shackld · 9 months
for all my dog motif metas, chief really detests being referred to as such in a demeaning manner and a way to insult her, esp in regards to being one for the higher ups :'D
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skiniibuniii · 11 months
im cleaning as if im moving out. boxing away a lot of stuff and putting it under my bed. i think a lot of my problems are this house and the people in it. living in a hoarder house with a hoarder and my mother doesnt do much for herself and my brother,,
its just everything. plus all the dogs. theres 6 of them in this 2 bedroom house thats holding 6 people and boxes stacked to the ceiling full of shit.
thats enough to make anyone depressed and exhausted.
im going to talk to my aunt about helping us move out. i dont think she understands how bad it is, last time i talked to her she told me just to get into section-8 but my mom has been on that waiting list for 4 years now. i need someone who doesnt mind supporting me financially until my bf gets a job. but with the economy how it is right now, i shouldve been asking for this help when i was 6 if i really wanted it to work out.
hes not going to get a job unless hes forced to. i cant get a job w my anxiety and agoraphobia esp unmediated. if we are given an apartment and told like "you have 3 months to start paying your own rent" then he will actually get a job. we will be okay. until then im just stuck. until he starts working, i am just stuck.
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runephoenix6769 · 3 years
“What is with the Blake / Yang hate this week? Folks seem particularly fired up.” I asked this question on a forum because of something I’ve noticed the last few days on discussions about Blake and Yang/Bumbleby/shipping in general. I keep seeing the same answers.  “It ruins the team’s dynamic.”
Welp, I’m pretty certain none of those people would say that Raven/Tai and Tai/Summer ruined the team’s dynamic. Or that Ren and Nora are currently  ruining the team’s dynamic.  What is this holy than thou crusading to protect the sanctity of the team dynamic? Rwby has always been first and foremost about interpersonal relationships. It’s what drives the actual plot. Character growth, failing relationships/friendships. How they change over time, either to grow or crumble. 
“It’s being shoehorned in, for fanwank.” How? How is it being shoehorned in? Give me a narrative breakdown as to where/how/when this occurs? Compare it to the Sun/Blake narrative and show me the glaring differences between the Yang/Blake narrative to prove that bumbleby was never planned yet blacksun was?  (Sidenote. Anyone that has been asked to do this on the forum has yet to do it.)
“Yang showed interest in boys.”“ Yes, yes she passed comment once. In vol 1 episode 1. 8 VOLUMES AGO. She has shown not a lick of interest in guys since. Its almost as if she’s like any normal 17 year old girl who is growing into adulthood and figuring herself out, who might be realising her interest in Blake isn’t strictly platonic and is trying to navigate that whilst also grappling with what that means with regards to their friendship. And dealing with an over arching situation that is, ya know, potentially the end of the world as they know it.  It’s about two years in universe, right? Which is about right of an amount of time for what its happening between them to play out. It only feels like longer to the audience because, well, its taken 8/9 years to tell the story up until that point. 
“The Fans are too loud/vocal/come on too strong.” Ok, this one I agree with, we are loud and vocal and that might come across as coming on strong  (here’s a huge) BUT, there is actually a genuine explanation for why it seems that way.   If you really think about it, objectively. 
Hear me out.  Fans are excited about the potential representation we don't otherwise usually get in media. I mean, if you have 10,000 pieces of media and only ONE of them represents lgbtq people, of course we’re gonna be excited and talk about the ONE quite a bit with others who are like us. This might also be the first time we’ve seen anything like this, or seen ourselves represented in a somewhat positive light. It stands to reason that the other 9999 pieces aren't going to hold our attention as much, esp if its the same hetero romance played out a bajillion times before, right? I mean, if you have a group of people who are constantly represented in the 9999 other shows, their voices are going to spread thinner, right? They aren’t going to be gathered all on one place, talking about the same thing because there are 9999 other choices to connect them to other people. They aren’t going to care as much if their straight ship happens/doesnt happen 
“Hey, I can move onto another piece of media that is churned out by the status quo. No big deal.”
Hetero romances are ten a penny. Flick through netflix, hulu, crunchy roll etc.  Where as if you have a group of people who are only represented in ONE show out of the 10,000 those people are going to gather in one place to connect with others and its only going to seem like they are louder due to the densely packed space.  These same people have been majority silent about the other 9999 pieces of media as their voice isn't usually represented in a positive light - being queer characters are usually brutally murdered or sidelined. (Thankyou Hays Code.)- or not even represented at all. (Bury Your Gays is a trope for a reason, folks.) And we are NEVER the titular characters. We’ve been living on crumbs and subtext for decades! Not to mention showrunners who actively queerbait the hell out of us for ratings and viewership. The almighty Pink Pound as its often referred to in business. “But why do they have to make them gay?” You’re not made gay, you’re born gay. It just takes longer for some people to realise than others. It can be a gradual realisation. And this is quite possibly the case with Yang/Blake, slowly coming to realise their own burgeoning sexualities and attraction to each other.
”Why do they have to be gay?” They don't need a reason to be queer! They just are! Queerness is only a part of a person, not their everything. It’s actually quite refreshing to see Yang/Blake being portrayed as much more than their potential sexuality.  Ask yourself, ‘Why does a character have to be straight? And why doesn’t a straight character have to constantly reaffirm their sexuality? Why is ‘straightness’ assumed by default?’ Heteronormativity, is something that has been perpetuated by decades of media. (helped by the Hays Code with its out of date moral code. To be other is to be punished within the narrative.) That straight is the default setting. It’s not! We exist! Everywhere! We always have and we are going to talk to each other about it when we see a glimpse of ourselves represented in what has been a relative Sahara Desert when it comes to queer content were we are not villainised.   “The romance is detracting from the plot.” Two seconds ago, people were claiming that the romance was none existent. Which is it? But Nora and Ren’s romance that is being held up as a mirror to bumbleby is fine? That Jaune relentlessly pursuing Weiss was perfectly ok. Neptune openly hitting on female characters is fine. 
“I don’t have a problem with LGBT. I just don’t want it forced down my throat.” Again, out of 10,000 pieces of media, this is just ONE show. Nobody is forcing anyone to watch it or participate.  Queer people have had to stomach literal 100′s of years of straight media forced upon them. Since the very conception of the written word and narrative storytelling. In plays, theatre, art, music, tv, film, on billboards, advertising, in places of education and learning etc etc. Queer people are bombarded with it whilst also being surrounded by negativity towards queerness. 
“They are shoving it down my throat!” part two Is hand holding, compassion and expressing concern for another person and comforting them somehow offensive? Renora kissed, not a problem. Arkos kissed, not a problem. Show me in the sand where the line is drawn. What is the difference? Please explain this to me? Why is the expression of queerness somehow offensive? Is this because decades of media have perpetuated the false idea that all queer people are sex crazed perverts? That you’ve been groomed into thinking that queer sexuality is only based in the act of sex itself? That queer sexuality couldn’t possibly be similar to heterosexuality in its expression?
That it couldn’t possibly be about attraction, emotional, mental and maybe one day blossom into physical between two consenting adults, a pure expression of love the exact same as heterosexuality. 
That some how queer love stems from some sort of deviancy or mental health issue. That queer people are some how bad or evil, and therefore their expression of affection is wrong? Oh, I wonder where those beliefs have possibly stemmed from?  “Why are they in my face?” part three.  50% of of the titular cast are potentially queer. Blake and Yang. But if you look at the overall cast ensemble that runs at minimum 16 any given volume, that’s a measly 12.5% (prolly a lot smaller if you actually counted the whole cast that appears in rotation each volume) Also, someone did the math. Blake - a titular character- actually has less spoken lines that Jaune. ffs. B&Y spent neatly a whole two volumes of 8 apart. 25% of the narrative as it stands on entirely different continents. 
I fail to see how it being in someone’s face could be the case.
  “I just don't see it!”
That’s ok and perfectly valid But listen when people who have lived this experience are telling you that their experience is being portrayed on the screen. That they see themselves being represented.  OK, This completely got away from me. In conclusion. They are more straight people than queer people and media often reflects that.   We are usually the silent minority, we are sick of it but we are used to it and we are very excited that things seem to be finally changing.
It’s two characters in an large cast in ONE show out of 10,000. Its a piece of media that, for a change, hasn’t been 100% curated for straight people.  We are often not allowed to play in the sand box and if we are, we’re told to play with the broken toys, be grateful and quiet. So when we are given a sandbox to play in with new unbroken toys, we are gonna dog pile in there and make a ruckas, calling our friends over. What I’m trying to say is, it’s gonna get rowdy.  and here’s something to think about.  “When you are used to privilege, equality feels like deprivation.”  
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davethot · 4 years
Aysha is homophobic but more so in the realm of being lesbophobic. Remember that she completely removed all Rosemary interactions from Pesterquest for more Davekat, decided to push for Yiffy the cuckhold child to be forced into the narrative during Lesbian Visibility Day and has made sure to demean any positive Rosemary interactions in lieu of Davekat which she is solely invested in. Her being transphobic more relates to her poor handling of Jade (dog dicked sex fiend isn't good transfem rep)
You do realize you sound fucking insane right???? This is literally what I’m fucking talking about when I mentioned people in my og post about hs2 pointing fingers and giving someone a really harsh label such as LESBOPHOBIC because they didnt quite handle a lesbian couple EXACTLY how you would have.
First of all i want to mention that Aysha is non-binary poc and is married to a woman. This doesnt exempt her from possibly writing some shitty things, but its good to have perspective here. Shes not some cishet white person writing these characters.
So are you going to ignore the literal thousands of pages of the original comic where we had a PLETHORA of Rosemary interactions??? And absolutely no davekat? And if you remember Kanaya was still having hang ups with Vriska, so it only made sense that that was explored a bit in Pesterquest rather than jumping straight to Rose and Kanaya cuddling on a couch and spewing gay poetics at each other. Like I genuinely dont know what you fucking want.
Also i would like to point out that romance wasnt even the fucking focus of Pesterquest. Dave and Karkat’s interactions were barely anything more than characters mentioning them and them being in the same place together for one single ending and mspar implying that they had a feeling they were supposed to be good friends. Tbh it sounds like you and the people who often have this complaint are way more fucking obsessed with what’s going on with Davekat than Aysha or the rest of the team will ever be. Maybe you should redirect your efforts into creating more wlw content for Homestuck since you think the new team is so lesbophobic for portraying two grown ass women having some marital problems (and acting like that cant happen in the real world with real people literally every day).
You and tons of other people fucking love to point to Kanaya and Rose’s issues in hs2 and preach that it’s suddenly lesbophobic that theyre not happy go lucky 24/7. Again, Davekat didnt even fucking happen in the og comic. We had one flash where Dave rests his head on Karkat’s lap and they’re playing hopscotch on a poorly drawn dick on the ground, meanwhile Rose and Kanaya had comfortably been together for Awhile at that point. I just don’t understand how Dave and Karkat finally having a semi-functional and happy relationship in hs2 is promoting lesbophobia. Also we didnt even get to see the comic FINISH!! We dont KNOW what exactly was going to happen with Rose and Kanaya, and we arent going to for a long fucking time because it’s people like you who are perpetuating this narrative of the team and that theyre horrible awful people because they did two fucking things you dont agree with. It’s honestly fucking exhausting. And you know I can throw this right back at you right? Like, pretty homophobic of you to only be focusing on wlw ships and invalidating Davekat, one of the only healthy relationships PERIOD in Homestuck, not just a healthy mlm relationship. Like, pretty shitty of you anon :/ kind of homophobic of you fr.
