#Efreeti Bloodline
secondspark · 2 years
Vreska che Lidian Backstory
((Apparently I never posted Vreska's backstory here before, for one of the game's I am in.))
During the tumultuous era of the Godswar, a quori physically found themselves on this material plane and became embroiled in the affairs of the arcane warrior who found and aided them. The pair joined with other adventurers, as well as fought on their own. Eventually they aided in felling a dangerous efreeti lord seeking to tip the balance in the favor of his own destructive god. The warrior was mortally injured, the quori cursed by the efreeti to be forever cut off from their native plane, the severed connection tearing the spirit creature apart. In a moment of desperation, the quori and the warrior bound themselves to one another to survive as a joined being, defeating the efreeti’s lingering essence and plots, but also tying the dream spirit to the warrior’s bloodline forever, reborn again and again, trapped in this realm but always watching over the descendents of their first companion, flitting across the branches of the family tree.
Sometimes Vreska almost remembers in her slumber, but doesn’t recall the memories on waking. They are hazy impressions of a time long past, and she couldn’t explain what a dream is--only the visions the presence in her mind sends her.
There’s a voice, but no clear words; direction, but it’s not straightforward. She knows they have met, have spoken--though there is no waking detail. But they’ve always been there, as comfort and guide. Keeping her out of trouble--or getting her into it. Pushing her to train herself, body and mind, even before she was taken in by the order.
Vreska remembers nothing before she was five or six years old; those days are a hazy blur. She only remembered her birth name and that her birth was celebrated with others around the winter solstice (she thinks). How much is because there’s nothing of note to remember, or what her other half is keeping from her, she isn’t sure, nor is she too worried about it.
She grew up on the streets of Lidian, trying to be more helpful than a hindrance, though with an instinctive ability to see what was fair and what wasn’t, and to direct her mischief at the latter. Still, in her youthful naivety--sometime around the age of fourteen-ish--she was talked into helping a heist against a “mad priest” of a little known holy order. The troublemakers were made, Vreska facilitating the others' escape at her own expense.
It was the first time she had met another dual-soul.
Beyazt recognized her in a way no one else ever had, and instead of turning the girl over to the authorities, he offered her a meal, a place to sleep, and some explanation for the presence sharing her head. The man was definitely odd but honest and gentle, so she agreed. A temporary situation to stay out of trouble became something more permanent as Vreska began to study, and then to train, with the Eyes of the Watcher, an order of Helm set to guard against extraplanar dangers--and Vreska’s nature was of great interest, her soul-deep memories carrying knowledge and experience that could guide the girl, if not the entire Order.
A decade and a half later, Vreska is a Paladin of the Eyes, guided by her faith but also the presence in her self, visions leading her across the dangerous ruins of the world. Encouraged to heed the visions as they corresponded to those of others more prophetically inclined, Vreska makes her way to Pochwald.
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wearesorcerer · 4 years
What are your opinions on the Draconic and Efreeti bloodlines? I know I've told you about my sorcerer with those two cross blooded, but I don't remember if you've talked much about them on their own.
Ooo, a combo analysis request! :D
I’ll go by the parts. When in doubt, I list Draconic first, then Efreeti (alphabetization by bloodline).
Class Skill: Draconic gets Perception, which is the most important skill in the game -- bar none. Efreeti gets Knowledge (the planes), which can be useful, but is the class skill most bloodlines grant anyway (to the point that you wonder why it isn’t just a Sorcerer class skill). We’re talking A+ vs. B+ (maybe A-).
Bonus Spells: 3rd - mage armor/enlarge person; 5th - resist energy/scorching ray; 7th - fly/fireball; 9th - fear/wall of fire; 11th - spell resistance/persistent image; 13th - form of the dragon I/planar binding; 15th - form of the dragon II/plane shift; 17th - form of the dragon III/giant form II; 19th - wish (both).
The Draconic bloodline’s spells are almost entirely support ones, whereas the Efreeti spells cover the more prominent Fire spells (save burning hands [eh] and meteor swarm). I don’t think there’s a wrong answer here: you’re almost assured to select the bonus spells from the Efreeti bloodline anyway and several of the Draconic bloodline’s spells (mage armor, fly, fear) are ones that would benefit most any caster.
Bear in the mind that mage armor is what you use to make bracers of armor and doesn’t stack with them, so unless you find a better arm slot item that bonus spell might become a dud. You can’t swap out bloodline spells known, sadly, so that is a drawback.
The only non-Sorcerer spell on either list is (oddly enough) spell resistance, which grants SR equal to 12 + your caster level. That pretty much means enemy casters have to roll a 13 to affect you with spells; not an impossible task by any means. As a 5th-level spell (10th character level), you’re likely to find other (and probably better) ways of getting SR if you want it. In general, if you want SR, you want the base value to be pretty high.
Overall, you’re going to have uses for the majority of the spells on either list, but the Draconic one has possible duds at higher levels. Efreeti wins in that regard (unless you don’t want to turn into a giant). Bear in mind the shapeshifting for later, though.
Bonus Feats: Draconic - Blind-Fight, Quicken Spell, Skill Focus (Fly), Skill Focus (Knowledge [Arcana]), Toughness; Efreeti - Dodge, Empower Spell, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Knowledge [Planes]), Weapon Finesse; Both - Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Power Attack will work quite well with your growth spells and Improved Initiative is always great to pick up. Empower Spell and Quicken Spell are both rather nice to have. If you go Dragon Disciple, you’ll need to take any Efreeti-specific feats beforehand. DO NOT TAKE TOUGHNESS.
Bloodline Arcana: +1 damage per die rolled on spells with the same energy descriptor as your bloodline/free Energy Substitution (Fire) on energy spells.
These are both rather good for a pyromancer, so I can see why you’d want the Crossblooded archetype with them. Combining them, you’d get things like chain fire lightning with bonus damage, which is just awesome. It also doesn’t word it like it’s the actual Energy Substitution feat, so you can use this with [Force] and [Sonic] spells. Load up on those and you’ll be practically unstoppable.
Bloodline Powers:
1st - Claws (with energy damage at 7th level) or Fire Ray (30 ft. ranged touch, 1d6 + 1/two SORCERER levels fire damage). If you were to decide to multiclass (say, into Dragon Disciple), Fire Ray wouldn’t be worthwhile. Heck, it’s not as good as that Fiery Burst feat I mentioned.
3rd - Draconic gets Nat Armor and some Fire Resistance, whereas Efreeti gets more Fire Resistance. The Draconic one would free up any need you’d have for an amulet of natural armor and either way the resistance becomes useless to you (you gain immunity to Fire at 20th level in either bloodline).
9th - 30-ft cone of fire (1d6 per Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple level) 1 (9th)/2 (17th)/3 (20th) times per day (+1 for Dragon Disciple) or giant form I (but you turn into an Efreeti and get its heat ability) once per day.Of the two, I’d take the giant form I unless I were to go into Dragon Disciple. Giant form I is a 7th-level spell, so you’re casting something effectively five levels before you could otherwise, whereas the cone’s length is fairly short.
Giant form I gives you Large size, +6 Strength, -2 Dex, +4 Con, +4 nat armor, low-light vision, Darkvision 60 ft., Fire Resistance 20, and Cold Vulnerability.You already have that Fire Resistance without the vulnerability and you might have low-light vision or Darkvision from your race (I forget what you said; I’m assuming Ifrit), so really what this does is increase any natural armor you’d get at that level from the Draconic bloodline and otherwise works like righteous might (but no DR, instead getting an additional +2 Str and +2 Con).
