bakudekublogblog · 4 months
i'm sorry i dont think we're talking enough about the bkdk music video. they wrote a whole song full of yearning lyrics and holding hands and longing to be at each other's sides and miscommunicating but still wanting to be together, and then they put child actors in bkdk colors and hand them playing super heroes and holding hands. like bkdks were just given that. an official bkdk song and music video. hello????
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Cicada Days (Will Wood)
And God knows crying ain't gonna change a thing/She said take care But I take more than I bring/She said, "It just feels inhumane to lose this much"/"'Cause when you leave you know you takе more than your love"
"It is just so so so sad and such a good representation of how grief and loss feels sometimes. It really shows that sort of quiet misery and helplessness and how at some point you just give up and stop waiting for tomorrow to get better. Also “it just feels inhumane to lose this much” is the most relatable and best line ever written or sung by anyone ever."
"it's the shouted out lyrics at the end. it's the themes of losing people. it's the final album feeling"
With Love Comes A Great Waterfall (HTTYD 3)
"It goes So Fucking Hard. The bit where the brass kicks in sends a fucking shiver up my spine every time "
Poll Runner: HTTYD is such a special franchaise to me, and I think we can all agree how big a part the music playys to make the films so incredible. This particular score blends in melodies from some of the more devestating parts of the film, while still being a magnificent concert piece. I just love it.
Cicada Days submitted by @localvoidcat
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wrongcaitlyn · 4 months
hellooo! ok this is quite a long message so i completely understand if it takes you a while to get to it / if you don't listen to all the songs - no pressure at all!!
i have given you song recs before but i cannot stop obsessively thinking about your fic and so i wanted to share more ✨nico di angelo songs ✨ (or at least ones i think would fit interestingly)
firstly!! 'everything to help you sleep' by julien baker (i reccomended one of her songs last time to but they're all so nda coded) and this one fits esp with the recent chapter where nico had a nightmare. it has quite religious themes but feels a lot like it could be him talking to bianca 'thought i made out your reply / the seconds between sound and light' and 'if i scream a little louder, i know you would have heard it'. her song 'turn out the lights' also has a similar idea of not being able to keep away nightmares (that one is a bit more self-deprecating though - but also one id highly recommend!!)
and more by her!! 'good news' is from her first album and i love it a lot - it doesn't fit perfectly but some lyrics really do - 'your long hair, a short walk / my biggest fear and a slow watch' and then straight after 'always scared that every situation ends the same' only for the song to end with 'i ruin everything i think could be good news'
and then 'repeat' (still jb) is also very nico to me and maybe aimed more at will? 'say i miss you like a mantra til i forget what it means / doesn't matter what you tell me i just need to hear you speak' - i feel like it kind of has that same of theme of how nico feels like bad things will just keep happening to him over and over again.
also!! this might not fit super well as a nico song but 'cartwheel' by lucy dacus is so so so solangelo to me (my goal in life is to write a will solace-centric fic called 'skin scarred and sun-kissed lol) especially in your universe with nico's father - not so much the second verse though.
okay then 'dream state...' by lucy dacus could potentially be a devestating nico song about bianca. i mean it literally begins with 'we woke up to the thunder' 'and then the water came / and washed it all away' and then she says 'without you i am surely the last of our kind' (this song also has a sequel in '...familiar place')
then (final song lol) 'keep the rain' by searows (he even has a song called haunted which is also kind of nico and i thought was a funny parallel) feels very much like nico + therapy + talking to will: 'i don't know what steps to take / i do the easy ones until it helps' and then THE RAIN MOTIF comes through again 'when you keep the rain from coming'
and i would just overall highly recommend listening to lucy dacus and julien baker!! i love them both so much as artists + they both have some of the best lyricism i have seen + their work is just very masterful
ok thank you for letting me take up your time and babble on so much!! <333
okay now onto these!!
everything to help you sleep is SO nico oh my god 😭 can never have enough religious imagery and the "if you scream a little louder, i know you would have heard" is making me think specifically of smth in nda3 and AHGLSKDF this is so perfect omg😭 i NEED to listen to julien baker's discography istg i will at some point
turn out the lights is also. so. oh my goddksjf "is it real or a dream? which is worse?" and "i just wanted to go to sleep" is so😭 i wanna cry ik i put this angst on nico so really i'm the only one to blame but like this is so so perfect and fitting :((
and honestly i think those lyrics you quoted from good news was able to convince me on it's own but then i listened and looked at the lyrics and "when i stay up and throw my voice about you or less about you and more about how i ruin" is just SO him like going to the studio late at night all the time and justGOD THIS SONG IS SO PERFECT😭 it's literally just him constantly getting his hopes up that that's the last time and then these things keep happening to him and ahgskdf :((
(sorry i'm so incoherent i'm having a hard time conveying how much i love these in ways other than keysmashes)
anon. you recommended repeat. and then i searched it up and looked at the lyrics and listened to the song. and then i saw "ALL MY GREATEST FEARS TURN OUT TO BE THE GIFT OF PROPHECY". WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCKJSKGJASKLJTLAWE
sorry i need to find a way to include that somewhere ANON YOU'VE GIVEN ME TOO MANY GOOD SONGSJSDFDS i love this one so much😭😭
honestly cartwheel to me seems so will pov but also both of them like "and i remember when you used to call holed up in the closet in the hall scared you wouldn't live to 45 the same age as your father when he died" is so😭😭 i love this </33
(also i would 100% read a fic called skin scarred and sun-kissed)
dream state IS THE BIANCA AND NICO SONG WTFSKJDFD the lyrics you quoted are literally so so fitting and HEARTBREAKING but that's just the way it is with bianca tbh (also i'm a sucker for repeat lyrics so i love that ending with the slow build and the production and ahhh)
you're so right with the "i don't know what steps to take i do the easy ones until it helps" it's literally him :// this is perfect😭
and i most DEFINITELY HAVE TO listen to julien and lucy bc like. those songs hit so hard. i swear i'll get around to it at some point i have so many artists i've been meaning to listen to and then i just go and listen to ttpd for the 35023809328th time😭
thank you so so much for the recs!! now to once again rearrange nda3
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catboyclarity · 1 year
Rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
Blumenkranz - Hiroyuki Sawano. Friend showed me Kill La Kill couple months ago, all of the music on it slaps but this one slaps the hardest 10/10
Spring/Sun/Winter/Dread - Everything Everything. Every single song off of Get To Heaven is an absolute banger I could listen on on repeat forever and I guess this one was the flavor of the week most recently.
