#Eddie would blush sooooo hard
esswantspez · 2 years
It is honestly a crime that we have yet to canonically see Steve in a crop top. Like it’s the eighties cmonnnnnn
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theewritingroomm · 3 months
A Friendly Favor - Part 6.1
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Summary: Taking Robin's advice, you go to prom with Steve. Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem Reader (unrequited), Steve Harrington x Fem Reader WC: 3,086 Warnings: mentions of unrequited love, angst, swearing, kissing (like 1), Steve is down baaaaad A/N: *Surprise* it's long awaited and looooooong overdue but the final instalment(s) of A Friendly Favor is here. I decided to make two differnt endings because it was a hard decision on who reader would end up with. Sooooo with that being said Eddie's ending will be coming soon after edits and stuff.
18+ only — by choosing to ‘keep reading’, you are agreeing that you are eighteen years old and over. MDNI
I do NOT consent to my work being translated or published onto third party sites - including AO3 and Wattpad. 
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It took little convincing to get Steve to go to prom with you. Much to your surprise. Which is how you found yourself putting the finishing touches on your makeup as you waited for Steve to pick you up. You had told him that was not necessary, that you could meet him at the school. He had laughed at the suggestion, telling you that if he was going to be your date you were going to do it right. It had caused a small fluttering in your stomach to hear him refer to this arrangement as a date. It had shocked you at first but you quickly welcomed the feeling. Not remembering the last time that feeling had caused you to smile. In the recent month the fluttering in your stomach felt more like angry wasps than butterflies. 
When the doorbell rang that fluttering feeling reappeared and intensified as you exited your bedroom and walked towards the living room where you could see Steve standing with your parents. 
The soft clicking of heels alerted Steve to your presence. He abandoned the conversation he was engaged in with your father to turn and watch you walk down the stairs. The sight that graced him rocked Steve to his core. You were beautiful even on a bad day, but right now Steve was sure he had never seen anyone more gorgeous. You were dressed in a black gown that sparkled under the lights and made your skin glow. Your hair had been expertly pinned back with a few strands framing your features, the jeweled pins caught the light and Steve smiled to himself when he saw they were spiders. As you reached the bottom of the stairs, your eyes locked to Steve’s own wide brown eyes. 
Steve couldn’t remember a time when your eyes shined as bright as they did now. 
“You are gorgeous.” Steve said breathlessly, the way his eyes were raking over your form had a deep blush heating your cheeks. 
“Thank you Steve.” 
Before either of you could say anything else, your mother was ushering you into taking various photos with Steve. Who, try as he might, could not keep his eyes off of you. 
Music was already streaming out of the gym when you and Steve arrived. The beat that vibrated through the floor seemed to echo the nerves that drummed in your veins. Nearly rocketing your beating heart out of your chest. You wanted to turn around and run back to Steve’s car, wanted to tell him that you couldn’t do this. Though seeming to sense your spirling thoughts, Steve slipped his hand into yours and gave it a reassuring squeeze. 
Steve’s hand was warm in yours. His thumb rubbing soothing circles across the back of your hand. Calming you, grounding you to the moment, to him. 
You looked from where your hands were connected to Steve’s face. Finding him already looking down at you with a soft smile and softer eyes. 
“You ready to have a blast?” the corners of his mouth ticked up with his question. 
Steve watched you square your shoulders and hold your head up high. 
“Let’s fucking do this.” you replied, a wide smile directed at the man beside you. 
He didn’t let you change your mind as he opened the door for you and followed you in. 
As you and Steve entered the gymnasium a few people looked your way and a few hurried whispers followed their gaze through the crowd. Steve tuned into the whispers that followed you through the crowd and it made him angry. To hear them speak of you in that manner, to hear the pity and sympathy directed towards him for being your date. Unbeknownst to any one, yourself included, Steve would cut off his left arm if it meant he didn’t have to leave your side; tonight … or any night for the foreseeable future.  
You could hear the whispers and feel their eyes on you. Of course you could, they were the same whispering glances that would follow you and Eddie down the halls. However, with Steve’s hand as a comforting weight in your own, the whispers did not seem sting the same way they had months ago. 
“Thank fuck,” Robin’s voice cutting through the music and slicing through the whispers following behind you like a shadow. “Thought you strangled him on the way and as much as I love ya Y/n, hiding a body would be hard in this dress.” 
Robin sent a friendly elbow into Steve’s side. Steve rolled his eyes at your mutual friend. He watched you do the same, as a wide smile stretching across your lips. 
“Came close,” you teased, giving Steve’s hand a gentle squeeze. “But he’s not so bad.” 
Robin waved it off in faux annoyance, “yeah, yeah, Steve’s amazing. Let’s get you on the fucking dance floor!” 
Before you could protest Robin was grabbing your free hand and pulled you away from Steve. The man watched you follow your friend through the crowd until you and Robin settled into the crowd, getting lost in the music and the company of a good friend.
Steve watched you from the edge of the dancefloor, trying to convince himself it was for your benefit. That he wanted to make sure you were okay and had a quick out if you wanted it. However, the longer he watched; watched you smile at Robin, watched you get lost in the music, watched you become more carefree. The longer Steve watched you, the more his heart wished to join you, the more his fingers itched to touch you, the more he wanted to see if your lips were as soft as they looked. 
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Eddie, like the rest of the gymnasium, had watched as you and Steve walked through the door. He noticed the way your hands were intertwined together, he noticed the matching cheesy grins plastered on your faces. He noticed how Steve’s eyes drank you in when you were not looking. He noticed when you did it back. That, watching you and Steve, caused something angry and hot to burrow into his stomach. 
When the emotions washed over Eddie, he did what he did best and pushed it down. He shoved and pushed those emotions down until he could shove them in a box and push them away to the deepest corners of his soul. Where he had shoved the remnants of his friendship with you.  
As the night went on Eddie could feel the chips and cracks breaking away at his defenses.
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 “I’ve gotta get some air,” you informed your friends over the music. “Gonna step outside.” 
“Want me to go with you?” Steve asked, you shook your head and smiled at him. 
“Just gonna be gone a second.” 
Steve nodded in return. Watching you walk away and out the door. Only looking away when the door fell closed behind you. 
Outside the gymnasium the night air was crisp and cold. The moon cast a silvery hue over the parking lot causing long shadows to dance over the concrete. The wind carried the smell of stale cigarettes and weed through the night air. You practically fell into the metal bench a few feet from the door, allowing the chilly night air to cool your heated skin. You began to get lost in the silence of the night, thinking about the events of your life from the last few months. Though the silence was interrupted with the groan of the heavy gymnasium door opening and the echoing click of it closing. 
You remained looking out towards the parking lot as footsteps echoed on the concrete. As the person drew closer you dropped her head, looking at the long crack that stretched across the ground. A pair of beat up Reeboks stopping in your field of view as the night was plunged into silence once again. 
“Can I join you?” Trepidation wavered in Eddie’s voice, though you noticed a hard edge there as well. 
Glancing up at the man in front of you, you motioned for the empty space next to you. Eddie plopped himself down into the space but said nothing. The silence stretched between you, eating away at your resolve. Soon hundreds of thoughts were swirling around in your head, each fighting for the chance at the forefront. Though one persistent thought won out above that rest. 
“What do you want, Eddie?” voicing the one thought into the night air you finally turned your full attention to the man beside you. 
Eddie was staring back at you. His own head swirling with unsaid thoughts and unanswered questions. Eddie opened his mouth to begin to say something but quickly closed his mouth when he couldn’t get his thoughts to make sense. 
“Why Steve?” was what decided to tumble out of Eddie’s mouth. 
“What does it matter Eddie?” You rebutted. 
Because what did it matter to Eddie who took you to prom? He had his own girlfriend, one who was likely inside waiting for him. So why did he care so much about you showing up with Steve? Eddie kept telling himself that it was because you hadn’t known Steve as long. He kept telling himself that Steve was still King Steve and would inevitably hurt you. He kept telling himself he was worried about you and your feelings. Though the more Eddie tried to convince himself, he only knew he was lying to himself. 
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” Is what Eddie settled on telling you. 
At the sound of your dry laugh, Eddie knew it was the wrong thing to say. 
“That’s fucking rich Munson.” You bit out, standing from the bench. The sudden urge to be as far away from Eddie Munson taking over. Though you did not get far. As you began to take a few steps back towards the gym door, long fingers wrapped around your wrist. Stopping you abruptly in your tracks. 
You cut your gaze to Eddie, putting as much fire behind your eyes as you could. You ripped your arm from his grasp, a tight “don’t touch me” hissed from behind clenched teeth. In an attempt to not rip the boy's head off you closed your eyes and sucked in a lungful of air through your nose. It was a futile attempt as months of repressed emotions bubbled to the surface like a boiling kettle. 
“I just want to look out for my best friend. I miss her.” 
Anger. White hot, blinding anger filled you. Settling deep in your stomach and spreading like wildfire in your veins. 
“Your best friend,” you laughed harshly, nearly spitting the words back into his face. “It’s been weeks, Eddie. I laid it all out on the line, bore my heart to you and you ignored it. You ignored me. For weeks. A-and, fuck, Eddie! It really fucking hurt.” 
The fire in you died as you finally let the sadness and hurt seep into your bones. The man in front of you was silent, letting your words wash over him but also wanting to give you a chance to continue. Knowing that once you started it was hard to get your brain to stop moving a hundred miles an hour. 
“A-and I had almost gotten used to it. Almost come to terms with the fact that you weren’t in my life anymore. But n-now you’re standing here saying you miss me. And it’s pulling me in a million different directions and it’s breaking me Eddie. I loved you for so long, not just romantically, and to just lose that in a blink sucked.” 