15th - Fly 60 ft. (average) whenever you want or +30 to your base land speed. Flight is always needed, so this frees up needing the spell or an item, but average maneuverability is rather lame and air speeds are generally much slower bang for your buck than land speeds (because you’re moving in three dimensions instead of two, so you need a faster speed). There are feats for that, but you’ll not want them at that level -- especially if you go Dragon Disciple. There are also spells (I’ll have to look some up later).
20th - Blindsense 60 ft. and immunity to paralysis, sleep, and fire or immunity to fire, plane shift once per day to or from the Elemental Plane of Fire, and limited wish once per day as a spell-like ability.Efreeti all the way here. Never pass up wish of any kind if you can help it.
There are three things to bear in mind when dealing with these bloodline powers specifically:
How melee focused are you going to be? The claws power demands melee. You can supplement it with your growing powers, but otherwise I’m betting you’re going to want to use your feats for something else.
Are you going to go into Dragon Disciple? As I wrote before, if you’re doing the Draconic bloodline, there’s almost no reason not to do the Dragon Disciple. Because of the wording, going into Dragon Disciple will advance both of your bloodlines (it’ll work with Crossblooded), so again, there is almost no reason not to take this prestige class.Reasons you might have: another prestige class that more directly benefits your theme, multiclassing, ... That’s really it.The greatest thing about this? You don’t have to worry about losing blindsense, wings, or the cone. Effectively, you’re going to get both of your 9th- and 15th-level bloodline powers just because of the wording. You also get form of the dragon I/II as spell-like abilities (cannot be counterspelled), so that would free up your 13th- and 15th-level bonus spells known.
They won’t work with feats and abilities that benefit your spells. I bring this up because you can’t use your Bloodline Arcana on your Fire Ray or your claws’ elemental damage and if you want to take Spell Focus or anything, it won’t apply.
Now, the downside of Dragon Disciple is that you’ll have to invest in feats to get your full casting back, but that’s not that big of a deal unless you have certain feats you must take at high levels.
Overall: The Draconic bloodline is a varied and useful bloodline on its own, but not exceptionally good. However, if it’s paired with the Dragon Disciple, there aren’t many that are better. The Efreeti bloodline’s capstone ability is fantastic, but effectively you get a dud of a 3rd-level ability (nothing left over) and your 1st-level ability is only slightly better than a cantrip (and even then is lacking the key range you’ll want). Together, the two are fantastic.
Notes and Other Options: If you only want a couple of things on one Bloodline, the Eldritch Heritage feat chain might be worthwhile. It won’t net you the capstone ability or bloodline arcana (which is a major downside in this particular case) and won’t qualify for Dragon Disciple (in which case you’d want Draconic as your primary bloodline), but spares your Will saves and wouldn’t interfere with advancing your other bloodline.
As I noted, Fiery Burst is strictly better than Fire Ray: at-will, Close range (25 + 5 ft/2 caster levels), 5 ft.-radius burst that deals 1d6 fire damage per level of the highest level Fire spell you are able to cast at a given moment (you need the spell known and an available spell slot to use the feat), with a Reflex save for half damage. Neither would be great against Rogues, but the range, damage progression, and number of possible/probable targets on Fiery Burst is much more forgiving than Fire Ray. You can’t take Fiery Burst until you can cast 2nd-level spells (4th level, meaning your feat for being 5th character level), so at minimum it will have a better range and deal far more damage than Fire Ray would at the same level.
Broken? OP? No, I wouldn’t say so. The whole point of Reserve feats is that they prevent you from using something more powerful (in this case, scorching ray or fireball) to give you a 5e-style cantrip. Still, it being late 3.5, some DMs might balk.
I’m not going to poo-poo having a Fly speed, but unless your opponents are also flying, it’s not going to be of much benefit to you when you’re doing melee stuff (if you intend to go that route). You’d need Flyby Attack for that, but you probably won’t qualify for it at a time when you could take it.
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raeynbowboi · 4 years
Disney Villains in DnD
With the Disney Princesses and Princes, I put them into parties, but for the villains, I’m going to start by listing the ones powerful enough to be a Warlock Patron in descending order of power (by their base form). The rest are ordered by the release date of their film. I’m not going to cover all of the Disney villains in this one post, as there’s just too many, and not all of them map easily onto DnD.
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AS BIG BAD: Archfield Patron Warlock (Asmodeus)
As Playable Character:
Race: Asmodeus Tiefling Background: Courtier Class: Divine Soul Sorcerer (Evil) Skills: Insight, Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion
The Devil on Bald Mountain, Chernabog stands as Satan and Lucifer incarnate, the Disney-Canon equivalent to the Prince of Darkness, and the ruler of Hell. Like with Maleficent and Hades, Chernabog lacks a stat block, being a Greater Deity, and King of the Archfiends, Ruler of the Nine Hells. As a playable character, Chernabog doesn’t lend out his hellish powers or get them from an outside source. Instead he is a Tiefling with the infernal bloodline of Asmodeus (Lawful Evil) running through his veins. When he was an angel, Lucifer would have been a courtier, standing in the shining Court of Heaven before he was banished to Hell. His skills make him adept at lying to and manipulating people, as Insight lets him learn a person’s desires, and then use lies and honeyed words to lead them astray in his service. Consider this a free ���how to play as satan” build.
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As Big Bad: The Raven Queen
As Playable Character:
Race: Hexblood Background: Noble (History, Persuasion Intimidation) Class: Wildfire Druid Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Perception
Lore-wise, Maleficent uses “All the Powers of Hell”, but in terms of Dungeons and Dragons, the Wildfire Druid gives Maleficent the best parallels to her powers, as she’s able to grow a wall of thorns, call a bolt of lightning, Polymorph into a fire-breathing dragon, and spread fire. It also works lore-wise as the Wildfire Druid destroys the very forest they swore to protect. As a Hexblood, Maleficent becomes a fey hag, able to curse princesses and disguise herself as a racial ability. As the Big Bad, Maleficent maps perfectly onto the Raven Queen, ruling over the shadowfell, summoning the Heartless to do her biding, and loaning Diablo to those who worship or swear fealty to the Raven Queen.
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As Big Bad: Hades/Death God
As Playable Character:
Race: Mephistopheles Tiefling/Reborn Background: Charlatan Class: Death Cleric Skills: Deception, Insight, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand
For Hades, the God of the Dead, making him into a Cleric was a no-brainer. But Clerics have very limited options for fire magic. Sacred flame and Flame Strike both deal radiant damage, and their only other fire spell is Searing Smite which they got in the spell list expansion. But as a Mephistopheles Tiefling, Hades can also gain temporary access to Burning Hands and Flame Blade, along with Mage Hand. Mephistopheles is also the demon best known for making a deal with Faust, a trait shared by the deal-making Hades. If you’re not feeling the fire theme, or your DM doesn’t like the tiefling subraces, Hades can also work as a Reborn.