The Predatory Wasp Of The Palisades Is Out To Get Us! - Sufjan Stevens. Long time fav I've been revisiting because I just did a Sufjan deep dive. It is such a beautiful song and gets me in my feelings bad even though nothing like this ever happened to me.
No Shade In The Shadow Of The Cross - Sufjan Stevens. Again my Sufjan deep dive strikes. This one is short so its easy to get a lot of loops in. Obsessed with "Like a champion, get drunk to get laid/I take one more hit when you depart" as a lyric.
The Hills - The Weeknd. It fucks. Sorry!
All For Myself - Sufjan Stevens. SHUFFLE DOES NOT NEED TO BE DOING ME LIKE THIS. This song is about sloppy gay sex for sure.
Smear The Queen - Xiu Xiu. I think this is like my currently most listened to song on Spotify which I'd believe. Fav song for me to listen to and think about The Trauma cuz it doesn't get me TOO upset but is very resonant.
1111 - Ramesh. I just like it. It makes me think about my catboy OC.
Ontario Gothic - Foxes in Fiction. Another long time fav, just one of the most beautiful songs ever written IMO.
I'm not tagging 10 people but uhhhh @calronhunt @doggerell @egopoiesis @captnumbers @vividbeast @wolvesandvisions @ogerpon @squinkus if yall want
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Hey hey ☺️
7: A song to drive to
12: A song from your preteen years
20: A song that has many meanings to you
23: A song that you think everybody should listen to
Hi, love 🖤
A song to drive to:
DRIVE by Incubus. I skipped my prom to go to Incubus/ Hoobastank🤘🏻 Shit is STILL good. Plus it’s the title track of my current fave speculative Osblaine fic🖤 if you’re weary and need hood check out Drive by TMBlue.
A song from my preteen years 🧐
I’ve always been an EMO. As a kid all I had was oldies on the radio. And this song is my favorite thing: HAPPY SOUNDING MUSIC 😃 with devastatingly sad lyrics. That’s my shit. AND the songs literally about that masking shit. Nick Blaine energy. Crying and repressing it. Wondering why everyone is fooled bc ur dying inside.
Song that has many meanings to me:
1. My best friends in highschool played this in a basement the night I met my Ex. The lead singer had just been dumped and was shooting daggers at the girl who broke his heart every time he said “heartbreaker” 😫
2. One of my favorite karaoke songs - hubby and I can play it as a band! Drums guitar vocals
3. It’s about alcoholism. Being the son of an alcoholic step dad. Who got sober. Congratufuckinglations. Still hate you and how you ruined my life 🤷🏼‍♀️ emo af. Sounds happy /devestating lyrics
4. 1st Weezer song I ever heard. All time fave bands. Thankful for this song.
A song everyone should listen to:
1. Original punk sound
2. Catchy af
3. What’s hilarious here is - he’s bragging about hurting ppl. Which would be shock rock if he was serious- but he’s playing the role of an earnest Serial killer- like if Ted Bundy had a band where he sang about offing ppl. It’s such a cool angle.
4. Glen Danzig 🖤
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radellama · 2 years
Magus, Harland and Flea (or any combination)
Ok so.. This is long. But I tried to limit myself. I have about a million and one songs for magland, but I stuck with 5 each. And 3 for Flea
Correct Me - Foreign Fields
This is actually a really old Magus song for me. Like, it's been a song I associated with him for years now. The general vibe and the lyrics here.. to me they really demonstrate the feeling Magus might have while he's standing on North Cape and witnessing the fall of his kingdom. Even after everything he did, everything he worked towards.. 'all these years, oh they're passing me by; I'll let gravity do what it does and correct me.' There's a certain devestation I think Magus FEELS, and I can imagine that in the depths of that agony, he could 'tear off his wings and learn how to dive.'
Even If It's a Lie (Demo) - Matt Maltese
So a lot of harland songs kinda relate to his pov of their relationship. This song feels like it could be describing some feelings Magus has regarding his pov. This is actually another older song, one I've associated with him since before harland came to be. Back in the day, I kinda imagined him to this song wondering if Schala would be happy to see him with the history he has- that he just wants her to say she loves him, even if it's a lie. Now with Harland, it's so easy to imagine the pain he feels after betraying his trust and abandoning harland, and upon his reflection on it all, he'll leave harland alone if he doesn't want to see him again- he just wants him to tell him that he loves him, even if it's a lie.
White Whale - Everything Everything
Afterlife - Nothing But Thieves
Just listen. Listen to the lyrics. You can hear it too, right? After all the lives Magus has had- each new persona he has to live in order to get by. The never ending cycle of lifetimes he's had to live. Every time he emerges from the cocoon, he's still a caterpillar and never a butterfly. Slowly losing who you are with each new iteration of self- if you even had a true self to begin with. The 'it was only ever you,' it could refer to anything and everything. It was only ever Schala. It was only ever Harland. It was only ever Lavos. It was only ever Janus/Magus/prophet/Magil/Guile/ect. (It was only ever Alfador....) IT FEELS LIKE A LIFETIME, OH GOD I DON'T THINK I COULD DO TWO!!!!!
