#Eivor x Ivarr
hazeace-art · 4 months
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Thank you for commissioning me! ✨😊
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radiofreewylde · 3 months
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Picking fights with Zealots: just Eivor & Ivarr things :)
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Random Snippets from my MASSIVE lockdown document of my Valhalla timeline and AU
Revisiting it for the first time in too long and just wanted to share bits of it, in no particular order:
Its Eivor x Ivarr Au so feel free to ignore 
When they first met he had thought Ubba and Sigurd annoyingly similar, but after all this, he knows they are nothing alike. There’s a comforting simplicity to Ubbas' wants and ambition, Sigurd…was peculiar in a way he couldn’t pin down. That's not to say he and Eivor weren’t some of the most peculiar of Vikings, but since being recovered from Cent, Sigurd was peculiar in a way that unsettled him deeply.
The fight was ugly and anyone who tried to stop Dag continued to be violently thrown off. In the final moment when she desperately prepares to skewer him with a hidden blade as he charges over her he is hit hard in the back with something and freezes gasping. He collapses on the ground just right to where she lay with a heavy thump. There was a shocked silence among everyone.  It’s raining when it ended, but only softly, as though the sky itself was holding back, waiting.
That day Ceolbert was killed, a humid heat had set in over the hills of Shropshire. It had been hot the whole time they were there but this felt different. The pressure of the close and damp heat reflected the uneasy feelings in the war camp up until Rhodri’s defeat. It exacerbated the tension until it became unbearable. It was harder to fight in this heat but they persisted. - They find Ceolbert together.
His ability to articulate his point becomes worse the angrier he is. So trying to explain to them all that Rhodri WILL NOT keep the peace and how he knows this becomes increasingly difficult for him, which makes him even angrier and the spiral continues.
The Axe that Ivarr ‘gifted’ Eivor, Eivor kept. She again, wasn’t sure why, it was a very average and rather blunt little thing. But the next time she was in Ravensthorpe she asked Gunnar to do what he could to better it. He managed to tidy it up and sharpen it, though he was pretty baffled as to why she wanted to keep the thing... It remains as the small axe you can see in game on her Raven armor.
Eivor joked that fighting Leofrith wouldn't have taken so long if she wasn't so fucking hungover, which caused Ivarr to throw his head back in laughter. He then says that sweet thing about their friendship being the best thing to come out of it all. Eivor found it amusing that she did not seem to have any say in the friendship.
“No, no!” Yanli leaned forward and continued in her blunt, straightforward way that Eivor had become so fond of. “I knew the really old one. The eldest son? Not the two young ones. I was up trading with Halfdan’s camp in Northumbria for ages, then he told me to head down south to trade with the rest of them. That went wrong of course, found Rowan, then we met all you lot”.
“It was him who met Ubba and Ivarr I think.” She continued, “Rowan I mean. He said he sold them a bunch of horses, years back before I knew him.” She scratched her nose and thought for a moment before grinning and wiggling her shoulders a little, “And anyway, a ‘Son of Ragnar’, it’s exciting, I want a good look at him, size him up to his older brother!” 
Ivarr was hyper aware of what had been happening inside him for the past few weeks. Aware that his fixation on Rhodri was bubbling up inside him once more, consuming his mind, clouding it. He hated it, yet revelled in it too…His desire for vengeance and his sanity dangling upon the edge of it were in an endless spiraling dance two and fro, fighting for dominance within him. When will this end?
The sun was held unmoving in the sky, it’s slow descent behind the hills suspended. Allowing it’s golden light a place of permanence on her skin. To exist only to illuminate such simple a sight, one that he would never and could never look away from. He watched her for an age, an age that lasted only a second. Whole lifetimes could have passed him in those seconds and he would be none the wiser. His eyes followed her face, his mind for the first time in weeks, months, standing totally still. His legs turned to stone and the apple core pressed against his clenched fist. With a blink of an eye, the moment passed. The sun returned on it’s journey, and shadows began to move again as the group walked down the path, out of sight. Yet he remained, rooted to the spot.
I could edit this document forever and probably will tbh. It’s so comforting. If you haven’t visited your AU for a while, I highly recommend it.
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Fanfiction Masterlist :
Assassin's Creed Valhalla:
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Ivarr The Boneless x Female Reader:
There was blood everywhere.
The floor, the walls, the ceiling, the furniture, everything was covered in your parents' blood. You could only watch helplessly as the macabre scene unfolded before your eyes. You weren't strong enough to be able to protect your parents. You had to live with their death on your conscience, but your brothers Sigurd and Eivor managed to ease the burden. Everything seemed to be going well until Sigurd decided to leave Norway to go to England.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
King Rhodri decides to take revenge on Ivarr Ragnarsson by attacking the only thing he had the least bit of affection for: you.
Warning: mutilation, torture, nudity
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
charlie and the chocolate factory:
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Willy Wonka x Female Reader:
Unlike your cousin Charlie Bucket, you hadn't had a chance in life. Your parents abandon you, leaving you in the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Bucket. As long as you can remember, you had to work hard to help them make ends meet. Like your cousin, you admired the famous Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, although you know that it was impossible for you to enter it. At least, that's what you thought.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
God Of War:
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Kratos x Female Reader:
Ragnarok is over. You agreed to follow Kratos and Freya across the nine Realms, but instead of helping them in restorative quests, you will have a completely different revelation.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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Tyr x Female Reader:
You had a happy life. A loving family and a devoted husband. But every idyllic setting had a dark spot. And you were going to learn it the worst way.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
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Ragnar Lodbrok and Daughter reader:
Being the eldest daughter of Ragnar Lodbrok and Lagertha is not an easy existence. Everyone expects a lot from you. But it's even less so when you can't stand your own father and his ways.