And this isnt even mentioning the genuinely nice interactions we have seen with Kanaya and Rose in Homestuck 2. Everyone’s really fucking eager to forget that in meat Kanaya was wistfully looking out at the stars missing her wife and told Dave she’d do anything to get her back, esp since it’s implied that Rose was being manipulated pretty heavily by Dirk. But no, according to yall that never happened and Aysha + the rest of the team are just spitting on all wlw folks.
Also again I feel like youre coming to insane conclusions. You think it was a purposeful move that Aysha and the team introduced Yiffy on lesbian visibility day??? Like???? Also pretty lesbophobic of you to invalidate a child born from two women. Like hm pretty shitty of you anon. Rose and Jade explained why they did what they did, and tbh, again, we could have had more information if people like you didnt indirectly harass the creators and cause it to go on indefinite hiatus.
As for the Jade dog dick thing, I have multiple friends who are trans women who have issues with people blowing it out of proportion. Its important to remember that every trans woman is going to have a different opinion on this, and we shouldnt invalidate any of them, but at the same time what one trans woman says about it isnt the end all be all of the situation. Some trans women think this portrayal is transphobic, while plenty others think it isnt, and that people are making way too big of a deal out of it. Therefore I’m going to leave it at that. Personally I dont know if how Aysha and the team wrote Jade is transphobic and its not for me to decide. However, my trans friend would like to be quoted saying this:
“People claiming that the writers intended for Jade’s dick to be the driving force in her emotional and sexul appetite shows someone’s willingness to ignore Jade’s actual reasons for doing these things that she STATES in the actual text. All in favor of projecting their own transmisogynist reading onto the writers.”
This probably ended up being longer than my og post lmfao but fr anon im sick of people like you. Even if you didnt directly contact the creators of hs2, you’re literally the problem here. I wish you and others would stop throwing around these terms like lesbophobic, homophobic, transphobic, etc, because it literally makes those words lose meaning. Someone writing a lesbian couple having marital problems, especially in the context of Homestuck, is not fucking lesbophobic. And i hope i helped you understand that by throwing the terms back at you because tbh, im sure youre a good person with good intentions, and I would never seriously call you homophobic for this. But i hope you can have some fucking perspective and stop targeting marginalized authors and creators moving forward. Its embarrassing fr.
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neo-shitty · 3 years
hehe glad i could make you laugh, oooh that sounds awesome! yeah id love to be tagged it sounds great :)
YES the differences are so fucking weird. like, they do know they're the same age right? i feel like its just an exagguration of how much the persons role in the group matters, like we see chan being held up as such a mature, old leader while jungkook who is literally the same age, is still babied etc. like enha hyung line is basically the same age (if a bit younger) as chenle and jisung but somehow the rules are different?? as you point out, still legal but still bizarre. hehe yeah, i mean where else are we going to rant? quora lol. mmm, hopefully more people can just write less smut abt people who are barely adults
ah, no prob it didnt take long. yeah i think thats right (i keep forgetting you know my url lol) mmhmm :( i think if that happened irl there would be some major trauma going on. knock wood it never happens to you or me lol (/hj)
hehe same! oooh glad Redemption For Cheese was realised! yess we cant rllycomplain that theyve written/produced too much good music lol. yeah, ive dragged him into being a stay so *dusts hands off* mission accomplished. mmm yeah, they tend to have a certain vibe but tbh it couldve worked if they were any other group but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ahh ur one step ahead of me on the stages of listening to ssick i think, still not convinced but thats okay! hehe, it had to be said. yesss the itch in the back of my brain is very satisfied by sorry i love you, felixs vocals deserve to be appreciated! (side note i feel like hes trying to sing more like his speaking voice, sorta husky, but tbh i wouldnt be mad if he sang like in glow, his sweet honey vocals made my life lol. but i think ive heard him say he doesnt like singing like that cos it makes his normal voice less husky, so what can you do)
> YES SOMEONE SAID IT. seungmin rap KING, he sped thru that rap like it was nothing, he deserves more rap lines. i do like how they gave minho some melodic rap lines this comeback, my guy deserved to show off those skills that made him not be eliminated (flashbacks to stay collectively wanting to murder jyp) and we already know changbin can sing, my man murdered masked singer. hyunjin can obviously sing as can jisung and felix, and i want to hear chan rap more! i feel like he started as part of 3racha (as a rap unit not producing) and then just became a vocalist (which im fine with, but it could be nice to hear him flex his rapping skills) and was partially replaced by hyunjin. anywayyy
back to album talk. lmaooo sad music to twerk to PERFECTLY describes silent cry. yes secret secret is and will always be, a masterpiece. hehe glad i could make you laugh :) i just felt like they have similar vibes. putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised. oh my beloved track, red lights. ahh thats okay, we can have different opinions, but by god the lyrics are *chefs kiss*. *banging on table* TWISTED AU TWISTED AU TWISTED AU. yess id love to see ur take on it! sdfghjkl it would have been glorious
no no! not stupid, just able to predict my brainwaves. ooooh thats so cool! makes me want to go there (wherever there is lol) yeah the waves are pretty good here, but none of my familys a surfer, so we dont rlly enjoy the full potential lol. YES moving on to gone away, it is indeed a heartwrenching track, but the vocals and the bloody key change? makes me want to brave being sad just to listen to it. mmm yeah, good point :( i feel like ive just gotten used to overthinking so much so that it doesnt matter what mood im in, ill do it anyway, so might as well just do what i feel like doing anyway.
yeah i think ur right! it is quite comforting knowing that all the tracks will get the love they deserve. i feel like also people assume kpop is just one genre which is utter bs. there are so many different vibes and feels and songs, i couldnt get into kpop (of which i thought only the bright cheerful present day bts stuff existed smh) until i heard gods menu so... idk where i was going with this but yeah. :)
YES FUCK YG, theyre literally on the brink of being kicked out of the big three and they are holding their salvation hostage without letting them do ANYTHING. idek what thought process goes thru their minds but arghhh its so infuriating. yess lisa's cb will be awesome but ot4 is the gold standard here.
hehe, glad u could get to this point. no no! u dont sound like a cult member at all lol yeah, i loooove some of their songs but the whole 23 members thing is getting to me. thats prob a common problem with nctzens but what can i say? im a simple girl with a limit to how many korean boys i can give my money to. atm im just trying to get into ateez and finish memorising enhypen's faces. also kard is kinda sucking me into their fandom atm, as well as eric name lol. ah what can you do? ooh thats good!
hehe i love it too! its exactly like online penpals, that was rlly well put. aww ty! hmm im okay, recovering from a bad case of rsv so thats fun. im doing okay mentally, starting therapy soon (after having to convince my mother that its not just smth i can brush off). physically i wont go into, basically i should be doing stretches to help but they dont completely fix it so my lazy ass doesnt do them, plus i got told recently im going to be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life so thats fun! ah, before you type smth dw abt me ill be fine. the weather atm is cloudy but warm, its been raining on and off today which is good for the garden. uhh i just finished reading sunburnt veils and im in the middle of prom theory which is rlly good. ummm ive got a concert tonight? that i may or may not be able to sing in (bc of the whole rsv thingo) and uhhhh idk. my dog is cute? im drinking tea rn? ive got a school dance coming up?
wbu? hows ur day going, how are you? whats the weather like on ur end? done anything interesting lately? found smth that makes you rlly happy? just any random thing youve been dying to tell someone?
no no! dont apologise, i love these exchanges. i think im happy to continue them for a long time :) on the other hand, if you get tired of them, feel free to just not answer at any time. goodness gracious this was a long ask haha hope it isnt too annoying
<3 w.a. 🐺
sorry it took me a bit to reply, i was fixing my theme ;n;
yeah, i figured it was because of the roles too. my friends and i still get taken aback when 3rd gen idols are the same age as 4th gen ones. in my head it doesn't add up sometimes. PLS THE RANT AT QUORA SKJDK tbh tho it's just going to be normalized as the years pass? esp that the boys are growing older and the amount of explicit fics will just increase. i might have to start blocking tags.
i had to look up the previous ask to remember what we were talking about xd i hope the events in champagne problems never happens to anyone. realistically, it probably happens a lot. damn i really won't wish that pain on anyone. dragging your brother into being a stay i whEEZED JFKSA additional noeasy music enthusiast o.o and ALL I CAN SAY WITH YOU GUSHING ABT FELIX IS AHA WHIPPEEEED OML can't blame you tho, i also want to hear felix sing more in other shades (if that makes sense HAHA) i really hope they'll do the role exchange in the next comeback :( or like in the near future bc i know they can do it :( the day i hear seungmin rapping it i will respectfully pass away. minho was given more lines this comeback thank fUCK i could rmb my irl being vocal abt her frustration. i don't get why minho barely has center time/lines in title tracks??? like the line distribution in the past eras just made me ???? if seventeen can balance lines with 13 members why cant a group of 8 do the same? moving on. i haven't watched the stray kids show simply bc i don't want to cry HAJS but i've seen clips. imagine if skz debuted without minho and felix?!?!? i rmb another irl catching bias feels towards changbin bc of the masked singer only to find out that the man's a rapper. i love how skz's vocals were highlighted this comeback :c there were a lot of mellow tracks! i find it cute when chan sings/raps bc it gets kinda obvious that he's a foreigner? the accent (im not even sure if it's the accent) it just shows. "putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised." CORRECT.
abt the twisted au o.O i'll inquire my irl if she wants to write it or not. if she doesn't want to, i'll do it. i miss writing twisted aus <3___<3 and i also miss going to the beach with my friends :' ) but it's starting to get cold here and i don't think i'll be able to enjoy the beach as much as i would if i went beaching in the summer. so maybe next summer? gone away really has an sm-ballad vibe. the thing about skz being a self-producing group, their songs don't sound like typical jype songs? and i just appreciate that bc in all honesty im not a fan of jyp groups at all. PLS the overthinking. i wish i could mute overthinking.
anyone who assumes kpop is just one genre obv hasn't listened to a single track. if kpop was just one genre why do i like some tracks more than the others??? oh you've only recently become a kpop stan? tbh im not a fan of the bright songs of bts either. i liked their older ones *chefs kiss* really matched high school vibes. yg has good artists and they're just wasting the talent ~.~ that strategy they have will get tiring eventually. people will stop waiting on blackpink and move on to newer more active groups ://
HAHAHAH yeah the 23 members is pretty overwhelming! it was the reason i didn't bother stanning before quarantine started. i don't regret stanning tho, met my ult bias in that group <3___<3 i don't really purchase albums unless i like the tracks xd ohhh getting into ateez just in time for the comeback! let me know what you think about them! i was fond of them at some point but grew out of it. good luck with memorizing enhypen! it took me a while to distinguish to people there XD i haven't checked out kard yet but chan plays their songs during lives and they're sexc hype music me likey *u*
i had to look up rsv im sorry. i'm glad you're recovering! please rest more and don't stress yourself out. bro i wish i could go to therapy too bc i have weird issues i can't justify and i need a professional to tell me what's the reason behind it. stuck with what condition btw? what happened? i'm sorry in case i just forgot. yesterday was a bit rainy for me too :(( it's not the type of rainy that makes me anxious so B) oh concert! good luck and i hope you'll be able to sing but i also don't think it's best for you rn :c what's your dog's breed? and yes i just finished drinking tea too. AAAAA i miss school dances :(( the last one i was supposed to have was cancelled bc of covid.
i was less productive today and i'm teetering between being mentally stable and becoming a hermit again. i'm anxious with a lot of things atm so like : D not the best state. today it was a bit sunny but not hot hot which was nice. i changed my theme today bc i couldn't wait for sept. 1st. and no i haven't found anything that makes me happy HAHAHA shit like that's hard to identify. don't have anything to say too, i'm just thinking about why i'm procrastinating too much atm T_T and i'm listening to this rap song atm and one of the rappers sounded like han.
it isn't annoying! i enjoy the long exchanges but i do admit it takes me awhile to type down a reply. so if i get more busy, it'll prolly take a bit longer for me to reply.