A soft sob escaped your lips at the end of your confession. It broke Eddie’s heart to hear, but there was only one word that worked at his heart like a sledgehammer. Loved. Past tense. 
“Loved,” Eddie whispered, “past tense?” 
You stared wide eyed at him. Tears begin to pool at your lashes. “That’s the only fucking thing you heard? Un-fucking-believeable.” 
Eddie struggled to find the words. Sure he resembled a gasping fish as he tried to find the words. When he floundered Eddie dropped his gaze to the ground. Finally a whispered “I think I love you” fell past his pink lips. 
Weeks ago you would have killed to hear those words. Now. They turned the air around you acidic and heavy. They turned your blood hot.
“You are a piece of fucking work Munson.” Your hand came up to poke Eddie in the chest, hard. Not dissimilar to how you used to when he was stuck in that head of his. Except now, it didn’t hold the same caring weight it used to. Now it felt like a stab to the chest, digging deep into his heart and bleeding him dry. He’d gladly take on another hoard of demobats, certain it would be less painful. 
“I’m sor-” he began to apologize. 
“No, I need you to listen,” you interrupted him as the first few hot tears rolled down your cheeks. “You don’t get to do that Eddie. You don’t get to ignore me and my feelings for weeks, you don’t get to break me down and worry about how I choose to put myself back together. You don’t get to ride off into the sunset with your fucking girlfriend, leave me in the dirt and come back when I don’t follow blindly. I wanted so badly to be your first choice but I’m not going to wait around to be your second choice if you and Chrissy don’t work out.”
You wiped at the hot tears tracking down your cheeks. There was so much more you had to say. But the groaning of the gym door stopped you. Grabbing both yours and Eddie’s attention as a mop of chocolate brown hair appeared in the crack of the door. 
“Y/N, I just came to che-,” the words died on Steve’s tongue when he saw the tears streaking your face. In two long strides Steve had placed himself in between you and Eddie, big hands coming up to frame your face. Gentle fingers wiping away your tears as Steve spoke again. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“Can you take me home? I’m tired.” The words whispered into the night were all it took for Steve to link his hand in yours and pull you out into the parking lot towards his car. 
The drive back to your house was silent except for the low hum of the radio and the occasional shuddering breath from you as your tears began to slow. Steve’s hand was still intertwined with yours as Steve drove through the quiet streets of Hawkins. As his car rolled to a stop at the red light on Main Street Steve raised your hand that was laced in his and placed a tender kiss to your knuckles. 
“If you want to talk about what happened I’ll listen, if you want to ignore it then we’ll do that for now. But I'm not going to let you get trapped in you head over it.” Steve said gently, when you stayed quiet Steve turned his head to look at you. 
You had your head leaned against the window, eyes trained out the window to watch the small town pass by. The only indication that you had heard him was the small squeeze you gave his hand. 
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In the six months after prom there was a distinct shift in your friendship with Steve, though you were both hesitant to label it what it was. A relationship. 
For months when you would go to clock in for your shift at Family Video there would be flowers and post-it notes from Steve with sweet words scribed on the page waiting in your locker. In return you would leave various baked goods stacked in his locker with his lunch, a heart always decorating the wrapping. During your shifts there would be lingering glances passed between the two of you from across the store and soft brushes of fingertips against flesh when he walked past. Steve had become your personal chauffeur simply so he could have an excuse to lace his hand in yours across the car and listen to you sing along to the radio. Friday and Saturday nights were now spent on Steve’s couch with a stack of movies from Family Video and a pile of junk food. 
Which is where you currently sat, in Steve’s living room curled up on his couch with The Evil Dead playing on the screen. Though you were not were not paying much attention to the movie. Rather you were staring at the man who sat on the other end of the couch. Staring at his features; the way his nose crinkles when something gory happens on screen, the way the light reflects off his eyes drawing you into their whiskey gaze, the way he bites at his bottom lip during the jump scares. It had your mind reeling with the thought of what it would feel like to have those lips pressed against yours and what sounds he would make if you bit at that bottom lip of his yourself. 
“I can hear the high pitch whine of you thinking from here,” Steve’s voice broke you out of your thoughts. He turned that whiskey gaze towards you and you could see the emotions swirling around behind them and immediately wanted to hide from them. 
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Steve reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from your face. Waiting with bated breath for you to answer him. 
Hesitantly you scooted closer to Steve, your knee bumping against his as you settled. Your eyes were downcast, hiding from Steve’s graze because you knew he would be able to read you in a second. It was only when gentle fingers found their way under your chin that you looked back into his amber eyes. And you went for it. 
Softly, you slotted your lips against his tasting the cherry cola that stained his lips. Gently, you worked your mouth against Steve’s, savoring the way he was gently cradling your face in his hands. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before you were pulling away. 
“I’m sorry, I um… I sh-” you stumbled over your words. 
Steve silenced your stuttering with another quick kiss to your lips and his own whispered confession. “I’ve been waiting to kiss you for years, just needed to let you catch up first sweetheart.”
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Tags: @wolfstarsimpxx, @jaceblack, @gloryekaterina, @intoanothermind, @vxmpfreak, @girlsvvish, @ogoc-19, @sunflowerabyss, @athenxt, @aurumbelis, @whisperingsarah, @tlclick73, @k-1-ll-em-alll, @lokiofasgard616, @rach5ive, @sidthedollface2, @its-quinns-breadd, @tayhar811, @captainonaboat, @ajkamins, @goldstars-to-all, @harrys-tittie, @phantomxoxo, @adaydreamaway08, @angelina16torres-blog, @coryisagee, @foreveranexpatsposts, @skulzombiw, @sadbitchfangirl, @lelenikki, @mmvnsons, @sinczir, @cherrytree69, @parmawiolets, @disrespectfully-ira,
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urhoneycombwitch · 8 months
Eddie Munson if you were irl in front of me and we were dating I would objectify you sooooo hard like u deserve
barking at you from across the street being like “YOU GOT A GIRLFRIEND??? CUZ GODDAMN” making you blush. tweaking ur butt whenever I’m close enough to u. kissing you in the middle of a monologue cuz u just looked so pretty. saying “nice” whenever you bend over. let me girlify my bf.
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roanniom · 2 years
Hey I'm new to your profile and just found your amazing fic overthinking and wanted to ask if there's another part to it? love your profile and can't wait to read more ❤️
Sooooo that one will definitely have a part two eventually. Here’s a different lil first time snippet, because I want to be repetitious and do it a million times.
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, Virgin!Eddie / Eddie’s first time, PIV sex, teasing
The thought of teasing Eddie through his first time?
“You’re doing so well, pretty boy,” you coo.
“Don’t…don’t fucking laugh at me when I’m - fuck!” Eddie tries but fails to continue, rendering himself speechless with his own hard thrust into your tight walls. You gasp, far from unaffected yourself. What he lacks in experience he makes up for in size.
“When you’re what, Eddie?” you prompt him breathlessly, relaxing down against the mattress and lifting a lazy hand to push the curls from his eyes.
“When I’m inside you,” he manages to say this time. He squints down at you, fists digging into the sheets on either side of you. You wish he’d touch you, maybe manhandle you a bit, but you know that would probably be too much for him right now. He looks like he’s gonna bust just from sinking inside you. You can be patient.
“I’d never laugh at you,” you say, despite the cheeky smile on your lips that says otherwise.
“No?” Eddie asks, though he’s definitely distracted by the way your breasts jiggle when he pulls out and pushes back in. This time he hits a place deep inside of you that takes the smile off your face, replaced with a parted mouth and a brow furrowed in pleasure.
“Oh god…” you whisper, completely involuntary. Eddie freezes, buried deep inside you, and looks down at your face.
“You…that…did I do that?” he asks. He seems completely shocked that he could have contributed to your pleasure and you would have laughed if you weren’t too busy swiveling your hips to try and force the same pressure again.
“Uhuh. That’s all you, pretty boy,” you confirm. You’re done being patient however, and grab one of his hands to place on your hip. “You and that big cock.”
He blushes impossibly redder and the heat travels down the column of his neck to his chest.
“You can’t just say shit like that. You’re gonna make me fucking cum - ,”
You surge forward and grab Eddie by the back of the head, pulling him down so his chest mashes against yours and your tongue invades his mouth.
“That’s the idea, baby,” you whisper against his lips, making his eyes roll back.
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findafight · 2 years
Byler is sooooo good like childhood best friends?? Would do nearly anything for each other? Extreme pining?? Phenomenal. it makes me crazy. but also. Also. Unrequited Byler. For Mike.
Consider, season four fix it everything is mostly fine back in Hawkins, and Will is finally like "I can't keep doing this to myself. I have to have some self respect!!" And Jonathan and Argyle are like yes!! Yes little man!! Do it! We love you! You do what is best for you!!
So Will starts the slow process of Getting Over Mike. It's hard, because they're friends, and all their friends are friends, but worth it. He's tied so much of himself up into Mike that it hurts to disentangle from him, but he does it. Slowly.
Over the summer of '86, with the upside down actually gone and collapsed, Will gains more confidence in himself, more relaxed and self assured, not second guessing everything he does.
The rest of the party is thrilled to see him, to have him back, and even if he's stiff around Mike, they figure it's because Mike and El broke up (or, well, El broke up with Mike because he couldn't say he loved her, and that he was obviously hurting Will, and a great number of other things) and El is Will's sister. Dustin and Lucas fight over who gets to introduce Will to Eddie and are both beaten by Steve who walks in, Eddie on his heels and goes "hey will! This is Eddie, he's a GN or whatever too." With a smile. (Dustin shrieks to correct him but Will sees the smile Steve has and suspects he knows what he's doing.)
