qoppybirdie · 22 days
please do mgs3 ocelot writing about naked snake (the codename, not. snake literally naked.......... or....., well, up to you) on his diary like a teenage girl, this is the vibe:
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and show the content of said diary, but it's all extremely girly and it has stickers and silly doodles etc etc
I saw a fanart the other from who knows what fandom that was like that and I immediately thought of dming u this very same request (w the og post) because I could SO CLEARLY envision it with your style, but I was reticent to do so and now I have to send a photo stock OTL
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i could’ve written more in the diary BUT NOTHING WOULD COME TO MIND. love this request btw im very flattered and wiggly at the fact that u could envision it in my style HEHEHEEI
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remembered @hehe-hoho-ohno's misfits au it's sooooo good and i love it. CHEERS AND APPLAUSE. YAY
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anotherpapercut · 10 months
if you are in the US and are at risk of unwanted pregnancy, you should buy mifepristone immediately while it's still legal to mail so you can have it on hand just in case (it should keep for about 2 years). the future of this method of medication abortion is seriously at risk. it is very important that you are prepared for a worst case scenario
if this applies to you or a loved one go here and follow the instructions. it's $150 so if you are not at risk of unwanted pregnancy and are able, please consider helping others with the cost, or buying some to have on hand in case someone you know needs it in the future
edit: just wanted to add that I personally have already bought and received a provisional dose in case I know someone who needs one from this site so I can confirm that it is legit
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motleyfam · 1 year
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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I couldn't work these into my other post but I think they're very cute
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
I think as we grow up, we have to be really conscious of romanticizing the world we grew up in in order to scorn how the next generations are growing up.
Nostalgia isn't inherently bad, but especially in political spaces, be very wary of this idea that there is an Ideal Past we must Harken Back To.
It sucks to feel left behind, but such is the human condition. It isn't bad to feel nostalgic, but that doesn't mean that these new generations are inherently "lost" and "need to be saved (by you)", and I think that is very important to remember and try to be conscious of.
#politics#'the world you grew up in no longer exists' frankly... GOOD!#the world i personally grew up in was scary and lonely and traumatizing. no kid today should STILL be growing up like that#the whole 'nostalgia as a poltical means' is rooted in this idea that...#1) we all grew up in a hegemony 2) we all turned out the same 3) the way we grew up had more privileges afforded to us#and i personally like nostalgia! i like watching videocamera videos from 2005 and looking up super specific shit#but nostalgia does not a good world make#INSERT UMBERTO ECO'S FOURTEEN POINTS ON FASCISM#(though i don't always think nostalgia can lead to this in a political sense there is a fine line)#be very mindful of what motivates nostalgiaposting#is it because people miss childhood and how 'simple' it felt? or is there a different reason that motivates this type of posting?#are you romanticizing childhood to the point you are not remembering your childhood /at all/ but the *idea* of it?#and honestly it is SO jarring when my peers are nostalgic because it's like... we aren't even that old!!#it comes across like... the world is hard and it's getting harder and so we cannot chnage and must wistfully think of the past...#...and to me it comes across as almost... doomerist in how end-stage feelings of nostalgia and hopelessness seen#i feel compassion for the impulse to feel like your old life is over and you need to grieve it...#...but certainly that isn't the younger generations fault? especially because WE are now the ones rasing them and we still yet live#(even at our completely decrepit age of not even close to a mid-life crisis (sarcasm and lighthearted))
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seoafin · 10 months
gojo and geto seem like the last people to be overly domestic but they take to it so easily it surprises everyone
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Fandom aro culture is wanting to be obnoxious about your arospec headcanons but the idea of anyone coming after you for them makes you want to scream
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clay-pidgeon · 7 months
every day i think about feferi peixes
#krill chirps#my stuff#i feel like shes just. shes an Interesting Character to me#despite being not really any sort of focus character#she was the heiress to alternia and disagreed with the condesce thats Inch Resting to me#idk i feel like having her just be some sort of filler character on par with nepeta or equius was a sort of waste of Something#like. worldbuilding i Guess#iirc ah actually like. Mentioned that meenah is so cool and pretty relevant to sort of make up for pisces who got “saddled” with feferi#it just always struck me as odd that even tho she was like the princess and one of the nicest trolls (which is considered odd in alternia)#she barely had any time in the spotlight#ITS JUST. i think the hemospectrum as a Whole is pretty underdeveloped#its a v interesting piece o’ worldbuilding but not super expanded on when you get into specific castes?#BUT ESPECIALLY FUSCHIAS#bc like. it was just a weird move to say hello heres the Princess of this Fucked Up Murder Society and she Doesnt Want To Murder and also#her mom is an eldritch beast#and then just murder the gal#AND THATS NOT EVEN GETTING INTO HER RELATIONSHIP WITH ERIDAN#or the fact that the fandom boils her down to the sweet irrelvant fishpun princess#(classic fandom misogyny moment. btw)#when in canon shes got a MEAN STREAK!#she is RUDE SOMETIMES#stop flattening her fudusudueusifoekfjej#feferi peixes#homestuck#maintagging them bc i put a shit ton of stuff into the notes#look at my words boy#i dont think its wasted potential for feferi specifically as much as it is the Idea of feferi#its not like she got a whole arc that was abandoned#its more like. she Could have had an arc#it just never started. idk. i like feferi shes cool
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
Can I request "this didnt turn out like I intended" with shidou, es, and amane?
