jackdup · 3 months
@stellevatum || cont.
“Okay, look, I hate Hyperion as much as the next . . . mildly sane guy, pumpkin, but I think you’re forgetting one teensy but, like, very important detail about any place that handsome bastard so much as sneezed on.” Well . . . No, because, full disclosure, Timothy had the notion Jack didn’t actually know where all his shit was despite calling himself a CEO once upon a time (and this depot could’ve been after his time, anyway . . . ); whatevs, the point is that anything with his obnoxiously yellow color scheme basically still reeked of his bullshit, which meant:
“Abandoned or not, that place is still gonna have security. Like, uh . . . the shooty kind? The ‘Oh no! I just put my foot down in the wrong place at the wrong time, so now some lockdown protocol is happening and we’re trapped’ sort of shiznat . . . ? I-I— I can’t do that again. I really can’t. I mean I could . . . technically, but it, uh, really wouldn’t be a pretty sight. I’m just sayin’.”
And you may be wondering, Well, Mr. Hero, she really wasn’t inviting you to come with her, now was she? To which Timmy would say . . . Something. Clever. When he managed to think of something clever, so hold that thought.
He sighed in spite of himself, a sigh that made it seem like he had absolutely no choice here when he very literally was making one right now. “Buuuut, since you seem like the . . . can’t be convinced type—about this specifically—then at least . . . Ugh. All right. Take me with you. If absolutely nothing else, then maybe I can recognize some of the tech there and make sure we don’t set anything overly kaboom-y off that’ll blow us to pieces.”
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froznwater · 1 year
ALL STARS ASSISTANT NOAH??? YES PLEASE. I'm of the opinion that these two are best when scheming, and this concept is so full of opportunities for that. The combination of sneaking around + romantic tension?? That would go so hard Additionally- I think it would make sense for Noah to be distinct from the other interns as Chris's assistant. I'd 100% believe that Chris is so vain that he needs his whims catered to 24/7, thus allowing Noah to stay in the winner's house with him. Anyway, keep up the awesome work!
very true. plus staying the house would allow for lots of other fun interactions too :D
SNEAKING AROUND IS WHAT IM MOST EXCITED FOR. secret notes and hand signals. meets in the night. passing notesssssssssss EEEEE i hate that im already plannign for after collateral LMAO
thank you for the ask
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not-poignant · 7 days
Recently, the best way I've discovered to deal with the foot tapping anxious almost impatient excitement I feel waiting for certain story chapters to come up (coughcoughunderlinetheblackcoughcough) was to just also get equally interested and obsessed with every other work you have on the roster
Hundred percent worth it, all killer no filler, banger after banger, I don't even go to half these fandoms but these are great
P.s don't take my mentioned impatience in a bad way! I'm more than willing to actually be patient and wait I would hate to rush you in any way at all, I enjoy your stories immensely and I love what you do, keep on keeping on
Eeeee this makes me so happy anon!
I'm so glad you're finding other stories you're enjoying :D :D
(Also I really feel for the readers who only like a single one of my stories and literally none of the others and it's just like, idk, Underline the Gold or something that updates a handful of times a year x.x)
But I also like writing a lot of the same kind of themes so chances are really high that if you like one fic, you're going to end up enjoying at least some of the other ones!
But yeah no it just makes me so so happy that you branched out and explored some of the other stuff! Although I guess now it's just that foot-tapping waiting for like seven stories instead sdlkfjasdsa hee
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eirianerisdar · 8 months
Hi there! I spent the last week breathlessly reading Icarus and really enjoyed it. Terrifically heartwrenching, would suffer again. One of my favorite parts is the way you weave character details in that pop up again later. Daniel takes Cyril’s words to heart to the point of self-destruction before he ever sets foot in McLaren; Lando’s propensity for eavesdropping shows up a few times before the air vent; Charles smiling through the exploitation of his wings as marketing gold starts super early on. Every time I notice a detail I go “GASP! Is that FORESHADOWING?!” and it’s extremely fun. So often, character actions are following previously established patterns, and it’s especially impressive with how many characters you’re balancing. Really great stuff, really delightful reading experience!