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chiefavenuewerewolf · 3 years
5 Star Cinema Garden Grove
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Please read this oneI don’t usually write reviews but the experience me and my wife had is unbelievable My wife was in a car wreck on 1-24-15 and hurt her back but still wanted to see a movie for Valentine’s day 2-14-15 so I got the tickets and went I asked the lady at the door if my wife could Just sit on bench until movie time and she got a bad attitude problem with me so I asked to see The manager she came out and I told her about the problem she seemed like she didnt care at all. But she finally let my wife sit then all we heard was laughing and giggling from them made my wife feel very bad and very uncomfortable we left and won’t be back ever.By the way me and my daughter usually go to the movies there at least once a week sometimes twice a week and have been going there for almost four years now and the guy’s that work there on the weekdays are great very kind and never any Problems at all.
Brian Bergström
Was happy with the pricing of the movies here. First run movies at discounted prices. The theaters are small, but comfortable. I first saw a movie here in 1987 and it hasnt changed much, except the technology.What disappointed me were the lights that never turn off and when the movie starts nobody closes the doors (I went to the back and closed the doors myself, nothing I could do about the lights). How can one really enjoy a movie theater experience with lights in the ceiling shining down in your eyes.I came here for 3D, because ONLY the Dolby Digital 3D works for me, the crappy RealD 3D doesnt work nearly as well. Then as it turned out the movie I wanted to see was not being shown in 3D at all.I would go back again, but probably sit more towards the front away from the spotlights and open doors.
Pat Butterfield
5 Star Cinema Garden Grove Ca
This place and staff has always given me a pleasurable experience and have gone on various days and times for the last 5yrs Even going during regular hours/days but frequent the senior/family days & hours. Been there during peak hrs & always someone at doors ready to go in and clean soon as a movie is over. Cant go to the Regals or Edwards and the like for top movies popcorn and drinks for the same price or less than what others charge just to get in the doors! Too bad Steve Crow had a bad experience, I have never seen or heard of such a thing all the times Ive gone. Im even greeted & asked where my friend is when I go alone. And acknowledged when Ive not been seen for awhile! Local theaters always best over commercial places anytime!
A Private User
I see a lot of people complaining about the employees and the seats and screens. Download blackberry handheld software for 8520. I have never had a problem with any of the employees. They arent really friendly, but have never been rude to me or any of my kids. Sure it s small, but for the value, worth it for me. We could never afford to see a movie otherwise. If you get their saver card, you get a free ticket for every four you buy, even on family night. Plus you get free popcorn and free refills on popcorn and soda. Tip..go early in family nights, you will be in line for a bit, and it will fill up.
Wesley To
Dont be fooled by the price and Starlight brand. This place has almost nothing else in common with other Starlights. No reserved seating. No seats in the center (aisle runs down the middle). Small, dim screen. But the other Starlights (Triangle Square in Costa Mesa, Cinema City in Anaheim) have identical pricing and feature reserved seating, center seats, and larger screens, as well as having more total screens, more seats per screen, and nicer aesthetics. Go to those ones if possible. Those actually deserve the '4 Star' nomenclature.
A Private User
5 Star Theater Garden Grove
Hate it. We came to watch sherlock holmes and half way through my lady went to use the restrooms and got kicked out cause the management said she was trying to jump movies. she had the ticket stub and she wasnt trying to jump movie.. she waited out side in the cold. while i was waiting for her to return. finally i went out side to look for her and i was very shocked to find out what had happened.. Never again will we ever come here again. Go some where else management seemed racist..
Yaseng Yann
I go to this theater almost exclusively esp so that we could go bowling before or after a movie: $7 refillable (one time before the movie ends) popcorn, clean theater, good sound system, friendly staff. Prices are catching up to that of UA and Regency..$9/adult is more than at some other places; so we are pulling the reins a tad. Maybe it pays to be a frequent movie pass goer..then again, we should head out to the state parks and outdoors more. Head out and shape up, America!
A Private User
i think this is a fantastic bargain to go to the movies in these most difficult of times. the popcorn is great ..the seating is good and the value is fabulous. we try to make it every Tuesday. i found the employees to be professional and courtesy so i suppose everyone has there opinion and mine is that keep the price low and the audiences will come. thanks.
John Taylor
The movie industry is my passion. When I was a teen I loved going to the cinema. This place is comfy, small and a great place to take out your girlfriend. However last time my girlfriend and I went everything was just dirty. Spit bubble gums, popcorn and smelly restrooms. Not a romantic experience at all. I hope they take some actions!
Lexi Buelna
Is this as fancy as Bella Terra? No. But as far as a discount theater is concerned, this is a definite 5 star theater! Everyone has been nothing but polite and friendly. Only 4 movies at a time but, for the price, im willing to wait a while until they change the options! And any theater with $1 hot dogs is fine by me.
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Awesome new movies. Get the frequent movie goer pass and get free movies and popcorn. CLEAN place and if you go to their site print a FREE popcorn and upgrade to large popcorn & Large drink with refills for $9.00Tuesday & Thursday $4.00 all day.everyday $5.00 until after either 4 or 5:00pm then its $6.00
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BR Abs marvel connector types.
Brandon Kheang
Absolutely love this theater, $6 Tuesday, Thursdays, and Sundays every week are an excellent value. Though it may not be as large as the bigger theaters, the movie viewing experience is still very enjoyable, especially given the price. The employees are friendly and the popcorn is delicious
Garden Grove 5 Star Cinema
Karen Taylor
We just moved to the area and we found this theater 'WONDERFUL' and it has a family environment in our neighborhood.The prices are good all doing the week and the popcorn is good and very affordable for us. The staff helpful. We love it there.Thanks,Resident of Buena ParkKaren
Alina Ramirez
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Considering that it is a 4 screen theater with regular old school seating, it is nice. The floors arent sticky, the seats arent broken, the restrooms are clean and most importantly..very nice staff. Great place to take my family especially since we are on a very tight budget.
5 Star Cinema Garden Grove
Other organizations
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rotatemp3 · 3 years
Aminah, I get you about the Roxy/Evie situation. I had a dog named Jackie for 14 and a half years and when she passed, I told my mom NO MORE PETS!! Esp dogs!!! I canNOT handle the heartbreak of dealing with their passing....!! 3 years after Jackie's gone on to greener pastures, my mom adopts a chihuahua puppy - AGAINST my wishes!! - and I'm just like............ bruh 🙄
Well ofc who is immune to a puppy? Her name is Daisy and I guess I l*ve her now or whatever 👀 I still love Jackie ofc, but BC I love Daisy doesnt mean that I'm "replacing" her. No one who's ever loved an animal would say that to you. So you know the person who told you that bs has never known what it's like when you're laying down and your pet just walks all over you and lays down with their butt in your face. Pity them 😉
Also, with the accent thing, maybe that patient liked your accent...! I personally loooove accents! Especially like an Irish/Scottish accent... ooh 😳
Anyways, here's a picture of Daisy!!
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angel 💓 i’m sorry to hear about jackie. it’s never easy to lose a pet. they’re your family and your best friend. roxy was my first pet so it was so painful having to go through all that. and i told myself i wasn’t going to go through it again. but seeing how badly it affected everyone i just wanted to put a smile on everyone’s faces again with evie. but just because we have evie now it doesn’t mean we forgot about roxy. we have roxy’s ashes inside a candle holder and i light a candle on it when i miss her. i just can’t believe someone would say something like that and they have a dog too!!! it makes no sense to me. anyway daisy is so cute!!!!! i want to hug her!!! please hug her for me!!! cutie!!!!! 💓 and hhh i don’t know if they liked my accent. when i have to listen to a recording of myself i’m just like oh this is how i sound i am so sorry for speaking hhhhh i’ve lived in a lot of places so it’s a mixture of a lot of things. sorry this is late by the way!!! i hope you’ve been ok these days. look after yourself ok!!! have a nice day <3
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svtegg · 5 years
hogwarts!svt (97line)
i feel like this one is a little longer than the other one?? idk but here u go!
Gryffindor boy, the sorting hat didn’t even touch his head before the Gryffindor table erupted into applause
His father was a gryffindoor, his mom was a gryffindor, his grandmother was a gryffindor, his grandmothers grandmother was a gryffindor….do I need to continue?
Very very good at potions, despite being terribly clumsy
His favorite subject however is transfiguration
Once turned himself into half human half goblet….. a human sized goblet with two freakishly long feet
And the Transfiguration Professor, Mr Rodney Silvering, had to get Minghao to walk him to the hospital wing because Mr Silvering couldnt stop laughing
He’s a well-liked goof, very gullible and charming, everyone knows him but he’s bad at remembering names so he doesn’t always know who the person he just had a 5 minute chat with was 
Often falls victim to Jihoon, Jeonghan or Seungkwan’s feet binding jinxes
Once broke his nose from a jinx Seungkwan had shoot at him as they walked up the moving staircase and Seungkwan has been eternally sorry since, gifting him a new set of Quidditch Keeper gloves and a helmet for christmas 
Jihoon, Mingyu and Minghao are the only members of the N.M.P.C (Non-Magical Paint Club)... Mingyu started it after starting Muggle Art in his fifth year....and he found out he loved painting.......so the Headmaster gave the three of them persmission to use the room of requirement as a clubroom 
Mingyu is the keeper on the Gryffindoor quidditch team, and once fell off his broom mid-match because he got distracted by an Alicantro flying above him
Jeonghan had to take him to the hospital wing with a couple broken fingers and a broken rib
Often talks to the portraits, they all know him by first name because he stubles up the stairs even five years after he first started at Hogwarts
Does okay in school, but is terrible at History of Magic
Joshua often tries to help him study because he’s the only one that doesn’t get annoyed at Mingyu’s whining 
He could be a good duelist if he wasn’t so scared of being hit by stupefy
Jihoon tries to help him get over his fear of the stupify charm by surprisingly casting it at him when Mingyu isn’t paying attention
Mingyu loves Wonu’s cat Pocha,,,pocha doesn’t love him back…….
