elainestarless · 22 days
woe, corrufied cereal strike be upon ye
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bornetoblood · 3 months
im feeling controversial send me evil opions an/or asks... if you want...
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s1ithers · 7 months
re: baldur's gate's setting limitations: I've read a Lot of shit set in the Forgotten Realms and yeah, I agree. I mean I think it's interesting with the Legend of Drizzt (which are objectively bad although I love them dearly) to see an author clumsily *trying* grapple with sociological cycles of violence, and even that's being really deprecated out of more modern D&D to make it brighter, shinier, more Marvel, and more approachable. Like that's certainly the more marketable approach and in a [1/2
setting increasingly dictated by TTRPGs as played by people who expect videogame logic, /or/ parasocial slice of life, it's not surprising - it also avoids a lot of the pitfalls of "what the fuck were you thinking" that LoD itself is a great example of when it comes to clumsy allegory and sexual assault played for titillation - but honestly I prefer the clumsy trash that contemplates gore and consequence happening on a human level than something that wants to be approachable and friendly but [2/ [3/3] has no problem with the concept of ontological evil which is always more fundamentally regressive than clumsy allegory tbh. But I mean we both prefer DA and DA started /as a reaction to/ the fundamental limitations of the Baldur's Gate series, so it's not surprisingly that a game that sort of ignores the entire DA-digression, and the risks it took with form, doesn't have that spark.
haven't read LoD but agreed, my clumsy allegory tolerance is probably /too/ high but do ontological good and evil at face value & i'm right out
i think what hits weird for me about bg3 is almost some version of the uncanny, like on the one hand it's trying to do psychological realism in a pretty earnest way, but it's also set up this world where like. a character's hair changes from black to white when she chooses Good. yknow. there's some lovely sensitive character writing, but it rests on this substrate of world-logic that's just fundamentally not how people work. ahistorical, like you've said before. so you can only drill down so far before it rings hollow or just comes off kind of pat
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panaxe · 9 months
Dear mutuals, Would you beat someone with me if I gently asked?
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nooooough · 2 years
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hue-stuff · 1 year
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This is so messed up.. and the thing is it’s the people you know from you’re childhood…
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wordprefect · 2 years
"Motherhood is my villain origin story," is the most honest thing I have ever read from a Mommy Blogger. Her text here:
I had a conversation with my 9 y/o baby son this morning about this spoon.
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In my home we have an ongoing utensil problem that has led me to have to buy replacements every 6 months.
I’m done trying to figure out where they go as it feels like spiritual warfare tbh, but decided at 6am this one was making its way back to me. Don’t know why, I guess I wasn’t willing to lose one more.
As my fourth grader sat and ate his Cheerios in the pre-dawn darkness I, inches from his face but with a lot of love in my heart did what I had to do.
“Baby do you see this spoon? Look at it, please. I’m putting this spoon in your lunch. It has to come home. Hey, I’m not done. This spoon is mine. I need it to return with you. I want this spoon, not a plastic replacement, not someone’s else’s spoon, not a fork, not a candy wrapper, I want to open your lunchbox tonight and see this same spoon here, ok? Memorize its features if you need to. This spoon is family. This spoon is my friend. This spoon is your brother now. His name is Spoonie and I love him same as I love you. Maybe not the same but close. This spoon is special. It’s a family heirloom and your inheritance I don’t care what you have to do, bring it back. Ok? I need to hear it, ok?”
I know I might sound unhinged but have you ever lost 15 spoons in one summer? I wasn’t born like this, the children did it to me. Motherhood is my villain origin story and I’m trying to be nice but spoons keep disappearing.
At some point I’m going to start deducting lost spoon money out of allowances. They don’t get allowances but I would start giving them one just to deduct for lost utensils. Maybe the next time I’m asked for Robux I’ll say I spent it on spoons.
That would change things for sure.
♥️ Bunmi
Anyway, if you see a spoon at the park or the school parking lot lemme know it’s probably mine. Thanks
So, what kind of a villain does a mother turn into? Is this the Baba Yaga origin? Strega Nona? Yubaba? Or do they come completely unhinged and build fortresses on islands guarded by wolves and lasers? And why is it always spoons? Always!
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opaleyedprince · 2 years
youtube ambient mode fuck off fuck off fuck your entire life
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The next time someone tells me they don't care about something I'm talking about I'm throwing rocks at them until they stop moving.
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manybackflips · 7 months
Woke up feeling good today, but my bed has activated its “Evil Mode” ensuring that any sleep on it will result in nightmares for the next thirteen years.
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fruityvermint · 9 months
Evil Christmas.... Unmerry Christmas. Not in a scrooge way, but in a The Grinch Delivering Presents way.
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lobsterenthusiastt · 1 year
this has got to be my favorite c&h comic of all time. he just turns evil for no reason at all
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dmdarius · 9 months
What is Evil Mode? What's the point of it? It's where I get to play as some of the baddies and play in quick bouts of battle from certain parts of the game! And I even get rewards for it! And since they're not all that long I could easily slip them into a video.
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satansloveclub · 11 months
Tattoo shop is so chill when no ones in it
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FNAF movie Mike vs Vanny on ordering pizzaplex food
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tonybats · 1 year
Shut up before i put you in 5/4
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