Aw yeah!! Thank you so much for the request -- I ended up giving the line to Es but honestly all three of them could have said it, it was perfect 👀 I pictured this before the T2 interrogations, with Es being fairly quiet about their guilt towards everything that happened. Though Shidou appears a bit less, I hope I could convey that he and Es share a lot of thoughts, interestingly.
Es would never get accustomed to the screaming. 
They’d heard a few anguished cries from the prisoner’s videos. They’d gotten a few agitated shouts when the first trial verdicts were announced. But nothing could have prepared them for the way the prison halls echoed now. Whether the prisoners poured out their sorrows, anguish, or agony at recent injuries, Es didn’t think they needed Milgram’s power to hear the true sounds of their heart. 
Es wished they’d just stop already. They knew it was selfish to hope for. They knew it stemmed from their own guilt. That didn’t make them wish for it any less.
The current bout of cries was coming from Shidou’s cell. Es had paused just before passing, trying to bury a wince as they listened to Fuuta struggle with treatment.
Amane approached from the other side. She glared at the cell, though Es knew it wasn’t the screaming that was bothering her.
She opened her mouth to speak, but they said in a hushed voice, “hey, I don’t need you giving Shidou any trouble. I know you disapprove, but I stand by this. I’m the one who told Shidou to check on Fuuta and Mahiru. I’m going to make sure they’re cared for.”
Amane studied them with her bright, unsettling gaze. “Why?” Her voice came out as strangely even as always. She was one of the few Es hadn’t heard any kind of shout from. “If something is destined to happen, who are you to change its course? Do you really believe you are the same as God, having that much control over the lives of others?”
“Not at all.” Es didn’t fight her. They weren’t here to change her heart, only read it. Still, they wondered if they could convince her to soften a bit without denouncing her beliefs. “The thing is, I’m not affecting their fate.”
“Then what do you call this?”
“Putting things back the way they should be.”
Es had tried to stand by their actions. They’d put on a tough face in front of the injured prisoners. They could not show weakness. As their warden, they couldn’t show any uncertainty, whatsoever. After all, the only thing worse than nearly getting killed was finding out you nearly got killed because of a child’s mistake. So they would keep this act up. They would assure everyone that this was still going according to plan. 
The way Amane looked at them, she already knew it wasn’t.
So, they figured it wouldn’t hurt to speak a little more openly now. Maybe it would even help explain Amane’s verdict. That certainly hadn’t gone as planned, either. “I wrongfully changed their lives when I let them get hurt. I saw that Kotoko had the capability for something like this, and I ignored it in the name of forgiveness. Now I need to fix the harm I’ve caused.”
“You haven’t caused any harm.”
Fuuta howled from inside.
Amane turned her gaze away. “That was still an outside force. You had no control over Kotoko’s actions. You and Shidou have control now.”
“I did have control over Kotoko, though. I knew my choices would have consequences. This is my fault.”
It felt good to say it out loud. Maybe not 'good.' It was a relief.
“And if I may venture to speak for Shidou…” That man was a mystery, but Es had put a few pieces together, at least. “It seems… he also took some lives off of their intended course. This is his way of fixing that. Right now, this is all we can do to make up for our decisions of the past. Isn’t that acceptable?”
She went to answer, but some shuffling from the cell cut her off. Shidou emerged, his expression changing ever so slightly upon finding the two just outside. Fuuta scowled on his way out, but said nothing. 
As the pair stood face to face, Amane’s eyes lit with fiery fury. Shidou met her with a harsh coldness.
“I wasn’t expecting you two,” he said simply. He was one of the others Es had yet to hear with a raised voice. Their two quietest prisoners, locked in such an intense struggle. That had certainly been an unexpected turn. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes,” Es lied. “We just stopped to talk for a moment.”