Has a pet fire dwelling salamander that his sister Minseo caught for him when she was five, its name is Scarlet
Scarlet is currently around 14 years old and Mingyu was extremely relieved when Seungkwan told him that salamanders often live to be over 20 years if they live a happy life
He’s often seen hanging around the great hall with Seungcheol, Vernon, Seokmin, Chan and Seungkwan His other favorite spot is by the lake, where Jeonghan, Junhui and Seungkwan often skip stones and sneak prank supplies into school grounds through a secret passage in the boat house
Mingyu is on lookout duty but his heart is still beating out of his chest as he sits by the water waiting for the rest of the guys to return
Mingyu’s wand is a greyish brown Alderwood with a beautifully corset like carved handle. Unicorn hair core, 12.5 inches
His patonus is a Stag with an impressive antlers
A gryffindor that doesnt think he deserves to be a gryffindor
Not because he’s a coward or unloyal or any of that sort
He just doesn’t think he deserves it….plot twist….he does
Seokmin is one of the bravest people in his year…..he dares to be loud, different and weird n is often the center of attention during lunch 
His laugh can be regcognised all the way from the quidditch bleachers to the owl tower
He’s also extremely loyal to his friends and the people he cares about and his moral compass is his path in life.....will stand up for anyone he thinks 
This boy thinks doing the right thing is so so important and deeply cares for everyone he knows
Even people he barely knows the name of
He rooms with Mingyu and is seatmates with Minghao
Seokmin’s favorite subjects are Herbology, Potions and Charms and this is based purely on the fact that these subjects are key to becoming a healer
Because Seokmin wants to become a healer!!! Maybe he’ll work at St.Mungos,,or maybe the hospital wing at Hogwarts,,.,,.,…who knows! Not him! He doesn’t rly care either he just wants to be a healer
That smile can heal though
Often volunteers to help in the hospital wing n all the matrons that work there adore him!! The cheif matron, Ms Corck, made him his own little desk in the office room and he’ll often sit there when he needs some room for himself
He also loves Care For Magical Creatures bc he loves animals n wants to learn everything about them, even though he’s lowkey scared of the Hippogriff that lives by the Owl Tower
Loves the bowtruckle family that lives on Soonyoungs bed though!! Often brings them food when he sneaks into the Hufflepuff common room
Seokmin, Seungkwan and Jun often spend time in the Owlery, Seungkwan and Jun taking care of their owls and Seokmin chatting and petting the owls that doesn’t get as much attention as some of the bigger and prettier owls
Studies very hard n often falls asleep on the couch in front of the fireplace in the gryffindoor common room leaving Mingyu or Seungcheol w the task to get him up to his room and into his bed
The great hall is his domain, and he often hangs there to battle Wonu and Soonyoung in Wizards Chess
Seokmin doesn’t have a lot of friends like Seungkwan, Jeonghan or Seungcheol but everyone seems to know who he is
Known for his amazing singing voice and he’ll often attract a small audience of people when he hums on a ballad while he sits in the viaduct courtyard with Jihoon, Seungcheol, Jun and Chan 
He’s best friends with the portrait of the fat lady and knows a lot of the passwords for the secret passages
Keeps books from the restricted section under his bed.....Maybe Minghao and Vernon stole them for him maybe they didn’t who knows
Seokmin’s wand is made of willow with a phoenix feather core. 11.5 inches, light wood with a charmin twisted handle
His patronus is a St. Bernhard dog, Seokmin was also the first in his group to cast the patronus spell successfully, thinking about his happiest memory (when his friends had gotten him a surprise birthday gift and took him to see a quidditch match)
Slytherin through and through
Pureblood, family history in Slytherin
A true Slytherin, his resourceful and cunning ways shining through
He’s the Slytherin seeker, one of the best in years says the flying instructor
A disciplined and good duelist as well as a top student
He’s basically Slytherins pride, and teachers often try to convince him to become a prefect
Minghao is truly a calm and compassionate soul, his favorite subjects being Care For Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies
He often seats with Seokmin in lectures……Except for in Astrology…..He sits with a random boy from Ravenclaw in that class because Mingyu steals Seokmin bc they sit at the back and nap
His favorite spot is the secret staircase leading down to the pathway down to the boathouse, he will often sit there and read, sometimes alone, sometimes with one or two of his friends
Hangs with Mingyu, Jihoon, Vernon and Jun a lot......they like hanging in the ravenclaw duelling arena........tee hee
Spends a lot of time with the Quidditch players of his friend group...Seungcheol, Jun, Soonyoung, Jihoon, Mingyu and Chan 
They often sit in the Quidditch Pitch changing rooms
Genuinely interested in his friends interests and often reads books on Care Of Magical Creatures to discuss with Seungkwan and Seokmin, or Potion recipes to talk about with Mingyu and Joshua,,, talks Quidditch with Jun, Soonyoung, Chan and Seungcheol, reads up on muggle music to have a topic to chat about with Vernon and Jihoon, reads up on Magical Theory to ask Wonu some insightful questions
He just cares a lot but doesn’t show it in a typical way
He kinda looks out for his friends from the sidelines u kno
He doesn’t really care about rules or authority bc he never gets caught when he breaks the rules anyway bc he’s a master...planner
Knows a lot of secret rooms around the castle,,, esp the secret passage that leads from the clocktower courtyard to the back of the restricted sections of the library
Spends a lot of time with Jihoon in the Slytherin common room, often discussing muggle instruments and bands
Minghao is well liked, and takes good care of the younger students in his house, often becoming somewhat of a mentor for them as he helps them understand their curriculum and explains the basics of Divination and Study of Ancient Runes to the confused third years
He doesn’t keep pets, but is very friendly with the Thestrals that pull the carriages from the train tracks and up to the forest each semester starts
Minghao’s wand is white wooden Aspen with golden rims around the handle and a blue sapphire fastened at the bottom. 8 inches, long slender pointy tip, Unicorn hair core.
His patronus is a black sable mitt ferret, tiny but feisty and long skinny bodies, just like him! jskjdskj
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jichew · 6 years
college!hyunsuk au♡part one
a/n: hello!!! this is my first fic on here so please go easy on me bc it’s kind of slow and long :,) I rushed it a bit bc i wanted to get it up before the last episode airs :/// also feel free to leave requests or just drop in to talk! i would love more ygtb mutuals! (also i was going to make this a full on lovers au but it got too long so i just left it like this, but if i get enough requests, i will be more than willing to make a part 2!)
so you’re a freshman at college(✿◠‿◠)
while you’re absolutely in love with what college has to offer,,,,you’re dreading the start of classes
esp when it’s your first semester and you have no idea how to navigate the campus
and that, my friends, is how you realize it will take 15 minutes to get to a 9 AM that starts in 10 minutes (a/n this is a true story lol)
and while you could easily just skip this class and call it a day, you are A GOOD STUDENT \\\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
so you double knot your shoelaces and run across that mf campus
thankfully, you make it right as the clock hits 9... though you didn’t realize that this was a 300 student general chem lecture
it really b like that sometimes y/n ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so you’re left to slide into one of the rows at the very back of the hall, which is thankfully empty
save for the mop of blonde hair that is passed out in the seat next to you
of course, you don’t have the time to pay attention to the boy beside you because you’re prof has already started lecturing
before you know it, class is over
surprisingly enough, at 9:50 on the dot, the boy shoots his head up, ruffles his hair, grabs his backpack and briskly exits the lecture hall room, sparing you a brief nod
if you weren’t stressed enough that you have 20 minutes to grab breakfast and run back across campus for class, maybe you would have taken time to notice how cute the boy was - but you have a class to get to
so fast fwd two days,,, you’re basically a pro at this whole college thing
or so you thought
you find your self double knotting your shoelaces again and running across campus to reach your 9 AM chem lecture again
at this point,,,you’ve accepted your fate and you dejectedly slide next to the passed out boy in the back row
so now that this is your second class, you’re prof is actually lecturing (and blondie beside u is still asleep)
after a grueling hour of basic chem review,   you have about three pages of notes
and it isn’t until 5 minutes before you’re dismissed that blondie finally takes the time to wake up
you resist the urge to giggle seeing his slightly frazzled state - hair puffed out, half lidded eyes and pouty lips (✿´ ꒳ ` )
and maybe you would have,,,if he didn’t hurriedly look over at you and ask if he could borrow your notes
and as much as you despise people who don’t pay attention in class and ask for other peoples’ notes ,,,,, who are you to resist those puppy dog eyes                    
so,,,, you reluctantly hand him over the notes
but not without giving him a piece of your mind \\\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
“don’t forget to bring them back next class,,,and maybe a coffee too so you can stay awake”( ◠‿◠ )
y/n, you really are too nice
so it’s finally friday,,,,but you have that cursed 9 am yet again
and while you’re able to make it early this time around, you willingly sit in the back row
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
and much to your surprise,,, in comes blondie, fully awake, an iced coffee in each hand
he moves into his seat beside you, setting down one of the coffees on your desk
“i don’t really know what girls like, so i just decided to get you the same thing as me! as a thank you for letting me borrow your notes”
speaking of notes, he quickly sets down his coffee and his backpack and takes out your notes, setting those on your desk as well
and this whole time, you’re just like,,,,,,,,, (●´ω`●)
and he’s staring at u with this goofy smile on his face like,,,,(๑・̑◡・̑๑)
if it were socially acceptable, you would have squished his little cheeks right then and there
but all you can manage to get out is a small smile, mumbling an “anytime” under your breath
and as much as you enjoy the company of another person in this large lecture hall,,,blondie talks a lot
but also you can’t bring yourself to mind bc he’s not all that bad at chem (and he looks cute when he talks with his lips all pouty but don’t tell him you said that(๑>◡<๑))
so it’s been about a month at college and you’re actually getting the hang of things this time
also,,,blondie has officially stopped falling asleep in class
surprisingly, you both have become quite the pair ٩( ᐛ )و
you learned that his name is hyunsuk, he’s a sophomore, and he’s part of a dance team (hence why he can’t help but fall asleep during chem lecture)
while you guys don’t interact outside of class, it’s nice to have someone to make small talk with in the morning
and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to boop his cute nose on several occasions (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
so while studies are great and all,,,,it’s been a month and you have done next to nothing besides stressing over classes and sleeping
so, your friends (yes y/n, you do have friends) decided to have a little gno to celebrate surviving a month of college
shimmying into a pair of black jeans, a cute top, jean jacket and some heels, you’re ready to TAKE ON THE TOWN
and like not to brag but u look hot
you really know how to strut your stuff y/n
so when ur friends were like gno!!!! you expected something cute like going to get dinner in the city or something
you did NOT expect to find yourself in a frat party
like,,,,,you’ve never been to one of those cheap high school parties much less a college frat party
so like,you’re kind of freaking out inside bc tight areas filled with sweaty bodies and the stench of alcohol are NOT your thing
( ˙-˙ )
your friend mina is like,,,
“come on y/n, it’s part of the college experience!!!”
but you’re like,,,
“the only experience i need is sleeping past my alarm” \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
nonetheless, mina resorts to dragging you into the house
so somehow, you guys make it to the kitchen
and while you’re still against the idea of being here, at least it’s slightly more breathable in the kitchen
while u can finally breathe, you also realize mina is GONE
u quickly scan the kitchen and thankfully find her ,,,,, w some tall dinosaur looking dude??
she motions you over so you slide through some bodies to make your way over to the pair
“y/n!!! this is my friend byounggon! he owns this place!”
“hey, you can call me gon!”
the dude does a little nod and smiles at you ,,, and then u notice how close him and mina are actually standing next to each other
her hand on his arm...the little smile he gives her...
and you’re like
“OH ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
“you know,,,i’ll leave you guys to hang out for a bit while i go explore the place”
but not so fast,,,you have friends who care about your safety :,)
gon is all like
“no wait! mina told me this was your first party so i’ll have one of my frat brothers watch over you”
he turns his head back calling out a name that’s unintelligible over the sound of the music playing throughout the house
“y/n! this is my friend -“
obviously you’re a bit startled to see the blonde boy in a setting that’s not the chem lecture hall
and maybe you’re even more startled by how good he looks - silk shirt, silver jewelry littering his ears and hair styled
and maybe he thinks the same with the way his eyes briefly glaze over your full body
but ,,,, mina and gon:??????
