened to his son and they will both go after the mother of Wanderlust and a few other Just dancers.
I still think that if wanderlust's parents stay together for too long their power could collapse the danceverse they are in (which didn't even almost happen in save your tears)
I literally couldn't sleep with this hook that Ubisoft made in JD2024. I imagine that in JD2025, Jack Rose will actually be able to find someone to help him save everyone. But here come two of my theories: Either the story ends in JD2025, or Ubisoft makes another cliffhanger in JD2025, continuing the end of the story only in JD2026. That's what I say
I had understood from the director's interview with Dina that she tore up the poster at the beginning because only she and Nightswan have the ability to use flow, but Nightswan decided to use this for evil, which disappointed Mihaly, implying For me too, in the past they were united in some way
I think that Night Swan was actually famous in the Danceverse, and that's why Jack rose there has this desire to be famous, because his mother inspired him by being
I have to say the betas Sweet Dreams and Lose Yourself that were removed would have gone well with the lore
-Usually, Odette (white swan) and Odille (black swan) are played by the same dancer. Sara and Night Swan are played by the same dancer
-The wizard Rothbart bewitched Odette to become a swan. In you should see me in a crown, Night Swan bewitched Sara to become evil
-It might just be a coincidence, but Sara has four letters and starts with "S" (swan)
-Sara in Hebrew means "lady, princess, noble woman". Odette is a princess
-Odille pretended to be Odette to deceive Prince Siegfried and get his hand in marriage. In Canned Heat, Night Swan pretended to be Sara to trick Wanderlust (who also has the title of prince) and steal the Discoball.
Ending 1-Siegfried dies trying to defeat Rothbart and Odette remains with the swan curse forever
Ending 2-Odette and Siegfried drown together, their souls are freed from the curse and they can finally be together in the afterlife
Ending 3-Siegfried defeats Rothbart, Odette has her curse broken and they get married
Which ending do you think you will choose for Just Dance 2025?
I would choose 3, the happiest ending. Night Swan defeated once and for all, the Danceverses at peace, and Wanderlust abdicating his responsibilities as the
"Chosen" to live happily on Earth with Sara.
So, I think a song that would go super well with some music for 25's lore would be 'Swan Song' by Dua Lipa, it would be awesome
Yesssss! This song is an anthem, one that Ubisoft could use. I imagine it as being a new solo map for Siha Nova, sad and horrified by what happened with Wanderlust but little by little finding the courage to face her own son and break Night Swan's spell over him.
I still can't believe that the rock your body coach brutalized the levitation coach and left
Went to get a cigarette and disappeared lol
Next year the story should start with lose yourself and after this song he tries to recruit more people in eternyx even maybe
 think that in jd25 the first two songs will show that jack rose became a drug dealer lol with lose yourself and the next one (or even before lose yourself) is sweet dreams showing the past of night swan and the next ones I don't know
which is also part of the story, but this song is the beginning of the future, so I don't know if it will be in the continuation of the next game or if it is part of this one, because there are also 2 more songs from the lore
I saw a theory that says that in Just Dance 2025, Jack Rose will save the other coaches with the help of The Traveler (Rock Your Body) and Si'Ha Nova (Levitating). Or maybe with a new coach maybe Jack's father
speaking of which, another theory is that Jack Rose's father is Crimson (Sail).
-They both have red hair
-They have similar dance moves (Jack may have learned from his father)
-Probably he and Night Swan had a very troubled relationship and they separated....
I have a theory that's a little heavy but it's valid, at the beginning of sail Crimson wakes up tied to the ground and following this theory maybe the night swan trapped him in the boat and also towards the end of Sail the boat starts to pick up and he wasn't the one who put it since he was dancing so maybe the night swan wanted to kill her own
what happened to Night Swan trying to kill her own husband?