“Oh? What about?” Shidou folded his hands together. His gloves were covered in blood, they noticed. 
“Just that… this…” they waved a gloved hand in a general gesture, “didn’t work out as I intended.”
Shidou offered them a smile. It was one without any warmth, but that didn’t make it any less genuine.
“Mmm. It never does.”
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thefirstknife · 11 months
While I 100% agree that if people aren't having fun they should take a step back/quit, I don't like the "if you're not having fun just go find another game" argument because it's so often used to shut down actual legitimate criticism from people who are otherwise enjoying the game but want genuine problems to be addressed. (I've seen it, for example, when people try to bring up bigotry in games and suggest maybe making some changes to remove it. I always get wary when I see people say it now.)
Oh yeah absolutely. There's real criticism that we have to be able to point out and discuss. A lot of the times people use this for any minor criticism someone has and I agree, that's often a way to shut down the conversation. Criticism in general is supposed to come from a place of love: you love something and you want to see it be better.
Unfortunately, in this case, when the community turns into ONLY negativity and criticism, it's kinda hard to believe they care about the game anymore. If people still had some positive stuff to engage with and were enjoying the game but had issues, then sure. But most of the negativity online right now is just purely rage bait. Bungie apparently has no redeeming qualities, and Destiny is dead. Misinformation is spreading about everything: all devs abandoned Destiny to work on Marathon (claim with no source that's accepted as fact and makes no sense: Destiny is the only game making them money, they can't abandon it before Marathon is out. Like, logically), monetisation is the worst in the industry (I genuinely don't believe that they play other games if they think that Destiny's monetisation is the worst in the industry), Bungie is maliciously banning people for fun (????) but also Bungie isn't banning people enough, Bungie is maliciously making server issues and didn't develop a "fix server" button in their office, game development is easy and Bungie is just lazy and the devs don't want to tell us anything because they're evil, Destiny is falling apart and nobody is playing anymore (just trust me bro), and most recent one which is possibly the most baffling of all - Bungie Foundation is a scam to write off taxes. Yes, that is currently discourse (which apparently gets recycled every year). Bungie Foundation, a charity organisation that's been going on for 13 years and is an independent registered organisation, is a scam. This is where we're at with the community mentality. And there's even more.
When we're at this point, it's truly something else. Like, if they believe conspiracy theories about Bungie and think Bungie is scamming them, maybe they just shouldn't play the game anymore. Why are they still here if they think this is all a scam? I would drop the game if I believed any of this so strongly.
Normal people having criticism and all is perfectly fine however! I did my fair share especially recently about the season pass pricing changes which I called a predatory practice and still believe it is. There's a lot more stuff to complain about while still enjoying the game and not basing your entire online existence and personality on hating Bungie. If they've got nothing else to do besides sitting on twitter shitting on Bungie, maybe it's time to move on.
I've also had my suspicions about the motives for hardcore Bungie hate after the incidents involving transphobic attacks on Bungie devs following the LF showcase, as well as all the crap about Nimbus and their VA. Given the recent developments about the general anti-LGBT+ mentality, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a contingent of people who are focusing on Bungie more than anyone else for how outspoken they are in their support for LGBT+ causes. Like, not to do some big reach or something but it's fairly curious that gamers online are adopting the anti-LGBT+ sentiments while Bungie is aggressively supportive. It just rubs me the wrong way that the one company that's committed to this and has been for years before most other companies jumped on the bandwagon is the one that they're choosing to paint as the worst villain. And the LGBT+ support isn't even all, as Bungie has other initiatives where they actively support women's right, reproductive rights, poc rights, disability rights and so on). I don't know, I've been a part of the gaming community for a long time and while there's been massive changes since the early days (and since gamergate days), the issues of bigotry in gaming remain. It feels particularly suspicious to, out of ALL companies, single out Bungie which invests in charities and progressive causes. Like, in the grand scheme of things, every corpo is robbing me blind, I know that, I have to give money to corpos to live on this Earth, so I at least want to give it to a corpo that considers me to be a human being and funds causes that promote my rights, instead of wanting me dead.
Ironically, all of this weird hate makes it harder to have actual normal criticism. It just gets drowned and lost in the sea of exaggerated bullshit and lies and conspiracies perpetuated by people who just don't seem to like the game anymore. At the end of the day, it's a video game. Whatever criticism we have, if it gets to the point where we just can't handle the state of the game, the best way to show it is to simply stop playing. A deluge of harassment on twitter will not bring about meaningful change nor will it adequately convey our criticism to anyone. If they truly want some changes, they would do this criticism in a way that matters, instead of creating a horde of angry gamers who will latch onto every lie and create a hate bandwagon.
