#Eky's personal post
eky11 · 11 months
Ok, so I made that post and I went to check some old notebooks, they are in Spanish so, I'll losely translate what it says
So the thing is, eh, I've always been a lonely child, so I made of Kariya my friend. And so I made comics where he appeared in different situations I had in my life (this started in summer 2019). The thing is that I am not consistent so I didn't do it as much as I wanted, so I loved to see how one notebook was Kariya with me in all of the situations of my life and in the rest he appears in the only comic just to complain that he isn't there. To be honest, I just didn't draw him but he's still going with me everywhere jajaja.
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This ones are just before I started making comics jeje
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Ohh, and in this one Kirino gives a letter to Kariya saying that he is an exchange student and that he will come to study to Spain (therefore making sense that we are in the same place every day). I was around the same age as him here so it made sense we went together jejej
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So I started drawing him everyday going to school with me jajaj
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Next summer I started being less consistent but he was already complaining when I didn't drew him in the first page!!! (Real)
And parting from here he would just
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Only appear to complain that he is not appearing. This was hand in hand with the fact that I didn't draw digitally that often. (I didn't draw him until the 72nd page, in my defense that's my favorite number)
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-"Good day, I bet you weren't expecting a comic format (I talked to an imaginary reader, yes)"
-"What the hell Eky"
-"I bet you weren't expecting Kariya either"
-"I've spent years living in a drawer"
As you can see I didn't draw him quite as often.
But he has always been present in one way or another in my sketchbooks, he is the og, the highest kind of blorbo, my best friend (real).
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In last year's notebook he didn't appear but he was still there, in the cover jejeje
(Oh and if you see he changes is because we met with the same age, the age I started drawing him, ever since he's been growing up with me ;p)
Aghhh I miss him a lot I must buy an sketch book and start drawing him again
Bonus me with red hair because I forgot that was a thing that happened
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lilacsupernova · 8 months
A post- postmodernist world of gender?
And at the turn of the millennium, something occurred with the term gender: it stopped wandering around, froze and turned to stone. Suddenly it was no longer a system to be subverted, but an individual identity – no longer a cultural construct, no longer even something people do. At that point, gender became something a person is, an eternal inner essence beyond culture and power structures, even beyond genitalia. Now, gender is said to be something innate that no society on earth can change. We are being told that gender emanates from within us and only we ourselves can know is truth – list your pronouns and I will know who you are! Once you discover your gender, there is no turning back and no doubt – this is the real you. You 'are' woman, man, non-binary, trans or agender and have therefore always been so.
This is a giant step away from queer theory. In fact, postmodernism and queer theory seem rather outdated. They were merely stepping stones that abolished the notion of material sex, whose ruins the new-fangled essentialism then built on. The grand narrative now returns, claiming to own the truth about gender. Cue the cliche's about pink/blue, dolls/weapons, makeup/machines, passive/active.
This ideological shift from sex, to sex/gender, to gender, to gender/sex, represents a shift from metaphysics to dialectical materialism to postmodernism to postmodern essentialism. However, seamless the change might appear, it is important to note that in gender identity theory, we are dealing with an idea that diverges significantly from queer theory in its basic tenets. Whereas queer theory saw everything as discourse and nothing as real, gender identity theory in fact sees gender as very real and innate. Whereas queer theory was engaged in a constant, parodic, satirical subverting of gender, gender identity establishes that the discovery of ones true gender is a final verdict – and a deadly serious matter. Whereas [Judith] Butler postulated gender was an external system, imposing itself on us through interpellation, making us succumb, gender identity theory sees gender as a truth coming from the inside.
This postmodern essentialism is strange indeed, a biological determinism without biology, where the idea of becoming who you want to be is combined with the belief in gendered souls. Yet this is the only possibility for patriarchy to return inside neoliberalism. This way, one maintains notions of individual liberty at the same time as strict rules on gender return with a full blast. (Patriarchy also returns outside the neoliberal paradigm, with a conservative backlash on abortion rights and a clamping down on female sexuality, but this current is unable to fully penetrate ideologically progressive societies and circles.) Biological determinism of old was monolithic and fateful: born in a woman's body, you were told your brain was unfit for higher office. There was no escape. Anyone trying to break boundaries would hit their head against a wall. As opposed to that, biological determinism of today, gender identity-style, is fragmented: body and soul are said to each have a sex of their own. Thus, an escape route is inbuilt: anyone who feels their gender role is too narrow is given the opportunity to change and find a 'truer' self. Both determinisms juxtapose gender and sex, but in reverse order: sex determines gender versus gender determines sex.
– Kajsa Ekis Ekman (2023) On the Meaning of Sex: Thoughts on the New Definition of Woman, pp. 93-4.
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cicadadust · 5 months
Woo, Eki clothing ref!
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I will try to make clothing refs for the others here, too.
Post reads:
Mixes and matches parts of outfits. Besides uniform. Almost always wearing his hood.
1. Canary uniform
2. Default outfit.
3. Alt outfit
4. Alt 2, shirt can be worn, open closed, or with nothing under it.
5. Handmade wetsuit, can be worn under any outfit. Outer layer is made of dyed scaled skin. Inner layer has otter fur to trap air between itself and outer layer
But some information on the bugger-
Name: Eki
Gender: Male
Age: 127
Height: 5'5 (165 cm)
Race: Elf
Specializes in: electrical and water magic, and dabbled a bit in necromancy. Uses a yo-yo like weapon, with a thin metal wire he can guide water or electricity along.