I think it's because Crimson and Night Swan had different dreams and goals and he didn't agree with her plans to dominate the
Danceverses and create a perfect universe
What I think could happen: Jack Rose finds three more powerful coaches to defeat Night Swan
I've seen two theories:
-The Traveler (Rock Your Body) and Si'Ha Nova (Levitating) will help Jack
-Jack will have the help of his father (probably Crimson de Sail, but it has not been confirmed until now who his father is)
I think Wonderley's father will come back The way Ubi likes to recycle, they will probably come back
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hoshykitty · 4 months
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"—'cause I swore no one can survive him. I didn't, for godsake. Damn it."
"Is that supposed to be a bad thing?"
It wasn't supposed to be a bad thing. It was a good thing that i didn't survived the kwon soonyoung. Fakta, fakta, fakta, dan seribu faktanya, aku lega bisa putus hubungan dari kwon soonyoung si ayam kampus. I could never survived him. Aku enggak akan pernah bisa menggantikan peran si pacar perempuan yang menanggung akibat breeding kink-nya. Walaupun, soonyoung menyelesaikan masalahnya dengan bijak (entahlah, apa menikah muda termasuk menyelesaikan masalah dengan bijak?) Aku dengar mereka cukup bahagia, bayi merubah segalanya sepertinya, aku enggak sempat lihat raut wajahnya seperti apa, karena, kasihannya, aku pacar terakhir sebelum istrinya waktu itu. They didn't invite me. Understandable. So i did him a favor, five years ago today, he didn't get the invitation of my wedding as well.
Tapi, sama seperti hubunganku dengan kwon soonyoung, i also didn't survived my ex husband (or is it the other way around?). Too much noises, screaming, crying, dan bayiku enggak bisa tidur nyenyak selama 3 bulan terakhir sebelum kami pisah ranjang dan mulai bicara melalui pengacara kami. Don't worry, the divorce went well. I married him for a reason, I love him for always be the man, the man, the simple man, a man full of responsibility. Hari ini giliran dia yang menjemput anak kami di daycare dan menghabiskan waktu bersama di akhir pekan, sementara aku menikmati festival kampus. Kampus yang sama di mana aku menghabiskan waktu masa mudaku dan kwon soonyoung.
Lana menggaruk tipis hidungnya, "katanya dia bawa anaknya?"
"Yang jebol itu?"
"Bayi, sih, jadi kayaknya bukan," jawabnya. "Anak keduanya? Ketiga? Keempat?"
"And he managed to looked that hot?" Aku menunjuk ke arah panggung, tempat dia dan dua orang teman band-nya manggung. "Not fair, lana. Pasti itu keponakannya."
"Masalahnya, urgensinya apa kalau dia segala bawa keponakannya manggung? Itu bayi, loh, mau keponakannya atau bukan, it's not wise to bring a baby in this crowded, loud place, a festival! Unless he don't have someone to look after his baby that is."
True. Mau pakai teori apapun juga sulit dibantah kalau kenyataannya kwon soonyoung membawa bayi kecil ke kerjaan manggung band-nya. Apa istrinya juga sibuk kerja? Apa nanti aku harus kasih tau dia tempat daycare yang bagus?
Singkat cerita, aku menggunakan privilege sebagai panitia dosen yang bertanggung jawab atas acara ini untuk mampir ke belakang panggung. Toh, aku juga yang sempat merekomendasikan alumni seperti soonyoung untuk masuk ke dalam line-up festival kami.
Responnya, "No way in hell?"
"I know."
Soonyoung tertawa renyah dan apa kata lana tadi? Baby in his arms. Telinga kecilnya dipakaikan pengedap suara yang bentukannya mirip headphone dan bibir kecilnya sedang menyedot botol susu. Aku tersenyum, "reminds me a lot when my baby just this small and i need to bring him everywhere."
Soonyoung balas senyum. "Sehat?"
Aku mengangguk, "sehat," balasku. "Thank you for coming. Tadi keren banget, sama kayak dulu."
"Tadi nonton?"
"Yep," aku mengangguk mengiyakan, "cool as ever."
Soonyoung mengenalkanku dengan dua teman band-nya yang barusan manggung dengannya, kepalaku mencoba mengingat-ingat dua juniorku yang bentuk wajahnya tertinggal di laci memoriku paling belakang, jadi aku bilang, they looked familiar, though, I'm sure I've seen them somewhere, soonyoung mendengus dan berkata dasar memori ikan. Tepat setelah itu, bayinya soonyoung mengeluarkan pup dahsyat.