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As Big Bad: Undead/Undying Warlock Patron (Lich)
As Playable Character:
Race: Reborn Background: Noble (History, Persuasion Intimidation) Class: Necromancy Wizard Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Investigation
Ironically, there is a new magic item that maps perfectly onto the Black Cauldron, the Cauldron of Rebirth. But oddly, it can only be attuned by a Druid or Warlock, and the Necromancy Wizard creates the strongest undead thralls, as he adds his Proficiency Bonus to their attack and damage rolls. But if you’d rather have the Horned King be able to use the Cauldron of Rebirth, then make him a Spores Druid. If you absolutely must go warlock, make him an Undead Warlock. As a Warlock Patron, he would be a Lich. In the Chronicles of Prydain books, he served Arawn, God of Death. But the Horned King serves no such master in the Disney film.
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As Big Bad: Genie Warlock Patron (Efreeti)
Race: Human/Fire Genasi Background: Courtier (Insight, Persuasion) Class: Genie Warlock (Djinni)/Wild Magic Sorcerer Skills: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Persuasion
Jafar is the only one of the patron villains who themselves is a warlock to another patron. In his human form, Jafar has little to no powers. Everything Jafar is able to do is through either his magic snake staff or Genie’s magic. It’s only once he becomes a genie himself that Jafar has his own powers. So, Jafar here is split between two builds. As a human, he’s a warlock relying on a djinni. As a genie himself, he’s a wild magic sorcerer. Technically, he could be both. Play Jafar however you want. As a big bad, Jafar is stuck as one of the most subserviant types of warlock patron, which isn’t so surprising why he’s this low on the patron scale. Only Ursula is technically weaker than him, but that’s only true when she’s in her base form. Once she wields the trident, Ursula is even more powerful than The Horned King.
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As Big Bad: Fathomless Warlock Patron (Sea Hag/Kraken)
As Playable Character:
Race: Triton Background: Courtier (Insight, Persuasion) Class: Glamour Bard Skills: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Performance, Persuasion Items: Circlet of Human Perfection (reskin as seashell necklace)
I built Ariel as a Fathomless Warlock because in order for her to be on land, she had to make a deal with Ursula. So, with Ursula on land, she can masquerade as Vanessa, using Ariel’s voice to charm and manipulate people. We even see Ursula do this when she charms Eric, so we know that as Vanessa, Ursula could easily run a successful criminal empire using Ariel’s voice to hypnotize and manipulate people into obeying her orders. The Circlet of Human Perfection allows Ursula to maintain a perfect beautiful human disguise without having to eat up spell slots. As a Fathomless Patron, Ursula in her base form is a simple Sea Hag, being much weaker. But once she gets a hold of Dekella, the Bident of Thassa from King Triton, she can grow in both size and power to rival the might of a Kraken. And with Thassa’s divine bident, Ursula can command the tides and all the beasts and monstrosities within it, puting her nearly on par with the powers of a goddess of the sea. But unlike Hades, Maleficent, and Chernabog, even at her near godlike power, Ursula still has a stat block, her bident can still be taken from her, and she can still be slain and defeated.
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Race: Human Background: Noble (History, Persuasion Intimidation) Class: Alchemist Artificer Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Investigation
I really did consider the Transmutation Wizard for Grimhilde, as it has the power to cast polymorph for all of your Frog Prince needs, and a master transmuter can even Restore Youth. But then, the alchemist can brew a potion of transformation, and the chemistry set is clearly how we see Grimhilde using magic. The only magic she performs without the chemistry set is when she creates a gust of wind in front of her magic mirror. She doesn’t even create the lightning bolt for her transformation spell, it just happens to be storming outside, so she’s not controlling the weather either. Plus, the most powerful spell she has is the poisoned apple and she has to summon a bolt of lightning to cast Alter Self, a 2nd level spell. By DnD standards, Grimhilde’s not really that powerful. She doesn’t even fight the player herself in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.  If you want Grimhilde to be more magical, then go with Transmutation Wizard, but if you want to be more accurate, the Alchemist is how Grimhilde does her magic. Yzma from The Emperor’s New Groove shares a nearly identical build.
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Race: Human Background: Pirate (Athletics, Perception) Class: Swashbuckler Rogue Skills: Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion
While Hook’s still a putrid coward, he holds himself quite well, and is the epitome of Lawful Evil, maintaining a strict personal moral code to clash with Peter’s frankly Chaotic Neutral “heroism”. Hook’s not really good at the normal rogue skills like hiding or thieving, but he shines as a manipulative double-talking liar. Long John Silver from Treasure Planet has a similar build.
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Race: Human Background: Folk Hero (Animal Handling Persuasion, Survival) Class: Monster Slayer Ranger Skills: Athletics, Perception, Persuasion Stealth, Survival
As the strapping hero of Belle’s Village, Gaston has the favor of his entire community, keeping them safe from any and all beasties that lurk beyond the city. Too bad he’s as rotten as they come. Likely one of the weakest villains in terms of pure power scale as little more than a local hero, he’s still an iconic enough villain I couldn’t resist adding him. Clayton from Tarzan shares a similar build.
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Race: Leonin Background: Noble (History, Persuasion) Class: Oath of Treachery Paladin Fighting Style: Unarmed Skills: History, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion
Simba was a druid because he was a wise king who could call upon his people to stand beside him. Scar is a paladin because he has devoted himself to a single goal: his own personal power. Scar shows little wisdom, but has a strong character and savvy charms about him that make him better suited as a CHA caster.
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Race: Human Background: Investigator Class: Light Cleric Skills: Insight, Investigation, Persuasion, Religion
This was an easy villain to build. As a religious man worshipping God (who would def fall under Life, Light, and maybe Knowledge) Frollo would go for the one that lets him keep witches warm. His background was chosen as an investigator because he’s responsible for keeping the peace in Paris, and there wasn’t a background option for lawmaker. Noble or Courtier might have worked, but didn’t seem quite like the right fit as they deal more with aristocratic authority and royal court politics.
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Race: Human Background: Soldier (Athletics, Intimidation) Class: Raven Queen Warlock/Hexblade Warlock, Shadow Sorcerer Pact Boon: Blade Skills: Arcana, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation
In the first Kingdom Hearts game, Riku spends most of the game being manipulated by Maleficent. His DnD counterpart would surely be a warlock to her. But Maleficent oddly has not one but three possible warlock patron options. As the Raven Queen, she obviously has the Raven Queen Warlock, but the Raven Queen also created the Hexblade, which come from the Shadowfell, which she rules over. The third is unique to Maleficent, as she is a fairy, and a powerful one at that. Making her a valid choice for an Archfey Warlock. Archfey doesn’t quite fit Riku, but the other two do, and as a Sorcerer, Riku draws power from the Shadowfell which his patron rules over.
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Race: Human Background: Charlatan (Deception, Sleight of Hand) Class: Fiend Warlock Skills: Arcana, Deception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand
It’s kind of hard to deny that Dr. Facilier is obviously a warlock, though his patron options don’t really come close to a neat fit. Among his choices though, fiend comes the closest to selling his soul to the Other Siders or Shadow Folk. It’s possible he could have sold his soul to the Raven Queen and his shadowy friends are the emissaries of the shadowfell, but as he has no raven or crow familiar, that’s a somewhat weak comparison.
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pompadorkery · 4 years
What race is Maro? Has baby horns, maybe tiefling, does he have a tail?
He's a half-elf!
He has efreeti bloodline on his human side, which is why he has the little horns.
