#Dus naturally I get a crush then
sugarspellitout98 · 6 months
Jongens, ik heb een kleine crush op Eva Jinek
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amateurvoltaire · 5 months
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Recently, after quite a few years, I’ve been skimming through the Twelve Who Ruled, and one thing that really jumped out at me is Palmer's massive crush on Saint-Just. Seriously, a lot of the times when Saint-Just shows up in the book, the descriptions turn almost poetic... Take Chapter 3, for instance. Here, Saint-Just is likened to a shooting star, his striking handsomeness and youth are noted several times, and at one point, the word demigod makes an appearance.
It gets even more obvious when Palmer contrasts him with Robespierre. Poor Maximilien—if it weren't for his undeniable kindness and sincerity, he'd surely be losing the battle.
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But was Palmer correct?
Did Saint-Just really patronise Robespierre?
Various accounts suggest as much. Levasseur, in his memoirs, observes, "Robespierre has always been perceived as the head of the revolutionary government. Having been a close witness to those times, I might venture to assert that Saint-Just wielded more influence than Robespierre himself." He further notes, "Closely allied with Robespierre, he had become indispensable to him, and perhaps he had become more feared than he would have preferred to be loved. Their opinions were invariably unified, and if the personal beliefs of one were to be subordinated to those of the other, certainly, it was not Saint-Just who conceded."
Sainte-Beuve(1) shares a telling anecdote: during a heated committee meeting, Saint-Just ordered Robespierre, "Calm yourself; the empire favours the phlegmatic." (« Calme-toi donc, l’empire est au flegmatique. »)
Moreover, another Convention member, Baudot, reflects in his memoirs that Saint-Just possessed "a mind far stronger and more commanding than Robespierre's." (« une tête bien autrement forte et plus puissante que Robespierre»)
So... while 'patronizing' might be a strong term, it does seem that Saint-Just's personality was more domineering. In my view, he was undoubtedly more pragmatic than the Incorruptible, owing largely to his military experience and missions in the field. Saint-Just was a man of action while Robespierre was more a man of the tribune. Coupled with the uncompromising nature typical of youth (who wasn't a radical at 26?), this would likely have rendered him more authoritarian and rigid in the eyes of his contemporaries.
Sainte-Beuve isn’t a particularly reliable source, but the anecdote seemed interesting.
R.R Palmer, Twelve Who Ruled
Sainte-Beuve; Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin. (1865) Causeries du lundi. Tome V (3e éd.) « Études sur Saint-Just, par M. Édouard Fleury.
M.A. Baudot, Notes historiques
R. Levasseur, Mémoires
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heartscrypt · 1 year
For the miraculous au
would it not be silly and goofy if when not as superheros and in their like school. normal teenage life. like. yaknow. in canon. jamil has a big (in denial) crush. bc hes ladybug. idk where im going with this
i love your miraculous jamiazu au i think thats the main idea from this ask
using this ask as an excuse to pull out the love square map (i'm actually fucking crazy)
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OK SOOOO. so. i was not kidding when i said the love square was different from the show. ive kind of swapped around the dynamics from the original to fit the characters better
everything under a read more so as to not intimidate anyone with how severely ill i am about them
jamil -> azul: in contrast to the mlb canon jamil will NOT have a big ginormous stalker crush on azul. in fact he does not like azul and will often clam up / go quiet around him. will excuse himself from interactions with the other and generally avoid the hell out of him because he thinks the other is so clearly hiding something and he does NOT want to get wrapped up in it
azul -> jamil: think pre-book 4 incident where azul's had an eye on jamil for a very long time. if anything he has the big ginormous stalker crush. but honestly its not full on crush territory (yet) because jamil refuses to talk to him and he hasn't interacted extensively with the other. however does think there is something going on with jamil avoiding him and relentlessly pursues him in response
scarab -> léopard: scarab just instinctively works better with léopard by his side. there's sort of an implicit trust between the both of them that the other is fully capable of whatever they set out to do which is. really nice. and they rely on each other in the heat of battle which is strange because scarab's ego means he often takes a lot of shit on himself under the idea that he's the only one who can do it. but also léopard is just an enigma to him because they'll work so well in battle but out of battle léopard's constant flirting gives scarab a headache... but it's also kind of flattering. in a way. because léopard is constantly Looking for him and shows a lot of interest in who he is as a person which doesn't happen a lot for scarab in his civilian form
léopard -> scarab: léopard is a mercenary which means that he's not partners with scarab. he just happens to "run into" the other "by coincidence" (not coincidence) and you know. he's so benevolent. why not help scarab out with the akuma. he is charmed by how much scarab is NOT like a hero. scarab thinks like a villain and is unafraid to use and manipulate others in order to accomplish his goals. but the end result is perceived as heroic of him. léopard wants him so bad for this it is fucking CRAZY he thinks scarab's capabilities and range are so attractive and will constantly make passes at him whenever they cross paths
jamil -> léopard: from jamil's experiences with léopard as scarab, jamil finds that léopard may actually be tolerable when he's not flirting constantly. jamil's still not keen on letting this guy save him from akumas (because jamil is scarab and by god if léopard ever finds out he saved scarab in civilian form he's going to be so full of himself) but he trusts léopard and is willing to let his snarkier side show, more than he usually does when he's jamil
léopard -> jamil: léopard is ecstatic at the fact that jamil is actually talking to him. yes it might take a whole other secret identity and a leather bodysuit to do so but. you know. a win is a win. uses his position as léopard to pry for more info from jamil, but it's always a push/pull back and forth where jamil seems to tolerate and even occasionally be amused by hus presence but will shut him down once he gets too close. his infatuation with the other in civilian form is fed by these small interactions he has with the other that shows there's more to jamil that meets the eye
azul -> scarab: azul is scarab's biggest supporter. naturally. praises the superhero's diligence and duty to the city loudly and vocally to anybody who will listen, and wants to get scarab involved in his future business ventures. may intentionally put himself in situations where the other will come save him so he can entrap the other into talking with him in civilian form to see if he can get any more clues into scarab's identity. also desperately tries to impress scarab when unable to transform with the skills he learned from being léopard.
scarab -> azul: scarab, drawing off his experiences as jamil, finds azul's persistence a little daunting and definitely a danger to his secret identity. however it's also odd to see a second side to azul pop out when he's trying to impress scarab. almost cute. if he didn't fail so much at it. gets scarab reconsidering his civilian form's thoughts on azul because azul somehow seems Less fake or. worse at being fake whenever jamil is scarab.
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erinelliotc · 4 months
Which dub you likes better? Portuguese or english?
Oh, I loved getting this question! I have a lot to say on this subject because I really like talking about dubbing.
Sit down kids, and get ready for a little infodump about the Brazilian/Portuguese dubbing of Ed, Edd n Eddy! (the show has never been dubbed in Portugal. The only Portuguese dub is the Brazilian one, so referring to this EEnE dubbing as "Brazilian" or "Portuguese" is the same thing, same dub).
** I edited this post to make some additions. They're highlighted in purple **
Brazilian adaptation
First of all, it's important to say that here in Brazil, "Ed, Edd n Eddy" is "Du, Dudu e Edu". I already explained it here, but I'll explain it again. The Brazilian/Portuguese version of Edward is Eduardo, and the common nicknames are Dudu and Edu, so they just had to create the nickname "Du" (at least I've never seen someone called Eduardo being called Du) and there you go, we have the perfect adaptation! We lost the "Double D" nickname as we didn't have the issue of "Ed" and "Edd" sounding the same, so they just didn't see the need to keep it. So every time he's called "Double D" they just dub it as "Dudu" too. To me it's one of the best adaptations because it wouldn't sound very natural to call them "Edward/Eds" and it makes a lot of sense:
Ed = Du (1 D) Edd = Dudu (2 D's) Eddy = Edu ("Ed" with a sound at the end)
They even solved the issue of Ed and Edd sounding the same (even though I think Double D is a great and cute nickname and I really like this addition and miss it in the Brazilian dub, but I assume the reason it was added was in order to solve this issue).
Some funny things:
In the first episode (The Ed-Touchables) there's a dubbing error in a scene where Eddy calls Ed by his original name instead of "Du". I don't know how this went unnoticed because he calls him "Du" at all other times. It's only in the scene where Eddy says "Ed! Don't move! And stop giggling!".
There are also some errors in other episodes where they mix up the Eds (it only happens in the first season(s) if I remember correctly). There is, for example, a scene in "Who, What, Where, Ed" (season 1, episode 21) in which Lee in the Brazilian dub mistakenly refers to Eddy by Edd's Brazilian name (Dudu), and this scene kinda pisses me off because of the error but it's so freaking funny because besides them mistaking Eddy for Double D, they also changed her line to something that would only make sense if she was referring to Eddy. She says "Eddy's such a weasel", and they dubbed it as "O Dudu é o mais gostoso" ("Double D's the hottest [of them]"), which doesn't make any sense since Eddy's her crush and it just cracks me up, both for the error and for the unexpectedly somewhat inappropriate line for a kid's show (I think that here in Brazil calling someone "hot" may be a little more inappropriate than in English, at least I guess...?).
Another important adaptation I forgot to mention: since jawbreakers are a sweet that doesn't exist in Brazil (we have a sweet called "quebra-queixo" ("jawbreaker") but it's different, it's just another name for our "pé de moleque" ("kid's foot")), for some reason, they decided to translate it as "balas de caramelo" ("caramel candies"). I have no idea why, but I like that name.
Brazilian dub
The Brazilian dub has a very special place in my heart because it was the one I grew up with, so it gives me a lot of nostalgia, and honestly it's a very good dub in general (I think Brazilian voice actors do an excellent job besides the errors because they're great at making dubs with a lot of emotion and naturalness).
There are even some scenes that I find funnier in the Brazilian dub because the voice intonation is stronger/more dramatic/has more emotion, or because they changed the lines to something funnier (I'm not a fan of changing lines, but I don't mind changes if it's just to make the line stronger and the original meaning and essence of what was said is maintained). Some examples:
"A Glass of Warm Ed" (season 1, episode 19) - Double D saying "Oh dear. An intruder. Eating all the food out of my refrigerator. In bare feet!" in Portuguese sounds funnier to me because his voice intonation in "In bare feet!" seems a little more terrified. This scene always gets me because of the way he talks. I love Double D’s concept of things escalating from bad to worse. Like: An intruder = oh how inconvenient Eating all my food = oh no, that’s terrible! In bare feet! = good lord! that’s TOO MUCH! COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE!!!
"Eds-Aggerate" (season 1, episode 23) - As I said, Kevin's Brazilian voice sounds much funnier to me, so I'll give just one of the countless examples of this because otherwise I'd have to mention all of his lines. Kevin says "Mucky... boys?" — which was dubbed here as "Garotos primatas" ("Primate boys") — and "Baloney!" — which was dubbed here as "Mentira!" ("Lies!/You're lying!") —, and I just love the way it sounds in Portuguese.