"Sorry," katanya, di nursery room, di fakultas kedokteran. Dua bola mataku hanya terfokus memerhatikan tangan lihai soonyoung yang mengurus pup, pampers, bola kapas seperti seorang professional.
"She's a baby, what are you sorry for?"
"I know," gumamnya, "hari ini aku banyak repotin orang-orang."
"Gara-gara bayi?"
"Iya," soonyoung mengangkat dua kaki mini bayinya sebelum menempatkan pampers bersih di bawah bokong lembut bayinya. "Ibunya ada jadwal interview. She can't miss it."
"Jadi bener ini keponakan kamu?"
Kepalanya tertoleh kepadaku otomatis, binar matanya terkejut, "hah? She's mine," ujarnya, "my third child."
Ah, soonyoung sudah sampai di panggung yang itu, ya, he's a father of three children. Aku tiba-tiba pengen tertawa terbahak-bahak, tapi sepertinya enggak etis. Jadi, dengan penuh hormat, aku memujinya, "soonyoung, that's amazing."
"Punya tiga anak?"
Aku mau bertanya apa breeding kink-nya telah mengkhianatinya untuk ketiga kalinya, but i don't think it's appropriate, "I mean, i enjoyed the motherhood, but, like, i had one and went through hell. Kamu harus baik-baik sama istrimu."
"Kayaknya aku kurang baik sama dia jadinya kita cerai."
"Oh, fudge."
Dia mendengus, "Yeah, fudge."
"Gak nyangka aku ketemu lagi sama mantanku di situasi janda duda."
Atensinya terbelah lagi dari onesie harimau yang dia keluarkan dari tas bayinya, ke aku, "The fuc—dge?" soonyoung menyumpal pacifier ke mulut bayinya. "Are you fudging with me?"
Aku menunjukkan punggung tangan kananku, gave him a closer look on my empty ring finger, "we were supposed to celebrate the fifth year anniversary today."
Soonyoung menggelengkan kepalanya, almost giggling but for whatever reason, he zip it, "gila."
"That's my line?" ucapku, menatap dua pasang mata kecil yang mengedip-ngedip ke arah langit-langit ruangan. "How old is she?"
"Sepuluh bulan," jawab soonyoung. "Officially divorced when she was seven months old," jarinya menarik zipper onesie bayinya ke atas, lalu mengusap pipi gembulnya lembut, "we were trying to make everything alright, she was the part of the plan—she was the blue print actually."
"Oh, wow?"
"Iya, aku tahu kok, we shouldn’t have brought her to the world, that's what we thought," katanya pelan, "when we broke up, she was two weeks pregnant with my baby. Our parents is overjoyed, baby will fixed things they said, y'know, bring up the old flames or something."
"Don't worry, my parents said the same thing too," sepasang netra soonyoung bertemu dengan milikku, bibirnya terbuka sedikit seolah mau berkata oh jadi bukan aku aja, aku mengamini perkataannya, "mereka bilang, aku dan mantanku harus pergi honeymoon lagi, lalu punya anak kedua, and voila! Divorce is not on the table anymore."
"Lalu? Apanya yang lalu? Aku aja enggak sanggup lihat mukanya, gimana mau bikin anak sama dia?" tukasku, soonyoung meringis, "but that was not the case for you, isn't?"
Kami sama-sama menatap bayi sepuluh bulan yang sedang bermain sendiri dengan kaki mininya. Soonyoung mendesah berat, "obviously."
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soul-of-sereniity · 6 months
Final few days left of Ramadan, I thought I provide some tips when making Du'a. I watched a lecture by Mufti Menk & he stated, when making a dua be precise as u can & ask , knowing he will give. He used the example of asking for a spouse and he said, you ask Allah swt..to get married to someone and he grants u that dua but then u are married u realise it wasn't right decision, u can't then ask Allah ( swt ) why he did that to you. Becoz u asked and he answered.