Eeeee thank you so much!
I'm so happy the little details were picked up! I try to sow seeds before every character development, no matter where in the story it comes, so when each character reaches the shatterpoint that changes them it all suddenly makes sense.
I'm currently 6315 words into the next chapter with 1.5 scenes to go - I would be further along but December was a hard month for me and I've had work and work-related projects recently. I should be free to finish it up in a couple of days, though.
Honestly speaking the chapter after is one I'm looking forward to even more - the Christian-Daniel quasi father-son relationship gets directly contrasted and compared to the Toto-George one and I'm so excited :D
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flowerfell-regrowth · 2 months
HIHIII IT'S ME! i have been putting this off for far too long after i sent that last ask, but thank you!! i am SO excited to get into this, especially being a fairly new unedrtale fan,. I remember when it came out and I wasn't super interested. i was like, "oh another weeeird cartoon thingy." but just like with steven universe and FNAF, I was WRONGG. I actually just recently played it and I am consumed by this little world. anyways, your regrowth au is my absolute favorite!!! I love how you redid it. here is a little snippet of what I have for the first chapter!!!! ♥♥♥ (i'm imagining frisk in this to be they/her , and teetering on the edge of gender neutral. this is just how I percieve them!) ----
Inhaling deeply through their nose, the child was met with the unmistakable aroma of rain. Well, not rain per se, but instead an all-too-familiar mixture of moist cobblestone and mud. Wet grass and aging leaves that had long since fallen from whatever tree might've lurked on the surface. 
The earthy scent was what Frisk first noticed; however, the second thing that they became aware of was the searing pain that seemed to be pulsing from her lower half. The pain was like fire burning their legs. She whimpered. It blew up in her head with a terrifying blankness. It was nauseating. Frisk started to quiver. The stiffness spreading throughout their limbs made it challenging to shift her arms.
Futile as it was, Frisk needed to get up. Needed to see. Head fuzzy, they cracked their eyes open. Bringing up an arm to rub the blur from her vision, Frisk grimaced. A dull throb in her shoulder, too. It felt like she'd been hit by a truck--and for all she knew, she had.
Finally, finally looking to the sky, Frisk froze. Blinking rapidly, they willed their eyes to move about the cavern. Cave? The walls of wherever they were. A faint light fell in beams from a very, very distant hole in the ceiling. Where was-
The mountain. 
Frisk had climbed up the mountain. More importantly, Frisk had fallen down the hill. Which, in hindsight, probably explained the near-torturous pain she was experiencing in their legs. 
The steady patter of the rain hitting the ground filled the air, creating a soothing soundtrack to the rather uncomfortable moment.
"Oh, you're awake. Geez, finally."
EEEEE OH MY STARS!! I love this, thank u for liking my au and taking the time to write this!!! :D
Sorry this took so long to respond to, i wanted to draw something as a thanks :)
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nagisasstuff · 2 years
Sleepover Time! -3E
*Hall time*
Kurahashi: "Karasuma-Sensei can we please have a sleepover! Plus it helps us interact with each other more and we can discuss assasination plans!"
Karasuma: "Fine, but you'll be under supervision, Isogai and Kataoka I'll leave you in charge of them."
Isogai/Kataoka: "Yes sir."
Karasuma: "Remember your aim, and please behave."
Kurahashi: "You guys can stay at my place! My parents are in a vacation tomorrow!"
Kataoka: "Alright, Thank you Kurahashi."
Kurahashi: "No problemo! >:D"
the next day *insert Spongebob*
Kayano: "Eeeee!! I'm so excited this is the first time ive had a sleepover!!"
Kurahashi: "Hey when are you guys coming?!"
Nagisa: "I'm with Hara and Muramatsu were getting baking supplies for the sleepover. :)"
Kayano: "Especially nagisa's cupcakes!! There the best!"