Chapter One
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Undertaker x Female reader:
Madness part 1
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lovestruck007 · 1 year
Ac Valhalla RP
Would anyone here be interested in an AC Valhalla (or AC Odyssey RP)? I’m 18+ and have many years of RP experience, I like medium to long replies (I keep mine at least 200 words and will happily do much longer) and I would be pretty much open for any kind of story, that includes OCs, but I’m only interested in doing m/m or f/f ships, sorry.  If you’re interested, please let me know, and please, only people who are 18+.
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krankittoeleven · 1 year
Master Post
Time for a new one of these because my formatting was all jacked up on the old master list and editing it was Hell. :/
About Me: They/Them, Old, You can call me Steph, Lucy, Lou or Stuff.  Hey you also works. ;)
About This Blog: A general fandom blog for most of my fandom creations, the stuff my friends create, and other fandom reblogs. Most active fandoms at the moment: Assassin's Creed, JJK, Good Omens, The Sandman, Fallout 4, RDR2, Final Fantasy ++++
@madeofloveandpeace - my Trigun reawakening requires it's own sideblog, my writing, gifs, and edits + reblogs @thekinginmellowyellow - here there be the horrific, the terrific, the fantastical, the supernatural, the magical and the mythical, most of it fictional but some of it real.
krankittoeleven - AO3.  As a note I do not plan to lock my fics, I didn’t make an AO3 account until I started writing fic again, so I get lurking for whatever reason you have.  I’m not gonna let techbros ruin your fun or mine. ;) (YUP that’s it, I’m not anywhere else.  Well, Discord but I don’t use it much right now.)
I am trying to get better about using #my vip and #my fic tags for my stuff for easier browsing, but it’s only a recent thing so not much there yet. LOL
Water of Life - AC Valhalla Ubba/Vili w/mention of past Eivor/Vili. Explicit. Norway behind him, Vili tries to carve a place for himself in England while coming to terms with the things he left behind. Befriended by Ubba Ragnarsson, Vili's life heads down a path he wasn't quite expecting as he traverses the war ravaged lands of England in the company of giants. (13/16)
Slow Life (Explicit) - Post-game, Alternate Timeline.  Ubba reflects on a long friendship that is turning into something else.
Order from Chaos (GEN/PG-ish) - My "how they meet" fic.
Midnattssol (Explicit) - Vili finds out he is going to England with his father and has to tell Eivor.
Gefinn Óðni (GEN/Mature) - Directly follows Midnattssol. Eivor works through Vili leaving.
Euphoria (PWP/Explicit) - Eivor/Vili. A quick PWP.
Other Ships:
A Blood-Dimmed Tide (Explicit) - Havi/Ivarr, implied past Eivor/Ivarr.  POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR the Sciropescire Arc. Ivarr meets someone familiar after the Sciropescire Arc.
Series: Let Me Rearrange the World (For You) [ONGOING]
But Like a Refugee - Explicit. A Trigun 1998 Fix-it Fic. Temporary Character Death, Violence, Gore/Blood. Hurt/Comfort, Falling in Love, First Time, Happy Ending. There are things that Wolfwood wants, but they are things he doesn't think he deserves. At least not in this life.
The Orphanage at the End of the Lane - Mature, Trigun 1998 Post-canon, Wolfwood lives. Mild Violence and Blood. Hurt/Comfort, Introspective and Retrospective, Established Relationship, Wolfwood teetering on starting a cult of one. Wolfwood & the gang travel back to December to take back what's his.
Sweets for the Sweet - Teen, Trigun 1998 but could be any canon. Pure Fluff. Hurt Comfort, Gift Giving, Kissing. Someone keeps leaving donuts for Vash. Who could it possibly be? I'm sure no one has any clue at all. ;)
Incentive - Teen, Trigun 1998. Hurt/Comfort, First Kiss. Wolfwood and Milly have a chat before he leaves the caravan and Milly gives Wolfwood some incentive to cross paths with them again.
J is for Jealousy (That Green-Eyed Monster) (Teen) - Pre-relationship Aziraphale/Crowley. Aziraphale helps a mortal, Crowley is jealous, and a fern tries to start a revolution.
1989 (GEN) - pre-relationship Dream/Hob.  While trapped in his prison, Dream thinks about an important day he is missing.
Thanks for checking out my blog! Hope you found something to enjoy!