"Avast Ye Eds" (season 1, episode 26) - Eddy's line in Portuguese sounds funnier to me because his voice intonation and line seem ruder, more impatient and more tired. In the original dub he says "Hey kid, I'm on my break. Do you mind?", and it was dubbed as "Ô garoto, eu tô de folga. Não enche o saco" ("Hey kid, I'm on a break. Get off my back/Get out of my face/Don't piss me off" [I don't know which one is the best way to translate it]).
"Knock, Knock, Who's Ed?" (season 2, episode 3) - This is one of the best examples I can give of line change that just makes it funnier without losing its original meaning. In the scene where Ed offers a candy stuck to his leg and says "I got this one for Christmas", it was dubbed as "Essa tá aqui desde que eu era bebê" ("This one's been here since I was a baby"). The fun of this line is to express that the candy has been stored on his leg for a very long time, so this change just amplified this, increasing the time the candy would be there and making the line much more absurd and funny.
"One + One = Ed" (season 2, episode 4) - Double D's line in Portuguese sounds much funnier to me because they changed the line to something more direct and less soft (even though Double D's a gentle, delicate and polite character, he's also brutally honest and sometimes says some unexpected harsh things quite bluntly, so I don't think it was out of character for him). In the original dub he says "I best tend to his medical needs. Excuse me", and it was dubbed as "Eu vou ver o que sobrou do Edu, tá? Um instante" ("I'm going to see what's left of Eddy, okay? Just a moment"). This line makes me imagine him literally picking up the pieces of Eddy. I don't know, I'm a very visual and literal person, so this line sounds really funny to me, especially with him saying it with a smile.
"Floss Your Ed" (season 2, episode 8) - Double D saying "Plain butter?" in Portuguese sounds much funnier to me because his voice intonation seems more terrified. In the original dub he just sounds confused and speechless to me, whereas in Portuguese he seems more disconcerted, shocked, perplexed, astonished, intrigued and disturbed that Rolf would suggest that Ed eat plain butter. I like this because Double D's a character who's easily impressed and shocked by things and tends to have strong reactions to absurd situations or even situations that aren't considered absurd to others. To me it makes perfect sense that he'd be terrified and have a reaction that highlights the absurdity of the act of eating plain butter. To me it's like it went from "Plain… butter? 😶" to "Plain butter!? 😨".
"Honor Thy Ed" (season 2, episode 17) - I was a little disappointed when I watched the original episode because I really thought Eddy said what he said in the Brazilian dub and I really liked that line, but then I found out it was actually a line change. Ed says "You scared Double D, Eddy" and Eddy says "I did, didn't I? C'mon, I got an idea", and it was dubbed as: Ed: "Assustou o magricela" ("You scared the scrawny guy") / Eddy: "Ah, eu sei disso, Du. Adoro deixar ele nervoso" ("Oh, I know that, Ed. I love making him nervous"). It sounded so teasing, a bit EddEddy, I really loved it and I was totally convinced it was the original line because it sounded so much like something Eddy would say.
"Jingle Jingle Jangle" (Christmas Special episode) - Okay, so let's talk about really inappropriate dubbing. There's a scene where Rolf originally says "You have pulled Rolf's eggplant, half-man, half-woman Ed boy", and it was dubbed as "Impressionou o órgão em formato de berinjela do Rolf, Edu" ("You impressed Rolf's eggplant-shaped organ, Eddy"). I think it's so funny how explicit that line got, but it kinda saddens me that they cut out the "half-man, half-woman" part.
Kevin's Brazilian voice is one of the funniest to me. I'd say Alexandre Moreno is one of the most famous Brazilian voice actors with one of the most memorable voices. He dubs Adam Sandler (the work for which he's best known), dubbed Ben Stiller, Steve Carell, Antonio Banderas, Josh Duhamel, Martin Freeman, dubbed Puss in Boots from Shrek, Alex from Madagascar, Syndrome from The Incredibles, Dracula from Hotel Transylvania, Flapjack, Flint from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Denzel Crocker from The Fairly OddParents, Adam from Bee Movie, Numbuh 9 from Kids Next Door, Krusty from The Simpsons, and many others. Even though I love Kevin's original voice (and especially his laugh, which I particularly prefer in the original voice), I think the Brazilian one sounds funnier and more informal.
Sarah's Brazilian voice actress did many important and memorable voices too. Iara Riça was the main voice actress for Harley Quinn, Brenda Song, Tara Strong, dubbed Tails, Blossom from Powerpuff Girls, Frankie from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Cree from Kids Next Door, Fionna from Adventure Time, Tecna from Winx Club, Courtney from Total Drama, Charlotte from The Princess and the Frog, Princess Su from Mulan 2, Yumi from Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, and many others). She was one of my favorite voice actresses, but she unfortunately passed away on April 27, 2021. I think her voice was perfect for Sarah. She was able to do annoying and striking voices just right.
Eddy's Brazilian voice is quite different, but in the end I think it suits him because it's a very strong and chaotic voice too. Ricardo Juarez dubbed Will Ferrell, Taz, Johnny Bravo, Kratos from God of War, Melman from Madagascar, Barney from The Simpsons, Fuzzy from Powerpuff Girls, and some others.
Lee's Brazilian voice was also a voice that I think was really great for her. Nádia Carvalho was a famous and remarkable Brazilian actress and voice actress. She dubbed Bette Midler, Queen Latifah, Miranda Richardson, Edna from The Incredibles, Dexter's mom from Dexter's Laboratory, and many others. She also unfortunately passed away on July 11, 2022.
Fun facts:
Double D and Rolf share the same Brazilian voice actor and I think he did a great job with both of them. His voice makes Double D sound a little hoarse, something that I think suits the character and contributes to making some lines funnier and stronger/more dramatic. Luiz Sérgio Vieira dubbed Static from Static Shock, Matsuda from Death Note, Numbuh 4 from Kids Next Door, Bloo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Timmy from The Fairly OddParents, Jonathan from Stranger Things, Plagg from Miraculous Ladybug, Ralph from The Simpsons, Gibby from iCarly, and many others.
Nazz's first Brazilian voice actress is a mystery. We have no information on who she was, and she dubbed her for like, almost half of the show (I still need to check if it's correct, but according to the wiki she dubbed her in: season 1, season 2, the first half of season 3 and one episode from season 4), being replaced by Sylvia Salustti, another memorable voice (she dubbed Tweety from Looney Tunes, Pearl from Steven Universe, Rapunzel from Tangled, Eva from Wall-E, Foxy from Chicken Little, Ring Ring from Pucca, Amy from The Big Bang Theory, Rachel from Glee, Phoebe from Friends, and many others).
English/original dub x Brazilian dub
However, I prefer the original dub. I really love the original voices, especially Eddy's (God bless Tony Sampson). Most of Eddy's scenes are always funny to me just because of his voice tone, everything he says is funny to me because of the exaggerated, loud and chaotic way he talks. A voice that I think is much better in the original dub is Jonny's. I don't dislike the Brazilian voice, but it's just too... normal. Jonny's original voice suits his personality very well because it shows how nuts and lunatic he is. Jimmy's original voice also sounds a little more, well... gay.
I think the EEnE crew did an excellent job and I'm so grateful that Danny Antonucci was the pain-in-the-ass perfectionist guy telling them to repeat their lines until it was good enough because we really got a show with wonderful and memorable lines. I really love it when people are genuinely passionate about things and really care about making them perfect in an obsessive way. I'm very much like that... and of course Antonucci is too, that's his Double D side. I also love how this is reflected in the fandom. I see that this fandom is full of people who don't like the show in a simple and shallow way, but in an obsessed and passionate way (it's one of my reasons for thinking that EEnE is a show that primarily appeals to neurodivergent people. We just hyperfixate on things, in this case EEnE, and cling to them like they're the most important and amazing thing in the world to us).
I'd say the only voice that leaves me torn about which one I think is better is Kevin's. But apart from him, I think all the original voices are better, but please don't get me wrong. As I said, I love the Brazilian dub, I just prefer the original one, that's all. I'd say that the original dub is 10/10 and the Brazilian dub is like 8/10.
Things in the Brazilian dub that I don't like
There are some things that aren't necessarily bad, it's just something that I personally don't like for particular reasons and personal preferences.
One of my biggest complaints about the Brazilian dub is something very specific: Ed's dub. I'm a perfectionist, very obsessive, so I like dubbing being as close as possible to the original one and suffering the less changes as possible (I think changes when translating a show/movie/series/book/game/etc are welcome for the reasons I previously explained, and also to adapt to our context and culture, such as changing the names of the Eds), and that's why I tend to prefer watching everything in the original dub, and even when it's dubbed in Portuguese I like to watch it with subtitles (for this same reason, and also because I have a hard time just listening to things because I probably have Central Auditory Processing Disorder. I wish I could turn on subtitles in real life too xD). Ed must be the character who has undergone the most line changes, I believe intending to make him more goofy and dumb, but at the same time I don't understand the need because his original lines were already very random and strange. Apparently, this happened due to the voice actor's own personal decision (I want to make it clear that I think the voice actor is really great and remarkable, but in this particular work I don't agree with his choices for the lines). Clécio Souto is a famous Brazilian actor, voice actor and announcer. He dubbed Chris Evans, Andy Samberg, James Franco, Jared Leto, Kel from Kenan & Kel, Castiel from Supernatural, Banana Joe from The Amazing World of Gumball, Lenny from Shark Tale, and many others. He created 3 catchphrases for Ed that he used very often in place of the original lines, which I genuinely can't understand because Ed already had catchphrases, so why not just keep them? According to him they wouldn't be funny to us, but I don't understand why he thinks so. Well, so in the Brazilian dub, Ed loses his original catchphrases. He no longer talks all the time about buttered toast and gravy, and his lines about chickens remained, but were changed to "galinha com quiabo" ("chicken with okra") (a Brazilian dish), which I really dislike because to me the point is that he likes chickens themselves, as animals, alive, and not as food. Him saying "Who's there?" was also replaced by one of his new catchphrases, "Nem doeu" ("It didn't even hurt").
Here's a video of him talking about it:
Translation of what he says in the video:
The character became known for the 3 line changes that I invented. Exactly, this one, Ed. I said "I love chicken with okra!". It didn't have that in the original. I don't remember [what he said in the original]. I change lines so much... I already look and say "I'm not gonna say that because it won't be funny to us. I'm gonna say something else", then "I love chicken with okra". Every time he bumped into something, he said something stupid or didn't even speak and had his back turned, I said "It didn't even hurt!". A line change of mine too, "It didn't even hurt". It became a catchphrase. And the other one was "Cute/pretty" [I don't know a proper way to translate it]. "Aw, I'm cute/pretty!", which was his too and didn't exist [in the original]. All line changes, all line changes.