Fun bonus stuff: #1 crustacean lover (and eater). Attention whore. Actually pretty decent at hand sewing, and is able to make clothing by hand.
Born and raised on the Southern Central Continent. Both parents are deceased, so he was raised by his grandpa. He lived along the coast on the outskirts of elvish populations. Spent a lot of time out on the water crab fishing and just fishing with his grandpa. They lived a mostly self-sufficient life there, with not much interaction with others. They only occasionally would make a visit to the nearest town. (Family in the past had used ancient magic, so chose to isolate). When Eki was around 97 years old, his grandpa passed away in his sleep. As his grandfather was the main person in his life, Eki was shocked and shaken. Sometime later, Eki was discovered still living with the body - but had performed necromancy, attempting and pretending to continue on with life as normal. He was taken in by the elves, and with nowhere to really go - he was sent to become a canary due to his use of ancient magic. He really wasn't happy with it, and a few years later, on a mission, he managed to desert his unit. He changed his name to Eki, chopped off his hair, while growing out his bangs to help obscure his face - and began wearing his signature hood to cover his notched ears. Yet he still couldn't keep himself out of trouble and fled into a dungeon. Within the dungeon, he met Doru, and Ogre (another who sought refuge within the dungeon) - and whether Doru liked his company or not, he was stuck with Eki. A while later, they recruited Maralou, a Half-foot healer into their group, forming their small rag-tag family and team.
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maximalttigers · 4 months
Pride Month 2024- Main cast of Hunted Butterfly
Since I sadly was really busy last year for Pride month, I decided to post what the sexualities of my main OC characters are from my Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! series 'Hunted Butterfly' as a way to add more personal lore.
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The basic summary for the characters:
Amy is a straight ally, not interested in dating at the moment.
Skyper is Asexual since his mind doesn't actually process lust, I have yet to decide if he is Aromantic as well but asexual is official.
Eki is Asexual due to her background and that she generally doesn't process the concepts of intercourse/the lust side of things (She's a pure bean yet understands how babies are made), like Skyper I have yet to decide if she is Aromantic as well but being asexual is official
Kaneki is officially aro/ace. While he in a way identifies as non-binary, he does tend to lean towards the male pronouns, I would later find that 'Demigender'/'Demiboy' would best for Kaneki too. Kaneki identifies with they/them but will tolerate he/him.
Chrome is an interesting one as he doesn't really bother with the whole 'labels' thing for sexuality stating that he's in love when he's in love. However for the sake of things, Chrome would be bisexual and Demisexual, he only fell in love after strong connections were made and they just so happened to be of both genders; His first love was a young woman named Ayla who was sadly killed then his second/current love is Otto.
Ruby Mace and Azure Spear are both Homosexual and Demisexual, only ever fell in love with each other which they are happily married.
Tech is a straight ally, not interested in dating at the moment.
Salem is a straight ally, not interested in dating at the moment as he is busy with helping raise his godson. (I realise that I should have added trans ally as well)
Octavia is Demisexual, she only fell in love with Gibson after they got to know each other.
Finally Coco is Demisexual and Asexual, she generally isn't into lust and she only ever fell in love with Antauri. I guess for them it was more 'love at first sight' kind of thing but they fell more in love as they got to know each other.
And that is really it, not much but it does allow me to share more personal lore about the charcters.
Happy Pride Month!
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sylviazem · 5 months
Maybe I should actually introduce my messy blog a little better.
But like...no, not really. At least, not in the way of personal information. I'm 21+, I love video games, I compose music sometimes, and live in the distant Land of Fin(Finland). That's all you get, to be honest. :P
So what's The Deal?
My own posts are mostly about my ever-expanding(help) roster of Final Fantasy XIV characters. Writing, maybe a few screenshots sometimes. Reblogs are usually about other people's FFXIV characters, and other stuff related to the game.
Fair warning: I tend to be Casually Horny™ in my writing but actual NSFW(rare) will be labelled. I also tend to get unhinged and ramble in reblog tags, so uhh. Sorry-not-sorry about that.
I might occasionally post about my other, personal creative stuff as well but that will be rare and spontaneous, probably. Mostly music.
Unsurprisingly, my most common tag is #ffxiv, and variations of that on occasion. But that's the main one I use. If you want to snoop around, specific characters are (usually)tagged as #oc: [character name], which brings us to...
Character List
Fjola Miret-njer
???(Hrothgal, name TBA)
Ekiki Eki
Bluebird No. 12
Elvide Pamisoloux
Viola Pamisoloux
Emma Pamisoloux
Stella Scintilla
Cherry Cloudberry
Bloody River
Shiori Furukane
Manami Furukane
Otoha (Furukane)
Momoko Õyama
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fakesimp · 1 year
I saw a post on here on anon saying it's so hard to find Eki content and hard agree-
It's so hard to find Eki content, Hikarino content... and most importantly...