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axelflare9700 · 1 year
Ivarr thought Eivor would look pretty in a wedding dress
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troublemakingrebel · 1 year
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 1 year
Thank you so much for writing that, I really enjoyed reading it. I love ivarr so much 💙would it be okay if I could request an imagine with Sigurd where him and the reader (a shieldmaiden for the clan) are dating but they have to break up because he is forced to marry Randvi. Sigurd asks eivor (male) to watch over her and always be there for her which results in eivor falling for her. (This is before they all go to England)
At your request 😌
Pairing: m!Eivor x f!reader
Word count: ~ 3000
Genre: angst, tiny fluff
Notes: Okay but I dig the "I cannot be with you, so I make sure someone else will keep you safe/company for that other person to fall in love with another so it's kinda a forbidden-love, love triangle I-live-for-drama story. Yesyes good soup :3 tempted to write about this more picturing Sigurd's reaction maybe??? Oh and I'm writing on sutdy break moments so the writing gonna be super slow but I try yall I swear I try 💀
„ No, this can’t go on anymore and you know this.” You sighed sitting up in the bed, the sheet's whisked a gentle breeze that stirred the bright flames of the candles around you. A groan left Sigurd's chest as he joined you, straightening up, his large palms came to rest on your middle, rubbing gentle circles into your skin. He did not respond right away, just sat there beside you, looking ahead as he came to rest his chin on your shoulder- tangled beard and ginger hair tickling your skin. 
"You're to marry her." You continued, tone balked and weak. "How can you expect me to keep my heart this way, as it is right now? How can you expect me to–"
"I do not, my love." He cuts you off with a timid hum, his words resonating throughout your back. "I don't expect you to love me the way we loved each other when this happens… I don't want to– I would never disrespect your honor and trust." 
You felt warmth on your cheeks, as tears broke off from the corner of your eyes, slowly making their way to drop down to your lap. It was no easy task, for neither of you. Sigurd was the clan's prince, the next in line, the only one who's right to lead the Raven clan. And therefore, King Styrbjörn made the decision to strengthen his position, the clan's safety and Sigurd's place by joining clans with a rival of his. Sigurd will marry the Jarl's eldest daughter, thereby forging an alliance with them. 
The duty of a son. The demise of your love with the Raven Prince. 
For weeks you have been consumed by the news, at first you did not believe that your love must soon end. Sigurd offered to go with him that very evening, desperate and hopeless. He will take you to a faraway land, where no one will know you, rank and duty will not matter, only you to each other.
But you both knew it would be an impossible undertaking; would the heir to the throne, who dreamed of following in his father's footsteps since he was a boy, run away from his birthright for the love of a simple blacksmith's daughter?
A girl, whose aging parents are waiting for her at home who loves her, who needs her help and protection. Who would remain among the voices, eyes and mouths in the storm left behind by their child's shame?
No, you were both more mature than that. You will take the responsibility that your ancestors have given to you, so that the white canvas of the lineage does not fail.
“I know, love. I know that.” You calmed Sigurd falling back, leaning your neck on his chest gazing up at him. Sigurd's arms crawled around your torso, reassuringly pulling your body closer to his as he gently rested his chin on the top of your head.
Your lips trembled as a new idea passed through your sweeping mind - a mindless, desperate, shameless idea, but you felt you might be able to survive the hardships that came with it. Your voice was thinning, almost whispering when you uttered the words.
"What if we don’t need to stop our love after all?" You proposed, waiting a few moments to gather the courage to continue. "We do it so that no one knows. They don't know it even now, anyway. It's just that...there would be another person there. During the day, her husband; at night, mine...?"
"Are you saying let's continue all this in the midst of even greater secrecy?" Sigurd's voice rang doubtfully. In addition to deep pain and sadness, bitterness seeped into his words. Are you saying you want me to pretend you're just a side issue? Like I just want to be with you in secret when my wife can't see it?” He moved quickly, you hardly had time to react to him as he crawled back and pulled your body into his lap, hugging you tightly, looking down at you with a worried look. It was then that you saw your dear prince's eyes were glistening with tears.
You couldn't give an answer, just to swallow against the huge lump that was squeezing your throat. You saw no other option but to…
“I will never put you in a situation where you think you're just an affair to me. I love you, my dear, with all my heart, and if it were up to me, I would have made you my wedded wife long winters ago.” He said, leaning down to place a soft kiss on your temple."I want you to be my wife, my partner who stands by my side. You deserve that, nothing less. I wouldn't dishonor you not even for all the treasures of Midgard. But I can't do that."
“So then? Will it all end? What we have? What we share, what we feel? How could I forget this…leave this behind..?” Your vision blurred as tears pooled in your eyes, the man's tall figure looking down at you from behind a wall of water. You waited and hoped for so long, after so many doubts and struggles, when you finally realized that there was more to you than simple friendship. After you were finally brave enough to cross that invisible line. Finally you could be together, and those moments were worth more than any treasure; you finally felt like you found that lost piece of your soul that you've always longed for. Finally, your heart was filled with him, you were happy with him, you were happy with each other. And now it's over? You will be banished once again to a harsh and dark barrenness without Sigurd's care and touch.
"Duty comes first. It doesn't just bind me, it binds you too, and you know that well."Sigurd slowly leaned forward, the warmth emanating from his skin comfortably covering your body, and fearing that he would soon pull away from you, you crossed your arms over his back.
"Whatever fate brings, my heart will be yours forever." 
"I belong to you and you to me as long as we live." His lips whispered, softly caressing your face, one last time.
The wind bit hard against his skin as Eivor walked across the creaking wooden planks of the dock, around him- the lights of twilight flickered back from the icy sea. The flames of the torches bent with each gust of wind, dutifully standing at the edge of the pier.