Hurtin' - Jamiroquai
So ummmm this is a little more specific to RD Magil and some certain ideas and aus surrounding that era of his life (with major liberties of mine LMAO) and his relationship to schala and kid. He's been through it, he's older, he's getting sexier by the day and in so much mental distress he can't care about it the same way anymore. Plus, Kid is a ratbag, he can't afford to wallow in himself the same way anymore. If he can't save kid from the dangerous situations she puts herself in, who will!?
Governor of the North - Jo Wandrini
This song sounds like the kind of soundtrack to harlands life if I were making a movie/series about him. The kind of highland rural folk sound is exactly him... The nice flutey sounds are his audio motif in my mind, and his general theme is accompanied by a nice guitar/lute like string sound. I don't know much about music theory so I can't explain much more but this is how he SOUNDS thematically.
Before We Drift Away - Nothing But Thieves
The general vibe of this song - lyrics included - is SOOOOOOO magland. It's sounds so beautiful and feels like the specific kind of nostalgia that HURTS. I can feel certain scenes near the climax of harlands story where this song fits so fucking well... To not spoil tooooo much, imagine magland being comfortable in their relationship up till a certain point, and even though harland is still enjoying the established rythmn and familiarity he has with Magus, he is starting to sense that Magus is retreating into himself and that he's not able to be WITH him as often anymore. Missing the man while being next to him.. Just that preemptive feeling that something dreadful is about to happen, and you want to enjoy the time you have but becoming increasingly aware it won't last forever.
Let's Talk About Feelings - Joywave
OK SO. IT'S THE VIBES HERE. THE VIBES IN THE LYRICS THE VIBES IN THE GENERAL SOUND. It's about the act of reaching out, of being vulnerable and nervous about the reception, of being so open with another person. Especially the bridge.. I so desperately want to make an animatic with the lyrics in the bridge. It can be a conversation between the two of them, or their private thoughts about their relationship. Or both. Like;
H: I'm just afraid that you'll change me, Won't run away but I'll have to take it slow
M: Don't want to fall silent for long, Won't run away, I spook out easy though
Give a Little Love - Gizmo Varillas
I Saw You Close Your Eyes - Local Natives
I just really like this song, it's one I get addicted to listening to lol. But with the lyrics and general feel of this song... Imagine Harland knowing Magus well enough that he can kinda tell what he's thinking. Not the specifics, but he can tell the general feeling of his train of thought. Imagine him trying to support and understand Magus the best he can (even if I'm on your side) but he can still feel a massive rift (I saw the way you closed your eyes) because it's SO HARD for Magus to open up. There's aspects of him that Harland cannot get to know, despite how eager he is to try, and no matter how much Magus wants to reach out. There's a gap between them that's incredibly hard to close, and even if they can become incredibly close, there's always just that bit more out of grasp at the edge of your fingertips.
Up To No Good - The Hoosiers
I HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FUNNY AMAZING FLUIDLY ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEO IN MY HEAD FOR THIS SONG. It's honestly more of a magland song for me HOWEVER the animation in my mind is that the three generals, and particularly flea, are kinda singing the lyrics to harland as 'warnings;' going from teasing harland to try scare him off, then more playful banter over their relationship... Maybe even ending on a more bittersweet note yknow.. this song is just so fun and I can still clearly see fleas mannerisms in a music video like this LMAO
Let's Face It I'm Cute- 11 Acorn Lane
I mean. Listen. Do I have to explain? It's Fleas whole deal 😏
Let's Go Crazy - Prince
There's no particular reason. I just imagine that Flea would have this in his head while fighting lol.
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clarabowmp3 · 5 months
13 fave tracks from TTPD and TTPDTA this hour?
WOOOOO finally formed coherent enough opinions heheh but my top tracks are: (tw 'trauma' dumping, yapping)
HOW DID IT END!!!!!!!!!!! it is genuinely so sad. i so so relate to her subtly sarcastic/bitter tone (come one come all its happening again) and although this track is slightly different from her usual style it has all the bits i love abt her music - simplicity, quiet devestation, layered emotions, intentional lyrics
the black dog - OMGGG never EVER getting over the adrenaline rush of "SCREEEEEAMING" if u couldnt tell im a pretty dramatic and stubborn person LOL and there was this one toxic friendship i clung onto until my fingernails were bloody cuz i was 15 and didnt think i had any other choice (very 'as she was leaving it felt like breathing' vibes) and i think part of why i didnt want to break things off was cuz of how much it hurt me to think of her replacing me with someone who could be a better friend than me + it was familiar like a bad habit
the prophecy - my sister walked in on me tearing up when i first listened to it properly HAHAH stylistically speaking its a very fluid (?) sounding song with a smooth/satisfying rhythm (written/bitten, I like the rhyming) and compelling fantasy/religious imagery but what appealed to me most was the RAWNESS OF THE CHORUS and listen i know everyone hates on the 'dont want money' line but I RELATE SO MUCH TO IT OKAY i cant count the number of times ive distracted myself from my loneliness with my studies/work and tried to convince myself that this is what I want, and as much as i appreciated my perfect grades god was i fucking lonely. so many times i wondered if it was all worth it, and after not having any close irl friends to show for the past 18 years it starts to feel like this is of my own doing/i am fated to be forever lonely. so back to the song - it just hits me rlly hard that YES. DONT WANT MONEY. JUST SOMEONE WHO WANTS MY COMPANY.