(Its his great-grandfather who's an efreeti)
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years
Naga, Fire
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Image © Kenzer and Co, by Brian and Brendon Fraim
[One of many fire themed monsters in Rustlers of the Night, which drew heavily on the Hackmaster version of City of Brass. The original fire naga was listed as being Lawful Evil, but their behavior of craving worship, warring with lawful efreeti and engaging in idiosyncratic and occasionally mad goals struck me as worth changing the alignment. Besides which, there’s no NE nagas in Pathfinder bestiaries.]
Naga, Fire CR 10 NE Aberration This copper colored, serpentine creature has the head of a humanoid wreathed in fire. Its eyes are glittering rubies.
Fire nagas are vain and monomaniacal creatures native to the Elemental Plane of Fire. Each fire naga is often obsessed with a personal secret or insight, determined through years of contemplation. The relationship between these views and reality is often fraught. They crave servitude and worship, and often claim to be divine emissaries, descendants of legendary elementals or the like. They are often served by azers and salamanders on their home plane, but they hate efreeti and war with them for control of territory. On the Material Plane, they seek out hot areas such as deserts, hot springs and active volcanoes. They rarely get along with each other—although they may cooperate, these alliances are fraught with backbiting and competing philosophies.
Fire nagas combine physical prowess with magical might. They are usually gifted enchanters, and usually have a line of charmed minions to assist them in combat and absorb blows. Their bite contains both deadly venom and the ability to set enemies aflame. They can see magical auras, and often focus their attentions on other spellcasters, as much out of envy as any other reason.
A fire naga grows to 20 feet long. Their scales typically have metallic hues.
Fire Naga               CR 10 XP 9,600 NE Large aberration (extraplanar, fire) Init +10; Senses arcane sight, darkvision 60 ft., Perception +21 Defense AC 25, touch 15, flat-footed 20 (-1 size, +6 Dex, +10 natural) hp 114 (12d8+60) Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +12 Immune fire; Weakness vulnerable to cold Offense Speed 40 ft., swim 40 ft. Melee bite +13 (2d6+7 plus poison plus burn) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks burn (2d6, Ref DC 21) Spell-like Abilities CL 12th, concentration +16 (+20 casting defensively) Constant—arcane sight Spells CL 9th, concentration +12 (+16 casting defensively) 4th (5/day)—charm monster (DC 19), fire shield 3rd (7/day)— dispel magic, slow (DC 17), suggestion (DC 18) 2nd (7/day)—blur, see invisibility, scorching ray, touch of idiocy 1st (7/day)—mage armor, magic missile, protection from good (DC 15), ray of enfeeblement (DC 15), shocking grasp 0th (at will)—acid splash, light, mage hand, message, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance Statistics Str 21, Dex 23, Con 20, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 18 Base Atk +9; CMB +15; CMD 31 (cannot be tripped) Feats Alertness, Arcane Strike, Combat Casting, Eschew Materials (B), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Spell Focus (enchantment) Skills Bluff +14, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (arcana) +16, Knowledge (planes) +13, Perception +21, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +16, Stealth +15, Swim +20 Languages Common, Ignan SQ lava swimmer Ecology Environment any warm (Plane of Fire) Organization solitary, pair or cabal (3-6) Treasure standard Special Abilities Lava Swimmer (Ex) A fire naga can move through lava using its swim speed. Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 21; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based. Spells A fire naga can cast spells as a 9th level sorcerer. It does not gain any additional benefits of the sorcerer class, such as a bloodline.
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Crossblooded lesbian ifrit sorcerer with red dragon and efreeti bloodlines, who works as a fire dancer alongside her pet tiger!
See this is another character who would fit pretty well into my personal setting and I’m partial to those
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Roleplaying Races 6: Ifrit
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 Not even waiting for the next special, we’re looking at another planar scion race, and also are first elementally-blooded one at that!
Sometimes called genie-kin due to genies being one of the most common sources of elemental blood, said elemental planetouched can also be born from the union of mortals and other forms of elemental outsiders, or perhaps merely from proximity to the element in question.
For ifrits, the planar scions of fire, they might share blood with efreeti, salamanders, azer, or any number of creatures of flame, evoking their fiery passion and physicality in their own bodies. While humans are the most common planetouched, plenty of other races exist as well, which in turn reflects how their fiery heritage manifests.
Ifrit appear anywhere where fire as an element is prominent, such as volcanic regions or areas where the calling and binding of elementals or genies is common. Some ifrit are even descended from mortal slaves of the efreet themselves, living on the plane of fire.
There are also magma and solar ifrits, representing alternate heritages. Magma ifrits are more directly associated with volcanic forces and the intersection of fire and earth. Meanwhile, solar ifrits are more akin to the radiance and life-giving heat of the sun, making them more in tune with positive energy and light.
 Appearance-wise, ifrit resemble members of their parent race, but typically have warm to inhuman skin tones, including red, orange, yellow, and the like. Their hair tends to be similar colors and flick and move about as if made of flickering flame, and some even have horns reminiscent of an efreet ancestor.
The two alternate heritages for ifrits, namely magma ifrits and solar ifrits, have their own common traits. Magma ifrit, for example, favor dark to outright black skin tones, riven with crimson lines like superheated lava peeking through the crust of a flow. Solar ifrits, on the other hand, favor warm skin tones, fair hair, and tend to enjoy putting their heritage on display, regardless of how they stand out.
Ifrit, like most planar scions, mostly lack a society of their own, and are either treated as exotic curiosities or even second-class citizens by others, the latter reaction being common in genie-binding mystical lands, where signs of interbreeding with the otherworldly beings is considered a sign of weakness on the conjurer’s part. Then again, cultures that revere fire as an element might view them as sacred beings, worthy of great praise.
For their part, ifrits are beings of passion, The heights of their joy and the depth of their rage are legendary. Few are satisfied with the idea of a sedentary life, instea always seeking new opportunities and adventures in the next land. Many also share a bit of an imperious streak from their efreet ancestors.
 The standard ifrit is charming and agile, but their ability to think critically and empathize is lacking.
As beings of fire, they are naturally resistant to that element.
Using magic to harness the fire within, most ifrits can discharge a blast of flame once a day, burning nearby foes.
Additionally, the fires within also give these ifrits a natural affinity for channeling mystical fire from other sources through their body, namely the elemental sorcerous bloodline and the divine domain of fire.
Of course, the power of fire manifests in many ways, and some of these planar scions develop different abilities. Some can infuse their weapons with thermal energy, while others are masters of desert survival. Other abilities include growing or shrinking like their efreet ancestors, absorbing fire to heal, increasing the duration of summoned creatures of fire, invigorating pyromania, the crafting mastery of azer and salamanders, channeling their flaming nature into fascinating spells, increased reaction and vigor, and even being born more mortal than outsider.
Further still, the magma ifrit differ from others, being tough and cunning, but sluggish. They also have the ability to coat the ground in burning sand and ash, and they hold an affinity for the efreet bloodline and the ash subdomain.
Meanwhile, solar ifrits prove fit and charming, but sharing the same foresight as other ifrits. They can channel their solar flame to heat metal weapons in their possession, and favor the celestial bloodline and sun domain.