Nagisa: "Thank you Kayano! 💗"
Kayano: "brb gonna cry an angel just sent me a heart"
Nagisa: "???"
Kataoka: "You better not. There needs to be enough food for everyone."
Sugino: "Hey Nagisa look to your right!"
Nagisa: "Oh Sugino! Your there! Let's walk together. :)"
Isogai: "Kurahashi I'm at the door with Maehara!"
*When everybody's there*
Kurahashi: "Hi welcome!!"
Maehara: "Woah this place is huge!!"
Okajima: "Can we sleep together in the same rooms? ;)"
The Girls: "NO!!"
Nagisa: "Kurahashi-Chan me Hara and Muramatsu will be using the kitchen were gonna start baking now!"
Kurahashi: "Oh alright! Make sure to add a lot of sugar!!"
Fuwa: "What did you just say to me? :)"
Terasaka: "Tch, You don't scare me!"
Fuwa: *pulls out sword*
Fuwa: "Awe.. boring!! *whispers to Terasaka* your lucky or else you'd be dead meat."
Takebayashi: "Okuda, have you brought your chemical equipment?"
Okuda: "A-ah! Y-yes!!"
Takebayashi: "Alright let's start at the table."
Okuda: "R-right!!"
Okuda: "I-I never leave home without some!"
Kayano: "😨"
Kayano: "Should I be concerned??"
Karma: "Nagii did you know theres a new Sonic Ninja movie released?? Let's watch it in Wednesday!"
Nagisa: "Oh, sure! I'll make room for schedule!" *grins*
Hara: "Okano please stop eating the dough we still need it and it's uncooked!!"
Maehara: "Ooh let me try!"
Hara: "PLEASE NO!!"
Muramatsu: "Isogai a little help here??"
Isogai: "Maehara and Okano please stop eating the dough they need it and it's uncooked!"
Maehara+Okano: "Awh.. okay.. *murmurs* party pooper.."
Isogai: "What. was. that? :)"
Maehara+Okano: "N-NOTHING SIR!!!"
Isogai: "Good. :)"
Maehara+Okano: "😨"
A few hours later.. *insert Spongebob*
Kurahashi: "Alright! Time to watch a movie!!"
Kimura: "But what movie will we watch?"
Hazama: "Horror movies."
Hazama: "A few minutes ago."
Karma: "Great idea Hazama! Let's watch Jigsaw or Texas Chainsaw Massacre!!"
3-E: "NO!!!"
Kayano: "A Disney movie??"
Kurahashi: "Oh yeah I definitely could settle for that one!!"
3-E: "Meh."
Nagisa: "Here's the snacks! :)" *walks over to the living room with a tray of the food*
Okajima: "BARK BARK BARK!!!"
Kataoka: "What the.."
Takebayashi: "We're back." *walking over with Okuda*
Kurahashi: "Alright! Everyone pick your places!!"
Karma: "NO FAIR!!"
Kayano: "HEY CHEATER!!!"
Nagisa: "•-•"
*after everyone picks there seats*
Mimura: "Alright can we please pick a movie to watch?!"
Kayano+Kurahashi: "Disney Movies!!"
Karma+Hazama: "Horror Movies!"
Maehara+Terasaka: "Action Movies!!"
Kurahashi: "YEAHH!!"
Nagisa: "NO WAY!!"
Hazama: "I shall curse this TV to play horror movies."
Isogai: "Alright Stop!!
Kataoka: "STOP!"
Nagisa: *sighs* "How about we pick a movie by majority rules?"
Kataoka+Isogai: "Great Idea Nagisa!"
Kimura: "I'll get a bowl.."
Mimura: "I'll get paper.."
Nagisa: *sighs* "Finally.."
Sugino: "Sorry bro but I don't think that's possible here!"
Sugaya: "True true.. Just have to face reality.. 😔"
Okajima: "There there buddy.." *pats sugayas back*
Kimura+Mimura: "We're back!"