So the summer goes, the boys play dnd and talk about girlfriends or lack thereof, and Will barely squirms when he thinks about how he doesn't want one. Jonathan said it was ok. That he'd love him always and that his friends would too, but it's scary. It's always going to be a bit scary, he thinks.
And Will notices things. He notices how, when Jonathan reassures him it'll be fine, his eyes catch on Argyle smiling and nodding along to something Steve is saying. How Argyle always grins a bit too wide when he spots Jon enter a room, a bit too dopey; how their fingers graze against each other.
He notices how Eddie doesn't really mention girls; how Jeff doesn't talk about anyone really. How Steve will smirk at Robin and gently nudge her sometimes and she'll splutter and laugh; how Eddie and Steve will grin and tease and lean into each other's spaces and lean away again blushing but not awkward.
He refuses to notice Mike.
Of course, everybody notices when something shifts between Eddie and Steve, how they start to slot together easily, less blushing. How, when Dustin is asking Steve why he and Robin still aren't dating, Steve shrugs and says "because I'm dating Eddie."
Will notices how Jonathan's eyes go wide, and he looks like he wants to ask a question but doesn't. Mike, however, does.
"so, like, you were faking the whole time?"
And Steve raises a singular eyebrow and explains that for him, someone's gender was never really part of the equation of whether he liked them or not. He was just kinda slow on the uptake that that isn't the case for everyone. How sometimes for some people it does matter, but they like boys and girls and people not either of those (which Will didn't know you could be, inbetween or outside of boy and girl.) He wasn't faking. He liked Nancy Wheeler and he liked those other girls and he likes Eddie.
Then Will notices Argyle nodding and smiling, Jonathan gaping a little bit, brows scrunched together, Nancy chewing her lip. He decides to leave that.
Nothing actually changes because of the revelation, just that now the Party knows. Or. Nothing changes in regards to Steve and Eddie. Jonathan and Argyle, it seems, do plan on changing. Will comes home one day to find Argyle sitting on the counter holding Jon's face tenderly, pecking kisses around his face. He walks out the door and stomps noisily up the steps to give them a chance.
And slowly Will notices that it doesn't hurt, not anymore, being around Mike. Doesn't make his chest ache with longing or his stomach turn.
He thinks he'll always love Mike, in a special way, in the way Steve once told him he still loved Nancy. That special place a first love that broke your heart burrowed but you wouldn't change it because it was important to you. Helped you grow. Steve said that no love is wasted, even if it didn't last in the way you expected it to. He said it with a smile, that day. That Maybe it ends or maybe it fizzles or maybe it just changes into some other kind of love. And that's good too.
When Steve talks like that, Will wonders when he got so wise, and then wonders when he himself got so wise. A side effect, perhaps, of getting your heart broken by a Wheeler.
Will doesn't think he's actually in love with Mike anymore. And that's good.
He tells Jon first. That he thinks he and Mike can be friends, that he wants them to be friends, that it doesn't really hurt as much anymore, to hear Mike complain about girls. Jon hugs him. Tells him he's proud of him. Tells him he's so strong and brave and is growing up so much.
Will hangs out with the party and just. Sorta tells them one day that he's gay. He never actually said the words before, because Jonathan just knew, but it's a sort of thrilling experience, how he'd imagine skydiving to be. El smiles and holds his hand. Lucas and Dustin smile and clamber to hug him, thanking him for telling them and trusting them and that they're so happy for him. Robin highfives him, welcomes him to the club. Eddie ruffles his hair and smiles. Steve just says "good job figuring yourself out, little man!" And Will laughs.
Mike just stares.
It hurts, but not as much as it would have six, four, or even a month ago. Will shrugs it off as they get on with their plans for the day.
And then, somehow, it's been a year since they beat vecna, and El is happier than she's ever been. Will is too. They can both say they are completely over Mike Wheeler.
Will is glad, because both of them have had too much stress for their whole lives. One day, in the Hopper-Byers livingroom, as they all do their own thing and bask in each other's company, she tells Hopper she thinks she's like Steve. Hop just looks at her blankly, Will and Joyce and Jonathan watching, and she shakes her head, saying "I am not always a girl and not always a boy and not always either. I do not care if the person I like is a boy or a girl or like me. It is nice to just be. To wear fun clothes that are comfy and to like someone who likes me. That is how I am like Steve."
And oh. That makes sense. It makes sense for El and it makes sense for Steve. Will gets why Steve carefully said 'boys and girls and people not either or both' when he came out. It makes something warm bloom in Will's chest that someone would be careful like that, for someone else's sake, even if they weren't sure, if it was just in case. Makes him so happy that El has someone like her, because he knows how lonely it is being different and she has already been different most of her life.
El tells the party the next day, the same exact way. She grins at Steve, who is smiling through tears, and thanks him for explaining it to her. Dustin, once again, nearly tackles her in a hug, stopped only by Max's crutches as she heaves El into a spin, kissing her cheek. Mike thanks her for telling them.
So it goes, sophomore year bleeding into junior year, all the petty dramas of highschool overshadowing what happened in the upsidedown. Robin and Eddie and Steve follow Jonathan and Argyle to Chicago, Nancy meeting them when she's finished school, and tell the Party to call. At the send off, Robin wraps Will in a tight hug, whispering that she gets it, gets knowing without having the words to talk about it. How she's proud of her little buddy and he'd better give her all the gossip about the party, as though Max isn't taking diligent notes to share with her.
Will stands beside Mike, leaning against him, as they watch Dustin and Steve sob into each other's shoulder, and is happy they're friends.
A few weeks after, in October, Mike starts acting really weird
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peaceteaa11 · 2 years
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Part One of Ladylike
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Rating: clean, mentions of sex but not actual doing of the devil tango
Warnings: Mentions of sex, drinking, pining, one night stands. A touch of annoyed Eddie but also not really. Lots of fluff. Mutual pining.
Summary: Reader and Eddie hook up and the reader is really embarrassed the next morning because she thinks that Eddie will think less of her. But she actually has had a crush on him for years.
A/N: Okay. I know I said another part of Love Luna would be coming next but uh... I lied. Hehe. Sorry. It will be coming soon I promise but I have been packing for college and i actually leave in like two days to start driving to college sooooo finishing up a oneshot was easier. Hope you understand! Also My Rockstar will be coming up once I am back in college so in like a week another part should be out. But I also got more ideas for storylines while they are on tour so the story will probably continue for more than one more part. If you don't like that you can stop after the next part but I'mma keep writing it cause I love that story. Anyways, here is my Eddie Munson Masterlist! Enjoy the story my friends. I only proof read once. Good luck.
Word Count: 3.3k
Communication is sexy so... tell that special someone you would like to bite them in a loving way every chance you get xxx or do whatever this is... that might work to just make sure you wrap it before you tap it, folks.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────
Soft groaning and sunlight being filtered through plastic shades pulls you from your sleep. You open your eyes and look around to find you’re not in your room. Your eyes widen as the memories of the night before comes rushing back to you. The party, the drinking, seeing your crush, making a move, failing at said move, puking, him taking you home (trying to at least, he couldn’t get you to remember your address), him sobering you up in his trailer, laughter, then more drinking, sleep away camp, laughter… again, clothes… then no clothes, kisses, wonderful kisses, sex, more sex, sex again, and then… sleep. You quickly look next to you to find your crush of five years sound asleep next to you.
Fuck Fuck Fuck. You look around his room as memories swirl through your head. This is not how you wanted this to happen. You’ve liked Eddie Munson for years. YEARS. But this. A one night stand is not what you wanted from him. You wanted everything. Dates, jokes, laughter, kisses, cuddles, marriage, kids even, everything. Now what is he going to think of you? You sit up and push your hand through your hair nervously. Eddie shifts next to you, groaning sleepily as his arms wrap around your waist.
“Stop moving.” He grumbles. Your heart nearly explodes. His voice is deep and sleepy as he pulls himself closer to your side. “Go back to sleep. It’s so early.” He huffs. Not knowing exactly what to do you lay back down. Staring up at the ceiling stiff with nerves. Eddie pulls you into his chest causing you to turn onto your side. You can’t help but blush so fiercely you pray his eyes never open. Then again… Eddie’s eyes were your favorite feature of his. As your chest presses against his you remember you’re both very naked. He hums in content but your eyes widen in embarrassment. Sure. You guys had sex but… this was different. Besides. You were basically in love with Eddie and now that you had all your wits about you this was like a twisted dream come true.
You stare into his neck and chin with a hot blush creeping all over your body. God. What is he going to think of you? That you’re just some whore who sleeps with everyone? You weren’t like that. You only slept with him because you’re in love with him and have been for years. That and alcohol makes it hard for you to continue to lie to yourself about your feelings for him. You shift a bit in his grasp and stare up at his sleeping face. His lashes relaxed against his cheeks. His lips pulled into a sleepy smile. You can feel your heartbeat racing beneath your chest. He’s so goddamn pretty.
“Staring is rude.” You jump at his voice and he chuckles through a soft yawn. His eyes slowly blink open and he smiles down at you. Pulling you flush against him. Your cheeks burn and he laughs again. “You’re easily flustered. It’s cute.” He hums staring at you kindly but this only causes you to blush more if that’s even possible.
“Hi…” you whisper causing Eddie to grin brightly.