loml - ironically i find the change from love to loss the least interesting part AHAHAH i like that this is one of the less wordier songs such that nearly every lyric packs a hell of a punch, none of them are awkward, and she does the delicate shift in the connotations of her lyrics SO so well you can feel her misery and yearning so perfectly. i talk more abt this here
clara bow
I look in people's windows
so long london
who's afraid of little old me
the smallest man who ever lived
the bolter
Special shoutout to I Can Do It With a Broken Heart cuz that song was ME for the prime of my student career and rip to the swifties who cant relate /j but i both cried a lot AND was so productive
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shyung-shoes · 4 years
content creator year in review!! thank you to the wonderful @memehyungwon @myngho​ and @art-hao for tagging me <3
first creation in 2020:
this rocket punch set! i thought it was my woozi call call call but that was apparently dec 28.... n e ways! this performance still brings me a lot of joy
most recent creation of 2020:
yechan! yechan let it snow! i love this stage cause yechan got consistent screen time <3 what he deserves
one of your favorite creations from 2020:
yanan seasons greetings! its a really simple set but i love this coloring and all the different moments together. and its yanan so he just makes every set a little better than normal
a creation you’re really proud of:
my netflix set! this took a long time and i was really nervous it wasn’t gonna turn out well. but everyone was so nice and supportive of it. yall hype me up so much ily
a new style you tried this year and a work that uses it:
everything a new style for me yeet! but i adding subs to gifs is still v new to me and im trying to get better at it <3 here’s kino not knowing the lyrics to shine
a creation that took you forever:
hee hee my hao bday set actually took a good chunk of time cause i kept forgetting mvs and had to redo the math on how many gifs went in a row. but for hao it’s worth it!!!
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes:
i cant find it to save my life but my hao-ranghae set :D the post that is basically the entire foundation of my identity. i love her and i miss her! where is she?
a creation you think deserved more notes:
this is such an awkward question for me oturhobvuf. but uh maybe this yanan daisy acoustic set? i was really proud of this coloring lolol. ofc looking back at it i see things i could change but it’s still pretty
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it:
all.. of... them?? but i guess technically itd be pentagon, victon, and lucy! here’s the first ever pentagon set i made. she’s rough but thats ok
a creation you made that breaks your heart:
yanan coming home vlog :( breaks my heart cause its bad but also cause this was our first vlog with yanan being back and i still get emotional thinking about it </3 
also wooyan vlive- theyre best friends and they were so happy this whole time </33 yanan missed wooseok and wooseok missed yanan :(
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love:
chef subin!! my first ever victon gifs!! i think i peaked with this coloring and he looks so happy and giggly here. im a simple girl- if subins happy, i’m happy
a creation that was inspired by another one:
my hui bday set! i cant remember exactly who it was but someone made a similar set for scoups birthday this year and i fell absolutely in love with this layout so i wanted to give it a try
a favorite creation created by someone else:
there are so many how am i supposed to pick?? 
all of @starryallnight‘s subbed live sets. im so grateful to my friend for giffing these and she always picks the sweetests moments.
this sangyeop set is so stunning! the coloring, the moments op picked... 100/10
all of @byunggf byung sets </33 all of them are devestating yet also the reason i get out of bed in the morning. bruh i love byung sm...
paula @subinis has never made a bad set im convicned. grandpa subin... amazing, show stopping, never done before
@han-seungwoo‘s snoo bday set! its so pretty and the font choice is so nice. this set does snoo the justic he deserves
@delicatecy does such amazing work holy shitt... like everything they post is amazing. im in love with this kwan set in particular
@myunqho does incredible work. everything she posts is out of this world but im especially in love with the hao sets but thats just because of who i am as a person ya know. 
@soonhoonsol is also such a stunning cc!! there are so many sets i could choose from but im always impressed when chey’s on my dash.
there are so many other people i could mention so i’m real sorry if i didn’t mention u :( but if ur a cc i appreciate u to the moon and back
some of your favorite content creators from the year (i know most of you already did it so it’s just so you know i love your works <33)
oh my gosh i adore literally all the cc’s i follow!! ur all like the backbone of fandom lolol but if i had to mention some people specifically?? @kyunsies @memehyungwon @minhyukie @soonhoonsol @myunqho @scoupsy @subinis @adorablehoshi @delicatecy @baekonbaek  <3333
i feel like a lot of people have been tagged so if u already have been my bad! @starryallnight @subinis @byunggf @han-seungwoo @soft-pentagon @kyunsies @monunivers (also hi to people i havent talked to before but am tagging anyway because i love your work)
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skamamoroma · 4 years
I have some questions for you about ITSAY. I really enjoy your posts and love how long they are that I read them with a coffee lol. I wondered about your answer to these questions so I can’t wait to read them. What is the scene that made you cry the most? What is your favourite Character that is not a main? Favorite Musical moment? What is the best acting moment for you from the whole series? Thank you for your posts they have cheered me 🙏🏼
Aww this is so sweet - thank you ❤️ and I hope you enjoy your coffee time reading my horrendously long essays hahaha. These are such good questions, my goodness!
Scene that made me cry?
Is there a scene that doesn’t?! Seriously 😂 there are so many that made me weepy and for various reasons but it has to be a toss up between 3: Oh and his parents when he asks if they’re proud of him (that makes me cry instantly), the final sequence gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME mainly because of Teh’s teary peaceful smile and the whole shot on the cape is truly beautiful and the one that breaks me is Teh watching Bas tell Oh his feelings. Jesus that scene. I can barely watch it. It’s like Teh is screaming inside. You can see his heart being torn into shreds, the anger and frustration and absolute devestation. It’s so painful to watch him see someone else tell Oh things he feels and wishes he could say, watches Bas proudly and comfortably explain his feelings infront of everyone and to watch Oh all teary eyed and grateful to hear them. BK’s acting was so killer in that scene, his face so full of pain and a kind of thing you don’t see often in scenes where you’re watching heartbreak - internal agony. It’s not just sadness, there’s that other layer and it’s sheer anger with himself and the world and how he thinks he’s lost the one person he adores. Ugh. Honorary mention to the Chinese NY scene too because watching them both cry and listening to Skyline on piano and seeing that left over Oh-aew desert that Teh can’t eat is so sad.
Favourite character (not a main)?