There are so many line changes that I won't be able to mention them all, so here are a few examples, but keep in mind that there were A LOT of line changes in every episode:
"An Ed Too Many" (season 1, episode 11) - Instead of saying "And she's a good speller", Ed was dubbed saying "Ele vai ter um fim desgraçado" ("He's gonna have a disgraceful end"). The voice actor thought it'd be funnier to have Ed respond like a jealous older brother trying to protect his younger sister, and I must admit I found it very funny, especially because he speaks in a very normal way and not with an angry voice tone.
"Look Into My Eds" (season 1, episode 13) - Instead of saying "book" and "buttered toast" when Double D asks what he sees in the images, he says "meleca" ("booger") and "salsicha estragada" ("spoiled sausage"). And in the scene where Eddy asks about the hypnotizing wheel and Ed says it was "buttered toast", it was dubbed as "a black lollipop".
"A Boy and his Ed" (season 1, episode 16) - Instead of Eddy saying "Be Kevin's friends? We'd have a better chance of Ed growing a chin" and Ed saying "I wish I had 4 stomachs", it was dubbed as: Eddy: "Ser amigo do Kevin? Seria muito mais fácil se o Du deixasse crescer uma barba" ("Be Kevin's friend? It'd be much easier for Ed to grow a beard") / Ed: "Será que eu ia ficar bonitinho de barba?" ("I wonder if I'd look cute/pretty with a beard"). I really dislike this line change because they cut out the joke about Ed not having a chin, and removed him having a completely random line that has no connection with what Eddy said, something that's part of his character since he's supposed to be the distracted one, and thus, have nonsense lines and random thoughts.
"One + One = Ed" (season 2, episode 4) = At the end of the episode, instead of referencing the events that occurred previously by saying "Jimmy! You got your line back! Is it on wrong?", "Baby sister! Take your mouth off again" and "It's stuck", he was dubbed saying "Jimmy! Você sentou ao contrário. É pra lá, bobão" ("Jimmy! You sat backwards. It's that way, silly"), "E aí, maninha chata. Vamos brincar?" ("What's up, annoying sister. Let's play?") and "Ih, engasgou" ("Sheesh, she choked"). I honestly don't understand why the voice actor changed these lines. It just makes Ed look like he's being completely nonsensical not only to the other kids but to us too, because the fun of that scene was that he seemed crazy to the kids because they don't know the context of the things he's doing and saying, and not him being really random.
"Stop, Look and Ed" (season 2, episode 16) - Instead of saying "Why's Double D wearing pantyhose on his head?", Ed was dubbed saying "Tá parecendo o coelhinho da páscoa!" ("He looks like the Easter Bunny!"), which was very creative indeed.
"Your Ed Here" (season 4, episode 13) - Ed's classic line after the classic kiss scene "One is a lonely number, Double D" was dubbed as "O 1 é um número só, não é, Dudu?" ("1 is a single number, isn’t it, Double D?"). The biggest change was in the intonation of his voice, so instead of it being a sad statement, it turned into Ed just asking a random and stupid question. "One is a lonely number" may sound strange at first glance, but it's clear he means he felt left out.
The feeling I have is as if in the moments when Ed should have random lines they turned into lines with more sense, and in the lines with more sense they turned into random lines. Anyway, enough talking about Ed's dub. Despite everything I've pointed out, I don't consider it a bad dub. As I said, it's just a matter of my personal preference. The voice actor just wanted to give the character a boost, a little bit of his special touch, and I respect that.
Kevin had a second voice actor in some episodes (Duda Espinoza), which bothered me because I usually don't like voice actor changes, especially if the other voice sounded much better to me (I mean, it was fucking Alexandre Moreno. It sucks to just take away a remarkable voice like his), but at least it was only in a few episodes, so it didn't bother me that much. The change in Nazz's voice actress didn't bother me because both voices suited her to me.
I really love all the Brazilian voices (some more than others), I think they all suit the characters, even the ones that aren't so similar to the original voices. But there's a voice that was one of the worst choices I've ever seen in dubbing: Eddy's brother's voice. Honestly, this was their only really BAD choice in choosing a voice actor. Bro's literally an adult and in the Brazilian dub he sounds like a kid/teenager, because he was in fact dubbed by one! @eenedump already talked about it on Twitter, and it's true. Nothing against the guy, Luciano Monteiro is a great voice actor and did and does amazing dubbing (like Finn from Adventure Time, Freddie from iCarly, Zack and Cody, Lewis from Meet the Robinsons, Baljeet from Phineas and Ferb, and many others), but he just wasn't a good choice for Bro. He was a literal kid/teen at the time! 14 years old! Even the characters that are actually kids are dubbed by adults, so why would they choose someone who's actually a kid and sounds like a kid (if he at least sounded like an adult, age wouldn't be an issue) to dub the only adult who appears in the show? I can't see any explanation for this decision.
Now, a thing that REALLY haunted me in the Brazilian dub, disturbed me even more than Bro's voice, was in the Valentine's special episode "Hanky Panky Hullabaloo". The strangest, most disconcerting and unexplainable thing happened when I was watching it and it made me very confused, uncomfortable and concerned for the rest of the episode: Marie and May's voice actresses simply swapped places. I honestly can't think of any reason for that happening. Like, I hate when voice actors change, but I understand that it can happen because for some reason the first one can't voice the character anymore or just can't in some episodes. But this!? This is completely nonsense. What happened? Did everyone, including themselves, forget which Kanker they dubbed? There's no logical explanation and I've never seen this happening before in any other dub. Seriously, imagine watching Ed, Edd n Eddy almost in its entirety, with two characters having the same voices from the beginning, and suddenly you're hearing May's voice coming out of Marie's mouth and Marie's voice coming out of May's mouth. There's no other way to describe this occurrence other than Double D's classic line in "3 Squares and an Ed" (season 3, episode 6): "That's disturbing". I felt like I was in an alternate reality.
And in "May I Have This Ed?" (season 6, episode 1), Marie's voice actress dubbed May in the scene where she says "How about you get your claws off my man, boyfriend-stealer!", but in the previous scene when May says "Hey!" she seems to have been dubbed by the right voice actress. Again, disturbing.
There are some other minor things in the Brazilian dub that kinda bother me:
Double D sounds a little less formal, especially in the first seasons. A problem that happened in the Brazilian dub is that many words that Double D says in English that would be excessively formal are actually common words in Portuguese (to get around this and maintain the character's characteristic of having a sophisticated vocabulary, I'd try as much as possible to replace the words that Double D originally used with more unknown and difficult synonyms in Portuguese). There are times when Ed or Eddy shouldn't understand what he said or should get it wrong, but to us it wouldn't make sense that they wouldn't understand because Double D didn't say anything difficult to understand. I already gave an example of this in a post about the classic "Eddy, I fear they're becoming amorous!" line from "Home Cooked Eds" (season 2, episode 11). "Amorous" (amoroso(s) / amorosa(s)) is a very common word in Portuguese with a very normal meaning, not related to anything sexual at all, just meaning someone who's affectionate or sweet. For this reason, I made a line change to another word that would be more formal and carry a sexual meaning (in the Brazilian dub he just uses the word "amorosas"). Another example is in "Who Let the Ed In?" (season 2, episode 10), when Double D says "I'm at quite a quandary" and Eddy says "Forget your laundry". In English there are both the words "quandary" and "dilemma", but in Portuguese we only have the word "dilema", which is also a common word and which I still haven't been able to think of how to adapt to rhyme with something that Eddy would get wrong (in the Brazilian dub there's no joke with him getting it wrong, Eddy just understands what Double D says). And another example is in "Shoo Ed" (season 2, episode 20), when Eddy uses the word "provoke" and Double D's impressed that he knows that word. Again, a completely common word in Portuguese since we don't have the word "teasing", we only have "provocar".
Something unfortunately inevitable in all dubbings and adaptations but which bothers me anyway is the jokes that only make sense in English. As I'm subtitling the episodes, I'm coming across a very large number of jokes that I have no idea how to adapt into Portuguese. A good example of this problem is the classic "I'd swear, but standards won't let me" joke from "Ed Overboard" (season 4, episode 7). The fun of this joke is centered on exploring the dubious and ambiguous meaning of the word "swear", which can mean either "promise" or "express anger in a very rude and inappropriate way", something that doesn't exist in Portuguese, we just have different words for each of that. Since there was no way to adapt it, it was dubbed as "Até faria, mas não tô afim não" ("I'd do it, but I don't feel like it").
Something similar to the previous problem is lines that should rhyme but the rhyme just can't happen. In "Nagged to Ed" (season 1, episode 2), Eddy says "Nice head, Ed" and he even highlights the fact that it rhymed, but in Portuguese the word "head" doesn't rhyme with Du or Ed, so the scene just seems like Eddy's being stupid and saying that something that doesn't rhyme does rhyme (which honestly isn't that out of character for him as he's shown to be quite stupid at times, but the loss of this rhyme particularly bothers me).
There are some errors every now and then, but the dub errors are not even close to being a big reason for my rating 8/10 because they're not that frequent. However, every time they happen it bothers me. An example is in "Mirror, Mirron, on the Ed" (season 2, episode 22) when Eddy says "Once upon an observation of this small rock, I have discovered it actually mutated from a big rock", and it was dubbed as "Após a observação desta pequena pedra, eu descobri que na verdade ela se transformou em uma grande pedra" ("After the observation of this small rock, I have discovered that it actually turned into a big rock"), like... what?
Anyway, that's what I had to say. I love both dubs, I love the Brazilian dub despite the things I mentioned, but in the end I think the original dub is better.
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s1 episode 5 thoughts (and there are many)
okay so the premise of this episode was "they're going after the jersey devil". now i must confess i was TERRIFIED of this beast as a child, and read it was a sort of devil goat with wings. i thought it would come in my window and get me with its beastly goat talons and flap away with my child self's body. it was a very real fear! so when they just went with bigfoot 2.0 here frankly i WAS disappointed.
dana scully has a godson!! i'm eager to gather all of her lore. i shall collect it and place is safely in my pocket.
also why was this man (fox mulder) straight up reading a porn magazine at work because it mentioned aliens. does the FBI allow that on company time? do people READ porn magazines? is that the strangest part about the whole interaction? scully seemed fine with this happening. she is unflappable.
we got a reveal this episode: scully thinks mulder is cute!!! she accused him of being a jerk and then immediately denied it. crush behavior.
shoutout to mulder for giving his hotel key to a random guy on the street and then doing recon on said street. this lands him in jail. scully must bail him out. an average day for him. police HATE this man.