“Hi.” He shifts his head down toward yours. “So. Last night was interesting.” He sighs. Suddenly, all the warmth fades from you as nerves settle back in. Oh god. He’s going to think you’re nothing but a common whore. This is mortifying.
“Uh… yea…” you whisper softly looking down to his chest, still pressed to yours.
“Look… if you’re embarrassed there’s no need to be. No one is gonna find out. I’m not gonna tell anyone. And even if I did. It’s not as if they would actually believe that y/n y/l/n would actually fuck the town freak.” His voice is soft and kind yet so serious. You quickly look up to him and shake your head. Your hair tangling and twisting against the pillows.
“No no. That’s… that’s not it.” You whisper softly and Eddie sighs.
“Sure it isn’t.” He chuckles but this is harsher than his sleepy chuckles from before. God. This is not going how you want it to at all. “I’m gonna go shower. Your clothes are all folded over there.” Eddie releases you from his grip and you instantly miss his warmth. He stands up from the bed and you blush deeply as you try not to stare at his ass. “Look. I’m not gonna tell anyone. And it’s still pretty early so no one is gonna see you.” He glances over his shoulder and he grabs a towel from the corner of his somewhat messy room. Okay… it’s quite messy. Not that you really care. “No one has to know that little miss perfect likes a freak in the bed.” He winks but it’s not sweet or cheeky. It’s… you’re not quite sure what it is but it’s not Eddie. “See ya in chem.” He huff before leaving his room, closing the door behind him. You quickly sit up and question if you should go after him. Just spill your guts. Tell him the only reason you left with him is because you happen to be in love with him and when you are drunk you cannot hide your feelings… or apparently your sexual attractions.
You hear a shower squeak to life as you climb out of his warm bed. You walk over to your clothes and groan. You forgot that you wore that stupid dress. Tight and if you were honest, the ugliest shade of pink you’ve ever seen in your life. God. You would rather walk around naked than put that think back on. You slip into your underwear and then glacé around Eddie’s for for something to borrow. You quickly pick up a black tee off the floor and turn it right side out. You look at it and memories flash through your head.
“I like your shirt…” you whispered softly catching Eddie’s attention. He turned to you confused after looking around.
“You like Dio?” He smiled softly at you. You nodded with a bright smile trying to hide the blush that was creeping onto your cheek.
“Yea. My dad and I listen to him all the time. What’s your favorite song?” You whispered as you stared up at a shocked Eddie Munson.
“Eddie Munson! Stop distracting my other students. Focus on your work.” Your teacher huffed making you both jump a bit.
“Oh. Yes. I would hate to distract miss y/l/n from the important topic of… sorry what exactly are we learning this week?” Eddie chuckled as he smirked at the teacher. You try to stifle a giggle but do a very poor job.
“See me after class.”
“Ooo. That’s a bit forward don’t cha think?” He winked as he leaned forward onto his elbows.
“Mr. Munson!”
“Hey now. I’m not the one flirting with students.” Eddie shrugged before looking to you with a cheeky grin.
“That’s it. Go to the office. Now.”
“As you wish, my love.” Eddie chuckled as he gathered his things. His things consisted of a pencil and a sketch book but still. As he was leaving the desk he smiled at you. “Gypsy. That’s definitely my favorite. I’ll see ya in Mr. Marley’s class if I’m set free from my prison sentence in time.”
“Mr. Munson move along.”
The memory itself makes you blush so deeply it’s embarrassing even though no one is around to see it. You slip into the familiar shirt and look around for a pair of pants but all you can see scattered around are black jeans. You frown and quickly grab a pair of boxers that are hanging half out of an open drawer of the dresser that your clothes sit on. You slide them on over your panties and sigh looking around. Your eyes land on a guitar displayed on the wall. You softly shuffle over to it and smile. You had seen him play it once or twice at the hideout when you had snuck away from friends just to go watch Eddie’s band play. Always hiding in the back of the bar. Hidden in the shadows, terrified he might see you. He never did. He was always too wrapped up in his music. It was beautiful really.
You glance down below the guitar at a worn table that holds an even more worn box with records inside. Tons. And tons. Of records. You let your fingers slide over the soft and frayed tops the record sleeves. You dip your finger between two fingers them and pull out a random record. Metallica’s new album. You smile. Your dad had just brought this last week. It had been playing in his house ever since he brought it home last Tuesday. God. You loved time at your dads. Your moms was a nightmare, she’s the reason you have that pink monstrosity that sits on Eddie’s dresser. It’s not that you don’t like pink either… it’s just ugly. You are about to pull the record from its sleeve when Eddie’s bedroom door opens.
You whip around, record still in hand, and your eyes fall onto a very wet Eddie. His hair dripping down his chest, water gliding down his skin to the towel wrapped loosely around his waist. His eyes widen when they land on you wrapped in his clothes.
“You’re still here…” he whispers softly somewhere between a question and statement.
“Oh. Uh was I supposed to be gone?” You smile softly confused about what to do and where to look. You look down to the record in an attempt to not stare at naked Eddie. You hear rustling, the door shuts, clothing rustles, and then you feel water droplets land on your arm. You look up to find Eddie in black ripped jeans, boxers sticking out of the top, and he is roughly rubbing the towel against his wet hair. “Woah! Stop stop!” You giggle as water flies everywhere. He looks to you mid drying session. Confusion all over his face. You giggle a bit and quickly set the record on his bed. “That’s not how you’re supposed to fry your hair Eddie.” You shake your head as you make your way over to him.
“Pardon?” He chuckles as you grab the towel from him.
“You’re supposed to scrunch it. Especially with curls like yours. Not just rustle it about.” You demonstrate with a small section of his hair that frames his face. You scrunch the towel around his hair and up towards his scalp. “See. Like that.” You smile handing the towel back to him only then realizing that he is staring down at you intensely. You blush and step back from him.
“You’re in my clothes.” His voice is low and it’s hard to tell how he is feeling from the tone. You look at him and quickly feel your body go numb.
“S-sorry. It’s just. That dress is really uncomfortable. I can… I can give them back at school or I can come by tomorrow and drop them off. I just. I hate that dress.” You mumble through your words and Eddie chuckles.
“S’okay. Don’t get all flustered. I’m not mad. Just making statements.” He smiles at you as he crosses his arms over his chest. "So... do you like need a ride home? Is that why you're still here?" He huffs a bit causing his wet bangs to wiggle just slightly. He stares over at you with such intensity it is hard to tell whether or not he is annoyed with you or simply observing you.
"I... no. I can find a way home... I just... I... I'm sorry." You stutter feeling tears beginning to form in your eyes. This is not how you wanted things to go between the two of you. This is not how you wanted him to see you. This is not how you wanted to think of you. "I'm sorry." You sniffle a bit and push your hair from your face. "I'm so embarrassed. I'm so sorry." The dam breaks and tears start to trickle down your cheeks. You hiccup a bit and You hear Eddie shuffle closer.
"W-why... why are you embarrassed, y/n?" You feel Eddie's palm on your shoulder and you look up to meet his gaze. "I... I promise. I'm not gonna tell anyone.. I'm not that type of guy." He frowns deeply and you shake your head violently.
"No! No!" You sob and roughly rub your fists against your eyes, angry at yourself for a whole array of things. Sleeping with Eddie on a drunken whim rather than a romantic setting like you had always pictured, crying in front of your crush, waiting all these years to work up the courage to actually talk to him, and so much... so much more. "No... not about that. I-I I'm just... I'm embarrassed that..." You take in a deep shaky breath and step back from Eddie trying to get the courage to tell him. "This is not how I wanted this-this to h-happen." You blush as tears streak down your face. You look up into Eddie's eyes and he squints down at you.
"Wanted what to happen?" He hums curiously. You shake your head and shrug.
"I-I... I like you, Eddie Munson. I have for some time now." You whisper looking down at your feet. His silence makes your stomach twist with nerves. You look up from your feet to find Eddie staring at you with suspicion.
"You... um, I'm confused." He laughs a bit until his face falls into a frown. "Look, if this was a dare of some sort that's fine. I get it but don't you think sleeping with me is enough. You don't have to lie about-"
"What are you talking about?" You sob shaking your head in confusion and frustration. Why won't he believe you?
"Y/n..." He steps closer to you and stares down at you in confusion. "You actually... you actually, have feelings f-for me?" His brows knit together as he scans your face for any sign of trickery or jokes. You stare up at him through teary eyes and nod slowly.
"Y-yes." You shake your head and look down to your feet. "God. This is mortifying." You mumble through a shy laugh and Eddie chuckles gently. You snap your attention back to him and he smiles down at you.
"Why are you mortified?" He chuckles as he pushes a piece of your hair behind your ear gently. A quick flash of last night flies through your mind. Eddie holding you close in his living room, smiling as he tucks your hair behind your ear, a lot like how he just did. His lips drifting down to your neck. You blush as you remember the feeling.
"A thousand reasons." You mumble trying to push the idea of Eddie's lips far from your mind as a deep red blush covers your cheeks. Eddie smirks down at you teasingly.
"Well, name a few, milady." He hums. God he is so charming it hurts. It's cruel how flustered his smile can make you.
"I-I... well, it's not everyday that you wake up in your crush of five years' bed." You push a humorless laugh from your lips as you stare up at him. "Especially not naked... Gosh... you must think I'm such a slut." You shake your head and look down to your feet but only for a split second before Eddie's hands are cupping your face. He gazes seriously into your wide eyes.
"Don't say that. You're not a slut, y/n. Don't ever say that." His eyes flicker between yours waiting for you to respond. You nod cautiously, but really, the only thing your mind can focus on are his warm palms cupping your wet cheeks.