He said Allah can give uh what u want but if u aren't precise in your dua's, u could be the asking for the wrong thing. So he advised, when making Du'a, ask Allah to give u, what he thinks good for you and if something isn't, but you still want it.. ask him to make good for you.
When making Du'a think about it every detail. if you're asking spouse describe to Allah what it is u want, how u want them as a parent, the type of marriage u want ect. This method applied any kind of dua you make. Allah is all knowing, he know what your heart want before u ask. For it so take your time with your dua's.
I can honestly say, since focusing on my dua's, not only helped me grow closer to Allah swt , but it also allow me to understand my answered and understand Du'as 💗🌸
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halaldua · 8 months
Dua to Marry Someone You Love Unconditionally
Embark on the journey of heartfelt unions with powerful Islamic duas. Discover the divine essence of dua to marry someone you love, finding solace in prayers for marrying the person you love. Explore the spiritual path of duas to marry someone you love, unlocking the blessings of sacred commitment. Invoke the grace of Allah through potent dua for getting married to someone you love, paving the way for a blissful and harmonious marital journey filled with love and divine blessings. Read this article: https://halaldua.com/dua-marry-someone-you-love/
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Love Again
Harry Styles x F!Reader
Rating: Allowed for minors.
Words: 848
Warnings: fluff, just married.
Author comments: hello, my loves! This is the second fic I post with Harry Styles as character, and I took “Love Again” by Dua Lipa as inspiration (actually I wrote a few things using her Future Nostalgia album as inspiration). English is not my first language, so please, be kind. Requests are open and you can subscribe your user on my taglist sending me a message via ask box. No more blah blah blahs, let’s read! I hope you enjoy!
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Harry could feel something different in the air, the adrenaline was running madly through his veins. Seemed like all those years weren’t helping him at all, or preparing him for one of the biggest challenges of his life, and that had nothing to do this his career. He dated someone for a long time and he thought she would be the one, but since she left, breaking his heart, he never thought that he could find a way out. He trusted her with open heart and eyes closed, and it looked like the void she left on his chest and the wounds would never heal. However, he met you. For a while he doubted he could hear his heartbeat so loud one more time, but when he figured it out it was too late.
He was lost in his own thoughts just by looking at you, and he only wake up from his daydream when he listened to the music, playing softly in the bedroom. You were naturally beautiful, but that night was different, you were looking like a goddess. He wanted to record every singe part that the image of you, sitting on the bed, wearing veil and wreath… It was too good to be true.
“Finally married.” You smiled, looking deep into his infinite blue eyes, touching his hand with the wedding ring recently placed on his finger.
“Finally married,” Harry repeated, smiling back. He stood up and stretched out his hand to you. “I wanna dance with you.”
You got up smiling and interlacing your arms around his neck, kissing gently Harry’s soft lips. “I love you.”
He just looked into your eyes one more time, static, but very, very happy.
“I love you too, honey” Harry whispered against your neck, pulling you by the waist and tangling his arms around you, bringing you closer to him. The Way You Look Tonight was playing softly and your bodies started to sway from side to side, enjoying your particular paradise.
“I know I already told you this a million times but I can’t help repeating you this today. Baby, do you have idea we just got married? Do you have idea we’re going to spend our wedding night here and tomorrow we’re going to the canyons for our honeymoon.”
“I guess I’m living a fairytale.” You hugged him tightly as if you wanted to merge into your groom’s body. “Babe, what you wanted to say you already told me a million times?”
Harry’s arms left you, and something felt wrong. He could feel he was overreacting, but each second away from your body heat, away from the protection of your arms, the affection of your eyes and the depth of your love seemed like too much to handle. He sat you on the bed and sitting by your side he looked at you, kissing you tenderly. Although he could look like someone serious sometimes, Harry had the sweetest pair of blue eyes anyone could have. He held your hands and took a deep breath to start speaking.
“Well, I don’t even know where to start.” Harry closed his eyes and snickered, probably recapping what he had lived since the last years until there. “There was a moment in my life, mainly after, you know…” You nodded, without taking your eyes off of him. “I started to think, well, I used to think I was made of stone. I spent so many time on my own, I never knew I could dance in someone’s arms anymore.”