#destiny 2#bungie#long post#ask#i def agree with the premise of the ask btw. if that isn't clear#not all criticism is just meaningless rage#unfortunately it's harder than ever to parse through the bullshit to find it#and like. if this leads to less monetisation or something. sure. I'd like that too#but the methods being employed here are literally only hurting community managers devs and the community itself#the marketing board of execs at bungie who decided on monetisation aren't reading twitter comments#going at bungie won't solve the problems of capitalism#you gotta join a different cause to do that my working class siblings#check a discussion on the industry from thiccest_yosh on twitter (he's a bungie dev)#he specifically called out monetisation ruining art as well as misinformation and rage being spread by CCs#refreshing to see this being said directly and publicly by someone who works in the industry#and one more note on the bigotry stuff that made me bitter about aztecross and his stupid video the most#aztecross played supported and promoted hogshit legacy. this big 'anti-corpo warrior'#funding one of the biggest bigots in the world who actively works on trying to kill as many people as possible. totally fine i guess#'it's just a video game.' but with bungie it's life and death apparently#it makes me super bitter and suspicious. especially given how many CCs were in on misgendering characters#i dont trust any of these people. they're a business and when the business is bigotry they gladly participate
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Hmm. Y'know. The first 3 episodes tend to get a lot less attention because No Ed, but like. Episode one is Good and Important actually, especially in terms of Stede's character, and how he is perceived by everyone else around.
Stede's first impression on pretty much all the pirates in the show is that he is just a kind of clueless rich guy, playing at being a pirate because he thinks it's fun, and like. He absolutely is all that, but crucially he is also Very Bad at being a Rich Guy in the way that is expected- something that really isn't obvious until you see him interacting with other Rich People.
So you have the crew in the first half of episode one, an inch away from a mutiny, just barely tolerating Stede at all- and then badminton and the navy shows up and, oh, he doesn't fit in either does he? He might have money but he isn't here JUST because he thought it would be fun, the upper class that the crew all resented so much, that they previously thought Stede was indistinguishable from, is actually just as hostile to him as everyone else. (more or less- obviously the passive aggressive slights at Stede are not actually as bad as the overt racism, but it is enough to create that sense of solidarity.)
And then they let off some steam murdering, finally, and they are much more content having Stede as their captain.
But the flip side to all that is that Edward was NOT there for that important revelation - cause here's the thing, his first impression of Stede is ALSO 'standard, if friendlier, Rich Guy'- he just seems to like that impression more than everyone else. In their first few episodes he very explicitly wants Stede to teach him How To Be A Rich Guy! He doesn't know how bad at it Stede is! And the only time he does see Stede interact with other upper class people he is far too caught up in his own stuff to notice the more subtle ways that Stede doesn't fit in. He never really figures out how miserable Stede was in his previous life, he can't quite see all the self loathing that it bred simmering just below the surface- which is then what leads to their downfall.
He doesn't know how much Stede dislikes himself, how much he doesn't think he deserves happiness, and that paired with Ed's own pretty questionable self esteem is what leads to the misunderstanding at the end! All of that is set up in the first episode!
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potholefullofsoup · 4 months
the amazing devil was right. maybe if i’m good he’ll come back (he’s not coming back) (he’s never coming back) (you had everything you wanted and you ruined it because that’s the only thing you know how to do) (you get mean when you’re nervous like a bad dog) (why the fuck would he come back?)
(you did so much. you tried so hard to be good but it wasn’t enough. it has never been enough. it will never be enough. you will never be enough) (you were doing better too. you’ve been clean for so long and you were trying to get off the weed to an extent or at least use it as less of a crutch)
(but what the fuck else are you going to do now? your house is large and empty and you cannot be alone with this when you can barely handle it with your partner next to you) (what happens when they leave for work? what happens when they leave forever? who are you without the people you love? are you anyone?) (maybe when everyone finally leaves and you stand alone bleeding in front of the mirror you’ll finally see what’s underneath it all: nothing and no one) (maybe you’re as empty as your shitty apartment feels without three people in it)
(feels like a fire in your skull and your throat and your heart. feels like your body is a building set ablaze with the doors chained shut. you cannot ever escape yourself, no matter how hard you try. never forget that fact.) (the angriest dog in the world cannot move or eat or sleep as they approach the state of rigor mortis.) (feels like the wallpaper inside my heart is slowly slowly peeling off) (if i’m good will you come back?)