Muramatsu: "Thanks you guys!" *grabs bowl and papers from them*
Hara: "I'll write down the genres! Anybody say there genre now!"
Karma: "Horror!"
Hara: "Alright"
Kayano: "Disney!!"
Hara: "Sure!"
Maehara: "Action or Fighting!!"
Hara: "Nice!"
Fuwa: "ANIME!!"
Hara: "Was expecting it!"
*a moment of silence*
Hara: "Oki-Dokies is that all?"
Okano: "Action!"
Hara: "That's already there"
Okano: "Oh, okay!"
Hara: "Okay time to mix the papers!!"
*shuffling noises can be heard*
Kataoka: "Alright Everybody one by one line up!"
*everybody lines up*
*a few minutes later..*
Nagisa: "Alright is everybody done?"
3-E: *nods in agreement*
Nagisa: "Alrighty! Everyone show there papers in 3.. 2... 1..!"
3-E: *flips the paper and raises it*
Nagisa: "Alright that's one.. two.."
*a few minutes later*
Nagisa: "Alright it seems that.. Horror won! Wait.. God were doomed.." *nagisa grimaces*
3-E: *sighs defeatedly*
Kataoka: "Hey Nagisa thanks for helping out."
Isogai: "Yeah you did an amazing job!"
Nagisa: "Oh, thanks but I really didn't do much!"
Nakamura: "Gisa' accept a compliment will you?" *ruffles his hair*
Nagisa: "H-hey!" *blushes in embarrassment*
Karma: "Awe look who's red!"
Nagisa: "S-shut up Karma-kun!"
Karma: "Haha!"
Kimura: "Alright let's pick the movie!!"
Mimura: *opens Netflix's and moves to horror category*
Karma: "Eh.. Em... Seen that one.. Boring..."
Hazama: "That one."
Karma: "Oh hey! Didn't see that but heard it's creepy!"
3-E: *shivers in despair*
Terasaka: "Cmon just play it will you!"
Mimura: "Alright! alright! Ritsu can you play that movie with speaker volume up to 50?"
Ritsu: "Aye Aye captain!"
Itona: "Terasaka move your squishing me."
Yoshida: "Move buff guy your squishing all of us!"
Nagisa: *brings blanket up to shoulders*
Karma: "Aww is little Nagi scared?"
Nagisa: "No you big idiot! I'm just cold!"
Sugino+Kayano: "I AM HERE!!! WE'LL HELP YOU!!"
Nagisa: "Oh- uh okay!"
Nakamura: *whispers to karma then giggles*
Karma: *chuckles and whisper backs*
*both put there iconic grin and devil horns and tails start visibly showing*
Nagisa: "H-hey what are you two whispering about!"
Nakamura: "Ohh nothing... Hehe.." *smirks*
Nagisa: "Your acting really suspicious.."
Nakamura: *giggles*
*the movie starts*
*the intro shows a jump scare*
Most of the girls: "GAHH!!"
Nagisa: "AHHH!" *embraces sugino and kayano for support*
Sugino+Kayano: *clenches their shirt/dress tightly where there heart is and melts in the embrace while a tear drop glistens and falls*
Karma+Nakamura: "HEY NO FAIR!!" *embraces nagisa*
Okajima+Half of the class: *hogs the food hara,muramatsu and nagisa made*
Hayami: *tenses up a bit and is visibly a bit scared*
Chiba: *hugs hayami*
Hayami: *blushes out of embarrassment and melts in the embrace*
*a few hours later because I'm lazy to write their reactions*
Nagisa: *asleep in suginos shoulder*
3-E: *asleep*
*visible crumbs on trays and plates where the food was formerly shown*
*tv visibly off and ritsu also sleeping*
Time-skip to tomorrow because I'm lazy! 😍
Kurahashi: "That was tons of fun!! We should do it some time!!"
Kataoka: "Yeah I agree it was nice hanging out with the class."
Nagisa: "It was a lot of fun I enjoy everyone's company!" *flashes his adorable smile*
3E -itona: *clenches their shirts/dresses and a tear drop glistens as it falls and they murmur* thank you..