“you guys know each other?”
you’re the first to snap out of your reverie, hyunsuk’s eyes still glued to you
“uhh yeah we sit next to each other in chem lecture”
gon: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“ahhh...so you’re THAT y/n”
“THAT y/n”
“yeah, it means -“
(hyunsuk’s quick to interrupt when he’s about to get exposed (¬_¬))
“he means nothing lol”
anyway,,,gon’s like “yeah so we’ll leave you guys to it”
and you’re just looking back in dejection bc ur friends left u :,(((
when you turn back around hyunsuk has a bit of an apologetic look on his face
“first party?” he cocks his head to the side , puppy dog eyes waiting for an answer
“yeah,,,, i never really took you for the frat boy type”
hyunsuk does a little boyish smirk before saying
“there’s a lot things you don’t know about me babe”
and then he’s lightly grabbing your wrist and taking you to god knows where
the next thing you know, you guys are out on a balcony
and you’re like
\( ˆoˆ )/ fresh air!!!!
hyunsuk: (*゚▽゚*)
so you’re just like
staring at the sky
and u feel a little gaze boring into the side of your head
so you look over to see hyunsuk staring at you with his head cocked to the side
and he has this little smile on his lips
and you have no clue why he’s smiling but it makes your tummy do ~that thing~
but ALSO ,,, you’re trying to play it cool
so you cock your head back at him
and he stares at you for a little longer
“why are you giggling??”
he does a little shrug and looks over at you
“you’re cute”
lmao he really just had to take all your uwus
the moment kind of ends when you get a text from mina saying she went home w gon,,,
you both know what that means( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
but also now you don’t have a ride back to your dorm
i mean you probably guessed what’s going to happen now
gentleman suk decides to walk you back to your dorm
despite it being chilly, it’s still a nice walk
you both walk in a comfortable silence,, heads turned to avoid the other seeing the  little smile on each’s face
and you don’t say anything when you feel the tips of hyunsuk’s warm fingers entangling into your own
and he doesn’t say anything when you bid him goodnight with a kiss on the cheek
and you know that you have more than friendly feelings for the sleepy blondie in your chem class
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The Legend of Asriel PART 5 | THE GREAT FAIRY
chara experiences regret.
“So, what do we do?“
Chara makes a face. They’re far from Castle Town, Frisk having some impressive endurance for someone who still needs to breathe, and they’re currently splayed out beneath a tree with the remains of the Master Sword scattered across a cloth beside them.
“I’m not sure,“ Chara admits, using one hand to sign while they push around the metal shards and try to fit them together like the world’s most sacred jigsaw puzzle. “I honestly didn’t see any part of this coming. If Asriel’s been missing this whole time I don’t know how I could find him, and quite frankly the sword has me even more concerned.“
Frisk pushes themself up by their elbows. “So, what do we do about the sword? I’m sure you can’t just piece it back together like that.”
Chara carefully positions a sliver of steel between two larger chunks. “You would be correct in that assessment.”
“So, what do we do?“
Chara makes another face. They had thought Frisk would gather from the first face they made that that’s the worst possible question to ask right now, but apparently they’re duller than they thought. “I’m. Not. Sure.”
Frisk groans, dropping their head back to the grass. “You’re dumb and worthless.”
Chara reaches over to prod Frisk’s shoulder, waiting for them to look up again. “If that’s what you think, you’re more than welcome to pack up and return to your desert.“
“Heck no, I’ve seen enough sand for the rest of my life.“
“In that case, I suggest you stop pestering me about stuff I have yet to decide upon.“
Frisk huffs again, but their hands remain still as they watch Chara slowly piece the Master Sword back together. Occasionally they’ll reach over and point out a couple pieces that will fit together, but beyond that and the small nods Chara gives in response, they do not speak any further.
Then Chara pauses, staring at the nearly-complete (though still thoroughly shattered) blade, and they frown. “...Something’s wrong,” they mutter. Frisk tilts their head and they repeat in sign, “Something’s wrong, there’s a piece missing.”
Frisk tilts their head and glances across the reconstructed blade. Sure enough, there’s a noticeable gap right near the hilt, and every other piece has been slotted together perfectly. “We must have left it behind by accident.”
Chara takes a deep breath, then screams into their hands. “Of all the dumb things to mess up!” they sign, hands flailing a little in their frustration. “We have to go back.”
Frisk purses their lips. “No.”
“We literally just escaped after stealing something important, and they know we have it,“ Frisk explains. “Frankly, we shouldn’t have stopped like this. They’ll be looking for us in no time.“
“So?! I know all the ins and outs of that place, I could get you there and back in no time—“
“To look for a single piece of metal we don’t even know for sure is there,“ Frisk says, standing. “It’ll have to be reforged anyway. It’s only a single shard.“
“You don’t understand!“ Chara snaps, reaching out to grab Frisk’s wrists when they ignore them. “This is an ancient sword, crafted by the goddesses themselves— we can’t just change it, every inch of its design was forged for a purpose!“
Frisk stares at them for a long moment. Then they look back down at the sword. They kneel, folding the fabric back around it into a bundle, and they tuck it into their backpack. “Well,” they finally reply, “We’ll have to tackle that one as it comes.”
They pull their cloak back on over their backpack and start walking, eyes fixed firmly ahead. Chara takes a moment to follow. “Where are you going?” they ask, flitting into Frisk’s view.
“Dunno,“ they reply. “I was serious about not sticking around, so pretty much my only goal is away from there.“
Chara narrows their eyes a little, then sighs and flits back to Frisk’s side. “Go that way,” they say, pointing a little more to the left of Frisk’s current trajectory, towards the volcano spewing ominous clouds of smoke.
“Now you have ideas?“
Chara grimaces. “It’s a last-ditch effort, but I couldn’t think of anything else. So we’re asking someone else for help.”
Chara takes a deep breath to steel themself. “Have you ever heard of a Great Fairy?”
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[ID: A simple sketch of a rough wooden sign hanging between two vertical surfaces. On the sign is some writing in Hylian script. End Description.]
“Misspelled, yes.“
“You’re sure this is the right place?“
Chara’s smile grows strained. “Uncomfortably so.”
Frisk stares at Chara, then back at the wooden sign hanging in the doorway of this run-down cabin. GReT FARY FONTIN, it reads. give rupi p.
Chara places a hand on Frisk’s shoulder. “Listen. I understand if you have any trepidations about this. We can find another way, I’m sure once some time has passed the guards will relax a little and we can slip back in—”
Frisk puts a hand on Chara’s face and pushes them back. “Those are my words,” they say. “I’m not scared of a little decrepit house.”
“It’s not the house,“ Chara insists, hands snapping and eyes twitching a little. “It’s just— the Great Fairies are a lot to deal with, if you’re not absolutely sure you’re prepared...“
“I’ll be fine,“ Frisk says.
“Are you sure?“
Frisk ignores them. The sign is easily ducked under, and it only takes their eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness inside— and it’s really not so bad. A little dusty, and the floorboards shift underneath their feet as they pad towards the large, circular basin of water in the center of this building, but it’s really nothing to be afraid of.
They stop right at the edge, staring down at their reflection in the water. The surface is smooth as glass, and when they look around they see no one here but the ghost reluctantly following them inside. “Shouldn’t there be a fairy?” Frisk asks.
Chara glares at them and doesn’t reply, just drifts to a stop by Frisk’s side and closes their eyes. Then they open their mouth, and Frisk supposes they must be singing, based on how their lips are moving. Then Chara opens their eyes again and takes a large step back, lifting their arms over their face.
Frisk gets ready to ask them what they’re doing, and then water splashes over them in a wave, toppling them to the ground. Their eyes shut reflexively, and when they open again it’s like the room is totally restored— polished wood flooring, intricate patterns painted across the walls, and lights of all different colors hung up across everything in sight.
And also, hovering over the shimmering fountain, there is a weird cat-dog thing surrounded by fluttering fairies. It lifts a paw, opens its mouth, and says,
“Oh, she comes with subtitles,“ Chara says out loud, and Frisk sees their words write themselves out in the air before them. “Aaand so do I.“
“Tem activated acessibiliti settings, yaya!“ the Great Fairy chirps, resting her paws on her chin. “Gots to be ready for all heroes, ya!“
“Not that I’m complaining,“ Chara says, putting their hands on their hips, “But you sure didn’t seem eager to do this kind of thing for me.“
The fairy laughs uproariously, rolling around in the air. “Silly silly human! U expect so much!”
“See, this is what I’m talking about,“ Chara says, looking over at Frisk. “Really, I shouldn’t have bothered—“
The fairy moves faster than Frisk’s eyes can follow, stopping inches from Chara’s face with a gust of wind. “You cannot begin to understand the nature of my existence, little ghost,” she says, face deathly serious. “Dismiss my advice if you please. Just remember which one of us has the unstoppable magic powers.”
The fairy backs off, trotting back to her position in the middle of the fountain. Chara says nothing, just floats back with a distinctly rattled expression.
“So!“ the fairy chirps. “Hoiw can I hoilp u?“
Frisk stares for a long moment, then lifts their hands to sign. “Um, first, who exactly are you?”
“Temmie is Temmie!“ the fairy chirps. “Hoi!“
“I’m told you’re a Great Fairy?“
“The GRETist.“
“Do you... help a lot of heroes?“
Temmie beams. “YaYa, lotsa heros!”
A moment of silence falls, and then Chara elbows Frisk in the side. “Sword,” Chara signs, and Frisk lights up.
Frisk hurries to swing their backpack off, tugging out the bundle containing the Master Sword. “This sword was destroyed,” they say, a little awkwardly around the bundle in their arms. “Chara thinks you can help, so— can you?”
Temmie hums and haws a little, putting her paw on her chin and tilting her head back and forth. “Tricky, tricky, thats VERy broken. Holy sords, very hard to fix. Esp like This.”
“How come?“ Frisk asks. “It’s a sword, right? It can be reforged.“
“Sure, u can make a new sord,“ Temmie says. “But ur missing sumtihng.“
“We lost a piece,“ Chara admits. “We can go back, we can find it—“
“O no, no!“ Temmie cuts in, waving a paw. “Not THAT, cutie ghostie. Doesnt matter how much old sord u use. Holy Sord is broken. You gots to make a new sord n make that holy.”
“And how do we do that?“ Frisk asks.
Temmie hums. “Well. First you gots to reforge it! That’s the easy step, tem can do that for u.”
Chara smiles. “Oh, that’s not so—”
“For ten thousand rupees.”
“Ah.“ Chara makes a face. “...Does it matter who reforges it...?”
Frisk raises a hand. “It seems like it’d be fine as long as it’s a sword?”
“Yaya, this hero gets it!“ Temmie says, clapping a little. “Of course, it’d be greatest if I do it! Only 20 thousand rupees!“
“Pass,“ Chara says, spinning on their heel and making for the door. “Come on Frisk, we have what we came for.“
“30 thousands,” Temmie offers.
Frisk gives her an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I’m a little short,” they say, backing up. “Maybe another time!”
“Aw, okay,“ Temmie says. “Boi then!“
As Frisk steps back outside, the cabin’s appearance shifts back into that run-down look, the lights inside flickering out. Chara says something, but no subtitles appear for Frisk to read.
Chara realizes this after a moment, and lifts their hands to sign with a chagrined look. “Well, you know the drill. We have to find a blacksmith.”
“Any ideas on where to look?“
“Yeah, actually,“ Chara says. They lift their arm to point up the side of the volcano. “Death Mountain.”
Frisk looks up at the volcano, then back at Chara. Their question goes unvoiced.
“It’s quite pleasant, actually.“
[Next Part] [Index]
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eerienature · 5 years
Now it's my turn🙈💚 1, 2, 8, 11, 13, 15, 20, 21, 24, 27, 30, 37, 42, 56, 57 and 59 sorry that this is late🙈💙
ayyyyyyy my guy! ❤️
1) selfie
ditto so I’ll dm you em! x
2) what would you name your future kids?:
so i’ve always liked the name layla because i really admire the beauty of a night sky but then it literally means sheep in aapni zerbaan so ye lol; i think the name marina is pretty too like the whole nature element, i liked marwa as well till my sister said it sounds like ‘marijuana’ which just ruined it for me totally lol; yusuf is a nice one, you know because of his whole story which i just find really moving and im sure i had some more prophet names which i really like but none of em spring to mind at the mo
8) have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? 
yesssss so the other day i was dress rehearsing for an interview (pray i get the job! x) and none of my smart-wear would fit so i just angry cried it out; i have bipolar as well and before i was on the right meds i’d do that daily but now i seem to be doing a lot better alhamdulilah
11) are you listening to music right now? 
astaghfirullah sister skskskk but naa i stopped listening to music about a year ago i feel like it just dragged me down might just be me but like even the uplifting stuff has melancholic vibes to it 
13) how do you feel right now?
so like i think i missed my meds this morning and at round 7pm i got this really intense agitation where my mood randomly switched within the space of like an hour and i got angry that i was angry but now that im home and talking to you i feel a lot better - I was really on one earlier on in the day when we were messaging tho bc i was like ‘OMG IVE FOUND A NEW FRENNNNN’ which is a huge positive for me!