“But you did.” You smiled, your cheeks slightly warming. You had already received lots of compliments and declarations from Harry before, but being right there, looking at his passionate blue eyes, dressed as his bride, in one of the most important days of your lives. It was too special.
“We did.” Harry smiled while speaking, narrowing his eyes and showing how watery they were. “You don’t have any idea of how you brought me to life, you got me in love again.”
You dropped a tear, and when he saw your eyebrows arching, he knew you were holding a bigger cry.
“You don’t have idea how you show me every day heaven’s right here. I need your hug, I need you to touch me so I know I’m not crazy. I have never met somebody like you. For a very long time I used to be afraid of love and what it might do, but then you showed up and I knew I wasn’t going anywhere.
“Oh, Harry, I’m not going anywhere either!” you answered him with your voice completely shaken. You kissed his lips tasting the salty flavor of his tears. “This is a dream, I finally find someone, the one, I feel completely into you. I already felt fear too, but not anymore, baby.”
Harry hugged you one more time, wishing no, more than ever, for time to stop. He couldn’t feel more grateful, more complete and happier than now, besides of you, the woman of his life.
It was true. You got him in love, and life, again.
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airbrushfather · 1 year
50 and 76 ❕
asks from this post!! thank you c!!
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
oh boy i've been waiting for an opportunity to publicise this story because it's so insane. me and my friend go for breakfast every friday and one week i had no plans afterwards so we were just hanging out in town for a bit, and we passed the market which was at that time only two stalls: one selling flowers, and one selling fish. now, we live in a very small town next to several other very small towns, so if you frequent this market you know the people who run each stall. usually, it's two men who run the fish stall, but on this day, it was two women. my friend (t) very loudly and very happily says "oh!! fish women!". the women smile. i comment about how this seems like a strange word for mermaid and t politely informs me (in the making-up-bullshit way you do to your friends) that the fish women is actually a group of activists. naturally, i prod her on this. what are they campaining for? i don't know, says t, we are just women for fish. oh, not fish for women? no. women for fish. has someone... hurt the fish? yes, says t, the government. oh? i say, tell me more. we get to the bus stop. t sits on the curb with me and tells me about the women for fish movement, which as it turns out, is something they're doing because the british government is putting bleach in the water in the seaside town she is from (this is not true, but sometimes when you're friends with people like i'm friends with, you begin method acting. i think it's good training for my hopeful upcoming scare acting gig.) i'm prodding about this town and it turns out that everyone who lives there is either a woman, or married to a woman. i think this is a little unfair on gay men or single people or widowers. t shrugs and says, feminism. as it transpires, as we get on the bus and later go to t's house, none of the women can read or write and the seaside town (whose name changed every time someone said it, but was always somewhere close to fishton-upon-ribblesley) has no internet, no cars, and no healthcare. i (naturally) assume the character of the first tourist this town has had for years and am curious to know more. my name is jemima puddleduck, and i've come here to find my long lost family. as it turns out, fishley-by-the-sea is a microstate of england, and its own independent enclave, not even governed by british parliment. their system of government, instead, is based on fifteen increasingly ridiculous rules (which included, from memory, all of the rules from the song 'new rules' by dua lipa, and the fact that you have to train to be a blacksmith) and the first rule is that anyone who wants to be an elected official must be sent out to sea and return safely. you'd think, for a seaside town, that everyone would be at least somewhat skilled in seafaring, but no -- every single elected official they have sent out to sea has not returned, so they've not elected any new officials in years. the only one to ever come back is a man whose government name is grandad puddleduck. first name grandad. last name puddleduck.