Like I take forever to get shit done, I have like a million WIPs- I have a few fics with Ivy but... no x readers... and how have quilldren not made EVEN 1 IVY X READER YET?! LIKE- AT THIS POINT I'D EVEN TAKE FLUFF- I DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT NSFW- PLZ AO3, GIVE ME ANYTHING- I WON'T BE PICKY-
Like damn now I gotta try and start my own fics that'll never get done to start a new trend- like... I managed to get guildies to write NSFW of Shxtou and Xenomorphs and tentacles (Shoto is a monster fucker, I remember vividly-) BUT ONLY BECAUSE I WROTE IT FIRST- AFTER I WROTE IT IT STARTED POPPING UP😭😭 I T H U R T S -
No one understands the pain of an Ivy simp, my bi heart can't take it-
She's so-
And like- she's-
Bonus points to a poly relationship of reader with Ike and Ivy, EXTRA BONUS IF EKI'S INVOLVED-
And as far as Ike x Ivy x Eki is involved??
Ivy's a top all the way in those 2 (I wholeheartedly believe in switch Evelands-)
Ivy's gentle with Ike usually...
But very mean with Eki- as she should 😌😌 bullying Eki real-
Also for everyone's information, I accidentally started shipping HikaIvy... it started as unlikely besties, but I should've known better cuz I'm a sucker for best friends to lovers- I've gone in to deep, there's no backing out now-
But I still like the idea of Hikarino x Ivy so thank you-
Sorry if this was overwhelming- I have a lot to say, and not many people to say it to lmao- have a good day/morning/night lmao
I am, genuinely, stumped. (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
But hey, you're right, alter egos content are barely to be seen here... And, I, don't write for female streamers, for, personal reasons.
But, I can, maybe like, y'know feed some... Uh, of you guys that wanted to see female nijien x reader content?
I can consider on writing them if there's some of you out there that's interested.
You can comment under this post, tell me who do you want me to write for? Ivy? Considerable. Or even Shu's other 2 Alters that probably like barely even seen.
Although, apologize in advance if they're ooc. I am introduced to vtuber hole from Luxiem (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠) so, I don't really know the previous waves.
And my blog is more towards x reader contents, so, apologies if there's some wanted some like character x character, I, won't accept it shhshdjxna (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)
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randomffiction · 1 year
Story Snippets 🌊 By His Fingertips
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Hi hello if you see this then I'm still alive and I would love your feedback in this post.
Anyway welcome back to Eki being a little silly and meddling with the life of mortals. He's so silly like that! And keep in mind the preacher name is MC, yes his actual name. So it can double as Main Character and whatever you wish it to be!
Enjoy the silly snippets 💕
Master List! || By His Fingertips Links!
MC chuckle, giving Eki the sweet smile he's always wearing on his face. "Why that's a sweet compliment, thank you. But back to the matter at hand, on your right will be a halfway that lead multiple empty rooms."
His hands motion to the hallway again, "You can pick any room you like. And don't worry they're clean, I personally tidy them myself."
His hand went back to the arm rest. "And if you need me I'll be on the other hallway. Just knock on the first door you see and I'll be with you right away."
Eki follow to the left hallway, where MC would presumably be there to help him. He cant help but wonder if the man truly live in this holy building.
"I can see your curiosity, yes I live here. So please don't be afraid to ask me for anything."
Eki hummed, nodding along to the man's explanation. "Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." He eyes the man Infront of him one last time before continuing, "I'll stay here for a moment, after that I'll check the rooms you've graciously provide for me."
MC twinkle just from Eki's short comment. Saying to the traveler that he'll lay his head down first and bid him farewell. Eki is alone in the quiet main room of the church.
The candle flickering slightly as if they notice something is a miss.
Eki sees as MC dissapeared into a corner, presumably to his own private chamber to rest for the night. And though Eki would love to rest now, he have other things to deal with.
"Oh preacher," he says to himself as he look up to the altar, "I admire your loyalty and kindness." A strong breeze manage to slip inside and blow out one of the candles flickering on the altar. The room feeling slightly colder than before.
"Your naivety, it's amusing. I hope you rest well tonight." He stands up, the clicks of his heels echoing through the walls as he make his way to his own private room.
"Truly, it would be a shame if someone like you didn't get their shut eye."
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kimium · 1 year
Hey friend, I was wondering: What are some of your favourite experiences from when you lived/worked in Japan?
Aw friend! This is a fantastic ask! I have so many great memories of being in Japan that I am delighted to share with you!
My favourite experiences from what I lived and worked in Japan
-Kappazushi: In case you don't know, Kappazushi is a conveyor sushi restaurant chain. While there are many different conveyor sushi restaurants, I like Kappazushi the best. Also, they have kappa as their mascot. 10/10.
-My parents + sister visiting me: My first year in Japan my parents and sister came to visit me during Christmas. They saw the school I was working at, my classes, and then toured around Tokyo with me. It was a lot of fun and I have a lot of happy memories.
-Staff dinners: Every three months the staff would have a dinner at the local restaurant. It was always a lot of fun and my favourite part was during autumn/winter they'd serve nabe (hotpot).
-Getting lost on the way to my own farewell party: We held my farewell/going away party in Nagano-shi and I didn't realize the restaurant was on the fourth floor of the building. I walked past it and Google Maps wasn't helping. They ended up sending three of my coworkers to come find me. How embarrassing.
-Maid Cafe in Akihabara: Before I left Japan I spent two days in Tokyo. On my first day I went to a maid cafe. The staff were panicking because "we don't speak a lot of English" (I know enough Japanese to get by). Coincidently there was another English speaking person there at the same time. They sat me beside this person LOL. We had a nice hour chat at the very least.