How do I choose between Hoon, Tarn and Bas? I mean, Hoon is a proper big brother, he feels warm and genuine and so protective. Bas is an ANGEL and I will never hear a bad word said about him and Tarn is a goddess, so dedicated and talented and sweet and has the biggest heart - not to mention she’s just proper cute and so funny too. I can’t choose. It’s impossible!
Favourite musical moment?
Again, this is SO HARD. There are so so many moments where music is absolutely beautiful and used so cleverly. The “rival to intimate” moment in the Chinese writing book in ep2, the music is gorgeous and so uplifting. The Phuket Dreams score over the final sequence is part of the reason it makes me cry. The happy music over their first run to the Cape. The way the music drops off in the scene when Oh says he’s with Bas which feels like Teh’s heart breaking. The piano Skyline version at Chinese NY. So many. But I think my favourite is the boat scene. 100%. Can’t Translate playing over them sailing in the water and the entire scene being characterised by those lyrics... and the music change when Oh walks back in. It’s so beautiful and adds to the scene so much.
Favourite acting moment?
Oh dear. How do I choose? God. I’d say the entire show but I have a couple I can’t move on from: BK in the final sequence when he’s looking at the sunset and he just looks so peaceful and grateful and changed as he cries. It’s stunning acting. You FEEL every single shred of that relief he feels. Most of BK’s acting destroys me tbh. For me, both of them are incredible in the boat scene and the Male Protagonist scene (especially PP). Also, I’d add Smile’s acting in her final scene with BK, that whole scene with Teh and Tarn is beautiful and gut wrenching and her little face when it drops as she realises what Teh is saying to her... stunning!
I’m so sorry I’m terrible at choosing but I genuinely can’t decide as the show’s bloody wonderful start to finish and it’s hard to pinpoint things when the standard is so consistently brilliant! 😂
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queensconquest · 3 years
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this  is  a  messy  post  with  no  point  other  than  sharing  lyrics  from  the  last  few  songs  i’ve  listened  to  that  fit  lucifer  very  well
“  So  you  can  go  and  hate  me  /  but  I  just  fell  in  love  with  all  this  freedom  that  I  found.  “     Good  for  @  angels  that  didn’t  follow  him.  Lucifer  knows  the  moment  he  gained  his  free-will  that  it’d  lead  to  hate  &  war.  None  of  it  came  from  a  hatred  towards  the  other  angels  ,  not  Michael  either.  It  was  solely  at  God.  But  he  loved  and  desired  his  own  freedom  and  control  so  hate  him  for  it  ,  but  he’s  choosing  his  freedom. 
 “ Dangerous / How we toe the line / push it every time / Want my name carved deep into your chest”    Specifically Michael but could potentially be others. Even Pre-fall, Lucifer and Michael butted heads, pushed each other, and after falling its obviously so much hostility and violence. Pushing the line, toeing it (especially Michael after the fall) but also Lucifer has a twisted delight in being the focus of Michael’s hatred. Lucifer LIKES being the center of certain people’s eyes even if its hate or some twisted, confusing blend of emotions. Because there’s the michael will always focus on him and he knows it.
“ No space in your broken veins for me. “    Really anyone @ Lucifer Post-fall.  Lucifer will ultimately always end up choosing his plans over anything else. I mention it before, but one telltale of Lucifer about to do something major is he increasingly isolates himself. He isolated himself before his rebellion, and he isolated himself before he tried to destroy the world, as several demons mentioned not seeing him in centuries and that the palace had been closed. If Lucifer is isolating himself, something devestating is about to happen. But I think this line conveys well people realizing this.
“  Dangerous minds / Are coming out of the dark / Cruel intentions / Are tearing the sky apart  “    Fairly self-explainatory. But revolution / war in heaven ? Lucifer’s cruel & dangerous mind really revealing itself, and that the cruel intentions n both sides ( Heaven & Hell) to destroy each other tear apart the sky and connections and its such a huge deal.
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hugsfromdad · 4 years
hi friend:) welcome
full discloser: I had grand plans for recording and releasing this song, but covid and 2020 had different ideas. so, I wound up recording this by myself in an empty shop. honestly feels kind of fitting to the song. maybe I'll be able to do something next year... we'll see.
I wrote this a year ago as I was grappling with the exclusion I felt from christmas. Being both queer and trans, I struggled to see my experience represented in the carols I was raised listening to and singing. Christmas is hard for me for many reasons, and yet I still love the music--I just wished that they included me.
I was raised as a 4th generation christian. My whole life I sang and listened to the songs about how 'we' were the children of Israel, the messiah was 'our' personal savior, and he came to save 'us.'
And yet, the moment I came out as queer and trans, I was rejected and excluded by the very same people who once called me their family. It was devestating to me. Still is. And it has made hymns extremely triggering for me. I can't seem to sing them anymore.
I decided that I wanted to rewrite a christmas carol to include me and my queer community, and chose O Come O Come Emmanuel. Not only because it's my favorite, but because its lyrics are so poignant. The way that it spoke about Israel as a community of people under persecution felt so fitting, as well as the song's instruction to still rejoice, and its promise of liberation. I wanted to claim that promise, and speak to the story of my people.
To every queer person who reads this or hears this song: know that this song is for you. It's for us. It's for me.
Please sing it, share it, record a cover and sent it to your friends... I want y'all to make it your own.
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froggheadd · 7 years
Dancing with the Stars AU
They paired Michael up with Jeremy as a "wild card" and no one really expected for them to do well on a dancing competition when they’re both guys. 
These two go out and get it. I’m talking first 10 of the season, first perfect score of the season these two are absolutely killing it and all of the fans love them. 
With some of the pairs you can see they tolerate each other, but Michael and Jeremy quickly become best friends and they’re inseparable
Michael’s the pro dancer and Jeremy comes in as the star because he's famous for being on Broadway and stuff but none of the musicals he's been in have been super big on dancing, so they aren’t really expecting that much from him. 
But then on his first rehearsal with Michael, Jeremy’s,,,good?