His brother waited for him — arms folded behind his back, standing at the edge of the dock, watching the icy, slow-rolling sea as the blues and greens of the night lights cast upon Mindgard. 
Sigurd took him aside for a word during the day, when Eivor had just returned from his dawn hunt- the stag not yet cooled out on his horse's back when he arrived. A single glance was enough for the young man to realize that something was wrong with his brother, Sigurd's usual serene expression, his eyes shining with peace, now dull and weak.
“Is there a problem, brother?" He raised his hand worriedly on Sigurd's shoulder, growing somber himself. Eivor usually cared for his own business, he didn't like to interfere in others' debates and troubles, but when it came to his brother's burdens, Eivor did everything to see Sigurd happy again.
As his piercing gray-blue eyes focused on Eivor, the young man thought he could feel the pressure of heavy burdens on his brother. Waiting for an answer, he scanned Sigurd's face, trying to figure out what was pressing on his heart.
Sigurd's eyes closed for a moment, a deep frown appeared between his eyebrows, and then they smoothed out just as quickly when he looked back at his little brother. 
"Meet me on the beach after dinner. I have something to discuss with you, Eivor." He announced and after a strong handshake he left, leaving Eivor with the prey he had killed.
The elder brother's gaze was lost in the distance, the unison ripple of the water moved the pieces of the ice armor broken by the ships. Fornburg was quiet at this late hour, only the lapping of the water and the whistling of the wind could be heard. Eivor walked over to his brother silently; standing next to the tall man, he folded his arms across his chest and looked around the bay.
He knew that his brother was not usually this solemn, something really important could be weighing on his soul. Like everything since childhood, the two brothers shared their troubles with each other, looking for advice and sympathy in the other. Eivor decided to wait for Sigurd, let him share his problems with him at his own pace, he would not force this out of his brother.
For a while they stood motionless , silently appreciating the company and the discretion, as the two brothers had done many times before. After a long sigh, Sigurd looked up at the sky, blowing white mist into the air. Waves of colors seemed to follow the sea, the threads and shapes did their eternal dance in silence. 
I presume you heard the news from our father.” The taller brother spoke, hoarse. Eivor glanced at his brother who kept his eyes on the sky- as he nodded. Oh, now he understood what it's all about. Oh, he now understood what it was all about.
"I follow our father in the leadership of the Clan, my duty is to keep my people safe; to give them a good life." He continued, raising his gray iris to Eivor.
The blond lad straightened his posture, his brother's look suggested that his help would be needed now more than ever.
"You will be a good leader." Eivor tried to reassure Sigurd,with  conviction in his voice. Sigurd weakly acknowledged the words with a half-smile, but his eyes only exuded sadness. "No matter what happens brother, you’ll always have me by your side. I'll help you no matter what."
Sigurd wrinkled his nose wryly, as if a white-hot knife had been thrust into his side, as if it caused him immense pain to even talk about it.
"I entrust you with a serious task, brother, because you are the only one in the world in whose hands I would place my life."
An anxious, tight lump grew in Eivor's stomach, waiting for the question he had suspected since their father had told him of Sigurd's betrothal.
"You have to take care of her." Sigurd finally breathed, his voice breaking in the evening frost. "Be there for her and make sure she lives the life she deserves. The one we both know she deserves." Sigurd made him promise. .
Stretching your legs, you jumped off the rock, splashing the sparkling water onto the sand in the shallows.
"The fish must have heard that the dreaded Wolfsmal was stomping this way and ran up to the trees in fright." Chuckling, you strode over to Eivor's side, hands clasped behind your back, chin lifted to examine him as he stood in the stream with his breeches pulled up to his knees, fishing line in hand.
The man huffed one with pretended rage, lifting one leg in the stream, he kicked towards you, soaking your thin linen apron. You squealed and jumped back- a grimace of surprise and astonishment plastered on your face.
"Evor!" You shouted insulted, immediately bending down to return the “kind” gesture to the man by dipping your arm into the ice-cold spring. Laughing, you rushed at him, splashing the water back at him, that made Eivor dart backwards, his deep laughter echoing in the roaring water. 
“If you keep doing this, there won't be fish for dinner and then you can try to explain to Tekla what we were up to instead of doing the chores.”
"Oh, I'm not the one who stands in the stream for half a day without a catch!" You cut back, spraying a veil of water over Eivor's head again. Having enough of your duel wrapped the line around his hand, starting to move towards you, his strong legs carrying him with easy through the heavy upstream. Turning back to the shore, you stumbled out onto the dry just in time, when you felt the touch of his wet, cold hand on your upper arm, closing around your torso from both sides, erasing even the thought of escape from your mind. 
Your legs rose from the ground as you tried to kick free as one of Eivor's arms crawled under your knees, scooping you up in his arms like you weighed nothing.
"Put me  down, Eivor!" You rolled your eyes at him, but his huge smile just betrayed the mischief, hiding across his face. "Do you hear that? Don't you dare throw me in the—" You ordered, trying to sound menacing and angry, but just like Eivor's face, your own was beaming with childish glee.
The man firmly grabbed your legs and arms and spun around on the shore, slapping you in the face with his untangled, wet curls. Apart from the roar of the river and the birds' whistles in the green forest, only the laughter and shouts of the two of you could be heard far along the river. 