 Already naturally adventurous, ifrits easily find their way into the lifestyle, boldly and recklessly pursuing their goals, relying on their skills to get them out of the trouble they raise. Most ifrit favor charisma-based casters or agility builds, shying away from wisdom-based casters most of the time. Bards and sorcerers are common, while the cunning magma ifrit might favor intelligence-based classes that don’t pair with dexterity. Some ifrits, particularly solar ifrits, favor paladin or oracle as divine classes. Of particular note are the two racial archetypes, immolator inquisitors and wishcrafter sorcerers, the former channeling their flaming rage alongside divine wrath, and the latter emulating the genies that ifrit are often descended from. Also consider the string of ifrit racial feats which make them dangerous superheated foes in close combat.
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wavemaker9 · 6 years
a backstory for austin that starts out with a backstory for june + adding onto summer’s backstory
Summer and June are fraternal twins in this world, rather than younger/older sisters. They were both born as fire genasi from the short union of an efreeti woman and a human man. Their mother left, leaving their father to raise the two girls alone. This was barely managed when they were young, but as they grew older, and so did their father, it soon became too much for him. Unable to raise both alone much longer as the two became preteens, he reluctantly took Summer away to be raised by a type of orphanage in one of the bigger cities a few towns over, picking her between the two since she had started to become the more volatile and uncontrollable of the twins, causing more damage and throwing more fits than her sister did.
Summer took the feelings of rejection and betrayal hard, quickly starting to lash out more in her anger. Within a few years time as she entered her teen years, she had found no other families to take her and- upon hearing talk of needing to send her off to some place better able to handle her violent fits as well, she finally ran off from there, leaving the whole town behind her. She grew up on her own starting from that point on, raising herself and quickly picking up on some of the charlatan tricks that kept her alive over the years. This is part of why, despite not wanting children, she tried to stay with the family for so long after Kyle and then Blake were born. Many times she would start to consider leaving, and then reject the idea in a refusal to be like those who had done the same to her as a child. It was only after abandoned by her whole family again that she finally moved on, returning to her days alone.
June’s life turned out much better remaining in her father’s care. She was already more level-headed than her sister, but his influence helped to keep her more down to earth and patient. She also learned to value the lives of others this way as well. She missed her sister dearly and was often sad over the separation, and even angry initially for a stronger attempt to keep them both not being made, but did not gain the long lasting anger and resentment her sister did as she grew up.
When her father died in a mining accident in her late teens, it was the push she’d needed to leave the small town, initially planning to find her sister and reunite. Upon learning about what happened when checking with the orphanage, she moved on, carrying on the search for her but being largely at a loss for where to look next.
She started looking into areas rumored for having elemental energies, figuring talk of fire elemental energy might be her sister or that she might seek out other elemental beings even if they weren’t also fire types. Eventually she came across a town that was near a weakening spot in the barrier between the Material and Earth planes. It was a relatively large town, but thanks to the slow break down of the barrier, earthen energy had spread into the area, making the ground extremely fertile so that large, beautiful flowers grew in most areas and its harvests were bountiful enough to support the population. The main negative of the town just seemed to be safety, as word starting to spread of the area had also started to bring more attacks from those wishing to take the land.
Eventually she ended up settling down, falling in love with the beauty of the town and also staying to use her fire magic to help defend it, becoming a sort of hero to the town. Within a few years time, she had settled down with one of the men in town, Oliver, and started a family. Their child, Austin, was half fire genasi and half human, but the elemental energy in the area seemed to have combined with the natural magic in his bloodline, and he displayed some minor traits of earth genasi heritage as well. The most obvious was that his skin, still hot like his mother’s and pale like his father’s, had a scattering of crack-like lines across the skin that felt rough to the touch and never seemed to heal as other scars might. The largest fissure appeared across the bridge of his nose, the inner part appearing a dark reddish-brown in color and feeling rough as if touching sand or gravel when touched. In addition, not only was he able to create small flames, but he found he could push himself to control vines around town, as well, even once defending against a bully by manipulating them to lash out at the other child.
Intrigued by the elemental power that had been able to literally alter the type of magic flowing through his veins, he became fascinated by plants and nature from a young age, eventually learning about druidic magic and spending much of his time researching it, hoping to use it to improve what little he could already do naturally with his fraction of Earth elemental magic. June tried to teach him over the years how to fight, knowing that eventually there would be expectation for him to, like her, help defend the town. He was often frustrated by the lack of full power his magic had, and found he excelled at more distance-based weapons than anything else, soon focussing on those and on further researching druids with the hope they’d help him unlock his magic’s true potential. He also found a more natural control over his earthen elemental powers than his fire ones, which became a point of frustration when his mother didn’t have the experience to help teach him on these areas. The older he got, the more of his time he spent indoors reading, and kept to himself or his family rather than anyone else in town.
In his mid-to-late teen years, Austin began to be called to help defend the town more directly, though he still tried to avoid the front lines, staying in the back with a crossbow. After a year or so of this, there was a large attack on the town that came from multiple directions, and reluctantly June split them up to different locations on the town’s edge to cover more ground. Austin was sent to help hold the defenses on the back side of town that was taking less of the focus until the front could be dealt with and support could then join them, but the intruders eventually pushed their way in at the back, trying to burn down the plants and woods around them to help with their attack. When they got close enough, Austin abandoned the others to defend the location. He first moved to find his mother’s location, but eventually just found an isolated spot to hide in until the danger was past.
The town was able to survive the attack, but at a significant loss of supplies and the death of a handful of townsfolk. In the days following, word quickly spread through town of Austin’s cowardice and the view of him that had been elevated by the association to his mother fell drastically. Though his parents were relieved that he was still alive, he could also tell his mother held a bit of disappointment to see that her attempts to train him for such as task weren’t as successful as she’d wanted them to be. After a few days in consideration of the town’s reactions, he pressed her on what he should have done instead, asking how anyone could argue it be better that someone die as some of the others who didn’t run did, rather than they live? His mother first pointed out that of anyone there, he had the least to fear from the fire, so that was part of the town’s bitterness. But more so, they weren’t angry that he lived, they were angry that he lived but others that they cared about didn’t. She explained to him that nobody expected him to become a martyr at the drop of a hat. That sometimes sacrifice is necessary, but it’s not guaranteed, and that often a good guardian or leader simply makes sure those they’re in charge of leave with them. That /everyone/ make it out alive. If he had run and brought even some of the other defenders with him to safety as well until the backup could arrive, the town likely wouldn’t be nearly as bitter. Wanting to live is not cowardice, but wanting to live at the expense of others can be. With that said, though, she tried to direct the topic instead to him still being a teen, as he was still a little ways from being 18. She apologized, taking the blame for putting that responsibility on him when he was still young and inexperienced, saying she felt she should have known better, given his opinion of the training she was putting him through. She said she should have explained the lesson she just gave him earlier, shouldn’t have assumed he would naturally pick it up, but should have made sure that he had more training as a leader rather than just a fighter. She promised she wouldn’t make a mistake like that again until she was sure it was no longer a mistake, and offered that if he were interested, she could try training him more on those things, but if he just wanted to return to his books, she’d give the responsibility in the future to someone more able to handle it. Tempted by the option to return to the focus of study he really cared about but also greatly disheartened by knowing how he’d let down his mother, he asked to have some time to think it over, which she easily allowed.