 Or at least better than what he was expecting 
And when Michael asks if he's danced before, Jeremy kinda blushes and mumbles that he used to do ballet
Michael is openly gay and is so conflicted when they pair him up with Jeremy because on one hand
Its amazing because he knows a lot of LGBT kids will see it
But he kinda feels like the producers are deliberately sabotaging him because in all the past seasons they've paired him up with the stars that they think will have no chance
And then they're just shocked when Jeremy and Michael end up being at the top consistently
One day Jeremy and Michael are at Rehearsal and they leave their bags unattended because they’re going on lunch break
When they come back, they find that someone’s written ‘boyf’ on Jeremy’s Bag and ‘riends’ on Michael's.
Jeremy is devestated
But Michael starts making jokes about it and cheers Jeremy up
The producers find out who did it (one of the contestants who’s low-key high-key homophobic) and they are IMMEDIATELY eliminated
Boyf riends kind of becomes their symbol, and after every dance they do, it’ll start trending on twitter
At one of their last performances, they come out wearing Jackets that say ‘boyf riends’ on the back and the audience goes nuts
Christine is on there too as one of the stars, and Jeremy is so excited to see her there because they did a musical together once and its great to see a familiar face
But after Jeremy and Michael win (of course) dwts starts doing more pairings of two guys and two girls and its amazing
Jeremy is great at doing the lyrical dances and waltzes 
Hes also pretty good at the quick dances like the jive and the quick step because this boy can move f a s t. 
But the once dance he has issues with is the tango, because being sexy??? How???
And Michael tries so hard to get Jeremy to get into the mindset of a tango but its so hard especially because its the dance they do on the second week when Jeremy isn’t super comfortable with Michael. 
They end up getting the lowest score of the night and Jeremy is d e v e s t a t e d
he thinks he let Michael down and is 100% sure they're going to be eliminated. 
Hes just backstage hugging Michael and crying "im so sorry" and Michael's just stroking his back, telling him he did great and how proud he is. 
They don't get eliminated because Jeremy's fans come through with the votes and barely save them.
At the end of the competition, for their redemption dance they do the tango.
 And by this point Jeremy and Michael have s o m u c h tension. 
Like, Jesus, date already. 
So when they do the tango,,,,,OOOHHH BOY
The judges are all floored because its such a 180° from the last tango, it is flawless
Jeremy has the energy and the passion and the whole room is captivated.
 At the end of the dance, they strike a pose where they are almost kissing (you know how they do) and Jeremy is honestly about to kiss this boy before he catches himself and remembers "oh yeah, this is live tv. Better not."
the finale of the season is always a holiday thing and its always just 100% christmas
Well Michael suggests doing a Hanukkah-ish dance instead of the typical "ho ho ho, white pom poms and red velvet" thing that everyone’s expecting
And Jere is just,,, so happy 
Thanks @connormurphweed for listening to me rant about this
Please come ask me questions about this AU I love it so much
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trislosherfan25 · 3 years
Radiohead Fun Facts <3
Fun fact about Radiohead: I know none of the names of the guys and i only know what the one singer guy’s face looks like bc i saw it once somewhere
Fun fact 2: I should probably learn about the individual guys but I don’t because I dont really care that much
Fun fact 3: i should learn abt the bassist tho bc im a bassist and he’s a pretty good bassist so maybe i could learn a thing or two (like this guy is a REALLY good bassist)
Pablo Honey (1993) - this one is Radiohead's first album and tbh it’s not very good. even if you don’t listen to this band or care about them you probably know the song Creep which is on there. tbh that’s probably the best song on the album and the Radiohead guys themselves don’t even like it that much. They were like “Creep? more like Crap!” (tbh the song isn’t *that* bad, just nowhere near as good as their later music) I’ve tried to get through this album a couple times but i could never do it bc it’s just not that good!!! It seems like it was riding off the grunge wave that was really popular at the time. This means not only did the album not have that much of an original sound but also there were tons of other bands doing this sort of thing and doing it better. Creep is probably the song that has the most unique sound compared to the rest of that album. Also grunge (while more of an era than a genre) is mostly known for who it was sparked by, Nirvana, and Nirvana is punk rock through and through. The Radiohead guys are way to big of nerds to do punk rock. The Bends (1995) - this is Radiohead’s second album and I like this one a lot. It bares some similarities to Pablo Honey in terms of keeping with a little bit more of a rock sound but it doesn’t feel like it’s trying to copy anybody. The lyrics on this album are WAYYYYY better. Like a vast vast improvement. The guitar solos are much better too. The most popular songs on this album I’d say are High and Dry as well as Fake Plastic Trees, these also are probably my least favorite songs on the album because they’re slower and I don’t like the vocals in them as much as other songs. My favorite songs from this album are Just, My Iron Lung, and (Nice Dream), these ones all have more of a rock element than the ones I mentioned previously and the instrumental parts are So Good! Even though I think this album is a vast improvement from the first it still doesn’t completely have it’s own unique sound just yet. I don’t see that as much as a hinderance on this album, just something that puts it below some of the later albums.  OK Computer (1997) - THIS ALBUM! This is the album where Radiohead really comes into their own sound, it still has that rock element but it feels different. All the little details and textures in their sound come together in this great album and puts Radiohead on a clear track for where the rest of their sound ends up in later albums. This album seems to be *The* Radiohead album that most people would know them for beyond knowing them for the song Creep. This album also is pretty special/nostalgic to me because it was the first Radiohead album I listened to. Deadass I spent most of my middle school years listening to that album on and old hand-me-down mp3 player my dad gave me that just had his old music saved to it. I don’t know if i have a least favorite song on the album, all the songs on this album are really good if I’m being honest. If I had to pick a few favorites I’d say they would be Exit Music (For A Film) and Paranoid Android, I like these songs because they feel like they’ve got a lot of story to them just shown through the instrumentals and everything. Also fun fact! I know the bass part to Paranoid Android, it’s still difficult at some parts for me to play but I still love it.  