Sometimes, in moments like this, you forgot that what you call home now, was a foreign land a long time ago. A foreign country, with foreign people - but also a new beginning, a clean start. Leaving the past behind, you and your family came to this island in search of a new life.  At first, it was searing, almost unbearable pain that you constantly felt when you saw Sigurd beside another;  when you were no longer able to touch his scarred skin or press soft kisses onto his lips– all slowly drifted away in your mind and heart, leaving a throbbing wound, now only a memory for you.
Eivor was always there to distract you from them. As in battle, so in everyday life you sought his presence; your friendship - initially bonded by Sigurd- grew stronger, growing into faithful companions who were always there for each other at arm's length.
You knew that, and you felt it on Eivor as well; this bond was important to both of you. The two lonely souls, often separated from the clan, could have a kindred soul by their side. And you also knew very well that this arm's length was slowly shrinking. Pulling the thread of the bond on you ever tighter...
After finishing the game, you both started collecting your fishing gear and your own belongings, moving quickly and smoothly around each other. You glanced to the side from the horses, catching Eivor tossing his water-dripping mane back in frustration, leaving dark blue stains on his blue tunic. Sighing in amusement, you turned back to him, hands on your hips.
"Shall I help you?" You called out to him, but before Eivor could answer, you quickly stepped behind him.
You ran your fingers through his blonde curls, the thick strands gently tickling your fingertips. Eivor's shoulders relaxed with a sigh, instantly bending his knees so you could reach his head.
Not a single word was spoken between you, as your nimble fingers braided his long hair into a loose line, careful not to pull on his lush curls.
Finishing your work, you wiped your wet hands on your skirt, Eivor turned, towering over you as he  faced you. The man must have been two heads taller than you, so close to him you had to bend your neck back a little to be able to look into his shining sky blue eyes.
His eyes always seemed to you they were in a different color each time you locked eyes with him. Ice blue, light blue, greenish blue- it seemed that Eivor's penetrating gaze was the night light itself. It was as if Eivor carried a part of your past within himself. The water was still dripping from his beard and forehead, small drops falling onto your face. An arm's length away, you were always just an arm's length away from each other.
"Eivor…" You breathed softly, raising your palm to your cheek. You didn't even notice that your thumb brushed away a drop of water from under his eyes. He knew everything about you, and you knew everything about him, the days when you were alone in his absence passed so bitterly slowly.
His searching gaze betrayed his thoughts when it fell from your eyes to your slightly open lips for a few moments. And you caught the moment. Whether it was you or the man who broke the still moment, you didn't know. You only realized it, when his lips were on yours, soft flesh melting over yours as a hand crept across your middle, pulling your body towards his form. Eyelids closed, you eagerly answered the movement, capturing his tender bottom lips between your teeth. At this action, Eivor groaned into the kiss, eyebrows furrowing in concentration as he slightly skimmed across your lips with his tongue. The touch burnt your skin all across your body, tingling and pinching you, as your mind buzzed in excitement. 
The warmth left your lips too soon, cold air sweeping across your flushed face as Eivor leant back. His gaze felt so tender across your form, adoring warmth glimmered in his eyes, a hand rubbing your side up and down. 
The distance has now dissipated, a thread has grown stronger and tighter, as it connected your hearts, opening a new path for you.
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hornymagnets · 1 year
Calling All RPers
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Hello everyone! My name is Crowley (21 f), and I fell out of RP for a while. Currently looking for any interested rpers to rp on discord that are 18+. My discord username is discreetyam5109#8611, so feel free to message me or interact with this post if you’re interested in any of the fandoms below! The ships I have listed are the ones I’d love to do, but I’m open to more, and I love a good au!
Assassin’s Creed        Malik x Altair, Alexios x Thaletas, Demosthenes x Lysander, Eivor x Hytham, Eivor x Basim, Hytham x Basim, Eivor x Vili, Eivor x Ivarr. Cyberpunk 2077        Johnny Silverhand x V, Viktor x V DC        Batman x Joker, Batman x Two-Face//Bruce x Harvey, Batman x Superman, Riddler x Scarecrow, Riddler x Penguin
Harry Potter       Harry x Draco, Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
Inkheart         Mo x Dustfinger
Kingsman         Harry x Merlin The Last of Us          Joel x Tess, Frank x Bill
Marvel        Loki x Tony Stark, Kaecilius x Karl Mordo, Matt Murdock x Frank Castle, Matt Murdock x Foggy, Warren Worthington x Scott Summers, Steve Rogers x Bucky, Zemo x Bucky, Charles x Erik, Azazel x Raven, Ronan x Peter Quill, Kilgrave x Jessica Jones, Marc Spector/Steven Grant x Frank Castle, Carlton Drake x Eddie Brock, Venom x Eddie Brock
Resident Evil         Heisenburg x Ethan Winters, Lucas Baker x Ethan Sherlock          Sebastian Moran x Moriarty, Victor Trevor x Sherlock Holmes, Lestrade x Mycroft, John Watson x Sherlock
Star Trek         Spock x Kirk, Kirk x Bones Star Wars          Hux x Kylo Ren, Finn x Poe, Anakin Skywalker x Obi-wan Kenobi The Walking Dead          Rick x Negan