A few days after that conversation, Austin answered his mother that he planned to leave town. He thanked her for the training she’d offered him, but felt it wasn’t helping in the way she expected or he needed. He planned to pursue further knowledge and training in druidic magics, instead, believing that was the best path to make himself the most capable he could be. He promised to come back home once he had the proper experience he seemed to be lacking, insisting he’d make both her and his father proud. She assured him that they already were, which he took as her being proud of him making this choice. His father protested the choice a bit more, and though June was also worried to see her son go, she recognized this could be good for him and what he truly needed rather than staying in this town, so she pressed that he be careful, that he come back alive, but that he have good fortune with keeping others alive too.
Due to his research, he was able to find a location of druids not too far away that proved to be a good fit to try to join, made easier by his already natural earthen magic. He studied and trained under them for a while, officially becoming a druid himself. He stays in that area for the most part for studying, but will occasionally head off to help with some quests/tasks/jobs/etc as a way to further test his skills and build his experience. He hopes that eventually enough good deeds will get him a title worthy of returning home under to redeem himself in his eyes to his parents and the town.
Also, I think I want there to be an at least somewhat heavy religious influence in the town, related to the increased earthen energy and the connections to the other planes and the gods that way. Probably tried to pull June in as a force for a bit there, but she largely didn’t care. Not anti religion and she helped them with other things when she could, but she didn’t care enough to be like a spokesperson for them to try and get others to join them. Similarly, they likely tried to bring Austin into their organization for a while there, though stopped after things went bad with that one attack and he left shortly after that anyway. I bring this up because I started considering for dnd swap AU that that can be how austin gets into paladin work. In the main verse, he stays distant from them the whole time, but basically the change for him in the swapped version I think is that he’s about to run during that attack, but some of the people from the church, possibly even a paladin or two of the ancient line themselves, step in to help austin and the others at that point, maybe even directly protecting him, so he never feels the need to flee. Maybe even help convince him to step up on his own to help in some way, but that’s less necessary. Feeling indebted to them in a way + seeing first hand these paladins covered in different plant-related things having this power and capability to step up and defend these people and himself, as he’s expected to do, ends up being enough of a tipping point to sway his interest off of druids enough to make him finally join the church on a level of duty. Okay okay, i’m not really religious either but you guys clearly know what you’re doing and i guess i owe you, so i’ll help for now. Starts to train under them and stay in town rather than going out and seeking druidic knowledge, eventually staying in long enough due to just falling into that position and not having the motivation to leave, where he’s made an official paladin and then finally takes an oath to their god as well. Instead of taking up adventuring as a way to prove to himself that he’s capable enough to return home and make his parents proud of him, he heads out as a part of the church’s mission to train him in the world around him and spread the word of this god or whatever. Idk i’m just really glad that this backstory also can easily fit the dnd swap au option for him as well.
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darksoulsll · 6 years
Shameless self-promo
I have an aesthetic blog ( @ignis-aeternum ) for my primary Pathfinder character, Valris! He’s an melancholic elf sorcerer (Efreeti bloodline) who’s gradually being dragged out of his shell by his sliiiightly insane party.
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osric09 · 6 years
Chapter 3 Guide - Imp
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The Imp is the sixth race/class presented in the third chapter.
Demons born by mortal souls consumed by their Sloth, Imps are often seen as little more than pests and nuisances by other creatures. Their nature as beings of Sloth is far too lazy for them to become as dangerous as other demons and, while the other nether beings are always scheming and enacting plans to gain more power and better standing in the world, imps are mostly content with surviving on the edges of society. Still, those imps who are interested enough in exploring their powers will discover an endless reservoir of scalding hellfire at their disposal. Their knack with arcane magic, especially the flashy, explosive kind, makes the diminutive Imps the Arcane of the Corrupt Order.
Origin: Imps are not strictly characterized as demons, but are definitely creatures of small stature and malicious, mischievous disposition. The lore regarding these creatures can often overlap with that of fairies, especially goblins, being often found playing pranks on people rather than more severe forms of evil behavior. Still, the concept of imp became overlapped with beliefs from Christian lore, and their nature was shifted even more towards a maleficent role, becoming known as attendants of the devil and familiars to practitioners of dark arts. 
Overview: The Imp follow a very straightforward approach towards their role: they are almost identical to a normal sorcerer, gaining a mix of powers from the Efreeti and the Infernal bloodlines. The imp have little options for customization, gaining even less spells known than a regular sorcerer, but gaining great bonuses when using fire-elemental spells, making them very powerful - if not very versatile - spellcasters.
Art by https://juacamo.deviantart.com/ and http://pipactivity.wixsite.com/rio-commission
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belerencodex · 7 years
The Elemental Planes
Arrush: Plane of Fire
The elemental plane of fire, Arrush, is a heavenly body just slightly smaller in size than Beleren itself. This slight difference in scale is made up for in the blazing firmament that envelops the sky, a brass ring of mind-bending proportion encircles the plane, the solar portal set into it like a jewel in a crown, rotating once across the passing of a year.  This band of brass acts as a barrier between two rippling curtains of fire, across the northern sky the blazing light burns pale blue, across the southern sky it burns bright gold.  The planet below bakes under this perpetual firestorm and as flames belch and ripple off of them they create clouds of burning ash and embers that roar over the landscape below, a landscape of lakes of molten gold and seas of lava. The plane is pockmarked with volcanos that erupt frequently. Earthquakes plague the plane, ripping deep fissures that bubble up molten metals from the core of the plane and clouds of poisonous gas. Of the elemental planes, Arrush is the closest in terms of proximity across the Astral Plane to Beleren, it burns brightly in the night sky shifting as it tilts and twirls from gold to blue light and back, meandering in a looping pattern in its orbit.
Kaletphai & the Brass Bazaar
Stable portals to the planes other than Azfealar and the Feywild are rare in the history of Beleren. Dragons in particular do not easily allow their existence, but in the modern age of the Material Plane there is one large and notable exception. In the heart of the capital city of Kulvin, Bayuz, there is a huge gate in the middle of a wide square. The gate is made of huge blocks of polished black lava rocks, the bubbles and ripples across it’s uneven surface have been filled in and smoothed out with brass through magic and alchemy. In the face of each stone, set into the surface are large squares of carnelian and glimmering opal intaglios. Inset in this door are a pair of immense brass doors covered in reliefs showing images of legendary Efreeti warriors and sultans encrusted with rubies. This is the Kaletphai Gate, through this portal is an identical gate constructed in Arrush. This gate lies the heart of a parallel city of the name Kaletphai. The gate is only active in the summertime, but on the first day of summer it swings open and a procession of merchants of the exotic races of Arrush parade through the streets of Bayuz. Kaletphai is a city of Efreeti nobles and Azer merchants ruling over a broad swatch of Ifrit, Azer, fiendish, even fire dragon slaves. The elites of this city of immense palaces of glittering steel and bronze and sweltering tenements of seamless stone and iron fences and gates is the cultural hub of Arrush, while many more Efreeti live beyond its obsidian walls in their own estates, travelers from across the planes come to Kaletphai to trade all manner of goods in the infamous Brass Bazaar where anything from an angel’s soul to relics of long dead giant kingdoms can be found there.