Nagisa: "Eh?"
First mini fanfic :D
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oh-snapperss · 11 months
oh god it got gayer. haha etho now RENS taking off YOUR armor. in the most HOMOEROTIC WAY POSSIBLE
etho can try to say that hes not crushing on ren but the only one hes fooling is himself, but sir. can you at least. not ignore poisoned stab wounds. yes you took it so ren wouldnt have to but REN DOESNT WANT YOU DEAD EITHER
i loved this whole chapter so so much. etho learning (trying at least) to let himself be vulnerable with ren, ren taking care of his injured crush second in command etho, etho at the very end realizing hes going to have to put his armor on in front of ren in the morning,,
i alternated between going "aww, theyre adorable", "these fucking idiots", and cackling madly the whole time i was reading. I am so incredibly excited for the next chapter
great work! (@hitheeprithee :D)
YEAHHHHH listen this entire fic did start off with me stumbling into my discord channel in a server and going guys guys guys. rentho knights and armor removal. so we HAD to have it go both ways yknow!!
Etho taking that poisoned dagger was SO important to his character. There's a line I think about in line with it from the first chapter:
Sixty steps left. Etho will die for his king one day. This is a fact of life he has known since he was merely a page, and a part of his soul that he’ll never abandon. He’ll die for his king, and do it with grace. 
I think to Etho, taking that dagger wasn't even a question. We see it in his mindset from the start--he will die for his king one day, and to him his duties and care for the king supercedes his own needs, even to the point of not going for a medic immediately for help. It also plays into him trying so desperately to keep those walls and invulnerability up, because if those walls go down... he's less than Ren's hand, or the soldier who will die protecting his king.
In reality he's more than that, of course, but that's just his thinking.
As far as the armor in the morning goes... ehehe. Idk idk i think that it's a little mortifying for Etho to think about. Not only is he gonna walk past all the soldiers without his armor, they're ALL gonna know it's in the king's tent, which really adds to that feeling of vulnerability and weakness that Etho just HATES in this fic.
thanks so much for the ask EEEEE it really made my day:D i'm gonna tag @hitheeprithee to make sure xey see this cause i have no idea how tags within an ask work LMAOOOO
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
Hello! I'm starting EMT school in exactly one month and I'm super excited but also kinda nervous. Any chance you have tips, since you're an EMT? Also its an advanced program, so its like a month and a half long (because I'm going to college for nursing in august.) Thank you so much!
EEEEE I’m so excited for you!!! :D :D :D
Hmm, EMT class for me was, uh, a long time ago, but I always find scenarios super helpful when studying. Your textbook is going to be 800lbs, FYI 😂 The way I always studied for EMT and advanced EMT was that I’d read the chapter prior to the teacher covering it and take notes, then soak in the info during lecture, then do scenarios afterward.
If you ever have questions about scenarios, please feel free to ask! HC Hyrule and I can help you out! ;D
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mochiwrites · 9 months
Had this question for a while but never asked?? So here I am
How do hospitals work in songbird? Like, if you have humans and non humans living together then you're naturally gonna have accidents and someones gonna need to go. And if the injured person is supernatural but can't talk then the surrounding humans certainly wont know to get them to a supernatural specialty ER.
(Ex. Impulse gets knocked out by a bottle falling off the shelf at the bar and Pearl takes him to get checked out)
I also can't imagine it would be safe to mix blood from different species, so that would also need to be accounted for. Particularly the species that can turn humans into more of themselves like werewolves and such
Speaking of blood, most blood donations irl expire before they get used. So does the extra get distributed to all the vampires and other blood drinkers of the community before that happens?