-@a-little-harmed-shinra visiting me: I'm still so happy that Yuki managed to visit me! I was so happy and had a lot of fun going around Tokyo with them! Shout out to our first day in Tokyo where it rained while we were at the Tower and that doujinshi store that became gayer the higher up we went.
-Wearing a kimono to Kinkaku-ji and having a foreign couple want a photo of me: I was gifted a kimono and wanted to wear it while I was in Japan. I ended up wearing it to Kinhaku-ji where this couple wanted my photo. I felt very cool in that moment.
-USJ (Universal Studios Japan): The same trip when I was at Kinkaju-ji I went to USJ. It was right around the time the live action Attack on Titan movie was out too, so I was able to see the props and a sculpture of the wall post S1. One of my favourite photos I took.
-Danjiri-matsuri: If you've never experienced the Danjiri-matsuri in Osaka, I highly encourage it. It's my favourite festival and I love my Nakamachi shirt.
-Being short change for the parkade and needing to ask a stranger for 120 yen: This was so embarrassing! I emptied all my change and only had a 5000 yen note. I thought I could slip out and break it at the convenience store right beside the parkade but a lady was waiting to leave. I didn't have the Japanese to tell her my plan so instead I asked her for 120 yen.
-Visiting the Pokemon Centre in Ikebukuro: Honestly, one of the coolest stores in Japan. I took a lot of fun pictures and while I didn't buy a lot, I have some items that are very cute.
-Homemade noodles in my village: Where I lived we had cute little old grannies making homemade noodles all the time. I didn't realize how spoiled I was until I had ramen somewhere else.
-"Yamada Denki!": There is an electronics store in Japan named Yamada Denki. They have this little jingle that is stuck in my brain for eternity.
-Buying my own kotatsu: My first year there I had to buy myself my own kotatsu. Sadly I couldn't take it with me home, but I love my little kotatsu and had fun picking it out.
-ARUKUMA-CHAN: Arukuma is the mascot of the prefecture I lived in and I love Arukuma with all my heart. There is a statue of Arukuma in the Nagano-eki so if you're ever there, please check him out.
-Oyaki: My beloved... I miss you... especially nozawana.
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magnolia-spree · 2 years
this post is a dump dedicated of (mostly has shu + mysta) ideas i had. think of it as a list... a very disorganized list ill edit more as i continue having them.
some of them might not be safe for work though, so please bear in mind.
they will be placed under read more.
-> cat owner ike eveland with his 2 cats, shu and mysta (myshu focused)
-> unhinged couple, shu and mysta. where shu observes to see if a person is worth their time, if not he tells mysta to beat them up with no mercy.
-> ike and shu gives mysta plushies just to see mysta's eyes sparkle with joy
-> eki and akarino first meeting starting off wrong but as time goes on, eki becomes protective of akarino.
-> yamino bridal carrying hikarino.
-> eki giving akarino long dresses (mostly in white) just to see how pretty akarino is, but akarino trips a lot so it gives eki an excuse to carry him around and get blood on the white dress.
-> shu and mysta starcrossed lovers. mysta being brought to a magical world and has to make a contract with shu, a resident of said magical world to survive. as everything comes to an end they both have to say goodbye as mysta is an alien to the magical world and shu can't follow because of his duties in the magical world.
-> akarino being pink on the face because he's easily flustered and hides behind eki whenever they meet someone new, and eki think akarino can't get any cuter until akarino tugs on his sleeve and smiles at him.
-> (NSFW) rias and hikarino hate sex. they get so infuriated with each other they fight to the point of making out to get the other to shut up, realise it's addicting and fight again for dominance.
-> shu and ike meeting one summer day, ike needs inspiration for his new novel and he hears shu playing the violin at the park. after shu's performance he tries to talk to shu until shu tells him he's going to quit music and leave the musical world. making it ike's first and last performance shu is ever going to play.
-> mysta who met shu and ike when they were all young, mysta and shu always sharing popsicles and ike always narrating the stories from books be brought. then mysta wakes up and wonders if shu and ike were actually real or it was all made up by him.
-> mysta who doesn't remember his childhood and shu who never had a childhood, both of them watch silly kids cartoons and get toys they never experienced as children.
-> mysta and shu incredibly sweet tooth all the bakeries know them as the "couple" who orders a lot of sweets to the point they get a discount from them. mysta and shu go to different bakeries one time and order something the other likes.
-> where ike goes to a bakery to give luca, who broke his leg, a get well soon cake and meets mysta, the one whos running the bakery and thought mysta is cute. they talk until vox calles ike via his phone on where is he and the cake.
-> sun mysta and moon ike. that's it.
-> nijien but theyre in some sort of hospital. (will make a separate long post soon and link it here)
-> mysta receiving gifts from everyone in nijien, and cries because he's unused to being loved other than his mom and rarely receives presents.
-> nijien helping shu with everything and shu being incredibly confused until they tell him its because he's the one helping so they want to pay him back.
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milktian · 2 years
This was something I wrote for whumptober but i didn't really feel like it was long enough to be a proper entry on ao3 so im posting it here lol. it was for the dazed and confused alt prompt lmao
There were hands on his face, gently cupping his cheeks. Reki couldn’t quite see who it was, vision too blurry, but couldn’t stop himself from leaning into the touch. They were warm – like furnace warm – and Reki felt like laughing at the realisation that one hand was probably the width of his entire face.