Various Horror Genre (please message me for specific ships!)          AHS, American Psycho, Child’s Play, Creep, Dexter, Devil’s Carnival, Donnie Darko, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Hannibal, Hereditary, House of Wax, House of 1000 Corpses, Interview with a Vampire
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jpdoingart · 1 year
Some of my original work is available to buy as prints here. If you are interested in having any of the work you see here made available to have as a print, feel free to ask. It's easy to arrange! 😊
You can also access the full visual archive of my posts here.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Alexios: Bow Study || Bright Colours || On Holidays || Head Studies Brasidas: Collection || In ‘Spartan Scene.’ || Wreathed in Gold || Being Woken || At the Beach || Like a Saint || Like a French girl? || Black and White Nikolaos Thaletas: Thaletas || Head Studies Herodianos: Character Design Ship: Thalexios - Beneath the Trees Ship: Alexidas - Collection || Trying New Things || A Private Moment || Stormy Seas || Forehead Kisses || On Holidays || A Shady Spot || PFPs || Brasideia 2023 || Oof Ship: Alexithenes: One Night in Athens Ship: Herodietas - Painting
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Male Eivor: Armour Study collection || Armour Study 1 || Armour Study 2 || Head study Ubba Ragnarsson: Collection Ship: Ubba x male Eivor: Collection Sunniva Ivarr & Halfdan Ragnarsson
Other Media:
Hades (Game): Ares: Collection || Modern Ares Ship: Thanares Ship: Zagares - In Elysium The Sandman: Dream of the Endless (Trapped) Pyre (Game): Volfred Sandalwood
Original Characters
Hand of Fortuna (published novel): Lartia || Lartia tipsy Gates of Janus (WIP novel): Titus Lartius || Titus Lartius and Juventa
The Good Spartan (fanfic, on AO3): Antidas: Collection || Scene - Panel One || Pose Studies || Smiling || Redesign (w/ short hair) Adimantos: Collection || Pose Studies || Relaxing Bardas
Hollow Lakedaimon (WIP novel): Eukleidas
Spartan Scenes: In the Gym || It Started with a Thwack || The Palaestra (Trad media) || WIP The Gymnasium
Ancient art redraws:  Spartans Hunting Boar ||
Arity (WIP novel) : Jimmy || Two Portraits The Artist (WIP novel): Fred || Agricultural Worker (1920's) Lief & Ember (Minecraft OCs) : Sleeping || Lief portrait Colour Studies: Man in Sea || Sadulaev (Olympic Wrestler)
Art of Things Other than People
Colourful Things: Colourful eggs || Egg = Olive? || Colourful Things ||Trees || Flowers in the Clouds || Olive Tree || More Colourful Things|| Symbolic self-portrait ||
Realism: Landscapes: Ancient World (sketches) || Sparta ||
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radiofreewylde · 4 days
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mini-uzzy · 1 year
Some of my favorite scenes from my rejected Ivarr x Eivor fic...
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(part two)
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hereforreadandwrite · 10 months
Chapter two
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One week.
That was the time it took to find you. Ivarr was angry with himself, with his brothers, with Eivor and Sigurd, with the Nine Kingdoms for taking so long to find you. A week that Rhodri tortured and humiliated you. Bishop Deorlaf's nuns were looking after you, healing you as best they could. Ivarr entered the room, startling the nuns who rushed to cover you when they saw him.
"Why are you taking so long to heal her?" Ivarr growled as he moved closer to the leader of the group. "It should be over!"
"Her body is covered in wounds, which means it will take longer. We're taking care of the most serious thing, which is her eye."
You were lying on your stomach. The nuns had taken off your underwear so they could clean and dress your wounds. You hadn't woken up since your return. Which was worrying. Ivarr approached the leader of the group, telling him that she had better keep you alive if her Church did not want to see Ivarr the Boneless. The woman replied that she would do what she could and that the rest was up to you. Ivarr left the room, not without slamming the door of the room, startling the Christians present in the Church. Bishop Deorlaf approached the enraged drengr.
"This nuns are the best in the convent. (Y/N) is in good hands."
"No need to try to reassure me, Christian," he said, heading for the exit of the Elgise.
The fresh air didn't do him any good. He continued to pace in front of the building. His brothers, Eivor, Sigurd and Ceolbert arrived.
"Where's that mangy dog?" he asked between his teeth.
"Lock in a cage too small for him," Halfdan replied. "How is she?"
"They are still treating her."
"(Y/N) is a fighter. She'll get through this," Eivor said.
"What was Rhodri trying to get from her?" asked Sigurd.
"Information about our armies," he said between his teeth. "But he got nothing. (Y/N) didn't tell him. She assured me."
"We know that," Ubba said, putting his hand on his shoulder. "(Y/N) is the strongest drengr we've ever had in our ranks."
Ivarr freed his hand from his shoulder as the head nun stepped outside, looking around for the Boneless. He turned to the woman who told him that they had finished treating you. You were alive, but unconscious. She also explained that they had done everything they could, but they had failed to save your right eye. Ivarr walked past the nun, heading back to your room. You were covered in bandages, from head to toe. The nuns put you on your stomach to relieve your back. The bandages were already stained with blood. You had been wounded in battles. You had broken bones. You had bled. But you've never been so close to death. Like him before. Ivarr turned back to Ubba and Halfdan. His brothers understood what he wanted when they saw the glint in his eyes: he wanted blood.