The Crawling Fortresses of the Azer
The proud and orderly Azer live in extremely disciplined societies of rigid caste systems, members of higher castes have total ownership of those of the lower levels, creating a broad division in society between the slave castes and the ruling castes. At the highest levels of the slave castes are the Janissaries, warriors bred and raised from birth to fight and die for their masters. At the bottom are the Sullies. Most of the Azer live in titanic mechanical cities that crawl across the plane on hundreds of spider-like legs, rolling treads, or in rare cases sail across the lava seas with the aid of ships with tungsten plated propellers and hulls. The Sullies are the lowest level workers of Azer society, often among their ranks are prisoners of war in the frequent skirmishes between different Azer clans, dishonored masters, and criminals, and those born to Sullied parents. They work in the fast moving and dangerous gears that drive the engines and locomotion of their mobile bastions, stoking furnaces, repairing mechanisms without ceasing operations, climbing up chimneys to scrub out soot buildup, and handling waste disposal and recycling in the city. In the ranks of the masters, the Goldbloods form the ranks of the merchants, the lowest level of masters, they do not actually create or produce anything that Azer society respects or requires, trade with other races is often seen as a grudging necessity, something of an embarrassment to a clan to admit they need things they can’t make themselves. At the highest ranks of the Azer’s master castes are the Steelbloods, this master-crafter caste value invention, engineering, and order above all else. Steelbloods are required to learn their bloodline’s craft and prestige is tied largely to the quality of their inventions and the products created by the slaves in their factories. The Azer weren’t always this way, millennial ago they were conquered by the Efreeti and for generations they endured harsh treatment at the hands of the genies, after finally achieving their own independent societies they turned on each other though, those Azer who had risen to wealth and power didn’t free their slave brethren, instead creating a social system that told them that they owed their labor the the clan and to the glory of their race.
The Furnace Hills of Zilektak
Deceptively the highlands hills of Zilektak seem almost like a place in the Material Plane, the soft sides of sandy-soiled ridges and the broad, flat valley basins they surround are covered over in brown grasses, on Beleren one might expect this to be grasses withered in the dry heat of summer, the Ktaki Grass though goes through it’s entire life cycle looking like the hem of brittle tindergrasses one would find bordering blasted deserts. In the life cycle of this grass it’s only water comes in the form of short bursts of steam and mist from geysers that dot the landscape, all it takes is a single rain though and Ktaki grass will burst to life, growing quickly in brittle, dry clumps with fluffy seed pods clinging to the tallest strands. Wild winds carrying embers from distant places and lightning strikes from the fast-moving ash clouds overhead spark fires that burn Ktaki grass as fast as it grows, creating a constantly shifting tapestry of flaming lines, charred and blackened fields of burnt grass, and fresh blooms of dry, tan grasses under clouds of water vapor. This land of constant upheaval is a peculiar wonder of Arrush as well as being the stomping grounds of the marauding hordes of the vicious Salamander race, serpentine bodied humanoids who lay broods of eggs pools of magma in the volcanic mountains that overlook Zilektak. Salamanders are hateful and warlike, sometimes taking contracts to serve other races, sometimes launching campaigns against other natives of the plane or against members of their own race. There is no record of them ever invading Beleren but some suggest this is simply because nothing written down would be left after it.
Rizvadi and the Rebel Seven
At the heart of the lava sea that covers much of the surface of Arrush lies an immense structure of seamlessly shaped metal. A citadel of gleaming tungsten with walls hundreds of feet tall, tall spires of metal that seems shaped as if by the hand of a blacksmith of unimaginable size. At the highest point at the center of the citadel the tallest tower reaches upward to the roof of the plane, a staircase on the top most level rises up into the open air reaching high enough that one could step through it to cross through the solar portal when it spins into place once per circuit. This is the impenetrable fortress known as Rizvadi, home of the Suriyan insurrection known as the Rebel Seven. In one of his many journeys, the Prophet Suriyan came to Arrush and found audience with the ancestors of those ifrit who had converted to the new faith. Few denizens of the plane were willing to listen to the doctrine of peace and coexistence with the other planes. But there were those with whom it struck a chord. Four Efreeti nobles whose lineages had fought valiantly for the Suriyan cause converte. Suriyan showed the principles of his egalitarian class system to the Azer, at each fortress he visited the Steelbloods gnashed their teeth and cursed him as a radical bringing disorder and discontent but among the oppressed there were those who felt the call of a better life. Eventually four heroes of the slave castes of the Azer led exoduses from their fortresses, for many years this collection of anarchists and heretics wandered as hunted, reviled nomads wandering the far reaches of Arrush. But eventually they found salvation in friendship, Suriyan practicioners from Ovsk and Tannishai crossed through the solar portal, Djinni monks and wizards defended the lesser members of the Suriyan heresy of Arrush and ferried them to safety in the tungsten citadel conjured into being by the metalcraft magics of the Shaitan. The Rebel Seven and their kith and kin have held this mighty fortress ever since against countless assaults by their many enemies. Among their ranks are many legendary warriors and masters of martial arts who great heroes of Rijan have taken epic journeys to train with.
The Oridao Desert
Across much of the southern hemisphere of Arrush is a nearly empty desertscape. It was in the deepest depths of this vast sea of dunes that the first Suriyan heretics hid from their pursuers. The sands of Oridao are a mixture of glass silica and powdery ash dotted with pumice stones. Fire cyclones spin across the vast emptiness of this desert realm leaving long scars of glittering glass and smouldering ash in their wake. By curious chance the two sands of Oridao don’t mix naturally, the winds may pick up and blow some amoung across the surface but underneath the dunes and sandstone bluffs are striped in pale yellow and black ripples that become clearly visible flying overhead. Phoenixes, one of the few pure souled creatures of the plane make their nests out of shaped glass here and became a great symbol of hope for the wandering Suriyans in their time of peril. Other than that little else lives out there except mindless golems of sand and desert glass and mephits. Some say there is a city lost beneath the sands, a city of clockwork automatons of brass, mechanical beings that slew their creators and began to create their own society. For a time they ruled the plane from their desert citadel, crafting the great ring that now holds the solar portal in stable orbit. It’s said that before that it had spun and weaved wildly across the sky, sometimes crashing into the plane’s surface and fracturing the already fragile tectonic planes to create even greater waves of chaos. It’s not known what exactly caused the downfall of these ancient automatons but legend says simply one day the desert swallowed them up, pulling their wondrous city deep beneath the surface, lost for eternity. Stories of treasure maps and sightings of metallic towers stretching up out of the sands have haunted the planes for millennia, tempting demons, angels, and mortals alike to their ultimate demise
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wearesorcerer · 4 years
I have yet to try Pathfinder, but I love my character concept; an Ifrit Sorceress, Crossblooded with Draconic (Red Dragon) and Efreeti bloodlines! Her name is Malra, and she's whimsical, flirtatious, and eager to please! Especially since she has a fondness of using her magic to "grant wishes", so long as those wishes are something she could reasonably accomplish, and the request is phrased with "I wish" at the beginning.(Though, at 20th level she could literally grant wishes)
This character concept sounds lovely! The combination of Red Dragon and Efreeti fits well (though I would advise not to make all of your attack spells fire spells: you’ll run into fire resistance a lot). I like that you’re doing the equivocation on red magic thing in your characterization (red-as-in-fire, red-as-in-flirtation); are you going to extend that to your spells (e.g., charm person)?
The Efreeti half has a class archetype specifically for granting wishes: the Wishcrafter.
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Now, there is a Crossblooded archetype for mixing two bloodlines, but ordinarily you wouldn’t be able to combine these two archetypes because they alter some of the same class features. However, a lenient DM would probably be fine with them mixing, given how they would mix. An alternative would be to gain one of your bloodlines’ abilities through the Eldritch Heritage feat chain (regular, Improved [twice], and Greater), though you won’t be able to get all of those abilities that way.