The figure in front of him was speaking, but his entire head felt like it had been dunked underwater, all sound being muffled to such a degree that he couldn’t properly hear anything. Was there supposed to be a ringing?
This was just like that time where he got tinnitus as a child, except somehow worse? He could still remember when he first told his mum, and she was so confused why he was yelling until she took him to the hospital.
The hands gently slapped his face, bringing his attention back down from the sky. He hadn’t even realised he looked up; at some point, his vision was filled with the deep, deep blue of the night sky, the stars gently flickering on and off. They had looked larger than usual, and blurrier…? Maybe he should go to the eye-doctor or something.
More slaps – he had ended up looking back at the sky.
He tried his hardest to focus on the person in front, only managing to parse out a big green blob before his eyes gave up on him. They tried speaking to him again, and Reki winced internally that he wasn’t able to answer. He tried humming in lieu of a response, but for some reason it came out garbled and wet.
Gaze falling down to his lap – head suddenly feeling so much heavier than it had done before. He could see the bright yellow of his hoodie, stained dark with… something. There was a word for it, but his head was so muddled.
Warm hands lifted his head again, and another person came up besides the green blob. They were pink this time; briefly, Reki wanted to touch it – it looked like bubble-gum or something. The second one knelt down in front of him and shined a light in his eye.
It was only for a few seconds, and Reki shut his eyes almost immediately. They said something, before giving up just as quickly and moving hands to his mouth. They were smaller than the green one’s, but very gently. They pried his jaw open, moving the light to it. Was something wrong with his mouth or something? Now that he was thinking about it… it hurt.
It hurt quite a bit actually.
Why was it hurting? Did he bail hard or something? Shit, he did, didn’t he? Mum was so going to kill him when he got home, or she might kill him when she got a call from the hospital at fuck o’clock in the morning. Maybe he should just go home; he’s had worse injuries than a broken jaw. He’ll just need to be extra careful when eating food.
“..ey, you…ere?” A deep voice suddenly cut through the fog in his head. It didn’t make much sense, so Reki just nodded (something he found kind of hard when there were hands in his mouth, but what else was he supposed to do).
“…pid… rilla… he’s… cussed,” The pink blob turned to the green one, seeming exasperated. They removed their hands from his mouth, pulling something out of nowhere, “…needs…spital.”
‘No Hospital,’ was what he wanted to say, but all he ended up doing was coughing up a bit of blood.
His head lolled back down, and he felt himself drift away for a little bit. Each blink got heavier and heavier. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to doze off…
Two hands grabbed his shoulders. There were still a pair on his face, and the pink one had stepped back for a bit, talking on his phone (his brain clocked it, so it was still functioning at least). He tried to look up, to see who was grabbing him, but his head felt like it was being dragged down by a hundred rocks.
There was a gentle shushing sound, and then a soft voice right next to his ear, “Need to… wake…eki.”
The hands squeeze gently, waking him up but only for a moment before dropping his head again. There was another squeeze, but it didn’t work, and all Reki could think about was how pissed his mum was going to be.
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natitith · 6 months
“A Person is a Person no matter how small”
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Recientemente estuve leyendo “Horton Hears a Who!” o “Horton y el Mundo de los Quién” en español, y recordé por qué me gustaba. Tenía la percepción, al ver la película animada, de que tenía un mensaje implícito bastante bello. Al leer la versión original me di cuenta de que tiene varios, y eso me conmueve un montón.
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La frase principal “A person is a person, no matter how small” desde un principio nos indica que una persona es válida e importante, sin importar su tamaño (aunque podría referirse al físico yo apunto más a la edad). Esto se reafirma con la frase: “I've got to protect them, i'm bigger than them”  recalca la función que tenemos como sociedad, o “los grandes” de proteger a aquellos que son menores que nosotros. Y sigo recalcando, la condición de “pequeño” podría verse como la edad, también podría ser una condición física o mental, podría incluso referirse a otros seres vivos.
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Y me fascina el hecho de que el mensaje sea tan absurdamente abarcador, porque cuando leí “As favor to me, try to not disturb them. Just let them be” no pude dejar de pensar en que ese “person” podría referirse a cualquier ser vivo. Aunque el cuento nos ofrece una mirada un tanto antropocéntrica, puedo ver el “Un ser vivo es un ser vivo, sin importar qué tan pequeño sea”. El relato ataca directamente a quienes anteponen unos seres sobre otros, como si una hormiga tuviese menos vida que un gato por ser más pequeño. Dr. Seuss nos dice en la cara “sólo déjalos ser”.
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Me fui un poco del punto hablando sobre seres vivos a nivel general. La cosa que más me maravilla sobre la historia de Horton es la función de empoderamiento infantil que ejerce. Siendo los cuentos del Dr. Seuss dedicados al público infantil, me emociona saber que al menos una generación creció con este mensaje de reconocer su propio valor. Sé que muchos en nuestra infancia sentimos que no somos lo suficiente para que se escuche nuestra voz, pero quizá alguien luego de escuchar el cuento pensó “Rayos, no importa que yo sea aún un niño, soy una persona y mis ideas valen”.
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Me gustaría desarrollar algunas cositas que faltaron en otro post, ekis. ¡Like para parte 2! 🌟
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centuriantalevevo · 1 year
So if you didn't know, I was in a server for NIJI EN fans, and it was a server made by someone who created a fanfic that I loved and still do love to death
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Well I've been banned for that server for...