(no really they fucking hate him. without scully he is off the leash and WILL bite the local authorities)
post bail out they talked about scully's upcoming date. she said that she wants a life unlike mulder (ouch!) he smiles and says "i have a life :)" once again proving there is nothing more charismatic than someone who is just deeply and unabashedly strange.
scully looked sosososo pretty on the date!!!!! the man she was with. was not pretty. you dodged a bullet queen.
mulder looking at a drawing of bigfoot with boobs really just sent me into a laughing spiral. it was a big moment in terms of the investigation when he realized that women exist.
and then when he got pummeled by female bigfoot and he had a giant bleeding wound on side he talks about how beautiful she was. like i get that it was supposed to be a deeply sentimental moment on the human nature and how it connects us all despite our differences. and that it was supposed to show him spiraling in guilt in the realization that there was likely a bigfoot family out there that had become orphans. but also. it WAS strangely tense.
also i think going to the smithsonian to talk with an expert about the discovery of a potentially new human subspecies sounds leagues better than cirque du soleil so in the end scully won here. like did she get him to take a day off after he got really emotionally invested in this bigfoot case? no but that's a) not her job and b) looking at fossils WILL calm both of them down so. win-win.
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adarkrainbow · 11 months
I am so glad I happen to have access to one particular book - it isn't mine but it happens to be part of my mother's collection. "Les perversions du merveilleux", The perversions of the marvelous, by Jean de Palacio.
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It's not a book you find in your usual libraries, as it isn't printed anymore and now you get it usually in rare bookshops, or quality second-hand bookstores. Just on the Internet a second hand copy - not even of good quality - is worth at least 30 euros. It is a study, based on roughly five hundred literary fairytales published between 1862 and 1922, on how the "marvelous genre", the "genre merveilleux" - aka the fairytale - mutated and evolved in literature during the second half of the 19th century and the fin-de-siècle.
I often talk of the "great century of fairytales", the "golden age of fairy literature" in France, going from Perrault and madame d'Aulnoy's texts in the early 1690s to the publication of Le Cabinet des Fées in the late 1780s. But it doesn't mean fairytales as a literary genre stopped existing in France. It went on throughout the 19th century - but simply as a minor, overlooked, undignified genre, crushed by the dual tendency towards realism-naturalism (rejecting anything magic and fantasy-like as childish) and towards the fantastical (the "fantastique", opposing itself to the "merveilleux" - fantastique was the "right" way to do supernatural). If the late 17th and full 18th century was the "golden age" of literary fairytales, the 19th century and early 20th was more of a "dark age" - but there was a new boom and resurgence of the literary fairytale, a "Renaissance" by the fin-de-siècle, the two last decades of the 19th century and the pre-World-War 20th century. Of course Palacio here goes a bit further and expands his study all the way to the 1860s and 1920s, but it is still a focus on the "fin-de-siècle fairytale" and its "perversion" of the "marvels" of the genre.
Because what was the fin-de-siècle all about? Finding back a magic, an occultism and an onirism lost by the wave of realistic, social and scientific works ; reconstructing magic and marvels in a modern world while also brutally deconstructing it in front of the recent changes in humanity. Digging up the lost past and confronting it to the present - in comparison, rejection, or embrace. But it was also taking the innocent, the beautiful, the good, the fabulous and wonderful, and making it cynical, bored, depressed, cruel, sadistic - and what better choice of material than these childhood tales and "naive fables" of good fairies and happy princes? Twisting fairytales, but also exacerbating them - because the fin-de-siècle was also focused on the beautiful, the richness, the poetry, and it found a kindly echo and friendly cousin within the abundance, the preciosity and the extravagant luxury of these old fairytales. As such it is no wonder that almost all the artistic movements around the turn of the century - symbolism, decadence, all the way up to surrealism - took a great interest in traditional fairytales.
Anyway - this book talks about what the fin-de-siècle did to fairytales, and it is deeply fascinating. The first chapter is "For a fin-de-siècle merveilleux" and establishes both the "marvelous genre" of this era, and the process of "perverting" said marvelous in three specific ways: sequel-tales (continuing the story after the canonic ending), expanded tales (focusing and expanding on a specific detail of the original tale) and "counterfeit tale" (changing the setting, the gender, the iconic item, the social class, the time era of the original story).
There are two chapters dedicated to iconic character-types of the fairytale. One is the Fairy - "La mort des fées", "The death of fairies" - it explores the whole wave of depicting the fairies as a dying race or an extinct species, as the last remnants and survivors of a long-gone world ; but also the presentation of the fairy reinvented as the "femme fatale", the deadly woman, the lethal seductress ; and the symbolism of the fairy as a "woman of letter" - either a muse for the artist, or a storyteller making fairytales, when she isn't the center of a set of "dangerous wordplays" using language itself against reality. The other chapter is about the Ogre - "L'ogrerie décadente", "The decadent ogrery". It explores how the fin-de-siècle uses the ogre as an allegory or a metaphor rather than an actual character, when the ogre doesn't rather become a good and benevolent character, or helpless victim - it also talks of the focus the era had on Little Thumbling, Petit Poucet, and the transformations of the seven-league boots in light of an era of "speed and progress". But most interestingly, it also focuses highly on the "ogress", who was much more explored than the male ogre, thanks to the era's obsession with monstrous women - it talks of the sexual ogresses more like succubuses, of the greedy ogress-like women focused on eating money rather than flesh, and there is an entire section about the short story by Paul Arène "Les Ogresses".
As for the other chapters, they are all centered around onf of Perrault's fairytales. "La belle au lit dormant", "The beauty in a sleeping bed" - how the identity and nature of the fairies was changed to make them dubious and unclear entities ; how the metaphor of the sleep of a hundred years explored the passing of time or the return to the long-gone past ; as well as how there was a tradition of fin-de-siècle authors openly contestating, criticizing or rejecting Perrault's words and affirmations to tell the "real" story of the Sleeping Beauty.
"Miss Blue-Beard, or from the rehabiliation to the decadence" - the way the authors tried to redeem the character of Bluebeard, while also making alternate versions of the tale with a "rise of the feminine power" - from a greater focus and importance on sister Anne to an exploration of Bluebeard's previous wives and his intimate problems with women, passing by the angle of how power goes from Bluebeard to his surviving wife that takes everything from him.
"The metamorphosis of Cinderella": the great focus and fascination the authors had for the famous glass slipper of Cinderella ; coupled with how it became recurrent to depict the "after-marriage" life of Cinderella, turned into a "house-wife".
And finally "The absence of Griselidis" - dealing with the most often ignored and forgotten part of Perrault's three "verse tales".
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modern-inheritance · 4 months
Human Rider Changes
Brom wasn't altered the way Eragon was, but in MIC I'm gonna say even the human Riders were altered by the bond, beyond the slightly more elfish appearance and pointed ears.
Over time Humans start getting the more pointed tooth shape that unaltered elves are born with. It takes FAR longer, but they also start to grow a very thin version of the controllable tapetum lucidum, but most can't use it the way elves can at will.
Human Riders also begin to get faster reflexes, larger energy stores, slightly higher than normal strength and endurance for their physiques, increased night vision in general, and I really really want to say longer periods of high neuroplasticity (ease of learning, adaptations, etc) going further into adulthood (though neuroplasticity IS seen in adults, it's not to the extent seen in childhood, but don't quote me on that I haven't read up on it very much lately) but I don't have a reason for that really. I feel like elves naturally keep a fairly high level of neuroplasticity, maybe some effect of dragons ancestral memories (god damn i wanna explore that too and for some reason I think it would lead me to papers and fish and birds and I'm....I'm not up for that just yet).
Magic use can speed up these changes, though it's still a very gradual process. One of the risk factors, however, is that while their strength is not terribly increased, there's still a posibility that their strength can be dangerous to them. Magic use is typically restricted to practice and training while being taught by masters so that explosive use of magic won't lead to a far faster increase in strength, before the bones have adapted to it.
Elves, when they have access to it, incorporate a leafy green called Tinleaf into their diets, along with a variety of (currently unnamed, let me cook) fruits and other vegge that grow in Du Weldenvarden and were brought to the Rider's island. Tinleaf and these other foods are high in dietary titanium, nickel chloride/sulfate, and zirconium silicate, all used in their bone structure which incoperates alloys that allow them to be so resistant to their strength without shattering bones by walking and hitting things. When out of the forest/not around sources of these food/plants, elves have supplements they can take if without natural sources for too long.
wait what was i talking about
These changes are why Arya is still a bit baffled/confused when she's with the Varden and learning of all these things these humans can't do/don't have going on with their bodies. Brom's changes were still early stage, but he still had some, and she just kinda assumed they were all like that. She was practically a kid at that point, confused why the books she read didn't mention any of that stuff, and then Caleb, Sam, Simon and the rest are having to explain a LOT.
I also found it both jarring and a nice reminder when reading Murtagh (shhhh look okay I just want the fancy cover one and then I'll finish it the ADHD is not good with these things I can't just sit and read anymore it's painful and I don't know why. You know what, send me a hurricane, knock my power out for a week, and I'll finish it before the deluxe release.) that Eragon is NOT the norm for human Riders. He is not human anymore. He is more elf. His strength and energy stores are FAR beyond what human Riders were capable of, unless i just haven't reached some plot twist yet.
I would say that it made the Forsworn make so much more sense, but a VAST majority of the Forsworn we know were elves. Human Riders could have had so much resentment towards their elven counterparts, even with their partners by their side and all the gifts the bonding gave them, it could have been almost crushing to see what elf Riders could do even without formal training.
I wanted/want to put Murtagh on somewhat more even footing after the war in MIC. Without Galbatorix's spells, he's still far more human than Eragon, but he's stronger than any other human man of his size, stature and physique, he's faster, he learns faster, and he can maintain and cast spells well beyond what a regular human mage can, even with training. With more Ancient Language under his belt, more time with Thorn, more practice, he would be (and is) well beyond anything any human could accomplish even with both training for decades and a wealth of natural talent.
Maybe at some point a more significant though still gradual increase in strength, speed, ect, all the elfy things, is introduced to the Rider Bond using the Word/the Name. Resentment from the non-elven students is something I worry about if other Rider species/races are left with nothing to put them at an equal level.
this got off the rails. whoops.
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theanimeview · 11 months
[Reflection/Analysis] The Poe Clan: The Grief of Immortality
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Source: The Poe Clan, Chapter 5
By: Peggy Sue Wood | @pswediting
At one point in time, I was obsessed with reading vampire novels. I couldn’t get enough of them, especially during my “Twilight phase.” Even now, I still enjoy vampire stories, but I prefer the philosophical ones that explore the nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. This preference may be why I’m drawn to Gothic literature but not to straight-out horror.
During the time I was reading all those vampire books, I discovered Moto Hagio’s The Poe Clan (1972-1976), a fascinating series of vignettes that reminded me of Anne Rice’s 1976 novel, Interview with the Vampire, despite their significant differences.