15) personality description
aaaaaaa i could go on forever, hope you enjoy the cv! so im a really perceptive person - i have a strong insight into my own situations and mindset as well as those of others (a positive side to mental illness i think, like the whole self awareness aspect) i’ve been told im ‘compelling’ which is an incredible personality trait to have! i have a mad sense of humour, talkative, very outgoing, very extroverted and i love a good bit of banter with the right people, love meeting new people and hearing their perspectives too. I’m very intellectual, i love discussions and acquiring knowledge and anything which makes you think or reevaluate your current opinions! but ya im really proud of my identity purely bc i genuinely didnt think i’d make it past 16 (suicidal depression, self harm, mad mania, abuse, overdoses, etc) but like alhamdulilah here i am and i think its my perseverance and my relationship w god which i really admire - im really proud of who i’ve become! (but i mean theyre trying to stamp a personaity disorder diagnosis onto me so i guess i could be chatting bubbles and all this could be totally subjective *x files theme toon plays*)
20) what is your favourite song at the moment?
i mean i hear the odd bop over the radio every now n then n the ‘JUST BC ITS OVER DOESNT MEAN ITS REALLY OVER N IF I THINK IT OVER MAYBE YOU’LL BE COMING OVER AGAINNNN’ song just really seems to get me
21) age and birthday?
ahh see i feel like an old granny ting now compared to you! i’m 20 and my birthdays the 5th of april so i guess we’re both april babies!
24) height
5′2 but i dont look as short as i sound i swear lol
27) things i hate
im no longer a hateful person like even the people i hate i pray for but bidah has got to be #1 without a single doubt, aside from that its all the usual stuff such as bigots, nonces, etc
30) favourite tv shows
mostly stuff on netflix like at the moment im watching ‘sacred games’ and ive never been into the whole bollywood vibe but i swear ive been missing out like! peaky blinders is amazing and tommy is beautiful i dont care if hes my dads age, bedlam was incredible, period dramas like victoria n bbcs les mis are really good, you should check out this is england, shameless, dark and NSU: german history they are mint; i love a good documentary as well
37)  favourite actor/actress
angelina jolie i think! like i have an entire hashtag dedicated to her so ya i guess shes the one!
42) favourite books
kite runner and a thousand splendid suns (defo recommend them both yasmin esp tss - if you ever do read it give us a shout and ill send you the coursework i did for it in Alevel!)
56) favourite food
ben and jerries along with cookie dough are my absolute weaknesses but im inshlla cutting down on sugar so we’ll see if anything changes w those ones!
57) favourite animals
cats for sure! mines called marno shes now 5 alhamdulilah and she is my life n soul - i like dogs but they get over excited way to easily which startles me a bit esp as im v spaced out a lot of the time so a dog tryna hug me is like arghh wyd but i mean i admire their intentions lol that n the fact theyre najis is also bit of a problem for me (whups)
59) why i joined tumblr
so i think i came across tumblr on a random google search n i figured it’d be a good form of self expression n a good emotional outlet esp as i was in a v v bad mind-space at the time so i felt i needed something to call my own which eventually became my lil blog - but ye if you go allllllll the way back to my old reblogs its literally just those black and white depression posts and gifs which is actually really upsetting to me; like although im no longer in that place anymore tumblr continues to be a very good therapeutic outlet so im v grateful for that ❤️
and thats all! thanks for reading this far b and feel free to ask me any other questions, i enjoy answering them! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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princeyitz · 6 years
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[ loner | family oriented | lazy ]
GET TO KNOW ME TAG why r there so many questions </3
@viiavi​ tagged me(and mayb someone else??? i dont know tumblr notifs are awful)
uhhhmmm i tag @ratboysims​ @felicitum​ @bullsim​ @keysims​ @bratsims​ and uhhmmmmm any1 else that wants to do it just say i tag u
also here’s a bad edit of my simselfs outfit its cute and basically what i wear everyday gotta wear those nikes get some good ass arch support u feel me
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3. BIRTHDAY? june 3rd babey
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? i dont think i have one. picking faves for literature has always been hard for me
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? ummm dark chocolate or mango
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? thank you next look its a good song ok
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? ridiculous but how my mom says it like a harry potter spell
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? ummmm something by halsey i think
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? im binge watching greys anatomy so that i guess but also my fave show of all time stargate
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? i have no patience and i worry too much
21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? yes! we’re getting married next october :-)
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? no responsibilities!!! no bills!!!! also my moms cooking
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? her name is lauren but also my fiance and my dog
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? dark green
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? my fam, my fiance, my dogs, my close friends
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? my fiance 100%
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? my parents i worry about their health and also my sister bc she’s in a new relationship
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? my sisters dog just had puppies so im excited to see them
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rn sims
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? probably rugrats and also x files
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? hell yes big time
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? well i still cant drive so like. driving i guess
35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT?uhhh behind i hate when others take pics of me lol
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? writing and simblr i guess
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? actually i think it was the adventure zone graphic novel does that count
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? the crimes of grindelwald
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? i feel like im on the spot ummmmm @felicitum @keysims @smart--milk @surreysimmer @hesitantpixels
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? u ever seen heroes? remember how peter was like a sponge well i wish i could do that but with like, normal knowledge/skills. like if i met someone who was a carpenter or dr i could shake their hand and i knew everything they did about that and could learn new languages that way too. i wanna b a sponge
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? in my bed w my fiance and dogs in a cuddle pile
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? when we ask blu if she’s a sleepy baby and she tilts her head
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? water all day every day im a camel hi
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? as i get older yes
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? when people talk down to me because of my identity or age
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? yea!! the last one we went to was p!nk im pretty sure
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? hmmmmmmmm probs harry potter tbh
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? yes and no
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? yup!!! i dont sing as often as i used to tho its sad
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? i really love big bear and catalina island
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? doesnt really matter as long as its not a big city and relatively close to family
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? we have 2 doggos
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? tbh i am a mix of both now, tho i used to be a night owl
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? earbuds sometimes headphones hurt my ears esp bc i always wear glasses
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? yes and im getting war flashbacks
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? pretty much anything besides hardcore rap, country, and religious music, also nothing too poppy
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? probs my mama
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? when they only brew decaf at work
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? i really loved english
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? i have two brothers and two sisters
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? flowers for my mother in law
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5′7″
75. CAN YOU COOK? yes
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? coffee, purple flowers, the lil potbellies that all puppies have
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? decaf coffee, peas, when people say my name wrong
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? uhhh i guess just bc thats who im around more
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? i live in southern california
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? garrett watts is fun
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? digit it saves me money
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? im super close with my parents and relatively close w my fiances parents as well
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? hmmm probs middle eastern
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? lmao no
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? not really
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OR THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? both but i tend to lean more towards the ocean
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? not at all im a chicken
97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? when i am wrong lol i dont care too much about being right
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? sometimes
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? pick it up and return it to its owner
107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? yes but they have to believe in it too
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? yes but u cant tell nobody knows ok thanks
109. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A PLANE? yeah they’re cool
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? my ears and my septum
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? sam carter from stargate shes smart
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? yeah i have 10 i think
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? 110% yes
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? yeah i want 5 but i dont think i can afford that many someone start a gofundme for my future babeys
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? i told my middle school crush that i liked her and then she told everyone and thats the story of how i repressed me sexuality until i was 20
121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? yes but carefully planned and well thought out adventures where i have a checklist and a binder of all the information i need listen i am v anxious everything is scary
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? when i was a baby i was on the news lmao
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 25
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? to thine own self be true wow super lame and cliche thanks im tired is this done yet
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? savory i dont have much of a sweet tooth
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saigebeaumont · 6 years
- ̗̀ * ( robert sheehan + cismale + he/him ) have you seen ( benjamin ‘benjy’ magwitch ) walking around campus ? they are a ( twenty-three ) year old, studying ( political science ). we hear they are in ( rho pi rho ), and can be ( magnetic & irresponsible ), maybe it’s because they are a ( leo ). they sort of remind us of ( shiny red apples, walking on ledges, kaleidoscopes ), maybe we can find out more ! ( james + 19 + est + they/she ) *  ̖́-  + theatre/track
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hi hello as u may have seen my name is james and this is my baby, benjy. i dont know how long this is going to get so pls bare with me
tw; fire? 
gen. info
full name: benjamin ‘benjy’ henry magwitch / joshua hollowood but u will never catch him actually using his real name tbqh
nickname(s): think of a random name. any century, any gender, any amount of letters or lack thereof. that’s it that’s his nickname. previous aliases that he has claimed to be are - thaddeus, balthazar, dante, romulus, etc., etc.
b.o.d. - july 31st, age 23
label(s): the icarian, the blackhole, the insouciant, etc. etc.
height: tall
hometown: ???
sexuality: chaotically bisexual
bio. info
let’s try and make this short n sweet
so like. y’know when a faerie steals a human baby and replaces it with it’s own, weaker, inferior baby? benjy is the human baby in this case
except they weren’t faeries
dorothea and fawley were two...somewhat, in love, folks--who had really wanted to have a child of their own. when they did, finally, have their child--he was very sickly and small and neither of them wanted their child to be weak goddammit
so they did a switcharoo, like...switched at birth except i’ve never ever seen switched at birth, and ran off with this extremely rich family’s newborn baby instead!
dorothea and fawley were part of a circus, and thus, lil benjy was raised in a circus !! how cute.
needless to say he was raised in a very nontraditional setting, like, homeboy was homeschooled bc they were literally always travelling, around the country and once or twice out of country.
despite that, he never doubted that his circus family didn’t love him or anything like ?? yeah he never called his ‘parents’ mom or dad, but that’s bc it was like...everyone was his parent.
dorothea and fawley told benjy that his name will never define him, and he could be anyone or anything he wants to be.
this caused a tiny benjy to be CONSTANTLY changing his name. like, almost everyday he’d just declare a new name and everybody in the circus would call him that specific name. even when he did acts, he’d go by a different name every single time
this carried onto adulthood and benjy still doesn’t tell people his real name very often. sometimes they’re sort of normal names n other times they’re fucking bizarre.
when he was seven he declared his name was ‘sock’ for an entire month.
grew up doing a buncha odd lil jobs and roles in the circus, from being a lil handyman like fawley to being a magician’s assistant like dorothea. t’was a lil tiny animal tamer (before the circus stopped using animals in their acts because we don’t stan circuses like that no we do NOT) at some point but reeeaaally liked tightrope walking and things as such
also tried his hand at fire-throwing/etc. etc. but the like eighteen (minor!) burn scars across his body will tell u that it was not for him and he gave it up to pursue knife throwing tricks and juggling
wasn’t rly ever around ppl his own age, also never had a smartphone before he was like eighteen or so--he’s not old fashioned but he can definitely be behind on the times
also grew up listening to primarily older rock/folk music/whatever the fuck music his family created/his own music
that being said benjy is good w a guitar but bitch cannot sing. he sounds like a dying frog.