"Where is he?" he asked between his teeth.
Halfdan motioned for Ivarr to follow him. Ceolbert approached Eivor and Ubba, asking King Rhodri what he planned to do. Ubba sighed as Eivor put his hand on his shoulder, telling him he didn't want to know. With what the Breton had done to you, he wasn't going to make it out alive. Halfdan entered the longhouse where the cage was. Rhodri was locked up there. All eyes were on him. Everyone knew what he had done. Everyone wanted his head. Halfdan ordered the crowd to leave the room, leaving the two men between them. Halfdan announced that he was waiting outside and told him to call him if he needed help settling his account with the Breton king. Ragnar's eldest son left the longhouse, carefully closing the door behind him. Ivarr circled the cage, glaring at Rhodri.
"Coward until the end, don't you? Rhodri," he said between his teeth. "Taking on someone else for pissing me off. You did it. You really pissed me off!"
Ivarr kicked the cage with his foot, causing Rhodri to fall to the side of the cage.
"You want to pretend you're a man?! You want to pretend you can beat me?!" Ivarr shouted, unhooking his axe and bringing it down on the cage. "You know what? I have a great idea."
Ivarr left the longhouse, motioning for Halfdan to follow him to talk with Ubba. He had a clear idea of what he was going to do to the king of the Bretons.
You didn't know what hurt you more, your eye or the rest of your body. You moaned in pain, opening your left eye. You had to blink several times adapting your vision. Your eye swept around when your attention rested on Ceolbert. The young man was sitting next to you playing nervously with his hands.
"Please tell me you're not praying to your God," you muttered.
"(Y/N)! You're finally awake," he said moving closer to your bed. "How are you feeling? Sorry, forget it's a stupid question."
"Don't worry. It's nice to see you again. Was I unconscious long?"
"About three days, we were all worried about you."
"Sorry. Where's Ivarr?"
"Out with his brothers, Eivor and Sigurd," he said, standing up. "I'll get him. I'll be right back."
Ceolbert left the room, leaving you alone. You groaned in pain as you felt the scabs crack when you had the supergrained idea of moving. It was the first time in your life that you were in so much pain. It was this pain that Ivarr had felt? Or was it worse? You closed your eye, concentrating on your breathing. The door to your room swings open, revealing Ivarr the Boneless. This one approached quickly your bed, passing its hand on your cheek.
"Are you okay?" you asked, looking at him with your one eye.
"I should be asking you that question," he said, pulling up the stool, settling down next to you.
"It's ugly, isn't it?" you asked with a sigh. "I didn't find myself attractive enough and now it's worse."
"Don't talk nonsense. You're a drengr! And his wounds prove it," he said, brushing a lock of hair out of your eyes.
You smiled at your companion, thanking him for his words when a wave of pain washed over you. Ivarr ran his hand through your hair, saying the pain would ease, the wounds would heal and leave an indelible mark on your body. You took his hand in yours, daring to ask him what had happened to King Rhodri. Had he become a number of your lover's royal murders? It was everything you hoped for. Ivarr's gaze darkened upon hearing that name. He replied that you had nothing to worry about, that he was taking care of his case. He was taking care of his case? Does that mean he hadn't killed him yet? Why was he keeping him alive? It was rare for Ivarr to do such a thing. You didn't have time to ask him the question when you were getting tired. He passed his hand over your cheek, telling you to rest. You fell asleep, reassured to know you are safe. Ivarr left his seat, settling on the floor, leaning his back against the bed. The Boneless began to sharpen the blade of his axe, thinking of all the things he was going to do to the Breton king. Maybe he was going to cut off his fingers and toes first, then his limbs. Pieces by pieces. With what he was about to do to him, any Bretons would flee the country. No, any Breton wouldn't dare approach you, or even look at you. He swore it.
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𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖 𝙻𝚒𝚜𝚝
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
A list here for fandoms I'm in/roleplay in (plus characters I can play!)
Usually in fandom roleplays I enjoy doubling up, unless I feel like being oc in oc x cc stuff, but thats a rare case!
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RDRD 2 - Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Javier Escuella, Dutch Van der linde, Molly O'Shea, Tilly Jackson, Micha Bell, Bill Williamson, Kieran Duffy, Charles Smith, Hosea Matthews, Sean.
Hetalia - Prussia, Germany, South Italy, North Italy, Russia, Japan, America, Canada, England, France, Hungary, Austria.
ATLA - Aang, Zuko, Katara, Toph, Sokka, Yue, Ozai, Azula, Suki.
Adventure Time (Fionna and cake series) - Fionna, Adult Finn, Farm world Finn, Scarab, Prismo, Simon, Zesty Simon (man's very Zesty) , Vamp world Marceline, Vamp world Bubblegum.
ITSV/ATSV - Peter B. Parker, Miguel O'Hara, Miles Morales, Wiles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Pavitr Prabhakar, Hobie Brown.
Holes (yes that Disney movie) - X Ray, Stanley, Zero, Armpit.
The lion King - Scar, Mufasa, Simba, Nala, Sirabi.
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc - Scoobs, Shaggy, Fred, Daphne, Velma.
MW2/3 - König, Ghost, Horangi, Price, Soap, Makarov, Graves, Alejandro, Rudy, Valeria.