"I... I just don't want you to think I sleep with everyone I-"
"Shut up, love." Eddie chuckles and presses his forehead to yours. "I could never think that about you. Promise." He whispers sweetly. "Even if some of the things you did to me last night weren't so..." Eddie pauses a moment as he searches for the correct word. He smirks down at you as he tilts his head, raising his brows teasingly, "ladylike." He smirks at you and you shove his chest. He stumbles back a bit but his hands catch your hips. He pulls himself back to you and chuckles loudly. "I'm just playing with you, your majesty." He smiles sweetly at you. You shake your head as you wipe tears from your face before looking back into Eddie's eyes. You blush deeply when he grins softly. Damn that smile.
"I like you too, by the way." Eddie chuckles casually. Your whole body tenses. There is no way he just said that.
"You what?" You search his eyes for some sign of a cruel joke even though you know Eddie would never do such a thing.
"Don't act so surprised. Haven't you noticed me staring... like... all the time." His brows knit together and his hands fall to your hips once again. He pulls you against him. You try to search all your memories for times where you have caught Eddie staring at you but you only come up with times he has caught you staring at him. You blush embarrassed by the mere thought of it. "Besides," His voice pulls your from your thoughts, "You think I just sleep with every girl I can?" He smirks at you causing your stomach to knot with tension.
"Well, I don't know... I mean-"
"Woah, woah. Do you think I'm some kind of man whore?" He stumbles back from you dramatically. His hand making a fist and he plunges an invisible dagger into it heart. "You wound me, milady." He pouts at you theatrically. You giggle and shake your head.
"No. No. I just... I figured that... you're very attractive so plenty of girls would want to-" Your voice trails off when your eyes meet his big brown doe eyes. He smirks.
"Town freak. Remember?" He gestures to himself and puts his hands on his hips.
"Don't say that. You're not a freak, Eddie." You watch as his eyes soften and his cheeky persona falls away. He stares at you with nothing but adoration. He smiles and you can swear you see a light shade of pink dust his cheeks.
"Mmm. So I can be a whore but not a freak." He chuckles looking down at his feet obviously trying to hide his blush.
"I never said you were a whore, Eddie." You giggle and he scoffs playfully.
"Do you not remember two minutes ago? You wounded me deeply." He pouts and you tilt your head amused by his theatrics, like you always have been.
"Oh, you poor thing. I never meant to wound you." You smirk, a thick layer of taunting covers your tongue. You take a step closer to Eddie and you can tell he is just a nervous as you are by this move.
"W-well... I have a few ideas of how you could make it up to me." He grins widely and quickly makes his way to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "None of them are very..." He dips his head into your neck, his lips grazing your skin. "Uh... well, none are really-"
"Ladylike?" You question knowingly causing Eddie to pull back and meet your gaze.
"Mhm." He nods with a soft smile on his lips as his eyes drift all along your face. Stopping at your lips.
"Well, that's okay. I was never much of a lady anyways." You giggle and his eyes light up.
"Of course not. What kind of lady falls for the whorish freak?" He teases before pulling you into him and crashing his lips against yours.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────
Okey dokey. That do be it for this one. Let me know if you want a part two of this one... it would be mainly, uh, spice. Wink wink, nudge nudge.
Taglist - @iwillbiteabitch @and-claudia @ruinedbythehobbit @luvmybbies @wannabeyousobad @llodinsonll @tlclick73 @i-love-ptv
I would also like to give a super special thanks to these two ethereal babes right here. @iwillbiteabitch @i-love-ptv The support and encouragement you two give me is literally so amazing like, it makes me want to never stop writing for you two goblins.
Peace and Love, Babes xxx
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Movie Night - Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson x Y/N
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Why was life so unfair? Why did she have to have the two hottest best friends in Hawkins? Why did she have to be in love with them? Why does she also get the feeling that they are a couple? Why can’t they love her back?
Y/N didn’t get any sleep from her mind racing all night and she was pretty irritated when her alarm went off to go to work. Damn Robin for making her trade shifts today. Just what she needs is to see one of the objects of her desire for a whole shift and have to act like everything is great.
Y/N slowly got out of bed, got ready, and put her uniform on before heading out to her car and driving to work. As soon as she pulled into the parking lot of Family Video, she knew it was going to be a horrible day. Not only was Steve’s car there, but Eddie’s van was also. This is not what she needed today. How is she supposed to act normal around them when they were all she could think about all night?
As soon as she walked into the movie store, Steve and Eddie’s heads popped up and they gave her big smiles. “Hey Y/N!” flowed out of their mouths at the same time. If only their smiles meant something else.
“Hey guys. Eds, what are you doing awake so early?”
“Well babe, I just got off work at the bar. We had deliveries I had to unload. Sooooo I figured I could come by and see you and Stevie boy before I go home and pass out.”
“Also, me and Eddie wanted to ask you something, love.”
Y/N spaced out for a minute. This was another reason it’s so hard to not be in love with them. When Eddie calls you babe and Steve calls you love…well, you just want to melt. Why do they do this to you?
You realize they were waiting for you to say something when you glanced back at their faces. “Yeah, what is it?”
“Well, Eddie and I were wondering if you wanted to hangout tonight?”
Great, Y/N thinks. Spend all day with Steve and then have to hangout with them both tonight. She wanted to, she definitely wanted to. It’s so hard to not show how she feels, but she’s gonna agree anyways.
“Sure, what do you boys want to do?”
“We were thinking a movie night. You and Steve can pick any movies you want, we’ll get pizza, and we’ll just spend time together. Is that okay?”
Hmm, okay. Not too much talking for me to accidentally say how I feel. Dark room, I can sit away from them…sounds good.
“That sounds great.”
Not long after you agree to the movie night, Eddie leaves to go get some sleep. You and Steve actually get swamped and the shift passes fast. Before too long Robin comes in to take over and you almost run out the door. You head to your house to change for the movie night before you drive to Eddie and Steve’s apartment that they have shared since the whole Vecna situation ended. Eddie’s trailer was destroyed and his uncle found a job the next town over, but Eddie didn’t want to leave the group. Steve was tired of his parents so he offered to get a place with Eddie. The rest is history.
You pull up at their place and Eddie comes running out, opens your car door, drags you out, and hugs you like he hasn’t seen you in months.
“Dude, how high are you? I saw you this morning.”
“But Y/N, babe, I missed you! I was so excited for you to come over and spend time with us. I’m only high on life!”
“Alright then.”
You walked into their apartment and saw Steve getting plates for pizza. He already had a movie ready to play. You both said hello, and then you all got pizza and drinks and piled into the living room. Steve sat on one side of the couch and Eddie sat on the other. The only seat left was in between them. That would be awkward. What if they wanted to hold hands or something? They wouldn’t do that with you in the middle, right?
Eddie and Steve noticed that you were frozen.
“Love, have a seat! You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Um are you sure you two don’t want to sit together?”
“No babe, we want you to be in the middle.”
Your mind thought of that in a different way, causing you to blush and rush to sit down. You almost missed the look and smirk that Eddie and Steve sent each other, but you weren’t going to bring it up.
The movie started and everything was okay until Eddie threw his arm around you. Then Steve scooted closer to you and his leg was touching yours. You tried so hard to calm your heart rate, but THEY WERE BOTH TOUCHING YOU, WTF.
Before long they were both so close to you that you felt like all three of you were attached. By the end of the movie you felt ready to explode and almost rushed out the words, “if you two wanted to cuddle together you could have asked me to move.”
Steve and Eddie looked at you and then each other before busting out laughing, which made you get a little angry. “What are you two laughing at?! You are both all over me!”
“That’s where we want to be, babe.”
You didn’t even know what to say. You sat there with your mouth open, trying to get out the words “what” and looking like a fish out of water probably. The boys take pity on you.
“Love, we like you. We both like you, we like each other also. We thought you liked us too.”
“Yeah, babe. Sorry if you don’t feel that way. Maybe we just saw what we wanted to see.”
You were stunned. They liked you? Both of them? You must have stayed silent for too long because both of them started untangling from around you, causing you to shout “no!”.
Honestly that probably wasn’t the best thing to say because the moment you saw their kicked puppy dog faces you realized that sounded as if you didn’t like them. You were quick to correct that.
“Wait! That’s not what I meant. I didn’t want you guys to move away from me. I uh, I like you both also. I have for a long time. I just thought you were together and that I’d always just be your friend.”
“Honestly love, we are kinda together but we always knew we had a missing piece, and we always knew that was you.”
“Are you both sure? I don’t think I could take it if you aren’t.”
“We are as serious as a heart attack, babe. We’ve actually been trying to figure out how to ask you to go on a date with us for months. Turns out tricking you into one works.”
“So if it’s a date, I can kiss you both?”
“Duh!” comes from Eddie before he’s pulling you in, and then before you know it you are being pulled away from Eddie and being turned to face Steve. He kisses you also, before releasing you.
You are pretty dazed, but seeing Eddie and Steve kiss right after…man. Should that really turn you on as much as it does? Whatever, they are both yours now and you are going to enjoy this night and every night to come.
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wh0lemilk0vich · 2 years
Kinda borrowing and following on from your prev cinema anon coz oooh boy I loved that one
Since Rocky Horror Picture Show is a staple of so many Steddie fics (rightfully so that’s queer history)
The gang going to a screening night in costume!
Eddie is obviously Eddie - groundbreaking chub heartthrob character really (side note - actually headcanon chubby!Eddie’s body shape as very similar to Meatloaf’s)
It’s a whole build up of planning, Eddie’s costume is an easy one to figure, but Robin & Nancy ….not certain which characters they end up assigning themselves - let’s just say there’s a lot of giggly & excited back and forth talk about logistics and pros and cons, like constantly, in the lead up to the show.