Interview with the Vampire, the first novel in The Vampire Chronicles series, tells the story of Louis de Pointe du Lac, a plantation owner in Louisiana who becomes a vampire after being turned by Lestat, another vampire. The two struggle for dominance over one another during their time together, and the novel explores themes of immortality, evil, and the meaning of humanity through this struggle, as well as the through the child vampire, Claudia, who struggles to live unchanged by time.
Despite their differences, both Interview with the Vampire and The Poe Clan share significant parallels, particularly in their characters’ internal struggles. Both works feature vampires being turned, but at very different stages of life. Lestat, an adult, turns Louis as an adult, while Edgar and his sister Marybelle are initiated into the Poe clan of vampires at a young age, forever doomed to live out eternity on the brink of adulthood.
Where Rice’s work explores immortality and its subsequent loss of humanity as being evil, creating deep conflict between mortality and immortality, Hagio’s explores immortality and its subsequent loss as one of profound grieving over being left behind by the mortal world. The Poe Clan also delves into the complex relationships between vampires and their isolation from humanity, in contrast to Interview‘s questionable coexistence, as a result of no longer being bound by time in the same way as their mortal counterparts.
Edgar feels guilt and mourns the loss of Marybelle’s and his own humanity, much like Louis feels immense guilt at Claudia’s death and turning. Edgar and Louis are figures of sorrow, abandoned by time and grieving its passing while remaining unchanged. Edgar is especially pained as he recognizes that he will forever be a child but forever growing on the inside too after having been turned as a teen, similar to Claudia.
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Source: The Poe Clan, Chapter 5
For a short while, Allan and Edgar coexist in a peaceful way, but Allan is constantly reminded of Marybelle, grieving for her as his first crush, while Edgar is grieving too over her loss, his only sister and reason for being. Both characters mourn for Marybell in different ways; both characters are marked by loneliness and sorrow, seeking companionship desperately. After an incident that ends up killing a young couple, they take in the couple’s young girl named Lidelu and raise her for several years, but they never turn her. Edgar does not want to add more to the clan, and moreso than Allan, he recognizes the value of her mortality causing him to further grieve the fact that he will never experience the full range of human life like growing old and having a family.
In the end, The Poe Clan is a compelling exploration of the human condition and the search for meaning in a world where humanity marches relentlessly forward toward the future through the eyes of the immortal, adolescent vampires that were unwillingly left behind to watch, forever suspended in time. The dynamics between the vampires in The Poe Clan remind me so much of other vampire stories, particularly in the bond between Edgar and his sister Marybelle and later Allan. They are marked by grief and loneliness but take a unique approach in examining companionship during grief as both an accompaniment and issolating factor.
Truly, The Poe Clan a spectacular story to reflect upon and one I highly recommend reading if you have not done so already. (Oh, and on a final note: Despite its characters’ names being derived from Edgar Allan Poe and the setting of the Poe clan, there isn’t a direct tie storywise to the author and Hagio’s work.)
Written by Peggy Sue Wood and Editing using ChatGPT
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liliththunder · 25 days
Review on "A Girl Like Me 我就是这般女子" 2021
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After watching the drama for the third time (first when it came out, somewhen in the year after and now)
Anyway just because it is soooooooooooo good, I could sit through the 40 episodes without having a second of boredom or cringe.
The drama has a rating of 8.1 on MDL, and an episode average of 9,0 (yes, I calculated this).
What makes it great? Everything.
It has chemistry, between the main couple, between family members, between enemies, between like everyone.
It has a natural flow and consistency of the story of the main couples relationship.
YOU KNOW IT'S WITHOUT MISUNDERSTANDINGS!!!! Tbh I feel like it is very trope free in general. (except for the I fall, you catch, but it gets a revenge, so it's fine)
The characters act naturally, consequetical and reasonable!
So let's go into more details:
Description The beautiful baroness, duchess, princess (She gets promoted a lot!) Ban Hua has skirted marital bliss three times. Her straight-shooting manner and explosive temper ensured that each relationship ended in disaster – for the potential grooms! Despite her awful reputation, she is quite well-meaning and thoughtful deep down. Of late, her dreams have been forecasting danger around every corner. She has interpreted them quickly in order to keep her family safe and to protect those around her. Her life changes forever when she meets Count Rong Xia, a young gentleman scholar whose family suffered a tragic fate. Rong Xia is on the hunt for answers regarding the past, namely the true identity of those responsible for his family’s demise, a secret long-kept from him. A friendship is formed, with Ban Hua determined to help Rong Xia learn the truth. As their alliance deepens, could this be a case of ´fourth time lucky’ for Ban Hua? (Source: MDL)
Characters: Ban Hua: - not educated in classical women arts (which is seen as her fault) - therefore trained in martial arts by her grandfather - has a high moral compass and sense of justice - is short tempered and likes complements - she comes of as arrogant at first - cares about nothing more than her family - likes fashion and wears several dresses throughout the series, like it seems natural? Rong Xia: - Daye's first gentlement, as he is first in all of the literature - he's very intelegent and sees through a lot things - his family got murdered and he's investigating to get revenge - upright and noble, calm character - quite inexperienced in love and sometimes acts silly Ban Heng & and the rest of the Ban family: - Ban Heng (younger brother), Lady Yin (mother), Ban Huai (father), Rocky and Softy (housemaids) - you have never witnessed such a wholesome family Shi Feixian: - fairest lady of Daye, Nr. 1 Lady in women's arts - has a crush on Rong Xia - believes in fate Ban Hua's younger cousin, Jiang Luo: - black sheep of the royal family Ban Hua's older cousin and crown prince, Jiang Zhang: - coward of the royal family The emperor (Jiang Rui): - rough but good guy Royal Princess (Ban Hua's and Ban Heng's grandmother, Ban Huai's mother, the emperor's aunt): - wise lady, widow of the late emperor - with clever wits and in younger years great resembles to Ban Hua in character Characters that are later revealed in the plot to be a certain way, I don't to reveal, except an honorable mention, because I love them: Du Jiu, Xie Wanyue, Xie Qinlin, Shi Jin, the empress, Father Xie, Akeqi
plot (spoilerfree) what I love about it the most, is the consistency, plot boxes that get opened get closed at different times. There does not exist an arc-sequencial plot the plot is woven into it from ending to beginning. Different factions do have different goals and agenda's at the same time, even though naturally sometimes those interests overlap. The story has a good moral and treasures characters as humans. Have I mentioned that there's NO "plot" caused by MISUNDERSTANDINGS???!!! It's amazing, even though they have to go different ways at some point due to lack of time to communicate, the FL trusts what she knows and loves about her partner. It's amazing.
actors from top to bottom the cast is great. Like really it is!!! It has Neo Hu and the less known Guan Xiaotong, who does an amazing job.
I sincerely promise you it's a drama that wont leave you easily in a good way. It's like a warm blanket and makes you believe that maybe the world is not as bad.
(If you want use the messages space to tell me what your opinion about it is, also congrats you made it to the end)
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vylingas · 11 months
no offense, but i think you need professional help. / TESS SKSKSK
   Hannibal smiles as he tightens the strap securing Tess's right forearm to the chair. He cinches it at a tension that will cause her discomfort but not serious injury, as long as she has the foresight to stop her incessant wriggling. It's human nature to test one's restraints, but like an unruly puppy, Tess has exceeded the bounds of reason and gnaws defiantly at the bars of her cage, to equally unproductive effect.
   It's a shame, really, that they've come to this. For as gruff as she can be, Hannibal has come to enjoy the brief flashes he has been granted of Tess's company; if nothing else, she's proven to be quite a reliable distraction. Entertainment, he supposes, if he's going to be crude about it. He has no real interest in her beyond the superficial—the intrigue that clings to her is the same as that of a brightly colored moth. Something surprising and beautiful, a momentary curiosity that just as quickly overstays its welcome. Hannibal will keep Tess in his carefully crafted jar, will feed her sugar water and milkweed until he tires of the game and crushes her within the warm cradle of his palm. Until then, though, he looks forward to watching her throw herself against the glass.
   She makes quite the picture already, her dark brunette hair mussed artlessly around her face. Small clumps of it cling to the sweat beading on her skin, and Hannibal reaches out to tuck a few stray strands behind her ear. She jerks away before he can fully manage it.
   "Do you?" he asks, amusement thick in his voice. He picks up the syringe he had placed on the tray beside Tess's chair and checks the level, ensures the vial is free of air. "In that case, you'll be relieved to know I'm under the care of a very capable psychiatrist." Hannibal casts Tess a playful look, his lips tugging up into a smile. He can scent her excitement and agitation, her loathing a dense, bitter thing. Hardly any fear clings to her now, though Hannibal has not decided whether to admire or pity her for her bravery. He wonders whether she knows that he doesn't intend to kill her now or whether she has simply not grasped the severity of her situation.
   "Are you familiar with Dr. Du Maurier? I can't praise her highly enough." He flicks the syringe and, satisfied, eyes Tess's arm for a suitable vein. "Perhaps you'll get to meet her one day." Despite Tess's struggling, Hannibal lines the needle up and slips it smoothly in. "This will only hurt for a moment," he says as he depresses the plunger. "There we go. That's a good girl; try not to fight it."
out there.
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yuujispinkhair · 1 year
dued i saw someone say the panel words under sukuna said 'a wedding is on the line when a war is about to break out'. and i am like what!? sukuna better not be getting married i will go into the at manga and fight him.
Also how do you feel about people saying they hate the maga of jjk now. them saying the writting is poor and its losing its touch and something about the season 2 art looks bad
Heyyy babe <3<3 Oh, I think that part about the wedding was in chapter 217 because Yorozu challenged Sukuna to a fight, and if she wins, she wants him to marry her. Sukuna was like, "Yeah, whatever. You will not win against me anyway. But in the unlikely case that I would lose, defeat is like death to me, so you can do anything you like to my "corpse"." LMAOOO he was dramatic. I love him so much!! But from what I see, Sukuna wasn't interested in Yorozu a thousand years ago, and he isn't interested in her now. It's a one-sided crush.
And about the hate some people have for JJK and Gege: I think the problem isn't the story. It is certain "fans" who forgot the nature of the source material or who think fictional characters are real people etc.
Tbh I blocked a lot of people during the last few weeks because of their negativity toward the current chapters and because of their hate toward Gege. I think mostly it is antis who cry about what they think is incest in the current chapters because Sukuna is inhabiting Megumi's body and Yorozu is inhabiting Tsumiki's body. It's ridiculous really, but every other post in the spoilers tag was about this. I blocked all of them. But yeah, I think antis are trying to drag JJK and Gege through the dirt because they think the manga is pRobLeMaTiC. I really hope they will do everyone a favor and just stop reading the manga. Like, if you don't enjoy something, then please leave it behind and read or watch something you actually enjoy. It will bring you much more peace and happiness.