I may just be looking a little too deep into this but it's been fun, I'm SO excited for chapter 5 :DDD
so !! I feel like it's Very important to preface that this isn't a modern setting. I know when I first started songbird it felt very modern au with the fantasy elements, but it's much more accurate to say that songbird is an urban fantasy in a very minecraft-like world. just with the elements of your typical minecraft stuff like mobs and any magic stuffs is hidden from humans. and things that would normally be powered by electricity are now powered by redstone
that being said! hospitals are no exception here. supernaturals have their own lil hospital set ups to go to, though there do tend to be accidental overlaps. you'll get a supernatural going to a normal human hospital for Whatever reason and having to hide their true species. it doesn't happen all that often, considering how careful supernaturals are about their existence
but yeahhh, blood mixing is Not a good idea. supernaturals all have a certain concentration of magic within their blood. so they don't donate blood for human blood drives.
we'll actually get to how all the blood stuff works soon! :D there is some distribution of extra blood that's given to vampires and stuff. we'll get more into that in arc 3 :3
eeeee thank you!! :D I've been having SO much fun with songbird, and I love getting world building asks like this >:D
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autumnrose11 · 3 months
I just watched the Paddington 3 trailer. Eeeee so excited! I loved the first two films and I can't wait for this one :D A little sad that they recast Sally Hawkins as Mrs Brown, but I'm sure the Emily Mortimer will do a great job playing her :)
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hazyaltcare · 1 month
I'm glad to hear you& are doing alright!! ^^ And I hope so too! Cuz it's super fun to get fun anons to talk to! :3 We made two moots so far too! And currently working on our pronouns.cc :p !!
Eeeee yipppeee!!! I'm also excited too :3 I would say tagged us when you& announced the request are back open but clearly we are still on anon mode– 😭 /lh But we'll definitely keep checking the blog,, and say hello here and there :D !!
— 🧊
You are always welcome here! I'm glad you will be sticking around. ^^ make yourself at home lol also glad to hear you are making some nice mutuals!
Mod Haze
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riddlingabout · 2 months
i'm good, actually!! :D thank you for asking! also oh no :( let's hope you get the water back soon....
yeah, i'm kinda unpredictable as anon (i come when you least expect me, like a traveller who comes and goes.......) i've missed you too though, finn!!!!
- 🍨
yay!!! i'm so glad you're good :DDDDD
of course, you're important to me 🫶🏻
what's been something exciting or satisfying that's happened for you lately? or something that's brought you joy??
haha well as long as you always come back, you're free to roam!
goodness you're a sweetheart eeeee 🙈
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Gasp. Double gasp.
I saw your post, something about headmates and. You're a sys too?
Omg I could not be more strangely excited about this I'm just. So happy my sys has been friends with now three other systems??? Eeeee
Of course, don't feel pressured to answer this if it's a sensitive topic.
Ahhh I hope you're well Asher!
DHSIEJKSKSJSI ONE OF MY FAV WRITEBLR MOOTS IS ALSO A SYS???? hold on this puts me at. atleast four system friends who i interact with semi regularly and a lot more system moots i dont intwract with that much fjdjdjskjsjsksj
i hope you're well too :D
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fanficshiddles · 11 months
The new fic is giving me a lot of dark romance vibes (which i adore A LOT) and I loved everything about the first chapter! Can' t wait for moreeee <3
eeeee thank you!! I've got six chapters written so far and I am super excited about it all. I really feel this is my best yet, I'm so proud of it so far! It's going to be a wild ride. :-D
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thepermanentscowl · 1 year
yelo idk when you will see this but i hope you are doing good and school is going well for you :D
broooo hiiii half yearly exams ended just today so i was on an internet break for the past 2 weeks
i'm doing good, school is going fun. we had exams and now we have the batch trip coming up. i am so excited its just next week eeeee
how are you?? how is 11th grade going?
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themanirealityshifter · 4 months
Hey newt!
I promised to tell you a bit about my goddess dr so here I am!
So pretty much I'm a goddess of the moon and night, and I'm leaning into Norse mythology and themes since they're really cool. Still working on some stuff but yeah that's what I have so far!
Love🩵- moony.
eeeee that sounds so cool so far, Moony!!! i’m so excited to hear about it as it progresses! :D
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