Kid A (2000) - Okay ngl I still haven’t given this one a good listen just yet. I’ve listened to the thing in full maybe once or twice but I don’t remember it well. I have listened to the songs Everything In Its Right Place and How to Disappear Completely quite a few times tho and these songs are amazing. From what I’ve heard from this album/remember from it it seems like a pretty logical next step sound wise from the last album going into the next one. It’s not completely different from OK Computer but it’s definitely it’s own unique thing. The songs on this album are a bit more depressing and more of them seem to be slower and more experimental. You also see a stronger ambient element enter Radiohead’s music here. Amnesiac (2001) - DREAD!! DEVESTATION!!!! This album is really good, I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite album but by god it is a good fuckin album. I’ve listened to this one in full quite a few times in full but it’s been a while since I’ve done that (I’ve just been listening to a song or two from it every so often) because when I first gave this album a full listen I was at a pretty low place. This album has the strongest ambient element Radiohead’s music has had so far, the sound is slower, darker, and heavier. It feels like you’re sitting in the cold rain just soaking wet and not moving at all. The songs are even more depressing too tbh. Once again I don’t have a least favorite song on this album, at least not one that I can remember. My favorite songs would probably be Knives Out, I Might Be Wrong, and You And Whose Army? Top 10 bangers to listen to while absolutely falling apart imo 10/10
Hail To the Thief (2003) - This album is also really good, I actually own this one on vinyl. This album sees that distorted rock element come back a little but this album does have some of the ambient vibe to it as well. It feels a bit more experimental and emotions wise it feels angrier than other albums, not in a punk rock kind of way but just in feeling. I think this album starts to have some crazier rhythms, I’m not sure how to describe it. It feels more advanced than some of their previous music. Some of the songs on this album I’m not the biggest fan of but they’re still good songs it’s just some of the other songs on this album really outshine some others. My favorites from this album are 2 + 2 = 5, Backdrifts, There, There, and Myxomatosis. If I’m being honest while I do like this album a lot I don’t have too many strong feelings about it.
In Rainbows (2007) - OH MY GOD!!! THIS ALBUM!! OH MY GOD!! I love it so much it’s so beautiful. It really encompasses everything I love about Radiohead it’s almost hard to describe. The rhythms are hypnotic, the lyrics are great, the vocals are stellar, the instrumentals- just oh my god I love it to death. I own this one of vinyl and it puts me in a trance whenever I listen to it. There are different emotions in each song on this album but it never falters. It reminds me of something my dad said once where we were listening to a song and he said “just ride the wave” - this is that type of music, the kind of music where you just sit back and ride the wave. I love every single song on this album but Weird Fishes/Arpeggi and Jigsaw Falling Into Place are my top picks for this album. I’ve been working on learning the bass part to Jigsaw Falling Into Place and while I’m not musically literate enough to express exactly what’s happening in this song because I’m not a fucking nerd but I can say that playing this song is like riding the wave, it’s not exact or repetitive but it moves and flows perfectly with the song. Learning music like this as a bassist has taught me to think differently about my own playing. It’s hard for me to pick a favorite Radiohead album for many reasons but if you put a gun to my head and made me choose one I’d say this one is it. 
A Moon Shaped Pool (2016) - There’s a big time skip here because I haven’t listened to The King of Limbs which came out in 2011 but the sound of this album is definitely something that seems like a more evolved version of what Radiohead did on In Rainbows. Holy shit though, this album. THIS ALBUM. This album fucking knocks it out of the park it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever listened to. A lot of people like to say this is Radiohead’s most depressing album, they’re wrong, I can’t speak to albums I haven’t listened to but I can say that Amnesiac is much more depressing than this album. I would call this Radiohead’s saddest album, it has that feeling to it but it’s not draining to listen to in the way that depressing music can be. While the album is sad it also brings me a feeling of peace when I listen to it (though this could be in part because of the associations I have with this album from the first time I listened to it). While In Rainbows is like riding the wave I’d say this album is like floating in dark water, its got that sense of flow while being more gentle about it. The first song on the album, Burn the Witch, doesn’t seem to fit in perfectly with the rest of the music but it’s not a completely jarring difference from the rest of the songs either so I don’t see it as any sort of hindrance on the quality of the album. Once again I love every song on this album, they’re all beautiful and ethereal, but my top picks would have to be Decks Dark and Present Tense. One of my most favorite things about this album is how every song seems to flow into the next, it really is the sort of album that’s meant to be listened to in order and as an entire piece of art. I really appreciate albums that do that sort of thing.
Alright those are my Radiohead thoughts for the time being. I haven’t listened to In Rainbows (Disk 2) or The King of Limbs in full, I haven’t really listened to Kid A much either but I figured it was important to mention anyway bc people talk about that one so much. I also didn’t mention any singles or EPs just bc I haven’t listened to all of them and didn’t feel like talking abt the ones I have listened to. 
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soitgoesrep · 7 years
hi guys
well hello 👋I’m not usually active on here because I’m on twitter all of the time but I’d really like to thank @taylorswift for all that she’s done for me and she has more of a chance seeing me on tumblr so here’s my story
I was in my 3rd grade classroom when we had some free time in class to do something of our choice. My teacher hated the silence so she turned on our local radio station. Take a guess at who was playing! Hint: A little lady who happens to sing the song You Belong With Me. As a 3rd grader music wasn’t really essential in my life. I didn’t care. When I heard You Belong With Me EVERYTHING CHANGED. I went home and looked up the lyrics and found out that an upcoming artist named Taylor Swift was the person singing the song. I played that song on repeat probably for weeks. Again with my little 3rd grade mind I don’t think it had registered in my mind that musicians have more songs than just what’s played on the radio. I think my mom got tired of hearing YBWM for the millionth time so she told me that Taylor Swift has other songs. You could not believe my excitement. It was like christmas morning. I eventually bought fearless and Taylor Swift. Fast forward a couple months and I hear Mine playing on the radio. I loved it instantly. I looked the song up because I hadn’t heard it on the first two albums. And hey what do you know, Taylor Is releasing her third album! I started counting down the days until Speak Now came out. I got the cd and that’s all I listened to for MONTHS. This was kinda a hard time in my life where my friends were not being very friendly. My mom and dad told me they were going to split up. My dad left. I felt alone and listening to Speak Now made me feel like I had someone.