Headcannoning about characters that aren't even hers.... I wasn't even talking about uc!Eki.... I might've mentioned UC (unprecedented collisions) a HANDFUL of times in my threads. I have a LOT to nitpick here.
1st off, it'd a headcanon, not a genuine diagnosis. My version of Eki has that.
Also of you're gonna mentioned me headcanoning Eki has ASPD.... at least mention Rias as well cuz I headcanoned they both have it, and how tf do you not know what antisocial personality disorder is?
2nd of all, I thought the fanfic issue was dealt with? I deleted like you asked, I apologized profusely I believe, and I also never wrote anything like that again.
3rd of all, did it really take you THIS LONG to see my hell hole of a thread?! It took you THIS LONG?? So now, I wanna know WHAT encouraged you to look at my threads??? Surprised you weren't seeing them already??? Did someone mention it?? Did you do a sweep of the server in general? Did you specifically look for shit I said just to have an excuse? Genuinely curious, I don't wanna sound rude... but also because you chose NOT to message me about it first.. I kinda DO wanna be rude in spite.
She's literally older than me, how tf was I THE ONE TO THINK OF TALKING IT OUT FIRST?! someone E X P L A I N T H A T ? I don't MEAN to be rude, I didn't think I WAS rude... I don't remember saying "this reminds me of Eki", was it about the poll quiz thingy? To see how well you know Ike?? If that's the one, that's not a fanfic??? That's a... poll???
I genuinely don't remember where I said that so I'ma need SOMEONE TO SHOW ME!
My friend said she'll message her in the morning... they have at least a 12 hour time difference from me... so only god knows what time it'll be by then. I hadn't been so active in a discord server in a hot minute
Also my precious threads, at least gimme a chance to archive them??? I worked too hard on those to lose them due to a misunderstanding.
That's all, I just... mad... I'm mad. And hurt... and upset... I did cry... she always was intimidating...
Could've at least fucking talked to me about it.
I post it here because on the off chance I'm somehow lucky and she let's me back in (which... I really doubt), I don't want to cause anymore tension than what's already been caused due to misunderstanding.
I hope she sees reason... but since she did all this without even fucking talking to me about it to try and clear it up... I'm doubting she'll see reason.
I don't think she has tumblr, if she does
Well at least she's seen my nitpicks and will maybe talk to me about it now.
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yourinfinite00 · 2 years
tagal ko ring di nagsulat dito. pero eto uli. pavent lang ng feels. feeling ko wala akong mapagshesharan e.
nagbackread ako previous posts ko about this person (and i think other previous posts din naman) at narealize kong ang cringe HAHA pero takte eto kase pangventout ko kaya yaan mo na zzz.
so i went to UP yesterday para sa inom with previous nakasama sa work. kasama siya dun. i really didn’t want to go kase social anxiety eme (self-diagnose tsk) pero dahil napilit ko kaibigan ko ayun tumuloy ako. siya una ko kikitain dapat diretso ko sa lab nila kaso nalate ako so pinalabas ko na lang siya lab para kitain ako since ayoko pumasok sa insti. pagkita namin aaahhh sa isip-isip ko ‘namiss ko tong taong to’ (di ko sinabi syempre). may kikitain pa dapat kaming ibang kasama pero sabi niya gusto niya tumambay sa sunken so tumambay muna kami tas kitain na lang namin sila sa kakainan namin. so tambay kami sa sunken. dami tao. ngayon lang daw madami tao dun ng ganung oras (dahil yata sa selling ng up fair tix). upo kami dun. hinayaan ko siya magkwento kase mabigat pakiramdam niya. sobra-sobra kong naenjoy yung moment na yun kase feeling ko lalo naestablish friendship namin kase nagkwento siya ng personal struggles niya kahit na at first mej alangan ako kase kakakita lang naman namin uli. anws yun kwentuhan kami habang nasa sunken. ganda legit.
tinawagan na kami ng mga kasama namin tinatanong nasan na kami. either sabay kami sa kanila or sunod na lang kami. sumunod na lang kami. yun din gusto ko para may alone time kami wew haha i initially suggested nga na maglakad kami kaso sabi niya malayo daw so nagjeep kami.  
nung bumaba kami jeep kinabahan na uli ako kase makakakita na ko ibang tao. inaffirm niya naman na okay lang daw yun, siya rin naman daw. niloko pa nga ako na nasusuka ako haha. wala namang nangyaring special throughout dinner. siya lang yung usual self niyang maingay hahahaha.
punta na inuman. syempre matic katabi ko dapat siya. matic in a sense na siya closest ko dun not anything else haha. so yun bawal siya uminom dahil sa meds niya. wala rin namang ibang nangyari buong inuman at actually the rest of the night EWAN KO BA nireretell ko lang nangyari kahapon hahaha. the whole night pansin ko na may kachat siya. cellphone ng cellphone e. tas nung mej nakainom na ko syempre madaldal na ko at makulit haha. yun natanong ko na siya kung sino yun at tama nga ako ng nasa isip kung sino yun. tas yun di naman na namin masyado pinag-usapan. pag nakikita niya rin ako magphone tinatry niya agawin phone ko para tignan. sabi ko nga makulit na ko diba. so nakailang kurot ako sa kanya. pinanggigigilan ko lang haha tas rereact siya di naman nagagalit feeling ko deep inside nabibwisit na haha. one time tho since giniginaw ako nun nasa legs ko jacket ng kasama namin, kinurot niya ko sa legs. alam mo walang meaning yun feeling ko pero utak ko lang nag-iisip. i mean nasa harap ko na that time literally na ekis talaga. anws sobrang patient niya sakin that night sa inuman, at gaya nga ng lagi kong pangdescribe sa kanya, ambait niya talaga sakin. 