he also did a bunch of petty theft but that’s bc some of the other folk in the circus did it and he was like huh. looks like fun. bc benjy is thoroughly an idiot but more on that later. so he got some shit on his record but he got them sealed when he turned 18, like, asap
but. benjy is a dumbass. he committed ANOTHER petty crime, because the boy has addictive qualities, and he left some dna evidence bc boy’s got some mf hair
surprisingly, it wasn’t through his records that they found him via his dna  but, rather, his real parents who did a whole ass dna kit thing for fun one day
this came as a shock to everybody involved, honestly, though tbh ? benjy didn’t care that much that he had parents who weren’t the circus, but that’s bc of his entire upbringing.
either way his birth parents wanted to like. y’know. meet their delinquent biological son and when they did they were like ‘woah woah woah wtf ur in a circus’ and he was like haha yeah
n that was...sort of it, for a while. benjy was 18, had his GED, n wasn’t planning on going to college at all.
the circus was still traveling, the world was all right, etc. etc, benjy maintained contact with his bio parents bc it was Polite to do
and then the circus burned down! somebody did a flaming knife trick when they weren’t supposed to and, long story short--the entire circus went up in flames. there were no victims, no worries, but their entire livelihood was gone and they were all effectively displaced.
when his Rich Biological Parents found out about benjy’s newfound predicament that he 100% was not responsible for whatsoever, they were like . . . . listen. we’ve got a Reputation to uphold, but we’ll send you to college.
he’s been here since he was like, 21, so he’s a junior i think ??
he’s majoring in political science but it’s like technically his first year as the major bc his freshmen yr he wanted to do anthropology and then he switched to mathematics and homeboy was nvr satisfied but now he thinks he wants to do smth w social welfare so he’s doing political science w theatre and public affairs as minors
he’s got. a big personality
he’s got this sort of energy that attracts others but they don’t really know why bc holy shit benjy can be annoying
he’s just super intense ?? like the boy does not know how to calm down, he’s constantly moving around and being dramatic and sometimes whiny
pouts more than a person should averagely pouts
i wouldn’t call him a liar because he can be, very very blunt, and doesn’t know how to beat around the bush, but he likes telling half-truths simply to either confuse others or to just b a lil bitch tbh
he’s got big dumbass energy like okay he’s smart he just doesn’t apply himself very often and he just. does dumb things
gets into fights bc he’s a dumbass. like. he will purposely provoke ppl he doesn’t like, n when he’s drunk he’ll do it to literally anybody esp ppl he likes
also just. doesn’t know when to stop talking. can find ways to ramble about nothing, asks questions w the intent of being annoying, etc. etc.
his ~parents~ didn’t rly believe in modern medicine n they were just like ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away!’ so he’s got this obsession w apples. literally is always chewing on an apple or a toothpick or anything he can get his hands on. he’s like a teething toddler, essentially
probably the dumbass who plays wonderwall at a party tbh
okay but fun fact! he’s super nimble and just. cat-like, from all his yrs of practicing n performing tightrope walking. if he falls over it’s because he wants to fall over and if he falls over it’s bc he wants ATTENTION
he loves. being the center of attention? but he’s also content with being in the background if it makes sense. he just wants to be doing something, anything
anyways he doesn’t take shit seriously at all like, i don’t think he’s ever had a serious conversation in his life ?
big slut for parties. he loves partying, he nvr knew he loved partying until he went to ucla but he loves it
he’s got an addictive personality so like okay. he’s not Addicted Addicted to anything specific (besides nicotine) but he definitely has no problem with drinking n doing drugs Often.
i mean he’s reckless too he never knows when to stop, feels like he’s tryn to be the Superior boy but he’s not and he’s probably overcompensating nowadays to deal w the guilt of accidentally burning down his entire life
drives cars too fast, drinks too much, has no problem getting into heavier drugs
also okay on a lighter note the boy used to be addicted to cigarettes bc he started fairly young but hoo boy he’s now on that juul game
literally he always has a juul on him. spends all his money on juuls
he works as a florist n a gardener for extra cash even tho his bio parents send him money, just bc its one of the only things that really calm him down tbh ??
also i meant it when i said he doesnt tell ppl his real name, like, ever. at least his first name bc he loves his last name but ? u probably dont know him as benjamin or even benjy, just smth stupid like marcellus the magnificent or booboo the fool hahahsdfgh
did i mention he casually juggles bc i genuinely cannot remember lmao
uuuhh there’s more i’m sure but !! i have a really bad memory!
i also dunno if im keeping his fc but we will SEE
he’s basically like....still a five yr old child
OH okay so i remembered smth else
he’s essentially a nomad which means he hates being rooted to ucla so he’s usually off drivin’ around the coast bc he’s bored goddammit but he always comes back bc he’s a loyal dog
speaking of loyal dogs. he’s got commitment issues. but not commitment issues? it’s sort of like. he gets really interested in things/people, kind of focuses all his energy on that thing or person, and then one day wakes up and is just. terribly bored. tends to drop ppl like that, esp relationships, and he doesn’t think much of it bc it’s Normal for him
but believe it or not, if u call him in the middle of the night he WILL show up, or if u wrong him instead of him wronging u, he’ll still b endlessly loyal
like he’s shitty but he’s got a heart ?
also like i said. he is chaotically bi. both chaotic and bisexual and also the two combined.
he’s chaotic neutral in general
wanted connections ?? possibly ??
frat bros - [hulk hogan voice] brother. he needs them
general friends ! - if u dont hate him then u just. love him, man. no inbetween
exes - he’s probably got...a few of these, because his attention span lasts like a max of two weeks
hookups - they also dont tend to last very long just bc of how he is as a person, but y’know. they good while they last
ex-hookups, specifically
ex-friends - bc he’s an idiot
if u really want to u can bring in a circus pal but firstly idk how they’d afford school but honestly. we can work smth out. hmu [kissy face]
roommate - do they hate each other ?? who knows
bad influence - they only egg on benjy’s dumbass behavior
good influence - probably forces him to study for once, or take care of his dumb ass
idk what to call it but like. ppl who HE eggs on to be bad, is generally toxic to the other person
anything else u want [another kissy face]
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sannycai-latte · 6 years
I HOPE IM NOT TOO LATE, BUT: another world, baby don't like it, firetruck, lemonade love, star blossom (it's spring blossom in the list), and we young for the nct song asks!!
C Y R I N N E !!!! YOU ARE NEVER TOO LATE LOVELY OMIGOSHH thanks love for asking ;; i’ll try my best to answer these questions to the fullest- beware: the answers are super duper long imo
another world: which fictional world would you like to like to live in?
ngl i thought of this question a while back when i was just walking with my brothers and one of my friends dID bring it up when we were in middle school so i was just like, ‘man, i’d love to fly on a dragonite or a chariz- *GASP* SURFING ON EMPOLEON OR BLASTOISEEE ASJKJSA THAT’D BE AMAZINGGGG!!!!!!!!!’ what would i do if i had these pokemon omfg- i think the part that fascinates me most if i was to be in the pokemon world is those seals you put on pokeballs cuz like I’d totally waste all my potion money on those stickers rip  :DDD i also thought about the hunter x hunter world but.. it takes a  l o t  to be a hunter like earning your hunter license (i actually have a copy of a hunter license as a flash drive) and to learn nen so lets not go into worlds where you can get killed lol *cough* pokemon mangas *cough* ;;
baby don’t like it: what are your pet peeves? 
oh dear *cracks knuckles* buckle your seatbelts, this’ll be a long ass ride. i uh don’t like it (1)when people wash their hands and they use an excessive amount of paper towels- like.. THERE ARE STILL SOME DRY SPOTS ON YOUR NAPKIN TO WIPE ON OMFG- uhh (2) the squeaky sounds those BIC pencils make, (3)when people eat on my bed (i hate thinking that there might be crumbs where i sleep), (4) when i show someone something off my phone and they put it on the table (germs are g r o s s especially since i touch my phone 24/7), i don’t like (5) having my younger brother in my room, (6) i don’t like seeing litter or people littering (esp cuz i walk dogs and sometimes jojo tries to eat the trash- he really doesnt know any better :(( ) OH (7) I really don’t like being woken up, sometimes, i do ask people to wake me up, but i’ve been told that i yell at them when they wake me up and i don’t remember it??? i really do the darnest things when im unconscious and i have so many stories about that- aaand (8) being compared to, i’ve been compared to people soooo many fucking times, it’s exhausting to try and keep up with it all. i’ll stop there LOL
fire truck: your biggest fear?
HOO BOY UH im a huge scaredy cat so i have many (gonna name 3!)and i get super paranoid of (1) strange faces?? like i’d shut my bedroom door and closet door ALL the way so i don’t see any dark gaps in case something pops up out of nowhere.. (2) i don’t like heights- i get the view is beautiful and all but i’d much prefer it if the soles of my feet weren’t tingling in fear and sweating the shit out of my socks- OH but recently, i had um uh a terrible moment with my mother, so i guess my biggest fear is: not being good enough. I KNOW IT SOUNDS A BIT RIDICULOUS, but i get terrified, especially with people, when i like the person a lot, but then there’s a chance where they don’t like me the same way or same amount?? like we’re not as close as i thought :1 it has been a huge issue to me in february and it kinda fucked me up because i was second guessing myself and my worth but im okay, im better now
lemonade love: is there a thing you did during your childhood that you still do and if so, what is it?
uhh not sure if any of these are valid; (1) i already cry a lot, but seeing people close to me cry makes ME cry, it developed when i saw an elementary school friend of mine cry and like, recently, it has been really tough for my older brothers and one of them started crying aND THEN I STARTED TO FUCKING CRY- uhhh i saw one of my best friends cry for the first time last year, so i started to cry with her?? SHE WAS LIKE, “why are YOU crying???” (2) umm i used to pull my in n out burger apart since i normally eat it plain like IT WAS ONLY IN N OUT BURGERS THAT I DID THIS FOR?? i felt like it doesn’t taste the same unless i reconstruct it myself (or check for any hidden tomatoes)?? lately, that process has been shorter since i do get the sauce, sliced peppers, and lettuce in my burger now; (3) oH i always make up stories or scenes in my head because when i was younger, my brothers didn’t really play with me and my parents are always at work so i played by myself and made up characters/people or USED characters/people to create scenes in my head :’) i’ve been doing more of that lately (not that it ever stops LOL) and its been helping me write out my stories!!
spring blossom: what’s your favourite flower and why?
you’re my favorite flower- UH OKAy, i really like camellias because they’re name and how they look is just so pretty?? it’s also the scent of my shampoo and conditioner so i suppose i like the smell too! i also like jasmine flowers a lot because my mom used to pick them from our front yard for me when i was really little and placed them in my room, their scent is just the most loveliest thing ever.
we young: what is one film from your childhood that you never get tired of?
hmm i don’t watch films as much as i used to, but i always say that Aladdin is my favorite disney movie just cuz princess jasmine made a huge impact on me LOL uhh i own a lot of movies too so i don’t know why i can’t think of another decent answer, ig the little mermaid??- i should watch movies again..