Steve’s THIS close to banning Nancy & Robin discussing it during work hours, but unfortunately the shop never seems to get busy enough to warrant putting his foot down when Nancys comes in to chat (this is obvs deliberate - Nancys meticulous and knows exactly when the stores quiet times are)
Steve is…a hard sell. He’s excited the others are excited, and there was no way he was going to say no to anything Eddie asked him to do anyway but…costumes? Really? Ugh - and he can act too cool but there’s just - theres a few elements to his discomfort with this, that he’s gonna put away in a mental box to explore at another time
Anyway! Show night! The cinema is abuzz and ok it’s much easier to be in costume when your surrounded by a crowd all dressed in similar costumes
And Steve’s last shred of reluctance disappears when he remembers - oh! Oh yeah concession stand!! Okay play it cool Harrington!
Steve LOADS UP everybody with snacks - deliberately making sure to equally ask each the other three (again! Play it cool Harrington!) what each would want and then just..doubling up (“hey I’ll buy! My treat guys! For being such a grouch in the lead up” Robin just like “ohh that’s the reason? That’s what we’re saying this is? gee thanks Steve, your such a swell friend for making it up to us like this 🙄”)
So they head into the cinema, all holding armfuls of food - Robin & Nance just smirking coz yeah …right Steve..this foods for all four of us is it?? Sure ok if you say so
Anyway - they get to their seats, Nancy, Robin and Steve take a seat and Eddie…just stands there …looking at his seat, and Steve’s having trouble reading him? Like “are you ok babe 🙁” and Eddie just ..still looks like he’s puzzling something out? But he’s like “yeah I think so” and takes a seat right next to Steve and….kinda almost on Steve
And that’s when Steve gets it- Eddie is WEDGED into that seat, the top of his belly is encroaching on Steve’s arm rest space
And Steve’s just bought enough snacks for him for 10 people
Once Steve’s able to draw his blushing jaw dropped face away from where his arm is brushing Eddie’s belly to look Eddie in the eye, Eddie is just grinning lewdly and knowingly at him
And then fucking Eddie just winks at Steve and then maintains eye contact as he starts in on the first bucket of popcorn
Thank god the lights go down then because Steve might be about to lose consciousness from how quickly all his blood just rushed south
Ok there's sooooo much good stuff here that I want to do it justice and maybe even get something one-shot length out of this. When I can get to writing something, I'll be linking to this ask and I'll post it here and on Ao3
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Drunk Eddie thoughts
Kinda a follow up to my Dating Eddie Munson series but also not, just some thoughts I’ve had about how Eddie would be/act when drunk lolol
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-we know this boy has almost no filter but it gets worse when he’s drunk so literally no topic is off limits. Sex? Definitely gonna get talked about, and if not sex then just him being horny or what his latest Heavy Metal magazine had in it. Drugs? Yup. Tangent in his current hyper-fixation? Oh hell yeah. How much he loves you/wants to kiss you? Yes and he’ll talk about it with his head in your shoulder looking up at you with those big brown for eyes. (And he grins sooooo hard when he sees you blushing)
-he will absolutely fall asleep on anyone or anywhere when he has a lil too much to drink. Couch, bed, Steve, Robin, coffee table, doorstep, driveway, a stranger, in the middle of the kitchen floor and you’ll only know he’s there when someone trips over him trying to sleepily get a glass of water. You’ll find him in the most random places but his favorite place to fall asleep is the bathtub and you won’t know until someone tries to go pee and yells for someone to come get him
-he’s a mix of a reckless drunk and a philosophical drunk. Bad ideas? Whether it’s egging the Principals house or pranking the neighbor, he’s on it. But then he’ll also get existential about life and it’s meaning and how small we are compared to the rest of the universe
-he MUST be touching someone at all times, literally anyone. Hand on an arm if they’re standing hand on an arm or a thigh if they’re sitting, hand on a foot if Eddie is for some reason on the floor. No one questions it either, it’s just a drunk Eddie thing
-he can hold his beer (until number like 4 or 5) but give him hard liquor and he’s out of commission after two drinks
-he loves fruity cocktails and will give anyone a death glare if they question his drink choices
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
Bestie it’s me again, sorry I am literally crazy and every song I listen to is so Reddie coded…
Anyway, this song is sooooo reddie <3
I’m thinking abt the fact that this song came out in 1989 (originally performed by Tina Turner) and how I’m SURE it was playing somewhere and Richie’s mind j produced a neon sign blinking incessantly “YOU LOVE EDDIE KASPBRAK” at him. And Yk, he’s 13 and he has a big fat crush so of course he likes the song on the down low (bc if anyone knew how much this song meant to him, how much Eddie meant to him, he’d probably die of embarrassment).
Anyway, fast forward to now, it’s a Friday morning and Eddie is at home with him on a rare day off. He’s humming the song under his breath (the billianne version) while making some coffee for them both, catching Eddie’s attention suddenly. He lets out a little laugh and shoots Richie a small smile, “Tina Turner? Really?” And Richie is momentarily stunned bc for one, he hadn’t even realized he’d been humming it, and two, he didn’t think Eddie even knew that song. the blush creeps up his neck against his will, immediately stammering out a placating response about “oh yeah, you know, the 80s and what not” accompanied by an awkward laugh. Of course eddie is still smiling and he has this look in his eyes, an exasperated kind of fondness.
Then, with that smile still firmly in place he says, “you don’t have to be embarrassed Rich, Tina Turner is hardly your worst musical inclination… besides, that song always kinda reminded me of you” and suddenly he’s shy. he’s always been so brave, it only makes sense he was the one to be vulnerable (even if he gets a little bashful in the moment).
Richie though, he’s stunned and gaping at Eddie like he’d grown a second head. Because that can’t be right. That’s is supposed to be HIS embarrassing little song for Eddie. But the shock melts away almost as quickly as it came, and suddenly he’s laughing. Laughing so hard tears burn behind his eyelids as Eddie sputters and kicks his shin with a small, muttered “asshole, though he’s smiling too.
Richie goes to him then, hugging him hard and long. Eddie melts into it despite the childish embarrassment he feels settling in his gut. “I used to listen to that song on repeat when it came out, thinking about how hard it was to be in love with my best friend.” Richie admits quietly into Eddie’s hair. He feels the shorter man tense slightly before sinking even more into Richie’s embrace. Like if he hugged him hard enough they’d meld together and become one.
They stay like that, long after the sun rises and the coffee goes cold. Swaying gently as Richie hums the song into Eddie’s hair. :,)
(Okay sorry I’m going crazy in ur inbox I j feel more comfortable rambling to u bc I know you get it! :,) )
- 🫀
this is so good. SO SO SO GOOD !!!!! first of all, this song??? YES. second, this song for richie and his hopeless-romantic-teenage-crush on eddie ??? double yes. third, them having the same teenage crush song ??!?!??!? TRIPLE YES and fourth ????? them only finding out about it years and years later by accident ?!???!??? im on the floor sobbing
also the idea that richie was always embarrassed about the whole thing, having a silly little song about his crush, until the finds out that it was eddie's song about HIM as well ???? and then he doesn't feel embarrassed anymore, but rather he only grows to love the song even more ???? BECAUSE NOW IT'S NOT HIS SONG IT'S THEIR SONG ??!????!??!??!!?? ksdjrbgslkejrbglseb this post electrocuted me in the best way
ok heartie (that's my nickname for u hehe) PLSSS tell me you write fics because,,,,,,, THESE ARE SO GOOD like actually i get so much enjoyment out of reading your asks they are incredible. if you do or ever do write fics and feel comfortable sharing them PLS DO i would love to read more of your writing <3
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pigstepmp3-moved · 5 years
Sooooo consider: college AU. Eddie locked himself in a study room in the library because he has a huge final the next day and he swears to god he’s gonna fail. Buck comes by and brings him food and coffee and forced him to take a break for 30 minutes because “Eddie you’re clearly not thinking clearly if you just said you’re an idiot. I’m the idiot in this relationship” and then quizzing him over stuff and kissing Eddie when he gets the answers right ahajsjskskskd
listen. i know u didnt ask for a ficlet, but this Inspired me, so i had to run with the idea ok
After not hearing from Eddie at all in the last two days, Buck knows there’s only one possible place he could be: the library. He knows Eddie has some big final coming up for one of his fancy schmancy psychology classes, and he also knows that Eddie takes his education very, very seriously. Way too seriously, if you ask Buck, but nobody ever does.
Anyways. Buck’s sure that Eddie’s holed up in one of those study rooms in the library on campus that he’s always raving about, and his phone has to be dead because every call Buck sends his way goes to voicemail immediately. He’s also sure that Eddie probably hasn’t slept or eaten since the last time Buck saw him because he’s bound to be so focused on studying, which will not do at all. Thankfully, he knows that they allow food and closed drinks in the library, so with a sandwich and cold water bottle for both of them in his backpack, Buck makes the trip out to the library.
When Buck makes it to the library, he’s not surprised to see Eddie through the window on the door of one of the study rooms looking like he’s about to conk out. Buck can see the dark circles under his eyes from here, and Eddie looks like he’s about to cry because he’s so stressed. He doesn’t like that at all. He frowns concernedly, quietly opening the door and shutting it behind him. He makes his way over to Eddie’s side, gently places his hand on his shoulder, and he’s about to say something before Eddie interrupts with a gasp as he leaps out of his chair in surprise.