uwian na. sabi niya sakin hatid namin kasama namin bago ko umuwi. goods lang sakin kahit hilo na talaga ko nun. gags legit nakarami yata ko inom nun or di lang ako masyado nagwater. so yun kala ko kaming 2 lang plus yung hahatid namin, kasama pa pala other 2. tsk jk. wala kami interaction habang naglalakad kase the whole time nasa likod lang nila ko (mas trip ko yun). after namin nahatid yung isa, bumili water yung 2 namin kasama, tas sabi ko sa kanya sa labas na lang namin sila hintayin. alam mo hinahayaan niya lang ako sandalan siya. wala talaga sa kanya fragile masculinity e at wala siya pake sa pwedeng isipin ng iba. tas yun legit hilo ko nakasandal na lang ako sa kanya. nakabook na yung isa tas nauna na. yung isa nagbubook na. pinagbook niya na rin ako kaso sabi ko hilo talaga ko kase legit naman. last dumating grab ko. we said goodbye. alam mo, first time yata namin maghug. it felt really good. grabe lang yung pagkasakay ko ng sasakyan, sobrang mixed emotions. pagod, hilo, happy, sad kase deep inside alam kong he’s just being a good friend to me. 
i got home. first thing i did was to message him. wala na ko masyado hesitations pag nakainom so i told him i missed him and he told me he missed me too. i told him ‘wuv u’ para lang mej light. he replied with love u. that’s most probably nothing naman kase duh pero u know it was hard for me seeing him say those words kase somehow, when i said it, part of me meant it not in a friend way, and to him, it’s just cos we’re friends.
so bakit ko ba tinype lahat ng to. mas marami pa ko nasulat dito kesa sa thesis. siguro i was just hit by 2 vloggers’ comeback. sabi nung isa, madali daw kase siya maattach sa mga taong nagpapakita sa kanya ng genuine kindness. boi tamang-tama sakin hahaha. like sa sarili ko, laging naiisip ko na all this, between us, was just genuine friendship. at ganun talaga siya sa friends niya. yun din sabi ng isa naming common friend. pero gets niyo rin ba yung may little bit part of you na, what if di lang to friendship? and that part of me yung nagpapahirap ng situation. i think our friendship is not something i’m willing to risk if ever maisip ko magconfess which is sad. i badly want to confess kase baka makatulong sakin to fully move on ganun. pero yun nga. i thought of distancing myself from him, pero parang hirap pa. sa pinagdadaanan niya ngayon, i feel like i should be a present friend pag need niya. hirap talaga idk. walang resolution tong tinype kong lahat ng to. gusto ko lang ng release. gusto ko lang ng mapagkekwentuhan. alam mo, isa siya sa gustong-gusto ko kinekwentuhan. HAYS.
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otra-dimension · 2 years
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#‘he said he’s sorry’ and??? he had no reason to hate chicken little and the only reason he hated him was bc he was an embarrassment to him
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7 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
@eky-13 no se porque lo dicen así 😭😭
10 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
Gemini Saga is genuinely one of the most important and influential villains in saint seiya. If it wasn't for him a lot of the things that happened later on in the series wouldn't have happened. But despite this the fandom still ignores his potential in favor of redeeming him. The series doesn't help either due to him falling into the villain with a split personality trope which automatically "redeems" him because he's now innocent of all the things he's done. In this essay I will talk about- *gets taken down by the fbi because i won't stfu*
13 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
See the full post
13 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Seiya looking up to Aiolia bc he saw him as his older brother and Seika was gone while Aiolia tried to be a good older brother figure to Seiya bc he wanted to give him the support he never had while growing up
14 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
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maximalttigers · 1 year
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As promised, here is more of Eki. Here are all the outfits I have designed for her. The definitive timeline for when specific outfits appear are yet to be decided as I am working on the character based stuff before writing the actual story.