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HOH: Nathan UPSIDE DOWN: Emma NOMINEES: Jev & Kiki POV: Joshua FINAL NOMINEES: Josh C & Kiki EVICTED: Josh C (6-0)
So,,,i highkey fucked up but all good things come to an end, I couldn't play the middle forever but the way it ended was just a little earlier than i expected. Also i handled the backlash of the dpov HORRIBLY! I did so many things wrong this week its insane even though i was on all day calling people i still fucked up,,,but its fine nothing i can really do to change that. But from here i want to fix things and do better, which does start with addressing where I fucked up so lets start with that woot woot (also holy shit that double was so draining this is the first time ive felt legitimately tired in a while and its only 1 am) 
-literally all my allies flopped on the comps when we REALLY needed to win and its even worse combined with the information I was told where people told me they were throwing just to do well instead- its clear they weren't being honest with me and I settled into their lies without an ounce of hesitation 
I just really settled certain things poorly leading up to this night, i think somewhere i majorly fucked up is with emma, if i was able to get her to vote out nick or get jacob to dpov someone she would vote out i would be in a much better position atm but i didn't and therefore ive exposed myself. And if i was able to receive knowledge of her rose gold dpov before hand i couldve worked out a new plan that way
This is where i **truly** fucked up and its gonna show in my jury management too, like theres NO way i could ever get nicks vote at this point in time. Also my gut instinct after the vote was to lie about the way i voted to kiki/joshua/nick/jev when i shouldve came clean and used a bullshit excuse about how i heard nick was after me or something. It's gonna damage my relationships with all of them
SO wabam here i am slightly fucked due to me being a mess but its okay!! I'm still in the game and while im not in as good as a position as I was last time im still certain i can get back into everyones good graces!! And i mean this vote did reveal that a lot of people consider me to be in a duo with them??? which um is kinda weird HBFSHDF Like joey and emma were both calling us duo of the season and i was like....k cute cool totally called that and knew we were a duo yup yup- FBHJDSBF LMAO but i mean in terms of my own position you have the two trios (jacob/bri/nathan and jev/kiki/joshua) who are going to go after each other with Josh C and Emma leaning toward jev/kiki/joshua while me and joey lean towards jacob/bri/nathan. Its crazy that its literally f10 and its five versus five with hardly any true middle player (for now wink wonk) 
But now that nick is out I need to think about whats next and whats my next big move. I think rn im involved with a lot of moves but im not the face of them (bri using pov on nathan, jacob dpoving bri) and such but if i want to win I have to make a move of my own and DEF need to work on jury management bc again nick is gonna hate my guts after reading my gbm,,,as yousef would say "oopsie whoopsie" so I think from here I need to get back in jev/kiki/joshua's good graces SOME how and im really tempted to come clean about my vote bc i think thats going to hurt me in the long run and theres literally already an alliance of all five of that side so like....whats the point of sewing mistrust but also, i do kinda want to try just being a dirty crime snake this game and seeing how much control I truly have on this game. Literally EVERYONE except those three knows my true vote and i've told them all to keep it to themselves so we'll see what happens,,,, im kinda tempted to pin the vote on emma just for funsies and tell them that "jacob told me hes close to emma" or some bs like that but also,,,thats kinda mean yknow? Its also a testament to test how much that trio trusts me which im GUESSING is less than emma but who knows maybe ill get lucky :DD 
Anyways in terms of moving on I really need someone who actually likes me to join jury so its not completely set against me the whole time but also im not sure how thats gonna go down ugh. I mean in terms of end game my options are starting to become limited because nathan/bri/jacob would all BODY me at the end bc at this point they've been the face of big moves and I hope my big move can be turning on one of them and getting them out at some point so when i really start to look at a realistic f2 I can win,,, im kinda leaning toward my new duos of emma or joey which is kinda a shocker to me too lemme tell u HFBSDF but joey's perception of the game seems,,,,messy and I think i can beat him while emma is def doing better but she hasnt snapped yet so i think i can maybe beat her. And then jev/joshua/kiki depends im not sure yet but the thing with them is none of them are gonna want to bring me to the end which is super frustrating (i mean i did just snake em so,,,maybe its deserved) 
The thing is that I like being honest about my vote so trying to have an honest game convo with any of those three is gonna be really hard,,,,esp considering they were all my targets for live night but here we are :') And i really dont know what to do at this point which is really annoyinggg (annoying @ myself theyre all lovely) I think im gonna have to wait a bit before i can try getting them all to fully trust me rn i dont know this has been such a mess but im doing my best!! Before i end this probably poorly aging paragraph its trust ranking time
1.myself (FUCK, and i cant stress this enough, EVERYONE)
2.Brianna (shes slowly becoming more stuck in jacob's trap but i do still think shes loyal to me, god IS a woman!!!)
3.Jacob (hate having this man so high bc hes bodying this game but he tells me a lot ig :/ )
4. Nathan (we need to call and discuss live night but he isnt going to like nominate me or anything)
5.Joey (apparently we're a f2?? not sure where that happened but also hes cagey idk)
-smol gap-
6.Josh C (told me his alliance!! shame he doesnt know im gonna rat him out to my side teehee)
7.Emma (we're also a duo?? almost forgot about that but i fucked her over here a bit but i can build the trust back up i THINK)
anothe gap
8.Jev (he talked to me after live night and didnt ask about my vote so thats cute....not sure where we stand...help)
9.Kiki (we talked briefly after the vote but idk if they realized im a snake yet)
10.Joshua (the silence is deafening) 
Not happy w/ my position yet and im likely to just come clean to joshua in a call tmrow because hes honestly really sweet and his friendship means a lot to me but i need to figure out how I leave me connection with jacob/bri out of it.. ill think of something
praying im not the most hated here but if i am it wouldnt be the first time ig, and thats on pewiod <3
LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I AM THRIVING. ABSOLUTELY THRIVING. Not a damn soul is coming after me, and more importantly, I have numbers on my side, and no one’s gonna be pissed off at me on BOTH sides of the house. People say Josh C is playing both sides? Nah, it’s me. I need him out because I’m trying to ride that middle man status. My ideal plan is to see Emma go home next week, so that way I ain’t responsible. I want to get rid of Jacob at Final 7, and I will damn sure make that happen. Aria and I have a Final 2 that I plan on sticking to. Seeing Nick go was sad, but good lord it was I-C-O-N-I-C.
Everything in this game lately has honestly pissed me off first it was me getting blindsided during live night even though i didnt really want to vote nathan if i was being honest i wanted brianna out over nathan because i thought nathan would be more easier to work with them boom Dpov and boom nick going i am like a little unsure if i regret using the dpov or not i do regret it well because nathan won hoh and sent me to the upside down and nick probably wouldnt try super hard for hoh but then again it seemed my so called allies were probably more closer to nick but i am not even sure my so called low confidence is my weakness in my games but i dont know how to be more confident pretty sure everyone beats me in the end at this point unless if i win an hoh if i do at this point Jacob/Brianna/even nathan getting nominated i didnt want nathan out before like if i won hoh i would of put him to the upside straight up nominate brianna and jacob if one of them goes off the block joey gets put up as a pawn after the upside down week im gonna do whatever to make it to the end idc if i go to the end with somebody i cant beat i just want to make this game enjoyable for me as i can i dont want to float for awhile then bring a goat to the end NNN 
my shit list  in order to who i target to who isnt on my rader
Jacob > Nathan > Brianna > Joshua = Aria > Jev > Kiki/Josh C > Joey
who i like most to who is most annoying to play on a game level (i dont really hate or dislike anyone on a personal level)
Aria > Jev > Joshua *tiny gap*  Nathan > Kiki/Josh C >>>>>>>>>>> Jacob > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joey = brianna also joey would be higher but he lied to me for no reason even tho i didnt mind putting alot of trust in me and i love brianna on a personal level but girl i am not good socially with her which is my fault and her fault also jacob kinda assumed stuff about me like not big stuff like meta  but he still told other people except me (people who are out who i love)  Gina/Jakey > Saira=Nick=Monty=Mo *small gap* Nash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dog shit > Taylers dinner (dylan and the og homies know it) >>>>>>>>>>>> DEM
but yeah this game has made me happy because everyone is nice except dem but its been hard to play it because if i felt better i think i would of been playing a 100x times better game
So I'm safe but it comes at the cost of one of my two favourite people in this game. I've arguably grown closest to Josh C throughout this game, but I promised Joshua that if he saved me with veto I'd vote however he wanted and he wants Josh C to leave over Kiki. This week is me and Nash as final noms levels of ugly.
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buggrl · 6 years
This is probably going to be depressing, so if your not in the mood for that, scroll away. I just have some thoughts i need to get off my chest and idk how to talk to real life people well.
Honestly, idk exactly how to start this. Theres been so much going on lately that i cant handle it. Its to the point that i wish i could get in a bad wreck and be stuck in the hospital not able to do anything. No work, no customers, hopefully no drama or stress. I actually want to hurt myself. Not for the death or satisfaction but just so im forced to be away feom all this.
I am a store manager. I say this, but i dont believe it. I am a donkey. Here to break my back so that my store owners dont have to. I do the schedule. All the ordering. All the running around. All the bank work. All the customer interactions. All of it. I work doubles and doubles in rows. I dont actually have a day off. Im always doing something for the store or worrying about the next day at the store. Im the one who gets harassed when a customer is unhappy. And all i get is "Thank you."
Normally, when i get thanked, im ecstatic! I got praised! I did something good! But when i see that text message of a long request and then just "Thank you. Your the best!" I just shutter. The tears well up and i just have to try to calm down. But its fine to over work me, right? I dont have kids. My family is in good health. There is nothing of "real" importance to me. I have a boyfriend of 7 years. Seeing him apprentally doesnt matter, esp since hes deploying soon.i have a best friend who goes through shit, but cant help her out ever, im at fucking work. My dog, who has anxiety and destroys the house if im not home, only ever gets to sleep with me.
And what about me? Im bipolar with anxiety issues on a constant. Im mean and nasty to myself and just want others happy. I will take any request as long as it will make you smile or help unload your burden. I dont want to help some of the time. But i hate to see people struggle. I get off my meds constantly since im working too hard to remember to take them. I dont sleep and if i do, its lightly, in the off chance my store calls. I can only sleep deep with sleeping meds. I cannot show emotion besides happiness because no one knows how to handle any other emotion. I get shot down and told to stop if i get angry. Everyone freezes and just kinda backs away from me when i crying. So i just bottle it all. Everything is bottled. I cry, but never all of it. It always transfers to the next day.
My family isnt much better lately. My mother and my father are constantly fighting. She wants to leave, he doesnt want her to but he cant get over the fact she cheated on him. She doesnt want to leave because shes never been independent, but tells me continuously that shes going to. All i ever hear is my mom side of this. And her back tracking after telling me how awful of a fight they had and how bad my dad was to say that hes not a bad man and that she wronged him. I have no idea what my dad is going through and i know he won't tell me. He will just hide it from me, say i have my owm things to worry anout and drop the subject. But god i want to know. I want to comfort my dad. I want to be there for him. How can i tell him i wont go anywhere if they divorce? I won't just abandon him like my brother might, just because mom isnt there. God, im tearing up at just thinking this.
To top all of this off, my boyfriend is leaving. For a year. So for a year, i will be with just my best friend and my dog. I will not have the support i always lean on, and that terrifies me. Yea, i have my bestie, and by god, she is fucking heaven sent. I love this woman to death and would do anything for her but i hide alot from her, as she does me. Its a security thing we both have a tendacy of doing. I cant do that with my boyfriend. It always comes out. And i wont have him here to help me.
The other thing is, he wants me to decide whether i stay here when hes gone or move to our new base by myself. And honestly. I dont know. I want out of this place so bad. This place is such a hell hole. People come to party or die here. There is no in between. But i have people here that i love and care for me. I have shoulders to cry on and places to crash if ever needed. Where we can be going is somewhere new. Somewhere i have never been before. Somewhere to start over. But its only his family there. I dont know anyone. And i domt know his family well enough to be comfortable around them. So i just dont know.
With all of this, i just want to disappear. I domt want to be here anymore. I dont want to die but i dont want to be here, if that makes sense. Idk. It probably doesnt.
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