“Oh my God, you scared me!” Eddie exclaims once he manages to catch his breath, holding a hand to his chest as he sits back down in his chair. “What are you doing here?”
“I was worried about you, papi. Haven’t heard from you in a couple days,” Buck says, shrugging off his bag and setting it on the table before pulling a chair over to Eddie’s side, plopping down in it.
“Sorry,” Eddie replies guiltily, ducking his head a little. “I just have a final tomorrow, and...” he mumbles something that’s a little too quiet for Buck to fully make out.
“What was that? Speak up, babe.”
“I’ just think that I’m gonna fail,” Eddie says after a moment, slowly looking back up at Buck. It breaks Buck’s heart when he sees that Eddie’s eyes are wet with unshed tears.
“Now, why would you think that?” Buck asks quietly, gently cupping Eddie’s cheek, carefully thumbing just below his eye.
“‘Cause I’m an idiot who doesn’t know anything about anything,” Eddie replies, hands fidgeting anxiously in his lap as he rapidly blinks back tears. The blinking proves useless, though, because before either of them know it, tears are pouring down his face. “I mean, how could I possibly think that I could actually get a freaking psychology degree? I don’t know any of this shit, and I’m gonna fail so bad that I’m never gonna get my bachelor’s, and if I can’t get that, then I can’t get my master’s, and if I can’t get that, I’m not gonna get a PhD, and—!”
“Hey, hey, none of that,” Buck interrupts Eddie before he can get too worked up, gently wiping away all of the tears that are streaming down his face. “You need to take a break, babe.”
“No, I can’t take a break, I don’t know any of this, and my test is tomorrow, and I’m gonna fail—”
“Well, you’re obviously not thinking clearly if you seriously think that you’re the idiot here. Please. Have you even met me?” Buck tries to chuckle a little, but it comes out a little forced. He’s so worried about the kind of state of mind Eddie’s in right now that it’s hard to stay positive, but he has to for no other reason than to show Eddie that everything’s okay. He twists his body to reach his bag, keeping his hand on Eddie’s face, rummaging around for one of the sandwiches he brought. He smiles in triumph when he finds one, trying to rescue it from the plastic it’s currently wrapped in as quickly as he can, but it’s a little tough to do so when he’s one-handed. As soon as it’s free, he sets it in Eddie’s lap. “Here. Eat this. We’re gonna take a little break so you can breathe for a moment. You’re gonna eat...” he pauses to dig a bottle out of his bag, shoving it towards Eddie, “you’re gonna drink some water, and you’re just gonna relax for a minute. And when you’re all done, I’m gonna help you study, okay? I’ll quiz you. Show you that you do know this stuff, you’re just overwhelming yourself right now.” Eddie frowns as he stares down at the sandwich. Buck sets the bottle down on the table next to them and picks the sandwich up, grins as he wiggles it under Eddie’s nose. “Come on. I know you want it.” Eddie laughs at that, and Buck can’t help but feel a little triumphant.
“Yeah, okay,” Eddie says, sniffling as he takes the sandwich from his lap, taking a tentative bite out of it. “‘S good. Thank you.”
“Anything for you, boo,” Buck says, grinning at the breathless chuckle it pulls out of Eddie. He watches Eddie eat for a moment before pulling out his own sandwich and tearing at the plastic containing it.
They eat in silence for a while, knees pleasantly bumping against each other, and soon enough, they’ve both finished their sandwiches. Buck’s honestly a little surprised Eddie managed to finished—he figured Eddie would be so eager to get back into studying that he’d hardly be able to eat. Buck quietly catches him up on what he’s been missing during his two-day-long study session.
As much as Buck wants to drag Eddie back to his dorm and force him to lay down and get some sleep with him, he knows Eddie will refuse with some excuse about how he doesn’t want to sleep through his final. So, with a slightly worried look on his face, he says, “You got any flashcards?”
“Um, yeah,” Eddie replies, reaching for all the index cards that are spread haphazardly across the table. He puts them all into a neat little pile before handing them off to Buck. “You were serious about quizzing me?”
“‘Course.” Buck gawks a little at the neat handwriting on the cards. Much nicer looking than the flashcards he’s tried to make for himself. “Damn, these are sexy. I should get you to make my flashcards for me.”
“Yeah, you gonna pay me?”
“I’ll pay you in blowjobs,” Buck says with a shrug.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Come on, quiz me already.”
“Yeah, yeah, I got you.”
Buck goes through each of Eddie’s cards, grimacing a little and saying “not quite” when Eddie gets the questions wrong and leaning forward to press a happy little kiss to his lips when he gets the questions right. They go through the cards together a few times, and when they manage to get through without a single wrong answer, Buck notices that Eddie’s starting to droop in his seat a little. About halfway through their next run through, Eddie interrupts Buck in the middle of asking a question with a snore. Buck looks up, pleasantly surprised to see that Eddie’s conked out with his head leaned back on the chair. With a grin, Buck stands and starts tidying up all their things, doing it as quietly as possible to let Eddie get some rest. He shoves the rumpled plastic wrap bits and half drunken water bottles into his own bag. He finds a rubber band discarded on the table, grabbing it and tying it around the cards, carefully shuts all the textbooks strewn across the table, carefully puts all the items into the bag left by Eddie’s feet. Once everything’s cleaned and packed away, he gently nudges Eddie awake. “Hey, baby, c’mon, wake up.”
Eddie slowly blinks his eyes open and yawns adorably. “Hm? Wha’s going on?”
“I’m takin’ you back to your dorm so you can get some sleep,” Buck says, holding a hand out to pull Eddie up. Eddie gives him a skeptical look. “Come on. You did great today. Kicked those flashcards’ ass. And you’re gonna kick that test’s ass, too. You’ve more than earned some sleep in a proper bed. And I’ll spend the night and everything so you don’t have to worry about sleeping too late. I’ll wake you up if you don’t get up on your own to get ready.” Eddie frowns at him for another moment before taking his hand and letting Buck pull him up.
“Promise you’ll wake me up?”
“Promise. I’ll set, like, a thousand alarms so I don’t forget,” Buck replies as he lets go of Eddie’s hand, grinning in delight with the chuckle it pulls out of Eddie. He lifts both of their bags, throwing one around of his shoulders and the other around the other. “You ready to head home?”
“Mm. Home. Sounds nice,” Eddie says, reaching for Buck’s hand again and interlocking their fingers.
“Yeah?” Buck asks as he starts leading Eddie out of the library.
“Yeah. We should move in together.”
Buck blushes a little as he thinks about that idea. Getting to wake up next to that gorgeous face every morning sounds pretty swell, and he finds himself really loving the idea of them finding a little apartment off campus together. “That sounds nice. But we can talk about more when you’ve gotten some sleep and are less stressed out, ‘kay?”
“Mm, ‘kay,” Eddie says, leaning into Buck’s side as they meander down the sidewalk toward his dorm in the slowly darkening evening. Buck knows it’s a serious conversation for some other time, but he already knows the answer he’ll give Eddie if he asks again—yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Well, maybe a little less enthusiastic than that so he doesn’t completely embarrass himself, but he really does genuinely love the idea. For now, though, all that matters is getting Eddie home and in bed to get some much needed rest.
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reddie-steady-go · 7 years
Playing Hero (Reddie Request)
This was a prompt request from @booksmusiclaughsandsadness !! I am sooooo sorry that it has taken me so long to get this out. They requested prompts 11 (you`re a monster), 15 (Don’t die on me - please), and 33 (He’s dead because of you). And can I just say that while I had a lot of fun writing this, OOF! Also It kind of ended up as a follow up to something I wrote for a request a few days ago...I really really really hope that you like it! Also, NO ONE ACTUALLY DIES BUT PLEASE let me know if you guys would want a part two!! With a decidedly happier ending of course because I don’t know if I can bear to leave it like this. Anyways. I hope I did your request justice!!
WARNINGS: Swearing, graphic depictions of violence, and underage drinking (thanks a lot, Bowers)
@thecastlebyers tagged as requested!! Please let me know if you want to be tagged in my writing and I’ll be sure to add you!
#11: You’re a monster, #15: Don’t die on me – please, #33: He’s dead because of you
Henry Bowers poked gingerly at his mangled and swollen lips. They stung in protest as he probed at them, surveying the slowly healing damage. Richie Tozier had done this to him. Richie fucking Tozier. Henry gripped the edge of the sink with a white knuckled hand, quivering with rage. Richie Tozier. He was going to pay. Henry could still feel the sting of his fist, as if a spectral one continued to pummel him at this very moment. It only fuelled his rage. Henry stormed out of his house and down his front steps, his mind laser focused, his hand turning over a switchblade in his pocket.
Richie Tozier was a dead man.
“Chee, it’s the middle of winter,” Eddie looked doubtfully at Richie, who grinned from the desk in front of him. “And your idea for date night is a park walk?”
“A park walk AFTER dinner, Eds. We’re not barbarians,” Richie snickered, unhindered by the unamused expression Eddie was trying to create. “Besides, I thought you liked walks,”
“But it’s been snowing all day,”
“Exactly! The only thing that will be prettier than the snow will be you!” Richie winked at Eddie as seductively as he could, which was not very, thanks to the thick glasses that hid most of the gesture. Eddie blushed and giggled anyway.
“Fine,” Eddie leaned forward and kissed Richie on the cheek. “But I’m wearing at least three jackets,”
“Well that’ll just make undressing you a fun challenge,” Richie smirked slyly, and Eddie made a noise almost as if he was choking, his cheeks turning a bright crimson.