The description for the outfits are as follows:
First/Rags- Cruel to say that Eki didn't really have an outfit or at least a nice one, due to being a test subject/prisoner she had a really faded and dirty ripped blue dress while having what Otto would identify as a 'Power Limiter' to 'control' her bionics. You'll see her like this for probably three chapters. Temporary- Until she got her own clothes, she was borrowing some which consisted Chiro's spare shirt, Jinmay's spare skirt and Jinmay's spare shoes. She wears this for probably a chapter. Main- After getting all her own attire, she started to wear them. This is her usual attire that she is commonly seen in which consists of knee length light grey dress, dark grey leggings, and red/orange ballet flat shoes. She also got a necklace from Chiro as a 'Welcome to your new home' gift. Main Alt.- Its the same as the main but with a teal poncho for when it gets a bit colder. Underwear- I was reluctant to do this but I had to find a way to show more of her bionic scars without her being completly nude.  Sleep Wear- One of her original attires other than her main one. A simple dress shirt with knee high bed socks. Extreme Cold- Not sure when exactly she would get this but she isn't too keen on the cold, it reminds her of her old cell. She's wearing a lot of thermal stuff; winter coat, poncho, gloves, knee high snow boots and thermal leggings. Space Suit- Like the outfit for the extreme cold, I'm not sure when exactly she would get this but she does get interested in space at some point. Her space suit is the same as Chiro's but with purple accents added. Hyperforce Uniform- Eki eventually gets her own Hyperforce uniform which is a mix of Chiro's uniform and Jinmay's uniform while having her own ideas. The colour, fingerless gloves and undershirt were her own personal inclusions while everything else was basically what the original uniform was. Hyperforce Uniform Alt.- Her alternate design for her Hyperforce uniform is almost the same as the normal one but there are differences. Since her powers have started to show more often (The claws being summoned while her eyes and facial markings have changed colour), she stops wearing the undershirt and takes her gloves off in fear of ripping them. Swin Wear- Not sure when she'll get her Swim Wear for her to learn swimming but she'll avoid it any chance she gets. Her Swim Wear is just a full body swimsuit that goes halfway up her thighs. Swim Wear Alt.- The alternate for her Swim Wear that she wears when not swimming; Just a pair of sandles, shorts and a loose jacket. Nice Casual- This is an outfit she would later get as she goes on an outing with Chiro for fun Nice Casual Alt.- The alternate is her wearing Chiro's jacket because she got cold. Fancy- This was just something I drew for fun but I think I'll incorporate it into the story during one of the character arcs. This is probably the most extravagant outfit she's got since its a dress with sparkles on it with some nice shoes.
Hopefully the next post about Eki will be the expressions reference. But before that I will show some more character profiles.
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Appalachian Flood Relief Resources
Last post update: August 5, 11:50pm
Eastern Kentucky has been affected by historic and devastating flooding this July. Somewhere between 35-40 people are dead. This post is designed to compile information for the relief efforts. It will be edited and updated as new information is made available to me, so if you see this post and want to reblog it, please click on my profile and reblog directly from my page in case I have edited or updated the post! Please message me with questions.
Monetary Donations:
Below is a compiled list of some donation funds for the 2022 Eastern KY flood relief efforts. Please look through these or look into any of these organizations to decide if you are comfortable donating.
Aspire Appalachia (website here)
Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky (website here)
EKY Flood Relief (KY state fund)
EKY Mutual Aid (Twitter here)
Appalachian Regional Healthcare flood relief fund
EKY Heritage Foundation here
Shop Local KY T shirt fundraiser here
Appalachian Apparel T shirt fundraise here and here
If you are local to the area, please consider a donation of your time. There is a lot of work that needs done and a lot of people needed to do it. You will lose access to clean water, so bring your own. You will need to find your own accommodations if you stay overnight as we are housing many displaced residents already.
Hazard, KY is looking for volunteers to help clean out debris and houses daily. Crews are leaving from the Forum 101 Bulldog Lane at 8am, 10am, and 12pm. You must be over 18. This is physically demanding work. Just show up at the Forum before noon. Bring your own water and food. Long pants and boots required. Tetanus shot recommended. (And if you know a house that needs this service, contact:  606-268-0896)
Contact info for inquiries into volunteer roles in Breathitt county: (606) 233-3502
Perry County volunteer sign up here or call volunteering coordinator at (502) 693-6667
For rescue effort volunteering in Perry County, contact 606-216-6621
Letcher County Central High in Whitesburg is requesting volunteers from 8am to 7pm - simply show up by 8:15am.
Letcher County Central High Mercy Chefs volunteering information
Letcher County cleanup volunteering: contact (606) 733-5620
Kentucky Red Cross volunteer application. Search "disaster action team" to find positions that respond to natural disasters like the flood.
World Central Kitchen Volunteering form (scroll down until you see the entries for “KY Floods”). 301 Perry Cir Rd, Hazard, KY.
Appalshop archival recovery efforts volunteering form
Materials Donations:
If you want to donate items, one of the most desperately needed items in all counties right now is clean drinking water, followed by non-perishable food, cleaning supplies, diapers, formula, and personal hygeine products. Perry county specifically is requesting NO MORE CLOTHING donations. 
Google doc listing various drop off locations
Aspire Appalachia amazon wish list here
Shop Local KY Amazon wish list here
Updated drop off locations for Breathitt County materials donations at Aspire Appalachia's facebook (currently:  First Church of God, Breathitt County Hunger Alliance Panbowl Community Center, Jackson City School, and Vancleve Fire Dept.)
Updated Perry County flood response, including materials drop off locations, here. The ONLY major location accepting drop-offs in Hazard is  the old JC Penny’s building (278 Black Gold Blvd). Perry county water drop off info: contact 513-312-8631. Perry county food drop off info: contact 606-438-9109.
Letcher County: Letcher County Central High School (435 Cougar Drive, Whitesburg)
Letcher County: CANE Kitchen (38 College Drive, Whitesburg)
Letcher County: Pine Mountain Partnership; see link for various drop off/pick up locations and times. 
Further info on drop off information for Letcher, Knott, Floyd, and Pike counties here at Appalshop
Lexington drop off locations: Shop Local KY Warehouse in (1093 West High Street, Lexington, KY); Appalachian Regional Healthcare drop-off location at  2260 Executive Dr Lexington KY.
If you are part of an organization capable of medical supplies donations, please email [email protected] with inquiries. There is an URGENT need for replacement medical supplies!
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