Harry Potter - Harry, Ron, Hermione, Victor Krum, Fred, George, Seamus, Lee, Luna, Snape, Remus, Draco (that is a MAYBE) , Lucius (same as Draco)
Starwars - Han Solo, Ben Solo, General Hux, Rey, Leia, Padme, Anakin, Obi Wan.
ATWOW - Ao'nung, Roxto, Kiri, Spider, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Norm, Jake, Neytiri, Tsu'tey, Tonowari, Ronal.
GOT - Daenerys, Jon, Arya, Sandor, Ned, Catelyn, Cersei, Robb, Viserys, Khal Drogo, Robert Baratheon, Sansa, Stannis, Bran, Joffrey, Tommen, Gendry, Theon, Jorah, Ramsey, Ygritte, Oberyn, Jaime, Tywin, Tormund, Margaery, Brienne, Tyrion, Melisandre, Missandei, Petyr, Grey Worm.
House of the Dragon - Aemond, Viserys, Aegon, Alicent, Rhaenyra, Jaecerys, Daemon, Cole, Otto, Rhaenys, Lucerys.
Fallout Four - Nick Valentine, Paladin Danse, Preston Garvey, Gage Porter, Sean.
MLP - Applejack, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Discord, Sombra, Big Mac, Shining armour, princess cadence, princess Luna, princess celestia, Trixie, Chrysalis, Thorax, Starlight, Sunset Shimmer, Sunburst.
AC games - Eivor, Ivarr, Ubba, Randvi, Sigurd, Basim, Hytham, Kassandra, Bayek, Cleopatra, Apollodorus, Julius Caesar.
Jurassic Park - Alan, Ian, Ellie, Robert.
Peaky Blinders - Tommy, Arthur, John, Finn, Polly, Alfie, Michael, Billy, Luca, Lizzie, Aberama, Freddie, Esme, Isaiah, Bonnie.
South Park - Cartman, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Wendy, Tolkien, Randy, Gerald, Bebe, Ike, Butters, the goth kids, PC principal, VP Strong Woman, Sharon, Shelly.
Hunchback of Notre Dame - Quasimodo, Claude Frollo, Phoebus, Esmerelda, Clopin.
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This took FOREVER to write out but here it is lmao-
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krankittoeleven · 1 year
WIP Wordsearch Game
I was tagged by @softest-punk, thank you very much for the tag!
my words from SP are: taste, nose, right, book, and tea
"Taste" - from the Eivor/Ubba/Vili fic that I will finish eventually XD (Untitled) blood warning for this one
"Vili, we must continue with our plan," Eivor gently places his hand against Vili's chest, his armor still wet and sticky and warm with blood. The smell is still so strong he can almost taste it in his mouth. It is only a small consolation that none of the blood is Vili's, "or all of this will be in vain."
Vili takes a step back, but the blood remains on Eivor's hand all the same. He had thought that because it was the truth it was the right thing to say, but maybe he had been wrong. Maybe not all truths were worth saying.
"Don't wield my friend against me like a weapon, Eivor."
Vili sounds hurt more than he sounds angry, a sharp reminder of the years they had spent apart and the gaps that still needed filling.
"Nose" - Vili/Ubba (Water of Life)
“Bjorn used to call me runt,” Ubba says as their horses move unhurried along the road back to Hemthorpe. There is a very obvious mix of emotions in Ubba’s voice, his tone affectionate, but also irritated.
“Gods, how big was he to call you that?” Vili asks.
He’d never met Bjorn and the fates had seen to it that he never would. According to Ubba he’d died not long after they had arrived in England, but he is picturing a giant now, who else would call Ubba a runt?
“He was about your father’s size,” Ubba replies, still staring at the road ahead of them, but Vili can see the smirk creeping up on his face and crinkling his nose.
“Oh,” Vili says and then he is overtaken with laughter.
"Right" - Eivor/Vili Cowboy AU (The Ballad of Lonesome Gods)
"Is everyone alright?" Soma asks.
"Yeah," Eivor replies.
"Yes," says Randvi.
"Yup," Ivarr cackles.
"NO!" Vili shouts from the ground, the chains of his shackles clanking as he moves.
"Wait, who is that?" Soma asks as she moves to help Randvi tie up the Sheriff.
"Don't worry about him right n—"
"Hey, come on Eiv-—"
"Vili, just shut up for a minute, please."
Vili huffs but remains silent.
"Book" - from my Lovecraftian existential horror AU (Between the Real and the Unknown)
I dream of little books, their pages ripped from their bindings and scattered on the floor.  I dream of a key so tiny it gets lost in the palm of my hand.  I dream of gathering up the pages, crumbling them in my clenched fists, afraid I will lose the most important page of them all.  And I cry; because I should know what all of it means, but I cannot remember.
"Tea" - Alas, I am but a filthy American and I threw all of my tea into the Harbor. J/K I like tea but it is nowhere to be found in my WIPS at the moment.
I will tag @castielsangel-x, @akashadarkblade, @ainulindaelynn, @brasideios (if you want to when you are feeling better) @myriath, @vault-heck, @theinkandthesea , @erzsebetrosztoczy, @troublemakingrebel and anyone else that wants to!
Your words to find are: help, eye, sit, hair and touch.
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