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vixagri · 7 years
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I couldn’t sleep cause I kept getting friggin ideas for an updated design for this character, who’s been involved in side stuff in this current campaign.  His mother was an Efreeti, his father disappeared after a fling with her.  She was removed from Genie society because of her pregnancy, getting by by pretending to be a human.
Richter grew up resenting his unknown father, despite his mother wishing otherwise.  He understood the ways she suffered because of Richter’s own bloodline and laid all the blame on the man who ran away.
Despite his resentment, he grew up with a strong, free spirit, getting in a lot of trouble for it in the process.  While he’s good at heart, he doesn’t like to get involved in other people’s business if he can help it - unless the reward is notable.  He’s an absolute hedonist, and while he enjoys fine company, he prefers to keep to himself in the long run.  
It’s rare, but you might catch him performing a charitable act on rare occasions...He’d rather not be known for this, though, as he doesn’t like to be seen as a chump who’ll work for free if the cause is righteous enough.
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pompadorkery · 6 years
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Everyone meet my new DnD man.
He’s a thot I guess.
His name is Maro and he’s a Half-Elf with Efreeti bloodline. He’s a Dancer and uses fire magic.
His stats are awful and he’s gonna die immediately but I love him.
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kayawagner · 7 years
TRAILseeker 034: Racial Heritages
Publisher: EN Publishing
Does the blood of kings run in your veins? Was a distant ancestor a giant? Explore new racial combinations by inheriting just a touch of heritage in your bloodline - Aberrant, Angelic, Agathion, Archon, Asuran, Deific, Djinni, Efreeti, Elven, Fey, Fiendish, Giant, Hag, Human, Lycanthrope, Marid, Naga, Royal, Orcish, Shaitan, or Vampiric.
Price: $1.99 TRAILseeker 034: Racial Heritages published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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windndy · 7 years
Fuck it it’s AU fic time
I’m going to torture my sorcerer a whole lot, so, uh, fair warning: there’s gonna be some messed-up stuff in this one.
I’m calling this one Songbird and it’s set in an AU in which my party gets captured and sold off in the brass city, in the elemental plane of fire (I mean, that’s a theoretical possibility but we’re gonna work NOT to let something like this happen)
Here’s part 1:
The fight didn’t go the way they’d planned.
Sneaking into the Erinyes’ warehouse had been, in retrospect, deceptively easy. Perhaps the diabolic slaver had suspected them all along, and had rejoyced at the opportunity to trap the small band of mortals from the Prime Material Plane to add to her inventory. Three spellcasters and a paladin were great prizes indeed, even though the more elusive fifth member of the group managed to slip away.
The other four stood on the auction block, each in their own cage. The paladin Nestorios paced around his, raging against his own helplessness. He’d been the last to fall in battle, and though the Erinyes’ people had done their best to patch him up for the sale, his more serious wounds threatened to reopen.
Beside him, the mystic Eleonora watched her surroundings in a daze, still not completely cured from the nasty venom they’d used to neutralize her. They’d also taken away her glasses, and she struggled to make sense of the colors and sounds that surrounded her.
The human druid Duncan fared the best among them, his expression solemn if not grim. His Gods hadn’t sent him here only for his life to be wasted, he felt, and though the situation had turned for the worst, he still knew to keep faith.
Though he’d taken a solid blow to the ribs during the fight, the sorcerer Ariel stood in his cage with a carefully crafted expression of amused disdain, wearing the golden collar around his neck like a fashion accessory rather than the mark of a slave awaiting his master. His pride would not allow him to show any fear.
“They’re pretty little for coliseum games,” an enquiring efreeti commented critically. “How will these mortals last long enough to be worth the investment?”
The short fat devil that was overseeing the stand rubbed his be-ringed hands nervously. “Milord, mortals only fight more fiercely for the shortness of their lives!” He motionned to the pacing Nestorios. “Why, this one would take blows that would have felled a giant, and still stood back up to defend his companions! Loyal, very loyal indeed.” He licked his lips and rapped at the cage bars with his control stick. “A tireless warrior, this one. With a few interesting tricks up his sleeve.”
The efreeti snorted and turned away, unconvinced. However, the salesdevil’s words hadn’t fallen on deaf ears - no sooner had the first genie left that another stood to take his place, one who was more modestly dressed but whose stance conveyed more confidence and experience. He was well-known in the slave market as the trainer of one of the best coliseum stables in the Brass City, with a remarkable eye for undiscovered talent.
The trainer nodded towards the group. “Material plane?” He grunted, casting an appraising glance at them. “Trained to fight already. Hrm.”
Immediately, the devil bounced in his direction, bowing reverently. “Ah, master, master, your eye never deceives! We captured this batch only yesterday, and my mistress is eager to show them off!” He lowered his voice to a conspiratory whisper. “We’re looking for a hundred for the lot, but of course, other arrangements...”
The trainer cut him off brusquely. “Only need three for a team. Sixty for my pick.”
As the devil opened his mouth to argue, a voice shot back. “Twenty apiece for a champion of the material planes, a holy man and a unique, talented mystic? I’d say, that’s practically robbery. You’d be a fool to take that deal.”
The efreeti and devil turned towards the fourth cage, where Ariel stood up and stretched. He gave them a confident smirk and waved at his caged companions. “Maybe if you were buying three complete strangers, I could see that, but I know these people, and I’ve seen them work together.” He leaned against the bars of his prison and adressed the would-be buyer. “You seem like someone who knows what he is doing. Surely you understand that a team is always greater than the sum of its parts.”
The trainer’s expression remained unreadable, but Ariel was convinced that he’d impressed him a little. “A team.” He conceded, considering the group anew. “Was thinking of picking the sorcerer over the erudite. Why her and not you?”
Ariel tossed his hair with a small chuckle. “Oh, in any other circumstances, I would be completely agreeing with you, sir.” Beside him, Duncan whispered “What are you doing?” through gritted teeth, but Ariel went on. “Surely you can tell... I am a sorcerer whose bloodline was blessed by a gold dragon.” He pointed to his eyes. They were unique for a half elf’s, the color of warm gold, with pupils like a reptile’s. “As talented as I am - very talented indeed, if I may say so - my magical strength resides in fiery spells. Which would not work so well, fighting the denizens of the elemental plane of fire. Meanwhile...” He spun around, this time pointing to the cage where Eleonora was still massaging her temples. “...my dear cousin here has the most unusual magic I’ve witnessed to date. I am not fully certain on her theory, but the results are undeniable. She does not even need to speak!”
The efreeti made his way to Eleonora’s cage and crouched down to look into her eyes. After an uncomfortable minute of intense scrutiny, he stood back up with an appreciative nod. “Psysher. A decent edge in a fight.”
Not missing a beat, the salesdevil clapped his hands together. “Seventy-five, the three of them.”
As they argued on price, Ariel allowed himself to relax despite the urgent looks his companions were shooting him. It wasn’t that he wished the life of gladiator on anyone, least of all his cousin Eleonora. But he preferred to see them all leave together, knowing they’d do all in their power to keep each other alive, rather than risk her beign sold alone to an uncertain fate.
He was fairly confident that he’d be able to get sold to a decent home himself. After all, he was a pretty remarkable individual.
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