Personally, I enjoy the current chapters a lot! I love that we see the main characters again and that we get lots of plot. I wasn't a big fan of the culling game because, for my taste, there were too many fights with too many new characters. I am just not interested in those, and I don't understand the cursed techniques anyways. So that wasn't for me, but I know that fights are a big part of the genre and that there are lots of people who enjoy those and love to analyze them. So it is absolutely ok that those fights played a big part. Personally, I am happy that we get more plot again atm and that we see our beloved old characters again <3
So yes, I think everyone got things they enjoy. The story had it all: Plot, fights, new characters, old characters, big plot twists, some fanservice, etc. So I don't understand why people would say it isn't good. Especially the latest chapters are super interesting, I think.
Sometimes I feel like, people are too used to living in their fandom bubble and that's why they complain about canon. For example, I saw some people say that they don't like how comedy-like the Sukuna and Yorozu chapters are while such tragedy is happening to Megumi and Yuuji. But I don't understand this since JJK has always been filled with humor like that, and it is one of the things that I love the most about it.
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tseecka · 1 year
I drove a two-hour round trip to go buy a treadmill off of someone on Facebook Marketplace, and I spent the entire drive talking to myself about Aggie---or more specifically, tonight, his Sire. Now you get to benefit from my highway monologuing.
So, DeVry. Beauregard DeVry. (Formerly Dorian Du Vrai Beau-Regard, formerly Dorian Beauregard).
He was handsome, once; its written all over his features, though age has shown him little mercy. Though he hasn't aged a day since he was 56 years old, the centuries he has seen still managed to write themselves into the lines and creases of his face, smudge their fingerprints ever darker under his eyes. He is, now, a tired sort of handsome, with salt-and-pepper hair cropped neatly around a tall, wide forehead, and a square jaw, not striking, nor pretty, but dignified and elegant nonetheless.
As far as vampires go, he's on the older side--a few centuries, at least. He was born sometime in early 17th century France, and was turned on the cusp of the Age of Enlightenment, but I don't actually care to get into it any more than that, because I'm not really very interested in French history and I don't want to get bogged down in details about DeVry when Aggie is RIGHT THERE. This is just to establish three and a half particular details: He's old, he's French, and he--and by extension, Aggie--are of a lower generation than might be expected. (I'm thinking he is 9th or 10th, making Aggie 10th or 11th, because I like the idea of my insatiable little hedonist being of a lower generation and giving other vampires conniptions.)
Like all Toreadors, DeVry has an eye for beauty; and like his childe, he finds that beauty in fine art. What DeVry seeks, though, rather than experience or sensation or emotion, is perfection. Precision. The epitome of beauty is a perfectly executed brushstroke, the flawless line of arm and leg in a ballerina's leap, technical expertise. Where Aggie wants to experience beauty--sink up to his elbows in it, crush it through his fingers and lap up the creative juices trickling down his wrists--DeVry would preserve it behind glass--immaculate, distant, untouchable, even those art forms that require air and movement in order to breathe. Over the years, this seeking of perfection has become a nearly pathological impulse, a flavour of madness, the standard for said perfection ever impossibly higher. Rather than finding beauty in the unique nature of a slight flaw, or in the evidence of humanity, it rings out discordant to him. He doesn't care for breaking new ground or trying something new, the evolution of style that comes with the passing centuries and changing human minds; rather, he knows what art should be, in his opinion, based on his experiences, and continually tries to seek out those he thinks are capable of being molded into that perfect model. DeVry doesn't want to experience art; he wants to observe it, for art's own sake.
Because, in his mind, the vagarities of human emotion are an impediment to achieving the platonic ideal of art, DeVry holds a belief that only a Kindred will be able to create it; though he accepts that a Kindred with no taste or aptitude for art in their human life will not become magically adept upon Embrace. Therefore, those he chooses to support and patronize--like Aggie--are humans who show an aptitude beyond that of their peers, one which could be molded and shaped and tended to the uppermost extent to which they are capable; and then, if they continue to show promise, Embraced so as to allow them to exceed the limitations of humanity, accessing the ability to create what he thinks of as art--something divine, to which humanity can only aspire.
To this end, Aggie is something of a failure. His artistry, while technical perfection in practice, is far too human in its expression; while he is capable of singing without his technique being overshadowed by emotion, he doesn't typically care to. Rather than unlocking hidden ability and potential, being Embraced only served to further feed the infusion of raw emotion that Aggie pours into his music, now inspired by the distance he is forced to take from Alastair and Phillip in his new unlife and the impact that his experiences with his heightened senses have on his emotions.
DeVry has only sought approval for Progeny a handful of times in his long life; he is incredibly discerning in bestowing the gift he offers, and so despite Aggie not living up to his expectations post-Embrace, he still harbours a great deal of care and affection for the younger Kindred. Aggie, for his part, is giddy with the new sensations on offer, and thankful to DeVry for the privilege of experiencing them and the faith that DeVry has always shown in Aggie's ability. (Another commentary on Aggie's relationship with music and with DeVry is forthcoming.) So the two share a fairly genial, familial relationship; the core of their disagreements and conflicts tends to boil down to their individual natures. Where Aggie is loud and unabashed, and free with his affections, DeVry is reserved; where Aggie is messy, even sloppy, DeVry is fastidious; where Aggie has a tendency to be emotional, DeVry is cold. If they do have a conflict, it is often smoothed over by Aggie giving DeVry a private concert in which he brings all of his technical skill and expertise to bear, as though to remind DeVry, "This is why you Made me; this is why it was worth it." (Aggie's technical skill does, indeed, improve once his ear becomes more capable of hearing the finest distinctions between notes, and he no longer needs to worry about breathing to sustain himself while singing.)
DeVry has been married a few times, once as a human and twice after his own Embrace. His first wife was a ballerina; his obsession with the pursuit of perfection in art has its roots in the way that no other ballerina was ever able to compare to her talent and beauty after he lost her, and has since--over time, with the erosion of rational thought, and the loss of connection to his more human emotions--perverted itself. He is currently unmarried, has no mortal descendants, and Aggie is his only childer.
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fallenwingzero · 2 years
Frozen Teardrop Volume Four Author’s Notes Translation
This time Sumisawa talks about Relena and Father Maxwells (Duo) voice actors and how they inspired the characters, Frozen Teardrop inspired cocktails, as well as misinformation on fan sites. Translation under the read more:
I’m not in a position to call myself a “writer”, but I’ve been able to spread a surprising number of misunderstandings and falsehoods. As for funny jokes, the editor told me about this year’s April Fools Day article on an American site called “Manga Market” saying that “New Mobile Suit Gundam Wing will be made into a live-action movie in Hollywood!” where I am answering the interview. What’s more, in fluent English! Using words I’ve never seen or heard before!
It’s an honor to be treated as such a story, but on the contrary, the Wikipedia entry for “New Mobile Report Gundam Wing”, says, “Sumisawa said, ‘anime otaku and magazine editors can’t keep up with the script (scenario)’”. 
I would like to raise an objection to the article saying who it was aimed at.
What’s more, it even comes with a source (it says it’s from the setting record collection, Part II, which is no longer available!), so from now on, won’t it be misunderstood as a fact for eternity? That remark was spoken by director Masashi Ikeda and directed at me. “Aim for that kind of script” It wasn’t something I said.
Moreover, at the beginning of that sentence, there was the words “not to mention general viewers”. I get the sense that this was a deliberate deletion and change to make Sumisawa the enemy of those people. In that case, you may say that I should submit a change notification, but it is impossible for me, who is not familiar with computers, to ask. Asking the editor is rude and uncool and I wonder if someone would notice it and edit it off, (I don’t say such things) and I spend my days gritting my teeth and being filled with tears.
So dear readers, how are you? I’m the same drunken bastard.
When I started writing this novel, Mr. Torii, the helmsmen of VOYAGE, made an original cocktail called “Frozen Teardrop.” To introduce a little recipe, we mixed crushed ice and absolute currant vodka with a beautiful light blue grapefruit liqueur called “Hypnotic” as a base, blend it in a mixer and freeze it. A red cherry floats in it resembling Mars. The distribution is very difficult, but the point is that there are two small teardrop-shaped cubes inside. This represents Phobos and Deimos.
By the way, cherries can be green and blue so Mars has finished terraforming. This is the most delicious cocktail. It’s slightly sweet as if you’re dreaming, kindness and coldness coexist in the sourness like the sorrow of first love. Even women who don’t drink alcohol on a daily basis can enjoy it. However, if you drink two cups, you will become sleepy. Hypnotic means “hypnosis” in the French language, and you may end up in a cold sleep like Heero or Relena.
Mr. Torii also made “Snow White” based on apple liqueur. Mr. Torii, who is such a master, is now enjoying touring in Hokkaido and Tohoku on a large motorcycle. He’s like Father Maxwell. I don’t know if he’ll be back by Christmas, but VOYAGE has an even more talented captain and owner, Mr. Sekai, so I keep coming here.
Some of our readers are underage, so we shouldn’t be talking about alcohol all time, sorry. For that reason (what’s the reason?), I would like to tell you the inside story of the actors who played the characters of Gundam Wing.
In my case, as an anime screenwriter by profession, character creation is greatly influenced by the human nature of the actors. People often say that the women in Gundam Wing are portrayed as strong and tough, but in fact, it’s all thanks to the actors. All the female voice actors were beautiful and pretty and Relena is the very representative of that, and the attitude of daring to face the fate of hardships is the original dignity of Ms. Akiko Yajima.
Akiko Yajima’s anecdote is actually more impressive when she appears in a different place than during the dubbing of “Gundam Wing”. When I went on a launch trip for a certain program, I still can’t forget the sight of her yelling with the deep voice of abdominal breathing that she practiced everyday “Take it easy!” at men who were getting drunk late at night and playing practical jokes.
Still, while showing the sorrow of a pretty girl, she said, “This role is really hard to grasp,” and her serious face reminded me of Relena, who would wonder, “How war be eliminated from the world?”
In addition, Yajima, who met Mr. Ikeda who later became the director of another program after a long time, said lightly, “Please don’t disappear this time,” after greeting him was amazing. It’s crazy. I felt like I wanted to scream like Investigator Acht, “Here! There’s a real Relena here!”
Readers may feel a subtle difference in temperature in Relena, who appears in this novel, and some of you might feel that it is somewhat unreliable. However, if you can understand that this character’s trivial duality is the true strength of Gundam Wing, I think that you’ll be able to enjoy this world even more.
Thanks to Mr. Toshihiko Seki for voicing Father Maxwell, who has not yet been drawn, the characters have become like the narrators of these four volumes. Of course, Seki-san’s acting plan has also been adopted for the cute Duo, who insists on being roguish.
Mr. Toshihiko Seki’s voice has a very gentle, refreshing and comforting sound, as if he is trying to support someone from the shadows when he sees someone in trouble, even though he is troubled and careless and messed up. I’m sure you can hear the audio playing in your brain like that.