By this time I started to classify myself as a swiftie. A couple years later you announced a live stream. Here comes your 4th album. Like the last, I started counting down the days. I had my mom go pick up Red from walmart as soon as the store opened. I came home from school and the CD was in my bedroom. I LOVED IT
Sadly about two weeks later my house burned down. My mom and brother were in the ICU for serious burns. Can you believe I felt bad because I came out unharmed? I was obviously devestated. Everything was falling apart in my life. I cried so much the first week. We had to move to a much smaller apartment in a sketchy part of town. I had lost everything. We got lots of help though. People were so generous. One person gave me an iPod. They knew I liked you so they downloaded your discography onto it. I had you back in my life. I depended on you every day to not fall apart. Your music was always there for me. Red will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you for blessing me with you and your music. Thank you for giving me happiness when happiness was rare at this time. Thank you. I still am going through some rough things but you have made my life better
I love you @taylorswift 💕 I promise to stand by you forever.
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whotheyweretome · 7 years
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This one really hit me in a special place today. 7/20/2017 we lost the frontman to the first rock band i ever fell completley in love with. Chester Bennington. As a young kid my older sister Rachel got me into rock music via motley crue and metallica and all the good bands of which i came to love, but for me it was when i heard Linkin Park on my local rock station 99.7 the blitz. i instantly became obesessed!!! i went and mowed lawns to buy their album Hybrid Theory, I memorized every single word to every single song, i got on limewire and winmx and downloaded them to my computer, i found an alteranate version of songs, remixes, etc. then Meteora came out and i downloaded more Linkin Park. i was finding rare songs and even a different version of in the end but nothing ever held a candle to papercut which still to this day no matter how many times i play it will always be my favorite linkin park song, followed closely by high voltage. I remember when hurricane Katrina came and devestated New Orleans for some benefit or something Chester covered Home Sweet Home with Motley Crue. Being the huge Crue fan that i am i marked out so hard when i saw this video it was a true show of how amazing his voice really is and that linkin park wasnt what everyone said they were. I stood by my band no matter what, no matter who said they sucked no matter what trashy song they put out i stood by their side because they helped me find my love for music. Linkin Park and Chester Bennington taught me ALOT about music and a lot that you dont realize. They taught me that the beauty of a song cant be found in the single but in the songs that nobody listens to. i really dug into linkin parks catalog and listened closley to every word. March 6 2004 Nationwide Arena Columbus, Ohio was the day that my life completley changed because my older sister rachel was taking me to my first rock concert i was 12 about to turn 13 in 10 days it was an early birthday present from rachel and my parents. and the greatest birthday present to date. i went and saw my favorite bands at the time, the most stacked lineup i could think of, it was Story Of The Year, Hoobastank, P.O.D, and LINKIN FUCKIN PARK!!!! i was so excited i knew songs from every band we had crappy nose bleed seats but i didnt care i was standing up bumping into people singing every single song i knew without a care in the world nobody in there had a care and thats what it was all about we didnt care that it was snowing all we cared about was loud amps in our face and an experience we will never forget. With my sister on one side of me and my older nephew Justin on the other and an old Slayer shirt on i had the time of my life and at that moment i gave my heart and soul and every inch of myself to music!!! we walked the mile back to the car in knee deep snow just talking about how amazing that concert was and i still to this day remember how that smile felt. we made it to the car threw the snow and then the car wouldnt start and we had to wait in the blistering cold for rachels moms husband to come pick us up and take us to rachels, there was no school the next day and i remember my nephew justin teaching me how to draw crappy graffiti but all i wanted to draw in graffitti was “Linkin Park” i became more obsessed than i could ever imagine. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. What Chester did today was very selfish he took his own life and its not just selfish because hes an idol of mine or because hes famous, its selfish because he had 6 kids and a wife that depended on him for so much. its a selfish crime but it also goes to show us that fame fortune and all that jazzy stuff cant stop depression, and neither can “growing up” Chester was 42 years old thats considered a full grown adult and he still did the unthinkable and took his own life. now i dont agree with suicide but Chester Bennington ment alot to me so altho i dont agree with his decsion i wanted to share with you guys the impact he had on my life. He taught me a lot about pouring your emotions into your lyrics, be who you are and not who people want you to be, if you want to do something go fucking do it, and most importantly he taught me that the songs that will hit you the deepest arent heard on the radio but heard in your room when you crack open that seal and put that cd into your cd player. R.I.P Chester Bennington you ment more to me then you could ever imagine.
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waylonspencer · 7 years
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We found this gem a few months back at a flea market for a $1 and with out hesitation picked up. Excited because even tho we didn't know each other at 16 we both were pretty obsessed with this band. As was every angsty teen from the early 2000s. But we sang along and still knew all the words and it took us back to the days of parachute pants and ball chain necklaces. It's beyond devestating to hear of Chesters passing. Even more so to know after all these years he reached his end. Depression won. I feel sort of numb even listening to this album. Hearing the lyrics, the obvious proof that this man was suffering. Some of these songs helped me thru shit and he he couldn't even save himself. I hope he found the peace he couldn't find in life. I really do as upsetting as this is especially for his family and friends. But mental illness isn't a joke, I can understand just getting completely feed up with trying to be happy. Trying to be calm. Dealing with these heavy feelings every day. Maybe people will learn something from all of this, maybe not stigmatized mental illness as much.
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