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galoshes · 2 years
one thing that took me a really long time to realize about the writing of the owl house is about ships, because i gotta say there isn't a whole lot of wiggle room for the main ones. obviously luz and amity were immediately paired together once amity started showing interest in luz and the feelings were mutual, and even at the time when it was still new and some people liked to experiment with different ideas like willow and luz etc., ultimately the majority of the fandom supports the endgame lumity. and that doesn't even take into account for the raeda ship where dana left pretty much no room for any different ships with eda and raine. i just think it's an interesting observation since more often than not, fandoms have shipping wars, and pretty intense ones at that. with that in mind, I'm really excited to see where dana takes us with the huntlow ship since there's no definitive answer for once in the show, just little bits and pieces left here and there by the crew that ships them. i think that's definitely why the ship grew so much in popularity so quickly
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 7 months
there really needs to be a name for the trope where a piece of media makes a very obvious fantasy stand-in for an irl marginalized group--or just straight up people from an irl marginalized group--so they can conflate them with their oppressors, whether directly or with sly innuendo and imagery to evoke it. this is never used as an opportunity to explore lateral violence, let alone done so with sensitivity; it's bait dangled in front of an audience who's just aware enough of political movements, structures, and ideologies to go Ideology Very Bad and instantly shut off any examination of the messaging behind it.
(which is, often as not, either shifting the blame to marginalized people so the audience can hate demographics they're already comfortable with hating instead of grappling with the discomfort of real privilege being called out or held accountable, 'so the horrific and violent bigotry leveled at that group irl is totally justified and we should Do More of That Actually,' or both.)
like. i keep seeing this over and over and over. don't get me started on how SF/F media in particular seems completely unable to restrain itself from having at least one black character in a setting that breathes anywhere near fantasy racism say and do just the most ungodly racist shit ever. every time, jesus fuck, it's awful.
this trope is not at all limited to racism or antisemitism--it shows up for pretty much any marginalized group you can think of, BOY i have rants in me about a lot of portrayals of abuse survivors in various media i'm into--but it seems to pop up most blatantly and obviously for those. and fascism in general, which, i HIGHLY recommend these excellent essays for a more articulate and in-depth analysis of than i could give in a paragraph of one post. they're fantastic go read them and come back. especially the second one.
more specifically, it's a special favorite of these fucking people to evoke this with nazism. so the closest term i've got to what i'm describing is naziwashing, which i think is still useful as a descriptor of a subset of that phenomenon but again does not nearly cover all of it. so i'm a bit stumped.
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nicosraf · 1 year
Do you have, on hand, a description of what the main characters look like from ABM? I wanna make fanart or possibly a small animation but I dont have the book anymore to reference their designs :(
I can just summarize their appearances!
Lucifer – brown-skinned, blonde wispy hair (long but no specified exact length, I think), golden eyes, pouty lips, violet wings, lots of jewelry
Michael – brown-skinned, very dark brown loose curls (unspecified length but implied to be longish), some beauty marks, really large and strong and muscular, bump on his nose bridge, brown-green, hooded eyes, brown wings
Rosier – brown-skinned, long black hair with bangs, round face, short, body type not specified but I imagine him to be chubby, golden eyes, yellow wings
Asmodeus – skin color not specified but said to be paler than others, long black hair he usually has ribbons in, thick eyebrows, dark, almond eyes, dresses really lazily, weirdly tall, body type not specified but I imagine he's weirdly lanky
Baal - skin color "about the same as Lucifer's", tall and large but with thin hips, so he's more an inverted triangle shape, black wings, tight curls of light-brown hair, large nose, "cocoa" eyes
Uriel - very dark skin, hair usually in a crown of braids but he had cornrows in one instance, orange -red eyes, red wings, tall
Raphael – skin color not specified, hair is brown and long (later, he has it in a thick braid), blue-green eyes, body type not specified but I think he's Not strong at all
Gabriel – pale skin and lots of freckles. wavy light-brown hair with flowers in it, button nose, gray eyes, about Lucifer's height
Azazel - dark skin, long box braids, usually wears intricate makeup, beaded jewelry, not specified in this book but he has blue eyes
Phanuel – olive skin, emerald eyes that are almond-shaped (like Asmodeus), feathery black hair that goes up to his waist, strong cheekbones, a lot of rings
I think that's everyone! if it helps, @saintxrys made this lovely piece that shows a lot of the angels. I've labelled them for your convenience
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