I’m really glad that I came up with this method of changing the narrator each time, even though it’s in first person.
But…. Ah, I wanted to write more, but this time I will end here. Please read my nonsense in volume 5 again. I would appreciate it if you could send me your impressions.
See you soon.
Katsuyuki Sumisawa.
~End Translation
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randomfandomstuff1 · 1 year
Billie fanfic 👍🏾(A/n: I know she was homeschooled just go with it) Y/n pov:It was the first play of the school year. I have been in every play since elementary so naturally I auditioned. We were doing the little mermaid. And I auditioned for Ariel, and I saw the quiet kid Billie I think that's how it's spelt. I walked up to her and said "hey are you gonna do the school play". I asked she said that she was actually thinking about it. I asked who she would audition for she said "probably Sebastian" I asked her why she said that. "He sings a lot an Y/n pov:It was the first play of the school year. I have been in every play since elementary so naturally I auditioned. We were doing the little mermaid. And I auditioned for Ariel, and I saw the quiet kid Billie I think that's how it's spelt. I walked up to her and said "hey are you gonna do the school play". I asked she said that she was actually thinking about it. I asked who she would audition for she said "probably Sebastian" I asked her why she said that. "He sings a lot and I like to sing". Oh that's cool well Im going to audition for Ariel. *Gasps* "Oh My Gosh what are you ok" yeah I just realized that we could be scene partners "Oh my fucking gosh, I thought something was happening" sorry just got exited "it's good" let's get to class "good idea" we walked are separate ways to are classes I went to Spanish and sat down next to my bff katie. She was texting her boyfriend, She looked up and said "omg y/n he is such a flirt". "Did you see ocean eyes" (a/n:code name for Billie fun fact my code name for my first crush) yes and she's auditing for the school play "omg for what part" Sebastian because he sings a lot. "Omg and your going to audition for Ariel I assume". Yeah I said with a smile。(time skip 45 minutes) third period me and Kate go to science class and Billie is sitting there writing something down. And we sat with her "hey y/n and y/n's friend" hi Billie we both said "also my names Katie but, everyone calls my Kate" Kate said thank you" wanna sit with us at lunch Billie "sure" we head down to the cafeteria and sit down. Some kids approach us one yelled AYO BARID. Oh no Billie said. The rest of the friends were recording. "So your gonna audition for the school play". "YEAH AND WHAT ABOUT IT" I said loudly. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU SLUT I KNOW WHAT DUEDS YOU FUCKED YOU CANT DEFEND NOBODY UNTIL YOU CLEAN UP YOUR ACT OR YOUR PUSSY". At the beginning of the year I was a slut. My mom told me to stop sleeping around I'll get aids. I disregarded that, But she got into a accident I vowed to stay committed to one person. Billie looked at me shook and scared. The boy said "back to you O'Connell if you think that I will go out with you or even act your a fucking idiot". He threw Billies food at her and threw her song notebook in the trash. His friends laughed and we're still recording. Some ginger dude came running over picked up the dude and beat his ass. Took Billie's hand and asked her something, she nodded her head and he took my hand took us to the bathroom and said "clean her up" I got some paper towels and tried to wipe it off. But in the end I gave her my jacket I asked her why he was talking about her liking him. "I used to like him" she started "But he never lets it go, he also was in every play in elementary school so that's where the acting thing came from" we just made eye contact and kissed her lips where so soft and pushed my hair back
it's time for adutions I got the role of Ariel but Billie...... GOT ERIC because there were lack of males it got Changed to Erica we were so exited
Couple weeks later
OPENING NIGHT everyone was stressing out about the play but everyone was costumed make up was ok everything and one were ok and ready after the show was down we took are bow and me and Billie snuck out and started to make out and finneas came out of nowhere and said y'all did enough kissing for tonight get off each other "fuck off finneas I don't say nothing when you and Claudia fuck for hours" "fuck you billie" "nah I will" y/n snaps back "buy condoms" and he walked away we laughed and we i let out a little moan she said "oh we finna sin"
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mejomonster · 2 years
Silent Reading Chapter 49. I just find it funny here Luo Wenzhou is half hard and cursing himself and his failure to find a partner, and in This Particular instance I don't even think Fei Du meant to flirt lmao. I mean, maybe he did, Luo Wenzhou does know him the best out of anyone and is good at reading people. It is Fei Dus style to cleverly touch someone then flit off leaving them longing for him lol. What's possibly the funniest part to me is Fei Du ramped up his flirting at first with basically "wanna try sleeping with me?" And after that he can only go downhill in intensity (unless he moves past verbal lol) and since he opened with a sex offer and Luo Wenzhou didn't respond, now he probably thinks it's Free Game to tease Luo Wenzhou nonstop without anything coming of it but a good laugh. Well jokes on you Fei Du, he's getting an increasingly frustrated crush you keep fueling and a boner (which I'm sure you'd find funny).
I mean, maybe Fei Dus falling too? I can't judge well. I can say he's warming to the idea of Luo Wenzhou as a role model though/a Ge like Tao Ran (but able to be flirted with too lmao). Since he's also trying to be nicer, a bit touched Luo Wenzhou secretly cared for him for years, and Luo Wenzhou gave him a fucking birthday dinner, and solves crime and Fei Du enjoys helping people by helping with that (and is now considering a job down thar route like his people Tao Ran and Luo Wenzhou). So naturally, he's a bit warmer to Luo Wenzhou now. But does he Actually mean his come ons, or is it a joke he'd back out from still? Not sure yet. Either way it's Extremely funny to me Luo Wenzhou felt he could simply Ignore attraction to fei du, while instantaneously Fei Du decided it'd be fun to see how hard he can make Luo Wenzhou. Like yall are a mess but clearly you're both happy so I guess keep doing what you want ToT
Also??? Hilarious Luo Wenzhou thought when he was young and graduated he was a lot like Fei Du. 3 guesses this is another area Fei Du "took after" surrogate caretaker Luo Wenzhou. Like of COURSE he's a playboy. The guy he grew up emulating (and rivaling trying to one up and beat and be Equal to) did it, so of course Fei Du was like "I can flirt Better I can have More Lovers I'm More Desirable" and when that wasn't enough "I can have Tao Ran when YOU can't (despite you know Tao Ran being wholly unavailable)". Speaking of, another thing Fei Du took after Luo Wenzhou was pursuing unavailable relationships, preferring them (either consciously or unconciously). Luo Wenzhou had yearssss with Tao Ran and is self aware enough to know his platonic partner spouse-replacement in life was never gonna get in bed with him and Serenade him and hold him in his arms. But he still kept flirting, putting that effort into Tao Ran when there were a number of dating partners over the years that if he'd directed the effort into he might be in a relationship now. On some level yeah it's hard to meet people (lol I feel Luo wenzhou a lil too much) but on the other it's like, my dude you're Clearly making sure the time and energy you'd spend ON a spouse you're putting into Tao Ran. You're making it so single is pretty much all you can be.
So Fei Du grows up, sees that, has his own innate life reasons to already be distant from everyone Except Tao Ran and Luo Wenzhou. Sees Luo Wenzhou get hung up on a straight man (likely for all those 7 years or at least many) and instead of oh I don't know, choosing Not to repeat the same mistake, he singularly focuses his first "serious courting attempts" on this straight guy too. 1 because he's one of the few people Fei Du does actually open up enough To like and get a crush on (probably only Tao Ran and Luo Wenzhou ever could fit that bill), 2 because he's straight as an arrow made of adamantium and therefore pursuing Tao Ran will never change the relationship and therefore cause things Fei Du might fear (while also scaring people off pursuing Fei Du seriously since he's "attached" to Tao Ran, and making people generally less inclined to approach Tao Ran and take him as a partner since they got Fei Du to compete with so Fei Du can keep his happy situation the same as long as possible).
It's really... no wonder these two idiots gravitate inevitably toward crushes whether they realize how much they did it to themselves by flirting lol or not. They've always used Tao Ran as their own "partner surrogate" and so it's natural to switch to using each other since Tao Ran has a girlfriend and they don't wanna make her or Tao Ran uncomfortable. But unlike Tao ran they both ARE into men so "surrogate platonic" partner is on less steady ground especially with them both physically thinking the other is quite nice. And emotionally already being extremely practiced at Turning their friend in this Triangle into their "crush they pursue" in a safe zone of knowing its always unavailable (or it was when it was Tao Ran). Cause as Luo Wenzhou thinks: if this were a stranger I'd pursue him, but it's Fei Du... but why does it being Fei Du matter? And of course, the answer is, because if Fei Du is the new "tao ran surrogate spouse" then he's supposed to remain platonic and always be unavailable. But when Fei Du flirts back... that's no longer true... he IS available (at least more than Tao Ran). Which means the familiar dynamic they were both hoping to replace with each other? Can not exist. It fundamentally can't. Because they both Are Available to some degree, would consider saying yes to sleeping together to Some Degree, horrifically might even consider marrying each other. Which opens them up to the abyss of fear that is the unknown they've DROPPED HEADFIRST INTO by pursuing each other.
Then the other part. They're already each other's closest people emotionally. Luo Wenzhous closest emotional bonds are Tao Ran and Fei Du, and Fei Du get "special" status as a boy he viewed as his responsibility which is an extreme he never tried to do for Tao Ran. That's finally waning as Fei Dus now seen as an equal (and now that it's waned the caretaking feelings are shifting to just broad care that's more compatible with romantic views of Fei Du). And then also, Luo Wenzhous already seen Fei Du at his (almost) "worst." Seen him say hey maybe I tried to kill my dad, say he'd enjoy killing someone, say he hates Luo Wenzhou... and that takes a level of trust in Luo Wenzhou. A level of trust Fei Du didn't risk with Tao Ran. And for all their fighting, Fei Du never totally cut Luo Wenzhou out of his life for HIS rude behavior, and Luo Wenzhou showed consistently for years he has no intention to stop caring for Fei Du ever even if Fei Dus a murdering asshole apparently. That level of trust and intimacy... even if built through fights after which they kept caring for each other/trusting each other Again to not leave them if they argued again? It's a foundation. A foundation Fei Du probably couldn't build with a new lover anyway, wouldn't want to, and Tao Ran was appealing cause this would never form. But it already IS formed with Luo Wenzhou. One of the scariest parts for Fei Du about being emotionally intimate and vulnerable with a lover he already HAS with Luo Wenzhou. So a more ideal partner doesn't exist. The "hardest" part of the work is done. He already knows Luo Wenzhou cares about him reliably, will not abandon him, and knows (most) of who he really is. Sleeping with him would just be opening a physical door they haven't yet which... to be fair is scary as it'd another area he'd now have shared honestly with the guy who knows him best, scary, but it's not like a leap from 0-100. It's a leap from like 75% to 100%.