hold on, i say, my last name is puddleduck. is he my grandad? it turns out yes, and i have to go and meet him because i was not raised in fisherdale-upon-hammersmith and have never known my family. it turns out i have a sister here too, whose name i can't remember, but she has a husband named gavin and two alive children, many, many dead ones. gavin is a bird. my poor old grandad is sick to bastard death of being elected official, especially since i imagine his business in town is mostly just sending people to die at sea. i tell him, i will become the new elected official so you can live out your old age by the sea peacefully, and maybe then i'll make some changes to this godforsaken place. like teaching the women to read. okay, says grandad, who is played by t, but you'll have to follow all the rules. the first rule is that all elected officials must be sent out to sea and come back whole, as you know. i decide to befriend the local fishermen and see if one of them will take me out in his boat. (is that against the rules? grandad says there's nothing in the book about it, so it's probably okay.) the first man i meet is named michael spearman (which i, the real me, danny, not jemima) genuinely just pulled out of my brain and did not know who it was attached to. i knew he was someone, but i couldn't really remember who at this time. i had a lot on my brain, such as the other fourteen fucking rules i would have to follow in order to become elected. it's appropriate, though, because he spears the fish. we affectionately name him fishermichael. fishermichael agrees to take me out in his boat, and it's a lovely little trip out into the ocean. however, as i learn the hard way, fishermike has a terrible condition wherein he will collapse if he hears a profanity. what fishermichael deems to be a profanity varies wildly based on how t (who is also playing fishermichael) is feeling. several times, i swear and fishermike is knocked out cold, and i have to go and do a side quest in order to kill time before he wakes up. eventually, we go out to sea, and for the first time, a prospective elected official begins rule 2.
what is rule 2, you ask? i can't fucking remember. this shit was taking hours. however, somewhere along the way i do indeed learn to be a blacksmith, and it turns out the blacksmith family thinks i am horrible. this will not fare me well in the election.
i also meet a character called archaeological dave. he runs the archaeology society, which he runs out of a shack which he built around a large statue he unearthed of a bald man holding a huge pickaxe, engraved with the phrase 'me when i go digging'. i will attach a picture for reference of what this statue may have looked like. an approximate recreation made by the greatest minds of our archaeological generation. archaeological dave drinks lots of coffee, which i soon come to learn is laced with cocaine. tons of cocaine.
he helps me complete some more of the tasks i need to do. i honestly don't remember most of them. once all fifteen rules have been completed, the town holds a very big celebration on the beach, including a maypole dance, a wreath making contest, afternoon tea, and a choir led by my brother in law the bird. as it turns out, poor old fishermike has another unfortunate condition where hearing music makes him turn into a table. this proves very frustrating when i have to ask him if he would vote for me and he can only speak in table wobbles.
my final task as elected official to be is to go around and 'hold the election', which involves asking every character i have met if they would like to elect me. almost everyone says yes, except for the blacksmith, who is just a wanker for some reason. i think grandad puddleduck once accidentally broke into his workshop and smithed something and he wasn't a big fan of that. but, cmon, blacksmith, i'm two generations removed from that and i'm new in town. give me a break. his wife and children say yes anyway, so i'm not that bothered.
after my flurry of yesses (and t forgetting how to do most of the voices), i am finally there. ready to become elected official of fishwick-upon-fishwick and bring literacy to it's women and install a proper healthcare system. but there's one problem.
remember when i said all women in fishborough-southwest-of-lumbago are married?
jemima is not married.
i have to frantically run around and find an unmarried man (who isn't also a child or my relative) but it's proving very difficult. hope is fading. i will have to abandon this small, small, small country and leave it's poor female populus without the joy of ever reading 'this is just to say' by william carol williams, or writing 'woz ere' on a toilet door. how will i ever live with myself?
but then. oh, then.
out of the darkness comes my shining light. his wife is dead. she's buried in the garden. he's on so much fucking cocaine.
archaeological dave.
(by this point, it's like 3pm. me and t left breakfast at about 10. this has been going on for fucking hours. and, to answer the question, we've been laughing our asses off the whole time)
i propose to archaeological dave and we become engaged. that's kind of the end, it fizzles out around here, because t and i are just in hysterics. what the fuck have we just done for the last approximately five hours? we've been in her garden, playing a roleplaying game like children. my phone is full of people asking where the fuck i've gone. t's mum is inside and has heard the whole thing through the open kitchen window.
my stomach muscles hurt for the next three days.
so, probably that.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
anyway. it's mash tater.
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