“Richie!” He hissed, reaching out to slap Richie’s arm. It did nothing to erase the smug grin that plastered the taller boy’s pale features.
“Pick you up at 6:00!” Richie gave Eddie one last wink and spun around in his seat. Eddie rolled his eyes, a smile ghosting at the corners of his lips.
Henry let out an obnoxious belch and crushed the aluminium can that he clutched in his hand, the sour stench of cheap beer wafting noxiously about him. On either side of him, Belch Huggins and Patrick Hockstetter – his personal lackeys – held similar containers, tossing their heads back and swilling the drinks. Several crushed cans that had, at one point at least, held more of the cheap beer lay scattered in the snow around the trio.
“Hey, look who it is,” Hockstetter spoke between hiccups, lifting one gangly arm to point. In the distance, Richie and Eddie strolled through the snowy park, hand-in-hand as fat snowflakes swirled and floated around them. Henry’s eyes found them and immediately burned and flashed with fury and intensity. His alcohol-fogged mind instantly cleared. Wordlessly, he began to march towards the unaware couple, his leather boots crunching in the snow. Belch and Patrick flanked him on either side, sniggering maliciously, their steps weighty and uneven in their intoxication.
“I still can’t believe you were able to drink two milkshakes!” Eddie laughed, his breath forming large clouds in front of him. “Especially when it’s so cold out!”
Richie shrugged. “Yeah, I’m pretty amazing, aren’t I?” Richie’s heart fluttered as Eddie laughed again, the twinkling melody filling the air and wrapping Richie in a blissful warmth. A warmth that turned to an icy shill seconds later as he saw the unmistakable form of Patrick Hockstetter a few metres ahead, his stance uneven and swaying, leering at them.
“Oh shit,” he breathed, tightening his grip on Eddie’s hand. Eddie’s breath hitched as he saw the figure. If Hockstetter was here…that meant Bowers couldn’t be far. Richie pivoted, hoping to lead Eddie back along the way they came. The two boys found the path behind them similarly blocked by the heavyset form of Belch Huggins. Richie cursed, and yanked Eddie to the left, his feet sinking several inches into the snow.
“Follow me,” He hissed urgently to Eddie, pulling Eddie off the path, hoping that they could make a run for it. Eddie swore as he heard Belch and Patrick lurching behind them. Richie stopped again as he found his path blocked a third time. His blood turned to ice and his breath caught in his throat as he saw Henry Bowers looming in front of them. Unlike his two companions, Henry Bowers stood steady and tall, his fury overpowering any effects the alcohol might have had. His eyes were filled with rage and hate, smouldering like two pieces of coal fixed directly on Richie.
“Well well well, look who it is,” Henry spat, his lip curling into sneer that made Richie squirm. “I told you that you better hope I never saw you around again. Looks like you didn’t hope enough,”
Richie backed up slowly, well aware of Belch and Patrick standing a few metres to either side of him. Richie’s mind raced, frantically searching for a way out. Maybe if they ran back? No, Belch and Patrick would catch them. Richie mentally swore, squeezing Eddie’s hand reassuringly. Richie glanced at him and found him glancing back, his breath coming in nervous puffs, his eyes shining with fear.
Yet mingling with the fear was the unmistakable look of defiance. Despite it all, Richie couldn’t help but feel pride and admiration swell within him. Feeling a similar bravery (or was it stupidity?), Richie took hold of it. There wasn’t a way out of this, that was for sure. But Richie would be damned if he let them lay a finger on his Eddie.
“Stay behind me,” Richie said in a low voice, moving to stand in front of Eddie protectively.
“Would you look at that,” Hockstetter jeered. “Little shit thinks he can be brave,” Hockstetter and Belch began slowly to close in, their steps unsteady, marred by the effects of the alcohol.
“Hold them,” Bowers barked. Obediently, the two others surged forward, arms reaching for Richie and Eddie. Richie snarled angrily and swung at Belch as he reached for Eddie, his fist connecting solidly against his meaty jaw. Patrick took the opportunity and grabbed at Richie, restraining him. Eddie screeched defiantly and aimed a kick savagely at the lanky boy’s shin. Patrick cried out in pain as Eddie’s foot slammed into his shin with a surprising amount of force. Richie tried to twist out of Hockstetter’s grip, screaming angrily as Belch seized Eddie.
Bowers cackled gleefully and lurched forward, slamming to bunched fists hard into Richie’s torso as Patrick held him, driving the air from his lungs. He cried out in pain and Eddie screamed in protest as Patrick struck twice, three times, planting his fists in Richie’s face, bloodying his face and dazing him.
“I told you you were dead meat!” Bowers shouted, stepping back. “You’re going to pay for trying to play the hero!” Richie growled and spat out a string of expletives through crimson lips.
“Fuck you, Bowers!! Fuck you!” Eddie struggled against Belch, his nose filling with the powerful odour of booze and cigarettes.
“And you!” Henry rounded on Eddie, smacking him in the gut. “This is going to be your fault! He fought me for you! So, you’re going to watch as I beat the shit out of him. I’m going to kill him. He’s dead. He’s dead, because of you,” Henry waved a finger in Eddie’s face, sneering at him hatefully. Belch and Patrick exchanged worried glances. They’d never seen their leader this angry before.
“Henry, maybe we should –”
“SHUT UP!” Henry snarled, silencing them. “And let four-eyes go.” His voice was steely and calm. Eddie had never heard something so terrifying in his life. Dread began to squeeze at his heart and he struggled harder against Belch. Hockstetter released Richie reluctantly, who swayed unsteadily, head swimming from the blows he had received.
Henry wasted no time pouncing on Richie, raining blows down on his head and gut. Eddie screamed and twisted. Hockstetter watched fearfully. Richie tried to strike back, his fists glancing harmlessly off a frenzied Bowers. In almost no time he was sprawled in the snow, blood from several cuts dripping into the white ground in oddly perfect vermillion circles. Henry laughed maniacally, planting kick after kick into Richie’s ribs. Richie groaned and cried out feebly, jerking and twitching under the hail of blows.
“No! You’re a monster! A fucking monster!” Eddie screamed loud enough to taste iron in his throat. He yanked one arm free of Belch’s revolting grasp and wasted no time swinging it around. Eddie’s fist launched squarely into Belch’s throat. The taller boy lurched suddenly, falling backwards and gasping for air.
Hockstetter watched Bowers mercilessly beat a prone Richie and he watched as Eddie slammed his fist into Belch’s throat. Deciding he wanted nothing to do with the fight that spiralled rapidly out of control, he turned and ran.
Eddie charged Henry, slamming his full force into the boy, knocking him away from Richie. Bowers stumbled back and turned his gaze to Eddie, grinning with perverse glee. Eddie screamed with rage and lashed outward, punching him squarely in the mouth. Henry cried out as Eddie’s fist landed where Richie’s had only a few days prior, fresh blood pouring from the barely healed lips. Henry growled in pain and wiped blood from his mouth.
Eddie stood protectively between he and Richie. Henry reached into his pocket and Eddie blanched as he saw his hand emerge, holding a glinting piece of metal. Henry had a knife.
“No wait –” Eddie was cut short as Henry dashed forward, the hand holding the glinting blade arcing angrily. Instinctively, Eddie moved his arm up protectively and screamed in pain as the blade slashed across his forearm. Eddie’s coat sleeve cushioned against the blade, but even so, Eddie could feel the sudden flash of pain and warmth as the blade traced an angry red line across his arm. Eddie fell to the ground clutching at his arm.
Richie, from his position on the ground, saw the exchange through swollen eyes, crying out weekly through broken lips. Bowers stalked forward and stared down at the helpless boy, knife glinting in the moonlight, snow falling serenely around him. Richie could feel himself weakening, he could feel the ache of his cracked ribs with every ragged breath. Dimly, he heard approaching sirens. Henry seemed to jolt out of his frenzy at the sound. Henry stumbled to Belch, who had only now regained his breath, and the two lurched off, leaving Eddie and Richie in the snow.
Eddie crawled over to Richie, his arm wet with the blood that poured from the gash. Richie groaned as Eddie rolled him onto his back.
“Help!!” Eddie shouted as three police cars swerved into the parking lot some distance away. Several officers sprang from the vehicles and began huffing through the snow, heading for the hunched figures.
“E-Eds,” Richie croaked, one hand reaching weekly for Eddie’s. He felt light-headed. He could feel his vision darkening at the edges, no longer aware of the pain gripping his body.
“Shh Chee, I’m here,” tears poured from Eddie’s eyes. “Don’t die on me – please. I love you.” Eddie’s words were swallowed up by racking sobs. He placed a hand on the side of Richie’s face. It came away crimson and bloody.
Richie felt a sudden serenity overtake him. His vision grew darker and darker. Blood poured freely from several gashes in his head, darkening the snow around him.
“Eds…” he whispered again, his voice fading into silence. This wasn’t so bad. He saw nothing else around him, but he could see Eddie, clear as day. Suddenly, three men in blue uniforms filled his vision.
“We need paramedics on scene we have two wounded” one of them spoke into a radio. Two knelt beside Richie. They were saying something, but it sounded far away and muffled. Dimly he was aware of someone pressing something to his head. It felt like a jacket, but he couldn’t be sure. Out of the corner of one swollen eye he saw one wrap Eddie’s arm. Eddie. Richie focused on him, lips forming a cracked and bloody smile.
“Eddie,” was all Richie could manage. It felt sweet on his tongue. Eddie. He couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer. He just needed to rest. Just a bit. He’d be fine tomorrow.
Richie Tozier’s vision faded to black.
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