However. I do think the bulk of their development right now is Fei Du wondering/fearing if Luo Wenzhou can TRUST him. Luo Wenzhou knows him yeah. But can Luo Wenzhou TRUST that if he kills someone, he has a goof reason? That if he hates someone, they did something deserving it? That if he makes a judgement call on something important, it's worth considering it important? Them solving cases together definitely Helps Fei Du build this trust. But I don't think he's there yet. And hearing Luo Wenzhou secretly helped him for years, seeing Luo Wenzhou at the grave, at his birthday, Luo Wenzhou saying he's a good person cause he helped mother He, Luo not even suspecting him of killing He Zhongyi when Tao Ran did... it all helps this trust. But to some degree Fei Du still feels like that kid, who fears he didn't do enough to save his mom, to get her to love him back, and she left him. And he's wondering if he's got some flaw that'll like his mom, "make Luo Wenzhou leave him." I get it. I feel you Fei Du. It's hard.
I predict there will have to be some scene at some point (at least I hope) where Luo Wenzhou has to trust Fei Dus instincts without logic agreeing with it (since so far Luo trusts him completely BUT logic also agrees fei du is right so it doesn't feel Luo believes him as much as "luos level headed when it's important"). Or a scene where fei du makes an awful choice, cruel choice, some action he can't take back... and Luo Wenzhou doesn't abandon him. Fei Du thinks he's a monster on some level (I think so - when you fear your parents pain is caused by you, you feel like a mistake, you feel like the reason for their upset even though it's not true) even before he thought the violent things he does now. I think on some level he wants to prove he is, show the people who still care (Luo) that he is, and see if they rightfully abandon him (which would confirm his self hate he's digging himself into a pit of). Anyway... I'll find out.
My point is. Luo Wenzhou already has all the ingredients to fall in love with Fei Du, he was just considering fei du "unavailable" by default in his head until recently. And fei du has more ties to Luo Wenzhou emotionally than anyone else, of all the people he could fall in love with Luo wenzhou is the one it could happen as easily as fei du deciding "I'll allow myself to." And the sexual jokes are fun for him I'm sure, but the instant he takes it from "haha hooking up would be funny" to "Oh I feel exposed and seen and vulnerable" he's going to be teetering on the edge of in too deep and already attached. So he's playing a fun game lol in which at some point he's gonna fall into his self made situation and then like cold water be shocked he's in love and exposed so thoroughly.
Luo Wenzhou, expressionlessly, said, “Ongoing investigations are confidential.”
Before he’d finished, Fei Du was already evenly going on: “Oh, right, it was also that he had some connection to the serial kidnappings of little girls twenty years ago, so he seemed suspicious.”
Luo Wenzhou secretly ground his teeth, internally plotting to get back and closely investigate just which bastard’s mouth had been so unguarded.
“That is, you don’t have evidence. The little girl isn’t fully thirteen years old. Her IQ seems high, but her mental state can’t be described as stable. How much credibility can her testimony have? The alibi of the man you arrested today was personally supplied by the police force. What if he persists in denials?” Fei Du spread his hand slightly. “And there’s that little girl. You won’t get anything out of her mouth. At any rate, you can’t torture a confession out of her. Are you really planning to call in a specialist on children’s criminal psychology this very night?”
Each word Fei Du spoke was true; all of these things were giving Luo Wenzhou a headache.
All of tonight’s operations lacked the support of real evidence. If they hadn’t rescued Chenchen in the end, having relied solely on Luo Wenzhou acting on his own initiative, shooting first and asking permission later, he’d have been in for it the next day.
He’d already driven up to the ground floor of the hotel. Surplus cold air assaulted the senses, carrying the scent of the lobby’s chill and serene incense, refreshing to the heart and mind.
Though it was the small hours of the morning, there was still a doorman on duty who energetically stepped up to welcome the guest.
Fei Du got out of the car and was about to go when he suddenly remembered something and turned back. He leaned down and knocked on the window of Luo Wenzhou’s car, then pulled open the driver’s side door.
“I left my phone,” he said. “Could you pass it to me?”
Luo Wenzhou gave an “okay” and picked the phone up from the passenger’s seat. He was about to pass it over, but Fei Du, seeming unable to wait, reached out his hand to take it.
His shirt, disheveled from the car accident, hung down loosely. From Luo Wenzhou’s point of view, he could just see into his drooping collar. His chest was a little thin, but, displayed under a set of clearly defined collarbones, it had a sense of restrained power. He hadn’t purposefully sprayed himself with cologne today, but this person’s degenerate flesh had absorbed all the world’s essences; from his collar came a faint, almost undetectable masculine scent, vanishing without a trace before it could be clearly considered.
Reaching out his arm to take the phone, Fei Du almost brushed against him; after this near contact, his finger, by accident or by design, touched Luo Wenzhou as he grabbed his phone.
Luo Wenzhou: “…”
In the middle of the night, for a young and vigorous man, interested in men and having no fixed partner, under the infinite stress of work, to be taken by surprise by this sort of provocation was no less tragic than for a person who had been fasting for three days to see a late-night online ad for a Michelin restaurant.
“I should still be here in the morning. Come find me if you need me.” Fei Du straightened as if nothing had happened, sticking the pestilential phone in his pocket. “I can talk to the girl for you. While I’m not an expert in troubled young people, I have a considerable wealth of experience being a troubled young person.”
Mentally and physically exhausted, Luo Wenzhou waved his hand. “Go away already.”
When Fei Du had really gone away, Luo Wenzhou stopped his car by the side of the road and smoked two cigarettes in a row before he had finally recovered from his awkward half-hard condition. He started the car and went back to the City Bureau, his heart full of vicissitudes in spite of himself.
When an ordinary person was busy with studies or work, he could still resolve his personal problems by the “blind date” method; matters were much less convenient for those with niche interests.
When he’d just graduated, Young Lord Luo had, like Fei Du, fooled around all over for a few years. Later he’d found that while dissolution was easy, finding a suitable person was very hard. Moreover, he’d found that so-called “enchantment” was a four-step process: first infatuation, then habituation, then insipidness, and finally a revulsion of taste. Adding in his increasing stress at work taking away his attention, Luo Wenzhou had slowly evolved an “elderly” lifestyle of going to and from work, coming home, and petting the cat.
But while his mentality was “elderly,” his body was after all still young; an enormous contradiction had arisen between his physiological and mental states. Luo Wenzhou had the perturbed thought that if he carried on like this, one day he just might take a shine to Luo Yiguo’s big fluffy tail.
He irascibly floored the gas pedal. The car groaned and gave a bound, charging towards the brightly lit City Bureau.
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the-firebird69 · 5 hours
There are a few things going on. around here, not very easy. to live here. There are a few people who are out of line all the time. They just seem to never go away. And we've had it with this. We are going on the offensive and the people doing it are going to pay. And these idiots are going to pay. And it's naturally annoying. That's right. 400 is in charge It's going to pay. You can't really do this to someone and expect to get your. check or something. It's ridiculous **** And there are people who are up front working. and everyone knows that people are bothering their **** out of them. And they're not going to be nice to them. But it's so hard and terrible to fight the max. They're gonna be looked at as heroes. And it's true.
- This place is a little weird. and there's a strange noise he says with a big wind. and I kind of thought we knew what that was. Now we do. And it's. about what? It's some wind but it looks like it's associated with a weird noise. and we have to take a look at that again. It's not true. We know what it is. It's a little weird. It thinks maybe something real. big on the highway or the 41. And they're moving a stump thing. But it's a breeze. It goes with it. They made some noise. He doesn't think it's the concrete plant that makes the noise. It makes a noise. and they blow it out. That might make some wins. That would make sense. That's what it is. And it goes air. and it just places it and it gets all the way over here. I heard the one night crushes. cursing people out because it didn't make any impact. And they kept saying we're watching and testing. and the check. They didn't look at it. It did not look like they were testing. So they did it. And I'm not doing anything. And people say this very rude. and this morning it floated out. It blown out several times. and a son is asking what the hell that is. as it's moving the air. It takes a lot to move that much air. and the defendant is aimed this way. It was built that way. It's just kind of rude. So they've blown it out. Is that concrete dust? And it doesn't really make it here. But then try and get it here. And people are saying it too. Well, that's a losers. So what people are doing? And last night or early this morning? they did send people down there. and they're checking. And so far they haven't found anything. but channels. tunnels. and they go down. very deep. and they're going down there. and they figured out they need to go further. and don't have the equipment. No, they went down there with Decent equipment period now. they are trying to get information. and it's not working. So they are sending more and they are doing it now. and apparently they're down there. and their access chasm. and usually they fight each other. But they are entering it at different locations. Periods.
This is a very big day. People are trying it in Brazil. and the Congo. and Russia. And then a few more places. in Russia. They think they can go down. in the lake. and 5 old tunnel opening. And a sun says you'll probably find an old tunnel. that has been sealed off. by nature. And they're amazed. because they didn't think it would be that way. But he says it's probably like. the Grand Canyon. of the water number stopped. and the salt. It's just that because the salt was dissolved. almost all the way. It's. then collapsed. The tunnels that were dissolving They were shedding water. Water to the cavern. So they did figure that out. And they're going to try and go down there. No, there's huge forces gathering. It's going to be an awesome day. And we know you didn't know that they were just sitting there. But we feel they had a pretty good idea.
There's another thought going around the. these Macs are pushing all these people onto like one person is not. true. They're pushing everybody against us And they said they're probably down there. laughing and chortling. And our son says the foreigners are argued there and they know how to get there where they are. And no, there's duck topside. If if she O'Neil Neil went down there. this people will be wiped out. and they know it. They need to get your **** in gear. So there theyre look at that and find out that it's probably true.. There's a couple other things
- There are big huge fights in the rings last night. It was about. 12 million. and in the Glades it was 5 million. Now the date is coming in still. but they're clearing out. And it was heavy losses. All of them actually died. And out of them. Leadership. of the Morlock. They were. at about 3.5. percent. and dropped. about 0.5% to 3%.. And it's a nightmare for them.. The Pseudo Empire. drops to about 4%. and the clones to 16%.. These are significant numbers. because leadership at this level. can only do so many things, but they still can. and they'll be listened to. and they are formulating orders. And they do it now.. Some of them are not so nice and we are following it.
.- The day is starting here. on the right foot. But these people here in the apartment on other side are on the wrong foot. We need them out. and Fronto. Like right now. So we're going to publish.
Thor Freya.
They've heated these ships up. and they're around me, sort of. Now they're far away, but this is their intentions to come here where I am. 80%.They are at. Heated up.. and. the pseudo empire brought their fleets to 30%. and they are instructing them to fire on them if they Twitch and they're also saying to move in their heavy and this guy's know about it. and they said if it's moving in, you have to move No, they didn't say anything. but they figured that they would try and have them hit the heavy and it didn't work in the Philips. We didn't get wiped out. Then they try and hit the death stars. of their overlord.
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